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Speech delivered at the comme­morative meeting on the occa­sion of the 60th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Re­volution (November 7, 1977)

T H E «8 NENTORI» P U B L I S H I N G H O U S E T I R A N A , 1977

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Dear comrades,

S i x t y years are completed f rom the t ime of the most outstanding event in the history of mank ind, when the great teacher of the proletariat, V. I. Len in , at the head of the Bo lshev ik Pa r t y he founded, led the Russ ian proletar iat in the decisive battle, wh i ch led to the overthrow of the odious bourgeois regime, the t r i umph of the Great October Social ist Revo lut ion in 1917.

Today, the genuine Marx is t -Lenin is ts , a l l the internat ional proletariat, the freedom-lov ing and progressive peoples in the wor ld, who are f ight ing against imper ia l i sm and socia l- imperia l ism, the bour­geoisie and internat ional reaction, the revisionists of every hue and a l l the enemies of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, to break the chains of s lavery once and forever, to do away w i t h any oppression and exploi tat ion, to become masters of their own destinies, are celebrat­ing this day w i t h joy and fu l l of inspirat ion and hope for the happy future.

A l l our people are celebrat ing the 60th ann iver­sary of the t r i umph of the Great October Revolut ion


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as their own victory, because w i t h the t r iumphant ideas of the Great October is closely l inked the most important event in the centuries-long history of the A lban ian people, November 8, 1941, when the be­loved leader of the Par ty and people, comrade Enver Hoxha, founded our glorious Party, wh i ch on the basis of the teachings of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, led our people in the great l iberat ion struggle against the nazi-fascist occupiers and the traitors to the country, made them masters of their own destinies and is lead­ing them w i t h wisdom and c lar i ty towards the happy l i fe they enjoy today and the st i l l happier and more prosperous future they are bu i ld ing on the road of social ism and, later on, of communism.

History Has Proved the Life-giving Force of the Ideas of the October Revolution

The t r iumph of the October Revo lut ion put its seal on the development of the most important events of our century. The guns of «Aurora» in formed the wor ld that a new historic epoch began, the epoch of the proletar ian revolutions, the epoch of the downfa l l of the last oppressive and explo i t ing order — capi ta l ­ism, and of the construction of a new wor ld, free f rom any exploitat ion of man by man and f rom any nat ion­al oppression, of the construction of the socialist and communist society. They were a thunderous cal l wh i ch awakened the wor ld proletariat to rise in revolut ion.


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The t r iumph of the Great October Social ist Revo­lut ion, wh i ch put an end to the nat ional oppression by Russ ian Czar ism and established the relations of equal i ty among the nations in the f i rst socialist state, also awakened and aroused the mu l t im i l l i on masses of the oppressed peoples in the colonies and semi-colonies in the struggle for l iberat ion f rom the bar­barous colonial yoke of wor ld imper ia l i sm. The Octo­ber Revo lut ion opened the epoch of the nat ional- l ibe­rat ion revolut ions in the oppressed countries, the epoch of the collapse of colonial ism.

Under the direct inf luence of the October Revo­lut ion and the determined struggle of Len in in defence of Marx i sm-Len in i sm against the deviators and traitors of the Second International, the great process of the di f ferent iat ion took place in the wor ld socialist movement of that time, the communist par­ties were created, as parties of a new type, parties of the revolut ion. A f te r the v ic tory of the Great October Revolut ion, Len in founded the Th i rd Com­munist International, wh i ch played an historic role in the development of the wor ld communist and revo­lut ionary movement, equipped it w i t h a revolut ionary strategy based on Marx i sm-Len in i sm, raised to new heights, enriched and further deepened the mi l i tant sol idar i ty of the work ing people throughout the wor ld, the proletar ian internat ional ism.

The Great October Social ist Revo lut ion for the f i rst t ime embodied in practice the correctness of the Marx i s t doctrine, i t proved that the proletar ian revo­lut ion and the overthrow of capital ism are inevitable, that social ism is the future of mank ind.


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Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the t r i umph of the October Revolut ion, together w i t h the genuine Marx is t -Lenin is ts and revolutionaries, the proletariat and the peoples of the whole wor ld , the A lban ian communists and our entire people, too, honour w i th profound respect the name and the immor ta l deed of the founder of the Bo lshev ik Party, the great strategist of the revolut ion, the glorious inspirer and leader of the f i rst socialist state and the Communist International, the beloved leader of the wor ld pro le­tariat, the unbent f ighter for the defence of Ma r x i sm f rom the opportunists and revisionists, the genial successor of the ideas and the revolut ionary work of Ma r x and Engels, V l ad im i r I l i ch Len in .

Celebrat ing the 60th anniversary of the Great October Social ist Revolut ion, they honour w i t h deep respect also the name and work of the disciple and close comrade-in-arms of Len in , the great proletar ian Marx is t -Len in is t and revolut ionary, Joseph V issar io-novich Stal in, who for 30 years in succession, at the head of the Bolshevik Party, raised higher and higher the t r iumphant banner of the October Revolut ion, successfully leading the construction of the new society in the f irst socialist country in the wor ld , led the Great Patr iot ic Wa r of the Soviet people against the Hi t ler i te aggressors to complete v ic tory and made an outstanding contr ibut ion to the development of the wor ld revolut ionary movement. It is the great Sta l in who defended loya l ly the teachings of Len in and the October Revolut ion and developed them further, waging a determined and irreconci lable struggle against a l l the enemies of and renegades f rom M a r x -


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i sm-Len in i sm, the revolut ion and social ism, f rom Trotsky and Bukha r i n down to Ti to and other traitors of every hue.

History, the great events of our century proved the l i fe-g iv ing force of the ideas and experience of the October Revolut ion. March ing on the glorious road the Great October opened, on the road indicated by Len in and Sta l in, the workers ' and communist par­ties in a number of countries of Europe and As i a led the proletariat and the work ing masses in their coun­tries in struggle and the revolut ion and reaped v i c ­tories. As a result of these victor ies the camp of social ism was created and tel l ing blows were dealt at the positions of wor ld imper ia l i sm. A l l these v i c ­tories gave a power fu l impetus to the l iberat ion movement of the oppressed peoples wh i ch led to the destruct ion of the colonial system of imper ia l i sm and the creation of a great number of new independent states. The internat ional communist movement grew in scope and strength as never before, the workers ' and communist parties strengthened and gained a great authority, the ideas of Ma rx i sm-Len in i sm spread w ide ly throughout the wor ld .

The Revisionist Betrayal Cannot Darken the Light of the Great October

Neither the betrayal of the Khrushchev i te rev i ­sionists and the restoration of capita l ism in the Soviet Un ion nor the wide spread of the revis ionist trend in


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the international workers ' and communist movement can darken in the least the historic importance of the October Revolut ion and the correctness of i ts teachings and experience. No matter how much the traitorous Khrushchev-Brezhnev gang may t ry to fals i fy the historic experience of the October Revo­lut ion, presenting it as a «relat ively peaceful» and almost «bloodless» revolut ion, and v io lat ing the r iver of blood shed by the Russian proletariat for its v i c ­tory and in its defence, they cannot darken the l ight-g iv ing teachings of Marx , Engels, Len in and Sta l in on the, absolute necessity of the armed revolut ion, the use of revolut ionary violence to overthrow the an t i -popular regimes and to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat. L ikewise, the Soviet revis ionist rene­gades, who have destroyed the deed of the October Revolut ion in the Soviet Un ion , w i t h their ant i -Marx i s t and counter-revolut ionary theories and practices, cannot darken in the least the great lessons of Marx i sm-Len in i sm on the dictatorship of the pro­letariat and the construct ion of the socialist and communist society. The revis ionist tragedy in that country is the clearest test imony as to where the betrayal of these v i ta l lessons leads.

The Khrushchev i te revis ionist leadership, wh ich came to power at the head of the Soviet party and state after the death of Stal in, betrayed M a r x i s m -Len in i sm and the ideas of the Great October. Th i s great betrayal at the head of the Soviet par ty and state transformed it f rom a party of the proletariat into a bourgeois party under the label of the «party of a l l the people», f rom the party of the revolut ion into the party of the counter-revolut ion and the


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restorat ion of capital ism, f rom the party of Ma r x i sm -Len in i sm into the par ty of an t i -Marx i sm.

The present Soviet revis ionist leaders and their fo l lowers speculate on the ideas of Ma r x i sm - Len i n ­i sm and the October Revolut ion, use them as a disguise to h ide their betrayal , to just i fy their ant i -Marx is t , bourgeois and imper ia l is t course. Bu t in fact they have discarded the October ideas, have depr ived Marx i sm-Len in i sm of the revolut ionary essence, just as socialdemocracy d id w i t h the ideas of M a r x before them. The revis ionist party of the Soviet Un ion is today at the head of internat ional modern rev is ion­ism. Its 20th and 22nd Congresses are the embodiment and codif icat ion of a l l the previous opportunist and revis ionist theories of Bernste in and Kautsky , Bukha r i n , B rowder and Tito, etc. A l l the present revis ionist theories and trends, f rom the Dubchek fo l lowers down to the «Euro-communists» and others, are nourished by the notorious 20th Congress of the Soviet revis ionist party.

The putsch carr ied out by the Khrushchev i te revis ionist renegades who usurped the party led to its t ransformat ion into a weapon of the counter-revo lu­t ion, and they used it to undermine and l iquidate the decis ive v ic tory of the work ing class and the October Revolut ion, the dictatorship of the proletariat. Spread­ing and presenting its ant i -Marx i s t theories on the ext inct ion of the class struggle, on leaving behind the dictatorship of the proletariat and its alleged transformation into a state of a l l the people, also sanctioned lately by law in the new ant i -Sta l in ist Const i tut ion of the Soviet Un ion , as «creative deve-lopment» of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, the Soviet rev is ion-


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ist ru l ing cl ique is t ry ing to hide the fact that it has established the fascist dictatorship of the new bour­geoisie, wh i ch represents the ma in weapon of its dominat ion on the work ing people, of the suppression of their revolt and the restoration of capital ism. The pompous words of the Soviet revis ionist propaganda on the development and prosperity of the socialist democracy in the Soviet Un i on are but cynica l and demagogic mockery. Of what k i nd of socialist demo­cracy can you speak about in a country where the dictatorship of the proletariat, wh i ch constitutes the indispensable and decisive condit ion for the existence of true democracy for the work ing people, has been l iquidated? L i fe and facts in the revis ionist Soviet Un ion testify to an unprecedented swel l ing of the repressive bureaucratic, technocratic and m i l i t a ry -police machine, wh i ch excludes every democracy for the work ing people, wh i ch has barred every road for the Soviet work ing class and people to take part in governing the country and has reduced them to a merely producing and exploited force.

The so-called democratic r ights and freedoms of citizens, so pompously proclaimed by the Soviet r ev i ­sionist Const itut ion and propaganda, are as i l lusory and false as the ones procla imed by the classic bour­geois Constitutions. The bourgeois «democracy» is in power in the revisionist Soviet Un ion . There a l l the privi leges belong to the new explo i t ing and oppres­sive bourgeois class in power, wh i le the dark dun ­geons of the fascist K G B , the concentration camps, psychiatr ic cl inics or the disapperance wi thout trace l ie in wa i t for those who raise their voice against the oppression, exploitat ion and arbitrariness.


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The transformat ion of the proletar ian Marx i s t -Len in is t party into a revis ionist party and the l i qu i ­dat ion of the dictatorship of the proletar iat in the Soviet Un i on led, and could not fa i l to lead, to the complete capital ist degeneration of a l l the structure and superstructure of the Soviet society. The pro­paganda of the Soviet revis ionists on the so-called «developed socialist society», «the bu i ld ing of com­mun i sm on a broad scale», etc., is the most shameless and cynica l demagogy through wh i ch the Brezhnev renegade gang is t ry ing in va in to conceal the black social-fascist oppression wh i ch has fa l len on the heads of the Soviet people.

The Soviet revisionists have longsince l iquidated the socialist relations in product ion and have fu l l y restored capital ism — the state monopoly capital ism of a special k ind . The state property in the Soviet Un ion, just as the ko lkhoz ian one, has longsince stopped being a socialist property. It is in the hands of the new bourgeois class, made-up of bureaucrat ic-technocratic, state, economic, m i l i t a ry and intel lec­tual hierarchy, and serves it to ensure the surplus and superprof its f r om the savage exploitat ion of the work ing class and the work ing masses. A l ong w i th this state capital ist ownership, the pr ivate ownersh ip in the countrys ide is enl ivening and strengthening f rom year to year. It gives about 28 per cent of the total agr icu l tura l product ion and 30-60 per cent of some main f a rm products, such as meat, eggs, mi lk , vegetables, potatoes, etc. It is deepening more and more the gap between the new bourgeois class, wh i ch l ives in l u xu r y and increases its prof its w i t h every passing day on the sweat and toi l of the people and


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the broad work ing masses, who are subjected to a merciless exploitat ion and the operation of the cap i ­tal ist law on the relat ive and absolute impover i sh­ment.

A clear and ugly expression of the complete re­storation of capital ism is the unrestrained operat ion of the economic laws of capital ism in the Soviet eco­nomy, such as competit ion, crises, unemployment, chaos, etc. The opening of the doors to the mass penetration of capitals of the trusts and monopol ies of the Western imper ia l ist states in the Soviet Un ion , its ever greater inclusion in the cogs and wheels of the wor ld capital ist economy, w i t h a l l its catastrophic consequences, especial ly in the condit ions of the deep crisis wh ich has the internat ional capital ist system in its grip, are also its consequence. The Soviet work ­ing people, who through blood and innumerable sacrifices through three revolut ions did away w i t h the capital ist yoke in October 1917 and showed the work ing people throughout the wor ld the road of social l iberation, today, because of the revis ionist betrayal, have become an object of double exp lo i ta ­t ion and p lunder: by the new local revis ionist bureau­cratic bourgeoisie and by the foreign imper ia l is t bourgeoisie.

Wh i l e the October Revo lut ion destroyed the Czar ist empire f rom its foundations and transformed Russ ia f rom a pr ison of nations to a country of the most advanced social system, where for the f i rst t ime the equal i ty of the nations became a real i ty, serv ing as a great example and inspirat ion for the peoples of the whole wor ld, the gang of the renegades wh i ch rules today at the head of the Soviet state practices


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the most savage fascist methods and has transformed the Soviet Un i on into a pr ison of peoples, where a rap id process of the denational ization, Russif icat ion, displacement and the v io lent suppression of the non-Russian nations and national it ies is going on. The «arguments» of the great-Russian chauvinist ic pro­paganda on the «new historic community», on the «increasing homogenity of the Soviet people», on the «ever greater d imin ish ing of the previous impor­tance of the nat ional borders in the Soviet Union», etc., show w i th the greatest c lar i ty that the revis ionist gang in power has long ago betrayed the cause of the October Revo lut ion and the teachings of Len in i sm on nat ional pol icy, they are a c lumsy attempt to cover up the fascist methods used by this gang to bruta l l y suppress the national it ies in the Soviet Un ion .

The restoration of capital ism, w i t h a l l its ugly features, is part icu lar ly v is ib le in the f ie ld of the sp i r i tua l l i fe of the present-day Soviet society. The Khrushchev i te revisionists rehabi l i tated the enemies of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, whether dead or al ive, whom the dictatorship of the proletar iat had suppressed w i t h the i ron fist, brought to the surface the an t i -communist and obscurantist left-overs, f lung w ide-open the doors to the un l imi ted spread of the bour ­geois ideas, the Western decadent culture, art and mode of l i v ing . Whether today the revis ionist group in power in the Soviet Un i on has to take some re ­str ict ive measures towards the so-called dissidents, who have overstepped the l ine and demand that a l l the «socialist» masks should be thrown and the coming out w i t h the passport of ant i -communism, i t


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does this to preserve its own dominat ing positions and to deceive the Soviet people, creating the false impression that al legedly it is f ight ing the opponents of the socialist order. Bu t in real i ty the Solzhenitsyns, Bukovskys, the so-called «non-conformist artists» and al l the other frenzied decadent apologists of ant i -communism, as we l l as the growing wave of corrup­tion, immoral i ty, bourgeois degeneration, hool igan­ism and crime, the rev iva l of the rel ig ious ideology, etc., — a l l these are of fspr ing of the ve ry revis ionist course. These are a v i v i d evidence showing to what d i r ty mire of intel lectual and mora l degeneration the departure f rom the ideas of Marx i sm-Len in i sm and the Great October Revo lut ion has led the Soviet country.

