the blissful business formula business formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · your core values - to...

The Blissful Business Formula Learn the 4 essential keys to build your successful, heart-based business on sharing your unique gifts with the world. Kirsi Wahlström empowers heart- driven women to build lives and businesses where they thrive. She serves the world from Sweden where she lives with her two children, beloved partner and lazy cat. BLISSUM - The Soulful Biz Academy Sweden/ Planet Earth

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Page 1: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

The Blissful

Business Formula

Learn the 4 essential keys to build your

successful, heart-based business

on sharing your unique gifts with the world.

Kirsi Wahlström empowers heart-driven women to build lives and businesses where they thrive. She serves the world from Sweden where she lives with her two children, beloved partner and lazy cat. BLISSUM - The Soulful Biz Academy Sweden/ Planet Earth

Page 2: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

All rights reserved. Kirsi Wahlström, Blissum – The Soulful Business Academy


Welcome gifted one,

I have made this special booklet to empower and support you in building that life

and business you have been longing for.

I know you can thrive and have great success when you have the right tools and

strategies to move forward. That is why I am glad you have this tool in front of

you right now.

In the Blissful Business Formula you’ll learn the 4 essential keys, and the 10 steps

needed, to build a successful heart-driven business where you thrive as you serve

your people with your unique talents and gifts.

I am honored to serve you.

Let me show you the way!

Kirsi Wahlström

P.S I am from Sweden so my English isn’t perfect but I don’t let that stop me from

sharing my gifts with the world. You might think that you still need to improve yourself

or be more perfect than you already are before you fully step into doing the work your

people are waiting for… I say don’t wait any longer. You can do it from where you are

right now.

Page 3: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

All rights reserved. Kirsi Wahlström, Blissum – The Soulful Business Academy


Build a successful business where

you can express your heart and soul

There are a lot of different ways to build a business and a lot of ways to lead

one’s life. This model is for you if you are longing for a holistic approach to

your business. It’s for you if you want to authentically express all of who you

are thru your business and find the people you are here to serve with your

talents and gifts.

I call my model The Blissful Business Formula. It will help you build your

successful business staying connected to your heart and to lead a life with a

deep sense of meaning and fulfillment. That is bliss to me.

In the Blissful Business Formula I have combined my own talents and

experiences from 20 years in marketing, more than 10 in personal

development and 6 in business. I have also infused the formula with the

wisdom from some of my great teachers from whom I have learned a lot

about business building. I especially want to mention Sage Lavine. She is a

spiritual business coach who still is my teacher and coach.

Use this formula as a checklist or “smorgasboard” to build your soulful life and

blissful business.

If you want to go deeper with the formula I can serve you with a tailor made

VIP Blissful Business program, based on this formula and your specific needs.

This is where you get my full-hearted support to get more clients and build

that successful business you have been longing for.

But for now – let’s dive in!

Page 4: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

All rights reserved. Kirsi Wahlström, Blissum – The Soulful Business Academy


The Blissful Business Formula In most of the trainings and advice on how to build a successful business I have

seen during my years as an entrepreneur I’ve felt that there have been

essential parts missing. These trainings often start with you defining your target

group, they focus on marketing and leverage and skills you need to attract

clients. These are essential parts in the process of building a business – but for

me it is like you would start to build a house on the second floor.

In my model you’ll learn to build a strong foundation for your business first. This

foundation is the person you are with your unique gifts and experiences and

your vision of the life you want to lead. When you have those ground pillars in

place you can easily learn who you are here to serve and build a business that

will support the life you are dreaming of.

I believe true success is built on who you are and the life you want to lead. At

least if you think that success is not only about the money but also about being

a contribution, being happy and fulfilled. So let me explain the 4 essential keys

to successful and blissful business as I see it.


2. YOU





Blissful Business: The 4 Essential Keys to Success

Page 5: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

All rights reserved. Kirsi Wahlström, Blissum – The Soulful Business Academy


Learn the 4 Essential Keys to a

Successful and Blissful Business

1. Your Life

Build the foundation for the life you have been longing for

Get clear on YOUR vision

Dream BIG and let your innermost longings be heard. Answer these


What does your perfect life look like? (Health, relations,

expression, economics, surroundings, growth….)

