successful writing -_intermediate_sb


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Page 1: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

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Page 2: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Contents 1 Port A Guidelines for Writing ............................................................................. 4

Port B Letter Writing ........................................................................................ 16 LETTERS

2 Informal Letters ................................................................ 20 3 Formol Letters .................................................................................................. 26 4 Semi-formol Letters ......................................................................................... 34 5 Tronsoclionol let ters ........................................................................................ 38

ARTICLES . STOIIIIS . MEWS REPORTS - REVIEWS . btcripllom 6 Describing People ........................................................................................... 42 '.W . . ................................................................... 48

8 Describing Objects .......................................................................................... 54 2 9 Describing F e s t i v o l s / E v e n l s l ~ ........................................................... 56 . Mrmtllret 6 Nun Reporls

......................................... .................................. 3i 10 F i r s 1 . m ~ ... 60 L 11 T h i r d - ~ W n l r n l i v r r c ........................................................................... 66 3 120 News R e ~ o r t s ................................................................................................. 72 .A. ..

. Brritwt 5 2 b Revieys ......................................................................................................... 78

DISCURSIVE WRITINfi . Discorsire ettafs

13 "For ond Agoinsl" Essoys ............................................................................... 82 1411 Opinion Essoys .............................................................................................. 88 14b Providing Solutions to Problems ....................................................................... 94 14c Letters to the Editor ......................................................................................... 98 . Bs~orir

15 Assessment & Proposol Reports ........................................................................ 102 * REVISION MD ElrTEHSlOM SECTIM ...................................................................... 109

APPENDIX I Linking Words .............................................................................. 145 APPENDIX 11- Opening & Closing Remorks for Letters/Useful Vocabulory .................. 147 APPENDIX Ill Rules for Puncluotion .................................................................... 150

Page 3: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

M -.,F a . .-

"L"' 1 Purl A Guidelines for Writins -

When you write a composition you need to understand the type of writing required. Your piece of writing can be in the form of a letter, an article for a magazine1 .. > - newspaper or a report. . . . . . I. .:-l*;:?Pj . . LSe7ERS are written to a person (e.g. your pen friend, a newspaper editor, etc) or a group of people (e.g. the students' society, the local football club, etc) for a specific reason (e.g. to give advice, to make a complaint etc). They include: Informal letters to people you know well, written in a personal chatty style. Formal letters to managerslofficials etc, written in a polite formal style. Semi-formal letters to people you do not know well or people you know want to sound polite and respectful e.g. a teacher of yours, your pen friend's p etc, written in a polite and respectful style. m are found in magazines and newspapers. The following can be found in the form of an article: Descriptions of people, places, buildings, objects, festivals, ceremonies etc. Narratives about real or imaginary events which happened in the past. They can be written in the first person (first-person narratives) when the writer is the main character of the story or in the third person (third-person narratives) when the writer is describing events which happened to another person or group of people. News reports about currentlrecent dvents (e.g. fires, acc~dents, etc) written in impersonal style. News reports present facts objectively and unemotionally. Reviews discussing a film, TV programme, book, restaurant, etc and recommending it or not to the reader. Discursive essays about arguments concerning particular subjects. They include: "For and Against" essays which present the pros and cons on a specific topic Opinion Essays which present the writer's personal opinion on a specific topic Providing Solutions to Problems which discuss a problem and its causes, making suggestions and mentioning the expected results and consequences Letters to the Editor which present the writer's personal j e , , opinion on a specific topic or the writer's suggestions on a specific problem. l A 1 ' . ! j r .. '.

S of writing and have a specific format and features. They

nt reports discussing the suitability of a person, place, plan, etc for

ing suggestions or decisions about future actions.

1 Read the extracts (A-G) and decide which type of writing they are from (1-7).

third person narrative 11 formal letter 1 3 first person narrative 141 description of a place

1511 informal letter 16 description of a person 11 description of a festival

As the last band played their final song, I felt sad that the festival was about to end. All the fun moments

. . ofthe week passed through my mind in a qJt second. Dancing to the beat of the music, I looked at my friend and said, "I can't wait until next year's Jau Festivai "'

. ..

a Dear Aunt; Carol, I'm sorry about not

-)ear SirlMadam, I am writing t o complain about the wrvice I received during a visit t o your

restaurant on 0th November. Firstly, I had booked a table for eight o'clo~k, b& when we arrived, our table wa6

not ready and it was half an hour before we were seaed I wa5 very annoyed.

replying t o your letter sooner but I've been extremely busy.

I Guess what! I finally 1 f o u ~ d a position as a

nursery school teacher I in Brighton! Isn't that 1 wonderful? I-- L *

Debbie is tall, slim and

I attractive, with long brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.

1 She likes wearing smart 1 clothes and always looks i good.

Page 4: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 1 Port A Guidelines for Writing

- -- . - - . - -

C bright sunlight was st -TO: MS M Timms, Personnel Manager

From: Mr T Brown, Senior Assistant Subject: Assessment of Robert Dunkan Date: 15th February, 20 ...

- -. kilometres off the north Coast of ; Venezuela. With its white sandy $ beaches and clear blue Waters, $1 - - aruba is the perfect place for a;

laxina holiday. . . L

I . ... CL L , q* .A8 old wooden br idp to look down at the ducks on . . - - 4 . /

Introduction The purpose of this report is to assess the suitability of Robert Dunkan for the posiion of Sales Manager for our shop in Brunwick.

Q Firs& all b b d s offbtr SW bb pvaded widh large rubbtkk h. 1% aa'detiola h t h , .7e* SW h I

l ulhwed to throw out kr &&h. m1y night. Tbti mdd rest& ifi

- -

I reducq thr 4w1mt d & h in the during sJ1L, day.

2 Read the extracts (A-G) and decide which type of writing (1-7) they are from. .)

The cast is excellent and Michael J. Fox proposal report 1 assessment report is perfect as the voice of Stuart Little.

1211 for and against essay m] news report With the use of computer animation,

131) review Stuart looks more like a real mouse than 171 opinion essay a cartoon mouse, convincing

essay providing solutions to viewers that he is a problems miniature actor.

The combination of computer animation i a3 Four people were killed and eleven were seriously injured when hvo live action is superb.

planes collided on the runway at Leland Airport early this morning.

----II m All in all, I believe that newspapers play an important role in

our lives. They keep us informed about world news as well as providing interesting reading material.

m Recommendation

TO bedin with, one of I believe that the course of action the rnaifl-akaflage5 ' proposed above will attract more studying abroad is that 1 customers to the White Dove you have $he chance $0 Restaurant. Not only will the Italian learn mother language. seafood and vegetarian dishes draw Moreover, you exp&dence more people to the restaurant, but

' a differerrt c u b r e and the live music will also greatly , impr~ve the res~urant's atma*,re,

Page 5: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 1 Port A Guidelines for Writinu

IQ iodekm$8e rubric i,s. the ~ ~ ~ ~ e f i i n ~ ~ u n d e r t h r e . ~ k 8 y

. l 1. - thw&ddb,'t@tq p u sh~~tb.ihaiu$e lil your answer (e.g. &~G&ti' : L! 1 ; W ~ w ~ m ~ s 6 t s o ; c f ~ W p o m ) . . .

3 Read the rubric below and match the numbers to the following headings:

reader .......... situation ......

spec$ topics ......... type of writing .........

1 advice. Write a d a d v i s i n g him where to go and what to do and

telling him approximately how much money he should bring.

4 Read the rubric and circle the correct answers to the questions that follow.

I You work in a local tourist office. The manager has asked you to write a report on a new restaurant which has just opened in your town. Write your report describing the restaurant, the food and the service there and commenting on its good and bad points.


2 What is the situation?

3 What type of composition should you write?

4 What specific topics should you include?

5 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words,

I then answer the questions.

You are a writer for an international English-language magazine. Your editor has asked you for a short article about a famous person from the twentieth century that you admire. Write your article about the person, describing hislher personality as well as the reasons you admire him1 her.

1 What type of composition is this? A a third person narrative B a formal letter C a descriptive article D a review

2 Who is going to read your composition? A your best friend B your editor

Page 6: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 1 Port A Guidelines for Writing

3 Which of the following statements h r are true? Circle. !w~@' 4 , . _ p-

A You should write about a Write down any ideas, words and phrases that vo famous person you have met. to the specific topics of your composit

B You must describe hislher Group your ideas, crossing out any irrel nt o

personality. logical order. i;J[!f' :,

iv .... 4 ~hect thd e i n h e r q ~ + i ! 1'1 l. 1 I-- C You should give reasons why you . - p*:.!t-...,+ - -', r j ~ l I,( r ~ r t 1 ~ 1 . r I

admire this person. D Your article should be about a

famous artist or scientist of the

6 a) Read the rubric in Ex. 5a) again and tick the topics that you should include in your article.

eighteenth century. E You may include your own

why you admire the person ....... looks and appearance .......

personality hobbies and interests

feelings about the person. 4 Which of the following topics must

vou include? Circle.

b) Look at the wordslphrases below and say which topic from above they are linked to.

A The advantages and disadvantages helped those in need of being famous. selfless

B Personal qualities and compassionate characteristics. courageous

entire life was devoted to others donated money to charity patient

C Information about the person's family background.

D Reasons why you admire himher. PUWNIN~ WE UYOUT OF YOUR eOYPosmow

j Your ideas should be organised into paragraphs. The layout of most types of writing consists of three parts: an introduction, a main body and a

b) Which of the two people conclusion. below would not be suitable for your article? Why?

1- The introduction, i.e. the first paragraph, is a short paragraph whose purpose is to give the reader a general idea of the subject of the composition. It should attract the reader's attention so that helshe wants to continue reading.

fl The maln body usually cons~sts of two or more paragraphs and its purpose is to develop points related to the subject of the composition. The number of paragraphs and the way you divide them depends on the specific topics of the composition. Each paragraph should deal with points related to the same topic. Whenever you discuss a new topic, you should begin a new paragraph. For example, In a for and against essay the main body should have two paragraphs: one discussing the points for, and another discussing the poinb a g a i n s t j f ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ) i p ; ~ ; ~ ~ ~ i i ,!~~'~iii+j~;g~,** "am

m ~##lubrr ' ' - - r ' ' The conclusion is a short final paragraph in which you can summarise tht main idea of the subject, restate your opinion in tifferent words, make general comments, express your feelings, etc. ' ~~d!l;flm

i ~ r r n ~ w a a m a l w ~ ~ & . , ~ t : i ' & . - - : ' * -

7 a) Which of these topics should you include in the introductory paragraph of an article describing a person you admire? Circle.

A final comments about the person B who the person is and why you admire them C what the person looks like and what type of clothes they like wearing


Page 7: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 1 Porl A Guidelines for Writing

b) Which of these topics should you include in the conclusion of your 3 Which of hlother 'kresa's achieve- article? ments are mentioned? What examples

A general comments and feelings about the person are given?

B personal qualities of the person C background information and achievements of the person

' wsEWrPlCESa 8 Read the article and label the paragraphs with the headings below.

Then answer questions 1-3.

Jinal commentslfeelings personal qualities reasons you admire her person's name and reason you chose her

The person I admire most from the twentieth century is Mother Teresa. I regard her as one of the kindest and most caring people the world has ever known.

Mother Teresa was a seiness berson. She devoted all of her time to others and never put her own needs first. She was also very courageous and never thought about the risks she was taking when looking after people who were sick or dying.

What I admire most about Mother Teresa are her achievements. Her entire life was devoted to charity work. For example, in 1952 she opened a centre in Calcutta for the terminally ill, where patients could be cared for and die with dignity. She also won many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She donated the money from her awards to fund other centres. Even though Mother Teresa is no longer with us, these centres still operate, offering help to those in need.

I admire Mother Teresa not only because she was a generous and kind-hearted person, but also because her accomplishments have influenced people all over the world. It is hardly surprising that since her death in 1997 she has been regarded as a true saint.

L * .

Main body paragraphs should begin with topic sentences. A topic sentence introduces or summarises the main topic of the paragraph and gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph will be

The topic sentence should be ...................... followed by supporting sentences ...................... which provide examples, details, reasons, justifications andlor evidence to support the topic

...................... There are many dis- ......................

I'"-...."""""'" advantages to air travel

Firstly, plane fares are extremely high. For example, if you choose to travel from London to Manchester by

...................... less than you would if you

...................... travelled by plane. Moreover,


9 Read the article in Ex. 8 again, underline the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs and then replace them with the ones below.

1 There are good reasons why I

1 Who is the article about? admire Mother Teresa so much.

2 What justifications are given to support the statement that "Mother 2 Mother Teresa was a truly self- Teresa was a selfless person"? sacrificing person.

Page 8: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unil 1 Part A Guidelines for Writinu

10 a) Match the topic sentences to the paragraphs. There is one extra topic sentence that you do not need to use.

1 For one thing, there are far too many cars on the roads. 2 There are many arguments in favour of banning cars from city centres. 3 However, a city centre without traffic does have its disadvantages.

....... ...... ............................................................................ In the first place, it would help to reduce pollution. This means that the city centre would be a healthier place to live and work in. Furthermore, it would be easier for pedestrians to walk around the centre without having to cross busy roads.

_-_ -- - . - - -- . l

.............................................................................. ! For one thing, shop owners would lose business as l customers might find it inconvenient to travel to the

1 city centre by public transport. Moreover, for those I 1 who live in the city centre, life would become quite i

difficult as they would not be able to park their cars l I near their homes. i

b) Which part of the composition do these paragraphs belong to - the introduction, the main body or the conclusion? What do you think the topic of this composition is?

What type of composition are the extracts from?

11 Read the topic sentence in bold, then choose the most suitable supporting sentences (A - D) to complete the paragraph.

On the other hand, there are arguments in favour of tourism. ............

A Firstly, tourism can help reduce unemployment in an area because of the jobs it provides for local people.

B Furthermore, tourism can spoil the natural beauty of an area.

C What is more, the profits from tourism can be used to improve roads, hospitals and schools.

D In addition, restaurants and souvenir shops overcharge customers.

12 Read the topic sentences below and think of appropriate supporting sentences to complete each paragraph, as in the example.

e.g. Catherine is a very pretty teenager. She is tall and slim with dark skin and long curly hair. She usualiy wears jeans and T-shirts.

1 My father is a handsome man. ............................................................

............................................................ 2 Nicole is a very sociable person.

1 3 Read the paragraphs below and think of appropriate topic sentences to complete them.

........................................................ First of all, it is cheaper than buying designer clothes which can be very expensive. What is more, if you make your own clothes, you can design them exactly the way you want them.

II -

........................................................ To begin with, medical research can be very expensive. Moreover, such research can take years to show successful results. Last but not least, lots of time is often wasted on experiments which do not work. '. ,- 8 __

Page 9: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 1 Part A Guidelines for Writing

V- 15 Read the extract and fill in the . Linking wordslphrases make your writing more interesting to the reader, and easier to understand. Some linking words (e.g. and, because, but, so, since, etcf can join two short sentences into one longer sentence.

- e.g. He is clew. He is h f W W d n g n g * He's clever a d ha&mMng. Ann is happy. She pas& her axams. * Annishepwbecrusesheperssedheraravns.

r Some linking wordslphrases (e.g. In addition, What is more, However, On the other hand, etc) show how ideas are related either between two sentences or two paragraphs. e.g. I haw written fwr you t h m ffm *

I stll have not received a reply fnsm you. ? I ~ ~ f w r ~ t h f e e f f r n e ~ a l ~ . ~ , I s t l l h e v e n o t

. ~ e ~ ~ M a m p / y f r w n y w .

correct linking words from the I - list below.

for example, what is more, as a result, on the other hand

Watching films at the cinema has many advantages. To begin with, modern cinemas are usually equipped with the latest technology. 1) ............. .................................... , films have better picture and sound quality. 2) ................ ............................... , you can see all the latest films as soon as they are released.

........................................ Firstly the employees who delivered the cooker were extremely rude 3) , going to and careless. While installing the appliance they made a the cinema has certain drawbacks. 4) considerable mess, then they left without tidying the kitchen up. ........................................ , the price of a

,,nd {kurthermore, after they had gone, I noticed that the cooker was ticket can be expensive and cinemas are 1

complaint badly scratched and the operating instructions were missing. ... often crowded, L

especially Linking wordslphrases can be used to: at weekends. show time: when, whenever, before, while, as soon as, etc list points or show sequence: first(ly), to start with, next, finally, etc ! : add more points: furthermore, moreover, in addhon, and, also, what is more, etc

2 show cause or effect: because, since, as a result, so, consequently, etc 5 give examples: for instance, for example, such as, especially, etc

show contrast: however, on the other hand, despite, though, etc . , introduce a conclusion: all in all, to conclude, to sum up, finally, etc . " . ; (for more examples see Appendix I)

14 Circle the correct linking wordslphrases, as in the example.

1 Mobile phones are expensive@/so they are vely convenient. 2 She is very generous and shares everything. SinceIOn the

other hand, she can be moody at times. 3 Growing your own vegetables is cheaper than

buying them. Even t h o u g m a t is more, home- grown vegetables are usually tastier.

16 Choose the correct linking word/ phrase to join the sentences.

1 Simon failed the exam. He had not studied enough. (since, while) .......

............................................................ 2 Ordering take-away food is very

convenient. It can be rather expensive. (although, such as) ....... ............................................................ 4 Many people are taught computer skills ............................................................ at school. DespitelAs a result, they have a better

chance of finding a job. 3 Aaron wanted to go to the football

5 I admire Jackie becauseltherefore she has found .......................

match. His mother wouldn't let happiness in both her professional and private life.

............................................................ him. (but, therefore)

Air travel is the most expensive form of ............................................................ transport. All in allIHowever, it is the fastest.

Page 10: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 1 Part A Guidelines for Writing

4 Adventure holidays can be very tiring. They can be quite dangerous. (but, and) .............................................................................................................. ..........................................................................................................................

5 It started getting cold. I put on a jumper. (so, as) .....................................

18 Read the following beginnings and endings and identify which writing technique(s) the writer has used in each.

6 The hairdresser said it was perfectly safe. The chemicals in the dye made my hair turn green. (even though, also) .................................................. ..........................................................................................................................

17 Replace the linking wordslphrases in bold with synonymous ones from the list below.

despite, as, even though, such as, therefore

1 While I was walking home I saw an accident. 2 He was born in Poland so he can't be Spanish.

I 3 Your mechanic took three days to fix my car, in spite of the fact that it required only minor repairs.

I 4 There are many places to visit in Rome like the Colosseum, the Trevi I Fountain, and the Pantheon.

t 5 Although Rachel is allergic to dogs, she loves them.

~ ~ i ~ h e r e are a variety of writing techniques you can use to make your:: composition more interesting to the reader.

i4 : ~ ~ T 9 + To begin or end your essay you can: g&y$f$fI%&+>i -..a-- . ==~4 - - address the reader directly i.e. write as if you were speak~ng to ~mlher. ;;

e.g. You can imagine what life would be like without wafer. *- rl 7 -

- use direct speech to give somebody's exact words, a quotation from a i : famous person or someone who has influenced your life, a proverb or a ' i savina (i.e. a well-known ~hrase). In all cases it is necessarv to use It . quotation m a r k s . ~ ! ~ ~ $ & i @ - = e.g. After all, 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

- use a rhetorical question i.e. a question that does not expect a reply. 14 4

e.g. What would modem socieiy be like without computers? L . -5 h

ir B You can start a narrative by setting the scene i.e. by uslng tne

senses to describe the weather, atmosphere, surroundings and also to%: create mystery and suspense. 8; e.g. It was a cold wlnter's night. The wind was blowing hard as Jack was 11'

'.l l' - whng ,down m imply m t , &L@L&&+ I ! , , G You can also use a variety of adjectives, adverbs and verbs to make your composition more attractive t e.g. 'Hold on!" Helen screamed as she desperately tried to

he10 t aet wt of the Cieezng

1 Why are people so obsessed with ' .

the weather? In my opinion, the climate plays a major role in the 4

. way we behavt ................................................ B I arn sure that most of you, at some point in your lives, have

"<!considered starting your own : business. However, I doubt that

many of you have actually done so.

It was a dark, stormy night. Frank was alone in the wooden cabin at the top of the snow-covered mountain. The wind was howling and Frank was afraid. Suddenly, there was a strange scratching at the door. IS .*

4 Mason~woke up lu int: buurld o rain drumming on the rooftop. Exhausted from the previous day, he slowly got out of bed and made himself a cup of coffee ant some: breakfast. He decided tc call in sick as he felt too weak tc g;s to work.

5 All in all, adolescence can be a difficult time. But as George Bernard Shaw once said, "Life is not meant to be easy; but take courage, it can be delightful."

Page 11: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unii 1 Part A Guidelines for Writing

19 a) Match the beginnings to the endings. What types of writing are ?, i , l i 8 the extracts from?


-: l

Mr Norton is our ChemisQ teacher. I'll never forget fie first o l l a we him. He was in the school lab Wearing a long, white coat, and he was abou to mix two very strange-looking liquids. "Keep back, lads," he said. "Thi i~ a vonr rlrrnnarna 80 o xperimer;' "

-- - lClLl

In Conclusion, l think that advhsing should be controlled so that consumers and Persuaded to purchase goods they don't need. After all, er, an American advertising executive, said ''The be

b) In which extract(s) has each of these writing techniques been used?

quotation ............ ............ proverblsay ing

addressing the reader ............ ............ directly ............ direct speech

> r L

Read the extracts and replace the words in bold with synonymous ones from the lists. I

most extraordinary, i m p k v e , hug& comfortable

paused crepb, whispering, peered 4

Page 12: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 1 Port A Guidelines for Writing

a - - --mu

P - The writing style you should use depends on the type of composition you are

is - -, i characterised by: -, , , ,

-siting, the situation and the intended reader. Therefore, you should not use le same style of writing for every composition. The two main types of writing i, less formal language , -

style are formal and informal. However, not all styles of writing fall under less frequent use of short forms, these categories. For example, in a letter to somebody you do not know very formal linking wordslphrases or. well or in an article for a student's magazine, the style used is neither formal the passive


nor informal, but a blend of the two, known as semi-formal. respectful, polite tone

8lW.E is characterised by: I . L Compare;'

( ormal expressions, advanced vocabulary, longer sentences ' r e.g. 7'aklng mrmrvU,hg Into conrldentlon, It can be saM that the 1

h ~ l l ~ k r ~ a r e o f p o o r g w l l t y . * semi-fwmd: I M tomam to 3 FPI' I ' 7 - - @ I * formal linking wordsiphrases (i.e. However, Nevertheless, In addition, receiving your reply as m ,

l W M . P:; *-

Consequently, etc.) e.g. M o b i l e p h o n e g e r e ~ ~ ~ l f o [ ~ w f i o WfWW. Informal: I can't welt to hew frwn t

-,mfheyCanbe. y o u . . l - ' S l i , -

. . . ' 21 Use phrases from the list to fill

in the blanks in the sentences, as in the example. Then, say which are written in formal and

' Fac tua l presentation of the information which in informal style. assess the suitability, porcelain- - by h Ih 7908.

. , . 77-T 1.'. , 2 1 9 *' white skin, were seriously injured,

m- is characterised by: +V . ; a drop by, am entitled to, point in a". *,Lr - rL everyday/colloquial expressions, vocabulary and idioms. favour oJ with flying colours,

e.g. I ftmght I'd dmp yw a I h ..., T h n k a m f l ~ .... won't be able to make it, to my r r" mind, don 't miss it

irequent use of short forms s.g.lmYbeebletocometoyourpcvtym1'11beewayonabusin688

HP. 1 The purpose of this report is to

L ' J , . ( I t % , ... assess the suitabiliry ... of Robert . ..~rrnal phrasal verbs - U ,

, - Hulson for the position of Assistant 9.g . L U C ~ W O S ~ W ~ W ~ W W , S ~ # S . . . L. 1 6 _ I - 1 1 Manager. simple linking wordslphrases (i.e. but, so, because, and, etc) =formal style e.g. f i ralm a lot here, w you'd bet& lake an umbrelh wlth p. .......................................... 2 I believe I

................................. shorter sentences a full refund. he.g.ThankseIbtRwtkinv&dfm. I ' d h t o come. 3 Well, I've got to go now. .................

personal tone i.e. use of first person (IlWe) I '1. ................. when you arrive in town. 4 A .......................................................

I I I / criptive tone i.e. use of adjectivesladverbs etc for vivid description of working from home is that one . - can plan one's own working

- 7 1'1.s .~ A - I*. I ' S - . . I.,. , • . . ,.- schedule. - .,*L I 1

- - . -. .................................... . . - - - . -, . . ' S 5 Two drivers ... I ' I .................................. I I - 4 , , . *- after their cars

, . &%-.I: collided on the M4 late last night.

Page 13: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unil 1 Port A Guidelines for Writing

6 Guess what! I passed all my exams .............................................................. 7 With its long, black hair, beautiful blue eyes and ...................................

................................... , it was the most exquisite doll May had ever seen. 8 ..................................................................................................... living abroad

is something everyone should experience at least once in their lives. 9 ............................................................................................... ! I bet it's going

to be a box-office hit! 10 I'm really sorry, but I ......................................................................................

.......................................................................... to your graduation party.

22 Read the extracts below and answer the questions that follow.

A Which is better, classical or pop music? Some people believe that classical music is superior. However, I believe that both types of music offer something different to the world of entertainment.


~ o u l d be grateful if you could attend to this matter as soon as possible. I hope to hear from you soon regarding the outcome of the situation.

C Anyway, that's my news for now. I hope you'rtt enjoying the holidays as much as I am. Write back soon and let me know how you're getting on.

I Love, Yours sincerely,

D+-'- I

1 I E The rescue teatlt began th@r I 7

D The purpose of this report search for the lost skiers at

is to assess the suitability of dawn. The missing family Was

Fairfax Eateries as caterers located a few hours later by a

for the firm's annual spring search helicopter, and they were lifted to safety. NO one I injured, but they were taken to 1 hospital suffering from the cold. 1 1 . - - J

F Suddenly, the door opened. Tracey stared in horror as the dark figure in the doorway

I . raised its arms over its head.

'in writing to thank you for the kindness you showed me 1 I - d ~ k g my stay with you and your fqrnilly in March.

a) What type of writing is mch extract from?

b) Which extracts use:

1 short forms? ........... 2 factual presentation ...........

of the information? ........... 3 everyday expressions,

idioms and informal phrasal verbs?

4 formal expressions, advanced vocabulary and longer sentences? ...........

5 formal linking words1 phrases?

23 What style of writing should you use in the following situations: Write F (for formal), S (for semi-formal) or I (for informal). Why?

a a letter of complaint to the manage] of a department store

b an article for a teen magazine on the latest trends in clothes

c a letter to your friend asking him f o ~ advice on which university to attend

d a news report about an accident thai happened in your town

e a letter to a former teacher of yours, thanking him for his advice I

Page 14: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 1 Part A Guidelines for Writing

24 The extracts below are written in the wrong style. Replace the wordslphrases in bold with more suitable ones from each list.

the slightest, reached, collapsed, firstly, what is more, was not

I A 1) For starters, the ironing board 2) wasn't high enough. For example, when I unfolded it, it only 3) came up to my waist. 4) And then, whenever I put 5) a little bit of pressure on the board, it 6) fell down.

I've met, also, really love, dull moment, in common

B I 1) am enjoying myself immensely at university. 2) I have had the opportunity to meet many interesting people and there is never a 3) shortage of activities on campus. 4) In addition to this, my roommate, Becky, is a wonderful person. We have so much 5) to share that I feel as if I've known her all my life.

what is more, however, full of comical scenes, extremely realistic, computer- generated images

C The script is simple and straightforward 1) but it is 2) really funny. 3) Another thing is, all the 4) things made by the computer are 5) lifelike and the characters are truly convincing.

f P l) "Its a party invitation," said Sue as

she tore open the envelope. Paula, her sister, came 2) runing into the living room and squealed with excitement when she saw the white card. "It's from Danny," she cried. Both girls knew that Danny 3) the 4) better birthday parties in the neighbourhood. He and his family had moved there from 5) america two years before. His father was a 6) successfull lawyer, so they lived in the nicest part of town. Danny had invited the girls to his party the previous year, but they hadn't gone. They both had had the flu and they were 7) such ill that they had had to stay in bed. They were very disappointed that they 8) hadn't been able go to the party. This time, though, would be different.

26 Put the following steps into the correct order.

. . - m . - . *.-

m Brainstorm for ideas and group them into main topics.

You should always edit your piece of writing before handing it in. - a . 4 In order to do this, you should make sure: , , ' - . & - ,

Read the rubric carefully and . , . underline the key words.

you have used complete sentences and that the words are in the correct order (i.e, subject, verb, object, etc). Identify the type of writing, the

r you have used the correct grammar (e.g. past tenses for narratives). situation, the intended reader r you do not repeat the same words, phrases, expressions, etc. and the style of writing.

there are no spelling errors. S m Edit your essay correcting any you have used the correct punctuation. (e.g. commas, full stops, question marks, etc) [See also Appendix Ill] pelling, punctuation, grammar, you have indented the paragraphs (i.e. have begun the first line of each tc errors. paragraph further in from the margin).

m- 3 .

. - Write your essay in the correct 9>\ %P ', style, using appropriate linking

wordslphrases to join your ideas

25 Read the extract and label the underlined mistakes using the ' and various writing techniques

following key: S (for spelling), P (for punctuation), WW (for wrong to make your piece of writing

word) or G (for grammar). Then correct the mistakes, as in the interesting. example. Plan the layout of your essay.

1 Make sure you have a separate 5 ....................................................... paragraph for each main topic

..................................................... ..................................................... 6 .! Write a topic sentence for eac 1 3 ....................................................... 7 ............................. ........... ............... main body paragraph.

Page 15: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Ck-IT l 1 port B let ter wri8:- J

- - There are various types of letters, such as: f letters of application * letters of complaint letters to the editor etc.

The type of letter you should write depends on the reason for writing (i.e. to give your news, to invite somebody to a party, etc to make a complaint, to apply for a job, etc). Depending on the rubric, you may be asked to write a letter for more than one reason (i.e. to give your news and ask for advice.) The most common reasons for

givinglasking about news congratulating someone givinglasking for advice

them into the corr

be able to come as I'll be a seminar in Berlin th week. It's a pity I'll mi

letter of application 1 letter giving news

'r letter of invitation

I L A - , - t - - 4 L k 9 ,

All letters should include ., iollowing:

a) an appropriate greeting (e.g. Dear SirIMaciam, DearAunt Claire, Dear Mrs Baker, etc); 'T b) an introduction, in which you write your opening remarks (e.g. H11 How are you?) anc reason(s) for writing (e.g. I'm just M n g to congratuhte you on passing your exams, I ' m ~ n g i o ~ l r s e f o r ..., Welmwethrilledtohearihat ..., Iwessonytohear ... etc);

c) a main body, in which you write about the specific topics of the letter in detail; d) a conclusion, in which you write your closing remarks (e.g. Please forgive me - h

wont happen again, I p m ~ s e ; Looking forward to seeing you ...l, Please wfie soon, Take m / , Cant wit fu hear from you, I'd better sign M now, MS all for now); and

e) an appropriate ending (e.g. Yours ~ I l y + your full name, Lots of love + your 1 name).

