the hickman courier. (hickman, ky) 1889-05-10 [p ]. · year and $40,00.1 for royal parkt and...

MP'S'. A ,f "'- - lJ5lL. V'--4- 7) "77, t THCKjijHCOURlER. FINE JOB PRINTING TNbllflmlEmy Friday by THE COURIB WITH NEATNESS KXKCUTKD AND DISPATCH. ' GLEORQE WARREN SALE BILLS, 1 9", t Hiokmnn, Kentucky. ENVELOPES, ' , . LETTER Office Jackton Street, ncit door lo Oilr "all. -- - - Tr.- - HEADS, CEOCE WARREN, Editor. Tho Oldost Nowspapor in Wostorn Kentucky. DILL HEADS, INVITATIONS, ETC,, ETC. Prlcoor Subscription, $150 ESTABLISHED 18.r0. COUNTY, VoiSv. no. 3i. HICKMAN, FULTON KENTUCKY, FRIDAY. MAY 10, 1880. CALL AND SEE US. ' err CURRENT TOfMCa NKuncr nV.ftHQftft Utiles are born In Ihli cn lit every year. Iowa proposes to build a f 103,01) sot illeri' monument at Dn Moines. The of Hprlnglielil, Mo , li done by the (Ire department. Hem urn reported unuiually numeroiit In thn upper part of Prnnkllu County, Me. ,,Wikn yi Herman Kinperu'r vltlts Kug Indtkli year he will mostly live aboard ilili. A COl'T of the tint edition of Chnrlti .Liter's Murk lately told In Kngland for 1,7S. Wiixjt President Ilirrlsoi drives out lie prefer! a light wagon mid usually iot at lilt own drlrrr. A linn inn In In 1776 liy William Hmllh, of Philalelphta, bai Leinfoumt In a Hunt IngtoiTcocklofL Tri City of Kome oontumni nn nvornge of 300 ton of coal day In entiling the ocean at top (peed. Ill rx-n- l Kunday Utile of a New York Iiswtpsper teventy-ieve- n torn of wliltn paper wrra continued. 1. T. Hahisum list given J1I.0W to the M Tt'Trr'''Tcr.Bf-Tin- i H MWKMtLTNTniin dnsamal ho" wa IrlT. aHlnAnsk-V,'an- .t dreVlila plitol from under lilt pillow and thot hluitelt. A ninuiNCsT cltnen, aged ninety. two, cf Dayton, Tenn , wat mirrle I recently to si woman thirty-eig- yean ol L A nthanuk iltnrat It reported from Hun- gary. A y mi Hi Rrt had a fit of in sex ng which tatted twanly-fou- r hours. A aitiliroitoosi at Monroe, (It., Iwing without mousy gave tha Jjitlca a litUe rabbil dog htcli lio had with hi in. To BXCounsrilC aorguin lugar-makln- g, the Kan ai 1J.llture hat exempted al' sugar' pistils from t nation until HOI lr coil the Kngllth Government II71.1KI lo letp the rural pa'acee In order lad year and $40,00.1 for royal parkt and gar-den- t. Areoitntxu to tha returnt of the Judicial Depaitment the number of native law yen In Japan on thn 31tt of December wat 1,1 .M. Ik Hiuxr, of riurnl CaWn, Vurk Cuunty, Fa. can put a largo goose egg In hie mouth and rlote hli llpt without crushing thn KncniiilCK Villi run, tha London Urnph-l- o at tlit, lai come to thlt country to obtain pictures of the centennial for bit patter, Uxdkr the new license law of Mat saebu-el- tt only 78) drlnklng-pUee- s can lie II reneed In Iljitoo one for trery MO Inhab- itants. Til Canadian Parliament want! Kn glen I to lend a war vessel to ltehring't riea to teach the United Hlatei authorlUes c ieitya. Halt a doaen Cap Col townt are rjuar. tellng over the question which of them ehall celebrate tha r&Olh annlvtrtary of Cape CoL At Chicago thlrleen-year-o- ll Charllle Howard thot and captured a burglar, drosn another one away and recovered their Untv. Kxtil.tsu at It It written In Omahai ! 'Orviteit of diT, mutt resliler them be- - for the 101b of May, iir they will be thot by the Hllce.'' Tnn one fighting Modoc Indlant hare lunie Induttrluut farmer! in Ilia pat Ineliayrara. an I halt ot ihem hare pro fettetl ChrlilUiillv. At a welding In Utllne County, KanN Ilie groom charge.! tha guettt fifty cnU ach for iupor and sold them popcor five cenlt a package. A Ciiioaoo negro put In an hour In a :cii sttrags rwrj ts tea if " what It claimed to tv III froien note and ears are prooft that It was. Ins center ot the world It at Oultrnn, (!., a tonn of J,.VW Inhabitant t Ij.iI year l,t00, watermtloni were thlpped fr m (Ju tman. Jamx ItunriTil tays the continuation ot the rent agitation In Ireland hat had the effect of rautlng a indm ton of thn rents In Jrelaul-- al lea.t iJ,W-- I I'll regular Income of John I). Hocks-felle- r li J."0,0Jj,tM) year Thit niakei him Hit richest man In the United Ktites, prrhapi toe very richnit in the worl I. Tut etTo't ot thn Full Commission to tha I in the Colors lo river hat een tucceitful, and tha Indlant of Arl-son- a are gettlnj their first tatta of that Dili Akham H. Hrwrrr, who It now In ItOtidon, hai a suits ot rooint directly oor fioio of (Isnoral lloulanger. It It said that the two have a ready dlnei to- gether. A Itrrtjr. Kplscopsl ehapsl, Lull t In mem- ory of Paul H Ilayne, hai jutt b?en dedi- cated In lleorgla. It standi within tight of Hie cottsje wherein the poet tent his lait years. "lr you want to tee th bett pig In thn county, cation me." Tbli lithe way a Cam- eron County (Pa ) man advertliet the fact that he bat some likely young twine lo dlipois of. I.rvt Joiixsot, of lloilon, Oa., It 81 yean old nnd hat tixin blind for ten yuri Tha o,her day hit light sudJenly returned t him and bi called for a bivk and rad with orfect eats. Out ot 100,000 who crot't th J fiom Now Vork to Liverpool the Ion of tlfo Is not at groat a I among 10), CS) wr-- travel luttresa Nor York and I'Httburgh by rail A CUHIOUH letult of being hit with a bate-bi- ll It reported from Philadelphia. A .tufs.-ls- g 53 vw street is thsss'U'h, , nl when hn gnl well thn lmedluient In bit speech had diiappearol. A l'liii.uir.i 1'iiu.f who advertise 1 that In wot "laiio, croitoyed, had tho catarrh and a bid tonipo.-- , an I nai given to pro- fanity anil drink, but wanted a wife," S'Ololtn In four days. It Is expected that tho tfpanlth Oovern-mei- it h III soon soil nt auction Jl',000,00) worlh of slalo woo Hand, In order to cor-- v the llnanclil dolliloncy, to build rail-ond- i, c.iun's nnd highways, and to ettnb-Vi-h rural )oau banks, IlKihr ItKJO, ot Dilaware County, Pit., caught a trout that welg'iod live pounds, lie wat gieitly ilo.lghted until he discov- ers 1 that tlio Uiyi had tilled tha llth up with thot before It wat wolghtJ. Tnr only retired Huprems Justice It Wm. H'rjng, who llvei q ileily In Waili liigiou, lecturing occnilonally. He In IKS). His Is paid $10,00) annually froiu.lho United Htalot treasury. lisi HtinsMfA M DuiKi.Bt, of Newton, Mast, the Hi it womiii tobebank trenturer In the Uultml Htntoi, wllli the help of n 7lerk, now hindlot about ISO) 00) In inonoy ich year. In tho tlftoon yars of her ex- perience ilia bat but twlo takon In a Counterfeit b'll In enMi case a )U one. Di'icot Doulaugu's cloutt nHitrrnts It an Amerlat iiegra who uctt m thu great ajltntni's vnlet. Tn nogio't iinmo It JiilsiMnieon, and he wai born a tlnve In IoTiltln'ii about lorty yean no John llmoiir nn the only Cabinet Mm-tst- uhouivac knalt lo tin Queen, hi nniou I eliix that li could not rend or to an potentate the homaia which ho onid t ha Buproma Ujlilj a oil'. That troubbt li i.'lm early with soma pnpo wnt not lo i ngi forcibly Uin-tr- t .! in Nitliv He by tha iinpuntlon nl ilgh of tia let "f a thrj dayt'Ohl I, by 'Hi If had be 'ii bro'.si and gsu g, nil id istl.i. Am lUiatlanWAi nectn .tf 9 itve llf, ant the Ills uai iTi. A JUBILANT PEOPLE. Tho Nation Colobraton tlio Innua-um- l ContnnnlnL rretldent ItarrUiin't Arrlral and Itecep. tlnn In Mew Vork (Iraud .St nl nml Mil. Itary IHplyi-l.llrra- rr llirreltet A Notatile Hull and llaniiiet. AT K.lIltU.Tn, M. I, ruzAKCTii, N. J , April 00. Tha cntn. Dial celebration In commemoration of the Inauguration of tho flrtt Trceldont of tho Unltnd Btalr may b tald to liavo com- menced hero with tho arrival of prretdent Ilorrltun nt 7;' a. in. On thp imd of April 100 years ago Oenoral Washington arrlrcd hero (the jdaoo wan then called Kliaabethtown) after a tedloua Journey of elx day from Washington. Thli Urns I'rraldont IlarrlMin, so great It tho eontroit in tneani of transportation wrought' by a century, arrived at 7 2.1 n. in., baring covered the eamn distance, surrounded by thn enso and comfort and elegance ot a l'ennsy Iranla railroad palm e car, within six hours. The peoplo of thn city wef i astir IcUff be- fore tho 1'resldeiillnl train solved orowdi iMasewLtJUa Af' rl.llioo1 whr l'letldcut llarri. son wat to take brealcfait. The revdencea, torcaand hoUils on elthoraldaof the strecU leading from Oovernoraroen'i mansion on Cherry trret to Kllubetbiort along the route of Uin procession were gaily decked with flag! ami bunting The Una ot innrcn toiinwed as n-- as pna-slb- ln tha blstorio routo taken by (irncral Washington ft hundred yean ago, ai i from flovnmor Orenn'a resldenco to thn AUyono lloat Club boute Is a dlttanco ot aboat two miles and a half. Tha parade and pre-ocl- ou were tha mt inioslngciLr lu neseed her. At M the Presidential train drew slowly In tha deKt 1'rratdcnt Harrison. ho with hit family occupied the last car was the first person to step from tha n r plat-fon- n, rpilbkly followed by Mrs. Htrrlson, Mrs. MoKeo and others. Tresldenl llarri-son- 's appcaraiiou on tho platform wat at once the occasion of n prolongs! si out of wnlromn from the tho.isand or mc.-- n jo. pie In the Immcitlate vicinity; oarrlsges wero In waiting, and ln a moment the IVes ident and his family were ou their way to Oovrrnor (Ireen's mansion. The (Invrmor's house and grounds were elaborately decorated wltli tlio State Hags and bunting, and tha streets in the vl inltj oveuatthlt eatly hour, were paoVe.) mill jwopla There was a strong storm of c itert as the carriage! passed through the crowds and the orvupauU were le Iv errd at the residence. After the breakfast (lovemor Ones and Mr. Onvait, I'rosldnnt Harrison and Mrs. Harrison and Ylra I'rrldent and Mrs Mar ton received the distinguished men of tho Htate and prominent cltliens. Immediately after tha reception cJoe the review of tho procession by the Presidential j iMUtr The sUnd was erected in thn ground Mnti an entrance from Uio house for tha frrsldentinl party Owing to the limited stay of the Pm dent in this clty.cnly two divisions of the !. a ,onsl Ousrd and Grand Anny posed In rrview When Uio Grand Army had )o tho procslon halted and tho iTesldrjtlal jtartr left Uio stand for the carriage, f nn. g new division ln charge of ltobr-- t & Green, Jr , tho Govrrnor son. TtieenUre procession then moved thi tigh tho routo, ns near as could he, over wSLh Washington rodo; jiaxlng many of the houses. Including Uio Itoudlnot )i no, w hloh was apprnjirlaUly decuratcd, j Thn President' Journey from 1o-"- or (Ireen's Inanslou to l'MvAcfP waaonn ronUnual oration Th twaias. winuowa and doorways we rwwUea wlUi itcoplo, wlio cheered vi'rcrously , .1, as the . Prrs. J - '" to5 i 'u1 .i olcea fair y drowned the and music of drums and fifes and brass In stururat& Arriving at the Alcyone lxmt house the Prosldntit and Mce President were rowed out to Uia Dlsjtatoh ln a barge manned by twelve United 8tatea seamen. The rest of tha PresldenUal party were taken out In a steam launch. Tho iTrsldent boarded tho Dispatch at 10.40, and a few moments later she steamed up the Kill von Kull on her w ay to New York. OATLT IlIfXEII OUT, Nkvt York. April 91 - Tho city Is literally clothed In flags nnd bunting, and on alt sides are evidences nf a lavish cipeiidlturo ot money In decorations. Of the building lielow the city hall Uin most noticeable aro those Immediately oppo-lt- e the l'qulti-bl- n building, tho Droxrl Morgan building, the custom house, the various exchnngeeand the building. A ORCAT SCENS IN Till IUHDOR. New Yosx, April VO. On the arrival of the Dispatch lu tho Kasl titer at the foot of Wall street a bargo manned by a crow of from the Marine Society of Uia port of ew lork, with Captain Ambrose Know, president of that society, as put out to meet her anu row Uio President ashore- - Tho crew of tho bargo that rowed President Washington from r.llinbethport to the toot of Wall street woro members of tho samo society Ily thlt time the harlior was literally alive with sailing crait of every descrip- tion, and whistles rounded and guns boomed salutes as Uio DlspaW h picked her way on her course.. Half a doien big men. of vsr Yieie anctorc-i- l In tho vicinity of Governor's Island and Kills Island, awaiting tha roturn of tho lVesldont's boat Theso men-of-w- whero tho Chica go, carrying tho flag of tho hecretury or tha Naiy, thn Iloston carrjiug mo Hag; tha Atlauto, Yorktown, Juniata, Ksicx and Jamestown Ths cava! parade l' roismaud of Admiral I). I). Porter, The merchants' marine column was by al C V Vroo!cy, flair shlii. steamer Ilcrgoa Tin column consisted ot over 400 vessels, varying tu Im from t&o tu anu ligmcra to the passenger and freight steamers. Ntw York, April :'. It was about lltli when tho start of tho Dispatch on her trip up tho Kills was announced by guns from Port ltlohmoud, nud It wat nttar 12 o clock when shoonmu In sight in tho upr buy. I'or several minutes tha roar of cannon as she paused tho so erul inon-of-w- wat al- most doafentug, each ot theso, t eUuir with thu forts lu tha harbor, firing hu Na- tional snluto. Tho bay was cronde I with small boats, vessels ot every description, so that from n illstnnco n glimpse of clear w nter w at practically Impossible. Tha scene w as n stirring ono. Palntly above tho roar ot camion could Iki heard Uio shrill plpo of the boatswain whistles on the revenue cutters, yachts and men ar In a trlco sturdy tars manned tho yards and cross trees, and, with heads gnvo lioarty American cheers as tho Dispatch steamed slowly by. Tho olllcers stood with uncovered head. As tho Dispatch camo opposite tho tliiR-shl- of Uia different squudrons thn lat- ter, ono on oach side, steamed out and accompanied tho war-shi- p tho lougth of tha squndrou. Than colors ware dlppod, nnd n deafening srrceoh of steam w hlstles was blow u. As tbo Dlspateh oaiha opposite tho Chicago, Uia entire Hoot of over 400 steamers blow their w hbdle On went tho wnr-shl- p up through tho channel and into tho I'nst river, whero shu tame to an anchor otf tho foot of Wall street As soon as tho had got well Into tlio rh or a signal-gu- w as tired from the Chicago, and anchors that hnd been hove up short wore got on bourtl w Ith alacrity. Then began the real narnl parade. Thu sight of hundreds ot vossols ot all kinds was onn that will long be remembered by the thousands of peoplo who lined tho docks and hoiisotupH along tho rlvor (unit ol the Hudson. IIKOirTION AT NW TORE. Thi l'ruldtnt wu rtoslvad m h its; pod athors by Governor Hill, Mayor arnt,IU"i UrtB irtih, prsiltltai Oi fsb CmlnaUl Commlttoo and Wllllnra O. Hamilton, chair- man of the Commlttoo on Btntes, and with tho other guests, In cnrrlagcs, wore es- corted to tin 1'jnltnblo bulMln?, where a recaption and collation wero tendered them by the Commlttco on Htntes. Tlio 1'rcsMant nnd his jiorty arrived at tho Kqultnble building at 1 tt p ta Tho President entered the grand court bctw eon thn lines of tronin. As ho entered tho troopt on elthor sldo "iircieiitod nrins," nnd tho full choir of Trinity Church, conducted by Ur Mcssltar, tho organ- ist, and choir roaslor of Trinity, dosconded Uie stolrcasu opposlto tha entrance and grouped themselves at the foot. Thoy then oaug tho lvymn, "Ileforo the Ird Wo Ikiw " Tho solemn hymn, rendored by this grand chorus, resounded through tho innrblo hall and stirred tha henrta of all who heard it with Its grandeur Follow Ing tills tho choir sang tho doiology, accompnulcd by a full corpsof comet. Whon the musla had ceased tho President was conducted to the lawyers' club rooms In tho Equitable building, whero a reception took place. Borne 1,201 gucsta wero presented to tha Chief JlogUtrato. Thoy represented every profession and trsilo in tha city. Tho reception lasted about nn hour, after which tha President and his party with a limited number of guests wero escurU-- d to uyrgyniigBaaxamfMUAfMsni -- WswBPW,"rWTrl"ho do ono or great beauty as tuo party entered. r.lecuiu HgliU which Imu bvvu con- cealed lu lli leaves of the palms and plant now burst forth in a blazo of light, nnd tha table was radiant ulth color and light. The feast which followed was elaborate for n breakfast, and uni thor- oughly epjoyeil by all present When the breakfast was nearly over the President's neaiui was urank by all standing Bhortly af l.