the implementation of emergency remote teaching in …

THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EMERGENCY REMOTE TEACHING IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC (A Case Study of the Eleventh Grade at MA. Al-Khairiyah in the 2020/2021 Academic Year) A Skripsi Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Education By: SITI ZULFA 11160140000047 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF JAKARTA 2021

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(A Case Study of the Eleventh Grade at MA. Al-Khairiyah in the 2020/2021

Academic Year)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Education












(A Case Study of the Eleventh Grade at MA. Al-Khairiyah in the 2020/2021

Academic Year)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Education




Approved by the advisors

Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd Atik Yuliyani, M.A. TESOL

NIP. 19631010 199103 2 003 NIP. 19840410 201503 2 003







The examination Committee of the Faculty of Educational Sciences certifies that

“Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitled “The Implementation of Emergency Remote

Teaching in the English Language during Covid-19 Pandemic” (A Case Study of

the Eleventh Grade at MA. Al-Khairiyah in the 2020/2021 Academic Year) by Siti

Zulfa, student’s registration number 11160140000047, was examined at examination

session of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State

University Jakarta on Jakarta, 12 January 2021. The “skripsi” has been accepted and

declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for academic title of “S.Pd.” (S-1) in

Department of English Education.

Jakarta, 12 January 2021


Date Signature

CHAIRMAN : Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D. ( ) ( )

198007302009121 001

SECRETARY : Zaharil An'asy, M.Hum. ( ) ( )

197610072007101 002

EXAMINER I : Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D. ( ) ( )

198007302009121 001

EXAMINER II : Maya Defianty, Ph.D. ( ) ( )

198012132009012 005

Acknowledged by

The Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences

Dr. Sururin, M.Ag

NIP. 197103191998032001





Siti Zulfa. NIM. 11160140000047. “The Implementation of Emergency Remote

Teaching in the English Language during Covid-19 Pandemic” (A Case Study of

the Eleventh Grade at MA. Al-Khairiyah in the 2020/2021 Academic Year). A Skripsi

of the English Education Department, the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif

Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta. 2021.

Advisor I : 1. Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd

Advisor II : 2. Atik Yuliyani, M.A. TESOL

The study aims to discover the implementation of emergency remote teaching in the

English language during the COVID-19 Pandemic at the eleventh grade of MA. Al-

Khairiyah in the academic year of 2020/2021. This study seeks how teachers

implement emergency remote teaching in the English language and what respondents'

perceptions toward feeling, benefits, drawbacks, and achievement of emergency

remote teaching in English language. Qualitative is used as a method of research. A

case study is used as design research. The data collecting used questionnaires and

interviews, also document as evidence. The participants of the study were the students

of the eleventh grade at MA. Al-Khairiyah, the principal, English teachers, and

representative of students' parents. The study result indicates that the implementation

of emergency remote teaching in the English language runs well along with the

drawbacks faced by teachers and students. However, the online activity offered

beneficial things in the crisis learning. The participant felt unfamiliar with online

activity, but they accepted learning transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Emergency remote teaching, online activity, COVID-19 pandemic, English

language learning



Siti Zulfa. NIM. 11160140000047. “The Implementation of Emergency Remote

Teaching in the English Language during Covid-19 Pandemic” (A Case Study of

the Eleventh Grade at MA. Al-Khairiyah in the 2020/2021 Academic Year). Skripsi

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan. UIN Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta 2021.

Pembimbing I : 1. Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd

Pembimbing II : 2. Atik Yuliyani, M.A. TESOL

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pengajaran jarak jauh pada

bahasa Inggris selama Pandemi COVID-19 di kelas XI MA. Al-Khairiyah pada tahun

ajaran 2020/2021. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana guru

mengimplementasi pengajaran jarak jauh darurat pada bahasa Inggris dan seperti apa

tanggapan peserta terhadap perasaan, manfaat, kendala, dan pencapaian di pengajaran

jarak jauh pada bahasa Inggris. Penelitian kualitatif digunakan sebagai metode

penelitian. Studi kasus digunakan sebagai desain penelitian. Pengumpulan data

menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara, serta dokumen sebagai bukti. Sampel

penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas sebelas di MA. Al-Khairiyah, kepala sekolah, guru

bahasa Inggris, dan perwakilan orangtua siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa

pengimplementasian pengajaran jarak jauh pada bahasa Inggris berjalan dengan baik

beriringan dengan kendala yang dihadapi guru dan siswa. Namun, belajar online

menawarkan hal bermanfaat dalam pembelajaran disituasi darurat. Peserta merasa

tidak terbiasa dengan pembelajaran online, tetapi mereka menerima perubahan

pembelajaran selama pandemic COVID-19.

Kata kunci: Pengajaran jarak jauh, pembelajaran online, pandemi COVID-19,

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris



حي حن الر بسم الله الر

In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful, because of

grace and blessing from Allah SWT. It started because of Allah SWT and finished

because of Allah SWT. The writer has accomplished this study under the title “The

Implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching in the English Language during

Covid-19 Pandemic”. The peace towards Prophet Muhammad SAW have guided into

a bright and great life.

The research process in 2020 was quite challenging, Alhamdulillah the author

was given the strength in the middle of the storm and doubt to finish the paper. In the

hard situation, the author was driven to discover the research of learning process

COVID-19 Pandemic, particularly in English language learning. The author was very

grateful because of the permission from Allah SWT and support from every people in

the process of research. This study was presented to the English Education Department,

Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatulah State Islamic University Jakarta

2020. It was one of requirement to get the academic title of S-1.

In addition, the author was grateful also thankful to her parents and family that

always accompany and support to finish this study. The authors' beloved mother Dra.

Hj. Maisuroh, M.Pd. and father Drs. H. Iskandar (Alm), thank you for the endless love,

pray, and support to her. The presence of parents encouraged the author. Even her

father has passed away but the love and pray always accompanying the author.

Besides, the author would like to express her gratitude to her advisor, Mrs. Dr.

Farida Hamid, M.Pd. and Mrs. Atik Yuliyani, M.A. TESOL, for the advice, guidance,

and support during her study. It was destiny for the author to meet the great and kind

advisors in conducting the research. May Allah SWT always give them kindness.


The author also would like to express her gratitude during the process of study

and conducting the research for:

1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., as the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences Syarif

Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

2. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, M.A., Ph.D., as the Head of English Education


3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of English Education Department.

4. Teguh Khaerudin, M.App.Ling., as the Academic Advisor Class B 2016/2017

Academic Year.

5. All lecturers and staffs at the English Education Department for teaching

knowledge, giving experience, and giving motivation during author’s study.

6. Mrs. Siti Marina Maharani, S.Pd., as the Principal of MA. Al-Khairiyah who

had given to the author to do research and support.

7. Mrs. Nurul Huda and Mrs. Mawaddah, S.Pd., as English Teachers of MA. Al-

Khairiyah for their advice, guidance, and supports during the research.

8. The Students of Eleventh Grade at MA. Al-Khairiyah in the 2020/2021

Academic Year for participating in author’s research.

9. The representative of Student-Parents of Eleventh Grade at MA. Al-Khairiyah

in the 2020/2021 Academic Year for contributing in author’s research.

10. Her family, especially uncle Dr. Edwin Syarif, MA., aunt Aryasih, aunt

Sukmawati, S.E., M.Pd., sister Raesita Rahmah, S.Ds., brother Muhammad

Abidzar Ilhamy, sister Nadia Safira, relative Mpok Awin and Bang Dudung.

11. Her dearest family, Ebiatunnissa.

12. Her sisters, Anisa Andriani, Yatni Fatwa Mulyati, Muetia Safitri, Ariffianty Ika,

Chairani Ardillah, Aisyah Nur, and Annyndhyta.

13. All beloved friends form BLITZ 2016 for support, accompany, and good

memories during the campus life.


14. Her friends, Tragina Elisa, Nuraisyah, Salmah Safitri, Anita Maharani, Nia

Ningroem, Muhammad Rony, and Rifdatul Habibah, S.Pd.

15. Everyone who helped and supported the author to complete this study, and

whose names cannot be mentioned one by one. The author apologizes in

advance but does not decrease the author's respect for them.

In a nutshell, the author so thankful to everyone that contributed to the success

of this study. Besides, the author realizes that this study still has a mistake. Hence, the

author would mind the suggestion to make the research better. The author hopes that

this study would be beneficial to everyone.

Jakarta, 12 December 2020




APPROVAL .................................................................................................................. i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ........................................................................................... ii

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI............................................................. iii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. iv

ABSTRAK .................................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................... ix

LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................................. xi

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................................ 1

B. Identification of Problem ................................................................................ 4

C. Limitation of the Problem .............................................................................. 4

D. Questions of the Study ................................................................................... 4

E. Objectives of the Study .................................................................................. 4

F. Significance of the Study ............................................................................... 5

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK .......................................................... 6

A. Emergency Remote Teaching ........................................................................ 6

1. The Nature Emergency Remote Teaching ................................................. 6

2. The Benefits of Emergency Remote Teaching .......................................... 7

3. The Drawbacks of Emergency Remote Teaching ..................................... 8

B. English Language Learning ............................................................................ 9

1. The Nature of English Language Learning ............................................... 9

2. The Advantages of English Language Learning ..................................... 10

C. Students' Proficiency .................................................................................... 11

1. Students' Emotional Presence .................................................................. 11

2. Students' Understanding of the Materials ................................................ 12


3. Students' IT Knowledge .......................................................................... 15

D. School Support System ................................................................................ 16

E. Implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching in English Language ...... 17

F. Relevant Studies ........................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................................... 23

A. Research Method and Design ....................................................................... 23

B. Place and Time of the Research ................................................................... 24

C. Sample of the Research ................................................................................ 24

D. Data Collection Technique ........................................................................... 25

E. Data Analysis Technique .............................................................................. 30

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................... 33

A. Findings ........................................................................................................ 33

B. Discussion .................................................................................................... 52

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................................ 57

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 59



Appendix 1 The Questionnaire Instrument ................................................................. 66

Appendix 2 The List of Questions for Principal Interview ......................................... 71

Appendix 3 The List of Questions for English Teachers Interview ........................... 73

Appendix 4 The List of Questions for Students Interview ......................................... 75

Appendix 5 The List of Questions for Student Parents Interview .............................. 77

Appendix 6 Interview Transcript of Principal MA. Al-Khairiyah .............................. 79

Appendix 7 Interview Transcript of English Teachers of MA. Al-Khairiyah ............ 87

Appendix 8 Interview Transcript of Students MA. Al-Khairiyah .............................. 94

Appendix 9 Interview Transcript of Student Parents MA. Al-Khairiyah ................. 100

Appendix 10 Students' Achievement in Online English Language Learning ........... 104

Appendix 11 Surat Pengesahan Proposal .................................................................. 108

Appendix 12 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ..................................................................... 109

Appendix 13 Surat Izin Penelitian ............................................................................ 111

Appendix 14 Surat Keterangan Penelitian ................................................................ 112

Appendix 15 References Examination Paper ............................................................ 113



Table 3.1. Number Questionnaire Distributed and Completed ................................... 25

Table 3.2. Number Interview Distributed and Completed ......................................... 25

Table 3.2. Indicator of Questionnaires ........................................................................ 27

Table 4.1. Tabulation data from the questionnaires of student's feeling in online

English language learning during the COVID-19 pandemic .................... 33

Table 4.2. Tabulation data from the questionnaire of the benefits of online English

language learning during the COVID-19 pandemic ................................. 38

Table 4.3. Tabulation data from the questionnaire of the drawbacks of online English

language learning during the COVID-19 pandemic ................................. 43

Table 4.4. Tabulation data from the questionnaire of the online English language

learning achievement during the COVID-19 pandemic............................ 47




A. Background of the Study

In the new decade of 2020, we sit in a sophisticated era by integrating

technology. Learners could involve technology in learning a language.

Technology provides language sources (Bull & Ma, 2001, as cited in Ahmadi,

2018). The utilization of technology helps learners to develop their knowledge

in English. According to Basheer Nomass (2013) technology has an important

influence on teaching a language besides teachers' job. Technological advances

could develop English language learning. In addition, the learning management

using technology increased this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It

also impacts Indonesia; from March 2020, there have been almost 1.000

confirmed cases of COVID-19 (World Health Organization, 2020). COVID-19

has an impact on Indonesia's education.

According to the World Health Organization (2020), people must avoid

crowds to prevent the virus. Hence, people cannot be gathering with massive

people. Indonesian classroom meets many students and teachers; then it

changed into emergency remote teaching. Hodges et al. (2020) write the

learning process was carried out through emergency remote teaching (ERT)

since the unexpected situation occurred. This teaching-learning process utilizes

online media to connect teachers and students in the Indonesian classroom.

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia (2020) writes

Surat Edaran Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia

Nomor: 36962/MPK.A/HK/2020 tentang pembelajaran secara daring, it is

stated that “Learning through online and work from home to prevent the spread

of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19).”


Education in Indonesia already regulated technology in English learning

activities. Mali (2016) writes based on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 65 Tahun 2013 tentang Standard

Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, stated that technology enhances

students' potency and productivity; therefore, teachers and students need to

utilize technology in the learning-teaching activity. Students' practice with

technology would influence their attitudes in the learning process. (Holscherl

& Strubel, 2000, as cited in Alberth, 2013). However, in the real situation,

Indonesian classrooms faced technology's growth as challenging in the learning

activity (Ammade et al., 2018). The handicaps in Indonesian students to

implement online study related to internet networking (Cakrawati, 2017).

Implementing an emergency remote teaching in the English language

creates new challenges for teachers to adapt to the current situation. Marshall

et al. (2020) mentioned that teachers did not have a well-prepared to teach

online all of a sudden. The teachers worried about the low online teaching

quality since they also have limitations to control students’ progress. The online

abrupt situation makes students lose contact with peers; then, teachers could not

teach properly through online media (Jeffery & Bauer, 2020). The face-to-face

classroom needs to change online in emergencies; students and teachers must

admit it directly to continue the learning process. Therefore, online activity

offered teachers and students facilities to change into fast modifications in

education (Adedoyin & Soykan, 2020).

The process of achievement in emergency remote teaching involves

teachers, students, and school support. Stanley (2013) pointed out that internal

school support could direct a better learning process. The school's contribution

is necessary besides the capability of teachers and students. Teachers need to

control students' progress since students' emotional presence could influence in

a crisis. The English language's effectiveness is relevant to four English skills,

vocabulary, and grammar (Jabeen & Thomas, 2015; Stanley, 2013). Moreover,


teachers and students need to know the technology knowledge caused it could

assist the learning process. A (2019) writes that technology provides simplicity

in the education field; it facilitated teachers and students to communicate in an

advanced way. There are benefits and drawbacks with regards to implement

emergency remote teaching during COVID-19 pandemic.

Emergency remote teaching utilizes online education to assist teachers

and students in the learning process. The use of online study requires teachers'

creativity and capabilities in developing the learning activity (Wilson, 2018).

Online education provides adaptable and practical material sources with simple

organization and accessibility, then it encourages students to be self-learners

and enables long-life learning (Mukhtar et al., 2020). Although online study

provides many benefits in the education field, there are drawbacks to implement

it during the unexpected situation. Onyema et al. (2020) mentioned that a

pandemic's impact could make students have low performance. The students

could not participate entirely in activities since they feel anxious and lose

interest in the study. Furthermore, the education stakeholders should consider

the students' needs in learning process during COVID-19 pandemic.

Since 2020, emergency remote teaching is an alternative to continuing

education, especially in English language learning. The previous research was

conducted by Petillion and McNeil (2020) under the title "Student experiences

of emergency remote teaching: Impacts of instructor practice on student

learning, engagement, and well-being." The research objective to discover the

challenges, impact on students' results, students' engagement, and students'

mental. This study seeks how teachers are implementing emergency remote

teaching in the English language in the Indonesian classroom. It contains how

teachers implement emergency remote teaching in the English language and the

perception of participants towards feeling, benefits as well as the drawbacks,

and achievement of emergency remote teaching in the English language

especially in eleventh grade of senior high school. Based on the background of


the study, the writer conducts a study under the title "The Implementation of

Emergency Remote Teaching in the English Language during COVID-19

Pandemic" (A Case Study of the Eleventh Grade at MA. Al-Khairiyah in the

2020/2021 Academic Year).

B. Identification of Problem

According to the background study, the researcher identifies the

problems of this study that would investigate in the study, as follows:

1. The learning activity changed from face-to-face classroom into emergency

remote teaching during COVID-19 pandemic.

2. There are some benefits and drawbacks with regards to emergency remote

teaching in the English language.

C. Limitation of the Problem

This study focuses on the implementation of emergency remote

teaching in the English language during the COVID-19 pandemic at the

eleventh grade of MA. Al-Khairiyah in the academic year of 2020/2021.

D. Questions of the Study

The study intended to know the answer from the questions:

1. How is the teachers implement emergency remote teaching in the English

language during COVID-19 pandemic?

2. What is respondents’ perception toward benefits, drawbacks, feeling, and

effectiveness of emergency remote teaching in the English language during

COVID-19 pandemic?

E. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are:

1. To know how the teacher implement emergency remote teaching in the

English language during COVID-19 pandemic.


2. To find out the respondents’ perception toward benefits, drawbacks,

feelings, and effectiveness of emergency remote teaching in the English

language during COVID-19 pandemic.

F. Significance of the Study

In this study, there are significances into the education field, especially

for teachers, students, and future researchers, as following:

1. Learning activity transformation from face-to-face learning into emergency

remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers and students

connect through online activity. Online activity encourages teachers to

well-prepare and expands teaching activities. In an unexpected situation,

teachers are forces to teach online without decent preparation. Therefore,

teachers need the training to reinforce teachers' ability in emergency remote

teaching, especially in online activities of English language.

2. Students have been connected with technology in daily life; thus, they could

adapt quickly to online activity. Since a crisis, online media provides the

material sources and learning process. Emergency remote teaching

activities drives students to be active learners, be creative, and be self-

discipline. The sophisticated technology connected people worldwide;

during this time, students could understand the English knowledge and

social change to adapt to a new normal situation.

3. During the COVID-19 pandemic, learning activity changed into emergency

remote teaching in Indonesia. Online activity assists education by

connected teachers and students. This research presents the actual process

of implementing the Indonesian classroom's emergency remote teaching in

the English language during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, many

topics could be discussed and developed in emergency remote teaching. The

writer looks forward to the other study concern in education, especially

English language learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.




A. Emergency Remote Teaching

1. The Nature Emergency Remote Teaching

Since COVID-19 occurred, the unpredictable situation of learning

activity has been changed. Emergency remote teaching employs to continue

the learning process in a disaster circumstance; it could be carried out

through online learning, blended, or hybrid course (Hodges et al., 2020).

The learning process utilizes online activity to connect teachers and

students. Bozkurt and Sharma (2020) mentioned that emergency remote

teaching was a temporary thing to solve the education process problem. The

unexpected condition does not allow face-to-face learning; then, it switches

into the distance learning process from home. Hence, the utilization of

online media was important in emergency remote teaching.

According to Ferri et al. (2020), the emergency remote teaching

process involves online learning in provisory by the education stakeholder.

Emergency remote teaching was temporary during a pandemic; it could

assist teachers and students' learning process. The modification of online

learning in emergency remote teaching entangles the contribution from

teachers, students, student parents in a crisis (Whittle et al., 2020). The

emergency remote teaching process was a learning activity out of necessity.

The use of online learning was different in regular circumstances; at this

point, online activity was an instruction to the continuing education process

amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concluded that

emergency remote teaching in the learning process becomes a necessity

during the COVID-19 pandemic. The urgent situation requires every people

to be far apart from each other, especially teachers and students. Hence,


emergency remote teaching unites the learning activity through an online

environment. The media of online learning utilize differently from the

regular online learning; this online media supports the learning process in

the long-distance activity. It needs support from teachers, students, student-

parent to well-drive the emergency remote teaching process, particularly

during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. The Benefits of Emergency Remote Teaching

Emergency remote teaching utilizes online media in the learning

activity; it has profits for the teachers and students. The learning type of

emergency remote teaching promotes learners' learning within emotional

presence (Bozkurt & Sharma, 2020). The tough condition modified learning

process; teachers and students need empathy approach inactivity. The

activity focuses not only on getting knowledge but also on carrying out

students' thinking and self-care in Pandemic. Gaur et al. (2020) mentioned

that online media in emergency remote teaching offered the teachers,

students, and staff to understand the technological knowledge and online

learning activity. Technology advanced requires users to practice optimally

in the teaching-learning process.

Online media in emergency remote teaching assists teachers and

students to interact; they can utilize advanced technology in the learning

process. According to Arkorful & Abaidoo (2015), they pointed out that

online activity was permitted to set the learning process's schedule and

location. In a crisis, online media provides long-distance learning activity.

Teachers and students could adjust the schedule to make the activity

comfortably. Online activities should be related to real-life, then students

could regularly use the material (Ni Shé et al., 2019). Particularly, online

media in emergency remote teaching emphasized students' centers where

the study regulation is based on students and assisted by the teacher to

manage and control the activity.


To sum up, emergency remote teaching employs online media in

teaching-learning activities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people felt

uncertainty in life, also teachers and students in the learning process. Hence,

the learning activity through an emotional approach could strengthen the

mind and feel for teachers and students. Online media encourage the

learning process better in the future by learning its components. Teachers

and students demand to adapt to the emergency remote teaching process

related to the schedule. Even though teachers and students were separated

in this situation, delivering the materials must relate to the real condition.

Emergency remote teaching assists the learning process in a crisis.

3. The Drawbacks of Emergency Remote Teaching

The impact of COVID-19 in education gives a tough situation for

teachers and students. The implementation of emergency remote teaching

faces many drawbacks in the learning process. The activity gained a hugely

stressful time to teach, access, and evaluate the study (Gaur et al., 2020).

Teachers and students have difficulty adapting to the new learning system

quickly, and they are also incompetent in technology and online media. In

addition, Adedoyin and Soykan (2020) argued that drawbacks in emergency

remote teaching activities are related to anxiety, socio-economic, and

unreadiness. Students feel afraid of the unsafe situation to study; the

surrounding environment would also affect students’ performance in

learning. Thus, teachers and students not ready to face new challenges in

education during the emergency situation.

In the online activity process, teachers and students face handicaps

in the emergency remote teaching activity. Rababah (2020) points out that

there were three main points of online activity drawbacks: practical

instruction deficiency, lack of accessibility, and inconsistent teaching style.

The unfamiliar online environment causes teachers and students difficulty

to adapt to the learning process. In addition, the drawback of online activity


could restrict interaction between students. Arkorful & Abaidoo (2015)

stated that the online process conduces a lack of interaction between

teachers-students or students-students. Since they learn from a different

location, it was hard to have prominent attention in online activity. Teachers

and students in different located, making it hard for them to use online since

they never experience it before.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concluded that

emergency remote teaching faced many drawbacks. The school has tons of

duty to provide the learning process running properly in this crisis. The

uncommon use of online media in the teaching-learning process was

complicated for teachers and students. The fearful situation impacted

students' performance in learning; they could not participate properly. Also,

a lack of technology tools hampered online activity. Teachers and students

were not facilities to study online. Since teachers and students were study

at home, they interact through online communication. Therefore, it makes

the students' control was diminished in emergency remote teaching.

B. English Language Learning

1. The Nature of English Language Learning

English language as an international language has an essential role

in communication; hence language proficiency is necessary. Panggabean

(2015) argues that English language ability as a universal language has

increased peoples' consciousness to learn through the education field or

dwelling environment, easing communication with each other. In addition,

English language learning is related to appropriate learning materials.

According to Tomlinson (2008) English language learners get better

acquisition when facilitated with the authentic learning materials; it would

affect learners' performance in remembering and developing their English

skills. Moreover, learners need to drill English ability in communication.


The process of English language learning requires the usage habit.

Sherafati & Mohammadi (2016) mentioned that the English language

learning experience produces knowledge; it contains practicing and

understanding the materials. The process of obtaining the English language

habitually was influenced by the learners' desire. The significance of

learning English is students' readiness and students' ability to learn, then the

method chosen by the teachers would influence students' improvement (W.

Panggabean, 2018). The students' willingness to learn English produced the

mode of students accepting and practicing the materials. In English

language learning, the students could expand their insight into the

sustainable method or media in the learning activity.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concluded that English

language learning is an activity to learn the English language by using

authentic material and advanced media to mastering the English language

optimally. In communicating, the English language as an international

language becomes necessary for people to connect worldwide. The English

language learning process needs readiness from teachers and students to

develop the idea in the activity. The experience of English usage in daily or

academic could boost students' performance. The habit of using English is

a technique in implementing language to establish good communication and

a deep understanding.

2. The Advantages of English Language Learning

Learning something new would expand more knowledge. English

language learning followed understanding information about the society.

The use of language connects to its society and culture (Fernandez, 2008).

The advantages of English language could comprehend the country's

civilization; hence, students could have rich knowledge and an idea around

the language and culture. In addition, Mahu (2012) mentioned many things

in this world that people would know if they learned English. For instance,


many songs or films used the English language. Since people understand

the language, it would help to get the point of joy. Learning English served

people to engage in every circumstance, such as academic or entertainment.

The education field uses English in every activity of teaching-

learning. Further, employee enrollment used the English language as a

qualification. According to Nishanthi (2018), a person able to live in a

sophisticated era understands the English language. By learning English, it

would be a useful person in great interest. In addition, the benefit of

studying the English language could increase job opportunities and ease

communication (Anamaria-Mirabela & Monica-Ariana, 2013). The broad

knowledge and comprehension of the English language established a

significant potential for people. English language acquisition serviced

people to be ready to face the modern era.

To sum up, study the English language could develop information

around the language and culture. Understanding the language and its culture

would make people understand and respect their own culture. In addition,

education, economics, and lifestyle used English as an essential language.

English proficiency assists someone in studying, working, and living easily.

The significance of English language learning to communicate with each

other worldwide since it was an international language.

C. Students' Proficiency

1. Students' Emotional Presence

In the current situation, the students' role was necessary to aim for

the emergency remote teaching process. Students' emotions could influence

the quality of how they learn and the students' achievement. Smart & Cappel

(2006) mentioned that students' expression in learning activity could be

seen from the media application. Online media could make students excited

to participate in the activity since it was convenient, and it could make self-

learners. In tune with Cleveland-Innes & Campbell (2012), they write that


the emotion could be an interrupter, but it could be fixed during the learning

process. The situation of enjoyment or not in learning with online media

depends on students. Online media offered many opportunities for students,

but it depends on students' participation.

The emotional presence could recognize whether students

understand or not about the materials in the teaching-learning process.

Sarsar & Kisla (2016) stated that the crucial thing to find out students'

understanding could appear from students' emotions in the learning activity.

Students' high interest in the study activity indicates that they find the

enjoyment of online learning progress. Moreover, Hewson (2018) argued

that the temperamental and cognitive was part of learning activity. The

sense of affection by teachers in the learning process would influence

students' personalities. Hence teachers and students should be conscious of

the emotional presence, especially in emergency remote teaching activity.

The students' emotional presence in emergency remote teaching

during COVID-19 pandemic was important. The students' emotional have

to control in succeeding learning activity, whether they could be pleased or

not in understanding the materials. The teachers and students should be

conscious of the importance of learning by the emotional presence and

study achievement. The balance of emotional and cognitive could reach the

success of the teaching-learning process, especially in this crisis

circumstance. It was essential to manage the online media in learning

activity so that the learning objective could aim.

2. Students' Understanding of the Materials

The importance of English proficiency would affect students in the

learning process. According to Nishanthi (2018), English is an important

language to study that used in the education field as a written or spoken

language. There are many books or material texts in English; students could


learn English to get knowledge. English proficiency is called the aim of

something or competence. English language proficiency contains reading,

listening, writing, and speaking skills (Stern, 1983; Bachman, 1990; as cited

in Hasan & Akhand, 2014). The explanation of students’ understanding of

the four skills as follows:

Reading skill is essential in English receptive skill. The activity of

reading means someone reads the text or understand the meaning (Hornby

2005, as cited in Bastías et al. 2011). In the reading process, it necessary to

understand the text by using a strategy called reading skills. The strategy of

reading skills contains scanning (get specific information) and skimming

(get general information) of reading text (Harmer 2007, as cited in Bastías

et al. 2011). The students' reading skills would develop when they have

comprehended the meaning in the text and its word by word completely.

The other part of the receptive skill is listening. When someone

focuses on hearing something, it means the process of listening; the person

understands the message and could respond to it (Hornby 2005, as cited in

Bastías et al. 2011). Listening skills divided into two types, namely

extensive listening (listen for pleasure) and intensive listening (listen for

particular) about the audio track (Harmer 2007, as cited in Bastías et al.

2011). By enhancing listening skills, students could get the point of

conversation in the audio and could get the interpretation.

The English language also has a productive skill, namely writing.

The process to produce words into a sentence means writing (Hornby 2005,

as cited in Bastías et al. 2011). The necessary writing skill in English helps

students be creative about producing the letter; hence, it needs to create

students' habit of writing something such as a story (Harmer 2007, as cited

in Bastías et al. 2011). Writing skills requires students' desire to write

sincerely and clearly about something; it contains a well-understanding of

the concept and writing components.


Speaking is the other part of the productive skill. The meaning of

speaking is the process of talking or discussing with others (Hornby 2005,

as cited in Bastías et al. 2011). The person must speak about the topic to

somebody and vice versa. The speaking process could be carried out by

giving students a list of topics and then asking students to create a

conversation (Handfield 2008, as cited in Bastías et al. 2011). Increasing

students' speaking ability involves students' confidence to speak and expand

creativity about conversation ideas.

Furthermore, indicators measure that students' language proficiency

is right, namely, accuracy, fluency, complexity, appropriacy, and capacity

(Richards 2018, as cited in Renandya et al. 2018). The competence of

accuracy connected the comprehension of vocabulary, grammar, and

pronunciation. Next, the fluency of students' category can give a thought

and concept in communication. The complexity means students able to use

elaborate grammar and vocabulary. The appropriacy in language implies

that students could adjust the language usage according to the audience and

its context. Last, the capacity of students means the amount of students'

knowledge about the topics, and it could be discussed into formal and

informal context.

The competence of English language skills, namely, reading,

listening, writing, and speaking does necessary to assist students' foreign

language, especially Indonesian students. Every skill has its advantages and

method in developing an understanding of the English language. Hence,

students must realize that English skill proficiency would help the teaching-

learning process and real-life situations. The four skills would be developed

through students' habits to practice and use English in every situation.

Therefore, English language learning is a key in life and further education.


3. Students' IT Knowledge

Students need a deep understanding of technology and information

in online activity. The definition of information technology is a learning

process and its application method, processing, transferring, and creating

data (M. R. Karmi 2003, as cited in Hamidi et al., 2011). In technology,

students could get various information, and it could be education media.

Hence, students should discover technology usage, for instance, searching,

uploading, and downloading. In addition, sophisticated technology assists

students in increasing their knowledge and encouraging students to study

(R. C. Mishra 2005 as cited in Hamidi et al., 2011). Education and

information technology are unity, it means technology could assist the

learning activity, particularly during COVID-19 pandemic.

The use of internet technology in the learning process involves

guidelines and direction; it means teachers and students should know the

internet's regulation safely. According to Kovalchick & Dawson (2004),

internet safety concern law prohibiting online activity, maintaining privacy,

and internet permission. Internet as a tool to study offered the whole of

information that students looking for something; hence students should be

wise in using the internet. Furthermore, the internet could affect students'

physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional. Therefore, how students used the

internet for learning would be influenced students' attitudes and behavior

when students are surfing cyberspace. The emphases thing in using the

internet is netiquette; it is the manners to do while using an online activity.

Netiquette is related to a global view, respect, tolerance (Kovalchick &

Dawson, 2004). Students' attitude in online learning would affect their

performance and protect their privacy.

The teachers and students should know the regulation and action in

using technology in the teaching-learning process. Understanding operating

the technology would assist students in online learning, then the teacher


could give the various type of teaching innovation. However, it should be

in line with protecting every students' privacy using cyberspace, such as

identity or personal data. Hence, it necessary for teachers and students to

build a defense strategy in using internet technology. Kovalchick and

Dawson (2004) point out that adults' role in supervising and direct children

in internet learning would show safe navigation in internet roaming. In the

school, the teachers could manage students' internet activity, so they keep

track to study in online learning.

D. School Support System

The education connected with school life, teachers, and students could

be sharing and learning together with the pleasant atmosphere. Malhotra and

Goyal (2013) mentioned that education means get to know the knowledge,

skills, and behavior of clusters, and it is sustainable things for the future. The

school system of the learning process has been a transformation from traditional

class to online classroom. The use of technology tools as media in the teaching-

learning process has expanded the online learning of education; for instance,

virtual classrooms and social networks have significant activity roles (Malhotra

& Goyal, 2013). Hence, the school management system has to set up

requirements for the online learning process, especially in senior high school.

The school provided the teachers and students to be ready for every

online learning activity. In the online learning process, the school used various

learning management systems (LMS). Ippakayala and El-Ocla (2017) pointed

out that LMS is an application or platform to learn with advanced technology.

The use of LMS in the school should be evident before the teachers and students

use online learning. The school has to instructional guide for teachers and

students; it included step-by-step how to operate, manage tasks, and

communicate with the teachers (Schoology, 2019). The training section is

necessary for both teachers and students before they hold online learning.


The teachers have a substantial task in the online teaching-learning

process. Dell et al. (2008) write that teaching many students that needs teachers

with good qualified and student-friendly online learning. It means the teachers

need training before diving into online ac, such as preparing teachers'

personalities and knowing how to engage students. When students get difficulty

in conducting online learning, teachers could well direct them. Moreover,

teachers have roles in controlling students' activity or students' emotions

(Schoology, 2019). Online students could feel disconnected from their learning

activity; hence, teachers could persuade the importance of online activity.

