the · c h r i s t...

C HRIST C HURCH C ATHEDRAL M OBILE , A LABAMA February 2013 Volume 12, Number 2 THE MESSENGER Outside my office window I can see the concession trailers advertising funnel cakes, jumbo corn dogs and all the other Mardi Gras parade food groups. The barricades are staged, parade route parking signs are in place as we prepare ourselves for Mardi Gras 2013 here on Parade Route A. Thousands of people will make their way down Church Street during the Mardi Gras season making as much noise as possible. Then midmonth the season will change. Overnight the food stands will disappear, streets will get a thorough cleaning, and the silence of Ash Wednesday, February 13, 2013 will be upon us. The quiet of that day is noticeable against the fading sounds of the preceding parades. As God’s people, we are to be attuned to the overlay of church seasons. We move from a season of mission and joyous celebration into a time of spiritual growth and examination during Lent. Enjoy the month of February with its contrasts in our spiritual journey. We give thanks to God for the richness of our life together here at Christ Church Cathedral, along Parade Route A. Faithfully, The Very Reverend Johnny W. Cook, Dean Dear Cathedral Family, ASH WEDNESDAYFEBRUARY 13 HOLY EUCHARIST, RITE II AND IMPOSITION OF ASHES 12:00 p.m. The Right Reverend Philip M. Duncan, II, Officiant in the Church The Reverend Canon Beverly F. Gibson, Preacher 5:30 p.m. The Very Reverend Johnny W. Cook, Officiant in the Church The Reverend Canon Beverly F. Gibson, Preacher ERD SUNDAY FEBRUARY 17 The first Sunday in Lent is the day officially designated to encourage all Episcopalians to remember and support Episcopal Relief & Development's (ERD) life-saving mission. We have red ERD envelopes available for you or your children to use for a Lenten offering. We will celebrate ERD Sunday on February 17.

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Page 1: THE · C H R I S T C H U R C H C A T H E D R A L M O B I L E, A L A B A M A February 2013 Volume 12,

C H R I S T C H U R C H C A T H E D R A L M O B I L E , A L A B A M A

February 2013

Volume 12, Number 2 THE MESSENGER

Outside my office window I

can see the concession trailers

advertising funnel cakes, jumbo

corn dogs and all the other Mardi

Gras parade food groups. The

barricades are staged, parade

route parking signs are in place

as we prepare ourselves for

Mardi Gras 2013 here on Parade

Route A.

Thousands of people will

make their way down Church

Street during the Mardi Gras

season making as much noise as

possible. Then midmonth the

season will change. Overnight

the food stands will disappear,

streets will get a thorough

cleaning, and the silence of Ash

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

will be upon us.

The quiet of that day is

noticeable against the fading

sounds of the preceding parades.

As God’s people, we are to be

attuned to the overlay of church

seasons. We move from a season

of mission and joyous celebration

into a time of spiritual growth

and examination during Lent.

Enjoy the month of February

with its contrasts in our spiritual

journey. We give thanks to God

for the richness of our life

together here at Christ Church

Cathedral, along Parade Route A.


The Very Reverend

Johnny W. Cook, Dean

Dear Cathed ral Family,



12:00 p.m. The Right Reverend Philip M. Duncan, II, Officiant in the Church The Reverend Canon Beverly F. Gibson, Preacher

5:30 p.m. The Very Reverend Johnny W. Cook, Officiant in the Church The Reverend Canon Beverly F. Gibson, Preacher


The first Sunday in Lent is the day

officially designated to encourage all

Episcopalians to remember and

support Episcopal Relief &

Development's (ERD) life-saving

mission. We have red ERD

envelopes available for you or your

children to use for a Lenten offering.

We will celebrate ERD Sunday on

February 17.

