the impact of multimedia technology in influencing the extinction of traditional games among...

The impact of multimedia technology in influencing the extinction of traditional game among Generation-Y” ASLIZA BINTI HAMZAH 2014477322

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“The impact of multimedia technology in influencing the extinction of traditional game among Generation-Y”


21 century



Medium communication



Generation Y

Multimedia tools

Traditional Games

Special event

Culture history

1.2 Statement of the problem According to Burri (2010), Multimedia technologies have often been perceived as imperiling

traditional cultural expressions (TCE). A frequently made statement in this respect is that “The distinct and diverse qualities of the world’s multiple cultural communities are threatened in the face of uniformity brought on by new technologies and the globalization of culture and commerce.”

In what has become common parlance, members of Generation Y are called digital natives, rather than digital immigrants (Prensky, 2001). They are the first generation to have spent their entire lives in the digital environment; information technology profoundly affects how they live and work (Bennett et al., 2008; Wesner and Miller, 2008).

We are living in an increasingly digital age where video games have become a key element of child and youth culture (Seel, 2001; Aarsand, 2007; Gee, 2007).

Generation Y actively contributes, shares, searches for and consumes content – plus works and plays on social media platforms (Bolton A., 2013).

True story…Pastimes : “An activity that occupies one’s spare time pleasantly” - Source: Free on-line dictionary.

I’ve mentioned before that I’m hooked on my

computer. I work on it all day at the office and then

I come home and “play” on it. It’s a little sad really.

If I’m awake and not preparing meals, eating, cleaning

or exercising then I’ve probably got the laptop open. Sometimes I even have it open when I’m

eating but I try to avoid that. I’ve been known to play games on my computer (mindless games

like Yahtzee or thinking games like Scrabble or Boggle). I’m sure this is a healthy way to unwind

after a stressful day but after 15 minutes or so I start to feel guilty about “wasting” time. Stress

is bad for your health. Feeling guilty is just another form of stress. – Sherry Hopkins, 2013

1.3 Research Objectives

The research objectives of this study are as follows :

1.3.1 To gauge generation Y perception toward traditional games

and Multimedia Technology tools in their everyday activites.

1.3.2 To investigate the effects of using Multimedia Technology towards Generation Y in their everyday activities.

1.3.3 To illustrate how Multimedia Technology influence generation Y in their everyday activities.

1.3.4 To examine the dependence among generation Y towards Multimedia Technology tools in their everyday activities.

1.4 Research Questions The research questions of this study are as follows :

1.4.1 What are generation Y perception againts traditional games and multimedia technology tools in their everyday activities?

1.4.2 What are the effects of using multimedia technology towards Generation Y in their everyday activities?

1.4.3 How can Multimedia Technology influence generation Y in their everyday activities?

1.4.4 How to examine the dependence among generation Y towards

multimedia technology tools in their everyday activities?

1.5 Operational Definitions The definitions used in this study are as follows :

` 1.5.1 Multimedia TechnologyMultimedia is a combination of at least two media input or output. Mediacan be audio (voice, music), animations, video, text, graphics and images (Turban et al, 2002).

1.5.2 InfluenceThe effect that somebody /something has on the way a person thinks or behaves or on the way that something works or develops (Oxford Advanced Learner‘s Dictionary, 2010).

1.5.3 Traditional GamesTraditional game means a game or something that has become a habit (customs,beliefs, etc.) that have perpetual succession, something that has become a practicethat has been synonymous with a community (Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2009).

1.5.4 Generation YCategorization of generations, using the following birth dates for each cohort: the Silent Generation (1925-1945), the Baby Boomers (1946-1960),Generation X (1961-1981) and Generation Y (born after 1981) (Brosdahl & Carpenter’s, 2011)

2.0 Introduction

2.1 Phenomenological Theories Related to Multimedia Technology – Carl Roger's Self Theory

2.2 Multimedia technologies tools

2.3 Benefits of Multimedia Technology 2.3.1Generation Y 2.3.2Parents 2.3.3Education

2.4 Effects of Multimedia Technology 7

2.4.1Generation Y 2.4.2Traditional Games 2.4.3Health 2.4.4Society 2.4.5Cultural

2.5 Conceptual Framework


Theory of Social Development


Theory of Modelling(Bandura)





2.5 Conceptual Framework

2.5 Conceptual Framework

• The conceptual framework for this study is shown in Figure 2.5

• According to Miles & Huberman (1994 in Jabareen, 2009), a conceptual framework ―lays out key factors, constructs or variables, and presume relationships among them‖.

• In this study, generation Y perceptions towards Multimedia Technology tools, the effects of using Multimedia Technology towards Generation Y in their everyday activities and how Multimedia Technology influence generation Y in their everyday activities will be investigated in depth.

• These three variables will perceive the literal role of Multimedia Technology in influencing the extinction of traditional game among Generation-Y .

• As shown in Figure 2.5, the use of Multimedia Technology in academic will influence traditional games and generation Y everyday activities through parents and peers.

3.0 Introduction

This chapter will discuss the following; Research Design, Population and Sample, Instrumentation, Pilot Study, Data Collection and Data Analysis Plan.

3.1 Research DesignThis is a Quantitative approach by employing combination among Survey research

and Qausi Experimental.


3.2 Population and Sample

The population for this study will be Generation Y (Malaysia citizen) as all people born between 1981-1999 – regardless of their circumstances (N. Bolton, 2012).

This study used Non-probability sampling procedures to choose respondents.According to Castillo (2009), in non probability sample process, the samples are selected based on the purposive owndecision of the researcher or the accessibility of the respondents itself.

The method used was Purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is to target a particular group of people whereby for this research is generation Y stay at Klang


areas. This sampling technique is chosen as the objective of this study is to investigate the effects of using Multimedia

Technology towards Generation Y in their everyday activities.

The sample sizes for this study are 100 respondents.All of the respondents consist of Generation Y from various background (rural n urban area at Klang Valley) since they

were randomly selected.

The instruments used for data collection in this research study is questionnaire, observation and interview.

For the purpose of this study, the questionnaire is using close-ended questions as well that would serve to bring quantitative data respectively.

As for the close-ended questions, Likert Scale and Guttman Scale will used, which was the five-item scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree and only two intervals, ie Yes or No.

The researcher will conduct a Semi-structured interview with selected respondents from generation X.

3.3 Instrumentation

Pilot Study

Design of questionnaire

Sample selection

Questionnaire Distribution

Analyzed Data Collection

Quasi experimental

Interview process

3.4 Data Collection

3.5 Data Analysis

• The data obtained from the questionnaire were collected and analysed to provide answers to the three research questions for the study.

• Data obtained from the Quasi experimental were record and analysed to provide answers to the fouth research questions for the study.