sunday january 12, 2020 - cathedral of st. georgeКрім Різдва, ідеться,...

Sunday January 12, 2020 Душпастирі: о. Янко Колошняї Резиденція тел: 306-244-2604 Kанцеляріа: 306-664-2301 [email protected] диякон Мирон Ямнюк Pastoral Team: Very Rev. Janko Kolosnjaji Residence tel: 306-244-2604 Office tel: 306-664-2301 [email protected] Deacon Myron Yamniuk БОЖЕСТВЕННА ЛІТУРГІЯ В неділю: рано Свята: 10:00 рано Щодня: 8:00 рано DIVINE LITURGY Sunday: 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Daily: 8:00 a.m. CATECHETICAL PROGRAMS: See inside for specifics BAPTISM: By appointment (Pre-Baptismal preparation) CONFESSIONS - СПОВІДЬ: 30 minutes before Liturgy MATRIMONY: By appointment (one year in advance) FUNERALS: By arrangement VISITATION OF THE SICK: any time HOLY COMMUNION AT HOMES: First Friday of the month Office Hours: Monday– Thursday 9am-1:30pm

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Page 1: Sunday January 12, 2020 - Cathedral of St. GeorgeКрім Різдва, ідеться, зокрема, про День захисника України, що нині відзначається

Sunday January 12, 2020

Душпастирі: о. Янко Колошняї

Резиденція тел:


Kанцеляріа: 306-664-2301

[email protected]

диякон Мирон Ямнюк

Pastoral Team: Very Rev. Janko Kolosnjaji

Residence tel:


Office tel:


[email protected]

Deacon Myron Yamniuk


В неділю: рано Свята: 10:00 рано Щодня: 8:00 рано


Sunday: 10:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Daily: 8:00 a.m.

CATECHETICAL PROGRAMS: See inside for specifics

BAPTISM: By appointment (Pre-Baptismal preparation)

CONFESSIONS - СПОВІДЬ: 30 minutes before Liturgy

MATRIMONY: By appointment (one year in advance)

FUNERALS: By arrangement


HOLY COMMUNION AT HOMES: First Friday of the month

Office Hours:

Monday– Thursday 9am-1:30pm

Page 2: Sunday January 12, 2020 - Cathedral of St. GeorgeКрім Різдва, ідеться, зокрема, про День захисника України, що нині відзначається

Schedule for Sundays

SUNDAY (10:00 a.m.) January 12th (Ukrainian)

Readers: (Uk.10 )

Janine Johnston (Eng.10)

Cantor: Nadia Prokopchuk/ Nissa Baran

Sacristan: John Holowachuk


Altar Servers: Please Volunteer

SUNDAY (10:00 a.m.) January 19th ( Bilingual)

Readers: Viktoriia Marko (Uk.12)

Marija Seman (Eng.12)

Cantor: Curtis Hiebert

Sacristan: Joakim Kolosnjaji

Ushers: Bernie & Pat Mazurewich

Altar Servers: Please Volunteer

SUNDAY (10:00 a.m.) January 26th (English)

Readers: Lesya (Uk.54)

Natalie Reed (Eng.54)

Cantor: Curtis Hiebert

Sacristan: Alex Komarnicki

Ushers: John Luby/John Bomok

Altar Servers: Please Volunteer

SUNDAY (10:00 a.m.) February 2nd (Bilingual)

Readers: (Uk.19)

Natalie Reed (Eng.19)

Cantor: Curtis Hiebert

Sacristan: Mike Luczka

Ushers: Bernie Vinnick/Ken Fay

Altar Servers: Please Volunteer

Вітаємо всіх гостей, приятелів та рідних, які зєдналися сьогодні разом брати

участь в цій Службі Божій. Нехай наш Господь благословить Вас і Вашу родину!

We extend our welcome to all guests, friends, visiting relatives and parishioners in

celebrating t s Divine Liturgy together. May our Lord bless you and your family!

Monthly Intentions of the Holy Father for January

We pray that Christians, followers of other religions, and all people of goodwill may promote peace and

justice in the world.

Місячний намір Святішого Отця Папи Римського на січень

Будемо молитися, щоб християни та ті, хто належить до інших релігі, люди доброї волі

зміцнювали мир і справедливість у світі.

