a short walk to freedom

Lesson # 2 By Rich A. Luck New You Life Coaching www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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Lesson # 2


Rich A. Luck New You Life Coaching


Page 2: A Short Walk to Freedom

A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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It's great to see you again!

Really, I'm not being sarcastic - even though I obviously can't see you, the fact that you're

reading this shows you are part of an elite group of people committed to success and


It may be a shock when you realize this simple truth, but did you know that most people who

invest in self development courses, books, audios - all the "improve your life" type stuff that's

out there - the vast majority never read past chapter one or listen to more than track one of a


Amazing, isn’t it.

Just being here reading this right now marks you out as exceptional. You're hungry for

more, and in this installment I promise I'm going to satisfy your appetite (there's a lot more

gems to come beyond this too, we’re just getting warmed up! )

Last week, I promised I'd show you how to Master Your Fears, and that's exactly what I'm

going to do! More than anything else -

Fear is the massive barrier standing between you - and your dreams. Whether it’s a fear of

leaving your job to embark on a new career … a fear of approaching that guy or girl you really

like … or a fear of getting up in front of a bunch of people and speaking in public …

Your fears can literally stop you dead in your tracks and prevent you from leading the life you

really want and deserve.

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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When I first learned how to view and master fear, my whole life changed – instantly. So…

How would you like to have your innermost fears and doubts fly out the window in a matter of

moments? – without years of therapy!

That's great, because I have some very powerful insights I want to share with YOU in today's


And as an additional BONUS you’ll also be getting an incredibly

powerful NLP process inside today's lesson!

So let’s get started, shall we?


Note: It is Recommended That You Print This Document for more enjoyable reading and learning experience. It is 24 pages with some color pages. Recommended Resources: Noel Jones Subliminal Videos – speed up your personal growth, without the need for willpower! Highly recommended.

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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Okay, so last week I promised you I'd show you how to master fear, and that's exactly what

I'm going to do.

But first let me tell you precisely “why” mastering your fears is so critical to your


Okay, let's start with a classic fear scenario. Imagine you're in the jungle on safari, and

suddenly the wind changes and you and your guide realize you've just been noticed by a pride

of extremely hungry lions.

In that moment you're going to be pretty afraid, right? At least, I hope so or you're going to

get well and truly devoured! That fear instinct is your life preserver in this situation … and

you'll be grateful as heck for having all that adrenalin pumping round your system once you

get back home to show your mates snaps of the retreating lions!

This means: Fear isn't something to be "conquered." It's not an enemy! It's a darn

useful warning signal.

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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Now, that's all very well when you're faced with starving lions - but it's not so handy when you

want to approach the best looking guy or gal at the office and you're afraid all they'll notice is

the pimple on your nose.

It's a mighty nuisance too when you want to get promoted, start a business or indeed follow

any dream that you just somehow won't run the risk of.

In fact, I’d like to share with you, the profound message given to me by my friends Jim and

Jake …

The Tale of Jim & Jake

Last year, I bumped into an old mate of mine who I hadn't seen for more than twenty years.

Apart from his hair being a little greyer, he looked in pretty good shape ‘physically’ but there

was something about his expression and his whole body language that instantly told me this

was not a happy man.

Of course, I called out "Hey, Jim!" and we embraced and spent a few minutes catching up

before he had to dash off to whatever his next assignment was.

"Still in the same job, eh Jim?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I hate it" he said through almost clenched teeth “…but only eight years to go."

Now, I have to tell you, my jaw hits the ground when somebody says something like that to


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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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"What do you mean, only eight years?" I quizzed him.

"Then I can get my full pension” Jim said.

Take this next statement of mine however you like, but I said what I'm about to tell you I said

as an act of friendship. Remember, I hadn't seen this very nice man for over twenty years

(we were students at the same college), and I really didn't know if I'd ever see him again

since he was about to dash off to some appointment.

I said, "Jim, eight years could be ten percent of your life. What are you waiting for, man?"

Jim nodded, grinned sheepishly, made some comment about it being nice to see me, and then

disappeared into the crowd.

Let me say that to you again.

