the future of dental surgery design

192 Australasian Dental Practice January/February 2014 A new paradigm in surgery design has been embraced by dental practices across Australia, resulting in greater efficiencies, cost- savings and unparalleled flexibility. This has been evidenced by a growing number of public and private dental clinics around the country adopting a “sys- tems and workflow” approach utilising A-dec Preference dental cabinetry and associated equipment. A-dec Marketing Manager, Simon Taggart, said A-dec’s award-winning dental equipment and Preference cabi- netry options offered whole-of-surgery solutions that greatly simplified surgery design and efficiency. This expertise has been put into prac- tice in both large and small public dental clinics, universities, corporate and pri- vate practices embarking on new surgery builds and renovations. Mr Taggart said the A-dec Preference cabinetry collection could be built into any configuration, making it a flexible option matching the individual’s requirements. “The key to the system is a ‘model surgery’ blueprint comprising a number of individual modules that can be fitted together to provide a bespoke materials management and workflow system to fit any surgery or sterilization room. “Our customers have found that this system saves space, gives consistency of design and results in a surgery which is easy to work in and easy to train staff, especially when the same system is used in multiple surgeries or locations. “Not only that, but the A-dec Prefer- ence central divider cabinetry system can result in significant cost savings by accommodating more surgeries in a given space, and enabling the sharing of expen- sive equipment, such as one X-ray unit by two adjoining surgeries.” This approach has been adopted by the recently opened state-of-the art Westfund Dental Care Centre at Mackay in Queens- land; ACT Health in its new Gunghalin, Tuggeranong and Belconnen Clinics; NSW Health; The Aboriginal Health Ser- vice; specialist multi surgery periodontal clinics in Brisbane and Ipswich and by many private dentists around Australia. Mr Taggart explained that unlike some cabinetry adapted from kitchen cabinet- making approaches, A-dec’s Preference cabinetry was designed to support the specific clinical requirements of dental surgeries and sterilization rooms. “Preference cabinetry has been designed over many years with the input of dentists from around the world. It is based on a space efficient, flexible design with features such as hard-wearing and attractive surfaces designed with asepsis in mind and which stand up to years of use while retaining its good looks. The future of surgery design surgery | DESIGN Figure 1. The efficient design of A-dec Preference cabinetry enables more surgeries in a given space.

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Page 1: The Future of dental surgery design

192 Australasian Dental Practice January/February 2014

A new paradigm in surgery design has been embraced by dental practices across Australia, resulting in greater efficiencies, cost-

savings and unparalleled flexibility.This has been evidenced by a growing

number of public and private dental clinics around the country adopting a “sys-tems and workflow” approach utilising A-dec Preference dental cabinetry and associated equipment.

A-dec Marketing Manager, Simon Taggart, said A-dec’s award-winning dental equipment and Preference cabi-netry options offered whole-of-surgery solutions that greatly simplified surgery design and efficiency.

This expertise has been put into prac-tice in both large and small public dental clinics, universities, corporate and pri-vate practices embarking on new surgery builds and renovations.

Mr Taggart said the A-dec Preference cabinetry collection could be built into any configuration, making it a flexible option matching the individual’s requirements.

“The key to the system is a ‘model surgery’ blueprint comprising a number of individual modules that can be fitted together to provide a bespoke materials management and workflow system to fit any surgery or sterilization room.

“Our customers have found that this system saves space, gives consistency of design and results in a surgery which is easy to work in and easy to train staff, especially when the same system is used in multiple surgeries or locations.

“Not only that, but the A-dec Prefer-ence central divider cabinetry system can result in significant cost savings by accommodating more surgeries in a given space, and enabling the sharing of expen-sive equipment, such as one X-ray unit by two adjoining surgeries.”

This approach has been adopted by the recently opened state-of-the art Westfund Dental Care Centre at Mackay in Queens-land; ACT Health in its new Gunghalin, Tuggeranong and Belconnen Clinics; NSW Health; The Aboriginal Health Ser-vice; specialist multi surgery periodontal clinics in Brisbane and Ipswich and by many private dentists around Australia.

Mr Taggart explained that unlike some cabinetry adapted from kitchen cabinet-making approaches, A-dec’s Preference cabinetry was designed to support the specific clinical requirements of dental surgeries and sterilization rooms.

