the journal's exclusive news features and pictures 17/syracuse ny... · 2012. 1. 8. · a...

f. 12,1922 SYRACUSE JOURNAL -PAGE 21 . THE JOURNAL'S EXCLUSIVE NEWS FEATURES AND PICTURES -., <* -—'. : " CADLE PLANS FOR EXCURSION CANAL BOATS New York Financiers Are Interested in Plan of Stale. ' TRIP IN FIVE DAYS Cadle Plans Equipping Big Boat for Use Over the Route. Albany, Jan. 12.—Excursion trips up the Bare* Canal Is tihe latest idea of Stats Superintendent of Public Works Charlss L. Cadle to boom the bit* waterway. He has succeeded in' interesting New York City financiers in the pro- position and It will be tried out early Best summer. New York and Buffa- lo will be the terminals and there •will be sub-terminals at Poughkeep- slo. AJbany, Troy, Schenectady, Utica, Syracuse and Rochester. S te trip from New York to alo will take flva days. One bit* boat, equipped to carry 200 passengers, with facilities for sleeping, eating, dancing and other entertainment will be pro* vided. The boat will be built on the lines of the big craft now operating o n t h e d a y a n d night lines between New York ana Al- There Is some interesting scenery along the route of the canal and Su- perintendent Cadle believes the plan will appeal to vacationists, it being possible to make the round trip in two weeks. Under the plan now donstdered there would also be short trips- up the Cbmmplain Canal and to interest- ing spots along the Hudson Rivsr and Barge Canal. Drive to Educate Public in .Radium An educational campaign to ac- quaint the public witti the usts and I sources of radium has UMMI started by Syracuse University. At the eol- i lege may be se*n exhibits of radium. 1 Instruments for Its use ana" picture* explaining its derivation and activi- ties. HAPPY HOLM TO-DAY—AIL-STAB "RED COURAGE Also a < ontrdy aad Other Attractions ff To-morrow—«OLT O F T H E Dl 8T* Sundayt •WHKRK MEN AltE ME>-» t HAH I.IE CHAPLIN «AVOY TDAY—r HID AY—SATURDAY UNIVERSAL PRESENTS HOOT GIBSON In s Stirring Pletorizitlon of Euaeae aaalov* Rhode*' Famous Weetera Novtl "BRANSFORD OF RAINBOW RID8E" "SURE FIRE" AIM «h* Hillroom Boy* la "After the Dough." Overlu.-*. Hsnoartan Fastaalk—-Tebsal TOMMIES EAT ROYAL ENGAGEMENT CAKE—Princess J4ary cutting her engagement cake for ex-service men at the "Not Forgotten Association" at the riding school In Buckingham Palace. Viscount Lascelles, her nance, . seems to enjoy the affair. MAKES TALK—Jimmae Bonner TO-DAJk' and F-KIDAY MARSHALL NEIXAN'H "BITS OF LIFE" QAYLORD LLOYD "DODOE YOt T R DEBTS" SCREEN SNAPSHOTS PATHE WEEKLY Coming; "ALL FOR A WOMAN" WIETING MANAGEMENT MESSRS. 8MUBERT ALL THIS WEEK The Smart Mnilnl Nl|ht». 50c to KM. Saturday Mat.. MNKta tMB T QET8 THERE-The "Get There." manipulated by ^ " J ^ ^^ooters^pTng^t SPARED, BUT DOOM€D-These two birds are what remain of President EMPIRE The House of Comfort, Courtney and (rood Pictures II OVER THE HILL " Continuous TO-DAY from until 11 P. M. Four Days Beginning Sunday CHARLES RAY la his latest comedy success "R. S. V. P." : u_ COSTS NO MORE AT EMPIRE RESENT THEATER TO-NIGHT AT tit* WILLIAM S. HART "Three Word Brand" ••Hurricane Hoteh," No. IS Friday—"Dangerous Lies" Bun-Wed.