synergy study point - history tables/important...

SYNERGY STUDY POINT 1 Pottery Culture Characteristics Period and Sites Orche Coloured (OCP) With Bright Red Slip and Painted in Black Contemporary to the later half of the Mature Harappan Civilization. Flourished in the upper-Gangetic plains; Mayapur in Saharanpur district to Saipai in Etawah. Black and Red Ware (BRW) Potteries are the black coloured inside the near rim on outside and red colour, over the rest of the body. Succeeded OCP and important sites are Atrajikhera, Hastinapur, Alamgirpur, and Ahichchatra. Painted Grey Ware (PGW) Pottery is wheel-made. Painted in black and deep chocolocate colour. Succeeded BRW and first found at Ahichchatra in 1946. Important sites are: Bhagwanpura in Haryana, Ropar in Punjab, and Noh in Rajasthan. In Uttar Pradesh it has found at Alamgirpur, Ahichchatra, Hastinapur, Atrajikhera, Jakhera and Mathura. Northern Black Polished Ware Culture (NBPW) Glossy surface, Green Black Ware Succeeded PGW and first discovered in Taxila in 1930. The important sites are Ropar in Punjab, Raja-Karna-Ka-Quila in Haryana, Jodhpur and Noh in Rajasthan. Ahichchatra, Hastinapur, Attranjikhera, Kausambi and Sravasti In UP. Chandraketugarh in West Bengal. Sites Location Sites Location Harappa Ravi Ropar Sutlej Mohenjodaro Indus Alamgirpur Hindan Lothal Bhogwa Balakot Coastal "Kalibangan Ghaggar Allahdino Indus (coast) Chanhudaro Indus Desalpur Bhadar Suktagendor Arabian Sea Rojdi Bhadar Banawali Saraswati Manda Chenab Kot Diji Indus Daimabad Pravara

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Page 1: SYNERGY STUDY POINT - History tables/Important Tables...SYNERGY STUDY POINT 1 Pottery Culture Characteristics Period and Sites



Pottery Culture Characteristics Period and Sites Orche Coloured (OCP) With Bright Red Slip and

Painted in Black Contemporary to the later half of the Mature Harappan Civilization. Flourished in the upper-Gangetic plains; Mayapur in Saharanpur district to Saipai in Etawah.

Black and Red Ware (BRW)

Potteries are the black coloured inside the near rim on outside and red colour, over the rest of the body.

Succeeded OCP and important sites are Atrajikhera, Hastinapur, Alamgirpur, and Ahichchatra.

Painted Grey Ware (PGW)

Pottery is wheel-made. Painted in black and deep chocolocate colour.

Succeeded BRW and first found at Ahichchatra in 1946. Important sites are: Bhagwanpura in Haryana, Ropar in Punjab, and Noh in Rajasthan. In Uttar Pradesh it has found at Alamgirpur, Ahichchatra, Hastinapur, Atrajikhera, Jakhera and Mathura.

Northern Black Polished Ware Culture (NBPW)

Glossy surface, Green Black Ware

Succeeded PGW and first discovered in Taxila in 1930. The important sites are Ropar in Punjab, Raja-Karna-Ka-Quila in Haryana, Jodhpur and Noh in Rajasthan. Ahichchatra, Hastinapur, Attranjikhera, Kausambi and Sravasti In UP. Chandraketugarh in West Bengal.

Sites Location


Location Harappa Ravi



Mohenjodaro Indus


Hindan Lothal

Bhogwa Balakot



Ghaggar Allahdino

Indus (coast)

Chanhudaro Indus


Bhadar Suktagendor

Arabian Sea Rojdi



Saraswati Manda


Kot Diji

Indus Daimabad


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River - Vedic Name

River - Modern Name

Vitasta Jhelum Askini Chenab Purushni Ravi Shutudri Sutlej Vipasha Beas Krumu Kurram Gomati Gomal Kubha Kabul Kumu Kurrum Kumbha Kabul Drishdavati Chautang Sadinira Gandak

Veda Rigveda Samaveda Yajurveda Atharvaveda

No of Mandals 10 Mandals 1810 hymns 40Mandals

And mantras 2000 Hymns

Divisions None None Krsna and Shukla Paiplad and Shaunak

Brahmana 1.Kaushitiki/ 1. Tandaymahya 1. Taitterya None

Sankhayana 2. Panchavis

2. Aittreya 3. Gaimini

4. Chhandyogya

Aranyaka 1.Kaushitiki None 1. Taitterya None

2. Aittreya

Upanishad 1.Kaushitiki 1.Ken 1.Taitterya (Krsna)


2.Aittreya 2.Chhandyoga 2.Kath (Krsna 2. Mandaka

3.Svetasvar (Krsna 3.Prasna

4.Brihadaranyaka (Shukla)

5. Isa (Shukla)

Upaveda Ayurveda Gandharvaveda Dhanurveda Shilpaveda


4 Specialists who participated in the yajna and helped in its completion

4 There were four types of Ritvij each for the four Vedas:

Hotra Rigveda Adhvaryu Yajurveda Udgatra Samveda Brahmana Atharvaveda

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Mahajanapadas Capital Details Anga Champa or Malini Champa was one of the six principal cities of India; a trade and

commerce centre and its merchants sailed to distant Suvarnabhumi In its neighborhood, there was a famous tank named Gaggara and two important towns were Bhaddiya and Assapura

Magadha Giribrija One of the leading Mahajanpadas and started the policy of imperialism by conquering most of the areas.

Kashi Varanasi Varuna and Asi were the important rivers. Kosala conquered Kashi some time before Buddha.

Kosala Sravasti/Kusavati Bounded by the Sadanira (Gandak) river; important king was Prasenajit and Vidudabha; important towns were Saketa, Sravasti, and Ayodhya

Vatsa Kausambi Kurus or Bharatas migrated to Vatsa and King Udayana was most powerful. Udayana had strong passion for catching elephants.

Avanti Mahissati According to Pali canonical texts Ujjayini was the capital of King Chanda Pradyota.

Malla Kushinara Pava was the chief town; the river Kakuttha was important; the sola grove of Kusinara was on the river of Hirannavati. Buddha died during the Mallas.

Vajji or Vriji Vaishali (HQ) A confederacy consisted of eight or nine clans of which Videhans, the Lichchhavis, the Jnatrikas and the Vajiji were important. Siddharata, father of Mahavira belonged to Jnatrika.

Kuru Indraprastha Important ruler Koravya, Isukara. Kuru had matrimonial relations with the Yadavas, the; Bhojas and the Panchalas. Jatakas mention about King Dhananjaya.

