t a e p11 f s fc n r * k coorier alloway heads new york … 23/pittsburgh pa courier/pittsburgh pa...

,• .' •" . ' i<<*. . ^ v - l ?sir*p«Sjr| .• SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1932 Esqj^fe 'JSPf'J-'SEE*- *U, T A e P11 f sfcn r * k Coorier ALLOWAY HEADS NEW YORK "BEER PAGE SEV2S*—SECOND SECTION it LJ,_ V •. £ -i-' liegfeWs Show Boat Opens With Paul Robeson In Cast .8 NOBLE SISSLE AND GREAT BAND THRILL CAPITOL CITY CROWD By WILLIAM FORSVTHE Jr. WASHINGTON, May 19-Noble Sissle and his ace radio band, direct from the Park Central hotel in New York City head the brilliant vaudeville revue concocted by the Stieffels for the Howard theater this week. Supporting Sissle's most extraordinary musical unit we have an excellent array of high-class talerit direct from the thrones of the world's rec- ojrnized mafcda belt. Minta Cato.^ , qu<>pn of the prima donnas, who h.ar «;™» u, i * roons -Paradise" like none other !?£' Z!-S„ w f™ ?«??^5 >.,n Pnla Negri; Crawford Jack- JToml Rl«« I *l T , " 1 \on who rhythmically taps the !h. L °? l *, Rlue , 8 Were th e/ featured nv.ood in pleasing and oaptivat- £ ' V , * ? E ^ ^ r o s Pro- . *K^« *K«>- ;_ m . i, t gram. A new Sissle with plenty of », style; then there 13 that all-star class and cxtranrdln fln £ Me J hat >|N m of comedian, who were t,e . nas carHsd hig nn *ZZ?° p of kerne* of'the. recent musical com- | lhe , oale rad f edy mat failed to chek, "Blackber- favorites r<e« of 1932." Johnny Lee Long and BEAUTY AND PERSONALITY LOUIS ARMSTRONG, noted Tomcat Markham. whose rib tick ;ing jests and banterings go over srand, excellent comedians these | Kin S of the Trumpet, will start two. I making records soon. One of the first tunes he will record for Victor The Three lnkspots deluge the , blotter with musical harmonies Records - will be a sentimental Ne- y»t are just a little better and just ! £5° folk son * tUled "That's My •nous 1 variety to be well accepted.: " ome ;, Thl3 tune 13 b y tne clever . I Rene Bros, writers of "Sleepy Time 1 Down South.*' Music critics claim the later tune is even better than the "Sleepy Time Down South. the lour Bobs could not be better ;f there were eight of them, a snappy q u . . ^t of hoofers who *now their stuff and can sell it to i :he critical D. C. audience. Mabel I Mr \ A f m8t n S *'«*« have tne iarien Sam's new soubrette find, I e™ 1 ™™. « rst choice at recording , , ,, ,, ... . ...'songs written bv the Messrs. Leon **< .onderfully weli though .till an / OUg Rcne . Claiming that their but yet she is good. method 4- peculiaf , y ada * ptpd t o h i a The feature of the program, Sis- *;* ind his great band, are living up to advance notices, and play lik'ngs. The Rene Bros., as well as Armstrong, all hai! from New Orleans, La. Their tunes all have more sweet harmonies than a D. C. that characteristic Louisiana, flare •nd«er,ce has had the chance to to them. WAVE LENGTHS By AJLEEN ECKSTEIN Radio Editor C AUBREY SMITH and MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN tn a scene frwTTARZAN THE'APE MAN' At the Grand Thursday, Friday and Saturday MISS EVELYN IRVING What is charm, beauty and personality? Just draw your own conclusion, if it means anything to you. Evelyn is ail admirable exponent of "God's Gift to Man." beautiful woman. She is a Now York damsel and is crazv about her "Harlem." TRIANGLE BOOKS BIG FEATURE PICTURES 6276 *RANKttOWN AVE. - - One Block +rorr PEN* teeirHPw*n WESTERN ELECTRIC SOUND SYSTEM I KIDW, MAY UOth— Kl Til UHATTF.RTON With PA I I. IX HAS In ^Tomorrow And Tomorrow" I VltllV FREE — A piece of lUsHavf China or Majestic >iKer. ti |», M. 'till Closing. N %IIMUAY, MAY Slst— ROB STEELE In "RIDERS OF THE DESERT" Matmre. Onlv~A New CAiapter of • DETECTIVE LLOYD" M O X D AY7M AY Tad— Double Feature Program DOLORES DEL RIO and LEO CARILLO In TUESDAY, MAY 24th— LEO CARILLO and CONSTANCE CUMMINGS In "THE GUILTY GENERATION" LADIES* FREE — A piece of Rowlace China or Majestic Silver. 6 P. M. 'till Closing. W$ :OTT. 'THE GIRL OF - THE RIO" Al>». TOM MOORE and *1 HEX LEASE In he Cannonball Express' WEDNESDAY, MAY 15th— RICHARD DIX With MABY ASTOR In •THE LOST SQUADRON" Eric Von Strohcim Joel MeCrea Ginger Rogers Robt. Arnwtrong Also First Chapter of Rin-Tin-Tlns Greatest Thriller THE LIGHTNING WARRIOR* THURSDAY, MAY 26th— Double Feature Program WILL ROGERS and J E T T A GOUDEL In BUSINESS AND PLEASURE Also BUCK JONES In Ridin' For Justice "CEl ADMI/IION DMT? tO •- CHILDRUM tO i\ » . t , . » r kj " I t *« '»> » • \ The Triangle Theater bill of fate for the coming week is as follows: Friday. Ruth Chatterton with Fan! ; Lukas in "Tomorrow and Tnmo- row": Saturday. Bob Steele in "Riders of the Desert ; Monday, a doub'.e feature, Dolores Do! Rio and Leo Cariilo in "The Girl of the GRAND THEATRE Center Ave. and Green St. ADMISSION: Adults—Eve., ->0e; Mat., 10c Children 10c Thurs.,Fri.,Sat., May 19-20-21 [More Thrills Than '"TRADER HORN" ' Rio." and Tom Moore and Rex Lease in "The Cannonball Express'; Tuesday. Leo Carii".) and Constance iCummingd in "The Guilty Genera- i tion ': Richard Dix. with Mary As- tor in "The Ijost Squadron," with j Erie Von Stto'.ieim G:' "" iicis. iJoel MeCrea and Robert Armstrong, and on Thursday of next week an- other double feature program with : Will Rogers and .letta Goudel In "Business and Plensure"; also 1'uck Jones in "Ridin' for Justice.' 