—"Why Girts Leave 'fcJlWiVITvTi THURSDAY and FRIDAY ANNA Q.N ILSSON la "WITHOUT- LIMIT" Also SYSTEM COMEDY and "WINNERS OF THE WB§T»» (American history Btctaitsed) Hill Musicians Appear in a Saturday Concert The Syracuse University Glee Club mad the faculty of the College of Pine Arte will appear i n a Joint re- cttal at Kelth"e Theater Saturday, Jan. 14, at 13 o'clock. The concert, which lsvihe eeoond In a series given by talent, vriH be open t o tMe public. A varied program of vocal and to- •trumental selections wilt be offered. The entertainers > wil> mckid* Prof. WaKer Vaughn, tenor soloist; Claude BorteL Frank Chadwick and Verna Ortloff, violinists. Aurtn M. Chase will play the Viola. Wendell Harmon t h e <caJlo, w i t h M r s . C . H . Snyder at the piano. Other vocal numbers will be given by Randolf MiHer. The Glee Club. under. the direction of J. Sherman Schoonmaker, will sing Brewer's March ot the Men of Harlech. One MnimwJ number WW b e a piano se- lection by Mies Helen MoCord as- sisted by Prof. Adolf Prey. Miss Bessie Sager will also appear at the plana. THE -GET THERE" Henry Applegate and Reuben White, is sweeping everything before i t i n the early rases of the ice yacht regatta on the Shrewsbury River, Red Bank, N. J. The pictures show the "Get There" and her pHots at the start of the latest race. - , a his proficiency with gun and clay pigeon. He recently scored 99 out of a possible 100 and is out after new honors In trap meets In the vicinity o f N e w York. were Harding's Thanksgiving, Christmas a n d N e w Year dinners. They among the many received during the holidays and by grace of the order of their arrival, were spared—to die later. After-Dinner Tricks r S :llHIII,IIWIIHIMII.1.Hlim^ 1 i 1 i i No. Elbow. Disappears The right band rube a coin into the left elbow, where it disappears. Thi> trick fas accomplished after several failures—and therein lies the secret. In rubbing the coin into the elbow, it is dropped accidentally (?). In pick- ing i t u p i t i s taken in the left hand, but the right continues to rub the left elbow ** though it held the coin. Meanwhile the left hand secret- ly drops the coin Inside the collar. Than the right is shown empty, and anyone may examine the elbow. Copyright, by Pubbe, Ledger Company. r EndsStubbornCoughs inaHurry Far real T4T44*V YouH never know how quickly a bad cough can be conquered, until you try this famous old home-made rem- edy. Anyone who has coughed au day sad aU night, will say that the immediate relief given is almost nks magic. It is very easily prepared, and there is nothing better for coughs. Into a pint bottle, put 2»/, ounces of Pinex, then add plain granulated sugar syrup to make a full ptnt. Or yon can use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either wsy, the full pint saves about two-thirds of the money usually spent for cough preparations, and gives y o u a more positive, effective remedy. It keeps perfectly, and tastes pleasant—children like »t. Yon can feel this take hold instantly, soothing and healing the membranes in all the air passages. It promptly loosens a dry, tight cough, and soon you'will notice the phlegm thin out and disappear. A day's use will usually break up an ordinary throat or chest cold, and it is alio splendid for bron. chitis, croup, hoarseness, and bron* chial asthma. » Pinex is a most valuable concen- trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, the most reliable rem- edy for throat and chest ailments. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "2% ounces of Pinex** with directions and don't accept any- thing else. Guaranteed to give abso- ~ -„„„„ r*rnndad. i Than., Frt., Sat., Jan. it, IS, 14, I9tt MLLE. DONATELLA presents "Carnival of Venice" Instrumentalists and Singing; De Luxe Five other acts wUI complete the bill Matinee box scats' (reserved) ..... .See- Box'parties cheerfully taken care of MISS JULIET A ONg-Siat JttVVt Ska wIN lassrasoass f»er stats* sea sanse Laats same at EV rOUS—**Tae tUIXC. 