the complete guide to umbar

The Complete Guide to Umbar "Oh, there is trade in Umbar. The whole city is based on of information, trade of goods, trade of people, trade of loyalties. It is a mighty city, surrounded by a great impenetrable wall and holding an impossible amount of people inside. Six Towers made long ago stand watch over this all, with her Lords and Ladies at times squabbling and making war on each other and at times working together for the good of the city. It is a wild place filled with intrigue, but it is also a wonderful place, where anyone can succeed if they just have the luck and skill to. It can be a very fair place... and sometimes fairness can be harsh." - Lady Arali, Tower Lord of Umbar, Farside Tower Calendar

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The Complete Guide to Umbar

The Complete Guide to Umbar

"Oh, there is trade in Umbar. The whole city is based on of information, trade of goods, trade of people, trade of loyalties. It is a mighty city, surrounded by a great impenetrable wall and holding an impossible amount of people inside. Six Towers made long ago stand watch over this all, with her Lords and Ladies at times squabbling and making war on each other and at times working together for the good of the city. It is a wild place filled with intrigue, but it is also a wonderful place, where anyone can succeed if they just have the luck and skill to. It can be a very fair place... and sometimes fairness can be harsh."

- Lady Arali, Tower Lord of Umbar, Farside Tower


In Umbar the day is considered to be from sunrise to sunrise. There are 356 days in a year, 7 days to a week, and 12 months to the year. Ten months have 30 days and two have 31. There are three days in the year that are considered to belong to no month: the first day of the year, yestare; the middle day of the year, loende; and the last day of the year, mettare. Every fourth year two days called enderi are substituted for loende.

The Complete Guide to Umbar: Ecology

The climate of Umbar is subtropical, dry. This means that the city has hot summers (75-80 degrees F) and mild winters (45-50 degrees F), giving it a moderate temperature variation of about 30 degrees per season.

Precipitation ranges from virtually nothing during the summer to five inches per month during the two midwinter months. It averages 20 to 30 inches per year.

There are red and yellow soils around the bay with brown and yellow-brown in the areas behind the bay. These all fade into the red, barren soil of the desert that backs Umbar.

The vegetation around the bay is mostly broad-leaf evergreen forest (the source of our wood resource) and broad-leaf evergreen shrubs. Farther away from the bay, the forest gives way to scattered broad-leaf evergreen shrubs, and even nearer the desert you find mainly scattered broad-leaf deciduous dwarf shrubs. In the desert itself there are two major types of vegetation: drought evaders, which grow fast during rare periods of wet and lie dormant as seeds otherwise; and drought resisters, which have lowered their need for water by storing it and by reducing leaf area.

The main crops grown by Umbar are wheat and rye. A few vegetable farms are near the city, but only for their own needs; Umbar does not export any crops other than wheat and rye. There are also grazing lands for cattle, mumakil and goats, and some herds of pigs. (The pigs are barely tamed, and will attack anyone except their usual keeper.)

In addition to wheat and rye, Umbar also exports copper and iron. There are several mines in the area for each. There was also a small gold mine, but it has been played out for generations. Umbar now imports all gold from the south.

The most well protected crops in Umbar are those necessary for the building of ships. Wide fields of flax provide linen for their sails, and two types of trees are used for the ships themselves. The tall 'mast pine' is prized for its straight form and strength. It is a major crime to cut down such a tree. The second tree is the 'southwood tree' used as planking and ribs for the hulls.

The types of animals found in the wilds vary as one travels from the fertile area surrounding the coasts to the arid desert. Owls and hawks can be seen along the coast, but they are replaced by quails and doves as you enter the more barren lands bordering the desert. In the desert itself, are swifts, swallows, and wrens. Vultures are everywhere.

One of the strangest birds of the desert is the road runner. This fast running bird is a hunter who feeds on snakes. It is not unusual to see a road runner with half a snake hanging out of its beak. Sometimes they kill a snake that is simply too big for their stomach to hold, and they must wait for the first length swallowed to be digested before they swallow the next few inches.

The most deadly snake of the desert is the viper (of which there are several types). It has adapted to the sands of the desert, and moves through them in such a way as to leave parallel grooves pointing diagonally in the direction that the snake is moving.

Another poisonous inhabitant of the desert is the fire ant; but they are small, and each ant can only give limited damage. They are not dangerous unless a person is unable to move and brush them off. However, if a man should be tied down over a fire ant mound, death could result.

There are numerous non-dangerous animals in the area: rabbits, deer, squirrels, chipmunks, etc. It is possible to live off the land except in the desert. To do so in the desert requires specialized knowledge and training, and no little luck. The [link here] Narakshi are one such example of a success (or luck) story.

There are also types of dangerous animals that live off the game in the area. The most dangerous are the wild dogs, for they have lost their fear of man and will attack him. They are highly social hunters and will cooperate to run down game. Wolves also cooperate on the hunt, but are less likely to attack men unless driven to it. There are a few packs that orcs have taught to hate man by provoking them with weapons bearing man-scent. These packs will attack any people that they encounter. However, these wolves are found more closely north of the city nearer the Poros River, where the Uruk population is more highly concentrated.

The desert puma has also been known to attack any man entering its hunting area, for these rare sand-colored cats are extremely territorial. They usually live in pairs, but it is possible that two to three half-grown cubs may hunt with the mother. They are found only in the southern deserts, and in the lands bordering the desert. They are small, rarely growing more than five feet in length.

Largest, by far, of the animals native to the dry reaches of the area called the Haradwaith is the mumak (mumakil, plural). They were used primarily as beasts of war, and carried war-towers. They also proved quite frightening to horses. Being virtually indestructible, they were most effective as the center of defense for the Haradrim in battles. Their one weak point was their eye; an arrow to this small, elusive target could bring a mumak down and kill it. The other name this great best might be known by is "oliphaunt."

The strangest animals of the area surrounding Umbar is the Giant Sloth Bear (so named for its looks, rather than any provable kinship to either of these animals.) The creature is from 15-20 feet in length, has a deep, thick, dark-brown fur, and is reputedly the stupidest animal on the continent. Even orcs seem smart by comparison. They live entirely underground in winding sets of tunnels that they dig with their sharp claws, claws that can even go through the softer rocks. They are not aggressive, but they are not timid either. Rather, they continue on whatever they have decided to do, while ignoring anything around them. They can, and will, dig right through a man if he is standing where they want to dig and doesn't get out of their way fast enough. Since they are huge beasts (2500 to 4000 lbs) and run much to fat, it is difficult for a warrior to hit a vital organ. There is much reason to suspect that either their brain is not in their head or that it is not a vital organ, since head blows rarely kill them.

The Complete Guide to Umbar: General Political Structure

Umbar is currently ruled by an oligarchy of six who are called Tower Lords. Each has his own naval and ground military forces, loyal to him and completely at his disposal, as well as being direct liege lord of approximately one sixth of the arable lands around the Havens. They are evenly balanced in power, which explains why there is an oligarchy rather than a Kingship. But while they contrive against and compete with each other, the Kin-Strife is clear enough in their memory to prevent open warfare, for they were bred from the losers of that conflict and civil war is still a bitter thing to them.

Umbar is a warrior society, and warriors are deemed to be superior to non-warriors. The lowest ranking seaman considers himself vastly superior to the richest merchant, even though the merchant, by reason of his riches, may command vast influence. Those who serve on the ships consider themselves superior to the city guard and household guards of the wealthy, a position that the city guard and household guards have been known to take exception to. But it goes hard on any non-warrior who resents the warrior attitude - mainly because the warrior is trained in weaponry and the citizen is not.

All of the oligarchy are Lord-Warriors. The personal devotion of their followers is based primarily on pride in their Lord's military abilities, and [link to the religion page] religious following. They have an unvoiced, but unbroken (so far), agreement not to meddle with each other's territory during absences caused by raids, since they know that they must all raid or lose respect, and thus lose power. This, of course, does not count for any other types of absences, and so they all seek loyal and strong fiefholders to guard their rural interests when they are in Umbar, and Tower Captains to Guard their urban interests when they are out of the city on business. This poses no little problem since a weak landholder or Captain is useless and a strong one might be a threat. The Tower Lords have solved this problem in various ways - or believe they have.

The Complete Guide to Umbar: Geographic Description

Umbar lies on an inlet of the Bay of Belfalas. The inlet provides a calm berthing for the Fleets of the Corsairs, while the fertile lands surrounding the inlet provide farming area to feed the city. Umbar raids not out of necessity out of desire. To the north lies Gondor and to the east the deserts of Harad. Mordor, home of Sauron, who has cast his shadow over Umbar, is to the Northeast. To the south lie desolate desert regions, mostly inhabited by nomadic tribesmen.

The Complete Guide to Umbar: General History

Umbar in The Lord of the Rings

In the Second Age, the island kingdom Numenor began establishing colonies on the coast. Destined to be the greatest of these was the fortress Umbar. She was built strongly and richly by Numenor and great was her pride, perhaps too great.