What is a successful life for you?

What to you need in your life to be fulfilled?

Where would you love to live and work?

What kind of business would support your dream?

What are you longing to express thru your business?

2. YOU

You: Get clear on your core values, unique talents and experiences

Build a compass to help you find your way

Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful

Business. When you get new ideas on how to move forward, or offers from

others, you can check in with these values (and your vision for your life off

course) if it is the right thing to do.

Your life and work experiences – Your life lessons will give you great clues

about what you can serve your people with and your work experiences bring

essential parts into your mix of services.

Your unique talents and strengths – Do you know your unique talents and

strengths? If not, you better get to know them, because this is what your

people are looking for. And when you get to express your unique talents you

will get immense energy and fulfillment.

Page 6: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

All rights reserved. Kirsi Wahlström, Blissum – The Soulful Business Academy


You: Move beyond your greatest fears and concerns

Learn how to dance with your fears to move forward in your business

Our fears are what most often will stop us from taking appropriate action

when we are building a successful business of heart and soul. In this

process you are constantly expanding your comfort zone. You are

birthing the most precious part of yourself into the world. It is vulnerable

many times. The good thing though is that you will expand your comfort

zone as you move ahead.

Some of our most common fears are the fear of failure, the fear of

success and the fear of not being loved or accepted. It is crucial to

surround yourself with people who believe in you and who will support

you on your journey. It is hard to do this by yourself.

There are many techniques to deal with fears. One of my clients favorite

tools is to have a chat with the part of them that is afraid by writing a

dialog. You ask questions to that part of you who are afraid and often

get very clear answers on how you can reduce this feeling of fear or

anxiety. By being seen and heard this part of you will calm down. You

can extend your love to this part of you instead of trying to push your

fear away. Try this!

Whenever we need to make a very important decision

it is best to trust our instincts, because reason usually

tries to remove us from our dream, saying that the

time is not yet right. Reason is afraid of defeat, but

intuition enjoys life and its challenges.

Paolo Coelho

Page 7: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

All rights reserved. Kirsi Wahlström, Blissum – The Soulful Business Academy



Your People: Who are you here to serve?

Your people will invest in themselves thru you

I consider your business a spiritual path to fulfill your purpose. You have

talents and experiences that your people are waiting for. To find them

you need to get clear on the people you want to serve from your hearts

perspective. Answer these questions:

What kind of people would you love to serve?

This is a very important question. If you would love to hang out

with them they are right for you.

What are they struggling with?

Or what problem can you help them solve?

What dreams or longings can you support them in reaching?

Why are you the perfect person to help them?

There is a sweet spot where your experiences and talents meet

with what your people are struggling with

You might still think it is difficult to choose only one specific group. Do so

anyway and test it out in reality. You’ll learn so much more in real life

than just thinking about it. You can always course correct.

Successful entrepreneurs allow themselves to evolve with their business.

Let yourself evolve. You don’t need to have everything figured out.

Your People: Create your team of support

You need support on your journey to a successful business

You need people who can guide you, who believe in you and who will

take a stand for your dream those days when you lose faith in yourself.

You need people who can support you with things that are not your core

competencies so you can do what you are the best at.

Make a list of those who are, or could become, your team members –

both from a professional point of view and from a private one. It could

be a few friends, your partner or someone special in your life AND

professionals in your field and in business.

Page 8: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

All rights reserved. Kirsi Wahlström, Blissum – The Soulful Business Academy


I know the value of having a coach or mentor in my life so I always invest

in myself thru them. I wouldn’t be where I am at without that level of

support in my life and business. And studies show that we are so much

more likely to keep a promise that we have made for ourselves through

a coach (almost 90%) than when we say them to a friend (40%) or just

make them for ourselves (10%). So I warmly recommend you hire

someone to be on your side. It could be me or someone else who you

feel drawn to. Do it!