The higher grades students already have a learning style of self-reliance

and autonomy; they could learn by themselves or with their peers. Though,

students should have a mentor to lead and explain the procedure of online

learning (Alberta, 2019). Schools, teachers, and students should cooperate and

guarantee that the learning process goes right. Students could be guided on

operating the online learning system, such as login, send the assignment,

download the material. In addition, Alberta (2019) mentioned that students

need motivational support in online learning because they merely learned

through screen view, and it impossible to meet their peers frequently. Hence,

the school, teacher, and parents' presence are necessary to accompany students

in the online process during a crisis.

E. Implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching in English Language

Emergency remote teaching utilizes online activity to connect teachers

and students in the learning process. According to Rahiem (2020), the

discussion section of online activity can employ applications such as Google

Meet, Zoom, WhatsApp, and Social Media. Thus, finding the materials teachers

and students can use the Internet. In addition, teaching-learning of language use

the online environment in common. Amin and Sundari (2020) mentioned three

tools to use in emergency remote teaching: video conferencing, learning


management systems (LMS), and mobile messenger. Teachers could apply the

video conference in sharing the materials. Google Classroom plays a great role

to share and collect the assignments. Teachers and students also utilize the

application of messenger in communication. Many other online platforms are

supporting emergency remote teaching.

English language learning is necessary to study science, information,

and technology; moreover, it could expand economic-life and work-life

(Gunantar, 2016). The technology utilizes in learning the English language.

Hence, it is essential to learn English by using advanced technology, especially

using online activity. According to Coryell and Chlup (2007), applying online

activity is concerned with the four things: preparation, self-learning, support,

and cooperation. It requires the readiness of students and the availability of

technology tools. Then, the self-learning of students' ability to be independent

learners and know the technology knowledge. Support such as fund is necessary

for online class. The achievement in online English learning is related to

cooperation with peers' and teachers' monitoring. English learning's focus

objective, especially in four skills of English, vocabulary, and grammar. The

explanation as follows:

English Receptive skills consist of reading and listening. In online

English language learning, reading skills could implement students with digital

books. The students could read many books from various sources; they could

use simple keys to finish reading on time (Hun 2006, as cited in Blake, 2016).

Reading material through digital social reading helps students learn various

book styles and develop their knowledge in English. Next, listening skills are

necessary for students, especially in communication. The implication of online

learning in listening skills, the teachers could prepare many links of the video

or voice file then students could practice in real life under teachers' control

(Blake, 2016). The use of video and voice files could be from native speakers,

and it should relate to daily or academic things.


English skills include productive skills, namely writing and speaking.

In writing English in online learning, the teachers could ask students to create

a text in writing online then send it to the teachers; later, the teachers could give

feedback (Blake, 2016). The students and their peers could collaborate to write

a digital story in online learning; they could give each other comments. In

addition, speaking online learning, the teachers and students could use many

call video conferencing to facilitate face-to-face interaction (O’Dowd 2007, as

cited in Blake, 2016). The students could practice their English without feeling

shy in online learning. Besides, the teachers could ask students to record

speaking English to increase their ability to utterance the idea. Online learning

assists students and teachers since it flexible.

Vocabulary and grammar are necessary components of English. The

learning activity of vocabulary could use dictionary applications to find

meaning. Students would find out the new word by reading a digital book or

listening to songs (Ma, 2017). The exciting activity in online learning offered

students' cognitive to accept the new English words. In addition, grammar is a

significant thing to be learned by students because they could apply the four

skills properly by understanding the grammatical rules. In an online learning

activity, the teachers could set up the exercise such as fill-in-the-blank in online

sites, write a text and check-in grammar application, and use video transcripts

to analyze grammar rules (Bikowski, 2018). The practice of grammar material

needs repetition and various kinds of activities in online learning.

F. Relevant Studies

The use of emergency remote teaching was significant in the learning

process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some relevant researches related to

this study, the explanation in the following:

First, the research conducted by Petillion and McNeil (2020). The title

is "Student experiences of emergency remote teaching: Impacts of instructor


practice on student learning, engagement, and well-being." The research goals

to determine the impacts of different emergency remote teaching practices on

students' learning, engagement, and mental well-being. In this research, the

participants contain 290 students in the midst semester at the University of

British Columbia's Okanagan. The research used surveys and interviews to

collect the data; it was phenomenological study. This research discovers that

emergency remote teaching negatively impacts student learning, engagement,

and mental well-being. The similarity between Petillion and McNeil's research

and this study to find out how is the implementation of emergency remote

teaching contains teacher practices and students' emotional impact. This study's

research gap focuses on Indonesian classrooms' school level to know

respondents' perception toward benefit, drawback, feeling, and effectiveness in

emergency remote teaching, especially in English language learning.

Second, the research under the title "Students' responses to emergency

remote online teaching reveal critical factors for all teaching." conducted by

Jeffery and Bauer (2020). The research aims to know that students' chemistry's

learning environment was changed and students' response to online learning

adaptation. The participants consist of 208 peoples in survey 1 and 124 in

survey 2. Data collection used survey. The first survey asked to explain

pre/post-transition class and laboratory, while the second survey asked to

estimate pre/post-transition verbal exchanges on a typical day. The findings

present that learning transformation differs from the regular classroom, while

laboratories changed to suboptimal passive observation. The similarity between

Jeffery and Bauer's research and this study to discover the learning style has

shifted into emergency remote teaching; it includes before and after learning

circumstance. This study's research gap focuses on Indonesian classrooms'

school level to know respondents' perception toward benefit, drawback, feeling,

and effectiveness in emergency remote teaching, especially in English language



Third, the research conducted by Rahiem (2020). The title is "The

Emergency Remote Learning Experience of University Students in Indonesia

amidst the COVID-19 Crisis." The research investigates the Indonesian

university students' lived experience in emergency remote learning (ERL)

during the COVID-19. The sample research contains 80 students from the

Social Science Education Program at a public university in Jakarta. This study

used a qualitative phenomenological approach. Collecting the data through

respondents' diaries, reflective essays, and an online focus group. The research

result shows that students' experiences fell into first: blended learning consists

of e-learning, m-learning, and conventional learning; second: paradoxical

learning consists of flexible and challenging learning. The similarity between

Rahiem's research and this study to find out students' experience in emergency

remote teaching. This study's research gap focuses on Indonesian classrooms'

school level to know respondents' perception toward benefits, drawbacks,

feeling, and effectiveness in emergency remote teaching, especially in English

language learning.

Fourth, the research under the title "The Impact of Online Learning:

Student's View." was conducted by Yusnilita (2020). The objectives of the

research focus on the accomplishment of students through online learning. The

sample of this research consists of 20 students of Baturaja University. The data

collected through a questionnaire. The researchers used data analysis of

descriptive statistics. Findings research shows that students allow students to

feel easy and flexible; it also drives them to be active and creative. The

participants consented that online learning has advantages in the learning

process. The similarities between the research and this study are discovering

the students' feelings to utilize online media in the learning process. Next, the

research and this study want to find out the online activity for teachers and

students. This study's research gap focuses on Indonesian classrooms' school

level to know respondents' perception of benefits, drawbacks, feeling, and


effectiveness of online media in emergency remote teaching, especially in

English language learning.

Last, the research conducted by Zakarneh (2018). The title is

"Effectiveness of E-learning Mode for Teaching English Language in Arab

Universities." The research objective to find out whether using an e-learning

platform is effective in English language teaching. Participants contain 98

pupils of Arab universities. To collect the data, Zakarneh used an open-ended

questionnaire as an instrument. The research used the excel data analysis tool

as the technique of analysis. His study result presents that e-learning in the

English language was effective than in the traditional classroom; then, the

platform of e-learning appropriate for students to expand vocabulary, grammar,

and four English skills. The similarity between Zakarneh's research and this

study is to know whether online media is effective and successful in English

language learning. This study's research gap focuses on Indonesian classrooms'

school level to know respondents' perception of benefits, drawbacks, feeling,

and effectiveness of online media in emergency remote teaching, especially in

English language learning.




A. Research Method and Design

The research used qualitative research as a method and a case study as a

design. The writer used method and design to discover a deep understanding of

emergency remote teaching in English language during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The advantages of using qualitative, especially case study design, are that

conceptual validity concerns the literature review and theoretical concept according

to researchers' needs to assess (Starman, 2013). This study is sufficiently intriguing

to investigate online English learning in the Indonesian classroom; it would be

profound by using the qualitative method and case study design.

The method used qualitative research. According to Hancock et al. (2009)

qualitative research focuses on social phenomena that understanding must be

expanded. The research used a qualitative attempt to explain society's case and

identify the case and peoples' effect. In the following study in the area, the research

would discover the empirical evidence related to the case. Also, a qualitative study's

characteristic seek people's involvement and their viewpoints about the issue in real

life (Hatch, 2002). This study's qualitative method connects to people's

circumstances and attempts to understand the matter with an in-depth explanation.

The design used a case study. Given (2008) mentioned that a case study is

a profound research concern, some social life phenomenon. Case study valuable in

the education field in order to execute the problem and its impact on society. The

purpose of the case study is to describe the problems exhaustively; then, this design

could explain the research problem. The case study is the issue of one or more cases

that would analyze profoundly; it aims to create full comprehension of that case as

could be expected (Punch 1998, as cited in Silverman & Marvasti, 2008). In this

research, the matter of a case becomes significant to investigate and arranges for

factual knowledge.


B. Place and Time of the Research

The research conducted at MA. Al-Khairiyah. The school is located on Jl.

Mampang Prapatan IV No. 74. RT. 006 RW. 02, Tegal Parang, Kec. Mampang

Prapatan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12790. The

research started from 14 September 2020—30 September 2020.

C. Sample of the Research

The qualitative research used data and samples as the main raw material.

Data analyzing based on the words refer to verbal data such as interviews, survey

letters, media reports, field notes, etc. The participant of the research is the main

data cause the obtained data from the result of participant toward the issue in the

study (Given, 2008). In the study of qualitative, participants' response in the study

is the key material, the material processed adjusts to the objective of the research.

Therefore, it is important to decide the participant as the main data in the research

since the sample of data should be in line with the research to reach the aims.

In collecting the data of qualitative research, picking the sample is

necessary and it would be affected the quality of the study. The key of data

collection in qualitative research namely purposive or strategic sampling. The

purposive and strategic sampling called the beginning step to decide the sample

hence it would be appropriate to the research. Since the sample is significant in the

research, the researcher should determine the number of participants in the study

(Hancock et al., 2009). The use of purposive sampling focused on the objective and

target of the research based on researchers' needs.

In this study, the researcher used purposive sampling in collecting the data.

The collecting of data specifically fits certain criteria it means the sample of data

based on research needs to aim the goal of the study. The participants of the

research consist of the principal, the two English teachers, the students of the

eleventh grade of MIPA class, and IIS class the total of 71 pupils, and representative

student parents of students in MIPA class and IIS class.


Table 3.1.

Number Questionnaire Distributed and Completed


Number of



Number of



Students 71 64

Table 3.2.

Number Interview Distributed and Completed

Participants Number of Interview


Number of Interview


Principal 1 1

English Teachers 2 2

Students 10 10

Students’ Parent 10 10

A total of 64 questionnaires were filled by participants and returned, it

consists of 34 pupils of the MIPA class and 30 pupils of the IIS class. The students'

interview consists of five students of the MIPA class and five students of the IIS

class. The interview of student parents consists of five student parents of the MIPA

class and five student parents of the IIS class. It was chosen based on the equal

number of gender and class identity, moreover, the response in the questionnaire

was the main concern to obtain the interview data.

D. Data Collection Technique

Accumulating the data in the research needs strategy to be well organized.

Qualitative research is related to describing and explaining the response from the

sample towards the issue of study. Given (2008) point out that words correlated to

the data of qualitative research. The discoveries in the qualitative study acquire


empirical data in the study field. The data provided detailed information about the

issue in the narrative, it means the data collection would contain the lettering. In

addition, Creswell (2012) writes that collecting the data in qualitative research

necessary to get respondents' approval to collect the text or picture data and their

information. The evidence from the sample would be present in research

discussion, hence, it is compulsory to get permission with sample in advance.

There are some categories in collecting the data of qualitative research,

namely, observations, interviews and questionnaires, documents, and audiovisual

material (Creswell, 2012). In this research, the collecting data used questionnaires

and interviews to get a deep answer about the issue. Codó (2009) mentioned

questionnaires beneficial to draw respondents' information and measurable

competence in language, application, and manner. Whereas, Interview would get

lengthy clarification. The instrument assists the writer in qualitative research. The

used instrument in this research described in the following:

1. Questionnaire

A questionnaire is a list of questions or statements that is filled by

participants, the use of questionnaires should have proper aims that link to the

research objective and it should be obvious as data analysis (Roopa & Rani,

2012). The part of the questionnaire obtained the issue of research, then the

researchers asked respondents to answer based on their point of view. Codó

(2009) argues that based on the questionnaire would get useful data in the

research. It means creating and selecting the questionnaire should be adjusted

in research needs hence, it would help the researcher get the information related

to the research goal. There are four kinds of questionnaires, namely contingency

questions/cascade format, matrix questions, closed-ended questions, and open-

ended questions. In addition, the research used closed-ended questions as data

questionnaires (Goode and Hatt 1952, as cited in Roopa & Rani, 2012).

The type of close-ended restricts the amount of sample in the research

(Reja et al., 2003). The core sample data ease researchers to examine the case


deeply. In addition, the used of closed-ended questionnaire facilitate researcher

to specify respondents' idea. The closed-ended types contain scales namely

Yes/No questions or the other option scale number. The type of closed-ended

used the Likert scale, it is a psychometric scale used to quantify social manner.

The used of Likert scale offered the sample to choose by rating the questions

fit their respond, for instance, there are scales from 1 to 10, with 10 being the

most preferred (Roopa & Rani, 2012). This research used a Likert scale of a

closed-ended questionnaire, it contains number 1-4; 1 (Strongly disagree), 2

(Disagree), 3 (Agree), 4 (Strongly agree).

In this research, there are four indicators of the questionnaire, namely,

students' feeling, benefits, drawbacks and students' achievement in online

English language learning. Each of the indicators contains five statements and

the total questionnaire was 20 questions. The list of questions adopted from

Zakarneh (2018) and Yusnilita (2020). However, the researcher also engaged

to create and adjust the questions for participants that still in senior high school

level. The questionnaire was established by using simple words and clear

statements to avoid misunderstanding. The distribution of a questionnaire

instrument to students used the Indonesian context to ease the research topic.

Table 3.2.

Indicator of Questionnaires

Indicator of Questionnaires Item Number

Students' feeling in online English language learning 5

Benefits of online English language learning 5

Drawbacks of online English language learning 5

Students' achievement in online English language learning 5

Total 20


In this research, the writer used Google form to collect the data from

participants. It contains five parts. First, the identity of participants. The

participants were asked their name, class, gender, phone number and email.

Next, it contains statements about students' feeling. Then, it showed

questionnaire of benefit of online learning. Next, it was mentioned

questionnaire of drawbacks in online learning. Finally, it presents the

statements of students' achievement.

2. Interview

An interview is the most instrument used in qualitative research.

Researchers could ask the respondents of the detailed information by taking

notes or tape, then the data sample transcribes to a document (Creswell, 2012).

Implementation of the interview focused on evidence by the participant of

research, it was done with a list of questions that asked concern the issue.

According to Hancock et al. (2009) the interview in qualitative research used a

semi-structured interview, it is a list of question open-ended types suitable for

the research objective. The use of open-ended questions allows participants to

answer freely, hence there are no answer choices. By using this kind of

interview assists to collect the data directly, hence, the area of social research

commonly uses the interview as the instrument.

The use of an interview in qualitative research to reveal the significance

context that the sample used to arrange their perspective and comprehend

related to the issue (Hatch, 2002). The participants' viewpoint would be straight

information in the process of collecting data, hence researchers should follow

the interview plot. It would affect the result of data in an interview by emerging

from the interviewer and interviewee. Moreover, the open-ended questions in

the interview section give possibilities to respondents to utter their idea.

According to Reja et al. (2003) the benefit used open-ended questions served

the participants' thoughts extemporaneously. It means no compulsion to asked,

the participant voluntarily to give their opinion in the interview section. An


interview instrument of this study, the researcher used the list of the open-ended

question asked the respondent.

The list of open-ended questions in an interview is related to the main

four indicators of this research: students' feeling, the benefits, the drawbacks

and students' achievement in online English language learning. The number of

questions interview for the principal and English teachers were 10 questions.

The total questions interview for the students were 9 questions. The number of

questions interview for the student parents was 7 questions. The questions

based on the development of the questionnaire instruments. The interviews

were done in detail concerning the issue. In addition, the interview section used

Bahasa in conversation with the respondents; the questions also distribute in

Bahasa. The interview process was carried out through a telephone interview;

then the result would be recorded and type into a file.