In S.A. 3261, Ar-Pharazon, having seized the throne of Numenor some six years before, assembled a great army and marched forth to challenge Sauron, Lord of the Dark and chief wielder of the Power of he who forged the dark, Morgoth. He disembarked his army at the great fortress city of Umbar and seemed to overawe Sauron so that the Dark Lord surrendered to the might of Numenor. Sauron was marched through the streets of Umbar and taken prisoner to Numenor. But while Ar-Pharazon seemed to have conquered by force, Sauron, in truth, had conquered by guile. Under the Evil One's influence, Ar-Pharazon was led to assail Valinor, the Undying Lands, seeking the secret of eternal life that was not meant to be given to Men. Although some of Numenor remained Faithful to the old beliefs, they were not strong enough to prevent Ar-Pharazon's attempt against Valinor. Numenor was destroyed for seeking that which it had no right to seek, and it disappeared beneath the waves.

The Dunedain of Umbar also fell to the influence of Sauron and became known as the Black Numenoreans. The realms of Gondor and Arnor, who were to be the main opponents of Umbar, were founded in S.A. 3320 by the Faithful of Numenor who had not followed Ar-Pharazon and were un-touched by Sauron. Their fleet had sailed just before the seas rose over Numenor.

In S.A. 3441, Sauron was overthrown and the Third Age began, but the shadow did not depart from Umbar. Falastur of Gondor established the Fleet that was to oppose Umbar's control of the sea, and in T.A. 933 Earnil I, nephew of Falastur, defeated Umbar and made it a fortress of Gondor. The Faithful built on the highest hill above the Haven, a monument to commemorate Sauron's defeat, a great white tower topped by a globe of crystal which shown like a star under the light of the sun or the moon so that it could be seen on the coasts of Gondor and far out in the western sea.

Although the fortress of Umbar was taken, the area about it was still under the hand of the Black Numenoreans, and from 933 to 1030 they laid seige to Umbar. During the siege, King Ciryandil of Gondor was killed, but Umbar was not re-taken by the Black Numenoreans owing to Gondor's seapower.

There were other factors rising against Gondor and Arnor in the next 500 years that were to lead to the establishing of the Corsair State at Umbar. Dol Guldur became a holding of the evil and the Nazgul, the chief servants of the Dark Lord, reappeared. Sauron reformed and re-established his power. In 1409, the Witch King, Lord of the Nazgul, invaded Arnor. But the worst blow to Gondor was the Kin-Strife which began in T.A. 1432. There followed 16 years of civil war to determine who would be King. In 1448, the rebels, having lost the Kin-Strife, fled from the port of Pelargir and seized Umbar to form the Corsair State. From 1448 to T.A. 1810 the Corsairs raided Gondor.

The men of Harad who roamed the deserts behind the fertile strip of farm land dominated by Umbar were firm allies of the Corsairs. In 1540 their alliance warred with Gondor, and killed King Aldamir. Later Hyramendacil II of Gondor defeated the Harad, but less than 100 years afterwards the Corsairs burned Pelargir and killed King Minardil. The Great Plague of 1636 hampered Gondor's attacks against Umbar, but in 1810, almost 400 years after the rebels took Umbar, King Telumehtar re-captured the city for Gondor.

Yet, as Sauron rose again in power the Men of Harad fell fully under his sway. They retook Umbar and destroyed the monument built to his defeat. By T.A. 2710, Umbar was again actively warring against Gondor, this time as a city of the Haradrim. During the reign of Ecthelian II, Thorongil attacked the fleets of Umbar and burned many ships, but Umbar was not taken. Umbar has remained at war with Gondor and under the influence of Sauron ever since. The Complete Guide to Umbar: Ships & Sailors

The planking on the sides of the ship overlaps rather than having the edges flush. They are thicker at the water line and where the oar holes are. This type of hull construction produces a very elastic hull which gives with the movement of the ship. The bottom of the mast rests on a large block of wood that is fixed to two of the ribs rather than to the keel. The mast will be 40-50 feet tall. The oar ports are round with notches in the side so that the oars may be put in place from inside; they will have port covers to close them off when the oars are not being used.

Most Umbarean ships are lateen rigged, as the Haradrim prefer manoeuvreable ships, and one of the raiders' greatest strengths are their capabilities when sailing upwind. The triangular fore-and-aft rigging design provides less resistance when moving close-hauled into the wind. This advantage, combined with oars and sleek ship design, ensures that a raider is very rarely outrun when sailing into the wind. Some merchant ships as well as some heavy ships of Numenorean design are square-rigged for better running capabilities before the wind.

A merchantman or smuggler will be shorter and wider, although many relatively narrow, sleeker versions can be seen. They generally have a flatter bottom and fewer oars.

The larger fighting ships vary considerably in design, but generally enjoy similar approaches to construction. The Haradrim have obtained significant skills in shipbuilding from the past Umbareans. Even the average raider ships are made with care and skill, and those vessels of pure Numenorean origin are usually exceedingly well built.

The most infamous trademark of the Corsair ships is the ram. Most raider vessels have steel-enforced bows with heavy rams pointing out in the bow. There are countless stories of ships being torn open or even split by these devices.

The fleet of Umbar consists of a colourful variety of ships of many designs obtained from the past Umbarean generations and inhabitants. In theory, any kind of a ship (except for Swan-ships and other elven designs) can be found from the port of Umbar, but it is clear that most designs are clearly overshadowed by the traditional Corsair and Numenorean designs.

The primary fleet within the city is that of the Corsairs. Comprised of warships designed for long-range raiding, the Corsair fleet uses keeled ocean-going galleys and specially designed raider ships for the most part. Long, well-armed deck crews and large, expendable rowing crews mesh well with their "close and board" fighting tactics and their inland raids. Generally being average sailors, they do not often venture far from shore. Some gifted captains, or ones with enough cash to hire an astrologer, have explored the entire coast and developed maps and charts that can be used to navigate if care is exercised and someone on board has the skill.

The Haradrim trading fleet is also extensive. Consisting mainly of sailing vessels, the trading fleet still uses soldiers on all of their merchants and all of the rowing crews are slaves. Plying up and down the coast in great numbers, the merchants are not averse to pirating a weak or stricken ship.

There is also a war fleet in Umbar, but its reputation is not as glorious as that of the Corsairs, as it seems that many warships and other vessels with enlisted crews (with monthly wages) and chains-of-command issued from above spend most of their time idling at port or patrolling safe nearby waters.

The Black Numenoreans have left a rich legacy of shipbuilding knowledge and designs to the Haradrim. While the most popular designs have been obtained by Corsairs, certain ones remain built and maintained by the remaining rare Black Numenorean nobility. They are the only ones to use catamarans these days. The most popular Numenorean design is the war prog. Coming in two varieties, light and heavy, these ships are renowned for their viciousness. The infamous rams were originally invented in these ships. War catamarans are the cavalry of the fleet and also provide a stable firing platform for some light artillery. The final, major ship type is the most important, overall, since it is a design based entirely upon those ships that were built in Numenor. Called the Palanrist, or "Far Cleaver," these ships maintain the Black Numenorean's cultural integrity. A true sailing vessel, they vanish for years at a time on voyages of adventure, trading, exploration, and looting.

In general, a corsair is a sailor who is also a warrior. In the lands of other seafaring nations, all seafaring Haradrim (except for friendly merchants) are known as Corsairs, for the people of Umbar have become infamous through the Corsair warfare. For Umbareans, a Corsair is a member of a raiding crew and participates the dangerous but profitable strikes into the waters and coast of Gondor.

A Corsair crew is a rather democratic community. The crew consists of men hired for a single expedition and it sails together until it divides up its plunder and disperses. These expeditions are mostly single strikes in Gondor, but sometimes they may consist of months of raids, trade and piracy. When the loot is divided up, it is divided into equal shares. The shipboard officers and Captain get larger shares respective to their greater responsibility at sea and in battle.

Corsair Captains are usually aligned with a Tower. In return of an oath of loyalty, a Captain is granted a letter of marque (and sometimes a ship or a loan for purchasing one). The letter grants the Captain a permission to board and capture enemy ships and sack enemy towns in the name of his Lord, a permission to fly the colours of his Tower, and the promise of protection against any threats caused by such activity. The Captain will be free to raid as he wishes, but he is obliged to join his Lord's expeditions or battles should he be asked to do so.

Also individual Corsairs may swear allegiance to a particular Tower. This makes them citizens of Umbar, which is sometimes of great advantage. Joining a Tower can often get a Corsair a "permanent" position in the crew of a raider ship. This does not deprive him of the permission to continue raiding in one-time expeditions, but rather makes sure he will not be turned down by his "own" Captain when seeking to raid.

Every raid is taxed. An officer's share goes to the Harbour Master of Umbar, and Towers mostly tax a share slightly larger than that of the Captain from the whole income of the expedition. Attempts to cheat with taxes accounts as smuggling.

Not all Corsairs are aligned with a Tower, however. The bulk of the Corsair mass is unaligned. They sign up on an expedition, raid on it, get paid, and then spend the loot at their leisure before signing up on the next raid. Some Captains, mostly noblemen and Corsair houses, choose to remain unaligned as they can afford their own ship and crew. While such crews pay no taxes to a Lord, they still have to pay the Harbour Master's taxes. According to Umbar Constitution, even the unaligned Corsairs must gain a permission to raid the north (most Corsair houses are being "sponsored" by Towers). While being unaligned brings freedom from taxes and other obligations, it also means that a Captain lacks a Lord's protection should he be captured, sunk, accused of treason or otherwise put into jeopardy.