Eight years could be ten percent of your life!

Jim was waiting for his pension in the hope that he would finally be able to enjoy some

freedom. He may be lucky. He could retire at 55 and he could live fifty more years. I hope

he does. But what are the odds?

Especially for a man who lives every day with the pent up stress and anger of doing a job he


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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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The question I hope you're asking yourself right now is: Why was Jim waiting? Why was he

prepared to work forty-six weeks a year in a job he hated? (His description - not mine!)

What kind of madness drives anyone to repeatedly do something they hate - not just a couple

of times, but for years and years? He was in a prison of his own making!

Similar, are the deliberations of many who smoke.

I was fortunate enough to see the light about smoking a long time ago. I quit in 1993, and

I’ve helped many others quit the habit too since "stop smoking therapy" added to my list of

qualifications. Whenever I ask a smoker what they get out of smoking, they’ll first of all tell

me they enjoy it. But then I ask them if they could turn the clock back ... and they always

finish the sentence for me:

"Oh, I'd never have started. I wish I could go back and make that choice again...!"

Wait a mo! Here is an intelligent person doing something twenty or more times every day that

they wish they'd never started, would never encourage anyone else to do, would probably

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

Page 9

berate their own kids if they did it, and are terrified it's going to send them to an early grave!

What part of that is enjoyable?

Like my old friend Jim, smokers - and all addicts - are caught in the same trap. The trap, at

their deepest level, is made of FEAR. (For many smokers, it's the fear that the cravings won't

ever stop and they couldn't cope with life without their "prop" ... but that's another course


Jim’s fear was more about the immediate loss of income, the fear of entering the unknown,

and the fear of not having money to support him and his wife once he retired and was "too

old" to work.

It looks irrefutable, but let me tell you another true story about a very different kind of friend

of mine. This chap is actually quite a well known author, so I'm going to call him by an alias

to protect his privacy …I’ll call him Jake.

Jake is a darned good counsellor amongst other things, but a number of years back he’d fallen

temporarily on hard times. He’d placed an ad in a local magazine on the same week I

happened to be staying in his home as a guest for a few days.

The first day after his ad appeared, he told me he'd had twenty six enquiries. That's a very

good response from one little ad, and I said so.

"Yep" he agreed, "no one's actually booked an appointment. They're just asking for info at

this stage."

I looked at my friend, always upbeat, always the life and soul of any party and the sparkle

was, as always, in his eyes.

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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"Jake" I began, "do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure" he said. "Fire away."

"Am I right in thinking that your next mortgage payment relies on you getting some


"Spot on, buddy!" he replied, still cheerful.

"Well how come you haven't chewed all your fingernails away?" I asked, incredulous at his

ability to stay calm.

We were at his dining room table at the time, and Jake, in the seat opposite me – leant

forward and looked me in the eye.

"I've never understood worrying about money" he told me.

"Tell me how you do that!" I pleaded.

"Rich, look around you" he made a sweeping arm gesture around his apartment. "I love this

place … my little sports car outside, and my two computers I write my books on” he paused, I

think to ensure I agreed with him so far. "But if the bailiffs came and took it all away right

now, in the morning I'd wake up and what would I still have?"

I must’ve looked confused as I began making an inventory in my head of what he'd have left -

but fortunately he rescued me.

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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"I'd still have me” he said quietly. "And I'm always going to do something, aren't I? If I can't

figure out a way to put a roof over my head and a meal in my belly within twenty four hours,

there's something seriously wrong with me."


Just take a moment to absorb that message. That conversation took place around eleven

years ago, when I was going through my own dark patch (I told you about that last time we

met). Jake's profound words were one of my stepping stones to freedom.

What Jake taught me, in a nutshell, is this:

Money is not your resource, neither are possessions of any kind.

You are your own greatest resource.

It is you who creates the ideas, the opportunities, you who provides the energy for following

through. It's you who finds the courage of your convictions, the belief in yourself and your

abilities to make things happen ... and those are the reasons why you must master


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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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If you are afraid – it prevents you from moving forward. You remain stuck. Frozen in time. Not

much more can come of your life unless you move past your fears. Regardless of what your

fears are… approaching the opposite sex, speaking in public, or even a fear of intimacy - Your

fears can literally stop you dead in your tracks and prevent you from living your dreams.

