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Page 1: Table of · thin ideal -- the notion that thinness defines beauty and health." Get in the habit of repeating positive,
Page 2: Table of · thin ideal -- the notion that thinness defines beauty and health." Get in the habit of repeating positive,

Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................... 1

40 Practical Tips For Healthy Eating ........................................ 2

Stage 1: Tips To Prepare Your Mind ..................................... 2

Stage 2: What Do I Eat? ........................................................ 6

Final Thoughts ...................................................................... 15

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Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and is not intended as

medical advice. Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified medical

professional for any health conditions or symptoms associated with them. Every

possible effort has been made in preparing and researching this material. We make

no warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability of its contents or any omis-


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The practice of cultivating healthy eating habits has been something of importance dating back

to ancient civilizations. The Egyptians were known for protein-based meals and freshly baked

bread. The Greeks maintained a healthy glow by consuming fresh fish and savory veggies. The

Incas and Aztec civilizations perfected the art of mixing flavor and wholesome eating by consum-

ing peppers, beans, and avocados.

Many modern-day diets are influenced by these cultures of old. Today, the concept of healthy

eating is one met with its various challenges. Unlike

our forefathers, we now have the temptation of con-

suming fast and processed foods that have zero nutri-

tional value. Similarly, our lives are also filled with the

as hustle and bustle of obligations. Healthy eating then

becomes a burden.

Living in our modern culture where convenience re-

places wellness, how can you truly develop lasting healthy eating habits? They say it takes

around a month of consistent effort to turn a thought into a habit. If you're on the quest to find-

ing out how to live a healthier, more fulfilling life, then you've come to the right place!

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40 Practical Tips For Healthy Eating

Here is a list of 40 practical tips and tricks that will help you to make healthy eating a daily habit!

Stage 1: Tips To Prepare Your Mind

To effectively tackle a new habit, you must first change the way you think. Years of unhealthy

eating habits will not disappear overnight. When your mind is right, your body will follow. Under-

standing the psychological process of healthy eating will keep you motivated!

1. Identify Your Goals

When you properly define where you are and determine where you want to be, it will be easier

to make a plan that's right for you. When outlining your ideal change, be careful to avoid com-

paring yourself to a media-fueled archetype. The goal here is to become healthy and confident in

your skin.

2. Make A Vision Board

When your goals are staring you in the face,

it's pretty tough to ignore them. Vision boards

are fun and creative ways to make cultivating a habit easier. Fill them up with quotes, future out-

fits, and nutritious foods. Being able to visually see your goals will help you to do everything you

can to achieve them.

3. Document Your Journey

There's no better way to share your truth that through conversation. With social media being the

primary form of human contact, why not share your journey with your friends. This will hold you

accountable and you may even inspire your circle to hone in on their habits. Make it a goal to

"check-in" on your progress every other day by posting a photo of your meals or even showcas-

ing your awesome workout routine.

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4. Keep A Food/Wellness Journal

On the subject of documenting, keeping a diary of what you're eating will help you to analyze

your routine. One effective way of doing this is jotting down what you ate, the time, and how

that food made you feel. This will give you a better understanding of your habits. The foods we

eat affect our mood in either a positive or a negative way. Documenting guilt you felt after di-

vulging in that chocolate cake will help you to avoid future pitfalls. Make it a goal to write down

every meal and feeling for a week.

5. Remove Unhealthy Foods

Hiding your junk food for a "rainy day" may ini-

tially seem reassuring. However, when you

know you have bad food readily available, even

if it's hidden, will just increase your chances of

reaching for it when you're in a pickle. Remove

the tempting treats and replace them with fun

alternatives to avoid slipping.

6. Plan Your Meals

The importance of meal prepping is immense. When you have food prepared, it eliminates ex-

cuses. It saves time and it gives your days a personal touch. Not only will meal prepping prove to

be convenient, it gives you the opportunity to take control of your diet. Food expert Dr. Lipman

says, "It's all about convenience—if they're ready for you, you'll grab them in a pinch. If not? It's

chip's and dip time".

