the gazette may 2010

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  • 8/9/2019 the Gazette May 2010


    World first for St Georgesas keyhole op saves baby


    May 2010issue 17

  • 8/9/2019 the Gazette May 2010



    2 the gazette

    the gazette is written and published

    by the Communications Unit. The

    opinions expressed do not necessarily

    represent those of St Georges

    Healthcare NHS Trust. The next edition

    will be published during July 2010. If

    you are a staff member with a story forthe gazette, please email:

    [email protected]

    2 Staff pull out the stops for iCLIP

    3 A word from David

    4 No smoking day

    4 Transforming patient care

    5 Keyhole op saves baby

    6 All the ingredients for a great


    6 Patient takes gold at Winter


    7 New leaflet launches

    8 Spotlight on Mickey Koh

    9 View from the top

    10 Focusing on patient safety

    11 New Macmillan service

    12 Hi-tech scanner trialled at

    St Georges

    12 Robot cuts waiting times

    13 New approach to procurement

    14 Nurses rise to the challenge

    15 St Georges demonstrates cutting

    edge technology

    16 Fundraising news

    State of the art theatre opensA new operating theatre has opened in the Atkinson Morley Wing asSt Georges takes its place at the heart of the trauma network coveringsouthwest London and Surrey.

    The theatre has been built to cater for surgical specialties suchas bariatric, robotic surgery and renal transplantationprocedures.

    Because trauma now has a dedicated theatre there is less riskof elective operations being rescheduled to make way foremergency cases.

    The new facility will increase the trusts overall capacity forsurgery by around 15 to 20 per cent.

    Clinical theatre manager, Alberto Castrillon, said: The theatrehas been built to the highest standard so that whatever sort of

    work needs to be done, it can be done there. There is an airpurifying system which means that a greater range ofprocedures can be carried out.

    We are also working to increase the number of staff working in theatres and areadvertising in most of the main journals.

    The South West London and Surrey Trauma Network covers an area with a population

    of 2.6million people.

    Under the network, instead of being sent to local district general hospitals, patients

    with very severe or multiple injures are being sent to St Georges, which has thecapacity and expertise to provide the best possible care.

    Front page picture shows Isabel Dolby, theworlds youngest patient to have keyhole

    surgery for acute appendicitis, with hermother Candice and paediatric consultantMr Zahid Mukhtar.

    With thanks to Mark Evenden, MediaServices, St Georges University of London,for photographic services.

    Clinical theatre managerAlberto Castrillon

    Staff pull out the stopsfor iCLIP launch

    management and outpatient system tothe trust. Subsequent phases will include

    full theatre scheduling, diagnostic

    ordering and resulting and a specialist

    critical care module.

    Trust chief executive David Astley was

    onsite on the weekend of the launch. He

    said: This is a huge project that has

    required a great deal of commitment and

    hard work from people across the trust.

    The go live follows years of strategic

    planning, and months of training to

    help people get used to working withthe system.

    Dedicated staff ensured iCLIP launch was a success

    new Ingredients restaurant

    opens in Lanesborough Wing

    new Ingredients restaurant

    opens in Lanesborough WingHnew Ingredients restaurant

    opens in Lanesborough Wing


    The iCLIP launch went ahead asplanned on Monday 29th March.

    Chief operating officer Patrick Mitchell

    said: Staff worked closely with

    colleagues from BT and the London

    Programme for IT to ensure a smooth

    transition onto the new system. We are

    pleased with how things have gone so

    far. However, work is ongoing to

    ensure the project remains on course

    and is a success.

    This initial phase has replaced the

    patient administration system andprovides an integrated A&E, bed

  • 8/9/2019 the Gazette May 2010


    the gazette 3

    As the gazette goes to print weare at a pivotal time in the year we have just entered into a new

    financial year and the general electiondate has been announced, the outcome

    of which will see challenging times aheadfor the whole NHS.

    But no matter what happens one thing

    remains the same our dedication to

    moving the Trust forward through

    cutting-edge developments in equipment,

    techniques and training.

    This commitment to drive change resulted

    in St Georges becoming a major trauma

    centre earlier this month, putting the trust

    at the heart of a major clinical network

    which will radically improve access to

    specialist care for the most seriously

    injured patients across the capital.This is just one of the many success stories

    giving us cause for celebration. Other

    highlights include the opening of a state-

    of-the-art theatre in the Atkinson Morley

    Wing; and one of many firsts, St Georges

    performing keyhole surgery for acute

    appendicitis on the worlds youngest


    A word from David

    Staff on Benjamin Weir ward were

    surprised and delighted when a

    grateful former patient sent them a

    huge summer fruit cake.

    Elle Pitar, owner of the Moulin Rouge inKingston-upon-Thames, was given an

    emergency bypass and admitted onto theward earlier this year.

    He is now recovering and asked his chefsto create a giant cake that could be

    shared amongst all the staff on the ward.

    Senior staff nurse, Sophie Proctor, said:

    We heard that a big cake was beingdelivered to our ward as a thank you, butwhen four men entered the ward carrying

    a cake nearly as wide as the corridor wecould not believe it.

    It was the talk of the whole unit, andthe cake was shared between every ward

    from CTICU to Caroline, secretaries,doctors, domestics and nursing staff. Itfed literally hundreds of people.

    Ward receptionist, Pearl Livingston said:

    It was one of the tastiest and biggest

    Sweet gesture from restaurateur

    Left to right: Kimberley OHara, KateFincham, Josette Pitar, Hoda Pitar, Elle Pitar,Sophie Proctor, Venessa Sookhoo


    the theme ofcontinuingsuccess, we

    have now

    marked animportant

    milestonein thetransformation of St Georges the

    successful deployment of the trusts newclinical information systems.

    This launch followed years of strategicplanning by the trust and months of stafftraining to ensure everyone was fully


    So far the deployment has gone

    according to plan and Id like to thank

    staff for their hard work andcommitment. A special thank you must

    go to the iCLIP project team and ourcolleagues from BT and Cerner.