Panchala Ahhicchatra/Kampilya Roughly corresponds to the modern Baduan, Farrukhabad and important king was Chulani Brahmadatta has been mentioned in Ramayana.

Surasena Mathura King Avantiputras was the first among the chief disciples of Buddha.

Assaka Potana Assaka and Mulaka are represented as two Andhaka or Andhra territories. Bhattaswami, the commentator of Arthashatra identifies Asmaka with Maharashtra. Important kings were Brahmadatta and Aruna

Chedi Suktimati It roughly corresponds to modern Bundelkhand. According to the Hathigumpha inscriptions of Kharavela branch of Chedi founded a royal dynasty in Kalinga.

Gandhar Taxila King Pukkusati was contemporary of Magadhan King Bimbisara. Kamboj Rajpur, Hatak It was included in the Uttarpatha. Hiuen Tsang identified it with

Rajapura. It is situated in the Hazara district of the North-West Frontier Province.

Matsya Viratnagar Corresponds to modern territory of Jaipur; King Sahaja ruled over the Chedis and the Matsyas. Matsya once formed a part of the kingdom of Chedi.

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Date Place Chairman King Development

Ist, 483 BC Rajgriha, Mahakasyap Ajatshatru 1.Vinaya Pitaka complied by Upali about rulers

Sattapami Cave 2. Sutta Pitaka complied by Ananda, about relating to sermons on matters

IInd, 383 BC Vaisali Subbakami Mahakalasoka Schism took place between Sthaviras and Mahasanghikas;

IIIrd, 236 years after the death of Buddha/250 BC

Pataliputa Tissa Asoka The third Pitaka complied : Abhidamma Pitak on Metaphysics and Philosophy and Buddhism became Tripitaka

IVth, Ist AD Kashmir, (Kundalavana)

Vasumitra Kanishka Schism: Mahayana and Hinayana Asvagosha

Incarnations of Vishnu

Incarnation Form Matsya Fish Karma Tortoise Varaha Boar Narasimha Man Lion Parasurama Man with the axe Krishna Mayon (the Black one) Buddha Madhyamapritpada Kalkin Yet to come Rama Man Vamana Dwarf Pancaratra: Vaisnavite school, Vasudeva – krsna – cosmic emanation Sankarsana, Pradyamna, Aniruddha – Ramanuja a posulate based on it.

According to Matsya Purana: 1. Narayana 2. Narasimha, 3. Vamana, 4. Rama, 5. Parasurama, 6. Buddha, 7. Kalki, 8. Madhatri, 10. Dattareya

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Maratha Administration

Revolt of 1857

Office (Astapradhan Work 1) Peshwa Prime Minister 2) Majumdar/Amatya Revenue 3) Surnis/Sachiv/Chitnis Finance Minister and Correspondence 4) Waqenavis/Mantri Home Minister/Intelligence/Household affairs 5) Sarnaubat/Senapati Commander-in-Chief 6) Dabir/Sumant Foreign Minister/Master of Ceremonies 7) Nyayadhis The Chief Judge

8) Panditrao Minister for Religion/ Dharma Adhyaksha

Centres Leadership Delhi Bahadur Shah II

Jawan Bakht Prince Mirza Mirza Khan Bakht Khan

Kanpur Nana Saheb Rao Shaib Azimullah Khan Tantia Tope

Lucknow Begum Hazrat Mahal Ahmadullah

Jhansi Rani Laxmi Bai Tantia Tope

Bareilly Khan Bahadur Khan Arrah Kunwar Singh Faizabad Maulvi Ahmadulla Farrukhabad Tufzal Hasan Khan Bijanaur Mohammad Khan Muradabad Abdul Ali Khan Allahabad and Benaras

Liaqat Ali


Delhi Nicholson, Hudson Kanpur Campbell Lucknow Campbell Jhansi Hugh Rose Allahabad and Benaras

Col. Neil

Arrah William Taylor, Vincent Eyre

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Socio-religious Sects and Reformer 1.Tariqh i Muhammadiyah 2. Taa’yuni Movement (Bengal) 3. Madrassah i Rahmiyah 4. Barelwi Ulma: 5. Nirankari (Formless): 6. Namdhari: 7. Niti Prakash Sabha: 8. Singh Sabha: 9. Lahore Singh Sabha 10. Rahnumai Mazdayasnan Sabha 11. Radhaswami Satasang: 12. Deva Samaj: 13. Vamchari Sampradaya: 14. Nigamagama Mandali: 15. Hari Gyan Mandir: 16. Bharat Dharma Maha-mandal: 17. Nadwah Ul Ulama: 18. Ahl-i-Haddith: 19.Ahl-i-Quran 20. Ahmadiya or Qadini: 21. Deoband School:

Sayyid Ahmed Barehvi of Rai Bareilly, Titu Mir (1782-1831) was his son Maulana Karamat Ali Shaikh Abdur Rahman (1644-1718), succeeded by Abdul Aziz Ahmad Riza Khan Baba Dayal Das (1783-1855), he was succeeded by his son Baba Darbara Singh, his original name was Mul Rai (1814-1870), then succeeded by Rattan Chand and then by Gurdit Singh from 1909 to 1947. Baba Ram Singh, Balak Singh was his Guru KanhyalalAlakhdari(1873), Ludhiana In 1873, the first Sabha was held; founded by Khem Singh Bedi, Thakur Singh Sandhanwalia, Kanwar Vikrama Singh of Kapurtala, Giani Gian Singh Prof. Gurumukh Singh and Bhai Ditt Singh DadabhaiNaoroji Tulsi Rama or Shiva Dayal Sahib, later known as Swamiji Maharaja, his disciple was Saliq Ram, later known as Huzur Maharaj, published Prem Patra, Prem Bani, Radha Swami Matha Prakash. Shiva NarayanaAgnihotri (An Engineer), later became Satyanand Agnihotri Ramasharan Pal, 1830 Swami Gyanananda, at Mathura in 1896 Shraddha Ram at Phillaur Pandit Din Dayal Sharma, he had earlier founded Panchayat Taraqqi Humud, Published Magazine - Hariyana Mathur Akhbar, Kohinoor with Munshi Har Sukh Hai, he also founded Gan Varnashrama and Hitaishini Ganga Dharma Sabha Maulana Shibli Numani in 1894 in Lucknow Mohd. Syed Nazir and Hussain Wali Khan Md. Abdullah Chakralvi Mirza Gulam Ahmad (Gurudaspur, Punjab), called himself Krsna and Massiah Published Radd iNiyog in 1895 Muhammad Qasim Nanotawi and Rashid Ahmad Gangohi founded it in 1867 in Saharanpur, it was a branch of Wahabi.