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A Message Fro m The Sub - Dean

Dear Cathedral Family,

"Pastoral Care" is one of those

terms we use in the church without

thinking very concretely about what

it means. And it may mean

something slightly different for each

of us. For many of us, pastoral care

means food: taking a meal to the

family of someone in the hospital, or

making sure that a bereaved family

is fed, or bringing something tasty to

someone recuperating from an

illness. Food is indeed one of the

primary ways we express our love

and care for each other. For some of

us, pastoral care means visiting:

going to see someone in the hospital,

or dropping by the home of an older

person often unable to travel to

church, or viewing a new baby in the

community. To be physically present

with each other—holding a hand,

saying a prayer together, giving a

hug—is a powerful expression of

our life together in the Body of

Christ. For some of us, pastoral care

means keeping in touch: sending

birthday cards; or writing a note of

congratulations, thanks, or

condolence; or making a phone call

to someone who has been away from

church due to illness or infirmity.

Expressing our concern and our

good wishes and reminding others of

our prayers for them is central to the

expression of our faith and reminds

us that we are always connected to

each other. For some of us pastoral

care is helping: doing something

such as driving someone to a

doctor's appointment or home from a

medical procedure, or helping

someone who is homebound with

errands or shopping. Doing things to

help each other reminds us that we

are the hands of Christ working for

his Kingdom here in this world.

To be a "pastor," if we follow the

Latin root of the word, means to be a

"herdsman" or a "shepherd,"

someone who attends to and cares

for the flock. Priests and deacons

(and even sometimes bishops) do

this work in the church according to

their orders. But in a larger sense,

pastoral care is the work of the

church, in the name of Christ, and

we ALL share in that work.

The Christ Church Cathedral

family is a loving community, with a

history of taking good care of each

other and of those whose needs are

known to us. As we grow in

numbers, and as our society becomes

more mobile and able to connect in

diverse ways, we are called to

imagine new ways to extend

"pastoral care" to one another. Our

meeting during the Adult Forum

time on January 13 was a beginning

for re-imagining pastoral care in the

Cathedral family. We will meet

again on February 24 to carry our

conversation further. Please be

prayerful about these new steps

forward in pastoral care, and come

share your ideas.


The Reverend Canon

Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Sub-Dean



Leslie Patrick Ladd Senior Warden

John Stephenson McClelland Junior Warden

William Kennon Drew Treasurer

Harwell Ellis Coale, Jr. Chancellor

Ronald A. Snider Clerk

Class of 2013

Leslie P. Ladd

Gerry M. Phillips

Leigh J. Rendfrey

William E. Skinner

Ronald A. Snider

Class of 2014

Robert D. Forster

Tray W. Hamil

Ann H. Luce

John S. McClelland, Jr.

Elissa E. Watkins

Wythe L. Whiting

Class of 2015

John D. Davidson

Mary Esther T. Elliott

Banks C. Ladd

Alison S. Mitchell

Lucy F. Moore

Henry R. Seawell IV

Chapter Members

The Rev. Ken Cumbie St. Luke’s, Mobile

Magoo Hamilton St. Thomas’, Greenville

Mendy Henderson, St. Agatha’s, deFuniak Springs

Joy Tway St. Andrew’s, Destin

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C4 Church Dates

Sundays during 10:00 a.m. service C4 Rehearsal Schedule

Wednesdays 4:30-5:15 p.m.

February 13—No Rehearsal

April 3—No Rehearsal

May 8—Final Rehearsal

Wednesday, March 6

A Trio of Men:

Cleamon Downs

Gary Kohler

Josh Hopper

Peggy Lyden, pianist

Wednesday, March 13

A Concert of Spirituals:

Danielle Darrington

Joyce Sylvester

Peggy Lyden, pianist

Wednesday, March 20

Prichard Preparatory School Chorus

Wednesday, February 20

The Flautists:

Andra Bohnet

Danielle Darrington

Susan McKinnell

Wednesday, February 27

The Fabulous Four:

Melanie Zoghby Cummins

Linda Winn Grill

Ann Gunter

Teri Barwick Williams

Peggy Lyden, pianist

2013 Cathedral Co ncer t Ser ies

Sunday, February 17

10:00 a.m.

University of South Alabama Trumpet Ensemble

Lenten Music at Noon

11:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II in the Chapel

12:00 p.m. Music in the Church

12:30 p.m. Lunch in the Chapter House ($8 donation requested)

The USA Trumpet Ensemble is under the direction of Dr. Peter Wood, brass professor at The University

of South Alabama. This group consists of approximately 12 members. They are competing to attend an

International Trumpet Festival and the funds raised will be used to offset the cost of attending the

festival. Designated donations may be made to the group through Christ Church Cathedral.

