task one // research re-draft

Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research

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Page 1: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Social Action and Community


Existing Product Research

Page 2: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: worldwide breast cancer


• To bring about local, national or global change. -

this campaign has a purpose to change the way

woman check their breasts for a ‘bad seed’


• Change attitudes - instead of scaring women,

they have created a purpose that is less serious

than other cancer campaigns that can actually

persuade woman to change their attitudes

towards checking them in ‘a minute’.

• Raise Awareness - because it is a campaign that

is a poster campaign, they are raising awareness

them just being out there.

• Provide information - It provides information in a

clear and easy way that promotes the audience to

find out more information (including on the

worldwide breast cancer website).

• To campaign - It has an obvious purpose to

campaign, same with the other campaigns I have

looked at.

• Build relationships with subjects - very clear

purpose of this being a strong purpose because it

even says ‘Know your lemons’: they are openly

wanting you to build a relationship with the

subject that is breast cancer.


I believe the main aim of this poster is to raise

awareness & change attitudes in this particular

group to get them to check themselves for breast

cancer. 2

Page 3: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012


There are a few techniques the producer of this poster have used to draw the attention

to the audience.

The use of fruit as breast adds a slight humour to the overall campaign, although it is a

serious topic, they have opened up the then taboo subject to more women as if they

make it look less striking & scary more people wouldn’t be afraid to check themselves

just incase they do find something.

The lemons are meant to represent the breast & link very well with the copy on poster,

as it features the text ‘Know your lemons.’ (meaning breasts) & ‘It only takes a minute to

check for a bad seed.’ (meaning the possible cancerous lump they could find). This also

draws attention to the fact is doesn’t take long to ‘know your lemons’ & to actually check

them. This positively raises awareness to the campaign of ‘worldwide breast cancer’


The use of a almost regal chair for the ‘lemons’ gives the impression that they are of

importance and that they deserve to be checked.

The colour pink is the most often colour associated with breast cancer awareness & it

also typically connotes femininity, so it makes sense to be used on the poster as it is

quite clearly aimed at a female audience. The colours also contrast against one another

well, allowing each individual feature to catch the eye.

At the bottom of the poster you can find a link to a very useful website that really shows

in an easy way how to & what to check for, what to do if you've found something & other

helpful information.

How & Why?

A poster is being used to draw attention to breast cancer awareness in a slightly

humorous way to open up and not to scare people from checking their breasts for

abnormalities. Thats one of the main reasons why they used a piece of fruit & calling

breasts ‘lemons’ just adds a more appropriate image to the audience. It also addresses

something serious in a light-hearted way, which is one of the main purposes of this

campaign. They do this because it is so important to make sure your health is in check

& that you check breasts for any abnormalities. It also draws attention to the campaign

overall, by possibly persuading them to find out more online.


Case Study: worldwide breast cancer

Page 4: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012

Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects

using words and or graphics.


Case Study: worldwide breast cancer

This graph represents the increase in diagnosis to

breast cancer has increased from 1975 to 2011.

This could be due to a number of factors including a

growing population. These numbers are from


This chart shows the survival rate of breast cancer from the first

year of getting the cancer. You can see this number has increased

overtime from 1971 to 2011. The survival rate has increased from

82% in the fist year to 96% in the first year. This could be to a

number of factors including better medical treatment, but you could

count the awareness of campaigns like the one we’ve looked at as

attributing to more women checking themselves earlier & getting to

hospital earlier, which would then lead to a possible earlier

treatment, which should increase the survival rate.

Page 5: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Un-Fair


• To bring about local, national or global change - a

change on how fair-skinned people are unfairly being

privileged in society.

• Change attitudes - clear change of attitudes in a strong

way, targeting towards fair skinned people to help

change their views on how they are treated & how they

can change this.

• Raise Awareness - clear poster campaign to raise

awareness, as is clear with all poster campaigns,

including the one I looked at previously.

• To strengthen community ties - a strong purpose to

strengthen community ties between all skin types,

targeting towards fair-skinned people.

