target audience appeal


Upload: karenmaryan

Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Target audience appeal
Page 2: Target audience appeal

The way the language helps to appeal to the specific target audience is because it uses quite informal language like in the primary optical area, it says “Slipknot destroy London” and “Rock’s biggest bullshitters exposed!” so it would appeal to the younger, teenage and young adult target audience because they also speak inappropriately.It also includes a lot of band names, like Paramore, Good Charlotte, etc. This would help appeal to the younger, rock loving target audience because it’s a lot of band names that we’re familiar with and can appeal to because we like the music.It also says “Fame, freak-outs and fatherhood” which would help appeal to the target audience because younger people like when celebrities freak out and tell us a bit more about their personal lives and their funny stories.

The way the colour helps to appeal to the specific audience is because it uses colours such as red, black, white and yellow.The way red helps to appeal to the audience is because it relates to the genre because red can signify as blood, anger, danger, power and strength. It can also be a very emotional colour, which can also help relate to the genre because rock music can be very emotional and can create a lot of emotions for the listener.Black helps appeal to the audience because black can be associated with power, death, evil and mystery, and death can also be very emotional which again can relate to the genre because the genre can be emotional too.White helps appeal to the audience because the white contrasts well against the black and since it’s used for the name of the band, it can make it look very important and like their perfect.Yellow helps appeal to the audience because it has a very caution like feel to it, because when you see caution signs they’re normally in that dingy type yellow.

The other images on the magazine are just images of bands and band members. The ones of the single band members use a close up shot type, which helps to see the clear emotion of the artists, and since they’re the only ones in the image they’re the main focus, and the rest of the images are images of the full bands taken from mid-shot, which again allows us to see every band member, but also allows us to see their emotion but isn’t so close it’s uncomfortable.

The way the content helps appeal to the genre is because of the stuff it contains, so from the front page we learn that it contains free posters, readers’ poll and interviews. This would appeal to the genre because it’s all centred round rock, and it’s all things that interest us, so if you collected posters, this would be ideal for you, and also if you liked interviews or seeing the most rated rock stars, this would also appeal to you. They keep it pretty short and colourful, so this helps to appeal to the young target audience because teenagers don’t really like reading much, and like bright, exciting colours.

The way the images help appeal to the genre is through the shot types that are used. So for the main image of the band Fall Out Boy, they use a mid-shot. This helps us see all of the band members and also allows us to see the kind of clothes they wear, so like Pete’s wearing a hat, and he always wears this hat so we associate him with Fall Out Boy. It’s also close enough to allow us to see their emotion, but not too close that it becomes uncomfortable.

Page 3: Target audience appeal

The way language helps appeal to the target audience is because it uses phrases like “Raid their merch table” and the word merch is slang for merchandise, and teenagers speak a lot of slang and use a lot of informal language. And it also appeals to the target audience because it features band names, like Parkway Drive and includes the bands on which posters you get. Another way it helps appeal to the target audience is because it uses sub-titles like “The Ultimate Rockstar Test” and being rock fans, that’d appeal to you because you want to see how big of a fan you are.

The way the colour helps appeal to the target audience is because it uses colours like black, red, white and yellow, so it’s consistent throughout the magazine, which helps appeal because people like consistency.Black helps appeal to the target audience because black represents darkness, emotion, power, death, etc. and this can help appeal because the music can be quite dark and emotional so it gives it more of a rock genre feel.Red helps appeal to the target audience because red can be associated with blood, anger, emotion, power, etc. and this again like black, appeals in the same sort of way, the music is emotional and powerful and when you think of rock music you think of anger and violence, which relates with the blood aspect.White helps appeal to the target audience because white contrasts well against the black, creating something nice to look at, and also since it’s used as the font colour for “And raid their merch table” it can make it stand out and seem like they’re an important band and if you were to raid their merch table you’d be very lucky.The way yellow helps appeal to the target audience is because again is that dingy kind of yellow, so looks very disgusting and can be a bit unsettling, and this is the same with rock music, so the audience can identify with the colours and make a relation between both colour and genre.

The other image used in the bottom left corner uses a wide shot again, and you can’t really tell what the image is although it looks weird and so can help appeal to the audience because people who like rock can sometimes be quite weird and like weird stuff.

The way the content helps appeal to the target audience is because from the subtitles you can see it includes stuff like reviews, albums, posters, gig guides, ultimate rockstar test, etc. and this would help appeal to the audience because we like to see reviews and what people think, we like to see what the best albums are, who they’re by, we like to know which gigs are the best to go to, so what gigs hold who and we like to see how big of a fan we are of our favourite rock genre, it all links together because we are all interested in what the magazine has to offer because it contains so much variation and it’s very specific and gives you just what you want.

The way the images help appeal to the target audience is because with the main image it uses quite a wide shot, with a tilted angle so it’s looking up, so it makes the band look big, intimidating and important, and so this helps appeal because the fans of the band would feel the same way, like they’re big and important because they listen to people who are the same. It also allows us to see the whole of the band which would appeal to the target audience because we like to see the whole band rather than just the singer or drummer.

Page 4: Target audience appeal

The way the language helps appeal to the target audience is because for example with the pull-quote it says “We’re the anti – My Chemical Romance” and this would appeal to the audience because it includes the name of a famous rock band, and for people who didn’t like My Chemical Romance, because you either love them or hate them, this would appeal to them too, because it’s the anti – My Chemical Romance and so they’d be interested to see how it’s different and why.It also says “I needed to do this just to stay sane” which would appeal to the target audience, because a lot of people who listen to this type of music think of themselves as weird and quirky, so when it says he needed to do it to stay sane, you can relate to the artist and think the same about yourself.One of the questions ask “Your lyrics are angry, brutal and occasionally violent, how did you write?” which one appeal to the target audience because obviously rock music is associated with violence and anger, so we would be interested to find out why he wrote that way and how.

The way colour helps appeal to the target audience is because it uses colours like black, red and a stained white and pure white colour.Black helps appeal to the target audience because it connotes darkness, emotion, death, power etc. and this helps appeal to the audience because the genre can be emotional and with the image next to the colour, it looks very violent and deathly because they’re holding axes against the other men.Red helps appeal because it connotes blood, anger, emotion, etc. and the blood aspect of it again fits well with the image because they’re holding axes to their necks and obviously if you were to cut through their neck there would be blood. Also when they say “We’re the anti – My Chemical Romance” they use a red font colour for “We’re the anti –” and then use it again with the “o” in “romance”. This shows that that part of the language is more angry and more violent, whereas the “My Chemical Romance” part is white, making it look innocent and babyish compared to the “We’re the anti –” making that part look more angry and violent, and the “o” in romance has the dash going diagonally through the middle, which is the “o” they use in Leathermouth, which is the name of the band. They also use red for the questions and for the band name and artist name, to make the band and artist appear aggressive and violent. This would appear to the audience because people who like rock music are normally quite aggressive and violent.The stained white makes the page look more dirty and muddy, and the pure white has the opposite effect and makes it look pure and clean, and the stained white would appear more to the audience because people who like rock music don’t usually care if they’re perfect and pearly because they mosh a lot anyway so they’d get dirty, muddy and bloody too.

The way content helps appeal to the target audience is because of the band it includes, so Leathermouth. This would appeal to the target audience because it’s a very heavy metal band that don’t care what anyone thinks and is quite aggressive and violent, and so the audience would find this very favourable and awesome. The text of the page would appeal to the audience too because it asks the questions that a lot of us are wondering, like is it going to become a full time thing and why are the lyrics wrote the way they are.

The way the image on the page helps appeal to the target audience is because it uses a wide shot, which allows us to see all of the band and they’re wearing balaclavas which also makes them look very mysterious and dangerous, and they’re also holding axes which would again make them look dangerous and violent. They’re also wearing gloves which makes them look like killers because they wouldn’t want their fingerprints getting everywhere, and in the background you have a flag in the style of their logo, which lets you know what band they are and also promotes the band too.