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The Indonesian Way Kosakata – Wordlist George Quinn & Uli Kozok

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  • The Indonesian Way

    Kosakata – Wordlist

    George Quinn & Uli Kozok

  • License“The Indonesian Way” by George Quinn and Uli Kozok is licensed under a Creative Commons“Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)” license.

    Under the license you are free to:● Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format● Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

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    Please note that the license covers the text and the sound files, but excludes the illustrations.

    Date of Last Revision: 13 February 2015

    The development of “The Indonesian Way” was sponsored by grant P017A090375-10 from the US Department of Education, International Research and Studies Program.The development of the print version was made possible by a grant received from the University of Tasmania.

  • Wordlist

    Wordlist for Module 1

    J The smiley face indicates words that are part of the colloquial speech. Please note thatthese words are frequently used in casual speech, but never in formal speech or in writing.

    é The Indonesian spelling system is to a large extent phonetic. Words are pronounced asthey are written and each grapheme (letter) by and large represents one phoneme (sound). Onlythe letter /e/ represents two different sounds: In most words (such as kenal, selamat, terima) the estands for what linguists call the schwa. The schwa is the vowel sound in many lightly pro-nounced unaccented syllables in words of more than one syllable. It is sometimes signified by thepronunciation “uh” or symbolised by an upside-down rotated e. In English the schwa sound canbe represented by any vowel letter. In most dialects, for example, the schwa sound is found in thefollowing words: The /a/ is schwa in adept; the /e/ is schwa in synthesis; the /i/ is schwa in decim-al; the /o/ is schwa in harmony; the /u/ is schwa in medium, and the /y/ is schwa in syringe. In In-donesian the schwa is indicated by one letter only: /e/.However, the letter /e/ is also used to represent an accentuated e-sound. Some English words ofFrench origin mark this sound with an accent: résumé, sauté. When the letter /e/ is pronounced asthe é in sauté, then it is indicated by an accentuated /e/: é. Note that the accent is only used asan aid in this wordlist. You will not find it in texts written in Indonesian. Soré is always written sore.

    • Many Indonesian words have affixes in the form of prefixes, suffixes, or circumfixes at-tached to the root word. When a word contains an affix, the root word is given in parentheses pre-ceded by a dot, e.g. “(•kenal)”.

    Lesson 01 

    Anda   youapa   whatapa kabar?   how are you?baik-baik saja   fine/good (when answering the question “How are you?”)biasa   usual, ordinary, normalBu Ma'am, Mrs.duduk   to sit, to sit downkenalkan (•kenal)   this is... (when you are introducing someone); allow me to

    introduce...makan   to eatmalam   night, good nightmasuk   to go in, to come in, to enterminum   to drinknama   (someone’s) name; the name (of something)pagi; selamat pagi   morning, good morning

  • Wordlist

    Pak Sir, Mr.saya   I, mesaja   just, onlyselamat   safe from trouble; Also: congratulations!siapa   who; Also: “what” in the sentence “What is your name?”siang; selamat siang   afternoon, late morning to mid afternoon; Good daysilakan   please (go ahead and...)soré; selamat sore   late afternoon, late afternoon to early evening; Good afternoonterima kasih   thank you

    Lesson 02Amérika Serikat   The United States of AmericaArab Saudi   Saudi ArabiaBelanda   The Netherlands, Hollandberasal (•asal); Anda berasal dari mana?

      to originally come (from), to originate (from); Where do you come from?

    Cina   Chinadan   anddari   fromdari mana   from wheredari sini   from hereFilipina   The PhilippinesInggris   English, Britainini   thisItalia   Italyjauh   a long way away, distantJepang   JapanJérman   Germanymaaf   sorry, I apologiseMesir   EgyptO begitu   I see, I understandPerancis   FranceRusia   RussiaSelandia Baru   New ZealandSingapura   Singaporesaya kira   I thought (that ...), I was under the impressiontidak   no, not (negating a verb, adjective or preposition.)Yunani   Greece

    Lesson 03 

    Bu   Mrs., madam (a title & term of address)

  • Wordlist

    gedung   a buildinggeréja   a churchkantor   an officeke mana; Mau ke mana?   to where; Where are you going?mau   to want (to do something), to want (something)mari   good byemesjid   (also: masjid) a mosquepabrik   a factoryPak   Mr., Sir (a title & term of address)pasar   a marketréstoran   a restaurantrumah   a houserumah sakit   a hospitalsakit   sick, illsekolah   a schooltoko   a shop

    Lesson 04 

    air   waterakan   will, going to (the word that marks an event that will happen in

    the future)aku J I, me (informal when talking to close friends, spouse, etc.)apakah; Informally simply: apa   The word that begins a sentence/clause when you want to ask

    a “yes/no” question Are you from Bali?ayam   a chicken, chicken (meat)bisa   can, able todaging   meatdapat   can, able todi   at, in, onikan   fishkamu J you (informal when talking to small children, close friends,

    spouse, etc.)kepingin J want (to), wish (to) (informal); also: péngén, pengin & kepénginkopi   coffeenasi   rice (cooked, ready to eat)nggak J no, not (informal)pisang   a bananaroti   bread, a loaf of bread. Also often: a bun, a biscuit, a bread rollrumah makan   restaurantsuka   to like (someone or something), to like (doing something)susu   milktahu   tofu, soybean curd

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    téh   teatémpé   tempeh (fermented soybean product)telur   an eggtinggal   to live (in a certain place), to stay, to remain

    Lesson 05 

    air jeruk   orange juiceatau   orayam goréng   fried chickenbioskop   cinema, movie theatrebir   beerbuah   fruitcoklat   chocolate, brown in colourdi sana   there, over theredurian   durian (a large, egg-shaped, green fruit with a hard, spiky skin

    and a strong odour)hotel   a hoteljuga   alsokantor pos   post officekentang   potatomal   a shopping mallnasi goréng   fried ricepasar swalayan   a supermarkettérminal bus   bus terminaltetapi   butuniversitas   universitywarnét   an internet cafe (from warung internet)warung   a small streetside eatery, a small footpath shop or stall

    Lesson 06 

    administrasi; gedung administrasi   administration; the administration buildingbank   a bank (i.e. a financial institution)buku; toko buku   a book; a book shopdi antara   between, amongdi dekat   neardi depan   in front of (sometimes opposite)di belakang   behind, at the rear of, in back ofdi mana   where atdi samping   beside, side-by-side (with), next to, in addition tokampus; kampus universitas   a/the campus; a/the university campuskota   a city, a town

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    jalan   a street, a roadimigrasi; kantor imigrasi   immigration, the immigration officenasional; Universitas Nasional   national; The National Universitypemerintah (•perintah); kantor pemerintah

      the government; a government office

    perpustakaan (•pustaka); perpustakaan pusat

      a library; the central library

    polisi; kantor polisi   the police, a police officer; a/the police stationpusat   the centre

    Lesson 07 

    ada   there is, there aredekat; dekat sini   nearby, close by; near here-mu; rumahmu J your (informal); your house-ku; kantorku J my (informal); my officetahu; saya tidak tahu   to know; I don’t knowtau; aku nggak tau J to know; I don’t know (informal for tahu)itu; saya minta itu   that; please give me thatiya yes (emphatic)

    Lesson 8angkot   short for angkutan kota, city transport, usually a mini busbécak   a three-wheeled pedicabbémo   a three-wheeled taxicabberjalan (•jalan); berjalan kaki   to go, to move forward, to walkbus   a busbis J a busdatang   to comedari sana   (from) there (suggesting movement away from a place far from

    the speaker or listener)di sini   heresini!   Here, Come here! (suggesting movement towards the speaker)dokar   a horse-drawn two-wheeled gigharus   must, have tokaki   a leg, footkapal   a shipkatanya   I heard that..., they say..., people say sini   (to) here (suggesting movement towards the speaker)ke sana; sana!   (to) there (suggesting movement towards a place far from the

    speaker or listener); Off you go!kembali   to go back, to come back, to returnkeréta api   a train

  • Wordlist

    mobil   a carnaik; naik mobil   by (when talking about a mode of transport), to get aboard, to

    go upwards, to ascend; by carpergi   to gopesawat terbang   an aeroplanesepéda   a bicyclesepéda motor   a motorbiketaksi   a taxi

    Lesson 09 

    bagus   excellent, impressive, great, terrific, really goodbaru   newbersih   cleanbuah-buahan   fruits; many and varied fruitsbesar   bigcepat   fast, quickénak   good (to eat), tasty, deliciousindah   beautiful; fine; lovely; precious; picturesque; scenicjagung   corn, maizekecil   smallkosong   emptykotor   dirtymahal   expensivemakanan (•makan)   foodmanis   sweetmenyenangkan (•senang)   pleasant, nice, enjoyableminuman (•minum)   a drinkmurah   cheap, inexpensivepenuh   fullramai   crowded, full of people, bustling, noisy

    Lesson 10 

    bagaimana   how? what is ... like?belajar (•ajar); Saya belajar bahasa Indonesia

      to study, to study/learn something; I learn Indonesian

    cukup; cukup baik   quite, pretty (adverb); quite good, pretty goodsekali; murah sekali   very; very cheap

    Lesson 11 

    biasanya   usuallybukan; Itu bukan kantor saya.   no, not (when negating a noun); That’s not my office.

  • Wordlist

    dingin   coldjelék   ugly, bad, of poor quality/workmanshipkurang   less, not so much, not enough, not ____ enough, not really ____lambat   sloworang   a person, a man/ a womannegara   a countrynegeri Belanda The Netherlandspahit   bitterpanas   hot; very warmpedas   spicy (“hot”)yang   which, who (when used as relative pronouns, not question-

    words), that (relative pronoun)

    Lesson 12 

    Apakah Anda mau?   Would you like (something)? Would you like to (do something)? Do you want to...?

    baik   good, fine, very well (indicating understanding of, and agreement with, what has been said to you)

    dengan   together withgoréng; ikan goreng   fried; fried fishjawaban (•jawab)   an answerminta; saya minta   to ask for something, to request; Would you please give me...pertanyaan (•tanya)   a questionrambutan (•rambut)   rambutan (a fruit), (a small, round reddish fruit with hair-like

    growth on its skin)satai   satay, kebabs (meat roasted on skewers); also satésama J with, together with (in informal usage)traktir   to pay for someone, to “shout” someonewah!   oh! (an exclamation of surprise, admiration etc.)

