sunday worship service attention everyone 10:00am · includes readings from the christian...

Sunday Worship Service 10:00am TO BE HELD AT DINING ON THE GREEN AT 349 MAIN ST IN PARK FOREST March 4th Title: You're Welcome! By Beverly Feldt An intergenerational service. What does it mean to feel welcome? How can we create that experience for ourselves and others? A hands-on exploration for all ages. NEXT 3 SERVICES WILL BE HELD AT TRINITY LUTHERAN AT 2901 WESTERN AVE IN PARK FOREST March 11th Title: Lost and Found By Reverend Denise Tracy What do you do when you are lost? How do we journey to found? March 18th Title: The Whole Truth By Giggy Sackberger Wagner At this service Giggy will unpack the fourth UU principle and explore what it means to have a free and responsible search for truth. March 25th Title: The Tenebrae: A Humanist Reconsideration of Holy Week By Jennifer Cottril Many Christian denominations observe Holy Week—the last week of Jesus’ life—with a service of the Tenebrae (literally, “shadows”), extinguishing candles one by one while recounting the story of the events leading to Jesus’ death. While many Unitarian Universal- ists would reject the Christian doctrines associ- ated with the crucifixion, this story is neverthe- less a powerful human drama. This service includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the face of grief, loneliness, and death. Unitarian Universalist Community Church March, 2018 Park Forest, IL March Forum (follows the Sunday Service) March 4th – No Forum. NO POTLUCK! March 11th – UU Gabfest with Dan Felt A conversation about issues important to UUs, drawn from the UU World magazine. Contact Dan in advance for links to articles to be discussed. March 18th – Planned Parenthood Comes to Flossmoor with Allison Park & Paloma Arroyo Join Planned Parenthood of Illinois’ Community Engagement Coordinator, Allison Park, and Planned Parenthood Illinois Action’s Grassroots Organizer, Paloma Arroyo, as they dis- cuss the newest health center in Flossmoor, their current legis- lative agenda and work across the state, and all the ways you can get involved in the reproductive rights movement! March 25th – Town Hall Meeting with Jerome Rowley An opportunity for discussion and updates on issues im- portant to UUCC. April 1st – Easter – NO POTLUCK! SUNDAY SERVICE DELAYED UNTIL 10:45. MORE DETAILS INSIDE. ATTENTION EVERYONE Due to unexpected flooding, our March 4th service will be held at 10:00am at Dining On the Green at 349 Main St. in Park Forest. As of March 11th, Trinity Lutheran at 2901 Western Ave in Park Forest has gra- ciously offered to rent the lower level of their build- ing to us to hold services, forums, and events. We cannot promise that ALL of our usual EVENTS will be scheduled at Trinity Lutheran so therefore we encourage you to contact the group facili- tator or check our website to verify the status of any of the events scheduled in March before you arrive). Church website: Our facilitators’ contact information is on the calendar page inside this newsletter. To verify Sunday services: Call Irene Vanderhoek at 708-305-4913 (please leave a message). More details inside

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Page 1: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the

Sunday Worship Service 10:00am



March 4th

Title: You're Welcome!

By Beverly Feldt An intergenerational service.

What does it mean to feel welcome? How can

we create that experience for ourselves and

others? A hands-on exploration for all ages.




March 11th

Title: Lost and Found

By Reverend Denise Tracy What do you do when you are lost? How do we

journey to found?

March 18th

Title: The Whole Truth

By Giggy Sackberger Wagner At this service Giggy will unpack the fourth

UU principle and explore what it means to have

a free and responsible search for truth.

March 25th

Title: The Tenebrae: A Humanist

Reconsideration of Holy Week

By Jennifer Cottril Many Christian denominations observe

Holy Week—the last week of Jesus’ life—with

a service of the Tenebrae (literally, “shadows”),

extinguishing candles one by one while

recounting the story of the events leading to

Jesus’ death. While many Unitarian Universal-

ists would reject the Christian doctrines associ-

ated with the crucifixion, this story is neverthe-

less a powerful human drama. This service

includes readings from the Christian

scriptures interspersed with reflections on the

universal human experiences of faith in the face

of grief, loneliness, and death.