“Preference cabinetry has been designed over many years with the input of dentists from around the world. It is based on a space efficient, flexible design with features such as hard-wearing and attractive surfaces designed with asepsis in mind and which stand up to years of use while retaining its good looks.

The future of surgery design

surgery | DESIGN

Figure 1. The efficient design of A-dec Preference

cabinetry enables more surgeries in a given space.

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“Thoughtful touches such as pass-through shelving to fit common cassette and tray systems to support materials man-agement and efficient workflow, inbuilt wiring and services, overhead task lighting, “no touch” cabinet doors and taps and built-in X-ray shielding make Preference cabinetry a superior option to conventional cabinetry.

“Dentists can also view A-dec Preference cabinetry at one of the many A-dec showrooms around Australia so they can see exactly how it will look and work before it has been installed in their practice. This is a huge advantage which eliminates much of

the guesswork of “one-off” custom build approaches where you don’t know what you’re going to get until it has been installed - by which time it’s usually too late to change your mind on designs, colours and features.”

Mr Taggart added that Preference cabinetry was equally suited to modern settings and new builds or the refurbishment of existing buildings. And because the system is modular, it can be easily extended or updated, or removed altogether. This is a very useful in a leasehold situation or if a practitioner chooses to sell their equipment or relocate at a later stage.

Figure 2. A-dec Preference “pass-through” cabinetry enables supplies to be re-stocked without disturbing practitioners.

Figure 3. Here A-dec Preference double-sided divider cabinetry has enabled one large space to be separated into two surgeries serviced by one X-ray unit.

Figure 4. Fully featured A-dec Preference surgeries have ideal workflow and materials management built into their design, mak-ing the entire dental team more productive.

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194 Australasian Dental Practice January/February 2014

Figure 5. A-dec Preference ICC (Infection Control Centre) in a busy government setting.

Figure 6. A-dec Preference cabinetry can be custom configured for any size and shape of space such as this U shaped sterilisation room with inbuilt task lighting delineating ‘clean’ and ‘dirty’ areas.

EfficientA-dec Preference ICC® is more than just a center. It’s a complete streamlined solution designed for minimal handling and outstanding asepsis. Not only are international standards engineered into a proven sterilization process, but you gain optimal efficiencies built for the health of your practice.

• Process-based design for consistent, intuitive sterilization protocol

• Hands-free and motion-activated features to minimize touch-points

• High-grade hardware and corrosion-resistent materials for outstanding durability

© 2013 A-dec Inc. All rights reserved. AA853_INK1992-73

ChairsDelivery SystemsLightsMonitor MountsCabinetsHandpiecesMaintenanceSterilisationImaging

For more information Email: [email protected] Phone: 1800 225 010 Visit: Follow us on Twitter: @A_decAust

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Page 4: The Future of dental surgery design

196 Australasian Dental Practice January/February 2014

“A well-designed system such as the Preference ‘ICC’ (Infection Control Centre), side and rear cabinetry with options like integrated articulating assis-tant’s work surfaces can introduce an orderly workflow and efficient storage even in the smallest of spaces.

“It is also ideally suited to heritage buildings where A-dec Preference intro-duces all the features of a modern dental surgery, without adversely impacting on the structure, unlike custom-made chip-board cabinetry which is often glued and screwed into place.”

Completed Preference dental units are custom-made for each customer and assembled together on-site by A-dec’s skilled installers at the same time as the dental equipment.

This can result in a quicker and cleaner fit-out, with all equipment and cabinetry being pre-wired with the necessary ser-vices to ensure a smoother and more coordinated installation without having to coordinate many different trades.

Being A-dec equipment, it also inte-grates easily with A-dec dental units and accommodates all popular equip-ment including bench-top sterilizers, washer-disinfectors, A-dec surgery lights, monitor mounts and PC’s.

More information on A-dec Preference cabinetry is available from A-dec dealers around Australia, at or by calling A-dec on 1800-225-010.

Figures 7 and 8. A-dec Preference ICC installed in a heritage building without damaging internal walls or ceilings above; and in a very compact space (left).

surgery | DESIGN