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Success Motivation

Through The Word

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Unless otherwise indicated,

all Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the i!le"

20th Printing Over 189,000 in Print 

Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ ISN #$%&'()$*%+$-op.ri/ht 0 *&%' !. -harles -apps1"O" o2 3&En/land, Arkansas ('#)3

1u!lished !. Harrison House, Inc"1"O" o2 +4#+4Tulsa, Oklahoma ()*4+

1rinted in the United States of America"All ri/hts reser5ed under International -op.ri/ht6aw" -ontents and7or co5er ma. not !ereproduced in whole or in part in an. formwithout the e2press written consent of the1u!lisher"

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* 8od9s :ill Is ;our 1rosperit. &' 8od9s :illin/ness on ;our ehalf '*+ 8od9s :isdom Is A5aila!le To ;ou +4) <nowled/e of the <in/dom +&4 The <in/dom Has -ome 44

3 Our Source of Suppl. 34( Sell and 8i5e (4% Speakin/ <in/dom 6an/ua/e &*& =ominion Throu/h the <in/dom ****# Sowin/ Seed in the <in/dom *++** Supernatural Help !. the Spoken :ord

*4**' =o the of >esus *4&*+ Usin/ the ?aith ;ou Ha5e *&&*) ?aith Is Not 6a@iness '#&*4 Takin/ No An2ious Thou/ht ''**3 Refusin/ :isdom 1roduces ?ear and

-alamit. '+**( Reapin/ the Har5est ')(*% Hope and ?aith '4+*& 1rosperin/ or 1oormouthin/ '3(

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The power source of life is the :ordof 8od" It is .our responsi!ilit. to keep.our heart with all dili/ence for out of it

 proceed the forces of life" 8od9s :ord istrul. life to those that find it" He hasshared His wisdom with us and thatwisdom is a tree of life to those that la.hold on it"

an. lose their 5alues of life as the.clim! the ladder of success" 8od isalwa.s interested in .our success in life"

ut He is not interested in .our losin/health and famil. to !ecome rich"

8od9s :ord will moti5ate .ou to a positi5e and successful life" :hen .ou prosper throu/h 8od9s :ord, .ou are

 prosperin/ in a wa. that will work aneternal 5alue in .ou" The wisdom of 8odis the :ord of 8od" The :ord of 8od isthat tree of life that produces riches,honor, pleasantness, and peace"

There is onl. one wa. to achie5e true

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1 God's Will Is Your

Prosperityan. !ooks ha5e !een written on the

su!Bect of positi5e thinkin/ and success, !ut most of them deal onl. with themental realm and lack a spiritual tie$in"

A little power e2ists in the mentalrealm and it can chan/e .ou to somee2tentC !ut it takes more than mentalassent or a mechanical action for .ou to

 prosper a!undantl. in all areas of .ourlife"

8od9s :ord is spiritual moti5ation tothe human spirit" It will !uild an ima/ewithin .ou and !rin/ .ou success in

e5er. area of .our lifeDfinanciall.,spirituall., ph.sicall., and sociall."These spiritual truths from the :ord of8od can chan/e .our life"

Diligence in God's System

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10 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

8od said throu/h His prophet Hosea,

 !y people are $estroye$ %or la& o%&no'le$ge Hos" )F3G" In 6uke *3F%,>esus said, "he hil$ren o% this 'orl$ are

in their generation 'iser than the

hil$ren o% light( This is true, !ut it ou/ht

not !e" The children of the world shouldnot !e wiser than the children of li/ht

The children of the world ha5e !eendili/ent to find out how the world9ss.stem operates" Then the. operate thes.stem" The world9s s.stem is plainF8ra! and hold :hate5er .ou /et,keep :ork da. and ni/ht" Seek forriches" 8i5e .ourself totall. to .ourwork"

8od9s s.stem is e2actl. opposite")ive, an$ it shall be given 6uke 3F+%G" "" " he 'hih so'eth bounti%ully shall reap

also bounti%ully ' -or" &F3G"  !y )o$

 shall supply all your nee$ aor$ing tohis rihes in glory by Christ Jesus 1hil")F*&G" " " " go$liness is pro%itable unto all

things, having promise o% the li%e that

no' is, an$ o% that 'hih is to ome *Tim" )F%G"

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)o$*s #ill +s our Prosperity 11

8odl. men and women an an$ 'ill

 prosper as the. !ecome dili/ent in 8od9ss.stem" If .ou ha5e !een o!edient to/i5e, then .ou should !e e2pectin/ torecei5e a !etter Bo!, a raise, or newdirection in !usiness"

=own throu/h the .ears, man.-hristians ha5e somehow decided that itis not 8od9s will for them to prosper onearth" The. all !elie5e it will !ewonderful when the. /et to hea5en" utwe must deal with the here and now"8od9s :ord /i5es us the wisdom for


To !e trul. moti5ated to success, we

first must &no' that it is )o$*s 'ill %or usto prosper-

Your Soul Must Prosper

8od told Adam to ha5e dominion

o5er the earth" ?rom the !e/innin/ it was8od9s intention for man to prosper" Third>ohn ' sa.s,  .elove$, + 'ish above all

things that thou mayest prosper an$ be

in health, even as thy soul prospereth(

The word 'ish in this 5erse in the

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12 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

literal 8reek can !e translated pra., so

we could read it this wa.F  .elove$, +pra.G above all things that thou mayest

 prosper an$ be in health, even as thy

 soul prospereth(

One of the pro!lems in the od. of-hrist is that their souls are not

 prosperin/" The soul of man is the innerlink that connects the spirit with the

 !od." The soul and the spirit of man arenot the same, thou/h for .ears man.thou/ht the. were" The i!le di5ides thetwo"

So often we hear this statementF Hehas lost his soul" :e think of the soul as

 !ein/ the spirit, !ut the Scriptures tell usdifferentl."

an is a spiritC he has a soulC and heli5es in a !od." The soul of man iscomposed of the mind, the will, and the

emotions" It is the /uidance s.stem forthe natural man"

an is a spirit !ein/, ha5in/ !een !reathed out of 8od" In the !e/innin/,8od !reathed His spirit life into Adam"That spirit life !ecame the human spirit

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)o$*s #ill +s our Prosperity 1/

which operates !e.ond the intellect in the

hi/her realmDthe spiritual realm"

The /ifts of the Spirit come out of thespiritual realm"

The spirit of a man can recei5e

re5elation !efore his intellect !ecomesin5ol5ed" Juite often, I ha5e knownsomethin/ in m. spirit, !ut was una!le to

 put it into words" It was real and stron/in m. spirit be%ore m. intellect could

/rasp it" Some of the thin/s I am sharin/in this !ook !ecame a realit. in m. spiritse5eral .ears a/oC !ut it took time forthat to !e transferred from m. spirit tom. intellect in order for me to !e a!le to

share it with others"The Apostle >ohn recei5ed man.

thin/s !. re5elation into his spirit" HewroteF e are o% )o$, little hil$ren, an$

have overome them beause greater is

he that is in you, than he that is in the'orl$ * >ohn )F)G"

He didn9t sa., a.!e .ou9llo5ercome one of these da.s" He said,;ou ha5e alrea$y o5ercome !ecause the8reater One is inside .ou This

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1 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

re5elation was transferred from 8od9s

Spirit to >ohn9s human spirit"

>ohn said .ou should prosper, e5en as.our soul prospers" ;our soul mustem!race prosperit."   prosperous soul

'ill pro$ue a prosperous image insi$e


In the fifth chapter of >ohn9s 8ospel,>esus approached a crippled man at the

 pool of ethesda and said to him, #ilt

thou be ma$e 'hole3 5" 3G"That seems a stran/e thin/ to sa. to a

man who is crippled" The man had ! there for .ears waitin/ for thetrou!lin/ of the water so he could /o

down into the water and !e healed" Hewanted to !e healed, !ut >esus askedhim, :ill .ou !e made wholeK

The first thin/ the man did was to !e/in talkin/ a!out his pro!lemF Sir, +

have no man, 'hen the 'ater is trouble$,

to put me into the pool but 'hile + am

oming, another steppeth $o'n be%ore

me 5" (G"

>esus was to /et him to speak

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15 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

thin/s .ou alread. ha5e"

If .our soul is not prosperin/, .ouwill ha5e a !ad ima/eDan ima/e offailure and defeat or sickness"

Se5eral .ears a/o, I was ha5in/

 pro!lems !oth financiall. and ph.sicall."ecause I had an ima/e of failure insideme, I saw e5er.thin/ I did as a failure" Ioften said, It doesn9t make an.difference what I do" Nothin/ will work

out an.wa." I was dis/usted with life !ecause of a !ad !usiness deal"

I had put out a fleece !efore 8od as8ideon had done" It worked for 8ideonC

 !ut when I did it, I reall. /ot fleeced

>esus said when He went awa., Hewould send another -omforter to teah

 you all things >ohn *)F'3G,  gui$e you

into all truth " " " an$ " " " she' you things

to ome >ohn *3F*+G"

:e don9t ha5e to use fleeces toda."The Spirit of Truth a!idin/ in us willteach us"

:hen the desire to prosper comes

from 8od9s :ord, it is trul. a tree of life"

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)o$*s #ill +s our Prosperity 16  

Then 8od9s Spirit re5eals direction" "he

 preparations o% the heart in man, an$ theans'er o% the tongue, is %rom the 7or$

1ro5" *3F*G"

!eligious Tradition"#nemy o$

SuccessA friend of mine, 8ar. 8arner, was

with me in a church in -anton, Ohio, afew .ears a/o" I had him /i5e a shorttestimon." 8ar. told how he and his wife

had !een !elie5in/ 8od for new furniturefor their home"

He said, :e !elie5ed it so stron/l.that we Bust /a5e awa. all our furniture

Then he e2plainedF I9m not .oushould do that !ecause, in a sense, wewere like 1eterF :e Bumped out of the

 !oat !efore we were read. So we sat onthe floor for three months

:hen people came to 5isit, the. hadto sit on the floor, too 8ar. said heappreciated his friends !ecause the.didn9t feel sorr. for poor 8ar. and ! to /i5e him" The. let him

 !elie5e his wa. out of it" ?inall., the

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18 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

mone. came in and the. /ot new


After the meetin/, a fellow came upto 8ar. and said, rother, .ou know,I95e /ot old, ra//ed furniture, too"

8ar. /ra!!ed his hand and started to pra., ?ather, in the name of >esus, I pra. that ;ou9ll prosper this !rother andthat he9ll recei5e new furniture"

At this, the man said, No No He

 Berked his hand awa. and !acked off" Idon9t want new furniture" I Bust came totell .ou that .ou should ha5e !eensatisfied with what .ou had

;ou9re too late, 8ar. said" I95ealread. /ot m. new furniture, and it9s alot !etter than the old"

Somehow throu/h the .ears, peopleha5e /otten the idea that .ou can9t ser5e

8od and prosper" Se5eral .ears a/o I picked up some of that tradition m.self" Ithou/ht prosperit. was for some peopleC

 !ut e5er. time a trou!le, trial, orfinancial pro!lem came alon/, I thou/ht

it was 8od to teach me somethin/

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)o$*s #ill +s our Prosperity 19

I was learnin/ man. thin/s, !ut I

wasn9t /ettin/ an.where !ecause what Ilearned was wron/" I finall. reali@ed thatit wasn9t 8od at all, !ut the =e5il stealin/m. finances" Then I had to unlearn somethin/s"

I found that 8od9s :ord was m. thou/hts, contrar. to man. thin/s Ihad !een tau/ht" I used to think, Surel.,if these principles of faith were true, the.would ha5e tau/ht them in m. church"ut the. didn9t know an.thin/ a!outthem in that church

:hen I started these principles !. speakin/ 8od9s :ord,

thin/s started chan/in/ for the !etter"Results didn9t come o5erni/ht, !ut anima/e !e/an to !uild inside me"

Second Timoth. +F*3,*( sa.s,  ll sripture is given by inspiration o% )o$,

an$ is pro%itable %or $otrine, %orreproo%, %or orretion, %or instrution in

righteousness that the man o% )o$ may

be per%et, thoroughly %urnishe$ unto all

 goo$ 'or&s(

All Scripture is /i5en !. 8od and is

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20 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 pro%itable %or us( Instruction in 8od9s

:ord will chan/e our preconcei5ed ideasand will teach us to understand

 prosperit. 8od9s wa."

Things To Remember 

<now 8od wants .ou to prosper"LLL

=esire to prosper"%%%

Use 8od9s s.stem"%%%

Speak 8od9s :ord"%%%

See .ourself prosperin/"

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& God's Willingness on

Your ehal$ Second 1eter *F* /i5es us an

important ke. to 8od9s willin/nesstoward us" It sa.sF

Simon Peter, a servant an$ an apostle o% Jesus Christ, to them that have obtaine$ li&e

 preious %aith 'ith us through the

righteousness o% )o$ an$ our Saviour Jesus


 Notice who 1eter is writin/ toF "othose that have obtaine$ li&e preious

 %aith 'ith them( He is talkin/ to us !ecause we ha5e o!tained the same faith"

)rae an$ peae be multiplie$ unto

 you through the &no'le$ge o% )o$, an$

o% Jesus our 7or$ 5" 'G" There is aknowled/e of 8od that will ena!le 8od9s/race to !e multiplie$ to .ou" 8race has

 !een defined as unmerited fa5or, !ut

/race is much more than that" Not onl. is

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22 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

it unmerited fa5or, it is 8od9s willin/ness

to use His power and a!ilit. on .our !ehalf"

It was !ecause 8od was willin/ to /et personall. in5ol5ed to pro5ide sal5ationthat I was sa5ed"

8od9s willin/ness to use His powerand a!ilit. on our !ehalf, and His peaceis multiplied to us through the

&no'le$ge o% )o$( The word  peae

literall. means prosperit." It means to !e Boined to/ether as one" If we are Boined with >esus, that9s prosperit. an.wa. .ou look at it

8od is not Bust willin/" His

'illingness is multiplie$ to us( Some sa.,I know 8od is a!le, !ut I don9t knowwhether or not He9s willin/"  e 'on*t

until you %in$ out e 'ill(

;ou must ha5e the knowled/e of8od9s willin/ness to prosper .ou" In thefirst chapter of ark, a leper came to>esus and said,  +% thou 'ilt, thou anst

ma&e me lean( >esus then stretched forthHis hand and laid it on the leper" Nohealin/ power flowed until >esus said, +

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)o$*s #illingness on our .ehal% 2/

'ill be thou lean( s soon as he ha$

 spo&en, imme$iately the leprosy$eparte$, an$ he 'as leanse$ 55" )#$)'G"

The leper knew >esus oul$ heal himC !ut he didn9t know whether or not He'oul$ heal him" >esus, anointed with theHol. Spirit, laid His hand on the leper,

 !ut no healin/ came until He answeredthe man9s question" No prosperit. willcome until .ou answer the po5ert.questionF =oes 8od want me poorK

:hen .ou know 8od 'ill, then He iswillin/" If .ou are in dou!t a!out Hiswillin/ness, He 'on*t( 8od9s willin/ness

and prosperit. is multiplied to .outhrou/h the knowled/e of 8od" As .ou/ain the knowled/e of 8od, .ou willha5e faith in that knowled/e, and it willmultipl. 8od9s willin/ness toward .ou"

Prosperity in ll reas

It is possi!le for prosperit. to !elimited to onl. one area of .our life"1eople who are dili/ent in certain areas

will prosper in those areas"

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2 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

Some denominations are dili/ent in

 presentin/ sal5ationC the. are successfulin that area" Others, who are successfulin the area of healin/ and walkin/ indi5ine health, fail when it comes tofinances"

an. don9t understand wh. thishappens" In to answer thesequestions, some ha5e said, :ell, it mustnot !e 8od9s will for me to !e prosperousor healed"

:e could spend all our time dealin/with di5ine healin/ and /et peoplehealedC !ut if we did, not man. would

 prosper financiall." :e must find a

 !alance"Romans )F+ sa.s,  braham believe$

)o$, an$ it 'as ounte$ unto him %or

righteousness( The word righteousness isan Old En/lish word that means ri/ht

standin/ with 8od" A!raham was inri/ht standin/ with 8od"

It is possi!le for an indi5idual to !e inri/ht standin/ with 8od in the area ofsal5ation, !ut not !e in ri/ht standin/ onhealin/ or finances" He ma. !e thinkin/

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)o$*s #illingness on our .ehal% 24

and !elie5in/ wron/" His preconcei5ed

ideas ma. !e contrar. to Scripture"

A person who is in ri/ht standin/with the Scriptures on healin/ willusuall. /et healed, !ut that same personma. !e out of ri/ht standin/ concernin/finances" He mi/ht !elie5e that it9s a sinto ha5e mone. or dri5e a new car" Hecould !e ri/ht in his heart, !ut wron/ inhis head"

In the soulish area he can !e wron/"If his soul is not prosperous in that

 particular area, then usuall. he will not prosper in that area" A person in thiscondition will not /i5e much into the

ministr. !ecause he doesn9t !elie5e 8odwants him to ha5e an.thin/" Therefore,he ne5er !elie5es for a return and, if itcomes, he misses it" It takes a prosperousattitude to reap a financial har5est"

8od9s :ord sa.s, #hatsoever he$oeth shall prosper 1s" *F+G" ;ou canappl. this 5erse to suppl. e5en smallneeds" ?or instance, I ha5e used it e5enon fishin/ trips" A few .ears a/o I was

fishin/ with two fellows" One kept

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25 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$, There aren9t an. fish left here"

:e cau/ht them all out of here two .earsa/o

Ha5in/ had enou/h of that ne/ati5etalk, I /ra!!ed m. rod and reel, Bumpedout of the !oat, and waded awa. from theun!elief"

I started, :hate5er I do will prosper, in the name of >esus Noweapon formed a/ainst me will prosper

I knew that supper would !e slim if wedidn9t catch some fishG

efore lon/, I had cau/ht a fi5e$ pound !ass" One of the fellows asked,:hat did .ou catch him onK I .elled

 !ack, 1salm *F+ I ha5e filled a strin/erman. times with that 5erse"

It9s time for -hristians to /et ahealth. attitude toward prosperit. inevery area 8od e5en wants .ou to

 prosper in the little thin/s"

(esus ecame Poor that You

Might e !ich

 :or ye &no' the grae o% our 7or$ Jesus Christ, that, though he 'as rih,

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28 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

heirs with >esus -hrist" That means

whate5er He has, we ha5e access tothrou/h the :ord of 8od"

>esus said, #hen he, the Spirit o%

truth, is ome, he 'ill gui$e you into all

truth(((ll things that the :ather hath are

mine there%ore sai$ +, that he shall ta&e

o% mine, an$ shall she' it unto you >ohn*3F*+,*4G"

:e must reali@e that 8od is not poor

and that we are redeemed from the curseof po5ert." 8od 'ants us to walk in5ictor.Dspirituall., ph.sicall.,financiall., and sociall."

s+ ccording to God's Will

>esus made the followin/ statementse5eral times in His ministr.F s&, an$ it

 shall be given you see&, an$ ye shall

 %in$ &no&, an$ it shall be opene$ unto

 you att" 66;(Someone ma. sa., That can9t !e

true, !ecause I asked and didn9t recei5e"

Statements like atthew 66 must !e

qualified" ;ou must ask in faith" If .ouappl. the principles of 8od9s :ord, then

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)o$*s #illingness on our .ehal% 29

.ou will know the will and purpose of

8od" As a result, faith will comeC thenwhen .ou ask, .ou will recei5e"

>esus said in >ohn *4F(, +% ye abi$e in

me, an$ my 'or$s abi$e in you, ye shall

as& 'hat ye 'ill, an$ it shall be $one

unto you(

Someone ma. sa., If this statementwas true, would !e amillionaire" No, there is more to it than

that" >esus didn9t Bust sa., If .e a!ide ine, ask what .ou will, He included aqualificationF If .e a!ide in e, an$ !y

'or$s abi$e in you, ask what .e will"8od9s :ord is His will, and 8od9s will is

His :ord" :hen His :ord a!ides in.ou, then His will a!ides in .ou"

)o$ sent his 'or$, an$ heale$ them

1s" *#(F'#G" "hey 8od9s wordsG are li%e

unto those that %in$ them, an$ health

medicineG to all their %lesh 1ro5" )F''G"

It is 8od9s will to heal .ou in e5er.wa. .ou can !elie5eDspirituall.,

 ph.sicall., and financiall." 8od9s :ordwill work to that end, if .ou will learn toappl. it wisel."

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/0 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

Saying and elieving

The :ord of 8od tells us to speakwhat we desire" In ark **F'+,') >esus/i5es the foundation principles for the8od kind of faithF

#hosoever shall say unto this mountain, .e thou remove$, an$ be thou ast into the

 sea an$ shall not $oubt in his heart, but

 shall believe that those things 'hih he saith

 shall ome to pass he shall have

'hatsoever he saith(

"here%ore + say unto you, #hat things

 soever ye $esire, 'hen ye pray, believe that

 ye reeive them, an$ ye shall have them(

In this passa/e of Scripture, the wordthere%ore connects the two 5erses" >esusis, :hen a man !elie5es anddou!ts not in his heart, he will ha5e whathe is there%ore, he will recei5ewhat he desires when he pra.s"

:hen .ou pra., !elie5e .ou recei5ewhat .ou desire In other words, pra. thedesire, not the pro!lem

:hen I first read this 5erse, I thou/ht

it worked for 'hosoever !ut >esus didn9t

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)o$*s #illingness on our .ehal% /1

sa. that" He said it would work for

'hosoever shall say( that the principle works for 'hosoever is, ?armin/ will work foran.!od." ?armin/ works onl. for thosewho plant seed"

To operate the principle of ark**F'+, .ou must plant the seedC and to dothis, .ou must /et .our mouth in motion;ou won9t recei5e .our desire Bust

 !ecause .ou sa. it" ;ou will recei5e it !ecause of the wa. the <in/dom of 8odoperates" it is in5ol5ed inworkin/ the principle"

elieve and Don't Dou,t

esides saying, this principle sa.s the'hosoever must believe and $oubt not inhis heart"

Speak .our desire, then meditate on

it" <eep it in .our mouth" This will put itin .our heartC then faith will come andwhat .ou desired will e5entuall. come to.ou"

#hosoever  !elie5es those things

'hih he saith shall come to pass" Notice

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/2 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

he !elie5es e5er.thin/ he sa.s will come

to passC and !ecause of that, he shallhave 'hatsoever he saith( If .ou sa. thewron/ thin/sDwords of dou!t andun!eliefD.ou are on .our wa. to trou!le

 !ecause .ou are sowin/ the wron/ seed"

:ron/ seed will !rin/ a wron/har5est" These are <in/dom principlesCand to operate in the principles of the<in/dom, we must ha5e the wisdom of8od" "he 7or$ giveth 'is$om out o% his

mouth ometh &no'le$ge an$

un$erstan$ing 1ro5" 'F3G"

Things To Remember 

8od is willin/ to use His power anda!ilit. on .our !ehalf"

<now that 8od wants .ou to prosperin all areas"

1rosperit. requires dili/ence"

It takes a prosperous attitude to reap afinancial har5est"

>esus !ecame poor that .ou mi/ht !erich"

His po5ert. !rin/s .ou access to

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)o$*s #illingness on our .ehal% //


8od wants .ou to walk in 5ictor.D spirituall., ph.sicall., financiall., andsociall."

1ra. .our desire, not .our pro!lem"

editate on and speak .our desire"

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- God's Wisdom Is

vaila,le To You !y son, i% thou 'ilt reeive my 'or$s,

an$ hi$e my omman$ments 'ith thee so

that thou inline thine ear unto 'is$om, an$

apply thine heart to un$erstan$ing

ea, i% thou riest a%ter &no'le$ge, an$

li%test up thy voie %or un$erstan$ing i% thou

 see&est her as silver, an$ searhest %or her

as %or hi$ treasures

"hen shalt thou un$erstan$ the %ear o%the 7or$, an$ %in$ the &no'le$ge o% )o$(

 Proverbs 21<4

God's Wisdom. More /alua,le

Than GoldIf someone told .ou that /old nu//ets

and diamonds had !een found on .our propert., .ou would !e dili/ent to siftthrou/h the dirt, searchin/ for that


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/5 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

The :ord of 8od is worth more to

.ou than all the /old and diamonds in theworld" ut man. ne5er turn the pa/es forits riches" "he 7or$ giveth 'is$om out

o% his mouth ometh &no'le$ge an$

un$erstan$ing 1ro5" 'F3G" :isdom

comes out of the mouth of 8odF :isdomis the :ord of 8od

 e layeth up soun$ 'is$om %or the

righteous he is a bu&ler to them that 'al&


 e &eepeth the paths o% =u$gment, an$

 preserveth the 'ay o% saints(

"hen shalt thou un$erstan$

righteousness, an$ =u$gment, an$ e>uity

 yea, every goo$ path( Proverbs 26<9

If .ou follow the wisdom of 8od, .ouwill understand e5er. /ood path"

God Wants You To 0ave 0isWisdom

#is$om rieth 'ithout she uttereth her

voie in the streets she rieth in the hie%

 plae o% onourse, in the openings o% the

 gates in the ity she uttereth her 'or$s,

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/8 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

merhan$ise o% silver, an$ the gain thereo%

than %ine gol$(

She is more preious than rubies an$

all the things thou anst $esire are not to be

ompare$ unto her( 7ength o% $ays is in her

right han$ an$ in her le%t han$ rihes an$

honour( Proverbs /1/<15 

How does wisdom /et into .ourheartK It comes from the mouth of 8od

Then .ou must !elie5e it and speak it out.our mouth" =a5id said,  !y tongue is

the pen o% a rea$y 'riter 1s" )4F*G"

Things To Remember 

:isdom comes out of the mouth of8od"

8od wants .ou to ha5e wisdom so.ou will !e !lessed and prosperous"

;ou /et wisdom into .our heart !. !elie5in/ 8od9s :ord and speakin/ it out.our mouth"

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*no)ledge o$ the

*ingdom8od alwa.s intended for His

<in/dom to !e on earth" ;ou will notspend eternit. in hea5en !ut on earthD the new earth"

8od created Adam to !e /od o5er theearth, to rule it" an was su!ordinate to8od, !ut he was to ha5e dominion o5erthe earth"

8od told Adam how to prosper" Hesaid, " " " replenish the earth, an$ sub$ue

it an$ have $ominion over every living

thing that moveth upon the earth 8en"*F'%G" 8od /a5e that authorit. to Adam,

with onl. one stipulationF o% the tree o%the &no'le$ge o% goo$ an$ evil, thou

 shalt not eat( ( " 8en" 'F*(G"

8od9s will was that the earth !e patterned after hea5en" After turnin/ theearth o5er to Adam, 8od let Adam do as

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0 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

he chose" :hen Adam was a!out to sin

 !. diso! 8od, 8od didn9t sa., No,Adam, .ou can9t do that" He had /i5enAdam total authorit." :hen Adam soldout to Satan !. eatin/ the for!idden fruitthe serpent SatanG offered, 8od did not

lift a fin/er to stop him" :h.K ecause itwas not 8od9s responsi!ilit. to do soC itwas Adam9s responsi!ilit."