-- r 8 3) p in tho Prixldant nnd party started for tha city hall, iscortotl by tho veterans of tho Havoiilh and Twenty, second lEeglmcnta. At tho stops of tha city hall D girls from tha grammar schools and thirteen from Uio Normal school welcomed tho President. Tho 'J.M grammar school pupils met him at Uio foot of the steps nnd strewed lion ers in his path. Tho thirteen from thn Normal school awaited him nt tho entrnnco to the city hall, and there unont them, ilUs Annlo Abrahams, read an aildrtssof welcome, to w lilrh tha President replied. AftT the reception tho President was escorted to tho resldenco of Mce Pi widen t .Morton by the C'omiuttteo on States. Presi- dent nnd Mrs. Harrison will be tho guesta of Mce Presldeut and Mrs. Morton during their visit. tTik ruu. New Yoik, April IU The pur Ho recep- tion to President Harrison nt city hall cloned at 5 o'clock p. la, and the President and Mr. Harrison wero drltcu at once to the residence of Morton, wh,i guests thoy will bo during tliolr stay In the city It Is estimated that at tho city hall reception fully 6,0.1) peoplo passed In view before the President. At 7 o'elook lost evening tho President and Mrs. Harrison and nnd Mrs. Morton left the Morton mansion and l""'- - w rosnenco oi niuytesaui, Pish, where they wore entertained nt din ner The Metropolitan Opera Houso was thrown open nl o'clock for tho Centennial ball It was attended liy (1,UJ erw)im. The tlnral decorations weroot the most laliorate order Ovir tho President's box was a large brass pendant displaying the -- oTd .Vaalilnstoa." d it ciUsrr csi c It were Uio dates "17ty nnd "I Mr In brill- iant gas Jetn. The lox Itself wasilrnped with cloth of gold, fluo laces, rmbosed ci- vets, figured silks and Hags festooned with Dowers. The otlier taxes were decorated with plush, silk, lace and silk Hag. Ten r LuLtU ot nvtirincens, ,ui siteulmens nf auleaa. fprns. r,l0 jialm. a.w.s imn- - , iu,uuu ruiips snu uysclnttia ana l,v misccll2rj0U" p'rntn wore useu in the tieo- - oratlous which, ugether w Ith other ileoo- - rtlllllhT lUSLIlliS WR, ,W,RL Jiayor (!ran a. host and chairman of tho committee the cenfonnlnl celebraUon, on . . . . rT rtI afi)r , k an(, tt, 10 ,, President Harrison arrltrd, accompanied by Mrs, Harrison, Morton antl Mrs. Mortou, nn I Lieutenant-Governo- r Jones and Mrs. Jones. Tbo manager of Uia ball, Mr II C Klanton, mat thn President nud his carriage and conducted him into the building, whern the mayor gave tho party a formal rcccntlon At tho conclusion of tho reception Uio guests nboro iiaiund wero conducted to tha Illue Hoom in the follow Ing order, escorted by a guard of honor, 1 ho President, with Governor Hill on bis right and Major Grant on his left Following them woro Mce. President Morton and Mrs. Harrison, Jones and Mrs. Morton; Hamilton Fiaa and Mr. Jonet. 'J lm guests crossed tho Moor to tho iTesldont's box, which had liccn erected at tho back of tho stage, where Mr rduyve-su- nt Fish, chairman of tho committee on entertainment pivceiitod to tho President iUr.KlbrdgoT Gerry, chairman of the ox. ccuttve committee, and the member of thu ooinmtttees on plan and scoe and enter- tainment Immediately after this had been dono tho opunlugquAdilllu wu for mod aud tho ball was in full splendor. Tha muslo was rur nlshetl by Hand-Mast- lender, who hnd provided a string and reed orchestra of UK) picked musicians. The opening quadrlllo was danced by thu following named ladles and gentlemen' Mm. Will. am Attor, Mrt. K. V It Cruger, Mrs. Kdward Cooper, Mis. ltobert F Weir, Mrt. William Herbert Wathlngton, Mrt. Fied-rpck- j, Del'eytter, Mm Cirola I.itliiktton, Mrs. A Newbol Morns, Mn. W. lliyard Cut-lin- Mrs. KJward F. Jones, Mrt. Alexander b. Webls Mrs. I. 1'. Morton, Mrs. A. Oraclo King, Mrs K. T Gerry, Mrs. Alexander Van Kens-telac- r, Milt I.ouli Iao Schuyler. Morton, rcpretentlng tho Na- tion; Licuteuant-Gavcrno- r Jonet, rcpretent- lng the State t Admiral Jouott, Mprctentlng the Nuvy; General McCook and General TSCmal M. nccnt reprcjentirjc tbr Army Commodore Itumsay. representing tho the Navy Yanl; General f,oiiliFlli-gerat- reprctentlng tho SUtoMllltU) Captain J. II. Dent, representing the Military Aeadeuiy; Lieutenant Judton, representing 11.0 Aldci cf tha Prc:U:st: Captain W. J. Sampson, representing the Naval Academy; Colonel Johnson LHIngtton DoPeytter, repre- senting tho Speaker of the Assembly; benator Y Aldrlcb, representing tho United Slatri Senate Dr. A. L. Smltli, United States Navy; Colonel J M Vurnura, J. W. Hcoltnun und G Crelghton Webb. The Vice Prcildont escorted Mrs. Jones and L'euteuaat-Goieriio- r Jones Mis, Maitan. Thn quntlrllln wiik watched with Intense interest After It was over tho Hour quickly bocamu crowded as tho general dancing began. Tha ecouo w as now ono ot brilliancy seldom equaled, nnd tho gnjety continued unabated until long after daw n 1 ho President and fam- ilies and thoso ot tha inoinbon of tho Cab- inet, Judges of Uio Supremo Court nntl other high personages occupied tho spoclul boxes reserved for thotu, w hero they en. Joyed it lino lov ot tho fetthltlcH and woro themselves tho obscricd of nil ob- servers. The crowd on tho floor was so groat at tha conclusion ot tho opening quadrille that It was linpos iblo to tlaiico, so the oruhostras plnyod piomonadu inurlo uud peoplo mot oil about as best thoy could un til midnight, when tha Presidential pnrty lod tho way to the supiwr room. The exodui that followed mado n llttlo room on tho Door nml tho dancing than began and continued Ull long after daylight Tliei o w oh some talk over the fact that at Uio Presidential tablo Jutt thirteen people wero sitting It was PJ 111 when the thirteen had finished their supper. Then they to tha ball-roo- At 12:10 a. m. the Prosldant and Mrs. liar rleon left tho ball nud went homo to Mr Morton's house escorted by mounted police. New Vork, May 1. Tho town woko up inoro sleepily Tuesday morning than it did Monday, and w Ith gootl reason. The crush to tho streets In the lower pa .. of tho city wot so great that It was found neoetsary to itart tho parado tomswbnt culler than had been intended. At preoUtly l.ui'JJ o'clock rjcnoral ticbo Add otdir, wid t. greatest military parado or inoaorn tlrnnn sinrtiiL Tho naradfl was led by Walor-Cloner- al HcIioUeld, ocoompanled' by hl staff and corps ot runs. llin right of tho lino was given to tnotiue chief cdok, and at a given signal tho nt Point rndets. 400 strong, who woro fnllowad bv tho regulars undor Molor-Go- n crnl Howard, nnd theso constituted tho llrst dlviiion Tho second division consisted of Htnto mllltta. They marched In tho order of tho admission of States to the Union, as follows: lJjlawsre, TS0 men. Governor llenjamln T II kbi commanillngi renntylvanla, B,on0 men, Governor Jamet A. Heaver commaadlag; New Jersey, S.TW men, Uovcrnor Kobert 8. Oretn comiuaadlng, floorgla, 230 men, Uovcrnor John II. Uordon commanding; Connecticut, an men. Governor Morgan G. Hulk-le- y rommamllnc'; Mattachusetts, 1,0? men, Gofernor Amet commandlngs Maryland, Ufi men. Governor li 1. Jacuson commana laa Bouth CarolliK. tan men. Governor John I Itlcuardton commanding; New Hsmptblre, (loTernora. United Htatet Bcnators and Cou-I.o- uo men, Oovernor Charles 11. 8yer com (Tcemeu, pant and presont; loadors In Virginia, K) men, Oovernor V i: j trnturc and art, military aad aaral heroes, hugh Leo commanding, New York, coebrlUo men ot wealth nnd social ouo men; Governor David IienneH,1, u i w0mn ot beauty nnd culture, Hltl commandcr-nhlef- t North O rol r. ,ho,7in,oominclr endless number. IM men. Governor uaniel u. commanding. 1th do Island. 4 men. Govern-.i- l Tatt rorcmandlngs Vermout, 790 men, Govcr nor William I', I) lllngham comroaudln tueky, 45i) men. Governor Hlmon A, J jjjatasa-aismaWsms.s- HlsSfWtst8. sorb U. Korskcr comroaadltig; Loultl- - ana, 400 men, Govornor Francis .T. Nishats "!asiniiris,t M'stissippi, 800 man, Govtrnor Iteuert Lonry com mand ng; Michigan, 4)0 men, Governor C. G. Lure commanding, District . f Columbia, H men. Commissioner Colonel U, C. lllaunt commaadlag; Klor'rts, 9J0 men. Gov- ernor Francis I. Fleming commojidlng; West Vrslali, ) ren, Uorcrnor J, 11. Jackton commanding. Placet were g ven la thlt d vision to dorcrnor Seay, ot Alsbsms; uotcrnor Jsinct r J.ngcl, ol Arkan-ta- t. Governor J N. Cooper, of Colorado Gov ernor J W, Filer, of Illlno t Governor Hover, of Indiana; Governor Larrabee, of Iowa, Gov- ernor lllirlcigb, of Maine. Governor Merrlam, of Minnesota; Governor Fruacis, of Mlttourl; Governor Tbayer, of Nehratka; Governor Pen-nojc- r, of Oregon, and Governor Hoard, of Tlio third division consisted ot the Grand Army of tha liapubllo nnd tho Loyal Legion. tlio scones along tlio nrstpartof Uio line of inarch beggar description. Tho city l.all and tho stands were inckcd nlmost to sutfoeatlon nud numerous ticket-holde- rs weio unnblo to gain access to thorn. llroadwnr nt fnr as tha cjo could sen, was a blase ot bunting and n sea ot fnct-s- . Housetop, windows, tclegraph-jKik-- s and liiinp-Kist- private stands with- out number, nnd every ovillilo vantage gTound vied with tha sidewalk crowds ln point of numbers. Cioso estimates mnko tho numbor of mllltlaiaen in lino IM.WU 1 his great body was followed by 10,000 or more Grand Army velcrnnh. it was after t o'clock when tho carriage deposited l'rcsidcst I'srrlson and Mayor Grant at Uio rovlou Ing stand. Following wero Vice Iresldeut Mortou, General 8her man and Senator varts. l- dents Cleveland and Hayes occupied another carriage. Chauncey M. I)oew oooupled a carriago with Archbishop Corrlgan. On tho stand President Hoirison ocoupiod tho center. Ou his right was General Miernian and on his lett was Mayor Grant To Uio left of tho latter were Cleveland and Hayes Hut few iiiiiiuUm elapsed after tho ar rival ot tho Presidential party whou tho military started. With hirdly a halt tno great column moved un pant too gimtu stniul, nna It was l) M o clods nva Hours ana twentv-flv- a minutes after tho starts when the last ot it had iwibjiou anu tho President j wMbIo to rest hi. right or,,,, w hlch fcr tho boius had boon constant y busy in an- - swerlug salutes. SURVICES AT ST. TAUt'S. M.rl- -. van. J..I.I ,i .11 v. UUUrchcS. tho principal rnnloes being at fct Paula ohurch, where aslilugtou attended on tho morning of his Inauguration, and which were attended Tuesday by President Harri son, Moe President Morton, ex Presidents Cleveland and Hayes and many ot the most distinguished iwople ot tho country. Tho follow Ing w as tho order of exercises I. Proccmonnl hymn; S. "Our Father," etc., S. Fialm Ixxxv, 4 Firit lesion Kccleil-aitletxv;- Te Deum, 8. Second lesion St John vl I, 7. llenedlcle, g, Creed and prayers; a. Address by ltlght Itsv, Henry C. Potter, bishop ol New York, 10. Itecettlonal hvnin. illshnp Potter. In his nddress, dwelt upon th trust and ilnpeiulenco which Induced the first Presldont ntterho hod taken tha oath to turn to tho church and ask God for holp. EXERCISES AT THE DUILDINd At tha close ot thn scnlco ntht Paul's tha Presldont and distinguished guests w era drhen to tho sub treasury building, In front ot which the literary exercises ot tho tiny took placo. As soon ns Uio Presi- dential party reached tho platform Hamilton I ish Sr., opened tho exercises by introducing 1 Ibrldgo T Gerry as chairman. The latter,G;-.ncc- d that 100 years ngo, on that urj spot, Goorga Washington took the onth of oillco as tha first President of Uio United States, nnd then Introduced Itev. lllchard P Morra w ho dolhered tho Invoca- tion. Clnranen W How un, secretary of tho tuiiUiuilu! Ciuirolttoa, wax next Intro. duced. Ha read J O. Whlttler's poem, which had been romposod fortho occasion. Then followed tho oration by Chauncey M. Dcpew, In Uio midst ot tho ctithusla. tio cheering which followed Mr. Dapew'a oration, Mr. Klbridgo Gerry arose and said: ' "Tho Prisldent of Uio United States will now address j ou." President Hnrrlon then nroso from his seat, placed his hat on tho chair In w hlch ho Unit lionn sllung, ami udvaucvd to the front of tho plutf ornu Tills w nt the signal for a grasd outburst of cheering Ha u before tlio cheering died away nnd spoke ri" follows These proceeding! aro of a very exacting character uud make II .ud th.t I should d.ltvoraiiivldroiionthli occasion At HaoarU dato I njtiflcd r ur corarctttre tbnt tho programme mutt not contain any ai' Ireit br rae. Thi tclcctlon of Mr. Uonew ut tho orstor on this orcailon m.ulo further ipecch i.ot dl&lcult by luportluoui Ho has met tho demand or tbes on Us own hlgU 1 ret Ha bai brought beforo ut tho In. lentt or the icrcinonlct of tho .great Inaugu allon of Wath- lngton. Wo teem to bo a part r the admiring and almost adoring throng ' at tilled thto ttreots ino years ago to greet ' ontwajs Inspir- ing prcsente nt Washington lie was the n of duly, and ho toncnes ut th a great lctson, that thoto who would aisoclata their nuino with evoats that irnll oiillivo a century cau only do so bj tho highest conso- ciation to duty. He was like, the captain who goei to tea nnd throws oterboard hit argo ot ragt thit ho may gtln safety and dcllveranoa for hit Imperiled fellow men. Wathlngton icctucd in como to tho discharge of the duties ot hit high ofllco Impretiod with a great tente of bit uufamlllarlty with tbo joiltion newly tbrutt upon him, modestly doubtful of h t own ability, but truitlug luiplieity In hn hopeful r.ett ot that God who rulet tha woru nnd preildei In tho ccntelence of nations Wo bae made a marvelous progrosi in ma terlal vtents s.nco then, tut tbo stately ano enduring ibatt wo hnto built at thoNalion.ii ,'tpltnl symbolliei the fact thotho nitlll tin llrst American c tuen Iho llttirnry oxcrcles wero oor ni tlslT o clook nnd tho Presidential party left tho sub trensnry in tho order It hail en A tered. THE 1HSQ.UHT New York, Mny 1. Tho Metropolitan Oporn-IIoiiK- was Tuesday lilht tha scuno ot tho second chief ent of tho greir centennial colebrntlon and tho theater or tb.9 grcntett banquet postlblj er hold within thu recollection of innii Iho in toilor dcooratloiiH of tho now his toricnl building oxi-olle- cn Uio splendor and tllfplny of tho ball colobra-tlo- n of the proilous night. Tho stego uud atiilltorluin oontifcted in one continu- ous lloor woro tho foundation of over n quarter of n hundred tables nrrnngod In loiible horsu-slio- ti ftthlou with n seating t'npaulty for oW. Nearly H WJ ln sla" jllttcrod at Intervals alone tha array of tables, and S00 waltert at wall drilled, m to many toldltri stood ! to rttsupna l Ui tUtt fjtwlnlc of tho diners. Tho tables were eutiotatcly decorated Tho thief steward .ttAtlnri fit Ilia flti.lp Anlrn1!Af1 ryn electrical wire ln communication with sCo congregation of diners started Minultaneousty with dinner Each course ras to tlmo of sarvlca was rcif- - ulsted by electricity, thus avoid. ling tho custom prevalont nt pnbllo ulnnrof srvliiLn iHirtlon of thadlnnora slthll'ht wines whllo the balanco drink rharapagno The expense ot tho dinner U filillo hao been I.JV1!), the wluo alono ciiilng an czjiendlturo of nearly tl0,UX). ' It would be a di&oult task to name all tho uelthtltlet who wore at the banquet. It is Uoaltful if any one building orcr held on a (ingle occasion so many of Araortca's men. and Vlco-Prcs- l- CtBU, Cabinet and olllcers. B'lprcine Court Justices. Governors nnaox- - ,,.