'DAVC SCtO Spf SALPH Witt Its ths Sas" AiisTtai PAUL DECKER & CO. .a Mais Ssrka* Sea CoaaQ, *T HCASS HAMILTON aad CUrTOH I SOS as. HAMjtTC MR.« Mnbi / Prswstlai "THE tUgf ktheNew* I SSe: Saturda* tats. Msaiey te Friday. sad Suaday. SSe «s I I . ^Mm* »U tnatrasoa. Tssits sf tat Pay 1 Assay's mfc *o>,, gU.«ay m rrhsay. i j s j aad Saadey, 17a te fl.lS. tssa* zfta «a SMS: Safer** ia Osebaif grist I S 5 I ! I iR^BBiN^ NOW PLAYING R EGARDLESS of cost, Jregardless of profit, we now reduce the prices of our en- tire stock of Society Brand Clothes to new . W Nothing is held back—nothing is MARION DAVIES "THE BRIDE>8 PLAY" *• One •' of the gtraaaest Love Stories Ever Imagined CHRISTIE CONCERT COMEDY ~-r ORCHESTRA 8ELZXICK NEWS COMMENCING SVNDAY FOR"4 DAYS Maude Adams' Greatest State Success and Barrle's Greatest Play "THE LITTLE MINISTER" t Featuring BETTY CREECi I Opened TJader New Management Four Days, Starting To-day Ths Screen "Seoep" of the Year "TheLitUeMinister" WITH ALICE CALHOUN AS "Lady Babbie" A Vitagraph Master -Picture. Produced from ths Sir Jams* Barris Hovel. Special Added Attractions.' NO ADVANCE IN PRICES' Ths Box Office scale* Week day mstinees, 10c; evenings, 10c as 15c. Saturdays, Sundays an Holidays, balcony, 10c; main fta 20c Continuous, 11 s. m. to 11 p. n Wonderftd Choice Now of ^oriettj AN OPEN LETTER TO ii D A r > f \ F »» SYRAOUSC'S IMPARTIAL K Ala U k SCREES CRITIC ••• ' ' • > ' 5 . *__ ;- I am unaware of your Identity, de not know whether pea are assM woman, whether yon are of the white or colored race, hat I do know your statements la yesterday's Syracuse papers regarding ALL FOR A WOMAN which we are playing an entire week, commencing this Saturday, ths* ye "real" Judge* of pictures, %at why not boost ,tbc other fellow are a he Is showing a good one? t *f EDGAR L. WEILL ******** wu» *>•* !•«*•*• STATE OF Onondasa County— Anhur M. NEW A Saving from $10 to $20. ' Come in to-day—get the Suit or Overcoat you want to wear at a price you are glad to pay. No charge for alterations. % - - i © ' S INC. 130-134 SOUTH SAL1NA STREET. * ^aaaaaaaiissiLUASiassilUllumiUJmmumUUlI^ YORX-«l7PaSMX COtmT— Caaear. Rlonard 8. Onvfvr, George II. Confer. Raauagtoa Congtr. - i Abbte Jane Denton mod \W.llam H. Dunbam. • Plalnttffa. agaioat Jobn ha'.l, eaacutor of UM last 3 will and tesumant ot VaJemine Dunbaaa. oa- S eeased; Fred B. Croameart, Mia B. Crownbart, 5 Oeorga A. Crownhan, Ttsreaa C. Cro*nh*rt, Ckr- rte Uefferrun, Ada Clement. Cbarlaa A. Clement. » LxStia •Clement. Oliria Van Annan, Bansa Dun- S ham. Heten Wikoi. Florence Fuller. Lorana U. S Dunbam. Gearge W. Dunbam. Helen* M. Due- S ham. C.emeoi D Dunham. Atlanta Dunham, Hekn 3 > Tboaooaon. EIWD Peck. Franbia Van Starke. Jennie A. Baser Cbarlaa W Dunham. Emma Mar Dun- 3 ham. Sarab Mattoon, Lillian C. 'Dunham. Carrie S Conger, Margaret Comgar, Catherine i. Conger. S Soar Canon. Mary V. Chandler. EHaaoeth D i n e * . S Catherine- M. Dunham. Cbarlaa F. Dunham, ~J F. Dunham. Eugene J. Dunham. Irene IK Dun • ham. MM D Ernanwatn. Georgia Durmim. Howard 3 A. Buahnell. I/euiac Buahnell. A>B* T.' Dunbam. 3 lndlndually and aa executrix of toe last will and 3 testament ot Eugene Dunham, deoeeeea; Byieeuaa 3 Xoftbarn Electric BaiVwiy. Inc.. LeRoy B. Wll- — Uaaa, Alexander H. Cowie. Flrat Trust aad De- - • poaK Companr aa truatea. County of Onondaga. 