Unitarian Universalist Community Church March, 2018 Park Forest, IL

March Forum (follows the Sunday Service)

March 4th – No Forum. NO POTLUCK!

March 11th – UU Gabfest with Dan Felt

A conversation about issues important to UUs, drawn from

the UU World magazine. Contact Dan in advance for links to

articles to be discussed.

March 18th – Planned Parenthood Comes to Flossmoor

with Allison Park & Paloma Arroyo Join Planned Parenthood of Illinois’ Community Engagement

Coordinator, Allison Park, and Planned Parenthood Illinois

Action’s Grassroots Organizer, Paloma Arroyo, as they dis-

cuss the newest health center in Flossmoor, their current legis-

lative agenda and work across the state, and all the ways you

can get involved in the reproductive rights movement!

March 25th – Town Hall Meeting with Jerome Rowley

An opportunity for discussion and updates on issues im-

portant to UUCC.




Due to unexpected flooding, our March 4th service will be

held at 10:00am at Dining On the Green at 349 Main St. in

Park Forest.

As of March 11th, Trinity

Lutheran at 2901 Western Ave in Park Forest has gra-ciously offered to rent the lower level of their build-ing to us to hold services, forums, and events. We cannot promise that ALL

of our usual EVENTS will be scheduled at Trinity Lutheran so therefore we encourage you to contact the group facili-tator or check our website to verify the status of any of the events scheduled in March before you arrive).

Church website:

Our facilitators’ contact information is on the calendar page inside this newsletter.

To verify Sunday services: Call Irene Vanderhoek at 708-305-4913 (please leave a message).

More details inside

Page 2: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the

FLOOD UPDATES from Nancy Irons

As you already know, we have had another flood at UUCC. This time was worse than last summer. The emer-

gency clean-up crew has been in and suctioned up all the water and disinfected our surfaces. Since this is

known to have been a sewage backup, the norm is to remove all surfaces that were contaminated. The carpets,

floors and the lower 2 feet of wallboard have been removed throughout most of the church. There is a bit

more demolition to be done, including removing the lower cabinets in the kitchen. Then there will be more

decontamination and drying, particularly in the ductwork.

Ultimately, we will need new floors, new kitchen cabinets, repaired and repainted walls and replacements for

discarded furnishings. Luckily, the insurance company indicates we are covered for all of this. Unluckily, this

will take at least several months to complete. In the meantime, temporary housing for our congregation has

been lined up at Trinity Lutheran Church beginning March 11th.

Moving forward, we are in the process of interviewing general contractors, recommended by our insurance

company, for the restoration work. Further, we now know the primary source of the flood water was the vil-

lage sewer, so we can finally put effective preventative measures in place. Again, we are getting recommen-

dations and quotes before authorizing any work. It will be a long haul before everything is put back together,

but we will then have a newly refurbished building to return to.



Kitchen Kid’s Room

Page 3: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the

MORE UPDATES continued

Easter Sunday, April 1st – Services will be delayed until 10:45 am to accommodate Trinity Lutheran’s

Easter Breakfast Celebration. UUCC is invited to share breakfast with the Tr inity congregation between

8:30 and 10:30 am, if you care to join them. Our service will begin as

soon as possible following the end of the breakfast.

Temporary Shelter from the Storm

Trinity Lutheran Church, (2901 Western Ave. in Park Forest) is

opening their lower level to UUCC while our building is under re-

construction. Their church complex is made up of three connected

buildings. We will be using the lower level of the middle building.

Please park in the lot east of the church and use the entrance for the

middle building.

Accessibility may be challenging for some. . . .There are 7 steps down to a hallway, then another set of 5 steps

down to the main basement space, Good Shepard Hall. They have a combination “elevette” for the first set of

steps and a chair lift for the second, however these require a trained operator to run. While this can be done, it

will require some extra time to accomplish. Please plan accordingly. Coffee hour will be held at the rear of Good

Shepard Hall.

