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  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Day 1. All About You

    Lets: - Introduce and talk about ourselves.- Ask and answer questions about each other.


    Word Jumble: sapstopr ___________

    Vocabulary: food, birthday, age, name, grade, sport, singer, movie, animal, color, subject,passport, hobby, country, favorite, speech

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 1: Lets Make a Passport

    Fill in the blanks and draw your own picture.

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    My favourite

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 2: Get To Know Your Friends

    Find out what you and your friends both like.

    Dialogue:Tom: Hello my name is Tom.Kate: Nice to meet you Tom. My name is Kate.Tom: What is your favorite sport?Kate: My favorite sport is soccer. What about you?Tom: My favorite sport is soccer too. Wow, we both like soccer! Ryan teacher and I both like pizza __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

    __________________ and I both like

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Game: Favorites Snowball

    1. Lets sit in a circle .

    2. Lets go around the circle sa ying our favorite things.3. Try to remember your friends favorites. You will have to

    repeat them.4. If you make a mistake you will be out for the round.

    Favorite: food, animal, color, sport, hobby, singer, movie,subject

    Her favorite food is pizza.His favorite food is chicken.My favorite food is icecream.

    Her favorite food is pizza.

    My favorite food ischicken.

    My favorite food ispizza.

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 3: Lets Make a Speech

    Prepare a short speech about yourself to share withyour classmates. It can be about anything you like. You will have 15

    minutes to prepareyour speech. Thenyou will present.

    Example:Hello everyone! My name is LisaMarie. I was born in the USA. I live in

    Houston. I go to Houston elementaryschool. Im in the fifth grade. Myfavorite subject is English.My favorite sport is skateboarding,and my favorite hobby is readingcomics. My favorite food ishamburgers.

    Day: ______________________________________________

    My Speech:

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Dear Diary: Write About Your Day

    Month: ____________________________________________Year: ______________________________________________Weather: __________________________________________My Day: ___________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________Draw:

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Day 2:

    Lets learn about leisure.

    What do you like to do in your free time?


    Word Jumble: isulere ____________

    Vocabulary: play video games, go hiking, cook, travel, go shopping, study English, sleep, takepictures, go to the beach, go to the park, read, go fishing, listen to music, relax, play sports,watch TV

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 1:


    Kate: What do you like to do in your free time Tom?Tom: I like to go hiking and read. What about you?Kate: I like to listen to music and study English.

    Now practice the dialogue with your classmates.

    Vocabulary: play video games, go hiking, cook, travel,go shopping, study English, sleep, take pictures, go tothe beach, go to the park, read, go fishing, listen tomusic, relax, play sports

    1. What do you like to do inyour free time ______?

    2. I like to ________.What about you?

    3. I like to____________.

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 2: Word Search

    cs r i n h d g t u vw l u g n i h s i f o

    p w c p n k a t f s si a m u s i c r e a de t r e t n p o a f po c h k r g v p o a ey h h c a e b s o k ed t l h v s l y l h lu v i d e o g a m e s

    t c d b l i h l x r is e r u t c i p o a r

    music video games watch tv

    hiking park fishing

    cook read pictures relax travel sleep

    shopping study beach

    play sports

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Game: BINGO Choose nine of the words from todays vocabulary.

    Now we will ask our friends what they like to do. When your friends tell you what they like to do, you maycheck it off of your bingo board.

    A: What do you like to do?

    B: I like to _______.

    Vocabulary: play video games, go hiking, cook, travel,go shopping, study English, sleep, take pictures, go tothe beach, go to the park, read, go fishing, listen tomusic, relax, play sports

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 3: Listen and Fill in the Blanks

    Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.

    Tom: Hi Kate. Are you looking forward to ( )( )?

    Kate: I sure am. What are you ( ) to do with your ( )( )?

    Tom: Well, I like to ( )( ), and I like ( )( ). Whatabout you?

    Kate: I like to ( )( )( ) beach. I also like to ( )( ).

    Tom: Wow, sounds great. I like to ( ) ( ) too. We should go fishing( ) some time.

    Kate: Sounds like ( ). After fishing we can ( ) and ( )( ) atmy house.

    Tom: Great. Do you want to ( )( ) with me this weekend?

    Kate: Yes, I also ( )( ).

    Tom: OK, see you ( )( ).

    Kate: Bye Tom.

    Game: Lets Act It Out Charades

    5 teams of 4. Each team will have one minute to act out as many actionsas they can. One student will select an action from the basket and act itout. If the team guesses the action they can select a newone. You lose points for talking. The team with the most points wins.

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Dear Diary: Write About Your Day

    Day: ______________________________________________

    Month: ____________________________________________Year: ______________________________________________Weather: __________________________________________My Day: ___________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________Draw:

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Day 3: Lets Get Packing


    Vocabulary: hat, mittens, suitcase, camera, sweater, pants, toothbrush, skis, sunglasses,money, map, bathing suit, shirt, flip flops, sunscreen, shorts

    Word Jumble: efre mtei ______ _______

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 1: Lets Talk

    Listen to the dialogue carefully and answer the

    questions after. Then fill in the blanks.

