t fr aprli toa a 9i keet1 - library of...

gipifivniF 11ttr rii J TIm WORLD rOtjSDAY EVENnk frPTOfrgg t Iw 1- r r 1 V s t 1OLD SUMMERS- BREAKBRENER Decreased Beer Consumption in the Last Two Seasons Re suits in Bankrupting the John Kress Company The abort cool summer of the Iai t two year anti the lain spring of tilt year are the elomfints tlmt put thn oU John Kress lirowery Into till Immls of a rrcelvsr Tin rissole oxrcctl tlm lln- bnitlet 1oonkepper are behind Ir their pnyments nnd the Frr Ilrcwlru I Company haTIng pressing ililits nnd no ready cash Is forced to the wall tempo- rarily E The Kress Brewery Is In Ent Fifty fourth street between Third and Sec ond avenues occupying buildings or both sides of the street Most of the buildings are old but the machinery ti t fr uld to be up to date The brewer was 1A founded In 1163 by John Kress who In- troduced c into the United States a beei lit a grade known as Wiener which ittalned great popularity W Warley Plat ik has been up pointed referee No creditor was con kerned In the application but credItors have sued the concern recently and ether IUttJI have been tlivjoxnod- If Is so4B aual for ouwcry to se Into the litmus of t receiver that ui- Krerilns World reporter ought Mr- VorKter toilny In tue Information 1 Mr Koriter did not liealtate to plaoi- ho Llaicv upon the tool Bummers Iai- J springs and early taiLs lie xild St Last year we had no warm weather practically until the beginning of July at the seashore reaorti wore small and the business done by thn laser Deer naloonr In the city Wiu- dlrcnurnghi y Thn eur before was not much better and this spring ha been tile last etraw I hope that the receivership will not continue longtr than three monthe mil hv that time we ought to be pre- pared to wiiiUior anything that nomu along The plant will be operated rlgM along a STOCKS SEE W- ONMIXfD NEWS Atchison Report Was Good but Other Railroads Disappointed k While Gold Engagements A Prove a Bear Factor ac Btrck market new was of a- Jharaoter vIxd- vj today TJie Atchison report for March showed a gross Increase ol t z7SlM and a not Increase for nine months of fl7S47S5 which was u good as any one had expected The took did not respond as well M Its friend hud F hoped Iii fact the gain wee small The report of the Hocking Vulloy and other road were poor and did much to offs t the excellence ot that of Atchlnon News thAt was not good was further s emsiffoment of told for export the um for the day amounUng to JTWOOOj the lost by the Uinki at almost 00000- 0Inee C Friday ami the additional Issue of notes The Central Crowtown Rail roaud controlled by tho Metropolitan boirotrod t22uO000 on twoyear E per toni note which have been taken by i Kuhn Ixwb A Co This Is avrelllng tho list of those who have borrowed on i notes so that now tile total since the first of the year amounts tattbout IHA 000000 This Is a groM sum to be Ud up- This I borrowing and the Union Iacino 1 litigation and the fear of whnt Is to lollow the result of the legal action Is keeping the public out of the mortal lad Is further curtailing the operations tt the professional The day was a dull one with IIIISllIlA tighter than yesterday foil with priors irregular in holr movements The w OJirket fludtuated within a range or about 1 a point during the day limit going up and then down and theii up 1I again and so aeeSI wed during the it flay London took about 2000 aliarea on L p balance The lute dealings cauattl a tome strength In th market as the jfftl buying which came from the SWeat 1W M med to be good The estorn rOWi- benefitted E bythL1 liuylnic I F The Bteels were sttonc utter a w wt and heavy opening Metropolitan was weak on the Crosstown borrowing de aplte the announcement that the money 1 was to be need In Installing an electric I systtm on the road Tim list closed it i higher but with ittlr doing 1 The total sales of stocks were 197200 shares and of bonds 12016000 ij The Closing Quotations Todui highest loneit cod cluolng price M4 DM chan < s from yultrdays cloilni r ptlccs or Irom cut reoonlM eats are ea- t follows Net j b high Low Cloj chaoc- UUnal 48S 4 U 1 Copper 4bH Urn 8m 6 Ret < sC 4Mi lAm 8m IU pt IKlC tOmi f3 Sucar 1VIS I27t 121- ii 410 eugar pt 12It iCSj- At r a i 73I 4 I At T 8 1 p IiI4 1i34 e- l Jait Ohio el T4 + Itaphi 1ran 4I3 46 463- J + 7 Can Par itT Iltiii I1Ti- I + CSIL Ctio at at si- R Chic iiI iItl Ie let1 Chic 0 West B 2 27 4 ± 2- Cii Fuel Iron tL it l2 + Con 0cc I7I I 3rI- L true t pf IiI flhiI IU- Ti Irie 22 11 41- r 231 Central lii lie u lao iouli Niieh 1IlT lIT Minhattan i4 j4I hfet lit 118 iiT 1111 11i1 F Mo IC t r it ITt 1 in riclrlc II pj ri Norfolk Writ tu ie iN- y CniraI iiIII i tot I lot Put lL 2i tenn > Ivauuln lIT1 1171 IIS people Ci I lIT IteadIulr 1411 41 44 p iTu 211 ril- tocic o lpluinI Pt 11 ic- JL1 1 eicir 4Lj 17 Ij 4 a a By It I Ity p Mi p I I EL12lif 4uI 4lt- I Coal Iron it 1T I j r r L JCtfIC 2i I 2t Ion Iaclti Ni il t- lac if tY t t2 I I a tn pf i si h Hirti lflh IO U S t 4 I iah tel liii 4 1 5 Iii pf tSI i I I IC 4 I Cat 1I i tAt eeevu mi- lLflsa e h i i 4t- t C t- Ii I WHY I VOTED FOR GASGRAB BILL Senator Plunkitt Says Be- cause Gas Houses Aint Any Good to Tammany Hall as Vote Getters I Senator Ocorsn VrtsMlnztnn Ilunklttf- rMli from Alluirij prcxnt n novrl explanation of tin nrtloti of thi r K- llaturo In pnixlni and tho Mivor lnn InK tin Kemrrn tIns hill lie MVM film liOhI P vnlern iilnl no more un tn- Tnminanv HP le Ofo pui I Ip that lh- niivfrnot will Hlcn ih hill Dut II cn to tlu Sinnior Ill It In hI own 1- 1Thes lots of Inlk about Odell veto Inif tile Hem nn Cn < lull That All rot The Governor cent grct to AlbAny fast enough to sign the bill Vliy nhouMnt he sign It I voted for It And I think- It a rood thing He line T ro neon Why did I vote for 111 That