The RCE children will be meeting in the Nursery off the hallway mentioned above. There are other classrooms,

on a different level, that can be available for groups to meet in, if requested. We may plan to use one of their of-

fices to house Virginia while our office is torn up. While the timeline is unclear, we anticipate it should be 2-4

months before returning to our building.

Hallway to Second Stairs

Inside Nursery

Elevette From outside to hallway

Chair lift down 2nd Stairs Good Shepard Hall Facing Stage

Good Shephard Hall Facing Kitchen


Starting March 11th

Extra tables and chairs

Page 4: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the
Page 5: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the


President’s Column by Jerome Rowley I know that everyone is putting up with the temporary accommodations that the church will be using from now

until at least the end of March while the repairs are being done to the church due to the recent flooding inci-

dent. I appreciate people’s forbearance with this situation while the Board and the staff of the church work on

first taking measures that will prevent such an occurrence in the future and then getting the repairs done to the

church. Who knows, we can use this opportunity for a bit of remodeling so that the church looks even better

than it did before!

In the last month’s newsletter, I started on a project of going through the seven principles of Unitarian Univer-

salism to tie it into what I have been learning at the Integral Life institute online based on the writings of phi-

losopher Ken Wilber. Integral Theory basically takes the principles of evolution as a generalizing orientation,

and I think this framework dovetails quite well with the principles of Unitarian-Universalism. I even fancy that

the candlestick sculptures that we have on either side of our podium represent the double helix in honor of the

principle of evolution, but perhaps the artist had another idea in mind!

The second principle is Justice, equity and compassion in human relations

The first principle was the inherent worth and dignity in every person. In the last column, I wrote that this first

principle represents the first Worldcentric stage of cultural evolution. The first three stages of cultural evolu-

tion are those where people see the world from an egocentric point of view by having associations with others

at the level of extended families or clans, then tribes, and then as subjects of an authority figure such as a king.

The next level is marked by a shift to an ethnocentric point of view, where people identify as a particular

group, such as being a member of a nation. This is the traditional worldview that many in the United States

still identify with as their cultural “center of gravity.” The next stage is seeing the world through a Worldcen-

tric viewpoint, meaning that it identifies with all people of the world, at first through the lens of rationality and

science. This in Integral Theory is called the fifth or ORANGE level of cultural evolution (giving it an arbi-

trary color to make it distinguishable from the other levels), which is the modern or rational stage of evolution.

This sees people as having rights as individuals simply by virtue of being human beings, who are created equal

by our creator as stated in our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. This is the modern or rational

stage of evolution.

In all previous stages of cultural evolution, including the traditional stage, slavery was accepted (try looking

for condemnation of slavery in any of the texts of the Abrahamic faiths—you won’t find it). However, with

the dawn of the ORANGE rational level of evolution, slavery was seen as incompatible with this level and

slavery disappeared within 100 or so years in every modern, industrialized country that attained this level of

cultural evolution.

However, this sameness of people at the basic level is also accompanied by surface differences such as differ-

ences in gender, race, and culture that need to be respected. This requires a higher level of cultural evolution,

the sixth level referred to as the GREEN or postmodern level of cultural evolution in Integral Theory. This is

where the second principle comes in. You need to treat others who may be different from you on the surface

with justice, equity and compassion, which requires structures that allow for this to take place. This is why,

although slavery was abolished in 1860, it took the GREEN revolution which took place in the 1960s to usher

in the Civil Rights movement which takes this stage of cultural evolution and creates a social framework to

protect it.

In the realm of politics, the ORANGE stage of cultural evolution is represented by the development of capital-

ism in the 1800s and 1900s, and the GREEN stage with socialism and the idea of social insurance schemes

Page 6: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the

With all the issues that have come up recently, it has been decided to forgo the

Fellowship Dinner this year. Instead, we hope to have a catered Brunch with the Annu-

al Meeting in May. Hopefully, we will be able to celebrate a revamped church by then.