Someone has su//ested that Adamwas nothin/ more than a weed puller inthe 8arden" ut he couldn9t ha5e !eenD there were no weeds in the 8arden"

Adam was /od o5er the earth" In '-orinthians )F), 1aul refers to Satan as

the go$ o% this 'orl$ 'ho has blin$e$ themin$s o% them 'hih believe not( Satan/ot this title from Adam"

God #sta,lishes 0is *ingdom

After Adam sinned and allowed Satanto !ecome /od of the world, 8od usedanother means to restore His <in/dom toearthF He esta!lished a !lood co5enantwith A!raham" The -o5enant meant that

whate5er A!raham had !elon/ed to 8odand whate5er 8od had !elon/ed to

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 Kno'le$ge o% the King$om 1

A!raham" That9s how stron/ their !lood

co5enant was"

As .ou stud. this -o5enant, .ou willfind that A!raham was e2ceedin/l. rich

 !ecause 8od made him rich"

#hen bram 'as ninety years ol$ an$nine, the 7or$ appeare$ to bram, an$ sai$

unto him, + am the lmighty )o$ 'al&

be%ore me, an$ be thou per%et( n$ + 'ill

ma&e my ovenant bet'een me an$ thee,

an$ 'ill multiply thee eAee$ingly( n$

 bram %ell on his %ae an$ )o$ tal&e$ 'ith


)enesis 161</

8od said to A!raham, I am  Bl

Sha$$ai Almi/ht. 8odG" In the He!rewthe word almighty or  Bl Sha$$ai meansthe all$sufficient One, the 8od :ho ismore than enou/h"

Some seem to think that 8od said, I

am El -heapo" To them 8od and po5ert. run hand in hand" ut that9s nottrue ;ou read in the !ook of Re5elationthat the streets of hea5en are pure /old"There are e5en /ates in hea5en made out

of a sin/le pearl Re5" '*F'*"G

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2 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

8od told A!raham that He would

make him the father of man. nationsF

 either shall thy name any more be

alle$ bram, but thy name shall be

 braham %or a %ather o% many nations have

 + ma$e thee(

 n$ + 'ill establish my ovenant

bet'een me an$ thee an$ thy see$ a%ter thee

in their generations %or an everlasting

ovenant, to be a )o$ unto thee, an$ to thy

 see$ a%ter thee(

)enesis 164,6 

:e can see from the !lessin/s of the-o5enant descri!ed in the followin/scriptures that 8od didn9t intend for

A!raham or his descendants to !e po5ert.$stricken" The promise was toA!raham and his seed in their/eneration"

 +t shall ome to pass, i% thou shalt

hear&en $iligently unto the voie o% the 7or$thy )o$, to observe an$ to $o all his

omman$ments 'hih + omman$ thee this

$ay, that the 7or$ thy )o$ 'ill set thee on

high above all nations o% the earth

 n$ all these blessings shall ome on

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 Kno'le$ge o% the King$om /

thee, an$ overta&e thee, i% thou shalt

hear&en unto the voie o% the 7or$ thy )o$(

 .lesse$ shalt thou be in the ity, an$

blesse$ shalt thou be in the %iel$((( .lesse$

 shall be thy bas&et an$ thy store( .lesse$

 shalt thou be 'hen thou omest in, an$

blesse$ shalt thou be 'hen thou goest out( @euteronomy 281</,4,5 

Conditional Promises

 n$ the 7or$ shall ma&e thee the hea$,

an$ not the tail an$ thou shalt be aboveonly, an$ thou shalt not be beneath i% that

thou hear&en unto the omman$ments o% the

 7or$ thy )o$, 'hih + omman$ thee this

$ay, to observe an$ to $o them(

 @euteronomy 281/

 +t shall ome to pass, i% thou shalt

hear&en $iligently unto the voie o% the 7or$

thy )o$ all these blessings shall ome on

thee ( ( ( an$ overta&e thee(

 @euteronomy 281,2

This last scripture sa.s we are tohear&en $iligently to 8od9s :ord" Theword hear&en means to hearintelli/entl., !e o!edient to, declare andtell" The word $iligently means to

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Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

declare wholl. and completel., louder

and louder" So let9s read it with thatmeanin/F

If thou shalt hear&en $iligently unto

the voie o% the 7or$ thy )o$?to hearintelli/entl., !e o!edient to, and declareor speak louder and louder what 8od hassaidDthen all these blessings shall ome

on thee(

8od said to speak out His :ordC !ut

from the wa. some people talk, .ouwould think He said to declare all thecurses, to talk a!out how it won9t workand how it failed the last time it wastried"

Choose lessings2 3ot Curses

 n$ it shall be, i% thou $o at all %orget

the 7or$ thy )o$, an$ 'al& a%ter other go$s,

an$ serve them, an$ 'orship them, + testi%y

against you this $ay that ye shall surely


 s the nations 'hih the 7or$ $estroyeth

be%ore your %ae, so shall ye perish beause

 ye 'oul$ not be obe$ient unto the voie o%

the 7or$ your )o$(  @euteronomy 819,20

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 Kno'le$ge o% the King$om 4

8od is warnin/ of the consequences

of diso! His 5oice and of the cursesthat would come upon the people whoforsook the 6ord and ser5ed other /ods"

In =euteronom., chapter '%, 8oddescri!es the curse of po5ert.F

 .eause thou serve$st not the 7or$

thy )o$ 'ith =oy%ulness, an$ 'ith

 gla$ness o% heart, %or the abundance of

all things;

"here%ore shalt thou serve thineenemies 'hih the 7or$ shall sen$

against thee, in hunger, an$ in thirst,

an$ in na&e$ness, an$ in 'ant o% all

things an$ he shall put a yo&e o% iron

upon thy ne&, until he have $estroye$thee 55" )(,)%G"

8od was encoura/in/ the children ofIsrael to !e o!edient to the :ordC !utthe. failed to !e o!edient and the cursesdid come on them"

The -o5enant of lessin/ applies tothe seed of A!raham in the same wa. itapplied to the children of Israel" The

 !lessin/s will o5ertake us if we hearken

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5 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

dili/entl. to 8od9s 5oice"

8od said to A!raham, + 'ill ma&e my

ovenant bet'een me an$ thee, an$ 'ill

multiply thee eAee$ingly " " " s %or me,

behol$, my ovenant is 'ith thee 8en"*(F',)G"

1aul sa.s the promise was thatA!raham should !e heir of the world"Rom" )F*+"G

The Covenant !eesta,lishes The


:hen Adam committed hi/h treasona/ainst 8od, allowin/ Satan to !ecomethe /od of this world, a curse of po5ert.,

sickness, and spiritual death came uponthe land" 8en" +F*(,*%"G 8od esta!lishedthe -o5enant to relie5e His people fromthis curse"

In =euteronom. '%F*4, 8od said, .ut

it shall ome to pass, i% thou 'ilt not

hear&en unto the voie o% the 7or$ thy

)o$, to observe to $o all his

omman$ments an$ his statutes 'hih +

omman$ thee this $ay that all these

urses shall ome upon thee, an$

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 Kno'le$ge o% the King$om 6 

overta&e thee"""" Then He listed the


After readin/ this scripture, some people form a !ad ima/e of 8od, !elie5in/ that He does e5il thin/s" ut8od was warnin/ His people" He wastellin/ them what would happen if the./ot o5er amon/ the curses" He that the curses e2isted, !ut that the

 people didn9t ha5e to let the curses affectthem"

,raham's lessings re 4urs5

In 8enesis *(F(, 8od said,  + 'ill

establish my ovenant bet'een me an$

thee an$ thy see$ a%ter thee in their

 generations %or an everlasting ovenant,

to be a )o$ unto thee, an$ to thy see$

a%ter thee(

A!raham and his descendants throu/h

Isaac were to operate in the -o5enantuntil that Seed came"

6et9s take a closer look at the seedF o' to braham an$ his see$ 'ere the

 promises ma$e( e saith not, n$ to

 see$s, as o% many but as o% one((( 8al"

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8 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 


:hat seed is this talkin/ a!outK "" " n$ to thy see$, 'hih is Christ(

:e are all the children of 8od andthe seed of A!raham" 8alatians +F'3$'&

makes this 5er. plainF :or ye are all the hil$ren o% )o$ by

 %aith in Christ Jesus(

 :or as many o% you as have been

baptiDe$ into Christ have put on Christ("here is neither Je' nor )ree&, there is

neither bon$ nor %ree, there is neither male

nor %emale %or ye are all one in Christ

 Jesus( n$ i% ye be Christ*s, then are ye

 braham*s see$, an$ heirs aor$ing to the promise(

1aul sa.s,  o' ye are the bo$y o%

Christ * -or" *'F'(G" :hen we are !orn a/ain, we are !apti@ed into

-hrist" -hrist is the seedC and sincewe are part of the od. of -hrist, weare the seed" Therefore, the promise8od made to A!raham !elon/s to us


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 Kno'le$ge o% the King$om 9

 :or i% the inheritane be o% the la', it is

no more o% promise but )o$ gave it to braham by promise(

#here%ore then serveth the la'3 +t 'as

a$$e$ beause o% transgressions, till the

 see$ shoul$ ome to 'hom the promise 'as

ma$e an$ it 'as or$aine$ by angels in thehan$ o% a me$iator( ( (

 .ut be%ore %aith ame, 'e 'ere &ept

un$er the la', shut up unto the %aith 'hih

 shoul$ a%ter'ar$s be reveale$(

#here%ore the la' 'as our shoolmaster

to bring us unto Christ, that 'e might be

 =usti%ie$ by %aith(

 .ut a%ter that %aith is ome, 'e are no

longer un$er a shoolmaster()alatians /18,19,2/<25 

:e are no lon/er under the 6aw" Thatmeans we are no lon/er under the curse

of the 6aw" 8lor. to 8od, -hristredeemed us from the curse, not the !lessin/Dthe !lessin/ is still ours

Christ hath re$eeme$ us %rom the urse

o% the la', being ma$e a urse %or us %or it

is 'ritten, Curse$ is every one that hangethon a tree

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40 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

"hat the blessing o% braham might

ome on the )entiles through Jesus Christthat 'e might reeive the promise o% the

Spirit through %aith(

)alatians /1/,1

an. !elie5e that the promise o% the

Spirit is 8od9s promise to send the Hol.SpiritC !ut it is the promise of the Spiritto A!raham in re/ard to the -o5enant"8od was that !ecause -hristredeemed us from the curse of the 6aw,

then the !lessin/s of A!raham !elon/ tous"

The Covenant Is #verlasting

 .rethren, + spea& a%ter the manner o%

men "hough it be but a man*s ovenant, yeti% it be on%irme$, no man $isannulleth, or

a$$eth thereto ( ( (

 n$ this + say, that the ovenant, that

'as on%irme$ be%ore o% )o$ in Christ, the

la', 'hih 'as %our hun$re$ an$ thirty

 years a%ter, annot $isannul, that it shoul$

ma&e the promise o% none e%%et(

)alatians /14,16 

The 6aw came into effect after 8odhad made the -o5enant with A!raham"

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 Kno'le$ge o% the King$om 41

:hile under the 6aw and under the curse

of it, the Israelites were sold into E/.pt and had to sta. there all those.ears" ut 8od said the 6aw still couldnot disannul the -o5enant !ecause Hiswas an e5erlastin/ -o5enant"

In this -o5enant which 8od said Hewould esta!lish with A!raham9s seed,there is the phrase in their generations(

That means all the wa. down It is ane5erlastin/ -o5enant" It will continue tothe end of the a/es" A !lood co5enantwas so !indin/ that e5en un!orn childrenwere in5ol5ed until the. could decide forthemsel5es whether or not the. wouldcome under that co5enant"

E5er. !elie5er who wants to comeinto that -o5enant toda. can claim it andwalk in the !enefits of it Bust likeA!raham did In fact, the. can walk in it

 !etter than A!raham for he was under theOld -o5enant" The New -o5enant isesta!lished on !etter promises"

If the Old -o5enant had !een perfect,there would ha5e !een no need for a new

co5enantC !ut findin/ fault, 8od made a

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42 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

new co5enantDone that was si/ned and

sealed !. >esus with His own !lood" Notice this co5enant was e5erlastin/" Itdid not pass awa. with the Old -o5enant

 !ein/ fulfilled"

Place Yoursel$ under ThisCovenant

:hen I saw the truth in 8enesis *(F( Dthat we are entitled to !e in that-o5enantDI decided to place m.self

under the -o5enant" I spoke this outloudF

In the name of Almi/ht. 8od andHis Son, >esus -hrist, I decide now to

come under that -o5enant I9m /oin/ tooperate in it I open m.self now, ?ather,to let ;ou esta!lish it with me in m./eneration

ake a decision to come under that

-o5enant and walk in it" ;ou ha5e aco5enant with 8od"

 .ut thou shalt remember the 7or$ thy

)o$ %or it is he that giveth thee po'er to

 get 'ealth, that he may establish his

ovenant 'hih he s'are unto thy %athers,

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 Kno'le$ge o% the King$om 4/

as it is this $ay(

 @euteronomy 818

Things To Remember 

8od created man to ha5e dominiono5er the earth"

Adam9s sin allowed Satan to !ecomethe /od of the world"

8od esta!lished a !lood co5enantwith A!raham"

E5er.thin/ A!raham had !elon/ed to8od"

E5er.thin/ 8od had !elon/ed toA!raham"

Hearken dili/entl. to the 5oice of8od9s :ord"

 +% ye be Christ*s, then are ye

 braham*s see$, an$ heirs aor$ing to

the promise(1lace .ourself under this -o5enant"

ake the decision to walk with 8od"

;ou ha5e an e5erlastin/ -o5enant

with Him

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6 The *ingdom 0as

ComeIn the si2th chapter of atthew, >esus

is teachin/ His disciples how to pra.F

 %ter this manner there%ore pray ye

Our :ather 'hih art in heaven,hallo'e$ be thy name( "hy &ing$om

ome( "hy 'ill be $one in earth, as it is

in heaven 55" &,*#G"

This, which we know toda. as

"he 7or$*s Prayer, is not a NewTestament pra.erC it is an Old Testament"

Sometimes people point to "he

 7or$*s Prayer and sa., Here9s the wa.>esus tau/ht us to pra."

 No, this is not the wa. >esus tau/ht usto pra." He tau/ht His disciples to pra.under the Old -o5enant" Sometimes

 people don9t reali@e that e5en thou/h the

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45 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

four 8ospelsDatthew, ark, 6uke,

and >ohnDare in the New Testament, the people were still operatin/ under the6aw" The. were li5in/ in a transition

 period !etween the Old and New-o5enants"

7Thy *ingdom Come7

I want .ou to notice >esus9 wordsF"hy &ing$om ome( In other words Hewas, 1ra. that the <in/dom of

8od would come, that the will of 8odwould !e done in earth as it is inhea5en"

The earth was desi/ned to !e aduplicate of hea5en, to operate in thesame wa. as hea5en" The will of 8od isfor it to !e the same on earth as it is inhea5en"

Someone mi/ht sa., ut it9s not that

wa." Earth isn9t like hea5en" No, it9s not that wa." >esus knew it

wasn9t that wa.C !ut He said, 1ra. that itwill /et that wa." >esus would not ha5etau/ht us to pra. a/ainst the will of 8od"

The will of 8od under the Old -o5enant

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"he King$om as Come 46  

was for earth to !e the same as hea5en"

As we saw in -hapter ', 8od9sintention from the !e/innin/ was for His<in/dom to !e on earth, and He has notchan/ed" If Adam had !een o!edient towhat 8od told him to do, it would ha5e

 !een that wa. toda." ut Adamcommitted hi/h treason and turned hisauthorit. o5er to the =e5il" :hen he did,the forces of e5il were loosed upon earth"

8od9s will is still the same toda. as itwas in the !e/innin/Dand it will !e

 performed in the end :hen the earth isreno5ated, it will !e the wa. 8odintended it to !eDhea5en on earth"

7Some Shall See the *ingdom7

 :or the Son o% man shall ome in the

 glory o% his :ather 'ith his angels an$ then

he shall re'ar$ every man aor$ing to his


Verily + say unto you, "here be some

 stan$ing here, 'hih shall not taste o%

$eath, till they see the Son o% man oming in

his &ing$om(

 !atthe' 1526,28

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48 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

E5identl. >esus is talkin/ of two

different thin/s" In 5erse 26, He istalkin/ a!out His return to earth and thereward that will !e /i5en" Then in 5erse'%, He sa.s that some of those standin/with Him would not taste of death until

the. saw Him comin/ in His <in/dom"That was nearl. two thousand .ears a/oHow could those men not taste deathuntil >esus returned in His <in/domK

:hen >esus said, "here be some

 stan$ing here, 'hih shall not taste o%

$eath, till they see the Son o% man

oming in his &ing$om, He was notreferrin/ to the literal <in/dom of 8odwhich is /oin/ to !e set up here on earth

after His return" This statement wouldsurel. pro5e that >esus was talkin/ a!outthe <in/dom of 8od that is within man"

:hen >esus was raised from the dead,

He came forth as the /lorified Son of8od" He carried His !lood into thehea5enlies and made atonement for man,settin/ in motion the New -o5enant"

As the risen -hrist, He appeared to

His disciples man. times" One time,

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"he King$om as Come 49

accordin/ to >ohn '#F'', He !reathed on

them and said,  Eeeive ye the oly)host(

I !elie5e this is s.m!olic of whathappened on the da. of 1entecost" Acts'F*$)"G The. were all in one accord inone placeC and there came a sound of arushin/, mi/ht. wind that filled all the

 place where the. were sittin/" On thatda., >esus came to dwell in the hearts ofmen in the 1erson of the Hol. Spirit" The<in/dom of 8od trul. had come toearth

=urin/ His earthl. ministr., >esus,the Son of 8od, met all the needs of the

 people in that da.F He healed the sick,raised the dead, cast out demons, and ontwo occasions fed the multitudes withonl. a few loa5es and fish"

After doin/ all these thin/s, He said

to them, +t is eApe$ient %or you that + goa'ay >ohn *3F(G" In other words, ;ouwould !e !etter off if I /o awa."

I am sure the. thou/ht, How wouldwe !e !etter off if He /oes awa.K

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"he King$om as Come 51

there- %or, behol$, the &ing$om o% )o$ is

'ithin you( 7u&e 1620,21

The a!o5e passa/e clearl. shows thatwhen >esus told His disciples in atthew3F*# to pra., "hy &ing$om ome, He wastalkin/ a!out the inward esta!lishment ofthe <in/dom of 8od, not the ph.sicalkin/dom that will !e set up at the end ofthe a/es"

A/ain we can appl. the law of dou!lereference" >esus said, 1ra. that the willof 8od !e done in the earth the same is in hea5en" The ph.sical !od. ofman was made out of the dust of the

earthC the inner man was not" The realcreation was !reathed out of the mouthof 8od, the Spirit of 8od" Adam wascreated to fellowship with =eit." 8od isa spirit" Spirits don9t communicate with

 !odies" The communication 8od hadwith Adam in the 8arden was in thespirit realm" The real .ou is the humanspirit"

>esus said pra. that the will of 8od !e

done in the earth as it is in hea5en"

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52 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

:e don9t ha5e to pra. "hy &ing$om

ome toda. !ecause it has alread. comeIf .ou ha5e !een !orn a/ain, the<in/dom is within .ou" The <in/doma!ides in .our human spirit, housed in.our ph.sical !od."

God's *ingdom 4perates

Through the 0uman Spirit

The word &ing$om means domain"The <in/dom of 8od is the place in

which 8od has dominion" It does notcome with o!ser5ation" The <in/dom of8od came to earth when men were !orna/ain, when the. recei5ed the new !irthof the human spirit"

;ou learn to tap the power of the<in/dom !. the :ord of 8od"Remem!er, >esus said, See& ye %irst the

&ing$om o% )o$, an$ his righteousness

an$ all these things shall be a$$e$ unto you( ;ou ha5e to seek first the <in/dom"?ind where the <in/dom is and how the<in/dom operates"

The human spirit is where the

<in/dom is set up, and it is capa!le of

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"he King$om as Come 5/

 pro5idin/ e5er.thin/ .ou need in this

life, whether it !e spiritual, ph.sical, orfinancial" It is desi/ned to either produceit, lead .ou to it, or cause it to come" ;ouneed to know how to allow .our spirit tooperate effecti5el. in the <in/dom"

;our own spirit knows more than.our intellect" 1aul said,  :or 'hat man

&no'eth the things o% a man, save the

 spirit o% man 'hih is in him * -or"'F**G" It is .our human spiritDthe real.ou, the man on the insideDwho is incontact with 8od and knows all a!out.ouF .our needs, failures, shortcomin/s,stron/ points" A man9s intellect does notknow allC !ut if .ou learn to tap into .our

spirit, which can tap the wisdom of 8od,then as >esus said all thin/s will !e addedunto .ou" ;ou will prosper"

:hen .ou were !orn a/ain, it didn9t

take lon/ for .ou to reali@e that .our ph.sical !od. didn9t /et !orn a/ain" If.our !od. had certain ha!its !efore .ou/ot sa5ed, it wanted to continue thoseha!its e5en after .ou were sa5ed" It was.our spirit man that was !orn a/ain" ;ouhad to mortif. the deeds of .our !od."

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5 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

Rom" %F*+"G

It is 5ital that .ou reali@e the<in/dom, or the domain, of 8od isinside .ou ;our human spirit is !orn ofthe Spirit of 8od" ;ou ha5e the life of8od in .ou" ;ou ha5e the 8reater Oneinside .ou, so He is capa!le of e2ercisin/dominion in .our spirit at .our will"

He is able to $o eAee$ing

abun$antly above all that 'e as& or

thin&, aor$ing to the po'er that'or&eth in us Eph" +F'#G"

Things To Remember 

The earth was desi/ned to !e a

duplicate of hea5en" It is 8od9s will forthin/s to !e on earth as the. are inhea5en"

:e don9t ha5e to pra. "hy &ing$om

ome( The <in/dom has alread. come"

>esus came to dwell in man throu/hthe Hol. Spirit" The <in/dom of 8od iswithin you-

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8 4ur Source o$ Supply

#hosoever ometh to me, an$heareth my sayings, an$ $oeth them, +

'ill she' you to 'hom he is li&e ( ( (

6uke 3F)(G"

>esus said that a man who ometh to

me, an$ heareth my sayings, an$ $oeth

them di/s deep and la.s the foundationof his life on a rock, which is the :ordof 8od" He !ases his doin/s on what8od9s :ord sa.s and not on the world


To succeed ph.sicall., financiall.,and spirituall., we must o!e. 8od9s:ord" >esus tells us what to do and how

to do it" It is then up to us to followinstructions"

In atthew 3F++ >esus makes thisstatementF See& ye %irst the &ing$om o%

)o$, an$ his righteousness an$ all

these things shall be a$$e$ unto you( In

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55 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

other words, first thin/s first" Someone

mi/ht sa. this is thin/s, !ut I didn9t sa. itD>esus did

God Wants to Supply your 3eeds

0ere on #arth

Some people think when >esussaid, (((all these things shall be a$$e$

unto you, He meant when we /et tohea5en, not on earth" =on9t let the

=e5il con .ou into !elie5in/ that"The stor. is told of a 5er. wealth.

man who died" :hen someone askedhow much mone. he left, the law.erreplied, All of it" Hea5en is a wealth.

 place" It is filled with a!undance" ;ouwon9t need mone. up there" ;ou need ithere on the earth" :hen .ou /et tohea5en, there will !e nothin/ to !u., nodemons to cast out, no sick to heal"

an. people !elie5e when >esus said,See& the &ing$om, He meant to look tothe hea5ens" I thou/ht that wa. for .ears"Then one da. it occurred to me, :hatam I /oin/ to do with it up thereK There

won9t !e an.thin/ to !u." There won9t !e

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Our Soure o% Supply 56  

an. needs there" 8asoline won9t !e M*"+#

a /allon and coffee won9t !e M4 a pound

I won9t need mone. when I /et tohea5en" 1aul said, :e brought nothing

into this 'orl$, an$ it is ertain 'e an

arry nothing out * Tim" 3F(G"

It is in the earth toda. that we needthe power of 8od and His anointin/ to/ain riches" :e need them no' to preach

the 8ospelDnot when we /et to hea5enIf .ou seek the Source, then all thesethin/s will !e added to .ou" ut itrequires dedication"

God Will Grant your Desires

Some people hesitate to totall.commit themsel5es to 8od, to seek 8od9s<in/dom first" The. sa., If I sell out to8od, He mi/ht send me to Africa, and I

don9t want to /o"That9s not the wa. it works" >ames

said if a man is a doer of the :ord andnot a hearer onl., he will !e !lessed inhis deedsC he will walk in the per%et la'

o% liberty( >ames *F'+,'4"G

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58 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

If .ou are totall. sold out to 8od,

determined to do His will and purposewithout reser5ation to o!e., then .ouwill know 8od9s will"

If .ou are totall. committed to 8od,He will /i5e .ou the desires of .ourheart" 1s" +(F),4"G He will put a desire in.our heart for the 5er. thin/ He wants.ou to do" Then .ou will !e doin/e2actl. what .ou want to do and !e inHis perfect will" 1salm +)F*# sa.s, "hey

that see& the 7or$ shall not 'ant any

 goo$ thing(

6et me /i5e .ou an e2ample" I had !een a farmer for twent.$ei/ht .ears and

I lo5ed it" I had told people, I9ll ne5erquit farmin/" It was the /reatest desireof m. heart" ut when I sold out to 8od,He !e/an to chan/e m. desires"

I didn9t want to !e a preacher !ecause

I had the wron/ idea of preachers" utfinall. I told m. wife, I don9t knowwhere 8od is leadin/, !ut I9m /oin/" Itwas se5eral .ears !efore 8od requiredme to /i5e up farmin/C !ut /raduall.,

little !. little, He chan/ed m. desires"

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Our Soure o% Supply 59

In *&(& I sold out of the farmin/

 !usiness !ecause the /reatest desire ofm. heart was to teach and preach the:ord of 8od" Toda. I am doin/ e2actl.what I want to do and I9m in the perfectwill of 8od, !ecause 8od has put His

desire in m. heart"

There are some people who /othrou/h life, e5en in the ministr., !ein/o!edient to all the. know, !ut the. ne5erfind what 8od wants them to do !ecausethe. aren9t willin/ to do it" It seems asthou/h 8od will not re5eal His completewill until .ou are willin/ to do it" If .ou/et willin/, 8od will chan/e .our desiresand .ou will ha5e Bo. doin/ it"

