sustainable improvements, sustainable growth

PT ACE HARDWARE INDONESIA, Tbk. SUSTAINABILLITY REPORT 2020 Sustainable Improvements, Sustainable Growth

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Page 1: Sustainable Improvements, Sustainable Growth




Page 2: Sustainable Improvements, Sustainable Growth



Menghadapi Covid-19 Facing Covid-19Pengantar Foreword

Tata Kelola Berkelanjutan Sustainable Governance

Pengembangan Kompetensi Terkait Keuangan BerkelanjutanCompetency Development Related to Sustainable Finance

Penilaian Risiko atas Penerapan Keuangan BerkelanjutanRisk Assessment on Implementation of Sustainable Finance

Hubungan dengan Pemangku KepentinganStakeholders Relations

Tentang Laporan Keberlanjutan About the Sustainability Report

Prinsip Penetapan Isi Laporan Principles for Defining Report Content

Cakupan & batasan Scope & limitations

Penanggung jawab Penerapan Keuangan BerkelanjutanPerson in Charge of Sustainable Finance Implementation

Pemetaan prioritas Perseroan Mapping Company’s Priorities

Aspek Prioritas Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Priority Aspects of The Sustainable Development Goals

Visi Vision

Misi Mission

Nilai Keberlanjutan Sustainability Values

Ruang Lingkup Laporan Scope of Report

Prinsip Penentuan Kualitas Laporan Principles for Defining Report Quality

Tantangan terhadap Penerapan Keuangan BerkelanjutanChallenges in Sustainable Finance Implementation

Keterlibatan Pemangku Kepentingan Stakeholder Engagement

Penjelasan Strategi Keberlanjutan Explanation of Sustainability Strategy

Ikhtisar Aspek Keberlanjutan Overview of Sustainability Aspects

Profil Perseroan Company Profile

Nama dan Alamat Perseroan Company Name and Address

Skala Perusahaan Company Scale

Komposisi Karyawan Employee Composition

Komposisi Pemegang Saham Shareholder Composition

Produk, Layanan, Kegiatan Usaha Products, Services, Business Practices

Tinjauan Produk Product Overview

Keanggotaan Asosiasi Association Membership

Perubahan Signifikan di Tahun Buku Significant Changes in the Fiscal Year

Penjelasan Direksi Message from Board of Directors































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3 Laporan KeberLanjutan SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020

Jumlah & Intensitas Energi yang Digunakan Amount & Intensity in Energy consumption

Upaya Efisiensi Energi Energy Efficiency Efforts

Penggunaan Air Water Consumption

Dampak terhadap Lingkungan Hidup Impacts on the Environment

Penggunaan dan Upaya Pengurangan Emisi Uses and Efforts in Emissions Reduction

Limbah & Efluen Waste dan Effluents

Pengaduan terkait Lingkungan Hidup Complaints Related to the Environment

Kinerja Operasi Operational Performance

Pemberian Layanan Produk/Jasa kepada Konsumen Konsumen Providing Products/Services to Consumers

Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan Health Protocols Implementation

Kesetaraan Kesempatan Bekerja Equal Employment Opportunity

Komitmen dalam Bidang Ketenagakerjaan Commitment in the Manpower Sector

Kesempatan dan Dukungan bagi Karyawan Wanita Opportunities and Support for Female Employees

Fasilitas dan Kegiatan Karyawan Employee Facilities and Activities

Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Kompetensi Karyawan Employee Competency Training and Development

Inovasi & Pengembangan Produk Product Innovation and Development

Evaluasi Produk & Jasa Product and Service Evaluation

Dampak Produk & Jasa Product and Service Impact

Kinerja Keberlanjutan Sustainable Performance

Kinerja Ekonomi Economic Performance

Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup Environmental Performance

Dampak Operasional terhadap Masyarakat Sekitar Operational Impact to Surrounding Community

Pengaduan Masyarakat Public Complaints

Kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Sosial LingkunganEnvironmental Social Responsibility Activities

Tanggung Jawab Pengembangan Produk dan Jasa BerkelanjutanResponsibility in Developing Sustainable Products / Services

Keamanan Data Data Security

Kebijakan mengenai Pemasok Supplier Policy

Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan Customer Satisfaction Survey

Kode Etik Code of Ethics


Kegiatan Membangun Budaya Keberlanjutan Activities in Developing Sustainability Culture































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Mengusung slogan “The Helpful Place”, PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk (Perseroan) berkomitmen untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi para pemangku kepentingan, dengan menyediakan produk dan jasa yang solutif, memberikan kontribusi bagi alam dan lingkungan, serta membantu peningkatan pemberdayaan komunitas dan masyarakat. Komitmen ini merupakan wujud dari pemenuhan 3 (tiga) prinsip dasar keberlanjutan, yaitu People (Manusia), Planet (Lingkungan) dan Profit (Manfaat Ekonomi).

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5 Laporan KeberLanjutan SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020

Carrying the slogan “The Helpful Place”, PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk (the Company) is committed to providing the best for all stakeholders by offering the best solutions through products and services, contributing to nature and the environment as well as helping to increase the welfare of the surrounding communities. This commitment is a manifestation of 3 (three) basic principles in sustainability, namely People, Planet (Environment) and Profit (Economic Benefits).

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Simulasi Implementasi Protokol Covid-19 bersama Kementerian Perdagangan, Pemda DKI Jakarta & APRINDOSimulation of the implementation of Covid-19 protocol with Ministry of Trade, Regional Government DKI Jakarta & APRINDO



Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19Perseroan merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menerima dampak pandemic Covid-19 secara signifikan. Adanya pembatasan kegiatan fisik dan pencegahan kerumunan berimbas pada pembatasan jam operasional gerai, terutama di pusat-pusat perbelanjaan. Pada kuartal kedua tahun 2020, 40 gerai Perseroan sempat mengalami penutupan sementara, sehubungan dengan kebijakan pemerintah untuk menutup sementara sebagian besar pusat perbelanjaan. Untuk mempertahankan kinerja, Perseroan mengadakan produk-produk yang berkaitan dengan kebersihan, menunjang protokol kesehatan dan gaya hidup new normal.

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Penerapan standar protokol kesehatan di toko / Implementation of standardized health protocols in store

7 Laporan KeberLanjutan SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020

Facing Covid-19 PandemicThe Company is one of the companies that has been impacted significantly by the Covid-19 pandemic. The restriction on physical activities and prevention of large gatherings resulted in limitations on the operating hours of outlets, especially in shopping centers. In the second quarter of 2020, 40 of the Company’s outlets experienced temporary closure, due to the government’s policy to temporarily shuts down shopping center activities. To maintain its performance, the Company provides hygiene products, as well as products which support health and new normal lifestyle.

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Tentang Laporan KeberlanjutanPenerbitan Laporan Keberlanjutan merupakan wujud kepatuhan Perseroan terhadap POJK No. 51/POJK.03/2017 Tentang Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan Bagi Lembaga Jasa Keuangan, Emiten, dan Perusahaan Publik. Laporan Keberlanjutan Perseroan secara khusus mencakup kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Sosial (Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR), sebagaimana diatur pada Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas serta Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 47 Tahun 2012 tentang Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Perseroan Terbatas.

Cakupan dan BatasanLaporan Keberlanjutan ini memuat kebijakan, strategi, prosedur, penerapan dan informasi terkait dengan kinerja ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan Perseroan selama periode 1 Januari sampai dengan 31 Desember 2020, dan merupakan laporan keberlanjutan terbaru hingga tahun 2021. Kantor Pusat Perseroan dan Entitas Anak berlokasi di Jakarta. [102-50][102-51]

About this Sustainability ReportThe creation of this Sustainability Report is a manifestation of the Company’s compliance with POJK No. 51/POJK.03/2017 concerning the Implementation of Sustainable Finance for Financial Service Institutions, Issuers, and Public Companies. The Company’s Sustainability Report specifically covers Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, as regulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia (UU) No. 40 Year 2007 regarding Limited Liability Companies as well as Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 47 Year 2012 on Social and Environmental Responsibility of Limited Liability Companies.

Scope and LimitationThis Sustainability Report contains policies, strategies, procedures, implementation and information related to the Company’s economic, social and environmental performance during the period of January 1 to December 31, 2020. This report is our latest sustainability report in 2021. The head office of the Company and Subsidiaries is located in Jakarta. [102-50][102-51]

Flagship store ACE di Living World, Alam Sutera

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9 Laporan KeberLanjutan SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020

Perseroan berkomitmen untuk mempersiapkan Laporan Berkelanjutan setiap tahun dengan metode pengumpulan data yang lebih terkoordinir dan komprehensif sesuai ketentuan Peraturan OJK No. 51/2017. Laporan Keberlanjutan ini diterbitkan dalam dua bahasa dan dapat diunduh di situs resmi Perseroan, [102-52]

Tanggapan atas laporan keberlanjutan ini dapat disampaikan melalui: [102-3] [102-53]

Divisi Sekretariat Perusahaan dan Hubungan Investor.

Prinsip Penetapan Isi PelaporanLaporan Keberlanjutan ini memuat topik-topik keberlanjutan yang terdiri dari 3 (tiga) aspek utama, yaitu ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan, yang disajikan secara berimbang. Topik-topik yang dilaporkan merupakan topik yang selaras dengan keberlanjutan Perseroan maupun para pemangku kepentingan, dengan memperhatikan prinsip transparansi, dengan susunan isi Laporan sebagai berikut:a. Materialitas: Laporan ini berisi informasi aspek

ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan yang material berdasarkan penilaian dan keputusan pemangku kepentingan.

b. Konteks Keberlanjutan: Laporan ini menyajikan kinerja yang relevan dalam konteks keberlanjutan.

c. Kelengkapan: Laporan ini mencakup aspek-aspek ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan yang material dan dalam batasan periode pelaporan selama satu tahun kalender yang didukung data dan informasi lengkap.

Daftar lokasi gerai dimuat di dalam Laporan Tahunan, dan Perseroan memiliki distribution center di Jababeka, Surabaya dan Medan. [SASB CG-MR-000.A]

The Company is committed to creating Sustainability Report annually, with a coordinated and comprehensive data collection method according to the provisions of OJK Regulation No. 51/2021. This Sustainability Report published in two languages and can be downloaded on the Company’s official website[102-52]

Inquiries about this sustainability report can be submitted via: [102-3] [102-53]

Division of Corporate Secretary and Investor Relations.

Report Content PrinciplesThis Sustainability Report contains sustainability topics which consist of 3 (three) sustainability topics: economic, social and environmental, which are comparably represented. The reported topics are in line with the sustainability of the Company and its stakeholders, with due regard to the principle of transparency, with the composition of the report contents as follows:a. Materiality: This report contains information on

material economic, social and environmental aspects based on stakeholder assessments and decisions.

b. Sustainability Context: This report presents performance result that is relevant in the context of sustainability.

c. Completeness: This report covers material economic, social and environmental aspects and is within a reporting period of one calendar year, which is supported by complete data and information.

list of store locations is presented in the Annual Report, and the Company has distribution centers in Jababeka, Surabaya and Medan. [SASB CG-MR-000.A]

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Ruang Lingkup LaporanSumber data keuangan disajikan berdasarkan laporan keuangan konsolidasian, yang mencakup PT Ace Hardware Indonesia dan PT Toys Games Indonesia. Beberapa data kualitatif terutama merupakan data PT Ace Hardware Indonesia, kecuali bila disebutkan berbeda. Tidak terdapat pernyataan kembali informasi (restatements of information) atau perubahan dalam pelaporan. [102-45] [102-48] [102-49]

Laporan Keberlanjutan disusun dan disampaikan secara tahunan dan disajikan terpisah dari Laporan Tahunan. Laporan ini menyajikan kinerja keberlanjutan untuk periode laporan 1 Januari – 31 Desember 2020. [102-50] [102-51] [102-52]

Laporan ini disusun dalam bentuk narasi dan informasi kinerja keberlanjutan tahun 2020. Seluruh data dan informasi bersumber dari data internal yang telah divalidasi oleh unit kerja terkait. [102-46]

Penyusunan Laporan Keberlanjutan ini dibuat dengan mengacu pada POJK no.51/POJK.03/2017 tentang Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan, Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) Standards serta Sustainability Accounting Standard (SASB) tentang Multiline and Specialty Retailers & Distributors. [102-54]

204-1 Laporan ini memuat 5 topik prioritas yang dipilih dari total 10 topik material. Topik ini telah didiskusikan secara internal pada tanggal 21 Desember 2020, yang dihadiri oleh Direktur, unit ESG dan perwakilan unit kerja terkait. Topik ini diidentifikasi pengaruhnya terhadap Perseroan dan dampaknya terhadap para pemangku kepentingan. [102-44] [102-47] [103-1] [204-1]

Scope of ReportSources of financial data are presented based on the consolidated financial statements, which include PT Ace Hardware Indonesia and PT Toys Games Indonesia. Some of the qualitative data is primarily PT Ace Hardware Indonesia’s data, unless otherwise noted. There are no restatements of information or changes in reporting. [102-

45] [102-48] [102-49]

The Sustainability Report is prepared and submitted annually and presented separately from the Annual Report. This report presents the sustainability performance for the reporting period January 1 - December 31, 2020. [102-50] [102-51] [102-52]

This report is prepared in the form of narrative and information on sustainability performance for 2020. All data and information are sourced from internal data that has been validated by the relevant work unit. [102-46]

The preparation of this Sustainability Report is made with reference to POJK no.51/ POJK.03/2017 concerning the Implementation of Sustainable Finance, Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) Standards and Sustainability Accounting Standards (SASB) regarding Multiline and Specialty Retailers & Distributors. [102-54]

This report contains 5 priority topics selected from a total of 10 materiality topics. The topics were discussed internally on 21 December 2020, which was attended by Directors, ESG units and representatives of related work units. The topics were identified on its impact to the Company and the stakeholders. [102-44] [102-47] [103-1] [204-1]

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11 Laporan KeberLanjutan SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020

Topik material Perseroan adalah:1. Quality Products2. Quality Service3. Training & Development4. Risk Management5. Business Partnership6. Corporate Governance7. Social & Community Development8. Environmental Management9. Employee Care10. Data Security Management

Pemetaan selanjutnya menghasilkan 5 faktor yang saat ini dipandang sebagai prioritas Perseroan dalam menetapkan inisiatif ESG, yaitu: 1. Quality Products2. Quality Service3. Corporate Governance4. Employee Care 5. Data Security Management

Materiality Topics of the Company:1. Quality Products2. Quality Service3. Training & Development4. Risk Management5. Business Partnership6. Corporate Governance7. Social & Community Development8. Environmental Management9. Employee Care10. Data Security Management

The subsequent mapping of the topics resulted in 5 factors that are currently seen as the Company’s priorities in determining the ESG initiative, namely:1. Quality Products2. Quality Service3. Corporate Governance4. Employee Care5. Data Security Management

Translation: Importance to Stakeholders (Kepentingan untuk Pemangku Kepentingan)Importance to Company (Kepentingan untuk Perusahaan)

Pemetaan Prioritas Perseroan Mapping Company’s Priorities

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Dukungan Perseroan terhadap Pencapaian SDGsPerseroan telah melakukan pemetaan pada SDGs dan mengidentifikasi 14 tujuan di mana Perseroan dapat melakukan kontribusi. Hasil pemetaan ini dihubungkan dan menjadi dasar implementasi topik material yang menjadi fokus Perseroan.