    Kate: Hi Tom, how are you?

    Tom: Im great , I am going on a ( ).

    Kate: Thats great. Where are you going?

    Tom: I am going ( ).Kate: Wow, what are you going to ( ) in your ( )?

    Tom: Well it will be cold. So I will pack my ( ), my ( ),and my ( ), and I will bring some ( ).

    Kate: Great. I am going to the ( ) next week.

    Tom: That sounds like fun. What are you ( )( )( ) withyou?

    Kate: I am going to pack my ( ), ( ),( )( ), ( )( ), ( ) and ( ).

    Tom: Sounds good. Have a great time.

    Kate: Thanks, you too.

    What will Tom bring to go skiing? _______________________________________________ What will Kate bring to the beach? _______________________________________________

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 2: Sentence Detective

    Use the secret code to discover the se ntence.

    Code Breaker:

    17 18 11 21 24 26 1 5 2 3 15 4 25

    n o p q r s t u v w x y z

    Kate is packing her suitcase and she will bring...

    26 5 17 6 20 7 26 26 9 26

    12 18 17 9 4

    14 20 22 11 14 20 18 11 26

    26 5 17 26 19 24 9 9 17

    Where is Kate going? (Try to answer in a full sentence)


    7 13 19 10 9 14 6 8 22 23 16 20 12

    a b c d e f g h i j k l m

    8 7 1

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Game: Its Time to Pack

    Four teams of five for this game. Listen to the sentence: I am packing and I will bringmy... When you hear what will be packed you must find theitem in the pile and put it on as fast as you can. The person to get dressed and repeat the sentence firstwill win a point for their team. The team with the most points will win the game.

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Game: Packing Race

    + 2points +1 point+1 point

    + 5 points

    + 4 points + 1 point + 2 points + 3 points

    + 2 points

    + 3 points + 2 points + 2 points + 1 point

    -5 points

    Finish + 3 points + 2 points+ 3 points

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Dear Diary: Write About Your Day

    Day: ______________________________________________

    Month: ____________________________________________Year: _____ _________________________________________Weather: __________________________________________My Day: ___________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________Draw:

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 1: Lets Talk

    Listen to the dialogue.

    Tom: Do you have plans for the weekend, Kate?Kate: Yes, I am going to Busan.Tom: Thats great. How are you getting there? Kate: I am going on the train.Tom: Why dont you go on the bus? Kate: It takes too long on the bus.

    Tom: OK, Have a good time.

    Lets practice this dialogue. You can choose any transportation and any place.

    A: Where are you going this weekend?

    B: I am going to _________.

    A: How will you get to _________?

    B: I will go on a ________________.

    Vocabulary: bicycle, helicopter, taxi, plane, boat,motorcycle, RV, train, horse, hot air balloon, car, bus

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Game: The Best Transportation

    We will start with five teams of four. Teams: car, bus, train, plain, helicopter. Each team will get into a line. Lines will move around the room. When two lines meet they will say I am on a _____and then rock, paper, scissors. The winner takes a

    person from the other team. The line with the most students wins.

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 3: Make Your Own Transportation

    Create your own way of traveling.

    It can be anything you like. You have to give it a name and tell us how it works.

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Dear Diary: Write About Your Day

    Day: ______________________________________________

    Month: ____________________________________________Year: ______________________________________________Weather: __________________________________________My Day: ___________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________Draw:

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Day 5: Travel


    Vocabulary: backpacking, cruise, camping, road trip, NewYork, Jeju, family, monument, vacation

    Word Jumble: ntsparorttoain _____________________

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 1: What Type Of Traveling?

    Find the different types of travel in this word


    n t c g t c r m r u j

    i n r n k r o y w e n

    p n u i o n a r j e a

    e a i p u o d u y k r

    c o s m o i t o r t n

    o r e a g t r u a n b

    u n a c i a i r w u a

    t r m m y c p s i k j

    g n i k c a p k c a b

    m t p r i v m o n c n

    f a m i l y g j i r m

    camping vacation road tripcruise monument backpackingnew york jeju family

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 2: Lets Talk

    Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks as you listen.

    We will talk about the dialogue after.

    Tom: Wow, thats a nice backpack Kate. Are you going ()?

    Kate: Thats right. I am going ( ) in ( ).Tom: Sounds like fun. Are you going with your ( )?

    Kate: No I am ( ) alone.Tom: Wow. I am going on a ( ).Kate: Really? Who are you going on a ( ) with?Tom: I am going with my ( ).Kate: Its great to ( ) isnt it Tom? Tom: It sure is Kate.

    Try to answer in full sentences .

    Where is Tom going?


    Where is Kate going?


    Who is Kate going with?


    Who is Tom going with?


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Game: BINGO Write or draw todays nine words in the bingo box.

    camping vacation road tripcruise monument backpackingnew york jeju family

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Dear Diary: Write About Your Day

    Day: ______________________________________________

    Month: ____________________________________________Year: ______________________________________________Weather: __________________________________________My Day: ___________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________Draw:

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Day 6: Where Is The Train Station?