3. Document

The use of the document as an instrument to complete the data of

research. The document contains words in a file that the researcher could draw

as primary data or secondary data (Given, 2008). The research could get the

document by conducting the test independently to the research sample in

collecting the data. In the other hand, the document data could obtain from the

institution by asking permission with the teachers. According to Bowen (2009),

to know project development at school; the document has roles in preparing

details of the project. Document data present the improved of students in a

project at school. For instance, the data document of English language learning

score could indicate the progress of students. The part of the document assists

the researchers to organize and compare with other data.

Qualitative research involves valid data through the document to

strengthen data research (Bowen, 2009). The research obtained from document

data could be evidence to prove the research objective. Data document

equipped other data to answer the research question in the study. There are


many kinds of the document could use as the data instrument. Creswell (2014)

writes that document divided into public such as newspapers or private such as

letters. In the public document, the researcher can easily utilize in the study to

get the information of data. In contrast, the private document has limited access

for the researcher requiring permission to get the data. The data document as

research instrument could abbreviate time research in collecting data.

In this study, the researcher used document data of students’ score in

English language learning through online study during COVID-19 pandemic.

The document data contains students’ scores using online media the status

before and after implementing online activities. The data was secondary

document by asking permission from English teachers at MA. Al-Khairiyah

school. The first document data is students’ score before using online study in

the early of emergency remote teaching. Next, other data document perceived

after the online learning process present the students’ score. The researcher

compared the two documents data to determine student achievement in online

English language learning.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The analysis data of the research means the task of reducing the data into

narration and interpretation, data analysis is selecting the appropriate data to

discuss in findings. The process could be done in the filed or not depend on

researchers when analysis in the field contains writing, illustrating, and

transcription (LeCompte & Schensul 1999 as cited in Kawulich, 2004). Since the

data has been collected, researchers must be proficient to bundle the response into

a file by select and analyze the suitable data.

The researchers used triangulation in the data analysis technique. According

to Given (2008), triangulation is the method to discover the data is correct through

the measurement of two different points. Triangulation enhances the size of the


validity or credibility of research findings by contrasting the output of various

approaches. The researcher used triangulation to compare the result of the

questionnaire and interview data, it confirms the data is valid and clear.

In this research, the data analysis technique refers to the theory of Miles &

Huberman (1994). There are three steps of qualitative analysis, namely, data

reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verification. At the beginning of

the study, the research should determine the research concept, the issue of research,

the research objective, and the method usage, hence it vividly sets the research

track. This activity also called part of data analysis based on the data collection

period before started analyzing the data. The whole data has been collected would

be analyzed through the three steps, the explanation in the following:

The first step is data reduction, in this stage set researchers to choose, to

focus, to split, and to convert the data. The process begins since the data from the

questionnaire and interview have been filled from the respondents. The researcher

should be wise in analyzing the data into the real unity of the study needs.

The next step is the data display. Since the data reduction is finished into a

file, the researcher should have to show the data into the catchy display, for instance

by using graphs, charts, matrices, and networks. In a data interview, the research

could use narrative to explain the data. When revealing the data, it means the

researchers well-understand the data and its interpretation.

The final step is conclusion drawing and verification. The researchers must

be accurate and careful in researching to avoid misunderstanding. In the end of

research should be a conclusion from research obtained. In addition, the researchers

must be checked whole the data, theory, and source to be clear and valid. Following

all the stage has passed, the step of analyzing the data is complete.

In addition, every instrument has a different analysis technique to present

the data obtained in this research. Analyzing the data requires a suitable process to

make the data display easy to understand by the researchers also the readers. This

is the analyzing data technique based on the instruments by the following:


1. Questionnaire Data

Researcher used the hand analysis in questionnaire data. According to

Creswell (2014), the manual questionnaire data carried out by marking the data,

dividing data into part of the research's needs, and concluding data. In this

research, the questionnaire data present in charts based on the indicator of

questionnaire. The researcher selected the questionnaire data with the highest

to lower score of percentage on the Likert scale. Next, the researcher marked

the questionnaire data with highest score by coloring the table chart. The data

questionnaire results matched with the research aim. Researcher recapitulated

the questionnaire data into a file to explain based on questionnaire's indicator.

2. Interview Data

The interview data carried through the researcher with the sample study;

it conducted through a telephone call. Analyzing interviews started from the

interview recorder file, then the researcher transcribed the data interview

(Creswell, 2014). In this study, the researcher was grouping the file record

based on the participant. The audio of the interview of the participant was

listening carefully by the researcher. Next, the interview data audio was

transcribing into a file document. The researcher wrote the interview data by

selecting the word properly. The data interview result adjusted to the discussion

of the study. Data interview used to strengthen other instruments of this study.

3. Document Data

Analyzing document data could be carried out through collect personal

document from participants (Creswell, 2014). In this study, the researcher asked

the teacher about the students' score in online English language learning. There

were two scores of documentation related to the score before and after

implementing the online study. The researcher compared students' development

in the learning activity by marking significant development. The document data

showed that after joining the online study, the students got higher scores than

before. The researcher used the documentation data as evidence in this study.




In MA. Al-Khairiyah school, the emergency remote teaching during COVID-

19 pandemic is divided into asynchronous and synchronous online type. The schedule

of asynchronous and synchronous was alternately each week. In the asynchronous

activity, the teachers and students used WhatsApp group or e-learning to share the task

and the materials. While in the synchronous activity, the teachers and students have

virtual meetings such as discussions about the materials or assignments using the

application zoom or google meet. The data is explained based on data findings dan


A. Findings

The findings answer the research question concerns the implementation

emergency remote teaching that used online English language learning during

COVID-19 pandemic. The data questionnaire and interview are explained based on

four indicators, namely, students' feeling, benefits, drawbacks, and students'

achievement. The explanations as follow:

Students' feeling

In this aspect discuss about the students' feeling whether they are pleasant

or unpleasant in learning English language through the online especially during the

COVID-19 pandemic. Students nature and emotion could influence the quality on

how they learn and the result of their study. The sense in the learning process could

turn out into students' personality, whether they could be active learner or passive

learner in online activities.

Table 4.1.

Tabulation data from the questionnaires of student's feeling in online English

language learning during the COVID-19 pandemic


No Statement

Alternative Answer



1 Online learning is

enjoyable learning tool. 14,1% 53,1% 31,3% 1,6% 100 %

2 Online learning is

interesting for you. 12,5% 51,6% 29,7% 6,3% 100%

3 I learn better if online

learning is used. 14,1% 40,6% 40,6% 4,7% 100%


I felt active and

confidence with online


12,5% 43,8% 37,5% 6,3% 100%


My performance in

English would be better

through the online

learning mode than the

traditional classroom


9,4% 34,4% 40,6% 15,6% 100%


SA: Strongly Agree A: Agree

DA: Disagree SDA: Strongly Disagree

In statement 1, the majority of participants (67,2 %), they were strongly

agreed (14,1%) and agreed (53,1%) that the online learning is an enjoyable tool

because it was easy to use in the learning activity. However, the participants also

disagreed (31,3%) and strongly disagreed (2,6%) that online learning was not a

pleasant learning activity tool.


Next, statement 2 indicates that the respondents strongly agreed (12,5%)

and agreed (51,6%) that they were interested in the online learning activity. In

contrast, the other respondents disagreed (29,7%) and strongly disagreed (6,3%)

with the online learning activity that was exciting learning activity.

It was catchy to note from statement 3; most of the respondents were

strongly agreed (14,1%) and agreed (40,6%) that they learn better through the

online learning. However, half of the respondents disagreed (40,6%) and strongly

disagreed (4,7%) with online learning activity because they have uncomfortable

learning activity circumstances.

Statement 4 showed that the participants felt active and confident; they

strongly agreed (12,5%) and agreed (43,8%). On the contrary, the participants also

disagreed (37,5%) and strongly disagreed (6,3%) that they did not feel active and

confident in the online learning activity.

Statement 5 shows that most participants were strongly disagreed (15,6%)

and disagreed (40,6%) that their performance was better in the online learning than

in the traditional classroom. Meanwhile, the other participants were strongly agreed

(9,4%) and agreed (34,4%) that they could have learned English better in the online

learning activity.

According to the principal, she said it was hard to explain the students'

perspective about using the online learning. The students have different feelings

about the online learning activity. It was hard to find out students' real condition

and emotions. She said,

“Kalau melihat siswa senang atau tidak itu sulit dijelaskan disituasi

belajar online, karena guru hanya melihat dari layar monitor saja.

Semenarik apapun media pembelajaran pasti ada ritme bosannya.”

“It was hard to explain the students' feelings during the online learning

because teachers merely control through virtual screen. No matter how

interesting the media of learning, students also felt bored.” (Principal)


Next, English teachers have the same opinion about the students' feelings.

They said that how students learn in the online learning is also related to students'

personality. English teacher 1 assumed pleased students would have good

performance. While students felt unpleasant would lack spirit in the online learning

activity. English teacher 1 said,

“Belajar online tergantung pribadi siswanya, ada yang dikelas biasa

mereka aktif dan senang dengan pembelajaran begitu pula belajar

online. Tapi kalau dasar anaknya kurang aktif ya di belajar online

juga seperti itu.”

“The online learning depends on students' personality; the active

students would well-participate in study. In contrast, indolent students

would never be serious in online activity.” (English teacher 1)

In line English teacher 2 argued that it back to the students' character itself;

if they were diligent and desire to study even in an online activity, they would learn

well prepared. If they were indolent student type, it would not influence students'

performance in online English learning. English teacher 2 said,

“Di awal pandemi belajar dari rumah secara online ya anak-anak

pada senang, kalau sekarang anak-anak sudah bosan. Tapi itu

tergantung siswanya juga, kalau dasar siswanya malas ya semakin

malas dan merasa tidak perduli.”

“The early online study from home, students feel happy, but recently

they felt bored. However, it also depends on students; if their

personalities were lazy, they would be more passive and

irresponsible.” (English teacher 2)

The students' perspectives are divided into two opinions about the pleasant

and unpleasant feeling of studying the English language in the online learning.

Based on student 5, she enjoys learning the English language through the online

learning. She said,

“Saya senang banget belajar di rumah karena lebih santai dan bisa

melakukan hal lain. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris secara online begini ya

enak, peningkatan kosakata bahasa Inggrisnya bertmabah banyak.”


“I was so happy to study at home since it felt more relaxed and can to

do something else. English language learning online was fun, and I

improved the English vocabulary.” (Student 5)

On the contrary, student 2 has a different opinion. He found that the online

learning activity was not enjoyable. He said,

“Saya merasa kurang senang karena gurunya kurang jelas saat

bicara di pembelajaran bahasa Inggris online. Kalau belajar online

sinyal terganggu, hal itu bisa membuat Saya semakin tidak senang

dan bingung kalau tidak paham materinya.”

“I was unhappy in the online learning activity because the teacher

was not clear in explaining the materials. The interfere of connection

would make me bothered and confused if I do not understand the

materials.” (Student 2)

According to student parents’ sight of English language learning through

the online learning, they have different feelings. They thought learning at school

was better because the students could meet and get attention from the teachers.

However, some parents obtained benefits from online learning activity. Parent of

student 5 said,

“Kalau anak Saya sudah mandiri dan mengerti teknologi jadi mudah.

Belajar ke sekolah juga bagus bisa ketemu guru, tapi Saya juga

merasa senang anak belajar dirumah. Karena banyak dirumah Saya

jadi tau perkembangan anak dengan baik.”

“My child already independent, and knows the technology. Studying

at school also good because she could meet the teachers, but I was

happy that my child study at home. I could understand her progress

better at home.” (Student parent 5)

The parent of student 2 argued that the online learning was the right

determination since the COVID-19 pandemic situation, even though she also

preferred the traditional classroom activity. She said,

“Kondisi seperti ini belajar dari rumah lebih bagus, tapi di kondisi

biasa lebih baik belajar ke sekolah aja. Kalau anak Saya rajin

belajarnya dan suka baca bukunya. Dirumah Saya menyediakan


fasilitas internet untuk belajar online dan memantau saja. Selama

belajar online kaya begini senang aja.”

“In this condition, it was better to study from home while the normal

situation learning at school was better. My child was diligent and like

read the book. At home, I preserved internet networking to study;

sometimes, I controlled my child. Since study at home, that was fine.”

(Student parent 2)

According to data interviews and data questionnaires, the students' feelings

in English language learning have various types. The majority of students approved

that online learning is an enjoyable learning tool, and they felt excited. However,

the other believed that the online learning activity was not appropriate because their

performance would not be better than in the conventional classroom. The enjoys

students and unhappy students still need to participate in the online activity English

language in particular.


This aspect discusses the benefits of using online English language learning

during the COVID-19 pandemic. Emergency remote teaching utilizes online to

connect learning process especially since the COVID-19 pandemic situation. The

teachers and learners perceived the benefit during the education in this crisis. This

aspect could reveal the benefits of online English language learning.

Table 4.2.

Tabulation data from the questionnaire of the benefits of online English

language learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

No Statement

Alternative Answer



1 Online learning practical

for me. 32,8% 53,1% 10,9% 3,1% 100%


2 Taking online learning

easier than a regular class. 18,8% 26,6% 39,1% 15,6% 100%


I prefer online learning

because it solves time

commitment issues i.e. I

can decide when, where

and how I learn.

20,3% 39,1% 31,3% 9,4% 100%


The cost that I should pay

in online learning cheaper

that you should go to


15,6% 31,3% 32,8% 20,3% 100%


Online learning is a better

tool for testing and


17,2% 45,3% 25% 12,5% 100%


SA: Strongly Agree A: Agree

DA: Disagree SDA: Strongly Disagree

In statement 1, the participants overwhelmingly (85,9%) consist of strongly

agreed (32,8%) and agreed (53,1%) confirmed that online learning is practical to

use in activity. On the contrary, the participants were hard to use the online learning

by strongly disagreed (3,1%) and disagreed (10,9%).

Interestingly, students disproved with statement 2; they felt the regular class

was more comfortable than the online learning by strongly disagreed (15,6%) and

disagreed (39,1%). However, the rest students were strongly agreed (18,8%) and

agreed (26,6%) that they consented that the online learning activity was convenient.


Statement 3 indicates the respondents were strongly agreed (20,3%) and

agreed (39,1%) that the online learning was sufficient to solve time commitment

issues such as when, where, and how they learn. While other respondents refused

because they could not accomplish with time commitment issue in the online

learning by strongly disagreed (9,4%) and disagreed (31,3%).

From statement 4, majority of the respondents were strongly agreed

(15,6%) and agreed (31,3%) that they pay cheaper in the online learning; instead,

they should go to school. However, half of the respondents also disagreed (32,8%)

and strongly disagreed (20,3%) that the online learning cost was higher rather than

they learn in the school.

The respondents demonstrated in statement 5 that the online learning is a

better tool for testing and evaluation by strongly agreed (17,2%) and agreed

(45,3%). On the contrary, the other respondents strongly disagreed (12,5%) and

disagreed (25%) that they do not have a good influence on testing and evaluation

through the online learning.

The principal assumed that the online learning activity provides beneficial

things, such as the opportunity for teachers, students, and student parents to know

the technology. She said,

“Manfaatny jadi banyak belajar teknologi. Guru bisa mempersiapkan

media pembelajaran lebih baik dalam belajar online. Menurut

hitungan Saya, lebih hemat karena pengeluaran biaya hanya pada

kapasitas kuota internet.”

“The benefits of the online learning that we could know technology

better. Teachers could well-prepare the learning media in the online

learning. In my opinion, the online learning was economical since the

cost of the quota internet.” (Principal)

The English teacher has a similar opinion that the online learning was

convenient to facilitate the English language learning. English teacher 1 said,

“Manfaat yang dirasa terkait waktu. Belajar online lebih santai dan

bisa melakukan banyak hal lain. Di pembelajaran bahasa Inggris,


Saya menggunakan video jadi siswa bisa melihat lagi tentang materi.

Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris online dapat membuat siswa untuk

belajar secara mandiri.

“It saves time. We could be relaxed and do anything else. In English

language learning, I used video so that the students could study again.

The online learning activity established students to be independent

learners.” (English teacher 1)

In line with a previous opinion, English teacher 2 felt enjoy in the teaching

process. She mentioned,

“Belajar online lebih tenang dan santai. Kalau anak yang tidak

nyaman belajar langsung, sekarang mereka lebih nyaman belajarnya.

Saya mengajar bahasa Inggris online jadi merasa lebih banyak

tantangan untuk lebih kreatif dalam pembelajaran yang

menyenangkan dan siswa mudah paham materinya.”

“The online learning provided a pleasant environment. The

uncomfortable students in the regular class could enjoy the online

activity. Through online English language learning; it forces me to be

creative to create fun activities and make students comfortable and

understand.” (English teacher 2)

According to the students' point of view, they could develop vocabulary and

knowledge of the English language through the online learning. As mentioned by

student 7, he has a lot of time to explore English language materials. He said,

“Saya merasa bertambah kosakata bahasa Inggris karena Saya coba

cari tau artinya. Saya merasa lebih mandiri belajarnya dan punya

waktu lebih untuk belajar. Saya jadi paham tentang materinya.”

“I could improve my English vocabulary since I tried to find out the

meaning. I could be an independent learner, and I have spare time to

explore the materials. So, I understand the English language.”

(Student 7)

In line with the previous opinion, student 3 believes she could get

vocabulary acquisition in the online activity. She mentioned,

“Saya belajar kosakata baru dari teks bahasa Inggris, itu dapat

menambah pengetahuan Saya. Kalau untuk menulis bahasa Inggris


lebih baik karena sudah tau struktur kalimatnya. Saya harus lebih

aktif dan bertanggung jawab.”

“I learn new vocabulary from the English text, it could increase my

knowledge. My English writing is getting better since I know the

structure. I have to be more active and responsible.” (Student 3)

In addition, the student parents thought that online learning also have their

benefit in the learning activity. Since the learning process at home, their children

could be independent, and it saves the cost. Student parent 7 said,

“Belajar jadi dirumah aja, anak Saya emang suka dirumah jadi

senang. Cari pelajaran juga serba online. Belajar dirumah jadi lebih

dekat dengan keluarga. Terus tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang jajan.”

“Since study from home and my child was a home-based type, so he

enjoyed it. Studying at home makes my child close to family, and I did

not have supply pocket money.” (Student parent 7)

The good impact of the online learning received by other parents. Students

provided the ease of understanding the material by the online activity. Student

parent 3 said,

“Anak Saya bisa mengikuti pelajaran online sesuai jadwal sekolah.

Yang terpenting adalah anak Saya memahami materinya. Saya selalu

kontrol dia ketika belajar untuk tau kondisinya.”

“My child could engage in the online learning activity. The most

important was my child understands the materials. I always control

my child to know her progress.” (Student parent 3)

Online activity has many benefits in the teaching-learning process,

especially English language learning. The online activity served as accessibility for

students to extra study and explored the English language materials. Moreover,

online learning also offered students to be independent learners. The time issue was

the most challenging thing in the learning activity; hence the online learning offered

flexible time in the study process.



In this aspect, discuss the drawbacks of using online activity in emergency

remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the English language learning,

there must be obstacles and deficiencies by using online media. The shortcomings

in online English language learning could influence teachers' and students' activity.

Table 4.3.

Tabulation data from the questionnaire of the drawbacks of online English

language learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

No Statement

Alternative Answer



1 Online learning used much

quota internet. 48,4% 28,1% 18,8% 4,7% 100%

2 I lack the will to study

through online learning. 26,6% 40,6% 28,1% 4,7% 100%


Many students lack

seriousness in studying

through online learning.

42,2% 50% 6,3% 1,6% 100%


Online learning is only

helpful if I as students is

serious and motivated.

32,8% 46,9% 15,6% 4,7% 100%


The time of online

learning for you, it is

disturbing you, make you

in hurry or. etc.

31,3% 35,9% 26,6% 6,3% 100%



SA: Strongly Agree A: Agree

DA: Disagree SDA: Strongly Disagree

In statement 1, the majority of participants (76,5%), they were strongly

agreed (48,4%) and agreed (28,1%) that the online learning used much quota

internet in the learning activity. However, the participants also disagreed (18,8%)

and strongly disagreed (4,7%) that the online learning activity only needs a little

quota internet.

Statement 2 signifies that students lack the desire to study in the online

learning by strongly agreed (26,6%) and agreed (40,6%). However, the other

students refused the statement because they strongly desire to study in the online

learning by strongly disagreed (4,7%) and disagreed (28,1%).

It was interesting to note that most respondents (92,2%) have approved

statement 3. The students strongly agreed (42,2%) and agreed (50%) that many

students lack the seriousness to study the online learning. On the contrary, the rest

respondents were whole-hearted in learning through the online learning by

disagreed (6,3%) and strongly disagreed (1,6%).

Statement 4 indicates the participants were strongly agreed (32,8%) and

agreed (46,9%) that if they are serious and motivated in the online learning would

be helpful. Besides, other participants refused with this statement; they felt online

learning was not useful by strongly disagreed (4,7%) and disagreed (15,6%).

The last, statement 5 signify that students consented to the idea, they felt

the time of online learning is disturbing, making them in a hurry or. etc. by strongly

agreed (31,3%) and agreed (35,9%). However, the rest of the students were strongly

disagreed (6,3%) and disagreed (26,6%); they were not felt disturbing and make

them in a hurry with the online learning time.


According to the principal point of view of drawbacks in the online

learning, it divides into four categories: economic matters, internet networking,

miscommunication, time management, and lack of tools. Principal said,

“Ekonomi setiap siswa berbeda, mereka butuh biaya untuk kuota

internet. Belajar online sangat bergantung dengan jaringan, kalau

jaringan buruk bisa mengakibatkan salah paham antara guru dan

murid. Karena belajar dirumah, anak merasa tidak terikat dengan

aturan jadi pola tidurnya terganggu. Ada juga siswa yang tidak

memiliki HP untuk belajar online.”

“Since the students’ economic level was different, they need cost to

buy the internet quota. In the online learning related to internet

networking, the bad signal would cause misunderstanding between

teachers and students. Because study at home, students do not have

the rules, so their scheduled were disturbed. Besides, some students

did not have a handphone to join online activity.” (Principal)

In line with a previous idea, English teacher 1 has difficulty in internet

connection during the online learning for teaching the English language and she

concerned about lazy students. English teacher 1 mentioned,

“Kendalanya di jaringan tidak bagus atau kuota habis. Terus kendala

lain yaitu siswa yang pada dasarnya malas, mereka sangat sulit untuk

mengumpulkan tugas dan ada anak yang sulit di hubungi.”

“The drawback was the bad networking and low quota internet. Next,

the indolent students have also hampered the online learning activity;

they sluggish to submit the assignment and even hard to contacted.”

(English teacher 1)

Meanwhile, English teacher 2 experienced that the online learning activity

was tough. English teacher 2 said,

“Waktu pembelajaran jadi singkat, karena harus menunggu siswa

bergabung di kelas online. Pengajaran bahasa Inggris secara online

membuat siswa sulit untuk memahami materi, karena sulit untuk

berinteraksi dan hanya sedikit siswa yang merespon dalam


“The drawback was learning activity shorter because I should be

waiting for the student to join the online learning. English language


teaching through the online learning made students hard to

understand since it was challenging to interact, and only a few

students could participate in learning activity.” (English teacher 2)

According to students' opinion, they also have drawbacks in the online

learning activity that related to the networking. Student 4 mentioned,

“Dirumah pakai Wi-Fi tapi jaringan internetnya tidak bagus. Saya

juga harus bergantian dengan saudara untuk belajar menggunakan

laptop. Lingkungan dirumah juga sangat menggangu untuk belajar.”

“At home used Wi-Fi, but the connection was bad. I was using a

laptop to study alternately with my siblings. The home environment

was not suitable to study.” (Student 4)

Student 10 face the drawbacks in online activity, she could not join the

forum since the signal endured online learning activity. Student 10 said,

“Kalau lagi belajar terkadang jaringannya menghilang, jadi

suaranya juga hilang-hilangan. Kalau begitu Saya juga tidak tau tadi

lagi membahas apa, gurunya bicara apa begitu. Saya pernah lagi

belajar terus tiba-tiba server keluar karena jaringanya tidak bagus.”

“Sometimes, the networking disconnected, so the teachers’ voice was

disappeared. Then I did not know what the discussion. I ever studied

the online learning; then it was exit because of unstable networking.”

(Student 10)

In line with student parent 4 also face the drawbacks in the online learning

activity. The limitation of tools in the online learning activity caused the student-

parent felt blue and she should be patient in this condition. Student parent 4 said,

“Terkadang internetnya kurang memadai, karena di rumah banyak

yang pakai internet. Kalau mau belajar pakai laptop, anak Saya harus

bergantian dengan saudaranya kan mereka juga butuh laptop.”

“Sometimes the internet connection was not adequate, because we

also used the internet at home. In study, my child needs to alternate

with others in using laptop.” (Student parent 4)

Student parent 10 has a similar issue with the handicaps about the internet

connection. She mentioned,


“Belajar online kan sinyal memengaruhi, kalau sinyal lagi jelek ya

suaranya tiba-tiba hilang, jadi kan anak Saya tidak tau gurunya

bicara apa. Ada juga guru yang kurang paham belajar online, jadi

anak susah memahami materi karena pengajarannya kurang baik.”

“The internet signal could influence the online learning activity. If the

connection was disturbing, the teachers’ voice in explaining the

materials disappeared; my child did not know what the teachers said.

The teachers were not familiar with the online learning, so my child

hard to understand the materials”. (Student parent 10)

The drawbacks passed over the online learning activity; it related to

unstable internet networking. Teachers and students could not focus on the

discussion because the networking was disturbing. The drawbacks of online

learning activities in English language learning would burden teachers and

students in the teaching-learning process.

Students’ Achievement

The aspect discusses the quality of English language learning in emergency

remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. The online activity could well

arrange with support from teachers and students. The students' achievement can be

measured by the effectiveness of online English learning. However, the situation

and condition can influence the activity in online English learning.

Table 4.4.

Tabulation data from the questionnaire of the online English language

learning achievement during the COVID-19 pandemic

No Statement

Alternative Answer





Online learning is a better

means for acquiring


10,9% 50% 34,4% 4,7% 100%


Online learning is a better

means for developing

reading skills.

10,9% 50% 31,1% 7,8% 100%


Online learning is a better

means for developing

writing skills.

14,1% 46,9% 34,4% 4,7% 100%


Online learning is a better

means for developing

listening skills.

14,1% 32,8% 48,4% 4,7% 100%


Online learning is a better

means for developing

speaking skills.

9,4% 35,9% 45,3% 9,4% 100%


SA: Strongly Agree A: Agree

DA: Disagree SDA: Strongly Disagree

The respondents demonstrated in statement 1 that they get more vocabulary

knowledge through online learning by strongly agreed (10,9%) and agreed (50%).

On the contrary, the other respondents strongly disagreed (4,7%) and disagreed

(34,4%) that they could not expand their vocabulary knowledge in the online


Statement 2 signify that students could develop their reading skills in the

online learning by strongly agreed (10,9%) and agreed (50%). However, the other


students refused the statement because they could not improve their reading skills

in the online learning by strongly disagreed (7,8%) and disagreed (31,3%).

Next, statement 3 indicates that the respondents were strongly agreed

(14,1%) and agreed (46,9%) to improve their writing skills in the online learning

activity. Meanwhile, the rest of the respondents were strongly disagreed (4,7%) and

disagreed (34,4%) that the online learning is a better means for developing writing


It was interesting to note that most students (53,1%) refused with statement

4. The students strongly disagreed (4,7%) and disagreed (48,4%) that online

learning could develop their listening skills. However, the other students strongly

agreed (14,1%) and agreed (32,8%) that their listening skills were getting better in

the online learning activity.

In statement 5, it can see that the respondents did not consent that online

learning assists the respondents to improve their speaking skills by strongly

disagreed (9,4%) and disagreed (45,3%). On the other hand, the rest respondents

approved that their speaking skills get higher quality through the online learning by

strongly agreed (9,4%) and agreed (35,9%).

The principal's opinion regarding the online learning was not effective; it is

obliged to run in the school merely during the COVID-19 pandemic. She argued,

“Pembelajaran online tidak efektif dan tidak maksimal, pembelajaran

jarak jauh (PJJ) adalah kegiatan pembelajaran darurat yang harus

dilakukan agar pendidikan tetap terlaksana. Pendampingan belajar

dirumah oleh orangtua berbeda dari segi emosi, psikologi dengan

guru. Bagaimanapun, belajar online efektif pada kapasitas darurat”

“The online learning was not effective and unaccomplished; online

distance learning (PJJ) was urgent learning activity that should be

running. Studying at home accompanied by parents would be different

from emotion and psychology with the teachers. However, the online

learning was effective merely the crucial capacity.” (Principal)

In parallel with the previous idea, the English teachers also discovered that

online learning was not effective. English teacher 1 said,


“Belajar online sangat tidak efektif, karena hanya beberapa siswa

saja yang aktif di belajar online. Saya kasihan dengan siswa yang

tidak aktif. Saat ini Saya mengajar bahasa Inggris enak aja karena

materinya mudah dan siswa mengerti.”

“The online learning was not effective because only a few students

could be participating in the online learning activity. I felt pity for the

dormant students. Recently I enjoyed teaching English through the

online learning since the materials still easy, and students could

understand.” (English teacher 1)

English teacher 2 obtained the difficulty in English language teaching, but

it has positive side that students' outcomes was improved. English teacher 2 said,

“Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris tidak bertemu langsung dengan murid

sulit. Jadi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris secara online tidak efektif,

dari waktu pembelajaran yang dikurangi. Tapi ada sisi positifnya

belajar bahas Inggris online banyak nilai murid yang meningkat.”

“English language learning that does not have a direct meeting was

challenging. So, English language learning through the online

learning was not effective since the limited time. The positive one that

students could increase the grades through the online learning.”

(English teacher 2)

The students have an identical opinion about the online learning in English

language learning was not effective. The students obtained a little benefit in the

activity of the online learning. Student 1 said, “

“Kurang efektif karena jaringan internetnya terganggu jadi susah

komunikasi. Belajar online susah bertanya dengan guru, tapi materi

bahasa Inggris masih mudah dimengerti dan Saya masih bisa

mengikutinya. Tapi Saya merasa ada penambahan kosakata bahasa

Inggris sedikit.”

“The online learning was not effective because of the poor internet

connection impact in communication. The online learning activity was

hard to ask the teachers, but the English language materials were still

easy to understand. I enhanced my English vocabulary a little bit”.

(Student 1)


According to student 6, who sense the online learning was not effective in

the English language learning activity. However, he could get a positive effect on

online activity. Student 6 said,

“Kurang efektif. Tapi belajar online bisa tambah kosakata bahasa

Inggris. Saya lebih sering menerjemahkan teks di google translate

jadi tambah kosakata dan mudah dihafalnya.”

“The online learning was not effective. However, in the online

learning, I could acquire more English vocabulary. I often translate

the English text in google translate, and it could add my repository

then I could quickly memorize it.” (Student 6)

Based on the students' parent perspective, they noticed that the online

learning was not effective for their children, because it was hard for students to

understand the materials without the teachers explained directly. According to

student parent 1, when her child learned in the online learning and her child did not

understand the materials, it made student parent 1 worried. She mentioned

“Menurut Saya lebih baik ke sekolah aja belajarnya, kalo dirumah

kurang enak. Di sekolah bisa dijelasin langsung sama gurunya kalau

tidak paham materinya. Terus juga jaringan internetnya menghilang,

HP anak Saya sering error jadi kasihan.”

“In my opinion, it is better learned at school, because learn at home

was not right. At the school teachers could explain the materials

directly. In addition, the internet connection was bad, then my child's

handphone often errored.” (Student parent 1)

However, other parents also have a different opinion. Student parent 6

emphasized that learning the English language needs more practice. She said,

“Tidak efektif karena kurang feedbacknya. Kalau belajar bahasa

Inggris harus ada interaksinya. Di bahasa Inggris kan ada grammar

jadi juga harus langsung dijelaskan. Karena bahasa Inggris berkatian

dengan ejaan yang berbeda, jadi harus ada interaksinya.”

“There is no feedback in the online learning activity. English

language learning has required interaction; English grammar should

explain clearly. Since the English language is related to different

pronunciations, so it needs communication.” (Student parent 6)


Based on the explanation of interview and questionnaire data, most participants

consented that English language learning through online learning was not effective.

Despite the fact, some participants still obtained the positive effect of online learning,

particularly in English language learning.

B. Discussion

The explanation based on the research questions, as follows:

How do teachers implement emergency remote teaching in English language

during COVID-19 pandemic?

The emergency amidst the COVID-19 pandemic forces teachers and

students to adapt quickly to the new learning situation. The emergency remote

teaching takes over the regular learning process in the classroom. The learning

management system suggested controlling the transformation in online activity

(Aguliera & Nightengale-Lee, 2020). Teachers could manage the learning process

through the online application or media since it could not be carried out in a person.

The utilization of technology, especially online media, assists the learning process

in a different situation. According to Rahiem (2020), WhatsApp and Google

Classroom's platform frequently share the materials or tasks. Teachers and students

access the application easily on a mobile phone or laptop. Meanwhile, teachers and

students also could meet through the virtual learning process by using the video.

The direct communication activity through online uses the video conferencing

application (Amin & Sundari, 2020). The use of online media and platforms adjust

to the learning process if the teachers need to deliver the material in spoken and

used video conferencing. While sharing notes or assignment could use other

platforms which is convenient for teachers and students in online activity.

Online activity offered a convenient activity for teachers to explore the

English language materials in emergency remote teaching. However, the teaching

process still faces many drawbacks. Schlesselman (2020) mentioned that


emergency remote teaching arouses other learning activity problems since the

unavailable of technology, networking, accessibility and time zone issues. Teachers

and students did not have equal equipment for online study. In addition, lazy

students could influence the learning process because they were not serious about

studying. The tough situation of pandemic entangled students' emotions related to

stress and anxiety; it makes them hard to well-participate in emergency remote

teaching (Petillion & McNeil, 2020). The online activity was also unfamiliar in the

regular learning process; teachers and students are expected to improve learning in

this situation. Moreover, the handicaps in remote teaching also related to the current

situation outside the school. Marshall et al. (2020) argued that the teacher's role in

online activity was important for students, but teachers still have to face real-life

situations to manage family and children. The different learning situation promotes

teachers to divide the task of learning activity and home service. The teachers'

mains important role in online activity during emergency remote teaching.

Despite the hardship in online activity, there also beneficial things in the

emergency remote teaching process. Gaur et al. (2020) write that the school

enhancing online activity quality by directing teachers to solve the learning issue

during a crisis. Under urgent circumstances, teachers hastened to utilize online

media in the learning process, and the school provided the training online study

activity. The teacher's obvious guidance makes students enjoy and establish their

online activity performance (Jeffery & Bauer, 2020). It means teachers require to

well-prepared in arranging online activities. Since the learning is carried out in a

different situation, teachers and students still get to be familiar with the learning

process. Furthermore, the new online activity during COVID-19 encourages

teachers to be ready in any learning situation. According to Ferri et al. (2020),

emergency remote teaching activity allows developing online activity or media, so

teachers and students could use under normal situation or every circumstance in the

future. This chance could establish teachers and students with online activity by

utilizing advanced technology to study. Emergency remote teaching is a new


challenge for teachers and students to accept the various learning types in every

circumstance. Teachers and students could also discover from this crisis that

education is still important to continue entire life with knowledge and technology.

What is respondents’ perception towards feeling, benefits, drawbacks, and

achievement of emergency remote teaching in English language during

COVID-19 pandemic?

Students have various feelings in the emergency remote teaching; some

were pleasant and could learn better; some were unpleasant and could increase

online activity burden. The principal emphasized whether the students enjoy the

online activity or not; students would have a dull learning activity period.

Moreover, most students' parents assumed online study was the best alternative and

could benefit from this situation. According to Mu’in & Amelia (2018), students

have a positive perspective in online study; they were enjoying the activity. Despite

the deficiency, such as unstable internet networking, the students could access the

online activity easily. In addition, Smart & Cappel (2006) mentioned that students'

expression in the learning activity could see from the media's application. The

online media could make students excited to participate. In tune with Cleveland-

Innes & Campbell (2012), they write that the emotion could be an interrupter, but

it could be fixed during online learning. The feeling of pleased or displeased during

online English learning under students' control. During this time online activity

offered students many opportunities to explore the English language materials;

hence, it depends on students' participation in the study.

The respondents believe the online activity in emergency remote teaching

has many benefits. The principal admitted that the online activity creates to be

familiar with technology advancement. The online activity established independent

learners. The student parents consented that their children could establish self-

reliance in the online activity. Besides, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the online

activity was helpful in education. Mukhtar et al. (2020) argued that the benefits of


the online activity established a comfortable learning environment so that students

could be self-learners. The learning activity directs students to explore the materials

independently. Online activity permitted to set the schedule and location of the

learning process; teachers and students could adjust with the condition to study

(Arkorful & Abaidoo, 2015). The learning process in crisis considerate teachers

and students' situation. In addition, the education stakeholders provide the fast

change in online activity in this crisis; there so many new rules and directions in

emergency remote teaching to sustain online media in the learning process

(Adedoyin & Soykan, 2020). The different online learning is an opportunity for

teachers and students to fit in a new environment. The online activity supports

English language learning, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The online activity drawbacks of an emergency remote teaching in the

English language would arouse teachers' and students' burden. As stated by the

principal, bad networking could create misunderstandings between the teachers and

students. Then the lack of facility in online activity hampered students in this crisis.

The student's parents felt difficulty since unavailable tools and bad internet

networking would interfere with online activity. According to Rababah (2020),

three main points of online drawbacks: practical instruction deficiency, lack of

accessibility, and inconsistent instructors' teaching. Students did not have a chance

to explore the materials. In addition, Yuyun (2014) argued that students were not

well prepared for online activity since some students have insufficient tools and

could not study in an online environment. Students could not join the activity

because they could not accept the different circumstances. Teachers and students

not very well-prepared in quick transformation learning in emergency remote

teaching (Wilcox & Vignal, 2020). The current situation urges teachers and

students to adapt instantly to online activity. The drawbacks of the online activity

have to realize before it could influence emergency remote teaching in the English

language during COVID-19 in particular.


The effectiveness of online English learning can measure the students'

achievement in emergency remote teaching. Most participants argued online

activity was not effective, but they still obtained the positive effect. According to

the students' results, most students get increased score after online activity

(Appendix 10). Students' parents still doubted online because the English language

related to grammar and pronunciation must explain directly. According to Zakarneh

(2018), learners assumed that the online activity was a fruitful platform for learning

English because it could develop English skills. Studying at home has a lot of time

and opportunities to explore the materials, while teachers could also better prepare

the learning process. Mubaslat (2012) points out that students provided to improve

their English language ability; hence, students' outcomes indicate online learning

effectiveness. Students' progress in online learning could be a positive achievement

in English language learning. Online activity embraced conventional teaching-

learning to be better because online learning offered creative methods and benefits

for learners (Yusnilita, 2020). The enhancement of online activity served teachers

and students to comprehend the learning process under this crisis.




Eventually, following the explanation of research findings and discussion, the

writer could sum up the research conclusion and suggestion.

A. Conclusion

The different situation during the COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid

change to implement emergency remote teaching in education. Teachers,

students, and school forces to utilize online media in running the learning

process. The advance of technology provided the education field to expand the

modern activity. However, the tools, internet networking, and ability to run

online activity were insufficient. Teachers and students never employing online

media for a long time. Hence, the drawbacks arouse the learning process. It

hampered the learning activity for teachers and students. Despite the handicaps,

the online media provided beneficial things to explore in the education process.

Teachers and students require to stand and study with the online activity during

emergency remote teaching.

According to the participants’ perceptions in emergency remote

teaching, they argued this is the new learning process running in education. The

emotional presence become important thing to be concern this time. The

uncertain COVID-19 pandemic creates new school circumstance for teachers,

students, and student parents. The learning process need to contemplate the

relevant activity also reinforcement students’ personality. The hardship would

arise in the learning process since unprepared things in a crisis. However, the

online activity served teachers and students to explore the learning process.

Accepting new things is not easy, since the learning process changes in

emergency remote teaching, teachers, students, student parents can accept it for

future educational experiences.


B. Suggestion

The implementation of emergency remote teaching during COVID-19

needs huge attention to achieve the learning objective. The contribution from

teachers, students, student parents, and the school could develop the English

language learning better to utilize the online media. The preparation of

technology tools and high quality of internet connection are fundamental things

in online activity. In addition, the clear regulation from the government

directing emergency remote teaching helps the school implement online media

properly. The government's support in the new era of education is necessary,

for instance, free access internet to online study. Moreover, teachers and

students could learn more in the online activity, especially English language

learning. Teachers and students can well-prepared for the learning activity since

study carried through online activity in emergency remote teaching during

COVID-19 pandemic and future education.



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Appendix 1 The Questionnaire Instrument


The list of questions adopted from Zakarneh, B. M. (2018) “Effectiveness of E-

learning Mode for Teaching English Language in Arab Universities” and

Yusnilita, N. (2020) “The Impact of Online Learning: Students’ Views.”

Indikator No. Pertanyaan Kuesioner Skala Likert

1 2 3 4

Perasaan siswa dalam

pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris secara online

1 Online learning adalah media

pembelajaran yang menyenangkan.

2 Saya merasa pembelajaran melalui

online learning menarik.


Saya merasa belajar lebih baik

ketika menggunakan online



Saya merasa aktif dan percaya diri

dengan pembelajaran melalui

online learning.


Kinerja Saya dalam pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris akan lebih baik

dengan belajar melalui online

learning daripada pembelajaran di

kelas biasa.

Manfaat pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris secara


1 Pembelajaran online learning

mudah untuk digunakan.


Pembelajaran melalui online

learning lebih mudah daripada

pembelajaran di kelas biasa.



Saya lebih suka menggunakan

online learning karena itu dapat

mengatasi permasalahan terkait

waktu seperti Saya dapat

menentukan kapan, dimana dan

bagaimana Saya belajar.


Saya mengeluarkan biaya yang

lebih sedikit untuk pembelajaran

online learning daripada Saya

harus pergi ke sekolah.


Online learning adalah media yang

lebih baik untuk kegiatan ujian dan

evaluasi pembelajaran.

Kendala pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris secara


1 Online learning banyak

menggunakan data kuota.


Saya kurang memiliki keinginan

untuk belajar menggunakan online



Banyak murid yang kurang serius

ketika menggunakan pembelajaran

melalui online learning.


Online learning hanya akan

bermanfaat jika Saya serius dan

termotivasi untuk belajar.


Saya merasa waktu pembelajaran

melalui online learning itu

menggangu Saya, membuat Saya


menjadi terburu-buru, dan lain


Pencapaian siswa

dalam pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris secara



Saya merasa kosakata bahasa

Inggris Saya bertambah melalui

pemebelajaran online learning.


Saya merasa kemampuan

membaca teks bahasa Inggris Saya

meningkat melalui pemebelajaran

online learning.


Saya merasa kemampuan menulis

bahasa Inggris Saya meningkat

melalui pemebelajaran online



Saya merasa kemampuan

mendengar bahasa Inggris Saya

meningkat melalui pemebelajaran

online learning.


Saya merasa kemampuan berbicara

bahasa Inggris Saya meningkat

melalui pemebelajaran online




The list of questions adopted from Zakarneh, B. M. (2018) “Effectiveness of E-

learning Mode for Teaching English Language in Arab Universities” and

Yusnilita, N. (2020) “The Impact of Online Learning: Students’ Views.”

Indicator Number Questions of Questionnaire Likert Scale

1 2 3 4

Students' feeling in

online English

language learning

1 Online learning is enjoyable

learning tool.

2 Online learning is interesting for


3 I learn better if online learning is


4 I felt active and confidence with

online learning.


My performance in English

would be better through the

online learning mode than the

traditional classroom mode.

The benefits of online

English language


1 Online learning practical for me.

2 Taking online learning easier

than a regular class.


I prefer online learning because

it solves time commitment issues

i.e. I can decide when, where

and how I learn.



The cost that I should pay in

online learning cheaper that you

should go to school.

5 Online learning is a better tool

for testing and evaluation.

The drawback of

online English

language online

English language


1 Online learning used much quota


2 I lack the will to study through

online learning.


Many students lack seriousness

in studying through online



Online learning is only helpful if

I as students is serious and



The time of online learning for

you, it is disturbing you, make

you in hurry or. etc.

Students' achievement

in online English

language learning

1 Online learning is a better means

for acquiring vocabulary.

2 Online learning is a better means

for developing reading skills.

3 Online learning is a better means

for developing writing skills.

4 Online learning is a better means

for developing listening skills.

5 Online learning is a better means

for developing speaking skills.


Appendix 2 The List of Questions for Principal Interview


1. Bagaimana proses kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah dengan menggunakan online

learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?

2. Apa jenis online learning yang digunakan di sekolah pada proses kegiatan

pembelajaran selama Pandemi Covid-19?

3. Menurut Anda, apakah siswa merasa senang dengan pembelajaran menggunakan

online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?

4. Menurut Anda, apakah pembelajaran menggunakan online learning efektif selama

Pandemi Covid-19?

5. Apa saja kendala saat mengajar dengan menggunaan online learning di sekolah

selama Pandemi Covid-19?

6. Apa saja yang sudah dilakukan sekolah untuk meminimalisir kendala saat

pembelajaran menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?

7. Menurut Anda, apa manfaat mengajar dengan online learning selama Pandemi


8. Menurut Anda, apa kekurangan mengajar dengan online learning selama Pandemi


9. Apakah sekolah mengadakan pelatihan dan pengenalan terhadap penggunaan

online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?

10. Silahkan berikan komentar atau saran Anda untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran

menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19!



1. How is online learning activity at school during Covid-19 pandemic?

2. What is the online learning type that used at school during Covid-19 pandemic?

3. Do students enjoy online learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic?

4. Do online learning is effective during Covid-19 pandemic?

5. What are the drawbacks of the online learning activity during Covid-19 pandemic?

6. What have the school done to minimize the drawbacks in online learning during

Covid-19 pandemic?

7. What are the benefits of online learning activity during Covid-19 pandemic?

8. What are the disadvantages of online learning activity during Covid-19 pandemic?

9. Does the school arrange training to use online learning during Covid-19 pandemic?

10. Please, give your comment or suggestion to improve online learning activity during

Covid-19 pandemic!


Appendix 3 The List of Questions for English Teachers Interview


1. Bagaimana proses kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah dengan

menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?

2. Apa jenis online learning yang digunakan di sekolah pada proses kegiatan

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris selama Pandemi Covid-19?

3. Menurut Anda, apakah siswa merasa senang dengan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris

menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?

4. Menurut Anda, apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan online learning

efektif selama Pandemi Covid-19?

5. Apa saja kendala saat mengajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunaan online learning

selama Pandemi Covid-19??

6. Apa yang Anda lakukan untuk meminimalisir kendala saat pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19??

7. Menurut Anda, apa manfaat mengajar bahasa Inggris dengan online learning

selama Pandemi Covid-19?

8. Menurut Anda, apa kekurangan mengajar bahasa Inggris dengan online learning

selama Pandemi Covid-19?

9. Apakah sekolah mengadakan pelatihan dan pengenalan terhadap penggunaan

online learning untuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris selama Pandemi Covid-19?

10. Silahkan berikan komentar atau saran Anda untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19!



1. How is the online English language learning at school during Covid-19 pandemic?

2. What is the online English language learning type that used at school during Covid-

19 pandemic?

3. Do students enjoy online English language learning during Covid-19 pandemic?

4. Do the online English language is effective during Covid-19 pandemic?

5. What are the drawbacks in online English language learning during Covid-19


6. What have the school done to minimalize the drawbacks in online English language

learning during Covid-19 pandemic?

7. What are the benefits of online English language learning during Covid-19


8. What are the disadvantages of online English language learning during Covid-19


9. Does the school arrange the training to use online English language learning during

Covid-19 pandemic?

10. Please, give your comment or suggestion to improve online English language

learning during Covid-19 pandemic!


Appendix 4 The List of Questions for Students Interview


1. Apakah alasan Anda merasa senang atau tidak senang dengan pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?

2. Menurut Anda, apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan online learning

efektif selama Pandemi Covid-19?

3. Apa saja kendala saat belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunaan online learning

selama Pandemi Covid-19?

4. Apa yang Anda lakukan untuk meminimalisir kendala saat pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?

5. Menurut Anda, apa manfaat pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan online learning

selama Pandemi Covid-19?

6. Menurut Anda, apa kekurangan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan online

learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?

7. Apakah sekolah mengadakan pelatihan dan pengenalan terhadap penggunaan

online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?

8. Apa perubahan yang Anda alami selama belajar Bahasa Inggris menggunakan

online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?

9. Silahkan berikan komentar atau saran Anda untuk meningkatakan pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19!



1. What is your reason to feel enjoy or not in online English language learning during

Covid-19 pandemic?

2. Do the online learning is effective during Covid-19 pandemic?

3. What are the drawbacks in online English language learning during Covid-19


4. What have you done to minimize the drawbacks in online English language

learning during Covid-19 pandemic?

5. What are the benefits of online English language learning during Covid-19


6. What are the disadvantages of online English language learning during Covid-19


7. Do the school arrange training to use online English language learning during

Covid-19 pandemic?

8. What are changes did you experience in online English language learning during

Covid-19 pandemic?

9. Please, give your comment or suggestion to improve online learning activity during

Covid-19 pandemic!


Appendix 5 The List of Questions for Student Parents Interview


1. Bagaimana proses kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan online

learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?

2. Menurut Anda, apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan online learning


3. Apa saja kendala saat pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunaan online learning?

4. Apa yang Anda lakukan untuk meminimalisir kendala saat pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris menggunakan online learning?

5. Menurut Anda, apa manfaat pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan online learning?

6. Menurut Anda, apa kekurangan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan online


7. Silahkan berikan komentar atau saran Anda untuk meningkatakan pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris menggunakan online learning!



1. How is online English language learning at school during Covid-19 pandemic?

2. Do online learning is effective during Covid-19 pandemic?

3. What are the drawbacks in online English language learning during Covid-19


4. What have you done to minimize the drawbacks in online English language

learning during Covid-19 pandemic?

5. What are the benefits of online English language learning activity during Covid-19


6. What are the disadvantages of online English language learning during Covid-19


7. Please, give your comment or suggestion to improve online English language

learning activity during Covid-19 pandemic!