Dear Rachel,

I'm writing to thank you very much for the invitatian to your wedding. I'm real@ happy the two of you am finally tying the knot.

Page 16: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 1 Part B letter Writing

I . - - t 7 3 8

- - - . ' ! ~ s m r u c ~ - +

l address & date The writing style you should use (i.e. informal, formal or semi-formal), 'i.e. your address in the top right- depends on who you are writing to. More specifically: hand corner, followed by the date

when you are writing to someone you know well (i.e. a close relative, - greeting your best friend, etc.) you should use informal style. i.e. Dear MrIMrslMst person's

when you are writing to someone you do not know, or to someone who surname (e.g. DBar Mm Mcarws)


Is in authority (i.e. the manager of a hotel, a doctor, etc) you should use semi-formal language formal style. ending

when you are writing to someone you do not know very well, or (e.g. Re@ud8/8t~f wfshesletc t

someone you want to be polite and respectful to (i.e. a friend's parents, your first name or MI name) your teacher, etc) you should use semi-formal style. I

(See Appendix II for examples of each style.)


wemu- address & date I.e. your address in the top, right-hand corner, followed by the date.

greeting (e.g. DecwJohnl Lkw Mum, etc.)

informal language (e.g.lWbeenmingnowrraebpforeges;DoslYuulony;&theway; ft was e piece of calm; I'll pick you W; We can ghm /t e try, etc)

enaing (e.g. Ycudw6est wisheslRegardsletc t ywr first m)

CQRYClL- address & date i.e. your address as well as the recipient's address. Your address in the top, right-hand corner, followed by the date. The recipient's position, the name and address of the company, organisation, etc on the left- hand side.

greeting (e.g. Dear Mm Devig - when you know the person's name - Dew SirIMedam - when you do not know the person's name)

formal language (e.g. I am writing with regard to your advertisement; I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience; The product which was delivered, proved to be fauhy; etc)

ending (e.g. Yours sincere&/ iMhfuI& + your full name)

Note: when you begin with Dear MrlMrslMs Marcus, you should end with Yours sincerely + your full name. When you begin with Dear SirlMadam, you should end with Yours iMhfuI& + your full name.

3 Mark the phrases as F (for Formal) or I (for Informal).

. - 1 I would also appreciate I I

some information about ............ :. 2 Well, Imustgonow ... ........... 3 Please accept my sincere

apologies ........... 4 You are cordially invited

to attend ... ............. 5 I am writing in response

to your advertisement ... ........... 6 Thanks for the invitation

to your dinner party ... ........... 7 I am writing to express my -

strong dissatisfaction with .............. 8 i I look forward to meeting

you in person ........... 9 Just a quick note to tell

you ... .....a.....

10 I am writing to bring to your attention the ... ...........

11 Please do not ,hesi_ta te to contact me ... ...........

12 I'm so sorry to hear you're having problems with ... ...........

13 Write back soon ... ........... 14 We regret to inform you

that ... ........... 15 I won't take no for an

... answer

Page 17: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 1 Port B letter Wriling

4 Read the situation below and answer the questions that follow. 6) played a big part / was very important

This is your last year at school and you are unsure of what course to take at ,) making sure ensuring ......... university. You have decided to write a letter to , asking for advice. 8) occasion l whole thing 9) went so well / was such a success ~

a) What style should you use if you are writing to: A a friend? B your 10) tell you how much I appreciate / former teacher? C a careers advisor?

thank YOU enough for i b) First match the beginnings and endings and then say which of

the people in part a) each letter is addressed to. Dear Gavin, *\Hi - ' / l ~ f CS .i 11"


Hi! How are you? I'm writing because I've no idea which course to take i, , 1 the end-of-term party. I ' 3rsity next year. I really need your advice! ........................................................ -7 e, k ' 7 1 * >

i ,,, . ...................................................... , -ea~Mrs!~ld, P P P


I hope leaer finds you well. I am wmng to axymm*w m T ) , ..................................................... - &-LAqppp

.... that the 8) . ............ 9) ........y..................,.,,,.....s.a . ,

I am writing to enquire I an ' t 10) .... : .................... ................. ............................ Love,

1.. - ... ENDINGS Becky

-. I

5' Thank YOU fortaung me time to read mis letter 1 look foward , Best wishes, 1) ...,.,..,..,..............W :..!"!.!.:.! ........v...

Amy Mitton - W

B, I be eaemely grateful if you could advise me on what to I you 3) ........ in advance for your kind cooperation. I-- Yours faithfully, 4) ...................................................

heknd-of-term party.

I 5 T ) ~ e 4 m e p a i r s ~ e x p r e s s 1 0 n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- -.-._-.... all your hard work.

then choose the most suitable expression to complete each gap. Best wishes,

1) Hi - just a quick note 1.1 am writing 2) thank you v&y much / say thanks a lot 33 all your help / your kind assistance 4) getting ready / preparations 5 ) Your contribution / What you did

1 l

Becky Jones

b) Which letter is informal, and which letter is semi-formal? What type of letter are they? 1

Page 18: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 1 Part B letter Wrilinu

I 6 Match the beginnings to the endings, then identify what type of letter each pair is from. Finally, say whether each pair has been written in formal or informal style.


- -

nir mv wonderful news ... - -

! I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide l,lG WILII SUI I I~

information regarding ...

1 5 1 am writing to draw your attention to the terr~ble ~ l~atment I recehr ) from ... - -

7 Read the rubrics below and answer the questions.

You have seen an ?~%tnd advertisement in the local 7

newspaper for a teaching job. Write a letter tot$- headmassof the school, h

g g i n g g r the job ~ a c ' i u ~ ), c ' 0 t . j k b

" I &%&t

A friend you haven't seen for -. months IS getting married in F, g,, the summer and has invited you to the wedding. Write a ~ ? w f - m j ~

b & 4 l J

T muslc teacher as advertised in ... --

... ENDINGS I I G ~ ayan, 1.a IIK~ to say how very sony I am about ... W

earliest convenience.

X Well, that's all for now. Write back and tell me what you's b e n I J ~ tc --

- 1 . - D -

Let me know if you want us to bring anything to the party. See you on b i the big day! - t E

I look forward to receiving the information and would be grateful if you \could reply as soon as possible.

F I insist on a written apology. I trust tnls mauw rill receive Your immediate attention. 1 ,

You have just returned from a trip to South America. Write a 9, V,? letter to a friend telling himlher all about it.

/ r @-?-

You are the secretary of a 4yL, I C/ language school and have ,- 1

received a lettersm s&mom, interest


-forming d + l

the person about the courses offered at your school.

I &CL> Sy

You recently bought a box of your favourite breakfast cereal. On opening it, you found that the box was half empty and the remaining contents were n o ~ b f i , ~

J longer fresh. Write a letter to the manager of the cereal company complaining about it.

- m & , i ~ ~ $ q $ c i J h 3 l, %C@..,

Your cousin has recentlv won'- first prize in a short story = ,+ 6fiY''

competition. Write a letter CC*:' congratulating W- them on their success. . C ;: C-, , .-

i,'/,; j ~ ' ~ i ~ Y


1) What type of letter should you write for each rubric?

2) Who is going to read your letter? 3) What style should you use in each

letter? 4) How would you begin and end each

letter? 5 ) Can you suggest appropriate opening

and closing remarks for each letter?

Page 19: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

W 1 Read questions 1 to 3, then Listen to the cassette and choose the correct answers. Finally, use your answers to talk about Monique's letter.

l Who is Monique writing to? 2 What is her main reason for writing? A a complete stranger A to tell Jackie some good news B someone she knows well B to apologise for not writing sooner

3 Which of these statements are true? Tick (J). In her letter to Jackie, Monique ...

, , .*: - r . ; '.',i . l Paragraph 1 ' . . .. .., ,. ! - -

l opening remarkslre %!@B, on I for writing

(main ead * m * * m * * * * r r r r r r r .

A mentions her future plans D complains about Jackie's last letter I Paragraphs 2 - 9 - - - B invites Jackie to visit her E asks Jackie to reply soon 1 development of the C promises to write soon F sends her regards to Jackie's parents subiect(s)

--A L- - - - A -----a----

F Informal letters are sent to people you know well (e.g. friends, relatives, e your recent news, personal problems, information you need, etc. They are an informal style with a chatty, personal tone. An informal letter should consist of: a) an informal greeting (Deaf KenlAunt * The number of maln b

b) an introduction in which you write y paragraphs may vary,

friend's health, etc) and mention yo depending on the rubric.

e.g.HilHowareyw3IthougMI'dwriteandMyouh1 - ; c) a main body in which you write the main subject(s)

a new paragraph for each topic; - . . I ~ _ a conclusion in which you write'Eur closing remark e.g. MS all my news for now. Write back soon ... ;

e) an informal ending (e.g. Lots of l o v e l ~ ~ f wisha~l* + your first n

What I like most is that there islare ... 2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

l You recently moved to a big city and have decided to write to a friend from your old neighbourhood. Write a letter describing life in your new city and your feelings about the change.


1 Who is going to read your letter?

2 Where is this person now? 3 Where are you now? 4 Why are you writing the letter? 5 What topics should your letter include?

6 How will you begin and end the letter?

7 Which of the following are positive aspects of life in a big city? Which are negative?

lots of cafis, cinemas, etc (positive)

The best thing is that 1 there islare ... '


heavy traffic (negative) @ constant noise from cars - @ ugly grey buildings -. r\

'@ plenty of sports facilities f -1

wide choice of things to do huge crowds


good public transport system 4 large modern shops t

8 Make sentences using the prompts above and the phrases in the boxes on the right, as in the example.

I can't get used to ... Unfortunately, there islare ...


e.g. What I like mst is there are lo& of cinem. I can't s t u d the cm noise fiom the car-

Page 20: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 2 lnformol letters

9 What can you do in a big city? What can't you do? Use - - - - the prompts - to make sentences, as in the examples. You can use your own ideas.

!' - go for a walk in the fields - make lots of new friends - go shopping in huge - do lots of different things

shopping centres - walk home safely at night - get around easily

.g. You can 't go for a walk in the field!. You can go shopping in huge shopping centres.

10 Match the feelings to the reasons, then make sentences, as in the example.

homesick a the city never sleeps pleased b there's more crime in the city unsafe because c there are always new things to do disgusted as g I miss my friends and my old neighbourhood excited - e there's rubbish everywhere

.g. I feel homesick because I mks my fiends and my old neighbourhood.

3 a) Read the letter and underline the correct tenses in bold. Then, label the paragraphs with the headings below.

opening remarks/reason(s) for writing writer's feelings about the change closing remarks life in the new city '

b) Underline the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs, then suggest other appro- priate ones.

4 Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the example.

plenty of sports centres - expensive to j 9 l t h o u g b ) 1

Dear Sharon, r r a , e.g. Even though the streets are crowded, I How are you? Sorry l ) I'm taking/llve taken, so long to opening remarks/ soon got used to it. - - - j

write, but I've been busy settling in. Anyway, I thought remon(s) fyr 2) I'd drop/llve dropped you a line to let you know how 1Ggetting on here.

~ i rmin~ham is a really exciting-city with millions of things to do. There's so much to choose from, I sometimes --..

and the huge c r o w m t f s a great city. ......................

find it hard 6make up my mind where to go! Although I ........C............ still 3) didn't get1 haven't got used to the traffic, the noise

...................... I like livinghere now, but I sornetimes_~eel homesick as

I Ass lots of things about Cowrie. I'll nevsrll don't fo<et the G&tiful couitryside and the %P-- stone cottages. \ Pars

................... g walkby the sea, !..

. - especially you, of ...................... ...................... g such a great time l 5 almost everything you need hut) , - l_ C 9 few buses and trains - ' always

Well, that's all my news for now. Please write back and arrive on time (n;v&&e]ess)' ' up to since I Pars


let me know what 7) you were o ' C@ 'no restaurants - a few inos that ...................... e r n heard from y o u w t o Tom and serve delicious homemade food ...................... Joanna, to-e I'll come back and visit all of you as

soon as I can. I (a1 though)

Angela ~ , ; I q , . , r . , ; - t ? f ~ ~ ~ r .*fi;.rr4 . - e.g. Therearen'tmanyshops,butyoucan find almost everything you need.

I 4 ' I

) ", 1 l , , , L

t . & C L - i d L , 2 1

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I 7 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the

questions. m You have just returned from Britain, where you attended lessons at

a language school. The school had arranged for you to stay with a local couple you had not met before your visit. Write a letter to this louple, thanking them for their kindness to you during your stay.

1 Who is going to read your letter? How well do you know these people? 2 What style should you use? Give examples. 3 Why are you writing the letter? 4 How would you begin and end the letter? Choose.

1 p; g:*--,:::. '

Lots of love)[ (first name) I L ,if 1 ;$namel

I F b) Read the prompts and expand them into full sentences. Then, match them to the topic sentences of the main body paragraphs that follow.

[ 1~x1 A my room 1 be 1 very comfortable, l every meal l be l delicious ..............................................................................................................

B what 1 help l me most l be l chance 1 practise English l you l every day

113 C you l make me l feel like l I l be part 1 of l family .............................................................................................................. b 1 D I l never l think l I l be able l speak l English l so well .............................................................................................................. F

Para 2 - I really appreciate all your efforts that made my stay in your home a happy one.

Para 3 - My trip to Britain has certainly improved my I English, too.

.- - -

c) Choose the most suitable phrase to complete the paragraph below. Which paragraph of the letter is this?

I am writing to tell you that I have arrived home safely=

........ ........ ........ (1) .A.. for (2) during my stay with you. (3) 1 (4) (

1 @ thank you both very much B say thanks a lot C express my gratitude to you

2 A all the stuff you did B being so kind to me C the kindness you displayed

3 A My visit was enjoyable at times, but

B It was a wonderful experience which

C I really had a great time, so

4 A am sure I will always remember. B won't forget in a hurry! C shall always have unpleasant

memories of the experience.

d) Which of the phrases1 sentences below would be suitable as closing remarks? Tick (J).

A Thank you again for all your kindness.

C ] B Well, that's all my news.

C My parents send their regards ... and ask me to tell you that

D Mum and Dad say "Hi". E By the way, why don't you come

and stay with us here? F ... you will always be welcome

guests if you would like to visit my country.

G I would love to hear from you whenever you have time to write.

H Drop me a line sometime, won't you?

8 Read the rubric in Ex. 7 again. Write your letter (120-180 words), using your answers from Ex. 7 to help you. You can use the letter in Ex. 3 as a model.

Page 37: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

1"'lT 5 rronsoctionol let ters m I Look at the advertisement on the right, and the notes below. Listen to the

cassette and tick the points in the notes (A-K) which have been included in the letter.

m] advert in Wessex Times, April

m[ not much information in advert

ACTIVITIES m bikes - hire, or bring my own? - -

canoeing - qualified instructor?

1 E l I hiking- where?- with aguide? m[ any other activities oflered?

CHARGES-BWKINGS, etc total cost - how much?

charge per day, or per activity?

accommodation available?

necessary to book?

REPLY write, or phone me - 0181-313-9480 I

X,. I.' .-a .. "* . . . .

a,, 4 ' V," -L

Lynwoad Qutdoor I entre

- - I . h

I' tters are letters which respond to written information. This information

may be In the form of advertisements, letters, invitations, notes, etc, as well as visual prompts such as maps, drawings, etc.

Transactional letters can be of any type e.g. letters of complaint, letters of apology, letters applying for a job, letters givinglasking for information, etc.

: The style of writing can be formal, semi-formal or informal, depending on who you , . m are writing to. I , 8' It is important to include all the factual information given in the rubric. You must qive

, using your own words as much as poss~ble.-

lbl - 6 i i n i i i '

i ' d ) I s X ~ f o * ~ - -- - - - - . - - - -- sme Infmatbn, ur explainin the muMpmnw

2 Read the rubric and underline the bey words, then answer questions 1-7.

For more lnfonnatlon conta

1 Who are you writing t 2 Are you going to use

idioms? short forms?

You and two of your friends have decided to rent the cottage in the following advertisement. Read the advertisement and the notes you made after speaking '0 the owner. Then write a letter to a third friend, asking himiher to join you and giving him/her the information about the cottage and what you can do there.

3 Why are you writing

Page 38: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

I Unit 5 Transactional letters

3 a) Read the letter and complete the paragraph plan using the headings below. Has Sue's letter covered all the points in the rubric, advertisement and notes? Underline the ~ordslPhrases which refer to these points.

persuade friend to join you information about cottage

what the area offers $"hclude in your letter? Tick (J) . 7 A information about sleeping

space 7 B cooking facilities

3 C activities/sports in the area

3 D description of the town 7 E details of the sightsitourist

attractions in the area 7 F the best way to get there 7 G how much the holiday will cost 3 H an invitation for your friend to

join you 3 1 the telephone number of the


J the dates you intend to go there

6 Complete the sentences, as in the example.

$.g. 1 There are only two bedrooms so we'll .... A put two beds in each @ have to share

2 Ifyou join us, it's l50 each, which is a .... A bargain B fortune

3 There are four bikes at the cottage which means that we can .... A visit the sports centre B get around easily

4 We can rent the cottage from 15th to 21st August. So there 'S no need to wony about .... A the weather B the tourists

1 What opening and closing remarks would you write?

Dear Helen, .,l. , . : 45~$3~~4&$4b+i Hi! HOW are y o ~ ~ rm sorry I Raven? wrftteh-for ages, but I've

been really busy. Anyway, I'm writing now to let you know that Claire, jan and I have decided to rent a cottage in Dorset from 15th to 21st August and we'd love it if you could join us.

I asked the owner all about the cottage and it sounds great., The cottage has only got two bedrooms, so we'll hive tocare;' but the rooms are big with two beds in each. There3 also a large garden. It's only £200 a week - that3 f5O each, if you join us. In other words, it's a real bargain! . I

S U There are lots of things to do in the area. We cart go horse-

: 4 riding, and there's a sports centre not far away. There is slso , .E a market, a local museum and a e p a r k . The owner sqs

there are four bikes at the cottage which we can use, too, which L means we can get around easily.

l really hope you decide to join us. It would be such fun ta go on holiday together, and the weather will probably be good at that time of the year, so r'm sure we'll all have a great time.

C . well, that's all for now. Please write and let me know w soon a : g c [you've decided what you're going to do. Take care.

Q ' U

Lots of love, 1 Sue 1

Para 1 : Opening remarkslreason(s) for vmtmg . - --

Para 2: ........................................................................... .............................................................................

Para 3: ............................................................................. p I i Para 4: .............................................................................

............................................................................. I Final Para: Closing remarks

b) Replace the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs with other appropriate ones.

Page 39: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 5 Tlansaclional letters

, . c ~ ~ I I ] , l ,Jl l l ' .q, 7

1 1 1 1 1 I. : : d l ' .

S , To request information you can use direct or indirect questions. I-.? Direct questions are quite common in informal letters and often beg~n

' " ' with a question word such as what, who, when, how, etc.

e.g. What time will the patty finish? How far is the hotel from the beach? Most indirect auestions are formed with modals such as could. would. etc - '

and are normally used in semi-formal or formal letters. l'' 1 r'u' G '-'*. :;l 4 t h d l < L :.A<

- e.g.IwouMbegrateTullnywcouldtdlmewhattimthe~willfinis~" Could you please let me know how far the hotel is from the beach?

I You use iflwhether in an indirect question when there is no question word in the direct question.

' - 1 e.g. Direct question: Do we need to bring our own food? ' - -. Indirect question: I WW like to h o w I M s f h e r we needto Mng our

own food. I

1 Read the questions below and say whether they are direct (D) or indirect (I). Then rewrite them, as in the examples.

1 I am interested in finding out if there will be a ski instructor = I

Be a ski instructor? 2 Do I need to pay a deposit? = D

I would like to know if I need to pay a

,+@Ad you perhaps tell me how many tickets are available? .......................................................................................................................

Q I would like to h o w whether there are any facilities for young children. .........................................................................................................................

5 What time does the play finish?

6 Do you cater for vegetarians?

7 1 would appreciate it if you could send me further information. .....................................................................

8 Where exactly is the restaurant?

9 Could you please let me know where the nearest train station is?

10' Is the cost of equipment included in the price? , - .. ' l 40 ....................................................................................................... : .................

5 Look at the extracts and t d notes (1-10) made about the Then, match the notes to sentences (a-j) opposite, as the example.

A m COLLEGE Reserve a place on one of our

courses in photography FREE MKTERIKtS J 4) ‘do I bril

No matter what you want to read, FULLSTOP BOOKSHOP

\ will h d it for you! SCHOOJI BOOIg IN ST


Page 40: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 5 Tronsoctionol letters

1 would appreciate it if you could let me know exactly how much the 7 a) Read the rubric below, then camp costs. answer the questions.

m Is there anything I need to bring with me?

Could you let me know the exact dates of your courses?

Could you please tell me how many hours per day we will have lessons? Read the notes

e( I'd like to know if there are classes every day.

fl Do you have marine biology books?

I would like to know if the competition takes place in the morning or the information given.


m I would be grateful if you could tell me how much the tickets cost.

out whether you have any Portuguese books.

you could let me know exactly how many students there are in each group. Iplace, da%, time (see above) - -

a) Look at the following advertisement and write short questions about the underlined words/phrases, as in the example.

,.g. l Which want to work abroad? countries?

1 Should your letter: Nannies Around the World a give information?

an international agency established1 ''''''''''m''''''m''''''

b ask for information? ........................ in 1980. We are give and ask for information?

looking for vouna ~eoole 2 q h o is going to read your letter. %LW bd ,My!.: %;, 3 How well do you know theperson?

........................ 4

--Successful candidates will be ,4 5 What opening and closing remarks

........................ e i d e d with suitable accommodatio~

should you write? ........................

b) Write sentences using the notes given. ........................

........................ . Mm Maddox at 14A, Tissier Rd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada or e.g. place/&/time: The party will be held telephone 0770-37660 for further information. 'h the schod ha^ on 1st J@

C__ from 8pm k, l lpm. \

8 Read the rubric in Ex. 7 again. Write your letter (120-180 words), using your answers from Ex. 7 to help you. You can use the letter in Ex. 3 as a model.


Page 41: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

m 1 a) Look at the photo, then listen to the cassette and label the children with their names - Martin, Ravi and Alex.

- - p

b) Listen to the cassette again and mat& the personal qualities to the children's names. Write M (for Martin), R (fir Ravi) aid A (for Alex). Finally, use your answers and the photograph to describe each person.

--- . .- - ..W,-- - l 1 yJ.1 i 1 naughty 3 t3 funny m/&. . 5 well-behaved ' I 2 clever m ~ a ~ ' ~ : 4 quiet ' 6 sporty m 1

, , jescriptive essay about a person should consist of: . - an introduction in which you give general information about the person, saying

H 11;Td when, where and how you first met them; ,I: upb) a main body in which you describe their physical appearance, personal qualities ~;f!dh and hobbieslinterests. You start a new paragraph for each topic;

C) a conclusion in which you write your comments andlor feelings about the person. ................ When describing someone you know well or see often (i.e. a friend, a neighbour, etc), you should use present tenses. When describing someone who is no longer alive, or someone you knew a long time ago and you do not see any more, you I, should use past tenses. .. . . . I, ..

.r Descriptions of people can be found in articles, letters, narratives, etc. The writiM4:8 I I - style you use depends on the situation and the intended reader. For example, if you ' are writing an article foca magazine, you should respectful tonewT(\P !U!; -

l -

use semi-formal style and a polite,

article about a close

2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. QU first met hirnhtsi

I - The editor of your school magazine has ,requested,a"cIes for a special issue about friendship. You have been invited to wr~te a short

). - friend of vours. Write your article describing the person's personality and hobbieslinterests. 7

1 Which of the following would you use? Tick (J) or cross (10 physical CIF

J .Qacial feat^, ,, , .,,, passive voice , colloquial language L abbreviations 1, linking words ,

; I -- _ . complex sentences


Parnorap h g_ 2 What tenses should you mainly use? / : :'

A past tenses @@ present tenses 3 Which of the following people should you not describe and why?

a historical figure C your best friend @ your nursery school teacher

4 In which paragraph should you say when, where - and how you irst mkt your - -- In which paragraph should you include your CO

friend? T5 1mmen6aniIor feelings about your

6 Which of the following main topics must you include? Tick (J).

A details about hisher school timetable D qualifications @ B physical appearance & clothes d E hobbieslinterests d C details about your friend's house F personality

I Paragraph 5 1 I (4

comments about the C-. --..

Page 42: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 6 Describing P e o ~ l e

t Wien you describe someone's physical appearance you star1 with the general features& height, build, age)and move on to the more specific ones, such


as hair, eyes, nose, etc. You can - also add a description of the -- - - , clothes the person likes to wear .. ---- - i g. b m 7 9 a tall, S/- n

er early twenties She has @red hair, green eyes and

,.sckles. She 'asuat/y wears smertwils.-

hen you descdbe someone's personal qualities you should support your description with examples andlor justif~cations. e.g. Wayne is very 8hy. For

~ ~ m p k , ~ t h k I y a m n t o m r k o n r r r ~

You can also describe someone's b) Read the article and label the paragraphs with the headings below, personality through their

then replace the topic sentences with other appropriate ones. mannerisms by: a) referring to the way they

,/ hobbieslinterests, name & whenlwherelhow met, commentslfeelings, speak physical appearance & clothes, personal qualities e.g. Hesg j@ha8of f vokeas

& kt@wm. 'L A Close Friend by Jim White c \of- b) describing the gestures they

J use Jacques has been my close friend for two years. I ~ a r a 1 p e.g.She - con8tantly - -- usor -- her

~ m . w h e n a h e m . c) mentioning a particulafiabit

they have. e.g Jason always blhr h18 nab

whenhekfI0lbWs. Note: When you mention someone's

negative qualities you should ...................... use mild language (seems to,

e is always friendly and -- -- can be rather, etc). For

t a fantastic sense of Pars example, instead of saying Paul is lazy, it is better to say Paulcanberatfierhqatffmes. ......................

............... 1

diving, too, and loves exploring life under the sea. All in all, I'm glad to have Jacques as my friend.

It's a pleasure to be with him and I really enjoy his ......S................ company. I'm sure we'll always be close friends. ......................

4 Read the article in 3b) again and circle the adjectives1 phrases used to describe Jacques' physical appearance and personality. Does Jacques have any negative qualities? Does the writer describe any of Jacques' mannerisms?


Page 43: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 6 Describin! P e o ~ l e

To make your piece o i writing more f interesting, you can use a variety of I. linking words and phrases to join sentences or ideas together. e.g. J o p has got red hair. She's got

frmes. 7 ~ h a s g o P r e d ~ a t I d f r e c l d e s . avid Is atall man. labfortigs. Devid is a tall man leleMtB.7- Bridget is an attractive woman. She's got shulder-hgth hair.

I Bridgclt is an attractive wlYh s h o u M e r m heh. Sheis~l.Sheisthm. She isboth lrrllundtMn. You can join descriptions of personal qualities by using i n r addition, also, and, moreover, etc

3.g. She is cheerful. She is always smlllng. She always behaves h

politely. i She Is cheerful and is always f smiling. Moreover, she always t - PIW. A

You can join descriptions of; contrasting qualifies by using but, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, etc

at school. He can be bossy at

i rg ~eisdeverandalwaysdoes~~ll i

times. He is clever end always W/ at school. However, he

5 Fill in the gaps with the correct linking wordlphrase from the list below.

and, but, with 7- - - - ( 'iTr ~ ~ a ~ ~ i n h i $ h t e i l ,,&!.$&dak hair and I - I qw. He ha& a bard .. I h... he hm't a. mthstache.

4% fib emhg jeans, T-shh 4 *a* .,.,v .'**,..*.*I I... *.v.. trainee.

and with, who


) Look at the pictures and circle the correct item, as in the

'a -

- ,# L . . -

Page 44: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 6 Describinu P e o ~ l e

b) Describe the people in the 8 Complete these descriptions using the adjectives in the list. pictures using a variety of structures and linking words. moody) energetic, generous, ---_ c h e e N lazy, impatient, aggressive, selfish

- -. p- - ............................................ $CU%3 .l Susie has dark hair, brown e y e s d a 1 Tom is Whenever he visits us he brings

small n o ~ ! & ~ ~ g ; g P ePsJJower~ S kI7! and~if ts / , < c . e for the children. ' 2 &?...,R ........................................... usan IS ....... ........... When she gets angry she starts sw ~ d i ( r . : r int: ~ o s i i i L ~ I C ( n i l ........................................................... shouting and bangs her fist on the table.


4 ..................................................... 3 Paulis .......... -6 ..................... 5 ........................................................ constantly looks at his w a g .

4 klison is ............. .?!%.6.-.-; ..................... She hardly ever gets tired and is

C 7 Match the adjectives to their justifications. Then, use your

I answers to talk about your fkiends andlor relatives, as in the example.

enthusiastic about 5 My aunt Betty is ,,,,W.. She is always in a good mood

and smiles a lot. ! G 6 Rick is ....... Lh ........... L .......... ....,,...... . He doesn't like working or doing

sports. He would rathe sit around and watch TV all day. 7 Angela is ........... kf .&L%.&.,. . She doesn't like sharing her toys

with other children. \ ~ L c U L Q 8 Wanda is ........................... ... ........... One minute she is happy and the

next she is sad and won't talk to anyone.

9 Read the paragraphs below and cross out the unnecessary words, as in the example. What is each paragraph about? How does the writer justify Megan's description? What- examples of her mannerisms A

does the writer give? - L

)fly sister is a generous person who . > h y s buys her family presents.

Mf:gan b a very &eerM &(lit-le girl 1 and w h ~ h,,ahap happy ancl smflhg,

2 ,w,...j......*.,rmr.Ir...-..r.

3 .. 1...11\*m.*1..1.....~~=~-..*

4 ...............,.... W., l=&*,.

B *,,.,,...,l a.. .m*, *-U ........h l

6 . I S l i ~ S ; H M I . * ( r . * . h m ~ * w d ~ s # * . . , l I -

\ 45

Page 45: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 6 Describinu People

10 Read the topic sentences, then 11 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words. Then, read the write appropriate supporting composition and put the paragraphs into the correct order. sentences, as in the example.

to write a composition desa4mg.a e.g. My grandmother is a very kind- Write your;omposition, describing

hearted person. ersonal qd i t ies She cares about everyone she meets, and she is dways ready to 'help some- one in f:oubk.


