the beat 18 october 2013

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Page 1: The Beat 18 October 2013

18 October 2013



Page 2: The Beat 18 October 2013

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[email protected], Website: 2 BEAT 18 October, 2013

Lizzy Bapela A police detective Constable arrestedfor a business robbery in Witpoort twoweeks ago has been linked with aseries of serious cases. Limpopopolice spokesperson BrigadierHangwani Mulaudzi said that thecases include that of house breakingand house robbery which all tookplace around Witpoort and Villa-Nora,just outside Lephalale.Mulaudzi said that a two week-long

investigation has also led the police toadd five charges of house robbery andhouse breaking with more expectedagainst the 27-year-old ConstableJohannes Mashitisho. He further saidthat five other suspects have alsobeen arrested, bringing the number ofsuspects to eleven so far for similarcases. The suspects are expected toappear before the Phalala MagistrateCourt on both charges on Tuesday, 15October. Mashitisho was arrested two weeks

Witpoort policedetective linked toother serious cases

Justin Steyn

The Bela-Bela police respondedquickly to the Elephant Springs Hotelafter two men allegedly tried to gainaccess to the premises free of charge.According to the hotel’s

spokesperson, Egmond du Plessis,two men entered the premisesrequesting accommodation for thenight and allegedly promised to paythe following morning for their stay.Du Plessis said the two men snuck

into the premises after allegedlybribing the Secret Eye Security guardon duty to gain entrance.“I was told that an anonymous tip

had been sent to the police of theincident, upon which they respondedquickly to the scene,” he said.Du Plessis said that the two men

were hiding, one on the balcony theother in a cabana, when they werearrested by the police.

on charges of housebreaking andtheft, as well as the illegal possessionof fire-arms and ammunition. It isalleged that the constable, togetherwith five other suspects, broke into aliquor store during the night ofSaturday, 28 September by breakingdown a door and part of the wall. Theyfled after taking liquor to theapproximate value of R15 000. Investigations led the police to his

residence, where they confiscatedsome of the stolen liquor, twounlicensed 9mm pistols andammunition and police issued bullet-proofs. Mulaudzi said that the serialnumbers of the fire-arms were filed offand their origin is being investigated.“Much as we appreciate the notion of

innocent until proven otherwise, theprovincial Commissioner LieutenantGeneral Fannie Masemola could notmince his words in that any member ofthe service in Limpopo of whatever rankwill face the wrath of the law.”

Police intervenes in attempted trespassing

‘’We are thrilled by the superbservice from the local SAP, whoidentified these men and tookimmediate action. The professionaland tactful way the matter washandled in the presence of our otherhotel guests is commendable, and weare grateful that the law was enforcedto ensure our staff and guests safety,”said Du Plessis in a statement. He further stated that the alleged

security guard involved in the incidentwill be dealt with.“The security guard allegedly involved

in giving the men access to ourestablishment has been suspendedpending our investigation. We do nottolerate any criminal activities and ourguest’s safety and well-being is ournumber one priority,” he said.At the time of going to press Secret

Eye could not be reached forcomment.

‘We are thrilled by the superb service from thelocal SAP, who identified these men and took

immediate action...’

Lizzy Bapela

Limpopo police are still looking for evidenceleading to the resolution of an incidentinvolving a cage of firearms and ammunitionthat was discovered in a remote area

Crime rCrime rCrime rCrime rCrime round upound upound upound upound upHe further said that the suspectswere charged with possession ofcopper cables when they appearedbefore the Bela-Bela Magistrate’sCourt on Monday, 14 October. Headded that they were also linkedwith copper cable theft and theircase was remanded to Tuesday, 22October for formal bail application.Saturday, 12 OctoberTwo other suspects were arrested

in connection with a case ofcommon robbery, an incident thathappened in the township recently.Phetla said that one suspect wasarrested in Phomolong “Skierlik”Section, while the second one wascaptured in Extension 5, formerlyknown as Mandela Village. Headded that the two were also linkedwith a case of business robbery andthe police confiscated the toy gunthat they were using to rob a foreignnational’s business in September.Tuesday, 14 OctoberA man was expected to appear

before the Bela-Bela Magistrate’sCourt this week, facing a charge ofpossession of dagga. Phetla saidthat the suspect was arrested afterbeing found with a bag of daggavalued at an estimated value of R50000 and was immediately charged.

Lizzy Bapela

Thursday, 10 OctoberA man in Bela-Bela was arrested

after being found driving under theinfluence of liquor during a policepatrol. Police spokespersonConstable Glen Manamela said thatthe police were patrolling on cornerPretorius and Maxwell Streets whenthey saw a vehicle passing the redrobot in front of their vehicle andfollowed it. She said the driver wasfound drinking and was taken to theBela-Bela Hospital for blood tests.The 24-year-old Casswell Mathebulawas detained on Sunday, 13October and was released on R1000 bail when he appeared beforethe Bela-Bela Magistrate’s Court onMonday, the 14th. He is expectedback in court on 6 February 2014.Friday, 11 OctoberTwo suspects were arrested in

connection with theft of coppercables. Lieutenant-Colonel AbelPhetla of the Bela-Bela police saidthat the suspects were nabbed atZuma View informal settlement andwere also found in possession ofthe alleged stolen cables. He saidthat the suspects allegedly had inthe past terrorized the industrialarea, town, Spoornet and WillemStation, which is situated on theR101 Radium road next to Langkuil.

