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Super Quiz Ch.8

What was Revolutionary about the French Revolution?


Morris Maraya

The Old Regime

Assumed men unequal

Inequality a good thing

Liberty meant privilege

The Enlightenment challenged those assumptions

It took revolutionary violence to end the old Regime

The Rumor

A serious rumor broke out that a royal kidnapped several village children for bloodbaths

A riot ensued

Such riots are known as Popular Emotions

(Whisper Whisper)

Head Pikes

An official named Foulon was lynched due to soaring bread prices and rumors about plots to starve the poor

Crowd severed his head and paraded it on a pike throughout town

Like Father like Son

Another band of rioters seized Foulons son Bertier and made him march right besides his father, while chanting Kiss Papa, Kiss Papa

Then they murdered him and ripped out his heart

That is how traitors are punished

The Terror

By current standards, it is considered not that devastating

About 17,000 deaths

3/4ths of the guillotined were rebels

85 percent of them were commoners

During this ere, the word aristocrat could be applied to anyone deemed an enemy of the people

The Revolution

The Old Regime would not die peacefully and the new order could not survive without destroying the counterrevolution

After the religious schism of 1791 and the war of 1792, any opposition could be made to look like treason


The consequences of revolutionary violence includes; clearing the way for redesigning and rebuilding, striking down institutions from the Old Regime, and the sense of boundless possibilities(Possibilism)


Lamourette proposed to the National Assembly that all their troubles arose from factionalism

They needed more fraternity

As the strangest in the trinity of revolutionary values, it was very popular in France.