Z Chq @&0h6r i$ quit - M*",. ........................ d..*..M.& B ..?.. ..d..i.

Z I jib my frw: .e-~i~1d wwin, but

Page 46: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unil6 Describin! P e o ~ l e

l b) Have all the points in the rubric been included in the composition?

c) Which tenses have been 1 1 used?Why? ', f

I d) Underline the linking words1 phrases used in the main body paragraphs.

e) What mannerisms does the writer describe in the composition?

f ) _Underline the topic sentences and replace them with the ones below.

th's favourite pastime was reading. th was a gentle and affectionate

Ruth was quite attractive.

12 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the

I questions.

You have seen the following advertisement in your local newspaper;

a) Which of the following people would not be a suitable subject for this article? i) a school friend ii) -G) m e o n e you work with

\r b) What style should you use?&/ 9,) I 1 - c) Which tenses should you use? Why? d) Read the following topics and decide which ones you would

include in your article. Then use them to complete the plan below, as in the example.

the person's address D o u r comments/feelings hisiher hobbieslinterests description of the person's house

' description of hislher appearance .',, description of hisher personality/ description of hislher job mannerisms

9 name, when/where/how met

- I

Write your- describing his/ her appearance, personal qualities andlor mannerisms and hobbieslinterests. (120 - 180 words)

Main topicslpoints


when met: 2 years ago

wkre met: at werk

13 Read the rubric in Ex. 12 again and write your article (120-180 words). Use the plan and your answers from Ex. 12 to help you.


Page 47: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

1 Look at the table below, then listen to the cassette and tick the information mentioned. Finally, use the table to describe the city. b




Things ta see and M: -



omments: P

Argentina Antarctica [7 l

centre of the south-east coast north-east coast 5 country

Spanish Tower Cam Rooada

antiques fair 4 big market w ~ ~ r s t o r e 1 I i nce 5

1 better in August recommend it ) too noisy ol

i&iW~r~&‘~a~i~=d ,: .!:-Lr -~:::t-! .: .:. .. - - . . . -7

escriptive composition about a place or building should consist of:"!' A- -'H

/ a) an introduction in which you give the name and location of the place or building andlor the reason for choosing it; -

b) a main body in which you describe the main aspects of the place or building in

I detail - for example, when you describe a place you should describe what you can see and do there; when you describe a building you should describe its

' exterior and interior, as well as give historical facts about it;

c) a conclusion which includes your commentslfeelings and/or a recommendation.

I Descriptions of places or buildings can be found in tourist magazines, travel brochures, stories, letters, etc. The style you use depends on the situation and the intended . reader. For example, in an article for a magazine you should use semi-formal style and

I . a p~l i te~respectful tone. You normally use present tenses to describe a place1 building. You use past tenses to write about the historical facts.

i B

2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

I You have seen an advertisement in a n & e r n & m a J ~ k a w ~ a z i n e 'nviting readers to send in articles about a town they have visited. Wr'&article describing a town, including things to see and do as well as information about the town's shops and nightlife. -

s,i< - g;" \ 1 What type of writing is this? Who is going to ad thp? Are,you going to use chatty

language/abbreviations/colloquial h . phrases? Why (not)? -.---4

2 Which of the following points must you include? Tick (J). A main sights • B population and climate C shops •

D entertainment E trainschedules AL(\ \ P I ~ ' ~ Q \

F restaurants l " L 1

Introduction o...............

Paragraph 1 1

comments/feelings an recommendation

* The number of

Page 48: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb


Unit 7 Dmrilllfip Plste~~EulldInp~

bf Use v- &am part a] and the phrases below h &;tyansrn ,mineBe~pIe*

The mt f~hi~@vely/ Thetmnmtrehas ... ~tere%thg/atc pm &the dty is ... * The nightlife in ... L exciting

... The m a t famaw attmethn L with ... There is flew af ... a The town E% weU-knm for its ...

e.g. The most interestingpart of the city is the open-air m h t . The most famous attraction is the botanical gardens.

~ e n c j i l f n i y Ypl 3 a) Eead the 6 md label the plnlp~phs with iheJooimxt l'$$


the location of a placeibuil'ding, e the following phrases.

issituatedlis located ... in (the) southleastlwes2/south-east] north-westletc (of) ... .on the southleastlwestlnorth/etc

in the centre/heartlmiddle of ...

3 Look at the map, then use phrases from the table above to talk about the location of each todcity.


...................... 4 a) Match the wordslphrases in

the list to the headings that follow. Can you add any ......................


b) Underline the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs. Suggest other appropriate topic sentences.

c) Read the article in 5a) again and match the adjectives in bold with

Page 49: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 7 Describing Places/Buildings

J 7 Use the words in brackets to jo the sentences below.

To give the reader a more vivid picture of the place/building you are describing, you can refer to the senses (i.e. sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch). 1 Sydney is a large and interesting ci

. Visitors can dine watching the moon rise over the mountains. (sight) It offers visitors a wide variety ' * You can hear the sound of church bells ringing.(hearing) - - sights to see and things to do. (whic

* I remember the Far East with its aromas of exotic herbs and spices. (smell) Enjoy a cup of freshly-ground Italian coffee. (taste) Relax in the soothing warm waters of the Roman Baths. (touch)

2 It is full of exotic restaurahis. \1 can enjoy a meal there. (where)

\, LA 11 3 Sydney is'bn the south-east coasf \i

.< Australia. It has one of the bus1 6 a) Match the pictures (A-C) to the sentences (1-3). One of the pictures harbours in the country. (located

is not described. Which sense does each description refer to? ,>' 4 Sydney is an ideal place for a holic

I Stroll down the path and hear the relaxing sound of the leaves rustling.


sit outside one of the many charming cafks in the port and smell the fresh sea air. Enjoy a peaceful walk through

1 I the forest and admire the

colours of autumn. - -


- -

9 ,\%

It has awonderfui blend of cultu

m -\ and friendly people. (with)

8 a) Fill in the blanks with 1 correct adjectives.

delicious, friendly, tronical, famous

b) Now make sentences about the picture which has not been described.


To join short sentences you can use various linking structures. Study the examples below:

I r You should visit the old part of the city. It is full of ancient temples. You should visit the old part of the city, which is full of ancient temples.

* Young children will enjoy the local funfair. They can go on exciting rides ! l and eat tasty toffee-apples there. ! Young children will enjoy the local funfair, where they can go on exciting b rides and eat tasty toffee-apples. i P Charlie's Lobster House is one of the most popular restaurants in the

I ' area. It has delicious lobster dishes.

I Wfth its delicious lobster dishes, Charlie's Lobster House is one of the most popular restaurants in the area. 1' ' ' 4 , Ranega Airport is on the east coast of the island. It is one of the most

I .

I modern airports in the country. . Situated on the east coast of the island, Ranega Airport is one of the

kg, most modem ajpotts in the county.

Join us in Rio in 1) ........ c.2.b.. -east ~razil. No visit to Rio is complete W

cable car ride up Sugar Loaf M Why not take the tr Corvocado to see the 2) . statue "Cristo Redentor"? Don't miss the BotanicalG almost 5,000 -- . species of 3) .................. pianfS ind tre Have dinner at a traditi and try "feijoada" - it's Go to a musical or a 5) ..... Learn to dance the Bra one of Rio's samba halls. Rio has something to offer and the people are really

Page 50: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

'c b@d the rubric find m&&b

An intttrnational Vav~l 'm is running a corngietttiorr and has W @MeB?@ WPliEe, appmpfj;aL

asked its repden to @ ~ w i p t i o m 8( p 4 Z i worth visfiing. Sl lppoM~ m-* petition, dmribing- 1 In h.i?-fiee_ij'alik dciiii- i ~ t haw it

d do as wsll as irifonnation about nightiife Ycly histop as the home of CC

Royal Family. auld pu W a very f0rma1~ l,pemaml ~qle? Why (n01:]? 2 Roar the ouBidr:, the pd- h

mat ~ E W S ~hou1d ~SFQU usre? certainly i m p r d e , W c h of tbe points in part a) w~laldjm hclude h hp rnah be ~f your 3 The interior, which cm ncnror be $W

artidel L L J I ~ C , . \ c d c ( , t ~ , I "%*L& ,hi40tj:c9b bylllepuM&isI&~usl~bte$+ Read t b phras~ b e l o ~ W&& sense dm~ each refer to3 Which af t h ~

,* the aroma d fish mQee * deaf blue

When you write about a building, th * wld &tone fl~0fs main body of the essay should includ + i~nwwerd mm&im L. a paragraph on historical fact

. 1 - .l!#

about the building (whenlwhy I c] U@ the infi0mGm in E~ae 8a) ad your answers in EZL g#] $Q was built, etc) using past tenses.

hdp yau write your artid* about Ria de ~ 8 ~ h {1%-188 las01.d~). 4 a separate paragraph on th

use &E adele h h S& W a m&L , exterior (what i t is made o appearance, groundslgardens etc) using present tenses; and

9 a) Look at the table below, then listen to the cassette and tick (J) the ; ' a Paragraph on the inter10

E correct information. Y (rooms, furniture, pictures, etc) ,:'.g I - using present tenses. *, To give factual andlor historica

Windsor Ca ,I information about the exterior an I - interior of a building you can also use

the passive or prepositional phrases - (e.g. all around, to the left, etc).

e.g. Thepake&wmnmckdbyhigh

1 .a: ""Is. , T o t l n M o f t h e ~ ~

/ L /

~ckingham Palace

U C ] ,-,ge windows

&@ &ny narrow balcony A* '. , ga@& W@ pool gvrden with take

F r i o r : ' 1 100 rooms 600 rooms

' I red carpets n red ceilings

I ' I priceless photographs priceless paintings

Page 51: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 7 Describing Places/Buildings

10 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

I You a- for an international travel magazine. The magazine is ~ublishina a series of articles about castles. Write an article

I @Scritxgah%ous cas3including its history and a description of both the exterior and interior.


1 Who will read your article? 2 Look at the picture in part b). Which - . of the following would you use to

describe the interior/exter~or_~o~@e? swimming pool H, stone floors

'4d thick carpets .a#

tall towers modem paintings wooden furniture thick stone walls small attic ind.

, .

small windows glass elevator neon lights h/ huge balconies

6 ~ 6 1

b) Read the article and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, then say which verbs are active and which are passive.

. . - ... -

.... above me forest in the

.... ..... (buld) h 1 1

121 2, and it was where the famous Prince Wad Tepes bjce 3) !l..&rc~d .......... A. (live). The Knce and his majestic homewere the~piration foT~6m Stoker's '

~ D ~ c u l a . The castle . A- is certainly an amazing sight with its

ew over the countryside below. It has thick stone walls with small windows.

In medieval times, such windows 4) .W.W...&,@~ (make) the castle easier to defend.

rior is dark and gloomy. Each room has a luge fireplace and 5) h .... fg.r??!.m........ (furnish) with simple wooden items.

walls, and no carpets on the cold s G e floors. It looks grand, ............... (nothlesign) for comfort!

Although it may not the typi lisit. R is a truly unique experience.

1 1 a) Fill in the boxes with wor phrases from blow.

bookshelv~sl pooden cofle 1---__8 table i

pond, large windows, leather sofas, unu lamps& -- - beds h11 of beaut~ful - flG -

modem paintings

* W U ' pat ,l i ,'G3 + b) Describe each of the

pictures using phrases fk the table above, as in tbc example.

C) Read the text again and complete the table below with information about the castle, then talk about Bran castle. I

Facts: Hismriol 1 Exterior: I


Page 52: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Qi's 7:; ,!+ L ($3 , >lOrl( 01 1 1 It- '4 1 $ 2 ~ t crJ

& E [ , i W J ,l A*, / s in jr Llf ) / , ( l F l


Unit 7 Describing Places/Buildinos


;/ 1.5 ,,l(,*U ~ ' , , , J r f , , . d /> *! / ) / / ,

b) Match the extracts to the pictures. One of the extracts and one of the pictures do not I

From the outside, the building is impressive with its red brick walls.

2 a) Read the extracts. Which one

an article in a travel rnaga~ine?~

an g a t e agent's advertisement? 4

c) Use the notes below to write part of a letter to a friend about the extra picture not described in a&

1 guess wherelgollast daylour holiday 4 it/makelcoloured marble 2 visit/L,eaning Tower bf Pisa 5 belamazing sight 3 jtbeltallleight-storeyltower

13 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then mmer the questions.

Your teacher has asked you to write a description of the most famous

I building-e school magazine. Wriie your artic including historical -- facts as well . . acdescnbin-and .- -h i n t e z -

1 Who is going to read your article? Are you going to use abbreviations1 chatty descriptions? WhyIWhy not?

2 How many paragraphs should you write? What should you write in each? 3 Which is the most famous building in your townlcity? When was it built? 4 What kind of building is it? A church? A museum? A castle? etc 5 What is it famous for? Is it the oldest building in your townlcity? Did

somebody famouslimportant build it or live in it? etc 6 What is it used for today? A school? A library? etc 7 What does it look like from the outside? What is its inside like? 8 Is it worth visiting? 9 What topic sentences would you write for the main body paragraphs?

What supporting sentences would you write for each paragraph?

b) Use your answers from part a) to write your description (120 - 180 words). You can use the article in Ex. lob as a model. .

f& @ f 4: g @ a u u r *-G 53 IJ ( W C W ~ U ~ f M ~ ~ l U / )

Page 53: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

UNIT 8 Describing Objecls

dark brown 0

f * bus ~ fnd


match them to


£75, it's great val~+!

grand dining room, the Jescriptions of objects can be found in leaflets, catalogues, advertisements or thing she noticed was parts of letters, stories, reports or articles. huge polished woo When you describe an object, you should give an accurate picture of it. Your table. It stretched from

long, etc), shape (e.g. circular, oval, etc), pattern or decoration (e.g. plaln, checked, etc), colour (e.g. brown, multi-coloured, etc), origin (e.g. African, Japanese, etc) and material (e.g. leather, plastic, nylon, etc), as well as any information concerning special features (e.g. W, stichs, &). To describe objects you should use a variety of adjectives. Always list opinion adjectives (e.g. beautiful, inexpensive, unusual, etc) first, followed by fact adjectives. These are normally listed in the following order: sizelweight, age, shape, pattern, colour, origin or material (e.g. lerge, rectangular, silver, eetc). Avoid using all of them one after the other, as this will make your description sound unnatural - e.g. Instead of writing: Ks a km&, (,, dd, oval mimKw#h a carved wooden hame ... you could write: It's a lovely, heavy, old mimr. It's oval, with a ~ f r ~ m e m a d e o f w w d .

Page 54: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 8 Describinu Objecls

3 Fill in the table below with words from the list, as in the example.

fabulous, plastic, long, elegant, straps, round, green, Chinese, striped, heavy, 20th century, crystal, light, paper, extraordinary, rectangular, ancient, purple, Irish, square, cawed, stickers, modern, red; Indian, polka-dot, handmade - - zE!m ........................................................................


5 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words.

You lost a sports bag while you were staying at a hotel. You think you may have left it at the gym. Write a letter to the

. manager, describing the bag.

b) Tick the words/phrases that match the special features of the bag in the picture below.

1 a) Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct order.

1 One of the most precious gifts I have ever received is a ............................. .................................... ... ................................. mask my best friend gave me. (Venetian, beautiful, ceramic)

2 As Mary was going through the trunks in the attic, she came across her great-grandfather's ...................... .. .................................................... radio, (old-fashioned, wooden, carved) Peter and I went to the local bazaar yesterday and we bought a ............... .................................................................................................................... W. b (hand-woven, fantastic, multicoloured, late 19th century)

$ Two ................................................................................................ deckchairs or sale at an excellent price. Call John on 8553212 for more information. 'oak, brand-new, long)

b) Match the pictures (A-D) to the descriptions (1-4) above.

zips shoulder strap wheels handles locks 0 side pockets

c) Read the letter, then write the missing paragraph describing the bag in detail. Use wordslphrases from above, as well as appropriate adjectives (30-40 words).

Dear Sirhladam, I am writing to inquire about a

that I think I left at your hotel on th;' :vening of Saturday, 10th November. '

, . I I,,,-. I . .......................... - ~ . i ~ ~ ~ . . M ~ ~ . i a ~ . u . ~ ~ ,.... p1uu I - ......................................... r..r....%......*o*r*r

................................................................. The bag contained a pair ,of g$

rousers and a blue tracksuit. I would be grateful if you could

nform me at your earliest convenience vhether the bag has bwn found. I can je contacted in the mornings only on

Page 55: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

UNIT 9 Describing Feslivols/Evenls/Celebrolions

at the end of S e p t , d j

I 1 Read the table below, then listen to the cassette and tick (J ) the infor

acmbuts perfarm tr icb

Paragraph 1 .$,C

the event. name, timelplace of You can use a variety of adjectives and adverbs to make y ' - xription m vivid. e.g. Cheerful fans shouted enthusiasUcaIly as the rod. ,., , .fied.

7Youca~ uoathe passive to describe events when the activity is more important than the agent (i.e, the person who did it) e.g. After the parade, speeches @re made and hymns are sung.

Descriptions of festivals, events or celebrations can be found in magazines, news-

1 Which of the following should you not write about? Give reasons. *an event held once a week in your local area 4, 0.0 .......m*. I

B a festival held every year in your country %a ceremony that takes place every year in another country

detailed description of the town preparations before the event mportant monuments in the area

3 Which tenses should you mainly use? Why? 56

Page 56: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

I Unit ! Describing Festivals/Events/Celebralions

b) Look at the picture in the article below and answer the questions. hat kind of event is it? ~ 3 n r F t 7 U C rows of c&&&aux

boat race B a carnival 3' c~lourful tents ere do you think it takes place? d E elegantly dressed spectators

England B in Africa J, F boats rushing towards the at time of year is it? finishing line

A winter $ summer Which of the following match

5 Have you ever attended an event similar to this? How did you

the water feel? Would you like to attend ' B exotically dressed dancers such an event? Why?

c) Read the article below and put the verbs into the correct tense in the active or passive, as in the example, then match the headings below to the paragraphs.

description of actual event ...3... preparations ...&.. feelings, comments, f m l thoughts ..Q .... mm, placeltim, reason ..a. ..

d) Read the article again and fill in the f811E-@flour notes. Then


Para 1: ............................

............................ Para 2: ............................

............................ Para 3: ............................

............................ I

Para 4: ............................

d m &e &be w p & e for prGes, especially for the p&g'is Grand Challenge ~ 7 ~ . last yea;, I went to see what

Mi~~rhing d r i n k p ; m f m m many munbas P) .!? k&mther;tceskgan.

Page 57: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 9 Describinu Festivals/Events/Celebrations

3 a) Fill in the gaps in the extracts with adjectives from each list. 5 Match the beginnings a Which extract describes an annual event? Which one describes a endings below. Then, say w h ~ past event? refer to annual events, a

f - which refer to past events. H n o ncy-dress, h nd-carved, scary, colourful, creative ?L- - ... - doesldid each writer feel?

Days before the 31st October, children go to 1) ",\

shops and decide which 2) W-,.. costumes who are more 3) ... !%.U!. .... !.g ..... prefer to make their own r -- W costumes. These can be anything from 4) .war... 'm

b { l < l \ ........................ monsters to 5) ..\?.L.!! characters fro , fairy tales. Children also go trick-or-treating an(

C( make 6) ............................... lanterns from pumpkins.

r , , > c v ~ u d ~ m _ -2 disappointed, poor

&the end of the concert, I felt r e v L) . ~ . J ~ ~ & ~ , ~ . ! - ~ ' N~~ only was the sound quality 2) ..p. .L!.: ........................ but

- 1 , t \ .................................... also the lighting was so 3) that we could hardly see the stage. I don't think 1'11 be attending

xt year's Rock Festival. -


glamorous, glittering lucky

The Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars, take

all over the worl

.... ' 3) ones to take home an Oscar.

b) Which paragraph is an introduction, a conclusion or a main body paragraph?

4 Rewrite the following short paragraphs, putting the verbs in bold into the passive, as in the example.

the broad smile on his face W A People celebrate Guy Fawkes' Day every 5th November. Children make was surrounded by all his fami

an effigy of Guy and buy fireworks with their pocket money, People build , , big bonf'res in gardens or at organised sites. In the evening, they let off 4 spectacu ar fireworks. Everyone eats baked potatoes. At the end of the evening, they burn the ef f ia of Guy. I

e.g. Guy Fawkes' Day is celebmted every 5th November ...

B They display the latest computers in a large hall and companies give away however, it is a day for rofl a lot of free software. They show full-length feature films in the auditorium. Everyone usually enjoys the event immensely.

Page 58: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 8 Describing FeslivalslEvents/Celebrolions

a) The prompts below are about activities that take place before and 2 Look at the activities for an

during the Dominica Carnival. Label them B (for before) or D anniversary celebration and label them B (for before) and D (for during). A make guest list • B decide on menu C take photographs D dance to music [7

3 Have you ever been to a similar celebration? What was it? Who else was there? Did you have a good time? Did anything special happen?

4 Which of the following would be suitable as an introduction to your

b) Use the prompts above to write the main body paragrapns for a essay? Why is the other extract not

composition describing the Dominica Carnival. suitable? Give reasons for your answers.

H7 Listen to the cassette and tick (J) the correct boxes, then use the table to describe the celebration. Is it an annual event or not?


sn for celebration:

held: I hotel reception room m large house l oked hotei rooms c

eaned the house .M:, - k a l d a g : Guests: /

Food: fi l Music:

50 500

three-course meai a hot buffet 7 3

Sixties '; Seventies 7 - .I

members didn't come

8 Read the rubric below and underline the key words, then answer the questions.


I Your c& has asked you to desnibe@wedding a n ~ m s a r y -U have recentlv attended.? Write your cdmpositih+ including descriptions of the preparations .--- and the activiti-es on the -_. --- a@ day-

1 Which of the following are not suitable for this essay? Circle. A 25th wedding anniversary B wedding reception

=Every anniversary is special to a married couple, but the twenty-fifth, or silver wedding anniversary is a particularly important occasion. Last Saturday was my parents' silver wedding anniversary. My brother and I organised a huge party so that Mum and Dad could celebrate the big day in style. ,.!, ld

,-A.. . - - be par2;y Had a rea/iy lively

atmosphere. There were more than f i f ty guests, and lacer in the evening, everyone got Up and hnced, The DJ played my dads favourite music from the Sixties - I've never seen him dance so much1

en use your answers from Exs* 7 and 8 to --- wriey- ~omposition (DO-180 words). You can use the text in Ex, 2 as a model.


Page 59: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

UNIT 10 ~i rs l -oerson Norrolives

(;P 1 a) Listen to the story and put the pictures into the correct order, then answer the questions.

1 Who are the characters in the story? 3 What title would you give this story? 2 Which of them is telling the story?

b) Listen again, then look at the pictures and tell the story.

. . I

erson narratives are written in the first-person (Ilwe) about a series of events, imaginary, which happened to us. A first-person narrative should consist of:

/ +l , a) an introduction in which you set the scene (who was involved, time, place, etc) in an interesting way to make the reader want to continue reading;

, b) a main body, consisting of two or more paragraphs, where you develop your , . story, presenting the events in the order they happened; and

c) a conclusion which includes what happened at the end of the story, as well as people's feelings, final comments or reactions. A surprising ending makes a long- lasting impression on the reader. You should normally use past tenses in such pieces of writing, as well as a variety ' of adjectives or adverbs to make your story more attractive to the reader. Narratives can be found in articles, letters, novels, etc. To attract the reader's attention, give interesting and catchy titles to your stories, especially if they are for a magazine, newspaper, etc. i\,,-

2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

I A local newspaper is holding a story competition and you have decided to enter. Your story should start with: "I stood on the deck staring at the huge waves." Write your story for the competition.

1 Who is going to read your story? 3 What shquld your story be about?

2 Who should your story be about? ,,4 A a boat trip

A your brother B yourself i/ \ B h a i n accident

1, C a warm summer's day in the mountains

I Paragraph 1

Set the scene '

[who - where - 1 ~~ u.L..*r......

Paragraphs 2 - Develop Phe sk detai led descri l events in the or happened

t ;

I final Paragraph

end of story, f comments or r e a

Page 60: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 10 First-person Norrotives

3 a) Look at the picture in the story below a i d answer the questions. c) Read the story again and

Where did the story take place: on a ship? on a train? number the events in the order What was the weather like: cold and windy? warm and sunny? in which they happened. Then, What do you think the problem was: a hijacking? a fire in the engine room? use the list to retell the story

as if it had happened to you.

nearest lifeboat station.

m We put on lifejackets. -

b) Read the story and underline the correct tenses. Then, label the A fire started in the engine /-

paragraphs with the following headings. room.

/ m[ We went to the lifeboats. C

The engines stopped. -l

F[ The ferry left port. S-

The engines started again. '_r

-- F--<- -

An Unf~rg--~ Jam--y ra. &h=- on the deck, staring at the huge wave @tn ike wi

&ere leaving port and sailed into the Engbh EJRnneI, W jot worse and worse, Now, lightning flashed across the Q%

inras covered in dark clouds.

d) Read the story again and fill in the correct adjectives, then make sentences using. the completed collocations.

R ....................................... 1 .!:gr..c waves

2 ...... d~..i..L ...................... clouds

sea 4 boat

............... 5 ...................% 1i.d ground

Para 2 ................. .................

rum- U

................... ..............a.... : r +h,. - A :

Melv to the nearest lifeboat station. ( P,,q ,

-re showing us how to put them on. L I.G. LI IG I I I ~ I I I - +hn a+,,,,,

ras looking again in horror zlt the wild, stUfll~y Se:

- 1 1 . f .

start writing y decide on the - events which

L1 IG Q L U l y . - - G T ' ~ %U should ................... ( these eve ............... l L - . - . . - J ,

everything was under control and the danger was over. we- I

hiid. cheered as the engines s k & d again and &B $hip -§.moving forward intgthe waves. . . .

make sure that nts in the or 7 - . I- .... LL ...

'our plol mal

YOU der -.

story : line. te up

write they

-1 nappenea. I o snow me sequence OT

events you can use linking words such as: as soon as, while, before,

--: .-- . . . ' . . - -*&l iG1- -:S A

6 1

Page 61: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

\unit l? First-person Norrolives

4 a) Read the rubrics below and match them to the plot lines. Can you suggest alternative plot lines?

I A magazine is holding a competition for the best short story ending with

e "We wouldn't lose our house. "

! Your teacher has asked you to write a short story ending with "The boy looked at me and smiled. I had saved his life."

A I walked down the railway tracks. B My brother and T were looking 1, I saw a young boy listening to a at some bills.

walkrnan playing on the tracks. The phone rang. ';L @ The train came. ,, ,C L I A lawyer invited us to his office.

I ran towards the boy. He told us a distant relative of p @ I pushed him off the tracks. ours had died.

The train went by. 7- She left us £100,000.

b) Read the rubric and the plot line, then put the events in the order they happened. Finally, use the plot line to tell the story as if it had happened to you.

A magazine has asked its readers to submit short stories starting with these words. 'As soon as I got off the train I knew this would be - a special day in my life. "

the train. the wallet up.

!d the owner's address.

a wallet on the station floor. to buy myself a watch. the wallet. he owner's house.

it and looked inside.

5 Read the extracts below and fill in the gaps with the linking words and phrases from each list.

before, eeenfualiy, meanwhile, as as, sudenb, afrer a while

\ _.- -

................................... , 1) I arrived at the bank I joined the queue and waited for my turn. 2) ........... 53.d ................., two men burst through the door and ran to the cashier, shouting loudly. 3) .... ..b~-, ...................... we knew it, the men had forced the cashier to open the security door. 4) ...., y.r ... :..G ...., the bank manager called the police. 5) ........ ............... ., we heard the police car siren blaring, but by the time they arrived, the robbers had left the building. The police chased-them and 6) .... %.;;F,;-.c.., ......... caught them.

Malently .to gy~8d it, l

oLd B f Wum @f@l

6 a) Match the phrases below to pictures (A-D) on page 63, There is one extra piedure which you do not need to use, Finally, listen to the cawttt and check your answers.

b) Which of the senses sight, hearing, smell, and touch) have been

Page 62: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

F You can use various past tenses in your story: - past simple, to describe actions which started and ended in the past, or

actions which happened one after the other in the past.

I e.g. I went to Pars IastmonOlL, 1 walked past the bankand stopped at the post offic8 to buy some stamps.

- past continuous, to set the scene or to describe eventslactions in progress at

I a certain time in the past. e.g. &~poutingwithmAtbatmi~ W e ~ a l l ~ n g i n t h e l ~ n g m m . -

- past perfect, for actions which happened before other past actions, or to give the background of the story, e.g. I decided to call MrJones and tell him Sha abaut what had happened*

'- -L - - -

be brave and@-went/w$ going downstairs to see if U

S really a burglar. A few minutes later, I 10) had terrified at the bottom of the stairs, looking round for

a burglar. I t was then that I 11) was seein& that the 'burglar' 12) waslhad been my little brother, who 13) was gettinpihad ent an tn Q

- An interesting beginning is as important as an interesting ending. An interestin{ beginning will catch the reader's attention and make himlher want to continue

a reading. A good ending will make himlher feel satisfied. ' You can START your story by:

It a) using your sense8 to set the scene and describe the weather, atmosphere,

surroundings or people's actions to create mystery or suspense.

I sg. 1 coutd hear the wfnd howfhg around me. h wmrs qulte dark that night nditW&wqebbeoutinthewildemessallalona 1 b) using direct speech. r fi

frlrbain used to tell us. c) asking a rhetorical question, i.e, question that does not require an

I answer. e.g. Haw you ever travelled by baln on a watm summer nIgW d) addressing the reader directly. e.g. I am sure yov all know whgt a bargain is. e) referring to your feelings or moods, e.g. I was exhausted becaclse I had

been painting walls all day.

Page 63: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 10 First-person Narratives

4 YOU. can END your story by:

a) using direct speech. e.g. Thank you, sir," the boy saM b me. b) referring to your feelings or mbods, e.g. mm sMwdngbuiw mm,

have made it c) asking a rhetorical question. e.g. Why r#d l haw to suffer so much?" d) describing people's ~ c t i . o n s tolfeelings about the events developed

In the main bpdy. a~Aty~hadbecumShehevoof Ihedgrand1 =-m:

8 a) Match the beginnings to their endings.

us woke up to the sound of thephor Itwas night. All was quiet and peaceful in my c C .

L . &inging. The voice on the other en parents Were sleeping in their roomsJ was lying in bed,, of the line simply said, "Juan, it ArdiiKt6fall qsleen '\ me. Meet me on the corner in ha an hour."

was a freezing cold momfng. JU~II I I~ and I were packing Our

Our fligm was leaving later that afternoon. 'I can't waitJ!P@Ov me 3 I'm sure you all know what it's liE hnt 2nd slrnnv we&& said Joanne- when you have to sit an exam th,

you haven't studied for. Well, la May I was getting ready to ...