Raiders known to attack friendly ships are treated as pirates. Pirates are outlaws, and their sinking leads to no charges. Sometimes there is a price on a pirate's head. Piracy is relatively rare in Umbar, as there are ways to loot and plunder legally. Some pirates are known to sail the southern seas, however, often finding shelter from island havens and smuggler hideouts.

Light Raider

Heavy Raider

Coast PatrolA small, poorly-equipped ship designed mainly to police the rest of the navy, especially any foreign craft. Several will be on customs duty outside of the port at all times. The excess, about twenty, will be wherever the main fleet units are located.

Large Slaver

Large Merchant

Small MerchantFit mainly for coastal travel, these ships usually travel in convoys of 5-15 with an escort commensurate to the worth of the cargo. About 150 are enrolled in the name logs, but many unofficial ones exist.

Heavy Prog

Light ProgA smaller faster version of the heavy prog. It has a proportionally larger rowing crew, however, and can accelerate even faster, although the ramming attack is somewhat less fearsome. These ships favor a shearing attack rather than a full ram and use the heavy ballista in the bow to great effect during pursuits, their favorite action. Twenty of these ships exist.

War CatamaransAn unusual ship class, the war catamaran is a fast and nimble sailor with good close hauling abilities. This makes them a good scouting force and gives the ability to attack from any angle. The dual hull makes them a stable firing platform an one or more heavy artillery pieces are placed on each ship. Twelve of these ships exist.


War GalleyWar Galley is a worn-out patrol ship design. Seventy-two War Galleys exist and are stationed in two areas, the main fleet located in the city itself and the vanguard fleet assigned near the mouth of the Bay of Umbar. Smaller versions with slightly reduced statistics number about thirty and are stationed in units of three at the numerous small towns spread around the bay. Unkeeled hulls make them unseaworthy and ships of this type do not stray far out of the Bay.

MerchantThe Bay of Umbar houses a large quantity of these ships and their range extends far up and down the coast out of the Bay. Going on their way unescorted, the captains and crews of these ships have a reputation for toughness and fearlessness. Estimates of their number range from 75-300.

Patrol BoatA generally useless ship due to its poor design and size. Used mainly for picket duty outside of the small ports along the bay, these ships often board merchantmen ships while performing surprise customs searches.

Khurn-Nagla "Lively Wind"The Khurn-Nagla is a special ship for its design originates not from Numenor but from the native Haradrim traditions. A sub-culture has sprung up around these ships and their crews have fully adapted to homeless life at sea. Strong endurance and excellent sailing characteristics make this ship a good choice for long-range trading missions and the traders aboard use these attributes to fully indulge their nomadic tendencies. Due to the secretive nature of the crews, estimates of their number vary from 25-150. The captains and their subordinates are hard to approach and caution should be used.

The Complete Guide to Umbar: People and Culture

There are three major types of people in Umbar: the descendants of Numenor who rule, the coastal people who lived on the edge of the sea before Umbar was built, and the Haradrim who came to the city from the desert.

The husband is the head of the family, but he does not have absolute control over his wife and grown children. He does have sole control over who will be head of the family after him. Usually this is the son most adept in war, but not always. It is unusual, but not unheard of, for a daughter to inherit. The mother decides on the disposal of her dower property, but it generally goes to her daughters. Two or three children is average, and five considered a large family. Marriage with the other races of the coast is not forbidden, but because of their pride, is rare. However, marriages for love are more common than marriages for advantage or to consolidate holdings. They are strictly monogamous, and divorce is also rare. A man who cannot hold his wife's attention is considered a subject for jokes and taunting. Wives are expected to be faithful, but husbands are not.

The husband is responsible for fighting, maintaining his battle equipment, and commanding his men if he is of a rank to have men to command. The wife runs the home, raises the children until they are old enough to start being trained with weapons (both boys and girls are so trained), and handles the family finances. Women are permitted to be warriors, but only a few do. They do fight, however, when the city needs defending. The children normally belong to the father's family, but if a woman's family has a few living members it is possible for the man to join her lineage group and raise the children as members of her family, so that it does not die out. This is considered to be a reasonable practice, but only a younger son of a large extended family would consider it.

Their diet consists of meat, bread, cheese, and wine. They believe red meat to be necessary for warriors and scorn fish unless starving. Green vegetables are considered to be food for peasants or rabbits.

They speak Haradaic as their official language, but most also speak Adunaic fluently. Westron (Common Speech) is considered a second language even though they dislike its relationship to Elvenish.

They are a strong and long lived people. A typical lifespan for one of pure Numenorean blood is 300 years.

The man is ruler of the family, and the wife and children are considered to be his property. In most cases this is true, but in some cases, where the wife is strong willed, it is but a polite fiction. Families are large, for having children proves the strength of the husband and the worth of the wife. A family with few children is pitied, and one with many honored - even if most of them die young from a poor diet and too little attention. The inheritance goes strictly to the eldest surviving son, but it is his duty to provide for his mother if she outlives the father. She is expected to live with him, and takes precedent over his wife. Marriages are arranged by parents, and love is considered to be ill-bred. A man may divorce his wife, but she may not divorce him. Family structures are patrilineal, i.e. traced through the male line.

Their diet consists mainly of fish, because fish is cheap, unless they belong to one of the trading families who are trying to imitate the Numenorean Lords of the City. The lower class families will also eat cabbage and lettuce, foods that the upper classes consider fit only for cows or pigs. A few of their sons have found their way into the warrior society of Umbar as Corsairs or even Tower militia, but most are fishermen, traders, smugglers, or thieves.

The coastal people are not a strong race, perhaps because of poor conditions in childhood, and do not have a long lifespan. To them 60 is a ripe old age and most die in their 50's.

A Haradrim may have as many wives as he wishes, but is disgraced if he cannot support them and their children adequately. Although the man is the head of the family, inheritance is through the female. A man's oldest sister's son inherits, and then the husband joins the wife's clan.

They are a warlike race, with much courage. For the most part, they are either warriors or work for one of the Towers, bringing goods across the desert trade routes or providing their military services to the Tower defenses. They still tend to wear loose clothing that is best suited to the desert, although they have learned to wear leather armour.

They speak the language of the Haradrim, Haradaic. Many are versed in some of the desert dialects used primarily by the outland tribes-people. Westron is also a language many are well versed in used commonly when dealing with members of higher echelons.

They are tall and dark and much given to the wearing of gold ornaments. They are excellent riders of their small desert horses. They were of a nomadic race, and their diet is still influenced by that. They are fond of goat meat, goat milk, and cheese made of goat's milk. They also like wine, and their women are famous for making a flat bread that they say tastes best when made from wild grain. But their eating habits were based on what was available and not truly custom, so they are in no way reluctant to adopt the meat of the Numenoreans or the fish of the coastal peoples into their own dietary repertoires.

The Haradrim are a strong, tough race spawned by the desert. They have a lifespan that is shorter only than those of Numenorean blood, but those living in the city have become softer over the years as harsh conditions no longer kill the weaker of their offspring. They now measure the expected life of one of their race in terms of 90 to 100 years.

More information on the Narakshi is available at

The Complete Guide to Umbar: Religion in Umbar

The majority of Haradrim (especially the desert tribes) worship the Dark Lord (also called the Eye) in one form or another. This cult-like worshipping stems from the beginning of the Third Age when the Black Numenoreans were swayed into allegiance with Morgoth's chief servant Sauron. In Umbar-proper this takes the form of The Dark Religion, which perhaps 90% of the populace practices.

The central focus of the Dark Religion in Umbar is the Dark Citadel, located on the eastern side of the city, just off the Rath Bad-nez. Housed within the Citadel is the priesthood of the Eye, led by the High Priest or Priestess. Within the dark temple, prayers and meditations are offered, as are sacrificial victims.

Some of the Corsairs either exclusively, or in combination with the Dark Religion, practice a form of Hero Worship. Traditionally this has been the religion of choice for the aristocracy of the city, as they themselves hope to one day be canonized as a god--though they will acknowledge that the Dark Religion is the more powerful of the two forms of worship. Even though not everyone follows the Dark Religion, nobody speaks openly against it or publicly denounces it. Conventional wisdom says, "It's not wise to anger Gods."

Within the walls of inner Umbar, on the Rath Corsair, is the Hero's Shrine. Within that temple reside golden and bronze statues of the war heros since elevated to mythical stature: Sangahayndo, Ar-Gimilzor, Ar-Pharazon, Castamir, Angamaite and Illandra. These are but a few of those the Haradrim call 'the Heroes.'

The Dark Citadel of Umbar

The majority of Haradrim (especially the desert tribes) worship the Dark Lord in one form or another. In Umbar-proper this takes the form of The Dark Religion, which perhaps 90% of the populace practices.

Some of the Corsairs either exclusively, or in combination with the Dark Religion, practice a form of Hero Worship. Traditionally this has been the religion of choice for the aristocracy of the city--though they will acknowledge that the Dark Religion is the more powerful of the two forms of worship. Even though not everyone follows the Dark Religion, nobody speaks openly against it or publicly denounces it. Conventional wisdom says, "It's not wise to anger Gods."