easy I hid two reason Tint becauie thfj- cn house In thli borough aint aUT good any longer an votegetten A fen yeori ago all the men employed In the- ca houMi wrre Voter and voted the Tammany ticket every time Now nearly nil the gas houirN employ Itnllaiu and Hwpdrs who come her to earn money nnd thon go Melt home tu spend It I What iciiod art they or thr gus house I am for Sting the whole lot I of them over to Queens and that the rraoon 1 votril for the llrmsen bill Anil ll rei n llrniinn for Yon lint the main reason was that I wanted to put through my Spuytcn Duyvll bill ajiil I found that I could got six votes for my bill for ray vote on the Remnen bIH Good trade want It And say the Joke of it all Will that I was going to vote for the Item pen bill anyway Oa hoiinen clot what they uRett to be 1 remember the time when the gnu house In district wit worth 4QoJ votct end I could rd ly on them uvery time Tho go homo BOmutlnifs decide an election In a district Now every em- ployee ¬ In tIne places has a return ticket for Italy or Sweden You cant got those feller to become voters They are no use to Tammany Hall and the woos of Queens la the place for them CURB STOCKS STEADY Standard Oil Greene Copper nu1 Northern Securities Lend HecurtUcs on lh curb were quiet and ahead today Standard OU wits bid up 4 points to C4 without any sales while Ureen Copper uid Northern Securities were fractionally hlrhnr The bid and lIked prices of the principal outitl- dircurttlts wet Hid Alred Can Lake Con A hAil pf 4 Electric VthloU II Electric VehIcle pt N iv Preen Coin or 111 U Great Northern 107 174 Intr Wrine 4U 1 hater JtaHIiC pt ITt lTs inttrboniuch n T 1- 0Minhtiun itta Truirtt Nw Orlmni 8 4 10 New Orleans pf 18 so Norlhrn HtourttlM 8314 N orthnl Tuclflo 182 Otl > Klavttor 28 Ilt Oil Elevator ft p- Italidard J- Babord Oil 824 Air Lint BH gt- AMboird Air Line ft 1B is Union hopper U1 8t- TTilt Kaob TH a DELAY IN SULLY CASE Dnnkrnplor Proceeding Are ItaF- d Until tisi ITlrtmy All proooedlngs tn the Bully bank- ruptcy ¬ vase have been stayed until irliUy next by Judge Wallace of the Jnlted State Circuit Court of Appeal who will nt tlmt Urn with the other fudges of the court hear argument if counsel end review the action of JUdge Holt of the United States flu riot Court In overruling tho demurrer Interposed by the defense to tho amend d involuntary petition In bankruutav tied HunlMt Flul v Co The d < feni In securing the order have iiuctlca4ly appealed from the Mndlnit of Judge Holt In Uw UnltM State Die rlot Court and salt the United Btntcs Circuit Court of Appeals to post upon the legality of the demurrer interposed MGR FALCONIO A QUEST DALTIMOnK April 2Mgr Fal oonlo Apostolic Delegate at Waalilng ton arrived hare today and nccom pnnled by Cardinal Gibbons ned a num ¬ clergymen vlsltod Notre Dune College where after a reception the vlltors were entertained at B dinner WHEAT MARKET The etrngth In the aulxldp market notably at SI Louis cheello1 nn effort to hammer price III the mirltct today Corn wet higher with wheat hut trade vrin dull- New York s opcnlns price wire WheatJulv 67 Hplonibcr S2 11 D- cinber P Si1 ll hid fhlcagoi opeiiliiK pu f nrre Wheat Ma V j4 lu V TS Juy S tJ t2 1 fViirrln i i 7v tJ 7i it- tOIflt11 7j I l 11 In 1i q 17 11 ii <7 3lu estIu hot 17 1v i I I 14 New York clnni prices wfn- Wholt iHj Ct tM lld < July M Hip n1il T S1 11 bid llcimlwr W 12 bid Corn MIJ M 12 bid 1 thy r1 lull fMfigir flTltiK prkr were When Mi Sllx Jill Wll Siptcmbrr 711 7S to ii- iHUNGARYS III DIG STRIKE OVER liriAIi8T MiinKil > Aiill W The rillroiil lilKn In fiiilnl I tiger and fifleht trilni are mnnliiK riglIlt y P GOOD ADVICE TO NERVOUS WOMEN Just let me tell you what Rexall MucuTone did for me says MM Heis of Jersey City N J For five years I had been growing more and more feeble I was weak run down and nerv- ous ¬ Suffered with pain In my hIck solid side constantly and was nimble to obtain allY relief what- ever ¬ It seemed ns If my cup of tumble vas nlrcady full when I Will overtaken by catarrhal bron- chitis ¬ and for five weeks WAS con- fined ¬ to my bed Nothing seemed to help me and I WAS In deepest despair when a neighbor advised me to try Mucu Tone Prom the first dose I ex- ¬ perienced relief I succeeded in breaking up the attack completely within twentyfour hours and at the end of a week I felt like a new woman I am in perfect health i something I have not known for years I therefore feel safe in advising all women who are nervous and broken down to buy a bottle of Rexall MucuTone and to take It us directed- DO YOU KNOW TTOAT TOUR CON- DITION ¬ MEANS r i Hoi anyone eve1 told you what- It meant to feel restless flighty r unsettled Punable to concen- trate ¬ yourself on your work un1 able to find pleasure or satisfaction in anything Or have you ever given careful thought to it yourself I Well sooner or later you will be broken down weak dluy thoroughly tired of living The meaning is that some part of your system hu been attacked by catarrh1 One after another the organ become deranged i the liver and kidneys are no longer able to purify the blood and the heart be- comes ¬ affected Then the stomach loses its power to properly digest food Sleeplessness nervousness melancholy and despair follow You grow weak emaciated hag¬ gard You have pains in theback under the shoulderblades and I bearing down pains In the lower abdomen And probably through it alt you have been told that you are merely run down and need a tonic 32c at 21c a Yard This Stf inches find ribbon runs very but not quite that wide when is called 51 4 inches Then it well the body and note the weave made by a not make finest all the colors a Floor Ontr Rest HullJInc k COTTON Gnlnt of 16 to 2 points were realized In thin cotton inarltrt nt the atari to I day line to the