Still no leads on mystery firearm cage

Limpopo police spokesperson BrigadierHangwani Mulaudzi said the SAPS isdetermined to establish the origin of thearms cage. Photo supplied

outside Mookgophong late Friday, 27September. Police spokesperson BrigadierHangwani Mulaudzi told The BEAT onMonday, 14 October that there is still nolead with regards to the case.Mulaudzi had previously reported that the

stash was found following a tip off fromTelkom workers who were on duty. Headded that the workers were busy fixingfaulty telephone lines on Crecy road on theday. “A search took place in the area by

a crack task team comprising the CrimeIntelligence and Bomb Disposal experts.They managed to recover an R1 rifle, one9mm pistol, four revolvers, five smokegrenades and 935 rounds of ammunition fordifferent firearms including shotguns, AK47,R1 and R4 rifles and 9mm pistols,” he said.Mulaudzi further said that the Bomb

Disposal team removed the arms cache forsafekeeping and expert examination. Headded that other forensic experts from theLocal Criminal Record Centre (LCRC) willalso examine the grenades and firearms forclues. During a telephonic interview withThe BEAT on Tuesday, 1 October, Mulaudzsaid that no leads have been found so farand the police have opened an enquirydocket for finalization. He said thatinvestigations will continue until such timethat concrete evidence about the cage hasbeen detected.“The SAPS is determined to establish the

origin of the firearms, grenades andammunition and investigations are at asensitive stage,” he said.

He who has imagination withoutlearning, has wings and no feet.

Joseph Joubert

Page 3: The Beat 18 October 2013

BEAT Page [email protected], Website: 18 October, 2013

Lizzy Bapela

The Bela Bela police are calling out tomembers of the public to assist inidentifying a man who died in anaccident recently. Police spokespersonConstable Glen Manamela said that theaccident happened on the N1 road nextto the Settlers-Bramanstop off-ramp onSunday, 13 October.Manamela said that the police rushed

to the scene after the accident wasreported and searched a vehicle thatwas found at the scene on arrival, aMercedes Benz with a Gautengregistration. She further said that thecar had a damaged windscreen andblood on the dashboard.According to Manamela, the police

Police call for help inidentifying a body

found an unidentified corpse withoutlegs on the front left side passengerseat of the car. She added that thepolice found the victim’s left leg about300m away from the car, while theywere busy checking out the scene ofthe accident.The police described the man as dark

in complexion and was wearing a greenand pink T-shirt and a blue and whitecabry pants and had dreadlocks.Manamela said that the Emergency

Medical Services (EMS) personnelcertified the man dead on their arrival.She also said that the corpse wastaken to the local mortuary forpathology tests. The police areinvestigating a case of culpablehomicide.

EFF is alive and well in Waterbergstraight and honestly,” he said.Hine said that the party will fight

for people to get decent andpermanent jobs and not thesecontracts and tendering jobs, whichcome to an end once the peoplehave voted. He added that such jobsare not safe and reliable, as thecontractors and tenderpreneurs runaway with citizens’ hard-earnedwages instead of paying them whatis rightfully theirs. He further said

that the party isalso there tohelp thelandless getland, giving anexample of whathappened inPolokwane,where peoplebuilt shacks intown.Hine

highlighted thatthe party is notonly for theyouth but foreveryone, andthey even haveolder people inexecutivepositions to bebalanced.“We know of

the currentparty’s strategy of conducting door-to-doors, telling people that the EFFwill cut-off their grants should theyvote for the party.They also bribe them with food

parcels but we advise people to takethose bribery gifts and remember tovote for the relevant party whenelections come. We are tired ofcorruption that is shadowing thegovernment departments andmunicipalities. We are also fed upwith seeing our loved ones withorange overalls used to bribe themfor votes, as they suffer fromsunlight burns and getting bitten bysnakes in the bushes.The ANC led government

implement sudden strategies whenelections time closes in andnowadays it is learnerships andthey do not even pay the poorpeople what they are supposed to,”said Hine.The EFF expressed concern about

landless people being placed insmall compressed areas “as if theyare sardines”. They encouragepeople to vote for the party thatensures them that everybody willget what they deserve.

“We know of thecurrent party’s

strategy of conductingdoor-to-doors, tellingpeople that the EFF

will cut-off theirgrants should theyvote for the party.