The Complete Guide to Umbar: The City Plan

In 2280 S.A., Umbar was made in to a great fortress of Numenor. The First Wall was built encircling the higher ground overlooking the Bay of Belfalas, and the city laid out inside it. The stoneworking of this wall is superior, the best example of the genius of Numenor, both strong and beautiful with alternating sizes of stone forming a pleasing pattern.

But as Umbar grew, the area inside the wall was filled, and many were forced to build outside the protection of the Wall due to lack of space inside. In 3270 S.A., pride in the part that the city played in Ar-Pharazon's 'defeat' of Sauron led to an expansion of Umbar and the building of the Second Wall. This wall has now been dismantled. At this time the Black and Desert Towers were begun. It took two years to complete Black and three for Desert. The towers guarding the inlets to the port were built in 3275 S.A. as the last part of this expansion.

In 1449 T.A., the rebels from the Kin-Strife began the Third Wall and the Great Towers that are now occupied by the Tower Lords. This wall was the first one that included the harbor. After the Third Wall was complete, they ordered the Second Wall dismantled, for they believed that if there were too many inner defenses to drop back to the defenders would not fight as strongly as they should on the outer defenses. The stone from the Second Wall was used for the six great towers. What remained was left for whomever wished to cart it off for building, and soon the Wall was part of many houses about the city. At this time Eradas, Caldur, Maros and Pellardur were begun. They were all completed within 5 years.

The outer wall is 40 feet thick and 65 feet tall with a ditch backed by a palisade in front of it. The main purpose of the ditch is to prevent attackers from undermining the walls. Along both the First and the Third Wall are 'D' shaped two story towers. The top story is used for shooting at attackers while the bottom is used as storage, quarters, or armory for city guards. There are always one to three guards in each of the outer towers and one in each of the inner ones.

There are two main gates and two postern gates in each wall. All four are accessed by relatively good roads, and there is a good road just inside the Third Wall. The rest of the paths are narrow, winding alleys. The area inside the walls is not wasted on wide streets.

The Postern gates are all alike, small gates five or six feet above ground level that permit only one person in or out at a time. They are used to send out spies in time of war or to mount attacks. The two in the outer wall have palisades around them for use as a staging area for counter-attacks against besieging armies.

The two gates in the Inner Wall are identical, great circular two-story towers. The road goes through the first story of the tower, and there is a large hole in the second story through which defenders can shoot arrows or pour hot oil or tar on attackers. There is a stout door to close off the outside of the tower and a portcullis to cut off the inside wall. Stairs go up to the second floor from the outside of the tower, inside the First Wall. No one can get to the second story from inside the first story.

The Harbour Gate of the Third Wall is a narrow passageway between two round towers. The Harad Gate is a ''Z' shaped twisting passage that ends at two flanking towers with a connecting bridge. The purpose of the gates is two-fold, both protection and tax-gathering. Going through the gates can take a while, and so some enterprising merchants and tavern owners have establishments just outside the gate for those waiting to get in.

Walking is the main means of transportation for most citizens, so it is important for them to be close to one of the major roads; otherwise so much time is spent walking to the centers of supply that there is not enough time left in the day for working at their crafts and pursuing their livelihood. This accounts for the starfish-shape of the city layout. Areas too far from trade centers or roads are economically unsound.

Most of the houses are two or three stories and narrow, allowing maximum living space on the smallest possible area of land. However, all the wealthier citizens will have a private courtyard behind their houses.

The central market place has a deep artesian well that forms a fountain. The run-off goes into a giant cistern beneath the market place. The six main towers and guard headquarters also have either a well or a cistern or both. There is a large system of cisterns in Umbar for use during sieges.

The port is now completely enclosed with towers guarding the two inlets to the harbor. The wharves are divided into merchant and military areas. Unauthorized people are not welcome in the well-guarded military part of the port. The Fleets of Umbar

The fleets of Umbar sport many types of vessels, from the infamous and gigantic Galleys to the small cattamarans, they all excel in their purpose. The bulk of the cities war ships align with one of the six towers, even though some remain independant (for now). The ships of Umbar operate on a ship parent constructed specificly for them. The Harad Ship Parent, better known as HSP, has been around in one form or another for some 3 years. We do not support Belegrils ship parent due to reasons that I wont go into here. In the hope of keeping it simple, the HSP is a rather 'bare-bones' parent in that it doesnt provide much more than the basic sailing commands for use in navigating the water ways of Middle Earth. Fleets Black - Desert - Farside - Flame - Harbour - Seaward - Unaligned/Merchant

Black Tower Fleet: Defunct

Desert Tower Fleet: Klejona - For many years she sat a derelict in the docks of Umbar, forgotten by her owners and left to gather barnacles. Harbour Master Magius siezed the ship in the stead of an unpaid bill, and subsequently sold it to Desert Tower. Though her past is somewhat blemished, considering what she was used for during her long spell at the docks, Klejona has recently pulled herself from the gutter and assumed the role as Desert Tower's leadship.

Farside Tower Fleet: Klamath - Much like Klejona, Klamath spent many years at port, discarded by the Lord of Farside Tower (then Lenina). Upon Orion's successful coup of Farside Tower, Klamath has recieved much attention in the way of a new Captain and crew, and has begun serving her Lord and Tower.

Flame Tower Fleet: Belegzor - Not Submitted. Bug Torus to get off his lazy arse and write this up.

Harbour Tower Fleet: Cutter - Not Submitted.

Seaward Tower Fleet: Torath - Flagship of the Seaward Fleet, newest vessel in the Harbour Master's fleet. Magius, then Fleet Master of the Seaward Tower, had the ship built to his specifications and lead it on its maiden voyage, where they nearly sunk the Gondorian Flagship. Now under its new Captain, Lucasto of House Hassad, The Torath stands out as a beacon of Naval Power in Umbar. See log page for more on its exploits(under several captains).

Unaligned/Merchant Ships: Caergoth - The private vessel of Umbar's Harbour Master, Caergoth is a relic of his past career as a merchant. An ship of an older style, Caergoth measures some 30 feet long and 13 across, double masted and a fare sized cabin below the deck.

Antildar - Property of the infamous House Hassad in Umbar, the Antildar was hijacked while it sat moored in the Anduin River. As one of the largest private vessels in Umbar, and its Gondorian craftsmanship, it stands out on the docks like no other. This is also a sister ship of The Alcarondas, archnemesis to all Corsair vessels. See log page for more on its exploits.

Earrame - Another ship of the growing fleet of House Hassad and Caldur. Also once a Gondorian ship, but now it bears the color and marks of the Haradrim and the Umbar House of Hassad.Umbar's Code of Laws

1) Unauthorized beasts of Burden are not allowed in the city. Penalty: Sacrifice of the beast and 100 copper pennies or 1 day's imprisonment.

2) Fighting in the city:

Civilized fights or duels are to be held at the Square of Judgement in a scheduled, public forum.

Weapons training can only take place in one of three places: 1) The Training Center in Upper Umbar. 2) Ar-Pharazon's Isle. 3) Outside the city's outer walls.

Fighting in the city by non-residents: If they survive (subdued) and are captured, use the formula (7-x)*100 copper pennies + x days imprisonment.

Fighting in the city by residents: If they survive (subdued) and are captured, use the formula (5-x)*100 copper pennies + x days imprisonment

Murder of City-residents: If they survive (subdued) and are captured, the penalty is death by the method chosen by the capturing TL/COG/HM (subordinates yield the method to the TL)

Murder of non-residents: If they survive (subdued) and are captured, use the formula (10-x)*100 copper pennies + x days imprisonment. In addition, any fees due to loss of property (ie, a slave or prisoner) may be applied.

3) Travel:

Unapproved travel into enemy territory is not allowed. A TL must approve such travel beforehand, and notify the other TL's of the action. A TL may authorize his/her own travel. Penalty: If a TL's subject is caught in unapproved travel, he/she will be stripped of all armor and weapons, and the TL fined 500 copper pennies.

Approved ambassadors must have their papers in order (signed by as many TL's as possible) and should be accompanied at all times by a guard. Penalty: Loss of Ambassador status.

4) Treason: any TL without question may declare citizens treasonous. Any Tower personal accused of treason must be reported to the respective Lord and may by TL request have a trial. TCs and FMs are entitled to trial by all TLs, unless the TC/FM's Lord has declared the act as treasonous. HM, CG and HP are entitled to trial.

Penalty: Public execution and loss of armor/weapons/money.

5) Visitors:

Non-Haradrim are not allowed into Upper Umbar except upon approval by a TL. Non-Haradrim must be escorted in Upper Umbar at all times, unless given a Writ of Passage signed by at least 3 Tower Lords.

Any other non-Haradrim in the Upper City will be considered spies (same penalty as treason).

Quendi and Gondorians are not allowed in the city at all. Penalty: (see Treason).

6) Exemptions: TL's are exempt from judgement, except by judgement of a TL vote.

7) Raids/War:

Any TL may authorize a raid into enemy territory with the following provisions:

The TL may only use his/her own forces

The TL is accountable for all losses of his/her own forces/property

The TL is accountable for any damage done to other TL's forces/property due to reaction from the enemy

The TL keeps all but one percent of the gains which goes to city funds to support the Harbormaster and Captain of the Guard

The Captain of the Guard must be aware of the raid involving land forces

The Harbormaster must be aware of the raid involving sea forces

Failure to notify the appropriate person before a raid will result in a ten percent share of the gains going to the respective fund.