So man. /o throu/h life misera!leCthe. are o!edient, !ut not willin/" The.are doin/ it !ecause the. know it isrequired of them" The. ne5er do the

 perfect will of 8od !ecause the. aren9twillin/ to reall. sell out to 8od" Then.ou ha5e people who are willin/, !utsomehow the. Bust ne5er /et around todoin/ it" oth of these are misera!lethrou/hout life"

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60 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

;ou will ne5er find out what 8od

reall. has in store for .ou unless .ou arewillin/ to /o where5er He leads .ou"Once .ou !ecome willin/, He willchan/e .our desires"

Put God e$ore ThingsIn order for .our desires to !e the

same as 8od9s, .ou must !e committed toseekin/ 8od, not those desires"

In atthew 3F'), >esus said, o manan serve t'o masters %or either he 'ill

hate the one, an$ love the other or else

he 'ill hol$ to the one, an$ $espise the

other( e annot serve )o$ an$

mammon( This simpl. means that .oucannot ser5e !oth 8od and riches" ;oumust choose to ser5e 8od and makeriches ser5e .ou"

If .ou /o lustin/ after riches, .ou will

fail in life" Second 1eter *F) sa.s,#hereby are given unto us eAee$ing

 great an$ preious promises that by

these ye might be parta&ers o% the $ivine

nature, having esape$ the orruption

that is in the 'orl$ through lust(

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Our Soure o% Supply 61

If .ou sa., I9m /oin/ to !e rich and

 !e r" i/, .ou will fail"

There is no room for that kind of prosperit. in 8od9s plans" ;ou mi/ht /etit that wa. throu/h the world9s s.stem,

 !ut it9s not /oin/ to work with 8od" If.our heart condemns .ou, .our faith willnot work" :ron/ moti5es will shut down.our faith"

"hey that 'ill be rih %all into

temptation an$ a snare, an$ into many %oolish an$ hurt%ul lusts, 'hih $ro'n

men in $estrution an$ per$ition( :or

the love o% money is the root o% all evil *Tim" 3F&,*#G"

It9s the lo5e of mone. that is the rootof all e5il, !ut there are peoplecommittin/ that sinDfallin/ intotemptation and snareDwho don9t ha5ean. mone. The. would kill .ou for M4#

It9s not mone. that9s the sinC it9s the lo5eof it"

>esus said,  man*s li%e onsisteth not

in the abun$ane o% the things 'hih he

 possesseth 6uke *'F*4G" 1aul ur/es usnot to spend time seekin/ after thin/s" He

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62 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

sa.s, )o$liness 'ith ontentment is

 great gain * Tim" 3F3G"

;ou must not make riches .our /od, !ut .ou can ser5e 8od and ha5e riches"8od wants His people to !e wise inevery area of their li5es" ;ou an ser5e8od and ha5e riches if .ou will useriches the wa. 8od intended" It is allri/ht to ha5e thin/s, as lon/ as thin/sdon9t ha5e .ou

The ke. to !ein/ successful is simple"Act on the faith .ou ha5e and do what>esus saidF Seek first the <in/dom of8od and His ri/hteousness" ;ou mustlearn to seek the Source of suppl." The

<in/dom of 8od is the Source"Things To Remember 

Seek .e first the kin/dom of 8od, andhis ri/hteousnessC and all these thin/s

shall !e added unto .ou"These things will !e added to .ou on


;ou won9t need mone. in hea5en"

If .ou seek 8od9s <in/dom first, .ou

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Our Soure o% Supply 6/

will know His will and He will /i5e .ou

the desires of .our heart"

Seek the Source, not the thin/s

-hoose to ser5e 8od and make richesser5e .ou

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65 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 po5ert.$stricken people in that crowd,

and He sa.s, Sell that ye have( In otherwords, If .ou don9t ha5e an.thin/ to/i5e, sell somethin/ and /i5e"

 Provi$e yourselves bags( >esus didn9tsa. to pro5ide for .ourself with !a/s"He said to pro5ide .oursel5es !a/s":hen the i!le speaks of .ourself andthe Apostle 1aul speaks of himself,the. are referrin/ to the inner man" Thereal .ou is the man on the insideDthespirit man, the human spirit"

=eposit 8od9s :ord in .our spirit"Then speak forth 8od9s :ord from .ourheart" A /ood man out of the /ood

treasure of his heart will !rin/ forth /oodthin/s"

As an e2ample, let9s take the scripture5erse, 6uke 3F+%" e/in to sa., Thank8od, !ecause I ha5e /i5en, it is /i5en

unto me /ood measure, pressed down,shaken to/ether, and runnin/ o5er"Speak it" ake it a dail. confession"rin/ it forth with the words of .ourmouth"

8od is honestC He will perform His

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Sell an$ )ive 66  

:ord" He said, . :ord will not return

unto e 5oid" Is" 44F**"G ut 8odwants you to return His :ord to Him" Sotake 8od9s :ordDHis promiseconcernin/ a specific thin/" If .our needis in the area of finances, put that :ord

in .our heart !. speakin/ it there" 8et the/ood treasure of 8od9s :ord in .ourmouth, then speak it" That will !rin/ itout and cause a manifestation"

8i5in/ is one of the fundamental principles of the law of prosperit." It9snot the amount /i5en that is the /reatestimportance to 8od, !ut the percenta/e"

If .ou ha5e fi5e pennies and /i5e one

of them, .ou ha5e /i5en twent. percentof all that .ou own" To 8od that is Bust asimportant as a man who has fi5e milliondollars and /i5es a million" As far as 8odis concerned, that man hasn9t /i5en more

than .ou ha5e"!e)ards are ,ased on percentages

given: The return is !ased on the amount.ou /i5e" This principle works for .outhe same as it does for the millionaire"

The onl. difference is that he is

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68 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

operatin/ with lar/er num!ers" If .ou

will continue usin/ the principle, .ournickel can turn into a million dollars

Don't #at Your Seed

6uke 3F+% sa.s, )ive, an$ it shall be

 given unto you"""" ut some people eattheir seedF The. use all that the. recei5eon themsel5es until the. ha5e nothin/ to/i5e"

A /ood e2ample of what happenswhen .ou eat .our seed can !e seen inthe life of a man I met in ontana" He

 picked me up at the airport and dro5e meto a meetin/" Thou/h he did 5er. littletalkin/, I could tell e5er.thin/ was /oin/wron/ for him"

After the last meetin/ of the seminar,he came to me and said, rother -apps,m. wife and I are in !ad financial

trou!le" She doesn9t ha5e a Bo!, and m. Bo! doesn9t pa. enou/h to meet the !ills"I don9t know what we9re /oin/ to do

I said, 6et9s pra."

 Not knowin/ how to pra., I pra.ed inthe Spirit" As I pra.ed, the Spirit of 8od

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80 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

we ha5en9t /i5en Him the seed to

multipl." ake a ha!it of /i5in/,whether .our income is lar/e or small"

Unless .ou /i5e when .our income issmall, .ou will ne5er /i5e !i/" If .ouha5en9t de5eloped the ha!it of /i5in/tithes and offerin/s when .ou are makin/M&# a week, .ou will ne5er do it when.ou are makin/ M*,### a week" :e must

 !e o!edient to the !asic principle whichremains the same re/ardless of ourincome"

>esus said if .ou don9t ha5e an.thin/to /i5e, sell what .ou ha5e to /et someseed"

You !eap on #arth

Sell that you have, an$ give alms

 provi$e yourselves bags 'hih 'aA not

ol$, a treasure in the heavens that %aileth

not 6uke *'F++G" Traditionall., we ha5emisinterpreted this 5erse to mean that weare up treasures in hea5en whichare una5aila!le to us on earth" :e won9tneed mone. in hea5enC we need it here

on earth"

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82 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 


Your 3eed 0as een Supplied

Inflation is a thief, !ut it can9t stealwhat .ou put in .our heart" 1ut 8od9s:ord in .our heart, and thie5in/

circumstances will not !e a!le to ro!.ou" -onfess dail.F

I ha5e /i5en, and it shall !e /i5enunto me" I sow !ountifull.C therefore, I9m

reapin/ !ountifull." . 8od meets all ofm. need accordin/ to His riches in /lor. !. -hrist >esus"

1aul wrote the 1hilippian church andsaid, !y )o$ shall supply all your nee$

aor$ing to his rihes in glory by Christ Jesus 1hil" )F*&G" He used the wordnee$, not nee$s(

1rior to this, he had said, " " " no

hurh ommuniate$ 'ith me as

onerning giving an$ reeiving, but yeonly " " " ye sent one an$ again unto my

neessity 55" *4,*3G" The 1hilippianshad !een o!edient to the laws of

 prosperit. and had hidden the /ood :ord

of 8od in their hearts" ecause the. /a5e

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Sell an$ )ive 8/

to help 1aul, 8od9s ser5ant, then 8od

was promisin/ to suppl. all their need"He was that their needs wouldn9t

 pile up, !ut that the. would ha5e oneneed at a time and that He would meeteach need as it came due"

The promise came !ecause the. hadstored the :ord of 8od in their heartsand acted on it !. /i5in/"

Accordin/ to 6uke *'F++, when we

sell what we ha5e and /i5e alms, we areprovided a treasure in the heavens that

 faileth not.

In the i!le three different phrasesare translated heaven or heavens( In this

5erse from 6uke9s 8ospel, heaven refersto the lower le5el of hea5en, which is

 Bust a little hi/her than the earth" The8reek word for heavens in 6uke *'F++doesn9t mean the hi/her hea5en where

8od isC it means the first le5el of hea5enwhich is Bust a!o5e the world s.stem"

The World's System Is Designed

to =ail

8od9s s.stem of success we are

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8 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

discussin/ is not positi5e thinkin/ or a

scheme dreamed up to work in the worlds.stem" It works in the spiritual realm" Itworks out of the human spirit, not out ofman9s intellect" If .ou onl. confess out of.our head .our mindG the s.stem won9t

work !ecause it9s a spiritual operation"

 Provi$e yourselves bags 'hih 'aA

not ol$ (((( 6et .our spirit produce what.ou need" 6et it !e the /round in which.ou deposit the seed of 8od9s :ord" Outof that seed /ood thin/s will /row and.ou will reap the har5est on earth"

""" a treasure in the heavens that

 %aileth not """ " After all the world9s

schemes failDwhen e5er.!od. is hidin/in the mountains, storin/ up for thefamineD8od9s s.stem of sowin/ andreapin/ will pre5ail" The present worlds.stem is failin/ !ecause it was desi/ned

to fail" 8od9s s.stem won9t failC it will pre5ail"

:hen else has an empt. /astank, .our tank will !e runnin/ o5er

 !ecause of the /ood seed .ou ha5e sown

in .our heart"

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Sell an$ )ive 84

>esus sa.s that it is unfailin/ on the

hi/her plane where no thief approachesand no moth corrupts" 6uke *'F++"G :e

 !e/in to think, "hat must be in heaven

beause no thie% an get up there an$

there 'ill be no moths or insets there to

orrupt it( ut wait a minute He sa.s, Provi$e yourselves bags that 'aA not

ol$( How man. ladies do .ou knowwhose purses are no older now thanwhen the. !ou/ht themK >esus is,

1ro5ide  yoursel% as a container, adepositor., that will ne5er wa2 old"

;ou ma. sa., That must !e inhea5en" No" In ' -orinthians )F*3 theApostle 1aul sa.s, " " " but though our

out'ar$ man perish, yet the in'ar$ manis rene'e$ $ay by $ay( >esus was .ou pro5ide .ourself" ;our humanspirit, which the i!le calls the heart,

 !ecomes the container that .ou put the

treasure in"

 Now how do .ou put it in thereK InRomans *#F*% 1aul tells .ouF "he 'or$

is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, an$ in

thy heart( ?irst in thy mouth, then in thy

heart( It /ets in .our mouth !efore it /ets

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85 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

in .our heart" The 1salmist =a5id said, " "

" my tongue is the pen o% a rea$y 'riter1s" )4F*G" 1ro5er!s +F+ refers to writin/upon the table o% thine heart( How do.ou do itK :ith the ton/ue" The ton/ue isthe instrument that writes on the heart"

:hen we operate in the realm of thespirit with 8od the ?ather, we will findthe wisdom of 8od to !rin/ our

 prosperit. on earth"

-onsider the account of the prophetElisha in ' <in/s 3F*$3" :hen he and thesons of the prophets went out to cutdown some poles at the ed/e of the>ordan, one of the a2 heads flew off and

sank in the ri5er"The prophet Elisha cut a stick and

threw it in the water where the a2 headhad sunk"

The people standin/ around mustha5e wondered, :hat in the world is hedoin/K

Elisha used the stick to causesomethin/ to happenF The a2 head

floated to the top Under the world9s

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Sell an$ )ive 86  

s.stem a2 heads don9t float, !ut Elisha

was operatin/ in the spirit realm" An a2head floatin/ on water is a spiritualoperation that cannot !e e2plained innatural terms"

:hen .ou operate in the spirit realm,the people around .ou who operate in thenatural realm will react to .ou Bust likethe people reacted to Elisha" The.9ll sa.,:hat in the world is he doin/ !.confessin/ a!undance and no lackK Thenews tells us that inflation is eatin/ upour !ank accounts

1eople ha5e told me, 8od9s notconcerned a!out material thin/s"

Isn9t an a2 head a material thin/KThere is certainl. nothin/ spiritual a!outit 8od produces miracles of likesu!stance" :hen Elisha wanted the a2 tofloat, he threw somethin/ in the water

that would float and recei5ed a miracleof like su!stance"

God's System Produces


:e must reali@e that 8od desi/ned a

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88 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

s.stem in the earth, in  you, that will

 produce e5er.thin/ .ou need in this life Dnot Bust enou/h to !arel. /et alon/, !utmore than enou/h so that .ou can li5ethe a!undant life

;ou must work the s.stem dili/entl.Cotherwise, it won9t produce for .ou, Bustas the world s.stem won9t produce forthe man who is too la@. to work at it"

Some people can start with nothin/

and make a million dollars" :h.Kecause the. know how to operate theworld s.stem" Others, not dili/ent inoperatin/ the world s.stem of !usiness,could start with a million dollars !ut lose

it to someone who applies himself in thewa.s of the world"

4perate in the Spiritual !ealm

8od9s principles, which operate on a

spiritual plane, put a positi5e char/earound .ou and ward off all that the=e5il can send a/ainst .ou" This faithforce, which works on a hi/her plane,causes the !lessin/s of 8od to come to

.ou when else is in lack"

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Sell an$ )ive 89

<nowin/ how to li5e on that hi/her

 plane is worth di//in/ for in the :ord of8od" >esus said that .ou are pro5idin/ atreasure on a hi/her plane that 'ill %ail

not( That treasure won9t fail 'hen it*s on

that higher plane(

If .ou dra/ the supernatural principles down to the le5el of the world,the. will fail" If .ou sa., This s.stemdoesn9t look as thou/h it9s /oin/ towork .ou9re dra//in/ the spiritual

 principles down to the le5el of what .ousee, feel, and hear" The. won9t work

Appl. the /i5in/ principle to smallmatters first until .ou learn how to /i5e

successfull." It will work Bust as well to/et .ou a parkin/ place downtown as itwill to !rin/ in M4#,### to pa. a note"8od9s wa. is a miracle of like su!stance"

 No matter what .ou /i5e upDwhether

it9s mone. or .our parkin/ placeDitworks !. the same principle"

Things To Remember 

8i5in/ is one of the fundamental

 principles of the laws of prosperit."

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90 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

Rewards are !ased on the percenta/es


=on9t eat .our seed

ake a ha!it of /i5in/" If .ou don9tha5e an.thin/ to /i5e, Sell somethin/"

. /i5in/, .ou are pro5idin/ .ourself.our spiritG as a !a/" ;ou deposit 8od9s:ord in .our spirit !. speakin/ it"

The :ord is in .our mouth !efore it

/ets in .our heart"Operatin/ in 8od9s s.stem will

 produce a!undance in .our life" The !lessin/s will come when others lack

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> Spea+ing *ingdom

?anguageTo put 8od9s principles into motion

and /et them to work for .ou, .ou mustspend time meditatin/ 8od9s :ord"

In >oshua *F% 8od said to >oshuaF"his boo& o% the la' shall not $epart

out o% thy mouth but thou shalt me$itate

therein $ay an$ night, that thou mayest

observe to $o aor$ing to all that is

'ritten therein %or then thou shalt ma&ethy 'ay prosperous, an$ then thou shalt

have goo$ suess(

1icture .ourself in >oshua9s shoes"

After oses died, 8od put on >oshua theresponsi!ilit. of leadin/ three million people" These are the same people thatmurmured a/ainst oses and said,#oul$ )o$ that 'e ha$ $ie$(""in the

'il$erness- Num" *)F'G"

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92 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

8od instructed >oshua how to have

 goo$ suess, how he could $eal 'iselyin all the affairs of life" 8od told him to

 !e moti5ated !. His :ordF "his boo& o%

the la' the :ord of 8odG  shall not

$epart out o% thy mouth( In other words,

>oshua was to keep what 8odsaid"

In =euteronom. '%F*,' 8od said,  +%

thou shalt hear&en $iligently unto the

voie o% the 7or$ thy )o$ ( ( " all these

blessings shall ome upon thee, an$

overta&e thee( A/ain, this means that thewa. to ha5e success is to keep speakin/8od9s :ord"

Meditate the Word8od told >oshua to me$itate therein

in the :ordG $ay an$ night( editatin/the :ord is 5ital for prosperin/ the soul"

 !e$itate means to dwell on, thinkonC to mutter or speak to one9s self" Asecret of success lies in this definition

8od was tellin/ >oshua to /et it insidehim !. quotin/ what 8od said with his

own 5oice" . meditatin/ da. and

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Spea&ing King$om 7anguage 9/

ni/ht, 8od didn9t mean that >oshua

would ne5er sleep" He meant that >oshuawas to meditate the :ord durin/ hiswakin/ hours and when he la. down tosleep"

If .ou /o to sleep meditatin/ on8od9s :ord, .ou can ha5e the thin/s of8od !efore .ou continuall. in .our spiritat ni/ht"

 !e$itate therein $ay an$ night, that

thou mayest observe to $o aor$ing toall that is 'ritten therein %or then thou

 shalt ma&e thy 'ay prosperous(

Prosperity God's Way

:ho was /oin/ to make >oshua9s wa. prosperousK Joshua- He was the one whowould determine his success"

Some people look for someone else to !lame" 8od said that >oshua would make

his wa. prosperous if he did what 8odsaid to do" That doesn9t mean that 8odhad nothin/ to do with >oshua9s

 prosperit." It was 8od9s :ord that wascausin/ the prosperit., !ut >oshua had to

speak it"

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9 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

8i5e 8od9s :ord first place in .our

life" editate it" =well on it" Speak it to.ourself" Juote it" It will !uild a shield offaith around .ou" Eph" 3F*3"G

God's Word uilds a =aith Shield

 :inally, my brethren, be strong in the 7or$, an$ in the po'er o% his might(((ta&e

unto you the 'hole armour o% )o$, that ye

may be able to 'ithstan$ in the evil $ay, an$

having $one all, to stan$(

Stan$ there%ore, having your loins girt

about 'ith truth, an$ having on the

breastplate o% righteousness

 n$ your %eet sho$ 'ith the preparation

o% the gospel o% peae bove all, ta&ing the shiel$ o% %aith,

'here'ith ye shall be able to >uenh all the

 %iery $arts o% the 'i&e$(

 Bphesians 510,1/<15 

Once, while in the Spirit, Isaw that the shield of faith was differentfrom the shield the Roman soldiers used"Their shield was onl. effecti5e where itwas heldC the enem. could come !ehind

it" The shield of faith is to quench every

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Spea&ing King$om 7anguage 94

fier. dart of the wicked one

The faith shield is created !. thewords of .our mouth" It is as a canop.which spreads out around .ou from .ourhead to .our feet This atmosphere offaith radiates from .ou and will stopwhate5er the =e5il !rin/s a/ainst .ou"

;ou can compare this shield to ama/net with a positi5e char/e" If .ou la.some tacks out on a desk and run a

ma/net o5er them, the. will stick to it"?aith attracts 8od9s !lessin/s to .ou inthe same wa. a ma/net draws metal" ;ouwill naturall. attract an. !lessin/ withinmiles"

On the other hand, a ne/ati5el.char/ed ma/net, placed in the center ofthe tacks, will repel all of them" ;oucan9t mo5e the ma/net fast enou/h to /ete5en one tack to touch it

Someone ma. sa., I don9t know wh.8od lets some people ha5e all the

 !lessin/s" 8ood deals ne5er come m.wa. That person is radiatin/ a ne/ati5echar/e" He could !e in the center of a

 pool of !lessin/s and !e repellin/ them

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95 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 !ecause of the ne/ati5e char/e he is


A ne/ati5e char/e of fear and dou!twill cause the !lessin/s of 8od to fleefrom .ou"

Some people read Ephesians 3F*3 thiswa.F Takin/ the shield of $oubt,

wherewith .e shall !e a!le to quench allthe blessings of )o$-F 

That 5erse sa.s to take the shield of

 %aith and quench the  %iery $arts o% theenemy( This is not a theor.C it is a law of8od9s :ord

Charge your Magnet Positively

To create the positi5e char/e of faiththat will draw 8od9s !lessin/s, .ou mustmeditate in 8od9s :ord"

A positi5el. char/ed atmosphere

takes time to de5elop" It takes months to/et it into .our spirit"

:hen I first read the promise of 8odto A!raham in the -o5enant 8en" *(G, Ithou/ht, So, )o$ ma$e a promise to

 braham( #hat goo$ $oes that $o me3

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Spea&ing King$om 7anguage 96  

There was a lack of knowled/e on m.

 part" I didn9t reali@e I was includedC !utwhen I found out that I could operate init, I !e/an to make faith statements tocreate a positi5e char/e around me"

A man with a ne/ati5e char/e in himis positi5e a!out ne/ati5e thin/s andne/ati5e a!out positi5e thin/s" He

 !elie5es that all negative things are /oin/to ome his 'ay( If he /ot a raise the firstof the month, he would sa., :atch andsee" :e9ll pro!a!l. ha5e a doctor9s !illthat will take all the e2tra mone.

That man Bust opened the door to the=e5il No matter what /ood comes his

wa., he alwa.s finds somethin/ e5il tosa. a!out it"

It seems as thou/h e5er. !ad thin/that comes down the road stops at hishouse That causes him to !ecome more

ne/ati5e" That ne/ati5e char/e will repel !lessin/s and draw ne/ati5e thin/s tohim He sets up a force field around him

 !. what he speaks, either positi5e orne/ati5e"

;ou don9t see words comin/ out .our

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98 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

mouthC .ou /rasp mental ima/es as a

result of hearin/ .our words"

Words re Spirit ?i$e

:ords are spiritual forces" >esus saidin >ohn 3F3+,  +t is the spirit that

>ui&eneth the %lesh pro%iteth nothingthe 'or$s that + spea& unto you, they are

 spirit, an$ they are li%e(

:ords are spirit" :ords created

e5er.thin/ .ou can see, feel, taste, touch,or hear" :ordsDspiritual forces,spiritual powerDcreated the wholeuni5erse

;ou ma. sa., ut that was 8od

:ho created the uni5erse

ut in 8enesis *F'3 8od said, 7et us

ma&e man in our image, a%ter our

li&eness an$ let them have $ominion

over the %ish o% the sea, an$ over the %o'l

o% the air, an$ over ( ( ( all the earth(erse '( addsF So )o$ reate$ man in

his o'n image, in the image o% )o$

reate$ he him male an$ %emale reate$

he them(

8od created us with the same

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Spea&ing King$om 7anguage 99

capa!ilities of speakin/ spirit words

:hen Adam sinned, he !ecamespirituall. dead" He lost the a!ilit. to putspirit life into his words"

8od sa.s that the wa. to /et words towork for .ou is to put His words in .ourmouth" This is the onl. wa. He could /etspiritual life !ack into man9s words"

 :or verily + say unto you, "hat

'hosoever shall say unto this mountain, .e

thou remove$, an$ be thou ast into the seaan$ shall not $oubt in his heart, but shall

believe that those things 'hih he saith shall

ome to pass he shall have 'hatsoever he


 !ar& 112/

The 6ord once told me, I ha5e told. people the. can ha5e what the. sa.,and . people are what the.ha5e"

This statement is so simple, it9salmost foolishC .et so profound, it9sastoundin/"

As lon/ as .ou sa. what .ou ha5e,.ou will ha5e what .ou sa. and no more";ou will ne5er ha5e more than what .ou

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100 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

are, and .ou will ne5er /et out of

the position .ou are in

>esus9 words are spirit life" The. arespiritual forces, sent out from .ou, whichwill draw the !lessin/s of 8od to .ou"Remem!er what 8od told IsraelF If .ouwill hearken dili/entl. unto the 5oice ofthe 6ordDdeclare wholl., completel.,louder and louder what I ha5e saidDallthose !lessin/s will come upon .ou ando5ertake .ou" This is the lan/ua/e ofthe <in/dom"

If !lessin/s ha5en9t o5ertaken .ou inthe past, ma.!e it is !ecause .ou weredeclarin/, louder and louder, what the

=e5il said"The onl. chance the =e5il has to /et

.ou to radiate the wron/ spiritual forcesis throu/h .our words" If .ou radiate theforces of 8od in a/reement with His

:ord, .our circumstances will chan/eand the =e5il can9t stop it"

;ou could walk into the middle of a !ad situation, and the spiritual forceswould cause the !lessin/s of 8od tosurround .ou" That will draw attention

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Spea&ing King$om 7anguage 101

1eople will stand around and sa., ;ou

are the luckiest /u. who e5er walkedThe. call it luck, !ut it9s the :ord of8od

Spea+ ,undance e$ore the

3eed riseseditate the :ord to set 8od9s

s.stem in motion !efore a maBor crisise5er comes alon/" 8od9s principles willnot onl. /et .ou out of trou!le, !ut the.

will k eep .ou out of trou!le" It9se2tremel. difficult to pour a foundationwhen the flood is on" ;ou must la. thefoundation da.s and weeks !efore .oustart !uildin/"

Start now to proclaimF . 8odsupplies all m. need accordin/ to Hisriches in /lor." I ha5e a!undance" it now be%ore the need arises"

efore sickness comes, sa., Thank 8od,I9m healed !. >esus9 stripes I9m deli5eredfrom the powers of darkness"

The time to !e/in makin/ .ourconfession is not after e5er.thin/ has

/one wron/" It takes lon/er to work these

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102 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 principles if a pro!lem is alread. upon

.ou, !ecause .ou ha5e to com!atthou/hts and ima/inations" It also takestime to !uild the :ord into .our spirit"

It is much easier to !elie5e .ou arewalkin/ in di5ine health when .our ! not hurtin/" If .ou are sick, it9s all ri/htfor .ou to ha5e hands laid on .ou or /oto a doctorC !ut 8od9s !est for us is towalk in di5ine health"

8od9s will in hea5en is that there !eno sickness or disease" ;our faith won9teliminate sickness and disease from theearthC !ut !. continuall. speakin/ the:ord of 8od, it is possi!le to eliminate it

from .our house">esus tau/ht His disciples to pra.,

"hy 'ill be $one in earth, as it is in

heaven(  A5oid /oin/ throu/h awilderness e2perience !. the

foundation of the :ord be%ore pro!lemsarise" Use .our faith on the front end ofthin/s

Speak out .our confession of faithwhen .ou ha5e no sickness or financial

 pro!lems" Thank 8od, m. 8od meets

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Spea&ing King$om 7anguage 10/

all m. need ;ou are !uildin/ stren/th

into .our inner man"

If .ou see a pro!lem comin/, speak toit and command it to !e remo5ed" Resistit like .ou would resist the =e5il"

-onfess 8od9s :ord concernin/ prosperit. re/ularl." If .ou drift alon/thinkin/ thin/s are /oin/ so well that .oudon9t need to keep up .our confession,.ou ma. wake up one mornin/ and find

.ourself suddenl. facin/ a financialcrisis" If .ou start speakin/ to the

 pro!lem then as .ou should ha5e !eendoin/ all alon/G, .ou ma. ha5e to li5ewith the situation until the laws ha5e

time to work"How lon/ should .ou keep

confessin/ the :ord of 8odK Until >esuscomes Con%ess it $aily( ake it a wa. oflife to speak forth a!undance !efore a

need arises" . continuall. speakin/what 8od sa.s, .ou are continuall.keepin/ His :ord workin/ in .ourfinances and in .our ph.sical !od."