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22. Fakir 23. Some leaders like Shah Gulam in Delhi 24. Ad Daram 25. Swami Narayan Sampradaya 26. Satnamis 27. SAtya Mahima Dharma 28. Punjab Hindu Conference 29. SGPC 30. Beas Satasaong 31. SNDP 32. Some important leaders were Tafzul 33. Some organizations worked at Satanami

Majnu Shah and Chirag Ali Shah, Nepal (Tarai) Md. Ashraf Ali at Saharanpur, Maulana Muhammad Iliyyar at New Delhi near Nizamuddin Auliya's Tomb. Mangoo Ram Ghanshyam Pande changed his name and became Nilakantha Brahmachari in Gujarat in 1781. Ghasi Das and Balak Das at Chhattisgarh Mukund Das later became Mahima Gosain, followers called Niskamis or Tyagi Bhairagis, succeeded by BhimaBhoi. Founded in 1909, in 1915 reorganised into Sarvadeshika Hindu Sabha and in 1921, it became Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha and important leader was V.D.Savarkara Shiromani Prabandhaka Gurudwara Committee : 15th Nov, 1920- a semi-parliamentary body. Jaimal Singh, later Baba Sawan Singh Grewal Sri Narayana Dharma Paripala Yogam Founded by Dr. Palpu, Kumaran Asan in 1888, HQ was Sivagiri Matha at Varkala in Southern Travanacore. Hussain Khan at Farrukhabad, Muhammad Khan (Nawab of Nazibabadat Bijnor, Abdul Ali Khan and Nawab Yusuf Ali Khan (Rampur at Muradabad), Soal Singh at Ajayagarh. Satnami Dharama Raksini Sabha in 1873 in Calcutta, Madhava Unnati Sabha in 1877 in • South India, Udayavedanta Pravartaka Sabha in 1906. Saiva Siddanta Sabha in 1886, Tinnivelly, Advaita Sabha at Konakama in 1895.

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Congress Sessions

Year President Venue Outstanding Features 1885 W.C. Banerjee Bombay Attended by 72 delegates 1886 Dadabhai Naoroji Calcutta Attended by 434 delegates; addressed

by Kadambini Ganguly, the first woman graduate from Calcutta University

1887 Badruddin Tyabji Madras Attended by 607 delegates. 1888 George Yule Allahabad 1248 delegates attended 1889 William Wederburn Bombay A committee on Indian National

Congress was endorsed. 1890 Pherozshah Mehta Calcutta Attended by 702 delegates, ‘India’

journal started 1891 P. Ananda Charlue Nagpur Attended by 812 delegates 1892 W.C. Banerjee Allahabad Attended by 625 delegates 1893 Dadabhai Naoroji Lahore Attended by 867 delegates 1894 Alfred Web Madras Attended by 1163 delegates 1905 G.K. Gokhale Benaras Swadeshi call supported but rejected the

call of wide spread Boycott 1906 Dadabhai Naoroji Calcutta Expounded ‘Swaraj’ self rule; Boycott

Resolution was passed; National Policy endorsed

1907 Rashbehari Bose Surat Over the issue of Presidentship and magnitude of Swadeshi, split took place, two new groups were formed: Moderates and Extremists

1916 A.C. Majumdar Lucknow Reunion at two levels: Moderates and Extremists; Indian National Congress and Muslim League.

1917 Annie Besant Calcutta First lady to preside, gave first flag to Congress : Green and Red

1919 Moti Lal Nehru Amritsar Jallianwala massacre; Government of India 1919; Proposal for reorganization of Congress

1920 Lajpat Rai Nagpur Structural changes Provincial Congress committee; age limit reduced to 18, subscription 4 annas and endorsed Non-Cooperation Movement.

1922 C.R. Das Gaya C.R. Das resigned and Pro-changers were defeated by the No-changers – 890/1748 and the Swaraj Party formed by the Pro-Changers under the leadership of C.R. Das and M.L. Nehru

1927 M.A. Ansari Madras Boycott of Simon Commission; had accepted Jinnah’s offer, but the force of Hindu communalists forced them to

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retreat. 1928 Motilal Nehru Calcutta to rectify Nehru Report but unacceptable

to Jinnah and he produced 14 points. 1929 Jawaharlal Nehru Lahore Poorna Swaraj or Complete Independence

and Civil Disobedience Movement was adopted; the unicolour flag hoisted; 26th January, 1930 was hoisted.

1931 Vallabhai Patel Karachi Resolution pertaining to Bhagat Singh; Resolution on Fundamental Rights; National Economic Programme; ratified Gandhiji as the sole member of Congress to represent in the Second Round Table Conference.

1933 J.M. Sengupta Calcutta Reiterated Poorna Swaraj 1934 Rajendra Prasad 1935 Rajendra Prasad 1936 Jawaharlal Nehru Lucknow Rejected Government of India Act 1935. 1937 Jawaharlal Nehru Faizpur

50th Congress Session 1938 Subhas C. Bose Haripura Tried to involve the State People's

Movement 1939 Subhas C. Bose Tripuri Gandhi sponsored Presidential candidate P.

replaced by Rajendra Sitarammyya was defeated by S.C.Bose. Bose resigned and founded Forward Bloc

1940 Maulana Abul Azad Ramgarh Maulana was the youngest President (35-year-old); Left Civil Disobedience Movement upto personal discretion of Gandhiji. In 1940, the Pakistan Resolu tion was also passed.

1947 J.B. Kripalani

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Ahom Revolt : 1820 Assam/Gomadhar Konwar Took place immediately after the conclusion of Burmese War. Gomadhar Konwar restored it but the English East India Company suppressed it and handed over to Purandar Singh Nagendra.

Kol Uprisings : 1828/1839 Chhotanagpur Neighbours of Bhils, traversed by the 1844-48 The main cause of the Uprising was the growing unemployment due to dismantling of forests by the Britishers. Against the transfer of revenue from Mundas to Muslims.

Santhal Uprisings : 1855 Santhal Parganas Against the British rule, its policies of revenue and forestry.

Khasis Uprising : Assam The induction of a large number of British troops on the pretence of building to join Assam and Sylhet. Monotheism, internal social reform and later against revenue settlement

Kherwar and Saph Har : 1870 Attacked Police Station and tried to establish DharamRaj

Naikda : 1868 Gujarat Anti-foreign in character; leader Kacha-Nagas-Chachan : 1882 Vishagapatnam : 1900

Sambandhan was the Konda Dora and Korra Mallayya

Reincaranation of Pandava.

