techniques in ofdm systeins - mcgill...

Joint Synchronization, Channel Estintation and Decoding Techniques in OFDM SysteIns Si Li Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill University Montreal, Canada October 2006 A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Engineering. © 2006 Si Li

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Joint Synchronization, Channel

Estintation and Decoding

Techniques in OFDM SysteIns

Si Li

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill University Montreal, Canada

October 2006

A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Engineering.

© 2006 Si Li

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Due to its high data transmission capability and robustness against multi-path

propagation, Orthogonal Frequency Division Muitiplexing (OF DM) has become

increasingly popular for both wire-Iine and wireless communications. In signal

recovery, the efficient and accurate estimation and correction of the symbol time

offset (STO), carrier frequency offset (CFO), sampling frequency offset (SFO) and

channel distortion are extremely important for the receiver to achieve good system


ln this thesis, we study and develop joint synchronization, channel estimation and

decoding schemes to provide high system performance at a relatively low complexity

for uncoded and coded OFDM systems.

We first investigate and evaluate the performance of low-complexity time-domain

joint synchronization and channel estimation scheme suitable for uncoded OFDM

systems. The proposed scheme can operate with a large initial CFO range (up to

±100% of carrier spacing). Its complexity is reduced by using a special FFT block for

time-to-frequency channel response conversion and a track-and-hold (TAH)

estimation strategy based on mid-ambles to eliminate the additional IFFT block

required by time-domain estimation.

We then consider the turbo concept to develop an iterative joint synchronization,

channel estimation and decoding scheme for coded OFDM systems operating at very

low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Instead of hard decisions, the estimator uses soft

decisions of the transmitted data obtained from previous soft-input soft-output (SISO)

decoder and consequently produces better estimates of the unknown parameters.

These estimation results will then help data detector to generate more reliable soft

inputs to the decoder. The whole process will be performed in an iterative manner and

good system performance can be achieved with only a few iterations for moderate

initial synchronization errors.



Grâce à sa haute capacité de transmission de données et sa résistance au phénomène

de propagation par trajets multiples, la technologie OFDM est devenue de plus en plus

populaire pour les télécommunications avec fil et sans fil. Pendant la récupération du

signal, l'estimation efficace et précise ainsi que la correction du décalage temporel de

symbole, du décalage de la fréquence porteuse, du décalage de la fréquence

d'échantillonnage et de la distorsion du canal sont extrêmement importantes pour le

récepteur afin d'aboutir à une bonne performance système.

Dans cette thèse, nous étudierons et développerons des techniques en participation de

synchronisation, d'estimation du canal et de décodage conjointes qui sont capables de

fournir une haute performance pour une complexité relativement basse pour les

systèmes OFDM.

Nous analyserons d'abord la performance des techniques conjointes de

synchronisation et d'estimation du canal à basse complexité dans le domaine temporel

pour des systèmes OFDM non-codés. Le modèle proposé peut fonctionner avec un

grand décalage initial de fréquence porteuse Gusqu'à ±lOO% de l'espacement de

fréquences porteuses). Sa complexité est réduite par l'utilisation d'un bloc FFT spécial

pour convertir la réponse temporelle du canal en réponse fréquentielle et par une

stratégie d'estimation par échantillonnage et blocage basée sur les mid-ambles pour

éliminer le bloc IFFT additionnel requis pour estimation dans le domaine temporel.

Nous considérons ensuite le modèle turbo afin de développer une procédure itérative

conjointe de synchronisation, d'estimation du canal et de décodage pour les systèmes

codés qui opérent à faibles rapports signal-sur-bruit. Au lieu d'utiliser de méthodes de

décision ferme, l'estimateur utilise des méthodes de décision quantifiée des données

obtenues du décodeur SISO précédent et, par conséquence, produit une meilleure

estimation des paramètres inconnus. Ces résultats d'estimation aideront le détecteur de

signal à générer des entrées quantifiées plus fiables au décodeur. La procédure entière

est itérative et peut offrir une bonne performance après un faible nombre d'itérations

pour les systèmes ayant un niveau modéré d'erreurs initiales de synchronisation.



Pirst of ail, 1 wish to give my eamest thanks to Professor Tho Le-Ngoc who has

given me the opportunity to study at McGill University, where he guided me with the

utmost patience. Dr. Le-Ngoc has provided me with a most inspiring research

environment and has helped me through various hard times by his rich knowledge and

experiences, invaluable suggestions and firm supports. 1 also would like to

acknowledge the financial support from an NSERC/CRD Grant with InterDigital

Canada, which has enabled me to fully concentrate on the research.

1 would like to express my gratitude to ail the prof essors in the Department of

Electrical and Computer Engineering, who have taught me, particularly Prof essors

Peter Edwin Caines and Ioannis Psaromiligkos, from whom 1 have leamed a lot in

doing TA for Probability and Signal Processing 1.

Many colleagues in the Broadband Communications Lab, Jianfeng, Nestor, Robert,

Doan and Tuan have assisted me a lot and to whom 1 would like to give my sincerest


1 am also grateful to Prof essor Zhonglin Wang of Georgia Institute of Technology

who has encouraged me to come here and to Prof essor Hong Guo of McGill

University who has helped me especially for the settlement.

1 need to thank ail my close friends, especially Yang, Ping, Stella, Helen, Saswat,

Wengang and my roommate Na. You treat me as a family member.

My final and deepest gratitude goes to my family. 1 am forever indebted to my

parents who devote their lives to me. Special thanks go to Liang for putting me up

during the most depressive time and helping me in every aspect, especially for the

proofing of this thesis.





Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations

List of Symbols and Notations

List of Figures

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Motivations

Table of Contents








1.2 Objectives and Contributions 2

1.3 Thesis Outline 3

Chapter 2 OFDM: Basics, Synchronization and Channel Estimation 5

2.1 OFDM Basic 5

2.1.1 OFDM signal model 7

2.1.2 Guard interval and cyclic prefix 8

2.2 Channel Estimation and Synchronization Issues at OFDM Receiver 9

2.2.1 Channel estimation 10

2.2.2 Synchronization 10 Symbol timing offset 10 Carrier frequency offset and sampling frequency offset Il

2.3 Effects ofResidual Estimation Errors on OFDM System Performance 13

2.3.1 Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) 14

2.3.1 Symbol rotation 16

2.4 Channel Estimation and Synchronization Algorithms 18

2.4.1 Channel estimation algorithms 18

2.4.2 Synchronization algorithms 19


2.4.3 Joint synchronization and channel estimation algorithms

2.5 Chapter Summary



Chapter 3 Joint CFOCE-C Scheme with Reduced Complexity & Large Initial CFO

Range 24

3.1 Joint CFOCE-C Aigorithm: BriefReview 24

3.2 Low-Complexity Joint CFOCE-C Aigorithm 26

3.2.1 Reduced-complexity FFT for CIR-to-CFR conversion 27

3.2.2 Mid-amble based track-and-hold technique 28 Track-and-hold technique 28 Sequence selection 29 Performance evaluation of the track-and-hold (TAH) technique 30

3.3 Enlarging Initial CFO Range 32

3.3.1 Sequential acquisition algorithm 33

3.3.2 Joint acquisition algorithm 34

3.3.3 Simulation results 36

3.4 Chapter Summary 39

Chapter 4 Joint Turbo Synchronization, Channel Estimation and Decoding for Coded

OFDM Systems 40

4.1 Overview of the Existing "Turbo Techniques"

4.2 Transmitter Model in Coded OFDM Systems

4.3 Proposed Turbo (Iterative) Receiver in Coded OFDM Systems

4.3.1 Data Detector

4.3.2 Soft Demapper

4.3.3 SISO Decoder

4.3.4 Soft Mapper

4.3.5 Joint CFOCE-C Estimator

4.4 Simulation Results

4.5 Chapter Summary












Chapter 5 Conclusions

5.1 Thesis Summary

5.2 Future Work







List of Abbreviations









A Posteriori Probability

Additive White Gaussian Noise

Bit Error Rate

Burst Length (number of symbols per OFDM burst)

Channel EstimationlEstimator

Carrier Frequency Offset

CFOCE-C CFO, Channel Estimation and Correction Algorithm

CFOSFOCE-C CFO, SFO, Channel Estimation and Correction Aigorithm

CFR Channel Frequency Response



















Channel Impulse Response

Coded OFDM

Cyclic Prefix

Cramér-Rao Bound

Decision Directed

Decision Feedback Equalizer

Discrete Fourier Transform

Error Correcting Coding

Expectation Maximization


Frequency Domain

Fast Fourier Transform

Finite Impulse Response

Guard Interval

Inter Carrier/Channel Interference

Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform

Inverse Fast Fourier Transform

Infinite Impulse Response





























Log-Likelihood Ratios

Least Mean Squares

Least Squares

Maximum A Posteriori

Multiple-Input Multiple-Output

Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation

Minimum Mean Squared Error

Mean Square Error

Non-linear Least Mean Squares

Non-linear Recursive Least Squares

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

Phase-Locked Loop

Recursive Least Squares

Root Mean Square

Recursive Systematic Convolutional Code

Signal to Distortion Ratio

Symbol Error Rate

Sampling Frequency Offset

Single-Input Multiple-Output

Soft-Input Soft-Output

Signal-to-Noise Ratio

Soft Output Viterbi Aigorithm

Symbol Timing Offset

Singular Value Decomposition


Time Domain



List of Symbols and Notations




Complex number corresponding to mth constellation point

qth bit of the binary log2 M -tuple representing the symbol Am

A set of binary information bits

LS estimation error




dq' l,k q , th coded bit before interleaver which are grouped and mapped onto

OFDM symbol Xl,k

d1k qth coded bit after interleaver which are grouped and mapped onto

OF DM symbol Xl,k

Ec Averaged energy of the individual carriers

!k Carrier frequency of the kth sub-carrier

!lI Carrier frequency offset

H Channel frequency response vector

Hk Channel frequency response at kth sub-carrier

h Channel impulse response vector

hi ith element of channel impulse response vector

hi Estimate of ith element of channel impulse response vector

Il,k CFO-introduced ICI at kth sub-carrier, lth symbol


LLRs of a posteriori probabilities

Lg Long training symbol

Lg(i) ith sample in long training symbol


N Number of sub-carriers in OFDM systems, FFT size


Length of cyclic prefix in an OFDM symbol


Totallength of an OFDM symbol including the cyclic prefix

N & Channel estimation error at kth sub-carrier, lth symbol


No Noise power spectral density

R Correlation matrix of long training symbol

SNRckannel Channel SNR defined as individual OFDM carrier energy to one-sided

spectral density of additive white Oaussian noise

SNRoutput SNR at the output of the DFT for the OFDM carriers

T Sampling period

.t1T Sampling (clock) frequency offset

~ Length of the short training symbol

v Total number of channel paths

W Frequency-domain A WON noise vector

Ut/,k Frequency-domain A WON noise sample at the kth sub-carrier,
















Time-domain A WON noise vector

Time-domain A WON noise sample at nth sub-carrier, lth symbol

Frequency-domain lth transmitted symbol

Frequency-domain transmitted sample at kth sub-carrier, lth symbol

Demodulated data at kth sub-carrier, lth symbol

Time-domain lth transmitted symbol after CP insertion

Time-domain lth transmitted symbol

Time-domain transmitted sample at nth sub-carrier, lth symbol

Estimate oftime-domain transmitted sample at thenth sub-carrier,

lth symbol

Frequency-domain lth received symbol

Frequency-domain received sample at the kth sub-carrier, lth symbol

Time-domain lth received symbol before CP removal

Time-domain lth received symbol

Time-domain received sample at the nth sub-carrier, lth symbol

Time-domain received signal at ith time instant






a 2

SNR loss, defined as 'Y = SNRchannel - SN~utput (in dB)

Two dimensional correlation

Normalized carrier frequency offset, ê ~ NT f::::..j

Estimate of normalized CFO

Estimate ofnormalized CFO at thenth time instant

Symbol timing offset

Normalized sampling frequency offset, 'TJ ~ 1! Arrivai time ofthe first multi-path component

Estimate of arrivai time of the first m ulti -path component

Noise variance

Cumulative phase of the CFO

Estimate of cumulative phase of the CFO

Estimate of cumulative phase of the CFO at the n th time instant

Unknown coefficients

Estimates of unknown coefficients

Estimates ofunknown coefficients at nth time instant


List of Figures

Figure 2-1 Block diagrams ofOFDM and SC-FDE 6

Figure 2-2 Output SNR versus Normalized CFO 15

Figure 2-3 SNR Loss Due to the ICI 15

Figure 2-4 SDR Due to the Phase Rotation 17

Figure 2-5 SNR Loss Due to Phase Rotation 17

Figure 2-6 BER versus SNR in the Presence of Residual CFOs 18

Figure 3-1 OFDM Receiver with Joint CFOCE-C Algorithm 26

Figure 3-2 Comparisons of Total Real Computations 28

Figure 3-3 The IEEE802.11a Preamble 30

Figure 3-4 BER versus SNR for AWGN Channel (CFO=100Hz) 31

Figure 3-5 BER versus SNR for Rayleigh Channel (CFO=100Hz) 32

Figure 3-6 BER versus SNR for Different Initial CFOs in AWGN Channel 37

Figure 3-7 CFO Estimation Variance in AWGN Channel 38

Figure 3-8 CIR Estimation Variance in AWGN Channel 38

Figure 3-9 CFO Estimation Variance in Rayleigh Channel 39

Figure 4-1 Turbo Receiver with Joint Estimation, Detection and Decoding 42

Figure 4-2 A Coded OFDM Transmitter Model 45

Figure 4-3 Turbo Receiver Using Joint Synchronization, Channel Estimation and

Decoding for COFDM 47

Figure 4-4 Joint CFOCE-C Estimator in Turbo Receiver for COFDM 51

Figure 4-5 BER versus Et/No in A WGN Channel 52

Figure 4-6 BER versus Et/No in AWGN Channel (CFO=100Hz) 53

Figure 4-7 BER versus Et/No in AWGN Channel (CFO=1000Hz) 54

Figure 4-8 CIR Variance versus Time in AWGN Channel, Initial CFO=1000Hz and

SNR=4dB 54


Figure 4-9 CFO Variance versus Time in A WGN Channel, Initial CFO= 1000Hz and

SNR=4dB 55

Figure 4-10 BER versus Et/No in Rayleigh Channel 55

Figure 4-11 CIR Variance versus Time in Rayleigh channel, Initial CFO= 1000Hz and

SNR=16dB 56


Chapter 1


1.1 Motivations

Although the history of multi-carrier modulation dated back to more than 40 years

ago, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has only been extensively

exploited recently with the increasing demand for high rate broadband applications. In

OFDM, data are modulated using multiple sub-carriers so that each sub-carrier

occupies a small portion of the frequency band, hence a relatively flat portion of the

channel frequency response [1] [2]. As a result, OFDM is rather insensitive to

frequency-selective fading and requires very simple equalization. It has already been

chosen as the transmission method for many communication standards su ch as

European Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB),

High Performance Radio Local Area Network (HIPERLAN) and 802.lla Wireless

Local Area Networks (WLAN) [3].

Performance of OFDM systems, however, is affected by the channel estimation and

synchronization including estimation and correction of the symbol time offset (STO),

carrier frequency offset (CFO) and sampling (clock) frequency offset (SFO).

