the age of imperialism. causes of imperialism definition: imperialism is the seizure of a country or...

The Age of Imperialism

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Page 1: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

The Age of Imperialism

Page 2: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

Causes of Imperialism

Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country.

Industrialization- raw resources, markets for goods, economic advancement.

Europeans believed they were more advanced than other people in other parts of the world.

Page 3: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-


Page 4: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

Causes of Imperialism

Social Darwinism-survival of the fittest. This gave many people a justification for racism and different classes of people.

Wealthy successful people were believed to better (more fit) than other people.

Page 5: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-
Page 6: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

Africa The Maxim gun,

steamships, railroads, and other technologies helped the Europeans take land in Africa.

The Berlin Conference divided Africa 14 nations almost

went to war over territorries

they met to reach a peaceful solution.

Page 7: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

African Resistance The Zulu nation fought the British rule and the British

army. The Zulu army almost defeated the British army but

they eventually lost their kingdom. East Africa tried to fight against the Germans. Over

75,000 died. Ethiopia successfully rebelled against Italy and Menelik

II became the African emperor of Ethiopia. They defeated Italy in the Battle of Adowa.

Page 8: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

Negatives: Africa lost control of their land breakdown of culture boundaries created groups that didn’t get along

Positives: Schools and hospitals were established

increased life expectancy African products were now valuable in the

international market

Page 9: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire-

around the Mediterranean Sea, and Black Sea

Suleyman I dies and weak sultans take over.

The people under Ottoman control wanted independence.

Page 10: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

Ottoman Empire Geopolitics: an interest in taking of

land for its strategic location or products.

Ottoman Empire had a strategic location.

Trade routes In 1900 oil was discovered in Persia. Crimean War- Russia against the

Ottomans, Britain and France. Russia wanted a warm weather port

from the Ottomans. The Ottomans kept losing territory.

Page 11: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

Egypt Reforms Muhammad Ali- fought and

gained control of Syria and Arabia

Plantation crops of cotton grown

Ali’s son Ismail supported the Suez Canal- A canal from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.

Egypt lost lots of money. Britain occupied Egypt.

Page 12: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

British Imperialism in India British East India

Company creates trading posts

India had lots of raw materials, which British industries needed.

Page 13: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

Indian people lose self-sufficiency Positive benefits of Colonialism were railroads,

increased literacy and the development of a modern economy.

1857-Sepoy Mutiny-Indian soldiers became tired of British control and racist attitudes. The British soldiers greased the Indian soldiers gun

cartridges with beef and pork fat. This allowed the cartridges to come out easier. Indians were both Hindu and Muslim. What was the problem with this?

The soldiers captured Delhi, but Britain sent troops and defeated them.

The Sepoy Mutiny causes direct British control.

Page 14: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

Imperialism in Southeast Asia

Pacific Rim land-important because of sea route to China, agriculture, and minerals.

Sugar cane, coffee, rubber, pineapple were great plantation crops

Page 15: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

U.S. Imperialism

1898-Spanish American War Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam are gained by the

U.S. Philippine nationalists declare independence U.S. fought the nationalists and won The U.S. creates hospitals, railroads, and


Page 16: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

Hawaii-important port

Sugar trade-sugar cane plantations

Queen Liliuokalani wanted power for herself and the Hawaiian people.

1898-U.S. annexes Hawaii

Page 17: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

The Boxer Rebellion in China All of the

European countries had “spheres of influence” in China.

Sphere of influence- an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges

Page 18: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

The Boxer Rebellion John Hay, the American Secretary of State,

wanted an “Open Door” policy in China A secret society-the Fists of Righteous

Harmony-called the Boxers wanted to get rid of the foreigners and topple the Ching government.

The Empress encouraged the Boxers to get rid of the foreigners, so they decided to support her.

The Empress told the foreign diplomats that she would crush the Boxers, but she did nothing to stop them.

Page 19: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

The Boxer Rebellion Over 20,000 angry

Boxers carrying swords marched on the capital.

The diplomats came together and defended themselves for two months.

Eventually reinforcements came and they were rescued.

Page 20: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

Japanese Imperialism Because Japan is an

island, countries used its ports along their trade routes.

Japan refused many ships

The United States threatened Japan with military power- this allowed the U.S. to dock at their ports. Thanks to Admiral Perry

Admiral Perry’s hand


Page 21: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

The Japanese were angry that their leaders gave into the Americans demands.

Japan stared to modernize sent people to Europe and North America

to study how the rest of the world did things.

This made Japan the strongest country in Asia

Page 22: The Age of Imperialism. Causes of Imperialism Definition: Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Industrialization-

Japan had military, political, and economic strength.

They became imperialistic attacked Korea ( peace treaty signed) attacked China (gained Taiwan and some

islands) Attacked Russia (peace treaty signed,

gained more territories) Attacked Korea again (annexed Korea, or

gained partial control)