For more information, please contact Nancy Irons ([email protected]).

Fellowship Dinner Cancelled, Brunch to Come!

Jim and Anna Saul

Gordon Saul (son of Jim and Anna Saul– long time members of UUCC) has re-

cently informed us that Anna passed away on Sunday the 18th in the late after-

noon and Jim passed away later that evening. They were both in an Assisted Liv-

ing facility in Madison, Wisconsin. Anna's passing was expected and so the fami-

ly was already gathered to say good bye. Jim's passing was a surprise to everyone,

but the loving couple clearly could not be parted. May they rest in peace!

Gordon plans to hold a Memorial Service in the Park Forest area in the next month or so, but is still making

arrangements. We will send out more information when it becomes available.

such as Social Security that started in the first half of the 20th century. The situation we find ourselves politi-

cally is that the Republicans are a mixture of the traditionalists (4th or Blue stage) and those supporting Wall

Street (5th or ORANGE stage), who aren’t as concerned as the traditionalists with social conservatism. Demo-

crats are split between those who are in the Establishment supporting the modernist, and yes, the capitalist,

status quo, and those who support a more equitable distribution of wealth in the country. These positions were

supported by Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, respectively, in the last election cycle. So we have in this

country a “culture war” between three different stages of cultural evolution: the traditional, the modern, and

the postmodern, with the two political parties straddling two of these stages each.

However, the leadership of this country is basically a President who is at an egocentric stage of evolution, rep-

resenting a constituency that is mostly ethnocentric—this is why it is hard to have a conversation politically

because most liberals or progressives are coming from a stage of cultural evolution that is far different. How-

ever, the young people of today, as exemplified by the amazing students of Parkland, FL, are for the most part

already GREEN in their cultural evolution and they see through the limited structures that are preventing poli-

ticians from protecting them and treating them with the justice, equity and compassion they deserve.

We, as Unitarian Universalists, whose second principle embodies this stage of cultural evolution, should reso-

nate with these students and their amazing eloquence in trying to change the cultural gridlock which has pre-

vented action in the arena of gun control for the past few decades. For those who doubt it could be done, look

at the strides made by this GREEN stage of cultural evolution, from the fight for gay marriage to the #MeToo

movement. The reason why the language at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference was so stri-

dent was precisely because they recognize that they are losing the Culture War with the rise of the next gener-

ation, and their time on the political stage is limited. They will do what they can to prolong it, but they cannot

stop the forces of evolution. Let’s do what we can to accelerate these processes within ourselves and within

our society!

Page 7: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the

“Hiking the trails, singing by the campfire,

playing games … all childhood camp fun. But

this camp and retreat is not just for kids, it’s for

people of all ages. Make connections, build

friendships and experience nature together as a

family with other families, youth and adults in

an environment where diverse religious, spiritual and theological perspectives are welcomed and celebrated.

With programs for children drawing upon the natural environment, workshops for adults and youth on spiritu-

al practices, multigenerational worship, and fun group activities such as canoeing, archery, s'mores around a

campfire and popcorn popped in a kettle over an open fire -- all with a variety of accommodations from dor-

mitory-style lodging or hotel-like rooms in the Retreat Center. Tent and RV camping is also available at near-

by Amigo Park.

Chalice Sparx Family Camp & Retreat

July 12-15, 2018

Amigo Centre in Sturgis, Michigan

Find out more and register at

Join us this summer for

Coming Soon! Earth Week in Park Forest - April 15-21, 2018

This year’s Earth Week will be celebrated in Park Forest with a diversity of participatory

events including; speakers, workshops, a recycled art exhibit and a peace blessing ceremony.

The unifying theme will be: Peace is an Environmental Issue. If you would like to help or-

ganize these events, please contact Dave Bartlett.

CUUPs Spring Equinox – Road Trip to Joliet Church

March 24th

Given the current condition of our church, it seems prudent to attend a Spring Equinox ritual

in another location. Join us for a road trip to the Joliet Unitarian Universalist Church, 3401

West Jefferson St. Joliet, IL. The exact time has not been set but it is usually 6:30 to 9:30 pm.