Shrine of the Venerable Nun Martyrs Olympia and Laurentia

(215 Avenue M South – Sister Theodosia Lane, Saskatoon) Weekly Moleben Services every

Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m.

The Ukrainian Catholic

Foundation of Saskatchewan

manages a Grant Fund pro-

gram that was established

from the proceeds of the sale

of the Sheptytsky Institute.

The investment income

earned from the Grant Fund

investment provides funds to

assist Parishes/Missions and

Eparchial Organizations with

funding for initiatives and

programs deemed important

to them and to help them and

our Eparchy to become a

“Vibrant Parish/Mission/Organization”.

St. George’s Cathedral applied for two grants for the

Parish. First, was a $6,000 application for the installa-

tion of new doors and locks to secure entrances into the

Cathedral. Secondly, was a $2,800 application for

funding of youth programs at the Cathedral.

Ernest Boyko, Vice-Chair of the Ukrainian Catholic Foundation presented cheques from the Grant Fund to

Bernie Bodnar and Viktoriia Marko for the above re-


Over the past 5 years, the Foundation has shared over

$200,000 with Parishes/Missions and Eparchial Organi-

zations from the Foundation’s fundraising efforts.

Page 3: Sunday January 12, 2020 - Cathedral of St. GeorgeКрім Різдва, ідеться, зокрема, про День захисника України, що нині відзначається

НЕДІЛЯ - SUNDAY, January 12th:

10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy for all Parishioners (Ukrainian) - Cвята Літургія за парафіян

ПОНЕДІЛОК - MONDAY, January 13th

8:00 a.m. No Divine Liturgy


10:00 a.m. Natalie Hyshka –1 Year Anniversary …………………...Daughter Donna & Grant

СЕРЕДА - WEDNESDAY, January 15th

8:00 a.m. Souls in Purgatory (English)……………………………………..………………………Jane

ЧЕТВЕР - THURSDAY, January 16th

8:00 a.m. + Bro. Walter Slywchuk……...…………………..Joseph, Marlene & Bernie Bodnar

П’ЯТНИЦЯ - FRIDAY, January 17th

8:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

CУБОТА - SATURDAY, January 18th Eve of Theophany (Julian C.), Навечір'я Богоявління

6:00 p.m Solemn Blessing of Water

6:30 p.m. Parish traditional Supper

НЕДІЛЯ - SUNDAY, January 19th: 31st Неділя по Зісланні

10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy for all Parishioners (Bilingual ) - Cвята Літургія за парафіян

BISHOP ANDREW ROBORECKI FOUNDATION INC. 214 Avenue M South, Saskatoon, Sask. S7M 2K4

The Bishop Roborecki Foundation was established in 1982 for the purpose of raising funds to provide finan-

cial support for the education of seminarians and clergy in our Eparchy. For the past 16 years, the month of Janu-

ary was designated as the Donation Month for Bishop Roborecki Foundation. Donations were made through all

the Parishes in the Eparchy, for which we are very thankful.

Starting in January 2020, the Bishop Roborecki Foundation will discontinue requesting donations through the

Parishes in January, and will become a participant in the ANNUAL EPARCHIAL APPEAL CAMPAIGN, which

is held after Easter of each year. Therefore, when making your next annual Eparchial Appeal donation in 2020

and going forward, please include an amount for the Bishop Roborecki Foundation, which will be used for the

education of seminarians and clergy in our Eparchy. Larger donations or Bequests will continue to be accepted if

mailed directly to the Bishop Roborecki Foundation, 214 Ave. M South, Saskatoon, Sask. S7M 2K4.

We trust this will simplify making donations towards various Eparchial Initiatives.

We sincerely thank all the Faithful in the Eparchy who have so loyally supported this Foundation for the past

37 years and we look forward to eparchy-wide continued support as we go forward.

