the kinobody blueprint

The Kinobody Blueprint | Greg O’Gallagher 1 The Kinobody Blueprint A Customized Roadmap To Building Your Dream Body By: Greg O‘Gallagher Owner,

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The Kinobody Blueprint | Greg O’Gallagher 1




A Customized Roadmap To Building Your Dream Body


Greg O‘Gallagher Owner,

The Kinobody Blueprint | Greg O’Gallagher 2

Copyright Notice No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. All copyrights are reserved.

Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices The information provided in this book is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this book is based upon my experiences as well as my interpretations of the current research available. The advice and tips given in this course are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure the tips given in this course are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your physician before implementing any of the information provided in this course. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.

The Kinobody Blueprint | Greg O’Gallagher 3

How To Use This Guide

(Read This First!)

Hey, Greg O’Gallagher from here! First off, thanks so much for opting in for this report. Within the pages of this short guide is a roadmap for altering your physique into the one YOU want. So many people jump into a workout without knowing WHAT their objective is, then expect to see their body transform into the one they want. Instead, if you start by defining what that objective is, then you can strategically work towards that objective. Otherwise, you’re just wasting time. And that’s exactly why I created this report… Simply put, I created this report to help you identify what kind of physique you want to build, then give you a practical strategy to achieve that physique. At Kinobody, I have 3 different physique classifications. You’ll learn about them in the following pages, as well as the workout and nutrition protocol required to achieve each one. By the end of this report, you should have a solid grasp on what it will take (and look like) to achieve the physique you desire…

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Do These Programs REALLY Work? I get asked this a lot. In fact, you’re probably thinking it. I don’t blame you – there’s so much MISinformation out there that it’s tough sorting fact from fiction. So instead of telling you the information in this guide works, how about I SHOW you what it can do?

Case Study #1: Paul Hagan, from Maryland

(Transformation Time: 12 Weeks)

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I coached Paul through a muscle building program (similar to the one I lay out in this guide) and not only did he gain muscle… He dropped body fat as well. The result? A very chiseled “Kinobody” physique!

Case Study #2: Scott, 8-Month Transformation

Scott wanted a muscle building routine and combined my muscle building tactics with strategic dieting. The result is a profound transformation! These are just a few of the many transformations from people implementing this information. To see loads more, check out the

Shredding Program page (just scroll through the page).

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Let me ask you something… How much time, energy and money do you put into your health and fitness? Do you know why, do you know what you’re trying to achieve? Often times, we lack a clear identifiable purpose for what exactly we want and what we are trying to achieve. This lack of vision leads to burn out, a drop in motivation and the spinning of one’s wheels without making any substantial progress. What’s worse, some of us even become “goal hijacked”, striving to accomplish something that is externally pushed onto us. Bodybuilding and fitness magazines and forums have led us to believe that we need to get massive and huge to look good, that this is the desired look and respect and happiness will ensue once we get there. This could not be further from the truth. The big, bulky physique is completely overrated, not to mention unattractive. You look sloppy in clothes, your pecs become droopy, thigh’s and butt become huge and your face invariably takes on a rounder shape. Furthermore, all this excess weight interferes with optimal health and attributes including speed, stamina and strength of one's own bodyweight.

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The key to looking fantastic is striving for the lean and muscular physique. This comes down to a taut waist, wide back, a square and masculine chest, round shoulders, lean and fit legs and rock hard arms. This physique development is not about getting huge; it’s about staying lean and developing proportion. Think of Brad Pitt in Troy or Daniel Craig in Casino Royale for great examples of this body type. By attaining the lean and muscular physique, you still look great in nice clothes, your muscles hold definition extremely well and you can have a great balance of strength, power, agility and stamina. You become lean, wiry, strong and capable. Not a one-trick pony who can only lift heavy external weights and who becomes quickly gassed from any other physical activity. And finally, girls dig this physique! Last time I checked, girls don't plaster pictures of Olympic bodybuilders on their wall. Instead they opt for the lean and muscular heartthrobs amongst Hollywood. This type of physique development gets you a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Right off the bat women are physically attracted to you. This makes taking things into a romantic or sexual place much more natural. Rarely does someone with a chiseled Greek God-like physique get placed in the friend zone and looked at as a non-sexual entity. This just doesn't happen.