The revisionist counter-revolut ion, the overthrew of the dictatorship of the proletar iat and its rep la ­cement w i t h the dictatorship of the new bourgeoisie, as we l l as the restoration of capital ist relations in a vast country w i t h a great potential , as the Soviet Un ion is, led, and it could not fa i l to lead, into a rapacious and oppressive foreign policy, the trans­formation of the Soviet state into a new and ve ry dangerous imperia l ist superpower, wh i ch is in r i va l r y w i th US imper ia l ism for wor ld dominat ion. The great ideals of the October Revolut ion, wh i ch raised aloft the banner of ant i - imper ia l ism and turned the Soviet country into a powerfu l fortress of the great nat ional l iberat ion struggles of the peoples, were betrayed and thrown away.

The savage imper ia l ist and explo i t ing counte­nance of the revis ionist Soviet Un i on is c lear ly seen in the enslaving relations it has established in the


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so-called «socialist community». Under the pretext of the «internat ional socialist d iv is ion of labour», «socialist cooperation and integration», «common defence», etc., through its obedient instruments, the Warsaw Treaty and the Comecon, Soviet soc ia l - impe­r ia l i sm unscrupulously plunders the satell ite coun­tr ies and subjugates the i r economies. It has also fu l l y e l iminated even that « l imited sovereignty» they enjoyed previously, has transformed those countries into a k i nd of m i l i t a ry provinces, wh i ch resemble those of the empire of the old K r e m l i n Czars. The Soviet fascist m i l i t a ry forces and the i r social-fascist generals, who stand in guard of the puppet regimes manipulated by the K r e m l i n bosses, make the law there. Bu t neither violence nor deception, neither the Russ ian tanks, nor the fo rma l articles of the new Soviet Const i tut ion, wh i ch laud to the skies the «equal ity» of the countries of the «socialist commu­nity», nor the demagogy of the ru l ing cl iques sold out to Moscow, can convince the peoples of Czecho­s lovakia and Poland, Hungary and Bulgar ia, etc., to reconcile themselves w i t h the Soviet soc ia l - imper ia l ­ist occupation, to al legedly defend themselves f rom the danger of Western imper ia l i sm, just as those who tel l them to re ly on US imper ia l i sm, West Ge rman imper ia l i sm, N A T O etc., to save themselves f rom the Soviet yoke, w i l l also fa i l to convince them.

Soviet socia l- imperia l ism, in f ierce r i va l r y w i t h the other superpower, US imper ia l i sm, fur ious ly pursues an expansionist, predatory, oppressive and aggressive pol icy, based on the force of rubles and tanks. It applies neo-colonial ism every­where. This is proved by its f renz ied efforts to ensure spheres of inf luence and strategic posit ions in various


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zones and areas of the earth — in the M idd le East and Cyprus, in the Medi terranean and Europe, in the Indian and the At lant i c Oceans, in A f r i ca , La t i n Amer ica, As ia, etc. This is also proved by the a l l -round mi l i tar izat ion of the economy, the unbr id led armaments race and the fever ish preparations for war and aggressions. The Soviet revis ionist propa­ganda is t ry ing to camouflage this pol icy w i th a great c lamour about «détente» in the internat ional s i tuat ion. This is but a smokescreen, a dangerous trap to l u l l to sleep the v ig i lance of the peoples in face of the preparations for wa r and aggression being made by the two superpowers.

The t r iumph of the Great October Revo lut ion and the creation of the f i rst socialist state was the v ictory of proletar ian internat ional ism, because the Soviet Un ion, under the leadership of Len i n and Stal in, became the power fu l centre and support of the wor ld revolut ionary and l iberat ion movement. J . V. Stal in wrote that Len in a lways saw the Repub­l ic of the Soviets as an indispensable l i nk to fac i l i ­tate the v ictory of the work ing people of the whole wor ld over the capital, because, according to Len in , the tasks of the revolut ion wh i ch has come out v i c ­torious is to do the max imum of what is possible in a country for the development, support and awaken­ing of the revolut ion in a l l the countries. The gang of the Soviet revis ionist renegades, wh i ch usurped the power in the country and betrayed the ideals of the October Revolut ion, has transformed the Soviet Un i on f rom a base of wor ld revolut ion, that it was at the t ime of Len in and Stal in, into one of the most dangerous centres of the counter-revolut ion in the


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wor ld . Contending and col luding w i th US imper ia l ­ism, the Soviet social- imperial ists interfere every­where to put down and to strangle the revo lut ionary and l iberat ion movements, t r y to subjugate them to the i r own expansionist aims, hatch up counter-revo­lut ionary plots and intrigues, incite the hosti l it ies and quarrels among the nations, w i t h the a im of extending their dominat ion and control and enslav­ing the countr ies and peoples.

The Soviet revis ionist leadership, w i t h B r e zh ­nev at the head, is ra is ing a great deceptive c lamour on the 60th anniversary of the October Revo lut ion and is t ry ing to present itself as its heir. On this occasion, the Soviet revisionists are organiz ing c la­morous nat ional and internat ional activities, say ing nice words on the importance of October, on Len i n ­ism, and so on and so forth, but in theory and prac­tice they have trampled the October Revolut ion, have rejected its ideas and lessons. The October Revo lut ion was the overthrow of the bourgeoisie w i t h violence, wh i le the Soviet revisionists preach the «peaceful road».

The October Revo lut ion established the d ic ta­torship of the proletariat, wh i ch they have l iquidated and replaced w i t h the «state of a l l the people». The October Revo lut ion raised the banner of the struggle against imper ia l i sm, colonial oppression and imper ia l ­ist war, wh i l e the Soviet social- imperial ists enslave the peoples and prepare wars and aggressions. The October Revo lut ion was the embodiment of pro­letar ian internat ional ism, wh i le the Soviet rev is ion­ists are the biggest spl i tters and underminers of the


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communist and revolut ionary movement. The Octo­ber Revolut ion was the implementat ion of Len in i sm in practice, wh i ch the Soviet treacherous and rene­gade gang has replaced w i t h rev is ionism.

A l l facte show that the Soviet revis ionist t rea­cherous cl ique has transformed the f i rst socialist state, the homeland of the October Revolut ion, into a frenzied enemy of the revolut ion, freedom, so­cia l ism and peace in the wor ld . Therefore, the struggle to expose merci lessly Soviet rev is ionism and socia l- imperia l ism is the internat ional ist duty of a l l the genuine Marx is t -Len in i s ts towards the cause of the revolution, the internat ional proletariat and the enslaved Soviet people themselves. Comra ­de Enver Hoxha has said at the 6th Congress of the Par ty : «The attitude towards the Soviet Un i on re ­mains a cr i ter ion of proletar ian internat ional ism, but in the opposite meaning f rom that of the t ime of Len in and Sta l in, when the Soviet Un ion was the centre of the wor ld revolut ion and its base. Today a revolut ionary and international ist is he who fights the Soviet revisionists, who exposes their treachery, who opposes their ant i -Marx i s t and imper ia l is t po l i ­cy and l ine w i t h a l l his strength».

The need of the intensif icat ion of the struggle to expose the ideological p lat form of Soviet r ev i ­sionism and the pol i t ical act iv i ty of the present So­viet Un ion is a lways on the agenda and repre­sents an imperat ive duty for a l l the Marx i s t -Leninists, the revolutionaries as we l l as for a l l those who defend their true freedom and nat ional inde­pendence. This struggle is imposed not only because


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of the fact that the present Soviet rev is ion ism re­presents the most complete and sophisticated coun­ter-revolut ionary ant i -Marx i s t -Len in i s t theory, but also because it represents the dominant ideology in a big imper ia l is t fascist state, it possesses numerous mater ia l and propaganda means to exert a negative inf luence in the internat ional l i fe on the var ious po l i t i ca l forces and minds of the people. Th i s is one side. The other side is that the Khrushchev i te rev is ionism speculates w i th the past of the Soviet Un ion , w i t h the fact that the October Revo lut ion took place in Russia, i t speculates w i t h the name of Len in, the Bolshevik Party, etc., to deceive both the Russ ian proletariat and the internat ional proletariat, and the peoples of the wo r l d as we l l . Through the most sophisticated forms, it hides its treacherous countenance behind the communist clauses to pre­serve the socialist facade and to pose as «fighter for communism».