Prosper your Soul

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Spea&ing King$om 7anguage 104

Recentl., I heard of a doctor who told

of a situation that occurred in his practice" :hen he told one of his patientsthat she must ha5e an operation, she said,If .ou operate on me, I9ll die ecauseof that, he would not perform the needed

sur/er." He dismissed her from thehospital"

6ater, a .oun/ collea/ue approachedthe doctor and said, I heard .oudismissed that patient whom .ou saidmust ha5e an operation" :h.K

The doctor said, I wouldn9t touch her !ecause she was speakin/ thin/s thatwould !rin/ death That doctor was

aware of the power of words"There is a neurosur/eon in :isconsin

who treats people !. word therap." Hehas patients do what he calls mental

eAerises for fifteen minutes a da."

?or e2ample, someone with hi/h !lood pressure sa.s for fifteen minutes ada.F . !lood pressure is one hundredand twent. o5er ei/ht." The doctor said,:hether or not that patient understandswhat he is makes no differenceC

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105 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

his !od. knows and will o!e. him

A person with su/ar dia!etes sa.s forfifteen minutes e5er. da.F . pancreassecretes sufficient insulin for this !od."

The neurosur/eon stated that the

 patient does not ha5e to know what his pancreas is or doesC his !od. knows andwill o!e. his 5oice" He said, I don9tknow 'hy it works, !ut it does

The wh. is  !ar& 112/- It has taken

medical science two thousand .ears tofind out that >esus knew what He wastalkin/ a!out

The doctor /a5e as an illustration a

hopeless caseDa lad. who had terminalcancer" The doctors had done all the.could for her" She had !een in terri!le

 painC !ut after three weeks of wordtherap., all the pain left her !od. Threemonths later ra.s showed no si/n ofcancer" She was totall. healed

This is not mind o5er matterC it is8od9s :ord o5er all matter" 8od toldAdam to ha5e dominion, and that

dominion was throu/h his words"

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Spea&ing King$om 7anguage 106  

-onfess dail. that e5er. disease /erm

and 5irus that touches .our !od. will dieinstantl. Su!due it and ha5e dominiono5er it"

Some people ma. sa., ;ou mustthink .ou9re 8od, Bust !ecause .ou willnot !ow to all the circumstances of life

>esus said, +% ye ha$ %aith as a grain

o% mustar$ see$, ye might say unto this

 syamine tree, .e thou plu&e$ up by the

root, an$ be thou plante$ in the sea an$it shoul$ obey you(

:ords created .our !od." :ordscreated e5er.thin/" >esus said thes.camine tree would o!e. .ou The

s.camine tree isn9t smarter than .our !od.C it is an inanimate o!Bect"  +t willo!e. .ou" -ircumstances will o!e. .ou":ords will affect .our !od." The. willcause .ou to !e healed or remain sick"

edical science disco5ered .ears a/othat a!out se5ent. percent of all sicknesscomes from what people sa. or do" an.sicknesses are spiritual" ?or e2ample,/ettin/ into strife or har!orin/unfor/i5eness are spiritual pro!lems, !ut

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108 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

the. can cause ph.sical pro!lems"

Medical Cures Through Words

In the da.s to come, the medical profession is /oin/ to find cures fordreaded diseases like !one disease, and

the cures are /oin/ to come predominatel. from the !ook of1ro5er!s"

an. of these diseases and pro!lems

will !e cured onl. when peoplestrai/hten out their lan/ua/e and put per5erse lips far from them"

"he heart o% the 'ise teaheth his

mouth, an$ a$$eth learning to his lips(

 Pleasant 'or$s are as an honeyomb, s'eet to the soul, an$ health to the bones

1ro5" *3F'+,')G"

  merry heart $oeth goo$ li&e a

me$iine but a bro&en spirit $rieth the

bones 1ro5" *(F''G"

The words .ou speak are powerfulThe. can !e healin/ forces" The. canminister to .ou life or death"

Things To Remember 

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Spea&ing King$om 7anguage 109

Success comes as .ou meditate and

speak 8od9s :ord"

;ou are the one who determines .oursuccess"

8i5in/ 8od9s :ord first place in .our

life !uilds a shield of faith around .ou"

Speakin/ faith$filled words attracts8od9s !lessin/s to .ou the same wa. ama/net draws metal"

Speak a!undance be%ore the needarises"

If .ou see a pro!lem comin/, speak toit and command it to !e remo5ed"

Resist lack like .ou would resist the=e5il"

<eep 8od9s :ord in .our mouth until>esus comes ake this a wa. of life

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@ Dominion Through the

*ingdomAdam had the knowled/e of all /oodC

he tapped into re5elation knowled/e of8od9s Spirit" All that he /ained !. eatin/of that tree in the 8arden was knowled/eof calamit. and how to produce it !. thewords of his mouth"

Satan failed to tell AdamF The da..ou eat of the tree of !lessin/ and

calamit., .ou9ll not onl. /ain knowled/eof how to produce calamit. !. the wordsof .our mouth, !ut .ou9ll lose control of.our ton/ue ;ou9ll !e ruled !. an e5ilforce

The Tongue Governs the 0eart

 !y brethren, be not many masters,

&no'ing that 'e shall reeive the greater

on$emnation( :or in many things 'e o%%en$

all( +% any man o%%en$ not in 'or$, the same

is a per%et man, an$ able also to bri$le the

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112 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

'hole bo$y(

 James /1,2

The perfect or matureG man is onewho doesn9t offend in 'or$( The 8reeksa.s, If he does not stum!le in his

words, he is a perfect man, and a!le to !ridle the whole !od." "he mpli%ie$

 .ible sa.s he will !e a!le to cur! hisentire nature"

 .ehol$, 'e put bits in the horses*

mouths, that they may obey us an$ 'e turnabout their 'hole bo$y(

 .ehol$ also the ships, 'hih though they

be so great, an$ are $riven o% %iere 'in$s,

 yet are they turne$ about 'ith a very small

helm, 'hithersoever the governor listeth( James //,

The heart is the /o5ernor, !ut theton/ue is what pro/rams the /o5ernor":ords are e2tremel. powerful !ecause

.our ton/ue /o5erns .our heart

>ames is that a !it in a horse9smouth will turn his whole !od." A !it

 puts pressure on the ton/ue" The words

.ou are will turn .ou a!out"?inanciall., .ou could !e on the !rink of

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 @ominion "hrough the King$om 11/

disaster" If .ou will strai/hten out .our

wordsDput pressure on .our ton/ueD .ou will chan/e .our course The heart

 produces what .ou plant in it"

;our ton/ue is the rudder of .ourship" If .ou don9t like where .ou areheaded, turn the rudder"

3o Man Can Tame the Tongue

:hen Adam sinned, he !roke that

communication link of the word !etween8od and man" ?rom m. stud. of !othOld and New Testaments, I amcon5inced that Adam9s fall was directl.connected to his ton/ue" :hen Adam atethe for!idden fruit, it poisoned histon/ue"

 Bven so the tongue is a little member,

an$ boasteth great things( .ehol$, ho'

 great a matter a little %ire &in$leth-

 n$ the tongue is a %ire, a 'orl$ o%ini>uity, so is the tongue among our

members, that it $e%ileth the 'hole bo$y,

an$ setteth on %ire the ourse o% nature an$

it is set on %ire o% hell(

 James /4,5 

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 @ominion "hrough the King$om 114

lookin/ worse e5er. da. >ust watch and

see I9ll pro!a!l. end up /oin/ to thedoctor"

. speakin/ that wa., .ou can stopthe healin/ power that is in .our !od."Speakin/ those words into .our heartwill shut off the healin/ power" The innerman sends out an impulse that sa.s,Shut off the healin/ powerC he9s /ettin/an infection

>esus said whate5er a man sa.s and !elie5es will come to pass if he doesn9tdou!t in his heart" ;our !od. wascreated to o!e. .our words, and it knowshow"

If the ton/ue is an unrul. e5il, full ofdeadl. poison, set on fire of hell, whocan !e wholesome in their ton/ueK Noman can tame it ut to prosper

 ph.sicall. or financiall., the ton/ue must

 !e controlled"

God's Spirit and the Word Tame

the Tongue

an !. his natural a!ilit. has tamed

the !irds, the !easts, and the fish of the

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115 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

seaC !ut no man with natural a!ilit. can

tame the ton/ue" It takes supernaturala!ilit., and the :ord of 8od is

supernatural a!ilit."

It takes the Spirit of 8od to tame theton/ue" It takes the 8od within .ou for.ou to sa., . 8od has met m. needaccordin/ to His riches in /lor., when itlooks like .our need !ein/ supplied is thefarthest thin/ from the truth

It takes the Spirit of 8od within .outo rise up for .ou to sa., In the name of>esus, that child in the street willnot /et run o5er In the name of >esus,that man9s tire will not !low out !efore

he /ets to a fillin/ station;ou95e heard people sa., 6ook at

that /u. He9s /oin/ to !low that tire offthe rim !efore he /oes another mile

=o .ou reali@e wh. 8od has notturned up the power on .our wordsK IfHe had, .ou would ha5e !lown thatman9s tire off the rim Then if .ou hadsaid, That car is /oin/ to fall apart

 !efore it /ets off the freewa., .ouwould ha5e caused a serious accident"

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 @ominion "hrough the King$om 116 

This is the reason we must de5elop our

faith in a creati5e manner"

:e must learn to use our wordscreati5el." It takes 8od within us tocontrol our ton/ues"

Idle Words

 Bither ma&e the tree goo$, an$ his %ruit

 goo$ or else ma&e the tree orrupt, an$ his

 %ruit orrupt %or the tree is &no'n by his


O generation o% vipers, ho' an ye,

being evil, spea& goo$ things3 %or out o% the

abun$ane o% the heart the mouth spea&eth(

 !atthe' 12//,/

>esus was addressin/ people whowere speakin/ a/ainst Him" :hen .oustud. these 5erses in conte2t, .ou willdisco5er that He is tellin/ them the. willnot !e let off on earth or in the world to


Some ha5e taken this passa/e out ofconte2t and ha5e misinterpreted it,thinkin/ that >esus said these men wereeternall. damned to hell" He that"

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118 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

Idle Words laspheme the 0oly


>esus had Bust finished tellin/ the people that He would for/i5e all mannerof !lasphem. e2cept that which was

a/ainst the Hol. 8host" #hosoever spea&eth against the oly )host att"*'F+'G is !lasphemin/ a/ainst the Hol.8host" In this scripture >esus is If.ou speak a/ainst the :ord of 8od,

which is authored !. the Hol. 8host,.ou are !lasphemin/ speakin/G a/ainstthe Hol. 8host and .ou won9t !e let offfor thatC .ou will ha5e the results of what.ou said"

There is a sin unto death" See * >ohn4F*3C He!" 3F)$3C He!" *#F'3$'&G" ut the

 !lasphem. a/ainst the Hol. 8hostmentioned in atthew *'F+' won9tnecessaril. send .ou to hell" E5er.

-hristian has done it at some time" ut if.ou contradict the :ord of 8odcontinuall., .ou are walkin/ indan/erous territor."

>esus said in atthew 4F'',#hosoever shall say, "hou %ool, shall be

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 @ominion "hrough the King$om 119

in $anger o% hell %ire( Traditionall., we

ha5e thou/ht this 5erse referred to theunpardona!le sin in which .our soul isdamned to hell" ut later >esus Himselfsaid, O %ools, an$ slo' o% heart " " " 6uke')F'4G" So !. most interpretations of that

scripture, >esus was headed for hell" No,what >esus was in atthew 4F''was that .ou won9t !e let off for speakin/a/ainst what the Hol. Spirit hasauthored"

The !lood of >esus was shed for ourfor/i5eness" " " "  ll manner o% sin an$

blasphemy shall be %orgiven unto men

att" *'F+*G, includin/ !lasphem.a/ainst >esus"

Accordin/ to what >esus said inatthew *'F+', #hosoever spea&eth a

'or$ against the Son o% man, it shall be

 %orgiven him( In 5erse +* He statesF .ut

the blasphemy against the oly )host shall not be %orgiven unto men( >esus saidblasphemy against the oly )host? notsin"

The 1harisees were speakin/ a/ainst

>esus" The. said >esus had a de5il and

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120 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

that He cast out de5ils !. the prince of

de5ils" att" &F+)"G The 1harisees couldnot ha5e !een /uilt. of sinnin/ a/ainstthe Hol. 8hostC the. didn9t e5en knowthe Hol. 8host e2isted" To !e /uilt. ofthat, the. first would ha5e had to ha5e

knowled/e of the Hol. 8host"

ut the. were speakin/ contrar. to8od9s :ord" >esus said, ;ou won9t !elet off for that" The 1harisees recei5ednone of the miracles that others recei5ed

 !ecause the. didn9t !elie5e in them"ecause of what the. said, the. recei5edno healin/ or deli5erance"

>esus is simpl. that speakin/

contrar. to what the Hol. 8host hasauthored will not !e for/i5en .ou on thisearth" >esus confirms this in ark **F'+,#hosoever shall say " " " an$ shall not

$oubt in his heart, but shall believe those

things 'hih he saith shall ome to passhe shall have 'hatsoever he saith(

In other words, .ou will reap theresults of what .ou sa."

Satan has !linded the minds of peopleas to the <in/dom9s operation, !ut

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 @ominion "hrough the King$om 121

i/norance won9t e2cuse .ou in earth or in

hea5en" ;ou will suffer the consequencesfor what .ou said !. losin/ thin/s .oucould ha5e had on earth and, as a result,will lose rewards in hea5en" E5entuall.,.ou will ha5e what .ou sa., whether

ri/ht or wron/"

:hether .ou reali@e it or not, .ou areoperatin/ a di5ine principle of the<in/dom" :ords are seeds in the spiritworldC and the. will !rin/ to pass thethin/s spoken"

  goo$ man out o% the goo$ treasure

depositG o% the heart bringeth %orth goo$

things an$ an evil man out o% the evil

treasure bringeth %orth evil things att"*'F+4G" :hen >esus used the term evil

man, He wasn9t necessaril. talkin/ a!outa wicked man" He was referrin/ to a manwho allows his whole !od. to !e full of

darkness !. /ettin/ an e5il e.e" ;ou cando that !. speakin/ ne/ati5e thin/s"att" 3F'+"G

n #vil !eport

In the ook of Num!ers, we find ane2ample of what 8od called an e5il

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 @ominion "hrough the King$om 12/

>esus sa.s, + say unto you, "hat every

i$le 'or$ that men shall spea&, they shall give aount thereo% in the $ay o%

 =u$gment att" *'F+3G"

 +$le means non$workin/" An idleword is an. word .ou speak that doesn9twork  %or you( Idle words usuall.contradict 8od9s :ord or /i5e place tothe =e5il" If .ou make statements like,I95e pra.ed, !ut it9s not workin/, or:e9ll ne5er /et out of de!t .ou won9t

 !e let off in this world or in the world tocome !ecause .ou are speakin/ wordscontrar. to the Scriptures" The :ordsa.s in 1salm *F+, #hatever he $oeth

 shall prosper(

:hen we /et to hea5en, there will !ethose who ha5e lost rewards, !ecausethe. did not !elie5e the :ord of 8od torecei5e the thin/s 8od pro5ided for them

in this life" The. will sa., 6ord, I didn9tha5e mone. to /i5e to that missionar. !ecause I could ne5er hold a Bo!" Nomatter what I did, I alwa.s lost m. Bo!" Ine5er had enou/h to /i5e"

>esus will sa., That was .our

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12 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 pro!lem while .ou were on earth" The

5er. words .ou are will testif.a/ainst .ou"

;ou will /i5e account and losereward for words which weren9t8od9s words

He will sa., ;ou could ha5e saidthin/s like thisF #hatever + $o 'ill

 prosper( o 'eapon %orme$ against me

'ill prosper( +*m $elivere$ %rom the

 po'ers o% $ar&ness( + have overome the'orl$, the %lesh, an$ the @evil, %or the

)reater One $'ells in me( !y )o$

meets my nee$ aor$ing to is rihes in

 glory by Christ Jesus(F 

ut, 6ord, it didn9t look like it wastrue"

Oh, so .ou walked !. si/ht and not !. faith"

Re5elation (F*( sa.s that 8od is/oin/ to wipe awa. all tears %rom their

eyes( :hen man. see what the. couldha5e had, and what the. /et, the. willcr. 8od will wipe awa. the tears and

the knowled/e of what .ou missed, !ut

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 @ominion "hrough the King$om 124

on >ud/ment =a. .ou will /i5e account

of e5er. idle word .ou e5er spoke"

6earn to put a @ipper on .our mouthuntil .ou learn the lan/ua/e of the<in/dom" The 5oca!ular. of silence willwin man. !attles"

I ha5e !een in situations in which Icouldn9t sa. an.thin/ /ood, so I Bust/ritted m. teeth and didn9t sa. an.thin/";ou will /i5e an account of e5er. non$

workin/ word" 6earn to speak e5er.word in a manner that will work for .ou"

 .y thy 'or$s thou shalt be =usti%ie$,

an$ by thy 'or$s thou shalt be

on$emne$ att" *'F+(G" ;ou will !e

 Bustified or condemned on the !asis ofthe kind of words .ou decide to speak"Seed is sown !. speakin/ words"

Remem!er, the law of faith alsoworks in re5erse" E5er. idle word .ouspeak works against .ou, not for .ou"

The ?a) Will Wor+ in !everse

Some people sa., I !elie5e I can

ha5e what I sa. if I speak /ood thin/s"Surel. 8od wouldn9t let ark **F'+

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125 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

work in re5erse

The 5er. principle of it tells .ou itwill work either wa., Bust like theforward and re5erse /ears of .our car"

:hen .ou put the car in re5erse, the

car /oes !ackward" If .ou had wanted to/o forward, .ou will find out wh. .oudidn9t when .ou see that the indicator is

 pointin/ to re5erse"

:e wouldn9t intentionall. put a car in

re5erse when we want to /o forward, .etman. people operate the faith principlein a similar wa." The. pra. the pro!lem,talk the pro!lem, and keep it !efore themda. and ni/ht, e5en wake up in the

middle of the ni/ht thinkin/ a!out it"Then the. wonder wh. the. can ne5erfind a solution to the pro!lem" The. to /o forward with the principle inre5erse

=oolish Tal+ Con$uses the Spirit

 Keep thy heart 'ith all $iligene %or out

o% it are the issues o% li%e(

 Put a'ay %rom thee a %ro'ar$ mouth,an$ perverse lips put %ar %rom thee(

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 @ominion "hrough the King$om 126 

 Proverbs 2/,2

 Perverse lips means willful andcontrar. speech" 1er5erse lips is speechcontrar. to what 8od9s :ord sa.s, suchasF No matter what I do, nothin/ e5er

works out an.more This talk iscontrar. to what 8od9s :ord sa.sC it9s ane5il report"

8od sa.s of the person who deli/htsin 8od9s :ordF #hatever he $oeth 'ill

 prosper, and he shall have 'hatsoever he saith( 1s" *F+C ark **F'+,')"G :e ha5ea5aila!le to us the promises and a!ilit.of 8od" :e are a!le to use these a!ilitiesto cause His :ord to come to pass"

e Care$ul When You (o+e5

e careful what .ou put into .ourheart" E5en thin/s .ou sa. Bokin/l. will/et into .our spirit"

an. people are confusin/ theirinner man !. speakin/ out opposites ofthe truth" ?or e2ample, someone, an, isn9t it cold toda. when it9sactuall. *#'"

;our faith will !e less effecti5e

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128 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 !ecause of confusion in the spirit man"

;ou must ha5e continuit. !etween what.ou are speakin/ and !elie5in/"

Resist makin/ statements such as,Isn9t that a !i/ do/ when it is a littledo/" These statements can confuse theheart and e5entuall. cripple .our faith" it9s hot outside when it9s reall.cold, referrin/ to a little do/ as a !i/ one, nothin/ e5er works for .ouDallare e2amples of speakin/ with per5erselips"

Control your /oca,ulary

The little thin/s people sa. and do /etthem into trou!le" The. are hinderin/their faith !. sowin/ the wron/ kind ofseed"

8od9s :ord is His will for .ou" ;ourword should !e .our will toward 8od"

 Ne5er speak an.thin/ with .our mouththat is not .our will" ;ou were desi/nedto speak what .ou desire"

ost people don9t ha5e an. faith intheir words" ;ou must de5elop .ourself

to control .our 5oca!ular." If .ou talk all

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 @ominion "hrough the King$om 129

kinds of foolishness continuall.$

 per5erse thin/sD.ou will ha5e no faithin .our words

:hen it comes time for .ou to speaka word of faith, nothin/ will happen" @evelop .ourself in itC sa. only what .ou !elie5e shall come to pass"

E2ercisin/ dili/ence o5er .our words puts the law of faith in motion"

 +% any man among you seem to be

religious, an$ bri$leth not his tongue, but$eeiveth his o'n heart, this man*s religion

is vain(

 James 125 

If .ou don9t !ridle .our ton/ue, it willdecei5e .our heart into !elie5in/ thatwhat .ou sa. is what .ou want" Once.ou are hi/hl. de5eloped in !elie5in/what .ou sa. will come to pass, and .ousa. somethin/ in Best, .our spirit will

search for a wa. to cause what .ou saidto come to passDe5en thou/h .ou reall.didn9t want it to come to pass"

If .ou are alwa.s, :e9re

/oin/ to /o !ankrupt for sure .ourspirit will search the wisdom of 8od to

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1/0 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

find a wa. to !rin/ it to pass" ;our heart

spiritG takes .our words as finalauthorit." ;our words will decei5e .ourheart to !elie5e that !ankruptc. is what.ou ordered" The seed has !een planted"

Things To Remember As .ou speak wordsDwhether /ood

or !adD.ou are operatin/ a di5ine principle of the <in/dom"

:ords are seeds in the spirit world,and the. will !rin/ to pass the thin/sspoken"

:ords are powerful !ecause .ourton/ue /o5erns .our heart" To prosper in

an. area, .ou must practice ton/uecontrol"

8od9s :ord is supernatural a!ilit.

To speak a/ainst the :ord of 8od is

to speak a/ainst the Hol. 8host8od considers an. statement that

disa/rees with His :ord to !e an e5ilreport"

Idle words usuall. contradict 8od9s:ord"

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 @ominion "hrough the King$om 1/1

;ou will /i5e account for the idle

words .ou speak"

 Ne5er speak an.thin/ that is not .ourwill"

E2ercise dili/ence o5er the words

.ou speak"

6earn the 5oca!ular. of silence

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1/ Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

thorns gre' up, an$ ho&e$ it, an$ it yiel$e$

no %ruit(

 n$ other %ell on goo$ groun$, an$ $i$

 yiel$ %ruit that sprang up an$ inrease$

an$ brought %orth, some thirty, an$ some

 siAty, an$ some an hun$re$(

 n$ he sai$ unto them, e that hath ears

to hear, let him hear(

 n$ 'hen he 'as alone, they that 'ere

about him 'ith the t'elve as&e$ o% him the

 parable( n$ he sai$ unto them, Gnto you itis given to &no' the mystery o% the &ing$om

o% )o$ but unto them that are 'ithout, all

these things are $one in parables(

 !ar& /<11

After >esus had shared this para!lewith His disciples, the. asked Him wh.He spoke to them this wa." He said,Gnto you it is given to &no' the mystery

o% the &ing$om o% )o$(

>esus spoke in para!les in order tohide the re5elation knowled/e of 8od9struth from the people of the world whowere not seekin/ after it and would notunderstand it"

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So'ing See$ in the King$om 1/4

He hid these truths in the :ord so

that we could find them" He is tellin/ usto seek out the <in/dom and learn how itoperates" :hen we do, it will cause allthese other thin/s that 8od hath /i5en to

 !e added to us"

>esus9 interpretation of this para!le !e/ins with 5erse *+F  n$ he sai$ unto

them, Kno' ye not this parable3 an$

ho' then 'ill ye &no' all parables3 Inother words, If .ou don9t /et this one,.ou9re not /oin/ to understand an. ofthem" ;ou won9t understand a!out the<in/dom !ecause this para!le la.s the/roundwork for all the others"

Words re the SeedIn 5erse *) >esus sa.s, "he so'er

 so'eth the 'or$(

There is a twofold application of thisF

>esus is talkin/ specificall. a!out sowin/the :ord of 8od, !ut .ou can draw a

 parallel from that and sa., The sowersows words" The person >esus wasspeakin/ of was not sowin/ natural seed

at allC he was sowin/ words"

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1/5 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

y the Way Side

 n$ these are they by the 'ay si$e,

'here the 'or$ is so'n but 'hen they

have hear$, Satan ometh imme$iately,

an$ ta&eth a'ay the 'or$ that 'as so'n

in their hearts 5" *4G"atthew9s 8ospel sa.s it this wa.F

#hen any one heareth the 'or$ o% the

&ing$om, an$ un$erstan$eth it not, then

ometh the 'i&e$ one ( " " att" *+F*&G"

If .ou hear the :ord of 8od, !utdon9t understand it, then Satan is capa!leof comin/ in and stealin/ it from .ou" Iam con5inced also that if .ou don9t acton the :ord, Satan will steal it from .ou":e ha5e to !e $oers of the :ord, not

 Bust hearers( >ames *F''"G

>esus said, Satan ometh

imme$iately, an$ ta&eth a'ay the 'or$

that 'as so'n in their hearts(Immediatel.