Compared to single carrier systems, instead of finding an eye opening to establish the

best sampling time, estimation ofSTO for OFDM means a rough estimate ofwhere the

symbol starts. Nevertheless, it is known that OFDM performance is very sensitive to

frequency offsets, which generate inter-carrier interference (ICI) due to the loss of

orthogonality between OFDM carriers. Accurate channel estimation is also critical as it

can affect the performance of frequency-domain equalization. In burst-mode

transmission, synchronization and channel estimation can be performed either

separately or jointly. From the optimization point of view, a joint algorithm that takes

advantage of the inter-dependence between each parameter could render better

performance. Moreover, it will also allow us to approach the optimum solutions with

less overhead than separate estimation algorithms where multiple iterations between

coarse and fine estimation stages of different parameters are required.

Recently, various studies have been put into this field, the first set of which can be

viewed as semi-combined (part of synchronization parameters and channel

information) estimation algorithms by employing either iterative procedures or

exhaustive search. The more promising alternative with aIl parameters, CFO and

channel impulse response (CIR) simultaneously estimated and updated, is studied in

[33]. This joint estimation technique is later expanded to include the SFO estimation

and correction [35]. Both these two, joint CFOCE-C and CFOSFOCE-C algorithms,

offer good performance in terms of bit error rate (BER) and estimation variance at the

expense of a narrow initial CFO tracking range and high complexity.

1.2 Objectives and Contributions

The main objective of the work presented in this thesis is to study and develop joint

synchronization, channel estimation and decoding schemes which provide high system

performance at relatively low complexity for both uncoded and coded OFDM systems.

Pursuing this key objective, we first con si der uncoded OFDM systems, and examine

suitable techniques to enhance the existing CFOCE-C algorithm.

To reduce the complexity, we investigate sorne special-designed fast Fourier

transform (FFT) algorithms for time-to-frequency channel response conversion, and

develop a track-and-hold (TAH) estimation strategy based on mid-ambles to eliminate

the additional inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) block required by the time-domain


To improve the performance, we propose ajoint acquisition algorithm integrated into

the CFOCE-C scheme in order to operate with a large initial CFO range (up to ±100%

of carrier spacing).

For coded OFDM systems operating at very low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), we

consider the turbo concept to develop an iterative joint synchronization, channel

estimation and decoding scheme which combine joint CFO and channel estimation

with soft-input soft-output (SISO) decoding. In this proposed scheme, the estimator

uses soft-decision information output from the decoder to produce better estimates of


the unknown parameters, which will in tum help the decoder to make more reliable

decision so that the overall system performance is improved iteratively.

1.3 Thesis Outline

Chapter 2 begins with the relevant background materials of OFDM. Two important

operations at the receiver, synchronization and channel estimation are then discussed.

The effects of residual errors after synchronization on the system performance are

analyzed. Finally, we review the studies on both sequential and parallel channel

estimation and synchronization techniques available in the literature in recent years.

Chapter 3 delineates a refined version of existing CFOCE-C algorithm [31]. It aims to

remove the disadvantageous requirements of additional FFTIIFFT blocks and the

narrow initial CFO range (of 1 % of carrier spacing) of the joint CFOCE-C algorithm.

First, a new scheme with lower complexity is presented. A track-and-hold (TAH)

technique utilizing mid-ambles is proposed to avoid the feedback IFFT block.

Furthermore, the FFT block required to compute the channel frequency response (CFR)

from the estimated channel impulse response (CIR) can be further reduced by adopting

sorne special FFT algorithms, the complexity of which is also evaluated. In the end, a

modified joint acquisition algorithm in conjunction with the CFOCE-C algorithm is

applied to operate with larger CFO range. Performance of the proposed T AH is

investigated and compared with that of the CFOCE-C for different scenarios by


Chapter 4 extends our study to coded systems. We begin with a comprehensive

literature review of techniques based on turbo principle for both single-carrier and

multi-carrier systems, including turbo equalization and synchronization. Attributed to

this, ajoint synchronization, channel estimation and decoding scheme is then proposed,

where soft information is iteratively exchanged between the estimator and decoder to

improve the performance at different iterations. The detailed procedures and

mathematical functions are developed, analyzed and described. Simulation results

indicate that estimation errors are reduced in a progressive way by replacing the hard

decision by more reliable soft-decision information reconstructed by the SISO decoder.

Considerable performance gain in term of BER can be achieved after 4th iteration.


Chapter 5 concludes the thesis and suggests future research directions.


Chapter 2

OFDM: Basics, Synchronization and

Channel Estimation

Due to its high bandwidth efficiency and robustness against frequency-selective

fading, OF DM has become increasingly popular for both wired and wireless

communications [1 ]-[3]. This chapter covers the basic theory of an OFDM system with

a special emphasis on the channel estimation and synchronization aspects, which serves

as background knowledge for the thesis.

Section 2.1 will start with the derivations of OFDM signal and system models under

the assumption of perfect synchronization. It also discusses how to maintain

orthogonality by adding cyclic prefix (CP). Section 2.2 will address two important

aspects in OFDM receiver, synchronization and channel estimation. Section 2.3 will

investigate the effects of residual errors after synchronization on the OFDM system

performance, which can be used to select synchronization algorithms and

corresponding parameters to meet a given performance budget. An overview of

existing algorithms (sequential and parallel) for synchronization and channel

estimation will be given in section 2.4. Section 2.5 will provide a summary of this

chapter and lead to the issues to be investigated in Chapter 3.

2.1 OFDM Basic

In single-carrier transmission systems, for multimedia applications requiring very

high data rates, signal bandwidth may become larger than the channel coherence

bandwidth. Severe performance degradation in broadband single-carrier transmission

systems occurs since consecutive symbols will interfere with each other when channel

attenuation becomes frequency-selective. To improve the system performance in

presence of inter-symbol interference (ISI), different techniques such as maximum

Iikelihood sequence estimation (MLSE), linear equalization and decision-feedback

equalization (DFE), have been introduced and extensively studied in the past. MLSE is

impractically complex while low-complexity time-domain equalization for broadband


single-carrier transmission exhibits either large noise increase (in linear equalization)

or severe error propagation (in OFE), especially in presence of deep fades.

Furthermore, adaptive time-domain equalization for time-varying frequency-selective

fading channels becomes more difficult.

An alternative solution to de al with frequency-selective fading channels is to use

multi-carrier transmission, where seriai data stream is divided into several paraUel

sub-streams with lower rate. In this way, the bandwidth of each sub-carrier becomes

smaller as compared to the coherence bandwidth of the channel, i.e., the individual

sub-carriers experience flat fading, which allows simple frequency-domain

equalization. A special multi-carrier technique is called Orthogonal Frequency

~ivision Multiplexing (OFOM), in which carrier frequencies are selected to be

orthogonal to each other so that the spectra of the sub-carriers can be tightly overlapped

without inter-carrier-inference (ICI) in order to achieve the high spectral efficiency.

IFFT and FFT are used as an efficient method to modulate and demodulate data. In

addition, a guard interval (GI) is inserted between neighboring OFDM symbols so that

inter-symbol-interference (ISI) is completely removed as long as guard time is set to be

larger than the delay spread. Instead of using a silent period, we normally chose the

cyclic prefix (CP), which also preserves the orthogonality ofthe sub-carriers [4].

It has to be mentioned that single carrier system with frequency domain equalization

(SC-FDE) has also been regarded as one possible way to mitigate the dispersive

channel with the low complexity [5] [6]. SC-FOE inherits the similar principles of

OFOM, where a simple frequency domain one-tap equalizer can be employed to

compensate the channel effect, if cyclic prefix is properly inserted. The most notable

benefit of SC-FDE, as compared to OFDM, is its high power efficiency due to the low


One Tap .. ---Î [o:::l . L-~--l DeCISion 1 ~ Equahzer'

Figure 2-1 Block diagrams of OFDM and SC-FDE


peak-to-average ratio. The block diagrams oftwo abovementioned systems are plotted

in Figure 2-1. It is obvious that although the overall complexity is similar, the IFFT

block is in the receiver side instead of transmitter for SC-FDE systems since data is

transmitted in time domain. That means the receiver hurden of SC-FDE is twice as

much as that of the OFDM. Besides, in fading channels, multi-carrier modulation

systems, which basically take advantage of sub-channels of relatively good

performance, can utilize different loading techniques to maximize the capacity of the


2.1.1 OFDM signal model

Consider an OFDM system with N orthogonal sub-carriers, each of which is of the


CPk(t) = exp(j27rikt), 0::; k < N

where ft is the frequency of the kth sub-carrier. Note that suh-carriers are equally

spaced in order to make tPk (t) orthogonal during the symbol duration NT where

T denotes the sampling period.

The lth OFDM symbol, which sim ply multiplexes aIl the sub-carriers, modulated

by a maximum of N complex valuesXl,k(k = 0,1, ... , N -1), can be expressed as

#N-l #N-l Xl(t) = - L: Xl,kCPk(t) = - L: Xl,k exp(j27rfkt ).

N k=O N k=O (2.1)

It is clear that OFDM signal defined in (2.1) is in fact nothing more than the inverse

Fourier transform of N input complex valuesXl,k. The equivalent T-spaced sampled

transmitted signal can he shown as follows where the inverse discrete Fourier

transform (IDFT) is used

#N-l Xl,n = N L: Xl,k exp (j27rkn / N), 0 ::; n ::; N - 1.


Accordingly, instead ofusing the traditional matched filter, the demodulation of the

received signaIs is performed by discrete Fourier transform (DFT). This presented an

opportunity for an easy implementation of OFDM, especially with the development of

FFT which is an efficient algorithm to compute the DFT. FFT can reduce the number of


operations for N 2 in DFT to N log2 N , the application of which is a major

contribution to the OFDM complexity problem.

2.1.2 Guard interval and cyclic prefix

As mentioned above, in order to avoid the ISI due to the dispersive channel, a guard

interval (GI) is introduced to each OFDM symbol. If the length of the GI is larger than

that of the channel impulse response (CIR), ail the interferences are limited to GI,

which will be discarded at the receiver. Even a silent guard period could be inserted to

accomplish this job but another problem, the loss of the sub-carrier orthogonality, will

arise and further produce inter-carrier-interference (ICI). Peled and Ruizs [4] solved

this problem by introducing cyclic prefix in guard interval where, prior to each symbol,

we transmit its last few samples as weil.

The cyclic extension works as follows. Let us first represent the multi-path fading

channel through which the signal is transmitted as


hn(t) = l: Qi (t)8(n - i) i=O

where Qi (t) are the complex path gains and v is the total number of paths. Assume a

sufficiently slow time-varying channel so that, for a single burst, the channel can be

characterized by a time invariant impulse response

After cyclic prefix (with length of N g ) insertion, lth discrete transmitted OFDM

symbol can be described as follows

x~ = [XI,N-Ng, ... ,XI,N-l 1 XI,O, ... XI,N-d

= [XI,N-Ng, ... ,XI,N-l 1 Xl]

Then the lth output of the channel, with length of N + N g + v, is

where * stands for linear convolution operation and w is the time domain A WGN

noise vector.

Ignoring the first N g (remove the CP) and the last v elements and the noise, we



v-l YI,Ng = L hnX'I,Ng-n = 14JXI,O + h1XI,N-1 + ... + hv-lXI,N-(v-l)


YI,Ng+l = 14JXI,l + hlXI,O + ... + hv-lXI,N-(v-2) (2.2)

YI,N+Ng-l = 14JXI,N-l + hlXI,N-2 + ... + hv-lXI,N-l-(v-l)

From (2.2), it is easy to find out that the sequence of YNg'YNg+1,"',YN+Ng-l

now is the circular convolution of h and Xl. In fact, adding the cyclic prefix prior

to transmission and removing after reception has converted the linear convolution

operation of the channel to a circular one. Due to the property of DFT, the circular

convolution of the two signaIs is equal to the product of their DFT's. Therefore, if

Hk is kth output of N-point DFT of the channel impulse response, which can be

expressed as

[TV-l Hk = VN ~ hn exp(-j2nkn / N),O ::; k ::; N -1,

after CP removal, the kth DFT output of sequence YI can be given by

Y/,k = DFT(YI)k = DFT(XI 0 h + W)k

= DFT(Xlh . DFT(h)k + Wk

= XI,kHk + Wk


where @ stands for the circular convolution. That means the transmitted information

tones can be retrieved by a one-tap frequency-domain equalizer. The significance of

(2.3) is that the received waveform is sampled at the peaks ofeach of the exponential

carriers, where aIl other carrier waveforms have a zero crossing, and hence no

inter-carrier interference (ICI) occurs.

2.2 Channel Estimation and Synchronization Issues at OFDM


One of the important issues in OFDM reception is channel estimation that determines

how much channel distortion remains to be compensated later by the equalizer.

Accurate synchronization is aiso required, which includes the estimation and


compensation of carrier frequency offset (CFO), sampling frequency offset (SFO) and

symbol timing offset (STO). In this section, we will present their particular challenges

and difficulties associated with channel estimation and synchronization.

2.2.1 Channel estimation

A key advantage of OFDM systems is its robustness against ISI as long as

orthogonality of the sub-carriers is preserved. If the guard interval is longer than the

channel impulse response spread, as prescribed in (2.3), frequency-domain equalizer

can be implemented by a set of complex multipliers (one for each sub-carrier), which

are the reciprocals of estimated channel attenuations. Therefore, channel estimation

plays an important role in such a system. It can be done either in frequency domain for

the sake of simplicity or in time domain for less number of parameters and possibly

better system performance. The related literature is abundant, most ofwhich belongs to

the "data-aided" approach where pilot symbols are used in estimation [1]. Pilot symbols

can be inserted into aIl ofthe sub-carriers of one OFDM symbol with a specific period,

which is normally called as "block type" arrangement or it can be inserted into part of

the sub-carriers of each OFDM symbol, which is called as "comb type" arrangement. In

the first case, channel characterization at aIl frequencies are estimated and kept until the

next pilot frame is transmitted, assuming that channel transfer function is not changing

very rapidly. In the second case, which is applied more in fast fading channel, the

receiver has only the information on pilot frequencies, thus appropriate interpolation

techniques are needed to estimate channel at the other sub-channels.

2.2.2 Synchronization Symbol timing offset

In burst mode OFDM systems, the first task for synchronization is to correctly detect

the boundary of the OFDM burst (symbol alignment) [7].

Let ç represent the symbol timing offset in time-domain samples at the receiver. For

(-Ng + v) < ç < 0, i.e., in the ISI-free portion, the lth received time-domain

symbol YI = [YI,N+ç, ... , YI,N-I, Yl,a, Yl,l, ... , YI,NH-d is a cyclically rotated version of

the desired symbol, which results in a frequency-dependent phase rotation in frequency


domain due to the DFT properties, i.e.,

Yi,k = XI,kHk exp(j27rkç / N) + Wt,k.

The above equation allows the correction oftiming offsets by using a phase rotor in the

frequency domain while still preserving the orthogonality.

When ç > 0 or ç ::; (-N 9 + v), resulting in capturing a symbol outside ISI -free

range, the received symbol will then contain ISI from the adjacent symbols. Moreover,

since DFT is no longer calculated using the samples within a symbol or the CP, the ISI

will cause additional ICI [7] after demodulation. Carrier frequency offset and sampling frequency offset

One of the disadvantages ofOFDM is its high sensitivity to frequency offsets, which

generate inter-carrier interference (ICI) due to the loss of orthogonality between

sub-carriers and thus cause severe system performance degradation [8]-[11].