4 OUrer D. Burden and Third NaUanal Bank, Da- ! fendanu. la pursuance of a Judgment in the aboea 3 entitled aetbw. brought te .compel the execution of 3 aa Imperative power at tale ooouiaeS la the last 2 wilt and uawment of Valentine Dunham, deceaeed. j e which ludgawat waa graoted on the 30th day of -• December. lttO. and entered ta the Onondaga 3 County Caerk'l office on the Met day of December, 3 1820. I. the undersbjned Mere*, duty appointed 3 te make aald sale by aa order of tbla Court granted S on the 24th day .of Decegober. ISil. and entered In the Onondaga County Clerk'a office on the tame day. will sail at pubuc auction to the highest bidder at the front door 9t the Court House, la the OUr of Syracuse. County of Onondaga. New York, oa the 11th day of February, 1»2J. at 10 o'clock' a toe forenoon of that day. the land* and premiaea described in aald Judgment so directed te be aotd. and thaVetn described as feUowi. namely: All That Tract or Parcel of Land oa lot No, 33. tn the Towu of Cloaro. Onondaga County. New Tork, bounded and described as follow*: Oa the waat by Isada owned by Emery Ormaby sad Leonard Boadtey (la 1856). ec the south by the north line of lot Xs. 44. Ja aald town, sad on the seat by land occupied by the Widow Terpen^ tad J. FetUbona In liM. sad aa the north by Oneida Lake, containing twenty-Sve acne of land. Excepting thirty-one aad 4T-1SS rods of land heretofore aotd to Leonard Hosdley. being the aasaa pet maaa* aaa.ritml tn a d Jamet C. Drieafaeck te Valentine Dunham dated AprU l«*b, IMS. sad raoorded la County Clerk-a Office. April IWa, " 154 of Deeds at nag* Ss. ate. And SB the title aad estate of the psrttes to said eoUeq lb. whether present or future, tested or H gent, of dower, curtesy or mfmsan. aad rights to which any other pataae adgbt hesssffit become entitled. Dated Uua ggeb dir ot J bee. lSOO. EHawrd C Ryan. Rafetwa. WUUi Spietr. AStomey-for PUlnUffa. 414 S.. A. Bids. Syracuse. X T lilffisT ANNUAL MEETlNGj *a^^>^^»^»^w^*^^w^«s^*^a^w^^^»^w^ if - * r~u~-sngSuiiifbryih. TO THE STOCKHOLDBBS OF t B B A. ] tleton Company—Notaee la hsraby sisja thai annual meeting of the stockholders sfj Nettlaten Company wiU be held at the eft oompanj. earner of Peart sad Bast WWd Ore • In the City re in the a t y of Syracuse. N. T . on ths X»1 of January. 1SSS, at tea o'etoek ta gas I earn* being the time aad place Bass hr t law* far ths That the adjourn until ths ten o'clock hi the • the office at ths ormtiaaad far the the ensuing /ear ta seres at*the transact any other before the The company hating onamBsd wttb of lu ohsner is respect te the denda upoa aU as ptefsnsd stock of the oompany wBl constat of 1 aad pre*ered arnrQalraKa wUI bars ao sab meeting. Salad. Syracuse. 9. 1»»2. Ira N. Lss. Seeasaary. > NOTICE IS UEMbBY GIVEN THAT - of the •locitbelder* of L. Haass a wtu be held at the office of the oaaasaj N. Staaa it. Byraeuae. N . / Y . . - e a the tM January. 1911 at 2 o'clock p. m. *t" { for ths purpoas of electing three diiscean ensuing year aad two isgaeetara of *erte at ths next transact tat of arty come open one-half Jan. 9, 1922. at J octoob a. aa. ta Jtaa> at IffiS-a. ra Dated Jam. I, lt*t Bottsa. sseratary. . NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCEXTUtO—rtM fourth_annual gseetlaf of the steeb Engelberg Huller principal ofliee -sf the strsst, Bjiaian. K. T„ 1p.m. Datsd Jan. 1, lta. riTmsat at « • o * M s a c *aa ao was* si ->«sjsjgffigesMaBa' saasCs . Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: THE JOURNAL'S EXCLUSIVE NEWS FEATURES AND PICTURES 17/Syracuse NY... · 2012. 1. 8. · A varied program of vocal and to-•trumental selections wilt be offered. The entertainers