Appendix 6 Interview Transcript of Principal MA. Al-Khairiyah



Bagaimana proses kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah dengan menggunakan online

learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Di MA. Al-Khairiyah di awal pandemi bulan Maret pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak

jauh (PJJ) dan belajar dari rumah (BDR) hanya menggunakan aplikasi WhatsApp. Pada

Mei 2020, di sekolah mengadakan pelatihan penggunaan media online, seperti zoom,

google meet. Beberapa mata pelajaran berjalan dengan baik, namun ada mata perlajaran

yang juga mengalami kendala. Kegiatan pembelajaran juga mengurangi kompetensi

dasar (KD) setiap mata pelajaran dan waktunya jadi dipersingkat karena sangat

terbatas. Selama pandemi ini pembelajaran online dilakukan sesuai jadwal, guru

semangat dan anak selalu dipacu untuk semangat belajar. Guru selalu berkomunikasi

dengan siswa dan orangtua agar bekerjasama dalam pembelajaran masa pandemi ini

dan mencari solusi atas masalah.


Apa jenis online learning yang digunakan di sekolah pada proses kegiatan

pembelajaran selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Di MA. Al-Khairiyah sudah punya e-learning dari Kementerian Agama (KEMENAG),

tapi ada media lain juga yang digunakan. Di sekolah pelaksanaan pembelajaran online

ada daring dan luring (luar jaringan), daring bisa menggunakan zoom, google meet,

video conference dan luring bisa menggunakan email, WhatsApp, e-learning. Kegiatan

daring dan luring dilakukan secara bergantian disetiap minggunya. Saya juga

menekankan di setiap pembelajaran harus ada interaksi antara guru dan murid. Saya

juga mengingatkan untuk tidak terlalu membebani, menyesuaikan dengan kesepakatan

guru dan siswa.



Menurut Anda, apakah siswa merasa senang dengan pembelajaran menggunakan

online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Kalau melihat siswa senang atau tidak itu sulit dijelaskan disituasi belajar virtual

seperti ini, karena guru hanya melihat dari layar monitor atau HP saja. Menurut Saya,

semenarik apapun media pembelajaran pasti ada ritme bosannya juga. Namun karena

kegiatan PJJ yang sudah berbulan-bulan dijalakankan kayaknya mereka bisa enjoy

sendirinya aja. Di kegiatan pembelajaran, guru menjadi sutradara yang baik untuk

mengetahui bagaimana cara membuat anak semangat belajar. Sekolah juga memantau

kondisi siswa, kalau setiap hari ada guru piket untuk memeriksa kesiapan siswa.


Menurut Anda, apakah pembelajaran menggunakan online learning efektif selama

Pandemi Covid-19?


Pembelajaran online tidak efektif dan tidak maksimal, pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ)

ini memang kegiatan pembelajaran darurat yang harus dilakukan agar pendidikan tetap

terlaksana. Terus juga dalam pembelajaran selama pandemi ini, banyak indikator mata

pelajaran yang harus dikurangi. Selama belajar online tidak ada sentuhan fisik seperti

mencontohkan yang harus dilihat langsung. Pendampingan belajar dirumah oleh

orangtua, berbeda dari segi emosi, psikologi dengan guru yang ada di sekolah.

Bagaimanapun, media online cukup efektif untuk kurikulum darurat, efektif pada

kapasitas darurat selama pandemi ini saja.


Apa saja kendala saat mengajar dengan menggunaan online learning di sekolah selama

Pandemi Covid-19?


Kondisi ekonomi setiap siswa berbeda, pada pembelajaran online pasti pakai kuota jadi

mereka butuh biaya untuk pengisian kuota internet. Kemudian juga pembelajaran


online sangat bergantung dengan sinyal dan jaringan, kalau jaringan buruk bisa

mengakibatkan salah paham antara guru dan murid. Seperti guru sedang menjelaskan

tiba-tiba sinyal terputus jadi siswa tidak mengerti. Selanjutnya, kendalanya yaitu pola

tidur anak. Karena belajar dirumah anak merasa tidak terikat dengan aturan jadi pola

tidurnya terganggu. Ada juga masalah siswa yang mereka benar-benar tidak ada HP

atau Laptop untuk belajar online.


Apa saja yang sudah dilakukan sekolah untuk meminimalisir kendala saat

pembelajaran menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Kendala selama kegiatan pembelajaran online untuk siswa terkait kuota internet yang

habis, kalau ada kendala pasti mereka informasikan di WhatsApp group karena ada

walikelas dan guru piket. Siswa di MA. Al-Khairiyah, 60% muridnya mendapat KJP,

jadi pihak sekolah memberitahu kepada orangtua murid dan murid kalau uang tersebut

digunakan untuk membeli kuota internet. Selama ini semua saling komunikasi, siswa

yang tidak memiliki HP untuk belajar online, alhamdulillah ada donatur yang

membeilkan HP jadi dia bisa mengikuti pembelajaran online.


Menurut Anda, apa manfaat mengajar dengan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-



Manfaat yang paling dirasa ya jadi banyak belajar teknologi, baik guru, siswa dan

orangtua siswa jadi lebih mengenal teknologi untuk pendidikan. Selanjutnya, belajar

online jadi punya banyak waktu. Kalau belajar online begini, guru bisa lebih baik dalam

mempersiapkan media pembelajaran. Kemudian, menurut hitungan Saya, lebih hemat

sih karena tidak keluar kemana-mana. Terus pengeluaran biaya hanya pada kapasitas

kuota internet.



Menurut Anda, apa kekurangan mengajar dengan online learning selama Pandemi



Menurut Saya karena kurikulum dikurangkan terus pengajaran kompetensi dasar jadi

tidak maksimal, lalu banyak materi yang harus dipilih untuk diajarkan saat belajar

online. Ini karena waktu pembelajarannya menjadi sempit, kegiatan pembelajaran

menjadi 90 menit dalam satu minggu itu sekali aja. Kekurangnya juga guru tidak tau

kondisi anak ketika belajar dari rumah, karena tidak semua siswa bisa didampingi

orangtua ketika belajar online. Kalau belajar online karena tidak bertemu jadi susah,

tidak bisa langsung nanya atau kasih sentuhan fisik kaya di dikelas biasa. Terus juga

untuk penilaian siswa selama online ini kemungkinan banyak yang tidak murni. Oleh

karena itu, sekolah menitik beratkan penilaian bukan pada kognitif, walaupun kegiatan

penilaian harian (PH) tetap dilaksanakan dan guru diminta untuk memberikan soal

yang membuat anak bisa berpikir dan menganalisis tapi tidak juga disulit-sulitkan



Apakah sekolah mengadakan pelatihan dan pengenalan terhadap penggunaan online

learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Di awal pandemi bulan Maret, karena baru jadi guru dan murid hanya belajar melalui

aplikasi WhatsApp, guru dan murid belum dilatih penggunaan media pembelajaran

online. Kemudian, sekolah mengadakan pelatihan dan workshop untuk guru dan

karyawan, jadi kami saling bergantian untuk mengajari satu dengan lainnya, belajar

menjadi host, membuat link dan lain sebagainya. Untuk siswa, mereka diarahkan oleh

walikelas masing-masing, seperti cara-cara penggunaan zoom dan lainnya.


Silahkan berikan komentar atau saran Anda untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran

menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19!



Di situasi dan kondisi seperti ini kita harus bisa mengolah suatu pembelajaran dengan

baik, agar menghasilkan sesuatu yang baik juga. Jadi lebih banyak mencermati dan

mengamati hal-hal yang terjadi, karena kita tidak bisa menyalahkan kondisi dan situasi

untuk dapat menyelenggarakan pembelajaran seperti biasa. Oleh karena itu, walaupun

di pembelajaran online ada kendala dan kekurangnya setidaknya ada yang kita peroleh.

Saran untuk guru agar mereka bisa berkreasi dan berinovasi, mau untuk terus belajar

media-media dan teknologi yang ada sehingga PJJ tidak membosankan. Sekolah juga

memberi arahan ke guru, siswa dan orangtuanya, agar pembelajaran online efektif,

efesien, dan maksimal dalam pencapainnya, kalau bisa juga berprestasi. Saran untuk

orangtua agar mereka juga mau belajar, jangan hanya mengeluh anaknya tidak paham,

orangtuanya juga tidak paham, nanti bangsa ini mau menjadi seperti apa. Untuk peserta

didik, Saya berharap mereka belajar semaksimal mungkin. Anak-anak harus belajar

dewasa, mereka harus belajar dengan zaman teknologi jangan sampai tabu.




How is online learning activity at school during Covid-19 pandemic?


Since early Pandemic in March, MA. Al-Khairiyah school implemented distance

learning activity merely used WhatsApp. In May, the school arranged training to use

media in online learning, such as Zoom or Google Meet. The learning activity run well,

even there were problems. It was reducing the basic competencies in materials and

limited time. Teachers and students were forced to eager to study. Teachers always

communicated with students and student parents to cooperate in studying and solving

the problems during the Covid-19 pandemic.


What is the online learning type that used at school during Covid-19 pandemic?


MA. Al-Khairiyah school used e-learning from the Ministry of Religious Affairs also

the other media. Online learning activity divided into synchronous and asynchronous

types. In synchronous activity used to zoom, google meet or video conference, while

in asynchronous activity used email, WhatsApp, and e-learning. The activity alternated

each week. I emphasized that every learning activity needs interaction between teachers

and students. I also remember not to overburden the learning activity.


Do students enjoy online learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic?


It was hard to know the real students’ feelings since the teacher merely saw from the

virtual screen. In my opinion, no matter how interesting the media it would have

boredom. However, this activity was already conducted for months so that students

could accept it. In the learning process, teachers know how to make students excited in

the study. The school also controls the readiness of teachers and students.



Do online learning is effective during Covid-19 pandemic?


The online learning was not effective; this is the emergency learning to continue the

education. There were many reductions in materials, and there was no physical

affection. Student parents’ accompanying at home was different from teachers at

school related to emotion and psychology. However, the online media was effective

for the emergency curriculum during Covid-19 pandemic.


What are the drawbacks of the online learning activity during Covid-19 pandemic?


Students’ economic level was different; online learning requires quota internet so they

need cost to buy it. Then, online learning related to internet networking, the unstable

networking could make misunderstanding between teachers and students. Next, the

students’ management was chaotic. Since study at home, students feel free with the

school rules. Some students did not have a tool in online learning.


What have the school done to minimize the drawbacks in online learning during Covid-

19 pandemic?


The drawbacks in online learning for students was related to quota internet. If there

was a problem, students could tell teachers. Then, 60% of students in MA. Al-

Khairiyah got KJP, so the fund from KJP could use to buy quota internet. During this

online activity, we communicate with each other. Students got donors of tools to study



What are the benefits of online learning activity during Covid-19 pandemic?



The benefits for teachers, students, and student parents could know the technology in

education. Online learning provides much time so that teachers could well-prepared in

the teaching process. In my opinion, online learning was economical because it just

needs a charge to but internet quota.


What are the disadvantages of online learning activity during Covid-19 pandemic?


There so many reductions related to basic competencies of teaching materials. The

limited-time of teaching online. Then, teachers did not know students’ condition at

home. It was not easy to adapt to online learning since we cannot meet them directly

as usual. The scoring of online learning mostly not pure. Hence, the school emphsized

not in cognitive, even there was the exam for students. The exam focuses in critical



Does the school arrange training to use online learning during Covid-19 pandemic?


In the early pandemic, the online learning process merely used WhatsApp. Then, the

school arranged training for teachers and staff in using online learning media. For

students, they were directed by homeroom teachers.


Please, give your comment or suggestion to improve online learning activity during

Covid-19 pandemic!


In this situation, we need to well-prepare the learning process. We cannot blame the

condition. Hence, even online learning has drawbacks, at least we got something. For

teachers, they need creation and innovation to teach in online learning. Schools also

direct teachers, students, and student parents to cooperate in online learning. For

student parents, they need to study too in accompanying their children. The suggestion

for students, I hope they seriously in the study along with the advanced technology.


Appendix 7 Interview Transcript of English Teachers of MA. Al-Khairiyah




Bagaimana proses kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah dengan

menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Di sekolah mengadakan PJJ (Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh) untuk kegiatan belajar

mengajar. Di sekolah ada kegiatan daring dan luring (luar jaringan). Di pembelajaran

online bahasa Inggris penjelasan materi dilakukan secara daring sedangkan luring

untuk memberikan catatan atau tugas. Karena bahasa perlu banyak interaksi, jadi Saya

berikan tugas seperti percakapan di WhatsApp Video Call. Dari hasil Video Call Saya

jadi tau kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris siswa. Enak sih belajar online begini, tapi

banyak juga gangguan yang dirasakan. Jadi harus belajar memahami dan mengatur

tentang pembelajaran online yang menarik tapi juga mudah untuk dipahami oleh siswa.


Apa jenis online learning yang digunakan di sekolah pada proses kegiatan

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Pembelajaran daring, itu menggunakan video conference yang bisa ada interakasi

dengan siswa, biasanya pakai zoom atau google meet. Di daring ada penjelasan materi,

sesi tanya jawab juga. Di pembelajaran luring, lebih banyak untuk memberikan tugas

atau catatan tambahan. Pembelajaran luring biasanya menggunakan e-learning,

WhatsApp group atau email. Kalau untuk tugas, Saya juga menggunakan video call

dengan siswa untuk percakapan bahasa Inggris.


Menurut Anda, apakah siswa merasa senang dengan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris

menggunakan online classroom selama Pandemi Covid-19?



Di awal pandemi, belajar online dari rumah ya anak-anak sih pada senang, kalau

sekarang anak-anak sudah bosan. Tapi itu tergantung siswanya juga, kalau dasar

siswanya malas ya semakin malas dan merasa tidak perduli. Kalau siswa yang aktif

dikelas ya bisa mengikuti, tapi tetap kurang aja interaksi antara guru dan siswa kan

lebih sulit. Namun anak yang malas atau rajin pasti ada rasa bosan, mereka pasti ingin

bertemu dengan teman-temannya.


Menurut Anda, apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan online learning

efektif selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Menurut Saya, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris tidak bertemu langsung dengan murid

susah. Jadi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris secara online ya tidak efektiflah, dari waktu

pembelajaran yang dikurangi. Tapi ada sisi positifnya, belajar bahasa Inggris online

banyak nilai murid yang meningkat. Walaupun tidak tau apakah mereka jujur

mengerjakan hasil sendiri karena banyak faktor yang memengaruhi. Di pembelajaran

online ini banyak peraturan yang dilonggarkan, siswa belajar sendiri dari rumah dan

pasti banyak juga gangguan disekitarnya.


Apa saja kendala saat mengajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunaan online learning

selama Pandemi Covid-19??


Kendalanya waktu pembelajaran jadi singkat, karena harus menunggu siswa bergabung

di belajar online. Pengajaran bahasa Inggris secara online membuat siswa sulit untuk

memahami materi, karena sulit untuk berinteraksi dan hanya sedikit siswa yang

merespon ketika proses pembelajaran. Kendala lainnya, adanya gangguan terkait sinyal

dan kuota internet untuk belajar online. Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang perlu banyak

interaksi jadi sulit karena adanya kendala tersebut.



Apa yang Anda lakukan untuk meminimalisir kendala saat pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19??


Ketika pembelajaran bahasa Inggris online begini tidak bisa untuk mengikuti peraturan

yang ketat, misalnya pengumpulan tugas disesuaikan dengan kesepakatan bersama.

Kendala terkait susah sinyal atau habis kuota, jadi Saya kasih saran mereka boleh

bergabung dengan temannya belajar bersama. Kalau siswa ada yang masih bingung

dan kurang paham dengan materi bahasa Inggris, Saya menyediakan waktu untuk

bertanya diluar jam pembelajaran, mereka bisa menghubungi Saya di WhatsApp.


Menurut Anda, apa manfaat mengajar bahasa Inggris dengan online learning selama

Pandemi Covid-19?


Belajar secara online lebih tenang dan santai. Kalau anak yang tidak nyaman belajar

langsung, sekarang mereka lebih nyaman belajarnya. Saya mengajar bahasa Inggris

online lebih banyak tantangan untuk Saya lebih kreatif, jadi Saya berfikir untuk

mencari tau bagaimana belajar bahasa Inggris secara online yang menyenangkan, siswa

senang dalam belajar belajar online, dan membuat mereka juga paham dengan materi.

Disisi lain Saya juga merasa lebih dekat dengan keluarga, karena mengajar dari rumah

jadi lebih sering ketemu walaupun ada juga gangguannya sih jadi kurang fokus begitu.


Menurut Anda, apa kekurangan mengajar bahasa Inggris dengan online learning

selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Karena belajarnya secara online apalagi bahasa Inggris, jadi lebih banyak

tantangannya. Seperti bagaimana menentukan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris online

yang menarik dan mudah untuk dipahami oleh siswa, terus juga permaslahan seperti

jaringan atau kuota ketika belajar juga terkadang menggangu proses pembelajaran. Ada


siswa yang tidak ada kabarnya ketika pembelajaran online, jadi susah untuk

mengontrol mereka dalam belajar online begini. Jadi guru lebih saling memahami dan

bantu kalau ada kesulitan sajalah.