Rampa : 1879-1880 Godawari/Konda Dora Tribal Koyas and Konda Dora muttadars revolted against Mansabdars against enhancement of taxation and ban on PODU cultivation.

1922 Alluri Sitaramaraju Tried to establish link with Non-Cooperation Movement.

Munda (Uluguhan) : 1874-1900

Santhal Pargana/Birsa Munda The Khuntkanti (Joint ownership) land system was eroded. Birsa Munda claimed super power-defeated at Rakab Hills. He claimed himself as Dharti Aba.

Chenchus : 1898-1917 Raja Bastar : 1910

Nallamalai Hills of Jagadlpur Primitive Chenchus tribals; Against Raja of Bastar and against the restrictive

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regulations. Khond Rebellion : 1914 Orissa Feudatory of Daspala;

succession dispute Oraons : 1914 Bihar/Begum Jatra Monotheism, and Tana

Bhagat Bhagat Movement survived

Santhals : 1917 Thadoe Kukis : 1914

Mayurbhanj Manipur

British attempt to recruit Santhals Resentment against recruitment as labour.

Pothang Uprising: Against Jhum-shifting cultivation

Bhils : 1900-1913 Govind Guru, Motilal Koyas : Alluri Sitaram Raju Against the British

interference Forest Satyagraha : 1921-22 Rayachoti (Cudappah) Forest Satyagraha link

between Paland (Guntur) in Andhra

Majhi Movement : Chhotanagpur/Bonga Majhi and Somra Majhi

Socio-religious reform along sanskritization line.

Worli Tribal Uprisings : 1945 Umbargaon and Dahanu Attempt to organize from 1945 by communists Shamro and Godavari Parulekar.

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PEASANT MOVEMENTS IN INDIA Moplahs : 1836-1854 Sayyid Alawi and Religious fanaticism and anti-

landlordism and anti-foreign Fazl discontent; Nambodris, Nairs, Jennis and moneylenders were the main victim of the movement.

Deccan Riots : 1870’s Due to cotton boom; the composition was of relatively rich peasant; against Sowcars and price hike, indebtedness, as a result Deccan Agriculturists’ Relief Act – 1879 enacted

Poona Sarvajanik Sabha : 1898 Bal Gangadhar Tilak No taxation movement Patidar Yuvak Mandal : 1908 Gujarat/Kunvarji Mehta Borsad Satyagraha : 1923-24 VAllabhai Patel, Kunvarji, First Satyagraha on Gandhian

line; impact of Vaishnava Bhakti; British suspected a link between Grini Kamgar and Borsad.

Bijolia : 1915 and 1927 Vijay Singh Pathick, Haribhandu Upadhyay

Against the feudal cesses.

Mewar Praja Mandal : 1938 Maniklal Verma Madinapur : Someshwar Pd. Chaudhari Against Indigo cultivation Anti-Board Agitation Birendranath Samsal

Praja Party : 1929 Akram Khan, Abdur Tenancy Bill issue provided them Rahim,Razlal Haq opportunity

Pabna : 1870-1880 Ishan Chandra Roy Anti-moneylender riot; the branch of Sambhu Pal, Khudi Pabna led by Jitendralal Banerjee Moollah

Tamluk Jatiya Sarkar : 1942 Satis Samanta Formed the parallel govt. and Satis Samanta was the first Sarva-adhinayak

Tebhaga : 1946 Bengal Against the Flood Commission’s recommendations;

Champaran : 1916 Bettiah district of Bihar/Raj Kumar Shukla, Rajendra Braj Kishore Prasad J.B. Kripalani

Sarabheshi (rent enhancement) and Tawan (lumpsum compensation precipitated) Prasad, A.N. Sinha.

Darbhanga : Bihar/Bishnu Baharan Prasad, Oppression of Amals (agents)

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who took title (Swami Vidyanand)

of the Darbhanga Estate

Bihar Provincial Kishan Sabha : 1929, 1933, 1935

Hajipur (Bihar)/ Swami Shajanand

First organized attempt to represent Peasant grievances

Barahiya Tal Movement : 1938 Mungar (Bihar)/ Karyanand Sharma

Against the zamindari repression

UP Kishan Sabha : 1918 Indra Narayan Dwivedi It had grassroot ower, esp., in Faiza-bad, Sultanpur and Rai Bareilly

Oudh Kishan Sabha : 1920 Gaurishankar Mishra, Ramachandra, Jawaharlal Nehru

Eka Movement : Barabanki/Madan Pasi Unionist Movement Fazl-i-Rahman First Ryots' Association which

tried to reconcile the peasant grievances.

Ryots’ Association : 1923 Guntur/N.G. Ranga Sourh Indian Federation of Peasants and Agricultural Labour : 1935

N.G. Ranga was the General Secretary and Namboodri as Joint Secretary

All India Kishan Sabha : 1936 Lucknow Kishan Gazette Bulletin edited by Indulal Yagnik was passed. The meeting was attended by Shahjananda Saraswati, Karyanand Sharma, Ram ManoharLohia, Sohan Singh Josh, J.P.Narayan, Mohan Lal Gautam, Kamal Sarcar, Sudin Pramanik, Ahmad Din, N.GRanga.

All India Kishan Sabha : 1937 Faizpur Jawaharlal Nehru


Forest Satyagraha : 1931 N.G. Ranga and N.V. Rama Naidu

Indian Peasant Institute at Nidubrolu

founded by N.GRanga

Sanyasi Rebelliion : 1763-1782 B.C. Chatterjee Highlighted by B.C.Chatterjee's 'Anandmath'; led by religious leaders and dispossessed zamindars;

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articipated by demobilized soldiers & displaced peasantry.The famine of 1770 further aggravated the situation.

Chuar Uprisings: 1776-1782 Midnapore The district of Midnapore passed into the British hands in 1760. The Raja of Dhalbhum, Jagannath Dal led the resistance in 1768.

Khond Risings : 1836-1855 Dhananjay Bhary In 1835, Dhananjay Bhary, Raja of Gumnur, sought the Dora Bisayi support of the Khonds. In 1836, the

Khonds rose under Dora Bisaye, but the reinforced British forces crushed the resistance.

Parlikamedi : 1856-57 Radhakrishna Dandsens Radhakrishna Dandasena was hanged

Kuki Revolt : 1840-1872 Punjab Bhagat, Jawahar Mal, Ram Singh, Balak Singh


Phadake 1889 Vasudev B. Phadake First protorevolutionary movement in India. Phadake led Ramoshi cast against british exploitation

Sanyasi Rebelliion : 1763-1782

B.C. Chatterjee Highlighted by B.C.Chatterjee's 'Anandmath'; led by religious leaders and dispossessed zamindars; articipated by

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demobilized soldiers & displaced peasantry.The famine of 1770 further aggravated the situation.