1 c A e 11 KV clt It \ i nge OS a M". Seba u s m DIE RECTOR strike o u t f< r da IPS -coun was 'tian Club !-. o w s. ru-er and and decii try u> e a s brought h owner of to prod following an !• ? w fe led y -t ere the uee Brr i Madalyn (tw . <\u to ages. hy Soca the omfl York. t Los mot oi Rec- Kran!; ! Cot- floor ?'.d o.- IGieeiey'j decision to go back to the s'.aLti. However, they returned after an absence of six weeks and that let Rector out. A deal with Wolfe to produce -hows at the Lin- coin theatT failed to no through | Hence his departure for the greener | pastures. The State Game and F;=h De- partment la doing all It can to pro- tect the animal "ciackers' In Flor- ida. IN A special radio publication Jane Pickens, member of the trio of Pickens Sisters, gives some in- : i timate side-glancea on the back- i ground of Southern singing: that is, the Caucasian interpretation of the Negro folksong. In making their arrangements, the Pickens Sisters go back whenever a song is appropriate to the harmony and free dialect of the Negroes, that ! made such a lasting impression on the girls down on the plantations in Georgia. The Negroe» working in the fields sang, and the girU wovfld tag along behind the "gith- lerin" catching the phrasts— repeat- ing them, and each time noticing the changes of the men and wom- en's voices again that repetition ; in unison: again that harmony. The darkies' heads not once would be raised from their work; the hoes would not cease their regular move- ment, up and down .among the ten- der plants. No conductor could have brought instruments together i more smoothly, could h&ve swept . his baton to a more tlnished ending "Rock, rock, rock jubilee!" The i girls caught the harmony and now it is theirs. So that, ladies and gentlemen, is ' the way "white folk" take our more I or less natural talents and com- mercialize on them. Instead of sell- ing our product, we give it a\va.\. Al- ARKANSAS. from »iiose sou comes almost every mineral and i crop known to man. was honored I when the Parade of the States pro- : gram was broadcast Monday. The i program featured a number of : song3 associated with Arkansas, in- cluding David Guion's arrangement ! of "The Arkansas Traveler." The Southernaires, the famous quartet, ' sang a medley of songs of the cot- 1 ton land, dedicated to National 'Cotton Week, which opened this week. - Al - EDGAR CONNORS, the little ! black boy. who went with Eva ( Jessye as one of the Dixie Jubilee Singers to California and whose clowning helped save the honky- tonk scene in "Hallelujah." has been signed up by United Artists Cor- poration and leaves for Hollywood. Monday. Connors has been heard over the e,ther with the Eva Jessye units quite' frequently and has had stellar roles in numerous moving picture shorts, starring with Duke Ellington and band in "Black and Tan." as well as with Gilda Gray in "Frankie and Johnnie." So Edgar Connors, better known as "Blue-boy" speeds on his happy- way to Hollywood to support Al Jolson. and a brilliant future is pre- dicted for this little black boy who may win his way into the hearts of all America witn his ingratiating personality, clever antics, wit and uncanny sense of the comic. He has a most characteristic voice and one that, microphones splendidly, as well as a splendid sift of interpreta- tion. -Al— AND AGAIN from Newport News in ole Virginny comes news. This time it is about another bright light on the Newport horizon. Says Al: "This writing is about Bobby Hall. Jr.. with Clint Turner's Musi- cal Birds. Bobby is master of cere- monies at the ciub. announces the radio program direct from the Jef- ferson nite Club, directs the band and makes things move along peppy. Having just returned from I. t h r e e weeks dance tour, of Tai boro. Rocky Mount. Wilson. Ra- l^.gh. Greensboro. Winston-Salem. and other cities, the band appeared over numerous radio stations thru out the trip. Bobby Hall and his _;ang are headed toward Broadway if they keep up the pace they have set thus far. The aggregation is an Ed. Allen unit, the owner of both the band and the Jefferson Club, in the hottest part of New port News Va." So much for Ai Fields and his civic pride—but Ai. here is a per- sonal memento for you. You are laboring under a false delusion . . . I'm not "Al. ole man," as you svrote . . . I'm Al. old gal . . But thanks for the invitation . . . Can vou promi boys? ;e th same thins for the "Tarzan" Is Banner Attraction At Grand "laizan the Ape Man." baaed on tlit- hair-raising story of jungle ad- venture by Edgar Rice Burroughs will be the attraction at the Grand Theater, today, tomorrow and Sat- urday. The story laid for the most part in the b^ast infested Lake Alberta region of Africa, concerns the at- tempt of a handful of English ad- venturers to find the mysterious "Elephant's Burial Ground where they hoped to secure a fortune in ivory. Fights with lions, apes, blood- thirsty pygmies, and other wild ani- mals: the spectacular charge of a herd of elephants through a native village; the imprisonment of a n y *. r - jungle adventuics. Johnny Weis.