Apakah sekolah mengadakan pelatihan dan pengenalan terhadap penggunaan online

learning untuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Iya ada pelatihannya, sekolah mengadakan pelatihan khususnya penggunaan zoom dan

google meet. Pelatihannya hanya dua hari, di hari pertama semua guru-guru

menentukan materi esensial yang akan diajarkan untuk pembelajaran sesuai mata

pelajarannya, terus Saya dan guru serumpun menentukan materi untuk mengajar

bahasa Inggris secara online. Di hari kedua ada pelatihan pengajaran daring, mulai cara

penggunaannya, terus kita latihan mengajar secara online. Kalau masih ada yang

bingung, nanti bisa dibantu oleh guru piket untuk buat link zoom atau google meeting.

Jadi semua guru saling membantu dan mengerti dalam pembelajaran online ini.


Silahkan berikan komentar atau saran Anda untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19!


Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris secara online membuat guru jadi harus lebih kreatif, jadi

lebih kerja keras untuk membuat anak-anak tertarik dan tidak bosan belajar online. Ada

sisi enak dari belajar online jadi sering bertemu keluarga, tapi ada juga gangguannya

seperti tidak fokus untuk mengajar. Saya berharap ada pelatihan mengajar secara

virtual yang menarik, karena guru juga butuh inspirasi untuk mengajar online apalagi

mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Karena kendala di bahasa Inggris ya anak-anak kurang

paham dengan perintahnya, mereka tidak tau arti katanya jadi kurang paham materinya.

Semoga kondisi segera membaik, kasihan juga guru dan siswa harus menghadapi

kondisi seperti ini, yang penting masih ada usaha untuk belajar.





How is the online English language learning at school during Covid-19 pandemic?


The distance learning activity is divided into synchronous teaching materials and

asynchronous for giving notes and tasks. The language needed conversation; I asked

students to speak through WhatsApp Video Call to know their English ability. I enjoy

online learning; even there were drawbacks. So, I need to understand and arrange

catchy online learning for students.


What is the online English language learning type that used at school during Covid-19



In the synchronous activity, used video conference to interact with students, such as

zoom or google meet. There were explaining and question-answer section. In contrast,

the asynchronous activity used e-learning, WhatsApp group, or email. I used video

calls with students for the task.


Do students enjoy online English language learning during Covid-19 pandemic?


In the early pandemic, students enjoy online learning activities, but right now, they

were bored. It is related to students' personality; the indolent students would hard in

online learning. The active students could well participate, but it lacked interaction

between teachers and students. The indolent students or active students also miss their

friends directly as in the regular classroom.


Do the online English language is effective during Covid-19 pandemic?



In my opinion, online English language learning was tough. So, it was not effective for

the limited time of teaching. However, there was a positive side; the students' result

was getting better. Even though we did not know they were fair or not in doing the task

or exam. Online learning regulation was not strict since students were studied by

themselves, and there were many obstacles.


What are the drawbacks in online English language learning during Covid-19



The limited-time because I need to wait for the students to join the online learning. It

also made students not understand the materials since it was hard to communicate, and

only a few students could respond. Then, networking and quota internet was hampered

the online learning activity. English language learning requires much interaction, so it

was tough because of its drawbacks.


What have the school done to minimalize the drawbacks in online English language

learning during Covid-19 pandemic?


I made a deal with students to collect the task based on the schedule. I also advise

students to study together if they got trouble with unstable networking and quota

internet. If students still do not understand the materials, they could ask me by



What are the benefits of online English language learning during Covid-19 pandemic?


Online learning provides a relaxed situation. Uncomfortable students in direct learning

would enjoy online learning. Online English language teaching gives me the challenge

to create fun learning and make students understand materials. On the other side, I felt

close with my family even there were obstacles in online learning at home.



What are the disadvantages of online English language learning during Covid-19



It was challenging to make interesting online learning activities. There were also

drawbacks related to networking and internet quota. Then, there were also hard

contacted students, so it was hard to control them. Teachers need to understand and

help each other in online learning.


Does the school arrange the training to use online English language learning during

Covid-19 pandemic?


The school arranged training to use zoom and google meet. It holds for two days; the

first-day teachers decided the essential materials to teach in online learning. The next

day, we were practicing to operate the media in online learning. If teachers are still

confused, other teachers and staff could help, so we need to understand each other.


Please, give your comment or suggestion to improve online English language learning

during Covid-19 pandemic!


Online English language learning pushed teachers to be creative in the activity to make

students enjoy it. I hope there is training for teachers because teachers also need

inspiration in online learning, especially English. Since the students did not understand

the instruction in English, so they did not understand the material. Hopefully, the

condition is getting better soon; I pity teachers and students in this situation, the most

important that we still trying to study.


Appendix 8 Interview Transcript of Students MA. Al-Khairiyah



Apakah alasan Anda merasa senang atau tidak senang dengan pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Saya merasa terkadang senang tapi ada yang tidak senang juga. Kalau belajar dirumah

jadi merasa senang karena tidak terburu-buru. Kalau ke sekolah harus berangkat pagi,

jadi harus bersiap-siap lebih awal. Kalau belajar bahasa Inggris online, Saya kurang

senang karena hanya paham sedikit materinya. Semakin tidak senang kalau jaringannya

error, jadi terkadang senang atau tidak belajar online tergantung jaringan aja.


Menurut Anda, apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan online learning

efektif selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Kurang efektif, karena jaringan internetnya sering terputus jadi susah komunikasinya.

Selama belajar online ada daring dan luring, kalau daring pakai zoom dan luring pakai

WhatsApp begitu. Saya belajar bahasa Inggris di hari Rabu, setelah ikut kelas daring

biasanya dikasih soal di google form, kalau untuk materi dikasih bentuk pdf di e-

learning, kalau tugas biasanya di google drive. Kalau belajar online susah bertanya

dengan guru, jadi kalau Saya bingung biasanya tanya ke temen aja. Tapi belajar bahasa

Inggris online sekarang masih mudah dimengerti dan mudah untuk diikuti.


Apa saja kendala saat belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunaan online learning

selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Kalau ada materi yang sulit jadi sulit paham dengan belajar online begini, karena sulit

untuk bertanyanya. Banyak pakai kuota dan jaringan harus bagus untuk belajar online


begini. Jaringan internet juga terkadang tidak bagus jadi Saya merasa lebih sulit



Apa yang Anda lakukan untuk meminimalisir kendala saat pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Kalau dirumah sinyal internet sedang tidak bagus, jadi Saya harus pergi untuk mencari

sinyal. Kalau lagi belajar zoom jaringannya hilang, jadi Saya keluar dari zoom. Jadi

habis keluar zoom, Saya tunggu dulu terus baru bisa masuk lagi mengikuti



Menurut Anda, apa manfaat pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan online learning

selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Saya merasa bertamabah kosakata bahasa Inggrisnya sedikit-sedikit, walaupun tidak

banyak tapi ada yang didapatkan. Saya merasakan manfaatnya karena terkadang ada

kata terus diartikan dan dijelaskan bersama-sama, jadi semakin paham materinya.


Menurut Anda, apa kekurangan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan online learning

selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Banyak sih kekuranganya, kalau lagi zoom terkadang suara atau sinyalnya menghilang

jadi susah untuk mengerti materinya. Kurang suka pembelajaran online, kalau tatap

muka langsung bisa tanya langsung, kalau sekarang susah nanya ke gurunya. Terus

juga Saya merasa belum dekat dengan gurunya karena belum pernah merasakan tatap

muka dikelas biasa. Belajar bahasa Inggris online kurang banget untuk percakapan.


Apakah sekolah mengadakan pelatihan dan pengenalan terhadap penggunaan online

learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?



Kalau Saya belajar sendiri cara penggunaannya, kan mudah bisa dicari sendiri. Tapi

mudah sih penggunaan seperti zoom di pembelajaran online ini.


Apa perubahan yang Anda alami selama belajar Bahasa Inggris menggunakan online

learning selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Ya merasa ada penambahan kosakata bahasa Inggrisnya, tapi sedikit-sedikit. Kalau

kosakata itu bisa cari di internet jadi bisa tau juga.


Silahkan berikan komentar atau saran Anda untuk meningkatakan pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris menggunakan online learning selama Pandemi Covid-19!


Kalau Saya lebih senang belajar di sekolah, karena lebih mudah mengerti materinya.

Kalau ditanya juga lebih nyambung, belajar dirumah kalau Saya lagi minum tiba-tiba

ditanya jadi Saya kaget. Saya maunya ketemu langsung belajar dengan guru biar

komunikasinya juga lebih mudah.




What is your reason to feel enjoy or not in online English language learning during

Covid-19 pandemic?


Sometimes I enjoy and unhappy with online learning. Study at home makes me relaxed.

I was not enjoying it in online English language learning since I just a little bit

understanding the materials. I felt more unhappy because of the unstable internet in

online learning.


Do online learning is effective during Covid-19 pandemic?


Online learning was not effective because unstable networking made it difficult to

communicate. Online learning used synchronous such as zoom, and asynchronous,

such as WhatsApp. In the online English language learning schedule on Wednesday,

teachers give us the question of materials in Google form, while the materials shared

by e-learning and the task shared in Google drive. Online learning activity made me

confused since I could not ask teachers directly. However, online English language

learning still easy to understand.


What are the drawbacks in online English language learning during Covid-19



I have difficulty to understand the materials since it was hard to ask the teachers. Online

learning used much quota internet and stable networking. If the internet connection was

bad, I felt unhappy.


What have you done to minimize the drawbacks in online English language learning

during Covid-19 pandemic?



If networking at my home was not good, so I need to find a place that has a stable

signal. Sometimes, I log out from zoom activity because of an unstable internet



What are the benefits of online English language learning during Covid-19 pandemic?


I could develop a vocabulary. In the online learning process, we sometimes discussed

the words and translated them to understand the new words.


What are the disadvantages of online English language learning during Covid-19



There were many drawbacks, such as unstable networking make teachers sound

disappeared, so I did not understand the materials. I prefer a regular classroom because

in online learning was hard. I did not feel close to the teacher since I never meet in

person. Online English language learning was not right for conversation.


Does the school arrange training to use online English language learning during Covid-

19 pandemic?


I know the use of online learning by myself; it was easy to operate, such as zoom.


What are changes did you experience in online English language learning during

Covid-19 pandemic?


I improved my vocabulary because I could find it on the internet.



Please, give your comment or suggestion to improve online learning activity during

Covid-19 pandemic!


I prefer to study at school because I would better understand the materials. I want to

study directly with the teacher to make communication easier.


Appendix 9 Interview Transcript of Student Parents MA. Al-Khairiyah



Bagaimana proses kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan online learning

selama Pandemi Covid-19?


Selama kegiatan pembelajaran online anak Saya bisa mengikuti dengan baik sesuai

jadwalnya. Belajar online seperti ini terkadang membuat dia tidak paham dengan

pembelajarannya karena tidak bertemu langsung dengan gurunya. Kalau Saya hanya

sering mengingatkan tentang jadwal pembelajarannya aja, walaupun kurang begitu

enak belajar online begini ya.


Menurut Anda, apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan online learning



Menurut Saya lebih baik belajar di sekolah, kalau dirumah kurang enak aja. Anak Saya

belajar dirumah kurang mengerti materi jadi kurang enak, kalau di sekolah kan bisa

dijelaskan atau tanya langsung dengan gurunya.


Apa saja kendala saat pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunaan online learning?


Terkadang anak Saya tidak mengerti materinya, jadi dia juga tidak enak belajar online

begini. Kalau lagi belajar online begini HPnya sering error dan jaringan internetnya

juga tidak stabil jadi susah.


Apa yang Anda lakukan untuk meminimalisir kendala saat pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris menggunakan online learning?



Kalau anak Saya sedang belajar terus jaringannya buruk jadi harus cari tempat yang

bagus sinyalnya, karena belajar online kan berhubungan dengan sinyal.


Menurut Anda, apa manfaat pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan online learning?


Karena dirumah jadi lebih santai, juga lebih terjadwal waktu pembelajarannya. Anak

Saya bisa mengikut pembelajaran dan sesuai dengan waktunya. Terus uang jajannya

berkurang, kan dirumah aja. Saya juga lebih merasa nyaman anak Saya dirumah.


Menurut Anda, apa kekurangan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan online learning?


Kasihan bikin anak pusing sendiri, karena belajar dari rumah dan sendiri. Kalau tidak

mengerti anak Saya jadi bingung. Terus jaringan internetnya suka menghilang, HP

anak Saya juga sering error jadi kasihan.


Silahkan berikan komentar atau saran Anda untuk meningkatakan pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris menggunakan online learning!


Kalau Saya lebih suka anak Saya belajar ke sekolah, karena ketemu gurunya langsung

jadi bisa tanya jawab secara langsung. Di sekolah juga banyak manfaatnya karena tatap

muka langsung dan mudah paham materinya. Pengen nya agar cepat kembali belajar

di sekolah dan kondisi bisa stabil lagi.




How is online English language learning at school during Covid-19 pandemic?


My child could well-participate in online learning. Sometimes, my child did not

understand the material since it was not direct to meet the teachers. I always remember

my child about the schedule of online learning.


Do online learning is effective during Covid-19 pandemic?


I prefer to study at school was better. Online learning made my child not understand

the materials, so it was inconvenient if study at school students could directly ask



What are the drawbacks in online English language learning during Covid-19



Sometimes my child did not understand the materials, so my child did not enjoy it. The

tools and internet connection were error, so it hampered online learning.


What have you done to minimize the drawbacks in online English language learning

during Covid-19 pandemic?


If the networking was unstable, my child has to find the place with good connection.


What are the benefits of online English language learning activity during Covid-19




Online learning felt more relaxed and good scheduled. My child could participate in

online learning. I did not have to give my child a money pocket; also, I felt safe that

my child studies at home in this situation.


What are the disadvantages of online English language learning during Covid-19



It was difficult for students since they study at home and by themselves. If my child

did not understand the material, I also worried. Internet connection was unstable; also,

the tools got an inaccuracy in online learning.


Please, give your comment or suggestion to improve online English language learning

activity during Covid-19 pandemic!


I prefer my child study at school since teachers and students would have easy

communication. Study at school has many benefits such as easy to understand the

materials. I hope my child could study at school, and the condition is getting better.


Appendix 10 Students' Achievement in Online English Language Learning




No. Students


Before After

1 Student 1 90 90

2 Student 2 70 80

3 Student 3 70 60

4 Student 4 10 70

5 Student 5 70 80

6 Student 6 100 50

7 Student 7 - 100

8 Student 8 80 70

9 Student 9 70 90

10 Student 10 50 90

11 Student 11 60 70

12 Student 12 50 100

13 Student 13 90 100

14 Student 14 80 50

15 Student 15 70 90

16 Student 16 100 90


17 Student 17 70 100

18 Student 18 80 100

19 Student 19 80 70

20 Student 20 80 80

21 Student 21 90 70

22 Student 22 80 100

23 Student 23 80 80

24 Student 24 60 50

25 Student 25 40 80

26 Student 26 70 90

27 Student 27 80 100

28 Student 28 90 50

29 Student 29 80 100

30 Student 30 80 90

31 Student 31 70 100

32 Student 32 60 100

33 Student 33 80 90

34 Student 34 80 100

35 Student 35 90 100

36 Student 36 70 100


Class XI-IIS

No. Students


Before After

1 Student 1 - 70

2 Student 2 - -

3 Student 3 - 90

4 Student 4 80 80

5 Student 5 70 90

6 Student 6 30 60

7 Student 7 70 70

8 Student 8 80 50

9 Student 9 80 90

10 Student 10 - 50

11 Student 11 20 70

12 Student 12 70 60

13 Student 13 70 100

14 Student 14 60 100

15 Student 15 70 100

16 Student 16 80 70

17 Student 17 20 80

18 Student 18 20 100

19 Student 19 70 60


20 Student 20 60 60

21 Student 21 - 50

22 Student 22 - 60

23 Student 23 80 70

24 Student 24 50 50

25 Student 25 80 70

26 Student 26 80 50

27 Student 27 80 50

28 Student 28 70 10

29 Student 29 - 40

30 Student 30 8- 50

31 Student 31 - 70

32 Student 32 40 80

33 Student 33 80 60

34 Student 34 80 100

35 Student 35 70 40


Appendix 11 Surat Pengesahan Proposal


Appendix 12 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi



Appendix 13 Surat Izin Penelitian


Appendix 14 Surat Keterangan Penelitian


Appendix 15 References Examination Paper

References Examination Paper

Name : Siti Zulfa

Students’ Number : 11160140000047




Case Study of the Eleventh Grade at MA. Al-

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Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd

NIP. 19631010 199103 2 003

Atik Yuliyani, M.A. TESOL

NIP. 19840410 201503 2 003