Chuar Uprisings: 1776-1782 Midnapore The district of Midnapore passed into the British hands in 1760. The Raja of Dhalbhum, Jagannath Dal led the resistance in 1768.

Rangapur and Dinapur : 1783-1833

Assam The arrangements for revenue collection and admin istration were begun and the powers and privileges of the Assamese court were taken away.

Orissa Zamindars : 1803-1817 Orissa/Raja of Kurda Jagabandhu

Orissa had been annexed by the Company in 1803. But the chiefs had not reconciled. Then, the Paiks, the landed militia, rose against the revenue collector and the police.

Raja of Vizianagaram : 1794 The Raja of Vizianagaram, having extensive zamindari at Chicacole district. The British demand was in

creased and Raja refused to pay; revolted and killed.

Diwan Velu Tampi : 1805 Travancore In 1805, a new treaty of Subsidiary Alliance System was imposed on Travancore.

Dhondji Wagh’s Rising : 1799 Seringapatnam/ After 1799 defeat at Seringapatnam, Tipu Dhondhji so Dhond organ ised quiladars.

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Raja Mahipat Ram : 1803 Berar Raja Mahipat, the Governor of Berar, a confidant of Nizam.

Ramosi Risings : 1827-29 Kolhapur/Umaji Wanted to restore deposed Raja Pratap Naik, Bapu Trimbakji Singh of Satara, Dada Daulatrao Ghorpade

Gadkari Revolt : 1844 Kolhapur/ On the death of Shahji, Shivaji IV, Daji Krishna Pandit a minor, was raised to gaddi.

Waghera : 1815-1822 Baroda/Okha Mandal Against the Mulkgiri levies of the Gaekwad of Baroda

Gorakhpur : 1778 Nawab of Oudh In 1778 Nawab of Oudh leased the right

Wazir Ali : 1799 Oudh Sindhia of Gwalior also assisted him.

Rohilla : 1801 Rohillakhand In 1801, Rohilkhand transferred to the dominion of EIC.

Dayaram : 1814-1817 Hathras, Aligarh The enhancement of revenue

Assam Tea Plantations : 1880 Dwarikanath Ganguly Against the salve labour conditions.


Bharat Shramjivi 1874 Shashipada Banerjee A Brahmo Samaj reformer, set up a working men’s club in 1870

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Bombay Mill Hand’s Association : 1890

N.M. Lokhanday Lokhanday, an associate of Phule, started a weekly called Dinbandhu

Assam Tea Plantations : 1880 Dwarikanath Ganguly Against the salve labour conditions.

Printer’s Union : 1905 First Trade Union of India; set up during a strike in the Government presses.

Railway Men’s Union : 1906 Strike in the railway clerks, attempted to draw collies

Madras Labour Union : 1918 G. Ramajaulu Naidu,

Chelvapathi Chetti, and presided over by B.P. Wadia

International Labour Organisation : 1919

Attended Lala Lajpat Rai.

All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) : 1920

N.M. Joshi, Lajpat Rai, Joseph Baptiste

Presided over by Lajpat Rai, Joseph Baptiste was elected the President; Diwan Chaman Lal was elected as the Secretary; as many as 125 Trade Unions were registered under it.

Textile and Labour Asso. 1920 Influence of Gandhiji

Jamshedpur Labour Asso : 1920

S.N. Haldar Reorganized by C.F. Andrews

Girni Kamgar Mahamandal : 1923

A.A.Alve and G.R. Kalse Grassroot level, impact of communist

Peasant’s and Workers’ Party : 1925-26

Muzzaffar Ahmed, Nazrul Islam, P.C. Joshi

It was functioning as a left wing within Congress.

Bombay Textile Labour Union : 1926

M.N. Joshi First Trade Union to join 1926 Act.

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Worker’s Party : 1927 K.N. Jogelkar

Kirti Kishan Party : 1927 Sohn Singh Josh

Worker’s Act 1926 Voluntary Registration and conferring certain rights and privileges.

Bengal Jute Union : 1929 Communist led the union

AITUC : 1929 Jawaharlal Nehru Split, at Nagpur session N.M. Joshi resigned, due to the growing influence of the communists, N.M. Joshi formed a new union called AITUF; he had the support of 30 Trade Unions and V.V. Giri and Mrignal Kranti Bose.

Red Trade Union Congress : 1931

Despande Split in AITUC the 10th Convention at Calcutta; they had the support of 12 Trade Unions. They rejoined AITUC in 1935. In 1938, AITUF also rejoined AITUC at Nagpur session.

Bombay Trade Dispute Act : 1938

Compulsory arbitration; six months jail for illegal strikes; new trade union recognized rules, making things difficult for unrecognized trade unions.

Hindustan Mazdoor Sabha : 1938

G.L. Nanda, Patel Kripalani Jairam Das, Daulat Das to control strikes

Indian Federation of Labour : 1942

M.N. Roy Got government support.

INTUC : 1947 V.B. Patel To stop the Chaos, Alluri Sitaramaraju

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Jyotiba Phule Satyasodhak Samaj He wrote a book called Gulam Giri, Tamil Vellalas,

Justice Movement : 1915-16 C.N. Muddaliar,

T.M. Nair, P. Taygaraja

Telugu Reddis, Kamma, Malyali Nairs attacked


Nair Service Society : 1914 Mannath Padmanath Pillai

Swadeshabhimani : 1906-10 K. Ramkrishna Pillai

Ezahavas : 1902-1920 T.K. Madhavan Sri Narayan Guru-SNDP Yogam influenced it; later Gandhiji had influenced it.

Praja Mitra Mandal : 1917 C.R. Reddi

Kayastha Samaj : 1900

Jati Nirdharan Sabha : 1897 Bengal Organised by some lawyers.