C4 Calend ar

February 24—2nd Sunday in Lent

March 24—Palm Sunday

March 31—Easter Sunday

April 28—8th Annual Cathedral Celebration

May 12—Mothers’ Day

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Chr ist ian For matio n


Youth Confirmation Class

Youth Journal completed through page 45.

Reading Schedule:

Luke Chapters 19 - 24

Before Sunday, March 10

Adult Confirmation—April 28

The Right Reverend Philip M. Duncan, II will

be at Christ Church Cathedral for the

Cathedral Celebration on Sunday, April 28.

If anyone is interested in being confirmed at

that time, please speak with Dean Cook or

Canon Gibson.

Sunday, February 3

Curriculum for all youth


Confirmation: Seek and


Sunday, February 10

Joe Cain Day - pass

required for downtown


Mardi Gras Courts invited

to attend and remembered

in prayers

Christian Formation


Sunday, February 17

Curriculum for all youth


Sunday, February 24

C4 sings in church

Curriculum for all youth


Adults: Forum

Dai ly Sel f - Examinat ion Guid e fo r Lent , as taken from the “Litany of Penitence” BCP 267

A Daily Lenten Reflections booklet, Imitators of Christ, written by Mark Zimmermann, is included in this issue

of The Messenger. The ERD Lenten Meditations 2013 will not be mailed, but copies are available on the

Ministry Table.

The Children’s Lenten booklet, Footsteps to the Cross and The Journey through Lent calendar, to be used as a

guide to a daily family reflection, are both available on the credenza in the Chapter House vestibule.

Lenten Devo tional Mater ia ls

We have not loved you with our whole heart, and mind, and strength.

We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.

We have not forgiven others, as we have been forgiven.

We have been deaf to your call to serve, as Christ served us.

We have not been true to the mind of Christ. We have grieved your Holy Spirit.

We confess to you, Lord, all our past unfaithfulness: the pride, hypocrisy, and impatience of our lives,

Our self-indulgent appetites and ways, and our exploitation of other people,

Our anger at our own frustration, and our envy of those more fortunate than ourselves,

Our intemperate love of worldly goods and comforts, and our dishonesty in daily life and work,

Our negligence in prayer and worship, and our failure to commend the faith that is in us,

Accept our repentance, Lord, for the wrongs we have done: for our blindness to human need and suffering,

and our indifference to injustice and cruelty,

For all false judgments, for uncharitable thoughts toward our neighbors, and for our prejudice

and contempt toward those who differ from us,

For our waste and pollution of your creation, and our lack of concern for those who come after us.


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Wednesday, February 20 7:00 p.m.

Home of

Ashley O’Connor 155 Levert Avenue

If you would like to host the Bible Study, please contact Canon Gibson.


Cook for Lenten Lunch

9:30 a.m. Monday, February 18

Call Carolyn Stephenson at

342-5637 for information on Morning Circle.

Future Meetings:

10:30 a.m.

Monday, March 18

Monday, April 8

Monday, May 13

The Forty-Second Annual Convention of the Diocese of the

Central Gulf Coast will be hosted by Holy Nativity, Panama

City, Florida, from Thursday, February 21 through Saturday,

February 23.

2013 Convention Delegates: Dean Johnny Cook, Sub-Dean

Beverly Gibson, Provost Carolyn Jeffers, Harwell Coale,

Carolyn Eichold and Rick Mitchell.

For ty- Second Annual Co nvent io n


Operating Budget

2012 (Actual) 2013 (Forecast) Receipts: $ 657,480 $ 730,265

Disbursements: $ 705,703* $ 725,304

Balance: ($ 48,223) $ 4,961 *Key unbudgeted items: Maintenance, Technology

Pledges for 2013 New pledges: 25 totaling an increase of $ 68,520

Increased pledges: 56 totaling an increase of $ 54,086

Decreased pledges: totaling ($ 10,355)

Cathedral—Capital Campaign Debt: $ 75,000 to BankTrust Line of Credit (5.0%)

$ 312,645 to SBA (30-years at 4%)

~CCC pays $ 30,564 annually

~Original loan amount $ 486,200

Pledges: $ 60,000 in capital pledges outstanding

Other Fund Balances

Endowment Fund: $ 732,977 (2012 yield 12.7%)

Foundation: $ 201,570 (12.5% yield)

Par ish Meeting: Sunday, January 27 , 2013

BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW MEETING Saturday, February 16 at 8:00 a.m.