-mullt-r world's champion swimmer, plays the title role, and the cast also includes Neil Hamilton. Maureen O'SuUtvari, C. Aubrey Smith. Doris Lloyd, Forres- ter Harvey and Ivor^ Williams. LISTED AS ONE OF THE SEASON'S "FINDS >f «i-.»»^js Beautiful Blanche Dunn, one of the bright spots of the current theatrical season. She formerly appeared in Lew Leslie's "Blackbirds of 1930" and was undoubtedly a main attraction of this popular Broadway show. The calm, graceful appeal of her per- sonality helped cause the "click" at the box-office window. SONGBIRD Radio Highlights Bv AILEEN E. ECKSTEIN, Radio Editor For week of May ZZ to May inc. All Listings Eastern Daylight Sav- ings Time. (Schedule subject to change) SUNDAY. MAY 22— 10 a. m.-Southland Sketches. Southernaires male quartet; over WEAF. 12:30 p. m.— Careless Love. Negro dramatic sketch over WJZ. 12:45 p. m.—Carolina Song Birds. Mal« quartet over KQV. local. 2 30 p. m.—Lone Star quartet. Mixed voices ovei KQV, local. 10:30 p. m.—Pear! Theater Re- vue: over WIP-WFAN. Philadel- phia. - Ai - MONDAY, MAY 23rd— 11 a. m.—Algle Boss and His Or- chestra; over WWNC. As'.ieville. N C. s p m.—Asheville Jubilee Sing- ers; over WWNC, Asheville. N. C. 9:45 p. m.—The Southland Sing- ers Quartet, over VVFBE, Clncy. 10:3o p. m —Alaga Cane Syrup Program, over WLW. Cincy. 11 p. m.—Clint Turner's Musical Birds over WGH, Newport News. Va 11 p. m. —Don Redman and His Connie's WABC. 11 30 p vue, over 11.45 p. Inn Orchestra; over ERW1NG BROS, orchestra ap- ! pears the leader among bands here I for torrid dance tunes. They are I engaged at the Harlem Show Boat, where they keep things hot during an evenings joyfest. Entertainers at the Show Boat include; Mae Johnson, Flora Washington. Lotta Gee, Bobbie Frazier. Stompy Celes- jtan. Johnnie Horace, with Mildred FLORA WASHINGTON Lovely and talented musical com- edy and cabaret star of Los Ange- les. Theatergoers acclaim this tal- ented youngster with *he same en- thusiasm as they do her clever sis- ter, Mildred Washington, who re- cently thrilled New Yorkers. Miss Washington recently assumed a more brilliant niche in the theatri- cal hall of fame while esssaying the prima dortna lead in the classy mu- sical coniedjr. "Lucky Day." She is at present under contract at the Harlem Showboat Club in the Angel m.—Howard Theater Re WJSV Washington. D C. m.—Cab Calloway and Hi- Orchestra; direct from the Cotton Club; over WEAF. 11:45 p. m. Earl Hincs Dance Orchestra over WJZ. 12 p m.—Troy Sjngers Orchestra and Entertainers; over WHK, Cleveland, O. I a. m.—Ear! Hincs Orchestra; "over WENR, Chicago. —Al— TUESDAY, MAY 24th— II a. m.—Alaga Cane Syrup Pro- gram over WLW, Cincy. 6 p. m —Phil Lindsley's Buddies; orchestra over WHM, Nashville. 7:15 p. m—Mills Brothers over WABC. 7.30 p. m. — Plantation Singers over WKBV. Connersville. Ind. 10:30 p. m.—Montague's Ken- tucky Serenaders over WRR, Dal- las. 11 p m.—Pearl Theater Revue. nver WI^, WFAJN,'Philadelphia. 11 30 p. m—Elmer Calloway and his Club Prudhom Band, over WJSV. Washington. D. C. 1145 p. m.—Earl Hines over WJZ. I a. m —Earl Hines Orchestra; over W E N R Chicago. —Al— WEDNESDAY, MAY 2*th— 10.30 a, m,—Algie Boss Minatrel of the Ivories—WWNC. Asheville. 5 p. m.—Southern/ Singers over W L W ^ C | n c i n n a ^ _ [ ; / Program, over WLW, Cincy. 10:30 p. m.—Montague's Ken- tucky Serenaders. over WRR. Dal- las. 11:30 p. m.—Don Redman and Hts Connie's inn Orchestra, over WABC. 12 p. ru.—Cab Callowey over WEAF. I a. m—Earl Hines Orchestra. jver WENR, Chicago. —Al— THURSDAY, MAY 26th— II a. m.—Alaga "Cane Syrup Pro- gram, over WLW. Cincy. 7:15 p. m.—Mills Brothers" over WABC. 8:30 p. m,—The Hansboro Sing ers— Spirituals ovet WWNC, Ashe vilie. 9:30 p m—The Plantation Sing ers, over WKBV, Connersville, % Ind_,* 10.30 p. m.—Montague's Ken- tucky Serenaders over WRR, Dal las 11 p, m.—Don Redman and a is Connie's Inn Orchestra, WABC. 11:45 p. m.—C a b Calloway and His Orchestra. 12:01—Earl Hines and His Or- chestra, from Grand Terrace Cafe. Chicago, over WJZ. - Al— FRIDAY. MAY 27th— 11:15 a, m.—Crosscuts from the Log of the Day; Negro quartet over j KG A, Spokane, Wash. 3-30 p. m—Harriet Tubman Clur over WWSW. local. 5 p. m.—Southern Singers, over !WLW. Cincinnati. j 10:30 p. m.—Alaga Cane Syrup I Program, over WLW, Cincy. t 10:30 p. m.—Montague's Ken-. i tucky Serenaders over WRR, Dai- i las. 10:45 p. m.—Oriole Glee Club, jover WJG. Atlantic City. 11:30 p. m.-~Don Redmans Or- |chestra over WABC. 12 midnight—Cab Calloway and Hie Orchestra. NBC, from Cotton Club to WEAF. —Al— SATURDAY, MAY SSth— 9^30 a. m. — Kandy Kid*—Ju- j veniles over KQV, local. 10 a. m.—Algie Boss and Orches- tra over WWNC, AsbeviUe. 11 a. m.—Alaga Cane Syrup Pro i gram, over WLW, Cincy. 11:15 a, m.—Crosscata from thi Log of the Day; N2gro quarta over KGA, Spokane, aWsh. V 10:15 p. m.—Jubilaires; commu \ i nity spiritual singers over WFAA i Dallas. 11 p. m.—Don Redman and Hit ! Connie s Inn Orchestra, WABC 12 p. m— DeFord Bailey; ove ' WSM, Nashville ; 12 raidnight— \ Planters Oca*? * v \ itft and Hit **"» . WHPI.-;**!»* V : Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: T A e P11 f s fc n r * k Coorier ALLOWAY HEADS NEW YORK … 23/Pittsburgh PA Courier/Pittsburgh PA Courier...blotter with musical harmonies Records- will be a sentimental Ne-y»t are