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The 3 Levels of the Kinobody Physique The meaning of “Kinobody” to me is about achieving extreme physical excellence in aesthetics, strength and fitness. Now when I say aesthetics I am not referring to the puffy, round and curvy physique of bodybuilders. Rather, I’m talking about a hard, dense and angular physique with broad thick shoulder and upper back muscles, a masculine square chest, rock hard arms, taut waist and athletic legs. However, even this detailed description allows room for different builds. In fact, as my physique has improved and I’ve built strength in the gym, my body has shifted in size and development. This has encouraged me to classify the three different types of Kinobody physiques: Warrior, Greek God and Superhero. With each physique there is an emphasis on aesthetic proportions, leanness and functional strength. The difference between the three classes is the level of muscle development attained. With proper, tailored nutrition intake and a well-designed strength training program, you can achieve any of these physiques. In this guide, I’m going to provide a basic roadmap for you to follow to help you achieve any of the physiques you desire. But first, let’s take a look at each class individually so you can identify exactly what physique you want to build:

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Level 1: The “Warrior” Physique

Exceptionally lean, toned and wiry Shredded abs Appears slim in clothes 6-8% body fat Ex: Brad Pitt in Fight Club; Christian Bale in American

Psycho The Warrior build is the original Kinobody physique that I encouraged at the start of my blog back in 2011. I was turned off by the “meat head” movement to get bigger at all costs and instead opted for a lean and toned physique. The Warrior physique requires a solid base level of muscle development combined with a low body fat. The great benefit of the warrior physique is that your face will be seriously defined and chiseled. Blue Steel, baby! Your body

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will also photograph incredibly well. You may appear slim in clothes but when you take your shirt off jaws will drop.

Level 2: The “Greek God” Physique

Muscular with great definition and proportion Stands out in clothes 8-10% body fat Ex: Brad Pitt in Troy; Daniel Craig in Casino Royale

This is the look that I have shifted my emphasis towards in the last couple years. The Greek God physique definitely attracts more female attention, provided you wear well-fitted clothing.

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This bigger and more muscular build makes you appear more dominant and imposing. Girls will ask to feel your muscles and they may even nonchalantly bump into you quite often. Also, this type of physique comes with some serious strength and power! I didn’t have this physique until I was capable of incline benching 240 lbs for 5 reps and chinning 100+ lbs for 5 reps.

Level 3: “Superhero” Physique

Incredible Muscle Development Looks like a real life superhero Rock hard muscles and chiseled abs (8% body fat) Ex: Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth and Henry Cavill

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The Superhero physique is very similar to the Greek God physique, only with an extra 5-8 lbs of ‘pretty muscle’. This additional growth makes a very big visual difference and is attained by adding high volume pump training into your lifting regime. This type of training should be reserved for those who have surpassed the intermediate stages of strength. The superhero look is truly an astonishing one. Adding in the high volume lifting will buff up your body fast and give you the shrink-wrap effect making your muscles look absolutely incredible.

Building the Kinobody Physique Attaining any one of the Kinobody Physiques doesn’t happen by accident. It requires specific diet and nutrient intake tailored towards your goal. It also requires a consistent increase in strength on movements that best enhance your muscle development. These movements include: incline bench, standing presses, dips, chin ups, barbell curls, skull crushers, lateral raises, rear delt flyes, Bulgarian split squats, and calf raises (to name a few). If you are getting stronger in the gym, maintaining a low body fat or gradually dropping any excess fat, then you are bringing your body closer to the Ideal Kinobody Physique. Continue this process and you will eventually reach the Warrior or Greek God build.

