the british european - · the british european – page 2 kuks international gala...

The British European Association BRITISH EUROPEAN Bulletin Campaigning for the Rights of Britons in Europe ISSN 1604-5025 Issue No. 77 – June 2013 “BE together” – Forthcoming events: Our annual summer picnic will take place on Sunday, July 21 st Some of us will meet at Skodsborg Station (Kystbanen) on the land side at 11 a.m. If you come by Kystbanen be sure to take the Nivå train as the Helsingør train does not stop at Skodsborg. We will walk through the woods to Rådvad. It will take about 45 minutes. Those preferring not to walk and coming by car or bicycle will meet us in Rådvad at 12 noon. We take our own picnic lunches and drinks with us. We meet at the red gates near Rådvad Kro. The picnic tables are behind the buildings on the 'main' street. If the weather is terrible you are welcome at Rundforbivej 48 A with your sandwiches and drinks at 12 noon. St. Alban’s Church summer fete takes place on Saturday 23 rd August from about 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. 1

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Page 1: THE BRITISH EUROPEAN - · The British European – page 2 KUKS INTERNATIONAL GALA FESTIVAL OF NATIONAL FARE på Københavns Rådhus fredag den 18. oktober 2013. Annual

The British European – page 1

The British European Association


BulletinCampaigning for the Rights of Britons in Europe

ISSN 1604-5025 Issue No. 77 – June 2013

“BE together” – Forthcoming events:

Our annual summer picnic will take place on Sunday, July 21st

Some of us will meet at Skodsborg Station (Kystbanen) on the land side at 11 a.m. If you come by Kystbanen be sure to take the Nivå train as the Helsingør train does not stop at Skodsborg.

We will walk through the woods to Rådvad. It will take about 45 minutes. Those preferring not to walk and coming by car or bicycle will meet us in Rådvad at 12 noon. We take our own picnic lunches and drinks with us. We meet at the red gates near Rådvad Kro. The picnic tables are behind the buildings on the 'main' street. If the weather is terrible you are welcome at Rundforbivej 48 A with your sandwiches and drinks at 12 noon.

St. Alban’s Church summer fete takes place on Saturday 23rd August from about 10 a.m. till 5 p.m.


Page 2: THE BRITISH EUROPEAN - · The British European – page 2 KUKS INTERNATIONAL GALA FESTIVAL OF NATIONAL FARE på Københavns Rådhus fredag den 18. oktober 2013. Annual

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KUKS INTERNATIONAL GALA FESTIVAL OF NATIONAL FARE på Københavns Rådhus fredag den 18. oktober 2013.

Annual Dinner.We held our annual dinner at the end of January at the Hong Fu Restaurant on Østerbrogade as is our custom. We enjoyed a wide variety of Chinese food and some very good company.

Dual Citizenship.Fortunately the debate on dual citizenship is progressing well. Bill Vase, Bent Kristiansen and myself attended a seminar on dual citizenship organized by Danes Worldwide in Europa House on April 22. Hans Gammeltoft-Hansen was Chairperson and the panel consisted of Eva Ersbøll from the Institute of Human Rights, Zenia Stampe (Rad), Jan E Jørgensen (Venstre) and Anne Marie Dalgaard, General Secretary for Danes Worldwide. Zania Stampe said she expected the law to be passed before the summer of 2014. Jan E Jørgensen supported the law but said some members of Venstre were worried about the loyalty problem of having two fatherlands. Eva Ersbøll had no concrete examples of loyalty conflicts but said there should be balance/symmetry in things. If Danes are allowed dual citizenship, foreigners resident in Denmark should also be allowed dual citizenship. After the panel discussion we had some interesting conversations with other people present including Tina Thuelsen a Dane resident in Switzerland.

On May 17 Venstres parliamentary party announced that they wholeheartedly support the desire for dual citizenship. Anne Marie Dalgaard interviewed on DR news said, among other things, that the citizenship question is such an important part of one’s identity that it is as if one had to choose between ones father or mother or ones two children.

On May 30 K.U.K.S (Komiteen for Udlandsforeningers Kulturelle Samvirke) held their AGM in Kastellet. Bent and I attended. The President, Mrs. Eleanor Bomholt) announced her retirement as President after 10 years. Her place has been taken by Mr. Kaj F. Larssen. Mrs. Bomholdt said that some societies had difficulty in attracting new members as a result of which the Irish-Danish Society in Aalborg and the Danish-Canadian society had closed. After the AGM we were given a guided tour of Kastellet and saw the prison where Struensee was held captive before he was executed.

Voting in the UK.In Britain the discussion on whether Brits resident abroad should be able to vote in British Parliamentary elections by removing the 15-year limit continues. Harry Schindler´s claim to be allowed to vote for an MP in the House of Commons has been turned down by the European Court of Human Rights. Harry is 91, fought in World War ll, and is resident in Italy. He is proud to be a Briton and a European.