strong ciblfi from Liverpool TrndliiK was actnc Room < horti henvy buyers nt till open IIIK their drmmuls hiring supplied In part by traders i rc iuiiiibly acting fur Vnll strnvl Iuuiigu TliH Arlkcneil tie position of th billln snino shut and friit piln5 off ill iinnini- lliiir prt mir from nslirr ci I rcte con tlnuul 211 never mnlilni It dinictilt to < u tuln nnj MMtrrlil iidvntup especial- ly In view if tbi iltiiatlon Iin cotton tuiniilitiit tiring cliclvi t The iiwnl IK prlcm April 130- lrcn1 13 Vi uffrrili JIIMH ISCi- ISfs Jul > 17 Hi I37ii ulgi1ei 132- lii 13 IX litr Hi II M Oito- l rr III l li1 DtHiiiilnr 1131 to 11 1 JIIIIIIIIA iiyi In 1i3 r MH8 OKU A nESS 00 llrown Place Jertey City N Yes you are down iYOU do need a tonic But you need more than a tonic You heed a thnj will clean the mucou mum such it us many women fiave needed years of suffering which they have finally found in Rexall Mucu Tone WE GUARANTEE WILL CURE YOU Rexall works acting directly upon the cells out the poisons and healing the raw fills the arteries with rich red blood builds up the body stops all vital drains the nerves and sound restful sleep No matter how slight your weak ¬ n you need Mucu Tone No matter how bad your catarrh will quickly cure It The very first dose of will make you feel better and within three or four weeks you will have a new lease on life Our in Rexall Mucu Tone is based on our what this remedy has done In thousands of cases We know that is reliable and we earn ¬ estly say to you if you are not more than with a trial of this we will and refund your money Is one of the f remedies and is sold only- t our tore Large bottles 80 cents Moll orders filled I RIKERS DRUG STORE6- TH ST OUR NEW YORK 8c CO a corporation 200 Broadway 205 Broadway 200 W t25tli st Amsterdam ave and 155th St and 149th St and 3d ave DRUG STORES 125th st and 8th ave 60t 8th ave J JUNGMAN DruggiJ 1020 3d ave 428 Columbus ave PAP1W1AMBOkIyflWU8t- o I r 110 150 Carpets 89c and 98cJ- ust an showing the by the Store these days 10000 yards of some of the best and most desirable madeserviceable Body and the and beautiful 100 attractive patternssuitable for any part of the house ThIrd Floor Ka t nuiiainit J Colored Satin Taffeta Ribbons- Worth is absolutely wideyou will sometimes it is to examine closely quality rich lustrous of our is who does but the grades It is in at 21c yard- Main MARKET wcrr eventually unfiiviiiMlile wio Mi Siptiiiibn run remedy branesjust remedy through and THAT MUCUTONK MucuTone through- the congested driving surfaces lifegiving soothes fagged depression MucuTone MncuTone confidence knowledge- of meritorious scientific that satisfied remedy cheerfully MucuTone unous- Rexall AVE AND 23D AGENTS 1IEQBMAN KINSMANS at item opportunities afforded Carpet Carpetings Brussels lustrous Velvets Azminstcrs nearly specialit manufacturer anything favorite bloodvessels brings MucuTone promptly Uncle Jerry Pancake Flour- 7c a Package- We have had requests to sell a good Pancake Flour as a special and here it is There are only 900 packages in the lot and we cannot accept mail or telephone orders but this little special is well worth coming for if you enjoy a good appetizing satisfying pancake for break ¬ fast The regular price is lQc but tomorrow we make it 7c TJilnl Floor TVfrt Building I r Mens Balbriggan Underwear- An Exceptional BargainG- enuine I French Balbriggan Underwearour own importationall sizes of shirts and drawers Shirts with long or short sleeves and Drawers for short and stout menevery piece perfectthe kind regularly sell over our counters SOcjusl to add to Wednesdays opportunities us At 39c a GarmenL Isln Floor Front Rut Building e r r 2 lf i It ilt y j- V it j G W If- I M 4 V- t I iUItmanu HOSIERY FOR MEN and WOMEN- ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY APRIL 27th AND 28th C THREE HUNDRED DOZEN PAIRS OF MENS FANCY AND BLACK LISLE THREAD HALF HOSE STRIPED AND FIGURED AT 35c PER PAIR 185 PER BOX OF HALF DOZEN PAIRS REGULAR PRICE BO CENTS PER PAIR 1 fr ALSO ON WEDNESDAY APRli 27th WOMENS PLAIN BLACK GAUZE LISLE THREAD HOSE AT 33C PER PAIR 175 PER BOX OF HALF DOZEN PAIRS REGULAR PRICE abc PER PAIR IN THE REGULAR STOCK IS SHOWN A FULL LINE OF HOSIERY IN SPRING STYLES FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN INCLUDING SILK LISLE THREAD AND COTTON IN PLAIN FANCY EMBROID- ERED ¬ AND OPEN WORK EFFECTS LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS A SALE WILL BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY APRIL 27th 28th AS FOLLOWS PLAIN HEMSTITCHED Mens regular price SOHO box of half dozen at 200 Women I iiGO II II dl 16O HAND INITIALED Mens regular price 1BO box of halt dozen at S11- OWomens I lGO II II 100 ALSO WOMENS HANDKERCHIEFS EM ¬ BROIDERED OR LACE EFFECTS AT CONSIDERABLY LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES Renr of Rotunda I Eighteenth sum nitutetntb Siwr Sixth tfetatu new York I NO CONN CCTION WTO AMY OTHER STORE A CIII IM ii- StI51EGEoPER AVE 12 I I ND nUl 11IZ NEW YORK Double 5le jIi Green Trading Stamps Homings ThIs Week from- 8JOto I I 12 oclock Thereafter Single Stamps Until Closing hour Wednesdays Extraordinary China and Slassware Specials The timeliness of this sale will surely attract the attention of- a great multitude It couldnt have come at a more opportune- time because this is the very season when thousands are think ing of buying these very articles Lowness of Price Is a Potent Factor lJlnnl1r Sc I TSl AMRRIOAN PORCELAIN DINNER HKTf IU3 jlfcei only tO xts In lot 3 OS woo uiruieN roiiCELAiN DINNBH MITTS Km iisei ann JIOIKI AJHJRIOAN PORCELAIN DiN NrjR SVnS loo nlicn IBO slsoo AMBIUCAN ORCELA1N DIN NIJU SKra 100 pIece M7B- KI 00 fSTHIAN CHINA DINNfK SETS 100 niccn litnota- VOO II1KX11JH CHINA DINNER till plrirn 13BO- Zfoa Sots 14 00 AMBIIICAN