    Lesson 13 

    berjalan-jalan (•jalan); informally: jalan-jalan

      to go for a walk/stroll, to wander about, to travel around

    bagaimana kalau   what about (doing something), what if (I/we/you do something)bahasa   languagebahasa Indonesia; belajar bahasa Indonesia

      Indonesian (i.e. the national language of Indonesia), to study Indonesian

    baiklah   okay, fine, very wellboléh   may, can. In reply to a question: Sure! No problem! Great!kalau   ifkeluar   to go out, to come out, to emerge, to exitnanti; nanti malam   shortly, presently, a little later; tonight, later tonight

  • Wordlist

    tidak apa-apa   that’s fine, no problem, no worriesLesson 14   asrama   a dormitory, a hall of residencebahasa Inggris   English (the language)bahasa Cina   Chinese (the language); also: bahasa Tionghoabapak; Bapak Presiden   a father, Mr (followed by a surname), a respectful title for male

    office-holders; Mr Presidentbélok; belok kanan, belok kiri   bend, curve, turn; (to make ) a right turn; (to make ) a left turndosén   university lecturer, professorfakultas   a facultyilmu   a science, esoteric knowledgeilmu bumi   geography; also: geografiilmu ékonomi   economicsilmu kimia   chemistryilmu politik   politicsinformasi   informationkuliah; Dia kuliah di Universitas Indonesia; Maaf, saya harus kuliah nanti.

      a lecture (in a university course); to study at a university; to attend a lecture; to go to a lecture; She is studying at the University of Indonesia; Sorry, I’ve got to go to a lecture shortly.

    ruang kuliah   a lecture theatremahasiswa   a university studentmatématika   mathematicsnumpang tanya   May I ask you a question?pertama   the firstréktor   the chief executive of a university, a vice-chancellor, the

    president of a universitysastra   literatureseberang   other side, place across (the street, river etc)studi; fakultas studi Asia   the study (of something), studies (in a certain field); The Faculty

    of Asian Studiesterus; belajar terus   continue, go on, go straight ahead, keep on going; to keep on

    learningtoko buku   a book shoptoko roti   a bread shop, a pastry shop, a bakery

    Lesson 15 

    banyak   a lot (of), many, muchbermacam-macam (•macam)   all sorts (of), various (kinds of), many different ...cukup   enoughÉropa   Europekamar   a room (especially a room in a house or hotel), a bedroomlain   other

  • Wordlist

    lama   old (in the sense: of a prior/previous/former time), outdated, superseded

    laut   the seatempat   a place, room (i.e. space to put something)

  • Wordlist

    Wordlist for Module 2

    Lesson 16alun-alun   a town common (the grassed central square in Indonesian

    towns, especially in Java & Bali)bupati   the head of a shire or a sub-provincial districtdésa   a village, administrative unit at the village level (also in urban

    areas).kampung   a villagekelas   grade/schoolyear; ruang kelas a classroomkué   a cakekebun   a garden, a plantationméja   a tablepésta   a party (a social event where you dance, drink, chat etc.) Also: a

    celebratory festivalperahu; perahu layar   a small boat, a traditional Indonesian sailboat, a yachtpertandingan (•tanding); pertandingansepak bola

      a (sports) match; a football (i.e. soccer) match

    pulau   an islandsayuran (•sayur)   a vegetable, vegetablessépak bola   football (soccer)sungai   a river

    Lesson 17 

    belas; tujuh belas   -teen (the number-word following other number words to form numbers between eleven and nineteen); seventeen

    berapa   how much, how many, what (when asking about a number)delapan   eightdua   twoempat   fourenam   sixibu; Ibu Widya   Mrs (also a title for older unmarried women and unmarried

    women with some status); Mrs. WidyaKartu Tanda Penduduk   an identity card. Abbreviated: KTPkosong   empty; also: zero, noughtlima   fivenol   zero

  • Wordlist

    nomor; di kamar nomor enam   number (such-and-such), such-and-such a number; in room number 6

    puluh; tiga puluh   the number-word indicating multiples of ten; thirtysatu   onese-; hanya seorang   (prefix as in seratus) one; just one personsebelas   elevensembilan   ninesepuluh   tentiga   threetujuh   seventélépon; berapa nomor telepon...?   a telephone; what is the telephone number of ...?

    Lesson 18 

    jumlah   sum, amount, total, number, quantitykurang; also: dikurangi   minus (in mathematical calculations)ratus; seratus   hundred, one hundredribu; seribu   thousand, one thousandrupiah; abbreviated: Rp.   Rupiah (Indonesia’s unit of currency)sama   the samesama dengan   equals (in mathematical calculations/formulae)seribu; seribu lima ratus   one thousand, a thousand; one thousand five hundredseratus; seratus lima puluh   one hundred, a hundred; a hundred and fiftytambah   plus (in mathematical calculations)tanggal   date

    Lesson 19 

    banyak; banyak orang di sini   much, many, there are many..., there is a lot of...; there are many people here

    beberapa   several, somebiro pariwisata   a tourist bureau, a travel agency; also: biro wisatadalam   in, inside, within; ; also more precisely: di dalamgambar   a picturehanya   onlykendaraan   a vehiclekilométer   kilometrekira-kira   roughly, about, approximatelymacam; semacam   a sort, a kind; a sort of, a kind ofperlu   to needstasiun; stasiun kereta api   station, a railway stationtruk   a truck

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    Lesson 20 

    berapa tahun?   how many yearstahun berapa?   what year?betul   correct, That’s rightberumur (•umur); Adik saya berumur 15 tahun.

      to be such-and-such an age, to be so many years old; My younger brother/sister is 15.

    kalau begitu   if that’s the caselahir   to be bornmulai   to begin, startpada   on, at, inprésiden   Presidentsekolah dasar   primary schooltahun   yearumur   age

    Lesson 21 

    ayah   a father, someone’s fatheranak   a child, a son/daughter, offspring (singular and plural)anak-anak a small child (singular and plural)adik   a younger brother or sister, someone’s younger siblingbekerja (•kerja); Saya harus bekerja keras.

      to work, to do work. I’ve got to work hard.

    cucu   a grandchild, a grandson, a granddaughterdia   he, she, him, her; also iaibu   a mother, someone’s motheristri   a wife, someone’s wifekakak   an older brother or sister, someone’s older siblingkakék   a grandfather, Grandadkeluarga; dalam keluarga saya...   family, a family; in my family...laki-laki; anak laki-laki   male, a boynamanya; Ini anjing saya. Namanya Mopi.

      by the name of..., whose name is..., his/her/its name is...; This ismy dog. I call him Mopi.

    nénék   a grandmother, Grandma-nya   his, her, itsorang tua   parents, someone’s mother and fatherpacar   a boyfriend / girlfriend (i.e. a special friend of the opposite sex)perempuan   female, a womanpunya; Saya tidak punya uang.   to have; I don’t have any money.saudara   a brother/sister, a sibling, a relativesuami   a husband

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    tentang   about, concerning, relating to

    Lesson 22 

    aja J just, only (informal variant of saja)ama J with, together with (informal variant of sama) Also: and (a linker-

    word connecting a verb with its object in informal speech)apa; Mobil ini apa mobil itu? J or [when you are stressing an “either/or” contrast]

    (informal/slangy); This car or that car?bilang; Siapa bilang? J to say (informal/slangy); Who says? / Sez who?belum; Belum selesai.   not yet; Not yet finished.cakep J pretty, good-looking, “spunky”, “hot” (informal/slangy)cantik   pretty, beautiful (describing the appearance of girls/women)dosén   a lecturer (at a university), a professor (i.e. a member of the

    teaching faculty at a university)duit J money, “dough” (informal)gimana; Gimana kabarnya? J how, what is ... like? (informal for bagaimana); How’s it going?

    (a greeting)kali J maybe, probably (informal variant of barangkali)kawin; Belum kawin   to get married; not yet married / still singlekerja J to work (informal for bekerja)masih; Masih muda.   still; Still young.muda   youngortu J parents (slangy abbreviation of orang tua)sudah; Sudah makan?   already; Have you already had something to eat?tanggal; Tanggal satu Januari.   such-and-such a date [a marker word in front of a number

    indicating the day of the month]; The first of January.teman   a friendterkenal   famoustuh J that (informal variant of itu))tua   olduang; uang kuliah   money; tuition fees (at university)udah; Sudah makan? J already (informal variant of sudah); Have you already had

    something to eat?

    Lesson 23 

    aduh; Aduh! Sakit!   oh! ouch! (an exclamation of pain, shock or surprise); Ouch! That hurts!

    agama; Agama Islam   a religion, religion (in general); the Islamic religion / Islamalamat   an addressbantu   to help someone, to assist someonebersekolah (•sekolah); Saya bersekolah di Sekolah Menengah Nurul Islam.

      to go to school (i.e. to be enrolled as student at such-and-such a school); I go to Nurul Islam High School.

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    hidup   to be alive, to liveikut; Siapa yang mau ikut?   to go/come along, to join in, to also do something with others;

    Who wants to join?jadi   so (introducing a comment or conclusion arising from

    something said previously in the conversation)keterangan (•terang); keterangan diri   information, data a statement/declaration (concerning the facts

    of a matter); personal detailskembali   you’re welcome (in reply to “thank you”)lagi; Apa lagi? Siapa lagi?   again, further, extra, more, else; what else? who else?lama; Sudah lama tinggal di sini?   long (when you are talking about a period of time), a long time;

    Have you lived here a long time?meninggal   to pass away (a polite way of saying “to die”)permisi; Permisi, boleh saya duduk di sini?

      excuse me (when you are interrupting, intruding, inconveniencing someone, or taking your leave); Excuse me, may I sit here?