Your people: Collaborate and co-create

Business is more fun when you have partners and success comes easier

I want to recommend you to collaborate and co-create in your business.

You do not need to do everything by yourself. Seek for and create win-

win solutions for all parties.

You can seek partners for:

Promotion – two examples:

Find someone to cross-promote services with. Test each other's

services and commit to cross-promote if it feels like a fit. Create a

gift card your promo partner can use.

Let someone test your services if they commit to give you a

testimonial. Great to use on your website and flyers to ensure

potential clients that you are good at what you do.

Events – There are many different ways to collaborate. Here are two:

You can give someone 15 min on stage at your event if they are

a fit for your audience. It is great if they have having the same

service as you have. You’ll get great content and the person can

commit to promote the event.

You can create an event together with someone because it is

fun, it takes some of the pressure off you and you’ll reach out to

more people as you use both of your networks.

Page 9: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

All rights reserved. Kirsi Wahlström, Blissum – The Soulful Business Academy



Your Business: Create a signature system and a signature talk

Create a process where you take your people to their desired goal

I believe you need a signature system where you combine your skills and

experiences in a way so your people can see the results they can get from

working with you. It is a process of 5-10 steps that will ensure your people

the results they are looking for. AND it will make your work much easier to

leverage from on-on to groups when you are ready for that.

When you create a signature system you can also set higher fees on your

services since your people can see the value of working with you. You can

probably double your income depending on what you are charging at

the moment. A signature system will attract more committed clients as

they say yes to working with you over a period of time instead of buying

your service by the hour,

The signature system will also be the foundation upon which you build your

signature talk. A talk that focuses upon delivering value to your people

and letting them know you can serve them with your system.

Your Business: Speak about your services from your client’s


It is all about them and the results they will get

One of the greatest mistakes I see when it comes to communicate

what we do in business is that we speak from our own perspective

instead of our peoples. If that is true for you – now is the time to make a

shift from you to them. You want to attract clients don’t you?

When you have a signature system this is easy but even if you don’t you

can start talking about what you do from your client’s perspective.

Here are a couple of examples:

If you say: I am a business coach

Shift it to: I help women enroll new clients and build successful businesses

If you say: I am a massage therapist

Shift it to: I help people with back pain become pain free

These are examples but you can see what I mean.

Page 10: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

All rights reserved. Kirsi Wahlström, Blissum – The Soulful Business Academy


Talk about the results your people will get not how you will get them

there. We tend to focus upon our services from “this is what I do” -

perspective. Your people want help with a problem and how you will

take them there is not as important as that you can do it. Let them

know you can.

Your Business: Learn to attract your people into your business

Sales and marketing from a new perspective

In this time on planet earth we are many who are longing for authentic

marketing and sales. This is all about building relationships, it is about being

a contribution and about serving.

AND you do need to learn how to get the word out to your people

without feeling like you are selling out. You need to shift your mindset

about marketing because you have people waiting for you and you need

to let them know about your services. Or you won’t be able to serve them

will you?

Replace the words market and sell with invite and you’ll have an instant

shift in you being. I believe you are keen on inviting people in to your

world to come play with you. Invite your people!

One of the fastest ways to invite new clients into your world is to speak

locally. Create your own speaking engagements or contact networks

where you could speak. This is where you use your signature talk!

People get to know who you are and what you do. You’ll be seen as an

expert in your field and you will get the opportunity to invite them to have

heartfelt conversations about how you can serve them.

Your Business: Learn to enroll new clients with heartfelt


Connect with your client’s heart and your own

These conversations are valuable to you and your people even when your

potential client says no to working with you. Because they will gain clarity

and you will learn what they struggle with.

The heartfelt conversation gives you the opportunity to decide if you are a

perfect match to this client. It might even be you who says no.

They lay the foundation to an honest and heartfelt collaboration when your

people do say yes. And they will convert many of your potential clients into

paying clients.

