the comparison essay in world history

The Comparison Essay in World History Writing Workshop #1 Sit next to someone with whom you can cooperate ! Step 1: Read the question Compare the current political structures and cultural practices of West and East Athens.

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The Comparison Essay in World History. Sit next to someone with whom you can cooperate !. Writing Workshop #1. Step 1: Read the question Compare the current political structures and cultural practices of West and East Athens. Step 2: Underline/Circle/Square key words. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Comparison Essay in World History

The Comparison Essay in World History

Writing Workshop #1

Sit next to someone with whom you can


Step 1: Read the questionCompare the current political structures and cultural

practices of West and East Athens.

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Compare the current political structures and cultural practices of West and East Athens.

Compare: Identify similarities and differences of two situations, societies, global processes, or causes and effects.

What is the time period?

What types of similarities and differences should you address?

What is the location?

Step 2: Underline/Circle/Square key words

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Step 3: Pre-write “Compare the current political structures

and cultural practices of West and East Athens.”

West East

5 Pieces of Evidence

2 - 3 Pieces of Evidence Each

Hint: Make sure to address both political structures and cultural practices

when addressing similarities and differences!

How do I know if it’s evidence?

Can you see or feel it?Does it support your claim?Does is relate to the question?

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• Address the location, global issues, similarities, differences, and the time period specified in the question

• Must be located in the introductory paragraph

• Cannot be split in one paragraph or between paragraphs

• Can appear as one sentence or multiple sentences

Step 4: Write a Thesis Statement

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In partners, analyze comparison stems.

Write an “S” next to stems that indicate a


Write a “D” next to stems that indicate a


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In groups of 3 or 4, write a thesis statement that addresses the question.

Compare the current political structures and

cultural practices of West and East Athens.

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A Good Thesis Example:

• While currently the West and East sides of Athens, Georgia have different government offices and places of worship, both hold membership in predominantly Christian churches and tend to vote along Democratic Party lines.

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Both West and East Athens consist mostly of Christian houses of worship (direct comparison) because a majority of the population in the city practice Christianity and thus seek churches to fulfill their spiritual needs (analysis). Approximately 36,000 citizens of the entire community hold membership in a Christian church (evidence). Among the denominations represented on both sides of the city are Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Southern Baptist, and Presbyterian churches (lots of evidence). While most counties in the state of Georgia voted for Republican candidates in the 2008 presidential and 2010 gubernatorial elections, the majority of voters from both the East and West sides of Athens voted for the Democratic candidates (direct comparison). At least 41% percent of Athenians have a bachelor’s degree or higher (evidence) in comparison to 27% across the state. Since a majority of voters with a college degree tend to align with the Democratic Party, this trend provides one reason voters in Athens most likely fall on the liberal political spectrum (analysis).

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While the East and West sides of Athens both share a similar youthful student culture and liberal political ideals, both sides both present their own unique approach to shopping and

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It’s Essay Time

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• Thesis paragraph – Explains what you’re going to prove

• Similarity Paragraph – 5 pieces of evidence

• Difference Paragraph– 5 pieces of evidence

• Conclusion (provide more historical context and/or more analysis)– Explains how you proved your thesis

Symmetry: Include equal amounts of evidence for each global issues and region

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Historical Essay Writing:Expository essays are usually not written in first or second personYou are not an expert yetDo not use “I”, “our”, or “you”

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Step 5: Read the Question AGAINIn partners, read the question and analyze it.

Compare the current political structures and cultural practices of West and East Athens.

Task: What is the descriptive question word/phrase?Goal: What are you supposed to do with the task?Time: What is the time period?Place: Where are the places located?

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What is analysis?

• Silently read the essay “What is Analysis?” by Sharon Cohen

Think/Pair/Share: What do you think analysis means?

Step 6: Write your thesis paragraph

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Make a direct comparison between the two societies

Analyze a reason for the direct comparison oWhy does this similarity or difference exist?

Provide at least 5 pieces of evidence to support the similarity or difference

Step 7: Write your body paragraphs

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Step 8: Write your conclusion

How can you relate the comparisons to the larger global context?

What are some other direct comparison you can make?


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In partners, write a direct comparison and analyze it.

Compare the current political structures and

cultural practices of West and East Athens.

What are examples of strong analysis


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Step 9: Read the question and your essay one more time

Step 10: Review the RUBRICDid you include a thesis, 2 direct comparisons with an analysis of each, 10 pieces of evidence?Did you attempt the “expanded core” part of the rubric?

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