PORCELAIN TBA- HFTrS VI nlocoi only W sets In lot 1IIH WOO AMERICAN PORCKLAIN TEA KKTW Mill 314 11000 AIHTHIAK CHINA TEA SIT M DlfCM OOO Odd China 2te IVMitlrnl China CUPS and SAUC1R8 SOc Ilcsutlful China PLATES iIolc Hf utlfiil Chine Otrnal fleautlful pt8m Oina Oeg cmgi lOs ISoi DtiUfui China Alter Dlnnw CUPS and 8AUCKR8- 33e llnutlful Chins Cream PITCHERS I CJ1IXA SALAD BOTVI handiom deoraUont rpeciai tOe Cut Sass OtT OtAHS irOH r u 1077 OOO CUT GLASS SINCH NAPPIES regui CUT tiny SIS B SINCH BOWLS rxulirlv I GUT sam OLUI JUGS mtuurir I3iO nSa CUT QLAfifl CELERT TRATS rJTOI ar- Iv CUT QlVPS WATKH BOTTLJM rVu tiny 1lO 815 1Irlc a1Ja 850 BHAUTHUl HWQU JlGUJUllS- au1 sOS nt siw IIIOII AND BBAUTTTU1 BXSt11- TJlukCS adi at- uso a nEt LAitwi rnsQu WIGURI many tubjacu etch at- stK luu And P100 VA B3 beautiful saorl moM In rior U and rIgors d coaso each at sian VASES In A air aisortinmt di Izni wd ertnti are saquhihla at 7Oc tOO VAS133 lanci auortmtnt- heairtrrul and In mini dtooratloni- cholc at 15M> Votes CUT SLAm VASE1S 8laoh jrotafl- rxuu 9200 CUT OLASd VASES 8lncn roci fib GLMIa VABBia- OLJlflB sloch 3sI CU VASEa 8Inch r ularlr- 8JJ5 475 tS00 CUT GLASS VASDI ftlnoh 3S- 8w CUT OLAJBS VA6B3 BInoh l CUT GLASS VASES 10lnob nvi arlr- TABES 1t25 tOG cliv GLASS 10lncb rfcu T- liow OuI camp GAS PORTABLES about 300 IB aasorttd- ihatxj poUh J braas and black tlalsb complete wIth I0lncti itrevn dom shades and cramS burneri a> will as all at taohmuitsv regularly t2t3itKolal lRO MeG a Urn assortment ot lABRARr OR- HAKOINa LAMPS ftnlshid In either black wmuiht Iron or gold flate 4 all < extensIon and I opal dOme = about bait the uiuti p HTAI TJLBIIB LAMPS 53O aorlodefJpn ruby uiarovl with btaek wrought Iron ranuntlnci complete wilt ontrnl drautht oil tountsnd tlnilr ad ruby I regularly 1440 now jjnd Third ylaor rront 191h etl l ftjtJtll f uUon jt brookLyn 3Worth Cramps fRtt Wcdnesday COLPON Upon presenting thIs coupon at A I- I I NamnsstoroWednesdayAprIII- I 27 nnd making purchases amount I Ing tq 100 or more we will give I three doll rs worth of BlueTradtng I- I Stamps Free In addition to those I 4S you receive on your purchase Good April 27 p W ftl 1 Mamm J i tI Mamtni r V 2 I r I fJ iaI1u > l > Ulf2 1- flt I fgV- S J Special 19 Offerings V C l- U WEDNESDAY APRIL 27th About Sixty ManTailored New Pedestrian Skirts Hade from fine Imported and Domestic Scotch Cloth and V Tweeds In a New Plaited Panel effect rj OO Value J1200 and 15 00 j In many inttancft thr price dot nit r f t Cover the cost of the material uttd Silk Waists t small quantity of White Silk Waists slightly soiled from 00 handling value 675 650 and 1000 4 toa a 9i keet1 HONefflCoHousef- urnishing I Dept I Lawn Mowers We carry a complete co a line of the Philadelphia- Lawn Mower Cos Uun mowers in stock We guarantee them the best made DLWLY LAWN MOWERS Made by the Philadelphia Lawn Mower Co have 4 blades 8inch wheels adjust- able ¬ handles Your choice of 4 sIz- es1214161elnch 349 each ALLDAY MOWERS Made by the Philadelphia Lawn Mower CoItlh wheel 3 blades adjustable handles and warranted in every respect 14inch 16inch 18inch 450 525 575 each THE PHILADELPHIA LAWN- MOWERS 4 styles at from 675 upwud Hose Reels EtC 1 30 feet warranted inch 3ply hose with couplings spray nozzle reel and lawn iprinkler complete Regu- lar ¬ 630 Special 575 While thishost is war ¬ ranted only for one season we know by experience that with care this hose will last 3 or 4 years A complete line of Rakes Spades Hoes garden Implements in stock Refrigerators We are agents for the WILKL PORCELAIN 1 REFRIGERATORS REFRIGERATOR TIlL GOVERNOR Made of best selected wellseasoned ash highly polished nickel triramingsselfcluslng provision chamber doors removable flues and dry air chambers refrigerator that we can warrant in every respect to be a big ice saver Prices range 7j 990 to 4B00 each TIff ONEILL CLEANSIBLE RE- FRIGERATORS ¬ Made of selected ash highly polished bronze trim- mings ¬ steel frame castors lined with galvanized sheet steel and filled with mineral Prices range from 1000 to 5400 Screen Doors All l cs4panc1YI- nch thick timber Imi- tation ¬ walnut Regular 7ScSpecisl 60c Fancy Doorsill sires Regular 125- Spccbl 100 V j Suvio Gas Heaters Bargain Prices While They Last Regular Sec Heaters at35c Rejulir UI Heaters at75c Regular 98c Heaten at5OC I Regular JliO Heaters at89c Regular S2Z5 Hook at 150 Basement J Novelty Summer CurtainsO- ne of the prettIest we have heard of this season Is the Crepe Curtain in ground colors of blue rose Japanese nile well covered design of flowers and birds full 2 C 95 JO inches wide and 3Y yards long worth 650 per palri J special at- MUSLIN CURTAINS centres are pretty dots figures and stripes jith ered or fluted ruffles SOc 90c 125 150 pair DOBBINtT LACE CURTAINS dainty edges and Inserting not the common variety at this price 125 pair CRtNADINt and SNOW FLAKZ CURTAINS better known as cross stripe artistic color combinations no other house will show you the variety that we do t 100 125 150 175 pair to execute orders for AWNiNGS SLIP We arc now COVERS RLUPHOLSTLRING FURNITURE tc CURTAINS cleaned and stored during the summer months 1 LACE Fourth Floor Estimates submitted Juvenile Sporting Goods Baseball Outfits Tennis Goods Juvenile Golf Goods Boats of all Kinds Fishing Tackle c I Baseball Outfits Tennis Goods Rackets from tojj7QO for article necessary including every Nets from 75c to 550 the natlonllamc Tennla Balls from 25c up Jc to 100 from flats Poles Markers Racket Covers Gloves from 2Sc to 1 3 50 Marking Tapes etc Mitts from 23c to 700 Third Floor i I Sixth Avenue 20th to 21st Street I Sunday World Wants Work lVlonda MdrningWondersI- t a J f uj JI J I C N f P Jt 1oUj < Dr S 12 ale 4- e ft 7r I ro i t r j v v NWf t < 1 j- jt i J H > i 4- Ii J l t I