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You will need to attain a lower body fat for the Warrior Physique. For the Greek God physique you will need to build up more strength and mass. Taking things into Superhero status requires a great nutrition protocol and some additional high volume lifting on key areas. Now that you have a basis of what each of the Kinobody Physiques are, we can move onto the next step. To achieve any of the three physiques, you first need to get into the Base Kinobody Condition. In the next section, I will teach you exactly how to go about getting into that base Kinobody condition and from there, going into your preferred physique development.

The Base Kinobody Condition Before striving for any one of the three Kinobody classes, it’s imperative that you first get to the ideal starting point. This is where you’re reasonably lean with decent strength. I recommend being around 12-15% body fat or less with the strength to do 8 chin ups and incline dumbbell bench press 80% of your bodyweight for 8 reps. This is the point when you are in better shape, stronger and look better than most people who workout, but are in no way turning any heads.

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Base Level Workout Strength Training – Monday and Friday (Upper Body)

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 x 5-8 reps Pull-ups (add weight if necessary): 3 x 5-8 reps Lateral Raises: 3 x 8-10 reps Standing Dumbbell Curls: 3 x 5-8 reps Bar Dips (add weight if necessary): 3 x 6-10 reps Hanging Leg Raises: 3 x 10 reps

Strength Training – Wednesday (Lower Body)

Reverse Dumbbell Lunges: 3 x 6-8 reps per leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts: 3 x 6-8 reps Squat Jumps: 3 x 8 jumps Standing One Leg DB Calf Raises: 3 x 10-15 reps Abs Wheel Roll Outs: 3 sets x 10 reps

Workout Notes Rest two minutes between sets. When you can perform the top end of the rep range on the first set of an exercise, increase the weight on the next workout. Perform 1-2 warm up sets for the first two exercises of each workout. If pull-ups are too challenging you can use an assistance machine (graviton) or you can use the lat pull down. With time you will gain strength on the machine and drop body fat and you will soon be able to do unassisted pull-ups. If dips are too challenging, you can substitute them with close grip bench.

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If you wish to gain more muscle mass on your legs then you can perform a leg work out of choice. The Kinobody leg workout is aimed at increasing athleticism and proportion without overdeveloping the legs and glutes. Duration I recommend doing this workout for anywhere from 3-6 months. When you can do 8 pull ups, 10+ dips and incline bench 80% of your bodyweight with two dumbbells for 8 reps then you’re ready to move on to the next phase.

Kinobody Muscle Development: Phase 1

Now that you have your strength and muscular base, we can really begin building up your physique to the Kinobody proportions. The emphasis on this next phase of the program will be adding plenty of size to your shoulders, chest and back. This will give you that masculine look guys strive for. As well, we’ll be using a lifting protocol known as reverse pyramid training (RPT) to help build incredible strength and muscle density. Use the following workout routine to build up to the Warrior or Greek God Physique:

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Monday Strength Training – Chest, Back, Biceps

Incline Bench Press: 3 sets – 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Flat Bench Press: 3 sets – 6-8, 8-10, 10-12 (RPT) Cable Rows: 3 sets – 6-8, 8-10, 10-12 (RPT) Rear Delt Flyes: 3 sets x 10-15 reps (2 mins rest) Incline DB Curls: 3 sets – 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 (RPT)

Wednesday Strength Training – Legs and Abs

Box Jumps: 3 sets x 5 reps (2 mins rest) Pistol squats: 3 sets x 5 reps (weighted optional) Weighted Calf Raises: 3 sets x 10-15 reps Hanging Leg Raises: 3 sets x 10-15 reps Back Bridging: 3 sets x 10 second hold

Friday Strength Training – Shoulders, Back, Triceps

Standing Barbell Press: 3 sets – 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Weighted Chin ups: 3 sets – 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Dips: 2 sets – 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Lateral Raises: 3 sets x 10-15 reps (2 mins rest) Rope Extensions: 3 sets x 8-12 reps (2 mins rest)

I recommend doing Phase One (below) for 6-8 weeks and then switching to Phase Two (covered in the next section). Alternate these back and forth for 6-12 months. You can also eventually begin creating your own workout routines that suit your preferences and individual needs.