-iuji- ,, "' H when tho ?". Hill .... , Jtf tl(tont,vt)rtod by ernor Jones ot New Vork nnd (ho tUier distinguished guctts of tbo mayor's ttblo. As Uio party walked down the main ale ot tho auditorium all the assembled, diners stood up in recognition of tho Presi- dent's arrival and tho band played ''Hall to tlio Chief " Tho President's party stood bick ot their chairs with bowed heads while Illabop Potter made tho opening prayer of grace and tho dinner was begun at a signal from tho banquet director. It wns announced that Secretary of Btato Illaino wat unable to bo present At the conclusion of the lm ocatlon Mayor Grant rose and rand tho list ot toasts, and pc, names ot those who wera to respond i 1. Addrct! of welcome David Hilt, Goveraor if New York. 1. George Wathlngton Drank standing, In tllence. . "Tho Tecple of the United Statot" Gnver Cleveland, ot the United Stites. 4 "The Btalet" Fits Hugh Ler, Goveraor ot Virginia. H "Federal Conttllutlon"-Melvl- llo W. Fu.lcr. Chief Jut lice of tt.n United States. ft 'The House of Kcprcientatites" Jsmos G. llalno (ommltted became of Mr. Hlalno's Inaib lily to be present). 7, "Tha Senate" John W, Daniel, United Stales Senator from Virginia. 8. "Tho Presidency ' Kutherford U. Ilayci. of the United Stated 0, "The Judiciary" William M. Evartl, Unued States Senator from New York. 10, 'The Army and Navy" General William Tccomteh- - Sherman. II. "Our Schooli and Collcget" Charles W. r.tlot, prct'dent ot Harvard Ualvcrslty. li. "Our Literature ' Mr. James Ituttell Lowell. 11 "The United States of America" Hen- - Jamln Harrison, President ot tho United States. Ex President CIo eland ln rceionsa to tho toast "Our People," said: 'The mention of a people may well suggest sober and imprcttlve reflection.. Tho subject wat not beneath the Divine thought when the I tomlte wat gives ISc children of Israel, 'I will take OJ to Me for a people and 1 will bo to you a GoJ.' Tbli Idea ot DUIne relationthlp to a people It alto recognized ln the fervent utterance 'Yea, happy It that people whose Uud It tie Lord.' "The Influence ot these reflections li upon me at I ireakot those who, attcrdarkneis and uuub. ...5 struggle, tr;t J crib, is the bright 1 shtot lr dependence and liberty and became our neoi.le' freo, determined, and confident ly challenging .. the wonder ot tho universe, pro-- ', '"oklB ,ha sld and farorot "One hundred yeart have patted. Weh&o announced and approved to ths world our mil lion unO A,nm9.mmi,Tr wt. WJ point to t le toait-- . ' m ...-.-- . (, fr 'pie woo nave uraveiy Jica la uerense oi our National safety and perpetuity, mutely bes g testimony to their lore of country and tos:i invincible living bolt standing ready to enb. " our National rights and pro- tect our land. Oar churches, our icbik t and uulvertiliei and our boncv-ole- r Institut'ons, wblcb teautlfy every toss and hamlet and look out from every hill-id- e. teitify to tho value our people place upon rel i eui teaching, upon advanced education ana n deed! ot charity. Let ui then haTO BO ung laiin in our ptopio,- - i.e. poiuianco an i iconient with popular action dliappear te ir the truth that In any and all clrcum-tlh- n the will of tbo people, however It may be i rcucd, ti the law of our National exltt- - en Mm there it danger, I fear, that the icope cl u. wordi "our peoplo' and all they lmrort are r t alwnyt fully apprehended. The rich me-- i ' ant or capitalist In the center of wealth nn ntcrprlio hardly hat a glimpse of the re mi blacksmith at his forgo or tha is -- j, r in his lUld, and theso In their tura kiow bin little ot tbo laborers who cr s i cur manufactories and Inhabit their ova world ot toll, or of the thousands who Is ' incur mlnci. If repreienlatei of every elrm it of our population and lnduttrtes h .. ! be gathered together they would find lui ule of purely selllib and personal n common, and upon a luperrlclal t i but little wojld be seen to denote that o ne people wat represented. r t centennial timo which stirs our pride t taJing ui to the contemplation of our tre-- out stride! In wealth and greatneis, alio rr 'ir minds the virtues and the umelf (.. otion to principle of thoie who saw tho li'ii ays ot the republic. Lt there now be a r, ai ot our lot o tor tne principles wnicn our umtf represents; let mere do at mis time a n coniccranon io ine cause ot man s ires-(- 1 ,i and equality and a quickened seme of t tu omn rrsrcasiDiuiy assuain oeicr in" w by every man who wears tho badge of o r people. T e tuturo beekom ut on. Let us follow wiid an exalted andcnnobllnglnte of country a i with undaunted courace. Though clouds triv tometimei ilarlicn tho hcttont, they ihall t up lied, and wo ihall teo tho bowot God's i ui o et clearly in tho iky and ihall road i. ulli it bbulug in radiant characters tho w rd, "Our people.'" President Harrison was to have rcspond-- c ' nt tho point whoro Mr. lliaine's toast w a scheduled, but this part cf the pro grainino w as roarrnngetl, nnd tho President i "i .T. ' 1,.e.dlJ ",1 : "" i fM'""l, tho to.iot. V Iho United Statos,'1 until n very late hour It is undorstootl that tlil.i de lav was at his ow u suggestion, ln ordor to gho him more tlmo to rest after his fatigu- ing day's work. Tho Presldont was palo and seemed very tired. President Harri- son was vtH'Ifernttsly npplnndntl when ho finally rosa Ho cxprosscd tho doop sonso of obligation nud thankfulness which ho felt nt tho many personal nml otllilal courtesies which hail boon oxtondud him. Ho did not appropriate thoso loud ncolnlms naapori-on.i- l tribute to hlmxolf, howuior, but renllied that ln this ootaslon, nutl lu nil tho Interesting lnclilcnU connected with It, that which wat nboo and greater than any inan- -n tribute to tho great otHco w hlch ho, by tho favor of a greater peo- ple, now tiUod. Ho continued: " believe that patriot tm hai been Intent!-pe- d la many heart! by what wobaro wltnctsed I belloto that patriotism has been Placed Into a higher and holler fume in many nsjirli. Tho bunting with which you have cov- eted your walls, these patrlotlo Inscriptions mutt jo down and tho wagound trade bo re- turned again. Here may l not atk you to carry thoie Inscriptions that now hang on the walla Into your homes. Into the school! of your ci'v, Into all jour great Inttltutloni where children are gathered and leach tnero that the cje of the young and old should look upontjhat tlag at one ot tho fannlur glories nf every American, llavo wo net loarnod that no itocki and bond! nor lirid li our country. It Is a spirit- ual thought that it In our mlndi-- lt the nag and whnt It stands fort It Is tne Urenda and tho borne; It li the thought! mat are In our licartt born of tho lutpl-- I ration which comot with tbo itory of tlagot martyrs to iibony. It It the grate-yar- Into wnich a common country hai gathered tho deodi ot thote who died that tha thing might llva which wo lote and call our '"mtfy.i rnlher thnn any thing that oan bo louched or socn. Lot mo add a thought duo to our country's future. Perhaps never havo wo ,oLn ,0,wo11 equipped for war upon land at now, nIuj wo hlV0 neveriten tho time whon 0UJ b'orde wero mora smitten with the loto of !5Si To.ele'ate tha morals ot our people, up the law at that lacred thing whfch, .SVJi! ttrk ?L Uoa of 0),)' ,na n uo touched ,!1J', ""'"nt hands, but frovrni upon any V u?,'hrone 1U lupremacy; to unite our JStiH I".1 tnttt mkt! Iiomo tomfortuble at . Jl?.1.0 T'- 1- our nerKie In the direction ot n,i.V " "neeiiieni; inn service may we 1..M'i..An0Ul" ,hl" (r demonitralloo )m,?.i.IIw "' intplre ut to conscorats 'JJimrr!'- - M,rt0,BU,0Y,M4 "rTIM ' on, At.Ul)0.alu,loa rmWftH Harlio'i &tM tu butiutt oew v m lid. C1IICKAMAUGA. DaSnlBtr tho Position of tiie,Two ArmloB on tho HUtorlo Field At They Rtood and rongtit and Wavere.! Twnnty-flt- n Years Ann The tthern Gnnernt I.J He Fell Id- eated and MaHied. CriATTAfiOooA, Tkxx, May C The party o( gentlemen, compoied ot General Kotecrar.s, tfeneral Cist, 0n tral Kellogg, General Hoynton and others appointed Inapnot tho ba'tlo-flai- d of Chlckamaugn nnd locate tba battle lines, vltlttd the bnttto-fiel- d resiertlay; They rode over alt ot It except tha portion about Craw nth Spring. Tho batt'a Hues and poilllons wero eilnbllthedat given In the rerls'd ninp mfln last October by order of thi War Department except that there was a slight chuiigo as to ths route faker by Granger's lttserve Corps when he jollied Thomas at fitiodgrott II11L Thn ulilnur nirtnn's tirtusn. Wltlletl wraKUnnral'' Hoiectntis' tieudejwarWs, and tLerblstotrtttteflyard'' wero.libsntU, fled bjoiid quistlon. Tha party was corupojed ot tba committee as given In prevlout dispatches and citizen! tt Chattanooga. General Joa Wheeler was ths only Confederal ofltcer present AdJtitnnt-Oenern- I Plrtls located the ipot whero General W. IL Lytlo was killed, from evidence which sems Indlt-ptltobl- e, and a pile of stonoi wis made un- til it can be nioro appropriately marked: An old man nntuei Veatbers,agd eighty three years, walked four mlln to toe Gen- eral Hntrcrans. He had livid on the field nt tho time ot the bittlo, and had given General Itotecrnnsn drink ot water. The old msn seemed ta be transported with Joy whon General itosrernns shook hands with him. Tho pnrty rrmalnel' at Bnodgrais Hill all afternoon taking general observa- tions, and then returnel to tba city. To-da- y they will vlttt Lookout Mountain and ctli;r points of In- terest, nnd Tuesday will return to tha battle-fiel- d and enter Into tba work in detail. General Ilosecrant, In an Inter- view, said i "This it my firit vliit to the battlo-llel- d since the war, and It It difficult for ma to locate many ot the placet, but each will find seme spot with which belt familiar, and In this way by a general conference nil questions can be definitely and accurately settled, it Is ths intention to convert the battle-fiel- d Into a national park, and there is every reason to believe that the plan will succeod." ti" RBD SKINS EXCITED. A Mrdlrlne Man Predicts Ilia Speedy Kt. tlnrlloii of llin VWilte llnre, and n f'oininotlon Among tlio shotbone and Arrnptltoes. DnaVER, Cor, May ft A telegram re ceived here from tho Indian Agency In tbo southern part of W'yomlnglerrltorysays: 'The Shoihonej and Arrapaho) trlbot of Indlant nt the Hlioshono Agency have been unusually nctlvo during the patt two weeks. Delosntei from tin other triboi havsbcen visiting them, councils have been held and various dances Indulged In by ycung and old. From a mcdlclno man ot tbo bhoshones It it learned that tho com- motion is cauied by tbo general belief ot tho members ot the tribo that an Indian millennium It cloto at hand. A leading mullclno man hat predicted that when the snow . bai coma nn.d will return to life. He alto prcdlcls tl at at the samo tlma nil white man will disappear Tho Indlant are Intensely over proplncle i nnd extra precaution! are bomg taken by the olll?ert of the agency to guard againtt an outbreak anion theiug." Short anJ Stormy Honeymoon. AiiiAvr, Ga., May G Win. Gil more, a prominent young in in ot Albany, Inst oi eniiig shot and killed bis seventeen-year-o- il wife, l'jnnle, and thot klllol himso f Giltnoro nnd his wife had been married only n few- - months, and their life toeth'r htJ lem an unhappy one. Their uinrriago was couiiiiumated by an elope-nu- nt In n faw wjekt tho troubles ot the pair begun, and they finally endod in Oil-mo- re lea Ing hit w ife. Amjrlcn Cotton. Lovnov, Mny 0 The advance ln Amerl-'ca- n cotton hat driven tha cotton masters ot Lancashire to the vergo ot a financial crisis. Moit ot tho manufacturer! of cotton ptoducta wilt sustain heavy tones, and it it fosred that a panic will onsu- -, which will result In in- tense suffering among tha operatives, who will necoisnrily bo thrown out ot employ men', r 4 . Exlra Session ot Coigretj Probabla. Wasiiinotcv, May 0 Benator inld iccsntlyi ''In my opinion there will lie nn extra teuton of Congrest called next fa 1, probably alout tbe middle ot October. Thlt course hat loen deeinol jud clous, with n view to organizing tho Homo of Representative-- , nod getting lugis'atloii In sbnpo toforo tho holiday reccn." AstastlnaleJ in Ills Bujgy. Galksa, Itt, May C Prof. IL T. Mniclietl, mm of (tm tmt known educator! in this lection, nnd the. founder and prin- cipal of tho Academy at Hanover, thit oiunty, was attasilnated yesterday by George- Kknnt mn of Supervisor William Bkene. Prof, Mntcliott was returning In bit buggy from n small town whero he bad loen conducting a Habbath-schoo- L Railroad Conductor Killed. Tliur, Pa., Mny 0 -- V. iwari Koot, a oi tho Phllndnlp'ila mid Erie rail- road, rccoived n fatal Injury lait night lilt limbs were mangled nnd death fol- low ed tho surgical operation.. Koot wni single nnd n member ot tha 1'onnsylvnuln, Hallway Relief Association. Hoot walkod oil tho end ot tho car an 1 was run over. Fatal Fall Irom a Mountain. Ciiattamooua, 'Ikn.n., JUy C Yetter day morning at rtoddy, Miles Harris fell oil tho iinuiitalii. After dropping fifty foot or inoro, bo struck a troo-to- the branches ot which, t soma extent, broke h s fall mid saved h in from Instant death. Ho broko a leg nil 1 siistninoj internal lip jurlot wh ch will cihiio his death. Military Iniptclioi Trip Ciiicauo, May 0. Ho:relary of Woi Proctor an I A lj itnnt Gsneral Drum sr lliol hero yostorday nttor.ioou to Join Ueiicrnlt Hcholleld, Crook and Williams In a tour of intpecthii ot tbo military loils In tho Woit Immigrants. New Yoiik, May U Nearly 4,503 Imiiil-giail- tt weia landed nt Cvtle (Ijrleu yet-l- day, l,f(l) fiom Liverpool, OIH from Glnig'iw, 727 fiom Coponhiieii 7U from Ant rip, OOO (ruu lltvra ami '."Jl from lliiiiburg 0estru:llv8 Flools In Canada. Qohikc, Mty a Terrible InuniUtloiii hnvd nceurrsd In all direction! up tha r ver Hetwoen ChlToutlinl and St, Alphonte uiott all tho brldjci haio Ism swept nviay. There wai al- io tdy cmllirsb's poverty among tb lull bltnuti ot tht dlitrlct, yi iJ irain Minn r'r ' LED D0OMER3. .Thsm Hrtiliiita and Trying nt lUrk Home AnirsSl CirV, Ks Msv 7.