    Saudara   you, Mr, Mrs, Ms, (formal and egalitarian)Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)   a middle school, intermediate schoolSekolah Teknik Atas   a senior technical high schoolsudah berapa lama?; Sudah berapa lama Anda di sini?

      how long have/has; How long have you been here?

    tanda tangan   a signature

    Lesson 24 

    atap   a roofbagian (•bagi)   a partbagian depan   the front partdapur   a kitchendepan   front (when you are talking about the front part of something),

    next (week, month, year)gudang   a storeroom, a warehousehalaman   a yard (i.e. a fenced/walled area adjacent to a house/building)halaman belakang   back yardjendéla   a windowruang tamu   reception area (close to the front door and adjacent to the living

    room)ruang keluarga   a living roomkamar tidur   a bedroomruang makan   a dining roomkamar mandi   a bathroomkamar kecil   a toilet (the room), a “comfort room”, restroompagar   a fencepintu   a door, an entrancepohon   a tree, a shrub

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    ruang   space, a space, room, a roomsawah   paddy fields, irrigated rice fieldstamu   a guest, a visitor, a customer (i.e. someone who comes into a

    shop/office)tangga a flight of stairs, a ladderuntuk   for (i.e. intended for someone or something)WC   a toilet, “comfort room”, loo, toilet bowl, restroom

    Lesson 25 

    berbelanja (•belanja)   to go shopping, to do the shoppingbercakap-cakap (•cakap)   to chatberkebun to garden, farm, work in the garden or fieldbermain (•main)   to playdilakukan (•lakukan) be done, carried out ia   she, he (variant of dia)gaji   wages, salarykaya   richkeras   hardkomputer   a computermandi   to take a bath/showermasak   to do the cooking, to cook (something)membantu (•bantu)   to help someone, to assistmembersihkan (•bersih) to clean somethingmenélépon (•télépon) to make a telephone callmeréka   they, theirnaik sepéda to go by bicycleprihatin   very concerned (about something)sayur-sayuran   vegetables, a variety of vegetables, all sorts of vegetablessedang   in the process of... (to talk about what someone is currently

    doing or what is currently happening)sepéda bicycletidur   to sleep, to go to bed

    Lesson 26 

    berapa harga ...?; berapa harganya?   how much is...? (asking about the price of something) How much is it?

    botol; sebotol   a bottle, a bottle ofbunga   a flowercari apa?   What are you looking for?guling a cylindrical pillow designed to be hugged when sleepingharga   the price of something

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    harganya; Harganya sepuluh ribu.   costs (i.e. something costs such-and-such); It costs ten thousand.

    jam; jam dinding   a clock, a watch; a clock (at the wall)kompor   a stove (including the small benchtop stove)kursi   a chairkursi malas   an easy chairkursi panjang   (long) lounge chair, sofalampu   an electric light, a lamplemari   a cupboardlemari és   a fridge, a refrigeratorlemari pakaian   a wardrobeméja makan   a dining tableméja tulis   a desk, a writing tablemémang   indeed, yes I agree, that’s absolutely rightmencari (•cari)   to look forpot bunga   a flower potradio   a radiorak buku   a book case, a book shelfrumah tangga; alat-alat rumah tangga   a household; things for the house, household appliances &

    furnituretelevisi   a television set, televisiontempat tidur   a bed

    Lesson 27 

    berbicara (•bicara)   to speakberwarna (•warna); televisi berwarna   coloured ..., colour; a colour TVbiru   bluehalo   Hello (when you are answering the telephone or greeting

    someone informally)HP; Nomor HP-mu berapa?   a mobile phone, a hand phone, a cell phone; What’s your

    mobile number?di atas   above, over, on top ofdi bawah   under, underneath, at the foot ofdi sebelah   next to, on the ___ side,dinding   an interior wall, a dividing wall (in a house), a partitioning wallhijau   greenhitam   black, dark colouredkanan   right (the opposite of left)kiri   left (the opposite of right)kuning   yellowlalu   then, after that, Then? Then what? What happened then?langit   the sky

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    lantai   floormérah   redpenting   importantputih   white, colourlesstolong; minta tolong   please (help me); to ask for helpsebentar; Tunggu sebentar!   a short time, a moment; Wait a moment! Hang on a sec.ujung   the end (of an object, i.e. the furthermost extremity of

    something)warna   a colour

    Lesson 28 

    air kelapa   coconut juice (for drinking)air putih   drinking wateranjing   a dogbertanya (•tanya)   to put a question, to ask a questionboléh; Boleh saya bertanya?   may; May I ask you a question?burung   a birddi luar   outsidedi sebelah kiri   on the left, on the lefthand side (of)di sebelah kanan   on the right, on the righthand side (of)di tengah-tengah   in the middle, in the very middle ofgarasi   a garageguru   a teacherkandang   a cage (stable, pen, sty)kelapa; pohon kelapa   a coconut; a coconut treekucing   a catluas   broad, extensive, big (in area)mangga; pohon mangga   a mango; a mango treemempunyai (•punya)   to have something, to own somethingoh ya   Oh, before I forget...pembantu (•bantu)   an assistant, a maid, a domestic servanttinggi   tall, high

    Lesson 29 

    ayo   come on, let’sberdiri (•diri)   to stand, to stand upbertemu (•temu)   to meetdulu; Ayo makan dulu!   first (before doing anything else) C’mon, let’s eat first!jawab   answer, ... answered so-and-so (in a narrative)kata   a word, ... said so-and-so (in a narrative)kepala désa   a village head

  • Wordlist

    lari   to run, to run away, to escapeluar   the outside, the exteriormelihat (•lihat)   to see something/someone, to look atmembuka (•buka)   to open somethingmungkin   possibly, maybe, perhaps, possible, maypakaian (•pakai)   clothes, clothingpanggil; Saya akan memanggil dokter.   to summon someone, to call out to someone; I’m going to call

    the doctor.panggung   a stage, a raised platformperaga   a character (a play, story)sekeliling; di sekeliling   around, all around (located); aroundseperti; Rasanya seperti es krim.   like (i.e. resembling); It tastes like ice cream.tadi; Tadi anak-anak bermain di luar.   just now, earlier (today); Earlier the children were playing

    outside.tanya   ask, ... asked so-and-so (in a narrative)tiba-tiba   suddenlytidak usah; Mereka tidak usah ikut.   (you) don’t need to, don’t bother; They don’t need to come


    Lesson 30 

    minta diri; Sudah cukup, Pak. Saya minta diri.

      to take one’s leave of someone, to ask permission to leave; That’ll be all sir. I’d like to go now.

    pegawai   an office worker, an employee (usually a white-collar employee)

  • Wordlist

    Wordlist for Module 3

    Lesson 32 

    berangkat (•angkat); Aduh! Sudah berangkat!

      to depart, to set off (to go somewhere), to leave (on a trip); Oh no! It’s left already!

    berkunjung (•kunjung); berkunjung ke Glasgow

      to visit (a place); to visit Glasgow

    jam; jam dua belas lewat dua puluh   o’clock [a marker word used to express the time of day in hoursand minutes]; twenty past twelve

    kurang; jam delapan kurang seperempat

      to (i.e. “before the hour” or “before the half-hour”, when telling the time); a quarter to eight.

    léwat; pukul satu lewat lima   more, past (when telling the time); five past onemakan siang   to have lunchmakan malam   to have dinnerperusahaan (•usaha); perusahaan asing

      a company, a business enterprise; a foreign company

    pukul; pukul satu   o’clock [a marker word used to express the time of day in hoursand minutes]; one o’clock

    sampai   until (a certain time), as far as (a certain place)sarapan   to have breakfastseperempat; dua seperempat   ¼ (a quarter); 2¼ (two and a quarter)setengah; satu setengah   ½ (a half); 1½ (one and a half)tengah malam   at midnight, in the middle of the nighttertawa (•tawa)   to laugh

    Lesson 33 

    apaan (•apa); Orang apaan, tuh? J (Only used in informal speech Jakarta style) what kind of... [adding a note of humorous scepticism or cynicism to a question, especially a rhetorical question]; What kinda person isthat?

    banget; Cakep banget dia. J (Only used in informal speech Jakarta style) very, really; She’s really spunky.

    bérés; Beres. Tunggu aja sebentar.   fixed up, put right, all okay, resolved, no worries; No worries. Just hang on a sec.

    berlari (•lari)   to rundoyan; Nggak mau, aku nggak doyan. J (Only used in informal speech Jakarta style) to like (especially

    food); I don’t want any. I don’t like it!ikut kuliah   to attend a lecture, to go to a lecture

  • Wordlist

    jam berapa?; Jam berapa sekarang?   what time?; What time is it now?kalo; kalo aku nggak mau. J (Only used in informal speech. In formal Indonesian use kalau)

    if, as for (me/him/that etc.), as far as ... is concerned; Speaking for myself, I don’t want to.

    keliling aroundketemu (•temu) J (informal for bertemu) to meet, to findlapangan (•lapang); lapangan sepak bola

      a field, a ground, an open space (especially for recreation); a football field

    lebih suka; Saya lebih suka berjalan kaki.

      to prefer, to like something better; I prefer to walk.

    lumayan; Hmm ... masakanmu lumayan.

    J not bad, quite good; Hmmm... your cooking’s not bad.

    nanti siang   this afternoon (spoken in the morning)nanti soré   late this afternoon (spoken earlier in the day)nanti malam   tonight (spoken earlier in the day)paké; Pake bus apa taksi? J (Only used in informal speech) by (a certain mode of transport);

    (Shall we go) by bus or taxi?pulang   to come home, to go homepunya; Aku udah ketemu ama dia punya ibu.

    J [a slangy word used to express possession]; I’ve met with his/her mother.

    sih; Gimana sih, kamu! J [a slangy particle that adds emphasis and colour to a question, often making the question feel more pointed, even adding a note of irritation, bewilderment, surprise, puzzlement or sarcasm.]; What is it with you!?

    tentu saja   of courseyuk; Minum yuk! J c’mon, let’s...; Let’s have something to drink!

    Lesson 34 

    hari   a daykadang-kadang   sometimes, occasionally, from time to timemusik   music(pada) pagi hari   in the morning(s)(pada) siang hari   in the afternoon(s)(pada) soré hari   in the late afternoon(s)(pada) malam hari   at nightsalah; Maaf, saya kira Anda salah.   wrong, to be wrong; Sorry, I think you’re wrong.sesudah (•sudah) afterténis; bermain tenis   tennis; to play tennis

    Lesson 35 

    acara; Ada acara apa nanti malam?   a television/radio program, something you plan to do, a commitment to go somewhere; What are you planning to do tonight?

