the cooke legacy: chapter nine - the comeback kids

The Cooke Legacy: Chapter Nine – The Comeback Kids A joint legacy between ilovereecee & meadowthayer

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Chapter Nine of the Cooke Legacy is finally here after a very long break!


Page 1: The Cooke Legacy: Chapter Nine - The Comeback Kids

The Cooke Legacy:Chapter Nine –

The Comeback Kids

A joint legacy between ilovereecee & meadowthayer

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Hello, hello! Thank you for joining the Cooke family for the ninth chapter. I know it’s been a very, very long time since they have made an appearance. That is completely my fault – my old computer just completely gave up and died on me (it was very old). So after trying to fix it for a while, I gave in and bought a brand new computer! I love how fast it is compared to the old one ;) So now the Cooke family is back on my computer and I finally have an update for you.

Just as a re-cap of chapter eight, Haleigh played the family and ended with Grandpa Brennan, Caroline and Parker (parents of the D generation) and Dominic, Daniella and Dylan. The D generation had an heir poll, which ended in a tie. So the heir will be revealed at the end of the chapter. Now let’s move along, shall we?

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First things first, romance sims Caroline and Parker Cooke both wanted to woohoo with each other right away after I got the family installed onto my computer. I guess it really has been a long time since they’ve gotten to, so I let them have at it. While they’re busy with each other let’s go downstairs so I can give a little cap about Caroline (Generation C’s heir) and Parker’s children.

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On the very left is Dominic, the oldest generation D child. He is a Pleasure/Knowledge aspiration. His LTW is to reach the top of the entertainment career.

In the middle is Daniella, the only girl and second child born into this generation. She is a Knowledge/Popularity sim with the LTW to Have 20 Simultaneous Best Friends!

Last but not least Dylan is seated on the far right. He’s a Romance/Pleasure aspiration (bet that will be fun in college!) with the LTW to have 50 first dates.

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It’s college time for the generation D kiddos – or young adults rather! Because they all had the majority of their skills maxed they had a hefty amount of scholarships and combined their money to move into a rather large and beautiful home that came with Mansion & Garden stuff pack.

Following in his romance parent’s footsteps, Dylan immediately starts chatting up the ladies that walk by his new home.

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While their little brother is smooth talking one of their fellow classmates on the front lawn, Dominic and Daniella decide to try out the pond in the backyard. Dani is a natural fisherman- er, fisherwoman. Right away she hooks a big, blue catfish!

Looks like these guys will be having a lot of fish for their dinners and lunches – a great money saver when it comes to buying groceries.

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Daniella, a knowledge aspiration, wastes no time calling and chatting with her professors after class. This results in a very high friendship and a very high grade. During the quick phone call to her professor, Dani’s baby brother is on the prowl yet again. Samantha Miguel just happened to be walking by the lot as Dylan was taking out the trash. They hit it off right away and Sammy became his very first kiss :)

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College isn’t all about fraternizing for these freshmen though. Daniella takes her school work seriously and makes time to study every night. The boys get their assignments done, but aren’t as focused as their sister. They spend a lot of time painting though – this is how they pay the bills. Their big, lovely home comes with a big and not so lovely rent!

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Poor Dylan and Daniella haven’t had much time to spend on campus to meet any potential boyfriends or girlfriends. Dylan has, oddly enough for a romance sim, stuck with Samantha Miguel as his one and only girlfriend. One afternoon, much to Dani’s dislike, the three siblings ditch class to head to the local park and meet some of their peers. Of course Dylan invited Sammy along and they spent the majority of the time making out.

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When Dani finally took a break from fishing with Dominic she spotted a cute red head in the corner of the park. She rushed over to greet him before he could leave. She learned his named was Brandon Mendoza and they even exchanged phone numbers after flirting for a few minutes :)They day went well for everyone except Dominic. He didn’t meet any new friends much less any potential girlfriends and quite literally fell flat on his butt that night.

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After a very unproductive night for Dominic, he decided he was not going to be the only one of his siblings to not have a significant other in college! Using the internet to the best of his advantage, he began to join chat rooms for local singles and even found a funny girl named Gina to chat with. Over the next few nights they grew closer and closer and began to talk on the phone before going to bed everything. Things were starting to look up for Dom!

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The future was bright for more than just Dominic though. Daniella and Dylan were moving full speed ahead in their relationships as well.

Dani and Brandon shared their first kiss together the same day that Dylan finally got to fulfill his “woohoo with Samantha” want that has been locked into the wants panel since their last date at the park.

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Dominic decided to try his luck with Gina face to face. He invited her over for a movie at his house after class one Friday night. They had a wonderful dinner and the movie was good, but Dominic wanted to end the night with a kiss.Unfortunately Gina wasn’t on the same page and rejected his kiss. . . even though they had a pretty high relationship and both had crushes on each other. It was a pretty embarrassing moment for Dominic.

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One couple in the house that is having no feelings rejected at all is Dylan and Samantha. Even though Dylan is a romance aspiration, he has no fears of getting engaged to Sammy. Sammy has wanted to get engaged ever since they woohooed the other night. Dylan decided there was no time like the present and invited his girlfriend over to propose in front of their pond! She said yes of course :)

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When Dominic was walking back home from class one sunny afternoon he stopped to greet one of the passersby. Her name is Sarah Love and she’s a rather cute blonde girl. They chatted for a few moments and Sarah even flirted with Dominic! This could be the start of something very good for Dom, especially after his disastrous date with Gina the other night.