-- Ths suf - ttrlnmSBP Uom rt moit promt- - nnttt aissasnB aionz this northern ItnnlAr YetterMVi ?0) wagom on tha march downHf' wagont on Ilia way back Tbe groves In the Arkan- - t river vatlevs. Ititt afford. ad'klK of the bomp-r- i before the (laKMinl.ssssW ""Ing again with tha re- - tllCmiAsasssWO tunateu There aro bun- - drMyK fnmll es among them who hiVHV ry ihtngtn mike tha trip and nowreHil Dill III left. "Ihl sMitnf iii.ii. t n jsiisssS Ihlldran wha are thai Unnro- - viaceUaW anl tltOAiite, ntth tha mere oriejsurvirlngto dra them itifut. Guthrie it'll hoi lithe malaaW popu'aticn and li not yet !ym-onuei- L uieUMI Oklahoma city ii the W'feV lug town site. Csp'.aln Crouch, thVoW5 'cetforjo Iloomer Payne, wat BatarWff lecteii major, da:eatluz a oreaenrer, IWhose plaform was rigalntt tauiUfc and whisky. Aflrngasthelnt- - tar lsisjH.rtl-ill- t Itnow.serlouitrouble THE PAUIS EXPOSITION. Formal Opening, Willi Many Notables l'resenr, Pahh, May 7. President Comot form- ally crencd the KxTiosltion yesterday aft- er no n. Tho President wat accompinlcd to the Kxpotitlon grounlt by tha Presi- dent! ot tho Senate and Chamber of Depu- ties. The party was accompinled by a iqiudron of cavntry. They left tho LIys"o at half-pi- one o'clock, anl an artillery salute announced their nrrival under tho cmlral dome of the main Kxpotitlon bit g. Pietidont Carnot atcnded tbe datt that had been erected under tbe dome. He wsii surrounded by tbe members of tho Ciblnetnnd members of tne H'linte and Chamber of Deputies. IL Tlrard, the Prime Minister made an address welcoming the l'rcililont. President Cnrnot In hit address referred to the undauntall 3 energy ot Franco In arising from severest trials to fresh Industrial triumphs. He after- wards inspected the various department! of the exhibition. Entlrs Family Drowns L" Wiihiimj, W. Va., May 7 A terrlblo accident Is reported from Ilraxton County, this Stats. i II Hnrr and family lived In a tblnly settled district, and Sunday he and hit wife and two children .to visit a neighbor. A mountain strenm on their path was swollon out of its banks but Harr attempted to crois it In a canoe. Half way over the (rail boat captlztd nnd lha whole family were thrown out The wife and ono child Immediately sank. Harr, who was an expert swimmer, seized another and made doiperata efforts to es- cape, lit caught on to tbe ir.m.e but wat inept down itraam and perished bofora help coulJi each him. The bo.lloi havo been rccorerod. . . . Mai Do Scire in West Virginia. Ciiamutoy, W. Va., May 7. A mad dog ch Poca river, Kanawha County, last Saturday, bit ssvoiiteondogi, one cow and ono hor. An exciting bunt was nitd, aud tb brute was finally ihot by Adllson Eppllng. Serious alarm exlils in that lection, Tho sams scale ot attain exists In several otlier countlot, Welz 1, Tyler, PJeasnnUsnd JaiSsort, nnd much damtge hi. h.LTtks'jA. Aa.-viv- .i Biiterivllle, MidUe- - Tjmmmit have orderol nil tn ".v s i' . - a.'. vr fr','i ,Jssisys'n' in Lrfniiai. WAnAiXyVy 7 Sunday evening Jordan Uho3f7tTe most deipcrata crim- inal (or bit nje (e'even yean) ever im- prisoned here, from tin dopuly sheriff nnd boardol nn east-boun- d vt aba ill train. He wni from nt Ilanoko next morning, nhero be had burglarlzel n house, securing a number ot valuables. Rhodes wat to havo been taken to tho Btata He form School for larceny. The Ind was captured at neon at Unloa Station by SherlLt Bqulres. Boy Kills J by a Horn. BiRMtKuriAy, Ala., Miy 7. Alley, th? eWon-year-ol- d ton of J. M. Grady, n resident ot H yton, a su' urb, wat atttqko 1 by a vicious hone anl kills U Tno boy went to tho stable to let thennlmtl ou , when it ran Iiimdonn an I bit ni I tramp, led blra todeafi. Ttis nnimil herotofora has bjen verydjcile, mil It Is tluujlit possibly it had tha hydrophobia. General Khj Will A.opt. Washssotox, May 7. Gsneral Adam H. King, of Halt more, formerly naval olTi:er tttthatrorf, bas t It said, beai decided upon at tbe State department fur omul general nt Paris. Tne appolnt-uon- t It at trlbuted to th i elite personal and pjllt sal friendship exlttlng between GenTral Kins and Secretary 11 sine. Called lo NIs Door aid Shot Atlaxta, 0a Mav 7 -- Monday night at eleven uVIoct Ja ""i H. Pierce wat catled (rom his houu, live unlet from Atlautt, nnd shot todeath. Tin volco of ths aj. satln was recognue I by a laly in thi limso. It h sai i Ihsi 1'ieroj bad reportoi a man for Moating the limor law. Buiktr Hill AmivirJary. WAsni.Nnri. Mi 7 -- The Coiuminl-an- t of thn Ilos'on N tv -- yard hit been to fire a nationtl sfttuto at tunriso onJuneI7 tho annivo-iar- y ot the bnttlo ot Bunker Hill, and, should ho consider It prop-r"nn- d eipe-- ent to direct the mi-rin- to taueptrt in tbs parade. Crass;'! Tsr!. UlULfi. May 7 Uerimuy'i attltu to ro gardlng Samoa It glvan from whnt it claluul to ba a reliable sourca. Thoro nro three v ti01" ot sottloiuont, tha npparaut-l- y mi' fentlbh being n triplo control over tbe li'ands with a tilth e King. Mr). Let is Blind no Loigir. tu ii M, Va., May 7. Tha operation perfoiins i two weeks ngo upon the oye ot Mrs S Jney Bmlt'i Lae, mother of Gov- ernor ! 1,a" proved entirely successful and har sight li reitored, A CURIOUS COLLECTION. ,N Albany snowslioo club kept them- selves lo practice during tbo opou winter bj pu'tmglotof spring beds lu a clrelo, covering them with canvas and tramping ocrthento alow muslo. A Knowf (N. Y.) minister marrtoil a coupioone night recently, and when slgna. tuntivereatkod to tho ccrtlllciW it uas (omul that neither tho brido, groom, best rbrHlesmaldcouldwrltothoirtiamcs man u Thet a I s'gnod by making murks 'l'r ttst ircaKor cigarctto mivcrusing jgeuis ba' boon tuloptcd ln New Vork 1 ho agi uis tx ught up all tho windowsthcy could inp nat'h,118enloiigtho lino o( thoclo-vim- a fin roads oiiilflllctl them with small curds ci in uttcutlon to a special brand of cigaiftes Pniiin's tho most novel organization In thoh.1 cf Now York exists In Pough ktt'psi 1 ' a tullltery cotnMiiy composed culm ofg I nudilrllliHlbyM'iiJor icnlor oftloor of tho Nationnl (lu ird (bo jouug ladies lu every lustanco belong lo ,u0 lHl,t (umlllcs in Poughkcci- - A Mn 1,'lKKa Ronlus has established n school U r tho training o( professional 11 furnishes disguises, rult-- i forbeg-giu- g aud s regular route (or cacti cf hit pupils, tetlintf'hemthtstorlo to uio nud iliopiwniitritl3so(tliotthoy aro likely to tnest lu ioltanga ut Ovmaniii hall Up) uri. THE COMMONWEALTH. The following fourth-clas- s pitimatten were appointed the other day for Ken tucky: T. W. Connell, Arlington, Car- lisle County, vice It T. Hocker, removed; Wm, C. Hendricks, Bnrdwell, Carlisle County, vice John T. Davis, removed; II. IL Uarton. Cadiz, Trigg County, vice A. T. Wlmborly, removed ; O W. L'ttlejohn, Grnyson, Carter County, vice A. P. Hill, reilgned; J W. Demuibroit, Hone Cave, Hart County, vica KHubeth T, Miller, re. moved; John It Ledlerry, Bmltbland, Livingston County, vice I. P. Haynot, removed; J, I. Weaver, London, Laurel County, vica It M. Jackton, removed The othor evening at the Blale College, Lexington, tho steward, Wm. lluth, and a a udent naqiad J, W, Hardin, front Wath- lngton County, get iato an altercation ab utthedl charge of a servant, Hardit. ho lug the preiblent ot tho Students' Men Club. Hush itrurk the student with a club, when tin latter drew a knife nud slabbed. him teven times, one rut severing the I tongua Uuth It not expected to live. uaruin utauo tits escape. ..Kt.TIWt..frr,tM !... 1""1T',rBidlll setllemept of thd accounts of the'State m l Vua.urr., and found that tbcre wat Jl-I- Ki w ii tu treasury, lil.vuoocnArr, a baby colt by II ndoo out ot Lady Cratlon, won tho Uittillorj' Stake at Lexington tho other day on a slow track, cna and miles, In 2:11. . Maiiuaret Delamey brought suit in tbe comn on plras court at Louisville against the General Association of Colored Hap-til- ts of Kentucky for $13,000 damages, al- leging that she was, last December, In- jured to that amount, owing to tbo negli- gence of tbe defendant!. In wnlklng along thsildewalk ot the defendants' property the fell Into a bole by reason of the stone flagging being out of p'ace. - OTovsV , DgiTTV Cottrcron lltACKBUnv collect-(dll"S7J(- In Internal revenue taxes in tbe Frankfort division for tha month of AprlL The Capttal Drawing Company, of Frankfort, have sold their plant to Her- man & Pa'ik, of Milwaukee, for !. 000. Wai.tkk Handy, one of ths belt known citizens of Jessamine County, wai found dead In hit bed near Mcholatvllle, tho other afternoon, Mr. Handy was one ot tho largest laiid.owneri ln the county, ant wat widely knotsn throughout ths Btate. He had been a sufferer of Urlgbt's dijeass (I. A. Lioo.v, a well-to-d- o farmer, living near Hobard't, Henderson County, com- mitted suicide by taking a large dose ot laudanum. No cause is assigned (or tha deed. Deceased leavji a family ot five children, v ' Mn One Watkins, who fell from a wngon at Danville, several days ago and broke bit back, has stnea died. Jim I) avi IN was terlously cut by Hill Col en In a itrect fight at Mcholatvllle. Colon was arrci'od. , FirTV-KlOll- T head of thoroughbred horses woro sold nt Lexlugton, a tow diys ngo, nottlng 123,04), nn average of $307. Kentucky pensions trere granted at follows: Origlunl Invalid Milton Ilran-no- n, Sidney Q. Lainhart, James IL Din- gus, James U Evan i, John bmltb, Davit C. Olore, Win, Loud, Robert Vincent, Hen ry Kraft, Richard llobion, James Owens (deceased.) Increasa George W. Wade, Uenjimln P. Kostler, Overton Mays, Wm. I Young, Harrison Cobb, Alexander C No. xlid.a-XWWjHrrsr- etc.- JlelvinV" Wtrottier n. w!fiMfvmi'i father of Androi. Creokmore. Mexican Survivors Kluiuud P. White, Win. A. llurch D.i8. W. II. Doiiertt, P. a Lobor r.nd C. F. Dupro have bo .hi nppolnted to the Lou isville Medlinl Hoard for tho examination of pernio- applicants. At Karlington, Ixiuti Morton shot nnd fatally woundoJ Miss Liizle Hays, bis sweetheart, tecnuse iho insisted on danc- ing with Morton's rival nt a ba I. Morton afterward killed himself, ' The Kentucky Institute for peeb'a Minded Children, lorn'od at Frank tort wai totally destroyed by fire on tbo 3d Inst. No lives wero lost Lou, !)l,u0; Insurance, $33,000. Natural gas has been found near Mid-wa- y. Dn. Douolasb Howard, a popular young physician of Paris, died from of the stomach nnd bowels. At palrvlew, during a quarrel between two farmers named Cash Hendersen and John McAlpln, the fo mtr wat shot and faintly wounded by tba latter. " The Washington Centennial in Louis- ville wat generally observed as a holiday, all the city, Government offices and busi- ness houtoi closing at an early hour. Tbo religions obervnncn of the Inaugural Cen-ten- n I ii was general, and all tbe churches wsro crowded with largo congregation. Aiinold BciluroCK and Jacob H'abea, charged with the murder ot John Chris- tian, w hlch occurred at tba Bv, In colony, Lturel County, April 7, were arretted a tow days ago, neir Chattanooga, Tenn., and brought I nek by Deputy Bhoiitf C M. Rm.UII. BtrrrnTB, Third Artillery, U. 8. A., whli It has stationed at tho barracks In Now pott for tho past year, left the otlier night for Porlross Monroe. They were d to tho depot in that city by tho St Joieph's Cndett Drum Corpt, and w era loudly cheered ntong tho line of nmrch. One patriotic lady broko through the crouds nnd kitted several ot the loldlors in the ranks, creating cuutlderiiblo merri- ment AT Paris, Judge Morion iieird Iho aff- idavits the oilier morning filed by the at- torneys (or Pat Hunt convicted (or tha murder of James ALnee, and refuted to grant a new trial. The prisoner had noth- ing to say why tbo death sentence should not be pasiod, and received tho senteno with tho itolcal liidllTeU'llce ot nil Iron man, without a tremor. Iho Judge let Saturday, June 2!), lccO, fir the day of the execution, which will t.iko place In the jnll-jn- there. Hunt's attorneys will appeal to tha higher court, VVe Dn. Geo. Hoilins, a prominent citizen and physician of Gordoniviila several miles west of Husiellville, shot and Instnntly killed Hugone Lyno, colore. I, at that place. The colored man had become offended at liollhit about toiuetblng, and persisted In following hi in about and cursing anl abusing him Finally ho followed HolKns to his house and was ordered oil tbo place, but, refusing togoandthoivingflght Hoi-lit- is drew a pistol nud thot him. Holllus It under arrett Lyne's friends aro very aim h aroused, and but for tbe luck ot a lesdor a ilot, If not a lynching would result l'ltoLONQKD drought, cool nighli and bupi are Injuring the tobacco crop lu Southern Keutucky. KrriTl'CKV was leprcimted In tbooen-tennl- parade In New York by four bun-dre- d an I llfty men, Governor Simon Ik liuckuer commanding, and stall; thn le Legion, First Regiment, Colonel John II. L.isllumaii loniuiindlng. Noth- ing liner in a military way wat evei tenn In tbe country than tho spectacle- present- ed by the marching of the Louisville Le- gion and the rldlug ot the Cleveland (O.) City Troop. Hen F. Wooui, n dry goodt merchant nt Pembroke, a nation toulli of Hopkins villa, bat made an aitlgument fcr tha bn tilt of ttt'P.tor. Hit llabllltlM are estl ruitid it about l'W, Lit MtMi !' '' L'x ?immmmmim iin u nn i'ii n i hhhi iji vmPnmmmjjSt s Jhs MM 3 t . J.1 .' r . ete- - js? o Ti ? --i i i m rr tm ti l