  • Wordlist

    apalagi; tidak banyak bus, apalagi hariMinggu.

      particularly, the more so, especially; There aren’t many buses, especially on a Sunday.

    apartemén   an apartment, a flat, a unitbadminton   badminton; also bulu tangkisberenang (•renang)   to swim, to go swimmingberistirahat (•istirahat)   to rest, to take a rest, to take a breakbersembahyang (•sembahyang)   to say/do your prayers, to worshipbersenam (•senam)   to do gymnastic, to do aerobics, to work outcuma; cuma satu sudah cukup. J (Colloquial for hanya) just, only; Just one will do.émangnya kenapa? J (Colloquial) why? (what’s it to you), why? (why do you ask?)kalian J (Colloquial) you (plural of kamu)kegiatan (•giat)   an activitykolam renang   a swimming poolmelakukan (•laku)   to do (something), to undertake (something); dilakukan be donelalu then; and solari pagi   early morning jogginglu; Lu mau makan nggak? J you (Jakarta slang); Would you like something to eat?makasih; Makasih duitnya ya. J (Colloquial) thanks; Thanks for the money.musala   prayer room (for Muslims), a small mosquengapain; Lu lagi ngapain? J (Colloquial) why? why on earth...? what (is someone) doing?

    what for? what’s the point? what’s going on?; What are you doing?

    nih; Mau ke mana, nih? J (Colloquial) this, at the moment, now; Where are you off to right now?

    olahraga   sportberpacaran (•pacar) to be going steady, to be dating, to be going out with; pacaran (•pacar); Dodi lagi pacaran sama siapa?

    J (Colloquial for berpacaran) to be going steady, to be dating; Who is Dodi going out with now?

    senam J (Colloquial for bersenam) to do gymnastics, to do aerobics, to work out

    sesudah (•sudah); sesudah pulang   after (doing something), after (a certain time), after going homesulit   difficult, hard to dotaman; taman nasional   a park; a national park

    Lesson 36 

    asal   to originate (from)bersama (•sama); bersama dengan together; together withhari libur   a day off, a (day off for a) holiday, a one-day holidaykafe a coffeeshopkalau (Anda) bagaimana?; Kalau Pak Iman bagaimana?

      what about (you)? what about (her/John etc.); What about Mr. Iman?

    pasti; Tidak ada restoran? Pasti ada!   definitely, sure to be, bound to (be...), must be (i.e. bound to be); No restaurant? There must be!

  • Wordlist

    sekeluarga   the whole familysepi; Pasarnya sepi sekali.   quiet, lonely, deserted; The market was deserted.suka sekali; Saya suka sekali bermain tenis.

      to really like, to enjoy, to love (doing something); I love playing tennis.

    tidak boléh; Tidak boleh ada orang lain yang ikut.

      not allowed to, shouldn’t, can’t (i.e. not permitted to); There shouldn’t be any other people coming along.

    waktu senggang; Pada waktu senggang, saya ...

      free time, spare time, leisure time; In my spare time, I ...

    Lesson 37 

    anggur; buah anggur   wine; grapesbulu tangkis   badmintoncapai   tiredgelas   a glass (i.e. a tumbler you drink from), a drinking glasskelab malam; also klab malam & club malam

      a night club

    nanti dulu   just a moment, wait a moment, hang on a secpercaya   to believesemua; semua orang tahu   all, all of them, everyone, everybody; everyone knows.tadi malam   last nightternyata (•nyata); ternyata dia bukan teman yang baik

      so ... after all, it turns out that ... after all (expressing mild surprise that something is contrary to expectations); So he wasn’t a true friend after all.

    wiski   whisky

    Lesson 38 

    bésok; besok pagi   tomorrow; tomorrow morninghari ini   todaykemarin; kemarin siang   yesterday; yesterday afternoonhari Minggu; hari Minggu yang lalu   Sunday; last Sundayhari Senin; hari Senin malam   Monday; Monday nighthari Selasa; hari Selasa yang akan datang

      Tuesday; next Tuesday

    hari Rabu; hari Rabu pagi   Wednesday; Wednesday morninghari Kamis; hari Kamis yang akan datang

      Thursday; next Thursday

    hari Jumat; hari Jumat yang lalu   Friday; last Fridayhari Sabtu; hari Sabtu malam   Saturday; Saturday nightmalam Minggu   Saturday night (more common than Sabtu malam)kapan?   when? (asking about time)minggu; minggu yang lalu week; last weekSampai jumpa! until (we) meet (again); see you!

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    Lesson 39 

    agén perjalanan   travel agentjadwal   schedulemenurut   according topenerbangan (•terbang)   flighttikét   ticket

    Lesson 40 

    kepada; Dia mengirimkan uang kepada suaminya.

      to (when you are talking about something that is directed towards an individual or a group of people, not a place); She sent some money to her husband.

    majalah   a magazinemembaca (•baca)   to readmembersihkan (•bersih)   to clean somethingmencuci (•cuci)   to wash (something with water)mendengarkan (•dengar)   to listen to something; to listenmenonton (•tonton); Saya suka menonton film.

      to watch something (especially TV, a sports match, a performance, a movie, a spectacle); I like seeing movies.

    menulis (•tulis)   to writemenyapu (•sapu)   to sweepnovél   a novelpiring   a plate, the dishessapu   broomsedang apa?   what are (you) doing?; what is (he/she) doing?surat kabar   a newspapersurat   a letter (i.e. an item of correspondence)

    Lesson 41 

    bangun; bangun pagi   to get up (out of bed); to get up in the morningberita; siaran berita   news; a newscast, a news broadcastberpakaian (•pakai)   to get dressedbersiap-siap (•siap)   to get ready, to make preparations, to prepare (for something)bersisir (•sisir)   to combkemudian   then, after thatmembeli (•beli)   to buymengambil (•ambil)   to go and get something, to fetch something, to reach out and

    remove, to pick up somethingmenggosok gigi (•gosok)   to brush your teethpemandangan (•pandang)   a view, a scene, a panorama, (natural) scenerysebelum; sebelum itu   before (a certain time/event); before thatsendiri   by yourself/oneself (without help from anyone)

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    Lesson 42 

    alat   a device, a tool, an implementbaju   clothes (in general), an upper-body garment, especially shirts,

    blouses etc.éléktronik   electronichabis J after (informal for sesudah)ingin   to wish (to...), to want (to...)jadi   (didn’t) happen, (didn’t) work out, so, therefore, thuskami   we (excluding the person or persons you are talking to)kerén J stylish, trendykita   we (including the person or persons you are talking to)mencoba (•coba)   to try to do something, to try something out, to try on (clothes)minggu   a weeknonton (•tonton) J (informal for menonton) to see, to watch something (especially

    TV, a sports match, a parade etc.)sampai di + (name of place)   to arrive in/at (a place), to reach (a destination)untuk   (in order) toyang lalu   ...ago, last...

    Lesson 43 

    bahasa Belanda   Dutch (the language)berkuasa (•kuasa)   to be in power, to be the dominant forcebikin J to make (something)duduk-duduk   to sit around (in a casual or leisurely way)dulu   in former times, a long time ago, used to (i.e. regularly

    happened in former times)hukum   a law, the law (as a body of regulations or an area of study)ibu kos   the landlady (in a boarding house)kalo pagi J in the morning(s)karena   becausekenapa   why?macam-macam   all sorts (of), all kinds (of), various kinds ofmata kuliah   a subject (of study at a university), a course, a unit of studymembuat (•buat)   to make (something)mengapa (•apa)   why?memberikan (•beri)   to give somethingngorok J to snorepagi-pagi   very early in the morningsulit   difficult, hard to dorumah kos   a boarding house

  • Wordlist

    tadi pagi   this morning (spoken later in the day)tadi siang   this afternoon (spoken later in the day)ya; Ini untuk saya, ya?   ..., right? ...have you? you? ...does he/she? ...okay?

    (seeking confirmation or approval); This is for me, right?undang-undang   an act of parliament, law(s) of the land

    Lesson 44 

    ada yang, ada ____ yang   some _[noun]_ahli filsafat (also: filsuf)   a philosopherberdagang (•dagang)   to trade, to earn a living buying & selling, to deal in such-&-such

    a commodityberpikir (•pikir)   to think, to ponder, to ruminatebiji   a seed, a berry, a pip beans (e.g. coffee beans), the stone (in

    stone fruit)bola voli   volley ball (sometimes simply: voli)gitar   a guitaristiméwa   special, exceptional, out of the ordinaryjuta   millionkalah   to lose (a contest/fight etc.), to be defeatedkurang   don’t/doesn’t really..., isn’t/aren’t really...lagu   a song, a tune, a piece of musicmemperbaiki (•baik)   to repair something, to fix something brokenmenang   to winmenjadi (•jadi)   to become, to bemenjual (•jual)   to sell somethingmenyanyi (•nyanyi)   to singmenyanyikan (•nyanyi)   to sing (a certain song)pandai   to be good at (doing something), clever, intelligent, smartpernah   once, ever, at some time in the pastpintar   clever, intelligent, smartsama sekali   absolutely, at all, completely, totally (in negative expressions)tidak begitu...   not very..., not especially, not particularly...yang lain   the other oneyang + [adjective]   the _[adjective]_ one

    Lesson 45 

    memakai (•pakai)   to use something, to wear somethingmemelihara (•pelihara)   to keep (animals), to take care ofmengajar (•ajar)   to teach (someone / students / pupils / a subject), to do

    teachingmenolong (•tolong)   to help someone (especially someone in difficulty)menunggu (•tunggu)   to wait, to wait for (someone / something), to await

  • Wordlist

    minta tolong; Maaf, boleh saya minta tolong?

      to ask for assistance/help; Excuse me, could you help me?

    sejarah   historyselalu   alwaysselama; selama tiga minggu   for (a certain period of time); for three weekssendirian (•sendiri)   alone, on your own (i.e. without a companion)sendiri; Mereka sendiri yang memperbaikinya.

      self, -selves (myself, yourself etc. when you want to emphasise who did something); They themselves repaired it.

    sudah cukup; Saya kira sudah cukup.   that’s enough, that will do; I think that will do for the momenttidak pernah   never (the opposite of “always”)waktu; pada waktu itu   time; at that time

    Lesson 46 

    akhirnya   finally, in the end, eventually, lastlyberapa lama; Berapa lama film ini?   how long; How long is this film?detektif   private detectivedi antaranya   including, among themjam; tiga setengah jam   hour / hours; three and a half hourskaviar   caviarlobi   the lobby (of a hotel)masakan (•masak); masakan Perancis   cooking, cuisine, cooked food; French cuisinemawar   a rose (also bunga mawar)membayar (•bayar)   to paymemilih (•pilih)   to choosemencium (•cium)   to kiss someone, to smell/sniff somethingméwah   luxuriousoléh; dilakukan oleh   by (i.e. done/made/written by); done bypipi   cheekssambil   whilesampanye   champagnesenang   happy, enjoying yourself, to like something, to like doing

    somethingseorang; seorang laki-laki   a, one (when you are counting people and there is just one

    person to be counted); a man / one manwaktu; also pada waktu; waktu saya sampai di rumah

      when, at the time when (referring to a certain time in the past when something happened); when I arrived home

    wanita   a woman, a lady

    Lesson 47 

    Allah   GodAllahu akbar   God is greatAl-Quran   The Koran (the holy book of Islam)