Carrier frequency offset .6.f is introduced by the possible frequency difference in

the oscillators involved in up- and down-conversions in the transmitter and receiver or

the Doppler shift. CFO causes linearly varying rotation in time domain, which results in

data constellation shifted at an even rate in frequency domain

Sampling frequency offset i1T is introduced by the possible frequency difference in

sampling clocks ofthe receiver and transmitter. Similarly, SFO causes linearly varying

shift in time domain, which results in slowly drifted constellation during the burst.

Both of the CFO and SFO will destroy the orthogonality among the sub-carriers due

to the phase drift and thus cause ICI.

Define ê 1::. .6.fTN and 'fJ 1::. Ll{ as the normalized CFO and SFO with respect to

the sub-carrier bandwidth and sampling period. Then the nth received time-domain

sample of the lth OFDM symbol in the presence of both CFO and SFO can be

represented as


where (®}n represents the nth element of the circular convolution oftwo inputs. The

N point sequence Xl is now expressed as


11 ~x (. 27rkiJ (. 27rk (lN N ')J}

Xl == N 6 l,k exp JN exp JNTJ s + g + ~ i=O,l, ... ,N-l·

As usual, in equation (2.4), WI,k stands for the zero-mean, complex-valued A WGN

sample and h = [ho, ... , hu-l f is the coefficient vector of the CIR.

Under the assumption of perfect symbol timing, the received frequency-domain

samples, after removing CP, become [8]

Yi,k = Si(7rck)exp[j 7r:; (N -l)]exp[j 2;;k (lNs + Ng)]Xl,kHk +

~ . [ )] [ . 7r( m - k + cm)( N - 1) 1 [ . 27rcm ( )] H L.J sz 7r(m - k + Cm exp J N exp J~ lNs + Ng Xt,m m m=O m"",k


. sin 7rck where ck = (1 + TJ)c + TJ' k and SZ(7rck) = (kl. )'

Nsin 7rC}N

The above equation shows that both of frequency offsets result in an amplitude

reduction and a phase rotation to the desired data, which further destroy the

orthogonality between sub-channels and give rise to the inter-carrier inference (ICI),

indicated by the terms with m :;:é k . As a matter offact, ifwe separately consider those

two imperfections (CFO and SFO), the distortions caused by SFO are actually

frequency-dependent. To be more precise, high-frequency tones tend ta suffer more

from SFO than do the 10w-frequency tones. Numerous studies addressed the effects of

such distortions ([9] [10] for CFO and [Il] for SFO), as will be discussed further in the

following section.

Finally, estimation algorithms can be either in frequency domain or time domain.

However, corrections or compensations for bath CFO and SFO are more preferable to

be performed in time domain. Otherwise, once the samples are converted to the

frequency domain with the DFT, any residual offsets will now appear in the received

samples and become ICI, which will not be correctable anymore.


2.3 Effects of Residual Estimation Errors on OF DM System


As discussed in the previous section, CFO, SFO and channel responses must be

accurately estimated and compensated before detection. IdeaIly, it is desired to obtain

exact estimation and correction of the frequency offsets so that their effects do not

degrade the performance of the OFDM receiver. However, such an ideal requirement is

impossible since any estimation has certain error due to the influence of noise and

interference. Hence, there are always sorne residual errors after synchronization, which

can degrade the OFDM system performance. In this section, we will investigate the

effects ofsuch residual errors on the OFDM system performance. We will focus on the

CFO. Our study aims to examine the behavior of residual errors and to determine the

SNR degradation due to their MSE. The results in this section can be used to select the

synchronization algorithms and corresponding parameters to meet a given performance


In steady state, after synchronization has already been established, residual errors are

very sm aIl so that their inter-dependence can be ignored. Based on this assumption, the

frequency-domain lth received OFDM symbol of the kth sub-carrier in the presence

of residual CFO can be expressed

Yz,k = Si(1ré) exp j[;; (N -1) + 2;é (lNs + Ng)]XI,kHk + Wz,k + lz,k + Nl~. (2.5)

As usual, é denotes the normalized residual CFO, Ng andN are length of cyclic

prefix and FFT, respectively and N s = N +Ng

• N/~ and Il,k represent the channel

estimation error and residual CFO-introduced ICI, both of which are normally treated

as additional noise terms.

In the first term of (2.5), the transmitted symbol Xl,k is firstly attenuated by si( 1ré)

which is very close to 1 for the sm aIl é and can therefore be neglected. Besides, it is

rotated by a time-invariant term(7Te)(N -1)/ N plus a linearly increasing component

(21ré(lNs + Ng) / N) [8]. Obviously, if there is no tracking algorithm being used,

among aIl the impairments caused by residual estimation errors, the distortion caused

by phase rotation will become the dominant factor since it grows according to the


number of symbols and may finally amount to unacceptable level. In the following,

system performance mainly in terms of SNR loss due to the symbol rotation and ICI

will be discussed respectively.

2.3.1 Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI)

An upper bound of the variance of the ICI for values ofCFO up to plus or minus one

halfthe carriers spacing is studied by Moose in [9], which can be expressed as follows:

A lower bound for the SNR at the output of the DFT for the OFDM carriers can also

be derived from the above equation as follows:

E {

. }2 e sm 1re

SNRoutput 2: No ;e 1 + O.5947-e {sin 1re}2


where channel SNR (Ee / No) is defined as

Ee _IXI,kI2 IHkI2

No - E[IWz,kI2 j


and Ee is the averaged received energy of the individual carriers and No is the power

spectral density.

According to equation (2.6), SNRoutput is reduced by increased CFO as shown in

Figure 2-2 for different channel SNRs. The degradation can be represented by the SNR

loss, defined as 1 = SNRchannel - SNRoutput (in dB), which is plotted in Figure 2-3.

The results indicate that the degradation due to ICI becomes more severe at high

channel SNRs for the same residual CFO.


0:: Z en -:::J S :::J o

30 ----- ---------~

• 1 r _._.

1 1 1 1 1

: : : : , Il

25 -\- ~- - - - e ---- ,-- ---: --- - :-- ---e - --

20 ---\-'-----1-------'--... , •• ' 1 " -.. '

'\ .. , . " . ~

15 ~'---_; .... ~ -, ~~, ...... ,' , 1

t,. " 1

l '., "

! : ., ...... :~~

Channel SNR=20dB : Channel SNR=15dB_:

Channel SNR=25dB , Channel SNR=30dB :

, , , ,

1 0 ~ - - - - -, - - - - - r-.... ~ - -, - - - - -1----1-----1----,-----1----1-----1

..... ..... .... , ..... , ,

...... , ...... , ,

5 - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - :-~ .... ~ .... - Î - - - - - r - - - - 1 - - ---r-----,-----I 1 ......

o ------1-----i------..1-----i-------l-----i-------j----

1 1 1 1

_5L-----~-----L----~------~~-----L----~------L-----~----~----~ o 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5

Normanized Carrier Frequency Offset

Figure 2-2 Output SNR versus Normalized CFO

2.5 r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,

2 - - - - -1- - - - - 1 - - - - - T - - - - - ,- - . - - -, - - - - - -, - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - -,

iiI 1.5 "0

, , , _____ , _____ ~ _____ ~ _____ L _____ , ______ , _____ l _____ L_

'-" 1/)

!3 ...J

0:: Z en

, -·1- - - -

0.5 - - - - - - - -

00~---=0=.OO=1==:::0~.OO~2~~~0.~OO;3~;;;0.~OO;4~~0~.;OO;5~;;0~.OOf;6;;;;0;.OO~7;;~0~.OO~8~~0~.OO~9~~0~.01 Normalized Carrier Frequency Offset

Figure 2-3 SNR Loss Due to the ICI


2.3.1 Symbol rotation

The receiver normally cannot distinguish the time-invariant term

exp j [7rê(N -1)/ N] from the complex-valued channel gain and should thus be

incorporated into H k • Hence, only the term exp j[ 27rê( lN s + N g) / N] remains to be

considered. From one OFDM symbol to the next, the phase increment is given by the

angle of (27rê(Ns + N g ) / N). Assuming that the rotations are assimilated to a

distortion of power D, the expression of Signal to Distortion Ratio (SDR) was derived

by Simons [25] as follows,

1 SDR(l) = 2

1 ( . 27rd(Ns + N g )) -exp J N


where l den otes different instants of the burst.

The SDR due to the phase rotation caused by the residual CFO is plotted in Figure

2-4, for different burst length (length of symbols per burst) according to the above

equation. As before, SNR loss for different SNR input when l = 12 (burst length is

12) is plotted in Figure 2-5. Compared the results shown above and those in Figure 2-2

and Figure 2-3, we can conclude that the SNR loss due to the phase rotation is much

larger in comparison with that onCI. For instance, when the channel SNR is 20dB and

normalized CFO is 0.01, the SNR loss is approximately 0.25dB due to ICI while 18dB

due to phase drifts only after 12 symbols. Therefore, even a slight amount ofresidual

CFO will introduce linearly increased phase error, which quickly accumulates to an

unacceptable level with the number of OF DM symbols.

Figure 2-6 shows the BER curves for different residual CFO errors and burst lengths

(BLs). As expected, the results show that longer burst length for the same residual MSE

of the CFO produces larger degradation and the effect is more pronounced when with

residual MSE is larger. We can also conclude, from another point of view, that

feedback tracking algorithms are absolutely necessary even for relatively small burst

length in order to avoid severe BER performance loss.


70 - - - - -1- - - - -1- - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - -1- - - - - -i- - - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - --1

iD ~ -1/) 0 -1

IX: Z en


, ----~-----~----~-

, ,

1 1 1 1

-1- _____ 1_ - - - - -l-

, , ,


, - -,

- -1- _____ 1 ______ 1 ______ 1 , , ,

10 - - - - - , - - - - - , - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - --1 ,


0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.01

Normailized Carrier Frequency Offset

Figure 2-4 SDR Due to the Phase Rotation

30 -----,-----

25 _____ L _____ ' ___ _



10 - - -1 - - -

5 - -,-

, , ~

, ~---~---~---~-----~---~

0.001 0.002 0.003 0.007

Carrier Frequency Offset 0.004 0.006 0.005 0.008 0.009 0.01

Figure 2-5 SNR Loss Due to Phase Rotation



10 ~~ ~~~~~ H~ H n n~ H ~-H ~ [nn ~-~n ~ ~-- = ~ ;-f::~i:~~=~~~t~~~-Ij - - - - - - - ., - - -- - - - - - f- - - - - - - - ., - - - - - - - f- - - - -1-- Residual MSE=1E-8,BL=12


-3 10

0:: w -4 al 10

-5 10

-6 10

___ ~ ________ : ________ ~ ___ . _____ : ______ i -+- Residual MSE=lE-8,BL=24

-=-==-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~ - :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: =:J :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: L :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :J :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: 1:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::

--"--------~-------"--------~-------___ J ________ 1 _______ _


::::::::::::~::::::::-]::::-::::::::-- -::1--::

1 --------1-- -


~:::::::::::: == ~:::::::::: -=:: ~ -=.: ='=:= = -= -= = - = ~ -= ==::: - - -- -----------1----- --1------ ----1--

=- =- =- =- =- =- -=- =+ -= ::- =- -= =- -= =- =- ~ -= =- - =- =- =- =- ::; =- - -= - - - - - .- - - =- =- - =- - --1 - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - =- --------...,--------,-------..., ----- -j -- --...,- -- -1-

--------1--------1--- ----ï--------I- ------,- - -- -- - ----

---------1------ -t----------j--------I----------i--------.--------

-7 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L_~~~~~~ ___ L_ _____ __

~ ~ ~ D M ~ ~ 27


Figure 2-6 BER versus SNR in the Presence ofResidual CFOs

2.4 Channel Estimation and Synchronization Algorithms

Synchronization and channel estimation can be performed either separately or jointly.

From the optimization point of view, a joint algorithm that takes advantage of the

inter-dependence between the parameters could render better performance. Moreover,

it will also allow us to approach the optimum solutions with less overhead than separate

algorithms where multiple iterations between coarse and fine estimation stages of

different parameters are required. In the following, we will briefly review previous

works related to both of the channel estimation and synchronization.

2.4.1 Channel estimation algorithms

With the assumption of perfect synchronization, a large number of channel

estimation algorithms can be found. Among block type pilot channel estimation

algorithms, the simplest and most commonly used is least-squares (LS) estimator [13],

where channel attenuations on each sub-carrier are obtained by dividing the received


training symbols by the transmitted training symbol.

If channel correlation and noise variance are known, an optimal linear channel

estimator in the minimum mean squared error (MMSE) sense can be designed by using

a two-dimensional Wiener filter [12]. To alleviate its main problem, complexity, we

could explore sub-optimal one-dimensional filter. In [13] [15], a proposed DFT-based

MMSE estimator uses channel correlation in frequency to improve the original LS

estimates of the channel attenuation. Moreover, a low-rank approximation can be

applied to further reduce the complexity. For example, in [13], the channel power is

assumed to only concentrate in a few coefficients in time domain. Later on, in [15], in

order to ameliorate the performance at high SNRs, optimal rank reduction applying

singular value decomposition (SVD) theory is used in low-rank approximation to the

MMSE estimator. To make full use of channel characteristics, a similar algorithm in

[14] also considers the channel correlation in time.

When channel is time-variant within a block, comb-typed algorithms have been

proven to be a more feasible method [16]. After the estimation ofthe channel responses

on pilot frequencies based on either LS or MMSE criteria, the channel responses on

data tones can be obtained by frequency-domain interpolation using the neighboring

pilot channel responses. High-order interpolation techniques should be expected to

produce better overall system performance. For instance, in [17], a piecewise-constant

interpolator has been shown to outperform a linear one, while a second-order

interpolation outperforms linear interpolation in [18]. In [16], the results ofusing a low

pass filter and cubic interpolation are also presented.

Most of the above mentioned algorithms could also be applied in decision-directed

mode by simply replacing known pilot symbols by decision data, which may

consequently degrade channel estimation performance due to decision feedback errors.

2.4.2 Synchronization algorithms

Assuming perfect channel knowledge, various algorithms and schemes, whichjointly

consider synchronization parameters, have also been proposed. In acquisition stage, for

example, both the S&C-type [19] [20] and VDB-type [21] methods are applied to

jointly estimate coarse CFO and STO, based on the correlation of a known data


sequence. The well-known S&C algorithm [19] is a simplified form of Classen' s [23]

method with extended range of the CFO, by using two training symbols with the first

one having two identical halves. Further complexity can be saved ifthe correlation after

the CFO correction is approximately real-valued, as it is for the 802.11a preamble,

discussed in [20] at the cost of sorne performance loss. On the other hand, the mean

square error (MSE) of the coarse CFO estimate for VDB [21], using the cyclic prefix

for correlation, suffers from a floor when there are coarse STO and CFO errors. The

method described in [22] eliminates such problem by shortening the correlation

window from N g (length ofcyclic prefix) to N g /4.