    Vocabulary: (Directions and Locations)

    Vocabulary: straight, left, right, next to, between, across, behind, in front of,block, corner, near, restaurant, post office, bank, apartment, street

    Word Jumble: tbanhgi utis ________ ________

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 1: Listen and Find

    Listen to the dialogue and see if you can follow Tom to

    where he is trying to go.Tom: Excuse me, where is the train station.

    Woman: From the Police Station, turn right and go straight .

    Then turn left on First Street . The train station is at the corner of First Street and Central Avenue .

    Tom: Great, thanks for your help.

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 2: Build Your Own Town

    Read the directions and try to find your way around

    town. Write down where you are directed to. Try to answer ina full sentence.

    1. From the Police station, turn left. Turn right at the corner.Go straight two blocks. What is on the left?

    __________________________________________________2. From the church turn right. Turn left at the corner. Whatbuilding is across from the train station?


    3. From the library turn left. Turn right at the corner. What

    building is between the post office and movie theatre?


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Dear Diary: Write About Your Day

    Day: ______________________________________________

    Month: ____________________________________________Year: ______________________________________________Weather: __________________________________________My Day: ___________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________Draw:

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 1: Where Did They Go?

    Listen to the dialogue about Tom and Kates vacation.


    Tom: Hi Kate, I just got back from my trip to Italy.

    Kate: Wow, who did you go with?

    Tom: I went with my family.

    Kate: What did you do there?

    Tom: I saw the leaning tower of Pisa and ate a lot of pasta.

    Kate: Great. I went to Australia on my vacation. I sawkangaroos and koalas.

    Tom: Sounds great. Where do you want to go now?

    Kate: I want to go to Canada to see Niagara Falls.

    Where did Tom go?______________________________

    Where did Kate go?______________________________

    What did Tom do?_______________________________

    What did Kate do?_______________________________ Where does Kate want to go now?__________________

    What does she want to see there?__________________

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 2: Landmarks

    Draw a landmark from any country. Even if you have not

    been there. Tell the class where the landmark is, and explain aboutthe landmark.

    What country is it in?__________________________ Have you been to that country?__________________ What is it?___________________________________ Have you seen it before?_______________________

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 3: What Is Your Favorite Country?

    Talk to your friends and find out which of your friends

    want to go to the same country as you.A. Which country do you want to visit?B. I want to visit_______. What about you?

    A. I want to visit_______.

    Ryan teacher and I both want to visit Thailand

    _________and I both want to visit _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I b oth want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit

    _________and I both want to visit

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Day 8: At the Airport


    Word Jumble: ndacda ____________

    Vocabulary: pilot, arrival, departure, boarding pass, flight attendant,runway, airport, customs, security, check in, boarding, baggage claim

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Activity 2:

    Lets talk about boarding passes .

    Now make your own boarding pass for anywhere in theworld. Present the boarding pass to your classmates.

    A i r

    l i n e :

    N a m e :

    S e a t :

    G a t e :

    D a t e :

    F l i g

    h t N u m

    b e r :

    D e s t i n a t i o n :

    F r o m :

    D e p a r t u r e T i m e :

    A r r i v a l T i m e :

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Game: Airport Dodge Ball Two teams. You can only throw the ball if you say a word that youlearned today. If you get hit you must freeze. Only the pilot canunfreeze you. You must call pilot to be unfrozen. The pilot is always safe inside the hula hoop. If the pilot is hit, the game is over.

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Dear Diary: Write About Your Day

    Day: ______________________________________________

    Month: ____________________________________________Year: ______________________________________________Weather: __________________________________________My Day: ___________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________Draw:

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Sample Brochure (Outside):

    F r o n t C o v e r

    B a c

    k P a g e

    N a m e

    : M i m i T e a c

    h e r

    D a t e :

    A u g u s t 5

    , 2 0 1 0

    T r a v e

    l C o m p a n y N a m e :

    S u p e r F u n T r a v e

    l s

    B e

    h i n d C o v e r

    S i g h t s :

    T h e r o c k y m o u n t a i n s a r e

    a l a n d m a r

    k o

    f t h i s

    C o u n t r y . Y o u s h o u

    l d g o

    t o s e e t h e m

    a n d t a

    k e

    p i c t u r e s . Y o u m a y a l s o

    s e e s o m e w i l d a n i m a l s .

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Dear Diary: Write About Your Day

    Day: ______________________________________________

    Month: ____________________________________________Year: ______________________________________________Weather: __________________________________________My Day: ___________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________Draw:

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Game: Sentence Relay

    In five groups of four.

    Students must ask and answer the question Where doyou want to travel? The next student cant start running until he or she hasanswered the question. The team to have all students complete the run first willbe the winner.

  • 7/31/2019 Summer Camp Book


    Dear Diary: Write About Your Experience

    Day: ______________________________________________

    Month: ____________________________________________Year: ______________________________________________Weather: __________________________________________My Day: ___________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________Draw: