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The Audi exclusive typeface Corporate Design Guideline Basic elements | Typography As at: 10/2011

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The Audi exclusive typefaceCorporate Design Guideline

Basic elements | TypographyAs at: 10/2011

Page 2: The Audi e xclusive typeface - · The Audi e xclusive typeface Corporate Design Guideline Basic elements | Typography As at: 10/2011


Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011


Introduction 3 AudiType 3

Typeface design 4

1.0 TheAudiTypefamily 4 Overviewofsupportedlanguages 41.1 AudiTypeExtended 51.2 AudiType 6

2.0 BasicrulesofAuditypography 7

3.0 AudiTypeinOpenTypeformat Currencysymbols 8 Overview of all characters in the Latin alphabet,

specialcharactersandligatures 83.1 Figures 9

4.0 AudiTypeinTrueTypeformat 10

5.0 TheInternetanddigitalmedia 10

6.0 AudiTypecharactersinnon-Latinalphabets Activatingcountry-specificcharacters 11 Overview of all Cyrillic, Asian Cyrillic and

ModernGreekcharacters 11

7.0 Languagesthatarenotsupported7.1 SimplifiedChinese 127.2 Japanese 127.3 Korean 13

Downloads 14

Generalinformation 14

Page 3: The Audi e xclusive typeface - · The Audi e xclusive typeface Corporate Design Guideline Basic elements | Typography As at: 10/2011


Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

Audi Type gives us a corporate typeface that has been designed exclusivelyforus.Itisatypographicalinterpretationofthebrandvalues.AudiTypeisusedforallAudicommunicationmediaand may be obtained free of charge via the Audi Cor porate DesignPortal.


Audi Type

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Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

Audi S5

Typeface design

Audi Type is a comprehensive typeface family and comprises eight styles:

• AudiTypeExtendedhasawidecharacterspaceandisusedforlogotypesandheadlines.ItisavailableintheNormal,Bold,NormalItalicandBoldItalicstyles.

• ThenarrowerAudiTypeisusedforcopytextandallotherapplications.IttooisavailableintheNormal,Bold,NormalItalicandBoldItalicstyles.

Audi Type is available as an OpenType typeface in all styles for useacrossallplatforms(AudiTypev03.2).ATrueTypeversionof the typeface has also been developed specifically for use in Officeapplications(AudiTypev03.05).ItisavailableinthefourmainstylesAudiTypeExtendedBold,AudiTypeExtendedNor-mal,AudiTypeBoldandAudiTypeNormal.

Whether OpenType or TrueType, as well as the letters of the Latin alphabet, both formats contain all characters for Modern Greekandmost(Asian)Cyrilliccharacters.ThismeansthatAudiType can be used for all communication measures worldwide, withonlyafewexceptions(China,Japan,Korea,IsraelandtheArabic-speakingnations).



SupportedlanguagesthatdonotusetheLatinalphabet (please see section 6 for further information)Abyssinian,Adyghe,Avar,Azerbaijanian(Cyrillicscript),Bashkir,Belarusian,Bulgarian,Buryat,Chechen,Dargwa,Dungan,Ingush,Kabardinian,Kalmyk,Karakalpak,Kazakh,Kumyk,Kyrgyz,Lak,Lezgian,Macedonian,ModernGreek,Mongolian,Mordvinian,Nanaish,Nogai,Russian,Serbian,Tabasaran,Tajik,Tatar(Cyrillicscript),Tati,Turkmen(Cyrillicscript),Tuvan,Ukrainian,Uyghur(Cyrillicscript),Uzbek(Cyrillicscript)

Audi Type Extended BoldAudi Type Extended Bold Italic

AudiTypeBoldAudi Type Bold Italic

Audi Type Extended NormalAudi Type Extended Normal Italic

AudiTypeNormalAudi Type Normal Italic

Q7 R8 TT A3 A5 A6 A8

1.0 TheAudiTypefamily


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Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

abcdefghijklmnopqrst u v w x y z A B C d E f g h I j k l m n o p q r s T u v w x y z0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9àáäèéëğìíïıòóößùúüýÿÀÁÄÈÉËĞÌÍÏİÒÓÖÙÚÜÝŸ!?,.…:;„“”‘’"'«»‹›()[]_-—fifl¢£$€¥@©®™§&%+−=