There will be a potluck meal to start, so please bring a dish to share.

To carpool, please contact Nancy Irons (708-712-3228).

Page 8: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the

Religious and Character Education

by Dan Feldt

I’m sure that we have all had the same reactions to the dam-

aging flood of the church. How could this happen? Could

we have foreseen it? What do we do now?

What do we do now? is a very exciting question! To some

degree or other, we have an opportunity to re-envision our

church and especially our Religious and Character Education

spaces. Our old RCE spaces were very kid-friendly. But they

were badly damaged by the sewer water. The two feet of

drywall missing between the classrooms from the floor on

up proves that. We’ll need to move forward with imagina-

tion and determination.

I’ll be asking the Religious and Character Education committee to put in some extra time. I’ll also be reaching

out to two of our former RE Directors, Bob Fox and Heather Godbout. Since leaving us, they’ve worked with

other RE programs. I’m hoping to benefit from their experience. I’m sure that what we come up with will re-

tain the good of the old and provide an exciting space for our future RCE program.

In the meantime, the kids will be joining the congregation when our temporary spaces allow it. We’ll also take

some field trips. We’ll visit some other churches (possibly Hindu and Baha’i temples), a museum or two, and

maybe drop in on the Humanist Society.

I’ll be sending out the UU World article at the usual time if we’ve secured a suitable space for the Gabfest on

that Sunday. If you are not already part of the UU Gabfest discussion group, send me your email. I’ll sign you

up, describe what we do, and send you the article for the March meeting. My email is [email protected].

Here’s some further flood information from Nancy Irons. She and Virginia Jackson have been working with

the insurance company. We own them our appreciation for spending time in an unpleasant environment.

“The adjuster for Church Mutual was finally out today. He spent a couple of hours with Virginia and the emer-

gency cleanup guy. He was going to suggest that Church Mutual send out an inventory specialist to document

how many toys and stuff were impacted by the flood. Not sure when that will happen. The rugs from Class-

rooms 1 & 2 are already discarded, as are the embroidered, mirrored stuffed stools. I think most of the stuffed

animals, the books and canvas bins from classroom 2 and most of those stuffed animals need to be thrown

away. I am less certain about the plastic toys and whether or not they can be disinfected enough. We will have

to wait for the insurance figures next week. Luckily, we have "replacement" coverage, which means they com-

pensate us for the anticipated cost of replacing items, rather than the value of items damaged.”

Onward and upward! Let’s make some lemonade!!


Page 9: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the

Dr. Gloria Latimore Peace is the Host and Producer of The H3O Television program which airs in the Chicago Metropolitan area

on Chicago Access Network Television (CAN-TV ) Channel 19.

The H3O Show is telecast every Friday from 8:30PM-9:30PM. It repeats on Sundays from 3:30PM-4:30PM. Our program offers interviews with outstanding leaders in the areas of History, Culture, Health, Nutrition and Spirituality.

The March 2018 Schedule includes: Friday, 3/2/18 @ 8:30PM & 3/4/18 @ 3:30PM, "Combat Zones, Foreign and Domestic" with Salim Wakkil Friday, 3/9/18 @ 8:30PM & Sunday, 3/11/18 @ 3:30PM, "Inner City Struggles: Local and National" with Frank Williams and Professor Robert Starks Friday, 3/16/18 @ 8:30PM & Sunday, 3/18/18 @ 3:30PM, " 'N Justice for All" with Ancestor Pat Hill, Atty. Lawrence E. Kennon and Wayne Sebamurti Gentry Friday, 3/23/18 @ 8:30PM and Sunday 3/25/18 @ 3:30 PM, "A Gathering of Griots , Pt I" Friday, 3/30/18 & Sunday 4/1/18, " A Gathering of Griots, Pt II. Mark your calendars, tune in, spread the announcement!!! Dr. Gloria Latimore Peace, Host and Producer

Two Listening Hearts, or members of

the Lay Pastoral Care team, are on

hand each month to serve your needs.

