target audiecne profile

Target audience profile My movie will be aimed at both males and females since the film contains both action and romance so it could be suitable for both genders, my target age will be the age of fifteen to an adult, this is because the film contains violence and profanity and gory scenes, so the film will be only appropriate for more mature audiences. The film will contain action and romance so it will be targeted at people who like these kinds of genres.

Upload: ryan-andrejczuk

Post on 14-Sep-2015




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PowerPoint Presentation

Target audience profile My movie will be aimed at both males and females since the film contains both action and romance so it could be suitable for both genders, my target age will be the age of fifteen to an adult, this is because the film contains violence and profanity and gory scenes, so the film will be only appropriate for more mature audiences. The film will contain action and romance so it will be targeted at people who like these kinds of genres.