the great patriotic war: 1941-1945 a brief overview in ...€¦ · the great patriotic war:...

The Great Patriotic War: 1941-1945 A brief overview in numbers, words and images

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The Great Patriotic War: 1941-1945

A brief overview in numbers, words and images

Country Military Deaths Civilian Deaths Total

Canada 38,000 0 38,000

Great Britain 264,000 92,000 356,000

USA 292,000 6,000 298,000

Japan 1,300,000 672,000 1,972,000

Germany 3,500,000 780,000 4,280,000

USSR 11,000,000 7,000,000 18,000,000

(13.74% of 1939 Soviet population dies; AOT .32% of US population)

Victory ParkSt. Petersburg

(we survived)

Victory ParkMoscow

(we won!)

War as High Politics…

Zhenya died on Dec. 28th at 12:30 A.M. 1941Grandma died on Jan. 25th 3:00 P.M. 1942Leka died on March 5th at 5:00 A.M. 1942Uncle Vasya died on Apr. 13th at 2:00 after midnight 1942Uncle Lesha on May 10th at 4:00 P.M. 1942Mother on May 13th at 7:30 A.M. 1942Savichevs died. Everyone died. Only Tanya is left

Татьяна Николаевна Савичева(Tatiana NikolaevnaSavicheva)

…and low

Facing Fascism, 1933-1939

Hitler’s rise to power, and the threat he posed to the USSR (to Slavs; to Communism)

Stalin’s response:

the purges 1937-38

the search for an allied front with anyone really

1933: Germany withdraws from League of Nations

1934: The USSR joins… and what this shift promised

The Soviet Quest for Collective Security

A few gains:

2 May 1935: USSR and pact of peace and friendship with France (but what challenges did it face?)

May 1935: Soviets sign treaty with Czechoslovakia (but what challenges does it face?)

The Soviet Union in the era of “Appeasement”.. Why won’t France and GB act? Where’s the US?

Cautionary tales:Italy invades Ethiopia (October 1935)Hitler announces German re-militarization (1935)Germany reoccupies the Rhineland (1936)German military support of Franco in the Spanish Civil war (1936-1939)The German annexation of Austria (March 1938)

The Unthinkable happens: Stalin and Hitler, 1939-41

Molotov-von Ribbentrop pact,

23 August, 1939…

Promise of 10 years of peaceful co-existence between USSR and Nazi Germany.

No aid for a 3rd party should one attack the other signatory.

and a “secret protocol”… which establishes German and Soviet spheres of influence… ex. Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Bessarabia all in Soviet spheres; whereas Poland was to be divided up between Germany and USSR.

Blitzkrieg: The Nazi Invasion of Poland 1 September 1939

Responses: U.S., G.B., France; and the USSR

Toward Soviet Armageddon, 1939-1940:

Western Europe now under Nazi control

Soviet response: purge and fortify… but did Stalin blow it on both counts, and with a dreadful war vs. Finland?

Operation Barbarossa, and mass devastation

3:30 a.m., 22 June 1941

An army of 3 million invades, and the largest war ever between two States begins... And where is Stalin?

Did Stalin truly believe that Nazi Germany would not attack the USSR?

Did the attack send him into a depression?

First reactions:

Stalin is seemingly comatoseOrdinary people in Moscow stunned by news.Soviet workers immediate agree to work extra days, and tens of thousands volunteer to fight in Red Army.

German (+Allied) expectation: That the Soviets would fall

quickly given German superiority and Soviet popular hostility toward Stalin

Germans in June 1941 have 3.6 million men, 5,000 aircraft, 3,648 tanks; opposed to 2.9 million Soviet troops and 15,000 tanks. 5,000 Soviet planes destroyed while still on ground

Stalin: 3 July 1941Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Men of our army and navy! I am addressing you, my friends! The perfidious military attack on our Fatherland, begun on June 22nd by Hitler Germany, is continuing. In spite of the heroic resistance of the Red Army, and although the enemy's finest divisions and finest airforce units have already been smashed and have met their doom on the field of battle, the enemy continues to push forward, hurling fresh forces into the attack. Hitler's troops have succeeded in capturing Lithuania, a considerable part of Latvia, the western part of Byelo-Russia, part of Western Ukraine. The fascist airforce is extending the range of operations of its bombers, and is bombing Murmansk, Orsha, Mogilev, Smolensk, Kiev, Odessa and Sebastopol. A grave danger hangs over our country.…

The peoples of the Soviet Union must rise against the enemy and defend their rights and their land. The Red Army, Red Navy and all citizens of the Soviet Union must defend every inch of Soviet soil, must fight to the last drop of blood for our towns and villages, must display the daring initiative and intelligence that are inherent in our people. We must organize all-round assistance for the Red Army, ensure powerful reinforcements for its ranks and the supply of everything it requires, we must organize the rapid transport of troops and military freight and extensive aid to the wounded…. …We must wage a ruthless fight against all disorganizers of the rear, deserters, panic-mongers, rumor-mongers; we must exterminate spies, diversionists and enemy parachutists, rendering rapid aid in all this to our destroyer battalions…”

Utter devastation unfolds: Kiev surrenders; dams destroyed (by retreating Soviets; Soviet airfields and planes obliterated; Jews and Slavs rounded up and machine-gunned; hundreds of thousands of casualties and prisoners destined to a terrible end in German camps….