Light Breakfast will be served.

LOAVES & FISH Monday, February 18 at 11:15 a.m. 15 Place

Thank you to January volunteers: Allison Mitchell and Sam Power

If you have questions, would like to volunteer or need more information on

Brotherhood of St. Andrew or Loaves & Fish ,

please call Sam Power at 653-1203.


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FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS February 1 Patsy Seymour

Alex Hoffmeyer

Page Hoffmeyer

Tommy Taylor

February 2 T. K. Jackson

Anna McClure

February 4 Darden Cooper

Joel Daves

February 5 Bill Stafford

February 6 Jane Adams

February 7 Winnie Nichols

February 8 Henry Seawell

February 9 Louise McClelland

February 10 Sadie Leland

February 11 Cart Blackwell

February 13 Josh Hopper

February 14 Whiting Drew

Kimberlie Gaillard

February 15 Trinity Gaillard

Phillip Harris

February 16 Abbie Carwie

Kate Watkins

February 17 Linda Chandler

Lisa Chestang

February 18 Lucy Wright

John Wade Thurber

February 19 Joy Dean

Nance Stephens

February 20 Hamp Eichold

William Russell

Dwight Williams

February 21 Lucy Rouse

February 22 Chris Alves

Ryan Patton

February 23 Marianne Hall

February 25 Grant Zarzour

February 27 John McClelland III

February 28 Greg Phillips

JOE CAIN DAY PASSES Sunday, February 10

Passes for attending church on Joe Cain Day, Sunday, February 10, are

on the ministry table and included in this issue of The Messenger.

You will not be allowed to pass the downtown police barricades

that morning without a pass.

A Powerful Blessing The Rev. Doug Carpenter has published the biography of his

father, A Powerful Blessing (The Life of Charles Colcock Jones

Carpenter, Sr. 1899-1969, Sixth Episcopal Bishop of Alabama

1938-1968). This is the first biography of any of the eight

clergy addressed in Martin Luther King’s Letter from a

Birmingham Jail. It tells the rest of the story of this

remarkable man who was our bishop from 1938-1968.

For a signed copy send $28 to Doug Carpenter, 3037

Overton Rd., Birmingham, Alabama 35223. Or you may order it from the

Episcopal Book Store at the Church of the Advent, You

may contact Father Carpenter at [email protected].

Men’s Conference & Retreat

The Cathed ral Read

The Thirty-Second Men’s Conference & Retreat will be held March 1- 3 at

Beckwith Camp & Retreat Center. The focus this year will be Living into

Communion: Learning from Conflict and Growing in Holiness, presented by

The Rev. Dr. Jo Bailey Wells of the Anglican Communion Office in London,

England. To register or for information, contact C. Ray Jones at

[email protected].

Cost: Conference & Meals Only: $140

Conference, Meals and Lodging: $250/Single Occupancy $200/Double

Dio cesan News

The Sense of Ending by Julian Barnes

Tuesday, March 19 (One meeting only.)

5:30 p.m. in the Chapter House

All are welcome to join us in this discussion. A few copies of

the book will be available in the Cathedral office or you may

order online at

The Sense of an Ending has the psychological and emotional depth and

sophistication of Henry James at his best. This intense novel follows Tony Webster,

a middle-aged man, as he contends with a past he never thought much about—until

his closest childhood friends return with a vengeance: one of them from the grave,

another maddeningly present. Tony thought he left this all behind as he built a life

for himself, and his career has provided him with a secure retirement and an

amicable relationship with his ex-wife and daughter, who now has a family of her

own. But when he is presented with a mysterious legacy, he is forced to revise his

estimation of his own nature and place in the world.