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a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E f G h i j k l m N o p Q R s T u v w x y z0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9à á ä è é ë ğ ì í ï ı ò ó ö ß ù ú ü ý ÿÀ Á Ä È É Ë Ğ Ì Í Ï İ Ò Ó Ö Ù Ú Ü Ý Ÿ! ? , . … : ; „ “ ” ‘ ’ " ' « » ‹ › ( ) [ ] _-— fi fl ¢ £ $ € ¥ @ © ® ™ § & % + − =

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AudiTypeExtendedNormal1.1 AudiTypeExtendedTheExtendedtypefacewithitswidecharacterspacingdefinesthevisualidentityoftheAudibrand.Itisthereforeusedinallcommunication media for the following elements:

• HeadlinesarealwaystypesetinAudiTypeExtended.• AllAudilogotypesaretypesetinAudiTypeExtended.

Forlogotypessuchas“AudiBank”,theredbrandname“Audi” isalwaystypesetinAudiTypeExtendedBold,andthebusinessunitisalwaystypesetinAudiTypeExtendedNormal(inblackorinwhiteinnegativeversions).Thischaracteristictypefaceistobecomeafurtherrecognitionelement.

A guideline on creating logotypes is available in the CD Portal under“Audilogotypes”.



KlimaautomatikHervorragendesKlimableibtauchnachdemSchließendes Verdecks erhalten: Die intelligente Klima-automatikmerktsichsowohlbei offenem als auch bei geschloss-enem Verdeck die vorgewählte Temperatur und stellt sich selbst nach wiederholter Betäti-gungerneutautomatischein.

StoffverdeckDasklassischeStoffver-deck prägt den besonderen Charakter desAudiA5Cabriolet.Zugleichzeich-netessichdurchhohenKomfortunddurchdachteDetailsaus.Sodauertesgeradeeinmal15Sekunden, bis das vollautomatische Verdeck Platz für Sommerfrischemacht.Undnur17Sekunden,umsichbeiBedarfwieder


GeteiltumklappbareRücksitzlehneRaumwirdimAudiA5CabrioletinjederHinsichtexzellentgenutzt.DiegeteiltumklappbareRücksitzlehnemitFernentriegelungmachteseinfach,langeGegenständezuverstauen.DergroßzügigeGepäckraummiteinemVolumenvon320Litern(750Literbeium-geklappterRücksitzlehne)istauchbei geöffnetem Verdeck bequem zu beladen.



Audi magazin/ 39

Audi BankAudi driving experience



Page 6: The Audi e xclusive typeface - · The Audi e xclusive typeface Corporate Design Guideline Basic elements | Typography As at: 10/2011


Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

AudiTypeBold AudiTypeBoldItalic

AudiTypeNormal AudiTypeNormalItalic1.2 AudiTypeAudiTypeisawell-structuredsansseriftypeface.Withits narrower spacing, it is suited to a wide range of applications, evenwherespaceislimited.

• TheAudiTypeNormalstyleisusedforcopytext,AudiTypeBoldforsub-headlines.

• AudiTypeNormalandBoldarealsousedforallotherinfor-mationlevelswithlargervolumesoftext,e.g.picturecap-tions,footnotes,tables,etc.

• TheItalicstylesmaybeusedforemphasisincopytextorforsub-headlines,forexample.


BishererlebtemanLeistung. JetztspürtmanLeidenschaft. DasAudiA5Cabriolet.

KlimaautomatikHervorragendesKlimableibtauchnachdemSchließendes Verdeckserhalten:DieintelligenteKlima-automatikmerktsichsowohlbeioffenemalsauch bei geschlossenem Verdeck die vorgewählte Temperatur und stellt sich selbst nach wiederholter Betätigung erneut automatischein.