    The iCLIP project demonstrates the valueof collaborative working and I was deeplyimpressed by their professionalism duringmy time in the project command centre at

    the beginning of the month.

    St Georges is also making positive

    changes to the hospital environment,

    such as the opening of the new

    Ingredients restaurant in

    Lanesborough Wing.

    This now offers staff, patients andvisitors an impressive range of freshly

    prepared, high-quality food, bright,

    modern dcor and top-of-the-range

    facilities. The restaurant has proved

    extremely popular so far, and I would

    encourage you to visit if you have not

    already done so.

    Once again, thanks to staff members

    for their dedication, patience and team

    work, which will keep the trust on

    course to achieve its goals.

    Continuing in this spirit will be essential

    as we push on towards achievingFoundation Trust status, continuing the

    improvement of services and building

    projects and ensuring the iCLIPprogramme remains a success for the

    trust. I am looking forward to another

    successful and

    progressive year.

    surprises ever received from a patient to

    the staff on Ben Weir. It was nice that wewere able to share it with other staff inthe cardiac unit.

    Recovering at home, Mr Pitar said: I was

    on the ward after being given a full graft

    bypass, and everyone was telling me how

    serious the procedure is. I was really

    grateful to everyone at St Georges; it

    means a lot to me.

  • 8/9/2019 the Gazette May 2010


    kpatient care

    Ziggy the ciggie fumesover No Smoking DayEfforts to stub out smoking were stepped up as St

    Georges marked No Smoking Day in March.

    Staff, patients and visitors interested in quitting were

    encouraged to visit a drop-in stand in the hospitals main

    entrance for advice and support.

    Security staff stepped up efforts to stop people smoking on the

    hospital grounds, and posters were displayed across the site

    reminding patients and staff not to light up.

    NHS Wandsworths smelly mascot, Ziggy the ciggie, was fuming

    as he was shunned by hundreds of people passing through the

    main entrance.

    Mohamed Bhatti, NHS Wandsworths stop smoking service

    manager, said: Last year we helped more than 1,200 people to

    stop smoking. We understand that stopping is not easy, so our

    advisors are trained to assess which is the best way for you.

    Changes to managing patient

    discharge are freeing up space on

    wards and helping people go home

    as soon as they are clinically ready.

    A transformation project has been

    looking at the way patients are

    discharged, to identify where delays are

    taking place and find solutions to them.

    Pilot schemes are being run on somemedical and surgical wards to find ways

    of discharging patients before 11am in

    order to make beds available for

    patients admitted that day.

    Transformation Director, Alan Thorne,

    said: We are looking at ways to ensure

    that, when a patient is medically fit and

    ready to go home, they can go.

    Consideration of how and when a

    patient is to be discharged from

    hospital should begin as soon as they

    are admitted.St Georges is also looking to reduce

    the number of long-term patients who

    are kept in hospital because of poor

    health, but may be better off in a care

    home, rehabilitation facility or at home.

    GPs and community matrons were

    invited to a ward round recently, to

    discuss how care in the community

    could be provided for such patients in

    the future.

    Alan added: This work is not just

    about discharge, but about avoidingadmissions in the first place by reducing

    the episodes and emergencies which

    lead to hospital care being necessary.

    4 the gazette

    Better technology

    to track bloodA high-tech barcode system is beingintroduced to keep track of the hundredsof litres of blood used every month atSt Georges.

    When the Blood Track system goes live in

    May, the Haematology department will

    be able to see where every unit of blood

    is in the hospital and manage the supply of stocks


    Every month St Georges uses between 2,200 and

    2,500 blood components, each containing between

    240ml and 280ml and costing 139.

    Under the existing system staff members write in a

    register when blood is removed from the main

    blood fridge. Under Blood Track, each blood

    component will have a barcode, which can be

    scanned when it is removed. Six satellite blood

    fridges have been placed around the hospital,

    which staff can access using their ID cards.

    The system will ensure blood is not left out of the

    fridges for prolonged periods. It will also bepossible to monitor how much is in stock and when

    demand for blood is heavy, which will be more

    important than ever with the trust becoming a

    Major Trauma Centre.

    Training will be rolled out across the trust prior to

    the go live date with key staff being shown how to

    use the system first, then cascading the knowledge

    through their wards and departments.

    Ziggy the ciggie seeks advice about quitting

    Transforming patient care

  • 8/9/2019 the Gazette May 2010


    It was every parents worst

    nightmare four-week-old

    Isabel Dolby was seriously ill

    and in agonising pain, but

    nobody knew why.

    Isabel became the youngest child in the

    world to have keyhole surgery for

    acute appendicitis when paediatric

    consultant Zahid Mukhtar used the latest

    miniaturised technology, including a tiny

    endoscopic camera, to operate on her.

    Worldwide there have been just 100

    recorded cases of appendicitis in babies

    during the last 100 years. All were

    treated using opensurgery, and sadly, a

    third of these children

    did not survive.

    Isabels mother,

    Candice, of Raynes

    Park, said: I noticed

    what looked like a

    milk rash and wasnt

    too concerned, at

    first. However, a few

    days later, I noticed

    the rash had becomered and inflamed and

    it had spread from her

    face and neck all the

    way down her torso.

    The rash progressively

    got worse as each day passed.

    She took Isabel to the paediatric accident

    and emergency department at St

    Georges, but doctors were unable to

    diagnose what was wrong with her.

    Because Isabel was eating normally and

    had no temperature they sent her home

    again and told Mrs Dolby not to be too

    concerned, as babies do sometimes get

    rashes and it would probably disappear

    on its own.

    But over the next few days the rash kept

    getting worse and Isabel was unable to

    settle. Mrs Dolby said: One night, at

    about 8.30pm, she started crying and

    wouldnt stop. I picked her up and she

    had a projectile vomit and let out an ear

    piercing scream.

    Her stomach was so swollen and hard.She was screaming, her body rigid in pain

    for hours, and nothing would settle her.