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Kinobody Muscle Development: Phase 2 In the second phase we’ll be focusing heavily on bringing up the guns! Therefore we’re going to drop the volume slightly on chest, back and shoulders and add it onto the triceps and biceps. Monday Strength Training – Chest, Back, Arms

Incline Bench Press: 2 sets – 4-6, 6-8 (RPT) Flat Bench Press: 2 sets – 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Rear Delt Flyes: 2 sets x 10-15 reps (2 mins rest) Incline DB Curls: 3 sets – 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Cable Rope Pushdowns: 3 sets – 6-8, 8-10, 10-12 (RPT) Hammer Curls: 3 sets x 6-8 reps per arm (2 mins rest)

Wednesday Strength Training – Legs and Abs

Depth Jumps: 3 sets x 5 reps (2 mins rest) Pistol squats: 3 sets x 5 reps (weighted optional) (2 mins

rest) Weighted Calf Raises: 3 sets x 10-15 reps (2 mins rest) Hanging Leg Raises: 3 sets x 10-15 reps (2 mins rest) Back Bridging: 3 sets x 10 second hold ( 1 min rest)

Friday Strength Training – Shoulders, Back and Arms

Weighted Chin ups: 2 sets – 4-6, 6-8 (RPT) Standing Barbell Press: 2 sets – 4-6, 6-8 (RPT) Cable Rows: 2 sets – 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Lateral Raises: 2 sets x 10-15 reps (2 mins rest) Barbell Curls: 3 sets – 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Skull Crushers: 3 sets – 6-8, 8-10, 10-12 (RPT)

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Notes As mentioned above, “RPT” = Reverse Pyramid Training. This means you’ll perform your heaviest set first and you’ll reduce the weight by 10% on each subsequent set. Rest 3 minutes between these sets. For weighted bodyweight exercises, base 10% off of total weight (bodyweight + additional weight). When you can perform the top end of the rep range for the first set, increase the weight on the next workout for all sets of that exercise. Perform 2-3 warm up sets for the first two exercises of each workout. If you wish to gain more muscle mass on your legs then you can perform your leg work out of choice. The Kinobody leg workout is aimed at increasing athleticism and proportion without overdeveloping the legs and glutes.

Superhero Muscle Development When you really want to boost up muscle growth then you’re going to want to implement some pump/volume work into your strength training routine. This will help you add muscle to key areas to give you the superhero look. This type of training works best once you’ve already built up a solid Kinobody physique. One of my favorite methods for adding quick muscle size is rest pause training. This allows for high muscle fiber recruitment throughout your sets.

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Monday Strength Training – Shoulders, Back and Triceps

Weighted Chin ups: 3 sets – 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Standing Barbell Press: 3 sets – 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Cable Rows: 10-15 reps + 4 sets of 4-5 reps (Rest Pause) Skull Crushers: 2 sets – 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Rope Extensions: 10-15 reps + 4 sets of 4-5 reps (Rest

Pause) Wednesday – Legs and Shoulder Isolation

Box Jumps: 3 sets x 5 reps Pistol squats: 3 sets x 5 reps (weighted optional) Weighted Calf Raises: 3 sets x 10-15 reps Lateral Raises: 10-15 reps + 4 sets of 4-5 reps (Rest

Pause) Rear Delt Flyes: 10-15 reps + 4 sets of 4-5 reps (Rest

Pause) Monday Strength Training – Chest and Biceps

Incline Bench Press: 3 sets – 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Flat Bench Press: 3 sets – 6-8, 8-10, 10-12 (RPT) Incline DB Flyes: 10-15 reps + 4 sets of 4-5 reps (Rest

Pause) Incline DB Curls: 3 sets – 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 (RPT) Cable Curls: 10-15 reps + 4 sets of 4-5 reps (Rest Pause)

Notes: “Rest Pause” means that you’ll perform your first set for 10-15 reps stopping one rep before muscle failure. Next you’ll rest 10-20 seconds and perform 4-5 reps. You will do a total of 4 of