They also bribe themwith food parcels butwe advise people totake those bribery

gifts and remember tovote for the relevantparty when elections


Lizzy Bapela

Spokesperson of the newlyestablished Economic FreedomFighters political party in Bela-BelaJerry Phologo Hine told The BEATthat the EFF is strongly alive in theWaterberg.Hine said this after the local

members’ return from their trip tothe launch of the party that tookplace in Marikana in the NorthWest. He saidthat the partyhas over athousandmembers inBela-Bela andmembers andsupporters fromall parts of thedistrict cameout in theirnumbers toattend thelaunch. Theseinclude those inLephalale,Thabazimbi,Bela-Bela,Modimolle,MookgophongandMogalakwena.The local

BranchCommand Team was expected tomeet on Tuesday, 15 October forthe first time after their launch. Themeeting was scheduled to takeplace at Pastor John Mnthunzini’sTotal Surrender Church in Leseding,while the general meeting will takeplace at the same venue on Sunday,20 October. All residents andvisitors are invited to attend themeetings and join the party that isfor the people.When asked about the “command”

addressing, Hine said that the partyforbids cowardice and fear amongstthe members.“We do not want any cowards in

the EFF but people who know howto stand their ground and speakwithout fear or favour. We urgepeople regardless of race andstatus to join the party that is thereto fight for them and their rights,especially the workers.Whether you are a cleaner or a

manager, it does not matter whatposition you hold at work, the EFFknows your complaints andproblems and will fight for you. Thecurrent ruling party beats around thebush and we, as the EFF, will talk

Update on Deputy Minister’s visit

Justin Steyn

Last week The BEAT reported on thesurprise visit by Deputy Minister ofInternational relations and Co-operation, Ebrahim Ibrahim to an oldage home in Mazakhela.A full report on his visit to Bela-Bela

has been provided by hisspokesperson, Martin Moloto.He explained that the aim of the visit

was to get a full perspective of thechallenges that the town is currentlyfacing.Ibrahim visited the Bela-Bela

provincial hospital and police stationwhere he noted the crime and healthcare issues that the institutions havefaced.In a sit down with municipal officials

and members of the Bela-Bela TaxForum (BBTF) Moloto said that anagreement was made between the twoparties to work together regarding thetown’s water issues.“It was decided by the municipality

and the BBTF, under the leadership ofPieter Raath, to join forces and tackleall the water issues of the town” saidMoloto.A report on the water issues will then

be sent to the minister of water andenvironmental affairs, Edna Molewa.

Minister of International Relations and Co-operation, Ebrahim Ibrahim (Right) at theLight of Africa headquarters. Photo: Justin Steyn

Moloto addedthat the issuesnoted by theDeputy Ministerwill be addressedin parliamentwhich will befollowed by a fullcomprehensivereport.During the visit

Ibrahim also visited none profitorganization (NPO) Light of Africawhere he commended their servicesand extension to the community.

Stick yourneck out


Page 4: The Beat 18 October 2013

[email protected], Website: 4 BEAT 18 October, 2013



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Reverend Nare David Legodi of the Modimolle Uniting Reformed Church in SA(URCSA) and his wife Betty, who have both been in the ministry for forty years.Photo: Lizzy Bapela

URCSA bids farewell to retired reverend

Khabele Primary School students showed off their donation of bibles fromthe Bela Bela Ministers Fraternal. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Lizzy Bapela

The Modimolle Uniting Reformed Churchin SA (URCSA) congregation held ahuge farewell function for one of theirlong-term serving reverends, Nare DavidLegodi. The event took place at theLekkerbreek Primary School Hall onSaturday, 12 October.Reverend Legodi and his wife Betty

worked for forty years in ministry from1971. He was called to the BakenbergCongregation immediately after he waslicensed as a minister in 1972. Thereverend was called to become theminister at Philadenphia congregation inMpumalanga’s Denilton in 1974 and heestablished a congregation at Motetemaduring that time. He was inducted inMotetema in 1977.Because of his integrity and dignity,

the Modimolle Congregation monitoredhim and called him to their congregationin 1984, where he worked until heretired. He implemented many initiativesduring his time in Modimolle, serving asa community developer. He has beingleading from the heart of the community

in all the years.Among other dignitaries attending the

event were Northern Synod Moderatorand lecturer at the University of Pretoria,Professor Selaelo Kgatla; and ProfessorEzeckiel Moraka of the TshwaneUniversity of Technology, who is a friendto Reverend Legodi. Localcongregations, circuit ministers andModimolle Minister fraternal alsoattended.The church’ Sunday school students in

Modimolle bought a cake for thehonoured reverend, as it was also his 68birthday. “Everything was well organised and we

thank God. The event was a completesuccess due to efforts made by thechurch council,” said the church’sKonsulent (caretaker) Reverend PhetoMosima from Bela Bela.Reverent Legodi actually retired from

the ministry in 2011, but the event couldonly be held two years after that. Thechurch members were a long timegathering means to be able to make itsuccessful.

Ministers donates Bibles for the students

Sector 2 Commander Captain MoraswiMapheto is also actively involved in thecampaign. When giving motivation to thestudents during the initiative, CaptainMapheto told them about the importanceof education. He highlighted that being aChristian plays a part in character andhaving a bright future.“If you take the messages in the bible

and put them in your minds and live bythem, you will surely be doing well inthe eyes of God. By living a holy life,the Lord will make it well for you andgrant you all your wishes. Putting himin everything you do will ensure you abright future tomorrow and who knows,future leaders might come from thiscommunity and these schoolsreceiving the Bibles today,” he said.