    We took her to our nearest A&E.

    the gazette 5

    First for St Georges as baby haskeyhole op for acute appendicitis

    getting smaller and better.

    He said: The Paediatric Surgery

    department at St Georges is fast

    becoming a leading centre in the

    safe development of minimally invasive

    surgery for young babies. Only last year we

    reported a new laparoscopic assisted

    technique to treat intestinal artesias in


    Minimally invasive techniques such as

    keyhole surgery are far better for babies,because they recover more quickly. Isabel

    made a remarkable recovery and the only

    remaining signs that she had surgery are

    twosmall marks on her stomach, a few

    millimetres across.

    He added: This was the first time this

    operation had been performed on a baby.

    It was only possible because of our units

    experience in dealing with babies with

    other surgical conditions through this

    minimally invasive approach, including

    hernias, intestinal atresias, Meckelsdiverticulum, which is a swelling in the

    small intestine, diaphragmatic hernia and

    bladder and kidney pathologies.

    The paediatric surgery team made

    history with an innovative keyhole


    Isabel Dolby, the worlds youngest

    endoscope patient with her mother

    Candice and paediatric consultant

    Mr Zahid Mukhtar

    Staff at Kingston Hospitals accident and

    emergency department carried out blood

    tests, a lumbar puncture and an x-ray of

    her swollen stomach, but there was no

    clear sign of what was wrong with her

    apart from an indication that she had an

    infection. Isabel was transferred to the

    paediatric unit at St Georges where more

    tests were carried out.

    Mrs Dolby said: After five or six days Mr

    Mukhtar scheduled Isabel for surgery. The

    consent form was signed and we sat and

    waited. We had no idea on how long the

    surgery would last for as we still did not

    know what was wrong with her.

    Three hours later we were told that she

    had acute appendicitis. I honestly think

    her rash in the beginning was a sign of

    infection from the appendicitis.Mr Mukhtar said that keyhole surgery

    had only recently become possible for

    babies, as the surgical equipment is

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    6 the gazette

    St Georges patient Carl Downing won two medals in the Winter

    World Transplant Games held in the French ski resort of Sainte Foy

    in January.

    Mr Downing, 36, of Southfields, has been a regular patient since akidney transplant in December 2004, to treat IgA nephropathy, alsoknown as Bergers disease, a condition that can lead to chronic renalfailure.

    The games are open to transplant patients from around the world andcompetition is fierce. Carl took the gold medal in the parallel slalom, andbronze in the giant slalom.

    He said: Ive always been a very active person and having a transplanthas not changed that. I feel stronger than ever and was very keen to getout on the slopes and give it my best shot.

    Im planning to go back and compete again next year.

    Mr Downing still visits St Georges regularly but has been healthy since

    his father donated a spare kidney in 2004.He said: It was amazing. It took a few weeks to recover but nowI just have to come in for check ups. Im very grateful to the staff atSt Georges for everything theyve done.

    Patient takes goldat Winter World Transplant Games

    To be one of the best restaurants in Tooting.Thats the aim as the new Ingredients restaurantopens in Lanesborough Wing.

    Judging by the reaction of staff, patients andvisitors it is destined to be a great success.

    Restaurant is the toast of

    With a menu featuring an

    impressive range of freshly

    prepared, high quality food, and a

    bright, modern dcor that would

    not look out of place in Canary

    Wharf, this is a restaurant

    everybody at St Georges can be

    proud of.

    On the first day of business,

    Wednesday 31st March, staff

    members clamoured to see the new

    facility and were impressed with the

    amount of effort that has gone into

    making the restaurant a success.

    Staff and student discounts are still

    in place and the art gallery and

  • 8/9/2019 the Gazette May 2010


    A new booklet explaining what patients can

    expect when they come to St Georges is

    being sent to thousands of first-time


    Welcome to St Georges includes usefulinformation for both inpatients and outpatients,

    and is being sent out with appointment letters.

    Information is provided about public transport,

    parking, catering facilities and what to expect as

    an inpatient on the wards. The booklet also gives

    information about what to bring to hospital,

    questions that patients could ask clinicians and

    how to raise concerns about the care provided.

    Abi Changer, patient information manager, said:

    Coming to hospital can be extremely stressful, so

    the more information we can provide before people

    arrive, the better.

    The booklet is kindly supported by Marks and Spencer

    and Whistlestop.





















    the gazette 7

    New patient leafletavailable now

    ootinginternet access points are still


    There is a dedicated childrens playarea, a branch of Costa Coffee and

    a huge plasma screen television.

    Special events and surprises are

    being lined up for the months

    ahead; keep checking the intranet

    and the gazette for details.

    Healthcare Assistant, Fatmata Sesay, said:

    The play area is a brilliant ideaand I like the food.

    Trust chair Naaz Coker said:

    The new restaurant is avast improvement on whatwe had before, and reflects

    wider improvements beingmade across St Georges.

    Engineer, Trevor Reynolds, said:

    Its really nice, the dcors great andits a hundred per cent better thanthe old restaurant.

    Staff help trust chief executive David Astley and chief executive of MITIE Group Ruby McGregor-

    Smith, officially open the new ingredients restaurant

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    Patients needing a bonemarrow transplant areamong the most

    vulnerable at St George's.Consultant haematologistMickey Koh, who joined the Trustin September, is quick to praisestaff members in the many wardsand departments who help themto recover.

    Mickey trained as a haematologist at

    the Royal Free before working at Guys

    and St Thomas and Colchester

    hospitals. He then spent five years at a

    hospital in his native Singapore.

    There, he led a research project looking

    at stem cell therapy, which involves

    growing immune cells in the laboratory,

    which can be put into patients receiving

    a bone marrow transplant, boosting

    recovery and reducing the risk of

    infection. He is carrying on with this

    work at St Georges and the Singapore

    Health Sciences Authoritys Blood

    Service Group.

