the humanization of urban space

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Post on 01-Nov-2015




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THE HUMANIZATION OF URBAN SPACE INTEGRANTES: AGUILERA FELIPE - CADENA KEVIN - CARANQUI YOMIRA - CASTRO PILAR - CHICA DANNY The public space is one in which the human being realizes non-core activities that have to do with their social life. This space is good when it is done many activities and enjoy. El espacio pblico es aquel en el que el ser humano realiza actividades no primordiales que tienen que ver con su vida social. Este espacio es bueno cuando en l se realizan muchas actividades y se disfruta.

Required activitiesActividades necesarias

Optional activitiesActividades opcionales

Social activitiesActividades sociales

1.Three types of outdoor activitiesExternal Activities and architectural trendsThe people prefer to sit where they can appreciate (eg. A construction site attracts look what happens).

Environmental conditions will make the somewhat favorable or comfortable space for human activities.Las condiciones del entorno harn del espacio algo favorable o cmodo para realizar actividades humanas.

Normal social situationsThe architecture should help the contact between people is conducive subdividing spaces (eg. In the case of residential areas, houses can be connected by plazas and access roads).

La arquitectura debe ayudar a que se propicie el contacto entre las personas subdividiendo los espacios

First life, then spaces, then buildings the other way around never works.En primer lugar la vida, despus losespaciosy acontinuacinlosedificios al revs no funciona.JAN GEHL.Processes and ProjectsThe senses CommunicationDimensionsSight is the most important to capture as much information.

The senses of communicationThe beginning of any social activity occurs based on three acts :SeeHear Speak the spaces

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