Luckily, your fear is no more real than the thought process that creates it. So fear not!

Because a little further on in this lesson we’re going to destroy it at the source!

You can see, I hope, by comparing the stories of Jim and Jake - both very intelligent and

creative men - that the only REAL difference between them was how they were looking at

their situation. But the results were astounding in their differences:

Jim feels stuck in a job he hates, whilst Jake is living his dream every day. Jim thinks that his

money comes from working hard and saving for his pension (goodness knows what state it's in

now as I write this in the middle of the 2008/9 "credit crunch"), whilst Jake's life and business

(I happen to know) continues to flourish.

All because Jake knows that he is his own greatest resource.

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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Do you remember last time I told you that the ability to choose what to think is the most

astonishing power? Now I hope you’re beginning to see why!

This is where I start to turn it over to you. I'm going to show you how to get to that place

(where you truly believe in yourself … and step into your own “personal power”), and I just

want to take a second to remind you that this only works when you participate! No matter

how many words I write, or what I say, none will make a lick of difference to your life if you

don't take some action.

Okay, with that caveat in place, let's now “set the stage” to master your fears…

In order to “close the gap” between where you are now – and where you want to be, I need

to explain some fundamentals to you. These basic key principles will apply right through this

course, (and they'll actually give you some essential skills for the rest of your life too!) So

listen closely.

Fundamental principle #1: Understand what you really want…

Do you recall that I said in the last lesson that even when you say you want a million dollars in

the bank or a red Porsche in the drive, that isn't what you really want?

That sounds crazy on the face of it, but think about it for a moment. Let's pretend that you've

said you want a million in the bank. Plenty of people do say that, and lotteries all over the

world are played each week by tons of folks all dreaming about what they'd do if they're the

next big winner. (I am, of course, assuming that you're not already a millionaire. If you are,

think of your own example!)

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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Imagine then that you wake up tomorrow morning and your bank balance is suddenly a

million dollars or more in credit! Woo-hoo!

How would you feel?

Ecstatic? Over-excited? Thrilled to bits?

As the news sunk in and the initial excitement faded, how do you imagine you'd feel then?

How about secure? Although they're not strictly feeling words, wouldn't you feel "affluent" or

"wealthy" too? Mightn't you feel a bit important? A lot of doors will open for you when you're


There aren't really any right or wrong answers here. I think you'd probably agree with me,

though, that you'd feel a bit different compared to how you felt before the cash was in your

bank account.

Now, here's the point. What you actually want is that shift in feeling. Before you have

the million dollars you feel a particular way about money: maybe worried or stressed, and

then once you've got your million, you feel secure and happy.

So what you want is to feel secure and happy. (Okay, there'll be slight variations from person

to person, but you get the point).

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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Regardless of what you want in the outside world, the real change you're after is in

the way you FEEL!

This is so incredible to some people that you may need one or two more examples before

you're convinced.

Okay then. Why are there hundreds of thousands of dating sites on the internet? Why do

people want relationships? (We'll look at relationships in depth later in the course). Because

they're lonely, or they have some emptiness they sense needs filling, right? Those are


Why do people change their jobs? Often it's because they're bored, or the challenge has

gone. Or they feel undervalued or used. All feeling states!

Pretty much every decision you ever make is based on emotions, no matter how

logical it may seem at the time.

How did you choose your home? Sure, you would have looked at location, your budget,

maybe if there were suitable schools in the neighborhood for your kids and so on. But once

you went viewing properties, didn't you look around at a few that on paper "ticked all the

boxes" but which just didn't "feel like home" when you were there? Many people end up

choosing a place to live that doesn't necessarily meet all their criteria, but feels right to them.

And if you're still in any doubt about that, check any real estate agency's window, and see

how much more properties with a "view" attract! People care what they can see out the

window - because a country or ocean view makes them feel good!

Okay, hopefully this sheds some light now on helping you to understand what it is you're really

wanting …it’s the feeling associated with your desire, that you really want.