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Page 1: The Hickman courier. (Hickman, KY) 1889-05-10 [p ]. · year and $40,00.1 for royal parkt and gar-den-t. Areoitntxu to tha returnt of the Judicial Depaitment the number of native law

MP'S'. A ,f "'- - lJ5lL.V'--4-







t Hiokmnn, Kentucky. ENVELOPES, ', . LETTEROffice Jackton Street, ncit door lo Oilr "all. -- - - Tr.-- HEADS,

CEOCE WARREN, Editor. Tho Oldost Nowspapor in Wostorn Kentucky.DILL HEADS,


Prlcoor Subscription, $150 ESTABLISHED 18.r0. COUNTY, VoiSv. no. 3i.HICKMAN, FULTON KENTUCKY, FRIDAY. MAY 10, 1880. CALL AND SEE US.'


NKuncr nV.ftHQftft Utiles are born In Ihlicn lit every year.Iowa proposes to build a f 103,01) sot

illeri' monument at Dn Moines.The of Hprlnglielil,

Mo , li done by the (Ire department.Hem urn reported unuiually numeroiit

In thn upper part of Prnnkllu County, Me.

,,Wikn yi Herman Kinperu'r vltlts KugIndtkli year he will mostly live aboardilili.

A COl'T of the tint edition of Chnrlti.Liter's Murk lately told In Kngland for

1,7S.Wiixjt President Ilirrlsoi drives out lie

prefer! a light wagon mid usually iot atlilt own drlrrr.

A linn inn In In 1776 liy William Hmllh,of Philalelphta, bai Leinfoumt In a HuntIngtoiTcocklofL

Tri City of Kome oontumni nn nvorngeof 300 ton of coal day In entiling theocean at top (peed.

Ill rx-n- l Kunday Utile of a New YorkIiswtpsper teventy-ieve- n torn of wliltnpaper wrra continued.

1. T. Hahisum list given J1I.0W to theMTt'Trr'''Tcr.Bf-Tin- i

H MWKMtLTNTniin dnsamal ho" wa IrlT.aHlnAnsk-V,'an- .t dreVlila plitol from underlilt pillow and thot hluitelt.

A ninuiNCsT cltnen, aged ninety. two,cf Dayton, Tenn , wat mirrle I recently tosi woman thirty-eig- yean ol L

A nthanuk iltnrat It reported from Hun-gary. A y mi Hi Rrt had a fit of in sex ngwhich tatted twanly-fou- r hours.

A aitiliroitoosi at Monroe, (It., Iwingwithout mousy gave tha Jjitlca a litUerabbil dog htcli lio had with hi in.

To BXCounsrilC aorguin lugar-makln- g,

the Kan ai 1J.llture hat exempted al'sugar' pistils from t nation until HOI

lr coil the Kngllth Government II71.1KIlo letp the rural pa'acee In order ladyear and $40,00.1 for royal parkt and gar-den- t.

Areoitntxu to tha returnt of the JudicialDepaitment the number of native lawyen In Japan on thn 31tt of December wat1,1 .M.

Ik Hiuxr, of riurnl CaWn, Vurk Cuunty,Fa. can put a largo goose egg In hie mouthand rlote hli llpt without crushing

KncniiilCK Villi run, tha London Urnph-l- o

at tlit, lai come to thlt country toobtain pictures of the centennial for bitpatter,

Uxdkr the new license law of Mat saebu-el- tt

only 78) drlnklng-pUee- s can lie IIreneed In Iljitoo one for trery MO Inhab-itants.

Til Canadian Parliament want! Knglen I to lend a war vessel to ltehring'triea to teach the United Hlatei authorlUesc ieitya.

Halt a doaen Cap Col townt are rjuar.tellng over the question which of themehall celebrate tha r&Olh annlvtrtary ofCape CoL

At Chicago thlrleen-year-o- ll CharllleHoward thot and captured a burglar,drosn another one away and recoveredtheir Untv.

Kxtil.tsu at It It written In Omahai !

'Orviteit of diT, mutt resliler them be- -

for the 101b of May, iir they will be thotby the Hllce.''

Tnn one fighting Modoc Indlant harelunie Induttrluut farmer! in Ilia patIneliayrara. an I halt ot ihem hare profettetl ChrlilUiillv.

At a welding In Utllne County, KanNIlie groom charge.! tha guettt fifty cnUach for iupor and sold them popcor

five cenlt a package.A Ciiioaoo negro put In an hour In a

:cii sttrags rwrj ts tea if " what Itclaimed to tv III froien note and earsare prooft that It was.

Ins center ot the world It atOultrnn, (!., a tonn of J,.VW Inhabitant tIj.iI year l,t00, watermtloni werethlpped fr m (Ju tman.

Jamx ItunriTil tays the continuation otthe rent agitation In Ireland hat had theeffect of rautlng a indm ton of thn rentsIn Jrelaul-- al lea.t iJ,W-- I

I'll regular Income of John I). Hocks-felle- r

li J."0,0Jj,tM) year Thit niakeihim Hit richest man In the United Ktites,prrhapi toe very richnit in the worl I.

Tut etTo't ot thn Full Commission totha I in the Colors lo river hat

een tucceitful, and tha Indlant of Arl-son- a

are gettlnj their first tatta of thatDili

Akham H. Hrwrrr, who It now InItOtidon, hai a suits ot rooint directlyoor fioio of (Isnoral lloulanger. It Itsaid that the two have a ready dlnei to-

gether.A Itrrtjr. Kplscopsl ehapsl, Lull t In mem-

ory of Paul H Ilayne, hai jutt b?en dedi-cated In lleorgla. It standi within tightof Hie cottsje wherein the poet tent hislait years.

"lr you want to tee th bett pig In thncounty, cation me." Tbli lithe way a Cam-eron County (Pa ) man advertliet the factthat he bat some likely young twine lodlipois of.

I.rvt Joiixsot, of lloilon, Oa., It 81 yeanold nnd hat tixin blind for ten yuri Thao,her day hit light sudJenly returned thim and b i called for a bivk and rad with

orfect eats.Out ot 100,000 who crot't th J

fiom Now Vork to Liverpool theIon of tlfo Is not at groat a I among 10),CS) wr-- travel luttresa Nor York andI'Httburgh by rail

A CUHIOUH letult of being hit with abate-bi- ll It reported from Philadelphia. A.tufs.-ls-g 53 vw street is thsss'U'h,, nl when hn gnl well thn lmedluient Inbit speech had diiappearol.

A l'liii.uir.i 1'iiu.f who advertise 1 thatIn wot "laiio, croitoyed, had tho catarrhand a bid tonipo.-- , an I nai given to pro-

fanity anil drink, but wanted a wife,"S'Ololtn In four days.

It Is expected that tho tfpanlth Oovern-mei- it

h III soon soil nt auction Jl',000,00)worlh of slalo woo Hand, In order to cor--v

the llnanclil dolliloncy, to build rail-ond- i,

c.iun's nnd highways, and to ettnb-Vi-h

rural )oau banks,IlKihr ItKJO, ot Dilaware County, Pit.,

caught a trout that welg'iod live pounds,lie wat gieitly ilo.lghted until he discov-ers 1 that tlio Uiyi had tilled tha llth upwith thot before It wat wolghtJ.

Tnr only retired Huprems Justice ItWm. H'rjng, who llvei q ileily In Waililiigiou, lecturing occnilonally. He

In IKS). His Is paid $10,00) annuallyfroiu.lho United Htalot treasury.

lisi HtinsMfA M DuiKi.Bt, of Newton,Mast, the Hi it womiii tobebank trenturerIn the Uultml Htntoi, wllli the help of n7lerk, now hindlot about ISO) 00) In inonoy

ich year. In tho tlftoon yars of her ex-

perience ilia bat but twlo takon In aCounterfeit b'll In enMi case a )U one.

Di'icot Doulaugu's cloutt nHitrrnts Itan Amerlat iiegra who uctt m thu greatajltntni's vnlet. Tn nogio't iinmo ItJiilsiMnieon, and he wai born a tlnve InIoTiltln'ii about lorty yean no

John llmoiir nn the only Cabinet Mm-tst-

uhouivac knalt lo tin Queen, hinniou I eliix that li could not rend or toan potentate the homaia which ho

onid t ha Buproma Ujlilj a oil'.That troubbt li i.'lm early with soma

pnpo wnt not lo i ngi forcibly Uin-tr- t

.! in Nitliv He by tha iinpuntlon nl ilgh of tia let "f a thrj dayt'OhlI, by 'Hi If had be 'ii bro'.si and gsug, nil id istl.i. Am lUiatlanWAi 9 itve llf, ant the Ills uai iTi.


Tho Nation Colobraton tlio Innua-um- lContnnnlnL

rretldent ItarrUiin't Arrlral and Itecep.tlnn In Mew Vork (Iraud .St nl nml Mil.

Itary IHplyi-l.llrra- rr llirreltetA Notatile Hull and llaniiiet.

AT K.lIltU.Tn, M. I,ruzAKCTii, N. J , April 00. Tha cntn.

Dial celebration In commemoration of theInauguration of tho flrtt Trceldont of thoUnltnd Btalr may b tald to liavo com-menced hero with tho arrival of prretdentIlorrltun nt 7;' a. in. On thp imdof April 100 years ago Oenoral Washingtonarrlrcd hero (the jdaoo wan then calledKliaabethtown) after a tedloua Journey ofelx day from Washington. Thli UrnsI'rraldont IlarrlMin, so great It tho eontroitin tneani of transportation wrought' by acentury, arrived at 7 2.1 n. in., baringcovered the eamn distance, surrounded bythn enso and comfort and elegance ot al'ennsy Iranla railroad palm e car, within sixhours.

The peoplo of thn city wef i astir IcUff be-

fore tho 1'resldeiillnl train solved orowdiiMasewLtJUa

Af' rl.llioo1 whr l'letldcut llarri.son wat to take brealcfait. The revdencea,torcaand hoUils on elthoraldaof the strecU

leading from Oovernoraroen'i mansion onCherry trret to Kllubetbiort along theroute of Uin procession were gaily deckedwith flag! ami bunting

The Una ot innrcn toiinwed as n-- as pna-slb- ln

tha blstorio routo taken by (irncralWashington ft hundred yean ago, ai i fromflovnmor Orenn'a resldenco to thn AUyonolloat Club boute Is a dlttanco ot aboat twomiles and a half. Tha parade and pre-ocl- ou

were tha mt inioslngciLr luneseed her.

At M the Presidential train drew slowlyIn tha deKt 1'rratdcnt Harrison. howith hit family occupied the last car wasthe first person to step from tha n r plat-fon- n,

rpilbkly followed by Mrs. Htrrlson,Mrs. MoKeo and others. Tresldenl llarri-son- 's

appcaraiiou on tho platform wat atonce the occasion of n prolongs! si out ofwnlromn from the tho.isand or mc.--n jo.pie In the Immcitlate vicinity; oarrlsgeswero In waiting, and ln a moment the IVesident and his family were ou their way toOovrrnor (Ireen's mansion.

The (Invrmor's house and grounds wereelaborately decorated wltli tlio State Hagsand bunting, and tha streets in the vl inltjoveuatthlt eatly hour, were paoVe.) milljwopla There was a strong storm of c itertas the carriage! passed through thecrowds and the orvupauU were le Iverrd at the residence.

After the breakfast (lovemor Ones andMr. Onvait, I'rosldnnt Harrison and Mrs.Harrison and Ylra I'rrldent and Mrs Marton received the distinguished men of thoHtate and prominent cltliens.

Immediately after tha reception cJoe thereview of tho procession by the Presidential jiMUtr The sUnd was erected in thnground Mnti an entrance from Uio housefor tha frrsldentinl party

Owing to the limited stay of the Pm dentin this clty.cnly two divisions of the !. a ,onslOusrd and Grand Anny posed In rrview

When Uio Grand Army had )o thoprocslon halted and tho iTesldrjtlaljtartr left Uio stand for the carriage, f nn.

g new division ln charge of ltobr-- t &Green, Jr , tho Govrrnor son.

TtieenUre procession then moved thi tightho routo, ns near as could he, over wSLhWashington rodo; jiaxlng many of thehouses. Including Uio Itoudlnot )i no,w hloh was apprnjirlaUly decuratcd, j

Thn President' Journey from 1o-"- or

(Ireen's Inanslou to l'MvAcfP waaonnronUnual oration Th twaias. winuowaand doorways we rwwUea wlUi itcoplo,wlio cheered vi'rcrously, .1,

as the.

Prrs.J - '"to5 i

'u1.i olcea fair y drowned the

and music of drums and fifes and brass Instururat& Arriving at the Alcyone lxmthouse the Prosldntit and Mce Presidentwere rowed out to Uia Dlsjtatoh ln a bargemanned by twelve United 8tatea seamen.The rest of tha PresldenUal partywere taken out In a steam launch. ThoiTrsldent boarded tho Dispatch at 10.40,and a few moments later she steamed upthe Kill von Kull on her w ay to New York.


Nkvt York. April 91 - Tho city Is literallyclothed In flags nnd bunting, and on altsides are evidences nf a lavish cipeiidlturoot money In decorations. Of the buildinglielow the city hall Uin most noticeablearo those Immediately oppo-lt- e the l'qulti-bl- n

building, tho Droxrl Morgan building,the custom house, the various exchnngeeandthe building.

A ORCAT SCENS IN Till IUHDOR.New Yosx, April VO. On the arrival of

the Dispatch lu tho Kasl titer at the foot ofWall street a bargo manned by a crow of

from the Marine Society of Uiaport of ew lork, with Captain AmbroseKnow, president of that society, as

put out to meet her anu row UioPresident ashore-- Tho crew of tho bargothat rowed President Washington fromr.llinbethport to the toot of Wall street woromembers of tho samo society

Ily thlt time the harlior was literallyalive with sailing crait of every descrip-tion, and whistles rounded and gunsboomed salutes as Uio DlspaW h picked herway on her course.. Half a doien big men.of vsr Yieie anctorc-i- l In tho vicinityof Governor's Island and Kills Island,awaiting tha roturn of tho lVesldont'sboat Theso men-of-w- whero tho Chicago, carrying tho flag of tho hecretury ortha Naiy, thn Iloston carrjiug mo

Hag; tha Atlauto, Yorktown,Juniata, Ksicx and Jamestown

Ths cava! parade l' roismaud ofAdmiral I). I). Porter,

The merchants' marine column wasby al C V Vroo!cy,

flair shlii. steamer Ilcrgoa Tin columnconsisted ot over 400 vessels, varying tu

Im from t&o tu anu ligmcra to thepassenger and freight steamers.

Ntw York, April :'. It was about lltliwhen tho start of tho Dispatch on her tripup tho Kills was announced by guns fromPort ltlohmoud, nud It wat nttar 12 o clockwhen shoonmu In sight in tho upr buy.I'or several minutes tha roar of cannon asshe paused tho so erul inon-of-w- wat al-

most doafentug, each ot theso, t eUuirwith thu forts lu tha harbor, firing hu Na-

tional snluto. Tho bay was cronde I withsmall boats, vessels ot every description, sothat from n illstnnco n glimpse of clearw nter w at practically Impossible.

Tha scene w as n stirring ono. Palntlyabove tho roar ot camion could Iki heardUio shrill plpo of the boatswain whistles onthe revenue cutters, yachts and men ar

In a trlco sturdy tars manned thoyards and cross trees, and, with heads

gnvo lioarty American cheers astho Dispatch steamed slowly by.

Tho olllcers stood with uncovered head.As tho Dispatch camo opposite tho tliiR-shl-

of Uia different squudrons thn lat-ter, ono on oach side, steamed out andaccompanied tho war-shi- p tho lougth oftha squndrou. Than colors waredlppod, nnd n deafening srrceoh ofsteam w hlstles was blow u. As tbo Dlspatehoaiha opposite tho Chicago, Uia entire Hootof over 400 steamers blow their w hbdle Onwent tho wnr-shl- p up through tho channeland into tho I'nst river, whero shu tameto an anchor otf tho foot of Wall street Assoon as tho had got well Into tlio rh or asignal-gu- w as tired from the Chicago, andanchors that hnd been hove up short woregot on bourtl w Ith alacrity.

Then began the real narnl parade. Thusight of hundreds ot vossols ot all kindswas onn that will long be remembered bythe thousands of peoplo who lined thodocks and hoiisotupH along tho rlvor (unitol the Hudson.

IIKOirTION AT NW TORE.Thi l'ruldtnt wu rtoslvad m h its; pod

athors by Governor Hill, Mayor arnt,IU"iUrtB irtih, prsiltltai Oi fsb CmlnaUl

Commlttoo and Wllllnra O. Hamilton, chair-man of the Commlttoo on Btntes, and withtho other guests, In cnrrlagcs, wore es-

corted to tin 1'jnltnblo bulMln?, where arecaption and collation wero tendered themby the Commlttco on Htntes.