Mauthausen.. One of many…


Before After

Children playing in the ruins of Stalingrad

The Home Front: seeming Mass Support for the Soviet State

The case of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya (real or imagined)

The ongoing mass enlistment of the population, and mass sabotage.

Mass evacuation at times; and fierce resistance at others.

… and the arts… from movies and literature to 1943 and the church (Orthodox and Baptist)… so why did this happen when it happened (a two-fold answer)?

Konstantin Simonov, a beloved Soviet poet, and two of his dearly loved (and oft’ recited) poems:

Kill Him

If you do not want to have The girl you courtedBut never dared to kissBecause your love was pure –If you don’t want fascists to bruise and beatAnd stretch her naked on the floorIn hatred, tears, and blood.And see three human dogs despoilAll that you hold dearIn the manliness of your love…Then kill a German, kill him soonAnd every time you see one – kill him.

Overwhelmed Soviet troops near Smolensk as Nazi forces continue to move onward toward Moscow

and Leningrad

Wait for Me

Wait for me and I’ll come back,Wait with might and mainWait when you are drowned by griefIn floods of yellow rain.Wait amid the driving snow,Wait in torrid heat.Wait when others cease to waitForgetting yesterday.

From Stites, Russian popular culture, 101

Soviet Posters… what’s the appeal to?; how to measure impact?

(and the implications of Weiner’s and Hellbeck’s respective theses)

To be grandchildren of Suvorov, children of Chapaev

At the Dawn of the Cold War, 1943-1953

The Soviet Perspective on the Origins of the Cold War

One thing that Stalin wants from his allies after 1941…

Germany advance halted:

Moscow (December 1941)

Stalemate: 1942

Paulus surrenders (31 January 1943 (750,000 of 1.1 million Germans die…)

One thing that Stalin wants from his allies after 1942…

A.F. Pakhomov, Fireworks in Leningrad (1944)

Kiev liberated, late 1943

Leningrad blockade ends, early 1944

An unbreakable union of free republics,Great Rus’ joined together forever.Long live the creation of the will of the peoples,The united, the mighty Soviet Union!Chorus:

Be glorified, our fatherland, united and free! The sure bulwark of the friendship of the peoples! The Soviet banner is the flag of the people, Let it lead from victory to victory!

Through storms the sun of freedom has shined upon us,And the great Lenin has lighted the wayStalin has taught us faithfulness to the people,To labour, and inspired us to great feats!

A new Anthem (1943, with words revised again, 1944; and no lyrics after 1953 until revised lyrics appear in…. 1977)

One thing that Stalin wants from his allies after 1943…

Tehran Conference: US, GB, USSR

28.November-1 December 1943

1.2nd Front promised

2.Polish borders


4.A future United Nations

Morgenthau Plan

Germany, 1949

What the allies agree upon for Germany:

The Morgenthau Plan

What it is, who backs down first, and why, and why it matters?

13 and 15 February, 1945: Dresden is obliterated

Yalta Conference - February 1945

(D-Day, 6 June 1944) 1.Poland’s western borders

2.Germany (France now added), but Morgenthau plan still on

3.Reparation of prisoners

4.Stalin commits to the UN

5.USSR to enter war with Japan

German army divisions:

July 1941: 145 in East 45 in West

June 1944:

150 in the East 66 in the West

Potsdam Conference: 16 July – 2 August 1945

Context: 7 May and 9 May acts of surrender; new leaders; mounting British fears, and the American bomb (and Soviet atrocities, or Soviet rule of Poland?)

Potsdam Declaration (a fraying of relations)

Endgame: A Cold War out of a Great Patriotic (World) War

Hiroshima, 6 August 1945

End of the Morgenthau option; the Americans stay, and the Sovietization of Eastern Europe

Europe (as we saw it at least) 1946

“…From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia; all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow.” Churchill, 5.III.1946

Churchill’s copy from secret agreement, signed in Moscow, October 1944

When Timing Matters:

1.West Germany formed: May 1949

2.East Germany formed: October 1949

1.NATO formed: 4 April 1949

2.Warsaw Pact: 14 May 1949

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