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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Fundamental principle #2: Acknowledge the effects of your attitude…

An objection I often hear when I do the following “fear mastery process” in my live workshops

is: "This is all very well, but I still won't have my million in the bank, will I?"

And my answer is: "No. Not with that attitude you won't!"

Now that may sound a bit harsh, but my participants have been there for most of a weekend

by the time we get to this part, so they know me quite well by then. Plus, the way it’s

presented, it gets a laugh.

But the truth is the same. In the same way that Jim is unlikely to ever escape his hated job

and Jake is highly likely to continue to have a fabulous life doing what he loves, the reason

they - or you - are in their specific situations is because of their attitude to begin with.

Here's an equation for you:

Beliefs + Feelings = Your Attitude

(In our next lesson #3, I'll take you to a place where you won't ever be bothered by a

negative or disempowering belief again - but for now, we have fear to deal with.)

What you have, who you are, what you get from life starts with you and your attitude. If you

feel confident, secure, self-assured, self liking, optimistic and generally good-natured, guess

what? People will like you. Opportunities will be offered to you. Ideas will pop into your


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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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On the other hand, if you are mostly pessimistic, anxious, fretful, you moan a lot and you

don't have much pride in yourself, a lot of people will, deliberately or unconsciously, avoid you.

No one would offer a promotion to the office misery. Nobody's going to entrust their next

great project to a pessimist who never believes anything outside of their comfort zone will get


Think about this: If you really want a million dollars, you could take your chances with the

lottery, but if you are ever going to acquire it on merit you need to be worthy of it. And

worthiness is a feeling.

I’ll say that again. Worthiness is a feeling.

That’s right. Everything starts and ends with you! You shape your destiny by how you are -

and at any given moment you can change how you are by choice!

(Later - not in this installment – in a later lesson you'll discover just how breathtaking your

power is, to change and influence your circumstances - but I don't want to blow your mind too

much yet!)

Okay! Here’s a fear mastery process for you to do. Don't underestimate the power of this

because it's simple! This process is going tie everything together and help you to remove your

fears as they crop up!

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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Now, I understand that for many folks this exercise won't be accomplished well without a

guided audio session to follow along with ... one that you can use easily anytime. So guess

what? I’ve put together exactly this for you!

You can download the bonus audio on today’s download page (the same member’s

only download area where you picked this lesson up from)

You have TWO options: you can read through and familiarize yourself with the process first …

or you can jump straight into listening to the guided audio session – your choice!

Here’s your process…

Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed for twenty minutes or so. (Yep, that's all it

takes! Changing your life is a lot easier than you think!)

Make sure you unplug the phone, turn off your cell phone too. Sit in a comfy chair. (Don't lie

down - this isn't a sleep time!)

Read this through a couple of times because you're going to be doing most of this with your

eyes closed.

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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First, decide on the issue you want to work on. It might be the fear of talking to that guy or

girl you really like. Maybe it’s the fear of asking your boss for a pay rise or even that

promotion you know you deserve. It’s not the “fear of heights”, or the “fear of spiders”. Those

are phobias and require a different process. You might have some more general issue, which

is fine, but just be aware that it may be more difficult for you to tell how much difference

you've made if you start with general things.

This process will work for issues like that though, and you can most certainly use this

process as many times as you like for anything that ever bothers you for the rest of

your life! So start with something definite is my advice, but mostly, start with the fear that

you feel is holding you back in one area of your life.

Now sit quietly and close your eyes and let the issue come to mind - (I'm using money,


Let it start to "bother" you and as soon as it does, give the bothersome feeling some kind of

name. You probably already have a way of referring to it, ("my money worries” or "fretting”

for example, but if you are just aware of a feeling call it something now just so as you've got a

way to refer to it. You can call it "Fred" if you like, as long as you know what it means. I'm

going to call it "X" for this example, okay?)

Keep your eyes closed, and imagine that X has a colour ... What colour(s) would it be? How

about a shape? What would it weigh? What would it's texture be - dry, wet, rough, smooth,

slimy, itchy ... ?