They are not acting as professional counselors, but

rather a source for listening, support and

resources. If you do not spot one of them at church, or if you wish to

talk to one of them in particular, please contact the church office at


Our March Listening Hearts volunteers will be announced

at our March Sunday Services.

We are hoping to reschedule

the cancelled February

Movie Night short films on

Immigration to sometime in

March, but it is uncertain if

the church will be ready.

So Movie Night will be

rescheduled but date is

uncertain at this time.

Thank you for the work that you have contributed to our Listening Campaign!

It’s our hope that you made new and stimulating connections through this work and that you are ready to

deepen these relationships and move forward with us. We invite you to a meeting on Saturday, March 10th

from 10am to 12 noon at Flossmoor Community Church (2215 Hutchison, Flossmoor). Since working

with others on action initiatives not only builds community but contributes to the common good, we invite

your ideas about projects, local or global, that we might embark upon.

We will meet in the “Family Room.” When looking at the front door of the Flossmoor Community

Church you will see a stairway. To the right of the stairway is a sidewalk to a ground level entrance.

Please enter from there.

Hope to see you on March 10th. Coffee and doughnuts will be served. Please invite anyone you think might

have an interest in joining us. RSVP’s would be helpful.

Warmest regards from Nancy, Barb and Joyce

Listening Campaign Meets on March 10th

Page 10: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the

Delightful Milwaukee based husband and wife duo Patty Stevenson and Craig

Siemsen have graciously agreed to do a house concert at the home of Valerie Birk!

Route One House Concerts, will be hosting Patty and Craig on the same night and

time we would have had them appear at Edgar's Place Coffeehouse at UUCC, Satur-

day, March 10th at 7:30 PM (which has been relocated due to unexpected flooding).

Described as genuinely talented with classic folk voices, Patty Stevenson and Craig

Siemsen are known for their gorgeous harmonies, impeccable musicianship, playful

stage humor, and jewel-like original songs. Patty says about performing, “I try for

magic – nothing less! For the place that opens hearts and will move an

audience to tears or smiles.”

Patty and Craig were individually 'out there' enjoying their music, when, in the mid- 1980s, they met while per-

forming at a folk music festival. For many years, the couple maintained solo careers, even after they married.

Eventually, with the prodding of wise friends, they agreed to perform one show as a duo. The rest, as they say,

is history. Today, they continue to create and record original songs as well as their own variations on timeless

pieces that often span the ages of creativity in sound.

Check out this video of Patty and Craig

Edgar's Place Coffeehouse has been relocated to

Route One House Concerts (Home of Valerie Birk) during the month of March.

Admission is $15-$20 donation, and includes complimentary beverages and snacks. All proceeds go

to the performers. If you would like to make a reservation, please do so by contacting Valerie Birk

at your earliest convenience, no later than Wednesday, March 7th. ([email protected])

Photos from February’s Edgar’s Place Coffeehouse with Dave Rudolf

Page 11: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the

Part of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s nationwide network of lead-

ership schools, MidWest Leadership School is a week-long intensive pro-

gram in leadership and group dynamics. Led by lay and ordained staff with a

deep understanding of UU congregations, MWLS

develops both youth and adults into congregational leaders

provides leadership tools and skills

deepens Unitarian Universalist identity

This is an extremely intense week of workshops, discussions, intimate small

groups, worship preparation, personal theological exploration and growth.

In exchange for wholehearted commitment to a strenuous schedule, MWLS

offers a life-changing and congregation-nourishing opportunity.

NEW LOCATION: Luther College in Decorah Iowa. Some PHOTOS from 2017 are on our FACEBOOK page!