4 One day I went to school. On tl parenb had tom us never to go in there, we way, I crashed my bike into a tre sure mat vou would have done the same if

- A - - The bike was badly damaged ... 5 I was r, lly tired and w~ looki~ & night's slee

, Suddenly, I heard a strange sour

s(, coming from-rden.

b) Which techniques have bee] used in each beginning ant ending?

C) Write a suitable beginnby and ending for a story v d the title "My Worst Day".

9 a) Read the beginnings. Whic one do you think is the lea, interesting? Why?

1 As I sat down at my desk and stare kit the pile of revision notes, all

U. $ could think was, "Why me?"

2 It was a warm, sunny morning and

b) Which of the above beginnings:

use(s) the senses m[ uses(s) direct speech nI[I ' address(es) the reader directly 11 C refer(s) to feelings or moods J C

c) Rewrite the least interesti: introduction using any the techniques mentioned

Page 64: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

questions. 10 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the

rpopular r n - ~ ~ is holding a 9 s a o t y competition and you

I have decided to enter. Your story must end with the words "It was the best day of my life." Write your story.

1 Who is going to read your story?

I 2 Who is the story going to be about? \,";l 3 What should your story be about?

A a disastrous incident you'll never forget B your weekly routine at work C a day with an unexpectedly good ending 0

b) Look at the pictures, then read the plot line and put the sentences into the correct order.

-- A woman stopped me. h - I helped her change the tyre, - I waved goodbye and left. 5 - She got me afroit-row seat. - I arrived too late for the concertc - I was driving to a concert. - I saw the woman I had helped a t b - After the concert I met the band.

the entrance of the concert hall. - She

c) Look at the pictures and use the plot line to complete the sentences bebw. Then, retell the story in your own words.

ight last year, I was on my way to see my favourite rock band. Suddenly, fi..(?.$'::.:~"! .... ~?.f;.&~+>.Y!,!.i.~ ' q'44

t,\ P :..?.;!- 5 ..:.~;!...L:~;.::;;.I:.L : I -I ...... .....S .........

The woman thanked me, then got in her car aqd drove gway. I':.l:!?.:,:.!: .... >:.?.':,..!!::..;6 ................. .....................................(..................*... When I arrived at the concert hall, the doors were closed.

..... I was about to leave when I saw ............................................................

...................... ............................................................ me backstage to meet

1 1 Read the rubric in Ex. l 0 again then write your story in 120-180 qord..s.JJ~yawmwers f rm p E C ~ O to help you. You can use the sturyi* %as a rmkk -

Page 65: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

r']T - 1 1 Third-person Norrolives m 1 The pictures below are from a story about an embarrassing incident. Try to

put them in the correct order, then listen to the cassette and check your answers. Finally, look at the pictures and retell the story using the words1 phrases in the list.

A C late, rushed, in a huny, relieved slight delay, embarrassed


/" rhird-person narratives are written in the third person (helsheltheyletc) and are re imaginary stories about another person or other people. Like a first-person narrative, a third-person narrative should consist of: a) an introduction in which you set the scene (who was involved, time, place, etc) in an

interesting way to help the reader imagine the scene and want to continue reading; b) a main body consisting of two or more paragraphs in which you develop your

, !?l L! story presenting the events in the order that they happened; and

- - .- c) a conclusion in which you say what happened at the end and refer to people's feelings, final comments or reactions.

2 RWI me: mbdc tmd underhe the key wanhp &en mmr the qwtiom.

I A popular annerund a v. The story must begin with . --h?" U J h Wed h& F&$&. Write your - - - _- w r y for the cornpetitton. m

-A v-

I Who is going to rend y~ story? -5, ed i d ~ f 2 Which of the fa11mhg chmcter(8 should your sbq be about?

tk you and paz fiend, Josh a madboy called Joih and his friend 3 What shauld your story be about? . -

A Jah'sptuerr$ 8 an aaideat that hathaped M JoSh and hk friend C J~~~ mobio$raphy

etailed- descripiion -of the vents in the order they

-happened P

4 What ~ I~mid the f i i Batence: af p u r story be? BB \

Page 66: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

3 a) Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1 Where were Josh and his friend M m ? A By a lake. B, On a mountain.

2 What did they want to get across? c 3 A river. B A mountain.

3 How did they reach the other side? A By climbing a fence. B By walking across a rope bridge,

4 What happened when Josh began tk walk on the bridge? A': One of the ropes snapped. B The wind started blowing strongly.

5 u o w do you think he felt? ! I& h a r e d . B Relieved.

6 What do you think happened to him in the end? h, Marty helped him get across. B He fell in the river. L

b) Read the story and find out what happened to Josh in the end. Then, Iabel the paragraphs with the headings below. Finally, number the events in the plot line irithe order they happened.

end of story, feelings and comments development of story

setting the scene

...................... Marty grabbed Josh.

Josh started to cross the rope bridge.

Marty and Josh walked away from

c) Choose the best title for the

a An Underwater Adventure

Page 67: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 11 Third-person Narratives

5 Complete the sentences with verbs from the list, as in the example.

m e e @ n e ~ , m admitted s c 6 m e --- 3 @@@T

I Use a variety of verbs such as wondered, screamed, whispered, etc to avoid using "said" all the time. e.g. Instead of: "MP/' he said.

you can write: "He@l' he sawmed.

I Use similes i.e. expressions which describe people or things by comparing them to someone or something else. N

e . g . S h e r a n l l h t h e w i n d . h ~ e m q u ~ a s a ~ . -#'if' Use present or past participles to join two simple sentences into one longer, more soph~sticated sentence. . r r -..Tvl

e.g. Instead of: He turned a, the light He sa$ b&br8,n d't&k?: you can write: 7limIng on the light, he saw someone in the room. *,

Instead of: She was relieved. She leff the police $ation. % .

; b d l 'b;

you can write: RelleHed, she l& the police siation. : ,, , , ,

"Who sent me these beautiful flowers?" Anne wondered, as she opened the small'card attached to the bouquet. "Of course I'll help you paint the cabin," Car1 ...p. L.E?2i.%d ..... his sister when she called, "Now, don't forget to ,pick up the tickets from the travel agents,"

~ n d e d Susan .................................. Bob. 4 "Run, Terry! Run faster!" Tom $.M ........ as the lion leapt over the rock.

4 a) The following adjectives or adverbs can be used instead of other ''lfyOu anybody what ............ I'll Game after you," the man

-. d..... Dave and Ben before

to Rachel when she saw it lying on

6 a) Match Column A to Column B to complete the similes, as

boxes above.

come true for her.

Page 68: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

I b) Use similes to complete the sentences, as in the example.

l 1 Grace dived in the sea and started swimming. She was a very good swimmer. She swam like a

1 It was ...a .... hl.&& ................. night inside the cave. Jeff looked for his torch.

% 3 She cried like ......... d ................................................... when she heard the

bad news. b d y m-

as LELJ 4 The children were ............................................ fi.5 ..... bees helping their parents prepare the garden for the party. o l cc$. 5 Sally was so scared that she was shaking like ...........W .......................... I

1 7 a) W the m e e t syniinym orantonym from the list Can you think of any others to add to the table? It @-@*


.. ......b.. ) .WUyj.. calm - t 1 b) Match the adjectives (1-6) to the feelings of the speakers (A-F).

sentences in the past simple, as in the example.

relieved 3 worried 5 confused m

amazed 4 amused @ excited B ,A-

rm - lat's a really L funnyjoke!

Unit 11 Third-uerson Narratives




A I'm glad

e.g. 1 She W rrlieved becaure ir wac F- all over. l

8 a) Fill in the gaps with the correct aaective or adverb

Page 69: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 11 Third- ers son Narratives

11 a) The following paragraphs are from a story about a journey. Put them in the

g correct order, then answer

[ - A helpful air steward helped into the icy water. Sharon m

b) Answer the questions.

1 Which part of a story is each paragraph from? on the shore with all her strength.

Horrified, Shamn realised that 2 How does the writer feel in each paragraph? the plane was going to crash.

Passengers were screaming and 9 Underline the correct adverb. , shouting. Sharon put her head

would hear him. her seat and pulled it over ',;

4 The young man's hands shook nervously/confidently as the policeman asked to see his driving licence.

about their holidays. d' 6 James calmly/hurriedly grabbed his sandwich box, kissed his mum

goodbye and ran to the school bus which was already waiting outside. story? W r e is helse?

2 What is happening? 10 Join the sentences using present or past participles. 3 How is helshe feeling?

1 He closed the door. He heard someone screaming. 4 Which part of the story are the

Closing the door, he heard someone screaming paragraphs from? 2 She was worried. She decided to call the local hospital.

Wonied, she decided to call the local hospital. b) Choose appropriate phrases 3 He fell to his knees. He started cryin 1 \'L( J c , from below to write the

................... ................ ..... Cf .C. .. s.4 &K d ad.. ..... w ~ ~ ~ $ . .! .~.%.3.. conclusion of the stazy. 4 They were whispering, They wa4kGdudaQ the stain. @ shivering with cold ............................................................................................................................ 5 He was frightened. He realised no one would help him. elaxed and calm

............................................................................................................................ 6 He stood at the edge of the cliff, He watched the magnificent sunset.

reach the end of the tunnel ............................................................................................................................ 7 She was covered with a warm blanket. She finally felt safe.

Y o n e of the happiest days in hislher ............................................................................................................................ 8 She was annoyed. She gathered her things and left the room. @ E i b i n g experience ............................................................................................................................


Page 70: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unil 11 Third-person Norrotives

12 a) Read the beginnings (1 - 3) and match them with the correct endings (a - c). Which pair do you consider to be the worst? Why?

Tina and her brother watched in horror as the water rose h@er and higher around them.JiDon't worry! I'll think of something," said Tina's

sure you all know what it feels like to finally reach the end of a , hungry and tired, only to find that nobody is waiting for you.

ted that he and his friends go camping for the weekend - . ---

I e As I waited for the taxi &&m, I lwked around me one last time, hoping *;1 see a familiar fa=. "Were is everyone?'' I wondered.

the rescue worker helped them off the roof and into the boa,, ,,, d, "That was smart thinking on your part, son."

9 The next morning, they took down their tents and went back home.

b) Which writing techniques (if any) have been used in each one? Rewrite the worst pair using suitable writing techniques.

13 a) Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1 What time of year was it? 2 Who do you think the people in 4 Do you think they were ha&g a

the picture were? good time? --.


5 What time do you think it was? 6 What happened? 7 Do you think they were in danger? 8 How do you think they felt?

9 Who found them?

10 How do you think they felt? 11 What do you think they said to the


b) Read the notes below and put the events in the order they happened. Look at the pictures, then use the notes and your answers from Ex. 13a to retell the story.

late afternoon - decide leave - start crossing rocks - realise - sea too far in - trapped Mother: "It's l ike paradise!" -

qparents sunbathe - children I see small tourist boat passing by - wave arms - boat pick I I them up J

14 Read the rubric and underline the key words. Then, write your essay. Use your answers to Ex. 13 to help you. You can use the story in Ex. 3b as a model.

Your teacher has asked you to write a story which must end with the words: "They decided to be more careful next time. " Write

- your gtary (120 -1 80 words). C W-- -L, 31

Page 71: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

W 1 Look at the table below, then listen to the cassette and tick (J) the information mentioned. Finally, use the table to report the event described.

*l%sday night m last nigb*

I isbnd of St Finn islond of Pepco

Main !vent oil tanker hit rocks

chemicals Leaked into sea oil kakedinto sea

seabirds. wildlife harmed seabirdr rildUfe unharmed

:~mtnent~ and beach now crosed bekrl being cleanar lction to be ken:

MW residents angry residents calm

first time faced such a / one of worst situations situation ever faced

t u : l r : c ' : < :m -7.:. ;'l'- mews curren even S W IC

public (e.g. natural disasters, accidents, political or sports events, social are formal and impersonal in style and they pre'sent facts accurately, o unemotionally. Therefore, they do not include feelin are part of someone's comments quoted in direct spe A news report should consist of:

a) a short, eye-catching headline; b) an introduction which sum

place and people involved; .... m............ c) a main body consisting of two or more paragraphs in which the event is

detail, including information about incidents and the people involved; and d) a conclusion which includes people's comments on the event, action(s) summary of the event -

, andlor future developments. 1 I what/who/when/where I ' ' News reports are found in newspapers, magazirles, el

tenses, the passive and appropriate reporting verbs in tk 'OU

Ine 8

-mally use past) wm: Main Body , , r n ~ 'itinn I !-Xf& . . . . . . . m . . . . . . . . .

-CI I -.- Paragraphs 2, 5, 4 *

2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

I You work for The BGd-d and have been asked to write a news re ort about apw@cQld who rece~ved - an -- award for bravery. Include detai e S about- reason the award was given and information about the prize-giving ceremony.

A _----_I_-_ _ 1 Who is going to read your report?

A your school friends B readers of the newspaper you work for

2 Which of the following should your article not be about? Give reasons. A a man who saved a child from drowning B a boy who risked his own life to save his father C a woman who stopped a bank robbery from taking place


I description and detailed information about event,

l comments andlor actions

I to be taken and/or future m-=-',- develo~ments --- - ---. .. -- of main body

Page 72: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

3 Which of the following must you include in your article? Tick (J).

A when and where the award ceremony took place

B a description of the young child's appearance

C why the award was presented 0

D the weather on the day of the ceremony n

#' %


4 In which paragraph of your report should you give a brief summa event?

?F+ cool; r P L 1 it: 5 In which E r a a h should you includ eo le's comments on t 6 ~ h o a d you u e S ort forms? colloqula anguage? chatty descriPtionmf

I so, where in your report should you use them? l

f ~ / . ~ t r ; { y , G ' r : / , -r ' "L,

Jkdtnii C v ; iil & O ~ O I mrtt i$&rf@ i FOP# C~;SUQ ky F t , a j ErawI5 be hgTd h h o h j h (FK~:'~ p& l\( v3

u u u s r ! h l I'RI?$CC , L ! ~ ( A ) Unll l20 News Re~orls

3 a) Read the news report below and label the paragraphs with the correct headings.

people's comments summarv of event

description of ceremony reason for award

3.9 c ;>?L>-:,'.-

.:.A ten-year-old boy f-'#for bravery in a

yesterday. The award w-to Thomas Dakin by Bridgeton Mayor, John Archer. . , ,

The decision came after Thomas save@%' father's life on a hiking trip in YorLshire last month. Thomas risked his owa life So- free @&&rJNeil Dakin, 33, who was trapped under axeavy bGlder during a rock fall. Thomas called for help on his father's mobile phone and stayed by his side for five hours until the rescue team arrived.

The award ceremony began at ll:00 yesterday morning with a speech from the mayor, who congratulated Thomas and presented him with the medal. This was followed by an informal lunch in the town hall's Kilburn Suite. The event was attended by

i members of the council and ~ h o m a s ~ w Neil Dakin, now fully recovered, commented that

bravery had been his l i e to him. Mayor mas is an example tc

on is very proud of him."

b) Underline the verbs in the passive. Which reporting verbs have been used in the report? In which para- graph(~) are they? Justify your answer.

c) Read the report again and use words from the list to complete the phrases below. Then, talk about what happened to Thomas Dakin, as in the example.

presented, riskedi &Pne, owed, trapped,

a n f o r m a [ attended, stayed

1 was-with an award 2 award for .....m,% ............... 3 the decision ... @?L?% ............ 4 ................................ his father's life 5 ..... &KC.($ .............. his own life 6 ............................... under a boulder 7 ......................................... by his side

.......... S .................W.% team .............. 9 1:n.f ....................... lunch

......................... 10 the event was ...... 11 ............................................... his life

Para 4 -

Page 73: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 120 News Reoorls

....... I l l ,: ? - : - z: . " ' . -&G&# . -..a-. - - * - 3 : 7 - headline is a short summary of what the report is about. To write a headline: use the ~resent sim~le for recent events:

4 FACTO~Y EXPLOSION DAMAGES TOWN (=has damagedldamaged) Jse to-infinitive to describe a future event: LOCAL FOOTBALLW TO FLY TO ITALY FOR CHAMPIONS' LEAGUE (= is going to fly) Jse to be + past participle when using the passive voice to-describe a ,uture event: TEACHERS' ANNUAL MEETING TO BE HELD IN AUGUS' (= is going to be held)

' a l y i l i L ,. use abbreviations like UK, USA, UNESCO ,

' ?*' ;r:iT : l . . * V A A

UN RESCUES HOSTAGES IN SIERRA LEONE' omit full stops or commas, articles, pronouns, auxiliary verbs a1

(= Seven people were injured in a train crash.)

-'& easily understood from context: SEVEN INJURED IN TRAIN CR ,", I

omit the verb "to be" when using the passive to describe a past event: YOUNG GIRL SAVED BY RESCUE WORKERS (= was saved) p

- - - m. M -- 4 Change the sentences into headlines, as in the example.

1 A bomb was found on a train which was heading for London yesterday


............................S................... ............................................. 4 A team of local climbers rea ount Everest at t h r a ---

o'clock yesterd!y afternoon. __I-_

5 This has been aFi3Tiant season for Manchester ~ n i t e d k f j u b ~ -- __-. , - I ............................................................................................................................

6 A young girl rescued her brother from some kidnappers.

5 a) Match the headlines to the paragraphs. There is one extra headline.

G - A

Long-lost twin sisters Lucy Wells and Lily Summers met yesterday

d for the first time, thirty years after having been separated at birth. Ron Dudd, a 45-year-old farmer from Brumsville, has won two million pounds on the National Lottery. m7 Scientists on a research ship in the Pacific Ocean had a surprise yesterday when an underwater crater suddenly erupted, causing 20-metre waves.


b) Write a suitable introduction for the headline which has not been used.

6 Use the notes to write beginnings for the following news reports. Then, give a headline for each.

steal late last night Terrence Wagner Museum

Kennedy yesterday @ remain in orbit around earth

the words in brackets.

birth to seven baby said to be doing

well. (wh yesterday.

3 Doctor Tina White was awarded a prize. Her discovery will help save many lives. (whose)

4 The police have closed the road. The accident happened h (where)

5 Ten people were injured yesterday.

!I A bus overturned over in Westville. (when)

Page 74: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 120 News Reports

8 a) Use words from the lists to fill in the blanks in the extracts below.

damage, struck, homeless, casualties However, the style is different

$&quake measuring 5.8 the Richter d e 1) .&*e writing a report you should: seaside town of Reaf~rd early yesterday &g. NO'^] .-..+---:.-;,.*..+... ' begin with-a sypmary of th

ere but there serious 3) ................... ......-. to the ftRa md include ac2urate facts use formal and impersonal style

speech to rephrase people's

When writing a story you should:

use chatty style use short forms, colloquial expressions, variety of adjectives1

refer to the writer'slcharacters'

9 Match the beginnings to the endings, then answer the

** - - -

b) Which of the extracts above is r h u t ~t was a surll~y dl,inoon and Neil Simms was cycling home from

- asports went? a natural disaster? - acrirne?

c) Match the extracts to the following headlines.

-W rolice announced that the d

Page 75: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 120 News Reporls

a Which beginning and ending is from a news report? Which is from a narrative?

b Do they describe the same event? c Which extracts contain formal

language? d Which extracts contain colloquial

language, adjectives and short forms?

1 1 Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.

1 A fire destroyed one of the museum's most valuable paintings. Gnc ih ~ > I L I ; E v / ~ ; N,(,? ZYL!I~CIP& !)D , / + i / ) i . 5 h' ........................................................................ .J.. ...m,.........................................

2 We will give a p ize to [he writer of the best story. ("'P-! / a p r i ~ C ...... LJ! . ! ! . .~ .... g ...............................................................................................

3 A rescue team found the lost child in the mountains. 7 ' ' I

, I > ,' , , . l Lfi !, ~ I C J ~ . ~ L ( ' / / :.L .......... r ........ :. ..A.. .! ...... ............. .......................................................................... 4 Heavy storms hi=?-%$of . . the island late last night.

10 Read the sentences below and replace the words or phrases in ~ e a d the introduction and conclusion of the news report below and put

theverbs in b~ ' ' ' ' " 1 1. 1 rm

boldwith those given in the Ih- $ , -

praise m 9

racKets into tne correct aarve or passlve tense. I nen, use

\D the pictures and prompts to write the main body of the report. - --m A bomb left at Brunton train station 1) ..

( U T h e Mayor of London was badly hurt in an accident on the motorway yesterday.

@The young boy was told he was good for what he had done.

, '3 The factory owner refused to say - anything about the story.

f4 b c a l workers are angrv about the

(make) safe by explosives axpdr&mrIy thii morning. The ................. ~ . a ...@ & ........... .... . . . WO hours. '


eventually rescued from the cave when he was feeling very tired.

' 6 ?'hey are -

7 Neither Suggs nor Diri ibs said

explosives experts1 call nobodylhurtlin incident

bombhideflarge shopping badeft under bench1 platform 2 itlreportlby passenger1

at 7:00 am

they had taus? $e c% accxc$np, : i t?

W ~ a r n w e l l was g ven ah a a h or his ; i b M a I t.:li@,l- ~ t r i b u t i o n .

............................ 9 rs Gaston said she knew nothing No one knows who 3)

about the stolen painting. - .- station and police do not know why Brunton

,-- (choose). Detective George Browning &cl, " ( The man who was arrested said he (want) to speak to people who were in %a a

would -- not help the police. this morning. If you 6) ....&I.% ............ or if you saw anyone with a brown paper shwing bzttg, p W e call Brunton police station on 895 41 17." , , :*~i~zaf i

Page 76: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Ia Mfie the hIlm$ng scnbixs 14 Last wmk I new mude dmb a w e 4 in Iandoa R@ &c in m m wing W& adverb"$ement a d fill in the @B W w , Thm use the eampleted from the list plan ts talk wat the evm.

Mapx at the prms ~Qfererrcdi.

L L - i..r.......r..+,*

No.1 pop singer ANY WO- .II the club and


5 Brunel Street. East Londc..

what: $W! HtUskC G C W wp'

men be w a ~ mmte,ci Mr Smith Id-----. - L - v - j ~ & f ~

said, "I didn't take the qoney or the I . 6pm: fa started butside clu-

l3tvdm.1t-r Mr P Brown said, %iis b a gat ta&mment fler our students. I am pmud of them alI,"

"The price of petrol 41 i n c m by 2p per litre from midnight on Twday)b) the Prime Mmbt~r said*

f5 a) Rcladtbernbrtc,mderIhe the; keywmds and m e r t b e qtl~tions~

1 What typ of wrnps~on &odd y ~ u writ$? 2 Who is going to read it? 3 Should you bclucite factual infomtion? 4 Which af the fsllnaring should p u use? i& (J).

wmyciay language - ; pmive 5 ; formal linking words ; mieiec, of ad@tiv&a&erb% of repartiq verb g; dlquial txqmz~hn8 - .

h) Usre*~tnEx.W~m%~c[~u1'mpert1kt*~d S f i f dub, Yaa use tb report in h] as a modd.

7 7

Page 77: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

"'IIT Urn 12b Reviews 1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions:

a) Would you rather read the book, or watch the film? Why? b) What kind of book is it? What kind of film is it? Tick (J )

c) Can think of any other types of books and films? 1

d) What's y o u favourite book/film? e) What would you say to a friend to recommend a book or a film?

iews are short descriptions of books, films, plays, TV programmes, etc. v are written to inform readers and viewers, and to qive them your

opi~ion/recommendation about whether (or not) they shouldread a book or see a filmlplay/etc.

A review should consist of:

a) an introduction in which you summarise all the background information of the book/film/etc. (i.e. title, name of authorldirector, type, setting, etc);

b) a main body consistingsfragraphs: one about the main points of the plot, presented in chronological order, and another induding general comments on the plot, the main characters, the acting, the directing, etc.

* Note: You should not reveal the end of the story to the reader. c) a conclusion in which you recommend or do not recommend the

book/filmlplayletc, giving reasons to support your recommendation. Reviews are normjlly found-in newspapers, magazines or as parts of a letter. The style fou use depends on the publication and the intended reader and can be formal or semi-formal. You normally use present tenses and a variety of adjectives to describe the plot and make your comments more clear and to the point.

2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.


background information (title, name of author1 director, type, setting, etc.)

The editor of the magazine you work for has asked you to write a review I)ody about-k you have recently read. Write your r ~ y h v , givi- [ o m m m m * m m o m*-*"*a

s u m m a u the plot and saying why you think other readers fight [ Paragraph 2 1 I

1 Who is going to read the review? G who the main characters main points of the plot

2 Which of the following must you are

include? Tick (J). H how many of your friends

A what type of book it is have read it so far

B the author's biography I whether or not you recommend it C the title of the book ..........**m. 0..

J general comments D how the story ends E the name of the author 3 Which tenses would you use?

F main points of the plot

Page 78: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 12b Reviews

B) Read the book review and label each paragraph witk the headings be]

background infomtion 4 3

4 a) Read the useful vocabulary box below. Which phrases refer to books? Which refer to films? Which refer to both?

mFnyruurlu; 3 s Hound of Baskervilles, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is an , pa, 1 1 4

l 8/ I The filmlbook

@edlent story that takes lace in London and Dartmoor. This , The f i lmktn~ detecti

Vatson, ve, Shl t@lQ

. . .- The The It is

tells the story of ... ......,---., is set in ... bookln~vel has written by .,. film is directed by ... a comedvlhorror filrnllove storv. Zhe mysterious death of Sir Charles Baskerville. F.?; S - ..., " . q s . . - - - - . - ,, - - . - - - -

, The mvsterv beains when Dr. Mortimer, Sir Charles' Maln points of the plot: rsonal doctor, relates the circumstances surrounding his The story concernslis aboutlbegins ...

bhlfent's death to Holmes and Watson. The doctor believes -- L The plot is (rather) boringlthrilling. d: his death has something to do with the legend of the The plot has an unexpected twist.

&und, which is an enormous, evil, hunting dog that terrorises ...-......... General Comments:

@e people of Baskerville, Soon, it becomes clear that Sir I ................... It is rather longlborinWnfusinglslow. p--

; Henry, who is Sir Charles' nephew, and the only surviving heir L The cast is excellenUawfuVunconvincing.

to the Baskerville fortune, is also in danger. Holmes and The script is dulllexciting. It is beautifullylpoorlylbadly written.

Watson have to move quickly in order to protect Sir Henry's , It has a tragicldramatic end. life and to solve the mystery. Recommendations:

y, \I r p 'L

The book is full of thrilling moments as the author creates c Dm't missJtJ&.well W& seeing, tension with unexpected twists and vivid descriptions. What

I i I wouldn't recommend it because ... gives the book its dark atmosphere, however, is the silent, evil

,.........p .... l I

presence of the legendary hound which dominates the story /:~':'."""" ; Wroughout.

I thorouahly recommend The Hound of the Baskenrilles. : p a r a 4 - Readers will have a difficult time putting this masterpiece down i m Wey are kept in suspense until the very end of the book.

, , m m . ........ 1 I L


b) Answer the questions.

1 Which paragraph includes the writer's recommendation? What phrases does she use to recommend the book?

2 Which paragraph includes a short description of the main points of the plot? - -

Does the writer reveal the end of the story? -

3 In which paragraph does the writer include information about where the story takes place and what it is about?

4 Which paragraph includes general comments on the book? What are they? 5 Which of the following has the writer used? Tick (J).

I - . .

passive voice ; variety of adjectives ; colloquial expressions -; abbreviations ; complex sentences -.

7 It S bound to be a box-office hit. Wait until it comes out on video. It is a hinhlv entertaininn read. It's a b y e to read.

b) Read the review in Ex. 3a again and replace the underlined sentences in the review with other appropriate ones.

5 Underline the correct wordlphrase.

1 The starring rolelcharacter is played by Jack Niclplson.

2 The readerlaudience screamed when -- 1

the murderer appeared. 3 Angela's Ashes is a well-written1 acted

book that tells the struggle of a poor Irish family.

Page 79: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit l2b Reviews m,- *

4 The plot has an unexpected-cast when little John finds out the truth. 7 h k at the chart and use 5 The story has a dulVtra 'c end when the helicopter crashes on a mountain. + w*d&hrases from the useful 6 The script/&of the m includes some of the hottest names in Hollywood. vocabulary box on p. 79 to WE 7 The book is based onlset in the incredible life story of Charlie Chaplin. your recommmdation for each

b c m 4 ~ as in the example.

soldier who falls in

6 a) Match the types of bookslfilms to their definitions. -

SW Little, directed

not solved until the very end of the story

To make your review more interesting to

the plot using relative clauses.

e.g. Detective Larch wants to catch Scar. Scar is a diamond smuggler.

-+ DetectiveLarchwantstocatchScar - who is a diamond smuggler,

William discovers a secret path. It

I leads to the W e . William discovers a secret path whlch leads to the cam. Claire is a teacher. Her son wins a scholarship to study biology. Claire is a teacher whose soi n wins a scholarship to study biology.

.J Theylravelto YYork In Yorktheymeet c) Use adjectives h m the table to talk about filmslplays you have seen a very unusual driver.

and books you have read, as in the example. Theylravelto Yorkwtrere they meet awtyunwwaltaxidtiw.

e.g. DrDoolitdeisoneofthemamuringcomecl;ieslhaveawseen 80

Page 80: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

8 Rewrite the extract using relative .

pronouns/adverbs. The words in bold show where you should add . the relative clauses. <


The story is about a young worr named Emily. She is hired mvsterious lady. Emily's takes her to Rio de Janeiro. The man1

. I A mag&im has askd its r@aden to eubmit revbws d films that they ham m n t l y seen and think would tX3 of interest ta other p p k

m~rmageddon is an action packed adventure about an enormous asteroid and the desperate efforts of mankind to stop it from

.E .- destroying the world. Directed by U =- Jerry Bruckheimer, the cast B

includes Bruce Willis as Harry Stamper, a oil rig o er, Liv Tyler as his daugh "-1--"4 er, Grace, and Ben Affleck as Stamper's employee, AJ., who is in love with Grace. [IZlThe story begins when NASA discovers that the gigantic asteroid is only eighteen days away from destroying the Earth. NASA asks Harry to prevent the deadly asteroid from reaching our planet. Harry and his oil rig crew are given intensive training by NASA astronauts

U ,o - before they travel to ppi=g '.= @The film is filled with men race against time to

save the planet. The computer graphics are so spectacular that the audience will be amazed. The actors give a ,

brilliant performance and the directing is superb. What is more, the soundtrack, mostly by Aerosmith, is fantastic. mI thoroughly recommend this film. If you like excitement, it will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss it! . Q I

1 WO is g a b to mad your &%W? ,. 2 Which d the f o f a mm YOU 1 0 a) Read the rubric, underline the key words, then answer the questions.

bdudsl Title (d). A m& points aif the fit I

Your teacher has asked you to wriie a film review for the school magazine. B ....,. nxunkt~si&~iflthe@m Write your review for the magazine, mentioning the main points of the

C ..., type af film, m of dinator plot, general comments about the acting, the directing, the plot, etc, as well as your recommendation(l20-180 words).