No. 1: Menghapus KemiskinanPerseroan merekrut karyawan termasuk putra daerah dan memberikan kompensasi dengan mengacu pada peraturan pemerintah dan ketentuan Upah Minimum Regional (UMR).

No. 3: Kesehatan yang Baik dan Kesejahteraan Perseroan berusaha menjaga kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja karyawan dengan menyediakan fasilitas kesehatan dan asuransi kesehatan. Di masa pandemi, Perseroan juga melakukan berbagai langkah protokol kesehatan yang ketat untuk menjaga kesehatan dan keamanan karyawan serta pelanggan.

The Support of the Company in Achieving the SDGsThe Company has mapped out what kind of contribution can be made throughout various SDGs and identified 14 targets. The mapping result is directly linked to the basic implementation of topics material as the Company’s focus.

No. 1: No PovertyThe Company recruits employees from local communities and provides compensation by referring to government regulations and the provisions of the Regional Minimum Wage (UMR).

No. 3: Good Health and Well-beingThe Company strives to maintain the health and safety of employees by providing health facilities and health insurance. During a pandemic, the Company also carried out various strict health protocol steps to maintain the health and safety of employees and customers.

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13 Laporan KeberLanjutan SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020


No. 4: Pendidikan BermutuPerseroan menyediakan program pelatihan yang setara dan berkelanjutan bagi seluruh karyawan untuk mengembangkan potensi dan kompetensi, hal ini juga mencakup program e-learning untuk mempermudah karyawan mengikuti pelatihan. Perseroan juga memberikan beasiswa kepada anak-anak karyawan yang berprestasi.

No. 5: Kesetaraan GenderPerseroan memberikan kesempatan yang sama atas pekerjaan, peningkatan karir, serta penyediaan tempat kerja yang nyaman bagi karyawan perempuan.

No. 6: Akses Air Bersih dan Sanitasi Perseroan menyediakan produk yang membantu pelanggan untuk memperoleh air bersih dan membantu menjaga kesehatan keluarga.

No. 8: Pekerjaan Layak dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Perseroan memberikan kesempatan bekerja dan peningkatan karir yang setara kepada karyawan.

No. 9: Infrastruktur, Industri dan Inovasi Perseroan melakukan inovasi dalam menyediakan moda belanja dengan tidak hanya terbatas pada belanja offline, tetapi juga menyediakan situs belanja online yaitu, Ace Online, platform marketplace dan aplikasi interaktif MISS ACE.

No. 10: Mengurangi Ketimpangan Perseroan memberikan remunerasi yang lebih tinggi dari Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP) untuk karyawan entry-level.

No. 4: Quality EducationThe Company provides an equal and sustainable training program for all employees to develop their potential and competencies. This also includes an e-learning program to make it easier for employees to attend training. The Company also provides scholarships to employees’ children who excel.

No. 5: Gender EqualityThe Company provides gender equality when it comes to work opportunities and career promotion. The Company also provides a hospitable workplace for female employees.

No. 6: Clean Water and SanitationThe Company provides products that assist customers in getting clean water and support customer’s family health and wellbeing.

No. 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthThe Company provides equal opportunity and career advancement to every employee.

No. 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

The Company continues to innovate and provide a shopping experience not limited to offline stores but also offers online shopping sites, such as, Ace Online, the marketplace platform, and the interactive MISS ACE apps.

No. 10: Reduced InequalityThe Company offers higher remuneration, more than Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) for entry-level employees.

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No. 13: Penanganan Perubahan Iklim Perseroan menyediakan eco-product, melakukan inisiatif dan kampanye ramah lingkungan untuk karyawan (pemisahan sampah kantor, penghematan kertas, dll).

No. 15: Menjaga Ekosistem Darat Perseroan melakukan kampanye “Trees for Tomorrow”, di mana di tahun 2020 sudah mencapai 1 juta bibit yang diberikan kepada pelanggan.

No. 16: Perdamaian, Keadilan dan Kelembagaan yang KuatPerseroan berusaha melakukan compliance terhadap peraturan yang ada serta menerapkan praktek tata kelola perusahaan yang baik.

Prinsip Penentuan Kualitas LaporanLaporan Keberlanjutan Perseroan mengacu pada prinsip-prinsip sebagai berikut:1. Keseimbangan: Laporan ini menyajikan aspek-

aspek positif dan negatif dari kinerja Perseroan.2. Komparabilitas: Laporan ini menyajikan kinerja

periode pelaporan dan periode sebelumnya.3. Akurasi: Laporan ini disajikan dengan akurat dan

rinci.4. Tepat Waktu: Laporan ini disusun sesuai dengan

waktu yang telah ditentukan.5. Kejelasan: Laporan ini menyajikan informasi yang

jelas dan mudah untuk dipahami.6. Keandalan: Laporan ini berisi informasi yang dapat


No. 13: Climate ActionThe Company provides eco-products, carries out environmentally friendly initiatives and campaigns for employees (office waste separation, less-paper action, etc.).

No. 15: Life on LandThe Company carried out the “Trees for Tomorrow” campaign, resulting in 1 million seeds contributed to loyal customers.

No. 16: Peace, Justice and Strong InstitutionThe Company aims to comply with existing regulations and implement good corporate governance practices.

Principles for Defining Report QualityThe Company’s Sustainability Report refers to the following principles:1. Balance: This report presents the positive and negative

aspects of the Company’s performance.2. Comparability: This report presents the performance

of the reporting period and the previous period.3. Accuracy: This report is presented with accuracy and

detail.4. Punctuality: This report is prepared following a

predetermined time.5. Clarity: This report provides information that is clear

and easy to understand.6. Reliability: This report contains information that can

be justified.



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Pemangku Kepentingan Perseroan yang terlibat langsung dengan keberlanjutan usaha Perseroan terdiri dari karyawan, pelanggan, pemasok, pemegang saham, masyarakat dan pemerintah.

Keterlibatan Pemangku Kepentingan Perseroan telah melakukan identifikasi pemangku kepentingan, yaitu pihak yang memiliki hubungan dengan kegiatan usaha dan keberlanjutan Perseroan secara signifikan. Interaksi ini dikelola secara kolektif oleh berbagai unit kerja, dan dikoordinasi oleh Departemen Sekretariat Perusahaan.

Penjelasan Strategi KeberlanjutanDalam menghadapi isu-isu keberlanjutan, Perseroan merancang kebijakan dan program yang dapat dilaksanakan secara jangka panjang. Sejumlah strategi keberlanjutan Perseroan mencakup perencanaan penggunaan produk dan material ramah lingkungan, efisiensi energi, air dan emisi, serta upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan.

Stakeholders of the Company who are directly involved in the sustainability of the Company’s business consist of employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, the community, and the government.

Stakeholder EngagementThe Company has defined the stakeholders as parties that have a significant relationship with the Company’s business practices and sustainability. This interaction was managed collectively by various work units, and coordinated by the Corporate Secretariat Department.

Explanation of Sustainability StrategyIn dealing with sustainability issues, the Company designs policies and programs that can be implemented in the long term. A number of the Company’s sustainability strategies include planning the use of environmentally friendly products and materials, energy efficiency, water and emissions, as well as efforts in welfare improvement for all stakeholders.

Tahun Year

Pendapatan/Penjualan Bersih (miliar Rupiah)Revenues/Net Sales (billion Rupiah)

Laba/Rugi Bersih (miliar Rupiah)Net Profit/ Loss (billion Rupiah)

Total Aset (miliar Rupiah)Total Assets (billion Rupiah)

Aspek Ekonomi Economic Aspect










2020 20182019

Ikhtisar Aspek Keberlanjutan Highlights of the Sustainability Aspect



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17 Laporan KeberLanjutan SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020


Tahun Year

Tahun Year

Tahun Year

Total Kewajiban (miliar Rupiah)Total Liabilities (billion Rupiah)

Produk Ramah Lingkungan terhadap jumlah SKUsEnvironmentally Friendly Products to total SKUs

Jumlah Tenaga Kerja LokalLocal Labor Personnel

Jumlah Pemasok LokalLocal Suppliers

Penggunaan Energi Listrik (juta kWh)Electricity Usage (million kWh)

Penggunaan Energi Listrik per m2 (kWh) [302-3]

Electricity Usage per m2 (kWh) [302-3]

Penggunaan Air (juta m3)Water Usage (million m3)

Penggunaan Air per m2 (m3)Water Usage per m2 (m3)

Penggunaan Kertas (juta lembar)Paper Usage (million sheet)

Penggunaan BBM (ribu liter)Fuel Usage (thousand litre)

Penggunaan BBM (liter) dihitung berdasarkan gerai yang dilayani armada Perseroan [302-3]

Fuel usage (litre) calculated on the base of number of stores served by the Company’s fleet [302-3]

Aspek Ekonomi Economic Aspect

























2020 2019


Ikhtisar Aspek Keberlanjutan Highlights of the Sustainability Aspect

Pemakaian Listrik dan Air [301-1] [302-3] [303-5] Electricity and Water Usage [301-1] [302-3] [303-5]

Pemakaian Kertas dan BBM [305-5] Paper and Fuel Usage [305-5]


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Tahun Year

Kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan lingkungan Community and environmental empowerment activities

Donasi lampu LED, perbaikan jalur listrik dan pipa air, pemberian bantuan bencana alam, pembersihan fasilitas publik, pelaksanaan kegiatan donor darah, donasi APD dan fasilitas kesehatan, donasi mainan edukatif, dan donasi mobil donor darah.Donation of LED lights, repair of electricity lines and water pipes, provision of natural disaster relief, cleaning of public facilities, carrying out blood donation activities, donation of PPE and health facilities, donation of educational toys, and donation of blood donation vehicles.

Donasi lampu LED dan aksi bersih-bersih, perbaikan kelistrikan dan penerangan Rumah Budaya Sumba, pemberian pengobatan dan sembako, pemberian bibit pohon, donasi peralatan dan kegiatan bersih-bersih masjid, donasi perangkat belajar-mengajar, pemberian santunan kepada anak yatim, pelaksanaan kegiatan donor darah, serta donasi mainan edukatif kepada anak yatim.Donation of LED and cleaning activities, repair of electricity and lighting of the Sumba Cultural House, provision of medical and commodity goods, distribution of tree seedlings, donation of cleaning equipment and mosque cleaning activities, donation of learning equipment, provision of support to orphans, carrying out blood donation activities, and donation of educational toys to orphans.

Bantuan bencana alam untuk korban bencana di Lombok, Palu-Donggala, kegiatan donor darah, donasi peralatan belajar-mengajar, pemberian bibit pohon, dan kegiatan bersih-bersih masjid.Natural disaster assistance for disaster victims in Lombok, Palu-Donggala, carrying out blood donation activities, donation of teaching and learning equipment, distribution of tree seedlings, and mosque cleaning activities.

Aspek Sosial Social Aspect

2020 20182019

Ikhtisar Aspek Keberlanjutan Highlights of the Sustainability Aspect

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visi PerseroanKami berusaha menjadi pusat ritel perlengkapan rumah dan gaya hidup yang terdepan di Indonesia.

Misi Keberlanjutan PerseroanKami bertujuan memberikan pilihan lengkap untuk produk berkualitas tinggi dengan harga kompetitif, ditunjang pelayanan pelanggan oleh tim professional selaras dengan prinsip-prinsip keberlanjutan.

Visi dan Misi Perseroan telah dibahas, dikaji, ditinjau kembali serta disetujui bersama oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan.

Nilai Keberlanjutan [102-16]

Perseroan menganut 3 (tiga) nilai dasar keberlanjutan yaitu People, Planet dan Profit.

Nama dan Alamat Perseroan [102-1][102-3]

PT Ace Hardware Indonesia TbkGedung Kawan LamaJl. Puri Kencana No. 1, Kembangan SelatanJakarta 11610, IndonesiaTelp. +62-21 582 2222Faks. +62 21 582 4022Web.

Perseroan berbentuk PT (Perseroan Terbatas) dan terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) [102-5]. Perseroan beroperasi dan melayani pasar [102-6].

Gerai Perseroan berlokasi di 50 kota dan 34 provinsi di seluruh Indonesia. [102-4]

Skala Perusahaan [102-7]

Total AsetTotal aset Perseroan per 31 Desember 2020 adalah sebesar Rp7.247,1 miliar.

Company VisionWe strive to be the leading home and lifestyle retails canter in Indonesia

Company Sustainability MissionWe aim to provide a complete selection of high-quality products at competitive prices, supported by customer service by a professional team in line with the principles of sustainability.

The Company’s vision and mission have been discussed, studied, reviewed and agreed upon by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of the Company

Sustainability Values [102-16]

The Company adheres to 3 (three) basic values of sustainability, namely People, Planet and Profit.