~ Norbert Wasylenko, Chair

Page 4: Sunday January 12, 2020 - Cathedral of St. GeorgeКрім Різдва, ідеться, зокрема, про День захисника України, що нині відзначається

Come and enjoy the time with God and friends! For youth ages 9-13 “Let the children come to me…” Mark 10, 14

We invite youth to join St.George’s new creative and exciting program for young people 9-13 years old star ting this October . We are pleased to offer young people of this age various kinds of activities and crafts this school year: chotky/rosary mak-ing, icon painting, embroidering, Ukrainian doll making, egg painting, caroling, bak-ing/cooking, sports activities, movie watching, Ukrainian dancing, games, etc. All the activities aim to be catechetically oriented and promote the spiritual and comprehen-sive development of your child in the context of Ukrainian culture and Byzantine

Rite. The meetings with the youth are planned to be once a week. The day and the time of the meetings will be decided based on the needs of the parents. Participation is free but donations are welcomed. To register emailing or texting Viktoriia Marko at 306-914-0355/ [email protected].

To the Youth (13+) and Young Adults of the Eparchy of Saskatoon: As we continue our joyous celebration of the birth of Christ during this Christmas Season, we are also reminded of how dark the world is without Him. This both heightens our anticipation while being a sobering reminder of what it means to follow Christ! With Great Fast (Lent) soon approach-ing, and in anticipation, we are presenting the following opportunity for those seeking to grow closer to Jesus, we are planning to put on a Passion Play in the Spring of 2020.

A passion play is the telling of the Passion and Death of Jesus through the medium of theatre. We will try to faithfully and artistically relive the terrible and glorious accounts of Jesus' passion and death. Please come join us, and invite friends, as we experience this spiritual drama that will lead you closer to ultimate joy in the resurrected Christ. Come and help us portray this beautiful mystery; rehearsals start in January. Glory be to Jesus Christ and his Passion.

Watch for further announcements of dates and times!!! To register please contact Viktoriia at [email protected]/306-914-0355

Ultimate A & B Youth Presents. . . A Youth “Lock-In” Retreat! Are you in grades 7-12 and are looking to attend a 24-hour Lock-in Retreat?

Well now’s your chance!

This year’s lock-in takes place Friday, January 31, 2020 and Saturday,

February 1, 2020 at St. Basil’s Parish Centre (1717 Toronto Street, Regina).

This year’s theme will be “Fullness of Life”. Activities for the two days in-

clude: bowling, spiritual sessions, 2 guest speakers, group activities and so

much more.

The cost for the event will be $10. This will cover all the meals and activities.

The registration deadline is Sunday, January 26, 2020.

If you are interested in attending or would like more please contact Lesia Lazurko (Ultimate A &

B Youth Coordinator) at [email protected] or Viktoriia Marko (Eparchial Youth &

Young Adult Minister) at [email protected].

Page 5: Sunday January 12, 2020 - Cathedral of St. GeorgeКрім Різдва, ідеться, зокрема, про День захисника України, що нині відзначається

ATTENTION - UCWLC Members Membership Fees of $20.00 for 2020 are due and can be

paid to either Zoria Sirman or Iris Owchar or at the Rectory Office. You can pay by enclosing

your cash or cheque in an envelope. Please include your name, address, and telephone number

on the front of the envelope for record keeping purposes. Iris Owchar, Membership Chairperson

HELP NEEDED: Volunteers are needed to help with the

Theophany Eve Supper on Saturday,

January 18, 2020. If you are able to volunteer, please call

Marlene at 306-262-1647.

Глава УГКЦ:«Ми маємо шукати шляхів переходу на григоріанський календар» 25.12.2019 22:53

Святкування Різдва – це не є питання дати. Це питання переживання певної події. Переживання

Божої присутності між нами. Ми маємо шукати шляхів переходу на григоріанський календар. Про

це заявив Отець і Глава Української Греко-Католицької Церкви Блаженніший Святослав в

інтерв’ю радіо «Свобода».

«При цьому треба усвідомлювати, що мусимо перейти разом, аби ця зміна календаря не зруйнувала

внутрішньої єдності жодної з Церков», – додав Блаженніший Святослав.

Предстоятель зауважив, що сьогодні, 25 грудня, велика частина вірних Греко-Католицької Церкви

святкують Різдво в різних куточках земної кулі. Користаючи з нагоди, Глава Церкви привітав усіх синів і

дочок УГКЦ з цим святом. «Христос народився! Нехай Господь Бог, який народжений сьогодні у

Вифлеємі, буде нашою надією, нашою силою будувати краще майбутнє», – побажав він.