Get to know all about it. Does it move or does it keep still? Does it seem solid and three

dimensional, or airy-fairy and flat?

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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Take your time. This is your internal world. There are no rights and wrongs, no way you

aren't doing this "properly."

Once you've got it, and you really know it, imagine you could reduce it to the size of a small

pebble or a marble, and then "hold" it in the palm of your non-dominant hand. (That's your

left hand if you're right handed). Just hold the palm of your hand upwards and feel it in your

hand as if it's actually there.

For a moment, open your eyes. Leave your hand as it is.

Now, sitting still, but with your eyes open, (yes that IS important - trust me!), ask yourself

what feeling you'd like to have instead of X. What would be the opposite, positive feeling?

It might be security, or freedom for example. I'm going to call it "Y" but you really need to

know what it is for you.

Once you know, close your eyes again, and think of a time when you felt Y. Leave your (left)

hand palm up as if X is still there - you can just ignore it for the moment, but don't "let go" of

it, okay?

Bring the memory of the "Y" event to mind as vividly as possible, and feel Y as intensely as

you can. Really build it up! This is MOST important - the more you do this, the better and

more permanent will be the result you'll get!

Start to know about "Y" in the same way you did about "X" - its colour, shape, texture and so


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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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Think of more times when you experienced "Y" as well. Build it until you're practically glowing

with it!

As you feel it, remember it and get to know it, imagine you can hold a pebble or marble-sized

version of that in your other hand. Actually curl your fingers around it so that you can almost

feel it there. How good does that feel in the palm of your hand?

While you still have your eyes closed, think of the friend who makes you laugh the most. As

you feel the chuckling start to build up, add a "few grains" of merriment to your "Y" pebble

hand - just imagine you can somehow blend it in.

Think of a time you felt very loved or cherished, and sprinkle that in too.

Bring to mind a time when you felt very proud, and add some pride into the mix.

With each of these, you should make the feeling and the memory as vivid as possible.

Recall a time when you felt very grateful too - maybe even a kind of spiritual moment - and

blend that into the "mixture".

Now, with your eyes still closed, shift your attention back and forth between your two hands.

Get very clear about how good the good feelings feel in your dominant hand, and notice how

that compares to the unwanted feelings in your other hand.

And now .... imagine that your hands are magnets being slowly but inevitably pulled together

... closer .... closer ... closer still ... the pull is irresistible ... until...

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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Smash them together!

Stay there - ten to twenty seconds - with your hands clasped together.

And then ... open your eyes ... gently take your hands apart, and notice how different you


Get your journal and make notes on your experience.

Oh, you want to test this?

Just try getting X back!

You won't be able to! And next time you're in a situation where X would have reared its ugly

head, you'll be amazed at how easily you breeze through it!

Before we stop, I want you to notice something.

I have used this technique with literally thousands of people, (it's an NLP technique, in case

you're interested), and what I'm going to say next is often the part that astonishes people the

most. As you are reading this, it should be even more obvious because I'm not there with


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A Breakthrough to Brilliance™ Lesson: “A Short Walk To Freedom”

© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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It is YOU and you alone that made the changes!

I did nothing.

You knew what the feelings were.

You knew what size, shape etc. they were.

It was you who knew what you wanted instead of X.

It was your memories, your mental power, your everything that made this happen.

The magic is all in you.

As I told you, you are your own greatest resource!

Enjoy your new found power!

Until next time,


Richard A. Luck Publisher, Breakthrough to Brilliance™

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© 2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved. http://www.Breakthrough-to-Brilliance.com

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Coming Up Next ...

Lesson #3: “Nothing is … Everything is Becoming” In the next lesson we’ll identify and get rid of negative and harmful limiting beliefs

that are holding you back from living an extraordinary life! What’s more - we’re also

going to create and install new empowering beliefs in their place!

PLUS ... We'll start to explore the astonishing power of your subconscious mind to

bring you results like you'd never have dreamed possible!

We've barely scratched the surface of your “Breakthrough to Brilliance!”

See you there!

Recommended Resources: Noel Jones Subliminal Videos– speed up your personal growth, without the need for willpower! Highly recommended.