the embassy of peace a necessity, a reality. peace what constitutes peace, and particularly the...

The Embassy of Peace A Necessity, a Reality

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Page 1: The Embassy of Peace A Necessity, a Reality. Peace What constitutes Peace, and particularly the Peace that surpasses all human understanding?

The Embassy of PeaceA Necessity, a Reality

Page 2: The Embassy of Peace A Necessity, a Reality. Peace What constitutes Peace, and particularly the Peace that surpasses all human understanding?
Page 3: The Embassy of Peace A Necessity, a Reality. Peace What constitutes Peace, and particularly the Peace that surpasses all human understanding?


What constitutes Peace, and particularly the Peace that surpasses all human understanding?

Page 4: The Embassy of Peace A Necessity, a Reality. Peace What constitutes Peace, and particularly the Peace that surpasses all human understanding?

For an initial exploration, understanding and comprehension of Peace you could start by reading the Zohar, the Torah, the teachings of Yeshua Ben Yosef (known as Jesus), the teachings of Buddha, the Koran, the Bhagavagita, the teachings of Lao Zi, The Urantia Book, The Keys of Enoch and Pistis Sophia amongst others. Then eventually when you decide to explore Peace internally and you find it, you will be able to give your own insights.

However, based on all these written accounts and some personal revelations, a synthesis points to Peace as being an inner state, by which Harmony, Love and Wisdom are manifested in actions of kindness and right-connectedness towards all Life.

Page 5: The Embassy of Peace A Necessity, a Reality. Peace What constitutes Peace, and particularly the Peace that surpasses all human understanding?

What constitutes an Ambassador of Peace?

In an initial stage an Ambassador of Peace is someone engaged in developing a relationship with The Creator or a person who is practicing some form of meditation, inner exploration and development in order to become a peaceful being. These two usually go together for people who know or believe in The Creator, whom together with peaceful meditators are engaged in doing good through actions of kindness.

In a more mature stage The Ambassador of Peace is the Light of the Highest Wisdom in the world, a messenger or prophet of God, a God Conscious or Enlightened Being.

Page 6: The Embassy of Peace A Necessity, a Reality. Peace What constitutes Peace, and particularly the Peace that surpasses all human understanding?

What constitutes The Embassy of Peace?

The Embassy of Peace is a living organism whereby a portion of humanity is engaged either in becoming peaceful beings or facilitating that for others by the agency of Ambassadors of Peace.

Page 7: The Embassy of Peace A Necessity, a Reality. Peace What constitutes Peace, and particularly the Peace that surpasses all human understanding?

Any human being who is fully engaged in becoming a mature Ambassador of Peace, should continuously contemplate and eventually come to their own understanding, definition and presentation of what constitutes such an Ambassador.

Some examples that people have articulated are:

Page 8: The Embassy of Peace A Necessity, a Reality. Peace What constitutes Peace, and particularly the Peace that surpasses all human understanding?

An Ambassador of Peace is

A person who has attained or embodies Peace through their relationship with God, internal exploration, or via some other means of revelation.

Page 9: The Embassy of Peace A Necessity, a Reality. Peace What constitutes Peace, and particularly the Peace that surpasses all human understanding?

An Ambassador of Peace is

A person directly appointed by The Creator, The Source of all Peace. He or she may be conscious of this or may experience a call for Peace deeply rooted in his or her consciousness, unaware of the source of this call.

The actions of an Ambassador of Peace are always directed towards the greatest good of all, Global Peace, and the building of the human family (unification).

The action of an Ambassador of Peace is self-governed, and he or she takes full responsibility for his or her actions.

Page 10: The Embassy of Peace A Necessity, a Reality. Peace What constitutes Peace, and particularly the Peace that surpasses all human understanding?

Abraham, Jacob, Moshe, Esther, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Buddha, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Bahai Ullah, Joseph Smith, Samuel, Ruth, Deborah, Mohammed, John the

Revealer, Francis of Assisi, Lao Zi, Zoroaster, Miriam the mother of Yeshua.

You are invited to choose one of the above mentioned beings and explore them. Read about them, their life story and tell us how long it took for them to become Prophets and Prophetesses, Saints or Ambassadors of Peace.

With all your various insights this small collective research we are doing together will give a better understanding from the Wisdom of the past and your own interpretations, on how long it could take to become an Ambassador of Peace and also to seeing the Ancient Dream and Plan for Global Peace fulfilled.

Let us know which person you choose and send us the insights that you find.