Tlio 1'rcsMant nnd his jiorty arrived attho Kqultnble building at 1 tt p ta ThoPresident entered the grand court bctw eonthn lines of tronin. As ho entered thotroopt on elthor sldo "iircieiitod nrins,"nnd tho full choir of Trinity Church,conducted by Ur Mcssltar, tho organ-ist, and choir roaslor of Trinity, doscondedUie stolrcasu opposlto tha entrance andgrouped themselves at the foot. Thoy thenoaug tho lvymn, "Ileforo the Ird Wo Ikiw "Tho solemn hymn, rendored by this grandchorus, resounded through tho innrblo halland stirred tha henrta of all who heard itwith Its grandeur Follow Ing tills tho choirsang tho doiology, accompnulcd by a fullcorpsof comet. Whon the musla had ceasedtho President was conducted to the lawyers'club rooms In tho Equitable building, wheroa reception took place. Borne 1,201 gucstawero presented to tha Chief JlogUtrato.Thoy represented every profession andtrsilo in tha city.

Tho reception lasted about nn hour, afterwhich tha President and his party with alimited number of guests wero escurU-- d to

uyrgyniigBaaxamfMUAfMsni--WswBPW,"rWTrl"ho do

ono or great beauty as tuo party entered.r.lecuiu HgliU which Imu bvvu con-cealed lu lli leaves of the palms andplant now burst forth in a blazo oflight, nnd tha table was radiant ulth colorand light. The feast which followed waselaborate for n breakfast, and uni thor-oughly epjoyeil by all present When thebreakfast was nearly over the President'sneaiui was urank by all standing

Bhortly af l.-- r 8 3) p in tho Prixldant nndparty started for tha city hall, iscortotl bytho veterans of tho Havoiilh and Twenty,second lEeglmcnta. At tho stops oftha city hall D girls from thagrammar schools and thirteen from UioNormal school welcomed tho President.Tho 'J.M grammar school pupils met him atUio foot of the steps nnd strewed lion ers inhis path. Tho thirteen from thn Normalschool awaited him nt tho entrnnco to thecity hall, and there unont them, ilUs AnnloAbrahams, read an aildrtssof welcome, tow lilrh tha President replied.

AftT the reception tho President wasescorted to tho resldenco of Mce Pi widen t.Morton by the C'omiuttteo on States. Presi-dent nnd Mrs. Harrison will be tho guestaof Mce Presldeut and Mrs. Morton duringtheir visit.

tTik ruu.New Yoik, April IU The pur Ho recep-

tion to President Harrison nt city hallcloned at 5 o'clock p. la, and the Presidentand Mr. Harrison wero drltcu at once tothe residence of Morton,wh,i guests thoy will bo during tliolr stayIn the city It Is estimated that at tho cityhall reception fully 6,0.1) peoplo passed Inview before the President.

At 7 o'elook lost evening tho Presidentand Mrs. Harrison and nndMrs. Morton left the Morton mansion andl""'- - w rosnenco oi niuytesaui,Pish, where they wore entertained nt dinner

The Metropolitan Opera Houso wasthrown open nl o'clock for tho Centennialball It was attended liy (1,UJ erw)im.

The tlnral decorations weroot the mostlaliorate order Ovir tho President's box

was a large brass pendant displaying the-- oTd .Vaalilnstoa." d it ciUsrr csi c Itwere Uio dates "17ty nnd "I Mr In brill-iant gas Jetn. The lox Itself wasilrnpedwith cloth of gold, fluo laces, rmbosed ci-

vets, figured silks and Hags festooned withDowers. The otlier taxes were decoratedwith plush, silk, lace and silk Hag. Ten

r LuLtU ot nvtirincens, ,ui siteulmens nfauleaa. fprns. r,l0 jialm. a.w.s imn- -

, iu,uuu ruiips snu uysclnttia ana l,vmisccll2rj0U" p'rntn wore useu in the tieo--oratlous which, ugether w Ith other ileoo- -

rtlllllhT lUSLIlliS WR, ,W,RLJiayor (!ran a. host and chairman of tho

committee the cenfonnlnl celebraUon,on. . . .

rT rtI afi)r , k an(, tt, 10 ,,President Harrison arrltrd, accompaniedby Mrs, Harrison, Mortonantl Mrs. Mortou, nn I Lieutenant-Governo- r

Jones and Mrs. Jones. Tbo managerof Uia ball, Mr II C Klanton, mat thnPresident nud his carriage and conductedhim into the building, whern the mayorgave tho party a formal rcccntlon

At tho conclusion of tho reception Uioguests nboro iiaiund wero conducted to thaIllue Hoom in the follow Ing order, escortedby a guard of honor, 1 ho President, withGovernor Hill on bis right and Major Granton his left Following them woro Mce.President Morton and Mrs. Harrison,

Jones and Mrs. Morton;Hamilton Fiaa and Mr. Jonet. 'J lmguests crossed tho Moor to thoiTesldont's box, which had liccn erectedat tho back of tho stage, where Mr rduyve-su- nt

Fish, chairman of tho committee onentertainment pivceiitod to tho PresidentiUr.KlbrdgoT Gerry, chairman of the ox.

ccuttve committee, and the member of thuooinmtttees on plan and scoe and enter-tainment

Immediately after this had been dono thoopunlugquAdilllu wu for mod aud tho ballwas in full splendor. Tha muslo was rurnlshetl by Hand-Mast- lender, who hndprovided a string and reed orchestra of UK)

picked musicians.The opening quadrlllo was danced by thu

following named ladles and gentlemen'Mm. Will. am Attor, Mrt. K. V It Cruger,

Mrs. Kdward Cooper, Mis. ltobert F Weir,Mrt. William Herbert Wathlngton, Mrt. Fied-rpck- j,

Del'eytter, Mm Cirola I.itliiktton,Mrs. A Newbol Morns, Mn. W. lliyard Cut-lin-

Mrs. KJward F. Jones, Mrt. Alexander b.Webls Mrs. I. 1'. Morton, Mrs. A. Oraclo King,Mrs K. T Gerry, Mrs. Alexander Van Kens-telac- r,

Milt I.ouli Iao Schuyler.Morton, rcpretentlng tho Na-

tion; Licuteuant-Gavcrno- r Jonet, rcpretent-lng the State t Admiral Jouott, Mprctentlngthe Nuvy; General McCook and GeneralTSCmal M. nccnt reprcjentirjc tbr ArmyCommodore Itumsay. representing tho

the Navy Yanl; General f,oiiliFlli-gerat-

reprctentlng tho SUtoMllltU) CaptainJ. II. Dent, representing the MilitaryAeadeuiy; Lieutenant Judton, representing11.0 Aldci cf tha Prc:U:st: Captain W. J.Sampson, representing the Naval Academy;Colonel Johnson LHIngtton DoPeytter, repre-senting tho Speaker of the Assembly; benator

Y Aldrlcb, representing tho United SlatriSenate Dr. A. L. Smltli, United States Navy;Colonel J M Vurnura, J. W. Hcoltnun und GCrelghton Webb. The Vice Prcildont escortedMrs. Jones and L'euteuaat-Goieriio- r JonesMis, Maitan.

Thn quntlrllln wiik watched with Intenseinterest After It was over tho Hour quicklybocamu crowded as tho general dancingbegan. Tha ecouo w as now ono ot brilliancyseldom equaled, nnd tho gnjety continuedunabated until long after daw n

1 ho President and fam-ilies and thoso ot tha inoinbon of tho Cab-inet, Judges of Uio Supremo Court nntlother high personages occupied tho spoclulboxes reserved for thotu, w hero they en.Joyed it lino lov ot tho fetthltlcH andworo themselves tho obscricd of nil ob-

servers.The crowd on tho floor was so groat at

tha conclusion ot tho opening quadrillethat It was linpos iblo to tlaiico, so theoruhostras plnyod piomonadu inurlo uudpeoplo mot oil about as best thoy could until midnight, when tha Presidential pnrtylod tho way to the supiwr room. Theexodui that followed mado n llttlo roomon tho Door nml tho dancing than beganand continued Ull long after daylight

Tliei o w oh some talk over the fact that atUio Presidential tablo Jutt thirteen peoplewero sitting It was PJ 111 when the thirteenhad finished their supper. Then they

to tha ball-roo-

At 12:10 a. m. the Prosldant and Mrs. liarrleon left tho ball nud went homo to MrMorton's house escorted by mounted police.

New Vork, May 1. Tho town woko upinoro sleepily Tuesday morning than it didMonday, and w Ith gootl reason.

The crush to tho streets In the lower pa ..

of tho city wot so great that It was foundneoetsary to itart tho parado tomswbntculler than had been intended.

At preoUtly l.ui'JJ o'clock rjcnoral ticboAdd otdir, wid t.

greatest military parado or inoaorntlrnnn sinrtiiL Tho naradfl was led byWalor-Cloner- al HcIioUeld, ocoompanled'by hl staff and corps ot runs.

llin right of tho lino was given to tnotiue chief cdok, and at a given signal thont Point rndets. 400 strong, who woro

fnllowad bv tho regulars undor Molor-Go- n

crnl Howard, nnd theso constituted tho llrstdlviiion Tho second division consisted ofHtnto mllltta. They marched In tho orderof tho admission of States to the Union, asfollows:

lJjlawsre, TS0 men. Governor llenjamln TII kbi commanillngi renntylvanla, B,on0 men,Governor Jamet A. Heaver commaadlag; NewJersey, S.TW men, Uovcrnor Kobert 8. Oretncomiuaadlng, floorgla, 230 men, UovcrnorJohn II. Uordon commanding; Connecticut,an men. Governor Morgan G. Hulk-le- y

rommamllnc'; Mattachusetts, 1,0?

men, Gofernor Amet commandlngs Maryland,Ufi men. Governor li 1. Jacuson commanalaa Bouth CarolliK. tan men. Governor JohnI Itlcuardton commanding; New Hsmptblre, (loTernora. United Htatet Bcnators and Cou-I.o- uo

men, Oovernor Charles 11. 8yer com (Tcemeu, pant and presont; loadors InVirginia, K) men, Oovernor V i: j trnturc and art, military aad aaral heroes,

hugh Leo commanding, New York, coebrlUo men ot wealth nnd socialouo men; Governor David IienneH,1, u i w0mn ot beauty nnd culture,Hltl commandcr-nhlef- t North O rol r. ,ho,7in,oominclr endless number.IM men. Governor uaniel u.commanding. 1th do Island. 4 men. Govern-.i- l

Tatt rorcmandlngs Vermout, 790 men, Govcrnor William I', I) lllngham comroaudlntueky, 45i) men. Governor Hlmon A, J

jjjatasa-aismaWsms.s- HlsSfWtst8.sorb U. Korskcr comroaadltig; Loultl--ana, 400 men, Govornor Francis .T.Nishats "!asiniiris,t M'stissippi, 800man, Govtrnor Iteuert Lonry command ng; Michigan, 4)0 men, Governor C.G. Lure commanding, District . f Columbia,H men. Commissioner Colonel U, C. lllauntcommaadlag; Klor'rts, 9J0 men. Gov-

ernor Francis I. Fleming commojidlng;West Vrslali, ) ren, UorcrnorJ, 11. Jackton commanding. Placet wereg ven la thlt d vision to dorcrnor Seay, otAlsbsms; uotcrnor Jsinct r J.ngcl, ol Arkan-ta- t.

Governor J N. Cooper, of Colorado Governor J W, Filer, of Illlno t Governor Hover,of Indiana; Governor Larrabee, of Iowa, Gov-ernor lllirlcigb, of Maine. Governor Merrlam,of Minnesota; Governor Fruacis, of Mlttourl;Governor Tbayer, of Nehratka; Governor Pen-nojc- r,

of Oregon, and Governor Hoard, of

Tlio third division consisted ot the GrandArmy of tha liapubllo nnd tho Loyal Legion.

tlio scones along tlio nrstpartof Uio lineof inarch beggar description. Tho cityl.all and tho stands were inckcd nlmostto sutfoeatlon nud numerous ticket-holde- rs

weio unnblo to gain access to thorn.llroadwnr nt fnr as tha cjo couldsen, was a blase ot bunting and n sea otfnct-s- . Housetop, windows, tclegraph-jKik-- s

and liiinp-Kist- private stands with-out number, nnd every ovillilo vantagegTound vied with tha sidewalk crowdsln point of numbers.

Cioso estimates mnko tho numbor ofmllltlaiaen in lino IM.WU 1 his great bodywas followed by 10,000 or more Grand Armyvelcrnnh.

it was after t o'clock when tho carriagedeposited l'rcsidcst I'srrlson and MayorGrant at Uio rovlou Ing stand. Followingwero Vice Iresldeut Mortou, General 8herman and Senator varts. l-

dents Cleveland and Hayes occupiedanother carriage. Chauncey M. I)oewoooupled a carriago with ArchbishopCorrlgan. On tho stand President Hoirisonocoupiod tho center. Ou his right wasGeneral Miernian and on his lett wasMayor Grant To Uio left of tho latter were

Cleveland and Hayes Hutfew iiiiiiuUm elapsed after tho ar

rival ot tho Presidential party whou thomilitary started. With hirdly a halttno great column moved un pant too gimtustniul, nna It was l) M o clods nva Hours anatwentv-flv- a minutes after tho starts whenthe last ot it had iwibjiou anu tho President j

wMbIo to rest hi. right or,,,, w hlch fcrtho boius had boon constant y busy in an- -swerlug salutes.

SURVICES AT ST. TAUt'S.M.rl- -. van. J..I.I ,i .11 v. UUUrchcS.

tho principal rnnloes being at fct Paulaohurch, where aslilugtou attended on thomorning of his Inauguration, and whichwere attended Tuesday by President Harrison, Moe President Morton, ex PresidentsCleveland and Hayes and many ot the mostdistinguished iwople ot tho country. Thofollow Ing w as tho order of exercises

I. Proccmonnl hymn; S. "Our Father,"etc., S. Fialm Ixxxv, 4 Firit lesion Kccleil-aitletxv;-

Te Deum, 8. Second lesion StJohn vl I, 7. llenedlcle, g, Creed and prayers;a. Address by ltlght Itsv, Henry C. Potter,bishop ol New York, 10. Itecettlonal hvnin.

illshnp Potter. In his nddress, dwelt uponth trust and ilnpeiulenco which Inducedthe first Presldont ntterho hod taken thaoath to turn to tho church and ask God forholp.EXERCISES AT THE DUILDINd

At tha close ot thn scnlco ntht Paul'stha Presldont and distinguished guests w eradrhen to tho sub treasury building, Infront ot which the literary exercises ot thotiny took placo. As soon ns Uio Presi-dential party reached tho platformHamilton I ish Sr., opened tho exercises byintroducing 1 Ibrldgo T Gerry as chairman.The latter,G;-.ncc- d that 100 years ngo, onthat urj spot, Goorga Washington took theonth of oillco as tha first President of UioUnited States, nnd then Introduced Itev.lllchard P Morra w ho dolhered tho Invoca-tion. Clnranen W How un, secretary of thotuiiUiuilu! Ciuirolttoa, wax next Intro.duced. Ha read J O. Whlttler's poem,which had been romposod fortho occasion.

Then followed tho oration by ChaunceyM. Dcpew, In Uio midst ot tho ctithusla.tio cheering which followed Mr. Dapew'aoration, Mr. Klbridgo Gerry arose and said: '

"Tho Prisldent of Uio United States willnow address j ou."