At the beginning of June, Viviane Reding, the EU Citizenship Committee´s Vice President, announced that they will seek to help Britons who live abroad to keep their right to vote after the 15-year period is over. This would bring the UK into line with most of other member states of the EU apart from Ireland and Denmark.

Summer Outing.Our traditional outing and picnic will be in Rådvad on Sunday July 21. Those who would like to walk through the woods to Rådvad can meet at Skodsborg Station, and the others at Rådvad.

I would like to thank you all for your support over many years. It now seems as if our goal is in sight and we will be allowed dual citizenship in the not too-far-distant future. Hurrah!

Valerie Kristiansen.


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DANES MærkesagerSeminar om dobbelt statsborgerskab en succes Mandag den 22. april afholdt Danes Worldwide og Europa-Huset (EU-parlamentet og EU-kommissionens informationskontor i København) et fælles seminar om dobbelt statsborgerskab, hvor næsten 60 tilmeldte deltog.

Under ordstyrer Hans Gammeltoft-Hansens kyndige ledelse debatterede panelet – bestående af Eva Ersbøll fra Institut for Menneskerettigheder, folketingspolitikerne Zenia Stampe (Rad.) og Jan E. Jørgensen (V) samt generalsekretær Anne Marie Dalgaard – Danes Worldwides mærkesag.

I forbindelse med seminaret udtalte Zenia Stampe, at hun forventer, at loven om dobbelt statsborgerskab bliver vedtaget inden sommeren 2014.

Både faktuelle og emotionelle aspekter blev vendt. Således oplyste Jan E. Jørgensen, der selv går ind for dobbelt statsborgerskab, at Venstres folketingsgruppe er splittet om spørgsmålet – bl.a. på grund af bekymring for loyalitetsproblemer mht. til ”at have to fædrelande.” Eva Ersbøll havde til gengæld ikke havde kendskab til konkrete eksempler på en sådan loyalitetskonflikt.

Generalsekretær Karin Ehnbom-Palmquist fra Danes Worldwides svenske søsterorganisation, ”Svenskar i Världen”, rådede Danmark til ikke at indføre en tidsfrist for, hvornår man kan søge om at generhverve sit danske statsborgerskab. I Sverige, som indførte retten til dobbelt statsbogerskab i 2001, satte man fristen til fem år, hvilket man siden har fortrudt.

På forsiden af kan du se videoer med de enkelte paneldeltageres indlæg på seminaret.

Hans Gammeltoft-Hansen og panelet.

At the seminar on dual citizenship we were asked to come up with comments to Zenia Stampe. We e-mailed the comments below to her.

Kære ZeniaHermed en række punkter fra vore medlemmer vedrørende dobbelt statsborgerskab:

Det bemærkes at Den Europæiske Konvention om Statsborgerret fra 1997 tager højde for det nye, mere positive syn på dobbelt statsborgerskab.

Lov om dobbelt statsborgerskab bør både tilgodese danskere fast bosat i andre lande og fremmede fast bosat i Danmark – symmetri.

Flertallet af EU-lande tillader dobbelt statsborgerskab.

Mennesker, der ønsker at beholde deres oprindelige statsborgerskab, har den holdning at de ikke vil opgive deres ‘rødder’ eller kulturelle værdier fra deres opvækstland, som de føler de gør ved opgivelse af deres oprindelige statsborgerskab – dette løses ved indførelsen af dobbelt statsborgerskab.

Manglende stemmeret til Folketingsvalg for fremmede fast bosat i Danmark betyder, at en del føler sig som andenrangs borgere – dette kan løses ved indførelsen af dobbelt statsborgerskab.

Det(n) nedsatte tværministerielle udvalg/kommission i Justitsministeriet bør høre alle parter i sagen


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herunder også organisationer for udlændinge i Danmark og ikke kun organisationer for danskere i udlandet - det synes dog ikke at være tilfældet – der bør være symmetri mellem emigranter og immigranter.

Hvilke officielle organisationer, når man ser bort fra nogle politiske partier, støtter opnåelse af dobbelt statsborgerskab for fremmede i Danmark bortset fra organisationer som vores?

Man bør kunne stemme til parlamentsvalg i det land man bor fast i.

Selvom Unionsborgerskabet ikke erstatter det danske statsborgerskab, eller andre EU statsborgerskaber, har vi allerede to borgerskaber.

Det bør være muligt at søge om dansk statsborgerskab efter f.eks. 5 års fast bopæl uden at miste sit andet statsborgerskab.

Hvis der indføres lempeligere regler for ’danskere’ i udlandet til at generhverve dansk statsborgerskab bør der også være lempeligere regler for udlændinge i Danmark, f.eks. for de der har boet her fast i over 10 år (måske 15 år).

Muligheden for opnåelse af dansk statsborgerskab sammen med det oprindelige kan betyde en bedre integration.

Udlændinge i Danmark bidrager til landet BNP og bør ligestilles ved at kunne få dansk statsborgerskab uden at opgive deres oprindelige statsborgerskab.