This is w h y the Par ty of Labour of A lban ia stressed at its 7th Congress that «without a radical exposure of the ideological p lat form of Soviet r ev i ­sionism, wh i ch also constitutes the theoretical basis for its imper ia l is t policy, its expansion and hege-monism cannot be effect ively opposed, the mobi l i za­t ion of the genuine ant i - imper ia l is t forces to the ne­cessary extent and in the proper fo rm cannot be carr ied out and the aggressive plans of the super­powers cannot be defeated».

This international ist struggle has nothing in common w i t h the struggle, wh i ch the Western im ­perial ist r ivals, w i t h the Un i ted States of Amer i ca


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at the head, and di f ferent reactionary forces are waging against Soviet socia l- imperia l ism, w i th in the framework of inter- imper ia l ist contradictions and f rom ant i -communist positions. In their just in terna­tionalist struggle to expose and smash Soviet social-imperial ism, the true Marx i s t -Len in i s t revo lut iona­ries do not re ly on the sworn enemies of communism and the unpr inc ip led all iances w i t h them, but on the peoples, the proletariat, the revolut ion.

By f ight ing against Soviet rev is ion ism for its exposure and destruction, opposing and relentlessly attacking the aggressive and expansionist chauvin ist policy of the social- imperial ist state, the true Ma rx ­ist-Leninists and revolut ionaries are also helping the peoples of the Soviet Un i on to see the abyss towards wh ich the revis ionist leadership, wh i ch has betrayed Marx i sm-Len in i sm, the October Revolut ion, Len in and Sta l in , is leading them.

On the jub i lee of the 60th anniversary of the October Revolut ion, joyously celebrating this marked date just as the entire internat ional proletariat, our Party and people express the convict ion that the Soviet people, who carr ied out this revolut ion enl ight­ened w i th the teachings of Len i n and Sta l in, w i l l f ind the force to once more come out on the battlef ield to overthrow the treacherous gang of the new czars of the K r em l i n and to wipe off f rom the face of the earth w i t h the power fu l weapon of the revolut ion the social-fascist system wh ich rules today in the revis ionist Soviet Un ion.


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Socialist Albania Advances Unwaveringly on the Road of the Red October


The A lban ian communists and people have a l ­ways considered the day of the October Revo lut ion as their great celebration, because w i t h the ideas of October are l inked the great revolut ionary victories of our people.

The inf luence of the October Revolut ion, as eve­rywhere in the wor ld , was power fu l l y fe l t in our country, too. Its l ight, the l ight of the ideas of Len in, reached l i t t le A lban ia , too, wh i ch was savagely op­pressed by the ru l ing react ionary classes and t ram­pled underfoot by the foreign imper ia l is ts and chauvinists. The October Revo lut ion aroused new hopes and strengthened the convict ion of our people that better days awaited them, too. Under the direct inf luence of the October Revolut ion, the democratic movement in A lban ia assumed a new impetus, the struggle of the A lban ian patriots and people against the rapacious aims and imper ia l is t interference for the enslavement and d iv is ion of A lban i a became stronger and attained a higher level, the communist movement in our country was born and developed.

The l ight-g iv ing teachings of Ma rx i sm-Len in -ism, the ideas of the Great October made the A l ­banian communists, w i t h comrade Enver Hoxha at the head, gather, here, in Tirana, at a time when our people and Homeland were languishing under the savage heel of fascist occupation and the reactionary


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ru l ing classes, and found the A lban i an Communis t Party, wh i ch w i th its Marx i s t -Len in i s t l ine, raised the people in struggle and in the revolut ion and led them f rom v ictory to v ictory. Loya l t y to the teachings of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, the appl icat ion of these teachings and of the histor ic experience of the October Revo lut ion in a creative manner in the concrete condit ions of A lban ia , the rel iance on the people, the putt ing above everyth ing of the interests of the people, the establ ishment of closer ties w i t h the masses and their ceaseless strengthening, these are two sources wh i ch have a lways prov ided our Party w i t h inexhaust ib le strength to defend and car­ry fo rward the cause of the people, the cause of the proletariat, as Marx i sm-Len in i sm teaches us, as the Great October teaches us. Ou r Party, wh i ch stands loyal to the teachings of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, has a l ­ways had it clear that the decis ive subjective factor to carry the cause of the people and the revolut ion through to v ic tory is the creation and the ceaseless tempering in the f lames of struggle and revolut iona­ry act ion of a proletar ian party of the Len in is t type, is the indiv is ib le leadership of the party and the unity around it of the broad masses of the people, that the only correct road to nat ional and social l iberation lies in the violent revolut ion, that to bu i ld socialist society it is necessary to smash the state of the explo i t ing classes f rom its ve ry foundations and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat.

The ideas and cause of the October Revo lut ion are always al ive in socialist A lban ia . The Pa r t y of Labour of A lban ia implements, enriches and carries them forward w i t h unf l inch ing loya l ty w i t h its en ­tire l ine and act iv i ty in the f ie ld of internal and


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external policies, a lways carry ing out its revo lut ion­ary nat ional and internat ional du ty w i th honour. This is c lear ly evident in the historic victor ies of our people, scored under the leadership of the Pa r ­ty in the construct ion of the country, in the trans­format ion of A lban ia into an advanced socialist state.

One fundamenta l condit ion of the magnif icent successes achieved by our people dur ing these th i r ty -s ix years is the unwaver ing loya l ty of the Pa r t y of Labour of A lban i a to Marx i sm-Len in i sm and its creative implementat ion by the beloved lead­er of our Pa r t y and people, comrade Enver Hoxha, whose teachings arm us a lways in our revolut io­nary struggle. On the basis of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, the l iberat ion of the country was achieved, and the ent ire social ist social order was set up. On the basis of Marx i sm-Len in i sm the present and future of the cause of social ism in A lban ia is ensured. The construction of true socialist society, its de­fence and development towards communism are possible only when Marx i sm-Len in i sm becomes the dominant ideology, when i t is defended and i m ­plemented loyal ly , when you work and f ight for i t to become the sole ideology wh i ch leads the work ­ing people in the entire act iv i ty and l i fe. Eve ry stand, every action, every manifestat ion wh i ch affects this ideology in the slightest opens the road to the f lour ish ing of the enemy ideology, severely damages the cause of social ism and the revolut ion.

The Pa r t y of Labour of A lban ia has also a lways unwaver ing ly adhered to the Len in is t teaching that the revolut ion can t r iumph and social ism can be


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bui l t successfully on ly under the indiv is ib le leader­ship of the revolut ionary party of the proletariat. This leadership must be constantly preserved, strengthened and improved dur ing the historic pe­r iod of the transit ion f rom capital ism to commun­ism. The ant i -Marx is t theories and practices of p l u ­ra l i sm and the renunciat ion of the ind iv is ib le leader­ship of the proletar ian party, of the reduct ion of the leadership of the party to a mere i l lumin is t role, of the putt ing of the r i f le above the party, the theories of the acceptance of two or more lines, trends and factions in the party, the theories of the existence of many communist parties in one country and other such theories are ant i -Marx is t , they lead to the l i ­quidation of the revolut ionary party of the pro leta­r iat and the undermin ing of social ism, to the sabo­tage of the revolut ion.

Dur ing its whole revo lut ionary l ife, our Par ty has always implemented the teachings of Ma r x i sm -Len in ism on the class struggle w i th the grea­test consistency. It is conscious of the fact that dur ing the entire historic period of social ism, unt i l communism, it is necessary to carry out the class struggle w i th determination and on a correct course as a struggle between the two opposing roads, the socialist road and the capital ist road. As we l l as this, our Par ty considers as a v i ta l condit ion dur ing this entire period the preservation and ceaseless strengthening of the dictatorship of the proletariat, as a powerfu l weapon for the construction of soc ia l ­ism and its defence f rom the internal and externa l enemies, as a sure guarantee for the development and uninterrupted strengthening of socialist demo-


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cracy, of the active part ic ipat ion of the masses in the runn ing of the country.