War may only be declared by a TL council vote

All TLs are responsible for defense and supplying forces for war even if they didn't vote for the war

Profits from the war are divided by percentage of the total forces supplied by each tower

Harbormaster and Captain of the Guard act as Admiral/General for the combined forces

The TLs may collectively overrule the decisions of the HM and CotG but no TL may individually overrule the decision of the commanders

8) Docks: Docking ships at the inappropriate docks will result in a fine of 1 GF/ft of deck length. THE NARAKSHI

An Introduction

The Narakshi are one of many tribal, semi-nomadic peoples of the Haradwaith that have roamed the deserts and plains of Harad since the time of Ar-Pharazon or possibly earlier. They are a clanninsh people, very distrustful of outsiders even including other Haradrim, but particularly towards non-Haradrim and even more so of non-humans. Out in the desert the tribes cherish their freedom and take great pride in being ruled by thier own Chiefs rather than being pressed under the crushing rule of either the Tower Lords of Umbar nor the heavy enslavement of the Eye. The Narakshi have long held a primary Camp on the Harad Road at the Poros Crossing. There they watch the border against incursions of both Gondorians and non-human Mordain and are the northern eyes of Umbar should trouble arrise as Narakshi Riders are reknown and swift horsemen.. the communication link for many tribes.

Description MenNarakshi Women's Garb

The women of the tribe normally prefer deep rich colors in fabrics in contrast to the men's lighter shades. They remain in the shade of the tents most of the long hot days and are out and active at dawn and dusk so have less need to concern themselves with blending into the desert or for heat. Loose robes or gowns are the usual clothing with bare feet. Again, the women are slim, shorter than average and rarely stand over 5'5" tall. They too are dark coppery skinned with black hair and eyes. Color is an important part of a woman's clothing. Bright embroidary, dyed goat or horse hair belts, jewels and finely worked metal jewelry if the woman is wealthy within her tribe. Veils or other head coverings when outside the tents or outside the tribe are commen but it is not tabboo to forsake them. Facial or body tattooing is fashionable for both men and women and is often a mark of beauty. Designs in embroidary, jewelry, and tattooing are often intricate and stylized. The HerdsWeapons & Armour

For the most part, steel is precious and hard to come by for the Narakshi. All men and many women carry long, curved knives worn tucked in thier belts to be used as both weapon and daily tool. This is often the only steel a person might own. Slim wooden hunting lances and bows are most commen hunting implements and only a few of the men can boast to have a scimitar. Although the Narakshi have traditionally been herders they are not without their history in warfar. Using gurrilla tactics from horseback they can be exceptionally devastating fighters and frightening in hand to hand combat with their famous long knives but are primarily ineffectual against an army. They serve better as scouts, message bearers or raiders. Therefor tribesmen do not usually have armour of anykind as it's really impractical in the desert heat. Stealth and speed are instead more important. On a rare occation, ceremonial and decorative armour might be used, made from boiled leather and painted.

Other Haradrim Tribes

Although they are less well known than the Narakshi, there are numerous other tribes both along the coast bordering the sea north and south of Umbar and in the deep desert of Far Harad. Little is known about these tribes as they are many, scattered and mostly small, being little more than Clans compared to the Narakshi. Those along the coast north of Umbar are like the Narakshi, pure blooded, sharp featured people with dark brown skin and medium height. Those south of Umbar tend to me mixed blooded and drifters from that city itself. Those in Far Harad are rumored to be hugely tall and muscular in comparison, black and bare skinned, painted and wear garish amounts of gold and other ornament. These distant and secretive people are loosely termed as being of the 'Black Tribe' and are greatly feared by the other tribes nearer to Umbar and most certainly respected from Legends of old. They and their kin are rarely seen in and around Umbar in recent memory. Instead of horses they long ago tamed the Mumakil of the forests there.

Ranks Within the Tribe

These are the rank structures in the Narakshi tribe in order of highest to lowest down to the tribesmen and women. For more information on who currently holds these positions, please type: +umbar rp_roles_tribes

Chieftain: - This is the IC Leader of the tribe and giver of Law. His word is absolute unless vetoed by a unnaminous vote of the other ranks presant. This position is traditionally held by a man who has risen to take the Leadership with his tribe's support. This will most likely be the OOC leader for the tribe as well so see them if you wish to join, etc.

Outrider Leader - This is the position second in rank to the Chieftain and in the Chief's absence, rules in his place under the same guidlines. This traditional male role sets up and leads the Outriders who are scouts and protectors for the tribe.

HeadWoman - This is a position held by the most respected woman of the tribe and a critical advisor to the Chieftain. In the absence of the Chieftain she may order the tribe with the Outrider Leader. This position is currently being held by a puppet for lack of players.

Shaman - This person, male or female is the tribe's spiritual leader and carries a heavy influence if he or she has the tribe's support. On very rare occurances this position might even outrank the Chieftain if concerning a religious matter and has the backing of the tribe. But absolutely no Shaman may lead the tribe in the Chieftain's place.

Master Herder: - This man (or woman) is the one who oversees the management of the Herds and the resources produced for the tribe. This person should have contacts with those who are the craftspeoples and traders of the tribe as most of the resources are used by them or trade with Umbar for needed goods.

Tribesmen & Tribeswomen: - These are the non-council members of the tribe who have no outstanding ranks in the ordering of the tribe. They are the Shepherds, Outriders, Craftspeoples, Traders, children, etc who comprise the peoples of the Narakshi Tribe. They as a group have a voice in counsil and may influence tribal desicions but individually don't carry much weight. All new members to the tribe will begin here and are encouraged to seek out and place in his or her IC background what IC skills or jobs they wish to hold within the tribe. This is the rank ICly most in the tribe will have and hold unless thier role play and activity are suitable for a higher rank and that rank is open or can be taken in challenge.

Narakshi Positions Available

There are many types of jobs/positions available within the tribes. The following is a listing of some -possible- in character jobs you might hold but by all means you are welcome to come up with others. This is intended only as a guide to give you ideas. Just keep in mind that this is a small desert tribe, a closely knit family where everyone depends on his/her tribemates for survival. A Clan. Everything any character does ICly should benefit his or her tribe in some fashion. There are basically two types of jobs... those one does while in the tribe, for the tribe, and those types of short term jobs one might take on in Umbar or abroad. You will find suggestions for each listed here.

Positions within the tribe are earned one of two ways; One may learn a trade early on in life by apprenticeship or one may climb the social ladder within the tribe and earn jobs of rank. Sometimes these are two may be intertwined. Listed below are some job ideas one would do for one's tribe.

ShepherdTannerBow Maker

Water WitchLance MakerHerbalist


Animal HealerFalconerScout/Tracker


Lore MastersTent MakerMisc Craftsmen

Knife MakerJewelersTattoist

These are some suggested outside jobs that a character might gain on a temporary or long term basis along with one or more of the jobs within the tribe. The jobs within the tribe often do not pay anything but jobs taken outside the tribe are normally for gold or other valuables.



Horse TrainerMerchant/TraderAnimal Healer

Keep in mind that these positions would be obtained through RP in Umbar or abroad with other players and not within the tribe.

Who is Who - Narakshi Tribe

This is a current listing of the regularly ICly active players within the tribe and what they do ICly. The list is maintained in order of oldest active with the Narakshi.

Leuthyn - Chieftain and weapons trainer. Breeder of some of the finest Narakshi horses in the tribe.

Fuxan - Outrider Leader and close confident of the Chieftain. Dabbles in falcons and herb-lore.



The Seaward Tower, once known as Minas Gaerlin, looks down upon Umbar from its place in the north-western quadrant of the City of Corsairs. Built against the outer wall of the city itself, this mighty edifice is perched upon the top of a great escarpment rising up from the sea itself, beneath which the roar of the waves can be heard at all times.

The Tower of Seaward is known for its strong, noble Lords, from Armand Fenmore to Adrazor of the Eldrakhori. During the rule of the current Lord, the Seaward Tower has grown a Fleet the like of which has not been seen in Umbar for decades. The Tower has kept isolated ever since the incidents that followed Lord Khazamr's coup, and few outsiders have seen the Tower Grounds enclosed by the great walls. A stronghold of Corsairs, the Seaward Tower continues to prosper in its own way, often scorned and criticised by the rest of Umbar.

But also envied.

Learn more about this Tower's history in the chronicles of the Seaward Wars.

Learn more about some of the important Personas from Seaward's past.


Before Khazamr the Corsair became the Lord of Seaward, the Tower was ruled by Lord Andrah, a young woman whose politics were very friendly towards the rest of Umbar. She was an exception from the line of rulers such as Lord Daneel, Corsair Lord Adrazor and Regent Pentalion. She did not rule for long, but even in that short time she earned the respect of Seaward.