Justin Steyn

Operation Smile has been doingrounds in Limpopo this week. The aimof the visit was to identify the need forcleft lip and palate operations in thearea.The program co-ordinator for

Operation Smile, Naadhira Khan,spoke to The BEAT about theirmission.“We identify the need in various

communities for these types ofoperations and then arrange for themto be operated on free of charge” saidKhan.She explained that they have up to

70 staff members working for theorganization and those patients whocannot be operated on immediatelywill be referred to the nearestinstitution where they can beassisted. Khan also said thattransport will be arranged for thosewho are unable to travel bythemselves.A registered nurse and volunteer,

Renuka Lallbahaura, said thatalthough she is no longer practisingshe joined the organization as ameans of giving back.“Due to my medical expertise and

experience in medicine I thought ofjoining as a way to give back to thecommunity and I still have a strong

Theprincipals ofthe twoschools,Tladi Lelakaof Mamakwaand LesibaMzotho ofKhabele,appreciatedthe workdone by theMinistersFraternal.Theorganisationwas set tovisit AlbertLithuli andHleketaniprimaryschools onWednesday,16 October.

Lizzy Bapela

The Bela Bela Ministers Fraternal iscurrently donating bibles to Grade 7students within their ministry circuit. Theinitiative, conducted in partnership withthe Bible Society of South Africa, kickedoff on Monday, 14 October.Mamakwa and Khabele primary

schools were the first to benefit from theinitiative. Fourteen bibles weredistributed at Mmamakwa, whileKhabele received 35 Bibles.The ministers said that they would love

to see all students having Bibles in theirpossession, as a code of conduct forChristians. The fraternal intends toconduct the initiative on a yearly basis.Bela Bela Police’s CPF Coordinator and

Operation Smile now in Limpopo

(From left to right) Naadhira Khan and Renuka Lallbahaura of Operation Smile.Photo: Justin Steyn

passion for the medical field” shesaid.Khan explained that cleft lips and

palates are the fourth most commonbirth defects in the world and aretypically corrected shortly after ababy’s birth in areas with sufficientaccess to health care.She explained that for many children

in rural areas around the world,medical treatment is not available andthe costs of the operations are onaverage around R55 000.“Often these children cannot eat,

speak, or breathe properly. Due to lowself-esteem, as well as feelings ofisolation, these children often live associal outcasts,” she said.The operations take less than an

hour to perform and changes the livesof these children forever. According to research every 3

minutes a child somewhere in theworld is born with a cleft lip or palate.Many children with untreated cleft lipand palates develop significant orpermanent hearing loss, and one in 10of children born with a cleft will diebefore their first birthday.Approximately one in every 1000babies in Africa is born with a cleft lipor cleft palate.For more information Operation Smile

can be contacted on 021 447 3608.

Page 5: The Beat 18 October 2013

We at the are proud to:

• provide our readers with complete, accurate, credible and objective news reporting• remain unbiased under all circumstances• strive to reflect the truth, objectivity and interests of the community in our reporting• support and contribute to freedom of speech, human rights and the economical and social upliftment of the towns and regions of our readers


BEAT Page [email protected], Website: 18 October, 2013

Tel: (011) 447-1264/5/6

COPYRIGHTThe reproduction or broadcast without writtenpermission of any material published in The Beatand its supplements is forbidden and expressly re-served to Upfront Events Two CC, under section12(7) of the Copyright Act, 1978 and any amend-ment thereof. The Beat is typographically prepared,published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC.The Beat: 7 Minnaar Street, Tel: (014) 736-2723,Fax: (014) 736-3428, PO Box 16, Bela-Bela. E-mail: [email protected] Beat is typographically prepared, published anddistributed by Upfront Events Two CC and is printedby Paarl Coldset, 83 Heidelberg Rd, City DeepProduction Park, City Deep.

Photo of the week

The BEAT wants to hear from our readers. If you have agreat story or something that you want us to bring to

light, please email [email protected] or send an SMSto one of our reporters. Lizzy: 072 264 7740 or TK: 076

756 9740. We would also LOVE to see some of yourweird and wonderful photos for our editorial page. Do not

delay, just contact us today!

These three young boys are from the IPC Church and they took a break from the serviceon Saturday at the Bela Bela Community Hall to enjoy volleyball. Photo: TK Mashaba.

In light of one of the articles in thisweek’s paper and a comment madeby a teacher, perhaps it is time wehad a little talk about women’sbodies.Women’s bodies are forever in the

spotlight, on magazine covers, ontelevision, and on the Internet. Thatin itself is not a problem; women’sbodies are beautiful and should beadmired.It becomes a problem when young

girls are ordered to change theirstyle of dress because they are‘distracting their male teachers.’In the first place, in a school

situation there is a dress code to befollowed. As long as the studentsare following the dress code (in myday, the only thing the dress codesaid was that one’s skirt should befour fingers above the knee and noshorter, and that if hair touched thecollar it had to be tied back) theschool cannot say anything else.It has to be understood, though,

that these rules are not and shouldnever be so that the femalestudents are not distracting to maleteachers. These rules exist topromote uniformity and neatness,nothing more.When you say things like ‘they are

distracting to male teachers’ whatyou are actually saying is that yourteachers do not have the self-control not to stare at young girls. Ifthat is true, they shouldn’t beteaching at all. If it’s the malestudents who are being distracted,isn’t it about time they learnedsome self-control too? Women inthe real world cannot be expectedto dress every moment with theawareness of what their effect onmen will be (although theyfrequently are).Men do not have the right to police

women’s bodies, and womenshould never be compelled to dressin a way that does not offend malesensibilities.It is a woman’s job to dress in a

way that makes her feelcomfortable in herself. Whether thatmeans short skirts or tight pants, orbright colours or long nails is reallyup to her. Always excepting ofcourse, where uniforms arerequired, and even then women andmen should be held to the samestandards.It is a man’s responsibility to act

like a grown-up and control himself.It really is that simple.