,• . ' • •" . • ' i < < * . . ^ v - l

?si r *p«Sj r | . •

SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1932

• Esqj^fe 'JSPf'J-'SEE*- *U,

T A e P11 f s fc n r * k C o o r i e r


it L J , _

V •. £

- i - '

liegfeWs Show Boat Opens With Paul Robeson In Cast •



By WILLIAM FORSVTHE Jr. WASHINGTON, May 19-Noble Sissle and his ace radio

band, direct from the Park Central hotel in New York City head the brilliant vaudeville revue concocted by the Stieffels for the Howard theater this week. Supporting Sissle's most extraordinary musical unit we have an excellent array of high-class talerit direct from the thrones of the world's rec-ojrnized mafcda belt . M i n t a C a t o . ^ , qu<>pn of the p r i m a d o n n a s , who h . a r «;™» u, i *

• roons - P a r a d i s e " l ike none o t h e r ! ? £ ' Z ! - S „ w f ™ ? « ? ? ^ 5 > . , n Pnla N e g r i ; C rawford J a c k - J T o m l R l « « I *l T , " 1 \on who r h y t h m i c a l l y t a p s the ! h . L ° ? l * , R l u e , 8 W e r e t h e / f e a t u r e d

n v . o o d in p leas ing and oap t iva t - £ ' V , * ? E ^ ^ r o s Pro-. • *K^« * K « > - ;_ m . i, t g r a m . A new Sissle wi th p lenty of