It is not exactly sure what happened to Lord Andrah. At the time of her disappearance, a Nazgul was seen circling around the parapet of Seaward with a Winged Beast, Then, one night, when Andrah had gone to wander around the Gardens of Seaward with Fleet Master Khazamr, she did not return. The nazgul took her away, but why or where was not to be learned. The Fleet Master could have known, but he would not tell. For a long time, he spoke nothing and did nothing.

A time of confusion followed. The Tower had only recently risen from a total decay left by the rude imprisonment of the leading figures of Seaward after the departure of Lord Adrazor. Now it threatened to come back. People were afraid, started to move away, not willing to submit under the rule of a puppet of the other Lords of Umbar. The time of change had come...

....The Tower Lords

Black Khazamr continues to reign on the throne of the Corsair Lord. The Seaward Tower has grown a fleet of substantial power. The Corsair organisation has changed from a navy-like fleet into a navy of independent, gold-hungry Corsairs. There is great wealth and prosperity in today's Seaward, yet the Tower is almost completely isolated from the rest of Umbar by the Lord's suspicions.

Game note: You can get information on the current Lord by using +tower lord while on ST grounds.

Here we shall share with you the stories of Seaward's rulers...

Khazamr 3017 to present. The current Lord of Seaward originally rose into power through a coup, but soon proved himself to be a vicious and strong Corsair Lord. Today, he is a feared legend in the land of Gondor.

Andra'kel an'Selar 3016 to 3017, After serving as Regent for a year and a day, Andrah was elected Lord of Seaward Tower. The summer after her ascension she suddenly disappeared, leaving the throne empty once again.

Helluin "Pentalion" Elrakhor 3015 to 3016, former Regent, Adrazor's Steward, his politics made him extremely unpopular. After news of a disastrous order became public, he was charged with treason and placed under house arrest in Seaward Tower. During his imprisonment he was spirited out of the Tower and murdered.

Lucasto ben-Jabar ben-Hassad al-Sayf 3013 to 3015, Last Lord of Seaward Tower, took the reign name Adrazor. He stepped down, disappearing from the city with his wife, lady Gaelle.

Daneel 3009 to 3012, Once High Priest of the Dark Religion, Lord Daneel took the mantle of Lord of Seaward until he disappeared into the desert after the Lord of Flame, Namir, along with his Lieutenant Even. Captain Morrahd was left to govern in his place.

Armand Fenmore 2995 to 3003, Captured by Rohan during the Gondorian occupation of Umbar, believed killed there by Theoden. Later showed up in the south, proclaiming himself the new Emperor.

LeVaath before 2995 to 2995, Disappeared silently. Gondor suspected.

Learn more about some of the other important Personas from Seaward's past.

....Black Khazamr

The Lord of Seaward bears many feared names. He is Black Khazamr, the Dread Captain, Lord of the Corsairs. By many fearless Raids, many killed men and burnt homes, he has earned himself a feared and respected reputation all across the Seas.

Little is known of the life of the man named Khazamr before his arrival at the City of Umbar. In his early days, Khazamr was known as a young, loyal and humble Corasir among his crewmates. The young warrior proved great potential during his early years as he served the famous Captains Magius and Lucasto. Steadily, the young man climbed up the ranks of Corsairs in the crew of the mighty Torath.

After the Seaward Tower was left without a Lord by the sudden disappearance of Lady Andrah, Khazamr the Corsair rose to power by seizing the Tower with force and executing those who opposed. Only some months later, after getting terribly wounded by the now deceased Lord of Desert, Suldarthen, his mind bent more and more into the way of bitter and aggression. From that day, he has born his famous and terrible jet black Iron Mask, never revealing his face -or, it is rumoured, what remains of it- again.

Lord Khazamr proved his worth as a Corsair Lord sooner than many had expected. Commencing immediate renovations in the Corsair organisation of the Seaward Tower, the Lord's near-fanatic waging of naval war against Gondor made Seaward soon strong and rich again. The Tower Gates were closed from the rest of Umbar by the command of the Lord, and this policy of isolation was used to promote more vigorous and enthusiastic concentration on the Lord's primary intention - Corsair warfare.

The Lord of Seaward soon reached a name of fear in the land of Gondor. He became Black Khazamr, the Dread Captain of Umbar, Lord of the Corsairs. His career is unlike any other in the near history of Umbar, as he has known to have struck Gondorian merchantmen, warships, coastal towns and major cities more than fifteen times during his six-year regime.

And the tale of the Corsair Lord is far from its end, for Black Khazamr continues to rule with his iron fist and determination, bowing little before non-Seawarders but earning their respect with his deeds of valour and glory. ....Past Lady, Andrah

Andra'kel an'Selar was born around 2996 TA to a Naraskshi horse breeder. She was the third daughter of seven children, and appeared doomed to follow in her mother's footsteps; to simply marry and become a mother herself. Discontent with this sort of a future, Andrah took it upon herself to shape her own destiny. Disguising herself as a boy, Andrah stole a horse and departed her family's tents forever.

After her arrival in Umbar, Andrah signed on as a cabin boy aboard the Klamath, shortly bound for Lond Daer. It was on that near-tragic voyage that Andrah made the first of many friendships, and the most enduring. The Priestess, Naiara, first took Andrah under her wing, but it was to Lord Lucasto that Andrah swore her devotion and service in the Seaguard, upon their return to Umbar. Her service under Lucasto, who came to be known as Lord Adrazor, swiftly resulted in her promotion to Corporal.

Only once did Andrah stray from her oath to Seaward, and that was during the war with Gondor. The current Regent, Pentalion, forbade Seaward's participation, which she felt was imperative, and so (now a Lieutenant) she resigned her post and joined the campaign as a mercenary. Severly injured in the war, she returned with the armies to Umbar, but not to Seaward Tower.

At the next Council of Lords, Andrah and the Seaward Tower Captain, Khazamr, attended hoping to be able to speak and plead their case against Pentalion. In a surprising move by Lord Suldarthen, Andrah was nominated for Tower Lord, and the motion was backed by Lord Torus. However, this nomination was voted down due to Andrah's youth and lack of experience, but she was named Regent in Pentalion's place, with the next vote for Seaward's Tower Lord to be put off for a year and a day. Despite some difficulties, when her probationary period ended, Andrah was voted in as Lord of Seaward Tower.

The summer after gaining the throne, Andrah's repeated defiance towards the minions of Sauron led to her downfall. She disappeared one night, allegedly taken back to Mordor by the Wraith-Lord Indur. What punishments she'll suffer may never be known.

For more about Andrah, visit her page at Former Regent

Helluin Elrakhor was born in TA 2951, one of several children, into one of the noble Numenorean houses of Umbar. He grew up in a military house, hearing the tales of his ancestors, the "Masters of the Foam" that were the eponymous lords of his line. Apprenticed from youth to Sea-Captains, he began as a cabin-boy at age thirteen and moved up the ranks to be Mate of the _Remmirath_ by 2975.

Under Captain Sothud on the three-masted palanrist, Helluin earned a savage reputation among the men, and a nickname as well: "Pentalion", from the Sindarin "Penna Thalion"--'downward-slanting-strength', for his habit of swinging brashly onto the decks of enemy ships from stray lines in his own vessel's rigging.

After several years, he was given command of his own ship, the _Drachaer_, a smaller vessel but nonetheless glorious, and sought the hand of the Lady Adrabeth, a relative of the House Hassad, even though she was also Numenorean by birth. Beautiful and terrible in her youth, Adrabeth nevertheless was pleased by the choice of Pentalion, as he was now most oft called, as her husband, and before theyear was out she was with child. In her career, the clipper _Drachaer_ served mostly raiding and rearguard duties, keeping the seas free of pirates other than those who flew Umbar's colors, and most notably in 3004 captured a Gondorian party on a "trading mission"--suspected to be spies of Dol Amroth. One Eridanus, anemissary of Dol Amroth, was brought to Umbar and executed at the Dark Citadel. However, Pentalion was troubled by this, and began moving away from duties that would require the destruction of the Amrothians. For he, like all his line, had studied the histories and knew that the Ernili of Amroth's line were as pure in the Blood as those of Numenor.

Fathering four children, two young men and two women, Pentalion nevertheless spent most of his time at sea, leaving them to the cares of his wife. At age thirteen, his youngest, in 2997, signed on with the _Drachaer_, but was lost in a battle--something for which his wife never forgave. The other son and daughter disparaged the ways of the past and left the confines of Umbar for the deserts beyond, leaving only his eldest daughter Elenazil to take up position as the next curator of the family's history and lineage.

In 3008, Pentalion's vessel was destroyed in the Gondorian attack on Umbar, and he was forced into retirement by the then-lord of Seaward, Daneel. Taking up the bottle rather than returning to his now-shrewish wife, Pentalion spent several years in the gutters of Umbar, nurturing his always strong predilection for drink. Finally, with the ascension of Lucasto Adrazor, the new Lord of Seaward, Pentalion was given a place as Chamberlain and then, upon Adrazor's own retirement to Caldur, the Regency of the Tower.

....Past Lord, Adrazor

Born Lucasto ben-Jabar ben-Hassad al-Sayf, Adrazor the Young is the younger cousin of Dubhglas the Infamous and a member of the Corsair House Hassad. His father, Jabar, was not so fortunate as the current head of the House, Garad; Jabar died a true hero's death in the Gondorian siege of Umbar some eight years ago, defending his ship from the sailors of Dol Amroth, who sought to (and eventually did) burn her. A traditionalist, Jabar named his only son for Castamaite, the grandson of Castamir who slew the Gondorian King in 1634. His mother Adrabeth of the Eldrakhori, meanwhile, named the boy Adrazor... a name he would not go by until much later in life.