StoffverdeckDasklassischeStoffverdeckprägt den besonderen Charakter des Audi A5 Cabriolet.ZugleichzeichnetessichdurchhohenKomfortunddurchdachteDetailsaus.Sodauertesgeradeeinmal15Sekunden, bis das vollautomatische Verdeck Platz für Sommerfrischemacht.Undnur17Sekun-den,umsichbeiBedarfwiederzuschließen.Bis zu einer Geschwindigkeit von 50 km/h lässt sich das Verdeck auch während der Fahrtbedienen.


LedersitzemitAufheizschutzEinespezielleFarbpigmentierungverhinderteinestarkeAufheizungdurchSonneneinstrahlung.ZudemwirddieimSonnenlichtenthalteneInfrarotstrahlungreflektiert.DieOber- flächentemperaturkannsoumbiszu20°Cgesenktwerden.AlleanderenEigenschaftendes Leders werden durch den Aufheizschutz nichtbeeinflusst.


Audimagazin/ 39


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A b c d e f g h I j k l m N o p q r s T u v w x y z0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9fi fl @ © ® ™ § & %

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGhIjKLMNOpqRSTuVw x y z0123456789àáäèéëğìíïıòóößùúüýÿÀÁÄÈÉËĞÌÍÏİÒÓÖÙÚÜÝŸ!?,.…:;„“”‘’"'«»‹›()[]_-—fifl¢£$€¥@©®™§&%+−=

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Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

The Audi design principle of asymmetry is also fundamental in typographicaldesign.Thisappliestoboththeoveralllayoutandthedesignofindividualelements.

• Textisneveralignedcentrallyorcentred.• Words may not be written entirely in uppercase letters, the

onlyexceptionbeingAUDIAG.• Type should not be set in the form of a shape or along a

curvedline.• Auditypographyispreferablyinblackorwhite.• Thetypecolourchosenshouldofferthemaximumcontrast




Figures AudiTypeincludes“proportionalliningfigures”and“liningfiguresfortables”.“Liningfiguresfortables”areusedintables.

Detailed specifications for many different applications (bro-chures,advertisements,businessstationeryetc.)canbefoundintherelevantguidelinesintheCorporateDesignPortal.

2.0 BasicrulesofAuditypography

Copytextisflush-leftandragged.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetueradipiscingelit,sed.


Textaligned tomiddle


Two-line indented headline headline in white

Fully justified text Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

Typesetintheformofashape.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, coelit,seddiaipsum.

1234 89563478 12589016 0942


DTp Typefaces

headline AudiTypeExtendedBoldPreferably flush-left, optionally staggered

Logotypes AudiTypeExtendedNormal

Copytext AudiTypeNormalFlush-leftinraggedparagraphs

proportionalliningfigures Liningfiguresfortables

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Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

Audi Type OpenType is a cross-platform application and can be usedbothonMacintoshandonWindowsPCs.OpenType-com-patibleapplications(e.g.InDesign,IllustratorCS,PhotoshopCS,quarkxPress7.3.1)arerequiredtousetheOpenTypefont.Besides standard characters in the Latin alphabet and all accen-tuated characters, the typeface file contains the characters for ModernGreekandCyrilliclanguages.Thismeansthatindividuallanguageversions(characterencodings)ofthetypefacearenolongerrequired.Typesettingisfacilitatedbyintegratedspecialcharacterssuchasligatures,fractionsandsuperscriptfigures.