Company Name and Address [102-1][102-3]

PT Ace Hardware Indonesia TbkKawan Lama BuildingJl. Puri Kencana No. 1, Kembangan SelatanJakarta 11610, IndonesiaTel. +62-21 582 2222Fax. +62 21 582 4022Web.

The Company has a Limited Liability form and listed at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) [102-5]. The Company operates and serves the domestic market [102-6].

The Company’s stores are located in 50 cities and 34 provinces in Indonesia. [102-4]

Company Scale [102-7]

Total AssetsThe total assets of the Company as of December 31, 2020 amount to Rp7,247.1 billion.

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Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan Tingkat UsiaEmployee Composition Based on Age Level

Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan Tingkat Pendidikan Employee Composition Based on Education Level

Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan Tingkat JabatanEmployee Composition Based on Position Level

<30 tahun years old31-40 tahun years old41-50 tahun years old> 50 tahun years old

S2 Master’s DegreeS1 Bachelor’s DegreeDiplomaSMA/SMK dan setara High School/Vocational High School and equivalent

BOD & BOCHeadManagerStaffNonStaff


















12.952 4.114

738 68







Tingkat Usia Age Level

Tingkat Pendidikan Education Level

Tingkat Jabatan Position Level







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Total KewajibanTotal kewajiban Perseroan per 31 Desember 2020 adalah sebesar Rp2.024,8 miliar. Komposisi KaryawanPada akhir 2020, jumlah karyawan Perseroan adalah sebanyak 16.416 orang, menurun dari 2019 yaitu 17.872 orang. [102-8]

Sekitar 50% dari karyawan operasional Perseroan adalah bersifat kontrak. Perseroan memberikan fasilitas dan benefit yang relatif sama untuk karyawan kontrak. [401-2] Perseroan juga membuka kesempatan bagi karyawan kontrak untuk diangkat sebagai karyawan permanen jika menunjukkan kinerja yang baik dan setelah masa kerja tertentu.

Total LiabilitiesThe total liabilities of the Company as of December 31, 2020 amount to Rp2,024.8 billion. Employee CompositionAt the end of 2020, the number of the Company’s employees was 16,416, a decrease from 2019 which was 17,872. [102-8]

Approximately 50% of the Company’s operational employees are contractual. The Company provides facilities and benefits that are relatively the same for contract employees. [401-2] The company also opens opportunities for contract employees to be appointed as permanent employees if they perform well and after a certain period of service.



Keberagaman Karyawan Employee Diversity

Jumlah Tenaga Kerja WanitaNumber of Female Labour

Karyawan Wanita di Level Manajemen SeniorFemale Employees at Senior Management Level

Karyawan Wanita di Level Manajemen EksekutifFemale Employees at Executive Management Level

Perekrutan Karyawan BaruNew Employee Recruitment

Perekrutan Karyawan Pria BaruNew Male Employee Recruitment

Perekrutan Karyawan Wanita BaruNew Female Employee Recruitment

Rata-Rata Usia Karyawan WanitaAverage Age of Female Employees

Rata-Rata Masa Bekerja hingga 31 Desember 2020Average Service Period per 31 December 2020

4.962 5.413

1.477 6.397

968 4.367

509 2.030

28 tahun 27 years old

5,44 tahun 4,48 years

5 4

4 4

Aspek Aspect 2020 2019

Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan GenderEmployee Composition Based on Gender

Pria MaleWanita Female

Total 16.416 17.872



Gender 2020 2019

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Wilayah OperasionalInformasi mengenai Wilayah Operasional telah tercantum di dalam Laporan Tahunan bab Profil Perusahaan.

Sertifikasi EksternalPerseroan telah mendapatkan sertifikasi ISO 9001:2015 dari SGS Indonesia. [102-12]

Operational AreaInformation on Operational Areas has been included in the Company Profile chapter of the Annual Report.

External CertificationThe Company has obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification from SGS Indonesia. [102-12]


Komposisi Pemegang Saham per 31 Desember 2020Composition of Shareholders as of December 31, 2020

Komposisi Kepemilikan Saham Berdasarkan Institusi dan Individu Lokal dan AsingComposition of Share Ownership Based on Local and Foreign Institutions and Individuals

Komposisi Kepemilikan Saham Share Ownership Composition

PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera

Individu LokalLocal Individuals

Kuncoro Wibowo

Publik Public

Individu AsingForeign Individuals

Institusi LokalLocal Institutions

Institusi AsingForeign Institutions















Nama Pemegang SahamName of Shareholders

Nama Pemegang SahamName of Shareholders

Jumlah Lembar Saham Number of Shares

Jumlah Lembar Saham Number of Shares

Persentase Kepemilikan Percentage of Ownership

Persentase Kepemilikan Percentage of Ownership

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Produk, Layanan, dan Kegiatan UsahaPer akhir 2020, Perseroan menyediakan sekitar 60.000 jenis produk berkualitas yang terbagi dalam berbagai kategori. Konsep penyediaan berbagai produk dalam satu tempat yang terintegrasi merupakan daya tarik Perseroan agar pelanggan dapat menemukan solusi dan inspirasi untuk melengkapi kebutuhan rumah tangga dan gaya hidup. Secara umum, produk Perseroan terbagi dalam 2 (dua) kategori utama: [102-2]

Products, Services, and Business ActivitiesAs of the end of 2020, the Company has provided around 60,000 types of quality products divided into various categories. The concept of providing various products in one integrated place is the Company’s attraction so that customers can find solutions and inspiration to complement their household and lifestyle needs. In general, the Company’s products are divided into 2 (two) main categories: [102-2]

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COMPANY PROFILEPerlengkapan Rumah Tangga • Hardware• HORECABA(Hotel,Restaurant, Catering, Bakery equipment) • CleaningAids• LawnandGardening• Lighting• OutdoorLiving• PaintandSundries• PlumbingSuppliesandFixtures• Electrical• Tools• Miscellaneous

Gaya Hidup • Automotiveaccessories• OutdoorFurniture• HousewareandGift• SportingGoodsandPetSupplies• HomeAppliances

Home Improvement • Hardware• HORECABA(Hotel,Restaurant, Catering, Bakery equipment) • CleaningAids• LawnandGardening• Lighting• OutdoorLiving• PaintandSundries• PlumbingSuppliesandFixtures• Electrical• Tools• Miscellaneous

Lifestyle• Automotiveaccessories• OutdoorFurniture• HousewareandGift• SportingGoodsandPetSupplies• HomeAppliances

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Tinjauan Produk• Sekitar 5,0% dari total produk yang ada

dikategorikan sebagai produk Eco pada akhir tahun 2020.

• PengelompokanprodukEcopadaonlinechannelsuntuk memudahkan pelanggan berbelanja. Di dalam website Ace Online, kategori produk Eco dibagi menjadi beberapa sub-kategori berikut:• energysavings• environmentallyfriendly• health&safety• sustainableforest• watersaving• greenhousegasreduction• servicedproducts• elderlyproducts• Label produk mencantumkan informasi terkait

negara produsen, importir, barcode, dan nomor artikel. Untuk produk tertentu dengan kemasan, terdapat informasi apakah produk tersebut dapat didaur ulang atau tidak, sertifikasi vendor, dan instruksi, kartu garansi dalam kemasan (jika produk tersebut memiliki kemasan).

• Perseroan juga berusahamemenuhi standar yangberlaku, sesuai dengan jenis produk, misalnya SNI, BPOM, Alkes dan sebagainya. [417-1]

Product Overview• Approximately 5.0% of the total products are

categorized as Eco products as per 31 December 2020.• GroupingofEcoproductsononlinechannelstomake

it easier for customers to shop. On the Ace Online website, the Eco product category is divided into the following sub-categories: • energysavings• environmentallyfriendly• health&safety• sustainableforest• watersaving• greenhousegasreduction• servicedproducts• elderlyproducts• Product label contains information regarding

the country of manufacture, importer, barcode, and the article number. For certain packaged products, there is information whether the product can be recycled or not, vendor certification, SNI/national standardization; and instruction manual, warranty card in the packaging (if the product has a packaging).

• Compliancetoprevailingstandards(e.g.SNI,BPOM,Alkes, etc). [417-1]

Toko ACE Queen City Mall Semarang CE Store Queen City Mall Semarang

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• Produk yang ditawarkan dikomunikasikanmelaluiberbagai saluran komunikasi, seperti situs web dan media digital.

• SebagianbesarprodukyangditawarkanPerseroanmasih merupakan produk impor. Namun demikian, Perseroan memiliki sub unit usaha Pendopo, dan hadir di gerai Ace. Pendopo menawarkan produk Indonesia yang mengedepankan pesona kekayaan budaya melalui keragaman bentuk karya dan produk kriya dari berbagai produk di tanah air yang menggabungkan tradisi, budaya dan konsep kekinian. Pendopo bekerjasama dengan pengrajin lokal dan UMKM dengan menghadirkan produk lokal yang berkualitas dan berkomitmen untuk melestarikan budaya Indonesia tidak hanya melalui produk tetapi melalui rangkaian kegiatan yang secara berkala dilakukan. [204-1]

• Sepanjang tahun 2020, tidak terdapat insidenketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan atau kode etik yang berlaku sehubungan dengan komunikasi pemasaran. [417-3]

Saran dan input atas kode etik Perseroan dapat disampaikan melalui Sekretariat Perusahaan. [102-17]

Keanggotaan Asosiasi [102-13]

Per akhir 2020, Perseroan tergabung dalam asosiasi-asosiasi berikut ini:- Asosiasi Emiten Indonesia- Bursa Efek Indonesia- Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia- Asosiasi Pengusaha Ritel Indonesia (APRINDO)- Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO)- Himpunan Penyewa Pusat Perbelanjaan Indonesia


Perubahan Signifikan di Tahun BukuSepanjang 2020, Perseroan tidak mengalami perubahan signifikan di tahun buku.

• Products offered are communicated through various communication channels, such as websites and digital media.

• Most of the products offered by the Company are still imported products. However, the Company has a Pendopo business sub unit, and is present at Ace outlets. Pendopo offers Indonesian products that prioritize the charm of cultural wealth through a variety of forms of work and craft products from various products in the country that combine traditions, culture and modern concepts. Pendopo collaborates with local craftsmen and SMEs by presenting quality local products and is committed to preserving Indonesian culture not only through products but through a series of activities that are regularly carried out. [204-1]

• Throughout 2020, there were no incidents of non-compliance with regulations or applicable codes of conduct relating to marketing communications. [417-3]

Suggestions and inputs on the Company’s code of ethics can be submitted through the Corporate Secretary Department. [102-17]

Association Membership [102-13]

As of the end of 2020, the Company is incorporated in the following associations:- Indonesian Listed Companies Association- Indonesia Stock Exchange- Indonesian Central Securities Depository- Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association

(APRINDO)- Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO)- Indonesian Shopping Canter Tenants Association


Significant Changes during the Fiscal YearDuring 2020, the Company did not experience significant changes in the fiscal year.

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Penjelasan Direksi [102-14] [102-15]

Para Pemangku Kepentingan yang Terhormat,

Sebagai salah satu perusahaan ritel terbesar dan terintegrasi di Indonesia, kami terus memperkuat fondasi bisnis agar mampu menghasilkan kinerja yang konsisten dan berkelanjutan, serta adaptif dalam segala situasi. Komitmen kami untuk menyediakan produk-produk yang solutif kepada seluruh pelanggan juga mencakup upaya kami dalam menghadirkan produk yang ramah lingkungan, aman, dan berkualitas tinggi.

Penerbitan Laporan Keberlanjutan ini merupakan wujud langkah nyata kami dalam merespon dan menanggapi tantangan dan isu keberlanjutan. Kami menyadari bahwa peran Perseroan sangatlah penting dalam mendukung Indonesia menghadapi isu-isu keberlanjutan yang terus ada, agar bersama-sama kita dapat menghadapi tantangan keberlanjutan secara global.

Oleh karena itu, kami mengadopsi inisiatif-inisiatif berbasis prinsip Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) dan berupaya memenuhi kriteria-kriteria yang disyaratkan. Dalam pemenuhan ini, kami menaruh perhatian besar atas prinsip kesetaraan gender, pemberdayaan komunitas, perlakuan adil kepada seluruh pemangku kepentingan, serta pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha dengan penuh integritas dan profesionalisme.

Message from Board of Directors [102-14] [102-15]

Dear Esteemed Stakeholders,

As one of the largest and integrated retail companies in Indonesia, we continue to strengthen our business foundations to be able to produce consistent and sustainable performance, as well as adaptability in all situations. Our commitment to providing solutions with our products to all customers also includes our efforts to offer products that are environmentally friendly, safe, and of high quality.

The issuance of this Sustainability Report is a manifestation of our concrete steps in responding and addressing challenges and issues in sustainability. We realize that the role of the Company is very important in supporting Indonesia in facing ongoing sustainability issues, so that together we can face the challenges of global sustainability.

Therefore, we adopt initiatives based on the principles of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) and strive to meet the required criteria. In fulfilling this, we pay great attention to the principles of gender equality, community empowerment, fair treatment to all stakeholders, and the implementation of business practices with integrity and professionalism.

Penjelasan Direksi [102-14] [102-15] Message from Board of Directors [102-14] [102-15]

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COMPANY PROFILEKami juga terus berupaya melakukan berbagai langkah strategis dalam meningkatkan kinerja Keuangan. Pada 2020, kami menemui tantangan yang cukup besar dengan timbulnya pandemi Covid-19. Namun dengan situasi ini, kami termotivasi untuk terus berinovasi dan bergerak maju, menciptakan solusi-solusi yang inovatif bagi para pelanggan, agar para pelanggan dapat berbelanja dengan aman, nyaman, mudah dan cepat. Kami meraih penjualan bersih sebesar Rp7,41 triliun pada 2020, menurun dari tahun 2019 yaitu Rp8,14 triliun akibat pandemic Covid-19.

Sepanjang 2020, kami telah memasarkan sekitar 5% produk ramah lingkungan dari total produk. Kami juga telah mempekerjakan 16.416 tenaga kerja lokal dan bekerjasama dengan pemasok lokal sebesar 20% dari total pemasok.