» , style; then t h e r e 13 t h a t a l l - s ta r c l a s s a n d c x t r a n r d l n fln£Me J h a t

> | N m of c o m e d i a n , w h o were t , e . n a s c a r H s d h i g nn*ZZ?°p of kerne* of ' the. r ecen t mus i ca l com- | l h e , o a l e r a d f edy mat failed t o chek , "B lackbe r - favori tes r<e« of 1932." J o h n n y Lee Long a n d


LOUIS A R M S T R O N G , n o t e d Tomcat M a r k h a m . whose r ib t ick ;ing jests and b a n t e r i n g s go over srand, excellent c o m e d i a n s t h e s e | K i n S of t he T r u m p e t , will s t a r t two. I m a k i n g records soon. One of the

first t u n e s he will record for Victor The Three l n k s p o t s de luge t h e , blotter with mus ica l h a r m o n i e s R e c o r d s - will be a s e n t i m e n t a l Ne-y»t are just a li t t le b e t t e r and jus t ! £5° f o l k s o n * t U l e d "Tha t ' s My •nous 1 variety to be well a c c e p t e d . : " o m e ; , T h l 3 t u n e 13 b y t n e c l e v e r

. I R e n e Bros, w r i t e r s of "Sleepy T ime 1 Down South.*' Music c r i t ics c la im

t h e l a t e r t u n e is even be t t e r t han the "Sleepy T i m e Down South .

the lour Bobs could no t be b e t t e r ;f there were e igh t of them, a snappy q u . . ^t of hoofers w h o *now their stuff and can sell it t o i :he critical D. C. audience . Mabel I M r \ A f m 8 t ™ n S * ' « * « *° have tne iarien Sam' s n e w s o u b r e t t e find, I e™1™™. « r s t choice at record ing

, , ,, ,, . . . . . . . ' s o n g s wr i t t en bv the Messrs . Leon **< .onde r fu l ly weli t h o u g h . t i l l a n / O U g R c n e . C la iming tha t the i r

but ye t she is good. m e t h o d 4 - p e c u l i a f , y a d a * p t p d t o h i a The feature of t he p r o g r a m , Sis-*;* ind his g r e a t band , a r e living up to advance notices, and play

l ik 'ngs . T h e Rene Bros., as well a s A r m s t r o n g , all hai! from New Orleans , La. The i r t u n e s all have

more sweet h a r m o n i e s t h a n a D. C. tha t cha rac t e r i s t i c Louisiana, flare •nd«er,ce h a s had the c h a n c e to t o them.


Radio Edi tor


At the Grand Thursday, Friday and Saturday

MISS EVELYN IRVING What is charm, beauty and personality? Just draw

your own conclusion, if it means anything to you. Evelyn is ail admirable exponent of "God's Gift to Man." beautiful woman. She is a Now York damsel and is crazv about her "Harlem."


6276 *RANKttOWN AVE. - - One Block +rorr PEN* teeirHPw*n WESTERN ELECTRIC SOUND SYSTEM

I K I D W , MAY UOth— Kl T i l UHATTF.RTON W i t h


^Tomorrow And Tomorrow"

I V l t l l V F R E E — A piece of lUsHavf Ch ina or Majes t ic >iKer. ti |», M. 'till Closing.

N % I I M U A Y , MAY Sls t— ROB S T E E L E In

"RIDERS OF THE DESERT" Matmre. Onlv~A New CAiapter of

• D E T E C T I V E L L O Y D "

M O X D A Y 7 M AY T a d — Double F e a t u r e P r o g r a m

D O L O R E S D E L R I O a n d LEO C A R I L L O In

T U E S D A Y , MAY 24th— L E O C A R I L L O and



R o w l a c e Ch ina or Majestic Silver. 6 P . M. 'till Closing.



'THE GIRL OF -THE RIO" Al>». TOM M O O R E a n d

* 1 HEX L E A S E In

he Cannonball Express'

W E D N E S D A Y , MAY 15th— R I C H A R D D I X W i t h



Er ic Von S t rohc im Joe l MeCrea Ginger R o g e r s Rob t . A r n w t r o n g

Also F i r s t C h a p t e r of R i n - T i n - T l n s G r e a t e s t Thr i l l e r T H E L I G H T N I N G W A R R I O R *

T H U R S D A Y , MAY 26th— Double F e a t u r e P r o g r a m

W I L L R O G E R S a n d J E T T A G O U D E L In


Ridin' For Justice



i \ » . t , . » r kj " I t *« ' » > » • \

The Tr iang le Theater bill of fate for the coming week is as follows: F r iday . Ruth Cha t t e r ton with Fan!

