the 3 little lamb (1)

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  • 8/11/2019 The 3 Little Lamb (1)



    Once upon a time, there were three little lambs. They lived with their mother and

    always followed their mother around. Soon, the time came for them to leave home and

    seek their fortunes. Before they left, their mother told them My precious three little

    lambs, the world is a cruel place to live. Everybody around you will try to take advantageof you. So, whatever you do, do it the best that you can because that is the way to get

    along in the world.But the three little lamb did not take the advice seriously. They were

    too busy playing and singing around:

    The first little lamb went mehk,mehk,mehk,



    The first little lamb went


    all day long.

    (replace with second & third)

    After playing for a long time,the three little lambs got tired and decided to entertheir house.

    The mother realized that her three little lambs did not listen to her. So, she called

    in her first little lamb and said My precious little lamb, whatever you do, do it the best

    that you can because that is the way to get along in the world. But the first little lamb

    fell asleep listening to his mother. (snoring)

    The mother called the second little lamb and said My precious little lamb,

    whatever you do, do it the best that you can because that is the way to get along in theworld. But the second little lamb wanted to sleep but tried not to sleep. (yawns)

    The mother then called the third little lamb and said My precious little lamb,

    whatever you do, do it the best that you can because that is the way to get along in the

    world. The third little lamb was listening to his mother carefully and promised to follow

    her advice.

  • 8/11/2019 The 3 Little Lamb (1)


    The next day, the three little lambs said goodbye to their mother and started their

    journey. After a while, they saw a mountain and decided to build their houses near to

    each other around the mountain. The three little lambs realized that they need bricks to

    build their houses.

    The first little lamb was very lazy. I dontlike to do any works. I must ask my ask

    his brothers to do all my chores. The first little lamb did not want to work hard finding for

    bricks and decided to build a straw house. As he was building the straw house, he

    started singing:

    If you want to build a house, hit the nail. (tok tok)

    If you want to build a house, hit the nail. (tok tok)

    If you want to build a house,

    Lets build it with straws

    If you want to build a house, hit the nail (tok tok)

    (x2) (4.46)

    He built his house out of straws because it was the easiest thing to do.

    The second little lamb was neither lazy nor hardworking. I dont like to rest too

    much but I dont like to work hard too.He would only do chores that will benefit him. He

    was known for his inconsistent attitude. The second little lamb built his house out of

    sticks. As he built his house, he sang:

    If you want to build a house, hit the nail. (tok tok)

    If you want to build a house, hit the nail. (tok tok)

    If you want to build a house,

    Lets build it with sticks,

    If you want to build a house, hit the nail (tok tok)


    He built his house from sticks because he didnt want to relax or work too much.

    His house was a bit stronger than the straw house.

    The third little lamb was very hard-working. I must do all my chores myself

    because my mother told me that I must be hardworking. He would always do all his

  • 8/11/2019 The 3 Little Lamb (1)


    chores happily and he would never complain. The third little lamb built a very strong

    house. As he was building his house, he happily sang:

    If you want to build a house, hit the nail. (tok tok)

    If you want to build a house, hit the nail. (tok tok)

    If you want to build a house,

    Lets build it with bricks

    If you want to build a house, hit the nail (tok tok)


    His house was the strongest among his siblings because he built his house out of


    The three little lambs did not know that there was a wolf living in the mountainwho loves to eat fat little lambs. The wolf had been watching the three little lambs and

    was waiting for the time to eat them. He laughed evilly and sang:

    I am happy,

    I am happy,

    I see lambs,

    I see lambs,

    They are fat lambs,

    They are fat lambs,

    Ill eat them,

    Ill eat them.


    Tune of I am sleeping

    One night, the big bad wolf, came along and saw the first little lamb in his house

    of straw. He said Let me in, let me in, little lamb or Ill huff and Ill puff and Ill blow your

    house in!. Hearing this, the first little lamb said Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.

    But of course the wolf did blow the house in (blowing action)and (moves like monster)

    ate the first little lamb. AAAUUUUMMM NOMM NOOOMM NOOOOOOM. After eating

    the first little lamb, the wolf burped: (eerrphhh) I am soooooooooooooooooooooo full.