7. Change the way You View Food

It's awesome to get in the habit of identifying healthy and non-healthy foods. However, don't let

the pressure of counting calories and your number weight consume you. Right now, get in the

habit of being easy on yourself for even deciding to make a lifestyle change. Don't fixate on the

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number on the scale. Rather, make mindfulness a habit. Think about how you feel after eating a

healthy meal or working out. This will keep your momentum running as opposed to getting dis-


8. Practice Affirmations

Contributing writer for Psychology Today, Kari Anderson labels unrealistic expectations with re-

gards to healthy eating as our biggest downfall. She quotes, "(We are) driven by our society’s

thin ideal -- the notion that thinness defines beauty and health." Get in the habit of repeating

positive, daily affirmations to yourself that highlights your current beauty. Sure, we all could im-

prove, but don't focus so much on your weak points. Repeat your positive qualities daily to boost

your self-confidence.

9. Identify What's Important to You

The first habit to develop is the art of goal setting. Deeper than simply analyzing your weak

point, identifying more complex reasoning behind healthy eating is key to making this a lifelong

habit. Do you want to cut sugars? Do you want to fit into a particular dress? Are you hoping to

eliminate signs of anxiety? All of these underlying factors will help you to determine where you

want to be. Along with your journey, make it a goal to revisit what's important to you in order to

stay present.

10. Purchase Fresh

It's important to get in the habit of buying fresh food as opposed to processed foods. If the food

your buying does not have an expiration date, put it back. Purchase fresh fruits, veggies, and

meats to gain optimal nutritional value. This will add a distinct flavor to your dishes and it's also


11. Cook at Home

Many would agree that cooking at home is time-consuming. However, limiting the number of

fast foods you consume will do wonders for your health. If you get in the habit of cooking at

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home, you know what is going in your food. You also have the freedom to choose your ingredi-

ents. This not only makes for a healthy meal, but it unleashes your creativity.

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Stage 2: What Do I Eat?

Now that we've identified a few broad, psychological habits to cultivate, it's time to dive right in!

The bread and butter if you will. Let's analyze some eating habits that you should begin to imple-

ment today! Feel free to mix and match each of these habits to mix up your routine.

12. Begin Your Morning

Many people believe beginning your morning with food is the best way to go. Although it's awe-

some to fuel your mind and body after a night’s rest, you may be doing your body a disservice.

Begin your days by drinking a cup of hot water and lemon in order to regulate your digestive sys-

tem. Many also mix apple cider vinegar and

water to boost metabolism. 20-30 minutes

later, you may enjoy your breakfast.

13. Use the "Two-Component Method"

It's always best to live by the "two-compo-

nent" method when considering your break-

fast. This means limiting your meal to only two

options. For example, pair an egg with oatmeal or yogurt with fruit. This will give you the right

amount of energy while keeping you sustained. It also prevents overeating.

14. Make Yogurt A Breakfast Staple

Yogurt, specifically Greek, is known for its multiple health benefits. Yogurt is filled with calcium

and protein. The great thing about it is, you can jazz it up with fruits or nuts. Some yogurts, such

as Kefir, are great antibiotics that help to reduce tummy problems as well as anxiety!

15. Plan Your Grocery List

When you aimlessly go grocery shopping, it’s easy to pick up what you’re accustomed to. It’s

even easier to choose unhealthy options if you don’t have a plan. Make it a habit to write out

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your grocery list prior to going to the store. Also, make sure you’re not hungry when you make

the list or when you actually go to the store. This increases your chances of unhealthy choices.

16. Grapefruit is Your BFF

Studies have shown that eating one half of a grapefruit in the morning will help regulate body

weight and weight loss. Eating one daily can also boost your immune system. It's especially good

with turkey bacon or a boiled egg. Consult with your doctor before consuming grapefruit as it

has been known to interact with some prescription drugs.

17. Banana's Aren't Just for Monkeys

During breakfast, we sometimes crave some-

thing slightly sweet and filling. Bananas are a

quick and healthy fruit to kick-start your morn-

ing. It provides energy and is a great source of

potassium. Although bananas are high in carbo-

hydrates, they're considered "good fats." How-

ever, make it a habit to limit your banana consumption to about one per day. Excessive banana

eating may cause unwanted weight gain.

18. Let's Get Regular!

Implementing fiber into your daily diet will regulate your digestive system and essentially cleanse

your body. Cereals and certain oatmeal grains can provide an excellent source of fiber. Adults

need about 30 grams of fiber daily. Use the two-component rule and mix fresh berries into your

grains to give you double the power!