Bhunihar-Brahman Sabha : 1920

Sahjanand Saraswati


1) Bhangabhasa Prakashika Sabha 1836 2) Land Holder’s Society, Calcutta 1837 3) Bengal British Indian Association


4) British Indian Association 1851 R.K. Debb-President, D.N. Tagore –

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Secretary, Peary Chandra Mitra, R.G. Ghose, K.C. Mitra, G.C. Dutt and Dakhinarayana Mukherjee; suggested administrative reforms at the time of the renewal of the Charter of 1853

5) Madras Native Association and Bombay Association

1852 Jagnath, Shanker Seth, Dadabhai Naoroji, Naoroji Fadunjee, Bahu Daji

6) Muhammaden Literary and Scientific Society

1863 Abdul Latif Khan

7) East India Association and Student Literary and Scientific Society, London

1866 Dadabhai Naoroji

8) Poona Sarvajanik Sabha 1870 M.G. Ranade, G.V. Joshi, S.H. Chiplunkar 9) Indian League 1875 Sishir Kumar Ghose 10) Indian Association 1876 Anand Mohan Bose, SN.Baneerjee (11) Central Mohammedan National Association

1878 Syed Amir Ali, Calcutta

(12) Madras Mahajan Sabha 1884 M.Viraraghavchari, Subramania lyer, Ananda Charlu

(13) Bombay Presidency Association

1885 K.T.Telang, Pheroz Shah Mehta, B. Tayabji

(14) United Indian Patriotic Association

1888 S.A.Ahmed

(15) All India Muslim League 1906 Aga Khan, Nawab of Dacca

(16) Pun jab Hindu Sabha 1909 U. N.Mukherjee, Lal Chand

(17) All India Hindu Mahasabha 1915 Maharaja of Kasimbazar (18) Hindustan Sangathan Movement

Lala Lajpat Rai

(19) Asiatic Society 1783 William Jones (20) Young India Movement 1826-31 Vivian Derozio (21) Liberal Party 1918 M.R.Jayakar, T.B.Sapru,

V.S.Srinivas Shastri (22) National Party Raja Narayan Bose, Nab Gopal Mitra (23) Utkal Union Conference Madhusudhan Das (24) Non-Brahim Party Bhaskar Rao Yadav (25) Krishna Praja Party 1831 Fazlul Haq (26) Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha 1851 Shibli Numani, BN.S.S.Bengalee,

Naoroji Fadunjee (28) Paramhansa Mandali 1850 Gopal Hari Deshmukh. B.K.Jayakar,

K.S.ChipIunkar (29) Bombay Social Reforms Association

1903 Annie Besant

(30) Servant of India Society GK.Ghokale (31) Gandiya Samaj 1823 R.K.Debb

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(32) Dharma Samaj 1830 R.K.Debb (33) Sangat Sabha 1860 K.C.Sen (34) Depressed Class Mission Society, Bombay

1906 V.RShinde

(35) Red Crescent Society 1912 To help Turks (36) Arya Bandhav Samaj Bal GangadharTilak (37) Bethune College 1849 D. Bethunc (38) Widow Remarriage Association

1850 Vishnu Shastri Pandit

(39) School for Untouchables 1854 Jyotiba Phule (40) School for Girls and Orphange, Pune

1851 Jyotiba Phule

(41) Satyasodhak Samaj 1873 .Jyotiba Phule (42) Free India Society Madam Cama (43) Hindu Mela Society for the National Feeling


(44) Satya Prakash, Gujarat 1852 Karsondas Mulji (45) Swadesh Steam Navigation Company, Tuticorin

1905-06 Chidambram Pillai

(46) Sewa Samiti, Allahabad 1914 Hariday Nath Kunzru (47) Boy’s Scouts 1914 Sri Ram Vajpayee (48) Liberal Party, a splinter of INC 1918 Tej Bahadur Sapru, M.R.Jayakar,

V.S.Srinivasa Shastri (49)BhiISevaMandal 1922 Amritlal Vithaldas Thakkar, Gurusaday Datta (50) Self Respect Movement 1925 IrengarE.V.RamaswamyNaikar (51) Deccan Education Society 1885 GGAgarkar, famous Frgusson College of

Pune, started. (52) Rajamundri Social Reform Association


(53) Madras Hindu Association 1892 VirasaJeengam (54) Anti-Circular Society Krishna Kumar Mitra (55) Indian Liberal Federation 1918 S.N.Banerjee

(56) All India Peeople’s States Conference

1927 Balwantray Rai Mehta, Mani Lal Kothari GR.Abhyankar

(57) Congress Asif Hussain Haswi (58) New Islam ChiragAIi, S.M.Iqbal, A.M.Malve (59) Mother India Katherino Mayo (60) Dwan Society 1898 Satish Mukherjee, formulated National

Education (61) Indian National-Evolution A.C.Majumdar (62) Ghadar Party 1913 Lala Hardayal (63) Hindu Bhawani Mandir Aurobindo Ghosh (64) Indian National Party Champakrarnan Pillai (65) Indian Musalmman W.W.Hunter (66) Hindustan Association of the Sohan Singh Bhakhana

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Pacific Coasl (67) Navvjawan Sabha 1926 Bhagat Singh, Yashpal, Chabila Das (68) Bharat Sri Mandal, 1910 Sarabala Devi chaudhari, first

womens’organisa­tion at the all India level. (69) Independence of India league and Social Reform Association

Srinivasa lyengar, J.Lal. Nehru

(70) Seva Sadan

1885 B.M.Malabari

(71) Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan


(72) Jana Sangh Shyama Prasad Mukherjee (73)R.S.S 1925 K.B.Hedgewar, Moonjee (74) F.I.C.C.I 1927 Birla and Thakurdas (75) Independent Congress Party 1926 M.M.Malviya (76) Labour Kishan Party Singaraveelu (77) Peasant and Worker’s Party 1925 Muzzaflar Ahmed. Nazrul Islam (78) Deva Samaj 1887 SrinarayanaAgnihotri (79) Bharat Dharma Mahamandalam

1890 M.M.Malviya, Din Dayal, Sharma, known as Satnamdarnia

(80) Worker’s Party 1927 K.N.Jogekar, S.S.Mirajkar (81) Radha Swami Satsang, Agra 1861 Tulsi Ram, Shiv Dayal Saheb (82) Indian Revolutionary Communist Party

1942 Somyendranath Tagorc

(83) Swadesh Bandhav Samiti Bipan Chandra Pal (84) Indian Bolshevik Party 1939 C.Rajagopalchari (85) Swatantara Party 1959 M.N.Roy Tayab Shaikh, Sundar Karbadi,

S.Shetty, (86) Radical Democratic Party B.B.Kamick (87) Quam Qazi Abbas Hussain (88) Indian Social Reformer 1890 K.N.Natarajan (90) Khaskar Party 1831 A lima Mashriqui (91) Azad Muslim Conference 1940 Allah Baux (92)C.RahmatA)i 1935 coined the concept of Pakistan (93) Labour Swaraj party 1925 M.N.Roy, Hemant Kumar (94) First Women University, Pune 1927 D.Kesava Karve

B.R. Ambedkar:

- Founded Siddharatha College

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- In 1918, wrote Evolution of Finance in British India in Columbia

- In 1923, wrot ‘Problems of Ruppees’

- In 1937, wrote ‘Annihilation of Caste’

- In 1924, founded Depressed Class Institute/Federation

- In 1927, founded Samaj Samta Singhia

- Also founded Indian Labour Party and People’s Education Society

Magazine/Paper Editor/Founder Indu Prakash, Karam Yogi, Dharam and Hindu Bhawani Mandir

Aurobindo Ghosh

Bombay Chronicle Pherozshah Mehta Hindustan, The Indian Union, Abyudaya, Maryada, Kishan, Leader

M.M. Malviya

Janmabhumj, Sahakara, Native People, Indian Republic

Pattabhai Sitaramaiah

New India, Paridasak, Swarajya, Indian Student Bipin Chandra Pal Som Prakash Vidyasagar Punjabee, Vandematram, People, Quami Awaz Lala Lajpat Rai Kesari, Mahratta, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, G.G. Agarkar Kal Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Paranjape Comrade and Hamdard Mohammad Ali New India, Commonweal, Madras Standard Annie Besant Hindu. Swadeshmitram S.Subramania Iyer The Indeependent Motilal Nehru Desh Rajendra Prasad India Subramaniam Bharati Bengalee S.N. Banerjee Amrit Bazar Patrika Motilal Ghose Tribune Harkishan Lal Zamindar Zafar Ali Khan Al Hidal, The Vakil, Al Balagh, Al Nadwah Abul Kalam Azad Suddharrak G.G. Agarkar Sandhya Braham Bandho Upadhaya Sabad Prabhakar Iswar Chandra Gupta Sanjivini Krishna Kumar Mitra Hindu Patriot Harishchandra Mukherjee Dawn Satish Chandra Mukherjee Bharat Mata Ajit Singh Krsnapatrika Prakasham, Krishna Rao

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Bombay Darpan and Dig Darpan Bal Krishna Jambedkar Tattavabodhni Patrika D.N. Tagore Andhra Kesari T. Prakasham, he also started Gram Swaraj Tahzib ul Akhlaq Syed Ahmed Khan Bahishkrit Bharat B.R. Ambedkar Pratap G. Shankar Vidyarthi Nibandmala Vishnu Krishna Chiplunkar Indian Sociologist S.K. Verma Indian Mirror, national paper D.N. Tagore Bande Mataram Madam Cama Som Prakash D. Vidyabhushan Sat Dharma Pracharaka Swami Shraddanand Statesman Robert Knight “bayard of India Bengal Gazettee or the Calcutta General Advertiser 1780

J.A. Hicky

Free Hindustan Taraknath Das Vangal Gazettee Gangadhar Bhattacharjee, H.C. Ray Madras Courier 1784 Raft Goftar Dada Bhai Digadarshan 1818 Firstly Bengali monthly Young India M.K. Gandhi Sulabh Samachar 1870 K.C. Sen Deen Mitra 1910 Mukund rao Patil My Indian Years Lord Hardinge Talwar Bhikji Cama, Vareendranath Upadhya Mook Nayak (1920), Bahishkrit hitkarni sabha (1924) and Janata ( 1928)

B.R. Ambedkar

War Date Details Battle of Hyadaspes (Jhelum) 327-326 BC Alexander defeated Porus Dashragya Battle (on the bank of Ravi)

Mentioned in the 7th Mandala of Riga Veda

Bharata defeated 10 kings Confederacy

Battle of 305 BC 305 BC Chandragupta Maurya defeated Selecus, he ceded Paropanisadai, Arachosia, Aria, Gedrosia

Kalinga War 261-260 BC Asoka converted to Buddhism in his 9th reginal year

Indo-Greek 155 BC Menander attacked Battle of Talaiyalanganam Sangam Age Needunjelian defeated Chera-

Chola Saka’s invasion 090 BC Maues and Monga, invaded


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Huna Invasion 454 AD - 494 AD Toramana Mihirkula, Huna, invasion, later defeated by Yasovarman (530-540)

Arab Invasion 712 AD Mohammad bin Qasim, first Arab ruler to invade India

Battle of Pallalur 630 AD Mahendravarman defeated by Pulkasin II

Battle of Manimangala 640 AD Narasimavarman defeated Pulkasin II

Battle of Venabi 8th century AD Mahendra Rajasimha I (730-765) defeated Chalukyan Kirtivarman II

Battle of Takkolam 949 AD Rashtrakuta Krishna II defeated Parantaka I

Battle of Kopan 1044 AD Someshvara I of Chalukya of Kalyana defeated and killed Rajadharaja of Chola dynasty

Battle of Tarain (First) 1191 AD Prithviraja III defeated Mohammad Ghori,

Battle of Tarain (Second) 1192 AD Prithviraja defeated by Ghori Battle of Mahoba 12th century AD Prithviraja defeated Chandella

ruler Battle of Tarain (Third) 1215 AD Iltumish defeated Yaldaz of


Writer Work Reign Sundara Pandya Nitidvishashtika 6th A.D. Bharavi Kiratarjuniya 7th A.D. Mahendravarman I Mattavilasa


Mahendravarman II Avantisundrikatha Bhavabhuti Mahaviracarita

Uttara-rama-carita Malatimadhava

7th A.D.

Kulashekhara Mukundamala Yamaka Kavya Yudhishthira Vijaya Tripuradahana

9th A.D. under Vasudeva 9th

Saktibhadra Ascaryacudamani First Drama of South India

Trivikrama Bhatta Nalacampu or Damayanti Katha

10th contemporary of Rashtrakuta Indra III

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East India Company: English

William Hawkins

In 1609, visited Jahangir with the letter of James I and he was conferredaward of 400 mansabs. In 1611, Jahangir ordered explusiion of Hawkins: Hawkins went to Agra, the cause was the Portuguese.

Thomas Best In 1612, he defeated Portuguese off Swally Hole, he was commander of 10th voyage.

Jahangir In 1615, as an ambassador of James I, came to the Mughal court and secured permission to trade with all parts of British Empire.

Surat In 1625, Mughals attacked English settlement, the President and Council of Surat factory was arrested. The English wanted to fortify.