Dalam hal lingkungan, kami mencatat total penggunaan listrik sebesar 40,82 juta kWh, dan air sebesar 5,05 juta m3 pada 2020. Kami juga telah mendistribusikan lampu-lampu LED hemat energi kepada Rumah Budaya Sumba dan untuk fasilitas umum.

Dalam hal kemasyarakatan, kami juga memastikan bahwa kami memberikan kontribusi yang optimal dalam rangka penanganan pandemi Covid-19, antara lain donasi APD dan peralatan kesehatan kepada rumah sakit, pemerintah kota, panti wreda, panti asuhan dan rumah sakit. Selain itu, kami juga memberikan mainan edukatif kepada anak-anak yang membutuhkan.

Dengan segala keterbatasan mobilitas dan situasi yang penuh ketidakpastian, kami terus berupaya untuk tetap bertahan dan tumbuh secara positif, agar kami mampu memberikan manfaat yang optimal bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan. Kami berterima kasih kepada seluruh pemangku kepentingan yang telah mendukung Perseroan selama 2020, dan kami akan terus mendorong pertumbuhan Perseroan secara berkelanjutan di tahun-tahun mendatang.

Prabowo WidyakrisnadiPresiden Direktur

We also continue to strive to take various strategic steps in improving financial performance. In 2020, we will face considerable challenges with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, with this situation, we are motivated to continue to innovate and move forward, creating innovative solutions for customers, so that customers can shop safely, comfortably, easily and quickly. We achieved net sales of Rp7.41 trillion in 2020, a decrease from 2019, which was Rp8.14 trillion due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Throughout 2020, we have marketed approximately 5% environmentally friendly products of the total products. We also employ 16,416 local workers and work with local suppliers which amount to as much as 20% of the total suppliers.

In terms of the environment, we recorded a total electricity consumption of 40.82 million kWh and water usage of 5.05 m3 in 2020. We have also distributed energy-efficient LED lamps to Sumba Cultural House and public facilities.

In terms of society, we also ensure that we make an optimal contribution in the context of handling the Covid-19 pandemic, including donations of PPE and medical equipment to hospitals, city governments, nursing homes, orphanages and hospitals. In addition, we also provide educational toys to children in need.

With all the limitations of mobility and situations full of uncertainty, we continue to strive to survive and grow positively, so that we are able to provide optimal benefits for all stakeholders. We are grateful to all stakeholders who have supported the Company during 2020, and we will continue to encourage the Company’s growth in a sustainable manner in the years to come.

Prabowo WidyakrisnadiPresident Director

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Penanggungjawab Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan [102-18][102-19][102-20] [102-32]

Di Perseroan, penanggungjawab tertinggi dalam menerapkan aspek keberlanjutan adalah Managing Director, bertugas untuk menentukan kebijakan keberlanjutan, melakukan koordinasi praktik keberlanjutan yang dilaksanakan oleh divisi terkait, serta mengelola lalu lintas data dan informasi terkait keberlanjutan. Di tahun 2020, Perseroan telah membentuk komite khusus untuk menangani isu dan aspek keberlanjutan.

Perseroan membentuk tim kerja khusus mengenai aspek keberlanjutan yang beranggotakan lintas departemen. Tim ini dipimpin oleh managing director dan dikoordinasikan di bawah departemen Sekretariat Perusahaan.

Person in Charge of Sustainable Finance Implementation [102-18][102-19][102-20] [102-32]

In the Company, the highest person in charge of implementing the sustainability aspect is the Managing Director, tasked with defining sustainability policies, coordinating sustainability practices carried out by related divisions, and managing data and information traffic related to sustainability. In 2020, the Company has formed a special committee to handle issues and aspects of sustainability.

The Company formed a special working team on sustainability with members from across the departments. The team is led by a managing director and coordinated under the Corporate Secretariat department.

Seminar OJK – Global Reporting Initiative “Reporting on Emission and Climate Risk”OJK Seminar - Global Reporting Initiative “Reporting on Emission and Climate Risk”

Seminar OJK – Global Reporting Initiative “Reporting on Waste with Circular Economy Perspective”OJK Seminar - Global Reporting Initiative “Reporting on Emission and Climate Risk”

3 Juli 2020July 3, 2020

9 Juli 2020July 9, 2020







Nama PelatihanName of Training




Pengembangan Kompetensi Terkait Keuangan BerkelanjutanCompetency Development Related to Financial Sustainability

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`Seminar OJK-GRI: SDGs Reporting (Launching of GRI-PWC-UNGC Joint Training Module on SDGs Reporting)OJK-GRI Seminar: SDGs Reporting (Launching of GRI-PWC-UNGC Joint Training Module on SDGs Reporting)

Seminar OJK-GRI: Mempersiapkan Strategi Keterlibatan dan Keberlanjutan untuk Pemangku KepentinganSeminar OJK-GRI: Preparing Stakeholder Engagement and Sustainability Strategy

Sosialisasi Pengembangan LST kepada Perusahaan Tercatat di IndonesiaSocialization of ESG Development to Indonesia Listed Companies

21 Juli 2020July 21, 2020

21 Juli 2020 -4 Agustus 2020

July 21, 2020 -August 4, 2020

2 September 2020September 2, 2020










Nama PelatihanName of Training




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Penilaian Risiko atas Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan

Sebagai bagian dari penerapan tata kelola terintegrasi, Perseroan menerapkan kebijakan anti korupsi dan anti gratifikasi sesuai dengan syarat, ketentuan dan peraturan yang berlaku. Kebijakan ini juga bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi, mengukur, memantau dan mengendalikan risiko atas pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang dapat terjadi.

Perseroan memiliki manajemen risiko sebagai precautionary approach yang sejalan dengan penerapan keberlanjutan. Perencanaan Perseroan disusun dengan memperhatikan risiko yang ada. Perseroan memandang bahwa sistem pengendalian risiko yang ada cukup efektif. [102-11][102-15][102-30]

Hubungan dengan Pemangku KepentinganUntuk menghadapi dan mengelola isu keberlanjutan, Perseroan berupaya melakukan identifikasi dan klasifikasi pemangku kepentingan, yaitu sebagai berikut: [102-40] [102-42]

- Karyawan- Pemegang saham- Regulator- Pemasok- Komunitas/asosiasi- Konsumen/pelanggan- Kreditur

Risk Assessment on Implementation of Sustainable Finance

As part of the implementation of integrated governance, the Company implements anti-corruption and anti-gratification policies in accordance with the applicable terms, conditions and regulations. This policy also aims to identify, measure, monitor and control the risk of violations that may occur.

The Company has risk management as a precautionary approach that is in line with the implementation of sustainability. The Company’s planning is prepared by considering the existing risks. The Company views that the existing risk control system is adequately effective [102-11][102-15][102-30]

Relationship with StakeholdersTo address and manage sustainability issues the Company seeks to identify and classify stakeholders, namely as follows: [102-40] [102-42]

- Employees- Shareholders- Regulator- Suppliers- Community / association- Consumers / customers- Creditors

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan 2020 / 2020 General Meeting of Shareholders

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Pemegang SahamShareholders

• Peopledevelopment

• Employee care• Employee

engagement• Innovation

• PeopleDevelopment

• EmployeeCare• Employee

engagement• Innovation• Work-lifebalance

• Pengembanganatas kinerja operasional dan finansial

• Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik

• Perlakuan yang adil dan setara

• Developmentof operational and financial performance

• GoodCorporateGovernance

• Fairandequaltreatment

• Programpelatihan& pengembangan

• Kesempatan pengembangan karir

• Employee assistance program

• Employee retention program

• Trainingprogram&development

• Careerdevelopment opportunities

• Employeeassistance program

• Employeeretentionprogram

• Publikasilaporan dan pengungkapan informasi secara tepat waktu

• Pengembalian manfaat secara konsisten

• Publication of reports and disclosure of information in a timely manner

• Consistent return of benefits

• Mediainternal(emailblast, radio, TV)

• e-learning• Webinar• Channel Kawan Lama

Integritas• Komunitas karyawan• Departemen Employee


• Internalmedia(emailblast, radio, Tv)

• e-learning• Webinar• KawanLamaIntegritas

Channel• Employeecommunity• EmployeeRelations


• RUPS• Paparan Publik• Laporan Tahunan• Website Perseroan• Email Perseroan

• AGM• Public Expose• Annual Report• Corporate Website• Corporate Email

Pemangku KepentinganStakeholders



Metode KomunikasiCommunication Method

Dalam berhubungan dengan para pemangku kepentingan, Perseroan menggunakan pendekatan dan metode komunikasi seperti:

In dealing with stakeholders, the Company uses communication approaches and methods such as:

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Kepatuhan pada peraturan pemerintahCompliance with government regulations

• Pemantauanpadaregulasi eksisting dan baru

• Kepatuhanterhadap peraturan

• Monitoringofexisting and new regulations

• Compliancewithregulations

• Perlakuanyangsetara

• Prosespembelianyang jelas

• Dukungankepadapemasok untuk menerapkan praktik keberlanjutan

• Equal treatment• Clearpurchasing

process• Supporttowards

suppliers to implement sustainability practices

• Hubungandagangyang adil dan transparan

• Pembeliandalamvolume besar dan berkesinambungan

• Inovasiprodukdan Kerjasama pengembangan

• Fairandtransparent• traderelationship• Continuouspurchase

in large volume• Productinnovation

and development cooperation

• Kebijakandanprosedur• KomiteAudit• KomiteNominasidan

Remunerasi• WebsitePerseroan

• Companypolicyandprocedure

• AuditCommittee• Nominationand

remuneration Committee• CorporateWebsite

• Kebijakandanprosedur• KomiteAudit• KomiteNominasidan

Remunerasi• WebsitePerseroan

• Companypolicyandprocedure

• AuditCommittee• Nominationand

remuneration Committee• CorporateWebsite




Metode KomunikasiCommunication Method



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`Komunitas/AsosiasiCommunity/ Association

• Tanggungjawabsosial perusahaan dalam aspek sosial dan lingkungan

• Pengembangan unit usaha

• Pengembangan komunitas sekitar

• Penyesuaian praktek bisnis dengan kearifan lokal

• Corporate social responsibility in social and environmental aspects

• Business Unit development

• Surrounding community development

• Adjustment of business practices on local norms

• Kepatuhan pada regulasi

• Penerapan etika bisnis

• Kesempatan karir untuk masyarakat sekitar

• Compliance with regulations

• Application of business ethics

• Career opportunities for the surrounding community

• Sub unit usaha Pendopo yang didedikasikan untuk bekerja sama dengan UKM (see Pendopo section)

• Riset atas lingkungan dan komunitas di lokasi gerai potensial

• Website Perseroan

• Sub Business Unit through Pendopo dedicated to working with SMEs.

• Research on the environment and communities at potential outlet locations

• Corporate Website




Metode KomunikasiCommunication Method


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`Konsumen/PelangganConsumers/ Customers


• Penawaran produk ramah lingkungan

• Layanan yang suportif

• Promosi pemasaran

• Program promosi tematik bulanan

• Offering eco-friendly products

• Supportive service• Marketing

promotion• Monthly thematic

promotion program

• Produk ramah lingkungan

• Produk value-for-money

• Produk berkaitan dengan kesehatan (health and safety) dalam masa pandemi

• Layanan pasca penjualan

• Eco-friendly products

• value-for-money products

• Pandemic related products i.e health and wellness

• After-sales services

Pembayaran tagihan secara tepat waktuTimely payment of invoices

Pembayaran tagihan sesuai jadwalOn-schedule invoice payment

• Platform online ( dan Ace Online)

• Mobile App MISS ACE• Website Perseroan Company Website• Call Center• Customer Service• Customer Relationship

Management (CRM)• Media Sosial• Social Media• Survei Kepuasan

Pelanggan• Customer Satisfaction


• Website Perseroan• Departemen


• Company Website• Merchandising





Metode KomunikasiCommunication Method



Tantangan terhadap Penerapan Keuangan BerkelanjutanPermasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Perseroan dalam melaksanakan pengelolaan isu keberlanjutan adalah mengedukasi pemahaman atas konsep ESG, penerapan dan dokumentasi inisiatif ESG. Perseroan berencana agar konsep ESG menjadi bagian dari budaya perusahaan. Dikarenakan cakupan yang luas, maka konsep ESG perlu disosialisasikan secara intensif agar memperoleh hasil dan manfaat yang optimal bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan.

Challenges in Sustainable Finance ImplementationThe challenges faced by the Company in implementing the sustainability issues management are educating about the ESG concept, implementing and documenting ESG initiatives. The company plans to make the ESG concept part of the corporate culture. Due to its broad scope, the ESG concept needs to be socialized intensively in order to obtain optimal results and benefits for all stakeholders.

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Kegiatan Membangun Budaya KeberlanjutanSalah satu upaya Perseroan dalam membangun budaya keberlanjutan adalah dengan melakukan sosialisasi ESG secara rutin dan terintegrasi kepada setiap fungsi. Kami mendukung karyawan untuk memberikan kontribusi ide/pendapat serta melakukan kegiatan berbasis ESG, baik dalam lingkungan Perusahaan dan kehidupan pribadi.

Berbagai kegiatan berkaitan dengan ESG yang dilakukan di dalam lingkungan kantor pusat adalah:- Kampanye membawa botol minum pribadi (juga

merupakan Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup)- Menyediakan gelas minum dari kaca di ruang rapat

(juga merupakan Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup)- Menginstalasi ID recognition di mesin fotokopi agar

mendapatkan laporan pemakaian yang detail (juga merupakan Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup)

- Melakukan kampanye paperless/reduce paper (juga merupakan Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup)

- Mengatur suhu pendingin di level 240C (juga merupakan Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup)

- Menggunakan jaringan telekomunikasi Avaya untuk komunikasi telepon internal secara domestik. (juga merupakan Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup)

Berbagai kegiatan ESG yang dilakukan di gerai adalah: - Kampanye penggunaan botol minum pakai ulang

Activities in Building a Sustainability CultureOne of the Company’s efforts to build a sustainability culture is by conducting regular and integrated socialization of ESG to each function. We support our employees to contribute their ideas/opinions, also to carry out ESG-based activities, both in the Company environment and in their personal lives.

