tcp objective type question

1. The process of burning protruding fibers to deliver a smooth fabric the surface a) Singeing b) Bleaching c) Shearing d) Cropping 2. The reactive dyes are applied to a cellulosic fiber in an alkaline dye bath ,they form a ----------- with hydroxyl group of the fiber by chemically reacting with fiber a) Covalent bond b) Salt Linkage c) Hydrogen bond d) None 3. The process in which fats are treated with caustic and lead the formation of hydrophilic soaps a) Scouring b) Bleaching c) Soaponofication d) Emulsification 4. In mercerization process, the concentration of NaOH is a) 40-45°Tw b) 48-54°Tw c) 55-58°Tw d) 48-54% 5. The application of color to the whole body of a textile material with some degree of fastness a) Dyeing b) Printing c) Discharge style d) None 6. Desizing of a grey cotton fabric having starch based size cannot be done using a) Amylase enzyme b) dilute HCL c) Hydrogen peroxide d) DMDHEU 7. A wool/acrylic blended fabric can be dyed to solid shade using a combination of a) Direct and acid dyes b) Vat and acid dyes c) Acid and acid dyes d) Direct and reactive dyes

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Post on 02-Nov-2014




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processing related question


Page 1: Tcp Objective Type Question

1. The process of burning protruding fibers to deliver a smooth fabric the surface a) Singeing b) Bleachingc) Shearing d) Cropping

2. The reactive dyes are applied to a  cellulosic fiber in an alkaline dye bath ,they form a ----------- with hydroxyl group of the fiber by chemically reacting with fiber

a) Covalent bond b) Salt Linkagec) Hydrogen bond d) None

3. The process in which fats are treated with caustic and lead the formation of hydrophilic soaps

a) Scouring b) Bleachingc) Soaponofication d) Emulsification

4. In mercerization process, the concentration of NaOH isa) 40-45°Tw b) 48-54°Twc) 55-58°Tw d) 48-54%

5. The application of color to the whole body of a textile material with some degree of fastness

a) Dyeing b) Printingc) Discharge style d) None

6. Desizing of a grey cotton fabric having starch based size cannot be done usinga) Amylase enzyme b) dilute HCLc) Hydrogen peroxide d) DMDHEU

7. A wool/acrylic blended fabric can be dyed to solid shade using a combination of a) Direct and acid dyes b) Vat and acid dyesc) Acid and acid dyes d) Direct and reactive dyes

8. The following dye will be suitable for sublimation transfer printing of polyestera) Reactive dyes b) Vat dyesc) Acid dyes d) Disperse dyes

9. The mercerization of cotton fibers results in a) Improved strength b) Increase affinityc) Increased bending rigidity d) Improved lustre

10. The highest rate of production in printing is obtained on a) Flat bed printing b) Blockc) Digital printing d) Rotary screen printing

Page 2: Tcp Objective Type Question

11. The optimum conditions for bleaching cotton with hydrogen peroxide are a) pH 7, 60°C b) pH 7, boil c) pH 10, 60°C d) pH 10, boil

12. The singeing of cotton fabrics results in a) Improved strength b) Decreased crease recovery c) Increased bending rigidity d) Improved performance during printing

13. The souring is done to a) Remove size b) Neutralize the substrate after alkaline treatment c) Remove colourant d) Remove Wax

14. For obtaining bright and clear prints in pigment printing, the thickener should a) Have a good binding power b) Have zero solid content c) Form a transparent film d) Form an elastic film

15. Bleaching of cotton fabrics is commercially done using a) Sodium bisulphite b) Sodium chlorate c) Sodium chlorite d) Sodium chloride

16. The typical enzyme/s used for desizing is/ are a) Peptidase b) cellulase c) Mixture of peptidase and cellulase d) amylase

17. The dye bath of solubilised vat dyes has a) Alkaline pH b) Neutral pH c) Alkali and reducing agent d) A reducing agent

18. Ice colours area) Azoic Colours b) Vat colours c) Reactive d) Pigment

19. This process makes the fabric to reach its optimum shrinkage levela) Calendaring b) Crease resistant c) Sanforizing d) Resin finishing

20. The function of carrier in polyester dyeing a) Retarding agent b) Reducing agent c) Fixing agent d) Swelling agent

21. Bio polishing is a process to remove the ------- of a fabric through the action of enzyme a) Colour b) Crease c) Protruding fibers d) None

Page 3: Tcp Objective Type Question

22. In discharge printing, which discharging agent gives better result? a) Rangilite c b) Resist salt c) Suffolin d) Citric acid

23. The optimum conditions for thermosol dyeing of polyester with disperse dyes are a) 180-210°C, 60-90mins b) 180°C, 60mins c) 210°C, 90mins d) pH 10, boil

24. Triazinyl type reactive dyes react with cellulose by a process called as a) Nucleophilic substitution b) Nucleophilic additionc) Salt linkage d) Hot brand

25. The dyed goods are subjected to an ------- treatment for conversion of the sodium salt of the lecuo vat dye taken up the fibre into the original insoluble vat

a) Oxidation b) Fixationc) Exhaustion d) After treatment

26. ----------- bond strength is higher a) van der Waals’ force b) Hydrogen bond c) Salt linkage d) Covalent bond

27. The dye molecules in the dye bath move towards the fibre is called as a) Adsorption b) Absorption c) Penetration d) Fixation

28. The term --------- indicates the percentage increase in the weight of dry fabric after padding

a) Expression b) Absorption c) Exhaustion d) Fixation

29. The function of stenter in finishing process a) Width control b) Dimensional stability c) Dry the fabric d) crease removal

30. The function of compactor in finishing process a) Width control b) Dimensional stability c) Both a & b d) crease removal

Page 4: Tcp Objective Type Question

Answer:1. a) Singeing2. a) Covalent bond3. c) Soaponofication4. a) 40-45°Tw5. a) Dyeing 6. d) DMDHEU7. c) Acid and acid dyes8. d) Disperse dyes9. a) Improved strength10. d) Rotary screen printing11. d) pH 10, boil12. d) Improved performance during printing13. b) Neutralize the substrate after alkaline treatment14. c) Form a transparent film15. d) Sodium chloride16. d) Amylase17. b) Neutral pH 18. a) Azoic Colours19. c) Sanforizing20. d) Swelling agent21. a) Colour22. a) Rangilite c23. a) 180-210°C, 60-90mins24. a) Nucleophilic substitution25. a) Oxidation26. d) Covalent bond27. b) Absorption28. a) Expression29. b) Dimensional stability30.c) Both a & b