tabriz a short walk


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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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Mugam also known as Azerbaijani Mugham is one of the many folk musical compositions from Azerbaijan. It is a highly complex art form that weds classical poetry and musical improvisation in specific local modes. "Mugham" is a modal system. In 2003, UNESCO recognized mugam as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE:


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Tabriz is the capital of one of the most famous provinces of Iran, the Azarbaijan or Aturpatgan. It is perhaps the birth place of Zaratushtra. The city has a long and turbulent history.

Tabriz este capitala provinciei Azarbaijan (sau Aturpatgan). Este şi locul unde s-a născut Zaratushtra. Oraşul are o istorie foarte lungă şi foarte zbuciumată

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Situated at an altitude of 1,350 meters at the junction of two rivers it was the second largest city in Iran until the late 1960s, one of its former capitals, and residence of the crown prince under the Qajar dynasty. The estimated population of the city is around 1,400,000.

Situat la confluenţa a două râuri, la o altitudine de 1350 de metri, până prin anii 1960 Tabriz a fost al doilea oraş ca mărime din Iran, una din vechile capitale şi reşedinţă a prinţului moştenitor în timpul dinastiei Qajar. Tabriz are o populaţie de cca 1.400.000 de locuitori

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Tabriz is the fourth most populous city in Iran after Tehran, Mashhad, and Esfahan, and is also a major Iranian heavy industrial and manufacturing center. Some of these industries include automobile, machine tools, oil and petrochemical and cement production.

Tabriz este al patrulea oraş din punct de vedere al populaţiei, după Teheran, Mashad şi Esfahan şi este de asemenea un important centru industrial. Aici se fabrică automobile, maşini unelte, există unităţi importante de prelucrare a petrolului, industrie petrochimică şi fabrici de ciment

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With a rich history, Tabriz contains many historical monuments, but repeated devastating earthquakes and several invasions during frequent wars have substantially damaged many of them. Many monuments in the city date back to the Ilkhanid, Safavid, and Qajar periods with the large Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex being named as a World Heritage Site in 2010.

Având o istorie atât de bogată, Tabriz are şi multe monumente istorice, în ciuda cutremurelor devastatoare şi a repetatelor invazii din timpul frecventelor războaie din zonă, care au distrus multe dintre ele. Multe monumente datează din perioadele Ilkhanidă, Safavidă sau Qajar, iar marele complex al bazarului, este cuprins în lista Patrimoniului Universal UNESCO

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Iranians like warm and fresh bread at every meal. In towns and cities there are bakeries where traditional bread is baked

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Each bakery specializes in a specific kind of bread and does not bake other kinds at the same time.

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Have you ever tried dry jam?!

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Dried marmalade and jam

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Tabriz is notable for its delicious cookies in Iran, some of which are Ghorabiye, Eris and Nogha: That's a special kind of Gaz made mainly in the Azeri regions of Iran

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Nogha is almost exclusively made with walnuts instead of pistachios and almonds which are usual for other types of Gaz

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The earliest cookie-style cakes are thought to date back to 7th century Persia A.D. (now Iran), one of the first countries to cultivate sugar (luxurious cakes and pastries in large and small versions were well known in the Persian empire).

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Touba Mosque

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Touba park

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Sound: Alim Qasimov Ensemble - The Legendary Art of Mugham


Text : Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu

Arangement: Sanda Foiş