  • Wordlist

    ayat   a verse, a stanza (from a poem or from holy scripture); e.g. ayat-ayat Al-quran

    batik   batikbarang   a thing, goodsberagama (•agama); beragama Islam, beragama Kristen

      to be a follower of such-and-such a religion; a Muslim, a (Protestant) Christian

    berbuka puasa; also simply berbuka or buka

      to break your fast, to have a meal in the evening after a day of fasting

    berkumpul (•kumpul)   to assemble, to gatherberpuasa (•puasa)   to fast, to abstain from food & drinkbersalaman (•salam)   to greet each other (usually by shaking hands)bersyukur (•syukur)   to thank Godbésoknya   the next daybulan puasa   the fasting monthdi mana-mana   everywheredoa   a prayer (especially a personal, meditative prayer)gelap   darkhari raya; Hari Raya Idul Adha   a feast day, a big religious holiday; the Festival of Sacrificehaus   thirstyIdul Fitri   the festival of Ied, the (usually two) days of celebrations at the

    end of the Muslim fasting monthkali   times, a timeketupat   lumps of rice boiled in packets made from woven leaves (a

    special food eaten at Idul Fitri)lahir dan batin   outwardly and inwardlylantai   the floor (that you are standing on), a storey of a buildinglapar   hungryLebaran   (the Javanese term for) the period of celebrations at the end of

    the Muslim fasting monthlibur   to be shut/closed (for a holiday etc.), to have time off (from

    work/school etc.)membawa (•bawa)   to bringmemimpin (•pimpin)   to leadmengucapkan (•ucap)   to say something, to utter somethingminta maaf   to ask for forgivenessmohon maaf   to ask for forgivenessmudik   to make a visit back to your home village in the countryside, to

    go upstreamnabi; Nabi Isa   a religious prophet; the Prophet Jesusnaik haji   to make the pilgrimage to Meccaoléh-oléh   a gift/present brought back for family or a friend after a trip

    somewhereperabot   furniture

  • Wordlist

    puasa   fasting, the Islamic Fastréndang   a stew of beef chunks cooked until dry in spices and coconut

    milksaat   a moment; a point in time; a short time; while; duringsahur   to eat a pre-dawn meal during the fasting month, to eat an early

    breakfast during the fasting monthsangat   very, extremelysekitar   approximately, around, aboutsekolah menengah   high school, secondary schoolsetiap   each, everytakbiran   to chant Allahu Akbar (God is Great) in chorus over and overtempat kerja   work placeulama   a very learned and pious Muslim

  • Wordlist

    Wordlist for Module 4

    Lesson 48ada; Ayah ada?   to be present, to be “in”, to be at home; Is your father in?anak kecil   a small child, a little boy/girlandaikata   what if, supposing, supposing that..., in the event that... (from

    andai)Apa acara...   what’s on the agenda...?; what are (we/you, they etc.) up to...?;

    what will (we/they) do...?barangkali   maybe, probably, hopefullyberdansa (•dansa)   to dance (western style, disco style)berjudi (•judi)   to gambledansa; pesta dansa   dancing, dance (popular western style), disco/ballroom dancing;

    a dance partyhangat; salam hangat   warm; warm greetingshidangan (•hidang); hidangan malam   the food served at a meal; dinnerjika if, whenkalau ... sudah; Kalau pertandingan ini sudah selesai...

      when (i.e. after something in the future has happened); When this game is over...

    kasino   a casinolarut malam; bekerja sampai larut malam

      the middle of the night, late at night; to work until late (at night)

    lotré   a lotteryminggu depan   next weekbulan depan   next monthtahun depan   next yearsarang; sop sarang burung   a nest; birdnest soupseandainya (•andai)   what if, supposing, supposing that..., in the event that...selesai   finished, completed (doing or making something), over (i.e.

    finished)sop   soup

    Lesson 49 

    akhir   endberlibur (•libur)   to take a holiday, to go on vacationbulan   the moon, a monthbulan yang lalu   last month

  • Wordlist

    Hari Natal   Christmas Dayhari ulang tahun   a birthdaykemerdékaan (•merdéka); Hari Kemerdekaan

      (national) independence; Independence Day

    merdéka   free, independent (i.e. free of colonial rule)pindah   to shift, to move (from one place to another)setahun (•tahun) one year, a year,sering   oftenTahun Baru   New Yeartanggal berapa?   on what date?ujian   an examination (in the school/academic sense)yang akan datang; bulan Mei yang akan datang

      next; next May

    bulan Januari   Januarybulan Februari   Februarybulan Marét   Marchbulan April   Aprilbulan Mei   Maybulan Juni   Junebulan Juli   Julybulan Agustus   Augustbulan Septémber   Septemberbulan Oktober   Octoberbulan Novémber   Novemberbulan Desémber   December

    Lesson 50 

    adat; rumah adat, pakaian adat   tradition, old customs, traditional/customary law; a customary house, a traditional costume

    bénsin   petrol, gasolineberhenti (•henti)   to stop, to come to a haltkarcis; karcis kereta api   a ticket; a train ticketkuat   strongmenarik (•tarik)   interesting, attractivemenginap (•inap)   to stay (for one or more nights e.g. in a hotel or with a

    friend/relative), to sleep overperjalanan (•jalan); rencana perjalanan   a trip, a journey, travel; an itinerary, travel schedulepertama-tama   firstly, first of allprovinsi   a provincerencana; menurut rencana   a plan; according to plansinggah   to drop by, to make a short stop/visit, to call in (at a place)tiba   to arrive

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    Lesson 51 

    agén   an agent, an agencyalam   nature, natural (i.e. to do with nature)biro   a bureaudanau   a lake, Lake ____gunung   a mountain, Mount ____hutan   the forest, the junglelosmén   a small hotelmisalnya   for examplepantai   a coast, the coast, the coastline, the shore, a beachsatu dua   just one or two, just a few, a couplepariwisata   tourismwisata   tourist (as an adjective)wisatawan   a tourist

    Lesson 52 

    anéh   strange, weird, puzzlingbenar   correct, truedari J (an informal way of saying daripada) than (in expressions of

    comparison like “this bigger than that”)daripada   than (when you are comparing two things)kasar   crude, oafish, rude, impolite, rough to the touchketimbang J (an slangy way of saying daripada) by comparison with, than kok J How come? Why? (A slangy particle which, when it appears

    before a verb or adjective, expresses surprise)lebih banyak   more (when you are comparing nouns i.e. a quantity/number of

    things or people)lebih   more, -er (when you are comparing qualities or quantities)lho J [A slangy exclamation which, when it appears at the beginning

    of a phrase or sentence, expresses mild surprise and incredulity]

    mana   what, which (after a noun, personal name or place name, in the sense “what one?” “which one?”)

    masak J I don’t believe you/it! Come off it! You’re kidding!membosankan (•bosan)   boringmodern   modern (usually pronounced modéren)pendapat   an opinionpokoknya   in short, in a nutshell, anyway, the point isramah   friendlysekamar   to share one roomsependapat   to be of the same opinion, to agree

  • Wordlist

    serumah   to live in the same housesip J fine, acceptable nice, great (probably from the English word

    “safe”)teman sekelas   classmate

    Lesson 53 

    betul-betul   really, truly, genuinelyhati-hati   careful, cautiousjauh   far (in distance, but also in expressions like “far more money”,

    “far smaller”), much (as in “much longer”)jelas   clear (when you are describing ideas or understanding)lebih ____ lagi   even more (+adjective), even [adjective] -ermengerti   to understandmuseum   a museumsanggup; tidak sanggup   to be able to; (I) cannot afford itsetuju   to agreeterlalu   too (as in “too much”)terus terang   to be honest, to be quite frank, frankly speaking

    Lesson 54 

    cuaca   the weatherdi samping itu   in addition to that, moreover, furthermorehalus   refined, considerate, polite, polished, well-spokenhampir   almostlengkap   complete, fully featured, not short of anything, not missing

    anythingmandi   to take a bath, to have a swim, to go swimmingparlemén   parliamentsopan   polite, courteoustidak kalah   just as good

    Lesson 55 

    aman   safe, securebaik hati   kind, understandingberbahaya (•bahaya)   dangerousbinatang   an animal, a living creaturebosan   bored, sick of (something)dokter   a physician, a (medical) doctor, a general practitioner/GPhiburan (•hibur)   entertainmentjangan lupa   to forget; don’t forgetkejahatan (•jahat)   crime

  • Wordlist

    ladang   a field (unirrigated, for crops)lingkungan   the environment, your surroundingsmenangkap (•tangkap)   to catchmerusak (•rusak)   to damage (something), to destroy (something), to break

    something (so that it doesn’t work any more)miskin   poor, impoverishedmudah   easy, not difficultpekerjaan (•kerja)   work, a job employmentpenjahat (•jahat)   a criminalpetani (•tani)   a farmer (especially a farmer who grows crops)rusak   broken, out of order, not working, damagedsakit   sick, illséhat   healthy, in good healthtakut   to be scared, to be afraidtenang   calm, quiet, stress-freeterburu-buru   in a hurry, hurried, hurriedlyudara   the air

    Lesson 56 

    jangan   don’t (telling someone not to do something)kera   an ape, a monkeylebih baik   better, it would be better if/to..., shouldorang utan   an orang-outangsebaiknya   preferably, it would be good if..., it would be better to..., should

    Lesson 57 

    asli   the real thing, genuine, not imitation, indigenousbandar udara   airportdaérah   a region, a sub-district of a larger territorygunung api   volcanokaryawan   an employee, a staffer, a workerkayu   woodkerajinan tangan   handicraftskesenian (•seni)   art, the fine artslangsung   direct, directlymasyarakat   a community, a society, the public, the people of a certain placemengadakan (•ada)   to hold, to have (a meeting/gathering/event)ongkos   the cost of a service, the charge for a service, the fareorang asing   a foreignerpura   a Balinese Hindu temple

