the facebook conversion formula: a blueprint for turning fans into customers

A Blueprint for Turning Fans into Customers Presented By: Nathan Latka CEO, Co-founder Nov. 14th at 1pm ET/10am PT The Facebook Conversion Formula:

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Just having a Facebook Page is really just the beginning of building a successful social media strategy. But with the right formula you can not only engage with Fans, but generate real ROI from Facebook.


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A Blueprint for Turning Fans into Customers

Presented By: Nathan Latka CEO, Co-founder

Nov. 14th at 1pm ET/10am PT

The Facebook Conversion Formula:

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•  Founded in 2010 •  Based in Blacksburg, VA •  100,000+ SMBs using platform •  Seasoned Social Media Marketers

Who is Heyo?

•  Drag & Drop Facebook Campaigns •  Optimized for mobile and web •  No coding knowledge needed •  Publish directly to news feed with TCC

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Todays Agenda

•  Generate more fans through relevant content that drives virality

•  Turn fans into leads with engaging promotions

•  Successfully close more sales via lead nurturing and pipeline management

•  Do all of the above through one specific promotion

We’ll provide expert tips and tools throughout

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The Sales Process

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Identify Your Ideal Fans i. Fans

Develop the ideal user persona •  Geography •  Demographics

- Age, gender, etc. •  Interests/Likes •  Job Experience •  Usage Scenario


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Relevant to your ideal fan personas and on-strategy for your business.

Content Strategy i. Fans

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i. Fans

Passive Strategy

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•  Most fans interact with content in the news feed vs. on your Page. Cater your content accordingly. -  Photos on Facebook Generate 53%

More Likes Than the Average Post * -  Involve Customers with a Question -  Gather Votes With Like vs. Share

The more likes, shares, and comments you receive, the more visible future content will be to your fans.

Encourage Content Engagement i. Fans

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How to get more relevant fans

•  Offline-to-online -  Use branding and signage

in-store and at events to build awareness of your Facebook page

-  ‘A place to get industry tips, insider knowledge, special offers, etc.’

-  Purpose is to drive prospects to Facebook and use content to engage with them and turn them into leads.

i. Fans

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Converting Facebook Fans into Leads

•  Good and engaging content drives brand awareness and affinity.

–  Goal is to create long-term, loyal customers

–  NOT push them into a quick sale

–  Wow them with value to prove your position as an industry expert

•  A fan becomes a lead when they:

–  Willingly provide contact information

–  Sign up for your email newsletter

–  Opt-in to learn more about your business.

ii. Leads

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Passive Strategy

•  Post a sign-up form to your Facebook page via a 3rd party app.

–  Occasionally encourage Fans to sign up to receive updates via email.

–  Email is the #1 reason adults go online with 92% checking it on a regular basis (2011 Pew Internet Survey).

ii. Leads

Enter Email…

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ii. Leads

Active Strategy

•  Leverage special content that requires contact information to download.

–  “Fill in your name and email address and we’ll email you an exclusive case study.”

–  The download can be set up through an automatic drip campaign

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ii. Leads

Active Strategy

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Lead Nurturing

•  Nurturing leads makes campaigns and promotions more effective

•  Provide tremendous value through content before asking for the sale. •  (PDF’s, videos,

engaging tools /courses etc.)

•  As Gary V. says ‘Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook’

iii. Customers

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Lead Nurturing iii. Customers

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Example: In-person Events

•  Invite leads to a special event: •  Conference/Tradeshow •  Private reception •  Invite-only Lecture

•  This is more costly, but drives very high brand affinity. •  Provides priceless F2F interaction with leads

iii. Customers

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Closing the Deal iii. Customers

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•  Leverage discounts and special offers •  Include additional value: •  Product bundles •  White glove service •  Free shipping

•  Create social momentum using group offers

Closing the Deal iii. Customers

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How Can Heyo Help? •  Get more Facebook Fans by turning your existing ones into

your own marketing force

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How Can Heyo Help? •  Turn-key solution for converting Fans into leads

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How Can Heyo Help? •  Robust tools to generate more sales through Facebook

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