The various ESG-related activities carried out within the Company’s head office are:- Campaigning to bring personal drinking bottles (also

included in Sustainability Performance)- Providing drinking cups made of glass in the meeting

room (also included in Sustainability Performance)- Installing id recognition on a copier in order to get a

detailed usage report (also included in Sustainability Performance)

- Conduct a paperless / reduce paper campaign (also included in Sustainability Performance)

- Setting the coolant temperature at 240C level (also included in Sustainability Performance)

- Using Avaya’s telecommunication network for internal telephone communications domestically (also included in Sustainability Performance)

various ESG activities carried out in the retails are:- Campaign for using drinking bottle and provide refill



Pelaksanaan Rapid Test untuk Karyawan di Head Office Appreciation to employees at the store by giving masks & drinking bottles

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Kinerja Lingkungan HidupMaterial yang Ramah Lingkungan

Dalam kantor pusat:- Manajemen limbah (pemisahan sampah organik

dan anorganik)- Menyediakan air daur ulang dengan sistem filterisasi

penjernih air.- Menginstalasi sistem otomatis/sensor di keran agar

air keluar untuk waktu yang terbatas- Menginstalasi keran kabut di toilet untuk

menghemat air ketika cuci tangan- Program pembenahan: program hemat energi

dengan mengganti lampu regular dengan lampu LED

Logistik- Mengatur pengiriman yang efektif (1 perjalanan ke

beberapa gerai)- Mengoptimalisasi angkutan: menghindari truk

kosong kembali ke DC- Pengiriman dari gudang ke customer (tidak melalui

gerai), terutama untuk barang yang besar- Menggunakan truk kontainer yang lebih besar

untuk pengiriman (sesuai kebutuhan)

Environmental PerformanceEco-Friendly Materials

Within the head office:- Waste management (organic vs inorganic waste

separation)- Provide recycled water with water purifying filtration

system.- Install automatic/sensor system on faucet for limited

time of water dispensing- Install mist faucet in toilets to save water for

handwashing- Revamping program: energy saving program by

replacing regular lighting with LED lighting

Logistics- Plan effective deliveries (1 trip to several stores)- Optimize backhaul: avoid empty trucks returning to

the DC- Delivery service from warehouse to customer

especially for big items.- Use bigger container trucks for delivery (as required)



(dalam miliar Rp in billion Rp) (dalam miliar Rp in billion Rp)


Kinerja Ekonomi Economy Performance











dan Perseroan menyediakan air isi ulang untuk karyawan

- Penggunaan kontainer makanan pakai ulang untuk catering karyawan

- Program relamping: menggunakan penerangan hemat energi dengan lampu LED

- Mensosialisasikan penggunaan tas belanja reusable atau kardus bekas pakai kepada pelanggan

- Menerbitkan nota pembelian secara digital- Mempublikasikan e-brochure dan e-catalogue

water for employee- Usage of reusable food containers for employee’s

catering- Re-lamping program: using energy-efficient lighting

with LED lamps- Encouraging the use of reusable shopping bags or

cardboard boxes to customers- Issuing digital receipts- Publishing e-brochures and e-catalogs

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Risiko Perubahan IklimRisiko perubahan iklim (banjir) memberikan dampak pada kinerja keuangan Perseroan berupa penutupan 2 (dua) gerai di Jakarta selama 15 hari yang terdampak banjir di Januari 2020. [201-2]

Upaya Efisiensi Energi [302-4]

Perseroan berupaya meningkatkan efisiensi energi dengan menggunakan lampu LED yang lebih ramah lingkungan dan hemat listrik. Lampu dan AC ruangan kerja dipadamkan secara otomatis setelah pukul 18.30 WIB sebagai upaya meningkatkan program penghematan energi di Gedung Kawan Lama.

Penggunaan AirPerseroan berupaya meningkatkan efisiensi air dengan: - Menginstalasi sistem otomatis/sensor pada keran

selama durasi tertentu ketika air mengalir- Menginstalasi keran kabut di toilet untuk

menghemat air ketika cuci tangan

Dampak Terhadap Lingkungan HidupBerikut adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan Perseroan terkait pelestarian lingkungan:

Climate Change RiskThe risk of climate change (flood) has an impact on the Company’s financial performance in the form of closing 2 (two) outlets in Jakarta for 15 days which were affected by floods in January 2020. [201-2]

Energy Efficiency Efforts [302-4]

The Company seeks to improve energy efficiency by using LED lamps that are more environmentally friendly and save electricity. Lights and air conditioning in the work room will be automatically turned off after 18.30 WIB in an effort to increase the energy saving program at the Kawan Lama Building.

Water ConsumptionThe Company makes serious efforts to improve water efficiency by:- Installing automatic/sensor system on faucet for

limited time of water dispensing- Installing mist faucet in toilets to save water for


Impacts on the EnvironmentThe following are activities carried out by the Company related to environmental preservation:

Pemakaian Energi Energy Consumption

Bulan Month

Satuan Unit

Bidang Sector


Kegiatan Activities

Jumlah dan Intensitas Energi yang Digunakan [302-1] Amount and Intensity of Energy Used [302-1]

Ace Hardware

Air Water

Januari 2020January 2020

Lingkungan HidupEnvironment

Berbagi cahaya untuk rumah budaya Sumba: Donasi 1.000 lampu LED hemat energy dan lampu hias, perbaikan jalur listrik dan pipa air untuk Rumah Budaya SumbaSharing the light for Sumba cultural house: Donation of 1,000 energy-efficient LED lamps and decorative lamps, reparation of electricity lines and water pipes for the Sumba Cultural House

Listrik Electricity

BBM Fuel

juta m3 million m3

juta kWh million kWh

juta kWh million kWh




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Bulan Month Bidang Sector Kegiatan Activities

Ace Hardware

Februari 2020February 2020

Januari 2020January 2020

Lingkungan HidupEnvironment


Lingkungan HidupEnvironment

Berbagi cahaya untuk rumah budaya Sumba: Donasi 1.000 lampu LED hemat energy dan lampu hias, perbaikan jalur listrik dan pipa air untuk Rumah Budaya SumbaSharing the light for Sumba cultural house: Donation of 1,000 energy-efficient LED lamps and decorative lamps, reparation of electricity lines and water pipes for the Sumba Cultural House

Dalam rangka mempertahankan budaya nasional, Perseroan mendorong karyawan untuk mengenakan batik (kantor pusat), kebaya (kantor pusat), kostum tradisional (di gerai, salah satunya Bali) dan menyelenggarakan kompetisi paduan suara dalam rangka perayaan ulang tahun RI.In order to preserve the national culture, the Company encourages employees to wear batik (head office), kebaya (head office), traditional costumes (at outlets, one of which is Bali) and hold a choir competition to celebrate the Republic of Indonesia’s anniversary.

“Trees for Tomorrow” atau “Menuju 1 Juta Pohon”: Program pembagian bibit pohon gratis kepada pelanggan dan pemerintah kota. Pada 2020, telah dibagikan 13 ribu bibit, dengan total sebanyak 1 juta bibit selama program berlangsung. Apabila bibit pohon ini tumbuh, maka 1 pohon dewasa bisa memasok oksigen untuk 3-4 orang dewasa per hari. (Sumber: USDA Gov, 2015)

Dengan demikian, selama program berlangsung, Perseroan telah berpartisipasi untuk menambah pasokan oksigen untuk 4 juta orang per hari, apabila diasumsikan seluruh bibit yang dibagikan tumbuh menjadi pohon dewasa. [305-5]

“Trees for Tomorrow” or “Menuju 1 Juta Pohon”: Distribution program of tree seedlings for free to customers and the city municipality. In 2020, 13 thousand seedlings have been distributed, totaling 1 million seeds during the program. If these tree seeds grow, then 1 adult tree can supply oxygen for 3-4 adults per day. (Source: USDA Gov, 2015)

Thus, during the program, the Company has participated to increase the oxygen supply for 4 million people per day, assuming all the seeds distributed will grow into mature trees. [305-5]

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Bulan Month Bidang Sector Kegiatan Activities

Toys Kingdom

September 2020September 2020

Pelestarian BudayaCulturalConservation

Melakukan donasi lebih dari 400 mainan edukasi dalam program Toys For Kids 2019 ke Rumah Budaya SUMBA (dikarenakan situasi pandemi, maka baru dikirimkan di September)Donated more than 400 educational toys in the Toys For Kids 2019 program to the SUMBA Cultural House (due to the pandemic situation, it was only sent in September)

Penggunaan dan Upaya Pengurangan EmisiPerseroan berupaya melakukan pengurangan emisi dengan penggunaan lampu LED. [305-5]

Limbah dan EfluenPerseroan mengelola limbah yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan usahanya dengan manajemen limbah (pemisahan limbah organik dan anorganik).

Pengaduan Terkait Lingkungan HidupSelama periode pelaporan Laporan Keberlanjutan, tidak terdapat pengaduan masyarakat terkait lingkungan hidup. [307-1]

Kinerja OperasiPemberian Layanan Produk/Jasa kepada KonsumenSebagai perusahaan ritel, Perseroan senantiasa memprioritaskan keamanan dan kenyamanan pelanggan. Oleh sebab itu, Perseroan memastikan bahwa produk, fasilitas dan layanan yang diberikan selalu memberikan manfaat optimal bagi seluruh pelanggan.

Perseroan menerima saran dan masukan dari para pelanggan agar dapat meningkatkan mutu produk dan layanannya secara konsisten. Perseroan juga menyertakan informasi dan deskripsi tertulis mengenai cara penggunaan produk, komposisi produk serta informasi-informasi relevan lainnya.

Perseroan juga menyediakan berbagai metode pembayaran, baik secara tunai dan nontunai (kartu debit, kartu kredit, poin keanggotaan, voucher, e-wallet

Uses and Efforts in Emissions ReductionThe Company seeks to reduce emissions by using LED lights. [305-5]

Waste dan EffluentsThe Company manages a waste management generated from all business activities with a proper waste management system (separation of organic and inorganic waste).

Complaints Related to the EnvironmentDuring the Sustainability Report reporting period, there were no public complaints regarding the environment. [307-1]

Operational PerformanceProviding Products/Services to ConsumersAs a retail company, the Company always prioritizes customer safety and comfort. Therefore, the Company ensures that the products, facilities and services provided always give optimal benefits for all customers.

The Company welcomes suggestions and inputs from customers to consistently improve the quality of its products and services. The Company also includes written information and descriptions regarding how to use the product, product composition and other relevant information.

The Company also provides various payment methods, both cash and cashless (debit cards, credit cards, membership points, vouchers, e-wallets and virtual

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dan akun virtual). Pelanggan juga dapat melakukan cicilan belanja melalui kartu kredit dari bank rekanan dan perusahaan finansial teknologi (fintek).

Untuk memberikan kenyamanan dan kemudahan dalam berbelanja sekaligus mendapatkan pengalaman omnichannel saat berbelanja, di awal November 2020 Perseroan meluncurkan MISS ACE (Mobile Interactive Shopping Solution). MISS ACE merupakan pengembangan dari ACE Mobile Apps yang sebelumnya hanya berupa kartu member digital dan saat ini juga dapat berfungsi sebagai aplikasi belanja. MISS ACE merupakan aplikasi yang mudah, personal, interaktif dan nyaman yang dapat membantu konsumen saat berbelanja di mana pun dan kapan pun (baik dari rumah maupun saat di toko).

Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan Perseroan melakukan protokol kesehatan yang ketat di gerai selama masa pandemi, untuk menjamin keselamatan dan kenyamanan belanja pelanggan, seperti:a. Mengecek suhu tubuh pelanggan saat masuk ke

dalam toko.b. Mewajibkan menggunakan masker selama berada

di dalam toko.c. Melakukan pembersihan umum dengan cairan

disinfektan secara berkala pada peralatan belanja pelanggan dan area toko.

d. Menyediakan hand sanitizer untuk pelanggan di pintu masuk, area kasir dan customer service.

e. Menjaga physical distancing dengan melakukan pembatasan jumlah pelanggan di dalam toko, serta membuat tanda khusus serta untuk menjaga jarak di antrean kasir.

f. Adanya pengumuman secara berkala di dalam toko mengenai imbauan untuk menjalankan protokol kesehatan.

g. Menyarankan pelanggan untuk bertransaksi secara nontunai atau digital.

h. Menyediakan digital receipt kepada pelanggan yang bertransaksi.

i. Memberikan pilihan kemudahan belanja secara online di ACE online, dan marketplace, serta pemesanan melalui aplikasi Whatsapp.

accounts). Customers can also pay through installments with the Company’s partnering banks and financial technology (fin-tech) banking.

In order to provide comfort and convenience in shopping as well as to get an omnichannel experience when shopping, in early November 2020 the Company launched MISS ACE (Mobile Interactive Shopping Solution). MISS ACE is a development of ACE Mobile Apps which was previously only a digital member card and now can also function as a shopping application. MISS ACE is an easy, personal, interactive and convenient application that can help consumers when shopping anywhere and anytime (both from home and at the store).

Health Protocols Implementation The Company implements strict health protocols in outlets during the pandemic, to ensure the safety and convenience of customer shopping, such as:a. Checking the customer’s body temperature when they

enter the shop.b. Requirement to wear a mask while in the store.c. Performing general cleaning with disinfectant on a

regular basis in customer shopping equipment and store areas.

d. Providing hand sanitizers for customers at the entrance, cashier area and customer service.

e. Maintain physical distancing by limiting the number of customers in the shop, as well as making special signs and maintaining distance in the cashier line.

f. There are regular in-store announcements calling for health protocols to be implemented.

g. Advise customers to do cashless or digital transaction h. Providing digital receipts for customers who make

transactions.i. Providing options for the convenience of shopping

online at ACE online, and online marketplace, as well as receiving order manually via WhatsApp application.

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Pengamanan (safety measures) karyawan selama pandemic adalah sebagai berikut:a. Perseroan tidak melakukan PHK, perumahan,

pemotongan gaji dan benefit kepada karyawan.b. Pemberian pelatihan untuk memanfaatkan waktu

karyawan, terutama untuk gerai yang mengalami penutupan sementara (gerai dalam mal yang ditutup pengelola mal).

c. Penyediaan vitamin dan suplemen kepada karyawan toko.