3.0 AudiTypeinOpenTypeformat

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPqRSTUVWxyZ 12345678901234567890 123456789012345678901234567890⁄1234567890 ¼½¾⅓⅔⅕⅖⅗⅘⅙⅚⅛⅜⅝⅞%‰ áâàäåãæāăąćčĉċçďđðéêèëěēėęĕğģĝġĥħíîìïıĭīįĩijĵȷķĺļłŀľńňņñʼnóôòöõōőŏøœŕŗřßśşșšŝťţŧúûùüūůűųũŭẁẃŵẅýŷỳÿźżžþ ÁÂÀÄÅÃÆĀĂĄĆČĊĈÇĎÐÉÊÈËĚĒĖĘĔĞĢĜĠĤĦÍÎÌÏĪİĮĨĬIJĴĶĹĽĻŁĿŃŇŅÑÓÔÒÖÕŌŐŎØŒŔŘŖŚŞȘŠŜŤȚŦÚÛÙÜŪŮŰŲŨŬẀŴẂẄỲŶÝŸŹŻŽÞ fiflffffiffl€$¥¢£¤฿₵₡₫₲₴₭₤₦₪₱₨₮₩§§&©®™@#ªº¦¶ ?!.,:;_-–—·…"'‘’‚“”„‹›«»/|\¿¡†‡* ()[]+<=>~¬±×÷∂∆π∏∑−√∞∫≈≠≤≥ℓΩƒµ¸˛¨´ˆˇ˘˙¯°˚˜˝^`←↑→↓◊



€ Euro$ Dollar

¢ Cent

£ Pound

¥ Yen

¤ Currency

฿ Baht(Thailand)₵ Cedi(Ghana)₡ Colon(CostaRica,ElSalvador)₫ Dong(Vietnam)

₲ Guarani(Paraguay)₴ Hryvnia(Ukraine)₭ Kip(Laos)

₤ Lira(Lebanon,Syria)₦ Naira(Nigeria)₪ NewShekel(Israel)₱ Peso(Philippines,Cuba)₨ Rupee(India,Pakistanetc.)₮ Tugrik(Mongolia)

₩ Won(Korea)

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Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

proportional liningfigures

Genuine superscript/subscriptfigures



Liningfigures fortables

3.1 FiguresThe OpenType font format means that various styles of figures areavailable.AudiTypeincludes“proportionalliningfigures”and“liningfiguresfortables”.Italsoincludesfractionsaswellasgenuinesuperscriptandsubscriptfigures.

In InDesign, the lining figures and the superscript and subscript figurescanbelocatedbyselecting“OpenType”inthe“Draw”window in the menu:

Note:The lining figures for tables are saved in the standard character setasthisisalsousedfortablesinExcel.Toensurethatpropor-tionalliningfiguresappearautomaticallyincopytext,thiscanbe selected as a default setting in InDesign in the menu shown above.

The complete character set can be viewed in InDesign via the “Glyphs”window(locatedinthemenubarunder“Type”)andcanalsobeselecteddirectlyfromhere.

Ax 0213921 0213921

Ax ⅓⅔⅗ ¹²³ 321

321 123

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Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

Officecommunications Fonttobeused

presentationtemplates Audi Type (Arial)

Letterhead Audi Type

Faxsheet Audi Type

E-mail Arial

Digitalmedia Fonttobeused Substitutefonts

headlines AudiTypeExtended –

Copytext Audi Type Verdana, Tahoma

Typographyasapicturefile Audi Type –

The Audi Type corporate typeface is used in all Audi communi-cationmediaprovidedthisistechnicallyfeasible.ATrueTypeversion of the typeface has been developed for use in Office applications.Itisavailableinthefourmostimportantstyles:AudiTypeExtendedBold,AudiTypeExtendedNormal,AudiTypeBoldandAudiTypeNormal.

The lining figures for tables are saved as standard in the TrueTypecharactersetasthisisusedfortablesinExcel.

In addition to the languages based on the Latin alphabet, thecurrentTrueTypeversion(v03.05)coversModernGreekand(Asian)Cyrillic.Acompletelistofsupportedlanguagescan befoundonpage4.AudiTypecannotbeusedine-mailcommu-nicationsfortechnicalreasons.Thesystemtypeface,Arial,isthereforeusedinthiscase.


Besides technical limitations, in digital media it may be neces-sarytouseanalternativetypefacetoensurelegibility.Inthiscase,AudiTypeisreplacedbythesystemtypefaceVerdana.Inspecificexceptionalcases,theTahomatypefacemaybeusedforverysmalltypesizes.Furtherinformationcanbefoundinthe“DigitalMedia”guideline.

Note:If typography is integrated as a picture file, only the Audi Type typefacefamilyisused.