For long burst and variable environment, tracking is then needed in order to refine

and keep the estimates accurate. In [25]-[27], residual CFO and SFO are estimated

together. In order to avoid the non-linear problem caused by the exact modeling of the

frequency offsets in time domain, ail these tracking algorithms are frequency-domain

estimators where CFO and SFO are approximated as phase rotations. This effect will be

transformed in frequency domain as ICI, thus introduce unrecoverable system

performance degradation. More specifically, the algorithm proposed in [24] is based on

Moose's technique [9], but extended to coyer SFO. In [25], residual CFO and SFO are

obtained by applying the joint ML criterion to one or several frequency-domain

symbols. This two-dimensional optimization problem can be further linearized,

assuming coarse synchronization done. For algorithms proposed in [26][27], residual

CFO and SFO are both taken first from angle of the correlation between two

consecutive OFDM symbols and then passed to the first-order tracking loop filters. The

only difference is that algorithm in [26] is modified to use directed decision information

instead ofpilots [27].

2.4.3 Joint synchronization and channel estimation algorithms

However, the accuracy of both synchronization and channel estimation will be

adversely affected by each other. In [28], the author proved that CFO estimation has a

6dB 10ss in term ofmodified Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) without channel knowledge for

large number of sub-carriers. Unfortunately, few studies were addressed for complete

estimation problems. A joint time-domain algorithm proposed in [28] estimates


fractional carrier frequency offset (with the range of half of the sub-carrier space) and

channel together. The algorithm performs in an adaptive way, which first assumes that

CFO is known and will be used later on for channel estimation, then updates CFO based

on the new channel information. This procedure will be repeated until convergence is

reached. Preambles are used to obtain the coarse estimates and tracking is performed in

decision-directed (DO) feedback (FB) manner. In [29], the author proposes a method of

joint timing and channel estimation by using training symbols as specified in IEEE

802.11. A similar algorithm [30] appears later and is applied for jointly estimating the

integer part of the frequency offset and the channel based on the preamble symbol in

order to adapt to the large offsets associated with IEEE 802.16 systems. The correct

integer offset and channel are chosen by minimizing the time domain least square (LS)

channel estimation error. Another joint CFO and channel estimator based on both ML

(for frequency estimation) and LS (for channel) criteria [31], uses the pilot symbols

embedded in each OFDM symbol and also performs in an iterative manner. Although

the algorithm can work with a large CFO range and provide low estimation variance, it

requires the knowledge of the channel correlation and noise variance to get the first

estimation of CFO. Most recently, a ML technique that jointly estimates CIR, STO

and CFO in time domain, is proposed in [32] for coarse estimation. The algorithm

performs a two dimensional (2-D) search of STO and CFO to find the maximum

magnitude of CIR estimates.

AlI those semi-combined (part of synchronization parameters and channel

information) algorithms [28]-[32] are performed in time domain in order to achieve

more accurate estimates and thus less system degradation. As we have seen, the first

advantage of the time domain estimator is that it can estimate and rem ove CFO and

SFO better than a frequency-domain representation due to the irreducible ICI.

Secondly, it improves the performance by tracking fewer parameters (since the number

of CIR is always much smaller than FFT size). The accompanying drawback is that an

additional FFT block is needed to con vert CIR to a frequency response before sending

to equalization. Finally, for decision-directed mode, the effect of a decision error in a

specifie tone is redistributed over the entire time-domain symbol and thus lessened at

the expense of one additional IFFT to transform estimated symbols back to time



However, instead of estimating and updating ail parameters simultaneously which

means solving a non-linear optimization problem, in [28] [31], iterative procedures are

repeated several times between different parameters in order to approach the joint

optimum values while others [29][30][32] perform more like the so-called

trial-and-error method where the estimated parameters are changed in a certain step

over the who le possible range until the correct values are found. This exhaustive se arch

method can only be used for coarse estimation; otherwise an impractically large

amount of computation could be expected.

Decision-directed joint estimation schemes with CFO and CIR estimated and updated

simultaneously is studied in [33], called CFOCE-C. First-order Taylor series

approximation is used to linearize the non-linear problem and the NL-RLS algorithm

[34] is then employed. This joint estimation technique can be expanded to include SFO

estimation (CFOSFOCE-C) as weIl [35]. The suggested joint feedback

CFOCE-C/CFOSFOCE-C techniques provide an excellent performance in regard to

low estimation variance, small BER degradation and fast convergent speed. However,

the corresponding compensations are also high. First, as in any other time-domain

feedback algorithm, implementation complexity remains a problem: one additional

FFT and one IFFT are needed. Second, ifthe initial guess of the estimated parameters is

not close enough to the optimum point, linearization errors cannot he ignored and may

later on hinder prohlems for the non-linear adaptive algorithm. Stability is lost as long

as normalized CFO is larger than 0.01 in both CFOCE-C and CFOSFOCE-C

techniques. The narrow range limits their application to fine estimation or tracking

only. Both ofthese two disadvantages will be addressed and solved in Chapter 3.

2.5 Chapter Summary

To summarize, in this chapter, we first presented the basic concepts associated with

OFDM systems. Two important tasks of the OF DM reception, channel estimation and

synchronization are then described and followed by the study of the effects ofresidual

errors after synchronization on the OFDM system performance. A detailed literature

review indicates that a joint algorithm that estimates ail the unknown parameters


simultaneously [33] [35], can provide a good performance. The high complexity and

requirement of small initial CFO values, however, are its major disadvantages, which

we will address in the next chapter.


Chapter 3

Joint CFOCE-C Scheme with Reduced

Complexity & Large Initial CFO Range

The main objective of this chapter is to study and develop an enhanced version of

the joint CFOCE-C algorithm [33] with lower complexity and larger initial CFO

range. For the sake of simplicity, the effect of SFO is not included, which does not

affect the main limitations ofthe algorithm.

After a brief review of joint CFOCE-C technique in section 3.1, low-complexity

CFOCE-C (LC-CFOCE-C) algorithm is studied subsequently. In section 3.2, a special

FFT block with reduced complexity is first used to convert the estimated channel

impulse responses to frequency responses. Then, a track-and-hold (TAH) technique

utilizing mid-ambles is proposed to eliminate the additional IFFT block. Simulation

results and conclusions are given at the end. Section 3.4 discusses the modified

version of joint acquisition algorithm [28] which is used to en large the initial CFO

range for the joint CFOCE-C techniques.

3.1 Joint CFOCE-C Aigorithm: Brief Review

In this section, a NL-RLS based feedback tracking algorithm which jointly estimates

CFO and CIR will be briefly reviewed. The estimation is performed in time domain to

minimize the following least-squares cost function (averaged over M symbols)

hn 2 (3.1) M-IN-l j2n8 (IN. +N

g +n) v-l h

n =t;~YI,n-exp N ~hrXI.n_r

where Ôln = [h~, ... ,h~_l'&n] is the estimation vector of unknown coefficients at nth

time instant; input vector XI = [xl,O, ... ,xl,n, ••• ,xl,N_I] can be either the known preamble,

or the lth detected symbol. In order to simplify the above non-linear optimization

problem to a linear one, first-order Taylor series approximation is applied to estimation


error at nth sample and lth symbol el,n as follows:

{J( ~ n) "J( ~ n-l ) ( ~ n ~ n-l )} el,n ~ Yl,n - Xl,CO + v Xl, co co - co (3.2)

where \7 f(Xl, &n-l) is the gradient of the non-linear function with respect to the

coefficient vector estimated at the (n -l)th time instant. The modified observation

and input vector in equation (3.2) allow application oftraditional adaptive estimation

technique to obtain the cô. Using a RLS-type algorithm gives this technique the

advantage of rapid acquisition and low steady-state error.

It should also be noted that the cost function shown in equation (3.1) and (3.2)

depends on an indefinitely increasing variable. To avoid this indefinitely increase in

function gradient expressions, the argument of exponential term & is replaced by

(rp + 21!& / N) where rp is a time-varying parameter, modeling the cumulative phase

effect ofthe CFO. The updated estimate of rp at time (n + 1) is given by


where Jn and ên are the estimates of the phase and CFO at the n th time instant,

respectively. In steady state, the CFO will converge to its actual value, while the phase

will converge to a linearly increasing quantity. The importance of equation (3.3) is that

the estimate J grows much more slowly than t(lNs + Ng + n), and the gradient of

the exponential argument with respect to ê is independent of land n. A block

diagram of the resulting estimator is shown in Figure 3-1.

Simulation results show [33] that as long as the initial normalized CFO is less than

0.01, the CFOCE-C algorithm has a very low estimation variance and fast convergence

which ensures low BER for short bursts. In terms of system performance, as compared

to independent estimation and to joint estimation and compensation in the frequency

domain, a gain of at least 2dB over a wide range of SNR has been also observed. When

compared with ideal theoretical BER performance for 64-QAM system in A WON, the

CFOCE-C introduces less than O.ldB degradation at BER=IE-4 (SNR=24dB) for

64QAM when initial CFO is 100Hz.

The performance improvement provided by joint CFOCE-C algorithm can be

attributed to its three major properties: first, the adoption of decision feedback mode

provides the estimator with more information than pilot tones could; second, the


time-domain implementation reduces the number of parameters to be estimated and

models the effects of CFO precisely; furthermore, time-domain estimation error makes

the estimator robust to decision feedback errors which would otherwise degrade the

system performance.



Frame By Frame Parameter Update

CP insertion and PIS IFFT

Figure 3-1 OFDM Receiver with Joint CFOCE-C Algorithm

3.2 Low-Complexity Joint CFOCE-C Algorithm

As shown in Figure 3-1, a FFT block is needed to con vert the time-domain CIR to

frequency-domain CFR before equalization. Furthermore, an additional IFFT block is

needed to transform frequency-domain detected data symbols back to time-domain

since error computation is performed in time domain.

In the following, we will investigate techniques for low-complexity joint CFOCE-C

algorithm by considering a special reduced-complexity FFT structure for CIR-to-CFR

conversion and a new track-and-hold (TAH) technique for IFFT block removal.


3.2.1 Reduced-complexity FFT for CIR-to-CFR conversion

As shown in Figure 3-1, the CFOCE-C algorithm performs channel estimation in

time domain and frequency responses for different sub-carriers are computed from the

estimated impulse response coefficients by using an N -point FFT. However, this FFT

block has a very sm ail number of non-zero inputs since time-domain CIR has only v

non-zero coefficients where v < < N. Therefore, existing low-complexity FFT

structures and algorithms [37]-[40] can be applied to save the computation.

"Pruning", tirst devised by Marke 1 [37] and later improved by Skinner [38], is

moditied from the standard one-buttertly radix-2 FFT. Given that the input sequence

has only L non-zero values, only the tirst L values in each group of buttertlies are

required while the others can be pruned away. If L is restricted to be a power of

two, Skinner developed a more efficient algorithm where time saving (or the total

operations saving) is accompli shed by replacing the tirst m - n stages of the FFT

computation with a simple recopying procedure where n = 10g2 Land

m = 10g2 N.

With partial transforms, Goertzel [39] produced an algorithm computing individual

FFT coefficients. For small power-of-two sets of FFT outputs, Sorensen [40]

proposed an extremely low-complexity algorithm which uses a mixture of a

Cooley-Tukey FFT [36] and a structure similar to Goertzel's algorithm.

By adopting Sorensen's algorithm, when the output size ofFFT is 512 and the input is

16,58% complexity (number ofreal operations: multiplications plus additions) can be

saved as compared with full size radix 4 algorithm, while 64% as compared with full

size radix 2 algorithm. The complexity could be further reduced when FFT size is

smaller and the number of path is less than 16, which is the largest number allowed in


Figure 3-2 below shows the total number of operations required to compute 64 FFT

outputs given L nonzero inputs, as a function of L. For comparison, the cost of

computing a full inverse FFT using radix 2, radix 4, split-radix FFT and of pruned

computation with Skinner's [38] and Markels's algorithms [37] appear along with that

ofSorensen's transform decomposition algorithm [40].


2000 1


1800 1 1600



~ 1400 o ~ 2i 1200

o ..... ~ 1000 Q)

oC E ~ 800



200L---------'-­o 10

- --,- -- - - -- -----.------------,---

---~------ I __ ----~'--20 30 40

Number of Input Points


Split Radix

i J


--~-- -~ 50 60 70

Figure 3-2 Comparisons of Total Real Computations

3.2.2 Mid-amble based track-and-hold technique Track-and-hold technique

The CFOCE-C scheme can work in either decision-directed or data-aided mode. In

decision-directed mode, recovered (detected) data is used for estimation without

overhead, but an IFFT is needed in the feedback block since estimation is done in

time domain.

This additional IFFT could be removed by time-sharing (multiplexing) the FFT of the

demodulator but the cost offaster FFT operation might be too large. Alternatively, the

whole IFFT block can be eliminated by using time-domain mid-ambles at the cost of

overhead. Tracking (or correction updating) is performed with the known training

symbols during the mid-amble, while during the real data parts, only the correction

will be performed and the estimation will be held until next mid-amble cornes. This

track-and-hold (TAH) process will be repeated periodically for the whole burst. For

example, in IEEE802.11a, in each symbol 4 tones are assigned for pilot while 48 for


data. To keep the same overhead, M mid-ambles can be repeatedly inserted to every

12 x M OFDM symbols (with aIl 52 tones turn on) to update the estimation.

Considering that a shorter burst produces lower degradations for a certain residual

CFO (see Figure 2-6), a uniform distribution of 1 mid-amble for every 12 data

symbols is adopted. It is important to understand that the TAH technique is not only

limited to this particular problem. This principle can be applied to any decision-directed

feedback time-domain estimator for IFFT removal. Sequence selection

The remaining problem is how to design a good mid-amble which can provide the

best performance. Lots of studies for the selection of training have already been done.

But most ofthe references assume either perfect channel estimation or synchronization.

ln [42], for example, the training sequence is obtained by minimizing the

corresponding variance of channel estimates for sorne specific methods. As an

alternative, designing training sequences using the CRB has been recently considered

in [43] [44]. Since the CRB provides a lower bound on the statistical variance of any

unbiased estimator, which can be asymptoticaIly achieved by the maximum-likelihood

estimator (MLE), the so-obtained sequence is not problem-dependent as above ones. In

[43], the training sequence is chosen so as to minimize the modified CRB for frequency

offset estimation in OFDM systems. A similar approach is presented in [44] for finite

impulse response channels with no frequency offset. Recently, the issues for finding

training sequences which are optimal for both frequency offset and channel estimation

are addressed by [41]. As mentioned earlier, optimal training sequences for sorne

specifie channel estimation algorithms were proposed, but no training sequence is

likely to minimize the bounds on the MSE of aIl parameters [41]. A white training

sequence (covariance matrix R equals to the identity matrix, i.e., R = 1) is proved in

[41] to possess sorne optimal properties for joint frequency offset and channel

estimation in frequency-selective channels. More precisely, it is proved that a white

training sequence minimizes the worst-case asymptotic CRB. This asymptotic CRB is

close to the exact CRB even for short data lengths, and furthermore, the direct

minimization (for a given channel) of the asymptotic CRB is shown to yield only a

minor performance gain.

29 Performance evaluation of the track-and-hold (TAH) technique

As an illustrative example, performance of the technique [33] is evaluated in

IEEE802.11a environment [3] for 64QAM in the absence of coding.