  • Wordlist

    rumah adat   a customary house (i.e. the big house that is the centre of community and ritual in traditional societies), a big house built in traditional style

    segala-galanya   everything, all the components/items (especially of an event or category)

    tarif   the cost, the rate (for the hire or rent of something)tempat   place. ALSO: where (as a relative pronoun, not as a question

    word)terbuat dari   made (from)terletak (•letak)   located, sitedupacara   a ceremony

    Lesson 58 

    atas   for (preposition)badak; badak Jawa   a rhinoceros; the Java rhinobahwa; saya mendengar bahwa dia sakit

      that, (after certain verbs to report what happened or what someone said) I heard that she was sick.

    bajak laut   a piratebantuan (•bantu)   assistance, helpbarat   west, western, the Westbingung   at a loss what to do, worried and undecided, undecided

    who/what to believe, confusedbunyi   a noise, noise , a soundgajah   an elephantharimau   a tigerhilang   vanished, disappeared gone, lostibukota   a capital citykanan-kiri; di kanan-kiri jalan   to the left and right of, on both sides of, all around; on both

    sides of the roadletusan (•letus)   an eruptionluar negeri; pergi ke luar negeri   overseas, abroad; to go overseasmati   to die, deadmeletus (•letus)   to eruptmembunuh (•bunuh)   to murder someonemendengar (•dengar)   to hearmudah-mudahan   let’s hope that..., I hope that... , hopefullyoléh karena itu   because of this/that, for this reason, that is why...selat   a strait (i.e. a narrow body of water between two land masses),

    the straits, the Strait(s) of ___selatan   south, southernturun   to come/go down, to descend , to get out (of a vehicle) to


  • Wordlist

    Lesson 59 

    berapa kali?   how many times?bisnis   business, commerceinternasional   internationaljalur   a traffic lane, routekelas ekonomi   economy classkhususnya   especially, in particularkomposisi   compositionpakét   a packagepenumpang (•tumpang)   passengerpopuler   popularsebagai   astempat duduk   seatterbang   to flytertarik (pada)   interested (in)

  • Wordlist

    Lesson 60 

    berubah (•ubah)   to change, to evolve, to be different •beforeberganti (•ganti)   to have one thing replaced with another, to change (i.e. have

    one thing replaced with another)kata kerja   a verbmemukul (•pukul)   to hit someone/something, to strike (with fist, weapon or tool)menerima (•terima)   to receive something, to accept somethingmengantar (•antar)   to take/accompany someone somewhere, to deliver something

    or someone to a certain placemengatur (•atur)   to arrange something, to regulate something, to “pull strings” (in

    order to get something done)menggoreng (•goreng)   to fry somethingmenghitung (•hitung)   to count something / thingsmengirim (•kirim)   to send somethingmengisi (•isi)   to fill something, to put content into a holder/container/formmenikah (•nikah)   to get married (especially in the sense “to go through a wedding

    ceremony”)menutup (•tutup)   to shut something, to close somethingmenyimpan (•simpan)   to store something away, to put something away for

    safekeeping, to save/deposit money (e.g. in a bank)merasa (•rasa)   to feel (an emotion), to feel that... (when you are expressing an

    opinion)mohon   to ask someone for something (respectfully)pena   a penpénsil   a pencilrasa   a feeling, a sense, a sensation of somethingsedih   sad, to feel sadness

    Lesson 61 

    kamus   a dictionarymemotong (•potong)   to cut something, to cut something off to reap (e.g. rice)menanam (•tanam)   to plant something, to grow something (e.g. a crop)mengubah (•ubah)   to change, to alterpadi   rice (as it grows in a paddy field or dry field), a rice plant

    Lesson 62 

    akuntan   an accountantdokter gigi   a dentistéfisién   efficientgagal   to not succeed, to failibu rumah tangga   a housewife

  • Wordlist

    insinyur   an engineerjenis   a type, a category, a class of something, a species of

    somethingmarah   angrymengetik (•ketik)   to typemontir   a mechanicpegawai negeri   a public servant, a civil servant, one who works in government

    administrationpelayan (•layan)   a waiter / waitresspemain (•main)   a playerpengusaha (•usaha)   a businessman, a businesswoman, an entrepreneurrajin   conscientious, industrious, hard-working, disciplined, diligentsebetulnya   actually, to be honest, as a matter of factsepatu   shoessekretaris   a secretarysopir   the driver (of a motor vehicle, usually but not always, the paid

    driver)tentara   a soldier, the army, the armed forcesterima telepon   to answer the phone, to take a phone calltugas   the things you have to do (as part of a job), a task, duties,

    obligationstukang kayu   a carpentertukang listrik   an electricianwartawan   a journalist, a reporter

    Lesson 63 

    Bapak   you (term of address for older male person, also for younger person if the situation is very formal)

    Ibu   you (term of address for older female person, also for younger person if the situation is very formal)

    seniman   an artistékor   tail, a counter-word for animals, birds and insects, used when

    you are mentioning a certain number of themmelukis (•lukis)   to paint (a painting)kepala sekolah   headmaster, principle of a schooltukang masak   a cookbengkel   workshop, repairshopsapi   cattle, cow, oxorang   counter-word for people, used when you are mentioning a

    certain number of human beingspembeli (•beli)   buyer, customerseorang   a, one (when you are counting human beings, or referring to

    one person as if he/she represents the whole of a certain group)

  • Wordlist

    Lesson 64 

    baru   it is only then that..., beforehabis   used up, finished, all gone, exhausted, none leftjarang   rarely, seldom, not oftenkué kering   biscuits, cookiesmakanan kecil (•makan)   snackfoodmengurus (•urus)   to take care of the management/arrangements for something,

    to see something (e.g. an application) through the bureaucracyorganisasi   an organisationpembangunan (•bangun)   (economic) developmentprogram   program, a plan of actionrapat   meetingsedikit   a little, a few, not many, not muchsambal   chilli-based side dish, chilli paste or sauceurusan (•urus)   matters requiring attention, affairs (requiring bureaucratic


    Lesson 65 

    berwawancara (•wawancara)   to conduct an interviewibu   a ladymasalah   a problem, a difficulty, an issuemembangun (•bangun)   to build (especially a building/dwelling), to construct somethingmencari jalan   to look for a way (to do something), to try to find a way (to do

    something)orang desa   a villagersetelah   after (a more formal variant of sesudah)

    Lesson 66 

    abjad   the alphabetéjaan (•éja)   spellinghuruf   a letter (in a alphabet), a script, a writing systemkhusus   special, specific (adjective)peneliti (•teliti)   a researchersekali lagi   once more, once againterima kasih kembali   you’re welcome (responding to someone’s expression of

    thanks)tulisan; tulisan tangan   writing, a piece of writing; hand writingucapan (•ucap)   the pronunciation (of a word)

    Lesson 67 

  • Wordlist

    atas   above, on top of, upper (when referring to level of education)bawah   under, below, lower (when you are describing something that

    has upper and lower parts)berbéda   to differ, to be not the samedasar   basic, fundamental, elementary; the basics, the foundationsdunia   the worldhal   a matter (for thought, consideration, discussion), a thing to be

    consideredilmu pengetahuan   sciencekejuruan (•juru)   vocationalkurang banyak   too few, not enoughkurikulum   curriculumlebih dulu   first (i.e. prior to someone / something else)mata pelajaran   a subject (of study at school)milik   the property of…, belonging to, owned bymuatan lokal   local content (especially in school tuition programs)mulai   from (when you are talking about the beginning point of a

    certain period of time)negeri   state, government (i.e. pertaining to or owned and run by the

    state / government)pendidikan (•didik)   educationsebagian besar   mostsistem   a systemswasta   private (when referring to a school or a company)tanaman (•tanam)   a plant (especially a plant raised on a farm or in a garden)termasuk (•masuk)   included in, including, is a part oftingkat   a level, a stage (in the upward progress of someone or

    something)umum   general (i.e. not particular or specialised); public, the public

    Lesson 68 

    menengah (•tengah)   middle-level; sekolah menengah a middle-level school (i.e. secondary school)

    para; para guru, para karyawan   a marker of a plural noun in certain contexts, especially for professions; the teachers, the staff / the employees

    siswa   a school studentfisika   physicscara   a way, the way (to do something); bagaimana caranya? how do

    you do it?ketrampilan (•trampil); ketrampilan praktis

      a skill, skills; practical skills

    pertanian (•tani)   agricultureberguna (•guna)   useful; tidak berguna untuk… of no use for…

  • Wordlist

    usaha tani   an agricultural enterprise, a farming business, a farmberkebun (•kebun)   to garden, to do gardening, to work in the gardenkerbau   a water buffalokambing   a goatlulus   to graduate from a school, to pass an exambersifat (•sifat); mata pelajaran yang bersifat praktis

      [adjective] in nature [adjective] in character; a subject that is practical in nature

    mesin   an engine, a machine; mesin mobil a car enginehasil; hasil pertanian   a result, yield, outcome, output, produce; agricultural

    output/producemesin cuci   a washing machine

    Lesson 69 

    berbagai   various, all sorts ofbersama-sama   togetherilmu pengetahuan sosial   social sciencesilmu pengetahuan alam   natural sciencepada waktu itu   at that timeSMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama)   middle schoolSMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas)   high school

    Lesson 70 

    ahli   a specialist, an expert, expert (adjective)ahli hukum   an expert in law, a lawyerbibi   an aunt, Aunt (so-and-so)ékonomi pertanian   agricultural economicsgelar   a degree (from a university), a title (especially an aristocratic

    title)Katolik   Catholic, a follower of Catholicism, a Catholicke-, yang ke-   the nth (when you are forming ordinal numbers),(yang) kedua   the secondlaboratorium   a laboratorymengatakan (•kata)   to say somethingpaman   an uncle, Uncle (so-and-so)sarjana   a university graduate, a scholar, Master of ____ (in a university

    degree)sosiologi   sociologytéknik pertanian   agricultural engineering (i.e. the use of machinery in the

    planting, harvesting, processing etc. of agricultural products)téknik mesin   mechanical engineering

    Lesson 71 

  • Wordlist

    bermasalah (•masalah)   to have a problembuat J for (an informal alternative to untuk) gampang J (an informal variant of mudah) easyjadi J (an informal variant of menjadi) to become, to bekasus   casemikir (•pikir) J (an informal variant of berpikir) to think, to ponder, to give

    something some thoughtmilih (•pilih) J (an informal variant of memilih) to choosengebosanin (•bosan) J (the Jakarta variant of membosankan) boringngobrol (•obrol) J (from obrol) to talk about something, to chatnolong (•tolong) J to help (informal variant of menolong)pengacara (•acara)   lawyersama J and (an informal alternative to dan) soal J about (an informal alternative to tentang)soalnya J the thing is (an informal alternative to karena)studi pembangunan   development studiestéknik elektro   electrical engineeringterus J and then (an informal alternative to lalu)

    Lesson 72 

    bangsawan   an aristocrat, a noblebelum pernah; Kami belum pernah kesana.

      has/have never ____ (i.e. has/have never ever in the past); We have never been there.

    bintang; bintang film   a star (both a star in the sky and a famous person in movies/music/sport etc.); a film star

    penari (•tari)   a dancer (in traditional dance or in performance dance)perdana menteri   prime ministersampai sekarang   so farsudah pernah; Apakah Bapak sudah pernah makan keju Belanda?

      has/have ____ (at least once in the past); Have you ever eaten Dutch cheese?