    The work, which he still oversees,

    involves growing immune cells in the

    laboratory, which can be put into

    patients receiving a bone marrow

    transplant, boosting immune recovery,

    fighting cancer cells and reducing the

    risk of infection.

    Mickey said: I was keen to come to

    St Georges because it is renowned as a

    centre for treating bone marrow

    failures. One of the main treatment

    options for this is a bone marrow

    transplant, or what is now more

    commonly termed a stem cell

    transplant.Over the years, the type of patient

    receiving a stem cell transplant has

    changed significantly.

    He explained: In the past we could

    only treat patients aged up to 35 years

    due to the toxicity of the procedure,

    but over the last ten years the age limit

    has been raised to 70 years for healthy

    patients, and new drugs mean the

    procedures are not as toxic as they used

    to be.

    I think the scope of transplant will

    continue to broaden, and the success

    rate of transplants continues to rise,

    due to improvements in supportive care

    and novel ways of reducing the toxicity

    of the procedure.

    Every patient admitted goes through a

    rigorous process. We have a dedicated

    team of consultants, transplant

    coordinators and nurses trained in

    transplant. Many of the patients are

    suffering from haematological

    malignancies, such as leukaemia and

    lymphomas, or from aplastic anaemia, a

    type of bone marrow failure.

    Patients who have undergone a stem

    cell transplant are immunosuppressed

    and at high risk of infection, so for a

    transplant to work you need support

    from ancillary departments across the

    hospital. All patients are nursed in

    special rooms which have unidirectional

    air filtered through to preventinfections. We are careful about the

    food they eat and have in place extra

    precautions for visitors, like meticulous

    hand cleaning and gowning up.

    I feel lucky that we have such fantastic

    support at St Georges, including the

    gastroenterologists, respiratory team,

    pharmacists, apheresis staff,

    nutritionists, ITU, and staff at the

    McEntee clinical infection ward. We

    also have evolved a close link with the

    Full Circle Foundation, which runs acomplementary therapy programme for

    our transplant patients, including

    aromatherapy and reflexology.

    8 the gazette


    MickeyKoh,Consultant haematologistand the clinical lead forbone marrow transplant

    I think the scope of transplantwill continue to broaden, andthe success rate of transplantscontinues to rise, due toimprovements in supportivecare and novel ways ofreducing the toxicity of theprocedure.

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    view from the top

    Can you explain your role as deputy

    principal at St Georges University

    of London (SGUL)?

    Deputy principal is the senior academic

    role in the principals management and

    advisory team. Generally, I lead on

    education, but there is a range of other

    activities including NHS liaison, research,

    enterprise, collaborations with other

    universities in research and education,

    and international links.

    For example, I chair the board of

    management at the South West

    London Academic Network, which is a

    collaboration between KingstonUniversity, Royal Holloway and St

    Georges. I am also head of an

    academic division. SGUL recently

    restructured into three divisions not

    unlike the trust and I am head of

    population health sciences and


    How does this fit with your non-

    executive role on the trust board?

    It fits very well. The hospital and

    university medical school have livedalongside each other for 250 years and

    there are large areas of common

    interest in education, research and

    service development. Indeed it is

    essential that we work closely together

    in these.

    We are separately governed; SGUL is

    accountable through the higher

    education system and the trust is

    accountable via the NHS. This can cause

    complications and sometimes tensions,

    but we have a number of jointcommittees working on strategy and

    operations, and I am involved with

    many of these.

    the gazette 9

    Professor Sean Hilton,is deputy principal ofSt Georges university and

    non-executive director onthe board. Sean talks to thegazette about his role atboth organisations andhow the trust can meet thechallenges facing the NHS.

    What do you see as the major

    challenge for both SGUL and the

    Trust in 2010?

    In common with all other universities

    and hospitals we face the challenge to

    improve what we do in the face of

    reduction of resources in real terms,

    and a rapidly changing external


    The good news is that we both face

    the same challenges, and that together

    we have the opportunity to work with

    the whole South West London sector

    to address these. Clearly, for the trust

    achieving foundation status as soon as

    possible is the priority, alongside themajor work to merge with Community

    Services Wandsworth and deliver the

    stroke and trauma centre unit


    How is education and development

    changing for clinicians?

    Change is a continuous process, it is

    happening across undergraduate,

    postgraduate and continuing education

    for all health professionals. Integration

    of traditional subjects into case basedand problem based learning has been a

    major shift in the last ten years, and

    increased interprofessional education

    and team based (and work based)

    learning have become more prominent.

    Structural changes to the ways in which

    we work, such as the European

    working time directive and the

    modernising careers initiatives, have

    encouraged the rapid development of

    simulated learning and e-learning.

    Technological advances mean that

    many of these are highly sophisticated

    and cutting edge, and we have a lot to

    learn about how to employ them most


    You graduated from St Georges in

    1974 and came back as a senior

    lecturer in 1987. How has it

    changed over the years?

    I did my first house job at St Georges

    Hyde Park corner, so there has been

    some change! We spent around half

    our time as students in the developing

    St Georges Tooting, but it was still all

    laid out as the Knightsbridge Wing

    remains today.

    Ingleby House and the student centre

    (now the Robert Lowe sports centre)

    were the first new buildings. Atkinson

    Morley Wing is the most obviousestates development in the last ten

    years, followed by the new foyer, but

    the major change has been in the

    volume, complexity and technology of

    patient care.

    Mostly there are huge improvements,

    but I hope we will always remain as

    caring and compassionate a hospital as

    we have been historically.

    What advice would you give to

    students thinking about coming toSGUL?

    Do come. You will gain a special

    experience of integrated healthcare, on

    an amazing campus, with a university,

    hospital and community services co-

    located in a vibrant and diverse sector

    of a great city.

    What do you do to relax?

    My indulgences are frequent concerts

    (Wigmore Hall and South Bank Centre

    are my favourite venues); football(Arsenal supporter since 1968, though

    not always relaxing), cricket, and most

    of all for relaxation, gardening.

