the adoration of re

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  • 8/12/2019 The Adoration of Re


    The Adoration of ReHymn to the Rising Sun

    "Hymn to Re when he rises."from the Papyrus of Ani (ca.125 !#$

    %y &im 'an den ungen

    Sources ) Papyrus of Ani.The !oo* of the ead.The Papyrus of the Adoration of Re.

    Hierog-yphs of the Hymn.#ng-ish Trans-ation of the Hymn.ommentary.

    1. The Sources

    The Papyrus of Ani/ found at The%es/ written in cursi'e hierog-yphs and i--ustrated with co-or'ignettes/ was purchased %y the Trustees of the !ritish 0useum run %y Sir #.A.&a--is !udge in/ where it remains today in the epartment of #gyptian Antiuities. The materia- itse-f hasree -ayers of papyrus/ pro'ided %y p-ants measuring ,.5 inches in the sta-*s. &hen unro--ed/ it

    %ecame dar*er and certain sections shrun*.

    pparent-y written %y at -east three scri%es/ the 'ignettes ca-- for fewer artists. The tit-es of thechapters/ ru%rics/ catch3phrases etc. are in red. At times the te4t crowds %ecause the artist

    occupied too much space. The 'ignettes were pro%a%-y drawn %efore the te4t was written. The

    fferent section of the papyrus were not a-- origina--y written for Ani/ / for in se'era-aces his name is entered %y a -ater hand. Such additions do not occur in the first 1 feet and ,inches. The te4t has errors/ -i*e two copies of a chapter.

    r o%'ious reasons/ the origina- +23year3o-d papyrus cannot %e studied. Photographs of it wereu%-ished as onde-inger/ #. (edit$ ) Codices Selecti/ A*ademische ruc* 6 7er-agsansta-t 3 8ra9/o-. :;

  • 8/12/2019 The Adoration of Re


    e Papyrus of Ani is undated and no facts concerning the -ife of Ani are gi'en. &e *now he was ascri%e/ an accountant and an o'erseer of the granary at The%es. Ani pro%a%-y -i'ed during the

    ;th ynasty (ca. 12=2 3 11 !#$/ %ut ear-ier dates ha'e %een suggested (ca. 1,5 !#$. !utin the ;75 !#$/ %ut theo* remained popu-ar during the Third 5 3 ,$ and the :ate Period, 3 + !#$. The co--ection circu-ated throughout #gypt/ with The%es at the head. !eginningh the reign of Pharaoh Tuthmosis

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    e4tant manuscripts$ and others ha'e identified new hapters/ %ringing the present num%er ofe4tant hapters of the !oo* of the ead at 1=2.

    The origins of this %oo* can %e traced to the Pyramid Te4ts/ appearing at the end of the ifthynasty (ca. 2, !#$. These te4ts were so-e-y for the %enefit of the roya-s. A few centuries-ater/ these spe--s were adapted for pri'ate use and incorporated into a group of new spe--s/

    theoffin Te4ts/ to %e emp-oyed %y anyone who cou-d afford a sarcophagus. !y the #ar-y ?ewngdom (ca. 155 !#$/ these te4ts were s-ow-y rep-aced %y the spe--s *nown today as the!oo*

    of the ead.

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    Papyrus of Ani/ P-ate +.


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    he third -arge section starts in the far right corner/ facing right$ )Said the 8reat #nnead of Thoth/ who is in Hermopo-is ) @That which comes forth from yourouth is true. The 'indicated Bsiris/ the scri%e Ani/ is righteous. He has no sin/ there is no

    ccusation against him %efore us. Amemet the eater of the dead/ e4ecuting the second deathIha-- not %e permitted to ha'e power o'er him. :et there %e gi'en to him the offerings whichre issued in the presence of Bsiris/ and may a grant of -and %e esta%-ised in the Se*het3Heteputhe ie-d of BfferingsI -i*e for the fo--owers of Horus.@"

    this famous scene from the Papyrus of Ani/ Ani and his wife enter the Ha-- of the ou%-e :aw orou%-e Truth (di'ine 'ersus human 3 good 'ersus e'i- 3 eterna- -ife 'ersus second death/ etc.$ toa'e Ani@s heart/ em%-ematic of conscience/ weighed against the eather of 0aat/ em%-ematic of

    truth 6 Eustice.