:here was the :ord sownK In thehearts of the people"

Stony Ground

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So'ing See$ in the King$om 1/6  

 n$ these are they li&e'ise 'hih are

 so'n on stony groun$ 'ho, 'hen theyhear$ the 'or$, imme$iately reeive it 'ith


 n$ have no root in themselves, an$ so

en$ure but %or a time a%ter'ar$, 'hen

a%%lition or perseution ariseth %or the'or$*s sa&e, imme$iately they are o%%en$e$(

 !ar& 15,16 

Here we ha5e people who heard the:ord, recei5ed it with Bo., and walked init for a while" ut then affliction and

 persecution showed up and the. quit"

The word a%%lition means pressuresof life" It could mean two dollars a

/allon for /asoline and fi5e dollars a pound for coffee" It could !e sickness ordisease" These are the pressures of life

>esus said, " " " imme$iately they are

o%%en$e$( The. thou/ht that 8od would

chan/e the prices for them"

A person hears, :hen .ou /i5e, 8odwill /i5e to .ou in return" He /etse2cited and suddenl. decides to /i5eawa. his carC then later he sa.s, I /a5eawa. m. car" :h. didn9t 8od /i5e me a

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1/8 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

new oneK

8od is not necessaril. o!li/ated to/i5e .ou a car" He ma. /i5e .ou themone. to !u. one" If I am !elie5in/ for ahundredfold return in m. /i5in/, Iwouldn9t /i5e awa. m. watch and e2pectto /et a hundred watches in return" Iwouldn9t /i5e awa. a car and !elie5e fora hundred cars"

elie5e 8od for the finances" ;ou

don9t need a hundred cars" <eepin/ up ahundred cars could drain .our !ankaccount" It could !e a curse instead of a


Sometimes, I think, we tr. to put 8od

in a !o2" If .ou /i5e somethin/ awa., !elie5e 8od for the finances to replacethe item or to !u. .our own car" =on9tlock 8od in a !o2" In doin/ so, .ou ma.miss it alto/ether"

 Notice 'hy afflictions and persecutions ariseF  %or the #or$*s sa&e? 

not to make .ou stron/, not to cause .outo /row, !ut to /et that :ord out of .ou

mong Thorns

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So'ing See$ in the King$om 1/9

 n$ these are they 'hih are so'n

among thorns suh as hear the 'or$, an$the ares o% this 'orl$, an$ the $eeit%ulness

o% rihes, an$ the lusts o% other things

entering in, ho&e the 'or$, an$ it beometh


 n$ these are they 'hih are so'n on goo$ groun$ suh as hear the 'or$, an$

reeive it, an$ bring %orth %ruit, some

thirty%ol$, some siAty, an$ some an hun$re$(

 !ar& 18<20

:hen the :ord was sown amon/thorns, the thorns spran/ up and chokedit" The thorns were alread. there, whichtells us we need to do some thorn


If the thorns in .our heart choke outthe :ord of 8od concernin/ prosperit.,then .ou must /et rid of the thorns" 8etrid of those ideas which cause .ou to

 !elie5e, a.!e it9s not 8od9s will forme to prosper in a particular area"editate on 8od9s :ord concernin/

 prosperit. in the particular area .ou ha5ea need" 8et rid of the thorns, di/ up thestones, men allow 8od9s :ord to takeroot in .our heart"

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10 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

Good Ground

atthew *+F'+ descri!es the manwho recei5ed the seed into the /ood/round as one who hears the :ord andun$erstan$s it" Onl. one plantin/

sur5i5ed and !rou/ht forth fruitF the soilheartG that recei5ed the seed" In otherwords, that soil was preparedC it had nothorns or stones in it"

The Soil

The sower is sowin/ words" >esussaid the soil that these words are sowninto is the heart of man or the humanspirit" The heart is the pro$ution enter(

It is the soil that will produce what .ou plant"

The sower sows the seed of the :ordof 8od" ;ou are a sower" ;ou sow 8od9s:ord into .our heart !. speakin/ His


=aith Comes ,y 0earing

The first time .ou heard .our 5oiceon a tape recorder, .ou pro!a!l. said,

That can9t !e me It doesn9t sound like

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So'ing See$ in the King$om 11

me" ut it 'as .ou, and it $i$ sound like

.ou It sounded e2actl. the wa. .ousound to else" ;ou were

 pro!a!l. em!arrassed !. the wa. .ousounded to .ourself"

:h. is thatK The reason .our 5oicedoes not sound the same to .ou on tapeas when .ou are speakin/ is that on tape.ou are hearin/ .ourself predominantl.throu/h the outer ear"

;ou ha5e two sets of earsF the outerear and the inner ear" The inner ear is a

 !one structure inside .our head" :hen.ou talk, .ou /et some sound throu/h theouter earC !ut most of the sound .ou hear

comes throu/h the inner ear" :hen .ou plu/ .our ears and talk, the sound islouder !ecause .ou are stoppin/ up theouter ear"

That should tell us somethin/" 1aul

wroteF .ut the righteousness 'hih is o% %aith spea&eth " " " .ut 'hat saith it3 "he

'or$ is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, an$

in thy heart Rom" *#F3,%G" Notice the:ord is in .our mouth first, then in .our


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12 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

I am con5inced that 8od desi/ned the

 ph.sical !od. in such a wa. that thewords .ou speak are picked up !. theinner ear and fed directl. into the humanspirit" This is wh. the words  you speakare so powerful"

:ords spoken !. someone else don9tha5e that kind of effect on .ou" If I

 preached the :ord of 8od to .ou andconfessed what 8od said, .ou would /etsome faith from it if .ou accepted it into.our spiritC !ut .ou would /et it muchfaster if you started speakin/ it .ourself"The words you sa. ha5e more effect on.our spirit than the words of another


 :aith ometh by hearing, an$

hearing by the 'or$ o% )o$ Rom"*#F*(G" One of the maBor ke.s toconfession and faith is that what .ou hear

.ourself speak produces faith inside .ou"-hapter *% of 1ro5er!s statesF "he

'or$s o% a man*s mouth are as $eep

'aters 5" )GC   %ool*s mouth is his

$estrution, an$ his lips are the snare o%

his soul 5" (GC   man*s belly shall be

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So'ing See$ in the King$om 1/

 satis%ie$ 'ith the %ruit o% his mouth an$

'ith the inrease o% his lips shall he be %ille$ 5" '#G"

As we ha5e alread. seen, belly meanshuman spirit" A man9s spirit shall !efilled, or satisfied, with the fruit of hismouth" The wa. to fill .our spirit is tospeak" :hat .ou speak will /et into .ourspirit"

:hen .our words /et into .our spirit,

the. will /et !ack into .our mouth"E5er. time the. /o throu/h this process,the. will /et stron/er" Out o% the

abun$ane o% the heart the mouth

 spea&eth att" *'F+)G" The confession

of 8od9s :ord is necessar. to !uild faith"So) a SeedB!eap a 0arvest

;ou sow seeds words .ou speakGinto the soil of .our heart, into .our spirit

man" E5er. time .ou speak, .ou soweither 8od9s words or the =e5il9s words"Each will produce after its kind"

-oncei5in/ in the spirit is like plantin/ seeds into soil" >ust as a

 particular of seed will !rin/ forth

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1 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

that same kind of plant, so will a

 particular of word produce after itskind"

This is the 6aw of 8enesis" It hasne5er chan/ed, and it ne5er will, for 8odmade a promise to creation" In 8enesis%F'*,'' the 6ord said in His heart, + 'ill

not again urse the groun$ any more %or

man*s sa&e " " " #hile the earth

remaineth, see$time an$ harvest, an$

ol$ an$ heat, an$ summer an$ 'inter,

an$ $ay an$ night shall not ease(

In the co5enant 8od made with Noahand the animals of the earth, He said thatas lon/ as the earth remained, the process

of sowin/ and reapin/ would ne5ercease"

Throu/h the para!le of the sower,8od is tellin/ us ho' the King$om o%

)o$ operates, settin/ the sta/e for

understandin/ how 8od9s <in/domworks inside us" +t 'or&s by the so'ing

o% 'or$s( :e plant words in the<in/dom of 8od which is in us"

Seeds Produce $ter Their *ind

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So'ing See$ in the King$om 14

;ou don9t sow radish seeds in a

/arden and hope for cucum!ersK :hen Iwas farmin/, I didn9t plant cotton ande2pect to reap so.!eans or rice" It Bustdoesn9t work that wa."

:hile I was plowin/ the soil to plantcotton or so.!eans, the /round ne5er.elled at me and said, I9m not /oin/ toraise so.!eans this .ear" I95e decided that.ou need cucum!ers, so I9m /oin/ toraise cucum!ers

It couldn9t do thatC it had to producewhate5er I plantedDwhether it wascotton, so.!eans, ra/ weeds, or oaktrees The soil had no choice !ut to do

what the seed demanded"A!out si2 months after a so.!ean

seed is planted, it will produce a handfulof so.!eans that look Bust like the one

 planted" ;ou can9t plant so.!eans and /et

apples, or plant cockle!urs and /et roses"The soil was not desi/ned to decide whatshould !e produced" 8od desi/ned it toreact to the demands of the seed that is

 planted and to !rin/ forth an e2act

duplication of its kind"

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15 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

The 0eart Produces The *ind


So is the &ing$om o% )o$, as i% a man

 shoul$ ast see$ into the groun$ an$

 shoul$ sleep, an$ rise night an$ $ay, an$

the see$ shoul$ spring an$ gro' up, he&no'eth not ho' ark )F'3,'(G"

>esus is tellin/ us that the heart, orspirit, of man was desi/ned to operate inthe same wa. that the /round produces

crops" Accordin/ to the 6aw of 8enesis,e5er.thin/ produces after its kind"

:e are seekin/ first the <in/dom !.findin/ where the <in/dom resides, then

how it works" :e don9t ha5e tounderstand all the reasons wh. it works":e need to know how to plant the :ordin the heart soilG, then once planted howto care for it to keep it from !ein/

choked" The soil will do the producin/";our human spirit was desi/ned to

search the a5enues of 8od9s wisdom da.and ni/htDfor .ears, if necessar.Dtolead .ou to the thin/s or position .ou

ha5e !een confessin/"

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So'ing See$ in the King$om 19

upon me and o5ertakin/ meC /oodness

and merc. are followin/ me all the da.sof m. life, the. would chan/e thedirection of their life" To turn .our ship,.ou must turn the rudder" To chan/e thehar5est, .ou must chan/e the seed .ou

are sowin/"

The Spirit 3ever Sleeps

The Apostle 1aul said, "he Spirit

itsel% beareth 'itness 'ith our spirit, that

'e are the hil$ren o% )o$ Rom" %F*3G"

;ou can9t contact 8od with .our !od." 8od is a SpiritC therefore, wecommune and fellowship with 8odthrou/h our spirits, e5en while we areasleep" ;our spirit can commune with8od twent.$four hours a da."

:hether .ou sow ri/ht seeds orwron/ seeds, the principle of sowin/ and

reapin/ will produce in .our life" 6earnthe principles of how the <in/domoperates and appl. them dail." The. willnot work for .ou Bust !ecause .ou knowa!out these principles" ;ou must !elie5e

them and put them into action"

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140 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

Things To Remember 

8od9s <in/dom operates on the principle of sowin/ and reapin/"

;our heart is the soil"

The words .ou speak are the seeds";ou sow 8od9s :ord in .our heart !.

speakin/ it out .our mouth"

Each time .ou speak, .ou are sowin/wordsD8od9s words or the =e5il9swords"

;ou will reap the har5est of .ourwords, whether /ood or e5il"

;ou plant the :ordC the soil will do

the producin/" If .ou sow seeds of po5ert. and sickness, the soil cannot produce prosperit. and health" To chan/ethe har5est, .ou must chan/e the seed.ou are sowin/"

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142 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

-ontinue now into chapter ', 5erse *F

"here%ore 'e ought to give the moreearnest hee$ to the things 'hih 'e have

hear$, lest at any time 'e shoul$ let

them slip(

=on9t let this truth slip from .ou" The

angels are ministering spirits2 sent

$orth to minister $or you:

 :or i% the 'or$ spo&en by angels 'as

 ste$%ast, an$ every transgression an$

$isobe$iene reeive$ =ust reompenseo% re'ar$ ho' shall 'e esape, i% 'e

neglet so great salvation 55" ',+G"

The word  salvation meansdeli5erance, preser5ation, healin/, and

soundness" This 5erse refers to thedeli5erance that comes !. the an/els"

:e shouldn9t let it slip that the an/elsare ministerin/ spirits sent to minister forus" How are we /oin/ to escape thethin/s the =e5il has set for us if wene/lect the deli5erance that comes !. thean/elsK The. are here to minister for us"

?or instance, se5eral .ears a/o in

=allas, Te2as, I was e2itin/ off the

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Supernatural elp by the Spo&en #or$ 14/

freewa. when I came upon a car that had

stopped and !locked the wa. I was toturn, so I stopped" Another car, comin/off the freewa., hit the !ack of m. car"The /as tank !urst and /asoline wente5er.where, !ut there was no fire"

:hen m. car was hit, I felt as thou/h pillows were all around me" The an/elswere surroundin/ me as in 1salm &*F**FHe has /i5en His an/els char/e o5er meto keep me in all m. wa.s" erse ( sa.s,  thousan$ shall %all at thy si$e, an$ ten

thousan$ at thy right han$ but it shall

not ome nigh thee(

e/in to !elie5e and confess this

dail." Appl. this promise from the :ordof 8od to .our situation dail."

 Notice what the an/el said to >ohn inRe5elation ''F%,&F  + John sa' these

things, an$ hear$ them( n$ 'hen + ha$

hear$ an$ seen, + %ell $o'n to 'orshipbe%ore the %eet o% the angel 'hih she'e$

me these things( "hen saith he unto me,

See thou $o it not %or + am thy


This an/el said to >ohn,  + am thy

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14 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 %ello'servant( The literal 8reek sa.s,

The fellow sla5e of .ours I am" Hesaid, =on9t worship me" I9m .ourser5ant"

" " (+ am thy %ello'servant, an$ o% thy

brethren the prophets, an$ o% them 'hih

&eep the sayings o% this boo&(

The an/els are here to ser5e us and !rin/ us deli5erance in time of dan/er"

How are .ou /oin/ to escape the

snares of the enem. if .ou ne/lect so/reat a deli5erance that came !. an/elsK

:hen =aniel was in the lion9s den,the an/el shut the lion9s mouth" =an"

3F''"G :hen 1eter was in prison, thean/el woke him up and led him out"Acts *'F("G

"he 7or$ hath prepare$ his throne in

the heavens an$ his &ing$om ruleth over

all( .less the 7or$, ye his angels, thateAel in strength, that $o his

omman$ments, hear&ening unto the

voie o% his 'or$ 1s" *#+F*&,'#G" Thean/els do 8od9s commandmentsC and

8od9s commandments are His statutes,

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Supernatural elp by the Spo&en #or$ 144

His :ord"

The an/els are also in5ol5ed in theark **F'+ faith principleF  e shall

have 'hatsoever he saith( If .ou, !elie5in/, and not dou!tin/ in.our heart, then the an/els are helpin/

 !rin/ to pass .our desires that a/ree with8od9s :ord" The an/els can9t work on.our !ehalf if .our words don9t line upwith 8od9s :ord"

;our words either !ind or loose .ouran/els" :hen .ou sa., Nothin/ e5erworks for meC I ne5er will /et out ofde!t, .ou are !indin/ .our an/els" The.don9t !rin/ prosperit. to .ou" The. $o

his omman$ments, hear&ening unto thevoie o% his 'or$,  !ut .ou didn9t /i5e5oice to 8od9s :ord"

If .ou hold .our i!le up to .our ear,.ou can9t hear a sound" The an/els

hearken to the voie of 8od9s :ord, and.ou are the one that must /i5e it 5oice";ou can /i5e 8od9s :ord 5oice !

lessed !e 8od, I ha5e /i5en and itis /i5en unto meD/ood measure,

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145 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 pressed down, shaken to/ether, and

runnin/ o5er" I ha5e a!undanceC there isno lack" . 8od meets m. needaccordin/ to His riches in /lor." The6ord is m. Shepherd, and I do not want"I sa., in the name of >esus, that e5er.

disease /erm and e5er. 5irus that touchesm. !od. dies instantl." No weaponformed a/ainst me will prosper, andwhate5er I do will prosper"

>ust remem!erF :hen .ou speakthese words, the an/els that ha5e !eenwaitin/ for .ou to /i5e 5oice to 8od9s:ord will hearken to .our 5oice" ;es,.ou ha5e supernatural help a5aila!letoda. !. speakin/ 8od9s :ord"

Things To Remember 

An/els are ministerin/ spirits, sentforth to minister for .ou"

The. are here to ser5e .ou and !rin/.ou deli5erance in time of trou!le"

The an/els of 8od do Hiscommandments" The. hearken unto the5oice of His :ord"

;our words will either !ind or loose

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Supernatural elp by the Spo&en #or$ 146 

.our an/els"

oice .our desires in a/reement with8od9s :ord"

;ou must /i5e 8od9s :ord 5oice"

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1& Do the Sayings o$ (esus

 No one will !e reall. successful inlife unless he puts >esus9 intoaction" >esus saidF

#hosoever ometh to me, an$ heareth

my sayings, an$ $oeth them, + 'ill she' you

to 'hom he is li&e

 e is li&e a man 'hih built an house,

an$ $igge$ $eep, an$ lai$ the %oun$ation on

a ro& an$ 'hen the %loo$ arose, the stream

beat vehemently upon that house, an$ oul$

not sha&e it %or it 'as %oun$e$ upon a ro&(

 .ut he that heareth, an$ $oeth not, is

li&e a man that 'ithout a %oun$ation built an

house upon the earth against 'hih the

 stream $i$ beat vehemently, an$

imme$iately it %ell an$ the ruin o% that

house 'as great(

 7u&e 56<9

>esus is not talkin/ a!out housin/

 proBects" He has re5ealed secrets that willmake .ou successful in life" The :ord

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150 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

sa.s, "he seret things belong unto the

 7or$, our )o$ but those things 'hihare reveale$ belong unto us =eut"'&F'&G"

?ay the =oundation )ith The

WordIf we do the thin/s >esus sa.s, we

will ha5e a firm foundation laid on arock" :hen the stream !eats upon our

li5es, the storm will not !e a!le toshake us Howe5er, >esus said that ifwe don9t do His, we will !elike the man who !uilt his house onthe sand" :hen the stream !eat

5ehementl. upon that house,imme$iately it %ell an$ the ruin o% that

house 'as great(

Some people ha5e thou/ht thisscripture meant one of the men was

sa5ed and the other wasn9t, !ut !oth mencould ha5e !een sa5ed" oth knew thetruth, !ut onl. one did what >esus said todo" The stream !eatin/ a/ainst his houseoul$n*t shake it He did not sa. it $i$n*t

shake itC He said it oul$n*t( It was

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 151

impossi!le to destro. the one who was

doin/ what >esus saidDhe was restin/ on8od9s :ord"

=oin/ the of >esus willtransform .our life :hen floods andstreams come a/ainst .our life, .ou willremain immo5a!le" The floods could !einflation, hi/h prices, sickness, or an.other pro!lem" ut 8od9s promise isF Noweapon formed a/ainst .ou will prosper"Is" 4)F*("G

8od9s :ord is eternal" If .ou plantthe incorrupti!le seed in .our heart anddo the thin/s >esus said, .ou will not fail

ct on the Whole Word

In order to act on all of the principles,.ou ma. ha5e to do a few thin/s .oudon9t want to do, such as for .ourenemies" 6uke 3F'%"G If .our enemies

are hun/r., feed themC if the. are thirst.,/i5e them a drink" Rom" *'F'#"G

If we !e/in to pra. for our enemies, itwon9t !e lon/ !efore we won9t ha5e an.#hen a man*s 'ays please the 7or$ he

ma&eth even his enemies to be at peae

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 15/

awa. ut the. didn9t know all the

circumstances" He was washed awa. !ecause he didn9t di/ deep and la. thefoundation" The foundation is $oing the:ord"

Trials Come $rom the DevilSome people !elie5e that the storms

and trou!les of life come from the 6ordto make us stron/er" 6uke % /i5es aclassic e2ample of wh. that can9t !e true"

e/innin/ in 5erse '' it sa.sF

 o' it ame to pass on a ertain $ay,

that he 'ent into a ship 'ith his

$isiples an$ he sai$ unto them, 7et us

 go over unto the other si$e o% the la&e(

 n$ they launhe$ %orth(

 .ut as they saile$ he %ell asleep an$

there ame $o'n a storm o% 'in$ on the

la&e an$ they 'ere %ille$ 'ith 'ater,

an$ 'ere in =eopar$y( n$ they ame to him, an$ a'o&e

him, saying, !aster, master, 'e perish(

>esus didn9t sa. the. were /oin/ to

 perishC He said, :e are /oin/ to theother side of the lake"

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15 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

The disciples had let the :ord depart

from them" Satan stole the :ord ri/htout from under their nose

:hat did >esus doK

((( e arose, an$ rebu&e$ the 'in$

an$ the raging o% the 'ater an$ theyease$, an$ there 'as a alm(

 n$ he sai$ unto them, #here is your


Their faith left on the win/s ofun!elief when the. said, :e9re /oin/ todrown The. came to >esus and toldHim what the =e5il said

?irst >ohn +F% /i5es the reason >esus

came to earthF :or this purpose the Sono% )o$ 'as mani%este$, that he might

$estroy the 'or&s o% the $evil( "he

 mpli%ie$ .ible sa.s that he mi/ht undodestro., loosen and dissol5eG the works

that the =e5il has done" >esus stood inthe !ow of the !oat and destro.ed thestorm with His :ord" =id the =e5il sendthe storm, or did 8od send the storm to

 perfect their faithK

The storm didn9t per%et their faithC it

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 154

 stole their faith >esus said, :hat did

.ou do with .our faithK The =e5il stoletheir faith !ecause the. let his words /etinto their mouths"

>esus spoke to the wind and stoppeditC He spoke to the sea and stopped thewa5es" +% the storm 'as %rom the :ather,

 Jesus 'as $estroying the 'or&s o% is

 :ather( ut we know He didn9tdestro. the works of His ?ather"

If it were true that trials and financialtrou!les are sent to make us stron/er,then 6uke 3F)% would read this wa.F

The man who heareth . doeth them is like unto a man that

 !uilt his house on the sand" And whenthe stream !eat upon it, and the trialscame a/ainst it, and the flood arosea/ainst it, the windows !roke, the roof

 !lew off, and part of the sidin/ came offC

 !ut, finall., the storm !lew the houseinto the air, Bust hi/h enou/h until a firmconcrete foundation formed under it" Andwhen the storm was o5er, his house wasstron/er"

This paraphrase is a little ridiculous,

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155 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 !ut it re5eals the error of that kind of

thinkin/" If trials and trou!les of lifewere to perfect us, >esus would ha5e saide5er. time a storm is throu/h !lowin/and a stream is throu/h !eatin/, .ourhouse will !e stron/er"

Satan doesn9t come to make .oustron/er or to help .our faith" In thefourth chapter of ark, >esus said thatSatan came to steal the :ord of 8od"Satan ma. !e a!le to steal the :ord fromsome peopleC !ut if .our foundation isfirm, he won9t !e a!le to steal it from.ou

The foundation is doin/ the

of >esusDnot !ein/ sa5ed, or !ein/ filledwith the Hol. 8host, or /oin/ to church,or .our tithesC althou/h thesethin/s are important"  @oing 'hat Jesus

 sai$ to $o is 'hat buil$s the %oun$ation-

You Must So) the Seed

The 1salmist =a5id said,  + ha$

 %ainte$, unless + ha$ believe$ to see the

 goo$ness o% the 7or$ in the lan$ o% the

living 1s" '(F*+G"

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158 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

So shall thy poverty ome as one that

travelleth, an$ thy 'ant as an arme$ man( Proverbs 510,11

If .ou fold .our hands and sa.,6ord, do whate5er ;our will isC I9m/oin/ to lea5e it all in ;our hands,

 po5ert. will come as one that travelleth

 ?as a roadrunner" ;ou are, in essence,doin/ nothin/

It9s dan/erous for .ou to sa., 6ord,

 Bust whate5er ;ou will, let it come tome" :hate5er !ad thin/s the =e5il

 !rin/s .our wa., .ou will then accept as !ein/ the will of 8od" To pra.specificall. and accuratel., .ou need to

know the will or the :ord of 8odCotherwise, .ou can open the door totra/ed. and circumstances that willdestro. .ou"

Resist the =e5il If .ou don9t, 8od

won9t" 8od will allow an.thin/ .ouallow"

?ind the will of 8odC then make .ourstand on it and proclaim it" 8etknowled/ea!le in the :ord, then  you

speak to the situation" :hat .ou speak

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 159

will determine to a /reat de/ree what

will happen" ut it is .ou, not )o$, whomust !e moti5ated to act"

Spea+ to the Pro,lem

 n$ the 7or$ sai$, +% ye ha$ pith as a

 grain o% mustar$ see$, ye might say untothis syamine tree, .e thou plu&e$ up by

the root, an$ be thou plante$ in the sea an$

it shoul$ obey you(

 7u&e 165 

The s.camine tree in this scripture isthe pro!lem, the circumstance, thesituation that stands !etween .ou and.our destination"

>esus and the apostles were pro!a!l.walkin/ down a trail or a pathwa. andcame upon a s.camine tree in the middleof the trail" It was an o!stacle !eforethem which the. had to deal with in

some wa." >esus used it as an o!Bectlesson"

He did not sa., If .ou had faith as aseed, .ou would pra. that 8od wouldmo5e that o!stacle !efore .ou" Then if

.ou pra. and cr. and !e/ lon/ enou/h, if

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160 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

.ou promise to !e /ood, and pa. .our

tithes, then 8od will pluck it up for .ouand cast it into the sea"

 No, He said, Speak to it, and it willo!e. you(F 

The King James Version sa.s, ;oumight sa. to the tree " " " " The 8reek

 New Testament sa.s, ;ou 'oul$ sa."A stron/er word is used in the 8reek5ersion, and it is the more accurate

renderin/ in this instance" If .ou hadfaith as a seed, >esus said .ou 'oul$

speak to that s.camine tree to thato!stacle, that pro!lem, that difficult.,that financial crisis .ou ha5e !een

 !e//in/ 8od to do somethin/ a!outG" Soquit !e//in/ and, and speak tothat thin/" Sa. what .ou want done withit" Tell it to !e plucked up !. the root

>esus said it would o!e. .ou

There is no /reat theolo/ical reasonwh. >esus said to speak to the treeC Hesimpl. said to do it He is tellin/ .oue2actl. how to /et the <in/dom

 principles to work for .ou" ;our 5oice isthe 5oice of authorit. in .our part of the

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 161

earth" :hate5er .ou !ind will !e !ound"

:hate5er .ou loose will !e loosed" The power of !indin/ and loosin/ is on earth"It is a <in/dom principle" att" *3F*($*&"G

Spea+ your DesireSince e5er. word that comes out .our

mouth is a potential seed and can !eeither a !ad seed or a /ood seed, practicespeakin/ onl. what 8od sa.s, and onl.

what .ou desire to come to pass" ;ouwill de5elop a ha!it in .our spirit ofreleasin/ faith in e5er. word .ou speak"

Continue Spea+ing the Solution

Se5eral .ears a/o I !e/an to sa. thate5er. disease /erm and e5er. 5irus thattouches m. !od. dies instantl., that Iwas redeemed from the curse of the 6aw,and that I for!ade sickness and disease to

operate in m. !od."

Thou/h I said these thin/s, I reall.didn9t !elie5e these statements were truein me" I knew the words were true" The:ord of 8od said the. would !e true if Icould /et them in m. heartC !ut I was

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162 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ them to /et them into m. heart"

As =a5id said, m. ton/ue is as the pen ofa read. writer" 1s" )4F*"G ;our ton/uewill write 8od9s :ord on the ta!le of.our heart"

:hen I /ot sick, someone said, Itdidn9t work, did itK I said, ;es It9sworkin/" ?aith is comin/" I Bust it"

There9s a difference !etween !ein/ a

doer and a" If I had !een a tr.erof the :ord, I would ha5e /i5en up thefirst time I was sick"

I wasn9t trying the :ordC I had set outto $o the :ord I knew it would work

>esus said it would" ;ou can alwa.s findsome un!elie5in/ !elie5ers, who don9t

 !elie5e the :ord will work"

>esus said, ll things are possible to

him that believeth( Are .ou a him that


:hen .ou sa. .ou are healed !eforethe circumstances look that wa., some

 people sa. .ou are" ut if .ou

stud. the i!le from 8enesis to

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 164

out of fear in that situation"

(airus Spo+e the Solution

In the fifth chapter of ark, we reada stor., !e/innin/ in 5erse ''F

 n$, behol$, there ometh one o% therulers o% the synagogue, Jairus by name

an$ 'hen he sa' him >esusG, he %ell at

his %eet, an$ besought him greatly,


 !y little $aughter lieth at the point o%$eath + pray thee, ome an$ lay thy

han$s on her, that she may be heale$

an$ she shall live(

 n$ Jesus 'ent 'ith him an$ muh

 people %ollo'e$ him, an$ thronge$ him(

Here, >airus has made a /reat faithstatement" His dau/hter is not dead, !utshe is at the point of death" >airus

esta!lishes that when >esus la.s Hishands on his dau/hter, she shall !ehealed and she shall li5e" He esta!lishedthis !. his faith$filled words" It is thisfaith which caused >esus to lea5e the

multitude and follow >airus"

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165 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

ut on the wa., a woman with an

issue of !lood comes on the scene" Shetouches >esus9 /arment, recei5es herhealin/, then /i5es her testimon." Allthis could ha5e taken an hour"eanwhile, >airus is still waitin/ for

>esus to heal his dau/hter" There has !een a dela.Da costl. dela.Dand I9msure that >airus was /ettin/ quitean2ious

Then >esus e2plains to the womanthat it was her faith which made herwhole" erse +4 sa.sF #hile he yet

 spa&e, there ame %rom the ruler o% the

 synagogue*s house ertain 'hih sai$,

"hy $aughter is $ea$ 'hy troublest thou

the !aster any %urther3

Thy daughter is dead. The 5er. thin/that >airus knew could happen hadhappened It couldn9t ha5e !een an.

worse" His dau/hter was deadRe/ardless of all he had !elie5ed,re/ardless of all the faith statements andconfessions he had made, he /ets the !adnewsF It9s too late, >airus" ;our dau/hteris alread. dead" =on9t trou!le the asteran. lon/er"

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 166 

Thou/h >airus had spoken /ood

thin/s, !ad thin/s had come his wa."erse +3 sa.sF  s soon as Jesus hear$

the 'or$ that 'as spo&en, he saith unto

the ruler o% the synagogue, .e not a%rai$,

only believe( >airus was o!edient to the

instruction of >esus"

If >airus had allowed fear to comeand had spoken what was on his mind, he

 pro!a!l. would ha5e said, >esus, if ;ouhadn9t stopped to heal that woman, ;ouwould ha5e !een there in time to heal m.dau/hter >airus would ha5e /otten intostrife, and the. would ha5e held a funerala few da.s later"

ut notice that >airus didn9t speak oneword" Not one word proceeded from hismouth" :e can learn from this" :henthin/s /o wron/, when it looks like it9snot /oin/ to work, when .our faith is

low, when all hell has !roken loosea/ainst .ou and a/ainst .our confessionof faith, ust ip your lip5

That is not the time to tr. to makesome faith confessions" It is the time to

rest in what .ou ha5e alread. saidDthe

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168 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

words .ou spoke a few da.s !efore when

.our faith was hi/h, when .our :ordle5el was hi/h, when it looked like it wasimpossi!le for .ou to dou!t that what.ou were would come to pass"

:hen the pressure is on, when thetrou!le and !ad news ha5e come, when itlooks like nothin/ will help, when itseems that all hope is lostDthat is thetime to e2ercise the 5oca!ular. ofsilence" Speak nothin/ ore than likel.,if .ou tr. to make a confession at that

 point, .ou will speak words of fearinstead of faith"

>airus, a few hours !efore, had his

mouth filled with the solutionDtheanswer to his pro!lem" He hadesta!lished it in faith" ut !. this time, ifhe had asked some!od., :hat will I donowK :hat9s .our opinion of this

situationK the. would surel. ha5e toldhim, It9s too late, >airus" ?or/et it;ou95e lost the !attle" It9s all o5er

ut, thank 8od, >airus didn9t ask foran.one9s opinion" An.thin/ that he spoke

in his situation would ha5e !een to

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 169

affirm the solution instead of the

 pro!lem" ut the people around himwouldn9t ha5e understood, so he chose to

 !e silent"

The end result of the whole matterwas that his dau/hter was raised to lifea/ain" The words >airus esta!lished inthe !e/innin/ were fulfilled to the 5er.letter

:hen .ou speak the solution, callin/

those thin/s that are not as thou/h the.were, people in the world won9tunderstand" >ust keep .our on >esus,not on people9s opinions" =isre/ard

 people9s opinions and continue to speak

the solution"?et ll Your Words e


Speak to the pro!lem in and in

.our con5ersations with other people"

=e5elop .ourself to the point that .oudon9t let ne/ati5ism come out .ourmouth" Start !elie5in/ that every word.ou sa. will come to pass"

Since .ou ha5e a choice, wh. not sa.

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180 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

the /ood thin/s instead of the !adK :hen

.ou see a child run into a !us. streetafter a !all, don9t prophes. e5ilF Thatkid9s /oin/ to /et run o5er" >ust watchand see Instead, sa.F In the name of>esus, that child will not !e hurt

Release .our faith on the positi5e sideof life"

Changing the Image

The fifth chapter of ark descri!es awoman who had a ne/ati5e ima/e" Thewa. she chan/ed her ima/e is a classice2ample of speakin/ the answer to the

 pro!lem until the pro!lem 5anished"

 n$ a ertain 'oman, 'hih ha$ anissue o% bloo$ t'elve years, an$ ha$

 su%%ere$ many things o% many physiians,

an$ ha$ spent all that she ha$, an$ 'as

nothing bettere$, but rather gre' 'orse,

#hen she ha$ hear$ o% Jesus, ame inthe press behin$, an$ touhe$ his

 garment( :or she sai$, +% + may touh but

his lothes, + shall be 'hole(

 n$ straight'ay the %ountain o% her

bloo$ 'as $rie$ up an$ she %elt in her

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 181

bo$y that she 'as heale$ o% that plague(

 n$ Jesus, imme$iately &no'ing in

himsel% that virtue ha$ gone out o% him,

turne$ him about in the press, an$ sai$,

#ho touhe$ my lothes3

 n$ his $isiples sai$ unto him, "hou seest the multitu$e thronging thee, an$

 sayest thou, #ho touhe$ me3

 n$ he loo&e$ roun$ about to see her

that ha$ $one this thing(

 .ut the 'oman %earing an$

trembling, &no'ing 'hat 'as $one in

her, ame an$ %ell $o'n be%ore him, an$

tol$ him all the truth(

 n$ he sai$ unto her, @aughter, thy faith hath made thee whole;  go in

 peae, an$ be 'hole o% thy plague(

Gro)"Worse Image

This woman mi/ht ha5e !een richwhen she started to /et rid of hercondition, !ut the i!le sa.s she ha$

 spent all that she ha$(

After twel5e .ears of /ettin/ pro/ressi5el. worse, spendin/ mone. on

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182 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

doctors who could find no cure, she had

de5eloped a gro'<'orse image(

This woman !elie5ed what she hearda!out >esus" E5identl. she had heard that>esus was healin/ people" 8od had toldthe children of Israel to sew a hemaround the !order of their /arments as as.m!ol of the -o5enant the. had withHim" Num" *4F+%"G This woman wasreachin/ out for that hem as she said,:hen I touch His clothes, I9ll !erestored to health" ;ou can see her faithin action"

"he mpli%ie$ .ible sa.s, She &ept

 saying when I touch his clothes, I 'ill !e

whole" 5" '%"G :hat was she doin/KShe was speakin/ the solution rather thanthe pro!lem" She was speakin/ wordsand chan/in/ her ima/e inside"

To mo5e from po5ert. to prosperit.,

or from sickness to health, .ou must firstchan/e .our inner ima/e" ;ou ma. usethe :ord, medicine, or another method,

 !ut in order to recei5e whate5er .oudesire, .ou must first chan/e .our ima/e"

=i5ine healin/ is a spiritual cure"

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 18/

;our spirit chan/es the ima/e on the

inside" "he 'oman 'ith the issue o%bloo$ hange$ her image 'ith the )o$<

 given plan o% spea&ing 'hat she $esire$

'ith the 'or$s o% her mouth(

;ou ma. ha5e tried e5er.thin/ .ouknew to make .our !usiness succeed tono a5ail" :ithin these pa/es, .ou ha5eheard a!out >esus and that His <in/domis within .ou" If .ou take hold of the

 principles of the <in/dom and appl.them, the  gro'<'orse image inside .ouwill chan/e and .ou will ha5e a successima/e"

Positive Image

If .ou ha5e had sickness and diseasein .our life for .ears, it ma. take a whilefor the ima/e to chan/e" Results won9tcome o5erni/ht, !ut a positi5e ima/e will

 !e/in to form inside .ou if .ou willspeak 8od9s :ord"

;ou can9t e2pect to walk in prosperit.and health if .ou talk po5ert. andsickness" -onfession of 8od9s :ord

keeps His answer !efore .ou" It will !ecome a point of contact to chan/e .our

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18 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

ima/e" :hen .ou confess what 8od said,

.ou will !e/in to see a new ima/e"

In the world s.stem, salesmen /othrou/h trainin/ sessions to de5elop a

 positi5e self$ima/e" A salesman willne5er rise a!o5e his self$ima/e" If hesees himself a M'##,###$insurancesalesman, he will sell M'##,### worth ofinsurance where5er he is" If .ou put himin a position where he should sellM+,###,### or where he should sellM*#,###, he will still sell M'##,###"

If .ou will /et the ima/e of 8od9s:ord within .ou, .ou will raise .oursi/hts" ;ou will !e/in to talk wealth, life,

and healin/Dinstead of po5ert.,sickness, and death"

=on9t talk a!out my sickness or my

heart attack !ecause the. are the =e5il9s,not .ours" =on9t claim them The. will

cause .ou to ha5e a /row$worse ima/e"<eep the answer !efore .ou"

=on9t dwell on how .our uncle diedwith some disease or how he wascrippled in a car wreck" If .ou thinkcontinuall. a!out such !ad thin/s, the.

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 184

will fasten their claws upon .ou" ;ou

will draw them like a ma/net" The more.ou talk a!out them, the more .ou will

 !elie5e in them rather than life andhealth"

Talk instead a!out how .ourhea5enl. ?ather redeemed .ou from thecurse of the 6aw, how He deli5ered .oufrom the powers of darkness, and how.ou are healed !. His stripes" Talk a!outhow >esus was made poor that .ou mi/ht

 !e made rich, how 8od will suppl.a!undantl. if .ou will /i5e and put thelaws of prosperit. to work"

Use 8od9s :ord as .our point of

contact to chan/e .our ima/e" Release.our faith as the :ord of 8od chan/esthe ima/e inside .ou" Talk a!out the:ord and think a!out it" If .ou sow theri/ht kind of seed, .ou will reap the ri/ht

kind of har5est" 8et the ima/e formedinside .ou, and e5entuall. .ou will walkin health and prosperit." This is a

 principle of the <in/dom"

Words Created #verything

8enesis *F* sa.s,  +n the beginning

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 186 

There are man. people cursin/ their

own fi/ trees without reali@in/ it":hen the. sa., :e can ne5er afford thethin/s we need, the. are cursin/ theirown fi/ treeC and if the. continue, theirfinances will dr. up It will o!e. them

 !ecause of the authorit. in their wordsD whether the. are faith$filled words orfear$filled words" oth faith and fear arespiritual forces" ?aith !uilds and feardestro.s"

The mountain, the s.camine tree, orthe fi/ tree in .our life ma. !e a ph.sicalcondition for which .ou need healin/,such as a tumor in .our !od."

;ou can speak to .our !od., and itwill o!e.Dif .ou !elie5e and do notdou!t in your heart( ut it has to !e anoperation of the spirit, not Bust speakin/out of .our head"

To de5elop faith in .our words, .oumust spend time" It doesn9t comeo5erni/ht" ?aith comes !. hearin/ the:ord of 8od, so the speakin/ of 8od9s:ord is the wa. .ou de5elop faith in

8od9s :ord"

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188 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

Speakin/ in line with 8od9s :ord

will cause .ou to de5elop faith in your'or$s( This is the 'ay of life" It9s not afad" It9s not somethin/ .ou use, once in awhile, to /et out of trou!le" It9s a

 principle of faith that >esus tau/ht and

operated in throu/hout His ministr."

>esus tau/ht in this principleF:hosoe5er shall sa. to the mountain,9and If .ou had faith as a seed, .ouwould sa. to the s.camine tree " " " " Theconclusion of all His teachin/ is that it

)ould o,ey you5

ut the ke. to all of it  is believing

that 'hat you say 'ill ome to passDnot

 Bust what .ou said to the mountain, not Bust what .ou said to the s.camine tree, !ut all the words .ou speak dail." Inother words, .ou must have %aith in your

'or$s and  spea& them 'ith authority

an$( %aith( Then .our words !ecomespirit life"

It takes time to de5elop .ourself inthese <in/dom principles" Success inthese principles do not come o5erni/ht" It

takes weeks and months, sometimes e5en

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 189

.ears, of dili/ent practice to /et hi/hl.

de5eloped in !elie5in/ that what .ou sa.will come to pass"

If .ou will spend the time and !edili/ent to practice .our faith, to practicethe <in/dom principles, the rewards are/reat" At this point, I want to share with.ou some illustrations of  spea&ing to


Se5eral .ears a/o !efore I quit

farmin/, I had planted m. rice and it hadrained and turned cold for se5eral da.s"

 Neither the soil nor the temperature wasconduci5e to sproutin/ seeds" So I waswalkin/ o5er m. rice field, di//in/ here

and there to see what was happenin/ tothe rice I had sown" It showed 5er. littlesi/n of comin/ up"

I disco5ered that thou/h some of theseed had soured, some was still /ood" I

said to the 6ordF :hat am I /oin/ to dowith this rice fieldK =o I need to plant ito5erK

1ro5er!s states that when .ou ha5ethe :ord in .our heart, it will talk with.ou" 1ro5" 3F''"G :hen .ou fill .our

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190 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

heart !. speakin/ 8od9s words, .our

spirit can !rin/ that :ord up for use atan. time" "he #or$ tal&s to you- TheSpirit of 8od rose up in me and said,:h. don9t .ou do what the :ord sa.sKSpeak to the pro!lem" Speak to the rice

and tell it what to do"

I thou/ht, "al& to my rie3 ou mean

me3 Then I reali@ed that I was notdoin/ what I knew to do" I had the

solution all the time, !ut had notacted"

So I walked around the rice field, pointed at the rice seed, and said, In thename of >esus, I am talkin/ to .ou, rie(

6isten to me" Sprout and come forth"rin/ forth an a!undant har5est" Isuppose I spent an hour walkin/ o5erthat mudd. field, talkin/ to m. seed"

Some!od. ma. sa., That9sridiculous I don9t understand how thatcould work"

Actuall., I didn9t understand iteither, !ut >esus said, @o it- At times,

.ou ma. appear ridiculous doin/ what

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 191

>esus sa.s to doC !ut if .ou don9t, .ou

will fail" Are .ou tired of failin/K>esus /a5e us the cure for failureF @o

 is sayings(

I spoke to the rice" It o!e.ed me"

There was a !eautiful har5est" I spoke toanother field that had !een planted twoweeks earlier, !ut it didn9t respond":hen I asked the 6ord wh., He said thatI waited too lon/Dthe seed was alread.

ruined when I spoke to it" 8od9s :orddidn9t failC + failed"

Wheat Crop 4,eys Words

One .ear m. wheat crop looked so

thin I wanted to plow it up for weeksC !utthe field sta.ed so wet that I couldn9t /eta tractor in it" Then m. wife 1e//.su//ested that we confess 8od9s :ordo5er the wheat" I told her there Bust

wasn9t enou/h to lea5e, !ut she wouldn9t/i5e up" So I a/reed to talk to it andconfess 8od9s :ord o5er it"

In atthew *%F*& >esus said,  +% t'o

o% you shall agree on earth as touhing

anything that they shall as&, it shall be

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192 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

$one %or them o% my :ather 'hih is in

heaven( So 1e//. and I a/reed,commandin/ the wheat to multipl.,

 produce, and !rin/ forth a!undance"

;ou mi/ht sa. I took m. i!le andspra.ed the crop with alachi +F*#,**" Iread the i!le to m. wheat, then saidF. /round is !lessed Insects will not

de5our it The wheat will not cast itsfruit !efore its time in the field, and it

is blesse$ o% )o$-F That fall we cut fift.$fi5e !ushels per

acre from the same field I wanted to plow up

0ousing Proect 4,eys WordsI had started de5elopin/ a housin/

 proBect near the town where we li5e, !ut !ecause the teachin/ ministr. required somuch of m. time, I wasn9t a!le to handle

all the details" So I decided to sell the proBect and put more time into theministr."

There were two houses in the proBectthat hadn9t sold" I said, 6ord, I pra.edand I !elie5ed" :h. ha5en9t those houses

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 19/


His answer was similar to the oneconcernin/ the rice fields" He said, :h.don9t .ou do what .ou95e !een teachin/KSpeak to the mountain"

E5en thou/h I knew this i!le principle well and had tau/ht it man.times, I had not acted on it in thissituation" So I dro5e out to the proBect,walked up to one of the houses, and saidF

House, listen to meF I9m talkin/ to .ou,and I9m tellin/ .ou to sell Someone isimpressed with .ou" I call .ou, Sol$-

>esus said .ou would o!e. me" I feltsill., !ut I didn9t let m. feelin/s stop me"

I walked inside and said the same thin/sto the walls" Then I went to the otherhouse and talked to it"

A!out a week later, m. head naturalmindG !e/an to /i5e me trou!le" It

seemed to sa., Now, i/ outh, whatare .ou /oin/ to doK

I remem!ered that the 6ord hadsaid in one of our meetin/sF "ears o%

 sel%<pity an$ sorro' $o not release %aith( 7earn to release your %aith in laughter(

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 194

;ou must !e a doer of the :ord" Appl.

the principles of the <in/dom and spendthe time to de5elop .our faith in .ourwords" It won9t work Bust !ecause .ousa. it, !ut it is in5ol5ed inworkin/ the principle of faith" It takes

weeks and months of !ein/ dili/ent inspeakin/ 8od9s promises to de5elop .ourfaith to !elie5e that what .ou sa. willcome to pass"

The 0ouse in Minnesota=urin/ a meetin/ in inneapolis

when I was sharin/ these e2periences, alad. came to me after the ser5ice andsaid, 8lor. to 8od Now I know how to

sell m. house" I9m /oin/ to talk to it ri/htnow And when it sells, I9m /oin/ to /i5ethe tithes into .our ministr."99

:ithin three weeks she sold herhouse" It had !een on the market forse5eral months, !ut it sold when shespoke to it" It o!e.ed her words"

If .ou dili/entl. do what >esus said,these principles will work in .our life"

ut .ou must come to >esus, hear, then do them"

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195 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

Are .ou willin/ to do what >esus said,

e5en to the point of appearin/ ridiculousto the worldK

Some ma. sa., The rice fields, thewheat crop, the housin/ proBect, and thehouse in innesota are Bustcoincidence

ut the :ord worked for >esus, andHe said, If .ou do ., .ouwon9t fail"

The har5est produced !. the seedsthat  your voie  plants will cause thes.camine tree to remo5e or to remain" .ut it 'ill obey you(

Things To Remember =o the of >esus and .ou will

ha5e a house with a firm foundation" Thefloods and storms of life do not comefrom 8od"

1lant 8od9s :ord in .our heart anddo the of >esus, and .ou will notfail

=i/ in the :ord to find the

 principles, then do the whole :ord"

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 @o the Sayings o% Jesus 196 

;ou must do 8od9s :ord .ourselfC

8od won9t do it for .ou

Speak 8od9s :ord to the pro!lem in.our life" 1ractice speakin/ what 8odsa.s a!out .ou" =e5elop the ha!it ofreleasin/ faith in e5er. word .ou speak"

Start !elie5in/ that every word .ousa. will come to pass"

-onfessin/ 8od9s :ord forms a positi5e ima/e inside .ou"

The ima/e of 8od9s :ord will raise.our si/hts"

8od9s :ord is .our point of contactto chan/e .our ima/e"

Speakin/ in line with 8od9s :ordwill cause .ou to de5elop faith in  your

words" The ke. is !elie5in/ what .ou sa.will come to pass"

?or these principles to work in .ourlife, .ou must come to >esus, hear, then dili/entl. do what He sa.s"

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1- Esing the =aith You

0ave:hen the disciples !ecame afraid in

the midst of a storm, >esus asked them,#here is your %aith3 6uke %F''$'(G"

>esus later spoke to them and said, O ye o% little %aith " " " 6uke *'F'%G" The.didn9t like that, so the. decided to askHim to /i5e them more faith" 6uke *(F4sa.s, "he apostles sai$ unto the 7or$,

 +nrease our %aith(The apostles couldn9t read ark ) or

ark **F'+,') to find out how the<in/dom of 8od operates"

Then a/ain in atthew *( thedisciples failed to cast a demon out of a !o., so >esus had to cast it out" 6aterwhen >esus was alone with them, the.asked Him wh. the. couldn9t do it"

 n$ Jesus sai$ unto them, .eause o%

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200 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 your unbelie% %or verily + say unto you, +%

 ye have %aith as a grain o% mustar$ see$, ye shall say unto this mountain, Eemove

hene to yon$er plae an$ it shall

remove an$ nothing shall be impossible

unto you Hv( 20;(

These words are similar to what >esussaid in 6uke *(F3,  +% ye ha$ %aith as a

 grain o% mustar$ see$, ye might say unto

this syamine tree, .e thou plu&e$ up""""

oth of these e2amplesDthemountain in atthew *(F'# and thes.camine tree in 6uke *(F3Drefer to the

 pro!lem, to the circumstance !eforethem"

>esus did not sa., If .ou ha5e faiththe siDe o% a see$ (((,F  !ut, If .ou ha5efaith as a grain of mustard seed " " " ">esus is usin/ as an e2ample a ofseed that is familiar to the apostles" Had

>esus !een in En/land, Arkansas, Hewould ha5e said, If .ou had faith as acotton seed """"G

The si@e of the seed doesn9t matter"The point is that the seed is /ood for thin/F to plant"

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Gsing the :aith ou ave 201

>esus is .ou don9t need more

faith, !ut .ou must !e willin/ to plant it,to put it to work, to sa. to the pro!lem,e remo5ed

In answer to the apostles9 request to/i5e them more faith, >esus said, ;oudon9t need more faith" ;ou Bust need touse the faith .ou ha5e !. speakin/ it"

Plant your =aith

6uke *(F3 and atthew *(F'#contain three /reat secrets of faithF

*" ?aith works like a seed"

'" ;ou must plant it to /et the !enefitof that faith seed"

+" ;ou plant faith !. speakin/ it"

The <in/dom operates !. the principle of sowin/ and reapin/F """ as i%

a man shoul$ ast see$ into the groun$

ark )F'3G"

?rom the teachin/s of >esus,1eter, >ames, and others, I !elie5e seedscannot !e planted in .our heart unless.ou first speak words" The. will ne5er/et in there unless .ou speak them there"

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202 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

The. are in the mouth first, then in the

heart" Rom" *#F%"G

?eave your Seed in the Ground

There is somethin/ .ou shouldremem!er when plantin/ seeds of faithF

Once the seed is planted, .ou no lon/erha5e itC it9s in the /round heartG"

Often people use the phrase, I9m !elie5in/ for""" I ha5e said it m.self"G

ut if .ou are believing %or it, .ou are inthe processC !ut .ou ha5en9t !elie5ed .et"Once .ou ha5e !elie5ed it, it is settled

Once the seed is planted, .ou don9t /o !ack to di/ it up It is the su!stance of

what .ou desire" 1raise 8od for it, e5enthou/h it9s not in .our possession,

 !ecause  you have believe$- 1ast tense;ou shall recei5e"

If .ou sa., F+ am believing for this,

.ou are in the process of !elie5in/C !utwhen .ou sa., F+ have believe$ 8od forit, then it is settled The seed is planted";ou no lon/er ha5e it" ;ou95e tradedfaith for the thin/ .ou !elie5ed"

:hen .ou /o to the store, .ou /ather

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20 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 :or + am a man un$er authority, having

 sol$iers un$er me an$ + say to this man,)o, an$ he goeth an$ to another, Come,

an$ he ometh an$ to my servant, @o this,

an$ he $oeth it(

 !atthe' 85<9

:hen >esus heard these words, Hestopped and preached a sermon"

#hen Jesus hear$ it, he marvelle$,

an$ sai$ to them that %ollo'e$, Verily +

 say unto you, + have not %oun$ so great %aith, no, not in +srael 5" *#G"

This centurion was a 8entile, aRoman" He was not under the -o5enantthat 8od had with IsraelC .et >esus said

his was the /reatest faith He had seen inall Israel

Then >esus said, )o thy 'ay an$ as

thou hast believe$ past tenseG,  so be it

$one unto thee( n$ his servant 'as

heale$ in the sel%same hour 5" *+G"

The centurion released his faith whenhe said to >esus, Spea& the 'or$ only,

an$ my servant shall be heale$( He wasnot !elie5in/C he had alrea$y  !elie5ed"He planted the seed and left it in the

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205 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

In i!le da.s, no master had his

ser5ant rest or eat !efore ser5in/ him"

As soon as the ser5ant came in from plowin/ or feedin/ cattle, he cooked themeal and fed the masterC then he ate thelefto5ers later"

Don't !elaF $ter /ictory

?aith$filled words !ecome .ourser5ants, workin/ for .ou da. in and da.

out" :hen the. !rin/ in the 5ictor., .oudon9t sa. to .our wordsF Since .ou wonthat 5ictor., I9m /oin/ to let .ou rela2 afew da.s" :hen the. are throu/h withone Bo!, don9t let them lie around and /etla@." After spendin/ a lon/ da. workin/,the ser5ant in 6uke *( came home to domore work"

A/ain, I refer to atthew *'F+3 inwhich >esus said we will /i5e an account

of e5er. idle word spoken" If .ou let.our ser5antDfaith$filled wordsDliearound idle, .ou will /i5e an account ofthem"

As the master kept the ser5ant

workin/ in 6uke *(, we must keep our

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Gsing the :aith ou ave 206  

words workin/" :e do that !. speakin/

the thin/ desiredD/i5in/ them a newassi/nment"

Things To Remember 

6earn to use .our faith as a seed"

1lant .our faith !. speakin/ it"

Once the seed is planted, don9t di/ itup"

?aith$filled words are .our ser5ants"

The. work for .ou da. and ni/ht"

<eep .our words workin/

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1 =aith Is 3ot ?ainess

;ou must hear 8od9s :ordintelli/entl., then put some action to.our faith"

Se5eral .ears a/o there was a couplein a cit. where I was teachin/ on aweekl. !asis who took hold of the faithand confession messa/e" The. hadmo5ed to that cit. !ecause the man hadtaken a new Bo! there, !ut the compan.he was to work for went !roke a!out the

time he and his wife arri5ed" The. wereli5in/ in a 5er. e2pensi5e apartment, andsince neither of them had a Bo!, !ills

 !e/an to pile up"

The. learned a part of what the.heard a!out confession, !ut the. onl. /otthe formula" The. thou/ht all the. had todo was sa. it" So the. sat at homeconfessin/ that the. had the mone. tomeet their !ills"

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210 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

The man was offered a Bo! sellin/

cars for M3## a month, plus commissionC !ut he turned it down" He said he waswaitin/ for his ship to come in" Onethin/ should !e clearF If .ou ha5en9t sentone out, it won9t come inG The :ord

sa.s, """ 'hatsoever he $oeth shall prosper 1s" *F+G" This man wasn9t $oing

an.thin/, and a hundredfold return onnothing is still nothing-

-onfession didn9t work for the couplewho onl. sat around confessin/" The.didn9t ha5e the principle of seedtime andhar5est" The. didn9t use common sense,and the. weren9t !ein/ o!edient to 8od9s:ord, which sa.s, " " " 'hatsoever he

$oeth shall prosper( The. weren9t doin/an.thin/" -onfession and faith are

 powerful when coupled with doin/ the:ord of 8od"

Sometimes people miss it in the walkof faith" The. /et turned on to faith andsa., 8lor. to 8od I9m /oin/ to quit m.

 Bo! 6et me share a few words ofwisdomF If .ou can9t make it !. faith'ith a Bo!, .ou certainl. won9t make it !.faith 'ithout a Bo!"

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212 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

;ou ha5e to put the two to/ether" Use

faith in all .our !usiness practices"

:hen .ou start /ood thin/sa!out .our work, the results will astound.ou"

=ollo) Instructions

6et me /i5e .ou an e2ample of howto act on the :ord to sow the seed"

The 6ord mi/ht instruct .ou to /i5e

M4# to a particular person" The :ord of8od concernin/ /i5in/ in 6uke 3F+%sa.s, )ive, an$ it shall be given unto

 you goo$ measure, presse$ $o'n, an$

 sha&en together, an$ running over( In

order to sow the seed, .ou must do whatthis 5erse sa.s" 6uke 3F+% will not workunless .ou o!ser5e the principles of thelaws of prosperit." ;ou can9t Bust &no'

what the :ord sa.s a!out /i5in/C .ou

must /i5e in order to claim this promise")ive, an$ it shall be given( The

 phrase  shall be is future tense" The promise is !efore .ou" It doesn9t !elon/to .ou until .ou do what 8od9s :ord


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 :aith +s ot 7aDiness 21/

The instant .ou /i5e that M4#, .ou

can speak that promise into .our heart !ecause .ou ha5e !een o!edient to 8od"Instead of, It shall !e /i5en untome, .ou can sa., ?ather, ;our :ordsa.s, )ive, an$ it shall be given( Then

 !ecause I ha5e /i5en, it is given unto me ?goo$ measure, presse$ $o'n, an$

 sha&en together, an$ running over(F 

That is present tenseF It is /i5en no'-

efore .ou o!e.ed, the return from/i5in/ was shall be( After .ou o!e.ed !./i5in/, .our confession chan/ed to it is

 given to me(

Say e$ore You See

Once .ou ha5e acted, .ou can take8od9s :ord and put it in the presenttenseF ?ather, !ecause I ha5e /i5en, it is/i5en unto meD  goo$ measure, presse$

$o'n, an$ sha&en together, an$ running


Someone ma. sa., ;ou don9t ha5e" ut .ou don9t ha5e to see it" Trust8odC He wouldn9t lie to .ou

-ontinue to sow the :ord of 8od

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21 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

into .our heart !. .our words" Sa.,

Thank ;ou, ?ather, it is /i5en unto me"I9m !elie5in/ for a hundredfold return, inthe name of >esus, and it is comin/ tome" The !lessin/s are o5ertakin/ me

 !ecause I sow !ountifull. and I reap

 !ountifull." I ha5e all sufficienc. in allthin/s and do a!ound to e5er. /oodwork" The 6ord is m. Shepherd, and I donot want"

Spea+ the Words loudAs we ha5e seen, the wa. .ou sow

the :ord of 8od is to hear .our 5oiceutter what 8od said" This is one of theke.s to operatin/ in 8od9s <in/dom"

;ou don9t ha5e to let .our 5oice echo offthe walls, !ut .ou do need to sa. .ourconfessions aloud"

1aul said,  :aith ometh by hearing,

an$ hearing by the 'or$ o% )o$ Rom"*#F*(G" The 8reek for 'or$ in this 5erseis rhema or the spoken :ord" .rhema o% )o$, 1aul in this 5erse isreferrin/ to a portion of Scripture" Hedoes not mean the whole i!le, or logos(

I am con5inced that 1aul was,

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 :aith +s ot 7aDiness 214

?aith comes !. hearin/ .ourself speak

8od9s :ord"

This is 8od9s principal wa. ofcausin/ faith to come" 8od uses it totransfer His faith to .ou, and it9s donethrou/h His :ord" 8od9s :ord is filledwith faith" Therefore, when .ou quote8od9s :ord aloud, it imparts that faith to.ou" 8od has alwa.s used this !asic

 principle" He used it when He made His-o5enant with A!raham"

God Spo+eB,raham uoted

In 8enesis *( 8od appeared toA!raham and said, I ha5e made thee thefather of man. nations" At that time,A!raham and Sarah didn9t e5en ha5e the

 promised child, !ut 8od said, I ha5ealread. done it

Then 8od proceeded to set in motion

the principle of faith to cause it to cometo pass" A!raham was ninet.$nine .earsold and his wife was ninet., so there wasno natural hope" ut the i!le sa.s whenthere was no hope, A!raham !elie5ed in

hope" Rom" )F*%"G

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215 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

8od set this plan in motion !.

chan/in/ A!ram9s name to A!raham andchan/in/ Sarai9s name to Sarah" braham meant father of nations orfather of a multitude" Sarah meantmother of nations or mother of a

multitude" :hen 8od renamed them,He forced them into, I am thefather of nations and I am the motherof nations" 8od had set in motion His

 !asic principles of transferrin/ His faith

to A!raham and Sarah, so that what Hehad promised would surel. come to pass"

E5er. time A!raham said, . nameis A!raham, he was, I am thefather of nations" E5er. time Sarah said,

I am Sarah, she was, I am themother of nations or the mother ofmultitudes"

It was the speakin/ of 8od9s :ord

which had !een spoken to them thatcaused faith to come" E5er. timesomeone said, A!raham, what are we todo nowK he didn9t hear braham, heheard :ather o% ations(

:ith all the people who worked for

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 :aith +s ot 7aDiness 216 

him, A!raham9s name was pro!a!l.

called hundreds of times a da." -an .ouima/ine what that did to his faithK Heheard ?ather of Nations " " " ?ather of

 Nations" O ?ather of Nations """ =a. inand da. out, he heard what 8od said"

Then in the same wa., all the maidswho called to Sarah called her, otherof Nations"

This was as if 8od had said, Thus

saith the 6ord, !ecause it was the :ordof the 6ord to A!raham and Sarah, and itcaused faith to comeDfaith sufficient tocause the promise to come to pass"

This has alwa.s !een 8od9s method"

It is still 8od9s method toda." ?aith in8od comes !. hearin/ the :ord of 8od":hen 8od wants a har5est, He Himself

 plants a seed"

The Seed 0as l)ays #FistedThe <in/dom of 8od has alwa.s

worked in the same wa., !. sowin/seeds, !ecause the SeedDthe :ord of8od which is >esusDhas alwa.s e2isted,

and alwa.s will"

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 :aith +s ot 7aDiness 219

of 8od li5es fore5erF .eing born again,

not o% orruptible see$, but o%inorruptible, by the 'or$ o% )o$, 'hih

liveth an$ abi$eth %or ever(

Accordin/ to >ohn9s 8ospel, >esusand the :ord are oneF

 +n the beginning 'as the #or$, an$ the

#or$ 'as 'ith )o$, an$ the #or$ 'as )o$(

"he same 'as in the beginning 'ith


 ll things 'ere ma$e by him an$

'ithout him 'as not any thing ma$e that

'as ma$e ( ( (

 n$ the #or$ 'as ma$e %lesh, an$ $'elt

among us( John 11</,1

If in the !e/innin/ the :ord was8od, then the :ord is  still 8od o5erevery situation of life"

Things To Remember 

;ou must put some action to .ourfaithF #hatsoever he $oeth shall prosper(

-onfession and faith are powerful

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220 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

when coupled with doin/ the :ord of


Use common sense"

=on9t su!stitute faith for /ood !usiness practices"

Sow the :ord of 8od into .our heart"?aith comes !. hearin/ .ourself speak8od9s :ord"

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16 Ta+ing 3o nFious

ThoughtA common enem. to success in an.

indi5idual9s life is fearDthe fear offailure" ecause of this fear, man. people

 !ecome an2ious, fearful, o5erwrou/ht,and distressed" ut on almost e5er.occasion when >esus presented Himselfto the disciples after He arose from thedead, His /reetin/ wasF  :ear not or  .e

not a%rai$(

E5en when >esus spoke of all thethin/s that were to come upon the earth,He said, See that ye be not trouble$

att" ')F3G" On other occasions He said,

 7et not your heart be trouble$ >ohn*)F'(G" In atthew 3F'4 >esusadmonishes us to take no an2iousthou/ht, !ut this is the first thin/ most

 people do concernin/ the thin/s of their

li5esDfinances, housin/, and all thenecessities of life"

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222 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

6isten to the words of >esus as He

tells .ou a !etter wa.F

"here%ore + say unto you, "a&e no

thought %or your li%e, 'hat ye shall eat, or

'hat ye shall $rin& nor yet %or your bo$y,

'hat ye shall put on( +s not the li%e more

than meat, an$ the bo$y than raiment3

 .ehol$ the %o'ls o% the air %or they so'

not, neither $o they reap, nor gather into

barns yet your heavenly :ather %ee$eth

them( re ye not muh better than they3

#hih o% you by ta&ing thought an a$$

one ubit unto his stature3 n$ 'hy ta&e ye

thought %or raiment3

Consi$er the lilies o% the %iel$, ho' they

 gro' they toil not, neither $o they spin an$ yet + say unto you, "hat even Solomon in all

his glory 'as not arraye$ li&e one o% these(

#here%ore, i% )o$ so lothe the grass o%

the %iel$, 'hih to $ay is, an$ to morro' is

ast into the oven, shall he not muh morelothe you, O ye o% little %aith3

"here%ore ta&e no thought, saying, #hat

 shall 'e eat3 or, #hat shall 'e $rin&3 or,

#here'ithal shall 'e be lothe$3 H:or a%ter

all these things $o the )entiles see&; %or

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"a&ing o nAious "hought 22/

 your heavenly :ather &no'eth that ye have

nee$ o% all these things( !atthe' 524</2

 Now notice 5erse +*F "a&e no

thought, saying """" It9s all ri/ht to takethou/ht" It9s all ri/ht to make plans" utdon9t take thou/ht !. saying, :hat am I/oin/ to doK Interest rates are '*P =ear8od, what are we /oin/ to doK That willonl. produce fear, dou!t, and un!elief" Itwill ne5er produce faith" ?aith comes !.hearin/ 8od9s :ord"

If .ou must sa. somethin/ in thissituation, /o to the :ord of 8od and sa.what the Apostle 1aul saidF .ut my )o$

 shall supply all your nee$ aor$ing tohis rihes in glory by Christ Jesus 1hil")F*&G" In the place where it sa.s,  your

nee$, Bust insert .our name"

>esus said, =on9t take thou/ht !.

 saying(F :ords are the most powerfulforce in the uni5erse" If the. are usedri/ht, the. will put .ou o5er in life" Ifthe. are used wron/, the. will destro..our faith and put .ou down in life" >esus

is tellin/ .ou somethin/ here that is 5er.

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22 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

5italF  Don't ta+e thought ,y saying.

;ou ma. thin& those thou/htssometimes, !ut don9t say them"

;ou can9t keep the =e5il from puttin/dou!t in .our mindC !ut if .ou will refuseto speak it, it will die un!orn" Dou,t )ill

die un,orn unless you spea+ it: Once.ou speak it, .ou /i5e !irth to it" Then it

 !ecomes un!elief" So /rit .our teeth andkeep .our mouth shut" There is a time tospeak and a time to !e silent"

:hen .our :ord le5el is low and.our faith is low, don9t start tomake a faith confession" ;ou will !emakin/ .our confessions in fear"

Con$essions in =ear

;ou can /et !uilt up to the pointwhere .ou confess the :ord of 8odF. 8od meets m. need accordin/ to

His riches in /lor." ;ou ha5e pra.ed";ou ha5e confessed 8od9s :ord" ;ou

 !elie5e .ou ha5e recei5ed" ;ou ha5ethanked 8od for it" There is no dou!t in.our mind at that point that .ou ha5e

recei5ed" ;ou !elie5e it with .our heart"

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"a&ing o nAious "hought 224

ut then fi5e da.s later when it hasn9t

come to pass, the =e5il comes alon/ ande5er.thin/ seems to !e /oin/ a/ainst.ou" ;ou are on a low lim! That is not

the time to start to make aconfession of .our faith >ust rest on

what .ou said in faith fi5e da.s !efore" Itis possi!le to make ri/ht statements infear"

As we ha5e alread. seen from thefifth chapter of ark, >airus came to>esus in faith" He said, !y little $aughter

lieth at the point o% $eath + pray thee,

ome an$ lay thy han$s on her, that she

may be heale$ an$ she shall live 5" '+G" Now that was a faith statement" >airus

spoke those words when his faith washi/h" He !elie5ed that >esus could healhis dau/hter"

ut later someone comes and sa.s,

>airus, .our dau/hter is alread. dead">ust for/et it" =on9t trou!le the asteran.more" >airus had spoken in faith, !utnow the dr. winds of dou!t were

 !lowin/ a/ainst him" He was in a !adsituation" That was not the time for himto start makin/ faith confessions" He Bust

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225 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

needed to rest on the statement he had

made when his faith was hi/h"

=on9t misunderstand me" ;ou an /oto the :ord of 8od and quote it in asituation like that, !ut there is adifference !etween makin/ a confessionof 8od9s :ord as an e2ercise of faith anddoin/ it in fear" I ha5e heard people sa.these thin/s in fear" The. were it,not !ecause of the faith that was in theirhearts, !ut !ecause the. were afraid that5er. thin/ was /oin/ to happen" The.started makin/ confessions in fear"

ut >airus Bust kept his mouth shut"

;ou can quote 8od9s :ord in this

kind of situationC Bust quote it o5er ando5er to .ourself" Then when .ou want tospeak a word of faith to effect somethin/,.ou will !e filled with the :ord of 8od";our faith and .our :ord le5el will !e


There is a difference !etween :ord to put it inside .ou andspeakin/ the :ord out to effectsomethin/" There are times when all-hristians ha5e some dou!t" =on9t tr. to

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"a&ing o nAious "hought 226  

speak the word of faith at those times"

Start speakin/ it to put it in .our heartand cause faith to comeC or, Bust keep.our mouth shut as >airus did"

Words Produce =aith or =ear

>esus said, "a&e no thought, saying(:h. should >esus !e concerned a!outour takin/ thou/ht !.  saying3 will produce either faith or fear"

Speak faith$filled words, and the.will produce faith" Speak fear$filledwords, and the. will produce fear" I cansa. thin/s to .ou that will produce ade/ree of faith in .ouC or, I can speakwords that will create a sense of fear in.ou"

Statements like, :hat are we /oin/to doK How are we /oin/ to make this

 pa.mentK produce fear" :hen .ou fear,

.ou allow Satan to steal the :ord from

.ou" E5er. time .ou sa. such thin/s, .ouare openin/ the door for the =e5il tospeak to .our carnal mind" ;ou are totake no thou/ht !. an.thin/ that

would open the door to the =e5il"

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228 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

The =e5il cloudin/ .our mind with

such thou/hts is a maBor area .ou mustdeal with if .ou e2pect to walk in 8od9s

 prosperit." >esus told us to ta&e no

thought by saying  !ecause the humanspirit is desi/ned to produce in like kind

from the seed .ou plant in .our heart" If.ou plant thou/hts !ased on worr., .ourspirit will produceDand, in fact, lead.ou toDthe 5er. thin/ .ou fear"

Remem!er thisF Satan is very limite$

in 'hat he an $o unless you %ear- ?earreleases his a!ilit. a/ainst .ou" He canno more pre5ail a/ainst .ou if .ou arewithout fear than 8od can mo5e in .our

 !ehalf without faith ?aith !rin/s 8od on

the scene, !ut fear is an in5itation toSatan"

6earn to control .our 5oca!ular. andharness .our ton/ue !ecause !. .our

words .ou release the a!ilit. of Satana/ainst .our finances, .our home, and.our ph.sical !od."

Things To Remember 

?ear of failure is an enem. to success"

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"a&ing o nAious "hought 229

Resist fear as .ou would resist the


;ou can9t keep the =e5il from puttin/dou!t in .our mindC !ut if .ou refuse tospeak it, the dou!t will die un!orn"

?aith$filled words produce faithC fear$filled words produce fear"

?ear !rin/s Satan on the scene"

?aith !rin/s 8od on the scene"

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2/2 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

an$ 'oul$ none o% my reproo%

 + also 'ill laugh at your alamity 'ill

mo& 'hen your %ear ometh

#hen your %ear ometh as $esolation,

an$ your $estrution ometh as a

'hirl'in$ 'hen $istress an$ anguishometh upon you(

"hen shall they all upon me, but + 'ill

not ans'er they shall see& me early, but

they shall not %in$ me

 :or that they hate$ &no'le$ge, an$ $i$

not hoose the %ear o% the 7or$

"hey 'oul$ none o% my ounsel they

$espise$ all my reproo%(

"here%ore shall they eat o% the %ruit o%

their o'n 'ay, an$ be %ille$ 'ith their o'n


 :or the turning a'ay o% the simple shall

 slay them, an$ the prosperity o% %ools shall$estroy them(

 .ut 'hoso hear&eneth unto me H'is$om;

 shall $'ell sa%ely, an$ shall be >uiet %rom

 %ear o% evil(

 Proverbs 12<//

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 Ee%using #is$om Pro$ues :ear an$ Calamity


If .ou hearken unto wisdom, .ou will !e quiet from fear of e5il

Turn at the reproof of wisdom, whichis the :ord of 8od that they may

reover themselves out o% the snare o%

the $evil ' Tim" 'F'3G" ou ha5e toreco5er yoursel% out of some thin/sC 8odcan9t do it for .ou"

=earB#nemy to Success

>o! did not do all the thin/s descri!edin the a!o5e passa/e, !ut he $i$ fear"E5en thou/h a man walks upri/ht !efore8od, he can still miss 8od"G  :or the

thing 'hih + greatly %eare$ is ome

upon me >o! +F'4G" >o! didn9t Bust fear,he greatly feared

Remem!er all the times >esus said,?ear not" Neither !e afraid" =on9t !eafraid" ?ear not He wasn9t Bust makin/up scriptures to fill the i!leC He wasre5ealin/ a secretF =ear )ill produce the

very thing you $ear2 the same as $aith

)ill produce the very thing you

,elieve: >esus said, =on9t take an2ious

thou/ht, !ecause it will di/ up the :ord

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2/ Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

that .ou95e sown"

;ou can pra. the most !eautiful, full of faith, then talk that seedri/ht out of the /round

=ear Dra)s 4ppression

:hen .ou fear, the thin/ .ou arefearin/ will come upon .ou !ecause fearis a spiritual forceF )o$ hath not given us

the spirit o% %ear but o% po'er, an$ o%

love, an$ o% a soun$ min$ ' Tim" *F(G"?ear is a spirit that will draw the 5er.

thin/ .ou do not desire In Isaiah 4)F*)8od told Israel, """ thou shalt be %ar %rom

oppression for thou shalt not fear: an$

 %rom terror %or it fearG shall not omenear thee(

?ear draws oppression" It draws allthe ne/ati5e forces"

:hen >o!  greatly %eare$, he set inmotion the formula for failure" He said, :or the thing 'hih + greatly %eare$ is

ome upon me, an$ that 'hih + 'as

a%rai$ o% is ome unto me( + 'as not in

 sa%ety, neither ha$ + rest, neither 'as +>uiet yet trouble ame >o! +F'4,'3G"

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 Ee%using #is$om Pro$ues :ear an$ Calamity


ometh( :or the 7or$ shall be thyon%i$ene, an$ shall &eep thy %oot %rom

being ta&en(

 Proverbs /21<25 

These words will do wonders for

 !uildin/ up the soulish man, as well asthe spirit, and free .ou from fear

Some sa., ;ou9re Bust i/norin/ the pro!lems" On the contrar., I9m doin/somethin/ a!out them !. plantin/ seed

in m. heart that will o5ercome the pro!lem"

6et9s look at 8od9s wisdom in1ro5er!s"

  man*s heart $eviseth his 'ay but the 7or$ $ireteth his steps(

 Proverbs 159

"he 'ise in heart shall be alle$

 pru$ent an$ the s'eetness o% the lips

inreaseth learning(

Gn$erstan$ing is a 'ellspring o% li%e

unto him that hath it but the instrution o%

 %ools is %olly(

"he heart o% the 'ise teaheth his mouth,

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2/8 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

an$ a$$eth learning to his lips(

 Pleasant 'or$s are as an honeyomb,

 s'eet to the soul, an$ health to the bones(

"here is a 'ay that seemeth right unto a

man, but the en$ thereo% are the 'ays o%

$eath( Proverbs 1521<24

A/ain, 5erse ') sa.s, Pleasant 'or$s

are as an honeyomb, s'eet to the soul,

an$ health to the bones(

To some people it seems ri/ht to sa.,;ou Bust don9t know how !ad it is withme" ;ou Bust don9t know how the =e5il m. home" ;ou Bust don9t

know how mean m. hus!and is" ;ou Bustdon9t know how poor we are" :e can9tafford thin/s" If I e5er /et a Bo!, I9ll loseit"

There is a wa. that seems ri/ht to a

man, !ut the end is /oin/ to destro. him"It seems ri/ht for some!od. to sa., I9mnot /oin/ to sa. I9m healed when I stillhurt" If I was reall. healed, I wouldn9thurt" That ma. seem ri/ht to .ou, !ut

the end result of it ma. kill .ou,

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 Ee%using #is$om Pro$ues :ear an$ Calamity


especiall. if .ou are in the positionwhere the doctors ha5e /i5en .ou up todie"

I am talkin/ a!out an indi5idual whohas !ecome so pious that he thinks he is if he doesn9t sa. what alread.e2ists" The indi5idual who what is, is alwa.s esta!lishin/

 present circumstances"

To operate in <in/dom principles

 D #hosoever shall say, believe, $oubt

not in his heart, but believe 'hat he says

'ill ome to pass, he shall have

'hatsoever he says? .ou must speakto the mountain, not about themountain"

Some people wouldn9t dare to speakto the mountain or speak to the s.caminetree" The. wouldn9t dare sa. that it is

remo5ed and cast into the sea" ;ou ha5eto learn to do what the :ord sa.s to do"This is the wa. 8od9s <in/dom works"

 Now let9s look at some of the thin/s1ro5er!s sa.s a!out the ton/ue"

"he %ruit o% the righteous is a tree o% li%e(

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20 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 Proverbs 11/0

"he 'i&e$ is snare$ by the

transgression o% his lips but the =ust shall

ome out o% trouble(

  man shall be satis%ie$ 'ith goo$ by the

 %ruit o% his mouth an$ the reompene o% aman*s han$s shall be ren$ere$ unto him(

 Proverbs 121/,1

"here is that spea&eth li&e the pierings

o% a s'or$ but the tongue o% the 'ise is

health( Proverbs 1/18

  man shall eat goo$ by the %ruit o% his

mouth but the soul o% the transgressors

 shall eat violene(

 e that &eepeth his mouth &eepeth his

li%e but he that openeth 'i$e his lips shall

have $estrution(

 Proverbs 1/2,/

"he tongue o% the 'ise useth &no'le$gearight but the mouth o% %ools poureth out


"he eyes o% the 7or$ are in every plae,

behol$ing the evil an$ the goo$(

  'holesome tongue is a tree o% li%e but

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 Ee%using #is$om Pro$ues :ear an$ Calamity


 perverseness therein is a breah in the spirit(

 Proverbs 142<

A wholesome ton/ue is the nearestthin/ we ha5e to the tree of life that was

in the 8arden of Eden" ;ou see, Adamcould ha5e eaten of the tree of life" Hecould ha5e partaken of di5ine life

 pro5isions from that tree, !ut he didn9t"He chose to eat of the knowled/e of

 !lessin/ and calamit."