; L u k a s in "Tomorrow and Tnmo-row": Sa tu rday . Bob Steele in "Riders of the Deser t ; Monday, a doub'.e feature, Dolores Do! Rio and Leo Cariilo in "The Girl of the


Center Ave. and Green St.

ADMISSION: Adults—Eve., ->0e; Mat., 10c

Children 10c

Thurs.,Fri.,Sat., May 19-20-21

[ M o r e T h r i l l s T h a n

' " T R A D E R

H O R N "

' Rio." and Tom Moore and Rex Lease in "The Cannonball E x p r e s s ' ; Tuesday. Leo Carii".) and Constance

iCummingd in "The Guilty Genera-i tion ': Richard Dix. with Mary As-tor in "The Ijost Squadron ," with

j Erie Von Stto'.ieim G:' "" i i c i s . iJoel MeCrea and Robert Armst rong , and on Thursday of next week an­other double feature p r o g r a m with

: Will Rogers and .letta Goudel In "Business and Plensure" ; also 1'uck Jones in "Ridin ' for Jus t ice . '


c A e 11

KV clt It \ i

nge OS a


Seba u s


D I E R E C T O R s t r i k e ou t f<

r da IPS

-coun w a s ' t i a n C l u b

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ru-er a n d a n d deci i t r y u> e a s b r o u g h t h o w n e r of

to p rod fo l l owing

an !• ?

w fe led y -t e r e t h e


Br r

i M a d a l y n ( t w . <\u

to a g e s .

hy Soca t h e


Y o r k . t L o s m o t oi

R e c -K r a n ! ; ! Cot-

floor ?'.d o.-

IGieeiey ' j decision to go back to the s'.aLti. However, they re turned after an absence of six weeks and that let Rector out. A deal with Wolfe to produce -hows at the Lin-coin t h e a t T failed to no th rough

| Hence his depar tu re for the greener | pastures .

The State Game and F;=h De­p a r t m e n t la doing all It can to pro­tect the animal "c i acke r s ' In Flor­ida.

I N A special radio publication J a n e Pickens , member of the trio of P i c k e n s Sisters , gives some in- :

i t ima te side-glancea on the back-i g round of Sou thern s ing ing : that • is, the Caucas ian in te rpre ta t ion of the N e g r o folksong. In mak ing the i r a r r a n g e m e n t s , the Pickens Sis ters go back whenever a song is app ropr i a t e to the ha rmony and free dialect of the Negroes, that

! made such a las t ing impression on the gir ls down on the p lan ta t ions in Georgia . The Negroe» working in the fields sang, and the girU wovfld t a g along behind the "gith-

ler in" ca t ch ing the ph ra s t s— repeat­ing them, and each t ime noticing the changes of the men and wom­en's voices — again tha t repet i t ion ;

in unison: aga in t ha t ha rmony . The da rk ies ' heads not once would be raised from the i r work ; the hoes would not cease the i r regu la r move­ment, up and down .among the ten­der p lan ts . No conduc tor could have b rought i n s t r u m e n t s toge ther

i more smoothly, could h&ve swept . his ba ton to a more tlnished ending "Rock, rock, rock jubi lee!" The

i girls caugh t the h a r m o n y and now it is the i r s .

So tha t , ladies and gent lemen, is ' the way "whi te folk" t ake our more I or less n a t u r a l t a l en t s and com­mercial ize on them. Ins tead of sell­ing our product , we give it a\va.\.

Al-ARKANSAS. from »i iose sou

comes a lmost every minera l and i crop known to man . was honored I when the P a r a d e of the S ta tes pro-: g r a m was broadcas t Monday. The i p r o g r a m featured a n u m b e r of : song3 associated with Arkansas , in­cluding David Guion 's a r r a n g e m e n t

! of "The A r k a n s a s Traveler ." The Southerna i res , the famous quar te t ,

' sang a medley of songs of the cot-1 ton land, dedicated to Nat ional 'Co t ton Week, which opened this


- Al -EDGAR CONNORS, the little

! black boy. who went with Eva (

Jessye as one of the Dixie Jubi lee Singers to California and whose clowning helped save the honky-tonk scene in "Hallelujah." has been s igned up by United Ar t i s t s Cor­porat ion and leaves for Hollywood. Monday. Connors has been heard over the e,ther wi th t he E v a Jessye uni ts quite' f requent ly and h a s had stel lar roles in n u m e r o u s moving p ic tu re shor ts , s t a r r i n g wi th Duke El l ing ton and band in "Black and Tan." as well as wi th Gilda Gray in " F r a n k i e and Johnn ie . "

So E d g a r Connors, be t t e r known as "Blue-boy" speeds on his happy-way to Hollywood to suppor t Al Jolson. and a br i l l iant fu ture is pre­dicted for this little black boy who may win his way into the hea r t s of all Amer ica wi tn his ing ra t i a t i ng personali ty, clever ant ics , wit and u n c a n n y sense of the comic. H e has a most cha rac te r i s t i c voice and one that, mic rophones splendidly, as well as a splendid sift of in te rpre ta ­tion.