The t r iumph of the October Revo lut ion and the construction of social ism in one country, encircled on a l l sides by the capital ist wor ld , were the embodi ­ment of the great social ist pr inc ip le of self-rel iance. F rom the very f irst days of its founding, our Par ty of Labour has implemented this v i t a l pr inciple, when it launched the cal l for armed struggle, mak­ing it clear to the people that the l iberat ion of the Homeland f rom the fascist occupiers wou ld be car­r ied out by the people themselves, by f ight ing as our forefathers had fought for centuries on end and e-merged t r iumphant over the enemies. Our Par ty carr ied out into practice this v i ta l pr inc ip le f rom the very f i rst day of the L iberat ion and dur ing the entire th i r ty- three years-long period of people's power for the socialist construction of the country, for the defence of the Homeland and nat ional sovereignty, pursu ing an independent foreign pol icy. A t ru ly so­cial ist country can never base its development on credits and loans f rom imperia l ist countries, i t can­not open its doors or make concessions to fore ign capital ist companies, it cannot base its defence on the al l iance and un i ty w i th the imper ia l ist and reac­t ionary forces.

Advanc ing along the road shown by the Octo­ber Revolut ion, by Len in and Stal in, our Party, so­cial ist A lban ia , has always carr ied out its revo lut ion­ary international ist task w i t h honour on the interna­t ional scene as we l l . They have power fu l l y support­ed the revolut ionary struggle of the proletariat and work ing masses of the capital ist and revis ionist


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countries against the bourgeois explo i tat ion and violence, for their legit imate rights, for social ism. The Par ty and our people, un i ted around the Par ty as one man, have waged and are waging an i r recon­ci lable struggle against US imper ia l ism, Soviet so­c ia l- imperia l ism, the internat ional bourgeoisie and reaction, against the revisionists of every hue, aga­inst a l l the enemies of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, the prole­tariat and the peoples. Our Par ty and people have always stood shoulder to shoulder w i t h a l l the peo­ples whose freedom and independence are in jeopar­dy, whose rights are being violated, who are f ight ing for l iberat ion and true nat ional sovereignty against imperia l ism, colonial ism and neo-colonial ism, against the pro- imper ia l is t regimes and reactionary forces. Our Par ty and country have powerfu l ly and un ­reservedly supported the just l iberat ion struggle of the peoples of V ietnam, Cambodia and Laos against the US imperia l ist aggressors, just as they have sup­ported the just cause of the A r ab peoples, and in the f irst place that of the Palest in ian people, against the Israeli aggressors and the manoeuvres of the two superpowers for penetration in to and domina­t ion in the M idd le East, and they have pub l i c ly con­demned the fascist aggression of Soviet social- impe­r ia l i sm against Czechoslovakia. A lways , both in the past and in our days, the freedom-lov ing peoples of Chi le and Braz i l , of the Panama and of other coun­tries of the La t i n Amer i can continent, as we l l as the oppressed peoples of Azan ia and Z imbabwe, N a ­mib ia and the other regions of A f r i ca , etc., have had and have a sincere f r iend in the A lban ian people and the People's Social ist Republ ic of A l -


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bania wh i ch have provided al l-out support for their struggle and efforts for freedom and nat ional so­vereignty, for social l iberat ion and human rights, against the fascist dictatorships and the racist re­g imes as we l l as against the pol icy of intervent ion, aggression and oppression by the two superpowers or by the other imperial ists. Comrade Enver Hoxha c lear ly emphasized this pr inc ip led internat ional ist stand also at the 7th Congress, when he said that in the future, too, the Par ty of Labour of A lban ia and the A l ban i an people «w i l l not spare their strength and w i l l f ight together w i t h a l l the other an t i - im­perial ist and ant i-socia l- imper ia l ist peoples, w i th a l l the Marx i s t -Len in i s t parties, w i t h the revo lut ion­aries and the wor ld proletariat, w i t h a l l the pro­gressive people, to fo i l the plans and manoeuvres of the enemies, so that the cause of the freedom and secur i ty of the peoples tr iumphs».

To the Par ty of Labour of A lban ia the cause of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, the ideas of the Great October are dear, it has taken everyth ing into consideration for their t r i umph and defence, every d i f f i cu l ty and sacr i f ice and this is w h y it has fought and is f ight­ing merci less ly against a l l the enemies of Ma r x i sm -Len in i sm, no matter who they are, imper ia l is t or capital ist, bourgeois reactionaries, traitors and rene­gades, of every hue, in the West or East, open or disguised. This is how it w i l l carry out its in terna­t ional ist du ty in the future, too.

By waging this struggle, both inside and out­side the country, w i t h consistency and unwaver ing determinat ion, advancing unf l inch ing ly on the road of Ma rx i sm-Len in i sm and the October Revolut ion, our people, under the leadership of their Par ty of


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Labour, have faced up w i th heroism to and overcome the encirc lement and blockade, have always forged ahead, mak ing l i t t le A lban ia a power fu l bastion of socialism, where the t r iumphant banner of the ideas of Marx i sm-Len in i sm fl ies and is raised higher every day. Th is struggle has made our Par ty and country a symbol of social ism and the revolut ion.

Without Fighting and Smashing Imperialism, Opportunism and Revisionism the Cause

of the Revolution Cannot Be Carried Forward


The present situations in the wor ld are f raught w i th revolut ion. The present deep and a l l - round crisis, wh ich has seriously h i t the whole internat ional capital ist-revisionist system, has further aggravated a l l the great contradictions of the present epoch. The objective conditions for the revo lut ion are r i ­pening w i t h every passing day. The revo lut ionary fermentat ion has swept over a l l the continents, the vat of history is seething, prepar ing great out­bursts and shakings. L i f e is prov ing w i th every pas­sing day the correctness of the Marx i s t -Len in i s t assessment comrade Enver Hoxha made on the i n ­ternational situation at the 7th Congress of the P L A , when he stressed that «the wor ld is at a stage when the cause of the revolut ion and nat ional l ibe-


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rat ion of the peoples is not just an aspirat ion and a future prospect, but a problem taken up for so lu­t ion».

Wor l d imper ia l i sm and socia l- imper ia l ism, the internat ional bourgeoisie and reaction, the social democracy, old and new modern revis ionism, the opportunists and renegades of a l l hues, a l l have made their common cause and act to strangle and stamp out the revolut ion, to d ivert the l iberat ion struggle of the peoples f rom the correct road and to stamp it out, not to a l low the implementat ion of a true revolut ionary strategy.

Imper ia l i sm and socia l- imperia l ism, a l l these forces of darkness, who have caused so many disas­ters to the proletariat, the peoples and entire man ­k ind, should be fought against resolutely, wi thout the slightest hesitation, because only the road of struggle w i l l lead the proletar iat and the f reedom-lov ing and progress- loving peoples to the rea l iza­t ion of their aspirations, on ly the resolute struggle w i l l w ipe off the stage of h istory once and for al l the dark forces of reaction and oppression and w i l l lead the work ing people and peoples to the f ina l v ictory. Eve ry equivocal att itude towards this great cause is lethal. Eve ry nice slogan to f ight against one group of enemies, re ly ing on the other, as the opportunists and renegades are speaking today, does not serve the cause of the proletariat and the peoples, but it serves on ly the enemies of the revolut ion. The Par ty of Labour of A lban ia has a lways adopted a clear-out stand towards such ant i -Marx i s t preach­ings.

As comrade Enver Hoxha declared at the 7th


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Congress of the Party, «our Pa r ty upholds the the­sis that both when the superpowers work together and when they quarrel , i t is others who pay the b i l l . The col lusion and r i va l r y between the super­powers are the two sides of the one contradictory real ity, important expression of the same imper ia l is t strategy to rob the peoples of their freedom and to dominate the wor ld . They pose the same danger, therefore the two superpowers are the ma in and greatest enemies of the peoples. That is why, one must never re ly on one imper ia l i sm to f ight or es­cape f rom the other». The attitude towards the s u ­perpowers is a demarcation l ine d iv id ing the revo­lut ionaries f rom the reactionaries and traitors of every hue.