f. 12,1922 SYRACUSE JOURNAL -PAGE 21 .



CANAL BOATS New York Financiers Are

Interested in Plan of Stale. '


Cadle Plans Equipping Big Boat for Use Over

the Route.

Albany , J a n . 12 .—Excurs ion tr ips u p t h e B a r e * Cana l Is tihe l a t e s t idea of S t a t s S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of P u b l i c W o r k s C h a r l s s L. Cadle t o b o o m the bit* w a t e r w a y .

H e h a s s u c c e e d e d i n ' i n t e r e s t i n g N e w York C i t y f inanciers i n t h e p r o ­p o s i t i o n a n d It w i l l b e tr ied o u t ear ly B e s t s u m m e r . N e w Y o r k a n d Buf fa ­l o wi l l b e t h e t e r m i n a l s a n d t h e r e •will b e s u b - t e r m i n a l s a t P o u g h k e e p -slo. AJbany, Troy , S c h e n e c t a d y , Ut i ca , S y r a c u s e a n d Roches t er .

Ste t r ip f rom N e w York to a lo w i l l t a k e flva d a y s . O n e

bit* boat, equ ipped to c a r r y 200 p a s s e n g e r s , w i t h fac i l i t i es for s leeping, ea t ing , d a n c i n g a n d other e n t e r t a i n m e n t wi l l b e pro* vided. T h e boa t w i l l b e b u i l t o n t h e l ines of t h e b i g craf t n o w operat ing o n t h e d a y a n d n i g h t l ines b e t w e e n N e w Y o r k a n a Al -

T h e r e Is s o m e i n t e r e s t i n g s cenery a l o n g t h e r o u t e o f t h e c a n a l a n d S u ­per intendent Cadle b e l i e v e s t h e p lan wi l l a p p e a l t o v a c a t i o n i s t s , i t b e i n g poss ib l e t o m a k e t h e r o u n d tr ip in t w o w e e k s .

U n d e r t h e p l a n n o w donstdered t h e r e w o u l d a l s o b e s h o r t trips- u p t h e Cbmmplain Cana l a n d t o i n t e r e s t ­i n g s p o t s a l o n g t h e H u d s o n R i v s r and B a r g e Canal .

Drive to Educate Public in .Radium

An educat ional c a m p a i g n to ac ­quaint the publ ic witti the u s t s and

I s o u r c e s of radium has UMMI started by S y r a c u s e Univers i ty . At the eol -

i l ege m a y be se*n exh ib i t s of radium. 1 Ins truments for Its use ana" picture*

exp la in ing i ts der ivat ion and ac t iv i ­t ies .

H A P P Y HOLM T O - D A Y — A I L - S T A B

"RED COURAGE Also a < ontrdy aad Other


f f

To-morrow—«OLT O F T H E D l 8T*

S u n d a y t •WHKRK MEN A l t E ME>-»



HOOT GIBSON In s Stirring Pletorizitlon of Euaeae aaalov*

Rhode*' Famous Weetera Novtl "BRANSFORD OF RAINBOW R I D 8 E "

"SURE FIRE" AIM «h* Hillroom Boy* la "After the Dough."

Overlu.-*. Hsnoartan Fastaalk—-Tebsal

T O M M I E S E A T R O Y A L E N G A G E M E N T C A K E — P r i n c e s s J4ary c u t t i n g her

e n g a g e m e n t c a k e for e x - s e r v i c e m e n a t t h e "Not F o r g o t t e n Assoc ia t ion"

a t t h e r id ing school In B u c k i n g h a m Pa lace . V i s c o u n t Lasce l l e s , her nance ,

. s e e m s t o enjoy t h e affair.

MAKES T A L K — J i m m a e B o n n e r








ALL THIS WEEK The Smart M n i l n l

Nl|ht». 50c to KM. Saturday Mat.. MNKta tMB


Q E T 8 T H E R E - T h e "Get There ." m a n i p u l a t e d b y ^ " J ^ ^ ^ o o t e r s ^ p T n g ^ t S P A R E D , B U T D O O M € D - T h e s e t w o birds are w h a t remain o f P r e s i d e n t

EMPIRE The House of Comfort, Courtney

and (rood Pictures

I I OVER THE HILL " Cont inuous T O - D A Y from

until 11 P . M.

F o u r D a y s B e g i n n i n g S u n d a y

CHARLES RAY l a his latest comedy success

"R. S. V. P." : u_ COSTS N O M O R E A T E M P I R E


WILLIAM S. HART "Three Word Brand"

••Hurricane H o t e h , " N o . IS F r i d a y — " D a n g e r o u s L i e s "

B u n - W e d . — " W h y Girts Leave


ANNA Q.N ILSSON l a " W I T H O U T - L I M I T "

Also S Y S T E M COMEDY and " W I N N E R S O F T H E WB§T»» (American history Btctaitsed)

Hill Musicians Appear in a Saturday Concert

T h e S y r a c u s e U n i v e r s i t y G l e e Club mad t h e facul ty o f t h e Col lege of P i n e Arte wi l l appear i n a Joint r e -c t t a l a t Kelth"e T h e a t e r Saturday , J a n . 14, a t 13 o'clock. T h e concert , w h i c h l s v i h e e e o o n d In a s e r i e s g i v e n b y H » ta lent , vriH b e o p e n t o tMe p u b l i c .