    Bn the -eft of the %a-ance/ facing Anu%is/ stands Ani@s "Shay" ("SAii"$ or "estiny". A%o'e Ani@sestiny is an o%Eect ca--ed "mes*hen" ("ms4n"$/ a cu%it with a human head connected with Ani@sce of %irth. !ehind "Shay" stand "0es*henet"/ presiding o'er the %irth3cham%er/ and "Renenet"/iding the rearing of chi-dren and ca--ed ":ady of Custification" (cf. the :itany of Re$. A%o'e themehind the "mes*hen"$ is the !a of Ani in the form of a human3headed %ird standing on a py-on.

    This -eft side summari9es the 'arious e-ements constituting Ani@s -ife on earth )

    where he was %orn (nature$ and how he was raised (nurture$ J

    the destiny a--otted to him ) "what is fated" (Ptahhotep 3 0a4ims12 6 ++ 3 Amenemope/

    chapter >$ ) Shay is a-so the god of the span of years and the prosperity one may e4pect toenEoy 3 note the "mes*hen" f-oats a%o'e Ani@s destiny (indeed/ where one was %orn

    inf-uences one@s destiny$ J

    Ani@s heart ( $ ) the epicentre of the who-e scene/ sym%o-i9ing Ani@s thoughts/ intentions

    and conscience during his -ifetime on earth J Ani@s !a ) during his -ifetime/ his sou- was captured %y the "net of the %ody" and it made Ani

    happy if he in'ested in enduring thoughts 6 deeds in accord with 0aat 3 after themummification of the %ody/ the !a e4ists in a "spiritua- %ody" (the "sah"$ and witnessed the

    weighing/ of which the fina- direction of the -ower constitutents of Ani depend (either asecond death or a 'indication$.

    n the right of the %a-ance/ the -eft arm of Anu%is is a%o'e 0aat@s eather (his tum% pointing toe words "the heart of Bsiris has %een weighed"$ whi-e his right hand touches the p-ummet of the%a-ance (at the end of the p-um%3-ine$. Bn the centre of the %eam of the %a-ance sits a dog3headed ape (!a%oon$/ facing Thoth the recorder (who stands at Anu%is@ right side with the

    onster of the ?etherwor-d %ehind him$. !eneath the right %eam we find these words (spo*en %yAnu%is/ watching the pum%3-ine$ )
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  • 8/12/2019 The Adoration of Re


    7arious &eighing Scenes )Papyrus !0 ==1/ Papyrus !0 1.,>2/ Papyrus of Kenna/ &ooden Dsha%ti !o4.

    he centra- em%-em is 0aat@s eather.

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    Pharaoh was "Eustified"/ for he "-i'ed in 0aat".

    The weighing procedure in'o*ed in this scene/ is 3ex hypothesi3 not restricted to the after-ife

    were it appears as the fina- "%a-ance3sheet" of the deceased$. The sapienta- discourses ma*e itear that in e'ery situation/ the #gyptian wise seeks to do Maat/ and does it %y "measuring" thea-e of the im%a-ance in order to restorethe #ye of Horusand %ring it to the forehead (i.e. rea-i9

    a "tertium comparationis"$. This to harmoni9e -ife and end strife in Pharaoh@s name/ he whouaranteed the unity of the Two :ands %y returning 0aat as 'oice3offering to his father Re. irstomes a carefu-/ concrete in'estigation of what is at hand/ in order to disco'er its "%a-ance"/ i.e.the twofactors which a--ow the energy of the "Fa" to f-ow (from high to -ow$ and animate thei'en conte4t. ?e4t there is the restoration %y stri*ing the "ni-"/ the true %a-ancing3point of the%eam/ arri'ed at when the difference %etween the two weights is naught.

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    the sou- re-eased from the mummy

    first/ the 'ignette/ or a sym%o-ic representation summari9ing the intent or content of a spe-- inoncise pictoria- form/ was used for emphasis. !y the Ramesside Period/ on-y few spe--s had no'ignette.