D ...... rwme~datian E ...... main E ~ ~ W ~ E S nW3Efj 1 Who is going to rd p r review) What t a w s &odd you use?

Of 2 Which of the foilawbg should you use? Tick (/r F ,..,.. generaj mmen s a b ~ u t '

W ; vmity of a d j d e s - ~ U q u i a l language ~~eihg, mu-k, & complex seatenas ; abbrwh&am

3 a) What $p of film is it7 b) W b dkcted it? e) Who in it? b, -* What d~ mat ~haracten cio they play? e) hat if the film about? is' W& pm9pb: about?

Hrrw d w tlre d t e r 4 M a t are the main pain@ of the: plot? Wbdlt gmeral mmmb would you r m m e a d the dh? m&? Hm wsulci you reammend tbe film? rPytmwm twr reammad W film, hmmald ydu U* your ammeris In Ex. lIbtr te write ymr film review. You cam US& l~xmmeM it'! there7dewfnEx.IImipaodeL


Page 81: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Umrn:T m m 13 "For ond Auoinsl" Essoys I

1 a) Look at the pictures and talk about the pros and cons of eating out gi

restaurants. Think about the service, the menu, the prices, and th atmosphere.

m b) Read the points below, then listen to the cassette and tick those mention Which of these points are advanfages and which are disadvantages?

A fun to eat out D expensive B not as tiring as cooking E unhealthy

C have to book in advance F not hygienic

"For and against" essays are one type of discursive writing in which you discuss the advantages and di: iges i specific topic. A "For and against" essay should


consist -g.

a) an inrroduction In wnlcn you present the topic, making a general remarK about it without giving your opinion;

b) a maln body in which you present the points for and the points against, in

l . " 1

separate paragraphs, supporhng your arguments with justification~lexam~les; c) a conclusion which includes your opinion (e.g. In my opinionlview, I believe1

think, etc) or a balanced summary of the topic. I You must not include opinion words (I believe, I think, etc) in the introduct~ur~ or the main body. Opinion words can only be used in the final paragraph, where vnu mav state your opinion on the topic. "For and against" essays are normally written in a formal style; therefore you should avoid using strong language (I know, I am sure, etc), short sentences, colloquial expressions or idioms.

You can find this type of.writing in articles in newspapers, magazines, etc. Paragraph 1

present topic (without'. stating your opinion) ,

2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. 0 0 • • o.eoo • oa 0 • a m

You have had a class discussion about different forms of travel> Your teacher I - has now asked you to write an presenting the arguments for and against travelling by boat. arguments tor, with :-r 1

1 What type of essay should you write? 2 Should you use short sentences, colloquial expressions and idioms? If not, why? Paragraph 3 3 Which of the following points could be included in your essay? Tick (J). Which

points are pros and which are cons? Can you add any other ideas?

4 1 cheaper than other forms 4 journeys can take a long time of travel more comfortable and

m \

2 can be unpleasant in bad Q enjoyable than other weather forms of transport

1 3 lots of people go on sailing C( 6 famous explorers travelled [? holidays the seven seas


Page 82: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 13 "For and Against" Essoys

3 a) Read the article and label the paragraphs with the correct headings. What is the writer's opinion on the topic? Finally, replace the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs with alternative ones.

arguments against opinion arguments for present topic

b) Read the article again and fill in the blanks below. Then, using I expressions from the box on the right, talk about the pros and cons of travelling by boat.

FOR - - Arflume& :- ;;, ..#. -,',:; v-. ,-; .$.. .b.?: - , L.r , ,?,' . . J u s t i ~ t i i o . ~ m p l e s 1) more 'comfortable than other go fa a walk, eat in a restaurant, go

Argume I ... ................... .... 2) .... ... ,.....h...................

Did you know hs boat was m e of the first forms ol transport? Paral A hunslrad years ago, the only way to make a journey across the sea was by boat, Nowa@ap, however, when it is possibte to fly """""""""""

...................... from OR^ continent &I another in space of a few hours, is there ...................... any reason to tram4 by boat?

' ...................... l ......................

wg~n!*P m Pleasant. Rrermore. (. ..................... h 0 0 are aW &heaper thaf&fif#' fms- of travel. For example, a boat tick& usihdly m& ~f%&iBri a plane @ket Finally, boats to list and add points: In the first place are a s& 8Ibm@v&1 t~ ,W and planes. There are fewer To startlbegin with, Secondly, Thirdly aaidg~lts at S@@ t h ~ In ht& ix ~n the roads. Finally, In addition (to this), Furthermore

Mwe%r, Wv6lling by boat does have its diadvantages. It Moreover, Besides, etc. usllally takes much longer than other forms d travel. As a result,

R addidlsn, Boatrips can k very unpleasant I ""."""""""'" mainlfirstlmost important advantage bad or the 8% is rough, making journeys ......a.............'. ~ of ..., OneIAnotherlAn additiona

...................... advantage of ..., One point of view ir

All sings c e ~ ~ M , although there are some disadvantages favour of ..., I t is often suggested,

to bavelling by bo@, I beliwe il b a very enjoyable experience. b e l i e v e q a r ~ u e d tbat ..., SomeIManj people suggestlfeel argue that ..., Some, Many people are in favour of /are convinced that ... etc.

mainlmost important disadvantage, drawback of ..., OneIAnotherlAr additional disadvantage of,.., One pointlargument against ..., SomelMany people are against ..., etc. to introduce exampleslreasonslresults: for egmplelinstance, -- such as, like, ir particular, therefore, for this reason because, as, since, as a result, etc.

I to show contrast: On the other hand However, still, but, Nonetheless Nevertheless, Although, Even though DespiteJIn spite of (the fact that), etc. to introduce a conclusion: In conclusion To concludelsum up, All in all, Finally Lastly, AI1 things considered, Tak in~ everything into account/consideration, etc.

Page 83: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 13 "For and Aoainst" Essoys

4 Read the article again and replace the linking wordslphrases in bold with synonymous ones the table on p. 83. Then, say which of the linking wordslphrases in the article are used to:

a) listladd points b) introduce reasonslresults

c) show contrast d) introduce a conclusion

5 Underline the correct linking wordlphrase.

1 BesidesIDespite, - television affects the way we think. 2 Many people are a g a i n s t l q e P- that we need advertisements in order to

keep up to date with the latest products on the market. 3 One point of view againstlin favour of travelling is that it allows you to

meet people from different cultkres. 4 Even though/Nevertheless most people nowadays use a computer at work,

it will be a while before we stop putting our ideas down on paper. 5 For instanceIStil1, people who know how to play a musical instrument are

usually popular and make friends more easily than others.

6 Read the paragraph below and underline the correct linking word] phrase.

There are many advantages to having children at an early age. 1) with/In addition to this, when you are young, you have a lot of energy. - .

This means you can cope quite easily with children's demands for constant care and attention. 2) To conclude/Secondly, young parents can relate to their children and -e[nevertheless understand them better. 4) YetlFinally, when you become a parent at an early age, you are still young enough to enjoy life when your child becomes independent

P - .

WNBODYPARMYUPHS , < - -.A - _-.-.. I

k 7 , , C' ' 1 . 1

You should start each main body paragraph with a topic sentence which introduces or summarises the main topic of the paragraph. The topic sentence should be followed by supporting sentences which justify the argument presented in the topic sentence, by giving examples or reasons. - , You should use linking wordslphrases to present your justifications, such as: first of all, what is more, for example, because, since, in particular, etc. '

' ? e.g. Travelling by Wn has a lot of advantagesges ) topic sentence

S c your dest&n Mm quichfy. E 1'9 b 1 . . . ' -

7 a) Read the extract below and- choose the correct topic sentence to fill in the blank

1 There are many advantages to using the Internet.

2 However, there are many arguments against using the Internet.

3 Computers have become the most important means of communication.

................................................................. First of all, you spend hours and hour! sitting in front of a computer screen This can lead to severe backache anc problems with your eyesight. More. over, using the Internet can be veq expensive, because the membershii fees and phone bills are often high Finally, using the Intemet requires I

r lot of patience. Getting onto the Internet is not always easy and thi! means you sometimes have to wait , long time to get access.

b) What is the topic of the I

paragraph? List the arguments mentioned.

Page 84: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 13 "For ond Auoinsl" Essoys -



@-)a) Match each argument about --... - , . .- . -

modelling to its correspond- ing justification. Which To attract the reader's interest and make the beginning or ending of your piiirifsare71for" and which essay more effective, you can use some of the following writing techniques: are "against"? a) address the reader directly e.g. If w u - 7 1 - take 4 the time@ trarn your dog,

will learn to obey you. 2&aiy$ :$ l b) include a quotation (i.e. a sentence or pt%se taken from a book, play, etc.) Arguments When we use a quotation, it is necessary to mention the name of the

person who saidlwrote it. e.g. As George O ~ l l wrote, anin& are be an exciting career equal, but some are more e q d m others.." opportunity to earn a lot of c) include a rhetorical question e.g. Is it fiue W a dog is m's best WKI?

C . ' . 1 3 fl z:Zs must constantly watc

what they eat 9 Read the extracts below and say which are beginnings and which are n@ privacy endings. Then identify which writing technique(s) haslhave been

a expectd. to stay thin so that they ii bok good d the time ,

b designers and fashion magazines are willing to pay high fees for popula models

orters are always chasing them usually travel to interesting

- nlaces a ~ c f often meet fsmnll~ people

used in each.

b) Use linking wordslphrases to complete the main body 1 -- paragraphs below. A ~ o & a n c ~ yourself as a handyman or handywoman? For people who are

e.g. There are certain arguments in good with their hands, home decorating is certainly an option. With the wide

favour of a career in modelling. range of materials available in the shops, and the increasingly high cost of



............................................................ To sum UP, although there are many points against being a reporter, I believe

............................................................ On the other hand, many people

believe that a career in modelling also has drawbacks. C More and more couples today choose to have only one child. Most of us ........................................ ....................................... ......................................

case? Having no brothers or sisters has both advantages and disadvantages.





Page 85: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 13 "For ond Auoinst" Essoys

10 a) Read the topic sentences and think of appropriate supporting ones. The prompts below will help you.

3 There are many arguments agains~ UGIIIY

a famous rock star. 1 @ never home because thev travel all

b) Mat& the qwbitPm take topics abm. Use the quotafiona to write: appropriate eadings for m& topic.

1 1 Read the topic sentences, then write appropriate supporting ones. Join the sentences with appropriate linking words1 phrases in order to write a complete paragraph.

1 There is no doubtyhat going on - -

holiday during the winter is an attractive option.

owning a dog.

Page 86: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 13 "For and Against" Essays

r- 12 a) Discuss the following ques- tions in pairs.

Do many people in your country use bicycles instead of cars? 3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a bicycle? What are the differences between cycling in the city and in the country?

Do you think more people should cycle to work instead of using other forms of transport? Why?

look at the list of point: blow and tick six points thl rld be included in your art . Mark thes is A I

advantages) or D (disadvantages), a i thq esaml

b) Read the rubric and under- line* the key words, then . answer the questions.

A health and fitness magazine has asked its readers to write an article discussing the advantages and disadvantages of cycling L as a form of transport. Write your article for the magazine.

1 What type of essay is this?

2 Which of the following should not be included in your introduction? Tick (J ) . A your opinion U B general remarks • ,L C statement about the topic

D a quotation

3 In which part of the essay should . you write about the advantages and -- the disadvantages of cycling?

4 In which paragraph can you include your opinion about cycling?

d) Match the relevant points from above to the justifications below. Then, make sbntences using appropriate linking wordslphrases.

Cf A it is a good form of exercise, particularly for the legs, heart and lungs ?-B it does not create air pollution I C you do not have to spend money on things such as petrol or costly repairs FD drivers do not always give way to cyclists ?r E there is a limit to the distance a cyclist can reasonably travel in one day p F in some cities the fumes are so bad that cyclists have to wear masks to

protect them from pollution

6$\ Use your answers from Ex, 12 to write your article on the advantages and disadvantages of cycling as a means of transport (120-180 words). You can use the text in Ex. 3a as a model.


Page 87: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

1 Listen to a discussion about free healthcare and match the viewoints with the Ad reasons. Then, say which points you agree with and which ones you disagree with.


5 ; A free healthcare is a basic human [ 1 people would learn to have healthier right ' - , lifestyles, so fewer people would be ill i.

. -- . B people wha can afford it should 13 2 everyone deserves free medical

+ pay for their treatment treatment when they are ill 4 . C more time and money should be more money could be spent on

. . spent on health education treating those who really need it

-' in.. - 1 ' - 7 ' I -

nion essays are discursive essays in wh~ch you present your,personal opinion on a particular topic. Your opinion must be stated clearly and supported by justifications. You ~ n ) ; ~ ~ d ~ & ; ~ d W E

should also present the opposing viewpoint(s) in a separate paragraph. 1 O W ~ ~ O ~ ~ * ' & ' U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

'bAopinion e s s a m d consjyet. a) an @trod$c~on, in which you introduce the subject and state your opinion clearly; b). a-main body, consisting of two or more paragraphs (each presenting a separate

I viewpoint supported by reasonslexamples), including a paragraph giving the opposing viewpoint supported by reasonslexamples; and

c) a conclusion, in which you restate your opinion using different words. + You normally use present tenses-in thi iyge of writhg&r~s_es_such_as I b e l i e ,

In my opinion, I think, It seems to me th-ongly disagree with, etc to express your , opinion. You should list your viewpoints with Firstly, Furthermore, Moreover, Also, etc, j and introduce the opposing viewpoint using However, On the other hand, etc.

Opinion essays are normally written in a formal style, therefore you should avoid using colloquial expressions, short forms or personal examples. You can find this type of writing in the form of an article in newspapers, magazines, etc.

: + - J ( ' - 7 ' . , . .' - ' .1 ' 8 1 . ... . -

-'i!: b. 2 ~ e a d the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. 9 1,


' I You have had a class discussion about the following statement: English and Maths are more important subjects than Art and Music.

Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your opinion and reasons to support your view(s).

1 Who is going to read your essay? -1 [,L 2 Should you use colloquial expressions and short forms? Why not). 3 What does the statement in the rubric mean? Tick (J)

0 A Art and Music are easier than English and Maths. B Art and Music are not as important as English and Maths.

4 Which of the following should you include in your essay? Tick (J). A reasons why Art and Music can be boring

&B your views about whether English and Maths are important \'C qeasons or examples to support your views \B opposing views and supporting arguments

88 '

I Paragraph 1

I intraduce the subject and state your oplnian clearly

0 1 ~ . ~ ~ . & . r ! . y " & ~ . i . * i ~ ~ ~ ~ 4

Paragraph 2

I ,irst viewpoint and reasons/examples

I Paragraph 3*

I second viewpoint and reasons/examples

l opposing viewpoint 'and reasons/examples

Page 88: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 140 Ooinion Essoys

5 Which of the four subjects mentioned in the rubric doldid you study at mv school? Which islwas your favourite, and why?

6 What are the benefits of studying these subjects? Use the notes to k* complete the table. You can add further ideas of your own. p c ,

r- :c I tools to deal with everyday matters provide well-rounded education

* . help you communicate clearly necessary in order to find a job

h you a p e or disagree with the gtaternent in tha nittic? %e reasons.

' , . , , " l '

.. .

Page 89: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit l40 Oninion Essoys r r

C ( 4 I t r ' r , ~ ~ \ r dr,<te! LU -! ' 1 ' J - V ' " 4

4 Use the linking words/phrases from the list below to fill in the table 7 0 B I) All In all, ,l don? believe that

that follows, as in the example.

queues inside the bank. 3) W

Each main body paragraph should

states the main idea of the paragraph. This should be followed by appropriate supporting sentences which justify the main idea andlor give examdes.

Page 90: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 140 O ~ i n i o n Essoys

7 Read the extract below and seful expressions for giving o p i n i o a answer the following questions.

r, I believelthink/feel (that) ... My opinion is that ... ... ... I strongly believe As far as I am concerned,

D In my opinionlview, ... I (completely) agree thathith ... ) The way I see it, ... I (strongly) disagree thatlwith ...

It seemslappears to me (that) ... I am totally against ... ... To my mind, I couldn't agree more thatlwith ...

Use the prompts below to write sentences, as in the example.

What slrpporting ~@II& does the writer give? %

Which linking wordslphrases has the writer used? Suggest other suitable wordslphrases which could replace these. sentences expressing an opinion, as in the example.

1 ' in order to 1 protect l environment l people I stop use l plastic bags

8 Read the topic sentences and It seems to me that, in order to protect the environment, people should stop

suggest suitable supporting using plastic bags.

one& 2 spendin money l set up l s ace stati - 7 C ..... '[email protected]... 2*.. Television may h v e a harmful M L$Q ........ z p k ...... -H%&%!. e f f a aa young people, ........................................................... .......................................................... Looking after a pet B& develops a person's ............................................................. ..... ......... ......... ............................................................. Lae in a large city is .......................................................... ....S... r....*...............,.,...........'..I.-.......~.*~

in 9 1

Page 91: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 140 O~inion Essoys

11 a) Read the sentences below. 12 a) Imagine you have had a class discussion about the following Then, use appropriate words1 question: "Should more people give up meat and become

jqxessions to give your vegetarians?" Read the viewpoints (1-5) and match them to the o p i n i o n a e example^ reasons (A-E), as in the example. -/--- /

1 A part-time job is the best option for someone who is a working parent. 1 Eating meat is bad for yo

I completely agree that a part-time job is the best option for someone who is 2 There are many healthy and a working parent. tasty alternatives available

2 Package holidays are ideal for people who do not like to travel alone. :I a rp + h a t pac%t hcli ..... .3.. ......................... .. ..................

3 Becoming more aware of environmental concerns is the only way to help save our planet.

3 Eating meat is cruel to L&-

Soya beans A

and lentils are >conditions just so L -

delicious and are good they can be killed

4 Educatimal standards in private schools are usually higher than those in state schools.

andxitarnins. that u

5 Boxing is an extremely violent sport and should be banned.

b) Read the viewpoints again and say which you agree with and which you disagree with. Make sentences using appropriate linking wordslphrases.

.- c) Completethe parts of the esgy below, using your answers from

- -- - - -

l parts a) and b) as well as your &n ideas. - -

Nowadays, we are often told what we should or should not eat. However, I personally believe .................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................

To begin with, .................................................................................................

.......................................................................................................... In addition,

: ....".." ....................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................. D On the other hand,

Page 92: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unil l4a Opinion Essovs

1 3 Read the extracts below and say which are beginnings and which are endings. Which writing techniques have been used in each?

A addressing the reader directly L

B asking a rhetorical question d C using direct speechla quotation

team loses. Bon't you think that ther ; h incidents would be to teach people i


A fast food easy solution for people with busy lives PI a~

B fast food unhealthy D a C fast food expensive

for consumer and environment

- - - . . -. - - - aEi

l -

3 -TB @.g& W, W ;tuvu urn tt me mm on cnuuran, as me o &&g &&t reall, in R&&. lmgh~: how you would feel if yuu %%re dk@y expected to be the bE. I

14 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

I You have had a class discussion about the following statement: ast food is a good alternative to cooking for yourself.

Now'your teacher has askea you-to write an essay expressing your opinion U--

and givingreasons for your point of view.

1 What does the statement in the rubric mean? _- - -- A Fast food is cheap, delicious and good for you. -

@ast food is a good solution for those who have no time to cook. - C Cooking is easier than ordering takeaway.-

2-h points must you include in the essay? A your opinion B- your friend's opinion

reasons to justify your points of view

3 Which style is not suitable for this essay - formal OF \nforrnal?,l \ -


15 a) Read the rubric in Ex. 14 again and match the viewpoints (A - C) to their reasonslexamples (1 - 6). There are two justifications for each viewpoint.

in fat and salt; not kesh 2 packaging non-biodegradable,

damages environment 3 many ingredients are g e n e M y

fast food saves time and

work long hours can pick up phone and o g i q takeaway

6 money spent on fast b d fm week is enough to buy groqxies for

I two weeks

b) Which of the viewpoints agree with the statement in the rubric? Which disagree?

c) Use the notes in part a) to talk about fast food, as in the example.

e.g. In the first place, fast fd is very unhealthy. ...

l '33 ead the rubric in Ex. 14 again, i then write your essay (120 - 180

words). Use your answers from Ex. 14 and your notes from Ex. 15 to help you. You can use the essay in Ex. 3 as a model.

Page 93: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

CTIlT 14b Providing Solulions 10 ~ r o b l e m s ! - -

- 1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. a - - T*

a) Which of the following is shown in each picture? -..-,p I 1

1) air pollution .- I d....

2) heavy traffic C..... 3) rubbish h" .......

b) Do any of these problems exist in your townlcity? C) Can you think of any solutions to these problems?

-7 Essays providing solutions to problems are pieces of writing in which you discuss.? a problem and its causes as well as the expected results or consequences of your 11 suggestions. An essay providing solution% to problems should consist of: '-

a) an introduction in which you state the problem andlor what has caused a b) a main body which consists of two or more paragraphs presenting'

suggestions and their resultslconsequences. You should start a new paragraph for each suggestion and its results/consequences; and -

c) a conclusion in which you summarise your opinion. Essays providing solutions to problems are normally written in a formdgr semi-formal style, depending on who is going to read them and w M e they are published. They are usually found in newspapers and

2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

4 local newspaper has asked its readers to write articles entitled "How can we make our city a better place to live?" Write your article suggesting ways to improve your city.

1 Who is going to read your article? 2 Look at the problems (1-5) and match them to the solutions (a-e). Which

of these problems do you think is the mostlleast serious? Can you think of any more problems and solutions?

1 m air pollution rovide more litter bim heavy traffic b move factories out of the city nowhere for people to walk c encourage people to use p;bl,w m nowhere for children to play transport

1-1 litter d build more parks and playgrounds e build wider pavements

3 Match the solutions above to each of the results below. Then talk about the solutions and their results, as in the examples.

there would be fewer cars on the road (Glrll the streets would be cleaner

3 the air would no longer be dangerous to breathe , . ., t

4 children would have somewhere safe to play " [Q(l people would be able to move around more easily

:state the problemls) and1 the causels)

suggestions and results/consequences

........... I :--Conclusion . I --...... ''Final Paragraph

1.' summarise your opinion .

* The number of main ' I body paragraphs depends

on the number of

r e.g. Ifpeople were eocoumged to use publk tra~zsprz; the^ WO& be f i r c m on the rods. We should provide m bins. l f w e G$ thi$ Ik woukt be ch&.

Page 94: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 14b Providing Solulions to Problems

b) Read the article again and answer the questions.

3 a) Read the article and label each paragraph with the headings below.

. 3 second suggestion & resu1ts/consequences state the problem L g@ summarise your opinion E@ first suggestion & results/consequences

Howoicn wcrrnske

to lhre? by Jennifer Miller

Heavy traffic, air pollution and litter are amo most serious problems modern cities face nowadays. ...................... Ours is no exception. What can we do, then, to help make our city more pleasing to its residents?

First of all, it would be a good idea to encourage oeople to use public transport instead of their cars, ...................... especially when comuting to work. The result would be ...................... fewer cars on t h e m therefore fewer traffic jams. - - - - -

Semndly, steps should be taken in order to solve the - &ray-

problem of air pollution. The situation could be ...................... improved if factories were moved out of the city. If this To make suggestions:

...................... happened, the air would not be so polluted. --- .-> A useful suggestion would be to ...

... Finally, efforts should be made to make our city a Another solution ... ... cleaner and healthier place to live. A usefd suggestion could be solved by

would be to put more litter bins in the streets. If this was I ''''''''''''''''''''m' StepsIMeasures should be taken

1 ...................... in order to solveldeal with ... done, people would sQp dropping their rubbish on the -- Another way to ... islwould be to ... - ground, and our city would be cleaner. i The ... situation could be improved if

I There are many ways to make our city a better place (pars 5 ...................... ...

/by to h e . Adopting some of these measures would It would be a good idea iflto definitely result in better conditions for everyone. ....................... l ... @ It would help if you/we/etc

1 What style has the writer used? Why? Give some examples. 2 What are the writer's suggestions and their results? 3 Which wordslphrases has the writer used to introduce each of her

suggestions? 4 Which writing technique has the writer used in her introduction? What

other technique(s) could be used?

To present results and consequences:

This would ... Then ... By doing this, youlweletc would ... If ... ..., the result would be ... The effectlconseauencelresuIt of ... would be ... In this way, ...

Page 95: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 14b Providing Solutions to Problems

4 Read the sentences and use the wordslphrases in brackets to fill in 6 Use topic sentences (A-D) to the blanks, as in the example. complete the paragraphs(1-4).

.............................................................. 1 More people should recycle paper. ................................................................ would be that fewer trees would have to be cut down. (As a res r e h r e s u l t of*

2 According to many people, bu ries ave increased recently .................. .............................................................................. that more and more people cannot find a job. 6"- because)

3 If we used cars which run on lead-free petrol ........................................... - - ......................... there would be less pollution. (so t h a t a i s certain-

4 TV programmes with violent scenes should be shown late at night .......... ..................................................................... children do not watch them. s tha in order to) 0

5 Nuclear power plants should be closed down .............................................. ................................ ................................... prevent the risk of an accident. (so thakin order to)

5 a) Read the title below and then match the suggestions to their corresponding result%. ,

"How to avoid before

Suggestions I 1 Take regular breaks. 0 ( 2 Study with a f r i e n a 1

4 be healthy and able to concentrate

B work be more organised

3 andget 1 C study time be '- .


4 Make a study plan. 13 D can discuss any difficulties that come up

b) Using appropriate linking wordslphrases write sentences, as in the example.

to take regular breah. As a result, your study time would be more productive.

To begin with, retired peopl could join a social club.

B The problem of noise pollutio I ? could be solved by having cars an

motorbikes checked on a regula basis.

r It 'would be a good idea fa students to seek the advice c career counsellors.

A useful suggestion would be t set up more national parks fo

L e n d a n g e r e d species.

In this way, they would get professional advice and be less likely to make a wrong career decision. Also, students would become fully aware of all opportunities available in the labour market.

............................................................ It would also be a good idea for them to take up a hobby. By doing this, they would have the opportunity to meet people and also do something productive with their time.

Page 96: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 14b Providing Solutions to Problems

Another solution would be to introduce high fines for motorists whose vehicles cause excessive noise. As a result, the number of cars and motorbikes which disturb the peace would decrease.

Animals living in a protected environment have a much better chance of survival. Moreover, national , parks could provide programmes to 1

help the animals breed. - - - -

-- -

7 Use the prompts below andappropriate linking wordslphrases to write supporting sentences for the paragraphs that follow, as in the example.

- -- -

I A keep / outside of I house l well-lit l at night ( install l alarm system avoid / making I house 1 look 1 glamorous

To begin with we should make sure that our houses are not burglar friendly. For example a useful suggestion would be to keep the outside of the house well-lit at night. .....................................................................................................................

- -

.................................................................... gym.

I .............................................................................

C 1 enviro~ent,@-friendly products 1 help reduce l water poflufion plant more trees I so that 1 there l be l more oxygen 1 fewer floods

a -0

.................................. Finally, steps should be taken to help save our planet.

put up 1 signs 1 inform I public I if I they 1 litter I they I be fined


organise 1 clean-up days I once a week

A useful suggestion to keep our beaches clean would be to provide plenty of rubbish bins along them. ........................................................

8 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the auestions.

I An educational magazine has asked its readers to submit articles discussing violence on TV and ways to stop this having negative effects on young people.

1 How many hours of TV do you watch every day? Do you watch violent programmes on TV? In what ways do you think they are harmful?

2 Which of the following suggestions would you make? Tick (J). A throw out your TV set , B complain to your local TV station

about unacceptable programmes and the hours they are s h o w n u

C rent action-packed videos for your children to watch.

D look at the TV guide and choose programmes which are suita e for children

E put a TV set in their v


3 Now match the suggestions (A-E) to their results below.

your children would watch only educational and non- violent programmes 11 TV stations could be

convinced to air certain programmes late at night.

4 In which paragraph should you state what the problem i s .wha t useful vocabulary could yo; use to introduce suggestions? In which paragraph should you summarise your opinion?

9 Read the rubric in Ex. 8 again and write your article (120-180 words). Use your answers from Ex. 8 to help you. Use the article in Ex. 3a as a model. 91

Page 97: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

UNIT 1 4 ~ letlers 10 the Editor A

1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

a) What's the oldest/most beautiful building in your towdcity?

b) How would vou feel if it was torn down to have a modern block of offices built in its place?

) If you wanted other residents to know what your views are, would you write: a narrative? a news report? a letter to the ed,,,, of a local newspaper?

Letters to the editor of a newspaper or magazine are written when you want to express your opinion about a topic that is of interest to the general public, to show your agreement or disagreement or to discuss a problem and suggest solutions. , , , , . Letters to the editor should consist 0;-

j. 7 1 ! : '

a) an introduction in which vou clearlv aive the reason for writina and vour opinion, I d. -. d...; I--.

about the topic; ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ : j 1 i:': :=-?- - t ~ . - i G W l i '- '* .&%E : , , , I . Note: If your letter is written in reply to another letter or article you should also . mention where and when you read it, as well as the name of the person who wrote it.

) a main body in which you present the suggestions and results in separate

c) a conclusion in wh~ch you summarise your

. . Letters to the editor are usually written in a formal or semi-formal style. 1 ::! .

---. .- .. . . - m ..

2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

The local c o w o f the town you live in has decided to build alar-ge_ sh_op-

e e Write a letter to the editor of the local newsp= expressing your I views on this matter. - --- -

- -

1 Who is going to read your letter? 2 What is the reason for writing the letter'! 3 How would you begin and end your letter? Why? 4 a) Is there a shopping centre in your town? What can you buy there? Is it popular

with shoppers? b) Which of the following problems can a shopping centre cause? Tick (J).

noise pollution heavy traffic litter in the streets sea pollution

c) Would you like a new shopping centre near your house? What would be the advantages or disadvantages? Think about: crowded streets; convenience; noiselair pollution; variety of shops; traffic; smaller shops closing down; how the area will change; etc

problems and - , consequences or ,

suggestions and results - . . ., . - - .

Page 98: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

k n i t 14e letlerr to Ihe Editor

3 a) Read the letter below and label the paragaphs with these headings:

second problem and

express my approval/disapproval oflsupport for ...; I am writing with

summary of opinion regard to ...; I am writing about ...; I

Dear Sirhladan,

, , . . ( l

TO exbress consequences/resu~ts: '

This will/would mean ...; Then ... ; Therefore ...; Consequently ...; As a result ...; If we do/did this ...; Obviously ...; Clearly ...; etc

To list vour points: Firstly

What is more ...; Lastly ...; Finally ... ;

taken into consideration ...; I hope the government/local council/we

b) Does the writer agree or disagree with the local council's decision?