The modern revisionists, o ld and new, of any hue they may be, are competing to w i n the trust of imper ia l i sm and internat ional bourgeoisie, es­pecial ly of US imper ia l ism, as we l l as of Soviet so­c ia l- imper ia l ism, to stamp out the revo lut ion and the l iberat ion struggle of the peoples. The revo lu ­t ionary forces w i l l have to clash in a fierce war w i t h the regressive counter-revolut ionary forces, they w i l l have to f ight more than ever to expose and smash the reactionary theories and the f raudulent preachings of the revisionists, renegades and t ra i ­tors. This is a v i ta l task put forth to the Ma rx i s t -Lenin ist parties, the proletariat and the peoples to carry ahead the great cause of the revolut ion in the wor ld . Lenin's words that wi thout a resolute, mer ­ciless struggle, in a l l the l ine against the «bourgeois worker 's parties», against the opportunist trend, one cannot speak either of struggle against imper ia l i sm,


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or of Marx i sm, or of the socialist worker movement, that the struggle against imper ia l i sm, if not closely connected w i t h the struggle against opportunism, becomes an empty and false slogan, sound more actual than ever.

Don't the preparat ion and t r iumph of the Octo­ber Revolut ion, wh ich, as is known, became possible thanks to the un interrupted and merci less many years- long struggle of Len in and his fo l lowers aga­inst Russ ian opportunism and the internat ional one, the Second International, testify to this l ight-g iv ing teaching of Len in?

The t r i umph of the Great Social ist October R e ­vo lut ion was not only the t r i umph of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie, of the proletar ian dictatorship over the bourgeois dictatorship, of the socialist re la ­tions over the capital ist relations, but it at the same t ime marks, as Joseph Sta l in pointed out, «the t r i umph of Ma r x i sm over reformism, the t r i umph of Len in i sm over social-democratism, the t r i umph of the Th i rd International over the Second In ­ternational». The October Revo lut ion marked a great ideological v ic tory over opportunism and re­v is ion ism of that time, wh i ch just as the nowadays opportunism and revis ionism, aimed to sabotage the revolut ion, to save the bourgeoisie and perpetuate capital ism.

A l l the opportunist rottenness and the trea­chery of the Second Internat ional was exposed over the years of the F i rs t Wor l d War, when its chieftains openly sided w i t h the bourgeoisie in the predatory, inter- imper ia l is t war, under the f r au ­dulent slogan of the «defence of the homeland». The


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great Len in d rew a clear-cut boundary l ine w i t h the various opportunists, w i t h the Menshev iks and l i ­quidators, w i th Bernstein, Kautsky , etc. This v i t a l teaching of great Len in is actual to a l l the Marx i s t -Leninists, everywhere they fight. Wi thout d raw ing a clear-cut boundary l ine w i t h the opportunists, l i ­quidators, revisionists and renegades of any hue, it cannot be spoken of the overthrow of the bour­geoisie and v ic tory of the proletariat, it cannot be spoken of the t r i umph of the revolut ion.

Reject ing the ant i -Marx i s t concepts of the op­portunists of the Second Internat ional on imper ia l ­ism as a spontaneous growth of capital ism in socia l ­ism, or on the «ultra- imper ia l ism» as a new period of «peaceful development» wi thout overthrows and conflicts, Len in substantiated that imper ia l i sm is the highest and f ina l stage of capital ism and the eve of the social revolut ion of the proletariat. He substan­tiated that imper ia l i sm aggravates in the c l imax a l l the contradictions of capital ism and places the revo­lut ion on the agenda. It aggravates in an unprece­dented way the contradict ion between labour and capital and faces the work ing class d i rect ly w i th the indispensabi l i ty of the armed revolut ion for the over­throw of the bourgeoisie. Imper ia l i sm aggravates considerably the contradict ion between a handfu l of powerfu l capital ist states and the hundred mi l l i on peoples of the colonial and dependent countries, it increases their revolt and struggle for l iberat ion f rom the imperia l ist yoke, transforming these areas f rom reserves of imper ia l i sm into reserves of the wor ld proletar ian revolut ion. In the stage of imper ia l i sm, along w i th the contradict ion between social ism and capital ism, the contradict ions between the mono-


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po ly groups and the imper ia l is t powers for raw m a ­ter ia l resources and markets, for spheres of in f luen­ce and the re-d iv is ion of the wor ld assume an u n ­precedented severity, something wh i ch leads to pre­datory imper ia l i s t wars and makes inevitable the un i ty of the proletar ian revolut ion in the metro­polises w i t h the colonial revolut ion of the oppressed peoples into a single front of the revolut ion against wor l d imper ia l is t front.

This class analysis made by Len i n and his the­sis on imper ia l i sm fu l l y preserve their va l id i ty and importance nowadays, too. The genuine revolut ionar­ies have rel ied and are re ly ing on it today to bu i ld their strategy. The. preachings of the opportunists and pseudo-Marxists of any hue, who distort the great contradict ions of our epoch and remove the revo lu ­t ion f rom the agenda, who place in the centre of their strategy the un i t y w i t h one or some imper ia l ­ists against another, resemble those «heroes» of the Second Internat ional exposed by Len in .

Today, there are people, who mask ing them­selves w i t h «Marxist» slogans and manipu lat ing w i t h quotations extracted f rom the context, bu i ld up «new» theories and speak of everything, exc lud­ing the revolut ion, who recommend to the pro leta­r iat everything, even the study of Ma r x i sm -Len i n -ism, but on ly not to rise in revolut ion. To these people exact ly f i t the words of Len in , who wrote: «Open op­portunism wh i ch immediate ly isolates the masses of workers f rom itself is not as dangerous and ha rmfu l as this theory of the golden mean wh ich w i t h M a r x ­ist phraseology just if ies opportunists practice and tries, w i th a series of sophisms, to prove that the t ime


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of revolut ionary actions, etc., has not yet come» (1). These people swear by a l l their gods for their loya l ty to Marx i sm-Len in i sm, but they, as Len i n said in his time, «forget, strangle, distort the revo lut ionary as­pect of the doctrine, its revolut ionary spir it . They br ing to the fore, praise what is acceptable or what seems to be acceptable to the bourgeoisie» (2).

Len in and the Bolsheviks opposed the dema­gogy of the opportunist chieftains of the Second In ­ternational on «the defence of the homeland» in the inter- imper ia l ist war, wh i ch set the workers of various countries against one another and turned them into cannon fodder for the predatory interests of the bourgeoisie, w i t h the revolut ionary slogan: the rise of the proletariat of every bel l igerent coun­try against its «own» bourgeoisie, the transformation of the imperia l ist wa r into c i v i l war for the over­throw of the bourgeoisie and establ ishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Contrary to the so­cia l-chauvinist preachings of the renegade chief­tains of the Second International, who cal led on the proletariat to unite w i t h its «own» bourgeoisie, Len in and the Bolsheviks led by h im subjected the ex ­ploitat ion of inter- imper ia l ist contradictions to the cause of the t r i umph of the revolut ion. The ant i -Marx i s t preachings of the supporters of the «theo-ry of three worlds», who cal l on the proletar iat to unite w i t h its «own» bourgeoisie on behalf of the struggle for the sake of the defence of nat ional independence f rom one superpower, renouncing the

1 V. I. Lenin, Against revisionism, p. 285 (Alb. ed.). 2 V. I. Lenin, Vo l . 25, p. 454 (Alb. ed.).



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revolut ion, are ident ical to the social-chauvinist theses of the Second Internat ional.

The strategy of Len in and the Bolsheviks, wh i ch through the di f ferent stages of the Russian revolut ion, led, in the f ina l account, to the historic t r i umph of the Great October, was a strategy of the revolut ion. Prepar ing the party, the work ing class and its al l ies for the revolut ion, Len i n rejected the opportunist dogmas of the Second Internat ional wh i ch c la imed that the bourgeois-democratic revo lu ­t ion and the socialist revo lut ion are indispensib ly d iv ided by a long interva l of the ru le of the bour­geoisie and the development of capital ism. He work ­ed out the scientif ic theory on the bourgeois-demo­cratic revolut ion led by the proletariat as an interme­diate stage for the rap id transit ion to the socialist revo lut ion and the establ ishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Bu t today, after the Soviet rev is ion­ists, who, through c la ims on the «non-capital ist road of development» in regard to the former colonial and dependent countries, negate the necessity of the socialist revolut ion in those countries, other prea­chers have emerged, who treading in the footsteps of the Second International, d iv ide w i t h a deep abyss the struggle for nat ional independence f rom the struggle for socia l ism and make a great fuss about the fact that if you speak of the perspectives of the proletar ian revo lut ion in the countries of the so-called «th i r ld world», this is al legedly B lanqu ism, Tro tsky i sm and the passing over of stages. The a im of these new opportunists is to negate the leading role of the proletar iat in the ant i - imper ia l is t revo lu ­t ion, to d iver t the peoples of these countries f rom the struggle against the bourgeoisie and the reactio-


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nary, pro- imperia l ist regimes, to ext inguish, in these countries, the struggle against US imper ia l i sm and the other Western imper ia l is t powers for the sake of al l iance w i t h these counter-revolut ionary forces, as these opportunists preach today.