The IEEE802.l1a standard provides physical-Iayer specifications for wireless LANs

operating in the 5 GHz band. This standard defines the use of OFDM with a 64-point

FFT, where 52 tones are used to transmit data, and the remainders are set to zero to

avoid out-of-band power. Ofthese 52 tones, 4 are pilot tones used for phase tracking in

the attempts of correcting timing off sets created by sampling frequency offset. A cyclic

prefix of 16 samples is used in the standard and the sampling rate is 20Msamples/s.

In IEEE802.11a, each transmitted packet is preceded by a sequence of known

samples called preamble, whose purpose is to perform detection, synchronization and

training. It consists of 10 identical short symbols (tl-tIO shown below), each 16

samples long and 2 identical long symbols (Tl, T2), each 32 samples long and

preceded by a single cyclic prefix of 32 samples (G l 2), as shown in Figure 3-3. The

training symbols are organized so that the correlation between subsequent samples is

minimized, which improves the effectiveness of the correlation-based methods for

frequency offset and timing acquisition.

GI2 T1 T2 Data

Figure 3-3 The IEEE802.lla Preamble

For the sake of same performance comparison reference, in the evaluation of the

proposed track-and-hold (TAH) technique, we also use the IEEE802.11a structure

except one exception: instead of using 4 pilots per 52 sub-carriers in one OF DM

symbol, 1 mid-amble will be inserted per 12 OFDM symbols in order to keep the

same overhead.

As discussed in last section, no training sequence is likely to jointly minimize the

bounds on the MSE of ail parameters. However, less correlated sequence may result

in smaller asymptotic CRB. Thus, the long training symbol, which is exactly

organized to minimize the correlation among subsequent samples, is used for


mid-amble for the sake of both simplicity and good performance. For the

exponentially decaying Rayleigh channel used in our simulations, RMS delay spread

is set to 25ns which is a typical channel for indoor environments. SNR is defined

using the symbol energy at the transmitter, denoted Es.

Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5 show simulation results on the BER performance

comparison of the CFOCE-C and T AH schemes in A WGN and Rayleigh fading

channels, respectively. Theoretical BER performance for 64-QAM in AWGN channel

is also given in Figure 3-4, denoted as the "ideal" case .

0:: w III

- - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - -- - - - - - r - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - -

1 1 1 1 l '

.•..... , ....... ~ .... , ... ,_ .... ~.···.·.t· •• [::= ~;'~::;11 -3 1 Il! 1 1

10 = -= = = = = = ::J = = = = = = = = :r: = = = _ - =1= = -= = -= = = = :r = -= = = _ = -= -= c -= -= = = = -= -= ::J -= = -= = -= -= -= _

-4 10

: : : : : : : :1 = = = : : : : : l : : : : : _ - : : : : : : : J : : : : : : : : r: : : : : : : : :1 : : : : : : : : - - - - - - -t - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - --

- - - - 1 - -- - -- - - - 1- - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - -1- - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - -1- - - -

1 1 1 - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - -

- - - - - - - ---i - - - - - - - - +- - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - -+ - --------------------------------------- - - - - - - -l - - - - - - - - +-- - - _ - - - - -1- - - - - - - - --l- - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - T - - - - -1- - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - _. - - - - "1 - - - - - - - --------------._------ ------------------ - ----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !.. - - - - - , __ 1- _______ .~ _____ _

, , - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - •. - - T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - -

_______ ~ ________ !.. ________________ ~ _______ ~ _______ 1 ______ --

1 1 1 l ' i

-5 1 1 Iii

10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ = ~ ~ = ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = : = =:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 _____ ~~ __ , ________ L_.~ ______ , __ ___ .1. ___ . __ ~

- - - - - - - _1 ________ -'-- ____ _ , ,

- - - - - - - -1- _______ -1- ________ 1 ______ _

1 1

1 ---------1-- _____ +-- _________ 1 __ ---1----------= - -= - -= ::- -= :1 - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - =- .::: .::: -=I=- .::: : -= -= : -=- - -+ -= - -= - .::: - - -!-- - - - - -= - =- -1 - . :::: = ::.: = = = ::.: =1 = = = = -= :::: -= =- L ::.: -= = = = :::: = :::: 1= -= = :: -= -= -= = :: =- - = =- =- =.::: 1= ._ = : = .. = ::: =1 = = :: = = _ : - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - +- - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - -+ - - - - - - - - !-- - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---1 - - - - - - - - t- - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - -+ - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - -l - - - - - - -

1 1 ---.L ___ --"

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

SNR: Es/No (dB)

Figure 3-4 BER versus SNR for A WGN Channel (CFO=IQOHz)

Here, we assume that acquisition has already been done, which reduces the residual

CFO to 100Hz. The performance degradation of TAH method as compared to

CFOCE-C is very small for both cases. It is mainly attributed to the ICI and phase

drift caused by the residual CFO, which we cannot keep tracking and correcting

during the hold period. It is also observed that this performance degradation increases

at higher SNRs, which means the residual synchronization errors become dominant.


(t: W CC

-1 10 ~--~----~----~- ____ ~ -----J --~- - ,.- _ l _ ~

-2 10

- - - - - ,- - - - , - - - . - ' ~ TAH 14 - - - ~ = ~ = = - = = = = ~ -- CF~~E-C~

- __ ;. - ~ - - ~ : - - ~ - - ,~= -= = ~ ~ = = __ t ~ _ = ~ ~~I 1 1 1 1 1

, 1 1 ~ 1 -------,-----1-- -, ----T-----r-----

___ --< _____ ~ ___ .. -----+------1-----

--I====-=~=====:::r:=====I===_==!:=_===-_____ 1 ______ 1 ______ 1 ______ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J _____ .1 _____ J. _____ 1. ____ _

1 1 ----------

1 - - - - - 1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1 - - - - - -1 - - - - - Î - - - - - ï

1 1 1 1 - - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - - -1 - - - - - -1 - - - - - -1 - - - - 1 - - - -

- - - - - 1- _____ 1 _____ _



-3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

10 ::: =-:::::::::c:::::::::::::::::c -= -= -= -= -=:1: -= -= -= -= :1: -= -= -= -= J -= -= -= -= -= J -= -= -= =-:::] =- =- =- =-:::: 1-=-= -= =- =- 1_ - - - - - 1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1 - - - - - ---1 - - - - --t - - - - - -+ - - - - - + - - - - - + - - -- - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - - -1 - - - - - -1 - - - - - ---f - - - - -1 - - - - - --t - - - -- - -t - - - - - T - - - -- - - - - 1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1 - - - - - --: - - - - - --; - - - - - ï - - - - T - - - . - i - - - - -

- - - - - 1- - - - - -1- _. - - - -1- - - - - -1 - - - - - --1 - - - - - --t - - - - - -+ - - - - - -+ - - - - - + - - - - -_____ J ______ 1 ______ 1 ___ " ___ 1 ______ 1 _____ J ___ " __ J _____ l _____ l ____ _

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _____ 1 ______ 1_ _ ___ 1 ______ 1 _____ ---> _____ -.J _____ -.l _____ 1- _____ 1- ____ _

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l , 1

- - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - - -: - - - - - -1 - - - - - -, - - - - - Î - - - - - 1 - - - - - T - - - - - T -

10-4 _-----'-_ 20 22 24


26 28 L

30 32

SNR: Es/No (db)

, , ..l ___ __ .L

34 36

Figure 3-5 BER versus SNR for Rayleigh Channel (CFO=lQOHz)

3.3 Enlarging Initial CFO Range

As mentioned before, the joint CFOCE-C algorithm can work with either training

sequence (i.e., data-aided mode) or random data sequence (i.e., decision-directed

mode) and therefore can be used during both acquisition and tracking phases.

However, due to the non-linear effects of estimation error and the periodicity of CFO

term in the exponential function, multiple minimum points for minimizing equation

(3.1) could be expected. Therefore, the joint CFOCE-C algorithm can only work with a

limited range of initial CFO. Besides, different from conventional RLS, the effective

input of the NL-RLS is dependent on the coefficient, which makes the stability of the

algorithm depend heavily on the initial guess [33] [35]. In order to ensure convergence

from the aIl zeros, for the first long training symbol, the elements of the estimated

vector corresponding to synchronization parameters were set to zero to gain an initial

coarse estimate of the channel. Ifthe initial CFO is too large, the effective CIR over the

first long training symbol will change too quickly for RLS algorithm to track the


channel adequately. Due to ail these factors, the original CFOCE-C algorithm requires

a narrow initial CFO range within 1 % ofthe carrier space.

Therefore, addition al acquisition algorithms for coarse STO (timing and burst

detection) and CFO (fractional carrier frequency) estimation need to precede our fine

tracking CFOCE-C algorithm. The objective for coarse STO estimation is to roughly

detect the received burst and correct the integer timing offset of the frame's start

position. The objective for coarse CFO estimation, on the other hand, is to roughly

correct the wide range of the fractional CFO. Most of the existing fine acquisition

algorithms can narrow the range of the estimated CFO down to 1 %. We will present

two acquisition algorithms below: one is sequential and the other is parallel, both of

which are designed for IEEE802.11a.

3.3.1 Sequential acquisition algorithm

Based on [45], complete implementation of synchronizer and channel estimator can

be divided into following steps:

a) Coarse Timing Synchronization:

Since the short training sequence is designed so that its correlation is low for non-zero

delays, initial packet detection is done by passing the received signal samples through a

correlation tilter that performs the foIlowing operation:

s( m) = I: y( i)y * (i - L1)

where y(i) denotes the ith received time domain signal and ~ is the length of the

short training symbol which is 16. When s( m) goes above sorne threshold, the packet

is assumed to be detected. Accuracy ofthe initial packet detection is limited, but it gives

a rough estimate of the start ofthe preamble.

b) Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation and Correction:

Coarse frequency offset estimation and correction is performed in acquisition phase.

The advantage in having a repeated sequence in the preamble is that ail of the short

symbols suffer from same interference, except for the phase change caused by CFO. As

a result, correlation of the received samples with its delayed version should allow us for


the accurate estimation of the CFO, which can be obtained as follows

Ê = -J:....arg[~ y(i)y*(i - N)]. 27f i=O

It should be noted that the correlation is performed with a delayed version of the

signal itself and not the known value of the training sequence. This is because the true

timing of the packet is not yet known, and using the training sequence could result in


c) Fine Timing Synchronization:

In fine timing synchronization, the received signal is correlated with long training

symbol with different values of delay which is relative to the current estimate of the

start of the packet. Only one single long training symbol is used in the correlation, and

the cyclic prefix is not used. The first delay value that maximizes the correlation over a

given search window corresponds to the proper timing.

d) Channel Estimation:

Channel estimation is done by a simple least squares approach in frequency domain

as follows (the received data sample is divided by the frequency-domain long training


3.3.2 Joint acquisition algorithm

It is c1ear that the above coarse synchronization and channel estimation require

several steps for each unknown parameter. Besides, the estimation of one parameter is

limited by the presence of another distortion. Thus, a joint algorithm is most desirable.

Similar as fine timing synchronization discussed above, a correlation-based algorithm

is proposed by Lim [32], which estimates the channel, timing and frequency offset

simultaneously in the time domain. Assuming the orthogonality among the samples,

Lim' s algorithm performs two dimensional searches of STO and CFO by maximizing

the magnitude of CIR estimates, which is the correlation between the received samples

and the long training symbol Lg (the number ofsub-carriers is assumed to be 64)


~ 1 i+63 _j27r êik hi = --2 Ly(i)Lg(k - i)e N

Nsa k=i

where 0'2 is the noise variance. Then, the timing and frequency offset can be extracted

from channel estimate. Lim's algorithm is much simpler than most of existing

sequential estimation techniques, su ch as [45] while with the wide CFO range (up to

±100% of carrier spacing).

The details ofthis algorithm can be explained below:

1) Correlate the ith time-domain received samples yU) with the long training

samples and vary ê from -100% to + 1 00% with a fix step size

,(i,€) = ~LgH '~'Y Nsa

= ~[Lg*{O) ... Lg*(63)l· Nsa

.27r A.

-J-êt e N

o o


o o .27r A(. 1) -J-ê t+

e N 0


o o

0 y(i)

0 y( i + 1)


.27r A(. 63) y{i + 63) -J-êt+

e N

2) Combine the contribution of the multi-path so that we can estimate the arriving

time for the first path correctly even though it is not the strongest path


(3(i,€) = L 1,(k,€)1 k=i

3) Search for the arrivai time of the first multi-path component ê and the frequency

offset €

{ê, Ê} = arg {max [(3 (i, Ê)]}

4) Estimate the channel coefficients accordingly

ho, ... ,hu-1 = ,(ê,€), .... ,,(ê + v -l,i)

To reduce the size the memory block and increase the search speed, the search range

of ê could be reduced down to ± 1 0%, since the coarse CFO estimate will be in that

range. If more accurate results are needed, the step size could also be reduced (at the


expense of search time and required memory size).

However, time-domain long training symbol cannot be regarded as uncorrelated,

which means that the channel impulse response of each path estimated by the

time-domain correlation contains not only the effective compone nt ofitselfbut also the

correlation error components coming from other paths. Modifications to Lim's CIR

estimator are derived as follows.

In case of perfect symbol timing and CFO estimation, we have

,((),E:) = c(hoRoo + h1Rol ... + hu-lRo(v-l))

,(() + I,E:) = C(hoRlO + hlRoo ... + hu-lRo(v-2)) (3.4)

where e is the arrivai time ofthe first multi-path component, v is the number of paths

and the correlation matrix R is defined as

L(v -1)L"(O) + L(v)L"(1) + ... + s(v -1 + 63)L" (63) = R(v_l)o

x(B -1)L"(O) + L(O)L"(I) + ... + L(61)L"(62) + L(62)L" (63) = ROI

x(B-(v -1»L"(O) + ... + x(63-(v-l»L"(63) = Ro(v_l)

In [32], the author assumes that in R, ail the ~j are zeros expect for i = j which

means the ith path of CIR can be directly obtained as


However, actual correlation components (RlO "'~Nn-l)O,Rol "'Ro(Nn-l) of the

long training sequence are non-zero and can be easily calculated in advance. More

reliable channel estimates should be expected by solving the Iinear equations set (3.4)

instead of (3.5).

3.3.3 Simulation results

In the overall structure, modified Lim's algorithm will be applied to narrow down the

range of the estimated CFO and to generate initial joint estimates of the channel and


timing for the tracking algorithm as the same time. Moreover, considering stability and

simplicity, NL-LMS instead ofNL-RLS is applied.

In Figure 3-6, BER performance for different initial CFOs is plotted. Results show

the necessity of additional acquisition in order to deal with large initial CFO. Even

when normalized CFO = 0.95 (CFO=300000Hz), performance curve with modified

Lim plus CFOCE-C is only 0.55dB away from the theoretical curve at BER=lE-4.