4 Read the letter again and complete the table that follows. Then make sentences, as in the example.

5 Read the letter in Ex. 3a again and underline the words1 phrases the writer has used which also appear in the table above. Then, replace those wordslphrases with suitable alternatives, as in the example.

.g. I am writing about = I am writing

agree with = I am

~ l e wiU increase. As a a4 we will ... 3


Page 99: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 14c letters to the Editor

6 Use the prompts below to write full sentences, as in the examples.

1 opinion, I need / build /more schools. In my opinion, we need to build more schooh.

2 I / strongly believe / driving test / make / more difficult.

a What is the reason for writing each letter?

b What is the writer's opinion in each case?

I strongly believe that the driving test should be made more dificult. ,-. -- 8 Read the suggestions below and

. . match them to their results. Then, make sentences using appropriate linking words1 phrases and expressions, as in the exam le o j c.n? A - Q / feel / cars 1 ban I city centre

t.h~Ld cars ~ i - ~ ~ r p l ......................................... .........h .............. 9.L .......

all shops open from 10 am to

a 1 blocks of flats have security

questions that follow.

supplement on cultural happenings in town -

l am writing in reply to a letter I read in your magazine. DYU~IYIY ulsagree w m me views of ,the writer about cyclists. Beino a cvclist rnvself I mnw hnw thoughUas car drivers can be. RESULTS

avoid the riskl~fbeing hit b?, - - I am writing about the recycling plant to be built in our town To my mind, ' S high time we

1 d i d something to help our environment.

TO sum UP. I have to state that I am in total agreement with the council's decisior, ,,, , . the recycling plant, p L. n;l 4 'l . '-,;WE 1 - 1 ~


not the only ones on the roads.

motorists tenants protected on a 24-hour basis employees be able to choose the hairs that suit them residenQ wHI fin1 be affected by air traffic people be better infopmd and m' have the opportunity to book ,LT + tickets in advance

S * . .

F working people will not be restricted as to when to do their shopping

e.g. l = C - In my opinion all companies/sho&i have jl&ib~e worhg schedul& This would mean that employees would be able to choose the hours that suit them.

Page 100: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 14c Letters to the Editor

9 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

1 Who is going to read your letter? 3 How would you begin and end 2 What is your reason for writing your letter?

the letter?

&;p:Y:> , , . *'.- :

-z, * ;wi: $,.J :; .*;. ., &p&#> *?YJ

.',*+l. J A.: Ir., x : , f . e

Page 101: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

UNIT 15 smenl ond P r o ~ o s o I R e ~ o r l s 19 1 You will hear a discussion about a health farm. Read the questionnaire below,

then listen to the cassette and tick (J) the correct boxes. Listen again to fill in the missing information. Finally, use the table to talk about the health farm.

E Excellent Good Average I Poor , &&B& *&& 7 7

BQ C. *. .- m -i

Locatio, 9 l _ J d + l l / l the nearest station twenty minutes away .....

..,..W....- m ~ r l S , be utlfultarg C]

................ .v..... . Q edrooms. a swimming ../?.LL..~ . " , Treatments! -i - . ' U '"

man noffer, & .,'!...d!.,.'..... , .... 1 ............................ choice, a l l wonderful

J I W-J ....S....... and bstelers, but low in fat aqd very .

ri"" General Comments I ............ Oaklands' facilities very ....... $.$.? ................... an gxcellent ...... !.L!.!!:,". 5.. f k of treatments available: food rather . .d.!!~?$~i!!! ! !& the menu could be improved 1

Reports are normally writte ...m.0.......... hvhBq&k council, the head of a committee, factual information. Assessment reports present ad and negative qualities of a person Paragraph R

2 -. P - (i.e. an employee) or a b u i l d i n g l p l a ~ ~ e ~ hotel, a restaurant, a shop, a cinema complex, state the purpose and

etc) in order to make a judgement or recommendation about them) content of your report Proposal reports present suggestions, plans or decisions about future actions. Reports should consist of: ................ I m k lq a) an introduction in which you state the purpose and content of the report; b) a main body in which you present each topic in detail under suitable subheadings. Paragraphs 2-S*:

(these headings introduce the topic of the paragraphs, so you do not need to star summarise each point under each paragraph with a topic sentence); suitable subheadings

c) a conclusion which summarises the information from the main body and state^ your general assessment andlor recommendation. Reports are written in a formal, impersonal style. You should use factual language, passive voice and full verb forms. You should also write fairly short sentences tc help your reader pick out the information easily. Present tenses are normally useh for assessment reports. Past tenses can be used for reports related to past events. Modals, conditionals or would are normally used for proposal reports. You should always begin your report by stating who the report is addressed to and what their position is, the writer's name and position, what the report is about and the date.

e.g. To: Thomas Pmcot, Chairman of Council Fmm: May ScM, Senior Manager * The nurnber of t-mb ba& Subject: Big Scmn Cinema Complex paragraphs my vdry

dependiw an The rubrSc.


Page 102: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

0.:; .<- C.. -

2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

You a r u s i s t a n t manager for an international publishing company which is producing a tourist guide to restaurants in your country. The manager of your company has asked you to assess a restaurant in your area to see if it is suitable for tourists on a tight budget. Write your report, describing the restaurant's food, service, prices and atmosphere. --

l What is the aim of this report? What type of report should you write?

2 Who is going to read your report? 3 What is your position, according to

be rubric? A', manager of the company 8,

&,assistant manager, C reporter

4 What does "tourists on a tight budget" mean?

5 Which of the following must be included in the report? Tick (J). A size of restaurant 0 B location of your town [7 C quality of food El D what the atmosphere is like E what the service is like l?! F good and bad points of the

restaurant [sl G location of restaurant H highllow prices I opening hours

6 What style should you use? What are the main characteristics of this style?

7 Answer the following questions. a How often do you eat out? What

is your favourite , restaurant? How much do you usually spend when you eat out?

b Use the adjectives below to describe the food, the service, the prices and the atmosphere in a restaurant, as in the example. delicious, expensive, relaxing, disgusting, noiy, slow, reasonable, eficient e.g. The food in ... is delicious.

3 a) Read the report below and underline the correct word(s) in bold. Then, use the subheadings from the list to fill in the blanks.

Food Atmosphere Recommendation Service Prices Introduction

L . -

. . o r I

To: Mr A J Williams, -

Manager, . I

Burton Publishing !li, +

From: Milton Briggs, ., :! . , Assistant Manager

Subject: Gaslights Restaurant Date: 21st July, 20 ....

The aim of this report is to assess the suitability of Gaslights Restaurant for tourists on a tight

I budget. 7-1 x l c c Q J I B) ..........................................

Gaslights serves good quality meals. It has a wide variety of delicious local and international dishes 1)

,as/but an excellent choice of starters and desserts. The menu 2) andialso L- -

French speciatpv. mm -?;.v4 C) ............................. . . :E> -, . t . .;: - - 3 ) ~ e v e ~ h e l e s s l ~ ~ t h e fact that L e staff at Gaslights Restaurant are well-trained and polite, the service can sometimes be slow. This can be a

.:L&L.>J~~. - m &#b,d D D) some dishes, such

is the French s~ecialities. are rather e x ~ e n s i v r I I ..- : . I . .,

E) ................ i/l.fd.!.! ....... .C .... -p , ;-;l. ' Gaslights has a charming and relaxing at6kphere. The background music is pleasant 5) andltoo the soft lighting creates a cosy atmosphere. These elements, comEned with the modern decor, appeal to customers of all ages. F) ...... . . . j. ~ ~ . L . . . . . .

6) All in all/- the service can somet' es be slow, Gaslights offers first-class food at reasonable prices. 7) ~t1e&d'i7h%wever, I highly recommend this centrally-located restaurant f-on atight budget. f1


Page 103: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 15 Assessment and Pro~osa l Re~or ls .

b) Read the report again and fill in the table with the positive and negative points of Gaslights Restaurant. Then, use the information to talk about the restaurant.

b) Choose five of the following subheadings below to match the extracts in part a).

4 a) Join the sentences below using appropriate linking words1 phrases, as in the example. Recommendation

9 % 3 11 5 4 E8 Decor and Atmosphere however, in addit on, therefore, as, on the other hand, and, although, - - S- - - - -

altemaa'vely Location and Access Fees

1 Annual membership fees at the Little Dale Sports Centre are quite m reasonable. However, there are no special prices offered for students and m Availability and Booking young people. m Food

2 To sum up, the local museum as interesting exhibits that will attract schoolchildren. It is .... f!!~L!.r'..~..(..c ..., the most suitable choice for the school's day trip.

P Qki/ic L( C; YOU can start a b,,ort with the 3 .................................. the function rooms of Hotel Royale are available

following phrases: for bookings throughout the year, they are often fully booked from The purposelaim this report is to November to January ....... k.5 .................... they cater for Christmas and

-W 3ssess.. New Year parties during this period. rhis report was carri . . . .

As requested, this report is to assess ... I

4 The respurant offers a W e choice of dishes at a range of prices. To end your report you can use the ,

I ' ..... ... 8 c.&&hu G.~!!L!. !.?: buffets are available at very reasonable rates. following phrases:

7' l , ; 1-1 1 ..... h!.! ..... C;!.rl;rl;i.i.i................................ , there are few vegetarian dishes. On the whole, ... /To sum uo. ... /All in I

5 The Italian Restaurant is located on the south bank of the river .a!.l.6?. ...................... is easily accessible by underground. ..@!$.~.k?~?dii?e~ 4,

j. for those who would rather use the bus, the number 397 from Central Square passes directly in front of the restaurant.

all, ... /In conclusion, ... In spite of the (dis)advantages, ... /I would (not) recommend ... I... is (not) recommended ... I... is (not) suitable for ...

Page 104: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 15 Assessment and P r o ~ o s a l Reports

5 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. 9 The extracts below are written

I You work for a company which is planning to hold its annual winter in a wrong style. Read them

excursion. The manager has asked you to write a yIg$about the and replace the words/phrases suitability of-ntain Hi h Hotel for the excu~sion, Write your

V L L + in bold with more suitable ones report, including informa ion about r o m i t i e s , food and cost, from the lists. as well as commenting on the hotel's good and bad points.

0 CL 'C§& k Y

9 finally, ace ent, what rs more, for

1 What is thdjaim o?fhls report? What type of report should you write? 2 examble, fashionable, therefore 2 Who is going to read your

C( A Riverside Mall is One of the most

6 a) Read the prompts below and match them to the correct subheadings.

I, rnnVenient centres in U ,. 1 7 1) I mean is, it is located near A private bathroom in each room / no special rates for groups the main bus terminal and 2) so it 2 cosy lounge with fireplace ./ with fewer than thirty people is easily accessible to shop e: ,,

3 breakfast not included in price - 4 free skiing lessons 3) ~ 1 ~ 0 , there are many 4)

£60 double room, £45 single /in@ three-star restaurant L restaurants where shoppers ca' 5 room - l no telephones in rooms eat lunch or dinner. 5) The Issw

limited choice of dishes for l 2'. no room service thing is, there are 6) good facilities vegetarians I 3. delicious home-made meals for people with special needs. ' comfortable rooms with guests can rent skiing - - colour TV I ,' equipment

I live music every weekend varied menu - , ,, L l , I - I . .-


i . .

Food: .................................,,,,..,..,,,,,...,.........................~.~~m,~,m,~,~,~,~~~,~~m~~~~~~~~~~


b) Which points are positive and which are negative?

c) Can you think of a suitable introduction?

d) What recommendation would you give?

7 Read the rubric in Ex. 5 again and write your report (120-180 words). Use your answers from Ex. 6 to help you. You can use the report in Ex. 3a) as a model.

8 Mark the statements below as T (for true) or F (for false).

.;,P ' In formal style we use: L.i ,, 4) L ' l t l ' , , L*

1 long, sbphisticated sentences a 6 advanced vocabulary El 2 factual language 7 formal idioms and phrasal verbs

3 colloquial expressions 8 everyday vocabulary

4 formal linking wordslphrases 9 passive voice El 5 short forms [7 l 0 impersonal language CI]

this report . - is . -- - - - -

B l) I've written this report to recommend ways to 2) get more foreign students at Silversmythe's

to sum" up, off red, spec/ial, attract _ _ _ _ - - - -- %-- - - -I

C l ) To cut a long story short photomu would 2) bring in more customers if 3) lower prices were

Page 105: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

10 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

You have a part-time job in a bookshop that specialises in educational publications. The manager wants to attract young customers to the bookshop and has asked you to write a report

. making your suggestions.

1 What is the aim of this report?

2 What type of report should you write: an assessment report or a proposal report?

3 Who is going to read your report?

4 What would make a bookshop popular with young people? Choose from the list below.

A offer magazines and books of interest to young people - e.g. about fashion, computers, etc

B not more than five people allowed in the shop at the same time fun items on sale, such as posters and stickers brighter decor disc%n"t!%r students

$ leaflets distributed to schools

5 What style should you use in your report? What are the characteristics of this style? Fpl. M W\

1 1 a) Read the report and choose appropriate subheadings from below to fill in the blanks.

/ ' Location X@ Shop Interior 2 Purpose b.@ ~ther'ltems on Sale I) Service 4 Types of Books

onc cl us ion' @; Discounts


.......... B) ...F. U. . ix . . . .r 7-3 1 i e L L

of the books cumntly available are quite academic and therefore appeal b dmer customers. In ordst tb dcourage more young people to buy . . . books,

I I~B~~oD.wuI~ ofbr magazin~s and books on topics such * ?sFusic, fashlon a 6 iLin2fcE g

and calendars. It would be a ch as schqol a a z d e a 'trJ stoik item designed for young people, su

D) M~cqunts would encoum$ local stude~ ,lx&&op. In ad'd'im,, leaflets should be

..... The in2

and games.

nts to buy their textbooks at the given to schools and colleges to

' . Young . people .

e;o'r~cludan, the bookshdp Would attract younger customers if a wlder range ere stockd, the interior was made more attractive and special

. lib; otthe shop is ve'rqc plain and rather old-fashioned.

p?#$@,brn ore Itkely t o c ~ ~ e ' i n P the decor was modernised and the intenor '=ms aa5dt@d in brighi &burs. ' '

... d U4ri.F.. ..:. .... . .

b) Answer these questions.

1 In which paragraph(s) does the writer mention her suggestions? What are these suggestions?

2 Underline the modals used in the report. 3 Can you think of another way to state the purpose of the report?

Page 106: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Unit 15 Assessment and Proposal Reports

12 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. I

I You have recently started working at a youth club. The nanager wants to make the

club more popular with 10- to

L your suggestions. Write our report (1 20-1 80 words)+

L 14-year-olds and has asked

. - you to write a report making - -

rAXw !l L I C ~ ~ d&&, 1 Who is going to read your report? 2 What is the purpose of the report? 3 What type of report should you

. - I write'!

4 Should you use subheadings? What could they be?

5 In which paragraph(s) should you -+

the suggestions. Then, make " sentences using appropriate linking words/phrases.

Main Points

interior of Thorntree Youth Club - not decorated in a way that appeals to younger children

L youth club's current facilities

I more suitable for older teenagers

3 current publicity not aimed at

youth club not

year-olds l

, club open eai - younger children could go

1," b1ou"l posters there straight put up - modern ( v furniture bought - from school

would brighten up - the club premises

'et: 0931-829913 fc more information

13 organise activities -e.g. table tennis tmrnaments or computer games - more fun for 10- to 14-yw-dds

c) Choose suitable subheadings for the main body paragraphs of the report. Then, match them to the main points (1-4) in part a), as in the example.

Facilities Membership

Opening Hours

m 121 D Decor 00 I I E Publicity 00 0 0 F Location and Access 0 0

13 Read the rubric in Ex. 12 again and write your report (120-180 words). Use your answers from Ex. 12 to help you. You can use the report in Ex. 11 as a model.

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Page 110: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Some rubrics do not fall neatly into a single writing type such as a description, a report, an opinion essay, etc. Instead they require a mixture of writing types. e.g. "... a letter describing a birthday party you attended ..." - this is both a letter and a description of a celebration. "2SiT.I; -. . -

- . . b . . , - . - Fk:--- & ,;:;:l[: When you answer questions you &buld alwayi ~lemembeko pay careful attention to key words, which show: Type of writing - wordslphrases such as "describe", "give points for and against", -- '%issess: "recommend", etc indicate the type of writing and layout expected!? Situation and intended reader - key wordslphrases such as "you work for", "your teacher has asked you" etc indicate who you are writing to. Subject - key worddphrases indicate the main subject(s) of your piece of writing - e.g. the environment, education, a festival, a famous person, etc. Topics to include - most rubrics give you a list of the main topics to be included e.g. "... include a description of physical appearance, personal characteristics and lifestyle ...l; this list provides you with the paragraph plan for the main body of your piece of writing (e.g. paragraph 2 - physical appearance; paragraph 3 - personal characteristics; paragraph 4 - lifestye) Other points to include - phrases sucn as "and explain wny", "then make suggest- ions about" , "say which you prefern, indicate important additional aspects that

1 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

I A close relative of yours got married last weekend. Your cousin, who lives in another city, was not able to come to the wedding. Write a letter to your cousin, describing the wedding. Describe the whole day, including preparations, the ceremony itself and some of the people who attended.

1 What type of composition is this?

2 a) Which of the following are you asked to describe? Tick (J):

A preparations in the weeks before the celebration

B preparations on the morning of the celebration

C some of the people who came

D some of the people who were unable to attend

E the wedding ceremony

b) In which part of the letter would you describe each topic? How many paragraphs would you need?

3 In which paragraph should you state your reason for writing?

4 Which of the following should your conclusion contain? Tick (J):

A details about the people who came

B closing remarks

C description of the activities in the evening

Page 111: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

I Revision & Extension Section

2 Read the letter and label the paragraphs, then answer the questions.

people who attended actual ceremony closing remarks preparations opening remarks & reason for writing


Dear iris, * .

I hope you're well. it's a pity you comfck~'t make it to Kim's wedding. we had a really ......................

A-: .? ..' i ..

' ! .F

..v-. p get her ready in time.

aisle. )im Iwked ~FB& in his dark blue suit, too.

\ - 1 :- \

.I' Kirn looked stun~ing ay she walked down the - 3 i ~ ......................

They @ere just tk perfect ' match! The hymns ...................... ...................... were lover cwd a soloist sang Ave Mdia it was 1

wry- tw&q. After they had said their vows, --- ---'

%h$ @hadjed &p. Kim's mum didn't stop wy iq tkrqwt the whole ceremony.

you rememhr Mrs Peacock, Kim's red- ...................... Mired piano teat$w? Well, she was there, ...................... wearing a funny hat - and you should have seen I .- ...................... P _J Mcle ~ o b ! I'W never seen him dressed so

a wedding to remember. now. Take care, and I


1 Is this formal, semi-formal or informal letter?

2 What are the characteristics of this type of writing? Find examples in the letter of each characteristic.

3 What has been included in the introduction?

4 Which paragraph includes a description of the people who attended?

5 Underline the descriptive adjectives used in the letter, then replace them with suitable synonyms.

3 Read the introduction and conclusion again, then use the prompts given to write an alternative beginning and ending to the letter.

howlthings with you?/sarry VOU/ not make it/Kim's

well that/ all for now/ give my love/ your mum/dad/ wri te soon/ te l l me your news


I reason(s) for writing opening remarks I Main Body a m . a m m m a m m.*a.I*

Paragraph 2

I preparations I

I description of the ceremony

I Paragraph 4 I brief description of some of the people at the celebration

I Concludon ma.mmmmmmaam.m.--

Final paragra&

1 closina remarks I

Page 112: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

When you give your views on a topic, you can use linking w ~ r d s l ~ ~ h r f i s ~ ~ I to list points - e.g. To begin with, What is more, In addition, etc

1 The following linking wordslphrases are useful to introduce reasons c justifications for your viewpoints - This means that, As a result, sc because, Needless to say, therefore, etc When you give examples to support your viewpoints, you can introduce these with the following linking wordslphrases - for example, for instance, such as, etc

1 You can use Type 0 and Type 1 conditionals to provide examples - e.g. For instance, if you are worried or upset about something, spendin!

time with your pet helpslcan help you to forget your problems. 1 You can use Type 2 conditionals to introduce suggestions -

e.g. If I were a factory owner, I wouldn't pollute the environment. beaches wouldn

be so polluted.

4 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I Your favourite magazine is holding a competition to find the best article with the title "The Perfect Pet". You should say what pet you would like to have, giving reasons. You should also mention how you would take care of your pet. The winning article will appear in the magazine. Write your article for the competition (120-180 words).

1 Who are you writing for? A the editor of a newspaper B the readers of a magazine C pet owners

2 Which topics must be included in your article? Tick (J): reasons why your article should be chosen your ideal pet suggestions about how to take care of the pet reasons for your choice of pet points for and against having a pet

3 In which order will you present the correct topics!

4 Look at the pictures and say which pet you would like to have, then give reasons for your choice. Use the prompts below and add your own ideas.

1 m. J CL ~ - & ) I \ ~ : , I l[-.!* ) . A . . . . . J ~. ,J : T j ~ BM- -. , . . . I*

5 What would your pet need? Choose from the list below and add ideas of your own. - the correct food - toys to play with - regular exercise - obedience training - regular check-ups at the vet - love and affection

Page 113: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

1'3 ............,......P. .. ,.t... .S......... ii.,ii.i .

at right time and making sure it ................................ ...... 8) .; .-. w u l a r cbk-ups. P1hap8 &on, b~cause, l i k ~ htimng,,

All in all, the effort needad ,to take good csn af a dop is m p Y w L cempani~mfllp, loyalty and love. Ft- is easy tu sree whjf m many people hgree

1 What type of article is this (description, opinion, or maklng suggestions/ recommendations)?

2 Is it written indo@ or informal style? Why has this style been used? 3 .What information has been included in the introduction?

Introduction m ................. ' I

Paragraph 1

mention the perfect pet and state your opinion I Main Body ................. Paragraphs 2- 4 I reasons for choice of pet p Paragraph 5 l how to take care of pet I Conclusion ................. Final Paragraph

Page 114: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

I Revision & Extension Section


6 Look at the notes below. Match the viewpoints to the reasonslexamples, then use


your notes to write a main body paragraph explaining why goldfish would make ideal m*

I easy to 1 look after

A research has shown that

l I the house 1 I untidy

very little, and they don't have ' to be taken to the vet I., : 6 : ~ ~ ;

are not C you only need expensive to to feed them a look after pinch of food l

once a day ~

;:j , When you answer an exam question, remember to study the key WO&-1

1 [ j carefully tointerpret the writing style required - e.g. a letter to a friend 1 .;-l : -* I I. "3 F would require an informal style, whereas an article for a magazine would

' , , . I ,!I , A:, ; - , normally require a semi-formal style. ;L";: \, i , , il , . , , , L ' > 8

1 . (A.. . . Informal style - chatty, very personal, colloquial language (i.e. 1 - - ;' ::- ' I everyday expressions, idioms, phrasal verbs and short forms) ..'. ... Semi-formal style - polite, respectful but friendly tone (i.e. less col- , : loquial than informal style, short forms used less frequently, linking L ! wordslphrases used to connect ideas) : . Formal style - official, business-like, polite but impersonal tone (i.e. . +

. . L I advanced vocabulary, frequent use of the passive, formal linking words1 ". ' ohrases, no short forms or colloauial language. comolex sentences)

a . 1 . --- .

7 i' Pead the endings and match them to styles A - C.

m informal semi-formal m formal

1 T~ sum up, the Westfield Centre is a modem and well-equipped -- -

building in which a range of small and medium-sized wnference facilities are available at competitive prices. Despite the limited 1 parking space, the centre is highly re~mmended as a venue fol

friend should always wekOme y0,Ur letters and write interesting replies.

1 What is more, even if you

P have never met your pen friend, they should be i don't make a

I someone you can alway turn to as a true friend.

b) Read the extracts again and match them to the types of writing.

m letter to a friend assessment report m] magazine article

c) Use the prompts below to write the introduction to extract 2: What makes a good pen friend?

what makelgood pen friend? everyonelhaveldifferent answerlthis question some qualitieslwe all look for inlpen friend

Page 115: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

I i+?;~Qt;"Revision ~fi;d;CY l? Extension Section

8 Read the rubric, underline the key words, then answer the questions.

I 8 ,*

YOU recently read the following statement in a local newspaper: ,

"Everybody can do something to help reduce crime in their neighbourhood. "

Write a composition, saying whether or not you agree with th

prevented. statement and making suggestions about how crime can

1 Do you agree or disagree with the statement? 2 What expressions/linking words could you use to make suggestions?

9 Read the article and replace the words in bold with formal ones from the list below. Then answer the questions. more difiult, Parents, serious problem, reduce, children, Needless to say, members of the local community -- -- ?,r+Tmm,q

H W m a n Y m l i v e in a neighbourhoo r"b" not affected by crime? Crime is certainly a 1) bad thing and l agree that everyone can play a part in helping to reduce it. I One way to prevent crime would be for people to pay more attention to what is going on aropnd them. For example, if 2) neighbours took more

fewer crimes would be committed.

1 notice of their surroundings and reported anything suspicious to the police, ,

Another solution would be to make it 3) a bit harder for criminals to commit a crime. For example, we could all make sure that we locked our cars and houses securely. If people were more careful, it wouldn't be so easy for criminals to break in and steal. things.

It would also be a good idea to educate children about the dangers of getting involved in crime. 4) Mum and dads and teachers could help, and the police could give talks in schools so that 5) little kids would learn about the dangers. 6) 1 don't need to tell you that this would 7) cut down on the number of crimes committed by children.

1 Does the introduction clearly state the topic? 2 Does the writer agree or disagree with the statement? Underline the

sentence in the introduction which states this, 3 What technique has the writer used in the introduction? 4 What other techniques can be used in introductions to this sort ofwriting?

Suggest a suitable alternative introduction to this composition. 5 Underline the expressions the writer has used to make suggestions. 6 What would result from each suggestion, m r d i n g to the writer? 7 Suggest a suitable alternative final paragraph.


state the topic, agree or

Paragraphs 2- 4

suggestions and results

"Tin01 Paragraph

Page 116: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

.+'h b . f '

:I :.. " ' " ' Q ' ~ W R e v i ~ i ~ n & Extension Section

10 a) Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

You have been doing a class project on road safety. Your teacher has asked you to write a composition about the following statement:

I "Everyone can help to make our roads safer."

You should state whether you agree or disagree with this statement and make suggestions about how road safety can be improved, explaining your reasons clearly. Write your composition (120-180 words).

1 What style would be the most appropriate for this composition? 2 Which of the following must be included in this composition? Tick (J):

A reasons/examples to support your suggestions

B descriptions of serious accidents

h u g g e s t i o n s about how to reduce road accidefis n D agreementldisagreement with statement

b) Read the rubric again. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Match the suggestions (1-5) with the reasons/examples (A-E), then select the ones that support your views. Finally, make sentences using suitable linking wordslphrases, and making any other necessary changes, as in the example.

12 pedestrians and cvclists can help

3 people could use their cars less or share 9 k t h e r s going in the same direction j

advertising campaigns to show ? drivers that dangerous driving

put people's lives at risk 1

lvp: rnadc anrl cionnnctc C

heavy fines would make people think twice before speeding fewer accidents would be caused; drivers able to see stop signs and speed limits better

m fewer cars on the road would mean fewer accidents

m people would learn that dangerous driving can kill people should take more care when crossing roads and cyclists should be more alert

second suggestion and reasons/examples

C o n e f ~ n ...... .......~.. I Final Paragraph I

restate your opinion

* The number of main

11 Read the rubric in Ex. 10 again. Then, write your composition using the plan above, as well as your answers from Ex. 10 (120-180 words).

Page 117: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

12 Read the rubric, underline the bey words and answer the questions.

TELL US WHAT YOU THINK The local council will soon decide whether the town of Blakely will have a new sports centre or a new entertainment centre.

We wantyour opinion. Write an article telling us which one should be built. Give reasons for your choice and say what you would like the centre to offer. £25 prize for the best article received.


Write your article for the competition.

1 What type of writing is this? 2 Imagine you have chosen the entertainment centre. What reasons could

you give to support your choice? What facilities should be provided?

The main reason is that Blakely already has a wide range of sports facilities. In addition to the football stadium and athletics track, the town has a modern public swimming pool, an ice rink, tennis courts, several gyms and so on. Do we really need a sports centre as well?

On the other hand, there are very few entertainment facilities in the town. There is only one small cinema, the only existing disco is on the outskirts of town, and the

I nearest theatre is more than 30 miles away.

The proposed entertainment centre should therefore include a theatre, cinema and disco. Furthermore, an exhibition hall should be provided so that lectures and exhibitions could be held. Facilities such as a coffee shop or restaurant would give people the chance to meet and relax before or after a show.

1 What would be a suitable title for this article?

2 Is it written in formal or informal style? Why has this style been used? 3 Which centre does the writer think should be built? What reasons are

presented in support of this choice? 4 What facilities does the writer suggest should be provided? 5 Which tenses are used in the model?

6 Underline the linking wordslphrases used in the article, and suggest - suitable alternatives which could be used to replace them.

7 Suggest an alternative introduction and conclusion for this article.

b . : ' ;

Paragraph 1 :;.I ..., , ,.

and justification

Paragraph 3 . I ,

second reason for choice and justification . -

- I suggestions for facilities


Page 118: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

I Revision & Extension Section I

14 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I An international magazine is publishing articles for a series called influential People of the Twentieth Century. You have been invited to write a short article about a person who was an influential figure in your country during the twentieth century. Write your article for the magazine (120-180 words).

1 What type of writing is this? 2 Could you write about someone from long ago (e.g. ancient times,

medieval times, the 1800s)? Why (not)? I

3 Who would you write about? Why? 4 When writing about an influential person, what details could you include

in your article (e.g. physical appearance, character, interests, historical importance, in what way influential, etc)? C


15 Read the article and answer the questions.

Of all the important people ~n me went~ern ce ItheOnewho had the most positive influence was Diana, Prin~,,, ,, ,,a,,J.

Diana was an extravrdinary woman. Her beauty and elegance attracted attentim wherever she went and she was often harassed by the press. Nevertheless, shs was not discouraged by them. On the contrary, she led a very active life. She also made a point of spending a lot of time with her two sons and was clearly a caring and loving mother. In addition, much of her life was devoted to organising charity events which not only raised money to help the poor, but also made the public more aware of the problems the less fortunate face every day. Her down-toearth nature and her compassion set an example for others to follow.