• Provide information - there is a lot of information

featured within the poster that has a strong purpose to

educate the viewer, especially fair-skinned viewers, on

the information they need to start change.

• To campaign - It has an obvious purpose to campaign,

same with the other campaigns I have looked at.

• Build relationships with subjects - a lot of the time, we

don’t mention fair-skinned privilege when it comes to

racism in recent times, but it starts to re-build that

relationship with the subject.

• Challenge dominant representations and agendas - this

campaign has a clear purpose to challenge the agendas of

how the world currently works & how this needs to change.


The main aim for the Un-Fair campaign was to challenge

dominate representations and genders as it is tackling

racism & showing that racism still exists, yet some people

cannot see this. Another main aim is to build relationships

with subjects, as racism can usually be seen now as a

thing of the past, but we need to reopen this relationship


Page 6: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012


In this poster, the creators are really trying to draw your attention in with an interesting concept,

as she has writing all over her face (you don’t see that everyday). Two interesting points are

‘written’ larger than the other text: ‘Is white skin really fair skin?’ which is an interesting question

(although it may be rhetorical) which should draw in the audiences attention in to read further

into the text. The other word that is clearly in larger text is Unfair, which is also the name of the


They used a white female with blonde hair and blue eyes in the poster, which isn’t your typical

model used when you are discussing racial issues. The un-fair campaign takes a different

approach than most campaigns to stop racism by directly targeting at the race that comes in

contact with the least amount of racism. Because we don’t see it or it doesn't happen to us, we

don’t speak out on it & we should as a race.

The high contrast and quality of the photograph really brings out her typically white features

(blue eyes & blonde hair), which is one of the main points to make in the poster. The fact it is

high quality also shows that the campaign is professional & is seriously trying to make a


How & Why?

This poster is part of a campaign that really wants to get down to the nitty gritty of racism and

want it to stop. That’s the main reason for this poster campaign overall. The campaign was

obviously used to draw attention to the whole campaign, which can be found online. The way

the word Fair is used is very clever to the campaign, as it links with the fair skin that can be

found on the models face. The way the techniques, aims & purpose all link together because

they work tougher to produce a very strong & eye-catching campaign. The aim & purpose is to

draw attention to how it is un-fair for fair skinned individuals to have an unfair advantage over

there darker skinned piers. I believe the strong imagery used is a strong, yet simple technique

to successfully draw attention to the campaign at hand.


Case Study: Un-Fair

Page 7: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012

Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects

using words and or graphics.


Case Study: Un-Fair

Racism has beed around for a long time & doesn’t seem to be completely dying out,

that is the reason why campaigns like that need to still be pushed to try and end it.

Although we believe as a society a lot of the time the racism isn’t here anymore,

poles & graphs still show that racism is still around today.

The graph to the left really shows how much

still is around & highlights that as white

people, we do not realise, compared to black

people, that racism is still seen towards

African Americans. It shows that only 16% of

white people think there is a lot of

discrimination to African Americans, whilst

46% of black people say that there is 46% of

discrimination towards African Americans.

This shows work still needs to be done by

campaigns & organisations like Un-Fair.

Page 8: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Labour Party


• To bring about national change - as this is just for

the UK, it is only bringing about national change to

the government in the UK (or at least it had the


• Change attitudes - change the attitudes of the voters,

compared to who they feel they should vote for.

• Raise Awareness - The Labour party obviously had a

clear purpose of reading awareness of what George

Osborne has done & the Torie party overall.

• To strengthen community ties - One of the purposes

of government in general.

• Provide information - a strong way to do so but it

provides the information nonetheless

• To campaign - all part of an campaign for Labour to

campaign against the Tories

• Build relationships with subjects - building a

stronger relationship between Labour and the

general public.

• Challenge dominant representations and agendas -

because Tories are in government, Labour are tackling

what the dominant party have done.

• To change voting behaviour - Clear purpose to do this

and if not the main purpose for any political campaign.


The main aims of this campaign are obviously to

change voting behaviour, as Labour are trying to

secure the vote away from the Tories. This poster is

from 2014, so this will be part of the campaign to get

back into government from the tories/lib dem coalition.