Page 11: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

All rights reserved. Kirsi Wahlström, Blissum – The Soulful Business Academy


The 8 parts of a heartfelt conversation

Help your potential client to gain clarity about what they are

struggling with or what they are longing for

Give them space and guidance to connect with how this struggle is

affecting their life

Let them describe what they would like to experience instead

Let your potential client describe how they think you could help them

Describe how you think you could take them from their struggle to

their vision (your signature system)

Let your client decide if your services are right (and you might need to

assure them)

Address the fears and concerns about time and money in a heartfelt


Get their clear yes or no

This is a method that takes some time to master and it does have a few

more aspects to it. But you can use these guidelines and come very far. I

promise. Get ready to invite and enroll new clients into your business.


Remember to Integrate and celebrate all the way thru your journey. Rest,

play and honor the work you are doing and every little bit of success. You

are doing a massive job when you build a business of heart and soul. AND

remember that who you are BEING is even more important than what you

are DOING. Take care of yourself. Listen to your heart and move forward

with ease and confidence. Dance with your fears but don’t let them stop

you. Create the support that you need on your journey.

The time has come to share your unique gifts with the world and make

money doing so. It is time for your successful, soul-full and bliss-full business.


Use the formula to move forward in your business. I know you can have

the clients, the life and the income you have been longing for.

Would you like to have full-hearted support for your journey?

Page 12: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

All rights reserved. Kirsi Wahlström, Blissum – The Soulful Business Academy


Your Success Is My Bliss

I want you to succeed.

I want to take a stand for your dreams those days when you lose faith in

yourself and in the heart-based business you are birthing.

I want you to be abundantly rewarded for claiming your gifts and sharing

them with the world.

I want you to be happy and fulfilled.

In my opinion that is what true success looks like.

In my business I have devoted myself to empowering people like you. People who

have a longing to express themselves thru a heart-based and soul-full business.

I support people who know that they have a message to share or a service to

deliver even though they may not know exactly what it is. And I serve people who

do know what their business is all about but can’t figure out how to put all the

pieces together to have the success they want and I know they can.

Apply for a Blissful Business Breakthrough session

If this sounds like you and if you liked the Blissful Business Formula I invite

you to apply for a Blissful Business Breakthrough session. This is an

opportunity for you to get clear on what next step to take in your

business and for us to explore if I am right to support you to having the

success you are looking for.

Apply for a Blissful Business Breakthrough session at

[email protected] and you’ll get an application.

This is what some of my clients say

Kikki Högberg, CEO and Founder of Yay! Brand and Design Acency

THANK YOU Kirsi! With fantastic exercises and talks, I

have achieved results I didn’t think were possible.

Despite the short time, I have gained insights and

strengths, for the way I live my life as well as how I

run my company. I see new opportunities that

inspire, and I now have the tools to turn them into

reality. That’s worth its weight in gold!

Kikki Högberg

Page 13: The Blissful Business Formula Business Formula en.pdf · 2013. 5. 14. · Your core values - To know your core values is essential in building a Blissful Business. When you get new

All rights reserved. Kirsi Wahlström, Blissum – The Soulful Business Academy


Mari Roos, Founder of Boost by Mi

Our work has strengthened my belief in myself and

my abilities. With the help of your presence,

experience and generous heart, I have taken a

safer and more balanced path in my business. I

now believe in my path and get help to make my

way along it.

Thank you for this opportunity. I warmly

recommend Kirsi!


Lena Sjödin Roman, Founder of Kalabrador Sweden

"You are a fantastic job coach Kirsi. I feel

empowered and whole – from the inside out thanks

to the work we have done.

You have an ability to help me find the simple and

obvious solutions. I have learned to embrace

simplicity and to trust my own voice to move

forward in my new life.”

Lena Sjödin Roman

Would you like to create a success story for yourself?

If you want to have full hearted one-to-one support in building your successful business

you can apply for a Blissful Business Breakthrough session to become clear about your

next step and see if working with me would be a fit.

Send an email to [email protected] for an application.

To Your success,