A v a r i e d p r o g r a m o f v o c a l a n d to-• t r u m e n t a l s e l e c t i o n s wilt b e offered. T h e e n t e r t a i n e r s > w i l > m c k i d * Prof. W a K e r V a u g h n , t enor so lo i s t ; C laude BorteL F r a n k C h a d w i c k a n d V e r n a Ortloff, v io l in i s t s . Aurtn M. C h a s e wi l l p l a y t h e Viola. W e n d e l l Harmon t h e <caJlo, w i t h M r s . C . H . S n y d e r a t t h e p iano .

Other v o c a l n u m b e r s wi l l b e g i v e n b y Randol f MiHer. T h e G l e e Club. u n d e r . t h e d irec t ion of J . S h e r m a n Schoonmaker , w i l l s i n g B r e w e r ' s M a r c h ot t h e M e n of H a r l e c h . One MnimwJ n u m b e r WW b e a p iano s e ­l e c t i o n b y Mies H e l e n MoCord a s ­s i s t e d b y Prof. Adol f P r e y . M i s s B e s s i e S a g e r wi l l a l s o a p p e a r a t t h e p lana . •

T H E -GET T H E R E " H e n r y A p p l e g a t e a n d R e u b e n W h i t e , i s s w e e p i n g e v e r y t h i n g before i t i n

t h e e a r l y r a s e s o f t h e i c e y a c h t r e g a t t a on the S h r e w s b u r y River , R e d B a n k ,

N . J . T h e p i c t u r e s s h o w t h e "Get There" a n d h e r pHots a t t h e s t a r t of t h e

l a t e s t race . - ,a

h i s prof ic iency w i t h g u n a n d c lay p igeon . H e recent ly scored 99 out of a p o s s i b l e 100 a n d i s o u t af ter n e w h o n o r s In trap m e e t s In t h e v i c in i ty of N e w York.

w e r e H a r d i n g ' s T h a n k s g i v i n g , C h r i s t m a s and N e w Y e a r d inners . T h e y

a m o n g the m a n y r e c e i v e d dur ing the ho l idays and by g r a c e of t h e order of

the ir arrival , w e r e spared—to d ie later.

After-Dinner Tricks

r S


1 i 1 i i

No. E lbow. Disappears T h e r i g h t b a n d rube a c o i n i n t o t h e

l e f t e lbow, w h e r e i t d i s a p p e a r s . Thi> t r i ck fas a c c o m p l i s h e d a f t er s e v e r a l fa i lures—and there in l i e s t h e secret . I n rubbing t h e c o i n i n t o t h e e lbow, it i s dropped acc identa l l y ( ? ) . In p ick­i n g i t u p i t i s t a k e n i n t h e le f t hand, but t h e r i g h t c o n t i n u e s t o rub the left e l b o w * * t h o u g h i t he ld t h e coin. M e a n w h i l e t h e left h a n d s e c r e t ­ly drops t h e co in Ins ide t h e col lar. T h a n t h e r i g h t i s s h o w n e m p t y , a n d a n y o n e m a y e x a m i n e t h e e lbow.

Copyright, by Pubbe, Ledger Company.

r EndsStubbornCoughs inaHurry

Far real

T 4 T 4 4 * V

Y o u H never k n o w h o w quickly a bad cough can be conquered, unt i l y o u t r y th i s famous old home-made rem­edy. Anyone who has coughed a u day s a d aU night , wi l l s a y t h a t the immediate relief g iven is a lmost n k s magic. I t is very eas i ly prepared, and there is nothing bet ter for coughs.

Into a p int bott le , p u t 2»/, ounces of Pinex , then add plain granulated sugar s y r u p t o make a full ptnt. Or y o n can use clarified molasses , honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either w s y , the full p int saves about two-thirds of t h e money usual ly spent for cough preparations, and gives y o u a more posit ive , effective remedy. I t keeps perfectly, a n d tastes pleasant—children l ike »t.

Yon can feel th i s t ake hold instant ly , soothing and heal ing the membranes in all the air passages . I t promptly loosens a dry, t i g h t cough, and soon y o u ' w i l l notice the phlegm thin ou t and disappear. A day's use wi l l usua l ly break u p an ordinary throat or chest cold, and it is a l i o splendid for bron. chit is , croup, hoarseness , a n d bron* chial as thma. »

Pinex is a mos t valuable concen­trated compound of genuine N o r w a y pine extract , the most reliable rem­e d y for throat and chest ailments.

