go from hating your job to loving your job

Go from Hating Your Job to Loving Your Job

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Go from Hating Your Job to Loving Your Job

Go from Hating Your Jobto

Loving Your Job

Page 2: Go from Hating Your Job to Loving Your Job

1st Step is to Pinpoint WHY

Why do I hate my job? Do I dislike my colleagues? Do I dislike my boss? Have I always hated my job? When did I start hating my job? What tasks about my job do I hate doing? How long is commute?

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Sometimes you have to dig a little to find out why you hate your job. It could be the stressful

commute to work that spoils your mood. Or perhaps it has to do with a domineering

employer. Only you can answer why you hate your job, so spend some time mulling it over.

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Now that you know why you hate your job, it's time to implement some solutions that will help you overcome those negative feelings that drag you down. Go from

hating your job to loving your job!

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FOCUS on What You WANT

Define the ideal work environment and then focus on how badly you want to work in that type of atmosphere.

Clarify what you want to accomplish with your work and focus on achieving those positive results. Imagine succeeding!

When you focus on what you DON'T want to happen, it has a way of happening. Likewise, when you focus intently on what you WANT to happen, it eventually does.

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Make a List of Everything You Love About Your Job

When you feel upset, it's easy to allow negative thoughts to flood your mind.

If you prepare a list of everything you love about your job, you can stop those negative thoughts in their tracks. Either look over the list again or mentally repeat it in your mind.

Focus on what you love about your job, not what you hate.

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Practice Daily Gratitude

Make it a habit to practice gratitude every day. This doesn't mean to know at the back of your mind

or deep down you feel grateful for all the good in your life.

Consciously bring it to the front of your mind. Specify what you're grateful for each day.

Set a few minutes aside for experiencing gratitude.

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You can practice gratitude in many ways, such as using a gratitude journal, doing a gratitude meditation, or

sitting alone in a quiet room for a few minutes to think about everything you're grateful for.

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Each day is an opportunity. Keep reminding yourself.

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Develop a Positive Mindset

Some of the most successful people have a positive mindset – especially entrepreneurs. Being positive and optimistic is almost NECESSARY to make it as an entrepreneur.

Why is a positive mindset so important? Many reasons. One is when you think positively, you FEEL positively. No one likes feeling crappy right?

When you think negatively, you FEEL badly. Sometimes, you just gotta tell yourself “Why should I feel

bad if I could be happy? I'm going to be happy.” Then only allow yourself to have positive thoughts. If a negative one comes through, reverse it into a positive one.

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Set Career Goals

Dissatisfaction with your job can result from not having career goals.

Create long term career goals and then break them down into more manageable short term goals.

Follow the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting process. If you're not the goal setting type, it will probably

take you a while to form this habit. Be patient and understanding with yourself. Keep at it until you get it down.

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Talk to Your Boss

If you like the company you're working for, then ask your boss if you can change jobs within the company or be given different responsibilities.

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Start an Online Business

Then, there's another category of people who simply cannot be happy working for ANYONE. These are the entrepreneurs.

However, don't immediately quit your job and start a business. Seriously think about WHY you hate your current job to make sure starting your own business is right for you.

If you really want to be an entrepreneur, then start learning about what it takes and how to create your own business. It's difficult and takes a lot of time. Be prepared to not see instant results.

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Research Before Getting a New Job

If you decide that you want to make a career change, research any new job you're thinking of first.

You must know what it takes to be successful in that new job. If you don't have a recommended skillset or characteristic, then develop it.

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The most important thing to do when you hate your job is to pinpoint WHY you do. Once you know the why, you can explore various solutions to the problem.

Never feel hopeless or like things are out of control. There is a solution to every problem. It IS possible for you to feel happy again.

Hope following these tips help you go from hating your job to loving your job! :)

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