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Post on 20-Jun-2018




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gipifivniF 11ttr rii

J TIm WORLD rOtjSDAY EVENnk frPTOfrgg tIw 1-

r r

1 Vs




Decreased Beer Consumption in

the Last Two Seasons Re

suits in Bankrupting the John

Kress Company

The abort cool summer of the Iai t

two year anti the lain spring of tiltyear are the elomfints tlmt put thn oUJohn Kress lirowery Into till Immls ofa rrcelvsr Tin rissole oxrcctl tlm lln-

bnitlet 1oonkepper are behind Irtheir pnyments nnd the Frr Ilrcwlru

I Company haTIng pressing ililits nnd noready cash Is forced to the wall tempo-


The Kress Brewery Is In Ent Fiftyfourth street between Third and Second avenues occupying buildings orboth sides of the street Most of thebuildings are old but the machinery ti

t fr uld to be up to date The brewer was1A founded In 1163 by John Kress who In-

troducedc into the United States a beeilit a grade known as Wiener whichittalned great popularity

W Warley Plat ik has been uppointed referee No creditor was conkerned In the application but credItorshave sued the concern recently and

ether IUttJI have been tlivjoxnod-If Is so4B aual for ouwcry to se

Into the litmus of t receiver that ui-

Krerilns World reporter ought Mr-

VorKter toilny In tue Information 1

Mr Koriter did not liealtate to plaoi-

ho Llaicv upon the tool Bummers Iai-J springs and early taiLs lie xildSt Last year we had no warm weather

practically until the beginning of Julyat the seashore reaorti

wore small and the business done bythn laser Deer naloonr In the city Wiu-dlrcnurnghiy Thn eur before was notmuch better and this spring ha beentile last etraw

I hope that the receivership willnot continue longtr than three monthemil hv that time we ought to be pre-pared to wiiiUior anything that nomualong The plant will be operated rlgMalong




Atchison Report Was Good butOther Railroads Disappointed

k While Gold Engagements

A Prove a Bear Factor

ac Btrck market new was of a-


vj today TJie Atchison reportfor March showed a gross Increase ol

t z7SlM and a not Increase for ninemonths of fl7S47S5 which was u goodas any one had expected The took didnot respond as well M Its friend hud

F hoped Iii fact the gain wee small Thereport of the Hocking Vulloy and otherroad were poor and did much to offs tthe excellence ot that of Atchlnon

News thAt was not good was furthers

emsiffoment of told for export theum for the day amounUng to JTWOOOj

the lost by the Uinki at almost 00000-

0IneeC Friday ami the additional Issue

of notes The Central Crowtown Railroaud controlled by tho Metropolitanboirotrod t22uO000 on twoyear E pertoni note which have been taken by

i Kuhn Ixwb A Co This Is avrelllng tholist of those who have borrowed on

i notes so that now tile total since thefirst of the year amounts tattbout IHA000000 This Is a groM sum to beUd up-

ThisI borrowing and the Union Iacino1 litigation and the fear of whnt Is to

lollow the result of the legal action Iskeeping the public out of the mortallad Is further curtailing the operationstt the professional

The day was a dull one with IIIISllIlAtighter than yesterday foil with priorsirregular in holr movements The

w OJirket fludtuated within a range or

about 1 a point during the day limitgoing up and then down and theii up

1I again and so aeeSI wed during theit flay London took about 2000 aliarea on

L p balance The lute dealings cauattla tome strength In th market as the

jfftl buying which came from the SWeat1W M med to be good The estorn rOWi-

benefittedE bythL1 liuylnic

I F The Bteels were sttonc utter a w wtand heavy opening Metropolitan wasweak on the Crosstown borrowing deaplte the announcement that the money

1 was to be need In Installing an electricI systtm on the road Tim list closed

it i higher but with ittlr doing1 The total sales of stocks were 197200

shares and of bonds 12016000

ij The Closing QuotationsTodui highest loneit cod cluolng price

M4 DM chan < s from yultrdays cloilnir ptlccs or Irom cut reoonlM eats are ea-


Netjb high Low Cloj chaoc-

UUnal 48S 4 U1 Copper 4bHUrn 8m 6 Ret < sC 4Mi

lAm 8m IU pt IKlC tOmi f3Sucar 1VIS I27t 121-

ii 410 eugar pt 12It iCSj-At r a i 73I 4

I At T 8 1 p IiI4 1i34 e-

l Jait Ohio el T4 +Itaphi 1ran 4I3 46 463-


7 Can Par itT Iltiii I1Ti-I

+CSIL Ctio at at si-

R Chic iiI iItl Ie let1Chic 0 West B 2 27

4 ±2-

Cii Fuel Iron tL it l2 +Con 0cc I7I I

3rI-L true t pf IiI flhiI IU-

Ti Irie 22 11 41-

r 231 Central lii lie u laoiouli Niieh 1IlT lITMinhattan i4 j4Ihfet lit 118 iiT 1111 11i1