With such a lineage and namesake to live up to, Lucasto fully bought into House Hassad's doctrines of honour and duty; to Umbar and his House first and foremost, to the Corsair tradition which they represent, and to his Lord. A Corsair in the service of Seaward Tower since he was old enough to sail, he was already an experienced seaman as he approached the prime years of his life.

Serving as an officer on several smaller ships over the first few years of his Corsair life, Lucasto was eventually chosen to Captain the Torath, Seaward Tower's leadship, by the Harbour Master Magius himself. As Magius' hand-picked successor, the youngest lead Captain in the fleet led his ship upon a series of daring raids. These included the burning of Edhellond's ancient elven library and a bold dawn attack on Pelargir, and culminated in the kidnapping of Prince Amrothos of Dol Amroth upon his return from the first Lond Daer expedition.

Named a Lord of Umbar following the hit-and-run triumph in Pelargir, Lucasto set about ordering Seaward Tower after his own tastes. With the aid of his friend and fellow Corsair Daerith the Dreadblade, whom he swiftly promoted to Commander of his new marine force, the Seaguard, Lucasto built a Tower based on loyalty between Lord and liegemen--rare indeed in this modern-day Umbar. It was soon following the return from Dol Amroth that he assumed the name Adrazor, given him by his mother in the Adunaic tongue, and took his place among the Black Numenorean leaders of Umbar.

...Past Lord, Armand

Armand Fenmore was born in the year 2975 with the name Malenkir (Cut of Gold) to father Nicanor and mother Yalina. Nicanor, Lord of Farside Tower had ruled for nearly 45 years at the time of his second sons birth. His older son Talan had been sent out as a mercenary, to return and take his place as Captain of the Tower. Malenkir was sent to Caldur to study under a mastersmith and learn the trade of weaponsmithing. Under the tutelage of Master Falin, Armand learned many arts, but lacked the lessons due his ancestry of the Numenoreans. Master Falin was unable to provide this and sent for Master Armand, khazad weaponsmith from Emyn-Engrin (residing in Umbar as the proprietor of Dulimers Forge) to continue his education and provide lessons in several dwarven techniques.

When Armand was only about 17 years old, Lady Rachael infiltrated Farside Tower, driving the Fenmore family out and killing Nicanor and Yalina. The few people that knew of Malenkirs and Talans existence fled the Tower, sending warnings to Master Falin. Malenkir took the name Armand in his new Masters honor. Talan was never heard from in all the years away and assumed dead. Malenkir, now Armand moved to the city to take the place of his dwarven master who left in search of rumors of a dwarven ring.

Establishing himself firmly as the new proprietor of Dulimers and Mastersmith quality, he grew a reputation for himself, though none knew of his past except that he came from Caldur. Developing in his mind were plans to kill Lady Rachael and claim the Tower once more for his family. Unfortunately for Armand, the Lady Rachael proved a most beautiful and intriguing woman. She eventually asked him to become her own Tower Captain, fighting by her side and securing Farsides strength. Still seeking revenge and finding a perfect opportunity, he accepted. However, as the years passed, he truly fell in love with the Lady.

Lord LeVaath of Seaward Tower disappeared in the year 2995, leaving the Tower free for conquest by any wishing to take charge of its soldiers and lead them. Armand sought and won his Ladys approval of his desires. He walked into Seaward, killed all that got in his path and ended with a single officer left who accepted Armands worth as a Lord after his display. The officer, Enelgar, helped Armand establish the troops as his own, securing the Tower as Armands. The Tower Council, little surprised by the arrogance displayed by the former Tower Captain of Lady Rachaels (arrogant in her own right), approved Armand as the new Lord of Seaward.

Lord Armand ruled the tower for several years following the hostile takeover. Pledging his love to Lady Rachael, they were engaged, but never wed. Armands brother Talan reappeared in the city sometime in the years that passed, eventually revealing himself as the High Priest of the Dark Religion. Armands own dedication to the faith strengthened considerably with the new discovery. It was this event which unfortunately lead to the end of Armands reign in Seaward Tower in 3003.

It was a well planned and highly important sacrifice to be performed in front of the Mouth of Sauron himself. Armand prepared and performed the ceremony well. Success and power were soon hoped for him. However, it was soon after the ceremony that an invasion of forces combined of many enemies collaborating to free the victim, too late however. In the battle, Armand was taken captive as was Lord Lukthil of Black Tower and Armands brother, the High Priest Talan.

Imprisoned in an Imladris jail awaiting trial, they were fought for and won by the Rohirrim for crimes against their own lands and people. On the journey moving to Rohan, the Haradrim attacked and freed Lord Lukthil and Talan, but Armand was unfortunately assumed dead, beheaded by the King himself. This is where the story of Lord Armand ends for the Haradrim in Umbar.

The story continues Lord Armand, devout worshipper of the Eye, had sought the power to save his own life, finding what was his best chance. During the battle, Armand switched places with another Haradrim, using the confusion to escape himself. The Haradrim still in custody and assumed to be Armand was beheaded on the spot. Armand made his way to the south, skipping Umbar completely and working into the ranks of the Empire in the south.

Eventually, Armand worked his way into the position of Advisor of the Emperor. Building his own loyalties amongst the guards, Armand guided the Emperor to make decisions which in 3013 enraged many of the Empires tribes. Taking advantage of the new anger, Armand killed the Emperor and claimed the title for himself. So began the tribal wars



This is a list of some important people seen in the past of the Tower of Seaward. They are mainly those whose deeds still affect us here in Seaward today.

Adrazor - The Lord of Seaward before Lord Andrah. Also known as Captain Lucasto, Adrazor was one of the greatest Corsairs the world ever knew. A feared man of House Hassad, a strong ruler, this man was feared by the other Lords of Umbar, and his charm ensured him the absolute trust of the Seaward personnel. After ruling his own time, he decided to retire to Caldur with his wife, Gaelle. Despite his resignation, Adrazor is remembered in Seaward as a Lord of Power and charisma, and his dream still lives on in the new ruler.

Daerith - The Champion of Adrazor. Daerith the Dreadblade served Lord Adrazor as his Tower Captain. He has recently returned to Umbar, rousing both cheers and anger. Pentalion - Regent Pentalion, named by Lord Adrazor upon his departure, leaving the Tower under Pentalion's regency until Daerith would claim the throne. Daerith disappeared with his Lord, leaving Pentalion into power. Pentalion almost became a Lord, but was later imprisoned and accused of treachery because of reluctancy to coordinate the troops with the Lords at war against Gondor. He was imprisoned along with the Tower Captain Khazamr. Unlike Khazamr, Pentalion did not survive the imprisonment but was assassinated by a mysterious assassin named 'Red Hand'.

Andrah - The previous Lord of Seaward. Andrah was but a Tower Lieutenant when she returned from the war in Gondor. Since Khazamr and Pentalion were both accused of treachery, she remained the highest officer on duty. Andrah was made the new Regent of Seaward and later, when she had created amiable relations to the Lords of Umbar, she declared herself a Lord. Her regime ended suddenly one night, when a Nazgul of Mordor took her away as a punishment for her crime against the Dark Religion.

Arali - The former Tower Captain of Lord Khazamr. She was made a Tower Captain during the Gondorian invasion. She served Lord Khazamr with loyalty, but for an unknown reason, she lately resigned from her post. Arali presently serves as the Tower Lieutenant of the Flame Tower. ....SeaguardThe Army and Navy

The two military branches have been separated in Seaward again because of an evolution that occurred during the construction of the new Fleet. The branches are not combined in one versatile Seaguard anymore.

Similarly, all battles are being divided into two categories: At sea and on land. The general outline is that if the Corsairs of Seaward will be taken into a land battle, all the land officers are considered to be higher than their naval equivalent. On the other hand, if the Raiders carry soldiers for support, or for some other reason the Seaward soldiers are involved in Corsair activity, the seaside officers become more important.

Generally, if an operation is in such a big scale that a combined sea-land assault or defence is used, the Lord himself is almost always present to lead the battle. In such cases, though, land officers are considered to be more important than the naval officers, due to the simple fact that the targets are located on land.

The Tower of Seaward is a true Corsair Tower. Therefore, the Umbar Constitution is at a conflict against the Tower's interest in lifting the Fleet Master above the Tower Captain when it comes to political and legal rights and position, as well as the inheritage of Lordship. While officially the post of a Tower Captain is still held higher, it is true that within the Seaward Tower, the Fleet Master is the true second-in-power.

(Click on a position for a more detailed description, and to see who holds it. For simplicity's sake, all positions are referred to as 'he' though there's no prohibition against a female holding any of these positions.)

Tower Captain

Fleet Master |



Ship Captains |



First Mates |



Boatswains |



CorsairsSee Corsairs for additional information.