Forskellige problemer i forbindelse med dobbelt statsborgerskab har været fremhævet: Værnepligt, Valgrettigheder, Offentlig ansættelse, Diplomatisk beskyttelse, International privatret, Retsforfølgning, børnebortførelser, Krig, Loyalitet og Integration. I lande der har indført dobbelt statsborgerskab har der kun været få sager af disse arter og de løses oftest uden problemer. Dog kan diplomatisk beskyttelse og evt. krig give anledning til problemer for en person med dobbelt statsborgerskab. Disse to problemer er dog oftest løst ved dialog med den involverede borger.

Et af vore medlemmer skriver følgende:

“Som britisk EU-borger har jeg stemmeret til:

1) Dansk Ingeniørforening, IDA

2) Kommunalvalg

3) Europa Parlamentsvalg

4) Grundejerforeningen


5) Ældreråd

I lyset af dette, virker udelukkelse fra folketingsvalg ulogisk; det løses alene ved at jeg skifter statsborgerskab eller få dobbelt statsborgerskab.”

Med venlig hilsen



The following links contain all the lectures and the videos from the seminar:The Copenhagen Post ved Sigrid Neergaard (3262KB)

Anne Mette Vestergaard

Eva Ersbøll

Jan E. Jørgensen

Zenia Stampe

Anne Marie Dalgaard


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Karin Ehnbom-Palmquist

Udedanskerne Tina Thuesen ( og Nils Jensen.

Anne Marie Dalgaard (1405KB)

Karin Ehnbom-Palmquist (1157KB)

Eva Ersbøll (280KB)

You can also view the videos and lectures on the link below.

Seminar om dobbelt statsborgerskab - European Parliament - Europa

Here is another link to Copenhagen Post:


From K.U.K.S.:

Kære foreningsformænd,

Tak for den store tilslutning til KUKS årsmøde og reception torsdag den 30. maj på Kastellet.

Det var en fornøjelse at kunne gennemføre endnu et vellykket KUKS arrangement med så stor deltagelse. Referat fra årsmødet udsendes snarest.

Allerede nu ser vi med glæde frem til efterårets store begivenhed nemlig KUKS INTERNATIONAL GALA FESTIVAL OF NATIONAL FARE

på Københavns Rådhus fredag den 18. oktober 2013. Sæt datoen ind i kalenderen allerede nu.

Vi forventer stor interesse og tilslutning fra mange ambassader og håber naturligvis, at se mange formænd og medlemmer af de mange foreninger denne aften.

Der vil som altid være et omfattende underholdningsprogram med mange deltagere og musik til dansen af UpTown Jazz Band under ledelse af kapelmester Christian Eugen-Olsen.

I de vedhæftede filer er information om bestilling af adgangskort med et attraktivt ”Hurtigstarter tilbud”.

Der er også et felt med plads til oplysning om foreningens mail og webside i tilfælde af, at den er blevet ændret.

Vi optager alle medlemsforeninger på Kuks hjemmeside .Vi gør opmærksom på, at det er GRATIS at få sin forening optaget på KUKS hjemmeside.

Gå ind og se om de oplysninger, vi har om din forening er korrekte og opdaterede. Ellers er det anledning til at få dem ajourført.

De venligste hilsener og på gensyn

Kaj Larssen


KOMITEEN FOR UDLANDSFORENINGERS KULTURELLE SAMVIRKE Confédération Culturelle des sociétés Étrangères – Cultural Confederation of Foreign Societies Protektor Hans Kongelige Højhed PRINSGEMALEN K. U. K. S. Præsident: Group Manager Kaj Larssen MEM Præsidium: Direktør Ulrik Greve af Rosenborg Vicepræsident, Mrs. Eleanor J. Bomholt, Cand. mag. & art. Carl-Thomas von Christierson, Consultant Ole Christoffersen MBA, , Keramiker Susanne Prip Madsen, fhv. Ministerråd, Cand.jur. John Pontoppidan


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Referat fra Årsmødet i K.U.K.S. den 30. maj 2013 på Kastellet. Vicepræsident i K.U.K.S. Præsidium Ulrik, Greve af Rosenborg (UR) bød velkommen til det 43. årsmøde K.U.K.S. UR udtrykte glæde over, at så mange foreninger var repræsenteret ved mødet og understregede, at det var en god lejlighed til at man kunne samarbejde på tværs af foreningerne. UR tilføjede, at K.U.K.S. er paraplyorganisationen og de enkelte foreninger er netværket.

Valg af dirigent & referentEfter velkomsten gik UR over til valg af dirigent og referent. UR foreslog sig selv som dirigent og Ole Christoffersen(OLC) som referent. Begge blev enstemmigt valgt.

Formandsberetningen.Dirigenten gav ordet til Præsidenten Eleanor J. Bomholt (EB) for aflæggelse af Formandsberetningen. EB indledte med at nævne hvilke foreninger/selskaber, der desværre var afbud fra til dette årsmøde.