F Mo IC t r it ITt 1

in riclrlc II pjri Norfolk Writ tu ie iN-

y CniraI iiIII i tot I

lot Put lL 2itenn > Ivauuln lIT1 1171 IISpeople Ci I lIT

IteadIulr 1411 41 44 piTu 211 ril-


lpluinI Pt 11 ic-

JL1 1 eicir 4Lj 17 Ij 4 aa By It IIty p Mi p I

I EL12lif 4uI 4lt-I Coal Iron it 1T I j r

r L JCtfIC 2i I 2tIon Iaclti Ni il t-

lac if tY t t2 I

I a tn pf i sih Hirti lflh IO U

S t4 I iah tel liii 4 1

5 Iii pf tSI iI I IC 4

I Cat 1I i tAteeevu mi-

lLflsae h ii 4t-




Ii I



Senator Plunkitt Says Be-

cause Gas Houses Aint Any

Good to Tammany Hall as

Vote Getters I

Senator Ocorsn VrtsMlnztnn Ilunklttf-rMli from Alluirij prcxnt n novrlexplanation of tin nrtloti of thi r K-

llaturo In pnixlni and tho Mivor lnnInK tin Kemrrn tIns hill lie MVM

film liOhI P vnlern iilnl no more un tn-

Tnminanv HP l e Ofo pui I Ip that lh-

niivfrnot will Hlcn ih hillDut II cn to tlu Sinnior Ill It In hI

own 1-

1Thes lots of Inlk about Odell vetoInif tile Hem nn Cn < lull That All rotThe Governor cent grct to AlbAny fastenough to sign the bill Vliy nhouMnthe sign It I voted for It And I think-It a rood thing

He line T ro neonWhy did I vote for 111 That easy

I hid two reason Tint becauie thfj-

cn house In thli borough aint aUTgood any longer an votegetten A fenyeori ago all the men employed In the-

ca houMi wrre Voter and voted theTammany ticket every time Now nearlynil the gas houirN employ Itnllaiu andHwpdrs who come her to earn money

nnd thon go Melt home tu spend ItI What iciiod art they or thr gus

house I am for Sting the whole lotI of them over to Queens and that therraoon 1 votril for the llrmsen bill

Anil ll rei n llrniinn for Yonlint the main reason was that I

wanted to put through my SpuytcnDuyvll bill ajiil I found that I couldgot six votes for my bill for ray voteon the Remnen bIH Good trade wantIt And say the Joke of it all Will

that I was going to vote for the Itempen bill anyway

Oa hoiinen clot what they uRett tobe 1 remember the time when the gnu

house In district wit worth 4QoJ votctend I could rd ly on them uvery time

Tho go homo BOmutlnifs decide anelection In a district Now every em-ployee


In tIne places has a returnticket for Italy or Sweden You cantgot those feller to become voters Theyare no use to Tammany Hall and thewoos of Queens la the place for them


Standard Oil Greene Copper nu1

Northern Securities LendHecurtUcs on lh curb were quiet and

ahead today Standard OU wits bid up4 points to C4 without any sales whileUreen Copper uid Northern Securitieswere fractionally hlrhnr The bid andlIked prices of the principal outitl-dircurttlts wet Hid AlredCan LakeCon


hAil pf 4

Electric VthloU II

Electric VehIcle pt N ivPreen Coin or 111 UGreat Northern 107 174

Intr Wrine 4U 1

hater JtaHIiC pt ITt lTsinttrboniuch n T 1-0Minhtiun


Nw Orlmni 8 4 10New Orleans pf 18 soNorlhrn HtourttlM 8314 N

orthnl Tuclflo 182Otl > Klavttor 28 IltOil Elevator ft p-

Italidard J-Babord

Oil 824Air Lint BH gt-

AMboird Air Line ft 1B isUnion hopper U1 8t-

TTilt Kaob TH a


Dnnkrnplor Proceeding Are ItaF-d Until tisi ITlrtmy

All proooedlngs tn the Bully bank-ruptcy


vase have been stayed untilirliUy next by Judge Wallace of theJnlted State Circuit Court of Appealwho will nt tlmt Urn with the otherfudges of the court hear argumentif counsel end review the action ofJUdge Holt of the United States fluriot Court In overruling tho demurrerInterposed by the defense to tho amendd involuntary petition In bankruutav

tied HunlMt Flul v CoThe d < feni In securing the order have

iiuctlca4ly appealed from the Mndlnitof Judge Holt In Uw UnltM State Dierlot Court and salt the United BtntcsCircuit Court of Appeals to post uponthe legality of the demurrer interposed


oonlo Apostolic Delegate at Waalilngton arrived hare today and nccompnnled by Cardinal Gibbons ned a num ¬

clergymen vlsltod Notre DuneCollege where after a reception thevlltors were entertained at B dinner

WHEAT MARKETThe etrngth In the aulxldp market

notably at SI Louis cheello1 nn effortto hammer price III the mirltct todayCorn wet higher with wheat hut tradevrin dull-

New York s opcnlns price wireWheatJulv 67 Hplonibcr S2 11 D-


Si1 ll hidfhlcagoi opeiiliiK pu f nrre WheatMa V j4 lu V TS Juy S tJ t2 1

fViirrln i i 7v tJ 7i it-

tOIflt117j I

l 11 In 1i q 17 11 ii< 7 3lu estIu hot 17 1v i I I 14

New York clnni prices wfn-Wholt iHj Ct tM lld < July M Hipn1il T S1 11 bid llcimlwr W 12 bidCorn MIJ M 12 bid 1 thy r1 lullfMfigir flTltiK prkr were WhenMi Sllx Jill Wll Siptcmbrr

711 7S to ii-



liriAIi8T MiinKil > Aiill W Therillroiil lilKn In fiiilnl I tiger andfifleht trilni are mnnliiK riglIlt y



Just let me tell you what RexallMucuTone did for me saysMM Heis of Jersey City N J

For five years I had beengrowing more and more feebleI was weak run down and nerv-ous