Len in i sm and the October Revo lut ion put an end to the dogmas of the Second Internat ional which dealt w i th the national question in the depen­dent countries as an issue of second rate importance on the so-cal led «cul tura l autonomy» inside the ca­pital ist states and wh i ch just i f ied the colonia l ex ­ploitat ion of the peoples oppressed by imper ia l i sm. Len in showed that the nat ional quest ion can on ly be completely solved on the basis of the pro letar ian revolut ion, that the revolut ionary struggle of the oppressed peoples against imper ia l i sm is the on ly road to their l iberat ion f rom the oppression and ex­ploitation, that this struggle constitutes the natura l a l l y and power fu l reserve of the wo r l d proletar ian revolut ion. L en i n and Sta l in teach us that the i n ­terests of the proletar ian movement in the met ro­polises and the nat ional l iberat ion movement in the colonies demand the un i ty of these two currents of the revolut ionary movement in a united revo lut io­nary front for the overthrow of capital ism and wor ld imper ia l ism, under the leadership of the proletariat. They teach us that the proletar iat of the imper ia l i s t countries must give their a l l - round support to this struggle, by resolutely r i s ing against the oppression and exploitat ion of the other peoples by their «own» imper ia l ist bourgeoisie. They also teach us that the communists do not support every nat ional move­ment in the oppressed countries, but only those movements wh i ch are rea l ly directed against impe-


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r ia l i sm and wh i ch create premises for the deve lop­ment of the social revo lut ion of the proletariat. Those who under the pretext of the struggle against the two superpowers or one of them, back up the most react ionary forces of the bourgeoisie in the former colonial and semi-colonia l countries and who bless the explo i tat ion of these countries by var ious imper ia l is t powers to create a so-cal led «united wo r l d f ront» against Soviet soc ia l - imper ia l ism, have noth ing in common w i t h those teachings of great Len in .

Len i n rejected the reformist, par l iamentary and legalist ic i l lusions wide-spread by the opportunists of the Second Internat ional to put down the revo lut ion. It is c lear to the Marx i s t -Len in i s ts that w i thout smashing these opportunists and counter-revolut io­nary «theories» and practices, the v ic tory in the Great October Social ists Revo lu t ion in 1917 wou ld have been impossible. Today, the modern rev i s ion­ists, f r om the Soviet and Yugos lav ones down to the «Euro-communists», have ra ised the ragged banner of «par l iamentary cret inism», re fo rmism and bour­geois legal ism. Bu t a l l those who preach the al l iance w i t h the bourgeoisie of the country to al legedly op­pose the superpowers stand, pract ical ly, in the pos i ­t ions of bourgeois legalism, in ant i -Marx is t positions.

Just as in the past, today, too, the revis ionists and opportunists, under var ious pretexts, have been character ized by the negation of the revolut ion. The history of the internat iona l workers ' movement p ro ­ves that the revis ionists and opportunists of every hue have never been and are not concerned about the destinies of the revolut ion. They do not «theorize» to carry out the revolut ion, but to sabotage and


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reverse the revolut ion, they f ight to preserve cap i ­ta l ism and the bourgeoisie intact.

When the opportunists and modern revis ionists spread a l l sorts of theories w i th regard to the «pre-sent conditions», the «changes» wh i ch have taken place in the wo r l d today, they do this w i t h a dece i t fu l a im to cover up their betrayal, preaching «new roads to social ism». When they attack «dogmatism», w i t h wh ich they imp ly the fundamenta l teachings of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, they are not at a l l preoccupied about the question of the revolut ion, on the contrary, they do this w i t h the a im to come to assistance to the bourgeoisie to prevent the revolut ion, to under ­mine it.

When the Khrushchevi te, Titoite, Togl iatt ist and other revis ionists in a jo int chorus attacked Sta l in , accusing h im of «personal ity cult», of «violat ion of the socialist law», of «mistakes», etc., they d id this to f ight Marx i sm-Len in i sm, because they were we l l aware that Stal in, as a disciple and co-f ighter of Len i n and as a wor thy continuator of the cause for wh i ch Len in fought, was the most ardent defender and the most loya l implementor of the doctr ine of M a r x -ismi-Leninism, they d i d this w i t h the a im of den i ­grating the struggle Sta l in had waged in defence of the pur i ty of Marx i sm-Len in i sm f rom the oppor tun­ist falsif ications of the old and new revisionists. Wh i l e attacking Stal in, a l l the renegades f rom and the t ra i ­tors to Marx i sm-Len in i sm have had and have as the i r target the uncrowning of Len in ism, the reject ing of the great ideas and teachings of the October Re­volut ion. Instead of the revolut ion, instead of the struggle for the over throw of the bourgeoisie and


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the establ ishment of the d ictatorship of the pro le­tariat, instead of the road of the October, these gentle­men preach and praise to the skies the infamous «peaceful road», which, today, is the most vu lgar fo rm of the abandoning of the revolut ion.

The revis ionist gang of Khrushchev and B re zh ­nev in the Soviet Un ion and a l l their fol lowers, wher ­ever they are, make a great c lamour on the so-cal led peaceful coexistence, wh ich, in complete opposit ion to the teachings of Len in , is presented by them as the «general road of the v ic tory of social ism on a wor ld -w ide scale» and as the «general l ine of the internat ional communist movement». W i t h this «theory» these renegades require to give up the class struggle, they want to undermine the revolut ion, to open the road to their imper ia l is t expansion.

Other revisionists, supporters of «Euro-com­munism», who have completely degenerated into the most narrow-minded social-democrats, are fur ious ly r i s ing against the v io lent revolut ion and the dictator­ship of the proletariat, coming out openly w i t h the an t i -Marx i s t theses of the reformist «democratic» road, «historic compromise» w i t h the part ies of the bourgeoisie and even the Vat ican, the bourgeois po­l ice and army, preaching «socialisms» of a l l colours, except for the pro letar ian one, and t ry ing w i t h a l l the manners of means to tu rn down the historic experience of the October Revo lut ion.

The ant i -Lenin is t and counter-revolut ionary theory of the «three wor lds» also has the same aim, the ext ingu ish ing of the revolut ion and the preser­vat ion of the status quo of the capital ist order. To defend the theory of «three wor lds» means to beco-


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me an advocate of the interests of US- l ed imper ia l i sm, the bourgeoisie and internat ional reaction. The bearers of this ant i -Marx is t theory speculate w i t h the cause of the struggle for nat ional independence, separate it f rom the cause of the v ic tory of the revo lut ion and make use of it to just i fy the i r pragmat ist po l i cy of unpr inc ip led all iances w i t h US imper ia l i sm and w i t h the other imper ia l is t powers or w i t h v a ­r ious react ionary forces.

Bu t history has proved and proves that on ly by consistently implement ing the Marx i s t -Len in i s t theo­ry of the revolut ion, the Great October Social ist Revolut ion was carr ied out w i t h success and, accord­ing to its teachings, the revolut ion t r iumphed in a number of countries of Europe and As ia . The fa ls i ty of the revis ionist theories, wh i ch c la im «new roads in conformity w i t h the present-day conditions» to al legedly come to social ism, is being proved also at present by history because the revo lut ion and soc ia l ­i sm have not t r iumphed in any country through these roads. On the contrary, these «theories» turned up revisionist, the most sophisticated weapon of the bourgeoisie to sabotage and undermine the revo lu ­t ionary movement and social ism, paved the road to the counter-revolut ion and the restorat ion of ca ­pi ta l ism.