  • 8/12/2019 The Adoration of Re


    (in$ the sacred 'a--ey of the :ord of :ife.The mysterious initiation of the :ord of A%ydos "

    8riffith/ tom%

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  • 8/12/2019 The Adoration of Re


    he 'ignette is a sym%o-ic representation of the intent of a spe-- in a concise pictoria- form. Thismp-ements the te4t. Here/ the 'ignette depicts the "Two :adies"/ name-y

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    night/ inc-uding the deities and the Eustified %-essed dead of Bsiris (who otherwise s-eep$.The sacred *now-edge regarding this spiritua- e'o-ution was for the 'ery few and/ when firstwritten down/ portrayed in the tom% of *ings on-y. This economy is e4c-usi'e of e'eryman/

    reser'ed to the deities (as the *ing and his high priests$ and unconditiona-.

    Papyrus of Ani ) the Adoration of Re (end$

    "0ay my name %e proc-aimed when found upon the %oard of offerings Jmay my food offerings %e gi'en in my presence -i*e (to$ the o--owers of Horus."

    The 'ignette depicts Ani and his wife/ offering to the gods %efore a %oard of offerings.

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    , The Hierog-yphs of the Hymn

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  • 8/12/2019 The Adoration of Re


    The Adoration of Re#ar-y ;

  • 8/12/2019 The Adoration of Re


    has ta*en away his mo'ements/d as for the sons of impotent re'o-t/ they ha'e no %eing.

    e House of the Prince is in esti'a-/

    e 'oice of those reEoicing is in the 8reat P-ace.e 8ods reEoice when they see Re when He ascends/

    s rays f-ood the -ands.e 0aEesty of this no%-e 8od proceeds/has entered the -and of 0anu.

    s %irth %rightens dawn e'ery day Jhas arri'ed at His p-ace of yesterday.

    y Gou %e satisfied with me J

    ay < see your %eauties/ay < ad'ance upon the #arth.

    y < smite the ass y < dri'e of the re%e-3serpent

    y < destroy Apep at his moment y < see the A%dEu3fish at his time of appearance/d the

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    e tit-e and the author are first mentioned. Ani is ca--ed "the Bsiris scri%e". This refers to the factPapyrus of Ani is a magica- document/ supposed to guarantee -de opere operato-the

    tification of the deceased. Hence/ the te4t assumes Ani a-ready to %e an "Bsiris"/ i.e. Eustified/dicated/ "true of 'oice"/ one who passed the Eudgment of the %a-ance/ his heart not %einga'ier than the eather of 0aat. He is a "scri%e of the ho-y offering"/ pointing to his wor-d-ysition as accountant/ *eeping trac* of the granary of the :ords of The%es.

    is sa-uted as Fhepri/ the creator of the gods. Fhepri is the se-f3created aspect of Atum3Re as itpears at dawn (cf. the 12th Hourof the Amduat$. The %eet-e pushing a %a-- of dung was seen aseui'a-ent of the Sun tra'ersing the s*y. !i3se4ua- Atum creating himse-f (on the "firsturrence" or "9ep tepi"$/ sp-its into Shu and Tefnut/ the primordia- coup-e engendering theiopo-itan #nnead.
  • 8/12/2019 The Adoration of Re


    The He-iopo-itan #nnead )Atum 3 Shu 3 Tefnut 3 8e% 3 ?ut 3 Bsiris 3

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    Re/ name-y Hera*hety/ Horus of the ou%-e Hori9on/ i.e. Horus of the #astern and &esternri9on.

    s reuest for he-p summari9es another intent/ for not on-y is Bsiris Ani "true of 'oice"/ %ut a-sopared to see and thus e4ist/ as a Horus/ with Re himse-f Bsiris Ani not on-y wishes to fu-fi-- reuirements of the :unar order (a p-ace in the :and of 7indication$/ %ut a-so see*s a p-ace in "So-ar %ar*"/ to be with e. This dou%-e intent is a-so found in the Pyramid Te4ts/ where theine *ing first identifies with Bsiris (%uria- cham%er$ and then ascends to the s*y to escort Rete3cham%er$.

    s unification of the two soterio-ogica- orders is remar*a%-e. 35 !#$/ a tension persisted %etween/ on the one hand/ the wet :unar Bsirian cyc-e ofurrection/ ca--ing for a comp-e4 6 popu-ar fami-y3%ased myth/ and/ on the other hand/ the

    He-iopo-itan cyc-e of ascension/ %eing a straightforward companionship with Re. The first wascommoners/ the second for roya-s.