EB fortsatte med at omtale Årsmødet i 2012, der blev afholdt i hovedsædet for Danske Bank den 30. maj 2012. Inden årsmødet blev der afholdt en reception med deltagelse af 71 personer. Der var tilmeldt lidt under 100 deltagere, men ca. 20 tilmeldte mødte ikke frem. Der var indlæg ved Vice-president Mr. Thuro Mikael Ericson, Danske Bank, The Dean, Ambassador of Mexico, H.E. Martha Bácena Coqui og præsident for K.U.K.S. Eleanor J. Bomholt. Efter receptionen var der rundvisning ved kunsthistoriker Adam Grandjean, Danske Bank. I årsmødet deltog 31 personer, der til sammen repræsenterede 25 foreninger.

EB redegjorde for K.U.K.S. ’s International Exhibition of Modern Trends in National Architecture, der blev åbnet på Københavns Rådhus den 29. oktober og varede til den 3. november 2012. Der var tilmeldt 28 lande, men ikke alle 28 lande blev repræsenteret. Grønland, blev tilmeldt i sidste øjeblik og præsenterede en flot model. Armenien havde gjort ekstra meget ud af udstillingen og tiltrak sig megen opmærksomhed. Danmark var repræsenteret ved 3N A/S, der viste projektet - Danmarks nye akvarium - Den Blå Planet.

Arkitekt Bjørn F. Jørgensen havde udarbejdet en plakat specielt til lejligheden. Plakaten, der på en fornem vis nævnte alle de lande der deltog i udstillingen, blev brugt som vartegn for udstillingen - både inde på selve udstillingsområdet og ude på Rådhuspladsen. Ved åbningen af udstillingen var der indlæg ved Københavns sundhedsborgmester, Ninna Thomsen, The Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, The Ambassador of Uganda, H.E. Mr. Joseph Tomusange og Præsident for K.U.K.S. Eleanor J. Bomholt. Der blev afsluttet med korsang ved CIS Children’s Choir, under ledelse af Janine Slaga Larsen, Copenhagen International School. Åbningsceremonien blev afrundet med en reception, hvor de berømte Rådhuspandekager blev serveret.

EB afsluttede formandsberetningen med at omtale dagens aktivitet – Årsmøde 2013 og receptionen i Bageriet på Kastellet. 2

Regnskabet. Regnskabet blev gennemgået af Carl-Thomas von Christierson (CTC), der gjorde opmærksom på, at regnskabet blot var til orientering for forsamlingen. Regnskabet var godkendt af K.U.K.S. Præsidium og var dermed ikke til drøftelse.

CTC omtalte de ekstraomkostninger der havde været i forbindelse med reetableringen af display materialet (navneskilt med flag) i forbindelse med de ødelæggelser, der var sket under skybruddet sidste år. CTC påpegede at udgifter til transport m.v. er en vigtig post for at K.U.K.S. kan holde kontakt til ambassader, ministerier osv. En kontakt der er en vigtig del af arbejdet.

Tidligere års overskud har været anbragt i obligationer. Midlerne fra årets udtrukne obligationer er anvendt til dækning af årets omkostninger. CTC understregede at Præsidiet ikke aflønnes. Alt arbejdet i Præsidiet er på frivillig bases.

Kommende aktiviteter. EB redegjorde for International Gala Festival of National Fare, der bliver afholdt den 18. oktober 2013 kl. 19.30 på Københavns Rådhus. Invitationen er udsendt til ambassaderne og der er indkommet accept fra 10 ambassader. Der er 34 borde til rådighed for Ambassaderne og EB mente, at der i løbet af kort tid ville være udsolgt.

UR orienterede om, at der udsendes adgangskort og at der igen i år er rabat for de personer, der tilmelder sig inden den 30. juni 2013. UR nævnte, at de enkelte foreninger ikke betaler kontingent for medlemskab af K.U.K.S. og at aktiviteten på Københavns Rådhus bidrager til dækning af de udgifter


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K.U.K.S. har. Brev med information om program og pris udsendes snarest af K.U.K.S. Præsidium.

UR afsluttede dette punkt på dagsordenen med at erindre om, at det er tvingende nødvendigt for samarbejdet, at K.U.K.S. har de korrekte informationer om de enkelte foreninger så som hvem der er formand, hvad er den korrekte e- mail adresse, hvad er navnet på hjemmesiden osv.

Optagelse af nye medlemmer. EB bød Dansk Kroatisk Kulturforening velkommen og gav derefter ordet til formanden, F. Berislav Tomicic (FBT). FBT gave en kort orientering om foreningen og sagde, at den blev etableret i året 2013 og tæller i dag 40 medlemmer. FBT nævnte at der er ca. 1.000 Kroater i Danmark, så man forventer at kunne få flere medlemmer i foreningen fremover.

EB nævnte at K.U.K.S. har en e-mailliste, hvor de enkelte foreninger kan få optaget aktiviteter.

EB konstaterede, at der er ny formand i Dansk-Belgisk forening og i Dansk-Brasiliansk Selskab.