In his t ime great Len in fought w i t h de te rmi ­nation against the betrayal of the Second Interna­t ional, and in merci less struggle against it, defended the revolut ionary ideas of M a r x f rom the soc ia l -democrat distortions and further developed them in the new histor ic conditions. This was not an academic polemics, but an imperat ive need to car ry


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f o rward the cause of the revolut ion. Today, too, the genuine Marx i s t -Len in i s ts consider as a p r imary revo lut ionary du ty the defence of Len in i sm f rom a l l the distort ions of the modern revisionists, whe­ther they be Khrushchevi tes, Titoites, «Euro-commu-nists» or opportunists of every brand and every hue. This struggle is an imperat ive necessity for the cause of the revo lut ion today as much as it was at the t ime of Len in .

Rev i s ion i sm remains the ma in danger for the present-day wor ld revo lut ionary movement. A l l the revis ionist theories, wh i ch c irculate in the wor ld today serve the internat ional bourgeoisie and i m ­per ia l i sm. They are not on ly i rreconci lable w i t h Ma rx i sm-Len in i sm and pro letar ian internat ional ism, but v iewed f r om the f i rst hand, they represent theories insp i red by a marked bourgeois nat ional ism of the chauvin ist character of the big state or by the na r row interests of their «own» nat ional bour­geoisie.

The Cause of the October Revolution Is Always Alive and Marches Forward


Today, 60 years after the v ic tory of the October Revo lut ion, i r respect ive of the betrayal of the r e v i ­sionists and the l iqu idat ion of soc ia l ism in the So -


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viet Un ion and some other countries, i ts ideas, the ideas of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, l i ve and are inv inc ib le, because the great cause of the proletariat is inv inc ib le . There is no force in the wor ld wh i ch can w ipe off the face of the earth the proletar ian revo lut ion.

In 1871, the united forces of the European bour­geoisie and reaction drowned in blood the Par is Commune, but they fa i led to l iqu idate its r evo lu ­t ionary ideas, they remained a l ive and the «spectre of communism» cont inued to hover over Europe. The great ideas, about wh i ch the heroic communards who were «attacking the skies» fought for, today have conquered the minds and hearts of hundreds upon hundreds of mi l l ions of peoples of the wor ld , we see and l ive w i t h those ideas in our social ist Homeland, where our Marx i s t -Len in i s t Pa r t y leads, w i th comrade Enve r Hoxha at the head.

Today, speculat ing w i t h the revis ionist betrayal , the bourgeoisie, the social-democrats and other ene­mies of communism, proc la im that the wo rk of Len i n and Sta l in has been l iquidated, that the cause of the revolut ion is bur ied once and forever, that the ideas of Ma rx i sm-Len in i sm and the October Revo­lut ion are now outdated as «romantic ism and i m ­matur i ty of youth» and that the heroism of «the ten days wh ich shook the wor ld» is now obsolete.

The «arguments» used today by some people that the former socialist camp does not ex is t any longer and that to speak of the d iv i s ion of the wor l d into socialist and capital ist countries is al legedly a negation of the restoration of capital ism in the So­v iet Un ion, etc., these «arguments» are but an t i -


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Marx i s t sophisms that the deviators are in need of to conceal the i r t rue countenance, to just i fy the abandoning of the ideals of social ism and the October Revolut ion, the common struggle of the socialist coun­tries against imper ia l i sm, the internat ional ist duty of the socialist countries to support the revolut ionary movement of the wor ld proletariat against the bour­geoisie.

Bu t the revis ionist betrayal and the restoration of capita l ism in the revis ionist Soviet Un i on and in some other countries, though they have caused a colossal damage to the revo lut ion and social ism in the wor ld , have not e l iminated and w i l l not be able to e l iminate the great cause of the October Revo­lut ion, wh i ch l ives and w i l l l i ve in the centuries, be­cause it is a work of a l l the wor l d proletariat.

The cause of the October Revolut ion, the immor ­tal ideas of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, i l luminate the road to the communists, the proletar iat and the peoples of the wor ld , and neither the violence of the bour­geoisie, nor the act iv i ty of the revisionists, renegades and traitors of Marx i sm-Len in i sm can suppress them.

The cause of the October Revo lut ion and the l ight-g iv ing ideas of Marx , Engels, Len in and Sta l in l ive and are s t r i k ing root w i th every passing day in the minds and hearts of a l l the genuine Marx i s t -Leninists and the Marx i s t -Len in i s t parties, wh i ch hold aloft the banner of the revolut ion and commun­ism thrown away by the revis ionist parties. In d i f f i cu l t condit ions, in struggle against the bour­geoisie and revis ionist betrayal, they carry out a broad act iv i ty for the enhancement of the revo lu­t ionary consciousness of the proletar iat and the mas-


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ses, prepar ing them for the class battles against the bourgeoisie, reaction and imper ia l i sm.

The ideas of the October Revolut ion, the l i fe -g iv ing ideas of Marx , Engels, Len in and Sta l in are, and w i l l a lways be, the t r iumphant banner, wh i ch has always guided our Pa r ty of Labour, w i t h com­rade Enver Hoxha at the head, in its struggle to carry forward the cause of social ism and the revo lu ­tion, to strengthen and defend the dictatorship of the proletar iat in social ist A lban ia , in the struggle i t is waging against the interna l and externa l enemies, the imperial ists, social- imperial ists, the bourgeoisie and international reaction, against the revisionists, traitors and renegades for the defence and t r i umph of Marx i sm-Len in i sm.

Advanc ing unwaver ing ly on the glorious road opened by the Great October Social ist Revo lut ion and i l luminated by its ideas, by the l i fe-g iv ing ideas of Marx i sm-Len in i sm, and resolutely carry ing into practice w i th a lof ty revolut ionary sp i r i t the histor ic decisions of the 7th Congress of the P L A , our people come to the jubi lee of the 60th anniversary of the October Revo lut ion w i t h br i l l iant successes in a l l f ields. At the same time, uni ted l ike a granite rock around their Pa r t y of Labour w i t h the beloved lea ­der, comrade Enver Hoxha, at the head, they have mobi l ized their forces and creat ive energies to make real i ty a l l the magnif icent objectives wh i ch the 7th Congress def ined to rap id ly advance on the road of the transformation of social ist A l ban i a into an ad ­vanced industr ia l -agr icu l tura l country, according to the great Marx is t -Len in is t pr inc ip le of self-rel iance, for the further a l l - round strengthening of the eco-


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nomic independence of the country, to produce bread and other foodstuffs local ly and in a stable manner, to supp ly the work ing people w i t h as many mass consumption commodit ies as possible and the eco­nomy and defence w i t h as much usefu l minera l , steel, o i l , coal and electric power as possible, to set up, re l y ing on our o w n forces, new factories and plants, to strengthen economic stabi l i ty, to constantly raise the l i v ing standards of the masses and to carry fo rward the nar row ing of dist inct ions between town and countryside. In the future, too, our Pa r ty and people w i l l fur ther strengthen and steel the d ic ta­torship of the proletariat, consistently waging the class struggle on a correct Marx i s t -Len in i s t road, w i l l make stronger the defence of the Homeland day by day and w i l l make i t inv inc ib le , capable of facing up to and rout ing any aggressor who would dare to violate the sacred boundaries of socialist A lban ia . Ou r Pa r t y and people w i l l carry forward wi thout respite the process of the revolut ionizat ion of the ent i re l i fe of the country, b lock ing a l l roads to a l l the poisonous inf luences and every danger of the peaceful bourgeois-revis ionist counter-revo­lut ion and the tu rn ing back to capital ism, so that in the People's Social ist Republ i c of A l ban i a the red banner of the October Revo lu t ion w i l l never be lowered, but raised ever higher.

Celebrat ing today the 60th ann iversary of the October Revo lut ion together w i t h the work ing peo­ple, the revolut ionar ies and a l l the peoples of the wor ld , our Pa r ty and people express the f i rm con­v ic t ion that the great cause of the October, the cause


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of wor ld proletariat, the cause of social ism and com-mun ism w i l l t r iumph.

Long l ive the ideas of the October Revo lu t ion! Long l ive the Par ty of Labour of A lban ia , w i t h

Comrade Enver Hoxha at the head, the loya l succes­sor of the cause of October!

Long l ive proletar ian internat iona l i sm! G l o r y to Ma rx i sm-Len in i sm!

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