  • 8/9/2019 the Gazette May 2010


    vpatient safety

    Patient safety is at the heart ofeverything we do at St Georges,and the trust is continuously lookingat ways of improving the care weprovide, based on audits andimplementing the latest research.

    In 2002 the trust invested in amortality monitoring system, one ofthe first in the UK, which compares

    death rates with the expected averageat St Georges.

    A mortality monitoring group, made upof senior clinicians and members of theclinical effectiveness team, meetsregularly to examine the data and lookfor worrying patterns or trends.

    The system now operates in 30 areas,providing a comprehensive and almostinstant snapshot of clinical outcomesacross the trust.

    Steve Milan, head of the clinicaleffectiveness team, said the systemusually highlights two or three

    unexpected rises in mortality data everyyear. Once an increase is spotted, thegroup launches an investigation lookingat why death rates have recentlychanged, and whether this indicates aproblem with care provided at the trust.

    Patient notes are examined to see ifanything could have been donedifferently, and clinicians from therelevant department are asked for theirviews.

    In an exciting new development for StGeorges, the same systems are nowbeing developed to create an earlywarning system that will show whenpatients are staying in hospital for longerthan necessary.

    As with mortality monitoring, a groupwill meet regularly to discuss length ofstay in wards across the trust, and wherepatients are staying longer thannecessary, the reasons behind the trendwill be scrutinised and solutions sought.

    Eventually the system may help free upspace on the wards, leading to shorter

    waiting times for patients and a moreefficient hospital.

    Steve said: St Georges is leading theway in implementing this system, and

    we expect it to deliverreal benefits for patients,allowing them to accessservices more quicklyand to recover in thecomfort of their ownhomes as soon as they areclinically able to do so.

    Clinical auditors play animportant role in patientsafety working with

    clinical staff to assesswhether care isconsistent withrecommendations fromhigh quality research.

    In one such case, a newprotocol was introducedfor patients coming to StGeorges for anangiography, a type ofX-ray that examines theinside of blood vessels,arteries, veins andchambers of the heart.

    The test is carried out as a day case and

    involves a contrast agent, or dye, being

    injected into the jugular or femoral vein.

    Patients need to rest after the test, but

    following research carried out at St

    Georges the amount of time they

    spend resting has been reduced.

    Clinical auditor, Mike Pollard, said:

    Under the old guidelines patients

    would rest for four hours. We carried

    out a study in cardiology involving 499

    patients, where we got them up andabout two hours after the test. Research

    has shown that this is better for patient

    comfort and helps to reduce any pain.

    There were no safety issues and

    complications rates were low, so the

    two-hour guideline is now in force for

    all angiography patients. Thats a good

    example of where audit has changed

    practice, and patients are benefiting as

    a result. We wrote up the study and it

    was published in the British Journal of

    Cardiology.Clinical audit manager, Kate Hutt, said:

    We are about to carry out another

    audit looking at the situation,

    background, assessment,

    recommendation (SBAR) tool that was

    brought in, to look at how well that is

    being used.

    Kate said the way audits are carried outhad changed for the better in recentyears. She said: Until 2003 there wasno central audit team and so there waswide variation in activity across the trust.Now there is an audit team coveringeach speciality or care group. Year-on-year there have been more audits

    registered on the trust clinical auditdatabase, and I am confident the qualityof audits being carried out has improved.

    The clinical effectiveness team alsoprovides training to staff acrossSt Georges, and the number of peopletaking part is increasing.

    During 2008/09 clinical effectivenessand audit training was attended by 332participants, which is an increase of 27per cent over the previous year. A totalof 473 projects were registered on thetrust clinical audit database during the

    year, 161 of them carried out withsupport of the clinical audit team, anincrease in activity by the team of over14 per cent.

    10 the gazette


    patient safety

    Steve Milan, head of the clinical effectiveness team, talks tojunior sister Vennessa Sookhoo about the scheme in place toimprove patient safety issues

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    Doctors and clinicians of cardiacsurgery from St Georges took tophonours at the Society forCardiothoracic Surgery of GreatBritain and Irelands annual meeting.

    The unit presented eight abstracts, the

    highest number in UK.

    Specialist registrar, Antonios Kourliros

    was awarded the Best Presented Paper,

    and Kalypso Karestergiou the Heart

    Research UK award.

    Specialist Registrar Justin Nowell was

    awarded the 10,000 Travelling

    Scholarship, which he plans to use

    financing a stay at the Cleveland Clinic in

    Ohio, USA, a well-known centre of

    excellence for cardiac surgery in NorthAmerica. He said: I hope the experiencegained will be something that benefitsnot only me but also our patients back at

    St Georges.

    Consultant John Smith was appointedchairman of the intercollegiate board.

    Professor of cardiac surgery, MarjanJahangiri, said: There were four awardsmade nationally and three were awardedto members of the team at St Georges.Were all very proud of the result.

    This reflects the high quality of work bothin clinical and academic cardiac surgeryand success of new and noveldevelopments in the unit.

    Sue said she is thinking about moving to

    Scotland for her retirement, where shewill pursue her hobbies - walking andmaking quilts. Mostly Im just looking

    forward to having a rest, she said.

    Zoe Packman, who worked alongside

    Sue as a deputy director of nursing, said:She always has the patient at the heart

    of everything she does. Sue has doneexcellent work on patient pathways,reducing the length of stay for patients

    with a fractured neck or femur, and shehas made a valuable contribution insupporting and developing nursing


    Alison Roberton, director of nursing and

    patient safety, said: Sue has also led onthe safeguarding adult agenda and herknowledge and expertise will be missed.

    Her focus on what matters to patientsreally shines through.

    the gazette 11

    Macmillan Cancer Support launchedan innovative new service at StGeorges during February.

    Patients and visitors visited the

    Infozone, a booth offering informationon all issues relating to cancer. The

    booth was located in Grosvenor Wing

    for a week and then at the AtkinsonMorley Wing for a second week.