Eventuelt. Susanne Prip Madsen, (SPM) Foreningen NORDEN orienterede om foreningens aktivitet på Københavns Rådhus den 23. & 25. august 2013. og nævnte, at der vil komme brev ud inden for kort tid med invitation til medlemmer af øvrige selskaber/foreninger der er medlemmer af K.U.K.S.

F. Antonio F. Candalaria, (FAFC) nævnte et udvekslingsprogram for musikstuderende, der havde været en stor succes. FAFC foreslog, at det i forbindelse med engagement på Københavns Rådhus i oktober 2o13 blev undersøgt om musikere fra dette udvekslingsprogram kunne optræde.

Formand. Sven Erik Jensen (SEJ) fra Dansk- Canadisk Selskab meddelte, at foreningen lukker efter 53 års virke. Der afholdes 29. juni 2013 et afsluttende møde på Faxe Ladeplads ved varden til minde om Jens Munk. SEJ meddelte at selskabet oprindelig havde 4.000 medlemmer, men at selskabet i de seneste år var reduceret kraftigt og at selskabet d.d. tæller 22 medlemmer. 3

SEJ afsluttede med at sige, at selv om selskabet er lukket, er der stadigvæk kontaktmuligheder til de resterende medlemmer via e-mail.

EB tilføjede, at der var en til forening, der var lukket pga mangel på medlemmer og det er The Irish -Danish Society i Aalborg. Vi har fået at vide, at den blev opløst i november 2009, et halvt år efter 25 års jubilæum.

UR sagde at de sociale medier har overtaget en del af foreningslivet og tilføjede, at alle foreninger har problemer med faldende medlemstal og med at tiltrække nye og yngre medlemmer, der kan fremtidssikre de enkelte foreninger. UR opfordrede til et bredere samarbejde og de enkelte foreninger til at anvende K.U.K.S. forskellige tilbud - herunder hjemmesiden.

Kaj F. Larssen, ny Præsident for K.U.K.S. tog ordet og takkede afgående Præsident Eleanor J. Bomholt for et mangeårigt engageret og godt arbejde for K.U.K.S. og sagde, at det bliver svært at udfylde pladsen, så er han glad for, at Eleanor vil fortsætte med at vejlede og rådgive præsidiet for K.U.K.S.

UR lukkede mødet med at takke for fremmødet, for god ro og orden og tilføjede, at verden er blevet så kommunikerende, at det kan være svært at få ørenlyd – derfor er det vigtigt at foreningerne afsætter deres fodaftryk og samarbejder. UR sluttede med at sige, at K.U.K.S. er den paraplyorganisation, der kan samle og assistere de enkelte foreninger i et fællesskab.

København, den 3. juni 2013.

Referent, Dirigent

Ole Christoffersen, Ulrik Greve af Rosenborg


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aisblThe PresidentThe Secretary General Union Francophone des Belges à l'Etranger UFBE; Vlamingen in de Wereld VIW; DK: Danes Worldwide; ES: Instituto Ramón Rubial;FI: Finland Society; FR: Français du Monde adfe; Mission Laïque Française MLF; GR: World Council of Hellenes Abroad SAE; IE: GlobalIrish;IT: Confederazione degli Italiani nel Mondo - CIM Belgio; LV: The European Latvian Association; MT: Maltin fil-Belġju;NO: The Norse Federation; SE: Swedes Abroad SVIV; SK: World Association of Slovaks Living Abroad SZSZ;UK: Association for the Rights of Britons Abroad ARBA_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________C/o Fondation Universitaire, 11, rue d'Egmont, B-1000 Bruxelles. Tel./fax: +32 (0)2 545 0456e-mail: [email protected]

Dear friends

The European Commission, followed last year's survey, just published 12 new actions to boost citizens' rights.

It is a very interesting reading,

Paschalis Papachristopoulos

From ETTW we have received the open letter below re. ‘EUROPE FOR CITIZENS’ PROGRAMME. On behalf of BEA we have signed the open letter.

FUTURE OF ‘EUROPE FOR CITIZENS’ PROGRAMME: Open Letter to EU Heads of States and Governments To the European Union’s Heads of States and Governments, At a time when citizens are expressing an ever growing distrust in EU Institutions and policies, and in spite of the widely propagated ideas (by the EU Institutions) that the EU has citizens at its heart and that civil society is valued as a crucial partner, the European Council seems to be expressing an opposing view. The EU supports citizens by co-funding civil society organisations’ general budgets and specific projects through the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme. These activities and