Game note: You can get a list of ST personnel by using +towerwho while on ST grounds. Tower Captain: (OPEN)

The Captain runs the military structure of the Tower. Per the lead or instruction of the Tower Lord, the Captain organizes and executes all military actions of the Tower army. In addition, the Captain serves as the liason between the troops and the Lord. The Captain acts as the highest level of law enforcement over the Tower forces but may be overruled by the Tower Lord. All grievances, and anything else that a soldier or officer thinks the TL should be informed on, are brought to the Captain. The Captain also functions as the chief judicial officer for military personnel, often serving as an advisor on all tower affairs.

Lieutenant: (OPEN)

The Lieutenant is the second in command to the Tower Captain, overseeing more of the day-to-day tasks and training of the Seaguard. The Lieutenant is sometimes in charge of diplomatic missions (not necessarily being a diplomat in the mission). He also helps coordinate between the army and the navy.

seargent: (OPEN)

The Seargent is in charge of the weapons and weapons training. It's his (or her) responsibility to keep a sharp inventory of Seaward's arms. Nothing leaves the armoury without his knowledge.

Corporal: Ramadil, Corporal of the City Guard of Seaward.

The Corporal's duties include maintaining an up-to-date roster of the Seaguard, making sure that new recruits are properly oriented- showing them where they, eat, sleep, and bathe, explaining when they get paid, about leave, etc.

The Seaguard: (See also Corsairs) (OPEN)

The Seaguard, as Seaward's main land force is known, is the body of the military. They are highly trained men and women, equally skilled in land and sea combat.

Tower Fleet Master: At the moment, there is no Fleet Master of Seaward, but Daerith Dreadblade is the Marine Commander

The Fleet Master is the highest naval officer in the Tower. He runs the Seaward Navy, and oversees the disposition of its ships, men and equipment. He has the right to lead any naval offensive, but can hand off to a Captain (no one below a Captain may lead an offensive). All hirings, terminations and transfers should be authorised by him, although he often delegates this to his Ship Captains. The Fleet Master acts as the highest level of law enforcement over the Tower's naval forces but may be overruled by the Tower Lord. He also is in charge of all disciplinary actions to be taken.

Ship Captains: Khazamr, of the Raider Torath, Harbour Master Vrael, of the Suleiman

Each Captain has full command of his or her ship, and has final say over all actions taken aboard it when at sea, unless the Fleet Master or Tower Lord is aboard. At harbour in Umbar, he is answerable to each of them. He is expected to maintain discipline and efficiency within his crew. He also oversees new personnel, and either hires/terminates or presents them to the Fleet Master, at the preference of his superior.

First Mates: Thera, of the Raider Suleiman.

The First Mate is the right hand of his Captain. He often is the one in charge of dispensing discipline and maintaining order. He is also in charge of keeping crew morale high, and staving off any possibility of mutiny. He has the right to lead a boarding action, if the Captain does not request it.

Boatswains: (OPEN)

The Boatswain is in charge of keeping the ship running efficiently, and making sure it has been provisioned properly. He also oversees the disposition of all booty taken, the inventorying of it and the safe return of it to harbour.

Corsairs of the Torath: Daerith, Korbel

Corsairs of the Suleiman: Matrim, Thera

Corsairs make up the fighting force of the ship. Even mercantile ships owned by the Tower have a force of at least half a dozen, to help protect its goods. The warships can have upwards of fifty men to skirmish and take merchant ships, or fight against another ship of the line.


Tthe key to a military triumph over Gondor are the Corsairs. They used to be the true spirit of Umbar. "Corsairs" is the name the Haradim are known with in Gondor and lands beyond, and it is unfortunate that the men and women of Seaward are the last of the true Corsairs of Umbar. With pride they serve, and now that the great Fleet of Seaward has been rebuilt, there is again hope in the horizon - hope of making all the lands up North to kneel before the power of the azur blue of Seaward. No dress codes or strict, disciplined trainings are needed to keep the loyalty of Seaward Corsairs. A Corsair of Seaward is a Corsair at heart, and that means that he will serve his Tower and Home with all that he can.

There are two kinds of Corsairs; the aligned Corsairs and the unaligned ones. The difference at sea is little, but on land, the two are easily distinguished.

When a person joins the Navy of Seaward as an aligned Corsair, he will swear loyalty to the Tower of Seaward and to the Captain of his ship, and after this he will be christened in a ceremonial drinking party. Being aligned means that the Corsair is one with the Tower of Seaward; he will follow the Tower's will on land, serve the Tower and its Lord the best he can, and never betray another Seawarder. In return, the might of Seaward is on his side, offering protection against the opportunism and anarchy within Umbar... Not to mention the equipment and money granted to them by the Tower Lord over the time.

The unaligned Corsairs are pirates and sailors hired for single expeditions. Once they join a crew for an expedition, they oblige themselves to follow the Captain of the ship with utmost obedience. In return, they are offered an equal status with an aligned Corsair of Seaward. The pay will be the same, the discipline will be the same, and the workload will be exactly the same. The contract of an unaligned Corsair is based on trust that lies on one's honour; the Captains do trust their unaligned Corsairs as if they were true Seawarders, no matter what the relationship is between the Corsair's Tower and Seaward. The Corsairs of Seaward raid for their own people and the glory of Seaward and Umbar; any pure-hearted men are free to join them on their quest for glory and fortune.

See Corsair Pay for details on Corsair salaries.


These are the people who make up Seaward Tower and keep it running. We are always looking for men and women to fill positions within the Tower. If you're interested in becoming part of Seaward Tower, please +mail one of the people below. (Click on a position for a more detailed description, and to see who holds it. For simplicity's sake, most of the positions are referred to as 'he' though there's no prohibition against a female holding any of these positions.)

Tower Lord |


| |

Steward Lord's Advisor | |

Mistress/ Lawspeaker - Lorekeeper Master of Keys |

| Scholars &

---------------------------------- Students / | \ \------|

Gardeners Household Head Groom Pages &

Servants | Messengers Stable HandsSee Salaries for details on how to earn your keep.

Game note: You can get a list of ST personnel by using +towerwho while on ST grounds.


These are the people who make up Seaward Tower and keep it running. We are always looking for men and women to fill positions within the Tower. If you're interested in becoming part of Seaward Tower, please +mail one of the people below. (Click on a position for a more detailed description, and to see who holds it. For simplicity's sake, most of the positions are referred to as 'he' though there's no prohibition against a female holding any of these positions.)

Tower Lord |


| |

Steward Lord's Advisor | |

Mistress/ Lawspeaker - Lorekeeper Master of Keys |

| Scholars &

---------------------------------- Students / | \ \------|

Gardeners Household Head Groom Pages &

Servants | Messengers Stable HandsSee Salaries for details on how to earn your keep.

Game note: You can get a list of ST personnel by using +towerwho while on ST grounds.

Steward: (OPEN)

The Steward is the Second in Command of all of Seaward, acting as the head of the Tower when the Lord is away, overseeing political interactions, the running of the household inside and out, and to a minor degree, the Seaguard. In addition, the Steward serves as the liason between the non-military personnel and the Lord, and performs any additional duties the Lord sees fit to assign.

Lord's Advisor: (OPEN)

He is the only member of the Seaward household personnel who does not answer to the Steward, unless the TL is away. He acts strictly as an advisor and isn't really part of the chain of command, though the Lorekeeper and any scholars or students within the Tower fall under the Advisor's jurisdiction.

Mistress/Master of Keys: (OPEN)

This person is responsible for the day to day running of the Tower. The Master of Keys oversees all of the indoor and outdoor staff, including all servants, pages, gardeners, and grooms. All grievances, and anything else that a servant thinks the TL should be informed on, are brought to the MOK.

Lawspeaker: (OPEN)

The highest authority when it comes to laws and cultural customs in politics, policies and activities. The Lawspeaker is an advisor and informant, and even though answers to the Lord's Advisor, his particular role is to provide the Lord himself with aid and interpretation of the complex laws and manners of Umbar.

Lorekeeper: (OPEN)

The chief archivist of the tower, in charge of the history of the Tower, as well as keeping the genealogies of the Lords. It is the Lorekeeper's duty to be able to identify by heraldic signs the other houses, and know something of their ancestries as well. The Lorekeeper only answers to the Lord's Advisor or to the TL. Often, students and scholars will study under her tutelage.

Scholars & Students: (OPEN)

These are youths of Umbar who have chosen to align themselves with Seaward while pursuing their studies. They may occasionally be called upon to do services such as research by the Lorekeeper, Lord's Advisor, or Steward. Or perhaps, even by the Lord.

Head Groom: (OPEN)

He is in charge of the stables, ensuring that the horses are well cared for, groomed, fed, doctored, and ready to go when needed. The Head Groom answers to the Master of Keys.

Stable Hands: (OPEN)

These are the people actively caring for the horses, cleaning out the stables, and feeding the animals. The stable hands answer first to the Head Groom, but also to the MOK.

Gardeners: (OPEN)

Quite simply, the gardeners maintain the grounds, planting, pruning, sweeping, and raking year round. These people answer directly to the Master of Keys.

Household Servants: (OPEN)

Everyone from maids to butlers to cooks. These people answer directly to the Master of Keys.

Pages & Messengers: (OPEN)

These are usually the youngest working members of the Seaward household, charged with such errands as shopping for the cooks or delivering messages. These servants equally answer