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Sermon Outline for Sunday 14 Oct 2007 | Odessa | LCF

Entrance: Light to the world but also light inside!

The Body is a revolutionary phenomenon..

What the Scripture tells us about the Body about us

1 John 1:5-10

Biblical truth is proclaimed (5)God is light and does not hide anything (5)Only people living in light have fellowship with Him (6)Only people living in light, having fellowship with Him, have fellowship with the Body (7)People living in darkness have neither fellowship with Him nor with the Body (6)Darkness is a result of unconfessed/hidden sin (9)Sin is everything in us that is not looking for God's and the Body's best

Sermon Outline for Sunday 14 Oct 2007 | Odessa | LCF

The Body is a revolutionary phenomenon..

What the Scripture tells us about the Body about us

Ro 12:3-13

We are one body in Christ...and individually members one of another (5)Let us use the gifts (6)Let love be genuine (9)Love one another with brotherly affection (10)Outdo one another in showing honor (10)

1 Co 12:24-26

Giving greater honor to the members that are not or less honored (24)The priority is the Body (25-26)

Sermon Outline for Sunday 14 Oct 2007 | Odessa | LCF

The Body is a revolutionary phenomenon..

What the Scripture tells us about the Body about us

Eph 1:22

Jesus has all authority over this world (22)He is the head of the Body (22)The Body is His fullness (23)

If we don't have his love, passion and care for the Body,we are not part/member of the real Body

Sermon Outline for Sunday 14 Oct 2007 | Odessa | LCF

The Body is a revolutionary phenomenon..

New and old ways of communicating..and loving each other

sms we did that already (everyone textmessages everyone in church)

there were people who had a nice and meaningful poem

others came with a new song

make a delicious cake for the church

make some pictures with your cell phone and show it next Sunday

put together a slide presentation for next Sunday