2018 dates are July 15 - 21

Would MWLS be a good experience for someone (either adult or youth) in your congregation? For more information:

Passover Dinner Service Saturday, March 31

6:00-8:00 PM

Beverly Unitarian Church

10244 S Longwood Drive

Chicago, IL 60643

The Beverly Unitarian Church has graciously invited

UUCC to their Passover Dinner Service

The Passover Seder retells the story of the Jewish

people leaving Egypt 3,000 years ago. It’s a celebra-

tion of freedom – and it’s a great opportunity for fel-

lowship and connections (the meal will be a potluck,

more details when you RSVP). If you have Jewish

heritage, come and celebrate, and if you don't, come

and learn -- all are welcome!

RSVP to Rev. David Schwartz:

[email protected]

Please spread the word among our members and

friends of UUCC Park Forest! Noah sends out the first tweet

A Little Church Humor

Page 12: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the

Green Sanctuary Committee - Jeff Green

Last Saturday, February 17th to be exact, Sierra Club held a meeting for “Ready for 100% “ campaign. We started at 10

in the morning and ended at 3 in the afternoon. We are in training for a campaign to bring on a commitment of 100%

renewable energy for the state of Illinois.

Driving 50 miles to Aurora Illinois from Frankfort, I thought I might be the farthest away to come to the meeting. I was

wrong. There were people from Oregon Illinois, Freeport Illinois and Rockford Illinois.

We met in the Fire Station museum. It was surprising when I went into the conference room that was upstairs. It was a

pleasant sloping auditorium that could hold about 50 to 75 people. They were chairs with the little fold away desks for us

to sit in. Everything was presented on power point in a well planned way. Time was watched to keep us on track for all

the material that was being thrown at us. Below is a copy of the portion of where we hope to go.

A community-wide commitment to 100% renewable energy should include the following core elements:

1) Efficiency First

2) Equitable and Just: A commitment to achieving equity, affordability, and access for all members of the community in

the transition to 100% renewable energy

3) Clean and Renewable 100%

4) Renewable Electricity by 2035

5) All Energy-Use Sectors by 2050

6) Inclusive and Transparent Planning and Implementation

7) Local Generation and Job Creation

8) Collaborate with Neighboring Communities

9) Advocate

10) Demonstrate Immediate Progress

During the presentation on Saturday, the leaders pointed out that Illinois is a leader in having an equitable and just law

for those of lesser means. The law passed in 2017, signed by Governor Rauner, is called the Future Energy and Jobs Act.

It was an important part of getting the bill passed by bringing in all the different groups, including the minorities.

This should sound quite familiar to UU’s. Our second principle rings true in making our society great. We are part of

what will be a future great society.

Reflection on the Second Principle- Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations points us toward something be-

yond inherent worth and dignity. It points us to the larger community. It gets at collective responsibility. It reminds us

that treating people as human beings is not simply something we do one-on-one, but something that has systemic impli-

cations and can inform our entire cultural way of being.


Page 13: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the

Rainbow Cafe is a social event that

provides a safe and welcoming envi-

ronment for single or partnered gay,

lesbian, bisexual, and transgender

adults and their allies, by creating a

space where they are able to socialize

outside of the usual bars. The Café is

open every 3rd Friday of the month

from 6:30-10:30 pm.

Friday, March 16th

Movie shown: God’s Own Country

On multiple lists as one of the best

gay films from 2017.

Johnny Saxby works long hours on

his family's remote farm in the North

of England. He numbs the daily frus-

tration of his lonely existence with

nightly binge drinking at the local

pub and casual sex. But when a hand-

some Romanian migrant worker ar-

rives to take up temporary work on

the farm, Johnny suddenly finds him-

self having to deal with emotions he

has never felt before. As they begin

working closely together during the

lambing season,

an intense rela-

tionship starts to

form which could

change Johnny's

life forever.

Love to Sing??

Join the UUCC Choir!

The Choir sings on the

second and fourth Sundays of each

month, with rehearsals on those days at

8:30am and one weekday evening per

month. No experience required. If inter-

ested email our choir director Bev Feldt

at [email protected].

