technical writing, september 5th, 2013


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Page 1: Technical Writing, September 5th, 2013
Page 2: Technical Writing, September 5th, 2013


1) Icebreaker2) Looking at a less-than-conventional resume3) Discussion: Anderson and what tech writing “is”4) Activity: drafting a cover letter: the opening5) Share and discuss6) Homework

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Another quick Icebreaker: give us your name and tell us the first television program you remember rushing home/making sure you were in front of the TV to see as a kid.

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A Resume Less Ordinary

For today, I had you look at a unique resume. It’s on the next slide (and I’ll open it on screen), but what I want us to do with it is mimic the rhetorical analysis we did last time. What’s good here? What’s bad? What is the audience? What are the risks and rewards? What do we think of this less conventional method of delivery?

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And now… Anderson

You have, so far, read 3 chapters of the Anderson book: 1, 2, and 8. Time for a quick reading check break!

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Chapter 1

What is chapter 1 about?

Someone name one major concept that is discussed.

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Chapter 2

What is the main thrust of chapter 2?

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Chapter 8

And finally, what’s the main idea of Chapter 8?

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If we did okay there……awesome. If not, expect a quiz in your future. YOU HAVE TO DO THE READINGS! I don’t just assign them to be assigning them; there’s key information there you’ll need.

To those ends, we’re going to have a discussion and then do an activity, and I’m going to pull stuff from the book to show you how it applies to what we’re doing.

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A key point in chapter 1

Look on page 18, at Anderson’s first set of reader centered strategies. There are four.

Would someone like to read them aloud? Don’t be shy!

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Another key point: page 20

On page 20, Anderson begins a discussion of ethics. I’d like you to take about three minutes here– nothing super significant yet– and list out what you understand to be the ethical stance of your chosen field.

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For example…

I’m an educator, in the field of rhetoric and writing, usually housed in an English department. As such, we value general honesty, but we are particularly concerned, ethically, with a few things:1)The treatment of text/plagiarism2)Access for those with less economic means3)Understanding and education about cultures and cultural differences4)Keeping information free and free-flowing

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Chapter 2There’s SO MUCH useful stuff in chapter 2, like the resume guidelines (particularly the information from page 30-34, though it’s all very valuable, hence the choice of this particular book).

But what I want you to zoom in on right now is page 50 and 51. Look at the two yellow break-out boxes. Let’s talk about them.

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And Chapter 8

I want you to look at the guidelines on pages 209-216 or so, paying particular attention to guidelines 3, 4 and 5 on pages 214-15.

Think about these in relation to your job ad.

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Now remember…… as we move into this activity that technical writing is concise, clear, usually if not always free from opinions and bias, rarely if ever employs pathos, etc.

You, as a technical writer, preside over facts, and your job is to share them as clearly and concisely as possible. Do not try to impress with big words. Don’t talk around ideas. Head first, clear as possible.

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Based on what we’ve read over and what we’ve discussed, I want you to spend the next 10-15 minutes (or so) drafting a first pass at the opening paragraph (or paragraphs if you want to split things up) of your cover/job letter.

Take your time; think through your decisions. Write! Ask questions if you have them. I’ll be right here.

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Now share.Partner up, or form groups of three. Trade introductions (email is fine– no need to waste paper unless you chose to write on paper). As you read your partner’s material, remember everything we’ve talked about. Ask questions, make suggestions, and let her know what works and what could be more effective.

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For next Tuesday:1. Don’t forget your Tumblr posts! Check the course website under “assignments” if you aren’t sure what you should be posting2. Read for class: Anderson, Chapter 93. The BIG thing: bring a copy of your resume and your cover letter, as they stand, to class. You can bring electronic copies if you wish. We’ll be forming groups of 4-5 to workshop. I’ll explain how that will work in class. Print copies are also fine if you like the more material feel of comments.