19. Take A Daily Vitamin

There's no better way to test your memory than by taking a daily multivitamin. Once you get in

the habit of taking a vitamin daily, you'll never regret it. Vitamins, in conjunction with a healthy

diet, can supplement certain nutrients we are low on. For example, B12 vitamins are great for

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women who want to feel energized. Calcium, Iron, and Fish Oil tablets are all examples of benefi-

cial daily supplements. Consult with a doctor or nutritionist to decide which multivitamin works

best for you.

20. Eat Your Starch for Lunch

Lunchtime is the best time to indulge in those delicious starches. Eat brown rice, sweet potatoes

and even a small portion of pasta during your mid-day meal. Experts recommend this time of day

for your starch because they provide a great source of energy while giving you the opportunity

to work it off throughout the day. Salad wraps,

whole wheat sandwiches, and fruits are all good

carbs you can feel good about.

21. Eat Whole Foods

Now, eating whole foods does not mean eating a

whole pie or pizza. Whole foods, aka, low-density

foods are known for keeping you fuller, longer.

They're also great options for those of you who want to save your calories. Examples of these

foods include broccoli, oats, brown rice and apples. Whole grains are also great choices for main-

taining nutrients and they are less processed.

22. Know Your Servings

It's true, suggested serving sizes and portioning your meals can seem intimidating. However,

once you get in the habit of reading the labels on your food, you will begin to recognize what

constitutes a single serving. The reason this is so important is that serving sizes determine your

progress. For example, if you overeat, you generally won't see the results you are looking for.

Also, you may be depriving yourself of something you really love for fear of the calorie count. By

keeping a balanced mind and paying attention to the amount you are eating, you will better un-

derstand your food.

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23. Stick to the Rules

Since we're on the subject of suggested serving sizes, it's important to also understand how your

plates should look. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, here are a few rules to live


-Your meat or protein should be able to fit in the palm of your hand.

-Carbs such as rice, pasta, chips, or snacks should be the size of your rounded fist.

-Half of your plate should consist of vegetables

If portioning your meals is still too overwhelming, purchase measuring cups to property measure

your meals. This way, you know what you're eating and how much.

24. Learn How to Snack

Many people get in the habit of allowing too much time to pass before their next meal. These

high-risk times are usually when slip-ups occur because you ate whatever was in front of you. By

eating something small every two hours, you will stay sustained without overeating. Nuts, dried

fruit, and trail mix are all great snacks to enjoy in-between meals.

25. Never Eat Out of the Bag

Eating out of a bag is like going on a shopping spree with a credit card. The moment is satisfying

but you'll be paying for the consequences. Since bags contain multiple serving sizes, it's smart to

always pour your contents into a bowl or napkin as opposed to mindlessly eating. Measuring out

your food prior to eating it will help you to gain control over how much you're consuming.

26. Use Smaller Plates

Sometimes our eyes may be bigger than our stomach. When we tend to use large plates, sub-

consciously we feel that we need to fill them up. Trick your mind by using smaller plates that

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only fit a certain amount. This will give you more control over your portion sizes. By clearing your

smaller plate, you'll trick your mind into feeling fuller.

27. Drink Lots of Water

It's no secret that drinking water is the best beverage option. Water accomplishes wonders for

regulating your digestive system, cleaning your liver and clearing acne. In order to find out how

much water you should be drinking, divide your weight in half. That number shows the number

of ounces you should be drinking per day. It helps to get in the practice of carrying a refillable

bottle with you. It's great for the environment and it will get you in the habit of drinking water.

As always, consult with your doctor on the specific amount. Certain medications or health issues

require more water than average.

28. Eat More Fruits and Berries

Berries such as blueberries and strawberries are excellent sources of antioxidants. They assist

with curbing hunger and they're also tasty! The general

rule of thumb with berries is, the darker the berry the

higher the health benefits. Berries like raspberries and

elderberries are widely known for their immunity

boosting properties. Mix them with smoothies or eat

them alone and you're guaranteed to feel refreshed!

29. Use Alternatives

Cutting carbs has never been so easy. When making the change from unhealthy to healthy, you

have to be open-minded. For example, spaghetti squash is a great alternative to traditional

pasta. Cauliflower can be used instead of rice and black beans are great meat substitutes if

you're looking to limit meat consumption. The great thing about being creative in the kitchen is

that you don't feel like you are missing out on flavor. It still allows you to be in control.