This also provides information as it mentions the fact

‘hardworking people are £1600 worse off with the

tories’. This would also try and raise awareness &


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Creative Media Production 2012


The main techniques for this campaign are to draw attention to the fact that the Torie

government are making hard working people worse off by being in government.

The image used is very striking as it really does play on the stereotypical photographs

of George Osbourne holding up the briefcase that has the budget inside. This is meant

to show that the Torie party believes it is special & are not really thinking of the

everyday people, they show this by letting a woman hold up a ‘shopping’ carrier bag

(which would need to budgeted now) which says ‘we’ve all got budgets George’. The

red bag with the white writing allows it to have the attention drawn straight to this fact,

making you more likely to read the rest of the photograph.

Another thing to note in this photograph is that the black door behind the woman

features the number 11, which is just one number above number 10 downing street,

which again shows what should be equal between every person. I believe this is meant

to show her looking like a normal person, a person that we can all see ourselves in

which is something that needs to be used in a sting political campaign as we, the

people, will be voting for who is in government.

Politics will usually use each others weaknesses and such to outdo one another & to

hopefully gain more voters.

How & Why?

The aim is obvious form this campaign by the Labour government is to slander the

Torie government, whilst drawing the attention of the public by using the tactic of

marketing towards that specific audience. They haven't just simply told the public a

fact: they have created a whole campaign that is aimed towards them to get them to

back a Labour government. They had two aims: to inform the public and to slander the

Tories. They have paid someone to produce this campaign for them as they needed a

strong campaign because their purpose is to have control over the government once



Case Study: Labour Party

Page 10: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012

Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects

using words and or graphics.


Case Study: Labour Party

In the latest polls, according to YouGov & Sunday Times, the Conservative & Labour

both have the same amount of ‘Headline vote intentions’. You could say this is a sign

that the posters and campaign are helping again to now try and get Labour over the

Conservatives. You cannot base the entirely on the one poster we have looked at, but

you can definitely see a change.

Page 11: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Keo Films


• To bring about local, national or global change. -

They have a clear purpose to work with people that

are minorities in society, on a national and global


• Change attitudes - along with this, they want too

document things that have a perhaps negative

attitude towards them so that the attitudes can

possibly be change to positive.

• Raise Awareness - raise awareness of the

minorities and who they are behind the stereotypes

• To strengthen community ties - showing different

communities in a non-bias way can help

strengthen community ties.

• Provide information - clear information will be

presented to help with the other purposes


• Build relationships with subjects - taboo subjects

of places you’ve never been in like being ‘skint’ are

going to build new relationships.

• Challenge dominant representations and agendas - just

like mentioned above, they have a purpose of changing

these representations and agendas.

• To create access to media production for non-

traditional groups - they have non-traditional groups

working there & they themselves produce films on

these non-traditional groups.


There are a few aims that together for a production

company like Keo Films that really try and produce

films that change attitudes & provide information.

They do this in two ways: create access to media

production for non-traditional groups & challenge


Page 12: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012


Keo films have produced many documentaries that have a focus on un-represented groups &

try and produce them in unusual and creative ways. Some examples of these documentaries

include : Excluded: Kicked Out Of School, Skint, Welcome to Rio, Bradford: City of Dreams,

Living with the Amish & Jerusalem on a Plate.

Those are just a few examples of the documentaries they have produced that have become

popular for the content they provide, as it provides the general public with information. This

information may lead to a change of attitude in society as we start to lean more about that

particular culture.

The mane techniques they use to get their message across is through film & TV, which is one

of the bigger ways to get your message across as there is potential for a large audience to

watch. This technique is different to the other case studies as they are print-based. Comparing

it to the print-based advertising, you will usually have to try harder to get your message across

in documentary form & make it seem interesting as not everyone will want to watch your show.

On their website, the images of each documentary is in black & white which really makes each

individual documentary seem important. It also helps to connote seriousness & truth, as the

saying goes ‘everything’s there in black & white’. The images also turn into colour once you roll

over them, which shows a less serious & more approachable tone to the situation.