Kesetaraan Kesempatan BekerjaPerseroan melaksanakan proses rekrutmen yang transparan, adil dan setara bagi seluruh individu, sesuai prosedur dan peraturan yang telah ditentukan Perseroan. Perseroan memprioritaskan asas kesetaraan, dengan tidak memandang perbedaan golongan, ras, suku, agama, gender, dan kelas sosial dalam melakukan rekrutmen. Kebijakan ini tertuang melalui Kebijakan Perencanaan Karir (036/KLG/BPI&MS/KBJ/III/2019) dan SOPSS7.6.00 – Program Pengembangan Individu, yaitu manajemen SDM berdasarkan pada keadilan dan kesetaraan. [405-1]

Kebijakan promosi dan karir karyawan berdasarkan persyaratan jabatan, pendidikan atau kompetensi sesuai kebutuhan Perseroan, tanpa memandang

Safety measures for employees during the pandemic are as follows:a. The Company does not do layoffs, furloughs, cuts in

salaries and benefits to employees.b. Providing training to take advantage of employee

time, especially for outlets that have experienced temporary closures (outlets in malls that are closed by mall managers).

c. Provision of vitamins and supplements to store employees.

Equal Employment OpportunityThe Company carries out a recruitment process that is transparent, fair and equal for all individuals, according to the procedures and regulations that have been determined by the Company. The Company prioritizes the principle of equality, regardless of the assessment of class, race, ethnicity, religion, gender and social class in recruiting. This policy is contained in the Career Planning Policy (036 / KLG / BPI & MS / KBJ / III / 2019) and SOPSS7.6.00 - Individual Development Program, namely HR management based on justice and equality. [405-1]

Employee promotion and career policies based on job, education or competency requirements according to the needs of the Company, regardless of gender, religion and

Pelaksanaan Rapid Test untuk Karyawan di Head Office Implementation of Rapid Test for Employees at Head Office

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gender, agama, dan suku. Setiap karyawan memiliki kesempatan dan peluang promosi dan karir yang sama. Penilaian kinerja dilakukan dua kali dalam setahun atas seluruh karyawan [404-3]. Perseroan juga memiliki program magang sebagai salah satu program SDM.

Seiring dengan pembukaan gerai baru, maka akan semakin banyak keberagaman karyawan, mengingat pembukaan gerai baru mengutamakan rekrutmen putra daerah.

Pada 2020, Tidak ada insiden diskriminasi yang dilaporkan [406-1] dan tidak ada kerugian akibat tuntutan hukum atas diskriminasi [SASB CG-MR-330.a2] serta tidak ada kerugian akibat tuntutan hukum sehubungan dengan pelanggaran peraturan ketenagakerjaan. [SASB CG-MR-310.a3]

Komitmen dalam Bidang KetenagakerjaanPerseroan berkomitmen untuk tidak mempekerjakan anak dan tenaga kerja paksa. Seluruh tenaga kerja Perseroan dipekerjakan melalui proses rekrutmen yang adil dan wajar sesuai peraturan yang berlaku. [408-1]


Perseroan tidak mempekerjakan karyawan di bawah umur. Usia minimal karyawan yang bisa diterima bekerja adalah 17 tahun, sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Perusahaan Bab II Pasal 6 mengenai Administrasi Personalia. [408-1]

Dalam hal pemberian upah, Perseroan memberikan imbalan atau gaji atas jasa karyawan di atas Upah Minimum Regional (UMR) provinsi. [102-35]

Pada 2020, seluruh karyawan menerima imbalan di atas UMR [SASB CG-MR-310a.1]. Perseroan tidak membedakan remunerasi terhadap gender untuk level dan posisi yang sama.. [405-2]

Perseroan menggunakan acuan kenaikan Upah Minimum Provinsi dalam menyesuaikan gaji karyawan setiap tahun. [102-39]

ethnicity. Every employee has the same promotion and career opportunities and chances. Performance appraisal is carried out twice in one for all employees [404-3]. The Company also has an internship program as a manpower program.

Along with the opening of new outlets, there will be more diversity of employees, considering that the opening of new outlets prioritizes the recruitment of local residents.

In 2020, No national incidents were reported [406-1] and no legal losses related to discrimination [SASB CG-MR-330.a2] and no legal losses related to labor regulation violations. [SASB CG-

MR-310. a3]

Commitment in the Manpower SectorThe Company is committed to not employing children and forced labor. All of the Company’s employees are employed through a fair and reasonable recruitment process in accordance with applicable regulations. [408-1]


The Company does not employ underage employees. The minimum age of employees who can be accepted to work is 17 years, as stipulated in the Company Regulations Chapter II Article 6 regarding Personnel Administration. [408-1]

In terms of providing wages, the Company provides compensation or salaries for employee services above the Provincial Minimum Regional Wage (UMR). [102-35]

By 2020, all employees will receive benefits above the UMR [SASB CG-MR-310a.1]. The Company does not differentiate remuneration against gender for the same level and position. . [405-2]

The Company uses the reference for the increase in the Provincial Minimum Wage in adjusting employee salaries every year. [102-39]

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Perseroan senantiasa berupaya memberikan dan membangun lingkungan kerja yang aman, nyaman dan kondusif bagi seluruh karyawan, agar seluruh karyawan dapat termotivasi untuk memberikan kinerja yang terbaik.

Pada akhir tahun 2020 tingkat perputaran karyawan Perseroan adalah sebesar 4,9%. [401-1] [SASB CG-MR-310.a2]

Kesempatan dan Dukungan bagi Karyawan WanitaPerseroan memberikan kesempatan yang sama untuk pria dan wanita dalam seleksi dan kesempatan pengembangan karir. Saat ini terdapat 2 direktur wanita dari total 5 anggota direksi, atau mencerminkan 40% proporsi. [SASB CG-MR-330a.1]

Di akhir tahun 2020, terdapat 30% karyawan wanita dari seluruh karyawan yang ada. Di tahun yang sama, terdapat 509 karyawan wanita baru dari total 1.477 karyawan baru yang bergabung dengan Perseroan, atau sejumlah 34%. [401-1]

Untuk mendukung karyawan wanita berkarya, Perseroan memberikan hak cuti melahirkan sesuai dengan UU no.13/2013 pasal 82 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Cuti ini tidak mengurangi cuti tahunan karyawan wanita. Karyawan pria juga mendapatkan cuti kelahiran anak dari istri sah selama 2 hari kerja. [401-3] Selama tahun 2020, terdapat 443 karyawan wanita yang mengambil cuti melahirkan dan 1.134 karyawan pria yang mengambil cuti kelahiran anak. [401-3]

Perseroan juga menyediakan ruang laktasi bagi karyawan wanita yang bekerja di kantor pusat.

Fasilitas dan Kegiatan Karyawan- Jam operasional gerai adalah: Store Ace Hardware di mal: 10.00 - 21.00 WIB 11.00 - 21.00 WIB Store Ace Hardware independen (stand-alone): 09.00 - 21.00 WIB 10.00 - 21.00 WIB

The Company always strives to provide and build a safe, comfortable and conducive work environment for all employees, so that all employees can be motivated to give their best performance.

At the end of 2020, the Company’s employee turnover rate was 4.9%. [401-1] [SASB CG-MR-310.a2]

Opportunities and Support for Female EmployeesThe Company provides equal opportunities for men and women in the selection and career development opportunities. Currently there are 2 female directors out of a total of 5 members of the board of directors, or it represents a 40% proportion. [SASB CG-MR-330a.1]

At the end of 2020, there are 30% female employees of all existing employees. In the same year, there were 509 new female employees out of a total of 1,477 new employees who joined the Company, or a total of 34%. [401-1]

To support female employees to work, the Company provides maternity leave rights in accordance with Law no.13/2013 Article 82 concerning Manpower. This leave does not reduce the female employees’ annual leave. Male employees also receive a leave permit for child birth from his legal wife for 2 working days. [401-3] During 2020, 443 female employees took maternity leave and 1,134 male employees took child birth leave. [401-3]

The company also provides lactation rooms for female employees who work at the head office.

Employee Facilities and Activities - Store operational hours are: Ace stores in mals: 10.00 – 21.00 Western Indonesian

Time, or 11.00 - 21.00 Western Indonesian Time. Independent (stand alone) Ace stores: 09.00 – 21.00

Western Indonesian Time, or 10.00-21.00 Western Indonesian Time.

- Flexible working hours for the head office are: 8.00-

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- Jam kerja fleksibel untuk kantor pusat adalah: 8.00-17.00, 8.30-17.30, 9.00-18.00, 9.30-18.30.

- PeoplePro: teknologi dalam sistem manajemen SDM untuk profil karyawan, memeriksa pekerjaan sehari-hari, aplikasi cuti dan mutasi/rotasi karyawan untuk mengurangi proses persetujuan.

- Fasilitas yang diberikan kepada seluruh pegawai: tunjangan kesehatan, jaminan kesehatan (BPJS, asuransi swasta) [403-1], cuti melahirkan, tunjangan transport, tunjangan makan baik bagi pegawai tetap maupun tidak tetap.

- Koperasi untuk karyawan: memberikan pinjaman, dengan diadakannya rapat umum tahunan.

- Asrama karyawan di HO dan DC.- Klinik Kimia Farma (HO, DC dan LW Alam Sutera)

dengan pelayanan dokter umum, dokter gigi, bidan dan apoteker.

- Fasilitas penunjang: ruang fitnes, lapangan basket dan futsal, sasana olahraga, studio musik, masjid dan sarana sholat lainnya). Catatan: fasilitas ini tidak digunakan selama masa pandemic.

- Beasiswa diberikan kepada anak karyawan melalui koperasi. Total beasiswa: Rp39.750.000 untuk 53 penerima beasiswa.

- Bantuan finansial bagi karyawan yang mengalami kebakaran, atau gangguan Kesehatan.

- Ruang laktasi untuk karyawan wanita.- 13 komunitas karyawan: komunitas religius (Muslim,

Kristen, Katolik), komunitas olah raga (futsal, bulu tangkis, aerobik dan yoga), komunitas hobi (motocross, paduan suara, pecinta alam, dan band) dan komunitas pendidikan (Toastmaster).

- Wisata religi ke Mekkah atau Yerusalem. Catatan: tidak dilakukan selama masa pandemic.

Inisiatif untuk keselamatan karyawan selama pandemic:- Perusahaan tidak melakukan penghematan atau

pemotongan gaji selama pandemic.- Fasilitas: fasilitas cuci tangan, ruang disinfektan,

penjernih udara di ruang kerja, fogging secara berkala, hand sanitizer, ambulans untuk tersangka Covid-19.

- Protokol kesehatan yang ketat diterapkan di toko, HO dan DC.

17.00, 8.30-17.30, 9.00-18.00 and 9.30-18.30.- PeoplePro: technology in HR management system

for employee profile, checking daily working, leave application and employee transfer/rotation to reduce approval process.

- Provision of facilities for all employees: health allowance, health insurance [403-1] (BPJS, private insurance), maternity leaves, transport allowance, meal allowance for both permanent and nonpermanent employees.

- Employee cooperation by employee union: provides loans, with annual general meeting held.

- Employee dormitory at HO and DC.- Kimia Farma clinics (HO, DC and LW Alam Sutera) with

general practitioner, dentist, midwives and pharmacist services.

- Supporting facilities: fitness room, basketball and futsal courts, gym room, music studio, masjid and other prayer facilities). Although, these facilities were not in use during the pandemic situation.

- Scholarships given to employees’ children through cooperative. Total scholarships: Rp39,750,000 for 53 awardees .

- Financial supports for employees in distress (in case of fire or health problem).

- Nursing room for female employees.- 13 employee communities: religious communities

(Moslem, Christian, Catholic), sport communities (futsal, badminton, aerobic and yoga), hobby communities (motocross, choir, hiking, and band) and educational community (Toastmaster).

- Religious trips to Mecca or Jerusalem. Although, these trips were not done during the pandemic situation.

Initiatives for employees’ safety during pandemic:- The Company does not do any retrenchment nor

salary cutting during the pandemic.- Facilities: handwash facilities, disinfectant chamber,

air purifier in working space, regular fogging, hand sanitizer, ambulance for Covid-19 suspects.

- Strict health protocol implemented at stores, HO and DCs.

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- Protokol kesehatan: pembagian masker, sarung tangan dan pelindung wajah kepada karyawan, tes cepat, fasilitasi tes usap, memfasilitasi karyawan yang dikonfirmasi Covid-19 untuk dirawat di rumah sakit, obat-obatan dan vitamin (di area zona merah).

- Kebijakan: pemeriksaan suhu tubuh, pembatasan tamu, penerapan jarak fisik, penerapan wajib masker di lingkungan kerja.

- Perusahaan menawarkan kesempatan untuk bekerja dari rumah (program WFH), didukung oleh IT untuk mengakomodasi perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras yang diperlukan.

- Sesi pembinaan khusus untuk manajer toko dengan Direktur Operasi untuk memahami kesejahteraan selama pandemic.

- Sesi konsultasi psikologis disediakan bagi karyawan yang membutuhkan.

- Melarang karyawan bepergian ke luar kota selama masa pandemic.

- Memfasilitasi karyawan yang terkena Covid-19 ke fasilitas kesehatan yang ditunjuk.

Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Kompetensi KaryawanInformasi mengenai daftar pelatihan dan pengembangan kompetensi karyawan telah diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan, khususnya dalam bab Sumber Daya Manusia. Perseroan memberikan pelatihan secara berkesinambungan kepada karyawan baru maupun lama, sebagai respon terhadap kebutuhan operasional dan tantangan usaha. [404-2]

Program sertifikasi Internal 201-202 dan kepemimpinan diberikan kepada seluruh karyawan toko, baik permanen maupun kontrak. Program pelatihan lainnya adalah:

- Health protocols: mask, glove and face shield distribution to employees, rapid tests, swab test facilitation, facilitate confirmed Covid-19 employees to be treated at the hospitals, medicine and vitamin (in red zone area).

