teacher professional competence common framework · contents 1/24 introduction who we are the...

START Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework LINKING TEACHER INTERNSHIPS AND IN-SERVICE TRAINING Jesús Calvo Mallón, Victoria Penide López Departamento de Formación e Innovación Santiago de Compostela 22.04.2015

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Page 1: Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework · Contents 1/24 Introduction WHO WE ARE The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework Linking teacher internships and in-service


Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework


Jesús Calvo Mallón, Victoria Penide LópezDepartamento de Formación e Innovación

Santiago de Compostela 22.04.2015

Page 2: Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework · Contents 1/24 Introduction WHO WE ARE The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework Linking teacher internships and in-service


INDEX1. Introduction

! Who we are ! Our Goal

2. The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework ! The Context! The Framework! Needs Assessment! Evaluation

3. Linking teacher internships and in-service training ! Merging the models! Designing the training

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Introduction WHO WE ARE

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

Who are we? What do we do?

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Introduction HOW?


INDIVIDUAL ! presence courses! online courses (Moodle Platform, Platega2)! conferences and events

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework SCHOOL-CENTERED TRAINING AND COACHING

! workgroups ! permanent investigation groups ! PFPP (school-based training programs)

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Introduction How many?

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework HOW MANY?

Ámbito científico-matemático-tecnolóxicoÁmbito de educación física e musicalBibliotecas escolaresCiencias sociais, xeografía e historiaColectivos especiaisConvenio universidadeDebuxo e educación plástica e visualEducación de adultosEducación especialEducación físicaEducación infantilEducación primariaEE - Música, danza, idiomas, artes e deportesEquipos directivosFilosofíaFormación a distancia - PLATEGAFP - Actividades comúnsFP - Actividades físicas e deportivasFP - Administración e xestiónFP - AgrariaFP - Artes gráficasFP - Comercio e márketingFP - Edificación e obra civilFP - Electricidade e electrónicaFP - Enerxía e augaFP - Fabricación mecánica

FP - FOLFP - Hostalería e turismoFP - Imaxe e sonFP - Imaxe persoalFP - Industrias alimentariasFP - Informática e comunicaciónsFP - Instalación e mantementoFP - Madeira, moble e cortizaFP - Marítimo pesqueirasFP - QuímicaFP - SanidadeFP - Servizos socioculturais e á comunidadeFP - Téxtil, confección e pelFP - Transporte e mantemento de vehículosHomologadasInnovaciónLingua castelá e literaturaLingua e literatura galegaLinguas estranxeirasMúsica e danzaOrientaciónProgramas europeosSeminario para a pazTecnoloxías da información e da comunicación (TIC)Temas transversais

!1957 activities!679 courses

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Introduction The goal

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework THE GOALTeaching



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Introduction How to achieve this goal

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework HOW TO ACHIEVE THIS GOAL

Developing and implementing a Teacher Common Competence Framework


2Linking pre-service & in-service training

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Introduction Towards teaching excellence

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework TOWARDS TEACHING EXCELLENCE

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Introduction The context: the transition

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework THE CONTEXT

real needs + european recommendations

In-service training organized around knowledge areas

In-service training organized around teacher professional competences

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Introduction The context: Europe and the competences

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework THE CONTEXT

Competent teacher ➲ Competence framework

Conclusions on effective teacher education, Brussels, 20 May 2014 “Initial teacher education should provide prospective teachers with the core competences required to deliver high quality teaching, as well as stimulate the motivation to acquire and update competences throughout their careers”“Improving teacher education programmes and recruitment processes requires the prior identification of the professional competences needed by teachers at different stages of their careers. Professional competence frameworks can be used to raise quality standards, by defining the knowledge, skills and attitudes that teachers, including in the fields of vocational education and training (VET) and adult learning, should possess or acquire. Similarly, the teacher educators who prepare teachers to undertake their tasks can benefit from frameworks of this kind.”

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Introduction The context: Europe and the competences

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework THE CONTEXT

To improve educational outcomes, addressing each segment (pre-school, primary, secondary, vocational and tertiary) within an integrated approach, encompassing key competences and aiming at reducing early school leaving;

Strategy 2020

Competent teacher ➲ Competence framework

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Introduction The context: Europe and the competences

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework THE CONTEXT

Competent teacher ➲ Competence framework

Supporting teacher competence development for better learning outcomes, European Comission. (2014, July)

“Introduction: Making sure that Europe’s six million teachers have the essential competences they require in order to be effective in the classroom is one of the keys to raising levels of pupil attainment; encouraging teachers to continue developing and extending their competences is vital in a fast-changing world.”