-Al— AND AGAIN from Newpor t News

in ole Virg inny comes news. This t ime it is about a n o t h e r br ight light on the Newpor t horizon. Says Al:

"This wr i t ing is about Bobby Hall. Jr . . with Clint T u r n e r ' s Musi­cal Birds. Bobby is m a s t e r of cere­monies at the ciub. announces the radio p r o g r a m direct from the Jef­ferson ni te Club, d i rec t s the band and m a k e s things move along peppy. Hav ing just r e tu rned from I. th ree weeks dance tour, of Tai

boro. Rocky Mount. Wilson. Ra-l^.gh. Greensboro. Winston-Salem. and o the r cities, the band appeared over n u m e r o u s radio s ta t ions t h ru out the tr ip. Bobby Hall and his _;ang are headed toward Broadway if they keep up the pace they have set thus far. The aggrega t ion is an Ed. Allen unit, the owner of both the band and the Jefferson Club, in the hottest part of New port News Va."

So much for Ai Fields and his civic pride—but Ai. here is a per­sonal memen to for you. You are laboring under a false delusion . . . I'm not "Al. ole man," as you svrote . . . I'm Al. old gal . . But t h a n k s for the invi ta t ion . . . Can vou promi

boys? ;e th same t h i n s for the

"Tarzan" Is Banner Attraction At Grand

" l a i z a n the Ape Man." baaed on tlit- hai r - ra is ing s tory of jungle ad­venture by E d g a r Rice Bur roughs will be the a t t rac t ion at the Grand Theater , today, tomorrow and Sat­urday.

The story laid for the most part in the b^ast infested Lake Alberta region of Africa, concerns the at­tempt of a handful of Engl ish ad­ven tu re r s to find t he myster ious "E lephan t ' s Burial Ground where they hoped to secure a for tune in ivory.

F igh t s with lions, apes, blood­th i r s ty pygmies, and o ther wild ani­ma l s : the spec tacu la r cha rge of a herd of e lephants t h r o u g h a nat ive vi l lage; the i m p r i s o n m e n t of a n y

*. r-jungle adven tu i c s .

J o h n n y Weis.-mullt-r world 's champion swimmer , plays the title role, and the cas t also includes Neil Hami l ton . Maureen O'SuUtvari, C. Aubrey Smi th . Doris Lloyd, Forres­t e r H a r v e y and Ivor^ Wil l iams.



Beautiful Blanche Dunn, one of the bright spots of the current theatrical season. She formerly appeared in Lew Leslie's "Blackbirds of 1930" and was undoubtedly a main attraction of this popular Broadway show. The calm, graceful appeal of her per­sonality helped cause the "click" at the box-office window.

SONGBIRD Radio Highlights Bv AILEEN E. ECKSTEIN, Radio Editor

For week of May ZZ to May 3« inc. All List ings Eas te rn Daylight Sav­

ings Time. (Schedule subjec t to change)

SUNDAY. MAY 22— 10 a. m . - S o u t h l a n d Sketches .

Sou the rna i r e s male qua r t e t ; over W E A F .

12:30 p. m.— Careless Love. Negro d r a m a t i c sketch over W J Z .

12:45 p. m.—Carolina Song Birds. Mal« qua r t e t over KQV. local.

2 30 p. m.—Lone S t a r quar te t . Mixed voices ovei KQV, local.

10:30 p. m.—Pear! T h e a t e r Re­vue: over W I P - W F A N . Phi ladel­phia.

- Ai -MONDAY, MAY 23rd—

11 a. m.—Algle Boss and His Or­ches t ra ; over WWNC. As'.ieville. N C.

s p m.—Asheville Jubi lee Sing­ers ; over WWNC, Asheville. N. C.

9:45 p. m.— The South land Sing­ers Quar te t , over VVFBE, Clncy.

10:3o p. m —Alaga Cane Syrup P rog ram, over WLW. Cincy.

11 p. m.—Clint T u r n e r ' s Musical Birds over WGH, Newpor t News. Va

11 p. m. —Don R e d m a n and His Connie 's WABC.

11 30 p vue, over

11.45 p.

Inn O r c h e s t r a ; over

E R W 1 N G BROS, o r c h e s t r a ap-

! pears the leader a m o n g b a n d s here I for tor r id dance tunes . T h e y a re

I engaged at the H a r l e m Show Boat, where they keep th ings ho t dur ing a n evenings joyfest . E n t e r t a i n e r s a t the Show B o a t inc lude; Mae Johnson, F l o r a Wash ing ton . Lo t t a Gee, Bobbie Fraz ier . S tompy Celes-

j t an . J o h n n i e Horace , with Mildred

FLORA W A S H I N G T O N Lovely and talented musical com­edy a n d c a b a r e t s t a r of Los Ange­les. Thea te rgoer s acclaim this tal­ented youngs te r with *he same en­thus iasm as they do her clever sis­ter, Mildred Wash ing ton , who re­cently thri l led New Yorkers . Miss Wash ing ton recent ly assumed a more bril l iant niche in the thea t r i ­cal hall of fame while esssaying the pr ima dortna lead in the classy mu­sical coniedjr. "Lucky Day." She is a t p resen t under con t rac t a t t he Har l em Showboat Club in the Angel

m.—Howard T h e a t e r Re WJSV Washington . D C.

m.—Cab Calloway and Hi- O r c h e s t r a ; direct from the Cotton Club; over W E A F .