- Policies: body temperature checking, guest limitation, physical distancing implementation, implement compulsory masks wearing in working environment.

- The Company offers opportunity to work from home (WFH program), supported by IT to accommodate necessary software and hardware .

- Special coaching session for store manager with Operation Director to understand well-being during pandemic.

- Psychological consulting session provided for the employees in need.

- Prohibits travelling outside the city during the pandemic situation.

- Facilitate employees affected with COvID-19 to designated health facilities.

Employee Competency Training and DevelopmentInformation regarding the list of employee training and competency development has been disclosed in the Annual Report, especially in the Human Resources chapter. The Company provides continuous training for new and existing employees, in response to operational needs and business challenges. [404-2]

Internal 201-202 certification program and leadership are given to all store employees, both permanent and contract-based. Other training programs are:- Knowledge sharing: Book Review (based on SOP

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- Knowledge sharing: Bedah Buku (berdasarkan SOP SS7.12.00 - Knowledge Sharing).

- Perjalanan dengan insentif sudah dilakukan sejak tahun 2015 sampai dengan sekarang. Di tahun 2020, tidak ada perjalanan dengan insentif dikarenakan pandemic COVID-19.

- KLG Summit webinar pada 24 November-15 December 2020 dengan total partisipan sejumlah 2.044, terutama dari level manajerial ke atas. Topik webinar adalah:a. Economy Outlook (24 November).b. Organization Transformation (26 November).c. Put Data Intelligent and IOT into Live Global

Business Case (1 December).d. Digital Transformation (3 December).e. Accelerating Business Transformation and

Digital Engagement in Retail (10 December).f. Making Indonesia 4.0 (15 December).

- Seminar dan workshop melalui Pembelajaran Inovatif, mencakup proses, kemitraan, teknologi, fokus pelanggan, Helpful 101, video komunikasi, PKTS.

Pelatihan diberikan dalam bentuk pelatihan langsung dan pembelajaran jarak jauh Media Komunikasi:- Media Internal (TV, email blast, wallpaper blast, fast

track, media sosial, People Pro communication, HC portal, KlicPedia, webinars, majalah dinding) untuk menyampaikan informasi, sosialisasi, promosi, dan pidato inspirasional.

- Morning briefing di gerai.- Coffee morning: program komunikasi bulanan

untuk para karyawan di masing-masing tempat kerja. Program ini berjalan di bulan Januari - Februari 2020 dan tidak ada program coffee morning selama pandemic.

SS7.12.00 - Knowledge Sharing)- Incentive trips have been carried out since 2015 until

now. In 2020, there will be no incentivized travel due to the COvID-19 pandemic.

- KLG Summit webinar on 24 November-15 December 2020 with total participants of 2,044 from the managerial level and above. Topics discussed during the webinar are:a. Economy Outlook (24 November).b. Organization Transformation (November 26).c. Put Intelligent Data and IOT into Live Global

Business Case (1 December).d. Digital Transformation (3 December).e. Accelerating Business Transformation and Digital

Engagement in Retail (10 December).f. Making Indonesia 4.0 (15 December).

- Seminars and workshops through Innovative Learning, covering processes, partnerships, technology, customer focus, Helpful 101, video communication, PKTS.

Training is given in the form of hands-on training and onlineCommunication Media:- Internal Media (Tv, email blast, wallpaper blast, fast

track, social media, People Pro communication, HC portal, KlicPedia, webinars, wall magazine) to convey information, outreach, promotion, and inspirational speeches.

- Morning briefing at store.- Coffee morning: a monthly communication program

for employees in each workplace. This program was done in January - February 2020 before the pandemic happened. There is no coffee morning program during the pandemic situation.

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` ` `Januari 2020January 2020

Maret 2020March 2020

Bantuan Bencana AlamNatural Disaster Relief

Pembersihan Fasilitas PublikPublic Facilities Cleaning

Perseroan mendonasikan 1.000 bantal, guling dan selimut serta peralatan kebersihan bencana banjir di wilayah Jabodetabek, khususnya Jakarta Barat, Bekasi dan Banten).The company donated 1,000 pillows, bolsters and blankets as well as cleaning equipment for flood disasters in the Greater Jakarta area, especially West Jakarta, Bekasi and Banten).

Perseroan melakukan pembersihan tempat ibadah dan alun-alun kota dalam rangka pembukaan gerai Ace Hardware di Gorontalo dan Mojokerto.The Company clears places of worship and city squares in the context of opening Ace Hardware outlets in Gorontalo and Mojokerto.

Tanggal PelaksanaanImplementation Date

Program Deskripsi KegiatanActivity Description

Dampak Operasi terhadap Masyarakat SekitarPada 2020, Perseroan menjalankan berbagai program CSR terkait sosial dan kemasyarakatan, seperti: [413-1]

Perseroan juga memiliki kebijakan rekrutmen yang berdampak pada masyarakat sekitar, yaitu: • Perseroan mengutamakan putra daerah sebagai

karyawan gerai baru, terutama di kota yang baru.• Perseroanmemilihkaryawanberprestasididaerah

untuk dibina dalam program Management Trainees, untuk kemudian dapat memimpin di daerah tempat mereka berasal.

Impact of Operations on the Surrounding CommunitiesIn 2020, the Company will carry out various social and community-related CSR programs, such as: [413-1]

The Company also has a recruitment policy that has an impact on the surrounding community, namely:• The Company prioritizes local people as employees of

new outlets, especially in new cities.• The Company selects high-performing employees in

the regions to be coached in the Management Trainees program, to then be able to lead in the regions where they come from.

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Maret 2020March 2020

April - November 2020April - November 2020

Agustus 2020August 2020

September 2020September 2020

Donor Darah Nasional 2020National Blood Donor 2020

Donasi APD dan Fasilitas KesehatanPPE and Health Facility Donation

Donasi MainanToys Donation

Donasi MainanToys Donation

Perseroan menyelenggarakan program donor darah nasional 2020, yang berlokasi di gerai Ace Hardware (19 kota) dan Informa (7 kota). Program ini berhasil mengumpulkan 19.300 kantong darah.The company organizes a 2020 national blood donor program, which is located at Ace Hardware (19 cities) and Informa (7 cities) outlets. This program managed to collect 19,300 blood bags.

Memperingati ulang tahun Perseroan ke-25 dan dalam rangka partisipasi pencegahan penyebaran pandemi Covid-19, Perseroan mendonasikan 150 ribu APD dan alat kesehatan ke 25 kota yang paling terdampak pandemi Covid-19. Total penerima donasi adalah 25 rumah sakit, 25 pemerintah kota (Pemkot), serta lebih dari 100 panti wreda dan panti asuhan.Commemorating the Company’s 25th anniversary and in order to participate in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Company donated 150 thousand PPE and medical devices to 25 cities most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The total recipients of donations are 25 hospitals, 25 municipalities (Pemkot), as well as more than 100 nursing homes and orphanages.

Toys Kingdom memberikan donasi playground dan mainan untuk PAUD Bungong Jeumpa ACEH melalui Pangkostrad (Letjen TNI Eko Margiyono).Toys Kingdom donated playgrounds and toys for PAUD Bungong Jeumpa ACEH through the Pangkostrad (Lt. Gen. Eko Margiyono).

Toys Kingdom memberikan donasi lebih dari 400 unit mainan edukasi dalam program Toys For Kids 2019 ke Rumah Budaya SUMBA.Toys Kingdom donated more than 400 units of educational toys in the Toys For Kids 2019 program to SUMBA Cultural House.

Tanggal PelaksanaanImplementation Date

Program Deskripsi KegiatanActivity Description

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Oktober 2020October 2020

Desember 2020December 2020

Donasi Mainan Toys Donation

Donasi Mobil Donor DarahBlood Donor vehicle Donation

Toys Kingdom memberikan donasi 100 unit smart watch IMOO (didukung oleh IMOO) ke anak petugas kesehatan Rumah Sakit Sulianti Saroso.Toys Kingdom donated 100 units of IMOO smartwatch (supported by IMOO) to the children of Sulianti Saroso Hospital health workers.

Penyerahan donasi 1 (satu) unit mobil donor darah kepada PMI Pusat yang digunakan sebagai mobil operasional donor darah di wilayah Semarang. Donasi tersebut merupakan hasil pengumpulan donasi dari pelanggan Ace Hardware.Submission of 1 (one) unit of blood donation car to the Central PMI which is used as an operational car for blood donation in the Semarang area. This donation is the result of collecting donations from Ace Hardware customers.

Tanggal PelaksanaanImplementation Date

Program Deskripsi KegiatanActivity Description

Donasi paket kebutuhan pasien Covid-19 di Wisma Atlet / Donation to Covid-19 patients at Wisma Atlet

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Desember 2020December 2020

Donasi MainanToys Donation

Toys Kingdom memberikan donasi 50 unit mainan ke Panti Asuhan Kampung Pugur Pagedangan melalui program CSR Mal QBIG.Toys Kingdom donated 50 toys to the Pugur Pagedangan village Orphanage through the QBIG Mall CSR program.

Tanggal PelaksanaanImplementation Date

Program Deskripsi KegiatanActivity Description

Pengaduan MasyarakatSelama periode pelaporan Laporan Keberlanjutan, tidak terdapat pengaduan dari masyarakat. Perusahaan menyediakan akses bagi masyarakat yang ingin menyampaikan saran dan masukan. Masyarakat juga dapat menyampaikan informasi melalui sistem pelaporan pelanggan yang dimiliki Perseroan. Seluruh pengaduan terhadap produk dan jasa Perseroan dapat disampaikan melalui:Contact Center ACETelp: 1500582

Public ComplaintsDuring the Sustainability Report reporting period, there were no complaints from the public. The company provides access for people who wish to submit suggestions and input. The public can also convey information through the Company’s customer reporting system. All complaints against the Company’s products and services can be submitted via:ACE Contact CenterPhone: 1500582

Donasi 1 unit mobil donor darah ke PMI Pusat Donate 1 unit of blood donation car to PMI Pusat

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Program pembagian 2.000 unit lampu LED hemat energi untuk fasilitas umumDistribution program of 2,000 units of energy-efficient LED lamps for public facilities

Program pembagian bibit pohon gratis untuk pelanggan dan pemerintah kotaDistribution program of tree seedlings for free to customers and the city municipality

Bantuan bencana alamNatural disaster relief

Dilakukan di 9 (sembilan) kota, yaitu Jakarta, Bogor, Cilegon, Cirebon, Tegal, Jember, Madiun, Aceh, dan Palembang.Conducted in 9 (nine) cities, namely Jakarta, Bogor, Cilegon, Cirebon, Tegal, Jember, Madiun, Aceh and Palembang.

Pada 2020, Perseroan membagikan 13 ribu bibit, dengan total 1 juta bibit di seluruh program.In 2020, the Company distributed 13 thousand seedlings, with a total of 1 million seeds throughout the program.

Donasi 1.000 bantal, guling dan selimut serta peralatan kebersihan bencana banjir di wilayah Jabodetabek, khususnya Jakarta Barat, Bekasi dan Banten.Donation of 1,000 pillows, bolsters and blankets as well as cleaning equipment for flood disasters in the Greater Jakarta area, especially West Jakarta, Bekasi and Banten.

Februari hingga Maret, 2020February through March, 2020

Maret hingga Desember, 2020March through December, 2020

Januari 2020January 2020

No Jenis KegiatanType of Activity

Periode PelaksanaanPeriod of Implementation


Kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Lingkungan Environmental Social Responsibility Activities

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Donasi APD dan Fasilitas KesehatanPPE and Health Facility Donation

Donasi Mobil Donor DarahBlood Donor vehicle Donation

Donasi MainanToys Donation

Pembersihan tempat ibadah dan alun-alun kotaCleaning of places of worship and town squares

Total penerima donasi adalah 25 rumah sakit, 25 pemerintah kota (Pemkot), serta lebih dari 100 panti wreda dan panti asuhan.The total recipients of donations are 25 hospitals, 25 municipalities (Pemkot), as well as more than 100 nursing homes and orphanages.

Penyerahan donasi 1 (satu) unit mobil donor darah kepada PMI Pusat di wilayah Semarang.Submission of 1 (one) unit of blood donation car to the Central PMI in the Semarang area.

Diberikan untuk PAUD Bungong Jeumpa ACEH, Rumah Budaya SUMBA, dan Panti Asuhan Kampung Pugur Pagedangan.Awarded to PAUD Bungong Jeumpa ACEH, SUMBA Cultural House, and Pugur Pagedangan village Orphanage.

Dilakukan dalam pembukaan gerai Ace Hardware di Gorontalo dan Mojokerto.Conducted in the opening of Ace Hardware outlets in Gorontalo and Mojokerto.

Juli hingga Agustus 2020July through August, 2020

Desember 2020December 2020

Desember 2020December 2020

Maret 2020March 2020

No Jenis KegiatanType of Activity

Periode PelaksanaanPeriod of Implementation


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Inovasi dan Pengembangan ProdukPerseroan terus berupaya pengembangan produk dan layanan dengan melakukan riset atas kebutuhan pelanggan dan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi yang dapat memberikan manfaat optimal bagi penyediaan produk dan jasa Perseroan.

Evaluasi Produk dan JasaPerseroan bertanggung jawab dalam memberikan produk/jasa yang aman kepada para pelanggan. Perseroan menyediakan produk sesuai standar yang berlaku, dan memberikan informasi secara tertulis terkait produk tertentu. Perseroan menyediakan garansi terutama untuk produk elektronik. Perseroan memberikan garansi 14 hari untuk pengembalian produk yang telah dibeli pelanggan.

Dampak Produk/JasaProduk dan layanan yang diberikan Perseroan tidak memiliki dampak negatif bagi para pelanggan, sepanjang produk dan layanan Perseroan digunakan sesuai dengan instruksi dan anjuran yang diberikan.