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    ris Ani prays a-- deities to praise Re. !eing 'indicated %y the "weighers of hea'en and earth in %a-ance"/ the Eustified Ani a-ready recei'ed "food and sustenance"/ as the second 'ignette

    ggests. He now addresses the deities of a-- cardina- directions as we-- as Tatenen/ who createdmanity/ as*ing them to praise and adore the %eauty of the renewed Re/ ascending in the !ar* o

    0orning. &e a-so read the famous sa-utation3formu-a ) ":ife Strength Hea-th "/ pointing to fact the -ife3force in a-- its di'ine facets originates in the Sun. This ce-e%ration of the %eauty ofreminds of the 8reat Hymn to the Aten)

    p-endid Gou rise in the -ight-and of the s*y/'ing Aten/ creator of -ife

    u ha'e dawned in the eastern -ight-and.u fi-- e'ery -and with your %eauty."at Hymn to the Aten/ 13,.
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    address aims at the deities of hea'en (a%o'e$ and earth (%e-ow$. Thoth and 0aat/ oftenether as a coup-e/ are preeminent-y deities presiding o'er the acti'ities of the scri%e. Thothresents writing/ whereas 0aat truth. !oth act as "recorders"/ ta*ing note of the en-ightenedi'ities of Re (in the Pyramid Te4ts of Dnas3spe-- 1>3/ we see Sia/ or understanding/ ta*inge of the di'ine scro--/ whereas in the Amduat/ 0aat is often seen at the prow or in front of thear %ar*$.

    in the >th Hour of the ?ight/ the arch3enemy of Re/ the giant sna*e Apep/ representing cosmicaos/ is fa--en 6 fettered. His associates are %eing gi'en o'er to the fire3pits/ whi-e the "sons ofpotent re'o-t"/ name-y the o--owers of Seth/ representing mora- e'i- ("isefet"$/ are e4tinct.

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    e di'ine *ing reEoices when Re rises and f-oods the -ands with his rays. The cyc-e of Re/ entering"!eautifu- &est" or the "-and of 0anu"/ and e4iting the uat %y %eing re%orn at dawn e'ery

    y is in itse-f an eterna- recurrent mo'ement ("neheh"$/ an interconnected process. or a-- things interre-ated and cause and effect cannot %e stopped )

    eware of it &ith its -i*e/ a %-ow is repaid/

    d$ to e'ery action there is a response."ruction of 0eri*are/ 21 3 22.

    "arri'es at his p-ace of yesterday"/ meaning Re eternally returns to what he has done/ is true tacti'ity and does not s-ac*en his intent or pace. Bmniscient/ he is fu--y aware and remem%ers

    erything. &itnessing this is indeed cause for great Eoy/ for creation is fu-- of change ande4pected e'ents/ %oth cosmica--y (Apep$ as mora--y (Seth$. The cosmic order is often inarray/ whi-e mora- e'i- is 'ery common.

    whom sha-- < spea* today L

    arts are greedy/re is no heart to put one@s trust in.

    whom sha-- < spea* today Lne are the Eust.e -and is -eft o'er to the e'i-doers."iscourse of a 0an to his !a/ 12.

    t so with Re. He sets and rises and one may trust this to continue eterna--y ...
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  • 8/12/2019 The Adoration of Re


    Papyrus of Ani 3 P-ate ,The Bsiris Scri%e Ani/ Bsiris/ 3 2+, !#$ as found in the
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    t spe-- of the te4ts found in his tom% )

    Gou (ferryman$ with the %ac* of his head %ehind him/ %ring to Fing Dnas Seferet3hetepet whichon the %ac* of Bsiris/ (so$ that Fing Dnas may ascend on it to the s*y and Fing Dnas may escor

    in the s*y."amid Te4ts of Dnas/ spe-- 2+2/ the -ast spe-- of the corpus3 corridor #ast wa--.

    a--y/ the 'ery -ast 'erse repeats what we *now. The Adoration of Re is a 'oice3offering to the FaAni. #'ery time it is read/ its magic endures and Ani@s ou%-e is reinforced %y the -ife3forcenerated %y the "he*a" or magic of these words. Thus the dynamism of his !a is securedd!siris "ni continues to travel with e and see !siris every day