4.0 AudiTypeinTrueTypeformat

5.0 TheInternetanddigitalmedia

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Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

In addition to Latin characters, the latest version of Audi Type (OpenType:v03.2,TrueTypev03.05)includesallCyrillic,AsianCyrillicandModernGreekcharacters.Acompletelistofsup-portedlanguagescanbefoundonpage4.


ActivationinWindowsSelect“ControlPanel”inthe“Start”menuandclickthe“RegionalandLanguageOptions”menuitem.Inthe“Lan-guages”tab,select“Details”.Inthe“Settings”tab,itisnowpossible to add additional language settings and activate them inthepull-downmenu.Theselectedlanguagescanalsobedeletedinthesamewindow.Itisnowpossibletochangebetweentheactivatedlanguagesinthetaskbar.

ActivationinMacOSXInthe“Apple”menu,select“SystemPreferences”andthen“International”.Clickthe“Inputmenu”tab.Inordertodisplaythe given character palette for the selected language, click in the“On”boxnextto“CharacterPalette”attheverytopofthecountrylist.Nowclickonthelanguageyouwishtoselectforthecharacterpalette.The“Showinputmenuinmenubar”optionshouldnowbeactivated.Ifyounowrequirethecharac-ter palette in a different language, select the relevant flag in themenubar.Thesamemenucanalsobeusedtodisplaythecharacterpalette.

6.0 AudiTypecharactersinnon-Latinalphabets







Displayingthecharactersinthegraphicsapplications AdobeInDesignandAdobeIllustratorRegardlessoftheselectedlanguagesetting,inprofessionalgraphics applications it is possible to access all characters con-tainedinanOpenTypecharactersetasfollows:inthe“Font”menuitem,gotothesub-item“Glyphs”.Allcharactersinthecharacter set can be displayed in this window in the given styles.Thisisparticularlyconvenientforselectingindividualcharacters.Fortextsinanon-Latinalphabet,itispossibletochangetootherlanguageandcountrysettingsasdescribed.


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Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

7.1 SimplifiedChineseTheChinesetypefacedoesnothaveaseparate“Extended”typestyle.Forthisreason,onlytwotypedesignsareusedinChinesetextmatter.Forheadlines,theappearanceofanExtendedtypedesignisachievedbyscaling(stretching)thewidthofthetypeto120intheFontmenu. Depending on the given system requirements, the character setsmaybeobtainedasTrueTypeorOpenTypeversions.



7.2 japaneseTheJapanesetypefacealsodoesnothaveaseparate“Extended”style.Forthisreason,onlytwotypedesignsareusedinJapanesetextmatter.



OrdersThese two Asian typefaces may be obtained as TrueType and OpenTypeversionsfromthesupplier“dynalab”(,pleasecontactthesupplier’sSalesDepartment:

[email protected].+8522866-3560Fax+8522865-3308

Note:In all cases, these typefaces may only be used for the given country-specifictextmatter.ThecharactersoftheLatinalpha-bet it contains are never used as a substitute for Audi Type!

7.0 Languagesthatarenotsupported

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Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

7.3 KoreanTheKoreantypefacedoesnothaveaseparate“Extended”typestyle.Forthisreason,onlytwotypedesignsareusedinKoreantextmatter.




Note:In all cases, this typeface may only be used for the given coun-try-specifictextmatter(Korean).ThecharactersfromtheLatinalphabet and other Asian characters it contains do not replace eitherAudiTypeorthealternativetypefacesforChinese/Japa-nese!

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Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

Audi owns all licensing rights to the new typeface: it can be used globally for all Audi communication media and down-loadedfreeofchargeviatheAudiCDPortal.Pleasenotethatyoumustaccepttheconditionsofusebeforedownloading.

More information on the use of the Audi typefaces can also be found in the Audi CD Portal on the Internet: name: audiuserPassword: marketingArea:“Basicelements|Typography”

Responsibleforcontent:AUDI AGI/VS-22Corporate Identity85045Ingolstadt Germany

Note:The reproduction of colours may vary depending on the outputdeviceused.Thecoloursoftheillustrationsarenot binding, and in some cases illustrations are shown reducedorenlarged.

downloads Generalinformation