Sacred Communication


March Date: TBA

These Transformative Workshops will

help you in identifying and dissolving

mental and emotional blockages, learn-

ing to use your authentic voice,

defining authentic friendships, and


If you would like to attend, contact:

Rev. Henrietta Byrd at

312-593-4732 or email her at

[email protected]

A Moment in Balance

Yoga Classes by Karen Nielsen Monday and Thurs

9:30am – 11am

Wednesday evenings

7:00pm – 8:30pm

No reservations needed. Drop-in fee is $10 per class and the 6th one is FREE.

Call (708) 755-3577 for information

Dances of

Universal Peace:

3rd Sunday of the

month. (Sept-June)

Dances of Universal Peace are held on

the 3rd Sunday of the month from

2-4pm at UUCC. We join our voices in

singing sacred phrases and Divine

Names from many spiritual traditions

while moving in circle dances and

walking meditations. For more

information contact certified dance

leader, Pat Segner, at 708-748-2217.

Next DUP: March 18th


Meditation Cancelled until

further notice

If you have any questions please

contact: Beverly Feldt -

[email protected]

Medical Cannabis



meets every month

on the First Sunday at Noon.

The next time MCEA meets

is unknown until further

notice due to flood.


For more information contact

Colin Kirchner at

[email protected] or

contact Virginia at the

church office. 708-481-5339

Dream Exploration Group

1st Saturday of the

month at 10am in

Gathering Room.

Limited to 10.

Contact Geri Biamonte to register at

312-813-4411 or

[email protected].


for March

Page 14: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the


9:30am Yoga



4 10am Worship/RE

11:30am NO POTLUCK

5 9:30am Yoga


7 7pm Yoga

8 9:30am Yoga


10 Set your clocks one hour


11 10am Worship/RE

11:30am Forum

12 9:30am Yoga


14 7pm Yoga

15 9:30am Yoga

16 6:30pm Rainbow Cafe


18 10am Worship/RE

11:30am Forum

2pm Dances of

Universal Peace

19 9:30am Yoga


21 7pm Yoga

22 9:30am Yoga

23 7:30pm Route One

House Concert at Home

of Valerie Birk


25 10am Worship/RE

11:30am Forum

26 9:30am Yoga

27 28 7pm Yoga

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Event Facilitators

Medical Cannabis cancelled till further notice: Joy Grainge [email protected]

Family First Friday cancelled till further notice: Dan Feldt [email protected]

Yoga: Karen Nielsen 708-755-3577 [email protected]

Men’s Group: Colin Kirchner [email protected]

Dances of Universal Peace: Pat Segner 708-748-2217

Rainbow Café: Charles Barnett [email protected]

Dream Group cancelled for March: Geri Biamonte [email protected]

Forum: Nancy Irons [email protected]

As previously mentioned, our March 4th service will be held at 10:00am at Dining On the Green at 349 Main St. in Park

Forest. As of March 11th, Trinity Lutheran at 2901 Western Ave in Park Forest has graciously offered to rent the lower

level of their building to us to hold services, forums, and events. We cannot promise that ALL of our usual EVENTS will

be scheduled at Trinity Lutheran so therefore we encourage you to contact the group facilitator or check our website to ver-

ify the status of any of the events scheduled in March before you arrive (Church website: Our facilitators’ con-

tact information is listed below. To verify Sunday services: Call Irene Vanderhoek at 708-305-4913 (leave msg)

If you do not see your event on the calendar, that event has

(to the best of our knowledge) been cancelled.

Set your clocks ahead

on Saturday night,

March 10, 2018.

Page 15: Sunday Worship Service ATTENTION EVERYONE 10:00am · includes readings from the Christian scriptures interspersed with reflections on the universal human experiences of faith in the

Church Information 70 Sycamore Drive

Park Forest, IL 60466

Office Phone: 708-481-5339

E-Mail: [email protected]


This newsletter is designed and published by

Diane O’Connor

[email protected]


(Please contact Diane for anything related to the newsletter).

The newsletter deadline is always the 20th of every month.

*You can help save a tree and a stamp by simply picking up your newsletter or receiving it electronically via email.

Unitarian Universalist Community Church 70 East Sycamore Drive Park Forest, IL 60466-260

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