0:: w Dl

BER perfonnance for AWGN channel 10°.------.-------.-------,-------.------,-------,------,


-e- Theoretical 10.6 ..... Modified Lim+CFOCE-C,CFO=300000Hz

-- Modified Lim+CFOCE-C,CFO=50000Hz ·OÔ" CFOCE-C, CFO=2000Hz •••• , CFOCE-C. CFO=5000Hz

10·7':------c:'--------'-,-------:-':---____ -'-______ -,-L-______ ,-L-____ ---'

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SNR(Es/No) db

Figure 3-6 BER versus SNR for Different Initial CFOs in A WON Channel

Figure 3-7 and Figure 3-8 show the measured CFO and CIR variances (or mean

squared error, MSE) ofthe joint estimators in A WGN channels. Under moderate initial

CFO (CFO=50000Hz, i.e., normalized CFO=O.l6), residual CFO MSE is less than

lE-8 in steady-state, which corresponds to SNR loss of less than O.IdB at BER lE-4

and residual CIR MSE of less than lE-3. Similar trends for residual CFO MSE are

obtained for Rayleigh channels as shown in Figure 3-9. On the other hand, residual

MSE for CFO produced by T AH is about 2 orders of magnitude more than CFOCE-C

method and up to 3 times more pronounced for CIR. But incorporating Lim's

acquisition algorithm restricts the residual CFO MSE between 1 E-7 and lE-8 when

initial CFO is larger than 10%.


Q) 0 c:: (II 'C (II

> .... a -(II E ~ W

~ c:: .~

~ .... a -(II E :m w 0:: Ü

-2 10

-3 10

-4 10

-5 10

-6 10

-7 10

-8 10

-9 10

-10 10

-11 10

-12 10

-13 10

-14 10

-1 10

-2 10

-3 10

-5 10

. • \

;'-'-'-1 •. _._. __ i ~ !

-'-'i L_._._~ i


~ ~ ~

. ......... : .............. .............. ~ -•••••• ~-=: .... ... \ '--"

" -, " -, --CRLB CFO=100Hz,CFOCE-C CFO=100Hz,TAH 1

~----------------------------------------------~ _. CFO=1000Hz,CFOCE-C CFO=1000Hz,TAH i

, - CFO=50000Hz,Modified Lim+CFOCE-C[ 1- CFO=50000Hz,Modified Lim+TAH ___ J

~ -!

-~ ----'--_______ '--___ .----L ___ ~ ___ .L _____ _

2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 16000 18000

Iteration Number

Figure 3-7 CFO Estimation Variance in AWGN Channel

---,-- ----,-------,---'----,-------j

1 ._._._,_._._ ...... -.-._ ..

.!'.'!!!!!'~.:.~.7..:.:.-. - • - • -- • _. -. -_. _. _. _. - • -. - • -. l \ ........... .

~ ~:L:' : ...... -..... ~~::~::::~:::~:-~::::~::::=::~:::::::::=:::~:! • •• CFO=100Hz,CFOCE-C Il J _. CFO=1 OOOHz,CFOCE -c


CFO=100Hz,TAH 1 - CFO=50000Hz,Modified Lim+CFOCE-C ---------____________ _

-6 L'===C=Fi:0==::::50::::0:::0:::0=Hiz:::,Mo=d=if:::.:ie=d::iL::::În=+=T::::A=H===-_ ------------------------10 ---L 1 1 1 -------.

2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 1800C

Iteration Number

Figure 3-8 CIR Estimation Variance in A WGN Channel


-2 10 ,---------,----,-


-4 10

-6 10

_~ 10-6

~ o ~ -10 '-' 10

-12 10 .

-14 10


... _._._ .... _._ .. ; i

• ..u .. uJ'um··\uuuu ,.uuuu ........... ; ... .

\, ..... 4l.(.,.,. .. ~: •••• .:~.,' ... :~ ."..-.. ,~ .. : ~.,,-" __ • uuuuu: .-"11

"-., -.. .. ... ............................. ~....,..~:: ... . '. ' ... ......... ~~ .

:-:: g~6~1 OOHZ,CFOCE.C- - - --, J :.: g~g:~ ~~~~~~OCE-C f---------.... ____ . ____ ._________________ 1

..-.- CFO=1 OOOHz,T AH j - CFO=50000Hz,Modified Lim+CFOCE·C 1

- CFO=50000Hz,Modified Lim+TAH .

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4

Iteration Nu mber

Figure 3-9 CFO Estimation Variance in Rayleigh Channel

1.6 1.8 2 4

X 10

3.4 Chapter Summary

In this paper, a refinement of joint CFOCE-C [33] is examined. Additional

acquisition is integrated to cope with large initial CFO. New track-and-hold technique

is proposed to remove the feedback IFFT block and a low complexity FFT algorithm

can be used to further reduce extra 58% of complexity.



Joint Turbo Synchronization,

Channel Estimation and Decoding for

Coded OFDM Systems

As explained in chapter 2, OFDM transmÏts a large number of orthogonal

narrow-bands over a broadband channel in order to mitigate the problem of ISI in

multi-path channel. In the presence of deep notches, sub-carriers may be completely

lost and the overall performance is largely affected, even though most of the

sub-carriers are detected without errors. Error correcting coding (ECC) and

interleaving are the common methods to reduce this degradation. Many error correcting

codes have been applied to OFDM, for example, convolutional codes, Reed-Solomon

codes, turbo codes and so on. It is th en natural for us to find out a way to incorporate the

synchronization and channel estimation into a coded system. In this chapter, we will

propose thus ajoint turbo (iterative) synchronization, channel estimation and decoding

scheme for coded OFDM systems.

ln Section 4.1, we will briefly review turbo techniques, including turbo

codingldecoding, equalization and synchronization first in single carrier coded

systems. A summary of related works in OFDM systems is also given. Section 4.2

presents a coded OFDM transmitter model. Based on this model, section 4.3 proposes

the structure of turbo (iterative) receiver withjoint CFOCE-C and decoding. Finally, in

section 4.4, performance results are provided and discussed.

4.1 Overview of the Existing "Turbo Techniques"

Turbo codes using parallel concatenation of two recursive systematic convolutional

codes (RSC) separated by an interleaver, were introduced in [46], along with a practical

decoding scheme. The two encoders share the same information bits, but in a permuted

order, attributed to interleaver. Instead of maximum likelihood (ML) decoding with

prohibitive complexity, the decoder iteratively computes a posteriori probability


(APP) with successively refined a priori information about transmitted bits. To be

more precise, the receiver consists of two soft-input soft-output (SISO) maximum a

posteriori (MAP) decoders, which accept a priori information as input and produce a

posteriori information as outputs. Decoding is performed in an iteratively way by

exchanging soft (extrinsic) values, typically in the form of log-likelihood ratios

(LLRs). These values will provide additional knowledge about the current bit obtained

through the decoding process from ail the other bits, so that preceding stages can

benefit from the information derived by following stages. Several iterations of turbo

processing can be executed to improve performance.

The performance of turbo codes can approach the Shannon limit even with very

simple RSC codes, which makes reliable communication possible at very low SNRs.

Consequently, the challenge task for receiver design is how to perform accurate

synchronization and channel estimation in such systems, especially at low SNRs.

Ideally, the receiver should jointly perform estimation, detection and decoding.

However, due to its unbearable complexity, these sub-modules are always treated

separately. At high SNRs, this will only cause little penalty when the tentative decisions

are adequately reliable. At low SNRs, however, estimating and decoding become

greatly intertwined, whose failure of either case will cause major performance

degradation. Thanks to the "turbo principle" [47] which is a general strategy of

iterative feedback decoding, one promising solution is to incorporate estimator,

detector and decoder in an iterative manner as shown in Figure 4-1. By exchanging

information between constituent components, substantial gains can be obtained as

compared to separate estimation and decoding scheme.

Although those proposed works related to the so-called "turbo techniques" differ

from each other and can be applied only for sorne specific cases, they can aIl be

summarized as follows : the reliability information from the SISO decoder is used to

improve the estimates of unknown parameters, such as synchronization or channel

knowledge; then better estimates are fed back to the detector, which will in tum provide

more reliable soft inputs to the decoder, so that the overall performance can be

improved in a progressive manner and finally converge to the optimal solution of the

joint problems.




Data Detector

Figure 4-1 Turbo Receiver with Joint Estimation, Detection and Decoding

For example, in single carrier systems, turbo equalization has already been developed

as a widely known method to cope with low SNR channels corrupted by inter-symbol

interference (ISI). The concept of turbo equalization is tirst proposed in [48] where the

ISI channel is regarded as a rate-one inner code serially concatenated with outer code.

Extrinsic information is exchanged between the MAP detector for channel equalization

and the MAP decoder for error control code, both based on soft output Viterbi

algorithm (SOVA). In [49], BCJR algorithm is introduced in turbo equalization. A big

problem for those trellis-based soft-output equalizers [48] [49] is that the complexity

grows exponentially with channel length. Later on, sorne low-complexity turbo

equalization methods are proposed, where the MAP equalizer is replaced by a linear

SISO equalizer such as ISI canceller [50] or minimum mean-square error (MM SE)

equalizer [51]. The complexity of the approximated MMSE equalizer proposed in [51]

is only a linear function of channel length, while the performance in terms of bit error

rate is still very close to the original MAP equalizer [48].

The enormous potential of turbo codes and equalizers catalyzes the study on turbo

synchronization, which, like turbo equalization, takes advantage of the MAP

knowledge given by the SISO decoder to estimate synchronization parameters.

Recently, various turbo synchronization algorithms have been proposed, based on the

expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. It is shown in [52] that

maximum-likelihood (ML) synchronization can be implemented by EM algorithms.

Furthermore, in a turbo coded system, it can be naturally integrated with the iterative


decoding process since a posteriori probability provided by MAP decoder is exactly

what EM algorithms require for estimation. The author also propose to merge

synchronization iterations (EM algorithms) into decoding ones so that computation can

be greatly reduced, and simulation results show only negligible performance lost after

10 iterations. In fact, its particular application to carrier phase recovery technique has

already been reported in [53], suited for turbo coded 16-QAM systems with near

theoretical performance. Assuming perfect channel knowledge, in [54], EM-based

timing technique is proposed, which is then generalized to the multi-user case in [55].

A random walk phase offset is taken into consideration in [56], using per-survivor

processing, the idea of which is to employ the information available in the trellis to

estimate other unknown parameters. Timing recovery in ISI channel is performed,

again, by EM algorithm in [57], assuming constant timing offset within one packet.

In [58] [59], timing recovery using iterative execution of equalization,

synchronization and decoding to achieve sub-optimal solutions is considered for ISI

channels suffering from time-varying timing offsets. By embedding phase locked loop

(PLL)-based timing recovery block inside the turbo equalizer, the complexity of overall

scheme is only slightly more complex than a turbo equalizer. Simulation show a 3.5dB

gain at BER=lE-3 with a moderate random walk timing offset compared to

conventional system with separate timing recovery and turbo equalization.

We need to point out that "turbo" is not restricted to the turbo code. Other codes, for

example, low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, or even a simple convolutional code,

can also be used as outer codes which concatenate with the estimation/detection block.

Turbo process makes use ofthe output values ofthe previous stages as a priori input for

next iteration. In this sense, ''turbo'' is almost equivalent to "iterative".

Turbo techniques have been applied to channel estimation (CE) for OFDM in both

time- and frequency- selective cases with the assumption of perfect synchronization. In

burst mode transmission, channel estimators are normally initialized based on pilots

and then iteratively updated by soft information provided by the SISO decoder from the

last iteration. Traditional CE algorithms can be integrated directly into the overall

iterative structure. The challenging part in the new scheme, however, is to not only

incorporate channel statistics in both time and frequency with low complexity, but also


to make use of the coded structure fully and efficiently. Simulation results in [60]

demonstrate that proposed joint channel estimation and turbo decoding method

outperforms the classical pilot-based one. The main contribution of[61] is that channel

estimation error at certain iteration is taken into account by evaluating the channel

reliability factor in case ofimperfect estimation. In [62], the complexity of2-0 MMSE

estimator is reduced by employing a separation property of channel statistics and

singular value decomposition. The probabilities of transmitted symbols are used to

improve the estimates in [63], which are proved to be a more efficient way in coding

systems. AlI the aforementioned iterative channel estimators [60]-[63] are

MMSE-based. In addition, two-dimensional APP channel estimator proposed in [64] is

realized by a concatenation of two one-dimensional estimators in time and frequency

domain, which enables iterative estimation and decoding at the receiver for lower

complexity. On the other hand, based on another criterion, EM algorithms are also

widely used for this problem. For example, in [65], where the standard statistical model

is derived from the covariance matrix for a fading channel using the Karhunen-Loeve

expansion, the EM algorithm is used to re-estimate the channel by using the soft

decisions provided by the decoder.

Blind estimations have also been studied in coded OFOM systems. In [66], instead of

first estimating the unknown parameters and then performing the data detection, a

Bayesian blind receiver without knowing channel information and CFO, derived from

[68] conceived first for COMA systems, is proposed. By applying Monte-Carlo

techniques, a posteriori probabilities of the data symbols based on the received

signaIs can be calculated by Bayesian demodulator which is followed by a MAP

channel decoder. The Bayesian turbo receiver iteratively exchanges the extrinsic

information of data symbols between the Bayesian demodulator and MAP decoder. It

requires knowledge of the specifie probability distributions of data symbols,

multi-path, and CFO, which is quite computationally intensive. A blind technique

proposed in [67] for single-input multiple output (SIMO) antenna systems, which can

be extended to MIMO systems, requires more receive antennas than transmit antennas

and that the received signaIs measured off the multiple receive antennas are subject to

independent fading.


Unfortunately, up to now, existing turbo (iterative) structures in coded OFDM

systems aim mainly for time-varying frequency-selective channel estimation.

However, receiver designs featuring only frequency selective fading channels without

the assumption of perfect synchronization, which are widely encountered, should also

be treated. For example, when systems operate in a slow fading channel as in most of

the indoor environment, we do not need to consider time varying channel

characteristics if burst length is short. Moreover, due to the delay and complexity of

decoding, smaller burst length is in fact more practical and preferable. In the

following, we will focus therefore on turbo receiver for joint synchronization and

channel estimation in coded OFDM systems within a short burst. The joint CFOCE-C

algorithm will still be utilized, but in order to make use ofthe coded structure, soft data

decisions will be used instead ofhard decisions as the input ofthe estimator.

4.2 Transmitfer Madel in Coded OFDM Systems

Figure 4-2 shows the transmitter model of coded OFDM systems.

li A~l>bse

Figure 4-2 A Coded OFDM Transmitter Mode)

Consider a set ofbinary data b passing into the encoder. We assume M-QAM as the

modulation format and use Q denoting for the number of bits per symbol

(Q = log2 M). Then, after interleaver, symbol mapper will group and map Q bits

d/\ (q E 0,1, .. ', Q -1) onto a complex symbol X/,k = Am where l, k denote the

OFDM symbol and sub-carrier index, respectively and Arn is the mth complex

number drawn from constellation points. Then, each symbol will be modulated by

N sinusoidal sub-carriers using the IFFT:

1 N-l

x/,n = N L X/,k exp(j27rknj N); n = 0,1, ... , N - 1 . k=O


In the receiver, oscillator frequency errors or channel-induced Doppler shifts will

cause the received signal to be modulated onto a carrier frequency with offset é. Then

time-domain received signal, after discarding the cyclic prefix, can then be expressed


where Hk is the channel gain at the kth tone and WZ,n represents the additive white

noise as before.

4.3 Proposed Turbo (Iterative) Receiver in Coded OF DM


In this section, we will present a jointly iterative synchronization-channel and

decoding estimation scheme for coded OFDM systems as illustrated in Figure 4-3.

The proposed turbo receiver structure iterates between data detector, joint CFOCE-C

estimator, soft mapper/demapper and SISO decoder sub-modules as follows.