Diana was a great influence on the country for many reasons. First, she helped many people through her work, such as AIDS sufferers. She also helped change the negative attitudes many people had towards such illnesses. Furthermore, by coming into direct contact with Uwma $ha hotpod, ruch aa children In wpbagm o r p a t i o n t E i n h o f p l t a l f , E h o e h o m d ~ m ~ ~ o r r r h r d a p r n a n ~ thry should be Mnd, conslckrrlr urd helpful taamrck everyone thy mod.

~ s I ~ w s o ~ t h a , ~ ~ h s r c k r t h , ~ g o o d w o r l r r h e ~ h ~ b m c o r d k r u @ b y ~ G h r r b d d M k l y r p s r o n n o t t o k ~ . Y A -


1 Is the article written in fo your answer.

2 What is included in the introduction of the article? Suggest an alternative introduction.

3 What is the main point of paragraph 3? Underline the topic sentence. 4 In what ways was Diana influential, according to the article? 5 What explanationslexamples has the writer given to show how Diana was

influential? 6 What linking words have been used

- to list pointslgive examples? - to show contrast?

[general, not

Page 119: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

1 Revision & Extension Section I

1 , :- c.


16 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I An international magazine has asked its readers to send in articles for a special edition about friends and friendship. You have decided to write an article about what makes an ideal friendship. Write your article for the magazine (120-180 words).

.,I 1 What type of writing is this? l i


2 In your opinion, what are the most important qualities a friend should have? r q


ip' "JPo,, 17 Read the article and ansver the questions below. 5'' .[lb

---JT;;:;;;;- iendship' mean to you? or some people, friends are((

just people you go out and have fun with. For me, however, the ideal friendship is much more than that.

Firstly, a true hie@ should be honest a trustworth~Without thesc characteristics, you cannot have a good relationship w v t is more, 50th partners in a friendship should have these niilities. a;, A proper friendship is one based on equality.

Secondly, I believe that it is important to sh~esimilar . intea3E%iiour friend. It

difficult to keep a friendship going if the two people had nothing in

l common.

Thirdly, an ideal hiend is one who you gaturn tointimesof trouble. Friendship is not only about having a good t i m e u t being able to give or ask for support whenever it is needed. Some of the closest friendships have &W

I difficult circ-ces. To conclude, there are many people who we can call a friend, but the qualities

4endship is built on - trust, shared interests and supporting one another - are larder td find than you rnightimqine!

__II --

1 Suggest a suitable title for this article. 2 Has it been written in formal, semi-formal or informal style?

3 What are the characteristics of this kind of writing? Give four examples from the text.

4 Does the introduction clearly state the topic?


5 Which techniques has the writer used to start the article? Suggest an alternative introduction for this model.

6 In the writer's opinion, what makes an ideal friendship? Has each point been presented in a separate paragraph with a clear topic sentence? Underline the topic sentences.

7 Underline the words/phrases the writer has used to list points. Suggest alternative wordslphrases which could replace these. F

8 What reasons has the writer given in each paragraph to support the

W- -- V m F points presented?

9 How does the writer end the article?

U t - .C

I Paragraph 1 W''. ' Id.

1 introduce the topic l ' 18

Page 120: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

I Revision & Extension Section

18 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I You have had a class discussion about the following statement:

Only people who know how to make music can really enjoy listening to it,

Now your teacher has asked you to write a composition giving your views on the statement. Write your composition (120-180 words).

1 What type of writing is this? 2 Do you play a musical instrument? 3 Do you enjoy listening to music?

19 Read the article and answer the questions.

1 g i i t impossible to appreciate music, as some people argue, if you don't plal a musical instrument yourself? I strongly believe that the ability to enjoy musi~ does pJ depend on the ability to make music. I -

To begin with, people with no musical talent can nonetheless get pleasure out of listening to talented musicians play. My main reason for saying this is based on personal experience. Although I do not play any musical instrument, I enjoy a gre8 . variety of music, from classical to rock, and millions of music fans around the worlcc

! feel the same way. I' , ~urthermore, liking music is not something that depends on education, know- ledge or ability. Instead, music 'speaks' directly to the emotions. This is clear from the way babies and animals respond when they listen to music, which shows that anyone is capable of enjoying music.

,l B O n the other hand, knowing how to play a musical instrument can help you

1, understand music more clearly and appreciate it in a different way. If you write music yourself, for example, you understand more about the music you listen to F


someone who does not. a-- ,.' l

1 . . .To sum up, I feel that anyone can enjoy listening to music, whether or not they

... low how to make music themselves. It is true that musicians probably get greater pleasure out of listening to music than the rest of us do, but this does not mean viewpoint 1 and reason that our own enjoyment of music is not 'real'.

c Paragraph 3 L

with the topic? Underline the sentence

h the introduction? Suggest an alternative

B E1Ew the Mter p r ~ n t e d m e a t s both for and against the statement? What at@ thw 4trgmenIls9 and in which paragraph is each presented?

4 Which sntenw &ate tlro writer's main arguments? What justification has been &van to support each argument?

5 Underline the linking words/exp~e~sions used in the composition, then suggest suitable dternatiya which could replace them.

6 Suggest an alternative conclusion.

biewpoint 2 and reason

Paragraph 4

opposing vlswperlnt and reaso*)

restate ywr apinlon using different wards

Page 121: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

20 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. 1 1s this letter writfen in f~rmal or informal style? Why has this style been used?

I A friend has written to ask how to improve hislher English. Write a letter in reply, giving your advice. You should also mention the main 2 What are the characteristics of this difficulties which you think your friend might face. Write your letter type of writing? Find examples of to your friend (120-1 80 words). each characteristic in the letter.

1 What kind of letter is this (an invitation, a letter of complaint, an application for a job, etc)?

2 What advice woulg you give to a friend who wants to improve hislher English?

., - ' - \ .i:

21 Read the letter and answer the questions.

b ~ h a n k s for your last letter. I think it's great that you want to Improve your English, and of course I'd be happy to give you any advice I can. oon't worry - I'm sure you'll find it a lot easier than you expect. I

The best thing you can do is to start a course in English. There are lots of schools which offer lessons, and Ym sure they have qualified teachers who will be able to teach you . properly. , If I were you, l'd also try to make friends with someone who is a native English speaker. If you do this, you'll be able to practise what you learn in class - and as they say, 'practice makes perfect'.

It would also be a good idea to read English magazines or books, and watch films and TV programmes in English. This gives you a lot of useful practice, and irs fun at the same time! If you like, I could send you books and videos from here. I

Of course you will have a few problems, especially at the beginning. The main difficulty is with phrasal verbs, because there are so many of them, and they have so many different meanings! Don't give up - after all, English isn't a difficult language to learn, and you already know the basics. I b r Naturally, from now on I expect you to write to me in English as much as you can. If you follow my advice, rm sure your ~nglish improve in no time. Good luck!


3 What is the reason for writing this letter?

4 What advice has the writer given in the letter? In which paragraph@)?

5 What wordslexpressions has the writer used to give advice? Suggest alternative wordslexpressions which could replace them.

6 When giving advice, the writer gives reasons to explain in what way this will help. Underline each of the reasons given in the letter.

7 Underline the topic sentence in paragraph 5. What is the main point of the paragraph?

S Suggest a suitabIe alternative final paragraph for this letter.

I reasonls) for writing I

I MuIn Idy. m e m e * m m u - m a m m o e - e

Paragraphs 2 4 I advice and reasons

m m m o m m m m o m m m o o e m m

. t .t

Page 122: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Revision 8 Extension Section

22 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I Your cousin is worried that helshe won't pass all hislher exams this year and has wriien to you asking for advice. Write a letter in reply, giving your cousin advice about how to prepare for exams and explaining the main difficulties students face. (120-180 words)

1 What kind of letter is this? 2 What advice would you give someone who wants to prepare well fpr their

exams? What are the main difficulties they might face?

23 a) Read the notes (1-5) below and match them to the reasons (A-E). Then, use suitable expressions and linking wordslphrases to write sentences offering advice, together with reasons, as in the example.

1 make study timetable

2 get plenty of sleep

3 revise questions in past testslexams

vou will be able to ~ractise answering exam questions there is a limit to how much information you can learn

you'll know how much time you've got in order to prepare for each subject

you can't learn properly if you're tired it will be easy to find the key points in your notes, and you'll remember thesFmore easily

b) Use the prompts below, as well as ideas of your own, to talk about the difficulties someone may face when preparing for exams.

you start to panic as the date of the exam gets nearer

it's hard to get started - you keep telling yourself you'll start tomorrow

you get discouraged because you keep forgetting certain information


\ ................................................................ 4 use coloured pens to ................................................................

highlight important points e.g. M ~ ~ ~ r o p e n i c r a s ~ d a r a

of^^^^, Trytom E a l n r , ~ ~ y o t r w m r d o ~bQdtifyufikverymwu.

S don't try to study every bwk in the library

24 Read the rubric in Ex. 22 again, then write your letter (120-180 words). Use your answers from Ex. 23 to help you. You can use the letter in Ex. 21 as a model.

Page 123: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

@ear the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I A travel magazine is organising a short story competition for the best story about an excursion to remember. The story must begin

1 with the words: As soon as Bob arrived in the city, he knew that this - would be a.wonderfu1 day. Write your story for 'the competition.

(120-1 80 words)

1 Should your story relate to a tripljourney? Why (not)? 2 What kind of day would be 'wonderful'?

3 Should you write your story in the first or third person? Why?

26 Read the story and answer the questions.

. - I knew that this would be a wonderful day. He had won a day out in London and tickets B the theatre to see 'On Broadway'. The morning sun war bright and Bob and his brother were excited as they left the station and saw a shiny black limousine wailing to pick them up. As the chauffeur opened the door for them, Bob smiled to himself and felt very important.

The first thing they did was to go sightseeing. They visited Tower Bridge, then their driver took them to see Buckingham Palace. Neither Bob nor his brother had been to London before and they were amazed by all the huge, beautiful buildings. ,

6 The next thing they did was to have lunch in a famous, expensive restaurant. While they were being led to their table, Bob marvelled at the luxurious decor. As they walked past one table Bob coutdn't help staring at some actors whom he recognised from television. This was mething to tell his friends about when he got back home.

Soon it was f i e to go Q the theatre. When the lights went down, Bob whispered to his brother, "This is fantastic! I can't believe we're here!" The performance was incredible, B Q ~ knew that this was an experience he would always remember.

By the time they got home, they were both exhausted. Whet a fabulous day!" Bob sighed happily to himself before falling asleep. 'How lucky I was to wln the prize!"


any i n f ~ ~ ~ a t i ~ n in the introduction which makes reference to: ' the people involved time place weather . feelings

Paragraphs does the main body consist of? What is the main

3 Which is the most commonly used verb tense in the story? Why? What other tenses are used, and why?

4 Which word is used: - in Para. 2 instead of 'big'? - in Para. 3 instead of 'looking'? - in Para. 4 instead of 'said'?

5 Underline the words1expressions used to show time andlor sequence of events. Suggest suitable alter- native wordslphrases.

6 Which wordslexpressions have been used to express feelingslreactions?

7 Which descriptive adjectives are used to describe:

the limousine? the buildings? the restaurant? the decor? the performance?

8 Which technique has been used to end the story? What other tech- niques can be used? Suggest an alternative ending.

Set the scene (who - where - when -

I detailed description of events in the order thev I

event in each one? 124

Page 124: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

27 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I You have been invited to write an article for Screen magazine, saying whether you prefer going to the cinema or watching videos at homc Write your article, saying which you prefer and giving reas0ns.A

1 What type of writing is this?

28 Read the article and answer the questio



I . .

2 Write a suitable alternative introduction. , . p , .. In which Paragraphs does the writer give hisher viewpoints? does helshe introduce each one? I---;, 3- . , , c: ":. * -5 r . . What are the main viewpoints? What reason(s) does the writer give to support each viewpoint?

reasons are given to support this? 6 What tenses have been used in this article? 7 Underline the descriptive adjectives, then suggest suitable alternatives

which could be used to repIace them. 8 Write a suitable alternative conclusion.

Page 125: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

29 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

You have just seen the following advertisement in an international

--,.,C. --- - - . - - - *. .:i W A ~ T E D - CHILD-MINDER /p + -, , , . ! , : :C.,

We need someone to help during the school holidays. The job invob looking after two energetic children, aged 8 and 9. 1: c' '""

- . . . - . . . .: The ideal candidate will be: .. . ,,. .- . , . , : . . . . . . ; I & , . . ' . , . -. a student aged 16-22 , : , . :- . - - . . , - , + l

able to speak English . :;;,':! ,' , ..,'LP> t 3 .

1:,1 free for the whole summer ' , :. . ;-.; - . .

able to organise children's activities

ic Nrite your letter of application to Mrs Miles. (120-180 words) 31

l What style should this letter be written in? Why? -. 2 Can you suggest any phrases suitable for such a letter? 3 What kind of person might respond to this advertisement?

30 Read the letter and answer the questions.

Dear Mrs Miles,

F . I am writing with regard to your advertisement for an English- speaking child-minder which appeared in Sunday's edition of The World ~oday.

I am a twenty-onr-year-old student from Hungary. I have just completed my second year at Loughborough University, where I am studying child psychology. I speak English fluently, as I have been living in England for three years. Prior to this I studied the language in Hungary for seven years and obtained my proficiency certificate.

I enjoy working with children of all ages, and I regard myself as friendly, patient and very responsible. I have experience in looking after children, as I have had child-minding jobs during the holidays, as well as a holiday job at the Sunshine Summer Camp in America last summer. My duties there included organising various sports and activities, which the children enjoyed very mch. I enclose references from two of my previous employers.

D I would like to spnd the summer working

l- in England and I feel that I would be suited to the position. If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be glad to do so at any time. Yours sincerely,


What is the reason for writing? Suggest a suitable alternative intro- duction. What personal details (e.g. age) are included in paragraph 2? Underline the personal qualities the writer mentions. What other personal qualities might help to make someone suitable for this job? Why does the writer mention her summer job last year? Suggest a suitable alternative final paragraph for this letter.

I Final Paragraph

1 closing remarks I

Page 126: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

31 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

You have decided to have private lessons to improve your English and you have just seen the following advertisement in your school/college magazine. Read the advertisement and the notes you have made. Now, write a letter to Mrs Daniels, giving her the information she needs and requesting the information in your notes.

Paragraph 1

1 reasonlsl for writing .:


An experienced and qualified teacher is offering private lessons in English.

1 Please write and tell me: * your age * reasons for learning English * your lev/el of English * area 4ou need to concentrate on -

&mar. conversation, etc

Mrs M. Daniels

1 What is the purpose of the letter? 2 What style should it be written in? Why? 3 What information from the advertisement and the notes should be ( included in the letter?

I 32 Read the model and answer the questions. - . - -- ----

.l Mrs Daniels,

I am writing in response to your advertisement offering private English m, which appeared in the college magazine. I am very interested in the

( ~ w s e and would like some additional information.

,F :lam a nineteenyear-old student at Aston College. l have recently taken the i ambridge First Certificate exam, so l have a reasonable command of the English *Itmyage. l enjoy learning languages and feel that l have a particular talent in English. 'L

However, l feel that l need help in the areas of grammar and conversation m order to improve my accuracy and fluency. Furthermore, l am hoping to start

.U degree course at Southampton University in England next year, so the main reason l need at least Proficiency level English is to enable me to study and

F socialise there.

\ I would appreciate it if you could send me some more information about the , lessons offered, such as where and when they would be held, how much they , cost and what the price includes. Could you also tell me if there are any extra i . ~aterials, such as books, which l would be expected to provide? Finally, l would . like to know whether you teach students in groups or on an individual basis.

I will be glad to supply any further information you might need. I look "vard to hearing from you soon.

yours sincerely, E;Ik Sovawn

( Erik Lrensen -

Main Body &%flw ' , m m a m m m m m m m m r I Atmm Paragraphs 2-3 3;dWWi,) - give information 1

1 In which paragraph is the purpose of the letter mentioned?

2 What details does the advertisement ask for? In which paragraphs have they been provided in the letter?

3 The advertisement asks about "areas you need to concentrate on - grammar, conversation, etc" and "reasons for learning English". What answers have been given in the letter? What linking wordsJphrases have been used to express reasons? Circle them and suggest alternatives.

4 What information should you ask for, according to the notes? How does the writer introduce each request? Underline these parts.

5 What closing remarks does the letter include? Suggest suitable alternative closing remarks.

Page 127: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Revision & Extension Section I

33 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that the story must begin with the following words:

n\ C I will always remember my first day at ... -1 Write your story. (120-180 words)

f ,-, , , ,, (, d/ C "# {S, octn,kail 0' 1 - 1 Where could you have a "first day"?


2 Should this story be written in W t r s t or third person? Why? 3 In which part of the story (introduction, main body or conclusion) would

you write about: - the events of the story, in the order they happened? K m - how the story ended and how you felt?

- the placeltime, etc in which the story is set? 1

34 Read the story and answer the questions which follow.

I will always remember my first day at summer school. When I woke up it was bright, sunny morning -nothing like the awful English weather I'd heard about S often. I was thrilled to be studying in London and the Smiths, the family I was staying with, were very kind and friendly to me. I quickly got ready, had breaqast then rushed out, feeling very excited. " W

When I arrived, the college building was huge and I wasn't sure where m) classroom was. There was a sea of strange faces and I felt as if I it was my first day

l at primary school.

Suddenly, I saw someone I thought looked like a girl from my home town. I amazed when I heard her call out to me.

"Juanita! What are you doing here?" she said. . . , .

"Wow. Maria. it really is you!" I replied, explaining that I was a student at the summer school. Imagine our surprise when we realised we were both doing the same course!

The summer school turned out to be as good as I had hoped. and my English improved enormously. Needless to say, Maria and I had a great time while we were

and made lots of new friends from all over the world. She was the last person that I will never forget.

. , _,-


1 Underline the information in the first paragraph which tells the reader: a)when/where the story takes

place b) what the weather was like c) what the story is about

2 Suggest a suitable alternative intro- duction for this story.

3 Which wordslphrases show the writer's feelingslreactions? Underline them.

4 Which verb tenses have mainly -

been used in the story? Why?

5 In what way is the conclusion relevant to the first sentence (i.e. the sentence given in the rubric)?

I Set stsjm' (who - where - when whail

Maln B d y .~.......*......~ Paragraph 2 - 4

l Develop the story detailed dwaip;ilan of events h the mder they happened

Page 128: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

35 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I You have been invited to write a short story for an English-language magazine for young people. The editor's instructions say that the story must begin with the words:

"Don't do that!" I shouted. He ignored me ... Write your story for the magazine. (120-180 words) , I I

?! 1 What type of writing is this? L 2 Should it be written in the first or third person? Give reasons.

3 What might the other person be doing to make you sh6ut, "Don't do that!"?

36 a) Read the beginnings (A and B) below and say which one you '

prefer for the first paragraph of the story in Ex. 35. Give reasons.

"Don't do that!" I shouted. He ignored me and began to drink what he obviously thought was a cup of tea. Suddenly he started to grow hair and his face began twisting into a vicious expression. "It isn'l tea!" I explained, but it was too late. He was alread~ changing into a monster.

b) Put the events in the order they happened, then tell the story.

m] A young boy pushed me from behind.

IB(1] I took the students to the museum.

m1 I bumped into John. K( The curator asked us to leave

the building.

(El] John took a vase in his hands. The curator caught the vase.

m 1 asked John to put the vase back in its place.

37 Read the rubric in Ex. 35 again and write your story (120-180 words). Use your answers from Exs. 35 and 36 to help you.

I -

B " ~ / u n r ao tnat!" I shouted. He ignored me, walking towards me with the valuable vase in one hand. John, who was in my class at school, was always joking. That spring morning we had gone to an archaeological museum on a school trip and, as usual, John had got bored. "But it's only a silly old pot,'' John laughed. I began to feel extremely nervous.


Page 129: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

38 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I You are working abroad a s a tour guide. Write a letter to a friend at home, describing the job and saying what you like and what you don't like about it. Write your letter. Do not write any addresses. (1 20-1 80 words)

1 What is the reason for writing the letter? (e.g. giving advicelapologisingletc) 2 What style should it be written in? Why? 3 What are the characteristics of this style? 4 Describe the typical duties of a tour guide.

39 Read the letter and answer the questions below.

,,* T H ; t e ? & i $ ii$ I haven't written so01 but I've been really busy

kicn my summer job here in ond don. Anyway, I thought I'd drop y ~ u n e and tell you all about it.

WAS you know, I'm working as a tour guide for a company called 'Star Travef'. My job is to look after the people who come on the tour bus and tell them about the history of the places we visit. The company gave me all the information I needed, but I had to study very hard to learn it Now I'm

p n e x e on all the main London sights, like S t Paul's, the Houses of Parliament and the Tower the aerson to ask! e-~4


&hhat I likGoort about the job is meeting people from all over the world, So far I've met people from America, Africa and New Zealand. I've even been out in the evenings with some of th m e mad- --

The only thing l don't really like abzut the job is having to get up at six o'clock every morning, in time to greet people as they arrive. You know how ' ' ate getting up early! so -Q. Ci/"cup

Love, Mary

1 What is the purpose of the letter? Has this been stated in the first paragraph?

2 Suggest a suitable alternative intro- duction for this letter.

3 In which paragraph is there a description of her job? What does the job involve?

4 What advantages and disadvantages of the job does Mary mention? In which paragraphs does she mention these?

5 What reasons/explanations does she give concerning the advantages and disadvantages?

6 What closing remarks does Mary make? Suggest a suitable alter- native final paragraph.

$1 ,, ,

? dosing remarks 4 ' . . . 1 .

Page 130: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

You work for a tourist organisation in a university town with a large number of foreign students. You have been asked to write a report about eating out in your town. Describe the best places for students to eat and drink in the area, and say why you think these places are I suitable for foreign students. Write your report. (120-180 words)

1 What style should the report be written in?

2 What kind of places would you write about?

41 Read the report and answer the questions.

3 Which of the following points are not mentioned in each of the main

. - ' lbody paragraphs (paras. 2,3 and 4)? Date: 6 May, 20 ....

. '"m location PURPOSE The aim of this report is to provide details of places to eat in the Stonebridge 4.:?'-'*.r! 1, > . . , area that are suitable for students visiting from other countries. -=---- m type of food . .;l . ' -. Y: '-

FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS There are a number of fast food restaurants in Stonebridge. The two most popular are O'Donnel's in Mill Street and The Burger Palace in Cornwall Road, atmospherelsurroundings . ' #

At either of these places students can enjoy cheap food in clean surroundings. why suitable for students .ib Another advantage is that they have the opportunity to meet local people of their own age.

RESTAURANTS Many of the town's restaurants can be found in Kingsbury Square. The most popular of these are Tucker's and The Lobster Pot, which have varied menus. Prices are reasonable - about £5 for a main course. Booking is recommended at weekends. Students will enjoy dining in these restaurants, as they offer authentic local dishes in a cosy, traditional atmosphere.


' cooked meals. Both places are recommended for foreign students who .........m m*.....

,an enjoyable evening out listening to music or dancing.


1 What is the purpose of the report? Is this purpose clearly stated in the introduction?

2 Suggest a suitable alternative first paragraph for this report.

Page 131: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

42 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer me quesfions.

The following statement was printed in an international magazine: A lot of what is taught in school nowadays is not worth learning.

Now your teacher has asked you to write a composition on this subject, with reference to your own learning experiences. Write your - composition. (1 20-1 80 words)

1 What type of writing is this? 2 In what style are opinion essays usually written? 3 What does "with reference to your own learning experiences" mean? 4 Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Why?

43 Read the essay and answer the questions.

I Although schoolchildren often complain that school is boring and a waste of time, I think this is an exaggeration. In my view, the majority of the things we are taught in school are useful to us in many ways.

I In the first place, school gives you general knowledge which helps you in your everyday life. My own experience has shown me that a knowledge of subjects such as Geography and History, for instance, helps to understand what is

happening in the world around us. Without this 'background' knowledge, the information in newspaper reports, TV documentaries and so on would mean very little to me.

Furthermore, some school subjects help you develop an interest in hobbies. In my case, I like to spend my free time surfing the Internet. I would find this much harder to do if I had not taken Computer Studies at school.

On the other hand, there are some subjects taught in school which seem to me to be a waste of time. I particularly dislike Algebra, for example, and I cannot see how memorising formulas and equations will ever be useful to me.

I To sum up, I believe that, with one or two exceptions, it is wrong to say that what is taught in schools is not worth learning. On the contrary, it gives us a very good basis for our understanding of the world.

1 In what style is this model written? What are the main characteristics of this style? Find examples of each characteristic in the composition.

2 Does the writer agree or disagree with the statement in the rubric? Which sentence states this clearly?

3 Underline the topic sentence in each of the main body paragraphs.

4 In which paragraphs does the writer express viewpoints disagreeing with the statement in the rubric? In which paragraph does she express the opposing viewpoint?

5 What personal examples are given as reasons to support these viewpoints?

6 Underline the linking wordslphrases .

which have been used to: .

a) list points, b) show contrast, c) introduce personal opinion or

experience? 7 Suggest a suitable alternative final

paragraph for this composition.

Introd~ioa I


Paragraph 1

state the topic and your opinion clearly

Paragraphs 2 - 3

viewpoints and reasons

Paragraph 4

I opposing viewpoint and reason

I Conclusion I 0.0 ..........C*9~

Final Paragraph

I restate your opinion using different words

Page 132: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Revision & Extension Section

44 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I lou are the secretary of the students' social events committee at your college. Read the note from Jeff, the committee chairman. Then write to the principal, Mrs Roberts, asking for permission to have a party and telling her about the plans that have been made so ar. Write your letter. Do not write any addresses. (120-180 words)

there won't be any complaints! 8 - 1 1 :30 pm, Sat 28th July ticket holders only (400 maximum) Sonic Sounds will do the disco (special price!) Sarah Shaw's doing food & drink, Ali Lee's doing the decorations

- --, - * W 7 r. ,- , . ,v

1 What is the main reason for writing the letter? What are the two other reasons for writing?

2 What style should the letter be written in - formal or informal? Why? 3 What sort of "problems" might there have been at last year's party? What

could be done-to make sure-these problems did not occur again?

45 Read the letter and answer the questions.

- - _ . . . . I Dear M n Roberts? .c-r

I I am writing on behalf of the Students' Social Events Committee to request the use of the college canteen for the summer disco, which we are hoping to hold at the end of the college year.

We would like to hold the disco on 28th July. from 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm. Entrance would be to ticket holders only and we plan to sell no more than

tickets. The music will be provided by Sonic Sounds, who have agreed to provide their services for the evening at a discount price. sarah Shaw will be organising the food and drink and Ali Lee is in charge of the decorations. PI realise that you may be concerned about our making too much noise or leaving the canteen in a mess, as was the case with the last party held there. Let me assure you that we will take precautions to ensure that no complaints are made this time. The disco will finish at 11:30 pm precisely, and members

I of the committee will make sure that people leave the building quietly, so t - that there will be no disturbances after midnight. Six members of the committee have also offered to tidy and clean all the rooms after the party.

. - bl am sure that you understand how much the summer disco will mean to the students after their hard work throughout the long year. I hope, therefore, that you will give us your kind permission to use the canteen.

.;l Yours sincerelv.

1 Is the main purpose of the letter clearly stated in the introduction?

2 In which paragraph does the writer tell the principal about plans for the organisation of the party? Have all the details from Jeffs note been included? Underline this inform- ation in the letter.

3 In which paragraph does the writer try to reassure the principal that there won't be any problems? What information does he give to support his assurance that precautions will be taken?

4 Suggest a suitable alternative final paragraph for this letter.

I reason(s) for writing .. . : I

I Paragraph 2 .- I

I information about the organisation of the part" l

l , reassurance that there A A .

will be no complaints . +I .

ciini~iron ..** ...**.. 0.0 r.'....

Final barograpti

I closing remarks I

Page 133: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

46 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. ,, You work for a large company and you organise staff social events. Read the note from your colleague, Martin. Then, write to the director of the company asking for permission to have a party at the office and giving information about the organisation of the party. I Write your letter in an appropriate style. (120-180 words)

' ( 1 ' 8 ,

7 , - . - 1 Could you write to Mr Franklin and ask permission for us to have an office patty for Sarah's retirement? Remember there were some complaints from local tenants after the last party, so you will have to persuade him there won't be any problems this time! these,^ ~ ~ c i s i o n s we have made so far: 2

Date - IOthMay,, - 1 , Food & drink - Peter Place - office Music - tapes1CDs Time - 6:00 pm - 1 1 :00 pm Decorations - Julie

Underline the sentence in the ir ..., duction which clearly states the topic of the article.

What technique(s) has the writer used to make the introduction interesting? Suggest a suitable alternative introduction.

Thanks, Madin L * r , -M: I . 3 What suggestions does the writer

-+ .&g<. ' make? What results does the writer

1 What is the main reason for writing the letter?

2 What information from the note should be included?

expect if the reader follows these suggestions?

47 Read the rubric in Ex. 46 again and write your letter. You can use the letter in Ex. 45 as a model.

4 Which expressions have been used to make suggestions? Underline the wordslphrases, then suggest suitable alternative expressions.

48 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. 5 What language has been used to

I You have been asked to write an article for your school magazine, suggesting helpful ways of remembering new vocabulary in English. Write your article for the magazine. (120-180 words)

1 What type of writing is this? 2 What helps you to remember new vocabulary?

49 Read the article and answer the questions.

Do you spend hours studying new words in English, only to find that after a few days you have forgotten them? Many students have this problem, but you mustn't give up hope. Here are a few ways to help you remember new vocabulary.

? useful method is to write down each new word or phrase on a separate piece of paper. Then you can stick these pieces of paper around your room - on your walls, on a mirror or anywhere you can see them. In this way, you will see the new words every day and you'll soon learn them.

It's also a good idea to choose ten words a week to learn, then ask a friend to test you on their meanings. By learning ten words a week, you will soon build up your vocabulary.

The best way to learn new words, though, is to use them. When you find a new word or expression, look it up in the dictionary to find out what it means, then make sure you include it in your next composition, or in a letter to a pen friend, or even in conversation. P$er you have used it a few times, you are sure to remember it.

I hope you find these tips useful. Remember, learning English vocabulary can seem difficult, but if you try hard enough, it certainly isn't impossible.

l34 '-

introduce results? Circle the words1 phrases, then suggest suitable alter- natives.

6 Suggest a suitable alternative final paragraph.

jlntroduetbn ......m ....*.....


Paragraph 1

state the topic

Main Body ......m**....*...

Paragraphs 2 - 4

suggestions and results

Comlusion .......*....-..m.

Final Paragraph

general comment

Page 134: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

> : ~ . % ( ~ ~ t j ~ $ ~ - - ; i - P b -i,%2,.%$<;.