How & Why?

They are obviously wanting to draw attention to different aspects, but unlike the other three

campaigns I looked at, this one is to do with films. There aim is to draw attention to subjects

that otherwise wouldn't be looked at. That is also the purpose of Keo Films because they feel

like they have a responsibility to produce such content. There is obviously a reason for them

making such films/documentaries otherwise they wouldn't be making & producing them, so

there purpose is very strong in the industry & is needed for the minorities that they include

within there films & for the people making them. It’s very obvious what technique they use &

that is through documentaries, whether that be on TV or purely their own online content. You

couldn’t draw as much attention to these people with a simple poster campaign, so it’s

important that they use the technique of film making instead. 12

Case Study: Keo Films

Page 13: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012

Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects

using words and or graphics.


Case Study: Keo Films

There isn’t many ways we can see if there have been any changes through some of these projects,

although you can hope that people are paying attention if the information to what is said in the


One way we can see that the projects are being paid attention to is that they have won awards for their

work, which shows their documentaries are good & are being watched. Below you can see a list of some of

the awards they have won for their documentaries.

Page 14: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Deaffest


• To bring about local change - local change for deaf

people in the UK Giving them a platform.

• Change attitudes - they have a clear purpose to give

them a platform and to help change attitudes to

them within the film & arts.

• Raise Awareness - they clearly have a purpose to

raise awareness to what this group of people can do.

• To strengthen community ties - they also have a

purpose to do this, it brings the industry to them

and makes the industry pay attention to them and

take the seriously.

• Provide information - as it is a platform, it also helps

them get the information they need & also provide

the GP with information on what they can do.

• To campaign - campaigns to give deaf people a

voice in film & arts.

• Build relationships with subjects - strengthens the

relationship between deaf people & film & arts.

• Challenge dominant representations and agendas - one

of its main purposes is to do this.

• To create access to media production for non-traditional

groups - deaf people are given the chance and access to

show their work in media production in a way they

wouldn't be able to otherwise.


There are a few aims that together for a production

company like Deaffest & the main aim is to create

access to media production for non-traditional groups.

The Deaffest allows Deaf people to join in & produce as

part of the film & arts festival.


Page 15: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012


Main stream media does not take advantage of the incredible talents of some minority groups,

like deaf people, so Deaffest have built a film & arts festival for this audience. It is important to

give these minorities a platform to go to and show their work at.

As it is a festival, you typically won’t usually find prong-based advertising like other case

studies we have looked at, but it is a media platform that allows two other kinds of media (film

& arts) to be presented & it does promote the minority group of Deaf people.

By targeting a specific minority, you will usually draw more attention to the cause, which is very

important for such minorities. They will also usually be open to receiving news & joining in with

such things because they could be looking for platforms catered towards them.

The Deaffest hopefully draws attention from majority groups which may not have this disability,

which raises awareness and can hopefully show the mainstream media ti pay attention to

minorities like deaf or blind people.

In their logo they use two hands which are clearly doing sign language, which is useful for the

audience of the festival.

How & Why?

It is very clear what the aim is for Deaffest & that is to give deaf people a platform to debut their

work. This also links with the purpose of deaffest & that is to draw attention the the talents of

deaf people & give them a place to debut it. The way they have done, which is different to the

other campaigns I have looked at, is that it is a festival for film & arts. They have created a

platform for themselves to present there work & the reason being for this is because there is a

lacking of appreciation for deaf film & arts people & it is crucial for this campaign to be around

for them to get noticed. I personally feel that the purpose is being addressed because their

must of been a problem with how deaf people were being perceived within the film & arts

category/industry so, as the purpose is to draw attention to them, then the purpose is all well

and good & creates a positive impact on these deaf peoples lives.


Case Study: Deaffest

Page 16: Task One // Research Re-Draft

Creative Media Production 2012

Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects

using words and or graphics.


Case Study: Deaffest

There are testimonials you can find on their website from people that have been to Deaffest & have gained an audience because