At first, the data detector compensates the effects of both channel distortion and

CFO and delivers the demodulated data XZ,k. Immediately after, reliabilities of the

coded bits will be computed in soft demapper, used as the soft inputs to the SISO

decoder. Next, a posteriori probabilities of the coded bits outputted by the SISO

decoder are re-interleaved, the LLRs of which are sent to soft mapper in order to

produce the soft estimates of transmitted data XZ,k. At the same time, the difference

between the interleaved LLRs and the reliability values of the coded bits (produced by

the Soft Demapper) is feed back to soft demapper, treated as the input a priori

information. Finally, given the received signal 71,n and the estimates of transmitted

signal Xl,n, both in time-domain, the CFOCE-C estimator will feed the estimates of

both the CIR and CFO back to data detector. Initially, since only theXz,k is available,

joint estimator can only use the hard-decision XZ,n derived directly from XZ,k by

IFFT. However, when the soft mapper outputs, i.e., the soft estimates of the XZ,k, are

available, they are used to provide E[x/,nl as input to the joint CFOCE-C estimator

for computing CFO and CIR, which are then employed by the Data Detector for the


next iteration.

//~----------------- .~

/ Data Detector



Figure 4-3 Turbo Receiver Using Joint Synchronization, Channel Estimation and Decoding for COFDM

It can be seen that the above-mentioned turbo receiver operates in an iterative

manner over a block of coded bits with a length equivalent to the number of bits per

burst. De-interleaver between the soft demapper and SISO decoder, and interleaver

between the SISO decoder and soft mapper, corresponding to the interleaver used in

the transmitter, are used to break the data correlation. In the following, together with

the Figure 4-3, functions of each sub-module in the ab ove process will be detailed.

4.3.1 Data Detector

ln the receiver, data detector performs CFO removal, demodulation (FFT) and

frequency-domain equalization. Given the estimates updated at the beginning of each

OFDM symbol, CFO will be compensated by time-domain rotation to establish

synchronization as follows

Under the assumption of perfect synchronization, after demodulation, transmitted

information tones can be retrieved by a one-tap equalizer, i.e.,



4.3.2 Soft Demapper

The objective of the soft demapper is to calculate the LLRs of conditional

probabilities on the coded bits, namely, extrinsÏc channel information to be used by the

SISO decoder. Assuming perfect CFO removal, extrinsic channel LLRs for bit

d?k (q E 0,1,.· .,Q -1) can be obtained from the observed XZ,k and estimates of B"k as follows:

q _ q Pr(Xz,kIÊü;d~k = 1) Lext ( dz,k) = L ( XZ,k 1 dZ,k) = log (- 1 ~ )

Pr XZ,k HZ,k; d~k = 0

1 Pr (XZ,k Ibz,k;[ dfk"'" d~k = 1,'" d~k-l ]) . Pr ([ dfk'''' dZ~k = 1,'" d~k-l ]) = og Pr(Xz,kIÎlz,k;[d~k, ... ,dz~k = O, ... d~k-l]). Pr([dz~k, .. ·d~k = O, ... d~k-l]) (4.1)

L:: Pr ( XZ,k 1 Îll,k ; XZ,k = Am) . Pr( XZ,k = Am) Arn:d'lk=l

=log--=='----~~~--------_,-----------L:: Pr(Xz,kIÎlz,k;Xz,k = Am)' Pr(Xz,k = Am) Arn:dlk=O

where the notation Am: d':k = 1(0) represents the set of constellation point that

corresponds to d':k = 1(0).

Consider the transmitter model III Figure 4-2, the first term

Pr (XZ,k Ibz,k; XZ,k = Am) in equation (4.1) can be simply calculated as

Owing to the interleaver between the encoder and symbol mapper, the coded bits dik can be regarded as being independent to each other. Thus, the second term, joint

probabilities can be written as follows:


Pr(X"k =Am)=Pr(d'~k = Am(O), ... ,dfk-1 =~(Q-l») Q-l

= Il Pr (d':k = ~ (q) ) q=O

where ~(q) denotes the qth bit ofthe binary logz M - tuple representing the symbol

~, m = 0, 1,2,. ", M -1 .

Let's take a specifie modulation scheme, 4-QAM (M=4, Q=2) for instance, as the

illustration of the above calculation. The extrinsic channel LLRs for first coded bits of

Q successive ones can be calculated by

=log pr( XI,kJiII,ki[d~k =l,dtk ])-Pr([d~k =l,dtk ])

pr( XI,kJiII,k i[ d~k =O,df,k ]} pr([ d~k =O,df,k ])

( - J" [0 1 ]) (1 ) (- J" [0 1 ]) (1 ) (4.2) =log Pr XI,k Ht,ki dt,k=l,dt,k =1 ·Pr dt,k=l +Pr Xt,k Ht,kj dt,k=l,dt,k =0 ·Pr dt,k=O

pr( Xt,kJiIt,ki[d~k =o,dl,k =l]).pr( df,k =1 )+Pr( Xt,kJiIt,k i[d~k =O,dtk =o]).pr( dl,k =0)

pr( Xl,k JiII,k jXI,k =A2 )+ pr( XI,k JiII,k jXI,k =.43 ).exp La (df,k)

= log pr( XI,kJiII,k jXI,k =Ao )+pr( XI,kJiIt,kiXI,k =A1 )-exp La dtk

Similarly, the extrinsic channel LLRs of second coded bits are

Lext (dt,k) = L (Xt,kl dt,k) = L (X/,kl H/,k;dt,k)

= 10 Pr (Xl,k 1 H/,k; Xl,k = AJ) + Pr (X/,k 1 Ht,k; Xt,k = Al) . exp La (dt~k) (4.3)

g Pr ( X/,k 1 H/,k ; X/,k = A2) + Pr ( X/,k 1 Ht,k ; X/,k = Ao) . exp La ( d/~k ) As shown in equations (4.2)(4.3), a priori knowledge of coded bit is needed for

accurately calculating the extrinsic channel information. Similar as turbo iterative

decoding, a priori Log-Values La (d(k) can be obtained by subtracting the

corresponding LLRs of the conditional probabilities Lcxt(dt~k) from the LLRs oftheir

a posteriori probabilities LAPP (d1k) [69].

4.3.3 SISO Decoder

Given the soft values Lext (d(k) provided by soft demapper, after de-interleaving,


the LLRs of a posteriori probabilities on coded bits LAPP(dl:~) can be obtained by

performing BCJR algorithm. Consequently, the probabilities of the coded bits, which

will then use to reconstruct the transmitted symbols, can be calculated as

4.3.4 Soft Mapper

In the Soft Mapper, the output of SISO decoder is re-interleaved and re-mapped in

order to obtain more reliable estimates of the transmitted symbols, which can be

expressed as

E[Xl,k] = L Xl,kP(Xl,k = Am) XI,k=Am


4.3.5 Joint CFOCE-C Estimator

In original joint CFOCE-C algorithm, we attempt to minimize the LS cost function by

applying the NL-RLS. A veraging over M symbols, the cost function can be

expressed as


c(lÎ,t) = L L lel,kl2

1=0 k=O

~l~ j2nt(lNs +Ng +k)~i: A 2 = D D rz,k - exp N D ,,,,,Xl,n-r

l=O k=O r=O


where rz,k is the time domain received signal, and Xl,n denotes the hard decision of

the transmitted signal Xl,k, land k are the symbol and sample index, respectively.


As evident from equation (4.4), c(lÎ., g) is a nonlinear function of g, and thus the

solution is difficult to find. One approximation approach is to use the first-order Taylor

series to convert this non-linear estimation error into an approximate linear-function

and then NL-RLS algorithm is applied. It is also indicated in (4.4) that the

performance of joint CFOCE-C algorithm actually depends on the decision reliability

of Xl k. Thus, it is natural for us to use the soft information from the output of the ,

decoder in estimation to reduce decision feedback errors, i.e., better performance

should be expected by replacing the hard-decision ia,n by more and more reliable

soft-decision E[xl,nl which is iteratively updated by the SISO decoder.

Nevertheless, in order to minimize the decoding and interleaver delay, in the first

iteration, joint CFOCE-C algorithm will initially operate with hard-decision Xl,n and

then with E[xI,nl as soon as it is available. Figure 4-4 shows the structure of the

modified joint CFO-CE estimator.

Xt,n / E [Xl,n]

edback Time domain fe

hard/soft decisi on


Received Time domain signal




h,Ê -"" V Aigorithm

Figure 4-4 Joint CFOCE-C Estimator in Turbo Receiver for COFDM

4.4 Simulation Results

Simulations are performed in the IEEE802.11a environment for 4-QAM. Same as in

chapter 3, this standard specifies the use of OFDM with an FFT size of 64, on which 52

tones are used to transmit data, and the remainder of the tones is set to zero to avoid

out-of-band power. A cyclic prefix of 16 samples is used in the standard and the

sampling rate is 20Msamples/sec. Every burst consists of21 OFDM data symbols and 2

long training symbols used for initialization in each transmit burst. As an illustrative


example, the rate-1I2 RSC code with generator matrix equal to [1 1 1 1 0 1] is used in

the system, although other types of code would also be feasible.

Figure 4-5 illustrates the bit error rate (BER) performance versus Eb / No with

BCJR decoding in A WGN channel without any synchronization error, which will be

later used as comparison reference (i.e., ideal case) for the following figures. The

coding gain is around 3.6dB given BER=2E-5, as compared to that of the uncoded



1 0 ~~"'~"'~"'~"'~'Fc"~"~"~"~CC~T=,~CC~=~~~=~ =~ i=:~ ~~ =~ =~ ~~ C[~ l'''~ ~"'-~"'~~~'---: ~'l'! ~,,~cc~CC~-::~=~h! -::.=:-::=:-::=:-::=:-=:llJne=-=~=de=-d=-4~-Q==:A~MC::::-==-==-CE-==-==-==-==-::;=j

-2 10

-6 10

-----1------1------1- ----1------1 __ Coded4aAMwithRate=1/2 - - - - i - - - ,- - - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1 '---_________ ~

- - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - - -1- - - - - -: - - - - - -1 - - - - - -1 - - - - - -1 - - - - -

1 1 1 1 1



-----t------I- -----,----- 1-- ---1--- --1------1------1------1-----: -: : : ~ : : : : : ~ : --:: ~ : -: : ::: : : : -::-: : : : ::,: : : : : ::: : : : : -: -: :: -- ;,: : : -: l ' , , , , : ~ , · , n · , · m • ' , ~ ••• ' , , · n 1- • .' --~ , ,- , , , • m ~ -~ n H 1

::: = = =- ::.:; ~ ::: =- = ::: = 1= --' :.:: ::: = =- 1.= =- =- -= =- .=.1_ =- .::: _~ :.. =- =- =- =- = = ::: =1 =- = =-:::::::;1 =- =- ::: :.: :::- =i =- ::: =- =- =- J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ = = ~ ~ =:= ~ ~ ~ ~ =: = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ; = ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - - r - - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1 - - - - -1 - - - - -1 - - - - -

- - - - - f- - - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1 - - - - - -1 - - - - -1 ~ - ~ ~ -

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - ~ - - ~ - - - - ~ 1- _____ 1 ______ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ___ 1 ______ 1 ______ 1_ _ _ _ _1 ____ _ = = = = =t= = = = = =1= = =:: = =1= = = = = =1= = = = = =1_ =:: =:: =1= =:::: = =1= = = = = =1= = = _ = =1= = = = = = = = = = c = = = = = c = = = = = c = : : : :1: = : : : :1: ::: :1: : : : : :1: : : : : :1: : : : _ -1: : : : : - - - - - 1- - ___ -1 ______ 1 ______ 1 ______ 1 ______ 1 ______ 1 ______ 1 ______ 1_ _ __

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = = = = ='= = = = = =1= = = = = =1= = = = = =1= = = = = =1= = = = = 1= = = = = =1= = = = = =1= = = _ = =1= = _ = = = = = = = t= = = = = = 1= = = -= = = 1= = = = = = 1 = = = = = = 1 = = = = = __ = = = = =1 = = = = = =1 = = = = = =1 = = = = : : : = = c : = = = : c = = = = = 1= : = = = = 1: = = = : = 1: : : : : : 1: : : : : :1: = : : : :1: : : : : :1: : : : -- - - - - 1-- - - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - - 1- - - - --1 - - - -1 - - - - - -, - - - - - -1 - -

- - - - - r - - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1 - - - - - -1 - - - - - -1 - - - - -- - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - - _1_ - - __ -1 ______ 1_ - - - - -1 - - - - - -1 - - - _ - -1 __ - - _

-7 1 1 1 1 1 10 ~-~----~----~----~----~----~'----~'~--~'-----~-----

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

SN R: Eb/No (d B)

Figure 4-5 BER versus Eb/No in A WON Channel

The performance of the proposed turbo receiver using joint channel estimation,

synchronization and decoding in A WGN channel at the 1 st and 4th iterations are

given in Figure 4-6 and Figure 4-7 for initial CFOs of 100Hz and 1000Hz,

respectively. Simulation results in both figures show that the ideal performance can be

approached with 4 or more iterations. At the 4th iteration, the degradation as compared

to the ideal performance at 2E-5 is about 0.05dB for initial CFO of 100Hz and about

0.1 dB for initial CFO of 1000Hz. As compared to non-turbo case (indicated by the 1 st

iteration), the proposed turbo scheme offers a performance gain of about 0.2dB and

OAdB at 2E-5 for initial CFO's of 100Hz and 1000Hz, respectively.


In order to have more insight on our moditied CFOCE-C estimation process, MSE

performances, tirst for A WGN channel, are also given, with SNR of 4db and initial

CFO equal to 1000Hz. The results in Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9 demonstrate the

graduate decrease in estimation variances after each iteration, especially compared to

that of the tirst iteration. This implies that more reliable information on the

transmitted symbols does improve the joint estimation which in tum produces better

overall system performance (Figure 4-6 and Figure 4-7). Notice that in Figure 4-9

there's a platform du ring the tirst several samples among the long training symbols.