Pada 2020, Perseroan menghentikan penjualan produk masker wajah berbahan scuba karena tidak direkomendasikan untuk digunakan oleh Pemerintah demi alasan keamanan dan kesehatan. [417-2]

Keamanan DataPerusahaan memiliki kebijakan untuk memberikan perlindungan data pribadi pemasok dan karyawan. Adanya petugas perlindungan data yang memiliki wewenang untuk membuat keputusan atas pengumpulan, penggunaan, pengungkapan data pribadi pemasok dan karyawan.

Perusahaan memiliki prosedur tentang Keamanan TI (Jaringan, Area Server) dan Kebijakan Umum TI, juga pusat pemulihan bencana dan backup database.

Product Innovation and DevelopmentThe Company continues to strive to develop products and services by conducting research on customer needs and taking advantage of technological advances that can provide optimal benefits for the provision of the Company’s products and services.

Product and Service EvaluationThe company is responsible for providing safe products / services to customers. The Company provides its products according to the applicable standard and always provides written information regarding the products. The Company provides warranty of its products especially electronic products to customers. The Company also has 14 days return policy for its products.

Product/Service ImpactThe products and services provided by the Company do not have a negative impact on customers, as long as the Company’s products and services are used in accordance with the instructions and recommendations given.

In 2020, the Company stopped selling scuba face mask products because this type of face mask has not been classified as government recommendations for safety and health purposes. [417-2]

Data SecurityThe Company has a policy for personal data protection of suppliers and employees. There are data protection officers, who have authority to make decisions upon collecting, usage, disclosure of personal data of suppliers and employees.

The Company has procedures on IT Security (Network, Server Area) and IT Policy General, also a disaster recovery center and database backup.

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Departemen TI telah memasang sistem firewall dan peralatan serta sistem pengawasan ancaman di HO dan toko-toko. Hal ini membuat standar keamanan informasi manajemen Perusahaan sesuai dengan standar internasional: ISO 9001.

Perusahaan telah meningkatkan kesadaran tentang pentingnya keamanan cyber yang berkaitan dengan ancaman, pencegahan, dan undang-undang TI terkait di antara tenaga kerja melalui semua saluran komunikasi internal.

Kebijakan Mengenai PemasokPerseroan selalu menjaga komunikasi yang baik dengan para mitra ataupun vendor, seperti pemasok produk-baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri, pemasok peralatan kantor, kantor akuntan publik, vendor pengembang IT, kontraktor maintenance dan perbaikan gedung/kantor cabang, penyedia alat-alat elektronik.

Perseroan memiliki kebijakan internal yang mengatur proses pengadaan, di antaranya kebijakan seleksi suppliers, termasuk proses pengadaannya, serta perlakuan adil dan adanya larangan adanya tindakan diskriminasi terhadap pemasok. Para pemasok ditentukan berdasarkan kualitas produk, kemampuan, pengalaman dan kompetensinya. [102-9]

Perseroan memiliki Departemen Merchandising untuk pengadaan produk dan Departemen General Purchasing untuk produk selain merchandising dan jasa.

Perseroan memprioritaskan pemasok yang mengimplementasikan sistem operasional yang beretika, menjalankan praktik yang berintegritas terkait aspek sosial dan lingkungan, serta memperlakukan karyawan dengan baik. Perseroan melakukan proses negosiasi dengan pemasok dengan cara membeli dalam volume besar (sesuai jumlah toko yang ada) untuk mendapatkan potongan harga secara volume.

The IT department has installed a firewall system and equipment and a threat surveillance system at the HO and stores. It has rolled out information security management in accordance with international standards: ISO 9001.

The Company has enhanced a continuous awareness of safety cyber pertaining to a threat, prevention and related IT laws amongst workforce through all internal communication channels.

Supplier PolicyThe Company always maintains good communication with partners or vendors, such as product suppliers, both domestic and foreign, office equipment suppliers, public accounting firms, IT developer vendors, building maintenance and repair contractors / branch offices, providers of electronic equipment.

The Company has an internal policy that regulates the procurement process, including the supplier selection policy, including the procurement process, as well as fair treatment and the prohibition of discrimination against suppliers. Suppliers are determined based on product quality, capability, experience and competence. [102-9]

The Company has a Merchandising Department for product procurement and a General Purchasing Department for products other than merchandising and services.

The Company prioritizes on suppliers that implement ethical operational systems, carry out practices with integrity related to social and environmental aspects, and treat their employees well. The Company conducts a negotiation process with suppliers by purchasing large volumes (according to number of stores) to obtain volume discounts.

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Survei Kepuasan PelangganSurvei Kepuasan Pelanggan merupakan salah satu sarana yang digunakan Perseroan untuk melakukan komunikasi dan memperoleh input pelanggan atas produk dan layanan yang diberikan. Pada 2020, Perseroan memperoleh nilai 86,48 dalam Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) yang dilakukan setiap tahun,meningkat dari tahun 2019 yaitu 85,49. Survei ini mencakup aspek Produk, Pelayanan, Kenyamanan dan After-sales Service. [102-43]

Kode EtikPerseroan memiliki komitmen untuk mencegah terjadinya kecurangan (fraud) dengan menerapkan sistem pengendalian yang efektif dan berkesinambungan. Pencegahan dilakukan dengan implementasi sistem pengendalian internal, dengan melibatkan Divisi Audit Internal dan Divisi Manajemen Risiko. Selain itu, Perseroan juga memiliki Kode Etik Perusahaan yang disosialisasikan kepada karyawan dan dimuat dalam situs web Perseroan. [205-1] [205-2]

Perseroan juga memiliki unit Internal Audit yang melakukan kegiatan audit atas unit dalam Perseroan. [205-3]

Divisi Audit Internal secara rutin memeriksa pengendalian internal dan manajemen risiko. Laporan temuan disampaikan kepada Direktur Utama dengan tembusan kepada Komite Audit. Sesuai peraturan BEI, Komite Audit bertanggungjawab untuk memberikan saran secara independen dan profesional kepada Dewan Komisaris, yang berkaitan dengan proses pelaporan keuangan, audit internal, manajemen risiko, dan sistem pengendalian internal Perseroan. Secara berkala, Komite Audit menilai laporan manajemen risiko dan disampaikan kepada Dewan Komisaris.

Customer Satisfaction SurveyThe Customer Satisfaction Survey is one of the means used by the Company to communicate and obtain customer input on the products and services provided. In 2020, the Company obtained a score of 86.48 in the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) which is carried out every year, an increase from 2019, namely 85.49. The survey covers the Products, Service, Comfort and After-sales Service aspects. [102-43]

Code of EthicsThe Company is committed to preventing fraud by implementing an effective and sustainable control system. Prevention is carried out by implementing an internal control system, involving the Internal Audit Division and the Risk Management Division. In addition, the Company also has a Company Code of Ethics which is socialized to employees and posted on the Company’s website. [205-1] [205-2]

The Company also has an Internal Audit unit which conducts audits on units within the Company. [205-3]

The Internal Audit Division regularly checks internal control and risk management. The findings report is submitted to the President Director with a copy to the Audit Committee. By IDX regulations, the Audit Committee is responsible for providing independent and professional advice to the Board of Commissioners regarding the financial reporting process, internal audit, risk management, and the Company’s internal control system. Periodically, the Audit Committee evaluates risk management reports and submits them to the Board of Commissioners.



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59 Laporan KeberLanjutan SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020


Program “Whistleblowing” telah diterapkan sejak pertengahan 2013 dan menjadi komitmen Perseroan dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan integritas karyawan sekaligus menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang kondusif. Setiap karyawan dapat memanfaatkan program ini jika ingin melaporkan berbagai pelanggaran atau penyimpangan di lingkungan Perseroan. Di tahun 2020 terdapat 9 laporan yang disampaikan melalui whistleblowing system dan telah ditangani oleh Perseroan.

Informasi mengenai badan tata kelola tertinggi seperti ketua [102-23], proses nominasi dan seleksi [102-24], peran [102-

26] dan evaluasi kinerja [102-28] disajikan di dalam Laporan Tahunan Perseroan bagian “Tata Kelola Perusahaan”.

Perseroan tidak memiliki masalah hukum terkait praktek anti-kompetitif. [206-1]

The “Whistleblowing” program has been implemented since mid-2013 and is the Company’s commitment to maintaining and enhancing employee integrity while creating a conducive work environment. Every employee can take advantage of this program if they want to report various violations or irregularities within the Company. In 2020 there are 9 reports submitted through the whistleblowing system and have been handled by the Company.

Information on the highest governance body such as the chair [102-23], nomination and selection process [102-24], roles

[102-26], and performance evaluation [102-28] is presented in the Company’s Annual Report under the “Good Corporate Governance” section.

The Company does not have any legal actions in relation to anti-competitive behavior nor practices. [206-1]

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Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini menyatakan bahwa semua informasi dalam Laporan Keberlanjutan PT Ace Hardware Indonesia, Tbk. tahun 2020 telah dimuat secara lengkap dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas kebenaran isi Laporan ini.

Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya.

We the undersigned state that all information in the 2020 Sustainability Report of PT Ace Hardware Indonesia, Tbk. has been completely stated, and are responsible for the validity of this Sustainability Report.

This solemn acknowledgement is made conscientiously.


Jakarta, 5 Mei 2021 / Jakarta, May 5 2021

DireksiBord Of Directors

Prabowo Widyakrisnadi(Presiden Direktur / President Director)

Tarisa Widya Krisnadi(Direktur / Director)

Hartanto Djasman(Direktur / Director)

Sugiyanto Wibawa(Direktur / Director)

Nana Puspa Dewi(Direktur / Director)

Letjen. TNI (Purn.) Tarub(Komisaris Independen /

Independent Commissioner)

Ijek Widyakrisnadi(Komisaris / Commissioner)

Kuncoro Wibowo(Presiden Komisaris /

President Commissioner)

Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners


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61 Laporan KeberLanjutan SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020

PT Ace Hardware Indonesia, Tbk. (ACES) is commited in delivering our 2020 sustainability report. The report shows the Company’s financial performance and sustainability initiatives. In order to improve the following reports, we look forward to receiving your inputs upon reading this report by sending an email or this form by mail.

CONTACT DETAILSFull Name:Institution/Company:E-mail:Tel./Mobile:


Shareholders and investors Customers Employees Government Media Business partners Public and the community

Others, please specify:______________________________________

PLEASE SELECT THE APPROPRIATE ANSWERS BELOW.1. This report is easily understood. 2. This report is useful. 3. This report portrays the Company’s performance in sustainable development.

PLEASE RATE THE FOLLOWING.(Score 1 = Not Important, 2 = Less Important, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Important, 5 = Very Important). 1 2 3 4 5 Economic perfomance Product portfolioService quality Corporate governance Employee care Data security management


Corporate Secretary PT Ace Hardware Indonesia, Tbk. (ACES) [102-53] Gedung Kawan LamaJl. Puri Kencana No.1, Kembangan Selatan, Jakarta 11610 Tel.(6221)5822222Fax.(6221)5824022E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.


Yes No

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GRI Criteria Pages2024

9, 2020202020205732232728

28, 322027303030595959


8, 108, 109, 10


GRI 102:General approach

102-1 Name of the organization102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services102-3 Location of headquarters102-4 Location of operations102-5 Ownership and legal form102-6 Markets served102-7 Scale of the organization102-8 Information on employees and other workers102-9 Organization’s supply chain102-11 Precautionary approach or principles102-12 External initiatives102-13 Asociation Membership102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker102-15 Important impacts, risks and opportunities102-16 Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior102-17 Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics102-18 Governance structureamount of monetary loss on employment discrimination legal caseamount of monetary loss on employment discrimination legal case102-23 Chair of the highest governance body102-24 Nominating and selecting the highest governance body102-26 Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values,and strategy102-26 Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values,and strategy102-28 Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance102-30 Effectiveness of risk management processes102-31 Review of economic, environmental, and social topics102-32 Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting102-35 Remuneration policies102-39 Percentage increase in annual total compensation ratio102-40 List of stakeholder groups102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement102-44 Key topics and concerns raised102-45 Entities included in the consolidated statements102-46 Defining report content and topic boundaries102-47 List of material topics102-48 Restatements of information102-49 Changes in reporting102-50 Reporting period102-51 Date of most recent report102-52 Reporting cycles102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards102-55 GRI Content Index


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63 Laporan KeberLanjutan SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020

GRI CriteriaPages Pages

10, 27



17, 401740


17, 41, 42


46, 45


46, 45










GRI 204: Procure-ment practices

GRI 205: Anti corruption

GRI 206: Anti-com-petitive behavior

GRI 206: Anti-com-petitive behavior

GRI 303: Waterand effluents

GRI 305: Emissions

GRI 307: Environ-mental Compliance

GRI 401: Employem-ent

GRI 401: Employem-ent

GRI 403: Occupa-tional health and safety

GRI 404: Training and Education

GRI 405: Diversity and equal oppor-tunity

GRI 406: Non-dis-crimination

GRI 103:Managementapproach

GRI 201: Economy performance

GRI 202: Market presence

103-1 Explanation of Material’s Topic and Boundaries

201-2 Financial impact, risk and opportunities from climate change

202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to localminimum wage

204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers

205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken

206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust,and monopoly practices

302-1 Energy consumption within the organization302-3 Energy intensity302-4 Reduction of energy consumption

303-5 Water consumption

305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions

307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations

401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover401-2 Benefits provided to fulltime employees that are not provided to temporary or part time employees401-3 Parental leave

401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover401-2 Benefits provided to fulltime employees that are not provided to temporary or part time employees401-3 Parental leave

403-1 Occupational health and safety management system

404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs404-3 Percetage of employees receiving regular performance and career develop-ment review

405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men

406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken

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GRI 408: Child labor








GRI 409: Forced or compulsory labor

GRI 413: Local com-munities

GRI 417: Marketing and labelling

408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor

Energy consumption

Numbers of store employees earning Minimal Wage (UMR)

Turnover rate

Monetary loss on labor law legal case

Percentage of gender representation for management & other employees

Amount of monetary loss on employment discrimination legal case

Retail locations and DCs

409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forcedor compulsory labor

413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments,and development programs

417-1 Requirement for product and service information and labelling417-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labelling417-3 Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications


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