  • 8/11/2019 The 3 Little Lamb (1)


    The next night, the wolf then came to the house of sticks. Let me in, let me in

    little lamb or Ill huff and Ill puff and Ill blow your house in. Not by the hair of my

    chinny chin chin, said the second little lamb. But the wolf blew that house in too

    (blowing action), and (moves like monster) ate the second little lamb. AAAUUUUMMM

    NOMM NOOOMM NOOOOOOM. After eating the second little lamb, the wolf burped:

    (eerrphhh) I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo full.

    The third night, the wolf then came to the house of bricks. Let me in, let me in

    cried the wolf Or Ill huff and Ill puff till I blow your house in Not by the hair of my

    chinny chin chin said thethird little lamb. Well, the wolf huffed and puffed but he could

    not blow down that brick house. ???The wolf wondered why he could not blow the

    house in. But he still kept on trying to blow the house down. (blowing sound x3)

    The wolf stopped and thought to himself a different plan. Since the wolf was a

    smart, bad old wolf, he tried to persuade the little lamb to come out from his house. He

    said, Little lamb, I know where there is a nice field of flowers. Whereis it? asked the

    little lamb. Oh, it is in Mr Smiths Home-field, and if you will be ready tomorrow

    morning, I will call for you, and we will go together, and get some for breakfast .

    Very well, said the little lamb, I will be ready. What time do you want to go?

    Oh, at six oclock the wolf replied. He thought to himself Hahahaha, tomorrow I will

    get to eat the fat little lamb for my breakfast. The little lamb knew that the wolf was

    trying to trick him. So, the little lamb got up at five, and got the flowers before the wolf

    came (which he did about six). Once the wolf have reached, he greeted the little lamb

    and asked: Good morning little lamb, are you ready?. The little lamb answered:

    Ready, I have beento Mr. Smiths Home-field and came back again to my house, and I

    got a nice potful of flowers for breakfast.

    The wolf felt very angry at this, . but thought that he would be up to the little

    lamb somehow or other, so he said: Little lamb, I know where there is a nice appletree. Whereis it? asked the little lamb. It is down at Merry-garden, replied the wolf,

    and if you will not cheat me I will come for you at five oclock tomorrowmorning and get

    some apples. The wolf thought to himself again, I will eat him tomorrow for sure.(4.24)

    Well, the little lamb knew the wolfs trick. He woke up the next morning at four

    oclock, and went off for the apples, hoping to get back before the wolf came, but he had

    further to go, and had to climb the tree, so that just as the bad wolf was coming, which,

  • 8/11/2019 The 3 Little Lamb (1)


    as you may suppose, frightened the little lamb very much. The little lamb got scared and

    thought to himself Oh my! Oh, my! The bad wolf is here. What should I do(2x)?. When

    the wolf came up he asked: Little lamb, what! (Looks confused) Are you here before

    me? Are they nice apples?

    Yes, they are very sweet, said the little lamb. I will throw you down oneand try

    it. And he threw it sooooooooooooooooooo far, that, while the wolf was gone to pick it

    up, the little lamb jumped down from the tree and ran back home. He kept on running

    and running and running and running till he reached his home. When the wolf came

    back to the tree, he realized that the little lamb had cheated him again.

    He went to little lambs house and tried to find a way to enter the strong brick

    house. He climbed up the roof.I must enter the house and eat the little lamb.Just at

    the same time, the little lamb saw the wolf was climbing up on the roof and lit a roaring

    fire in the fireplace and placed a large kettle of water on it. Finally the wolf found a hole

    in the chimney. Yes, finally I found a way! Now, I will be able to eat this fat, little lamb.

    He crawled down and KER SPLASH right into that kettle of boiling water. The wolf died

    at that moment. And that was the end of the little lambstroubles with the big bad wolf.

    The next day, the little lamb invited his mother over and told her what happened.

    She said Yousee, it is just as I told you. The way to get a long in the world is by doing

    things as well as you can. Fortunately for that little lamb, he learned his lesson. And he

    just lived happily ever after! I am a happy lamb, I want to do my happy dance

    Put your LEFT hand in,

    Put your LEFT hand out

    Put your LEFT hand in,

    And shake it all about

    And do the hockey pockey and

    you turn yourself around

    and thats what its all about.

    (2ndtime, change LEFT to RIGHT)