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Cathed ral Prayer Lis t

We Pray for:

Members: Brink Brinkley, Alice Carwie,

Bubber Carwie, Vic Stanton, Dunn

Chandler, Steve Chandler, Sr., John

Wade Thurber, Jane Inge, Lucy

Rouse, Ed Crowson, Patty Biel

Friends & Family:

Van Davies, Janie Houser, Michael

McMaken, Billy Ezell, Leland

Moore, Sr., Joe Cummins, Bump

White, Merle & Waltha Findley,

Arthur Johnson, Icy Lee Neel, Peter

Sherman, Frances Cayton, Kenneth

Moss, Jim McCall, Neno Ladd,

Nicole Teague, Deborah Beverley,

Hayden Jenkins, Emily Persons

McElhaney, Bill Thompson, Dalton

Thompson, Paula Keith, Peggy

Naughton, Gary Davis, David Leff,

Harrison Leff, Michael Cameron,

Nancy & Don Cameron, Rob & Amy

Archer Ellis, Dottie McCord, Gordon

Moulton, Joyce Lee, Davis Nelson,

Michael Sumrall, Dot Smith

Ditsworth, Sheri Neely, Gwen Cook,

Alfred Showers, Paul Brinson, Jane

Jeffers, George Hoffman, Lois Ann

King, Dianne McCall, Michael


The Reverends Thack Dyson, St.

Paul's; Mark Wilson, St. James; Jeff

Jencks, Holy Cross; and Nancy

Quitmeyer, Trinity; Pat Hicks, St.

Mary's; Scott Sheppard, St. Andrew's

For Those Serving

in the Military: Brad Israel, Darrien Gibson, Kelley

Hood, Evan Sizemore, Robert

McNeil, The Rev. Bowen Woodruff,

Daniel White-Spunner Reed,

Jonathan Duralde, Ron Lansong,

Brett Granger, Sam Garcia, Chris

Marslender, Jerry Olin, Abby

Hutchins, Tyler Gamble, Todd

Mouthaan, Jean-Michael Lemieux,

Albert Robinson IV, Michael Nassar,

Josh Power, Austin Rexroad, Ryan

Anthony Thomas, Randy Johnson,

Susan Reniewicz, Brian Caselton,

Matthew Harris, Brian Hudson,

Keith Moss, Ryan Walker, Tyler

Oubre, Todd Smith, Brian Pennell,

Jack May, Staples Wood

Births: William Thomasson Sledge, son of

Julia and Will Sledge, grandson of

Kitty and Charlie White.

Souls Departed: Lauda Eleanor Leak Corwin, mother

of Betsy McCafferty;

Dorothy Hooks Minshew, mother of

Donna Moree;

Gwendolyn Wilson, grandmother of

Janet Bell, great-grandmother of

Janaé Wilson;

Audrey Elizabeth Taylor Mitchell,

mother of Rick Mitchell and

grandmother of Robert Mitchell and

Mary Lafitte Buster.

Please contact the Cathedral Office to let us know if you would like to keep the names

of Friends and Family you have submitted on the prayer list. We will keep everyone

who has been submitted within the last month and all others from whom we hear.

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



February 6 & 13 Noon

February 20 &27

11:30 a.m. in the Chapel followed by

Lenten Music/Lunch




Sunday, April 28

The Right Reverend Philip M. Duncan, II will be at Christ Church Cathedral for the Cathedral Celebration on Sunday, April 28. If anyone is interested in being confirmed at that time, please speak with Dean Cook or Canon Gibson.


Now available online at

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CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Corner of St. Emanuel and Church Streets

115 South Conception Street, Mobile, Alabama 36602

Established 1822

The Right Reverend Philip M. Duncan, II, Bishop The Very Reverend Johnny W. Cook, Dean

The Reverend Canon Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Sub-Dean Carolyn S. Jeffers, Provost

Peggy L. Lyden, Organist and Choir Master Teri B. Williams, Assistant Choir Master Brenda J. Stanton, Financial Secretary

Dunn H. Chandler, Director of Christian Education Candace J. Lister, Cathedral Secretary

Polly M. Garner, Assistant to the Provost Deidre and Joe Williamson, Nursery

Judy Jones, Housekeeping ✠

Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Website: Phone 251.438.1822 Fax: 251.433.3403 E-mail: [email protected]


115 South Conception Street

Mobile, Alabama 36602