30. Meals Should be Colorful

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Many people are stuck in the mindset that healthy food equates boring food. That usually turns

people away from healthier options. Try this trick when preparing your next meal or snack: use

color! Certain colors can affect our mood and perception psychologically. When our meals are

rich in reds, greens, yellows, and browns, we will feel alive! You'll enjoy the concept of healthy

eating because it has variety.

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31. Eat at a Table

Mindless eating is a terrible habit that many people have. Instead of grabbing that bag of chips

or bowl of food and sitting in front of the television, sit at a table and eat. Take the time to really

focus on your food. Look at how it moves, pay attention to the different textures and really taste

the flavors. This will limit overeating and it will make mealtimes special. This is your time to be

present and mindful.

32. Drink Tea

Green tea is widely known for its metabolism boosting benefits. Drinking tea is also a great alter-

native to cutting back on coffee. Drinking tea is also

great for regulating hunger. Replace your late night

snacks with a hot cup of tea and you'll begin to feel full

and relaxed.

33. Eat More Fruits and Veggies

Studies show that at least five servings of fruits and

veggies daily can prove to be beneficial to your diet. As mentioned, berries are jam-packed with

awesome benefits. Vegetables with a deep, green hue typically have more nutrients like spinach

and kale. The fantastic thing about fruits and vegetables is that you can mix them in smoothies.

Spinach, banana and strawberry smoothies are delicious. Incorporating both fruits and vegeta-

bles into your daily routine will help you to stay fuller, longer.

34. Choose Lean Protein

Protein is essential for rebuilding tissue cells and organs in the body. It promotes a healthy heart

and is used as a muscle restoration after a workout. The key here is to eat .08 grams of protein

per 2.2 pounds of body weight on a given day. Protein can be found in meat forms like poultry

and fish. Or, you can receive plant-based protein benefits from avocados, soy, and beans.

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35. Incorporate Fish in Your Diet

Eating fish provides excellent vitamins that are essential for optimal cognitive function. Fish like

trout and salmon are rich in the supplement Omega 3 which is a fatty acid that helps fight de-

pression, arthritis, and lower the risk of blood disease. Make eating fish as a part of your weekly

meal at least twice a week. You won't want to miss out on its many benefits.

36. Limit Alcohol Intake

Alcohol, when broken down, is essentially fruit. However, consuming too much alcohol is not

only bad for your overall health, but it's a nasty habit that can lead to addiction. Alcohol eventu-

ally turns into sugar which then turns into fats. If you are going to drink, choose wines with a

rich, red color. Red wine promotes heart and skin health. Be cognizant of the times you do drink

alcohol to avoid over drinking.

37. Avoid Triggers

Eating is emotional. Often certain circumstances warrant a binge eating episode. A stressful day

at work, a favorite movie or even toxic people can cause overeating. Understanding what trig-

gers your bad choices will help you to develop positive coping strategies. Instead of reaching for

that donut after a bad day, you may choose to go for a run instead.

38. Remain Balanced

Usually, a bad habit is only critical when done in excess. The same is true for those not so healthy

foods we all love. Just because you are making healthy choices doesn't mean you have to com-

pletely give up your favorite treat. Get in the habit of occasionally rewarding yourself for sticking

to your plan. This will keep you motivated to continue enduring because you aren't sacrificing

everything you love.

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39. Avoid Soda

Drinking soda in excess causes major health problems such as acne, kidney stones, and liver dis-

ease. Replacing sodas with seltzer or carbohydrate flavored water will satisfy that soda taste

craving without harming your body.

40. 6 pm is The Limit

Experts suggest cutting your last meal to 6 PM. This means, after 6, no eating or snacking. When

your body is sleeping, it is storing fat. When you eat right before bed, that's a recipe for packing

on the pounds. Get in the habit of eating earlier to give your body a chance to burn that last bit

of fat before bedtime.

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Final Thoughts

It's no secret that cultivating a habit is challenging. However, the obstacle can be met by identify-

ing your unhealthy habits and changing them into healthy ones. By utilizing the 40 tips and tricks

listed above, you'll be well on your way to living a happier more fulfilling life.