Suffered with pain In myhIck solid side constantly and wasnimble to obtain allY relief what-ever


It seemed ns If my cup oftumble vas nlrcady full when I

Will overtaken by catarrhal bron-chitis


and for five weeks WAS con-


to my bedNothing seemed to help me

and I WAS In deepest despair whena neighbor advised me to try MucuTone Prom the first dose I ex- ¬

perienced relief I succeeded inbreaking up the attack completelywithin twentyfour hours and atthe end of a week I felt like a newwoman I am in perfecthealth i something I have notknown for years I therefore feelsafe in advising all women whoare nervous and broken down tobuy a bottle of Rexall MucuToneand to take It us directed-




Hoi anyone eve1 told you what-

It meant to feel restless flighty runsettled Punable to concen-


yourself on your work un1able to find pleasure or satisfactionin anything

Or have you ever given carefulthought to it yourself

I Well sooner or later you willbe broken down weak dluythoroughly tired of living

The meaning is that some partof your system hu been attackedby catarrh1

One after another the organbecome deranged i the liver andkidneys are no longer able topurify the blood and the heart be-


affected Then the stomachloses its power to properly digestfood Sleeplessness nervousnessmelancholy and despair followYou grow weak emaciated hag¬

gard You have pains in thebackunder the shoulderblades and


bearing down pains In the lowerabdomen

And probably through it altyou have been told that you aremerely run down and need a tonic

32c at 21c a YardThis Stf inches

find ribbon runs very but notquite that wide when is called 51 4 inchesThen it well thebody and note the weave

made by anot make finestall the colors a

Floor Ontr Rest HullJInck

COTTONGnlnt of 16 to 2 points were realized

In thin cotton inarltrt nt the atari toI

day line to the strong ciblfi fromLiverpool TrndliiK was actnc Room< horti henvy buyers nt till openIIIK their drmmuls hiring supplied In

part by traders i rc iuiiiibly acting furVnll strnvl Iuuiigu TliHArlkcneil tie position of th billln sninoshut and friit piln5 off ill iinnini-lliiir prt mir from nslirr ci I rcte contlnuul 211 never mnlilni It dinictilt to< u tuln nnj MMtrrlil iidvntup especial-ly In view if tbi iltiiatlon

Iin cotton tuiniilitiit tiring cliclvit The iiwnl IK prlcm April 130-

lrcn1 13 Vi uffrrili JIIMH ISCi-

ISfs Jul > 17 Hi I37ii ulgi1ei 132-

lii 13 IX litr Hi II M Oito-l rr III l li1 DtHiiiilnr 1131 to11 1 JIIIIIIIIA iiyi In 1i3


MH8 OKU A nESS00 llrown Place Jertey City N

Yes you are down iYOU doneed a tonic But you need morethan a tonic You heed athnj will clean the mucou mum

such it usmany women fiave neededyears of suffering which theyhave finally found in Rexall MucuToneWE GUARANTEE


Rexall worksacting directly

upon the cellsout the poisons and healing theraw fills the arterieswith rich red bloodbuilds up the body stops all vitaldrains the nervesand sound restful sleep

No matter how slight your weak ¬

n you need MucuTone No matter how bad yourcatarrh will quicklycure It The very first dose of

will make you feelbetter and within three or fourweeks you will have a new leaseon life

Our in Rexall MucuTone is based on our

what this remedy has done Inthousands of cases We knowthat is

reliable and we earn ¬

estly say to you if you arenot more than with atrial of this we will

and refundyour money

Is one of the fremedies and is sold only-

t our tore Large bottles 80cents Moll orders filled



OUR NEW YORK8c CO a corporation 200 Broadway 205 Broadway 200 W t25tli

st Amsterdam ave and 155th St and 149th St and 3d aveDRUG STORES 125th st and 8th ave 60t 8th ave

J JUNGMAN DruggiJ 1020 3d ave 428 Columbus ave





110 150 Carpets 89c and 98cJ-ust an showing the by the Store these days10000 yards of some of the best and most desirable madeserviceable Body

and the and beautiful 100 attractive patternssuitable for anypart of the house ThIrd Floor Ka t nuiiainit


Colored Satin Taffeta Ribbons-Worth

is absolutely wideyou willsometimes

itis to examine closely quality

rich lustrous of ouris who does

but the grades It is inat 21c yard-










branesjust remedythrough



MucuTone through-the

congested driving


soothes fagged









MucuTone unous-Rexall




atitem opportunities afforded Carpet

CarpetingsBrussels lustrous Velvets Azminstcrs


specialit manufactureranything






Uncle Jerry Pancake Flour-7c a Package-

We have had requests to sell a good PancakeFlour as a special and here it is There areonly 900 packages in the lot and we cannotaccept mail or telephone orders but this littlespecial is well worth coming for if you enjoy agood appetizing satisfying pancake for break ¬

fast The regular price is lQc but tomorrowwe make it 7c

TJilnl Floor TVfrt BuildingI

rMens Balbriggan Underwear-

An Exceptional BargainG-


French Balbriggan Underwearour own importationall sizes of shirts and drawersShirts with long or short sleeves and Drawers for short and stout menevery piece perfectthe kindregularly sell over our counters SOcjusl to add to Wednesdays opportunities

us At 39c a GarmenL Isln Floor Front Rut Buildinge r

r 2

lf i

It ilt y j-

V it jG W



M 4 V-

















PLAIN HEMSTITCHEDMens regular price SOHO box of half dozen at 200Women I iiGO II II dl 16O

HAND INITIALEDMens regular price 1BO box of halt dozen at S11-OWomens I lGO II II 100




PRICESRenr of Rotunda


Eighteenth sum nitutetntb Siwr Sixth tfetatu new York I





Double 5le jIi Green Trading Stamps Homings ThIs Week from-8JOto

II 12 oclock Thereafter Single Stamps Until Closing hour

Wednesdays ExtraordinaryChina and Slassware Specials

The timeliness of this sale will surely attract the attention of-

a great multitude It couldnt have come at a more opportune-time because this is the very season when thousands are thinking of buying these very articles