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programmes take the form of transnational partnerships, European civil society networks, citizens’ events, town twinning projects, and remembrance initiatives. The European Commission has already proposed a 5% reduction for the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme in the 2014 – 2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). Civil society organisations had agreed not to oppose this proposal in acknowledgement of increasingly limited resources during this difficult economic period. However, at the European summit in March 2013, the Heads of State and National Governments demanded even greater cuts, amounting to a reduction of 23% over the next seven years. This leaves a budget of 164m euros for the 2014 – 2020 period, as compared to around 210m euros between 2007 – 2013. In other words, current proposals call for a reduction of 7m euros per annum, stripped from an already limited annual budget of 30m euros. We, the undersigned, find it unacceptable that while the EU celebrates the European Year of Citizens in 2013 (with the lowest ever dedicated budget for a European Year), the Council proposes to deny the ‘Europe for Citizens programme’ almost one quarter of its already extremely small budget. This, in our opinion, is a counterproductive response to budgetary challenges. It brings into question the future capacities of civil society organisations - the European actors closest to the citizens, thanks to the involvement and representation of citizens’ views and aspirations - to continue to work in partnership with the EU institutions and other stakeholders to pursue the European building process so that it fully meets the expectations of the people of the European Union for a stronger, more cohesive Europe. A properly funded ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme in the 2014 – 2020 MFF would serve to properly recognise and support the role that civil society organisations play in the construction of the European project as envisaged in article 11 of the Lisbon Treaty. We reaffirm together the need for a well-financed ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme, properly monitored and implemented with respect to good governance, transparency regulations and frameworks. We further ask the Council to reverse the proposed budget reductions. We also call for further implementation of this principle in other EU programmes enabling organised civil society to have a voice in the decisions affecting EU citizens.


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The British European – page 10

Finally, we urge all civil society organisations to raise this issue with their national governments and Members of the European Parliament, especially those who sit on the European Parliament budget committee. The respective positions taken by both the Council and Parliament on this matter should be made known to the citizens of Europe, and visibility given to the extent to which citizens are truly deemed to be at the heart of Europe. Signatories Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) ATD Fourth World European Civic Forum (ECF) European Disability Forum (EDF – FEPH) European Movement International (EMI) European Network of National Associations (ENNA) European Volunteer Center (CEV) SOLIDAR Volonteurope

EU Support for Expat Brit Right to Voteby right2vote4xpatbrits

In a press conference last week to present the 2013 EU Citizenship Report, Viviane Reding, the Commission

Vice President announced that they will seek to help Britons who live abroad to keep their right to vote

after the 15 year period is over.

“The practice in some member states of depriving their citizens of their right to vote once they move to another

EU country is effectively tantamount to punishing citizens for having exercised their right to free movement.”

This would bring the UK into line with most other member states of the European Union (EU), in allowing their

non-resident citizens to continue to vote nationally in their home nations, that is apart from eg Ireland and


It would also ensure that all British citizens resident in another EU country at the time of the proposed In/Out

Referendum on continuing UK membership of the EU, would be able to exercise their democratic right to


For all the latest updates visit us on the blog page of our campaigning

website , share us on /Votes-for-expat-Brits or follow

us on /@Voting_Rights.

You can also make sure whether you can still vote or not by visiting the Electoral Commission website Either way it would be appreciated if you could show your support for our campaign to remove the 15-year-limit on our voting rights by adding your vote here in our on-line poll.


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The British European – page 11

Harry Shindler rejected by the

European Court of Human Rights!

The European Court of Human Rights has turned down (7 th May 2013) Harry Shindler’s claim to be allowed to vote for an MP in the House of Commons.

The full text (which runs to 38 pages) can be read here!

Harry is 91. He fought in World War II at the Anzio Beach-head.[Anzio is south of Rome and north of the stalemated front line of Monte Cassino – The beach-head played an important if bloody role in the Allied advance in 1944]. Harry is both a proud Briton and proud European.

The ECHR judgement gives much space to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [page 10 et seq.] [The CoE comprises 47 signatory countries far beyond the EU, including Russia, Turkey and Armenia]

Neither the ECHR nor the CoE are agencies of the European Union!

The Parliamentary Assembly recommends as follows [page 10 ]

Par. 39 “c. consider the possibility of harmonising member states’ laws in the interests of maintaining the voting rights of their nationals living in another member state with regard to nation-wide elections and referenda, especially with a view to enabling votes to be cast by post or through diplomatic or consular missions;

d. envisage, if appropriate, the drawing up of a protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights whereby member states would undertake to respect such voting rights for their nationals living in another member state and refrain from hindering the exercise thereof by any measure whatever.

Further it is noted [page 11]…

Par. 42 - 4. The Parliamentary Assembly believes that it is in the interest of states to ensure that their expatriate nationals continue to actively exercise their rights linked to nationality and contribute in a variety of ways to the political, economic, social and cultural development of their countries of origin

And [page 11/12].

Par. 43 c. to take account of their expatriates’ interest in policy making, in particular concerning questions of nationality; political rights, including voting rights; economic rights, including taxation and pension rights; social rights, including social schemes; and cultural rights .

And Again [page 12]!!


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The British European – page 12

Par. 47 --b. grant electoral rights to all their citizens (nationals), without imposing residency requirements;

c. facilitate the exercise of expatriates’ electoral rights by providing for absentee voting procedures

And the analysis of the Parliamentary Assembly comments continues to page 15…


The report comments on the deliberations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe which generally support the observations given above.