    Lesson 73 

    belum biasa   not yet used to (doing something), not yet in the habit ofberani   to dare to do something, to have the courage / confidence (to

    do something)berbahasa ____; cukup pandai berbahasa Arab

      to be a speaker of (such-and-such a language); quite good at speaking Arabic

    berhasil (•hasil)   to be successful, to have success, to succeedkayu jati   teakminuman keras   alcoholic drinkspedagang (•dagang), pedagang sayur   a dealer, a merchant; a vegetable merchantpekerja (•kerja)   a worker (usually used for relatively unskilled workers)

  • Wordlist

    pelatih (•latih); pelatih sepak bola   a coach, a trainer; a soccer trainerpemimpin (•pimpin)   a leaderpengajar (•ajar)   an educator, instructor, teacherpengalaman (•alam); pengalaman kerja

      experience; work experience / work record

    pengelola (•kelola); pengelola pabrik   a manager; a factory managerpenjual (•jual)   a seller, the vendorpenulis (•tulis); penulis novel   a writer, an author; a novelistpenyanyi (•nyanyi); penyanyi pop   a singer, a pop singerpetugas (•tugas); petugas kantor pos   a functionary, a staffer, a person who is doing a certain task or

    job of work, someone who is on duty; a post office stafferrokok   a cigarette, cigarettessudah biasa   now used to, to be used to (doing something)traktor   tractor

    Lesson 74 

    angka   a figure, figures, digits (i.e. numbers written in numeral form, notwords)

    bercerita (•cerita); Dia bercerita bahwa...

      to say, to tell (what happened); She/He said that…

    berpengalaman; Dia belum berpengalaman di bidang itu.

      experienced; He/She isn’t experienced yet in that field.

    bersedia (•sedia); Mereka tidak bersedia menolong.

      to be willing / prepared (to do something); They are not willing to help.

    cewék; Ceweknya cakep banget! J a “chick”, a young woman; She’s a stunna!dua kali; Saya sudah makan dua kali.   twice; I ate twice already.ganti; Aku mau ganti baju dulu.   to have one thing replaced with another, to change i.e. have

    one thing replaced with another; I want to get changed first.kartu; bermain kartu   a card; to play cardskomponén   a component (e.g. in a machine, in society)lamaran; surat lamaran   an application (especially for a job); a letter of applicationmemasang (•pasang)   to install something, to set/put something in place, to fit

    something (onto or into something else)ngomong (•omong); Jangan ngomongkayak gitu!

    J to say, to talk; Don’t talk like that!

    nyanyi J = menyanyi, to singpaling tidak; Paling tidak ada tiga puluh.

      at least (i.e. no less than); There were at least thirty.

    resépsionis   a receptionist (in an office, hotel etc.)riwayat hidup   a biography, biodata, a CVsekali; Minum obat ini sekali saja.   once (i.e. one time only, not twice or three times etc.); Drink this

    medicine just once.tukang kebun   a gardener

  • Wordlist

    Lesson 75 

    asal; Saya bersedia asal kamu membayar.

      provided, on condition that…; I’m prepared to do it provided you pay.

    hormat; Dengan hormat,   respect; Dear sir/madam (in formal letters)iklan   an advertisementkepala; kepala kantor   someone’s head, the head (of an enterprise/organisation); head

    of an office / office headmelalui; melalui telepon atau surat?   by, through, by way of; By telephone or by letter?melamar (•lamar); melamar pekerjaan sebagai sopir

      to apply for (a job), to formally ask for a woman’s hand in marriage; to apply for a job as a driver

    mengendarai (•kendara); mengendarai mobil

      to drive (a motor vehicle); to drive a car

    perhatian (•hati); Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda

      attention; Thank you for your attention.

    terhormat (•hormat); Kepada yang terhormat

      respected, honourable, of good reputation; To the honourable...

    terima kasih atas bantuan Anda   thank you for your assistanceterserah (•serah); Terserah! Saya tidakmau tahu!

      It’s up to you, I leave it to you, It’s over to you; It’s up to you! I don’t want to know!

    wawancara   an interview

    Lesson 76 

    bidan   a midwifedibandingkan; kalau dibandingkan dengan ...

      to be compared; if compared with…

    dokter héwan   a veterinary doctor, a vetfilm horor   a horror movie/filmhobi   a hobbyijazah   a qualification (usually an educational qualification), a diplomakaca mata; kaca mata hitam   spectacles, eye glasses; sun glasseskekurangan (•kurang); Kota Jakarta kekurangan air minum.

      1 (verb) to be suffering from a lack/shortage of, to be short of; 2 (noun) a shortcoming; Jakarta is short of drinking water.

    kuda   a horselowongan; Tidak ada lowongan kerja di kantor ini.

      a vacancy i.e. a job opening; There is no job vacancy in this office.

    mata; Matanya biru.   an eye, someone’s eyes; His/Her eyes are blue.melayani; Siapa yang melayani tamu itu?

      to serve someone, to respond to someone’s request for a service; Who is serving that guest?

    panitia   a committeepenyakit (•sakit); penyakit AIDS   a disease, a sickness; AIDS / the disease of AIDSpraktis   practical, realistic, convenientPuskesmas   a community health centre (from Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat)sakit jantung   to have a heart problem, to have heart disease

  • Wordlist

    salon kecantikan   a beauty salonSarjana Muda   Bachelor of Artsséksi   a section (in an organisation/business etc.), the sales sectionskripsi   a thesis (especially a bachelor-level or master-level thesis)tebal   thick (of objects like books etc.)tergantung (pada); Itu semua tergantung pada kamu.

      to depend (on); All of that depends on you.

  • Wordlist

    Wordlist for Module 6

    Lesson 77 

    mata angin   the points of the compassagak; Hari ini agak dingin.   rather; It is rather cold today.barat daya   south west, south westernbarat laut   north west, north westernbaru-baru ini   recentlycamat   the head of a sub-district (in charge of a kecamatan)iklim; perubahan iklim   the climate; climate changejalan layang   a fly-over, an over-pass (i.e. a raised segment of highway)kawasan; Kawasan Timur Indonesia   a region, an area; The Eastern Region of Indonesiakecamatan   a sub-district, (the administrative unit immediately below the

    level of a kabupaten district)makam; makam suci   a grave, a tomb; a holy gravemonumén; Monumen Nasional (Monas)

      a (modern) monument; The National Monument

    pahlawan; makam pahlawan   a hero; a hero’s tombtenggara; Asia Tenggara   south east, south eastern; South East Asiatepi; di tepi jalan   the edge, the side, the bank (of a river); on the side of the streettimur laut   north east, north easterntimur; Timor Timur   east, eastern; East Timorutara; Korea Utara   north, northern, North Korea

    Lesson 78 

    berangin (•angin)   windyberawan (•awan)   cloudycelsius   Celsius, centigrade (when you are measuring temperature)cerah bright, clearderajat; suhu tiga puluh dua derajat   a degree / degrees (of temperature); a temperature of 32

    degreeshujan   rain (verb & noun), rainyinilah   this is…, here is…kemarau   dry (of weather)kering   drylembab   1. humid, hot and sticky (talking about the weather), 2. moist

  • Wordlist

    mendung overcastmusim; musim gugur, musim semi   a season (of the year), autumn, springmusim kemarau   the dry seasonmusim hujan   the rainy season, the wet seasonmusim panas   summermusim dingin   winterpemirsa; Selamat malam, para pemirsa.

      a (television) viewer; Good evening, viewers.

    prakiraan cuaca   weather forecast (a formal term)ramalan (•ramal)   a prediction, a prophecysekian; sekian dan terima kasih   That’s all (The marker word indicating that a speech, narrative,

    film, statement etc. has finished); That’s all from me, and thank you.

    suhu; Suhunya berapa hari ini?   temperature; What is the temperature today?terang; Lampunya terlalu terang!   1. clear (of weather, understanding), 2. bright (of light); The light

    is too bright!

    Lesson 79 

    cerita   1. a story, 2. to say (what happened), to tell (what happened)mana (informal)   which?minyak; minyak goreng   oil, kerosene; cooking oilyang di sana   the one over thereyang ini   this oneyang itu   that oneyang mana; Dia memilih yang mana?   which? which one?; Which one did he choose?, Which did he


    Lesson 80 

    bertanding (•tanding)   to compete (in a sports contest), to take part (in a contest)kuis   a quiz (especially a radio or TV quiz show)lucu   funnymaju; negara-negara maju   1. to go forward, to advance, 2. advanced, developed; the

    developed nationsmari   1. please, 2. c’mon, let’s, 3. good byemenjawab (•jawab)   to answer (a question)moderator   the moderator, the compere (of a show)paling; yang paling mahal   the most (+ adjective); the most expensivepanjang   long (of things or distances, but not time)péndek   short (talking about height or length)persegi (•segi)   1. a square (shape), 2. square (after units of measure when you

    are measuring area)sabar   patient (i.e. not easily provoked, willing to wait)sederhana   simple, plain, straightforward, not extravagant

  • Wordlist

    selamat datang; Selamat datang di Bali!