President Hnrrlon then nroso from hisseat, placed his hat on tho chair In w hlch hoUnit lionn sllung, ami udvaucvd to thefront of tho plutf ornu Tills w nt the signalfor a grasd outburst of cheering Ha u

before tlio cheering died away nndspoke ri" follows

These proceeding! aro of a very exactingcharacter uud make II .ud th.t Ishould d.ltvoraiiivldroiionthli occasion AtHaoarU dato I njtiflcd r ur corarctttre tbnttho programme mutt not contain any ai' Ireitbr rae. Thi tclcctlon of Mr. Uonew ut thoorstor on this orcailon m.ulo further ipecchi.ot dl&lcult by luportluoui Hohas met tho demand or tbes

on Us own hlgU 1 ret Ha baibrought beforo ut tho In. lentt or theicrcinonlct of tho .great Inaugu allon of Wath-lngton. Wo teem to bo a part r the admiringand almost adoring throng ' at tilled thtottreots ino years ago to greet ' ontwajs Inspir-ing prcsente nt Washington lie was the n

of duly, and ho toncnes ut th agreat lctson, that thoto who would aisoclatatheir nuino with evoats that irnll oiillivoa century cau only do so bj tho highest conso-

ciation to duty. He was like, the captainwho goei to tea nnd throws oterboard hitargo ot ragt thit ho may gtln safety

and dcllveranoa for hit Imperiled fellowmen. Wathlngton icctucd in como totho discharge of the duties ot hithigh ofllco Impretiod with a great tente of bituufamlllarlty with tbo joiltion newly tbruttupon him, modestly doubtful of h t ownability, but truitlug luiplieity In hn hopefulr.ett ot that God who rulet tha worunnd preildei In tho ccntelence of nationsWo bae made a marvelous progrosi in materlal vtents s.nco then, tut tbo stately anoenduring ibatt wo hnto built at thoNalion.ii,'tpltnl symbolliei the fact thotho nitlll tinllrst American c tuen

Iho llttirnry oxcrcles wero oor ni

tlslT o clook nnd tho Presidential party lefttho sub trensnry in tho order It hail en A

tered.THE 1HSQ.UHT

New York, Mny 1. Tho MetropolitanOporn-IIoiiK- was Tuesday lilht tha scunoot tho second chief ent of tho greircentennial colebrntlon and tho theater ortb.9 grcntett banquet postlblj er holdwithin thu recollection of innii Iho intoilor dcooratloiiH of tho now historicnl building oxi-olle- cn Uio

splendor and tllfplny of tho ball colobra-tlo- n

of the proilous night. Tho stegouud atiilltorluin oontifcted in one continu-ous lloor woro tho foundation of over nquarter of n hundred tables nrrnngod Inloiible horsu-slio- ti ftthlou with n seating

t'npaulty for oW. Nearly H WJ ln sla"jllttcrod at Intervals alone tha arrayof tables, and S00 waltert at walldrilled, m to many toldltri stood! to rttsupna l Ui tUtt

fjtwlnlc of tho diners. Tho tables wereeutiotatcly decorated Tho thief steward.ttAtlnri fit Ilia flti.lp Anlrn1!Af1

ryn electrical wire ln communication with

sCo congregation of diners startedMinultaneousty with dinner Each course

ras to tlmo of sarvlca was rcif--ulsted by electricity, thus avoid.

ling tho custom prevalont nt pnblloulnnrof srvliiLn iHirtlon of thadlnnoraslthll'ht wines whllo the balanco drinkrharapagno The expense ot tho dinner Ufilillo hao been I.JV1!), the wluo alonociiilng an czjiendlturo of nearly tl0,UX).' It would be a di&oult task to name all thouelthtltlet who wore at the banquet. It isUoaltful if any one building orcr held on a(ingle occasion so many of Araortca's

men. and Vlco-Prcs- l-

CtBU, Cabinet and olllcers.B'lprcine Court Justices. Governors nnaox- -

,,.-iuji- ,, "' H when tho?". Hill .... ,Jtf tl(tont,vt)rtod by

ernor Jones ot New Vork nnd (hotUier distinguished guctts of tbo mayor'sttblo. As Uio party walked down the mainale ot tho auditorium all the assembled,

diners stood up in recognition of tho Presi-dent's arrival and tho band played ''Hall totlio Chief " Tho President's party stoodbick ot their chairs with bowed headswhile Illabop Potter made tho openingprayer of grace and tho dinner was begunat a signal from tho banquet director. Itwns announced that Secretary of BtatoIllaino wat unable to bo present

At the conclusion of the lm ocatlon MayorGrant rose and rand tho list ot toasts, andpc, names ot those who wera to respond i

1. Addrct! of welcome David Hilt, Goveraorif New York.

1. George Wathlngton Drank standing, Intllence.

. "Tho Tecple of the United Statot"Gnver Cleveland, ot the UnitedStites.

4 "The Btalet" Fits Hugh Ler, Goveraorot Virginia.

H "Federal Conttllutlon"-Melvl- llo W.Fu.lcr. Chief Jut lice of tt.n United States.

ft 'The House of Kcprcientatites" JsmosG. llalno (ommltted became of Mr. Hlalno'sInaib lily to be present).

7, "Tha Senate" John W, Daniel, UnitedStales Senator from Virginia.

8. "Tho Presidency ' Kutherford U. Ilayci.of the United Stated

0, "The Judiciary" William M. Evartl,Unued States Senator from New York.

10, 'The Army and Navy" General WilliamTccomteh- - Sherman.

II. "Our Schooli and Collcget" Charles W.r.tlot, prct'dent ot Harvard Ualvcrslty.

li. "Our Literature ' Mr. James ItuttellLowell.

11 "The United States of America" Hen- -

Jamln Harrison, President ot tho United States.Ex President CIo eland ln rceionsa to

tho toast "Our People," said:'The mention of a people may well suggest

sober and imprcttlve reflection.. Tho subjectwat not beneath the Divine thought when theI tomlte wat gives ISc children of Israel, 'Iwill take OJ to Me for a people and 1 will boto you a GoJ.' Tbli Idea ot DUIne relationthlpto a people It alto recognized ln the ferventutterance 'Yea, happy It that people whoseUud It tie Lord.'

"The Influence ot these reflections li uponme at I ireakot those who, attcrdarkneis anduuub. ...5 struggle, tr;t Jcrib, is the bright1 shtot lr dependence and liberty and becameour neoi.le' freo, determined, and confident

ly challenging..the wonder ot tho universe, pro--

', '"oklB ,hasld and farorot

"One hundred yeart have patted. Weh&oannounced and approved to ths world our million unO A,nm9.mmi,Tr wt. WJ pointto t le toait-- . ' m ...-.-- .(, fr 'pie woo nave uraveiy Jica la uerense oiour National safety and perpetuity, mutelybes g testimony to their lore of country andtos:i invincible living bolt standing ready toenb. " our National rights and pro-

tect our land. Oar churches, ouricbik t and uulvertiliei and our boncv-ole- r

Institut'ons, wblcb teautlfy everytoss and hamlet and look out from every hill-id- e.

teitify to tho value our people place uponrel i eui teaching, upon advanced educationana n deed! ot charity. Let ui then haTOBO ung laiin in our ptopio,- - i.e. poiuiancoan i iconient with popular action dliappearte ir the truth that In any and all clrcum-tlh- n

the will of tbo people, however It maybe i rcucd, ti the law of our National exltt- -

enMm there it danger, I fear, that the icope

cl u. wordi "our peoplo' and all they lmrortare r t alwnyt fully apprehended. The richme-- i ' ant or capitalist In the center of wealthnn ntcrprlio hardly hat a glimpse of there mi blacksmith at his forgo or thais --j, r in his lUld, and theso In their turakiow bin little ot tbo laborers whocr s i cur manufactories and Inhabit theirova world ot toll, or of the thousands whoIs ' incur mlnci. If repreienlatei of everyelrm it of our population and lnduttrtes

h .. ! be gathered together they would findlui ule of purely selllib and personal

n common, and upon a luperrlclalt i but little wojld be seen to denote thato ne people wat represented.

r t centennial timo which stirs our pridet taJing ui to the contemplation of our tre--

out stride! In wealth and greatneis, aliorr 'ir minds the virtues and the umelf(.. otion to principle of thoie who saw tholi'ii ays ot the republic. Lt there now be ar, ai ot our lot o tor tne principles wnicn our

umtf represents; let mere do at mis time an coniccranon io ine cause ot man s ires-(- 1

,i and equality and a quickened seme oft tu omn rrsrcasiDiuiy assuain oeicr in"w by every man who wears tho badge ofo r people.

T e tuturo beekom ut on. Let us followwiid an exalted andcnnobllnglnte of countrya i with undaunted courace. Though cloudstriv tometimei ilarlicn tho hcttont, they ihallt up lied, and wo ihall teo tho bowot God'si ui o et clearly in tho iky and ihall roadi. ulli it bbulug in radiant characters thow rd, "Our people.'"

President Harrison was to have rcspond-- c' nt tho point whoro Mr. lliaine's toast

w a scheduled, but this part cf the prograinino w as roarrnngetl, nnd tho President

i "i .T. '1,.e.dlJ ",1 : "" i fM'""l, tho to.iot.


Iho United Statos,'1 until n very latehour It is undorstootl that tlil.ide lav was at his ow u suggestion, ln ordor togho him more tlmo to rest after his fatigu-ing day's work. Tho Presldont was paloand seemed very tired. President Harri-son was vtH'Ifernttsly npplnndntl when hofinally rosa Ho cxprosscd tho doop sonsoof obligation nud thankfulness which hofelt nt tho many personal nml otllilalcourtesies which hail boon oxtondud him.Ho did not appropriate thoso loud ncolnlmsnaapori-on.i- l tribute to hlmxolf, howuior,but renllied that ln this ootaslon, nutl lu niltho Interesting lnclilcnU connected with It,that which wat nboo and greater than anyinan- -n tribute to tho great otHco w hlchho, by tho favor of a greater peo-ple, now tiUod. Ho continued:

" believe that patriot tm hai been Intent!-pe- dla many heart! by what wobaro wltnctsed

I belloto that patriotism has beenPlaced Into a higher and holler fume in manynsjirli. Tho bunting with which you have cov-eted your walls, these patrlotlo Inscriptionsmutt jo down and tho wagound trade bo re-turned again. Here may l not atk you tocarry thoie Inscriptions that now hang on thewalla Into your homes. Into the school! of yourci'v, Into all jour great Inttltutloniwhere children are gathered and leachtnero that the cje of the young and old shouldlook upontjhat tlag at one ot tho fannlurglories nf every American, llavo wo netloarnod that no itocki and bond! norlirid li our country. It Is a spirit-ual thought that it In our mlndi-- ltthe nag and whnt It stands fort It Istne Urenda and tho borne; It li the thought!mat are In our licartt born of tho lutpl-- Iration which comot with tbo itory of tlagotmartyrs to iibony. It It the grate-yar- Intownich a common country hai gathered tho

deodi ot thote who died that thathing might llva which wo lote and call our'"mtfy.i rnlher thnn any thing that oan bo

louched or socn. Lot mo add a thought duo toour country's future. Perhaps never havo wo,oLn ,0,wo11 equipped for war upon land atnow, nIuj wo hlV0 neveriten tho time whon0UJ b'orde wero mora smitten with the loto of!5Si To.ele'ate tha morals ot our people,up the law at that lacred thing whfch,.SVJi! ttrk ?L Uoa of 0),)' ,na n uo touched,!1J', ""'"nt hands, but frovrni upon any

V u?,'hrone 1U lupremacy; to unite ourJStiH I".1 tnttt mkt! Iiomo tomfortuble at

. Jl?.1.0 T'- 1- our nerKie In the direction otn,i.V " "neeiiieni; inn service may we

1..M'i..An0Ul" ,hl" (r demonitralloo)m,?.i.IIw "' intplre ut to conscorats'JJimrr!'- - M,rt0,BU,0Y,M4 "rTIM ' on,

At.Ul)0.alu,loa rmWftH Harlio'i&tM tu butiutt oew v m lid.


DaSnlBtr tho Position of tiie,TwoArmloB on tho HUtorlo Field

At They Rtood and rongtit and Wavere.!Twnnty-flt- n Years Ann The

tthern Gnnernt I.J He Fell Id-eated and MaHied.

CriATTAfiOooA, Tkxx, May C Theparty o( gentlemen, compoied

ot General Kotecrar.s, tfeneral Cist, 0ntral Kellogg, General Hoynton and othersappointed Inapnot tho ba'tlo-flai- d ofChlckamaugn nnd locate tba battle lines,vltlttd the bnttto-fiel- d resiertlay; Theyrode over alt ot It except tha portion aboutCraw nth Spring. Tho batt'a Hues andpoilllons wero eilnbllthedat given In thererls'd ninp mfln last October by order ofthi War Department except that therewas a slight chuiigo as to ths routefaker by Granger's lttserve Corpswhen he jollied Thomas at fitiodgrottII11L Thn ulilnur nirtnn's tirtusn. Wltlletl

wraKUnnral'' Hoiectntis' tieudejwarWs,and tLerblstotrtttteflyard'' wero.libsntU,fled bjoiid quistlon. Tha partywas corupojed ot tba committeeas given In prevlout dispatches andcitizen! tt Chattanooga. General JoaWheeler was ths only Confederal ofltcerpresent AdJtitnnt-Oenern- I Plrtls locatedthe ipot whero General W. IL Lytlo waskilled, from evidence which sems Indlt-ptltobl- e,

and a pile of stonoi wis made un-

til it can be nioro appropriately marked:An old man nntuei Veatbers,agd eightythree years, walked four mlln to toe Gen-

eral Hntrcrans. He had livid on the fieldnt tho time ot the bittlo, and had givenGeneral Itotecrnnsn drink ot water. Theold msn seemed ta be transported with Joywhon General itosrernns shook hands withhim. Tho pnrty rrmalnel' at BnodgraisHill all afternoon taking general observa-tions, and then returnel to tba city.To-da- y they will vlttt LookoutMountain and ctli;r points of In-

terest, nnd Tuesday will return to thabattle-fiel- d and enter Into tba work indetail. General Ilosecrant, In an Inter-view, said i "This it my firit vliit to thebattlo-llel- d since the war, and It It difficultfor ma to locate many ot the placet, buteach will find seme spot with which beltfamiliar, and In this way by a generalconference nil questions can be definitelyand accurately settled, it Is ths intentionto convert the battle-fiel- d Into a nationalpark, and there is every reason to believethat the plan will succeod." ti"


A Mrdlrlne Man Predicts Ilia Speedy Kt.tlnrlloii of llin VWilte llnre, and Cnu.esn f'oininotlon Among tlio shotbone andArrnptltoes.DnaVER, Cor, May ft A telegram re

ceived here from tho Indian Agency In tbosouthern part of W'yomlnglerrltorysays:'The Shoihonej and Arrapaho) trlbotof Indlant nt the Hlioshono Agency havebeen unusually nctlvo during the patt twoweeks. Delosntei from tin other triboihavsbcen visiting them, councils have beenheld and various dances Indulged In byycung and old. From a mcdlclno man ottbo bhoshones It it learned that tho com-

motion is cauied by tbo general belief ottho members ot the tribo that an Indianmillennium It cloto at hand. A leadingmullclno man hat predicted thatwhen the snow . bai coma nn.d

will return to life. He alto prcdlclstl at at the samo tlma nil white man willdisappear Tho Indlant are Intensely

over proplncle i nnd extra precaution!are bomg taken by the olll?ert of theagency to guard againtt an outbreakanion theiug."

Short anJ Stormy Honeymoon.

AiiiAvr, Ga., May G Win. Gil more, aprominent young in in ot Albany, Instoi eniiig shot and killed bis seventeen-year-o- il

wife, l'jnnle, and thot klllolhimso f Giltnoro nnd his wife had beenmarried only n few-- months, and their lifetoeth'r htJ lem an unhappy one. Theiruinrriago was couiiiiumated by an elope-nu- nt

In n faw wjekt tho troubles ot thepair begun, and they finally endod in Oil-mo- re

lea Ing hit w ife.

Amjrlcn Cotton.

Lovnov, Mny 0 The advance ln Amerl-'ca- n

cotton hat driven tha cotton mastersot Lancashire to the vergo ot a financialcrisis. Moit ot tho manufacturer!of cotton ptoducta wilt sustain heavytones, and it it fosred that a panicwill onsu- -, which will result In in-

tense suffering among tha operatives, whowill necoisnrily bo thrown out ot employmen', r 4 .

Exlra Session ot Coigretj Probabla.

Wasiiinotcv, May 0 Benatorinld iccsntlyi ''In my opinion

there will lie nn extra teuton of Congrestcalled next fa 1, probably alout tbe middleot October. Thlt course hat loen deeinoljud clous, with n view to organizing thoHomo of Representative-- , nod gettinglugis'atloii In sbnpo toforo tho holidayreccn."

AstastlnaleJ in Ills Bujgy.

Galksa, Itt, May C Prof. IL T.Mniclietl, mm of (tm tmt known educator!in this lection, nnd the. founder and prin-cipal of tho Academy at Hanover, thitoiunty, was attasilnated yesterday byGeorge- Kknnt mn of Supervisor WilliamBkene. Prof, Mntcliott was returning Inbit buggy from n small town whero he badloen conducting a Habbath-schoo- L

Railroad Conductor Killed.

Tliur, Pa., Mny 0 -- V. iwari Koot, a oi

tho Phllndnlp'ila mid Erie rail-road, rccoived n fatal Injury lait nightlilt limbs were mangled nnd death fol-

low ed tho surgical operation.. Koot wnisingle nnd n member ot tha 1'onnsylvnuln,Hallway Relief Association. Hoot walkodoil tho end ot tho car an 1 was run over.

Fatal Fall Irom a Mountain.Ciiattamooua, 'Ikn.n., JUy C Yetter

day morning at rtoddy, Miles Harris felloil tho iinuiitalii. After dropping fiftyfoot or inoro, bo struck a troo-to- thebranches ot which, t soma extent, brokeh s fall mid saved h in from Instant death.Ho broko a leg nil 1 siistninoj internal lipjurlot wh ch will cihiio his death.