Lowness of Price Is a Potent FactorlJlnnl1r Sc I



till plrirn 13BO-


Odd China2te IVMitlrnl China CUPS and

SAUC1R8SOc Ilcsutlful China PLATESiIolc Hf utlfiil Chine Otrnal

fleautlfulpt8m Oina Oeg cmgi lOs

ISoi DtiUfui China Alter DlnnwCUPS and 8AUCKR8-

33e llnutlful Chins CreamPITCHERS I

CJ1IXA SALAD BOTVI handiomdeoraUont rpeciai tOe





tiny 1lO 815

1Irlc a1Ja850 BHAUTHUl HWQU JlGUJUllS-au1sOS ntsiw IIIOII AND BBAUTTTU1 BXSt11-TJlukCS adi at-uso a nEt LAitwi rnsQu WIGURImany tubjacu etch at-


And P100 VA B3 beautiful saorlmoM In rior U and rIgors d coasoeach atsian VASES In A air aisortinmt diIzni wd ertnti are saquhihla at 7Oc

tOO VAS133 lanci auortmtnt-heairtrrul and In mini dtooratloni-cholc at 15M>

VotesCUT SLAm VASE1S 8laoh jrotafl-rxuu9200CUT OLASd VASES 8lncn rocifib GLMIa VABBia-



CU VASEa 8Inch r ularlr-8JJ5475

tS00CUT GLASS VASDI ftlnoh 3S-


CUT GLASS VASES 10lnob nvi arlr-TABES1t25 tOG

cliv GLASS 10lncb rfcu T-liow OuIcamp

GAS PORTABLES about 300 IB aasorttd-ihatxj poUh J braas and black tlalsbcomplete wIth I0lncti itrevn dom shadesand cramS burneri a> will as all attaohmuitsv regularly t2t3itKolal lROMeG a Urn assortment ot lABRARr OR-HAKOINa LAMPS ftnlshid In eitherblack wmuiht Iron or gold flate 4 all

< extensIon and I opaldOme = about bait the uiuti p


ruby uiarovl with btaek wrought Ironranuntlnci complete wilt ontrnl drauthtoil tountsnd tlnilr ad ruby I

regularly 1440 now jjndThird ylaor rront 191h etl

l ftjtJtllf uUon jt brookLyn

3Worth Cramps fRtt WcdnesdayCOLPON Upon presenting thIs coupon at A I-

I I NamnsstoroWednesdayAprIII-I 27 nnd making purchases amountI Ing tq 100 or more we will giveI three doll rs worth of BlueTradtng I-

I Stamps Free In addition to thoseI

4Syou receive on your purchaseGood April 27 p W

ftl 1 Mamm J i tI Mamtni r V 2 I

r I fJ iaI1u> l


Ulf2 1-





Offerings V C l-U WEDNESDAY APRIL 27th

About Sixty ManTailored

New Pedestrian SkirtsHade from fine Imported and Domestic Scotch Cloth and V

Tweeds In a New Plaited Panel effect rj OOValue J1200 and 15 00 j

In many inttancft thr price dot nit r f tCover the cost of the material uttd

Silk Waistst small quantity of White Silk Waists slightly soiled from 00handling value 675 650 and 1000 4

toa a 9i keet1



DeptI Lawn Mowers

We carry a completeco a line of the Philadelphia-

Lawn Mower CosUun mowers in stockWe guarantee them thebest made

DLWLY LAWN MOWERS Madeby the Philadelphia Lawn Mower Co

have 4 blades 8inch wheels adjust-able


handles Your choice of 4 sIz-es1214161elnch

349 each

ALLDAY MOWERS Made by thePhiladelphia Lawn Mower CoItlhwheel 3 blades adjustable handles andwarranted in every respect

14inch 16inch 18inch

450 525 575 each

THE PHILADELPHIA LAWN-MOWERS 4 styles at from 675upwud

Hose Reels EtC

1 30 feet warranted inch3ply hose with couplingsspray nozzle reel and lawniprinkler complete Regu-lar


630 Special575

While thishost is war ¬

ranted only for one seasonwe know by experience that

with care this hose will last 3 or 4 years

A complete line of Rakes SpadesHoes garden Implements instock

RefrigeratorsWe are agents for theWILKL PORCELAIN



Made of best selectedwellseasoned ash highly polishednickel triramingsselfcluslng provisionchamber doors removable flues anddry air chambers refrigerator thatwe can warrant in every respect to bea big ice saver Prices range 7j

990 to 4B00 each



Made of selectedash highly polished bronze trim-mings


steel frame castors lined withgalvanized sheet steel and filled withmineral Prices range from

1000 to 5400

Screen DoorsAll l cs4panc1YI-nch thick timber Imi-


walnut Regular7ScSpecisl


Fancy Doorsill siresRegular 125-



jSuvio Gas HeatersBargain Prices While They Last

Regular Sec Heaters at35c Rejulir UI Heaters at75cRegular 98c Heaten at5OC

I Regular JliO Heaters at89cRegular S2Z5 Hook at 150 Basement


Novelty Summer CurtainsO-ne of the prettIest we have heard of this season Is the

Crepe Curtain in ground colors of blue roseJapanesenile well covered design of flowers and birds full 2 C 95JO inches wide and 3Y yards long worth 650 per palri

Jspecial at-

MUSLIN CURTAINS centres are pretty dots figures and stripes jithered or fluted ruffles

SOc 90c 125 150 pair

DOBBINtT LACE CURTAINS dainty edges and Inserting not thecommon variety at this price

125 pair

CRtNADINt and SNOW FLAKZ CURTAINS better known as

cross stripe artistic color combinations no other house will show you

the variety that we do t100 125 150 175 pair


CURTAINS cleaned and stored during the summer months 1

LACE Fourth FloorEstimates submitted

Juvenile Sporting GoodsBaseball Outfits Tennis Goods Juvenile Golf Goods

Boats of all Kinds Fishing Tackle c I

Baseball Outfits Tennis GoodsRackets from tojj7QOforarticle necessaryincluding everyNets from 75c to 550the natlonllamcTennla Balls from 25c up

Jc to 100fromflats Poles Markers Racket CoversGloves from 2Sc to 1 3 50 Marking Tapes etcMitts from 23c to 700 Third Floor


Sixth Avenue 20th to 21st Street


Sunday World Wants Work

lVlonda MdrningWondersI-ta

J f uj JI J I C N fP

Jt 1oUj <Dr S12 ale 4-

e ft 7r I ro i t r j

v v NWft <1 j-

jt i J H > i 4-

IiJ l t I