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these mini-sets resting only 10-20 seconds between sets. This technique leads to rapid muscle growth and gets all of your muscle fibers firing. When you can do 15 reps on your first set and 4 additional mini sets of 5 reps then increase the weight the next workout and build back up on the reps Again, “RPT” = Reverse Pyramid Training. This means you’ll perform your heaviest set first and you’ll reduce the weight by 10% on each subsequent set. Rest 3 minutes between these sets. For weighted bodyweight exercises, base 10% off total weight (bodyweight + additional weight). When you can perform the top end of the rep range for the first set, increase the weight on the next workout for all sets of that exercise. Perform 2-3 warm up sets for the first two exercises of each workout. If you wish to gain more muscle mass on your legs then you can perform your leg work out of choice. The Kinobody leg workout is aimed at increasing athleticism and proportion without overdeveloping the legs and glutes.

Putting It Together In Your Personal Kinobody Blueprint

As you can see, you have four workouts to work with. I’d definitely suggest starting with the base workouts to build up

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your strength quickly. This will get you ready for the more intense workouts to follow. Now depending on your current physique development and goals you can choose the workout routine that best suits your needs. For example, if you need to add more size to your chest, back and shoulders then do Phase One of the Kinobody Muscle Development workouts. If your chest is overpowering your arms, back and shoulders then do Phase Two of the Kinobody Muscle Development workouts. If you need to add muscle everywhere then I recommend alternating between the two phases, doing each one for 6-8 weeks at a time. After 6-8 months of this, you’re going to be ready for the Superhero phase, if you want to add more muscle size. The Superhero phase can be done for up to 12 consecutive weeks before you should go back to the Kinobody muscle development workout routines. As you can see, using the combination of workout protocols in this guide (and in my courses), you can engineer the exact physique you want. If you’re interested in video tutorials, monthly-specialized workout routines and fat shredding and muscle building meal plans then I highly suggest joining my upcoming Kinobody Elite at

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Busting Nutrition Myths

Clearly, it’s not enough to work out a few times per week to build an incredible physique! If this were the case then there would be a lot more chiseled dudes walking around. Unfortunately, nutrition plays an insurmountable role in your physique journey. Without proper nutrition, it will be next to impossible to reach low body fat levels and support optimal muscle growth and recovery. That being said, most of what you read about nutrition is actually hogwash designed to get you to open your wallet. For example,

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day You have to eat every 3 hours You can only absorb 30g of protein in one sitting Late night eating will cause you to store fat Carbs make you fat Fat makes you fat Sugar makes you fat Fruit makes you fat High protein damages the kidneys

The list goes on….. Fortunately for us, every last one of those points is false as the research points out. Building an incredible physique requires you to consume the appropriate amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbs for your specific goals. It’s perfectly fine to have some treats in your meal plan and have a few alcoholic beverages every now and again.

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Nutrition to Gain Muscle while Dropping Fat

In my Shredding Program, I talk about a brutally effective nutrition plan to lean down to a low body fat while building strength and muscle density. I will share the concepts of that meal plan below. (For the complete program, click here.) The basis of the plan is that you will be skipping breakfast each morning and drinking water and black coffee only. By fasting in the morning, you ramp up your fat burning machinery and improve insulin sensitivity in the muscles, allowing you to gain muscle more effectively. You should then be eating two big meals per day - a big lunch and a big dinner. These two meals should be high in protein and moderate in fats and carbs. As well, I recommend a small late night meal before bed consisting of low fat cottage cheese or scrambled eggs with 2 whole eggs and some egg whites plus an apple. This plan is so freaking effective because:

a) It is super filling! When you skip breakfast you give yourself more room to eat later in the day. Most of us deeply want to be able to eat lots of food a night. It’s our primitive urge. Once you adapt to fasting, you feel incredible and focused during the day and you are able to revel in amazing meals each day… All while being in a calorie deficit, burning fat and gaining muscle from training.