Military Iniptclioi TripCiiicauo, May 0. Ho:relary of Woi

Proctor an I A lj itnnt Gsneral Drum srlliol hero yostorday nttor.ioou to JoinUeiicrnlt Hcholleld, Crook and WilliamsIn a tour of intpecthii ot tbo militaryloils In tho Woit

Immigrants.New Yoiik, May U Nearly 4,503 Imiiil-giail- tt

weia landed nt Cvtle (Ijrleu yet-l-

day, l,f(l) fiom Liverpool, OIH fromGlnig'iw, 727 fiom Coponhiieii 7U fromAnt rip, OOO (ruu lltvra ami '."Jl fromlliiiiburg

0estru:llv8 Flools In Canada.Qohikc, Mty a Terrible InuniUtloiii

hnvd nceurrsd In all direction! up thar ver Hetwoen ChlToutlinl

and St, Alphonte uiott all tho brldjcihaio Ism swept nviay. There wai al-

io tdy cmllirsb's poverty among tblull bltnuti ot tht dlitrlct, yi iJirain Minn r'r '

LED D0OMER3..Thsm Hrtiliiita and Tryingnt lUrk Home

AnirsSl CirV, Ks Msv 7.-- Ths suf -ttrlnmSBP Uom rt moit promt- -nnttt aissasnB aionz this northern ItnnlArYetterMVi ?0) wagom on tha marchdownHf' wagont on Ilia way back

Tbe groves In the Arkan- -t river vatlevs. Ititt afford.

ad'klK of the bomp-r- i before the(laKMinl.ssssW ""Ing again with tha re- -tllCmiAsasssWO tunateu There aro bun- -drMyK fnmll es among them whohiVHV ry ihtngtn mike tha trip andnowreHilDill III left. "Ihl sMitnf iii.ii.t n jsiisssS Ihlldran wha are thai Unnro- -

viaceUaW anl tltOAiite, ntth tha mereoriejsurvirlngto dra themitifut. Guthrie it'll hoi lithe

malaaW popu'aticn and li not yet !ym-onuei- L

uieUMI Oklahoma city ii theW'feV lug town site. Csp'.aln Crouch,thVoW5 'cetforjo Iloomer Payne, watBatarWff lecteii major, da:eatluz aoreaenrer, IWhose plaform was rigalntttauiUfc and whisky. Aflrngasthelnt- -tar lsisjH.rtl-ill- t Itnow.serlouitrouble

THE PAUIS EXPOSITION.Formal Opening, Willi Many Notables

l'resenr,Pahh, May 7. President Comot form-

ally crencd the KxTiosltion yesterday aft-erno n. Tho President wat accompinlcdto the Kxpotitlon grounlt by tha Presi-dent! ot tho Senate and Chamber of Depu-ties. The party was accompinled by aiqiudron of cavntry. They left tho LIys"oat half-pi- one o'clock, anl an artillerysalute announced their nrrival under thocmlral dome of the main Kxpotitlon bit g.

Pietidont Carnot atcnded tbe dattthat had been erected under tbe dome. Hewsii surrounded by tbe members of thoCiblnetnnd members of tne H'linte andChamber of Deputies. IL Tlrard, the PrimeMinister made an address welcomingthe l'rcililont. President Cnrnot In hitaddress referred to the undauntall 3 energyot Franco In arising from severest trialsto fresh Industrial triumphs. He after-wards inspected the various department!of the exhibition.

Entlrs Family Drowns L"

Wiihiimj, W. Va., May 7 A terrlbloaccident Is reported from Ilraxton County,this Stats. i II Hnrr and family lived Ina tblnly settled district, and Sunday heand hit wife and two children .tovisit a neighbor. A mountain strenm ontheir path was swollon out of its banks butHarr attempted to crois it In a canoe.Half way over the (rail boat captlztd nndlha whole family were thrown out Thewife and ono child Immediately sank.Harr, who was an expert swimmer, seizedanother and made doiperata efforts to es-

cape, lit caught on to tbe ir.m.e but watinept down itraam and perished boforahelp coulJi each him. The bo.lloi havobeen rccorerod. . . .

Mai Do Scire in West Virginia.Ciiamutoy, W. Va., May 7. A mad

dog ch Poca river, Kanawha County, lastSaturday, bit ssvoiiteondogi, one cow andono hor. An exciting bunt was nitd,aud tb brute was finally ihot by AdllsonEppllng. Serious alarm exlils in thatlection, Tho sams scale ot attain existsIn several otlier countlot, Welz 1, Tyler,PJeasnnUsnd JaiSsort, nnd much damtgehi. h.LTtks'jA.

Aa.-viv- .iBiiterivllle, MidUe- -

Tjmmmit have orderol niltn ".v s i' . -a.'. vr fr','i ,Jssisys'n'

in Lrfniiai.WAnAiXyVy 7 Sunday evening

Jordan Uho3f7tTe most deipcrata crim-inal (or bit nje (e'even yean) ever im-

prisoned here, from tin dopulysheriff nnd boardol nn east-boun- d vt aba illtrain. He wni from nt Ilanokonext morning, nhero be had burglarlzel n

house, securing a number ot valuables.Rhodes wat to havo been taken to thoBtata He form School for larceny. The Indwas captured at neon at Unloa Station bySherlLt Bqulres.

Boy Kills J by a Horn.BiRMtKuriAy, Ala., Miy 7. Alley, th?

eWon-year-ol- d ton of J. M. Grady, nresident ot H yton, a su' urb, wat atttqko 1

by a vicious hone anl kills U Tno boywent to tho stable to let thennlmtl ou ,

when it ran Iiimdonn an I bit ni I tramp,led blra todeafi. Ttis nnimil herotoforahas bjen verydjcile, mil It Is tluujlitpossibly it had tha hydrophobia.

General Khj Will A.opt.Washssotox, May 7. Gsneral Adam H.

King, of Halt more, formerly naval olTi:er

tttthatrorf, bas t It said, beai decidedupon at tbe State department fur omulgeneral nt Paris. Tne appolnt-uon- t It attrlbuted to th i elite personal and pjllt salfriendship exlttlng between GenTral Kinsand Secretary 11 sine.

Called lo NIs Door aid ShotAtlaxta, 0a Mav 7 --Monday night at

eleven uVIoct Ja ""i H. Pierce wat catled(rom his houu, live unlet from Atlautt,nnd shot todeath. Tin volco of ths aj.satln was recognue I by a laly in thilimso. It h sai i Ihsi 1'ieroj bad reportoia man for Moating the limor law.

Buiktr Hill AmivirJary.

WAsni.Nnri. Mi 7 -- The Coiuminl-an- tof thn Ilos'on N tv -- yard hit been

to fire a nationtl sfttuto at tunrisoonJuneI7 tho annivo-iar-

y ot the bnttloot Bunker Hill, and, should ho consider It

prop-r"nn- d eipe-- ent to direct the mi-rin-

to taueptrt in tbs parade.

Crass;'! Tsr!.UlULfi. May 7 Uerimuy'i attltu to ro

gardlng Samoa It glvan from whnt itclaluul to ba a reliable sourca. Thoro nro

three v ti01" ot sottloiuont, tha npparaut-l- y

mi' fentlbh being n triplo controlover tbe li'ands with a tilth e King.

Mr). Let is Blind no Loigir.tu ii M, Va., May 7. Tha operation

perfoiins i two weeks ngo upon the oye otMrs S Jney Bmlt'i Lae, mother of Gov-

ernor ! 1,a" proved entirely successfuland har sight li reitored,


,N Albany snowslioo club kept them-

selves lo practice during tbo opou winterbj pu'tmglotof spring beds lu a clrelo,covering them with canvas and trampingocrthento alow muslo.

A Knowf (N. Y.) minister marrtoil a

coupioone night recently, and when slgna.tuntivereatkod to tho ccrtlllciW it uas(omul that neither tho brido, groom, best

rbrHlesmaldcouldwrltothoirtiamcsman u

Thet a I s'gnod by making murks

'l'r ttst ircaKor cigarctto mivcrusingjgeuis ba' boon tuloptcd ln New Vork 1 ho

agi uis tx ught up all tho windowsthcy could

inp nat'h,118enloiigtho lino o( thoclo-vim- a

fin roads oiiilflllctl them with smallcurds ci in uttcutlon to a special brand of

cigaiftesPniiin's tho most novel organization In

thoh.1 cf Now York exists In Pough

ktt'psi 1 ' a tullltery cotnMiiy composed

culm ofg I nudilrllliHlbyM'iiJoricnlor oftloor of tho Nationnl

(lu ird (bo jouug ladies lu every lustancobelong lo ,u0 lHl,t (umlllcs in Poughkcci- -

A Mn 1,'lKKa Ronlus has established n

school U r tho training o( professional11 furnishes disguises, rult-- i forbeg-giu- g

aud s regular route (or cacti cf hitpupils, tetlintf'hemthtstorlo to uio nudiliopiwniitritl3so(tliotthoy aro likely totnest lu ioltanga ut Ovmaniii hall Up)



The following fourth-clas- s pitimattenwere appointed the other day for Kentucky: T. W. Connell, Arlington, Car-lisle County, vice It T. Hocker, removed;Wm, C. Hendricks, Bnrdwell, CarlisleCounty, vice John T. Davis, removed; II.IL Uarton. Cadiz, Trigg County, vice A.T. Wlmborly, removed ; O W. L'ttlejohn,Grnyson, Carter County, vice A. P. Hill,reilgned; J W. Demuibroit, Hone Cave,Hart County, vica KHubeth T, Miller, re.moved; John It Ledlerry, Bmltbland,Livingston County, vice I. P. Haynot,removed; J, I. Weaver, London, LaurelCounty, vica It M. Jackton, removed

The othor evening at the Blale College,Lexington, tho steward, Wm. lluth, and aa udent naqiad J, W, Hardin, front Wath-lngton County, get iato an altercationab utthedl charge of a servant, Hardit.ho lug the preiblent ot tho Students' MenClub. Hush itrurk the student with a club,when tin latter drew a knife nud slabbed.him teven times, one rut severing the

I tongua Uuth It not expected to live.uaruin utauo tits escape...Kt.TIWt..frr,tM !... 1""1T',rBidlllsetllemept of thd accounts of the'State m l

Vua.urr., and found that tbcre wat Jl-I-

Ki w ii tu treasury,lil.vuoocnArr, a baby colt by II ndoo out

ot Lady Cratlon, won tho Uittillorj' Stakeat Lexington tho other day on a slowtrack, cna and miles, In 2:11. .

Maiiuaret Delamey brought suit in tbecomn on plras court at Louisville againstthe General Association of Colored Hap-til- ts

of Kentucky for $13,000 damages, al-

leging that she was, last December, In-

jured to that amount, owing to tbo negli-gence of tbe defendant!. In wnlklng alongthsildewalk ot the defendants' propertythe fell Into a bole by reason of the stoneflagging being out of p'ace. - OTovsV ,

DgiTTV Cottrcron lltACKBUnv collect-(dll"S7J(-

In Internal revenue taxes intbe Frankfort division for tha month ofAprlL

The Capttal Drawing Company, ofFrankfort, have sold their plant to Her-man & Pa'ik, of Milwaukee, for !. 000.

Wai.tkk Handy, one of ths belt knowncitizens of Jessamine County, wai founddead In hit bed near Mcholatvllle, thoother afternoon, Mr. Handy was one ottho largest laiid.owneri ln the county,ant wat widely knotsn throughout thsBtate. He had been a sufferer of Urlgbt'sdijeass

(I. A. Lioo.v, a well-to-d- o farmer, livingnear Hobard't, Henderson County, com-mitted suicide by taking a large dose otlaudanum. No cause is assigned (or thadeed. Deceased leavji a family ot fivechildren, v '

Mn One Watkins, who fell from awngon at Danville, several days ago andbroke bit back, has stnea died.

Jim I)avi IN was terlously cut by HillCol en In a itrect fight at Mcholatvllle.Colon was arrci'od. ,

FirTV-KlOll- T head of thoroughbredhorses woro sold nt Lexlugton, a tow diysngo, nottlng 123,04), nn average of $307.

Kentucky pensions trere granted atfollows: Origlunl Invalid Milton Ilran-no- n,

Sidney Q. Lainhart, James IL Din-gus, James U Evan i, John bmltb, DavitC. Olore, Win, Loud, Robert Vincent, Henry Kraft, Richard llobion, James Owens(deceased.) Increasa George W. Wade,Uenjimln P. Kostler, Overton Mays, Wm.I Young, Harrison Cobb, Alexander CNo. xlid.a-XWWjHrrsr- etc.- JlelvinV"

Wtrottiern. w!fiMfvmi'ifather of Androi. Creokmore. MexicanSurvivors Kluiuud P. White, Win. A.llurch

D.i8. W. II. Doiiertt, P. a Lobor r.nd C.F. Dupro have bo .hi nppolnted to the Louisville Medlinl Hoard for tho examinationof pernio- applicants.

At Karlington, Ixiuti Morton shot nndfatally woundoJ Miss Liizle Hays, bissweetheart, tecnuse iho insisted on danc-ing with Morton's rival nt a ba I. Mortonafterward killed himself, '

The Kentucky Institute for peeb'aMinded Children, lorn'od at Frank tortwai totally destroyed by fire on tbo 3dInst. No lives wero lost Lou, !)l,u0;Insurance, $33,000.

Natural gas has been found near Mid-wa- y.

Dn. Douolasb Howard, a popularyoung physician of Paris, died from

of the stomach nnd bowels.At palrvlew, during a quarrel between

two farmers named Cash Hendersen andJohn McAlpln, the fo mtr wat shot andfaintly wounded by tba latter. "

The Washington Centennial in Louis-ville wat generally observed as a holiday,all the city, Government offices and busi-ness houtoi closing at an early hour. Tboreligions obervnncn of the Inaugural Cen-ten- n

I ii was general, and all tbe churcheswsro crowded with largo congregation.

Aiinold BciluroCK and Jacob H'abea,charged with the murder ot John Chris-tian, w hlch occurred at tba Bv, In colony,Lturel County, April 7, were arretted atow days ago, neir Chattanooga, Tenn.,and brought I nek by Deputy Bhoiitf C M.Rm.UII.

BtrrrnTB, Third Artillery, U. 8. A.,whli It has stationed at tho barracksIn Now pott for tho past year, left the otliernight for Porlross Monroe. They were

d to tho depot in that city by thoSt Joieph's Cndett Drum Corpt, and w eraloudly cheered ntong tho line of nmrch.One patriotic lady broko through thecrouds nnd kitted several ot the loldlorsin the ranks, creating cuutlderiiblo merri-ment

AT Paris, Judge Morion iieird Iho aff-idavits the oilier morning filed by the at-torneys (or Pat Hunt convicted (or thamurder of James ALnee, and refuted togrant a new trial. The prisoner had noth-ing to say why tbo death sentence shouldnot be pasiod, and received tho sentenowith tho itolcal liidllTeU'llce ot nil Ironman, without a tremor. Iho Judge letSaturday, June 2!), lccO, fir the day of theexecution, which will t.iko place In thejnll-jn- there. Hunt's attorneys willappeal to tha higher court, VVe

Dn. Geo. Hoilins, a prominent citizenand physician of Gordoniviila several mileswest of Husiellville, shot and Instnntlykilled Hugone Lyno, colore. I, at that place.The colored man had become offended atliollhit about toiuetblng, and persisted Infollowing hi in about and cursing anlabusing him Finally ho followed HolKnsto his house and was ordered oil tbo place,but, refusing togoandthoivingflght Hoi-lit- is

drew a pistol nud thot him. HolllusIt under arrett Lyne's friends aro veryaim h aroused, and but for tbe luck ot alesdor a ilot, If not a lynching wouldresult

l'ltoLONQKD drought, cool nighli andbupi are Injuring the tobacco crop luSouthern Keutucky.

KrriTl'CKV was leprcimted In tbooen-tennl-

parade In New York by four bun-dre- d

an I llfty men, Governor Simon Ik

liuckuer commanding, and stall; thn le

Legion, First Regiment, Colonel

John II. L.isllumaii loniuiindlng. Noth-

ing liner in a military way wat evei tennIn tbe country than tho spectacle- present-

ed by the marching of the Louisville Le-

gion and the rldlug ot the Cleveland (O.)

City Troop.Hen F. Wooui, n dry goodt merchant nt

Pembroke, a nation toulli of Hopkinsvilla, bat made an aitlgument fcr tha bntilt of ttt'P.tor. Hit llabllltlM are estlruitid it about l'W, Lit MtMi !'



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