T o avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for " 2 % ounces of Pinex** w i t h directions and don't accept any­thing else. Guaranteed t o g i v e abso-

• — ~ - „ „ „ „ r*rnndad. i

T h a n . , Frt., Sat., Jan. i t , IS, 14, I9tt


"Carnival of Venice" Instrumentalists and Singing; De Luxe Five other acts wUI complete the bill Matinee box scats ' ( reserved) . . . . . .See-Box'part ies cheerfully taken care of


Ska wIN lassrasoass f»er stats* sea sanse Laats same at


Witt Its ths Sas" AiisTtai

PAUL DECKER & CO. .a M a i s Ssrka* Sea CoaaQ, * T HCASS HAMILTON aad C U r T O H I SOS a s . HAMjtTC

MR.« Mnbi / Prswstlai "THE t U g f ktheNew* I

SSe: Saturda* tats. Msaiey te Friday. sad Suaday. SSe «s I I . ^ M m * »U tnatrasoa.

Tssits sf tat Pay 1 Assay's mfc *o>,, gU.«ay m rrhsay. i j s j aad Saadey, 17a te fl.lS. tssa* zfta «a SMS: Safer**

i a Osebaif grist I

S 5 I



iR^BBiN^ N O W P L A Y I N G

REGARDLESS of cost, Jregardless of profit, we now reduce the prices of our en­

tire stock of Society Brand Clothes to new . W Nothing is held back—nothing is


One •' o f t h e g t r a a a e s t L o v e S tor i e s Ever I m a g i n e d


8 E L Z X I C K N E W S


Maude A d a m s ' Greates t S t a t e Success • a n d Barr le ' s Greates t P l a y

"THE LITTLE MINISTER" t F e a t u r i n g


C R E E C i I Opened TJader New Management

Four Days, Starting To-day

Ths Screen "Seoep" of the Year

"TheLitUeMinister" WITH


"Lady Babbie" A Vi tagraph M a s t e r -Picture.

Produced from ths Sir Jams* Barris Hovel.

Special Added Attractions.'

NO ADVANCE IN PRICES' Ths Box Office scale* Week day mstinees, 10c; evenings, 10c as 15c. Saturdays, Sundays an Holidays, balcony, 10c; main fta 20c Continuous, 11 s. m. to 11 p. n

Wonderftd Choice Now of



K A l a U k SCREES CRITIC • • • ' ' • > ' 5 . * _ _ ; -

I am unaware of your Identity, de not know whether pea are a s s M woman, whether yon are of the white or colored race, h a t I do know your statements la yesterday's Syracuse papers regarding

ALL FOR A WOMAN which we are playing an entire week, commencing this Saturday, t h s * y e

"real" Judge* of pictures, %at why not boost ,tbc other fellow are a he Is showing a good one? t * f

EDGAR L. WEILL ******** wu» *>•* !•«*•*•

STATE OF Onondasa County— Anhur M.


A Saving from $10 to $20. '

Come in to-day—get the Suit or Overcoat you want to wear at a price you are glad to pay. No charge for alterations. %

- -

i © ' S


^ a a a a a a a i i s s i L U A S i a s s i l U l l u m i U J m m u m U U l I ^

YORX-«l7PaSMX COtmT— Caaear. Rlonard 8.

Onvfvr, George II. Confer. Raauagtoa Congtr. - i Abbte Jane Denton mod \W.llam H. Dunbam. • Plalnttffa. agaioat Jobn • ha'.l, eaacutor of UM last

3 will and tesumant ot VaJemine Dunbaaa. oa-S eeased; Fred B. Croameart, Mia B. Crownbart, 5 Oeorga A. Crownhan, Ttsreaa C. Cro*nh*rt, Ckr-

• rte Uefferrun, Ada Clement. Cbarlaa A. Clement. » LxStia •Clement. Oliria Van Annan, Bansa Dun-

S ham. Heten Wikoi. Florence Fuller. Lorana U. S Dunbam. Gearge W. Dunbam. Helen* M. Due-S ham. C.emeoi D Dunham. Atlanta Dunham, Hekn 3 > Tboaooaon. EIWD Peck. Franbia Van Starke. Jennie

• A. Baser Cbarlaa W Dunham. Emma Mar Dun-3 ham. Sarab Mattoon, Lillian C. 'Dunham. Carrie S Conger, Margaret Comgar, Catherine i. Conger. S Soar Canon. Mary V. Chandler. EHaaoeth Dine* . S Catherine- M. Dunham. Cbarlaa F. Dunham, ~J F. Dunham. Eugene J. Dunham. Irene IK Dun