Francis Day In 1626, opened factory at Armagoan In 1639, Madras was leased by ruler of Chandragiri – for 1/2 revenue; Madras was

fortified and known as St. George. Hariharpura In 1633, Factories were started. Bridgeman In 1651, opened factory at Hugli. Cromwell In 1654, defeated Portuguese. William Hedges In 1682, first British Governor agent visited Shaista Khan Sultan Shuja In 1651, issued farman to East India Company for only Rs. 3000. King Charles II In 1662, Bombay was included in the dowry in the Portuguese Princes Catherine of

Braganza, who married to King Charles II of England. Gerald Aungier Between 1669 and 1677, President of Surat and Governor of Bombay, revived the

Panchayati System. James Child He was the successor of Gerald Aungier, but he is known for his cruelty and therefore, he

was expelled by Aurangzeb. Aurangzeb In 1686, he defeated and driven out the East India Company out of factories in Bengal,

Surat, Masulipatnam, Vishakapatnam. Ibrahim Khan In 1691, Ibrahim Khan, son of Shaista Khan, under the order of Mughal Emperor, issued a farman.

granting the English exemption from the payment of custom duties in return for Rs.3000 per annum.

Job Charnock In 1691, he came back to Bengal and established a factory at Sutanuti. Shoba Singh In 1696, his rebellion provided time to East India Company to fortify their possession at

Sutanuti. Azimush Shah In 1698. The Governor of Bengal granted the sale of zamindari of three villages Sutanuti, Kalikata

and Govindpur on payment of Rs. 1,200. Sir Charles Eyre In 1700. The English factories in Bengal were placed under the separate control of the

President and Council established a new fortified settlement which was henceforth, named Fort William and Sir Charles Eyre was made its first President.

General Society In 1702, due to internal dissension, the East India Company was broken and a new body was created called 'General Society'.

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John Surman In 1715, alongwith Edward Stephenson, William Hamilton, came to court of Farrrukshiyar, cured the Emperor and in return got he following privileges : (1) In Bengal, they were exempted of taxation - on annual Rs. 3000. also allowed to rent additional land around Calcutta; (2)Jn Hyderabad, old privileges retained and rent was to be paid for Madras; (3) In Surat. exemption of taxes-Rs. 10.000 was fixed and the coins of the company minted at Bombay were to have currency throughout Mughal Empire and therefore, these privileges has made it as Magna Carta of the Company

Murshid Quli Khan

In 1616, being Governor of Bengal, opposed against these privileges.

Kanhoji Angeria

He-dominated the coast between Bombay and Goa from two strong holds: Gheria and Suvarn-durg.

Charles Boone From 1715-22, during the Government of Charles Boone, a wall was built around Bombay armed ships of the company were increased in order to defend.

Commodore James

In 1755r Suvarndurg was captured by him.

Battle of Plassey In 1756, the East India Company established political control over Bengal

Commercial Activities : French Compaignie des Indes Orientales

In 1664, under the leadership of Colbert, the company was founded.

Francois Caron In 1667, accompanied by Marcara, established first factory at Surat Marcara In 1669, established factory at Masulipatnam. De La Haye In 1673, was defeated by a combined force of Golcunda and Dutch and forced

to surrender San Thome to Dutch Francois Martin In 1673-74, obtained a little village from the Muslim Governor of

Valikondapuram. Thus, the foundation of Pondicherry was laid under Martin in 1674.

Shaista Khan In 1674, being Governor of Bengal granted a site to the French, on which they built the famous French factory at Chandernagar in 1690-92.

Francois Martin Between 1707 and 1720, as many as five Governors succeeded but failed to restore the lost territories

Perpetual Company of Indies

In 1720, the French company was reconstituted.

Lenoir and Dumas Between 1720 and 1742, prosperity returned under the wise administration of Lenoir andDumas. In 1721, occupied Mauritius, in 1723. Conquered Masulipatnam and Mahe andCalicut and in 1725 captured Malabar Coast and finally in 1739. Captured Karikal.

Verlags System A system of commercial advance - like the putting out system.

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Colonization: Portuguese

Vasco da Gama On 21st May, 1498, sailed from Lisbon. Calicut and Zamorin gave friendly reception and in this 60 per cent profit was earned.

Pedro Alvarez Cabral In 1500, sailed Estavao da Gama In 1502, established two settlements : Anjadivva and Cannanore Franisco d’ Almeida In 1505, ordered to build fortresses at Kilwa. Anjadiwa, Cannanore and Cochin Triple Alliance In 1508, Egypt, Turkey and Gujarat, formed an alliance and defeated Almeida/In

1509, Almeida defeated the Alliance near Diu and converted the India Ocean for the Portuguese domination for 100 years.

Albuquerque In 1510, captured Goa from Sultan of Bijapur and brought Malacca and Ormuz under his influence.

Nino do Cunha 1529-38, he transferred the capital from Cochin to Goa. In 1534, secured permission to build forts at Satgaon and Chittagaon. In 1535, he got possession of Diu.

Gracia de Noronha In 1538, he entered into treaty with Bahadur Shah. Martin Affonso de Sousa

In. 1542, Jesuit Saint, Francisco Xavier came with him.

Jomo Jaco de Castro In 1548, defeated Bijapur and advanced upto Goa. Caryaza System Every Indian ship sailing to a destination not reserved by the Portuguese for

their own trade had to buy one of these passes from Viceroy of Goa. Sri Lanka In 1580, it rebelled against the Portuguese and by 1663; many settlements

were lost to Dutch. Congributions Brought India the cultivation of tobacco, pineapple, papaya, cashew nut Spread

Catholicism In 1556, first Printing Press was introduced at Goa.

Expansion: Dutch

Cornelis de Houtman 1595-1601 as many as 15 voyages via Cape of Good Hope were conducted, Cornel is de Houtman was the first company to reach Summatra.

United Dutch East Company In 1602, the monopolistic chartered body empowered to conduct war conclude treaty and built fortress.

Van de Haghen In 1605, he founded a factory at Masulipatnam. Settlements 1605-Masulipatnam, 1610-Pulicat. 1616-Surat, 164 l-Bimlipatnam and

Draksharam, 1653- Chinsura. Hendrick Brouwer In 1612, became Governor-General of Dutch settlement. Batavia In 1619 conquered Jacatra and established Batavia. Goa and Malacca In 1639 blockaded Goa and in 1641 captured Malacca. Van Reede In 1660 transferred his capital from Pulicat to Negapattnam. Van Goens In 1662 built fort at New Orange. Indonesia 1654-67 English decided to give up all the claims in the Indonesia. Battle of Bedara In 1759, English defeated Dutch

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Dispossession Dutch were dispossessed of all possessions in India. The Dutch had monopoly in peppr trade. The Dutchs were firmly entrenched on the Coromandal coast, than Malabar coast due to the Portuguese entrenchment in Malabar.

Pipli first established factory in Bengal Nagalwanche & Palakollu Were noted for Indigo and Dying.