      Welcome! Welcome to Bali!

    tim   a team

    Lesson 81 

    diambil   to be fetched, to be picked up, to be removeddiantar   to be accompanied/taken (by someone to a certain place)diatur   to be arranged, to be set out neatly and tidily, to be arranged

    (i.e. organised and set up)dibaca   to be readdibangun   to be built, to be constructeddibawa   to be carried, to be taken away, to be broughtdibeli   to be boughtdiberi; Saya diberi uang.   to be given something (when you are talking about the

    recipient); I was given some money.diberikan; Uang itu diberikan kepada orang miskin.

      to be given (talking about a thing that is transferred from one person to another); That money is given to the poor.

    dibuat   to be madedibuka   to be openeddicuci   to be washeddikirim   to be sentdijawab   to be answereddijual   to be solddilakukan   to be done, to be performed (e.g. of an action)dimakan   to be eatendinyanyikan   to be sungdiperbaiki   to be repaired, to be fixedditanam   to be planted, to be grown (e.g. of a crop)ditulis   to be written, to be written downditutup   to be closed, to be shut

    Lesson 82 

    cangkir   a cupcérét   a kettlediaduk   to be stirred (with a spoon etc.)diajak   to be asked / invited (to do something with the person who

    asks)diberi; Jendela diberi korden baru.   to be fitted with, to be decorated with, to have something

    attached / added/ placed on etc.; New curtains were fitted to the window.

    digunakan   to be useddiisi   to be filled (talking about a container), to be filled in/out (talking

    about a bureaucratic form)

  • Wordlist

    dikembalikan   to be returned, to be put back, to be taken/given backdiminum   to be drunk (talking about a beverage / medicine etc.)direbus   to be boiled (e.g. of water), to be cooked in boiling waterdisimpan   to be put away, to be storeddisuruh   to be told to (do something), to be ordered (to do something)ditaruh   to be placed, to be putgaram   saltgula   sugarjam tangan   a wristwatchkopi tubruk   Indonesian-style coffee (made by pouring boiling water over

    coffee grounds in a glass)kupas; Pisang harus dikupas sebelumdimakan.

      to peel (an apple, egg etc); Bananas have to be peeled before they are consumed.

    laporan (•lapor)   a reportmerebus (•rebus)   to boil something (e.g. water), to cook something in boiling

    watermerica   pepperpanci   a cooking pot, a saucepanpoci   a small round enclosed pot like a teapottumbuh   to grow i.e. to become bigger

    Lesson 83 

    asam   sourasam Jawa   the tamarind fruitbawang mérah   a shallotbawang putih   a garliccampur   to mixkambing, daging kambing   goat (also often used for sheep and lamb); goat meatgram   a gram (unit of weight)jeruk nipis   lime (the citrus fruit)kacang panjang   long beanskacang tanah   peanuts, ground nutskangkung   water spinachkentang rebus   boiled potatoeskerupuk   chips, crackers (made from a starch base)kerupuk udang   shrimp crackersketimun   a cucumber (see also timun)oléskan (mengoleskan)   to smear, greasepanggang (memanggang)   to grillpotong-potong (memotong-motong)   to cut into piecesseléra   taste, appetitesajikan (menyajikan)   to serve

  • Wordlist

    séndok, séndok makan, séndok téh   spoon; table spoon, tea spoonsesuai   according to, suitable, appropriatetaruh (menaruh)   to puttambahkan (menambahkan)   to addtimun   a cucumber (variant of ketimun)tomat   a tomatotumis (menumis)   to sauté

    Lesson 84 

    akar   a root, rootsberkeliling (•keliling)   to travel around, to go from place to placebungkus; Saya minta tiga bungkus sabun cuci.

      packets of… (when you are counting packets / parcels / packaged goods); Give me 3 packets of washing powder.

    bungkusan   a parcel, a package, a packet, something wrapped updaun   a leaf, leavesdemam   fever, to have a fevergemuk   chubby, fat (describing bodily proportions)géndong   to carry something (or a child) on the back or the front (often

    using a sling)instruksi   an instruction, instructionsisi; Isinya apa?   the contents of something; What’s in it?jamu   traditional Indonesian tonics and herbal medicinesmasuk angin   to catch a cold, to be under the weather, to feel vaguely unwell,

    to have flue-like symptomsobat; obat batuk   medicine; cough medicinepemakaian (•pakai); Bagaimana pemakaiannya?

      the use (of something), application; How do you use it?

    perut   abdomen, bellysakit; sakit kepala, sakit perut   to be sick; to have a headache, to have stomach trouble, to

    have diarrhoea, to have an upset stomachsariawan   a mouth ulcer

    Lesson 85 

    bahagia   contented, happy (with your lot in life)bahkan   even, in fact even, that goes for ____ as well (adding extra

    information that shows an assertion is true to a surprising degree)

    cuma-cuma   free (i.e. not costing anything)dicoba; Ini perlu dicoba lho!   to be tried, to be tried out, to be tried on, to be tested; You

    really should try this!foto   a photographhari kerja   a work day, a day of the working week

  • Wordlist

    jam buka   opening hours (talking about an office, shop, doctor’s rooms etc.)

    jatuh sakit   to fall ill, to fall sickkosmetik   cosmeticskurus   thin, skinny (the opposite of “fat” when you are talking about

    someone’s physical appearance)mengobati (•obat)   to heal, curemuka   someone’s face, the front part of something, the surface of

    somethingmula-mula   at first, initially, in the beginningNyonya   Mrs (a very respectful title for a married woman)orang sakit   a sick person, a patientpikiran (•pikir)   an idea, a thought, someone’s mindpintu masuk   an entrance, a gatewayproduksi   production, the production ofsabun; sabun mandi   soap; bath soapsembuh   cured, recovered, back to good healthsuatu; Pada suatu hari ...   a, one (before a noun, indicating vagueness or unwillingness to

    be specific); One daytablét   a tablet (i.e. a kind of pill)tangan; tangan kiri   someone’s hand, someone’s arm; the left handtetangga   a neighbourtradisional   traditional

    Lesson 86 

    abu; tempat abu   ash, ashes; an ash traybendéra   a flagbernama (•nama)   is called by the name____, is referred to by the name___, the

    name of which is___bersejarah (•sejarah)   historicberteriak (•teriak)   to shout, to yelldiganti   to be/get replaceddikenal; Ia dikenal sebagai seorang ahli.

      to be recognised (as/by), to be known (as/by), to be acknowledged (as/by); He/She is known as an expert.

    dilihat   to be seen, to be looked atdinaikkan   to be raised up, to get elevated, to be taken upwardsdikunjungi   to be visitedditurunkan   to be lowered, to be brought downfilsafat; filsafat negara   philosophy; the state philosophyGubernur-Jenderal   The Governor-GeneralHindia Belanda   The Netherlands East Indies, The Dutch East Indiesistana   a palace

  • Wordlist

    jatuh   to fallkelihatan; tidak kelihatan   visible, evident, in sight; not in view, not visible, invisiblemayat   corpseperang; Perang Dunia Kedua   war; The Second World Warpohon beringin   a banyan treeribuan   thousandssebuah; sebuah rumah   a, one (when you are counting inanimate things, or

    ideas/abstractions); a houseterdapat   is to be found at/in/among, can be found in/at/amongzaman   an age, a time, an era (usually pronounced, and also often

    written jaman)

    Lesson 87 

    berjuta-juta   millions, many millions, millions and millionspuncak; puncak gunung   a peak, a summit; the peak of the mountainpusat perbelanjaan   a shopping centre; also: pusat pertokoanseluruh, di seluruh dunia   the entire ____, the whole ____, the entirety of; throughout the

    whole worldsuasana   the “feel” of a place or situation, the atmosphere (of a place)tempat makan   a food courtyakin   to feel/be sure (that), to feel/be convinced (that), to feel/be

    confident (that), to have no doubt (that)

  • Wordlist

    Wordlist for Module 7

    Lesson 88baju hangat   a sweaterbaju tidur   pyjamasblus, baju blus   a blousebuatan (•buat)   made incelana   pants, trouserscelana dalam   underpantscelana péndék   shortscocok   right (for someone), suitable, appropriatecucian (•cuci)   laundrydasi   neck tiejakét   a coatkaus   a t-shirtkeméja   a shirtlengan   sleeverok   a skirtsapu tangan   handkerchiefssedang   medium (of size)topi   a hat, a capukuran (•ukur)   size

    Lesson 89 

    sementara   while (at the same time)kau J yousiap-siap   = bersiap-siap, get readyagar   in order that, in order totelat   too late; overduelho J exclamation to express something unexpectedkok J a slangy particle following the predicate denying a presumption

    or statement of the interlocutor; though!, well; well I never!; dearme!; you know; of course

    to J right?résmi   formaljas   suit jacket

  • Wordlist

    segala J and all; the whole kit and kaboodle. Pakai dasi - You’re even wearing a tie

    kan J derived from bukan to show a knowledge or understanding shared by speaker and listener

    SIM   driver’s license (Surat Izin Mengemudi)STNK   motor vehicle registration certificate (Surat Tanda Nomor

    Kendaraan)hélm   helmetingat   remember; diingat-ingat give it a good long thoughtkelupaan (•lupa) J forgottenrasanya   it seems to me, it feels like

    Lesson 90 

    ikat kepala   a head clothjilbab   hijabkain   a rectangular piece of cloth, roughly 200x100cm, a sarong, a

    piece of cloth, fabric, textile, garmentkebaya   a kind of formal mostly transparent blouse worn mainly by

    Balinese, Javanese, and Sundanese womenperagaan busana   fashion showsarung   a kain of which both ends are sewn together, a sarongmérah jambu   pink

    Lesson 91 

    abu-abu   greyberpendapat   to be of the opinion that..., to thinkdibungkus   to be wrappedkelihatannya   it appears, it seems as if, apparentlylébar   wide, broad, widthmenjahit (•jahit)   to sewpas; kamar pas   to fit, fitted, the right size, fitting; fitting room

    Lesson 92 

    berlatih (•latih)   to practiceBH   (pronounced, and also often written beha) a bra, an

    undergarment worn by women to support their breastscatatan kuliah   lecture notescék; dibayar dengan cek   a cheque; to be paid by chequedéterjén   detergentdibuang   to be thrown away to be discardeddijahit   to be sewn, to be stitcheddipegang   to be held

  • Wordlist

    dipinjam   to be borroweddipotong   to be cut, to be cut offdisetrika   to be ironedkartu kredit   credit cardmembuang (•buang)   to throw awaymemegang (•pegang)   to hold on to somethingmeminjam (•pinjam)   to borrow somethingmemotong (•potong)   to cutmenghérankan (•heran)   surprising menyetrika (•setrika)   to iron (also: seterika)pakaian setélan   a suitsegera   immediately, promptlysialan   an expression of rueful disappoin