    Around 15 people visited the service

    every day, seeking advice on topicsranging from treatment options to theirrights at work and which benefits they

    may be entitled to.

    Beverley van der Molen, Macmillaninformation and education officer at StGeorges, said: St Georges was the

    first hospital to be visited by the

    Infozone, and it proved to be very

    useful for patients and their carers. It

    included a screened-off seating area

    with an information advisor, internet

    access and specialist booklets about

    cancer which people could take away.

    The hospital is very large and a lot of

    departments deal with cancer in oneway or another, so it was great benefit

    to have one point where people could

    go to ask for help and advice.

    The Infozone is just one part of

    Macmillans mobile information service,

    which also includes a travelling

    exhibition which visits events across the

    South East, and a team of three

    specialists who provide talks for groups

    and at community events.

    Honours and a scholarship forSt Georges cardiothoracic team

    The picture shows left to right, Martina McGill of Macmillan Cancer Research and Beverleyvan der Molen, St George's cancer information officer

    New Macmillan service launched

    Sue Cooper is going to relax after a long and

    successful career

    St Georgesborn and bredNurses raised a toast to Sue Cooper asshe retired from her long andsuccessful career at St Georges onWednesday, 31st March.

    Sue, deputy director of nursing, was bornon the top floor of St Georges Hospitalat its old Hyde Park Corner site, but onlycame to work for the trust by accident.

    She trained at the Royal Free hospital inHampstead and Angus College of Nursing

    in Scotland, between 1968 and 1974,and then came back to London as anagency nurse.

    She said: I started at Atkinson Morley by

    accident. I didnt want to work there butagreed to do it temporarily as a favour,and I was placed in the intensive

    treatment unit.In 1992 she joined St Georges at the

    Tooting site, where she carried on buildingher career and improving standards andprocedures for nurses. She said: I have

    always absolutely loved working atSt Georges, and Im really proud to havebeen part of the team. Ive had my ups

    and downs, but Ive loved it and Ive beenoffered so many opportunities.

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    12 the gazette

    The latest technology is helping a St Georgeslaboratory to carry out faster and moreaccurate tests across a range of specialities.

    The cytogenetics laboratory, part of the South

    West Thames Regional Genetics Service, has

    installed a 250,000 automated microscope

    that has dramatically decreased the time it takes staff

    to analyse and report cases for a raft of specialities.

    Instead of taking months, results are now returned

    within around three weeks, leading to an increase inthe number of consultants using the service. The lab

    processes around 4,000 samples every year and

    provides vital screening for specialities including fetal

    medicine, paediatrics, obs and gynae and infertility

    clinics both here at St Georges and other hospitals in

    the region.

    The laboratorys quality manager, Will King, said:

    There are other laboratories across the UK that have

    the same equipment, but we are the first to have

    fully integrated it into our clinical and laboratory

    management software using barcoding for patient

    sample tracking.

    Departments we serve have responded very

    favourably and it has been a massive morale boost to


    The equipment reduces the risk of errors occurring

    during processing and has also freed up some time

    for staff to investigate developing other new

    technologies to further improve our services for


    This work is also being presented at local training

    sessions and national and international conferences

    as an example of service improvement.

    The 250,000 investment came from a variety ofsources, including the Department of Health, medical

    equipment funds, charitable funds and a business

    plan approved by the trust.

    Doctor at seaClinical Fellow Dr Solne Aoutin has returned to St Georgesafter an inspirational year aboard the Africa Mercy, a formercargo ship converted into a floating hospital.

    Solne volunteered for Mercy Ships, which sails the African Mercy

    along the west coast of Africa, helping adults and children who

    require surgical interventions.

    The ship has a crew of more than 400 people, and boasts four

    wards, an ICU, a recovery room and several operating rooms.

    She said: I had heard of this organisation at medical school throughan ex-anatomy tutor of mine, retired general surgeon Lord Ian

    McColl, and had always wanted to go to help out.

    In May, 2009, Lord McColl invited Solne to be his assistant for his

    time on the ship. She said: Before I knew it I was on the medical

    rota looking after ward patients post-operatively and assisting with

    the on-call rota for the 400 crew.

    I also got involved in land projects where in the space of one week

    our team saw more than 700 patients.

    I love Africa because it has a magic about it that I have never found

    anywhere else.

    When you see patients trying to lead a normal life with their

    incredibly disabling and often disfiguring medical conditions, whichmaybe have remained untreated for 20 or 40 years, it reminds me

    how lucky we are here and that I must never take anything for


    A hand-held ultrasound scanner that is only slightly

    bigger than a mobile phone is being trialled at St Georges.

    George Sutherland, Professor of cardiac imaging, has been

    working with the Vscan device and says that when it is rolled

    out across the NHS it will lead to significant improvements in the

    triage and diagnosis of patients.

    Traditional full-size ultrasound scanners would still be

    performed when more a comprehensive diagnosis was


    Prof Sutherland said: In terms of clinical practice its a huge

    step forward. Here we are giving people essentially an

    electronic stethoscope in their pocket that images and looks atall parts of the body.

    With adequate training this should mean we can diagnose

    rapidly and treat accordingly. It should be an amazing


    BBC News visited St Georges recently to film Prof Sutherland

    using the machine, the story featured on BBC One and Radio 4.

    The Vscan, developed by GE Healthcare, has been approved for

    use in Europe and North America and is expected to cost

    around 5,000 per unit. It could eventually be used by GPs,

    accident and emergency clinicians and paramedics.

    Hi-tech scanner trialledat St Georges

    Laboratory robot cutswaiting times

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    kstaff news

    the gazette 13

    Staff should always have the right

    equipment at the right time and in

    the right quantity thats the aim of

    improvements being introduced to

    the trusts approach to procurement.

    St Georges has launched a

    programme, Transforming

    Procurement, to look at the

    methods the trust uses to acquiresupplies. This includes sourcing,

    contracting and how we distribute and

    manage supplies.