Глава Церкви зауважив, що коли ми говоримо про зміну дати Різдва, то йдеться про зміну цілого


Крім Різдва, ідеться, зокрема, про День захисника України, що нині відзначається 14 жовтня – у день

християнського свята Покрови Богородиці за юліанським календарем; саме цей день традиційно

сприймався як день українського козацтва, а також як символічний день заснування Української

повстанської армії. В разі переходу на григоріанський, чи новоюліанський календар, свято Покрови буде

1 жовтня.

Блаженніший Святослав пояснив, що коли ми святкуватимемо Різдво 25 грудня, це означатиме, що

Богоявлення, тобто велике освячення йорданських вод, буде 6 січня, не 19. Миколая – 6 грудня.

«Є поняття так званого новоюліанського календаря, коли так звані нерухомі свята, як-от Різдво,

святкують за новим стилем, себто за григоріанським календарем. А рухомі свята, які пов'язані з

пасхальним циклом, і саме свято Пасхи залишається за старим, юліанським, способом вираховування

цього дня», – розповів він.

За словами Блаженнішого Святослава, це лише дисциплінарні питання, які встановлені передусім

церковною владою. І оскільки вони не належать до суті християнської віри, яка є незмінною, а йдеться

про календар, то їх можна його змінювати. І це повинно служити для якоїсь мети.

«Перехід на інший календар багато в чому залежить від свідомості самих людей: щоб люди розуміли, що

перехід на новий стиль не означає переходу на несправжні дати. Ідеться про певні зміни, які б мали

послужити кращому святкуванню певних подій», – резюмував Предстоятель УГКЦ.

Департамент інформації УГКЦ

Page 6: Sunday January 12, 2020 - Cathedral of St. GeorgeКрім Різдва, ідеться, зокрема, про День захисника України, що нині відзначається

CANTORS’ WORKSHOP Eparchy of Saskatoon

FEBRUARY 7 AND 8, 2020 Friday 6:30-9:30 pm and Saturday – 8:30 am-9:00 pm LOCATION: Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church Auditor ium

10TH Street E & Munroe Ave, Saskatoon PRESENTER: Fr. John Sianchuk, CSsR

Father John Sianchuk, CSsR, will be conducting this 2-day workshop Friday, February 7 (6:30-9:30 pm) and Saturday, February 8 (8:30 am – 9:00 pm). This workshop is intended for cantors seeking refresher/more detail on course offerings, and lead singers who are seeking the knowledge to become cantors in their parishes. Limited space of 40 participants. Workshop Content – in English Samohlasni Tones; Funeral Divine Liturgy; Parastas; Panakhyda; Pre-Sanctified Divine Liturgy (If you require instruction in Ukrainian, please contact Andrea Swann, email address listed below) Material Provided with the Workshop

Books with musical notation for the material covered Music for the material covered (please specify on registration form CD/USB)

Cost of Workshop The funding for this workshop is provided by the Ukrainian Catholic Foundation of Saskatchewan and the Eparchy of Saskatoon, through the Annual Eparchial Appeal initiative. Full details and registration forms are available on the Ss. Peter & Paul Church website:; the Eparchial website:; by contacting Andrea Swann by email at: [email protected]; or by contacting your parish priest or parish office.

Deadline for Registration: Wednesday, January 22, 2020!

NO registrations will be accepted postmarked after January 22nd.

BIRTHDAY PARTY at ST. JOSEPH'S HOME: Sunday, January 19th at 1:30 p.m. (33 Valens Dr ive, Saska-

toon). Celebrating the birthdays of the residents for the month of January. Sponsored by Dormition of the Mother of

God Ukrainian Catholic Parish, Saskatoon. Come join the Sisters of St. Joseph, the celebrants, their families, resi-

dents and sponsoring group for an afternoon birthday party celebration, with a snack and entertainment.

WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY January 19 – 26, 2020 -- Saskatoon Extending our Unity – This year during Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, in light of our theme, “They showed us unusual kindness”, we are asking that you bring donations of food to each service to give to the Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Food pantry which helps their community. EVENTS: Opening Service: Sunday, January 19th – 3:00 pm

– Knox United Church, 838 Spadina Crescent East Singing Into Unity: Tuesday, January 21st – 7:30 pm – St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, 10 Grosvenor Avenue Service and Luncheon: Thursday, January 23rd – 12:00 pm (Liturgy 12:00 pm; Luncheon 12:30 pm)

– Queen’s House of Retreats, 601 Taylor Street East Celebrating Our Unity – An Ecumenical Ceilidh: Friday, January 24th – 7:30 pm – Christ Church Anglican, 515 – 28th Street West Closing Service: Sunday, January 26th – 3:00 pm – St. Philip Neri Roman Catholic Church, 1902 Munroe Avenue

WEEKDAY MORNING PRAYER SERVICES AND BREAKFAST – 8:00 AM Monday, January 20th – St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 436 Spadina Crescent East Wednesday, January 22nd – Clavin Goforth Presbyterian Church, 1602 Sommerfield Ave. Thursday, January 23rd– All Saints Anglican Church, 1801 Lorne Avenue

Friday, January 24th – Resurrection Lutheran Church, 310 Lorne Drive

Page 7: Sunday January 12, 2020 - Cathedral of St. GeorgeКрім Різдва, ідеться, зокрема, про День захисника України, що нині відзначається

Your Return Gift to God : Sunday & Feast Day Collection ........................................................................... $ 2600.00

Open Collection ……………………….……….....……...………......................... $ 341.00

Automatic Debits …………………………………………………………………. $ 50.00

Vigil Lights …………………………………...…………………........................... $ 25.60

Meetings & Events - Сходини та Події

Jan 18 (Sat) Theophany Eve Supper

Jan 21 (Tue) Senior Residence Meeting @ 7pm

Jan 22 (Wed) Parish Council Meeting at 7:00p.m. - Cathedral Auditorium

Feb 16 (Sun) Birthday Party at St. Joseph Home @ 1:30 - sponsored by UCBC Bishop Roborecki Branch

Feb 27 (Thu) St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Catholic Park inc AGM @ 7pm—Cathedral


Date Child’s Name Father’s Name Mother’s Name Feb 23 Bella John Reis* Manuel Reis Larisa Hawryluk

Feb 23 Beau Peter Reis* Manuel Reis Larisa Hawryluk

Mar 31 Chloe Mary Chirko* Jonathan Chirko Trisha Wolfe

Apr 28 Lexi Lopinski* Mitch Lopinski Meagan Bissett

Apr 28 Emma Bryksa* David Bryksa Katrina Wionzek

Apr 28 Anna Alexandra Dueck* Rylan Dueck Ivanna Pak

Jul 07 Daniel Joseph Kowaluk* Adam Kowaluk Cheryl Burnyeat Jul 28 Clove Lee Marie Nahachewsky* Enile Nahachewsky Melanie Bundgaard

Aug 18 Morgan Andrew John Wilhelm* Cullen Wilhelm Amie Dearing

Nov 3 Mariella Zoe Dionisio* Ibn Dionisio Haley Johnston

*Baptism & Confirmation ; **Confirmation

OFFICIAL PARISH STATISTIC 2019 - MARRIAGE Date Groom Name Bride Name Aug 31 Jesse D. L. Chrusch Kathleen A. Neudorf

Sep 14 Lucas A. Owchar Lisa A. Miller


Date Name Age

Jan 14 Natalie Hyshka 80

Jun 8 Peter Kostiuk 102

Jun 19 Mary Stachniak 84

Jun 29 Joseph Cherepacha 94

Date Name Age

Jul 22 Katherine Sabada 92

Aug 3 Peter Nowosad 93

Aug 4 Anne Kawchuk 76

Nov 9 Mary Pasichnyk 92

Dec 22 Walter Slywchuk 78

Page 8: Sunday January 12, 2020 - Cathedral of St. GeorgeКрім Різдва, ідеться, зокрема, про День захисника України, що нині відзначається


Attend Divine Liturgy for Nine Consecutive


Receive Holy Communion each First Friday

In Honor of and in Reparation to

HIS SACRED HEART 7th Promise of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“Tepid souls will become fervent.”

Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary

St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Catholic

Park Inc


FEBRUARY 27th, 2020 @7pm. St. George’s Cathedral Auditorium

There are : FOUR - THREE Year Term- Director Positions to be filled.

Members of the Eparchy of Saskatoon- This is your park

Would you like to make a difference?

Want to get involved in the larger Eparchial Community?

Know someone who does?

For Info:

Travis Hutsal- [email protected] 306 371-297

Bernie Bodnar [email protected]

306 382-1647