• ham. MM D Ernanwatn. Georgia Durmim. Howard 3 A. Buahnell. I/euiac Buahnell. A > B * T.' Dunbam. 3 lndlndually and aa executrix of toe last will and 3 testament ot Eugene Dunham, deoeeeea; Byieeuaa 3 Xoftbarn Electric BaiVwiy. Inc.. LeRoy B. Wll-— Uaaa, Alexander H. Cowie. Flrat Trust aad De-- • poaK Companr aa truatea. County of Onondaga. 4 OUrer D. Burden and Third NaUanal Bank, Da-! fendanu. la pursuance of a Judgment in the aboea

3 entitled aetbw. brought te .compel the execution of 3 aa Imperative power at tale ooouiaeS la the last 2 wilt and uawment of Valentine Dunham, deceaeed. je which ludgawat waa graoted on the 30th day of -• December. lttO. and entered ta the Onondaga

3 County Caerk'l office on the Met day of December, 3 1820. I. the undersbjned Mere*, duty appointed 3 te make aald sale by aa order of tbla Court granted S on the 24th day .of Decegober. ISil. and entered

In the Onondaga County Clerk'a office on the tame day. will sail at pubuc auction to the highest bidder at the front door 9t the Court House, la the OUr of Syracuse. County of Onondaga. New York, oa the 11th day of February, 1»2J. at 10 o'clock' a toe forenoon of that day. the land* and premiaea described in aald Judgment so directed te be aotd. and thaVetn described as feUowi. namely: All That Tract or Parcel of Land oa lot No, 33. tn the Towu of Cloaro. Onondaga County. New Tork, bounded and described as follow*: Oa the waat by Isada owned by Emery Ormaby sad Leonard Boadtey (la 1856). ec the south by the north line of lot Xs. 44. Ja aald town, sad on the seat by land occupied by the Widow Terpen^ tad J. FetUbona In liM. sad aa the north by Oneida Lake, containing twenty-Sve acne of land. Excepting thirty-one aad 4T-1SS rods of land heretofore aotd to Leonard Hosdley. being the aasaa pet maaa* aaa.ritml tn a d Jamet C. Drieafaeck te Valentine Dunham dated AprU l«*b, IMS. sad raoorded la

County Clerk-a Office. April IWa, " 154 of Deeds at nag* Ss. ate. And SB the title aad estate of the psrttes to said eoUeq lb. whether present or future, tested or H gent, of dower, curtesy or mfmsan. aad rights to which any other pataae adgbt hesssffit become entitled. Dated Uua ggeb dir ot J bee. lSOO. EHawrd C Ryan. Rafetwa. WUUi Spietr. AStomey-for PUlnUffa. 414 S.. A. Bids. Syracuse. X T lilffisT

ANNUAL MEETlNGj *a^^>^^»^»^w^*^^w^«s^*^a^w^^^»^w^ if - * r~u~-sngSuiiifbryih. TO THE STOCKHOLDBBS OF t B B A. ]

tleton Company—Notaee la hsraby sisja thai annual meeting of the stockholders s f j Nettlaten Company wiU be held at the e f t oompanj. earner of Peart sad Bast WWd

Ore • In the City re in the a t y of Syracuse. N. T . on ths X»1 of January. 1SSS, at tea o'etoek ta gas I earn* being the time aad place Bass hr t law* far ths

That the adjourn until ths ten o'clock hi the • the office at ths ormtiaaad far the the ensuing /ear ta seres at*the transact any other before the

The company hating onamBsd wttb of lu ohsner i s respect te the denda upoa aU as ptefsnsd stock of the oompany wBl constat of 1 aad pre* ered arnrQalraKa wUI bars ao sab meeting. Salad. Syracuse. 9. T« 1»»2. Ira N. Lss. Seeasaary. > NOTICE IS UEMbBY GIVEN THAT-

of the •locitbelder* of L. Haass a wtu be held at the office of the oaaasaj N. Staaa i t . Byraeuae. N./Y..-ea the tM January. 1911 at 2 o'clock p. m. *t" { for ths purpoas of electing three diiscean ensuing year aad two isgaeetara of *erte at ths next transact tat of arty come open one-half Jan. 9, 1922. at J octoob a. aa. ta Jtaa> at IffiS-a. ra Dated Jam. I, l t * t Bottsa. sseratary. . NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCEXTUtO—rtM

fourth_annual gseetlaf of the steeb Engelberg Huller principal ofliee -sf the strsst, Bjiaian. K. T„ 1 p . m . Datsd Jan. 1, l t a .

riTmsat at « • o * M s a c *aa

ao was* si ->«sjsjgffigesMaBa'


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