    The programme focuses on freeing

    up time for matrons, sisters, consultants

    and clinicians, so that they are able

    to focus on providing excellent

    patient care.

    This will be achieved by increasing the

    responsibilities, capacity and capability

    of the procurement team.

    Chief executive, David Astley, said: TheTransforming Procurement programme

    forms a central part of reaching the

    goal of transformation within St

    Georges and supports the productive

    theatre and product ward goals.

    Moira Crabtree, programme manager,

    said: This is a long-term programme

    which will be hardwired into the

    St Georges culture to ensure success

    and increase efficiency within the

    organisation. An additional benefit of

    the programme is that it will deliversubstantial savings.

    For example, we are launching a

    scheme, the Theatre Case Cart System,

    which will assist Theatre and medical

    staff by providing the equipment they

    need for surgery, allowing more cases

    to start on time by addressing needs

    prior to going into theatre.

    Were aiming for a process where the

    right supplies and quantities are

    delivered at the right time. A further

    trust-wide briefing will be circulatedsoon, covering the objectives, approach

    and anticipated benefits of the

    programme in more detail.

    Thousands of you took part in the2009 Staff Survey, providing themost accurate picture to date ofwhat it is like to work at St Georges.

    The results show the trust making goodprogress across the board, and that

    improvement projects introduced as a

    result of feedback provided during the

    2008 Staff Survey are having a positiveeffect.

    Questionnaires were sent to 5,903members of staff, and 2,730 (50 per

    cent) responded by the deadline inDecember.

    Sally Storey, interim director of humanresources, said: I would like to thank

    everybody who took the time to respond

    to the survey.

    It is encouraging to see that working

    conditions are improving. We listened to

    the opinions, experiences and concernsthat were raised in the 2008 Staff Survey

    and have worked hard to address those


    World kidney dayKidney donors attended an eventheld to recognise the generosity oftheir actions.

    More than a dozen donors were atthe event on World Kidney Day,Thursday, March 11, where they heard

    from clinicians how important their

    donations had been, and of the needfor more organ donors.

    There was also a stand at the main

    entrance where staff carried out bloodpressure checks and gave advice ondiabetes.

    David Astley, chief executive, talks to the team about the Transforming Procurement programme

    New approach to procurement

    Staff Survey shows progress

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    A team of nurses from St Georgestook first place at the 2010Nursing Times Challenge.

    The event, staged in Coventry,involved teams from trusts across thecountry competing against each otherin a role playing event.

    St Georges interim head of nursingfor patient experience and quality,Laura Dowd, was one of those whotook part.

    Laura said: We played the role of astrategic health authority and wereput into a number of situationsincluding a major incident. We had toattend a fake press conference, which

    included having microphones andcameras shoved at us, and we had tocollaborate with some of the teamswe were competing against.

    It was a really useful exercise and

    gave us a good appreciation of the

    issues facing the wider NHS, and the

    challenges that St Georges is likely to

    be facing in the next few years.

    The team took first place and wasshort listed in all but one of the othercategories.

    Volunteerssought for anti-bullying hotlineA hotline is being launched forstaff members who are concernedabout bullying. The new initiative

    is part of a joint project betweenthe trust and Staff Side.

    Volunteers are being sought to runthe confidential service, whichwill be operated on Mondays and

    Wednesdays from 4pm to 9pm.

    The hotline is being provided as part ofthe One Team initiative, in response toconcerns raised in last years staffsurvey about harassment and bullying.

    Callers will be able to discuss the mostappropriate ways of dealing with theirsituation by themselves, how to seek

    other sources of support and whatformal processes exist if appropriate.

    Volunteers operating the line will begiven comprehensive training in how tolisten to callers and provide the bestsupport, information and advice fortheir situation.

    Sally Storey, interim director of humanresources, said: We are seekingvolunteers and plan to launch withinthe next two months.

    Staff members are still experiencingproblems with bullying, so were

    hoping to find volunteers with goodlistening skills who understand thecomplex issues surrounding bullyingand harassment, and are keen to learnnew skills.

    Staff Side secretary, Jane Pilgrim, said:Many months of work andnegotiation have gone in to planningthis partnership project, which hasbeen carefully thought out for thebenefit of both the callers and thevolunteers, in order for it to have thebest chance of success."

    Once they complete their training theadvisors will carry a mobile phone fortwo five-hour shifts every other monthin their own time.

    Would you like to be part of a teamwhich believes in offering confidentialsupport, information and advice topeople who feel that they are beingharassed or bullied in the work place?

    14 the gazette

    Winning team: (L-R) Abbe Robertson, Jolita

    Zarnani, Helen HcHugh, Dana Scott, Laura

    Dowd and Dee Kapfunde

    New team of nurses will ensurecontinuity of careA new team of nurses who will provide cover across the trust wheneverand wherever it is required will soon be launched.

    The nursing response team will be made up of 12 nurses, working day andnight shifts, who will be trained to provide care in a number of areas, and toprovide escalation beds during busy times, without causing a knock-on effectin other wards.

    Jenny Muir, head of nursing projects, said: Very often when there is a shortage,nurses are asked to move to a different ward or department to provide cover.

    This can be disruptive for patients, who do not receive the same continuity ofcare, and can be annoying for staff who would prefer to stay on their own ward.

    We hope this will lead to a reduction in the trusts reliance on agency andbank staff.

    Because members of the nursing response team will be employed directly by

    St Georges, they will understand the hospital better than an agency nursewould, and cost less to employ.

    We are still recruiting at the moment but there are seven staff members alreadyin post, and we expect to be fully staffed by May.

    Nurses rise to the challenge

    If you are interested injoining the team as anadvisor and would likefurther information, pleasecontact Di Emmerson,executive assistant to theHR director, via email ortelephone extension 2204.


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    NHS Chief Executive Sir David Nicholson visitedSt Georges on Tuesday 2nd March. During his visitSir David met with clinical staff from St Georges stroke

    unit and trauma centre teams and received a tour ofthe Trusts new advanced CT scanner.