- . Revision 8 Extension Section I

[ 50 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I You recently went to a jazz festival which you thought was fantastic. You have just seen a local newspaper report about the event, which is incorrect. Read the newspaper report, together with your own comments. Then write to the editor of the newspaper, correcting the errors and explaining why you think the festival should be held again. Write your letter to the editor. (120-180 words)


H FESTlVAL FLOP 1 It did! I The Farley Jazz ~eitival. held last weekend, was very badly

'yber ~~\or~anised. According to the programme. the event was scheduled first (as in I to beain at midday on Sunday, but a series of delays meant that

~rogramme)*the fir% group, M&~c, did nofget on stage until 2:30. I With the single exception of Linda Lacely, who was brilliant, all of the performers were second-rate. The festival's main attraction, They 'layed for West Wind, played for only half an hour, It is not surprising that the 1 Over an hour! Tfestival wagattended by fewer than 2,000 disappointed people.

More than 5,000 there! we really want this festival held again next summer?!


1 What type of writing is this? 2 What is the main reason for writing the letter? What is the second reason

for writing?

1 51 Read the letter and answer the questions.

wish to point out a number of errors which were included in the article. _ irst of all, your article stated that the first band, Magic, were unable to appear at midday as planned. However, the first band was actually Cyber (as announced in the programme), and this group &l appear at midday. I econdly, the article described the performers as "second-rate". This is

not at all fair, since all the musicians were talented and dedicated professionals.

,The third error was the remark that West Wmd played for only half an nour. In fact, the group played for at least an hour, and their fans were delighted with the performance,

cFinally, your article claimed that "fewer than 2,000" people attended the stival. In reality there were at least 5,000 people there, and none of them

seemed "disappointed" with the event. ' 'eel the festival should definitely be held again next year, as it provided .itertainment for thousands of people and helped the trade at local shops. I

. . hope you will print a correction of the errors contained in vour review of 1 the festival, and try to report evenits yith more accuracy in h;ture., ,

1: Yours faithfully, L p

. Mill*. . . '7 . . - d,hc

1 What style is the letter written in - formal or informal? Why has this style been used?

2 Suggest a suitable alternative first paragraph for this letter.

3 Underline the information from the newspaper report which has been included in the letter.

4 What useful language has been used to list points? Circle these wordslphrases, then suggest suit- able alternative expressions.

5 What is the main topic of paragraph 6? What reasons does the writer give to support hislher opinion?

6 Suggest a suitable alternative final paragraph for the letter.

1 Paragraphs 2 - 5 .. - -1

errors and explanations

Paragraph 6- . , .

explanation why festival . should be held next year

8 >-L%+ . U , Final Paragraph , , 1

suggested action to be . ,taken/closing remarks

Page 135: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

52 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I A magazine for teenagers is organising a story-writing competition and you have decided to enter. The competition rules state that your short story must begin with the following words:

I I had dreamed of this moment for years, and now 1 wanted to show that I deserved the chance.

Write your story for the magazine (120-180 words).

1 Is this a first-person narrative or a third-person narrative? Why? 2 How should the story begin? Why? 3 What kind of 'moment' might you dream about for years?

53 Read the model and answer the questions which follow.

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0 . .

Paragraph 1

Set the scene (who - where - when - W hat)

Main Body ................m

Paragraphs 2 - 3

Develop the story detailed description of events in the order they happened

Conclmkn ...............a.

Final Paragraph

end the story; final feelings, comments, etc

- -- - 1- l Underline the information in the first paragraph which tells the reader: a) where the story takes place b) what the weather was like c) what the story is about

Underline the time wordslexp- ressions the writer has used.

Circle the phrases which describe feelings/reactions.

List the main events in the story.

What writing technique has been used in the final paragraph?

If the writer hadn't hurt his ankle, what might have happened in the second half of the match? Imagine a different plot line, then write suitable alternative paragraphs for paragraph 3 and the final paragraph.

Page 136: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

I h l . ~ ~ I L ' * , ~ 7 V* T

~ a ~ < & g $ E Revision & Extension Section I

54 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

You have had a class discussion about inventions. Now your teacher has asked you to write a composition about what you think was the best invention in the last 200 years, and what you think was the worst invention during the same time. Write your composition,

J giving reasons for each choice (120-180 words).

1 What type of writing is this?

2 What do you think were the best and worst things invented in the last 200 years?

55 Now read the composition and answer the questions below.

I The main reason for choosing the computer is that it allows us to do j so many things that we could not do before. In offices, schools and .I

homes around the world. the computer has become such an important piece of equipment that most of us could not imagine life without it.

, Furthermore, it seems to me that computers will continue to bring us 4 new benefits for hundreds of years to come. ;i

In contrast, the invention of the motor car has brought us more 4 problems than benefits. It is certainly true that the motor car has made c travel much easier. However, this same invention also causes terrible air

pollution which may put the future of our planet in danger. With the c2 j additional problems of traffic jams and road accidents, the motor c 1 ! has actually made our lives worse, not better.

3 TO sum up, there have been many inventions over the last hv 1 hundred years. Some of them, like the computer, have brought us hu e benefits. On the other hand, however, inventions such as the

have caused a lot of problems which did not exist before.

1 Suggest a suitable title for this composition.

2 What style is the composition written in - formal or informal? Why has this style been used?

3 What does the writer choose as the best invention? What reasons are presented to support this choice?

4 What does the writer choose as the worst invention? What reasons are presented to support this choice?

5 Underline the linking words/ phrases used in this composition.

6 Suggest a suitable alternative intro- duction for this composition.

Page 137: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

56 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

D You saw this announcement in an international magazine for teen- agers, and you have decided to write an article.

Write an article with this title, about something of yours that you particularly value. It could be any object, big or small! You should briefly describe the object, and explain why it is so important to you.

Write your article for the magazine (120-180 words).

1 What is meant by the phrase 'treasured possession'? Does the item have to be valuable?

2 What is your most treasured possession, and why do you value i t?

57 Read the article and answer the questions.

My Most Treasured Possession ... by Rebecca Black

Everyone has a certain possession that they would not part with for anything. It ay be an object that is worth a lot of money, or it may have sentimental value only.

I My own most treasured possession is my personal stereo.

This wonderful piece of technology is made of shiny black plastic and is small enough to fit in my coat pocket. It comes equipped with little headphones which are liaht and comfortable to wear.

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b.. Paragraph 1

clearly state the topic and your choice

Main Body ..........m. .b...

Paragraph 2

brief description of obiect

Paragraph 3

first reason for choice. and explanation

Paragraph 4

second reason for choice

I and explanation

Conclusionr ..*..0..*...*.*.1 ,

Final Paragraph

restate your choice and reasons

One reason I like my personal stereo so much is because it enables me to sit in my room and listen to music while I am doing my homework for college, or when I'm simply relaxing. The sound doesn't disturb my family - in fact, they don't know when I've got it on!

Another advantage that my personal stereo has is that I can take it everywhere

feel bored or lonely.

with me. It is my constant companion: on the bus, when out for walks or shopping, and even on the way to and from college. As long as I have music to listen to, I never

My personal stereo is the perfect possession. It provides entertainment, , relaxation and companionship, and I would certainly feel lost without it.

1 What style is this article written in - formal or semi-formal? Why has this style been used?

2 Suggest a suitable alternative introduction.

3 Which paragraph includes a description o f the object?

4 What reasons and explanations does the writer give for her choice of object? Write an alternative reason and explanation.

5 Suggest a suitable alternative final paragraph.


Page 138: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Revision & Extension Section

58 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. - The editor of an international magazine for young people has invited

C IOU to write a short article in answer to the following question:

If you were asked to choose an everyday object that has changed our lives, which object would you choose, and why?

Nrite your article for the magazine (120-180 words).

A useful for both computerlmusic systems - can store information easily long-lasting, high quality - production improving all the time

1 What type of writing is this?

2 What everyday objects can you think of that have changed our lives?

3 What object would you choose, and why?

B make calls from anywhere - vital to busy people especially useful in emergency - e.g. in car, travelling alone

59 Look at the pictures (1-4), name the items, then match them to the notes (A-D). Finally, make sentences using appropriate linking wordslphrases.

C essential tool for business - you can access data quickly contact with World-Wide Web - find out about almost anything

D learn about the world around you - get latest news, see places you can't visit

great entertainment - watch whateverhhenever you like, in the comfort of your own home

e.g. The main reason I would choose the CD is that, since you can store information so easily on a CD, it is useful for both computer and music systems. In addition, ...

60 Read the rubric in Ex. 58 again and write your article (120-180 words). You may choose one of your answers from Ex. 59 to help you. You can use the article from Ex. 57 as a model.

Page 139: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Revision & Extension Section L a &

61 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

I The editor of your college magazine has invited you to write an article suggesting simple ways for students to keep fit and stay healthy. Write your article for the magazine (120-180 words).

1 What type of composition is this? 2 What helps you to keep fit and healthy?

62 Read the article and answer the questions.

a..-. . . -6 ,---&? w,--;-r..prc* 7; - . - --. .y " - ). Common-Sense Fitness by susan ~urphy

DO you find that most magazine articles about health and fitness suggest solutions' that are much too expensive or difficult for you? Well, don't worv - there are a number of easy ways to keep fit and stay healthy.

The first step is obvious: if you are a smoker, you should stop. Smoking is a

I leading cause of cancer, heart disease and a lot of other health problems. It is also bad for non-smokers who have to breathe in other people's smoke. The result of giving up smoking would be a healthier lifestyle, for you and everyone around you.

It is also a good idea to get some exercise. You don't need to join a gym to do the. Instead, walk quickly around your neighbourhood for thirty minutes, three or four

T times a week. If you do this, you will find you have much more energy. L

Finally, you should make sure you eat healthily, especially if you are overweight. ,, ,au cut down on fats and eat more fruit and vegetables, you will lose weight I naturally. As a result, you will be fitter, feel better and live longer.

< l

So, what can we do to lead a longer and healthier life? The answer is simple. ,

I 1 Underline the phraselsentence in the introduction which states the topic of

the article. 2 What style is the article written in - formal or semi-formal? Why has this

style been used? 3 What suggestions does the writer make? In which paragraphs? 4 Underline the phrases used to make suggestions, then suggest suitable

alternative phrases. S What result does the writer expect if the reader follows each of her

suggestions? 6 Circle the phrases used to introduce these results, then suggest suitable

alternative phrases. 7 What writing technique has been used in the conclusion? What other

techniques can be used? 8 Suggest a suitable alternative final paragraph.

I stde the topic

1 Main Body ................. Paragraphs 2 - 4

suggestions and results

Conclusion ................. Final Paragraph

general commentlstate your opinion

Page 140: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

8 . --L .;..;; , . ~ ~ k . . , ~ - $ l # t . k q h . J - < It, , .: , . Revis ion & Extension Sect io i

63 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

D You have just seen this advertisement in a local paper.

Film Extras Wanted We require people of all ages to appear as extras in our next film. Filming will take place in July. You must understand English and be available for at least a week. r TO apply, give a full description of yourself, tell US exactly when YOU would le available, and ex~lain whv vou would like the iob.

1 What are the characteristics of this style of writing? Find examples in the letter of each characteristic.

2 What is the reason for writing the letter? Has the writer stated this clearly in the first paragraph?

3 Suggest a suitable alternative first paragraph.

4 Why does the writer want this job? In which paragraph does she state this?

5 Suggest a suitable alternative final paragraph.

Write your letter of application (1 20-1 80 words).

1 What style should this letter be written in? Why? 2 What is a 'film extra'? 3 How would you describe yourself? 4 Would you like to be in a film? Why~Why not?

64 Read the letter and answer the questions. a h Paragraph l 1 l am writing to apply for the position m i l m extra which was advertised [ I in the sunday edibon of the ~h I I am a 24-year-old student living in Paris, where I am in my second year I

I of drama school. Before this, I &tended a community college in New York, where I studied English and Drama for one year. Although I have not yet had any paid acting experience, r have starred in two college productions. I As regards my appearance, I have long, wavy red hair, a fair complexion and green eyes. l am 1.65 m tall and of average build. I I am particularly interested in this position because l believe the experience would be extremely useful for my studies and my future ambitions. Since the drama school is closed for the whole of July, I will be available to work at any time. I may be contacted at the above a d d r ~ ~ , ~ b v tele look forward to hearing from you. e-+& Yours faithfully, S ,- - ra m %I fiw Val Fimbres

reason for writing

Paragraph 2

age, current situation1 relevant studies Paragraph 3

description of appearance 4

P Paragraph 4 fw nw - - - 1

Conclusion h.. ,r. :; z l .r: ,., ............24b~@

f -. ... ',,'C*

Final Paragraph '

closing remarks

Page 141: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

69 Rerd the mbrie, underline the Lg krda pnd msmr tho qus$iom. 1 %'hat the vi&er prefer - h e music ar record-ed music?

You savv this marneament in an intematlonal music ~gezit?@. 2 Underline the m& pas B and decided to enter tha aornpetithm. p t ' writer givm in support of his opinion. rem~$) he prmnt to jmtify ewh paint? Write and tell us - and win fabulous prizes in our competition!

Simply write an article giving your opinion. The best article will be published in the magazine and the winner will receive

Write your article for the magazine (120-180 words).

1 What type o f writing is this?

2 D o you enjoy listening to recorded music? Have you ever been to a live concert? Which do you prefer and why?

66 Read the article and answer the questions.

Many people say that going to a concert and seeing your favourite group play is a thrilling experience, and one which cannot be compared to listening to

1 recorded music. I disagrer with this point of view, several reasons.

is no doubt that music is more convenient. What could be better than buying a compact disc otj - i cassette and listening to it whenever you want, in the peace and comfort of your Jwn home? Portable players also mean that you can carry the music around with you.

=urthermore, in my opinion the introduction of the compact disc has meant thar he quality of recorded music has improved a great deal. When you listen to a CD, you can hear the words and music more clearly than you could at a concert. Nhat is more, you can adjust the volume and so on to suit yourself.

On the other hand, many people argue that the special atmosphere at a live :oncert makes it more enjoyable. The excitement of the crowd adds to your own ?xcitement, they say, while recorded music can never give you such a feeling.

3 Underlim the op@g viewpint which the wrilter give%, What remn(%) does he p m e n t to just@ thh paint?

4 Circle, the linki'ng wurds/pla?zaaes which the writer has, used to infroduce viewpoints, then &ugg~:at suit able altemaivea

I state topic and your 4 L . q

opinion clearly .-; - I Matn Body

1 Paragraphs 2 - 3

l - viewpoints and reasons

Paragraph 4 " ;A? \, I

opposing viewpoint and reason

Conclusion ................. Final Paragraph

restate your opinion using different words.

To sum up, I firmly believe that, although live concerts are often spectacular, you :an appreciate a group's music better when it is recorded.

Page 142: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Revision & Extension Section

r 6 7 l e a d the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. L

I You are on the committee of a film club, and have been asked to write a report for the club chairman, suggesting two films to be shown as part of the club's programme. You should briefly describe each film and explain why you think the club members would enjoy these films. Write your report (120-180 words).

1 What type of writing is this?

2 What style should it be written in?

3 Which two films would you recommend, and why?

68 Read the model and answer the questions. ' ,.,... . . - . . . * '

To: David Wilson, Chairman, Silver Screens Film Club From: Jennifer Carlisle, Committee member Subject: Film recommendations Date: 4th February, 20 ....

Introduction ................. Paragraph 1 I I purpose and content of report I

I .................. Main Body

Paragraphs 2 - 3

I recommendations

I Paragraph 4

AI M general comment and final The purpose of this report is to recommend two films to be included in the film j club's programme for the summer season.

i ;

I 1

l l

FIRST RECOMMENDATION The English film Sleuth would be a good choice for the June screening. Michael Caine and Sir Laurence Olivier star in this mystery classic. The exceptional thing about this film is that, using make-up, costumes and different accents, these two actors play all the roles in the film.

reason(s1 for choices and explanations(s1

Conclusion me~ee~~~~m~~~~.~m Final Paragraph

SECOND RECOMMENDATION Little Big Man is the second recommendation. This is a black comedy dealing with some serious themes in American history. Dustin Hoffman heads an excellent cast of veteran performers in this epic.


Both films would offer club members a lot to think about, as well as being amusing and entertaining. This would be a nice contrast to last year's films, which were rather serious. Furthermore, the quality of acting and direction in both films is excellent, which is sure to please our members.

i f i


Fer the reasons above, I recommend Sleuth and Little Big Man as choices for ' the summer programme. I believe these films would entertain our members f and increase attendance at the screenings. 5

1 Is the purpose of the report clearly stated in the introduction? sugge& suitable alternative first paragraph for this report.

2 What reasons does the writer give to explain why club members would enjoy the films recommended?

3 Write suitable main body paragraphs about two films of your own choice.

\ \

69 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the

>- 1 questions.

I You belong to a book club and have been asked to write a report for the club magazine, recommending two books to club members. Describe each book briefly and explain why members would enjoy reading them. Write your report. (120- 180 words)

1 What style should your report be written in?

2 Which books will you recommend, and why?

3 In which paragraph(s) will you: - state the purpose of the report? - describe each book? - suggest reasons why club members

would enjoy reading the books?

'-;M) Read the rubric in Ex. 69 again and write your article (120-180 words). Use your answers from Ex. 69 and the plan and model from Ex. 68 to help you.

Page 143: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb
Page 144: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Linking Words I Phrases

To state personal


To list




To list points:

To show sequence:


In my opinion, / In my view, I To my mind, / (Personally) I believe that / I feel (very) strongly that I

It seems to m that I I think that people should be encouraged to use public transport in the city.

One advantage of / Another advantage of / One other advantage of I The main advantage of /

The greatest advantage of / TheJirst advantage of having your own business is that you do not

have to take orders.

One disadvantage of I Another disadvantage of / One other disadvantage of / The main

disadvantage of / The greatest disadvantage of / Thejrst disadvantage of having your own business

is that you have to work long hours.

First(ly), / First of all, / In the j rs tphe , 1 To start with, I To begin with, I Secondly, l

Thirdly, 1 Finully, eveiyone knows that smoking is extremely bad for one's health.

BEGINNING: First, / To start with, 1 To begin with, /First of all, get everyone out of the building.

CONTINUING: Secondy, 1 AAfler thislthat, / Then, 1 Next, call the fire brigade.

CONCLUDING: Finally, / Lastly, 1 h t but not least keep a safe distance ffom the fire.

on the same topic: dogs are very useful in police work

Dogs are also veiy useful in police work

Dogs are very useful in police work too.

Not only do dogs help the blind, but they are very useful in police work as weU.

To show cause:

To show effect /

result / consequences:

To show


The BBC decided not to show the programme because / due to the fact that I since / as

it would upset too many people.

The programme would upset too many people; for this reason l therefore the BBC

decided not to show it.

She won a scholarship therefore, 1 so / consequently, 1 as a consequence, / as a result, I

for this reason, she was able to continue her studies.

He decided to learn Russian so that he could read Tolstoy.

He decided to learn Russian so as to I in order to read Tolktoy.

Page 145: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

I To give For instance, / For example, by running, swimming or jogging three times a week you feel

I younger and live longer.

I By taking regular erercise such as / like running, swimming or jogging you feel younger and live longer.

I If you want to feel younger and live longer, you should t a b regular aercise, particularly, 1

in particular, / especially, running, swimming or jogging.

I To show


I Seatbelts are known to save lives, yet / however, / neverthokss, / bull nonetheless, many people

refuse to wear them.

Although / Even though / I n spite of the fact that / Despite the fact that seatbelts are known to save

lives, many people refuse to wear them.

To show


T u ~ n the dial when / whenever 1 before / as soon as / the buzzer sounds:

I haven't been back home since 1982.

We met as I was crossing the street.

I I saw him while I was crossing the street.

I I We never see each other now that they've moved to another neighbourhood.


To introduce

a conclusion:

That 'S the woman who lives next door to me.

He's the man whose car was stolen yesterday.

That's the cat which scratched me.

London is the city where I was born.

F i d y , / Lastly, / All in aU, / Taking everything into account, / On the whole, /

All things considered) / In conclusion, / To sum up, no one is likely to find a cure for

the common cold in the near fitture.

Page 146: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Amendix IIa: O~eninr


(You'll never) guess what ...

That's all my news for now ... Write and tell me your news.

Making an invitation I'm writing to invite you to ... We would be very pleased if you We would be honoured if you

could come ... could attend ...

Closing Remarks: Hope you can make it - it'll be Please let us know if you can come. We would be grateful if you could notify us regarding whether ...

Thanks a lot for the invitation. I'd Thank you for your kind invitation; Thank you for your kind invitation. we would love to join you ... We would be delighted to attend ...

Closing Remarks: We look forward to seeing you. Thank you once more for your kind invitation.

Thanks a lot for the invitation but I Thank you for your kind invitation. Thank you for your kind invitation. won't be able to make it ... However, we will not be able to Unfortunately, we will be unable

come ... to attend ...

Closing Remarks: Sorry again. Maybe next time! Perhaps we can get together soon. I hope that in the future we might have the opportunity to meet.

- ~g Remarks: I've got a problem, and I think you I'd really like your advice about/ I am writing to request some on ... advice concerning ...

assistance in this matter.

having problems with ... letter requesting advice concerning ...

Closing Remark Let me know what happens. I hope everything turns out well. I hope to have been of assistance to you.

I'm thinking of ... and I wondered I'm ons side ring .. and I'd like it if .I would greatly appreciate it if if you could help me out. you could give me some . you could provide me with some

information. information on ...

Closing Remarks: Hope you can help! I would appreciate any help you Thank you in advance for your can give me .. . kind cooperation ..


Page 147: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Appendix 11s: Opening and Closing Remarks for Letters

J I V I I I ~ lnlurlllailv

dpening Remarks: r i asking for information on ... I've looked into ...

letter requesting information on ...

Closing Remarks: Hope this was what you wanted ... I hope you find this useful ... Do not hesitate to contact me should you requhe further

P - assistance. -- - -

Opening Remarks: Thank you very much for ... I am writing to express my gratitude for ...

Closing Remarks. Thanks again! It was very good of you to ... I am extremely grateful for ...

Ipening Remarks: I'm really sorry about ...

Closing Remarks: --

I - I Please say you'll forgive me ...

Opening Remarks: I'm just writing to say well done ...

Closing Remarks:

d Applicatio - )pening Remarks: I -

Closing Remarks:

dpenmg Remarks:

Closing Remarks:

Opening Remarks:

Closing Remarks:

Could you do something for me?

I I hope you can help me out.

I am writing to apologise for ...

Please accept my apology .. .

- I was really happylpleased to hear that ...

You really deserve (your) success.


I wondered if you could possibly do me a favour.

I hope it isn't too much trouble.

I am writing to offer my sincere apologies regarding ...

Once again, please accept our sincerest avoloejes ...

May I congratulate you on ...

Once again, congratulations.

I am writing to apply for the position ...

I look forward to hearing from you ...

I am writing to draw your attention to ...

I hope that this matter can be resolved . . .

I would be most grateful if you could ...

Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.

Page 148: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Asking for information


[or Letters

iiving advice I

iese are the details of ... Let me tell you when & where ... The party/wedding/ceremony will be held on ... at ...

By the way, it's a fancy dress It will be a fancy dress party1 Be advised that the party1 partylformal ceremony ... formal occassion ... occassion is .. . You can stay over if you like ... If you need somewhere to stay ... Accommodation can be provided

by arrangement ... There'll be plenty of foodldrink ... Refreshments will be provided ... The catering arrangements have

been made ... You won't need to bring anythmg ... It won't be necessary to ... You will not be required to ...

What a great way to celebrate ... It's a wonderful way to celebrate ... I'm sure it will be a wonderful

By the way, if you need help with ... If you would like any help ... Should you require assistance ... Can I bring my friend, Brian? Could I invite a friend to come too? Would it be possible for ... to

I can't make it because ... I've got plans for that weekend ... I have already arranged to ... I am otherwise engaged ...

Do you know anything about ... Do you have information about ... What information do you hold on ... I also need to know about ... I would also like to know ... Could you also provide details of ... I want to find out about ... as well. In addition, could you tell me ... Furthermore, it would be useful to Can you also let me know if ... Please could you also ... have information concerning ...

I would be grateful for ... Please would you include ... ... would be appreciated ...

This letter includes a ... Please find enclosed a ... To answer your question about ... In response to your enquiry about ... Regarding your request for ... Did you know that ... ? Were you aware of ... ? May I bring to your attention ...

I'm really sorry forlabout ... I apologise for ... Please accept my apologies for ... It wouldn't have happened if ... It happened because of ... The situation arose due to ... I admit that it was my fault ... I am to blame for ... The fault is entirely mine ... I didn't mean to ... It was not intentional ... It was not my intention to ...

I wish to request ... Could I ask you to ... Would it be possible for you to ...

If I were you, I'd ... I would suggest that ...

Page 149: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb


.- Appendix 111:~u les fdr Punctuation

m m

A 'capital letter is used: 8 to begin a sentence.

e.g. There's a great film playing at the cinema. 8 for days of the week, months and public holidays.

e.g. This year, Christmas Day falls on the last Sunday of December.

8 for names of people and places. e.g. My best friend's name is Claire and she's from

Cardiff, Wales. 8 for people's titles.

e.g. Mr and Mrs Graham; Dr Stevens; Professor Brown; etc.

8 for nationalities and languages. e.g. They are French.

We love Italian cuisine. He's fluent in Portuguese and German.

8 for the first word andlor the most important words (e.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) of titles of books, films, plays, TV programmes, etc. e.g. The Sixth Sense

Indiana Jones and the Lost Temple Alice in Wonderland

Note: The personal pronoun I is always a capital letter. e.g. George and I are going to the funfair.

A full stop is used: 8 to end a sentence that is not a question or an

exclamation. e.g. I'm having a wonderful time. There's so much to do


Italics are used: 8 to show the titles of books, plays, newspapers, films,

etc. e.g. The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Romeo and Juliet The Daily Mail Braveheart

8 to show names of hotels, restaurants, etc. e.g. The Majestic Hotel

Cleo's Grill House

A comma is used: to separate words in a list. e.g. We need eggs, milk, cheese and butter.

8 to separate phrases or clauses. e.g. He stopped walking, looked down, and realised that

he was still wearing his slippers. to separate long sentences linked by and, but, as, or, etc. e.g. Susan had a very bad cold, but she still went to the

Par&. Ann brought some delicious egg sandwiches, and Tim brought his famous chocolate brownies.

to separate a non-identifying relative clause (i.e. a clause giving extra information which is not essential to the meaning of the main clause) from the main clause. e.g. Maria, who is a ballerina, lives in Paris.

The local market, where you can buy exotic spices, is located on the High Street.

8 after certain linking wordslphrases (e.g. in addition to this, for example, however, in conclusion, etc). e.g. In addition to this, Fred is a collector of antique

watches. 8 when if-clauses begin sentences.

e.g. If we had taken her advice, we wouldn't have got lost. Note: No comma is used, however, when the if-clause

follows the main clause. before andlor after expressions such as: helshe said, said TomlMary, etc. when reporting someone's exact words. e.g. Opening the door, he said, "Wake up children, it's

time to get ready for your trip. " but: "I am exhausted, " said the firefighter.

8 to separate question tags from the rest of the sentence. e.g. MS Jones is your history teacher, isn't she?

~cailON MARK (?)

A question mark is used: to end a direct question. e.g. How old are you? Note: A question mark is not used to end an indirect

question. e.g. He asked me how old I was.

EXCLAMATION MARK (!) An exclamation mark is used:

to end an exclamatory sentence, i.e. a sentence showing admiration, surprise, joy, anger, etc. e.g. That's great news!

What a beautiful baby!

Page 150: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Appendix III: Rules for Punctuation

lU0TATlON MARK (' ' " ")

A quotation mark is used: in direct speech to report the exact words someone said. e.g. 'My flight is leaving at Oam, 'said Pamela.

'Where are you from?' he asked us. for quotations (i.e. phrases taken from books, plays, etc), sayings and proverbs. e.g. All in all, I believe that life would be boring without

music. As Robert Fripp once said, "music is just a means of creating a magical state. " My grandfather used to say that 'an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. '

Ion is used: to introduce a list. e.g. There were four of us on the boat : my

I T mother, my father, my cousin Jane and me.

J 3micolon is used: instead of a full stop, sometimes to separate main sentences when their meaning is connected. Semicolons are not used as frequently as full stops or commas. e.g. Some teenagers find it extremely hard to choose a

career; others consider it a fairly easy choice.

DOTS (...) - 4 Three dots are used to show that words have been left

out from a quotation, proverb, sentence, etc. e.g. As Edward Guthman once said, Thirty seconds on

the evening news is worth a front page headline ...'

backets are used: to separate extra information from the rest of the sentence. e.g. These days, you can buy popular newspapers (i.e.

The New York Times, Le Monde, etc) almost anywhere in the world.

An apostrophe is used: in short forms to show that one or more letters or ,

numbers have been left out. , e.g. I'm (= I am) writing because I've (= I have) got

great news. I left for Canada in the summer of '95. (= 1995)

before or after the possessive -S to show ownership or the relationship between people. e.g. Tom's bicycle, my sister's son (singular noun + 'S) .

my parents' car (plural noun + ') women's shoes (Irregular plural + 'S)

Study the examples: e.g. Look at that peacock! Aren't its feathers beautiful?

(its = possessive adjective) but: It's (= it is) a beautiful day, isn't it?

Our school is very big. It's got (= it has got) three floors and a huge gymnasium. to form the plurals of letters, numbers or abbreviations. e.g. She often writes j's instead of g's.

Package holidays became extremely popular in the 1980's. UNICEF's efforts to raise money for children living in developing countries have been extremely successful.


A hyphen is used: to form a compound word. e.g. kind-hearted; ten-year-old boy; seventy-nine;

tape-recording; welldressed; water-ski; etc.

L DASH (-) A dash is used:

in informal English, the same way as a colon or semicolon. e.g. There are three things I couldn't imagine living

without - my best friend, a good book and my dog. to introduce something that you thought of or added later, or something surprising, unexpected, etc. e.g. They're closing down the old library - at least that's

what I've heard.

Page 151: Successful writing -_intermediate_sb

Successful Writing lntermediate provides a thorough preparation for the different types of writing necessary for students at intermediate level. The book prepares students to write all types of composition, including descriptive, discursive, narrative, reports, articles, letters, transactional letters and reviews. Each unit starts with a listening activity to stimulate the students' interest. The lead-in is followed by theory, plans and full-length model compositions which help students produce successful pieces of writing. The Revision and Extension section includes a full range of composition types for students to analyse. Successful Writing lntermediate is accompanied by a separate Teacher's book and a cassette or audio CD.

' Components b. - 4

Successful Writing lntermediate

Successful Writing lntermediate Teacher's Book

Class Cassette

Class Audio CD - ,

, =2!l Express Publishing

h i ! ' ' I t ' I I ~1