My body, my way

Friday 25 and Saturday26 October. AFM Word

and Life, Ludorfstr. Wom-en’s Club and MannaProject, Second-HandShop. Open 09:00 to

17:00 on Friday and Sat-urday 09:00 to 14:00.Clothes and household

items @ low prices.Market Day 26 October.Stalls can be booked for

Saturday.Contact Marianna Botha

at 011 104 7734

The Stages ofOur Faith Bishop Silas Tlou

Our attitude shapes our future.Remember what an attitude actuallyis: a reflection of what we believe.Therefore, what we allow into ourbelief system is fundamentallyimportant to our success in life. Wecannot allow disbelief to drive usaway from the Lord. Instead, wemust focus on His unfailingcharacter, taking Hebrews 11:6 toheart: “Without faith it is impossibleto please Him, for he who comes toGod must believe that He is andthat He gives rewards to those whoseek Him.” When we do so, we canmove through the stages of faith,which are: 1. Little or restless faith. The

person with little faith says, “I thinkthe Lord can do as He says, but I’mnot certain He will.” He or shestruggles to believe in God’spromises. The disciples displayedthis weak confidence in the Lord inMatthew 8:23-27. Jesus slept whilea great storm arose on the Sea ofGalilee. Overcome with fear becauseof the thrashing winds and the wavespouring over the side of the boat, thedisciples woke Him saying, “Saveus, Lord; we are perishing!” (v. 25).He responded, “Why are you afraid,you men of little faith?” (v. 26).Their focus was on what they were

seeing and feeling instead of the factthat the Son of God was with them.The same can happen to us. If wecenter our attention on ourdifficulties rather than the Lord, itdoesn’t take much to sink us. Theonly way for us to have peace in lifeis to focus on the Father.2. Great or maturing faith. The

person with great faith trusts theWord of God and relies on theunfailing character of the Lord. He orshe says, “Not only do I know theFather can help me, I am sure Hewill. “David showed this deepreliance upon the Lord when hefought Goliath (1 Sam. 17). So didthe woman who touched the hem ofJesus’ garment and was healed(Matt. 9:20-22). They had great faithand could trust God’s timing andprovision, regardless of how theircircumstances appeared.This was also the testimony of the

centurion who asked Jesus to healhis servant (Matt. 8:5-10). Herecognized the authority Jesus hadas the Son of God and said, “Justsay the word, and my servant will behealed” (v. 8). Jesus replied, “Truly Isay to you, I have not found suchgreat faith with anyone in Israel” (v.10).3. Perfect or resting faith. People

with perfect faith say, “God haspromised me, so I trust what He hassaid is already accomplished.” Theyno longer ask the Lord for thedesires of their hearts. Instead, theythank Him that His perfect provisionis already fulfilled—whether theypresently see it or not.

Page 6: The Beat 18 October 2013

[email protected], Website: 6 BEAT 18 October, 2013



ACT, 1977 (ACT 120 OF1977)

This notice serves to informparties that may be interestedor affected that EXCODORTHIRTY SEVEN CC hereinaf-ter referred to as “the Appli-cant”, has submitted an appli-cation for a RETAIL LICENCE,Application Number: F/2013/10/08/0002PTN 1 of farm HartebeespoortNo 84 Waterberg 1 Main road,VaalwaterThe purpose of the applicationis for the applicant to be granteda licence to undertake petro-leum retailling activities as de-tailed in the application. Ar-

rangements for viewing the ap-plication documentation canbe made by contacting the Con-troller of Petroleum Productsby: Telephone (015) 287 4735or Fax: (015) 297 5045, or;E-mail: [email protected] objections to the issuingof a licence in respect of this ap-plication, which must clearlyquote the application numberabove, must be lodged with theController of Petroleum Prod-ucts within a period of twenty(20) working days from thedate of publication of this no-tice. Such objections must belodged at the following physi-cal or postal address:Physical Address:The Controller of PetroleumProductsDepartment of Energy101 Dorp StreetPolokwane0700

Postal Address:The Controller of PetroleumProductsDepartment of EnergyPrivate Bag x9712Polokwane 0700.

BUSINESS NOTICE1. Be pleased to take notice thatin terms of Section 34(1) of theInsolvency Act No 24 of 1936,as amended, ROOSHANDELAARS CC, Regis-tration Number 2007/108554/23, trading at 1 Chris Hani Av-enue, Bela Bela (districtWarmbaths), entered into anagreement withCANNISTRARO INVEST-MENTS 222 PROPRIETARYLIMITED, RegistrationNumber 2006/036918/07, forthe sale of an immovable prop-erty, Erf 642 Warmbaths Town-ship, which property is beingrent out.2. CANNISTRARO INVEST-

MENTS 222 PROPRIETARYLIMITED, RegistrationNumber 2006/036918/07,will carry on with the rentingout of the said property underthe name of CANNISTRAROINVESTMENTS 222 PRO-PRIETARY LIMITED, Regis-tration Number 2006/036918/07 at the same address for theirown account after 30 days fromdate of publication of this no-tice.Signed at Polokwane on thisthe 27th day of August 2013.DE KLERK’S ATTORNEY’S5 Albatros Centre - 21 MarketStreetPolokwane - 0699P O Box 3915Polokwane0700Tel: (015) 295 4017. (18&25).



COURT FOR THE DISTRICT/REGION OF BELA BELAHELD AT BELA BELACASE NUNBER: 305/2013In the matter between:WATERBERG BOULEVARD(PTY) LTD Registrationnumber: 2005/034215/07 Ex-ecution Creditor and JOR-DAN’S HAIR ANDBEAUTY SALON CC t/a JOR-DAN’S GENTS AND BOYSBARBER Registrationnumber: 2009/180231/23First Execution DebtorEUGENE DAVID STERCKXIdentity number: 801023 5018083 Second Execution DebtorIn pursuance of a judgement ofthe Magistrate, Bela Bela,Limpopo Province, dated 14August 2013, the undermen-tioned goods will be sold bypublic auction by the Sheriff ofthe Magistrate’s Court BelaBela, to the highest cash bid-der, on Friday 8 November

2013 at 11:00 at the premisesof the Sheriff, 52 RobertsonStreet, Bela Bela.2 x Black & silver chairs2 x Black salon chairs1 x Black base zinc1 x Black hair dryer2 x Wall mirrors3 x Stand mirrors2 x Brown couches2 x Brown side tables2 x Steamer machines1 x Black & white lamp1 x White massage bed1 x Russel hobbs fan1 x White trolly5 x Lazer machines1 x Brown coffee cupboard1 x Delonghi coffee maker1 x Aim bar fridge1 x Aim microwave oven1 x Mellerware kettle1 x LG screen1 x HP/Samsung PC1 x HP office Jet 4500 printerDated at Bela Bela this 14th dayof October 2013.

Attorneys for the ExecutionCreditor:ENSLIN & FOURIE ATTOR-NEYS43 Luna RoadP O Box 98Bela Bela, 0480Tel: 014 736 2177Fax: 014 736 2196e-mail: [email protected]: DI 2058 / ldb


BELA BELAIn the Magistrate’s Court ofBellville (Case number: 7374/13).In the matter betweenJOHANNES FREDERIKBASSON, Plaintiff andJACOBUS GERHARDUSVAN DER SCHYFF, Defend-ant.In pursuance of a warrant of ex-ecution issued on 11 June2013, the undermentioned

movable property will be soldat 11h00 on 5 November 2013to the highest bidder by theSheriff of the High Court at 52Robertson Road Bela Bela.Full conditions of the sale canbe inspected at the offices of theSheriff of the High Court, 52Robertson Road, Bela Bela.Property: 1 x VW Beetle (regis-tration number: BJK 849 GP),2 x Trojan fitness machines, 1 x3 piece leather sofa, 1 x Defy AutoDry machine, 1 x Samsungfridge, 1 x Sharp microwaveoven, 1 x Panasonic AV controlreceiver, 1 x Technics CD plus 2speakers, 1 x Technics stereocasette player, 1 x Ipad soundsystem, 1 x Samsung DVD, 1 xround table, 1 x mirror, 1 x no. 3weights, 1 x water dispenser, 1x LG Hoover, 1 x Camping tentwithout poles.JF BASSON5 Batavia StreetWelgemoed.

TK Mashaba

Several students from Phagameng HighSchool went to the local circuit of theDepartment of Education last week afterthey were refused access to the schoolgrounds because the principal did notapprove of their hairstyles.Apparently the students were informed onTuesday, 8 October, that they were not to

Hairy situation atPhagameng High School

Mmapatile Primary School students all dressed up to embody the career theywould like to follow. Photo: TK Mashaba

Some of the students who were lockedout of the school grounds because of theirhairstyles. Photo: TK Mashaba

come to school with strange or ‘funky’hairstyles. When the students came toschool with their hair as they usually wore itthe following day, the principal allegedlyejected them from the premises.The BEAT visited the school on

Wednesday, 9 October, to find severaldisgruntled students outside the schoolgrounds.The principal could not talk to reporters as

she was in a meeting but the vice-principal,Matshidiso Molaphelo, gave a briefinterview.“The kids don’t know where to draw the

line,” she said. “They are aware of the codeof conduct we hold to in this school, whichincludes a dress code, and we expect goodcharacter from them.”Molapbela said that the girls who were

refused undermined the principal’s ruling.“They know that we need a clean hairdo

that shows the person is a learner not ahooker,” she added. “We would say that weare sorry for locking them out but themessage was clear and simple; we toldthem we expected their hair to be neat.”Molapbela said that this kind of behaviour

affected students’ academic performanceand that it was up to the school to takecharge of taming them.According to Molaphelo, the hairstyles

were just the tip of the iceberg, combiningwith behaviour and dress to be ‘distractingto the male educators’. The BEATattempted to get comment from the circuit,but were unable to reach them.

Mmapatile students dress for success

future careers, and especially those whodid not honour this invitation,” she said.“This is an important day for these

students and their parents, and theparents are supposed to be interested inwhat careers their children will follow inthe future.”She added that part of the goal of the

day is to motivate children to work hardand decide early on what career paththey would follow.Some of the more common themes on

the day were nurses, teachers, trafficofficers and social workers.

TK Mashaba

Mmapatile Primary School studentshad their annual Dressed-Up CareerDay at the school on Friday, 11October.It was an opportunity for the students

to dress as the career they would oneday like to pursue.The vice-principal of the school,

Lebogang Seloi, expressed herdissatisfaction with the involvement ofthe parents.“I’m so disappointed with the parents’

lack of involvement in their children’s

Maope High student wins five awardsfrom school, misses ceremony

Top student Briton Baloi of MaopeHigh School. Photo: TK Mashaba

asked why he chose not to attend. “Ididn’t have any idea I was going to winawards, but the idea of being around alot of people isn’t for me.”He added that he’d started performing

even better after he was accepted tostudy at the University of Pretoria inAugust.Asked how he kept himself focused,

Baloi said that he was an indoorperson who enjoyed watching the extralearning programs on DSTV, whichhelped a lot — especially with mathsand science.“I’m so grateful for this achievement

and want to represent the school wellwhen the results come in,” he said.Baloi added that he had stoppedplaying soccer this year, as it wastaking too much time away from hisstudies.Baloi was also awarded R 2 000 to help

with the logistics surrounding hisuniversity application, for which he saidhe was ‘very grateful’.The principal, Naomi Sono, said that the

school was proud of him, and that theyare all looking forward to his resultscome the end of the school year.

TK Mashaba

When Briton Baloi of Maope Highchose not to attend his matric farewell,he had no idea that he would bemissing an awards ceremony where hewould be awarded several prizes.The young man was given awards in

Maths, Physical Science, LifeSciences and English, as well as the2013 Best Learner Award.“I must admit I am shy,” he said when

Lizzy Bapela

Emerging young entrepreneurs fromMookgophong attended a youth entrepre-neurship seminar hosted for them at thelocal community hall on Saturday, 12October.The seminar was an initiative by the

National Youth Development Agency(NYDA) in partnership with theMookgophong Local Municipality and theWaterberg District Municipality. Targetedfor the seminar were the Grade 10, 11 and12 students from local secondary and highschools, as well as young people who arealready in the business field.Spokesperson for the local municipality

Lerato Makomene said that the seminarbrought together key stakeholders toaddress the theme of the day; “BeLimitless in Support of YouthEmployment”. The seminar was alsomeant for the stakeholders to exchange onthe concept of economic development andhow the NYDA can contribute towardsdeveloping and setting up youth ownedbusinesses.In her welcome address on behalf of the

mayor, Councillor Langa said that theseminar was meant to empower youngpeople to become entrepreneurs and beable to sustain their businesses and fightunemployment.In her speech, Zandile Majozi of the

NYDA informed the young people of whatthe organization is all about andhighlighted the programmes that they offer.She said that young people from as youngas 14 years old to the age of 35 are

Seminar for young entrepreneurswelcomed to visit the NYDA’s offices formore information and help from theorganisation. She added that grown-upscan also visit their offices for referral torelevant institutions.The NYDA is concerned about the rate in

which drugs and substance abuse,teenage pregnancy and the HIV scourgeare tormenting the future of young peopleand threatening the country’s economicwellbeing. Majozi said that the country isthe world’s number 5 in HIV infections andthis is a complete danger to society. Sheadded that nyaope and whoonga are alsobusy ruining the lives of the young onesand this needs the society and individuals’efforts to combat. She urged parents tosupport their children in their talents andjourney to discover and implement them,adding that charity begins at home.Majozi also warned people against the

“pull him/her down” (PHD) syndrome,saying that it is fair for one to besuccessful and it only depends on him/her.She encouraged young people not tobecome like driving school test driving carsbut new ones. She also encouraged themto knock on the government’s doors andgrab opportunities offered to them.She said that the scourge of teenage

pregnancy is increasing madly to the pointwhere an eight-year-old child in a primaryschool in the Kwa-Zulu Natal is pregnant.She encouraged the youngsters to use theSolomon Mahlangu Scholarship fund,which will be closing very soon, for theiradvantage.

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BEAT Page [email protected], Website: 18 October, 2013


Thabiso Pilane and Moraka Mothoa fromMaope High. Photo: TK Mashaba

Lizzy Phanyane and Naivel Shiang fromMaope High. Photo: TK Mashaba

Emmie Sepeng and Leornard Mautlafrom Maope High. Photo: TK Mashaba

Lerato Molele and Obakeng Marengwafrom Maope High. Photo: TK Mashaba

Cathrine Ncube and Karabo Ramokonefrom Maope High. Photo: TK Mashaba

Mohau Aphane and TshegofatsoMonyela from Maope High. Photo: TKMashaba

Tebogo Molokomme and SammyMashaba from Maope High. Photo: TKMashaba

Mmatsheko Mabu and Dan Matsimbifrom Maope High. Photo: TK Mashaba

Esrom Mashuduand VeronicaSmith fromMaope High.Photo: TKMashaba

Maope High School is aiming for 80%

Daniel Motalane duringhis motivation for thestudents during theirfarewell event. Photo: TKMashaba

hoping for an 80% pass rate.“This is the least you can do and

the educators have done theirparts,” he said. “It’s up to you asstudents to proceed ad set thegoals.”Phathudi added that the world out

there is waiting for the students toshow it how they have assimilatedthe education they have been giventhrough such efforts as wintercamps, essential classes andothers.

Daniel Motalana, the head ofthe winter camp classes and ateacher at Maope High School,said that this was the time forlearners to decide who they wantto be later in life.“This is an important time to

make a choice that you’re goingto have to live with for the rest ofyour life,” he said.Jonas Ramatape from the

BBEAG (Bela Bela EducationAdvocacy Group) said that theywere glad to have worked withthe school since theorganization started.“We all know that BBEAG is

trying to help with better qualityeducation, we are committed tohelping students with all aspectsof that,” he said.Ramatapa said that the

BBEAG was committed to givingthe nine best students someform of financial assistance inthe new year.

TK Mashaba

With only a week between themand the matric final exams,Maope High School’s Grade 12students received some wel-come motivation during theirmatric farewell last week onThursday, 11 October.Among the speakers was

Mmakome Phathudi, the BelaBela Circuit manager, who toldthe learners that they were

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[email protected], Website: 8 BEAT 18 October, 2013

TK Mashaba

The Mookgophong Local FootballAssociation has finally resolved someof its differences after a meeting heldrecently. The association was allegedto be suffering strain after theresignation of the associationsecretary Kgomotso Phagadi inSeptember last year.LFA League Manager Sello Mashaba

told The BEAT that the associationwas ready to tackle challenges aheadof the new season which is due tokick off in two or three weeks.Mashaba said that they had been

experiencing challenges sincePhagadi’s resignation, but that theyhad replaced him with Maggy Ramelafor the time being, until a newsecretary can be chosen.

Local FootballAssociation soldierson despite drama

Some of the junior players in Mookgophong in practice. Photo: TK Mashaba

Mashaba added in an interview withThe BEAT that he acknowledged theorganization’s need for committed,hands-on individuals.“At the moment we have only the

under 17 team, active, what aboutunder 13 and under 15?” he asked,adding that there was a need todevelop new players in the LFA.Phagadi said that he believed that

the LFA in Mookgophong still neededa lot of resources from SAFA’sRegional Offices, but never mentioneddetails.Sello Mashaba said that he is glad

that they have paved the way forward,and added that there would be anotherpreparatory meeting with team ownersbefore the league opens.

Modimolle Primary wins the annualBuild-It Tournament 2013

TK Mashaba

The annual Build-It tournament wasscooped by the Modimolle Primary Schoolteam. The Modimolle boys have had anuphill battle, but they managed to takehome the gold at the finals, beatingArsenal 4-2 on the 12th of October atEphraim Mogale Stadium.They went home having won a full set of

soccer kit, the winners’ trophy as well assmall trophies for each player to takehome.Arsenal also took home prizes of soccer

kits, small trophies and sports bags.Build-It floor manager Quentin Coetzer

Build-ItTournament 2013winners,ModimollePrimary School.Photo: TKMashaba

said that they considered the tournamentthis year just as much of a success as theones of previous years.“The support from the community and

schools was amazing, and also the talentfrom players, which is something thatneeds to be nurtured,” he said.Coertzer said that they were approached

by a number of people who wanted theirteams to be in the tournament.“We realize that the tournament is

growing, and we are willing every year totake more teams on board,” he added.Last years’ winners were Dagbreek

Primary School.

Warm-up for Kamplits Volleyball

Kamplits playersin action during

the friendly gamewith Madubaduba.

Photo: TKMashaba

fresh from a trip to Durbanfor Volleyball South Africawhere the girls’ team camein seventh place while theboys came eighth.According to Thabo

Molokomme, the Kamplitsplayers enjoyed their visit toDurban.“There was a lot to learn

as a team,” he said.After the championships,

several players remained inDurban to play beachvolleyball.“It was a great experience,

as several of our playershad never played beachvolleyball before,” saidMolokomme.After the games at

Settlers, the winning teamswill proceed to theprovincial games.

TK Mashaba

Bela Bela volleyball teamKamplits had guests fromMpumalanga thisweekend, in preparation forthe development gamesorganised by theDepartment of Sports, Artsand Culture, which will beheld on Saturday, 19October at Settlers HighSchool.The visit fromMadubaduba, the Seabe-based Mpumalanga team,came after Madubadubaheard that Kamplits werethe Limpopo champions inVolleyball. The team werelooking for more exposureand a chance to learn fromthe best.Meanwhile, Kamplits is