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b) It’s extremely simple! I work with and coach some of the busiest people – doctors, military personnel, investment bankers, business owners, actors, models….. There is no way that they would be able to eat 4-6 perfectly balanced meals each day. It just wouldn’t happen. Eating two big meals per day fits perfectly with their lifestyle and allows them more flexibility if they have to eat out.

c) It allows for enjoyment! This eating structure is designed to make it super simple to support your calorie and macronutrient needs. This means that by following this eating plan it will be extremely hard to go over your calories. Because of this, fat loss will be effortless and you’ll be getting in plenty of protein to support your muscle development goals. And because of this, it’s perfectly acceptable to include some treats or alcohol a few times per week. Many of my clients fit in ice-cream and alcohol a couple times per week while keeping their calorie intake in check.

Sample Warrior Shredding Meals Pan fried flank steak, baked potatoes and veggies

1. Cut flank steak into bite-sized pieces and cook on a pan in 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil.

2. Cook on both sides until crispy. 3. Put the russet potatoes in the oven at 400f for 45-60

minutes or until cooked. Add some sea salt and a little butter for taste.

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90% lean ground beef, baked sweet potatoes and veggies

1. Heat 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil on a pan. 2. Carefully add the ground beef onto the pan and cook until

brown (no more red). 3. Add some diced onions and peppers to the pan with the

meat. 4. Add some tomato sauce to the pan to mix with the meat

and veggies once everything is cooked. 5. Bake the sweet potatoes in the oven at 400f for 45-60

minutes or until cooked. Add some cinnamon and butter for taste.

Cheesy chicken with potato wedges

1. Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces and cook on the pan in 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil.

2. Once cooked, add some shredded cheese onto the chicken to let it melt on.

3. For the potatoes, cut them into wedges and mix them in a bowl with 1tbs of oil (I use macadamia nut oil).

4. Place them on a cooking tray with tinfoil and bake at 400f for 30 minutes or until crispy.

Baked salmon and Rosti Potatoes and veggies

1. Bake salmon in the oven and cut potatoes into halves and boil for 5 minutes.

2. Grate the potatoes into a bowl with a cheese grater. 3. Heat 1tbs of coconut oil on a pan and add the grated

potatoes onto the pan and cook until crispy and delicious.

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Enjoy the Journey The last point I want to make is that you must learn to love the journey to achieving the Kinobody physique. It’s good to have a goal and work towards it but don’t become so obsessed about your goal that you turn each day into a mere stepping-stone into the future. That’s no way to live and this mindset will work against you and make you a bore to be around. Hit your workouts each week and stick to your nutrition plan and enjoy your life. Don’t think about fitness and nutrition anymore than you need to. I learned this the hard way, constantly thinking about my training, meal plan and rate of progress. Constantly stressing myself out and constantly engaging in self-talk. This only made me more likely to fall off the wagon. Now a days, I simply do the best I can to hit my nutrition plan, but other than that, I’m too busy living life to think about all that stuff and stress myself out. I’ve never found it easier to lean down, build strength and muscle and stay in such great shape. Seriously, you can never be 100% perfect so don’t try to be. As long as you’re moving in the right direction, you’re doing awesome! That’s all for now… Now it’s time for action!

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Thanks for taking the precious time out of your day to read this report!

Transform Your Physique & Live the Life of Your Dreams Greg O’Gallagher Owner, Kinobody Fitness

PS – If you have any questions or comments, or if you just liked this report and wanted to keep updated on all things Kinobody, head over to my Kinobody Facebook Page.

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Transformation “Fast Track”

What Is Your Goal? If you want to get shredded and build the lean and chiseled “Warrior” Physique:

Click Here For the Warrior Shredding Program

If you want to build lean muscle and build the “Greek God” Physique:

Click here for the Kinobody Muscle Building Program If you want to add even more muscle and achieve the “Superhero” Physique:

Click here for the Kinobody Muscle Building Program (Follow the Superhero workouts from this program)