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Introduction The framework

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework THE FRAMEWORK

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Introduction The framework: School based in-service training

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework THE FRAMEWORK

Designed around



Over 200 PFPPs


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Introduction Needs Assessment System

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework NEEDS ASSESSMENT SYSTEM

! Designed around Competences ! Prototype: PFPPs (school-based training)! Observed & real needs + legal guidelines

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Introduction In-Service Training Evaluation System

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework IN-SERVICE TRAINING EVALUATION SYSTEM

Being now designed around Competences



State of the art: satisfaction evaluation

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Introduction Vertical and Horizontal Reaching Project

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL REACHING PROJECT

Law makers

In service training

Pre-service University training

Primary school

Secondary school

VET University

Life-long learning

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Introduction Linking pre-service & in-service training

Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework

! Merging university competences (pre-service) with our competence model

! Designing the future initial in-service training

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Linking pre-service & in-service training: The Challenge

Linking teacher internships and in-service training THE CHALLENGE

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework < <PRE-SERVICE:

university internship


IN-SERVICE training

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Linking teacher internships and in-service training MERGING THE COMPETENCE MODELS

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework

Merging the Competence Models

University Our Model

Primary School Teachers: 59 Competences (basic training, didactic training)

Secondary School Teachers: 37 Competences divided (generic module, specific module, internship)

e.g.: “To be aware of the historical development of the family, its different types and the influence of its context on education.”.

==> applies to VET, specific groups, other teachers – all mixed

7 Competences – 27 Subcompetences ! Guide & educator in the teaching-

learning process! Teacher as a member of an

organization! Teacher as contact person and role

model (way of being and building relationship to others)

! Researcher and innovator! Subject specialist! Communicator in mother tongue and

foreign languages! Competent in ICT

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Linking teacher internships and in-service training THE FUTURE INITIAL IN-SERVICE TRAINING

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework

The Future Initial In-service Training

University competences

pre-service internship

sociolinguistic course

in-service internshipNOW

Common competences

pre-service internship

first competence training

in-service internship / mentoring


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Linking teacher internships and in-service training THE FUTURE INITIAL IN-SERVICE TRAINING

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework

The Future Initial In-service Training: 3 key moments in the timeline

< <PRE-SERVICE: internship

Students + mentor at school

CAFI trains the mentors

CAFI certifies the work of the mentor

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< <




Linking teacher internships and in-service training THE FUTURE INITIAL IN-SERVICE TRAINING

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework

The Future Initial In-service Training: 3 key moments in the timeline

PRE-SERVICE: internship

Students + mentor at school

CAFI trains the mentors

CAFI certifies the work of the mentor


Internship work + mentorMentoring guide: mutual job-shadowing

Competences Online-Course + Mentor support1. Guide & educator in the teaching-learning process2. Teacher as a member of an organization

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Linking teacher internships and in-service training THE FUTURE INITIAL IN-SERVICE TRAINING

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework

The Future Initial In-service Training: 3 key moments in the timeline

Students + mentor at school

CAFI trains the mentors

CAFI certifies the work of the mentor

Internship work + mentor

Mentoring guide: mutual job-shadowing

Competences Online-Course + Mentor support

1. Guide & educator in the teaching-learning process2. Teacher as a member of an organization

Competences itinerary

< <PRE-SERVICE: internship

Students + mentor at school


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Linking teacher internships and in-service training THE FUTURE INITIAL IN-SERVICE TRAINING

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework

The Future Initial In-service Training: 3 key moments in the timeline

Competences itinerary

School competences itinerary

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Linking teacher internships and in-service training THE FUTURE INITIAL IN-SERVICE TRAINING

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework

The Future Initial In-service Training: 3 key moments in the timeline

Students + mentor at school

CAFI trains the mentors

CAFI certifies the work of the mentor

Internship work + mentor

Mentoring guide: mutual job-shadowing

Competences Online-Course + Mentor support

1. Guide & educator in the teaching-learning process2. Teacher as a member of an organization

Competences itinerary

Competence level certifying system

Specialised training for specific groups: beginners, experts, seniors, principals etc.

School-based – permanent job-shadowing

<PRE-SERVICE: internship

Students + mentor at school


IN-SERVICE: training <

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the end


Linking teacher internships and in-service training

The Teacher Professional Competence Common Framework


(1) Council of the European Union. (2014, May 20). Conclusions on effective teacher education. Accessed at http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/educ/142690.pdf

(2) Communication from the Commission - Europe 2020. (2010, March 3). Accessed at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2010:2020:FIN:EN:PDF

(3) European Comission. (2014, July). Supporting teacher competence development for better learning outcomes. Accessed at http://ec.europa.eu/education/policy/school/doc/teachercomp_en.pdf