Considerable space is also afforded [pages 16-19] to deliberations of the Venice Commission – which is another offshoot of the Council of Europe and concerns itself with the issue of Democracy! This account is an historical progress and one should read from page 18 paragraph 68 onwards for the latest observations.

Note well it recommends on ‘voting’ ---

Sub paragraph 66. It ensures that citizens maintain ties with their country of origin and boosts their feeling of belonging to a nation of which they are members regardless of geographical, economic or political circumstances.”

70. In the case of states whose citizens live abroad in large numbers, to the extent that their votes could appreciably affect election results, it seems more appropriate to provide parliamentary representation for the citizens resident abroad by pre-defined numbers of members of parliament elected by them.


Pge 19 – para 74 The document lists the 35 States (out of the 47 in the CoE) which permit unlimited voting by non-resident nationals.


In spite of all this detail the ECHR decided unanimously against Harry Shindler.


The legal argument centred on Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention of Human Rights.

“The High Contracting Parties undertake to hold free elections at reasonable intervals by secret ballot, under conditions which will ensure the free expression of the opinion of the people in the choice of the legislature.”


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1. Declares the complaint concerning Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 admissible and the remainder of the application inadmissible;

2. Holds that there has been no violation of Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention.

You can judge for yourself.

What will Harry do now!

He will take his case to the United Nations International Court of Justice.

UNLESS – The British Government will take fair measures to uphold the Rights of British Nationals to be able to influence the British Government on decisions made by HMG in their name!

Much has been written already on why British Nationals – most especially those residing within the EU/EEA – should have this representation. The first link below has numerous comments by British Nationals why this should be so…

You can make your own protestations and petition via the following two links. Here to place your observations.

and – direct to the Government site ---

Author Brian Cave – [email protected]


From Brian Cave and Graham Richards in France:

Support in Parliament. A review of the situation.

On an amendment to give life time voting rights to British Citizens abroad.

Electoral Registration & Administration Bill

It is difficult to keep track of those Members of Parliament and Peers who are supporting expatriates, and we apologise to any who are not mentioned below and dearly wish to hear from them.

In the House of Commons. – This is where ultimate power for change lies.

If we refer to the debates in Parliament as given in Hansard, we can list the following.


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The British European – page 14

Geoffrey Clifton-Brown -- Tony Baldry -- Gary Streeter –Robert Buckland-- Robert Walter -- Greg Knight

<!--[if !vml]--><Mail Attachment.jpeg><!--[endif]-->Geoffrey Clifton Brown tabled an amendment to lift the 15 year limit on overseas voters on June 18th. The other MPs above put their name to this amendment. Clifton Brown spoke most warmly to this motion, even saying “The French gave away two Members of Parliament, in Paris of all places, who are now specifically responsible for all French overseas voters. I am not going anything like as far as that …”

Other MPs who spoke in a supportive manner were Andrew Griffiths, Nick de Bois, Robert Syms, Robert Syms said “but I am rather attracted to the French system of putting them all into one category and perhaps having an MP at large to represent certain areas abroad.” Gary Streeter also supported the amendment at length.

On June 27th Heather Wheeler MP spoke firmly in support.

Of the MPs who have replied positively by mail to citizens abroad one can especially mention Sir Roger Gale. Norman Baker (Liberal-Democrat) has also appeared to offer support.

<!--[if !vml]--><Mail Attachment.jpeg><!--[endif]-->The great problem is that nearly all supporters are Conservatives. Yet one knows that many Labour adherents and at least some Lib-Dem adherents abroad strongly desire the vote. Not least, the 91 year old, strong Labour supporter in Italy Harry Shindler , who has spoken and written to Sir Roger Gale.<!--[if !vml]--><Mail Attachment.jpeg><!--[endif]-->Sir Roger clearly is aware that this is a non-party issue. That non-party understanding is what we need to achieve amongst all politicians.

Every member of the Parliamentary Committee on Pensions was mailed and from those MPs there was no certain support at all, only misunderstanding and confusion.

On June 27th Geoffrey Clifton Brown withdrew his amendment, reluctantly. This was a great disappointment, resulting from the party politics agenda. With that pressure, steadfastness in politics is rarely certain.

The strongest opposition to us of which we know is that from Nick Clegg.

Other MPs who are regularly lobbied by us are as follows. They seem to be in sympathy to various extents. But one cannot be sure.

Nick Hurd - Conservative, Ruislip Northwood & PinnerStewart Jackson - Conservative, PeterboroughFrancis Maude - Conservative, HorshamDan Rogerson - Lib Dem, North CornwallAdrian Sanders - Lib Dem, TorbayAndrew Turner - Conservative, Isle of WightRobert Walter - Conservative, North Dorset


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In the House of Lords.

<!--[if !vml]--><Mail Attachment.jpeg><!--[endif]-->It is difficult to judge our support because a full debate has not taken place. Lord Lexden (Conservative), during the second reading has promoted our cause warmly as has Lord Norton of Louth(Conservative) . Lord Tyler (Lib-Dem) has previously indicated support and Lord Kinnock (Labour) andLord Garel-Jones (Conservative) have indicated support.