11:45 p. m. — Ear l Hincs Dance Orches t r a over WJZ.

12 p m.—Troy Sjngers Orches t r a and E n t e r t a i n e r s ; over WHK, Cleveland, O.

I a. m.—Ear! Hincs Orches t r a ; "over W E N R , Chicago.

—Al— T U E S D A Y , MAY 24th—

I I a. m.—Alaga Cane Syrup Pro­g ram over W L W , Cincy.

6 p. m —Phil Lindsley 's Buddies ; o rches t ra over WHM, Nashvi l le .

7:15 p. m—Mil l s B r o t h e r s over WABC.

7.30 p. m. — P l a n t a t i o n S ingers over W K B V . Connersvil le. Ind.

10:30 p. m.—Montague 's Ken­tucky Se renade r s over W R R , Dal­las.

11 p m.—Pearl T h e a t e r Revue. nver W I ^ , WFAJN, 'Phi lade lphia .

11 30 p. m — E l m e r Calloway and his Club P r u d h o m Band , over WJSV. Wash ing ton . D. C.

1145 p. m.—Earl Hines over WJZ.

I a. m —Earl Hines Orches t r a ; over W E N R Chicago.

—Al— W E D N E S D A Y , MAY 2*th—

10.30 a, m,—Algie Boss Minatrel of t h e Ivor ies—WWNC. Asheville.

5 p . m . — S o u t h e r n / S inge r s over W L W ^ C | n c i n n a ^ _ [ ; /

P rog ram, over WLW, Cincy. 10:30 p. m.—Montague ' s Ken­

tucky Serenaders . over W R R . Dal­las.

11:30 p. m.—Don R e d m a n and Hts Connie 's i n n Orches t ra , over WABC.

12 p. ru.—Cab Callowey over W E A F .

I a. m — E a r l Hines O r c h e s t r a . jve r W E N R , Chicago.

—Al— T H U R S D A Y , MAY 26th—

II a. m.—Alaga "Cane S y r u p Pro­gram, over WLW. Cincy.

7:15 p. m.—Mills B r o t h e r s " over WABC.

8:30 p. m,—The Hansboro Sing ers— Spir i tua ls ovet WWNC, Ashe vil ie .

9:30 p m — T h e P l a n t a t i o n Sing ers, over WKBV, Connersville,%Ind_,*

10.30 p. m.—Montague 's Ken­tucky Se renade r s over W R R , Dal las

11 p, m.—Don R e d m a n and a is Connie 's Inn Orches t r a , W A B C .

11:45 p. m.— C a b Calloway and His Orches t ra .

12:01—Earl Hines and His Or­ches t ra , from Grand T e r r a c e Cafe. Chicago, over WJZ.

- Al— F R I D A Y . MAY 27th—

11:15 a, m.—Crosscuts from the Log of the Day; Negro qua r t e t over

j KG A, Spokane , Wash . 3-30 p. m — H a r r i e t T u b m a n Clur

over W W S W . local. 5 p . m.—Southern Singers , over

!WLW. Cinc innat i . j 10:30 p . m.—Alaga Cane Syrup I P r o g r a m , over WLW, Cincy. t 10:30 p. m.—Montague 's K e n - . i t ucky S e r e n a d e r s over W R R , Dai-i las.

10:45 p. m.—Oriole Glee Club, jover W J G . At lan t ic City.

11:30 p. m.-~Don R e d m a n s Or-| c h e s t r a over WABC.

12 midn igh t—Cab Calloway and Hie O r c h e s t r a . NBC, from Cot ton Club t o W E A F .

—Al— S A T U R D A Y , MAY SSth—

9^30 a. m . — Kandy Kid*—Ju-j veniles over KQV, local.

10 a. m.—Algie Boss a n d Orches­t ra over W W N C , AsbeviUe.

11 a. m.—Alaga C a n e S y r u p P r o i g ram, over W L W , Cincy.

11:15 a, m.—Crosscata from t h i Log of t h e Day ; N2gro q u a r t a over KGA, Spokane , a W s h . V

10:15 p . m.—Jubi la i res ; commu \ i nity sp i r i tua l s inge r s over W F A A i Dallas.

11 p . m.—Don R e d m a n a n d Hit ! Connie s Inn Orches t r a , WABC

12 p. m — D e F o r d Bailey; ove ' WSM, Nashv i l l e ; 12 raidnight— \ P l a n t e r s Oca*?

* v


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