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There is a lot of love in the air lately, but Daniella (a knowledge sim) was never one to leave her head in the clouds for too long. She knows the key to graduating with stellar grades is to stay on top of all the work. She studies a little every night and chats with her professors to boost her grade. She has all of her skills maxed out, so now she is beginning to study fire safety, parenting, life long happiness and all the other extras sitting on the bookcase shelves.

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When Dominic, Daniella and Dylan all aced their Junior final exams they decided to throw a party to start off the Senior year! Dani invited her parents Caroline and Parker, grandfather Brennan, her boyfriend Brandon and her brother’s girlfriends Samantha and Sarah as well. Everyone had a good time dancing to the music and drinking from the keg. Brandon even got to know his future in-laws Caroline and Parker over a game of cards!

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Dylan and Sammy were somewhat missing from the party. They were in the house while the party was going on, but chose to spend the majority of the time in Dylan’s bedroom. He is such a romance sim ;)

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After a few drinks and a little dancing, Dominic and Sarah decided to tone down the fun just a tad. They headed away from the loud music and laughter to cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie. Hand in hand the entire movie, Dom and Sarah both had something to smile about – their newfound crush for each other :)

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When the party was over and done with, Dani invited Brandon to stay a little longer to eat dinner together. She made a fresh chicken salad to share with her love and had a special something planned as well. Over dinner Daniella popped the question to Brandon! After admiring the shining ring, Bran slipped it on his finger and happily accepted the offer.

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The night ended well for everyone. Sarah decided to stay a little longer after the party ended as well. It’s a good thing she decided to stay, because Dominic mustered up all of his courage and decided to give his first kiss one more try. This time all went well and both Sarah and Dominic ended the night on cloud nine.

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Ever since the beginning of their senior year Dominic and his new love Sarah have been inseparable. Sarah calls Dominic almost every night and they chat for hours, much to Daniella’s annoyance when she needs to use the phone to chat with her professors.

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To Dominic and Sarah it seemed like all the stars had aligned and the time was right to get engaged. They fell head over heels in love with each other very quickly and had a quick engagement. The senior year was coming to a close soon and they decided there was no better way to end their college days than with a little woohoo and an engagement ring! Dom popped the question and of course Sarah said yes!

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The last few days of senior year were upon the kids and they spend their last few days together fishing, painting and studying for finals of course. Dani, a natural fisherwoman, earned her gold fishing badge and was soon catching catfish almost as large as her! All the kids studying parenting and fire safety before they graduated – they would need to put that knowledge to work within the next few months after graduation!

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Dom, Dani and Dylan all graduated with phenomenal grades and aged into adults in order to move back to their home town and start their new lives post-graduation! They aged into interesting outfits, huh?

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We’ll start the spares update with Dominic Cooke and Sarah Love. Dominic received the least votes of his two siblings, but that didn’t stop him from having a great life as you’ll soon see.

Straight out of college he and Sarah moved into a small starter home and got hitched in their new back yard overlooking the sea. It was a small and intimate wedding featuring just the two of them.

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It wasn’t long before Sarah found herself expecting a baby! She is a family aspiration and was all too thrilled to be a mother soon. Dominic and Sarah soon became the proud parents of cheesecake twins* Ellis and Emerson. The boys are both blonde haired, blue eyed bundles of joys.

*Sarah wanted a baby so much that I decided to grace her with two at once by feeding her cheesecake during her pregnancy.

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Raising Ellis and Emerson was no easy task! Sarah, who didn’t have a job, stayed at home to take care of her newborn sons. During the night when Sarah was catching up on her sleep though, Dominic took over the babysitting duties and loved every minute of it!

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Before long, Ellis and Emerson were toddlers and then it seemed just the blink of an eye had went by before they were two fully grown children! Both turned out adorable and look exactly like their mother.

Now let’s go catch up with the runner up in the heir poll for this legacy. . .

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Dylan actually tied in the heir poll with his sister Daniella. In order to break the tie, Haleigh and I decided that Daniella would be the next heiress. Thus, making Dylan the runner up. Post-graduation Samantha, his one and only love since their freshman year, moved in and they celebrated their graduation as they’ve always celebrated everything else. . . with a little woohoo of course!

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Of course all that woohooing leads to pregnancy! Sammy soon found herself with a big belly and on maternity leave from her entry level position as a back up dancer.

When Dylan found out that he was going to be a father soon, he took it better than most romance sims would. He finally tied the knot in quickie, kitchen wedding to make his little family complete.

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Just like his big brother, Dylan had twins! But this time they were natural twins – no cheesecake for Sammy!

Dylan and Samantha named their newborn daughter Eden and they named their son Everett.

Raising these two was certainly not easy! Dylan works long hours and Samantha doesn’t have time to dish out all the attention her fussy babies need.

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Needless to say, Sammy and Dylan made it through their twins’ diaper days. Eden and Everett aged into completely cute toddlers and then grew into even more adorable children. They, like their cousins, have blonde hair. Although they must have gotten this from their grandfather Parker since neither Dylan nor Sammy has blonde hair.

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And this is the end of the Cooke Chapter Nine! I want to thank you so much for reading – I know the chapter was short, but I hope that you enjoyed it all the same. I hope to have the next chapter out shortly. . . well at least in much less time than it took to get from chapter eight to this chapter Again, thank you and I hope you come back to join the Cooke’s to see how Daniella’s life as heiress turns out!