A considerable number of other Lords are regularly lobbied by us and our supporters. Amongst them are the following peers. Intimations of support have come from some of the following or from their correspondents at some time, but again one can never be sure.

Ashdown - Lib Dem,Astor - ConservativeBates – ConservativeRennard - Lib DemWallace - Lib DemBoothroyd (Baroness) - CrossbencherByford (Baroness - ConservativeExeter - BishopFowler - ConservativeJones of Cheltenham - Lib DemLester - Lib DemLothian (Ancram) - Conservative

To locate details and addresses for all politicians visit. (choose MPs or LORDS)

For fuller update of the campaign for votes for expatriates visit

Authors Brian Cave ([email protected]) and Graham Richards ([email protected])

Please pass this mail on to whoever you feel it effects.

From Members:

From Ernest Jackson:

Richard the 3rd and the recent Discovery of his Remains.


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The British European – page 16

The recent examination of the skeleton found on the site of the Franciscan Friary (Grey Friars) in Leicester has renewed interest in the deeds of this much maligned last Plantagenet king who died in battle at Bosworth in 1485. It is to be hoped that a more nuanced view of Richard will in the future be held on this unlucky king, who in his short reign showed that he would probably have been recognized as a good king, given a longer reign. He was born into a violent world – the War of the Roses - ,which saw the reigning Lancastrian King Henry the 6th, challenged by the Yorkish line, descended from the Duke of Clarence, the second son of Edward the 3rd. (The first son, the Black Prince died before his father). Therefore, they felt entitled to the Crown, rather than the Henrician line who descended from the third son, John of Gaunt, and as Henry the 6th was a weak king unable to control his kingdom, the Yorkists wrested the crown from him in the person of Edward the 4th. On his early death of 1483, the line should have passed to his 12 year old son, Edward the 5th, bur Richard the 3rd, brother of Edward the 4th, named “Protector of the Realm” before his death, took control because (a) Some doubt existed as to the legitimacy of the sons (the Princes in the Tower) and

(b) Edward the 4th’s Queen Elizabeth Woodville’s powerful family probably meant to dispose of Richard during Edward the 5th’s minority.

The question of the fate of the Princes is one that has never been resolved (and probably never will be) and Tudor propaganda was devised during Henry the 7th’s reign and, is almost certainly fabricated. That does not necessarily mean that they were not killed during his reign (with or without his knowledge), but they could equally well have been disposed of by Henry. While Richard was certainly no saint, the grotesque picture of him depicted by the Tudor historians – Holinshed, Thomas More and the rest, culminating in the “parody” of Shakespeare’s Richard, is almost complete nonsense. Unfortunately it is what most people believe due to the myth successfully perpetrated by the Tudors. During the 2-year reign of Richard, he set out to establish a government of fairness and justice and stipulated that the king could not demand money without the consent of Parliament. Poor people if they had a grievance could submit their case to a special court, known later as the Court of Requests. He also established the Council of the North to oversee the affairs of the north of England, particularly in respect of defence against the constant raids of the Scots. He lived much of his early life in the North, at Sheriff Hutton and Middleham Castles and was entrusted by Edward the 4th in creating good governance, which endeared him the majority of the peoples living there. These acts were kept in place by his successors, despite the penal taxation exhorted by Henry the 7th, causing much discontent, and the subsequent squandering of the treasury by the tyrant Henry the 8th who followed him. It was the latter (the 6 wives) and the wanton destruction of the monasteries with priceless artworks that meant England in the mid 16th century was virtually bankrupt, only redeemed by the last of the Tudors, Elizabeth the 1st who was a prudent ruler. How likely is it that if Richard had won at Bosworth, the Reformation would not have taken place, at least not at the time it did, and much of England’s heritage destroyed in1536, saved for posterity? Not only the reputation of a potentially good king, but it would also have meant the end of the Tudor myth and a complete change in England’s history!


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But as stated by many historians, “history is written by the victors” and I suppose all countries need myths. It is just a pity that this particular myth is so obviously false and part of an agenda devised to “toady–up” to the early Tudors by historians anxious to cover-up the usurpation in 1485. Whether or not the interest in Richard now will change or modify the myth is doubtful, but one hopes that some, at least, will begin to look at him in a different light. Ernest H. Jackson.


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The British European – page 18

Subscriptions!! Some members have not paid their subscriptionsThere are still a few members who have not paid their subscription yet – please payASAP.

Please pay your yearly subscription. The subscriptions should be paid into our new account in Danske Bank. 0454. Account number: 4724327443. The subscription can be transferred from your account to the account of the Association.

The amount to be paid is 150-00 for a single member and 250-00 for a couple. For businesses the amount is 250-00.

For questions forwarded to us on e-mail - please use [email protected]

Please send articles and letters intended for the next BE Bulletin to: Valerie Kristiansen at [email protected]

BE Bulletins can be read on our home page: www.briteuro.dkoOo