    Three of NHS Londons non-executive directors visited the Trust

    on the same day to learn more about, stroke, trauma and

    maternity care. The group also visited St Georges University

    where they learnt more about the work that has been done to

    widen student access to higher education.

    New deputy chairCongratulations to EmmaGilthorpe, who has been boardappointed deputy chair afterfirst joining the trust as a non-executive director in August, 2008.

    Trust chair Naaz Coker said: Id like to

    thank Paul Murphy for his outstandingcontribution to St Georges over thetwo years he was deputy chair, and

    wish Emma all the best as she takes onthe extra responsibility of thisdemanding role.

    Emma, who will retain her current portfolio of interests, alsosits on the audit committee, finance committee and the

    nominations and remuneration committee. Emma also chairsthe risk assurance and compliance committee and the equality

    and human rights committee, and is a maternity champion.

    the gazette 15

    Cancer informationevening showcasesSt Georges careA cancer information evening

    held to highlight the cancer

    services available at St Georgeswas hailed a success by its


    The evening, entitled Evolving Cancer

    Care: Working Together Beyond Care

    Boundaries, was held in the Hunter

    Wing in March, and was opened by

    chief executive David Astley.

    It covered three main areas of cancer

    care at St Georges, including

    diagnosing cancer, delivering high-quality cancer services

    and supporting patients through their cancer pathway.

    The aim was to highlight how St Georges works well withother organisations, such as the PCTs, local hospices and

    cancer support groups, to offer patients a seamless care


    June Allen, lead cancer nurse at St Georges said: We had

    a fantastic response of about 80 people and it was a very

    good mix of professionals and patients. It is important to

    highlight how well St Georges works with other


    Patient user Valerie Emmons said: The event brought

    together an interesting mix of people concerned with

    current and future cancer care at St George's, including staff

    doctors, nurses and managers, plus GPs, students, PCTrepresentatives and local user and support groups.

    It was good to have the opportunity to meet new people

    and talk over ideas. I think everyone took away with them

    some new knowledge and a very positive feeling that St

    George's is working hard to develop its already excellent

    cancer care both in the hospital and the community.

    Veronique Furse, patient user, said: It was re-assuring and

    exciting to hear about the extent and variety of cancer

    services at St Georges as well as the plans for the future.

    Based on the success of this event, the organisers are now

    planning another event for spring next year.

    Kate Baskerville, A&E superintendent radiographer, demonstratesCT technology to Sir David Nicholson

    St Georges demonstratescutting-edge technologyto VIP visitors

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    RBalham gig sells out!Even before the gig took place on Friday 12th March, rumours were rife theCrazeefass gig at The Bedford in Balham could be their last. A source closeto the band revealed this month Shola Adegoroye was moving to the NHSIntensive Support Team and key fundraiser Sarah Hart to Canada.To give Shola and Sarah a great send off Jonesys Jukebox collated someparticularly excellent tunes and the band practised hard, as anyone passingBence Jones offices in the evenings prior to the gig would have heard. AlanThorne learnt a fourthchord, Osian Powelldiscovered his voice,Richard Billington foundfaith and the band waspowered by a mysterydrummer.

    All proceeds are going tothe St Georges Hospital

    Charity, specified for therefurbishment of the familywaiting area in the fetalmedicine unit.

    Nurses VoicesSt Georges Day, Friday 23rd April,was marked by the launch of avery special book: Nurses Voices -Celebrating 60 Years Of NursingAt St Georges Hospital London1930-1990.

    Nurses Voices captures the oralhistory of St Georges from theperspective of its nurses. More

    than 150 interviews and 1,000 hours ofrecordings have been generated,featuring nurses and midwives whotrained or worked at the trust fromaround 1930 to the present day.

    Memories of historical events aredifferent for each person and byrecording personal experiences theproject boasts a richness that cannot be

    gained from static records. How did itfeel to work in healthcare at theintroduction of the National HealthService? Which clinical practices wereundertaken that would cause uproartoday? What were the personalitiesinvolved like to work with?

    Nurses Voices has its origins in aresearch project lead by Kath Start andmanaged by Carol McCubbin from theFaculty of Health and Social CareSciences at Kingston University andSt Georges University of London. The

    publication of the book has beenfunded by St Georges Hospital Charity.

    16 the gazette


    RNews from St Georges

    Hospital Charity

    R Priced at just 25, or 20 for allthose who contributed to the oralhistory project, with all proceedsgoing to St Georges HospitalCharity, the book is available tobuy in the main entrance,Grosvenor Wing on Friday 23rd

    April, St Georges Day, andWednesday 12th May, FlorenceNightingales birthday and

    International Nurses Day.Copies are also available from thefundraising office, main entrance,Grosvenor Wing.

    Schools engagementOur schools engagementprogramme is taking shape, withRokeby School in Kingston namingus as one of its chosen charities fortwo years after a couple of its pupilswere treated on Ocean ward. TheParents Circle raised a staggering1,000 from a cake sale, with greatplans for further fundraisingactivities over the next 18 months.

    Sarah Papageorgiou, senior staffnurse, Ocean ward and LisaLewington, play specialist, attendeda school assembly: We are thrilledthe Rokeby Parents Circle haspicked us. The money will buy anew wheelchair to help bed-boundchildren get out in our garden forsome fresh air, and provideadditional equipment, toys anditems.

    Walking the WandleFollowing the success last year ofour sponsored walk along the RiverWandle, part of the Wandle Valley

    Festival, were supporting the eventagain this year. For moreinformation call Sheila in thefundraising office on ext 4917.

    Third year runningWere delighted that the Balham and Tooting Community Association issupporting St Georges for the third year running. The community fun dayon Saturday 12th June is hosted by theSt Augustine Church and Gatton School,both on Broadwater Road, Tooting.

    The now notorious and traditional GreatTooting Ambulance Pull will also takeplace that day, finishing the punishingroute through the streets of Tooting atthe fun day itself.