It is due to the "initial guess process" in joint CFOCE-C algorithm [33], during which

a conventional RLS algorithm is applied on the tirst 4 samples of two consecutive

long training symbols by setting the estimated CFO to zero. Real CFOCE-C algorithm

with NL-RLS are enabled during the next 0. samples (0. = 160 - 4), as weil as for

the data portion of the burst. Similar trends are obtained over Rayleigh (RA) fading

channel as shown in Figure 4-10 and Figure 4-11. In our simulation, RMS delay spread

is still set to 25ns (the length of CIR is equivalent to 7). -1


-2 10

_____ '- _____ 1 _____ _

1 1 1 _____ L _____ L _____ L _____ L_

I 1 1 1

_____ 1 ______ 1 ___ - _1 ______ 1 ___ _

=====r:::::=====c=====c=====c=====c=====_ -----~-----~-----~-----~-----~-----~- -- ~-----~-----~-----

-----r-----r-----r-----r-----r-----r-- -- -----r-----r----------~-----~-----~-----~-----~-----~--- -~ ----------~-----

-----r-----r--- I-~-----r-----r---- -----r----------r-----r- ----r-----r-----r-----r-----r -

1 1 1 1 1 1 -----r-----r-----r-----r

1 1

10"" :::::::::: c:::: =: :: :: ~ =: :::::::: ~ :: =- =::::: ~ :: -=:: :::: c =- =-:. -= :: ~ :: =- :: :: :: c :::: :: :: :: c:: _ -:: :: ~ -:::::: _

-5 10

=====~=====2=====2=====~~====~=====~=====E=====2=====~ -==== - - - - - r - - - - - r- - - - - - r- - - - - - r- - - - - ~- - - - r-------t-----.-t-

1 1 1 _~._~_~ ______ ~ _______ 1 _~ L ___ ~' ______ L _ __ L

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5

Figure 4-6 BER versus EJNo in A WON Channel (CFO=lOOHz)



0:: w al

~ 1:: cu 'C

~ L.. o -cu E ~ w 0:: U

10° c-c;c-=cc_-c=c-=-=-c;":cc~~=-cc=-c=~~ ~:~ ~ == == ~ ~:~-~~-~~~ ~-~~-f~-~-~-~-~---r-~F..2:...=--\d~·;--~---~ --=


_____ ' ______ , _ _ _ _, ______ , _ _ ., _ _ _ _ • _ 1 -+- CFO= 1000Hz, Iteration = 1 - - - - -- . - - -, - - .. - -, - - . - - , - - - - - , . 1 -- CFO=1000Hz, Iteration =4 - - - - - - - - - - _1- _________ _

, , ----'------'-----------_ J

, , , ,

- - - - _1 __ _ _---l _____ -.J _____ ~ ___ 1 ____ L _____ L ___ _


- - - r - - - - -, - - - - -1- - --

-1- - - - - --j - - - - - --t - - - - - + - - - - +- - - - - - !- - - - - - f- - - - -

1 1 1 1 1 1 - - -1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - "1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1- - - - -

l ,

- - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - --1 - - - - -"1

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 :: :: :: :: :: 1= ::: ::: ::: :: :: 1:: :: :: :: =- =1:: :: :: :: :: :::j :: :: :: :: :: ::::j :: :: :: :: ::

= : = = = c = = = : : 1: : : : : :1: : : : : J : : : : : J : : -::: : : l _ - - - - - 1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - l - - - - - T - -

:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::1:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: =- :::: :::: :::: ::::1 :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: J :::: :::: :::: ::: :::: l =- ::: :::: _ - - - - - 1- _____ 1 ____________ 1 __ _

1 1 1 1

- - - - - 1- - ___ -1 __ - - __ 1 - - _ - - -1 _ - - -,

- - - -= = 1= = = = = = 1 = -= = _ -= -1 - -- - - - - 1: ::: ::: ::: -= ::: 1::: :. ::: ::: ::: :-:1::: ::: :-- - - - - 1- - - - - -1- - - - - -1 - - - -

---,-----,-- - - - - 1- - - - - -1- - - - -

- - - - - 1- _____ 1 __ _ ,

2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5,5

SNR: EtlNo(dS)

Figure 4-7 BER versus Ei/No in AWON Channel (CFO=lOOOHz)


10° ~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-,_-_-_-_-_-_~_ ~-=---::-I~--::--::--::-:--:-=--::-:::-=-=-T=---::--::--::--::-=--::_::;::======:::;1 Iteration = 1 Iteration =2 Iteration =4

-, 10

-2 10

-3 10 o

- - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - -, --------~- -------~------

---------~-------- - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - , - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - -1- - - - -----1- ------l------

- - - - - - - - - 1- _ _1 __ . - - - - - - " - - - - - - _.~---~--~---~---~---~-~-l , ,

- - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - -- - - - -1 - - - - - - - - - --1 - - - - - - - - - + - - - _ - - _ - -1 1

- - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - -1- ---------1---------

- 1- - - - - - - - - -

------, , - l -

, .. -..,... •••• -.-;~-----I--- 1 -1---------

• ...... ".,.1 ..... " ............. 1

- ~ ........... " ........ I~ ••• - - - - - - - - - 1- _________ , _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 1 _________ ---l ... ur.-. ....... a.'-r-. __ ___ _ - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - - ---t - - - - - - - - - 1" - - - - - - - - ----------r------------------~---------l---------T---------


- - - - 1- - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - -----------, , - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - -1---------1-

- - 1- _________ 1 _ _ _1 ______ _ ---l _________ + __ _ , , ,

- - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - _ - - _1- - - - - - - _ - -1 _________ --1 _________ + ___ .. ____ _ 1 1 1 1 1

, ~~~_.L....


- - - - -1 - - .

, , , .L.. .. ____ ._ l~ .. ~ ______ .L ._._~ ___ .L _______ ~

400 600 800 1000 1200

Iteration Numbers

Figure 4-8 CIR Variance versus Time in A WON Channel, Initial CFO=lOOOHz and SNR=4dB


Q) 0 c: (li

OC: (li

> .... 0 -(li E 1ii w 0 LL. ()

0:: w ID

-2 10 __________________ ~---------~----------------------------

= = = = = = = = = C = = = = = = = = ~ C = = = = - - - ~ = C = = = = = = = = = ,= = = ~ - - - Iteration = 1 = = = = = = = = = ~ = = = = = = = - ~ ~ = = = = = = = = =:= = = = = = = = = = := = = = = = = Iteration =2 - - - - - - - - - f- - - - - - - - - - f- - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - Iteration =4

- 1- _________ 1 __________ 1 __________ 1 _______ "----------'-1 , ,

- - - - - 1- ____________________ 1 ____________________ 1 ________ _ , ,

-3 , , 10 = = =- =- = c =- == =- =- == = =- =- =- c =- =- - - - - - - - - - - - :: =- =- =- =- =- 1= =- = = = =- =- =- =- =- c =- - == : : =- =- :

-----r---------r- -------r---------r----- ----------------------_ _ _ _ 1 __________ L _____ _ _____ 1_- ______ _

- - - -1- - - - - - - - - -\.- -- - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - -1-

--------1- _1_ --1----

= = j - - i

-4 10 __ :..:: =- --: - t. _ I-=- == ________ ' _____ =- =- =- =- =- 1: -= _ =- =- =- -= -= :-

- - - r- - - - - - - - - - r- - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - 1 ~ - -

:.:: :.:: 1:':: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :::: :.:: :.:: ::: :::: 1:::: ~ :.:: - - - - - _ 1 _____ :.:: :::: :.:: :.:: :.:: 1:':: ::: :.:: :.:: :.:: :::: ::: :.:: :.:: :.:: 1:':: ~ - - - - - - -__ 1 __________ L ___ . _______ 1 ___________ 1 __________ 1 ________ _

-5 10

- ~--:: .. ~ - - - - - - - - 1- _________ 1 __________ 1 __________ 1 _________ _

-,..- '.-: 1 1 1 1

- - -'~"':'.~.;--~.~~~ .. :..:-~~~~~~~~.~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ - ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ................ ., .... "'oJ-_ .... - .... -r-_____ ~ ____ :\O~ 1- _ _ _ _ Iteration = _____ : ... :;~.:.~ ... ..!.~.~.~ __ ....... ~~.!.-- _____ _

11~111~1~!111111·~'~t-~~~~~111~111 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - -

" , -8 10 L-__________ L-__________ L-________ ~ __________ ~ __________ ~ __________ "__

o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Iteration Numbers

Figure 4-9 CFO Variance versus Time in A WGN Channel, Initial CFO=1000Hz and SNR=4dB

, , 1 - -------1------

-2 10


- - - - - - Î - - - - - - - r - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - -; - -

_______ 1 _______ L _______ 1 ___ _

1 1 1 1 _______ 1 _______ L _______ 1 _______ l _______ 1 __ _

- - - - - - ---1 - - - - - - - t- - - - - - - -1- -, ,


10 =======I==- __ ~==I:======_I ____ ==1===----______ -l _______ L______ _ __ -1 ______ I _______ -l ___ _

------~-------.------ .-----~------I-------~ + _______ 1 ,


, ------ 1---



, ,

-4 ' 10 L-______ -L ________ L-______ -L ________ ~ _______ ~

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

SNR: EtJNo(dB)

Figure 4-10 BER versus Et/No in Rayleigh Channel


16 17


1 10 ,------____ ~---u_ • il .........u; u uu u uut:~ iiE! f

~ 10° c:: .Il! '-

~ '-o -CU E ~ W 0::: ·1 Ü 10

- - -- - -1 -

1 1 ---------1----- ··----1- ------- -------------------

1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - _1- _________ 1 __________ 1 __________ 1 __________ 1 ________ _

1 1 1 1


-::::::::::::::::::c:::::::: = = = = = = = = =1 = = = = ____ _ - - - - - - - - "- - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - ____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - r- - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - -

--------r----- . ----1- -1- --------1--

- - - - - - - - 1- _________ 1_ _ _ _____ - _ 1- __ - - - _._ - 1 - - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - _ - -

1 1 1 - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - 1- _________ 1 __________ 1_ _ ______ 1 __________ 1 ________ _

1 1 1

- - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - -1-- - - - - -- - - - -1- - - - - - - - - -1- - .- - -1 - - - - - - - - -

1 1 1 1

1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - r- - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - ~ - - - -1- - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - -

------- ... --..--------1---- -----1--------- -'----------1---------- - - - -1- - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - -·1 - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - -

.... a_ .. .- ___ ,- _ _ _ -- _ 1_ - - - - - - - - -

_________ I __ -----._-.~~.-."--~ _____ 1

1 .......... 1

_·I1_-_'IL'.- _' ___ _ -.- ···1····....... 1

._.- ······.,··~···~ ... IL.IL.cII ... ~a_ •• ---1-- ___ '_" -1

1 -~'_".'_

10·2~1 ____ --"- ____ ~ __ ----L 1


--~ ---~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Iteration Numbers

Figure 4-11 CIR Variance versus Time in Rayleigh channel, Initial CFO=lOOOHz and SNR=16dB

4.5 Chapter Summary

In this chapter, we begin with reviewing turbo codes and associated applications of

iterative decoding including turbo equalization and turbo (or iterative) synchronization.

These studies suggest a promising way to face the challenge of accurate estimation

under low SNRs, typical of codes operation. In our proposed receiver structure, joint

synchronization and channel estimator, data detector and SISO decoder work together

to provide reliable information on transmitted data in an iterative way. We also

simulate the performance of the above scheme in terms ofboth BER and residual MSE

which show great improvement after only a few iterations.


Chapter 5


5.1 Thesis Summary

Channel estimation and synchronization are two key issues for OFDM systems. In

this thesis, joint channel estimation and synchronization schemes for both uncoded and

coded OFDM systems are examined.

In Chapter 2, basic structures and concepts of OFDM systems are described. Models

of received signais in the presence of channel distortions and synchronization errors are

then given and analyzed. Existing solutions and schemes for both ofthe sequential and

parallel channel estimation and synchronization are reviewed. Being a joint channel

estimation and synchronization algorithm, the time-domain CFOCE-C can achieve low

estimation variance, small BER degradation and fast convergence at the expense of

high complexity.

In Chapter 3, a low-complexity joint carrier frequency offset (CFO) and channel

estimation (CE) scheme (LC-CFOCE-C) for OFDM systems is first proposed. Given

the fact that the number of time domain channel coefficients is always much smaller

than that of the sub-carriers, the FFT used for converting CIR to CFR can be

implemented by sorne specially designed algorithms [37]-[40]. Existing low

complexity FFT algorithms offer us different methods to reduce the computation when

the input and output size of the FFT are different. For example, by using Sorensen's

algorithm, 58% of the complexity can be saved, in terms of real operations.

Furthermore, in the newly proposed track-and-hold (TAH) technique, tracking is

performed only on the mid-amble which is inserted periodically at the transmitter.

Since mid-amble is known, the additional IFFT block used for converting

frequency-domain detected data to time domain can be avoided. Finally, instead of

using traditional sequential techniques, a modified joint acquisition algorithm, which

rem oves correlated error ignored in [32], is applied in conjunction with the joint

LC-CFOCE-C so that the overall system can work under a wide initial CFO range (up

to ±100% of carrier spacing). Although due to estimation error accumulated in hold


period TAH will produce larger estimation error than CFOCE-C algorithm does, after

incorporating with acquisition algorithm, residual MSE of CFO is still between 1 E-7

and lE-8 even for large normalized CFO values (10%).

In Chapter 4, joint synchronization, channel estimation and decoding scheme for

coded OFDM systems within a short burst is proposed. Applying "turbo principle", the

proposed receiver is implemented in an iterative manner with soft information

exchanged in each component. To be more precise, a posteriori probabilities of the

coded bits outputted by SISO decoder are first used to calculate the expectation of the

transmitted symbol, which will be then sent to the joint estimator. By replacing the

input of the estimator with more and more reliable soft values, better estimates of the

unknown parameters can be achieved iteratively, which will subsequently feed back to

the SISO decoder. Simulation results show that estimation variances for both CFO and

CIR are decreasing progressively, especially after the first iteration. In the presence of

CFO, the proposed joint turbo synchronization, channel estimation and decoding

scheme can offer a system performance very close to the ideal one in both A WGN

and Rayleigh channels after a few iterations.

5.2 Future Work

In this work, we have investigated the problem of joint synchronization, channel

estimation and decoding techniques for OFDM systems. Our suggestions of future

work are as follows:

• For the sake of simplicity, this work does not consider the SFO effect, i.e., SFO is

assumed to be already corrected. In [35], SFO is assumed to produce the same

phase rotation for all samples within one OFDM symbol so that the compensation

can be simply done by frequency-domain rotation. The degradation caused by this

method is only acceptable for small FFT size. Otherwise, the frequency-dependent

property of SFO cannot be ignored. On the contrary, interpolation and re-sampling

are more generally used for timing adjustment in the literature. However, since the

ideal interpolation filter is both infinite impulse response (UR) and non-causal,

which cannot be implemented in real life, aliasing will be produced due to the


pass-band attenuation of the practical finite impulse response (FIR) filter [70][71].

This distortion can be reduced ifthe sampling-to-symbol-rate ratio is high when the

sampled signal is very close to the original analog signal. On the other hand, in

order to achieve high symbol rates, low sampling-to-symbol-rate ratio is desirable,

ideally at the lowest possible level determined by Nyquist sampling rate. Therefore,

timing error correction that can offer high performance (i.e., adequately good

approximation) and operate with relatively low sampling-to-symbol-rate ratio, is a

good topic for further studies.

• The joint CFOCE-C algorithm operates in time domain (TD) to bene fit from the

smaller number of estimated channel parameters and exact modeling of

synchronization errors. However, the requirements of the additional IFFTIFFT

block represent extra complexity. In this work, a track-and-hold (TAH) technique

in conjunction with mid-ambles is proposed to rem ove the required IFFT at the

expense of increase in residual MSE for CFO and CIR estimation/correction.

Altematively, frequency-domain (FD) based algorithms can be used to avoid IFFT

block. In consequence, a hybrid TD-FD-based pilot-aided technique would be a

potential candidate for joint synchronization and channel estimation in OFDM


• Our studies are restricted to only single-input single-output (SISO) systems.

However, the integration of OFDM and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)

systems wou Id significantly enhance the channel capacity and in tum be able to

offer a high data rate wireless transmission over frequency-selective fading

channels. Thus, an algorithm of joint synchronization and channel estimation for

MIMO-OFDM systems can definitely be a good subject for future work.



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