The nearest thin/ to that toda. is thewholesome ton/ue" It !ecomes the treeof life to .ou, for with the ton/ue .ousow seeds in the <in/dom" That9s the

wa. the <in/dom works"

 Notice 1ro5er!s *4F) sa.s, " " " perverseness therein is a breah in the


1er5erseness of the ton/ue will causea !roken spirit"

1ro5er!s *4F*+ sa.s,   merry heart

ma&eth a heer%ul ountenane but by

 sorro' o% the heart the spirit is bro&en(

1ro5er!s *(F'' sa.s,   merry heart

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22 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

$oeth goo$ li&e a me$iine but a bro&en

 spirit $rieth the bones( 1ro5er!s *4F'+tells usF  man hath =oy by the ans'er o%

his mouth(

If .ou don9t ha5e Bo., check up on.our mouth

"hrough $esire a man, having

 separate$ himsel%, see&eth an$

interme$$leth 'ith all 'is$om 1ro5"*%F*G" ;ou must separate .ourself from

some of the thin/s of the world andintermeddle with the wisdom of 8od"

  %ool*s mouth is his $estrution, an$

his lips are the snare o% his soul 1ro5"*%F(G" A fool9s mouth is his destruction"

There is an old Sticks and stonesma. !reak m. !ones, !ut words willne5er hurt me" That9s a lie :ron/words kill .ou, especiall. if  you speakthem"

  man*s belly innermost !ein/G shall

be satis%ie$ 'ith the %ruit o% his

mouth(((1ro5" *%F'#G" :hat a personspeaks out his mouth is what he will /etin his heart" ;our heart will !e satisfiedwith it if .ou speak itDwhether it is

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 Ee%using #is$om Pro$ues :ear an$ Calamity


ri/ht, wron/, or indifferent" " " " an$ 'ith,the inrease o% his lips shall he be %ille$(

;ou will !e filled with the thin/s .ouspeak out .our mouth"

 @eath an$ li%e are in the po'er o% the

tongue an$ they that love it shall eat the %ruit thereo% 1ro5" *%F'*G" ;ou are /oin/to eat the fruit of .our mouth, eitherdeath or life"

=eposit 8od9s :ord in .our heart !.speakin/ it" "he righteousness 'hih is

o% %aith spea&eth on this 'ise((( "he 'or$

is nigh thee, even in thy mouth an$ in thy

heart Rom" *#F3,%G"

8od9s :ord will take care of inflationand recession if we are dili/ent to dowhat >esus saidDif we take no an2iousthou/ht !., :hat am I /oin/ todoK :hat are we /oin/ to eatK :hat9s

/oin/ to happen to usKProgram Yoursel$ )ith the Word

;ou must full. pro/ram .ourself withthe :ord of 8od until .ou no lon/er take

an2ious thou/ht and !ecome fretful o5er.our needs" 8od takes care of the lilies of

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2 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

the field and the fowl of the air" >esus

said He would clothe e5en those whoha5e Bust a little faith

Sow the :ord of 8od in .our heartand act on the faith that .ou ha5e" Itdoesn9t take much faith, Bust faith as aseed"

Sowin/ seed for success is our

responsi!ilit." Seein/ that the successcomes to pass is )o$*s responsi!ilit.D 

once we ha5e done our part" :e don9tha5e to !e/ 8od for it to come to pass"The /round is desi/ned to work"

In ark )F'3,'( >esus tells us that the<in/dom works as a man who casts seed

in the /round, and then carries on life asusual 'ithout 'orrying( After plantin/their crops, farmers don9t start the /round will work

>esus said, "a&e no thought, saying,

#hat shall 'e eat3 or, #hat shall 'e

$rin&3 or, #here'ithal shall 'e be

lothe$3 att" 3F+*G" :e don9t ha5e totake thou/ht for these thin/s !ecause8od is responsi!le for ourneeds" All we do is sow the seed"

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25 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

8od9s :isdomDHis :ordD.ou will

ha5e no fear of e5il"

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19 !eaping the 0arvest

 :or the earth bringeth %orth %ruit o%hersel% %irst the bla$e, then the ear, a%ter

that the %ull orn in the ear(

 !ar& 28

It Ta+es Time $or =aith To


;ou must de5elop .ourself in the<in/dom principles" As it takes time forseeds to /row, it also takes time for .ou

to de5elop .ourself to !elie5e what .ouare will come to pass" ;ou ma.start speakin/ to thin/s, !ut that doesn9tmean the thin/s will o!e. .ouimme$iately(

The woman with the issue of !looddescri!ed in the fifth chapter of arktook four stepsF speakin/, actin/,recei5in/, and knowin/" Apparentl. thishappened in a relati5el. short period of

timeC howe5er, when .ou follow these

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28 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

steps, results usually 'ill not happen


efore an.thin/ chan/es on theoutsideD!efore .ou feel !etter or look

 !etterDthe ima/e inside .ou mustchan/e, and this takes time" =ili/ence todo what 8od9s :ord sa.s 'ill e5entuall.

 produce the results 8od said it would"

The reason these thin/s manifestedfast for >esus was !ecause He was hi/hl.

de5eloped in His faith" It takes lon/er forsome people to recei5e the manifestationof what the. speak !ecause the. are notas hi/hl. de5eloped in their faith as intheir fear"

:hen I first started the<in/dom principles in m. life, it tookweeks and months !efore I saw an.results with the natural e.e"

It took time to chan/e m. ima/ea!out finances" The. didn9t impro5eo5erni/ht !ecause operatin/ <in/dom

 principles is a wa. of lifeDa process, nota fad

4perate the *ingdom

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 Eeaping the arvest 29

6et9s summari@e what we ha5e

learned so far a!out operatin/ the<in/dom"

In atthew *'F+),+4 >esus said to thescri!es and 1hariseesF

O generation o% vipers, ho' an ye,being evil, spea& goo$ things3 %or out o%

the abun$ane o% the heart the mouth


  goo$ man out o% the goo$ treasure

Hor $eposit; o% the heart bringeth %orth goo$ things(

A /ood man who has stored /oodtreasureDdeposited the /ood :ord of

8odDin his heart will !rin/ forth /oodthin/s" an. times people pra. for )o$

to !rin/ forth /ood thin/s when actuall.the :ord sa.s you must do it"

In 6uke *'F+' >esus said,  :ear not,

little %lo& %or it is your :ather*s goo$ pleasure to give you the &ing$om( 8oddesi/ned His <in/dom inside .ou to

 produce the 5er. thin/ .ou need, and>esus tells how it works" The seed is

 planted in the heart !. speakin/ it with

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240 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

the mouth" A man speaks the :ord of

8od the seedG into the heart, or plants itin the soil" Then, as he carries on life asusual, takin/ no an2ious thou/ht, theseed /rows up into the thin/ he needs" It

 !ecomes, as >esus said, the %ull orn in

the ear(

;ou appl. the principles of 8od9s:ord !. !ein/ o!edientD!elie5e, speak,dou!t not, and /i5e" :hen .ou do, the<in/dom will produce for .ou" .sowin/ 8od9s :ord in 8od9s soil .ourheartG, .ou will e5entuall. reap a har5estof success"

Things To Remember 

>ust as it takes time for seed to /rowin the soil, it takes time for .ou tode5elop .ourself in <in/dom principles"

efore an.thin/ can chan/e on the

outside, .our ima/e inside must chan/e Dand that takes time"

The more hi/hl. de5eloped .ou are infaith, the faster the manifestation of what.ou speak will come"

. dili/entl. the principles

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 Eeaping the arvest 241

of the <in/dom, .ou will e5entuall. reap

a har5est of success

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1> 0ope and =aith

 o' %aith is the substane o% thingshope$ %or, the evi$ene o% things not seen(

 ebre's 111

?aith is the substane, or the rawmaterial, of thin/s .ou hope for" :hat do

.ou hope forK Thin/s .ou desire"

?aith is the evi$ene, or the  proo%, ofthin/s not seen" This means .ou can ha5e

 proof of the thin/s .ou can9t see"

0ope Is a Goal"Setter

Hope works in the mind" Hope willnot produce the thin/ desired, !ut it is5er. important" an. that are sick come

to !e pra.ed for !ecause the. hope to !ehealed"

Hope will not heal them, !ut it willcause them to come for" Hope isreall. a /oal$setter"

an. people ha5e hope in their heart,

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24 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

where faith should !e, and faith in their

head where hope should !e" Hope worksthrou/h the intellect" E5en thou/h a

 person is !orn a/ain, he must renew hismind to the :ord of 8od in order tokeep his /oals in line with 8od9s /oals"

?aith, the su!stance of thin/s, worksout of the heart the inner man, the spiritmanG" The heart, which >esus called the soil, will produce the 5er. thin/ that is planted in it"

1aul wrote, .e not on%orme$ to this

'orl$ but be ye trans%orme$ by the

rene'ing o% your min$ Rom" *'F'G" He

wrote these words to the Roman

church, who were !orn$a/ain" If the.needed to renew their minds, so dowe"

Hope works out of the headC faith outof the heart" 6et me /i5e .ou anillustration"

A thermostat controls the temperatureof .our house" In itself, that thermostathas no a!ilit. to heat or coolC !ut when

the dial is set at a certain temperature, itsends an impulse, a /oal, to the heart of

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 ope an$ :aith 244

the unit" The unit will work as lon/ as

necessar. to produce that temperature/oal"

If a hermit from the mountains comesto 5isit .ou, he will ha5e nounderstandin/ of how such a heatin/ unitoperates" :hen he first enters .ourhouse, it is hot" He sees .ou turn thethermostat to (#, then he feels cool air

 !lowin/" In a few minutes, the house iscool"

He asks, :hat is that thin/K

A thermostat"

:here do .ou /et one of themK

An. hardware store sells them"

As soon as he lea5es, he finds ahardware store, !u.s a thermostat, carriesit home, and nails it on his ca!in wall"

:hen the sun comes up the ne2tmornin/, his ca!in /ets hot so he turnsthe thermostat to 3#, sits !ack, andwaits" In a little while, he starts to

 perspire" ?inall. he /ets up and !eats on

the thermostat"

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245 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

:hat9s wron/ with .ouK :h. don9t

.ou cool m. houseK That thermostat hasno su!stanceC it is onl. a /oal$setter" It islike a man that is dealin/ entirel. in therealm of hope" Nothin/ is connected tothe heart of the unit"

Hope has no su!stanceC it is onl. a/oal$setter There is some power in themental realm, !ut it is onl. a /oal$setterIt is the spiritual manDthe heart of theunit that will produce the thin/ .ou dialplantG in it"

Sometimes in the spiritual realm, wetr. to /et faith to work out of the head,when all the head can do is set the /oal"

The i!le sa.s faith works in theheart" :ith the /oal$setter in .our head,

 !e/in to renew .our mind to what 8odsaidF lessed !e 8od I9m redeemedfrom the curse of the 6aw, deli5ered

from the powers of darkness, translatedinto the <in/dom of the dear Son of8od" ecause I ha5e /i5en, it is /i5enunto me, /ood measure, pressed down,shaken to/ether, and runnin/ o5er"

=ial .our /oal$setter to prosperit.

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 ope an$ :aith 246 

and keep it there" It will send an impulse

to .our heart, the production center"

!elease your =aith

=urin/ the winter months, heat is thethin/ .ou hope for, and /as is the

su!stanceDthe raw materialDof the heat.ou hope for"

The raw material for heatin/ .ourhome is connected to the heatin/ unit at

all times, !ut whether or not that rawmaterial is used is another matter" ou

ha5e to turn the dial of the thermostat":hen .ou do, an impulse will !e sent tothe heart of the unit, a little 5al5e willflip, the pilot li/ht will i/nite the /as, andheat will !e produced"

The /as, the su!stance, is there all thetimeC !ut until the /oal$setter si/nals therelease, it is tied up" This is how some

 people are with their faithDthe. ha5e it, !ut ha5en9t released it"

;ou must learn to release .our faith"Turn the dial of .our renewed mind andset it on the /oal .ou want !. speakin/

8od9s :ord concernin/ that particular

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248 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

area" It will then release the impulse to

.our heart and produce the desiredresults"

As .ou /o a!out .our dail. acti5ities,speak words of healin/ and prosperit."E5en while .ou sleep, .our heart isworkin/ to produce e5er.thin/ .ou need"Once the thermostat is set, .ou can restassured that it will work da. and ni/htuntil it produces what .ou pro/rammedinto it"

If .ou turn the thermostat to 3#, thenup to &#, then !ack to 3#, .ou will

 pro!a!l. !low a fuse somewhere" Theunit is not desi/ned to function that wa."

;ou should set the thermostat at a certaintemperature and lea5e it there"

Dou,le"minded Man Gets

3othing $rom God

 +% any o% you la& 'is$om, let him as& o%)o$, that giveth to all men liberally, an$

upbrai$eth not an$ it shall be given him(

 .ut let him as& in %aith, nothing

'avering( :or he that 'avereth is li&e a

'ave o% the sea $riven 'ith the 'in$ an$

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 ope an$ :aith 249


 :or let not that man thin& that he shall

reeive any thing o% the 7or$( $ouble

min$e$ man is unstable in all his 'ays(

 James 14<8

A dou!le$minded man allowscircumstances to influence him andkeeps chan/in/ his /oal" He ma. set his/oal on prosperit.C !ut if some!od. tellshim, It9s not 8od9s will for .ou to ha5e

riches, he dials !ack to po5ert."After he /oes to an upliftin/ meetin/,

he switches his /oal to prosperit.C !utwhen he /oes !ack to his church andhears, ;ou9re ne5er /oin/ to /et

an.thin/ in this life, he turns !ack to po5ert. a/ain" He will ne5er !ecome prosperous"

A certain minister tells the stor. of a paral.@ed man who came to one of hismeetin/s in a wheelchair" 8od healedhim, and he walked out of the meetin/that ni/ht

The ne2t da. his pastor came to see

him to strai/hten him out" Thou/h the

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250 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

man walked to the door and let him in,

the pastor wasn9t impressed" He said,rother, all healin/ went out with theapostles" This is of the =e5il, and .ouwould !e !etter off in a wheelchair thanto !e healed this wa.

:hen the pastor left, the man wasuna!le to mo5e from his chairF He hadlost his healin/ The /oal$setterDtheimpulse to that man9s heartDhad !eenreset for sickness !. the words that

 pastor had spoken"

:hen he thou/ht, "he pastor may be

right( +t must be )o$*s 'ill %or me to be

 si&, he !ecame dou!le$minded and the

 paral.sis came !ack on him"?earn the ?anguage o$ Success

So man. times when people pra.,the. onl. pra. the pro!lem"

=ear 8od, I don9t know what I9m/oin/ to do" I owe all this mone. I95elost m. Bo! No mone. is comin/ in"6ord, I9ll ne5er /et these !ills paid Thisis a !i/ mountain in m. life, 6ord, and I

 pra. that ;ou9ll mo5e it out of the wa."

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 ope an$ :aith 251

1lease do somethin/ a!out these


In a like this, the /oal is setonl. on the pro!lemC and as it is pra.ed,the impulse is released to the heart to

 produce that /oal"

ut >esus said that the ?ather knowswhat we ha5e need of, e5en !efore weask Him" att" 3F%"G Our part is to pra.the answer"

?ather, in the name of >esus, ;our:ord sa.s that whate5er I desire, when I

 pra., !elie5e I recei5e it and I shall ha5eit" So I am doin/ that now" I ha5e /i5en,so I !elie5e that it is !ein/ /i5en unto me

 D/ood measure, pressed down, shakento/ether, and runnin/ o5er" I proclaimthat all m. needs are met accordin/ to;our riches in /lor. !. -hrist >esus" Ican pra. this, ?ather, !ecause it is

accordin/ to ;our :ord, and I know that;our :ord works

:hen .ou pra. such a as this,there will !e people around .ou who willtr. to talk .ou out of it" =on9t listen tothem" Set .our /oal on the solution and

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252 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

keep it there

One lad. said she recei5ed healin/for arthritis after hands were laid on herin the name of >esus" She was almosttotall. well for se5eral months" Then

 people started callin/ her and leadin/ herinto con5ersations like thisF

How are .ou doin/K Oh, I9m Bustdoin/ fine"

:ell, .ou know these thin/s come

 !ack sometimes" =on9t .ou feel an. painK

:ell, .es, there is Bust a little !it"

;es, that9s what I thou/ht"

That lad. said she !e/an to listen tothat until she e5entuall. lost her healin/":hen she started talkin/ a!out her

 pro!lems, her mind was soon !ack on thearthritis and it came !ack on her"

I can ne5er o5eremphasi@e theimportance of the words .ou speak" >esussaid that we will ha5e whatsoe5er wesa." ark **F'+,')"G :e cannot talk

sickness and disease and e2pect to walkin health" The same is true of prosperit."

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 ope an$ :aith 25/

:e cannot continue thin/s like,

:e ne5er can afford the thin/s weneed, and e2pect to walk in prosperit."

It ma. !e true that .ou can9t afford5er. much at that time, !ut don9t talka!out it" Instead, keep .our words in linewith 8od9s :ordF I ha5e /i5en, so Iknow it is /i5en unto me" It9s mine nowe5en thou/h I don9t see it" It !elon/s tome" 8od said it is mine, so I am /oin/ to

 !elie5e 8od

8od9s faith will ne5er fail and 8od9s:ord will ne5er fail, !ut .ou can cause.our own faith to fail !. /ettin/ .our e.eon the pro!lem" 6earn the lan/ua/e of

success and practice it"The Three D's o$ usiness

1: Don't curse your o)n $ig tree:

=on9t speak a/ainst .our finances,

.our car, or .our !usiness"

&: Don't su,stitute $aith $or good

,usiness practices:

There is an element of common sense

that must !e included" =on9t for/et it"

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25 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

-: Don't su,stitute $ormula $or


=on9t Bust speak .our desire, !ut !elie5e what .ou sa. will come to pass"elie5e everything .ou speak out .ourmouth will come to pass"

:hen .ou !elie5e what .ou, .ou are releasin/ spiritual forces"It won9t work Bust !ecause .ou sa. it, ! it is in5ol5ed in workin/ the


Do These Things to Ma+e Your

Way Prosperous.

Set .our /oal on prosperit. !.

knowin/ 8od9s will for .our success"

Reco/ni@e the <in/dom as theSource of suppl."

Seek the Source <in/domG instead

of thin/s"Sow /ood seed in the <in/dom"

O!e. 8od9s :ord !. doin/ of >esus"

e a /i5er and not a /ra!!er"

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 ope an$ :aith 254

=on9t take thou/ht !. wron/


-ontinue to speak 8od9s :ordconcernin/ prosperit."

e/in to appl. these principles toda."

Then .ou will make .our wa. prosperousand .ou will ha5e /ood success"

Things To Remember 

?aith is the su!stance of thin/s hoped


Hope has no su!stanceC it is onl. a/oal$setter"

?aith works in the heartC hope works

in the head"The heart produces that which the

/oal is set on" Set .our /oal on thesolution, not the pro!lem"

6earn the lan/ua/e of success and practice it"

=ial .our /oal$setter to prosperit.and success, then keep it there

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1@ Prospering or

PoormouthingThe world s.stem is a ne/ati5e

stream /oin/ its own wa. to destruction"an. -hristians /et cau/ht in thisne/ati5e stream and ne5er seem toreco5er from the effects of it" One !adthin/ leads to another" It is like asnow!all rollin/ down a hillC the furtherit /oes, the more destructi5e it !ecomes"

"he rih man*s 'ealth is his strong itythe $estrution o% the poor is their poverty(

 Proverbs 1014

6et9s e2amine the li5es of two mendescri!ed in this 5erse" One we will call

1rosperous >oe" He is 5er. positi5e and !ases his actions on the :ord of 8od"The other we will call 1oormouth >oe"He is 5er. ne/ati5e and !ases his actionson what he sees, feels, and hears" oth

men ha5e /ood Bo!s at the same plant"

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258 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

1rosperous >oe has !een confessin/

a!undance and no lack" Se5eral times ada. he proclaims, I ha5e /i5en, and it is/i5en to meC /ood measure, presseddown, shaken to/ether, and runnin/ o5erdo men /i5e unto me"

He has put his faith out for dou!lehis salar. ne2t .ear" He sa.s, I9m/i5in/, !ut I9ll dou!le m. /i5in/

 !ecause I !elie5e I9m /oin/ to recei5e

dou!le m. salar. ne2t .ear" He is praisin/ 8od for his prosperit." Hisfa5orite Scripture is 1ro5er!s *#F''F"he blessing o% the 7or$, it ma&eth rih,

an$ he a$$eth no sorro' 'ith it(

In his spare time, 1rosperous >oeattends seminars, listens to teachin/tapes, and meditates on 8od9s :ord"

1oormouth >oe has come from a

traditional church which teaches that8od leads us throu/h the fire andthrou/h the flood then lea5es .ou inthe mudG" He has /rown up thinkin/that 8od !rin/s po5ert. on .ou to

teach .ou" His fa5orite Scripture is '

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 Prospering or Poormouthing 259

Timoth. +F*'F ea, an$ all that 'ill live

 go$ly in Christ Jesus shall su%%er perseution(

1oormouth >oe is sa5ed and filledwith the Hol. 8host, the same as

1rosperous >oe" 8od lo5es 1oormouth>oe Bust as much as He lo5es 1rosperous>oe" He would do for him what He doesfor 1rosperous >oe if he would operate inthe same principles"

:hile 1rosperous >oe is confessin/dou!le his salar., 1oormouth >oe isalwa.s speakin/ ne/ati5e thin/s" Afterhe landed a /ood Bo! at the plant, hiswife said, 8lor. to 8od That9s the !est

 Bo! .ou e5er had ut he onl. muttered,;eah, !ut I9ll pro!a!l. !e the first onelaid off ;ou watch and see Nothin/will e5er last for me"

ecause of their new income, his

wife talked to him a!out ! a newcar" His response was, As sure as we

 !u. that car, I9ll lose m. Bo!

:ithout e5en reali@in/ it, he is !rin/in/ ne/ati5e thin/s on himselfthrou/h his words"

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260 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

Almost e5er. ni/ht after watchin/ the

news, 1oormouth >oe tells his wife, Thisrecession is reall. !ad, and people are

 !ein/ laid off" I9ll pro!a!l. !e the firstone to /o at our plant"

One mornin/ he /oes to work, and hisfear has come upon him" The !oss sa.s,:e are cuttin/ !ack and we don9t need.ou an.more" So 1oormouth >oe /oeshome to ha5e a pit. part." He sa.s, Oh,6ord, I knew it was /oin/ to happen Itold m. wife three months a/o that thiswas /oin/ to happen

To/ether, he and his wife cr. half theni/ht" The. e5en call the nei/h!ors who

cr. with them and /i5e them a load ofs.mpath.D!ut no :ord"

1rosperous >oe, who has !eenconfessin/ dou!le his salar., /oes towork that same mornin/ and /ets laid off

alsoC !ut he knows what >esus saidF If aman will do ., he won9t !eshaken when the ne/ati5e stream !eatsa/ainst him"

1rosperous >oe sa.s, 8lor. to 8od Istill !elie5e I will dou!le m. salar. this

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262 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

'ealth is his strong ity, and 8od9s :ord

is his wealth"

1rosperous >oe has sown /ood seedinto his spirit and has set his /oal on

 prosperit." :hile he sleeps, his spiritsearches the a5enues of 8od9s wisdom" Ittakes se5eral ni/hts, !ut his spirit finds awa. to !rin/ to pass the thin/s he hasspoken in faith"

oth men are operatin/ the same

 principle of seedtime and har5estDone positi5e, the other ne/ati5e"

 Notice the of seed 1oormouth>oe plants in his spiritF I9ll pro!a!l. !ethe first one laid off" After he loses his

 Bo!, he plants another seed !. tellin/ hiswifeF F#e*ll probably lose our house(

The note is due in >anuar." How can I pa. itK :e9re /oin/ to lose the house Bustas sure as the world" ;ou watch and see

what I tell .ou"

1ro5er!s *#F*4! sa.s the poor man9s po5ert. is his destruction" This perfectl.descri!es 1oormouth >oe" He Bustcontinues to !ecome more and morene/ati5e as the circumstances worsen"

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26 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

>oe low sa.s, That9s ama@in/ I am

 !uildin/ a manufacturin/ plant in town,and I need a mana/er" ;ou are e2actl.what I need" :hen I was theother da., .our name came to me, !ut Ihad no idea where .ou were"

This meetin/ was no accident" >oelow hires 1rosperous >oe at twice thesalar. he was makin/ pre5iousl."1rosperous >oe9s spirit produced e2actl.what he had spoken   man shall be

 satis%ie$ 'ith goo$ by the %ruit o% his

mouth an$ the reompene o% a man*s

han$s shall be ren$ere$ unto him 1ro5"*'F*)G"

As 1oormouth >oe is dri5in/ downthe same !oule5ard, he is ha5in/ a pit. part., thinkin/,  o' am + ever going to

 get out o% this mess3 #hy $o these things

al'ays seem to happen to me3

Suddenl., he /ets the desire for a cupof coffee" Instead of pullin/ into the

 parkin/ lot of the restaurant where1rosperous >oe is, he dri5es to anotherrestaurant down the street"

>oe low was lookin/ for two men

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 Prospering or Poormouthing 264

and would ha5e hired 1oormouth >oe if

he had walked in, !ut 1oormouth >oe haddecei5ed his heart with his wordsF #e

'ill lose our house( +*ll never %in$ a goo$

 =ob again( He set the /oal and his humanspirit led him to what he said" He was led

 !. his spirit to the wron/ place for coffee !ecause the seed was wron/"

  'holesome tongue is a tree o% li%e but

 perverseness therein is a breah in the


 Proverbs 14

:hile 1rosperous >oe9s spirit had !een searchin/ the a5enues of 8od9swisdom all ni/ht lon/ to find how to /et

him in a place to dou!le his salar.,1oormouth >oe9s spirit had !eensearchin/ all ni/ht to find out how hecould lose his car and his house" Thequestion he posed for his spirit to answerwas not, How will I prosperK !ut o'

'ill + %ail3 The seed is planted and, insearchin/ for a wa. to /et him e2actl.what he had !een, 1oormouth>oe9s spirit found a wa. to keep him fromthe restaurant where the /ood deals were"

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265 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

Then as the waitress is !rin/in/

coffee to 1oormouth >oe, she trips and pours it all o5er him His da. is ruined" Itwas his onl. clean suit, so he returnshome to ha5e another pit. part."

The ne2t mornin/ when he hearsa!out 1rosperous >oe, 1oormouth >oecomplains, He9s the luckiest /u. whoe5er li5ed I don9t understand wh. 8od

 !lesses him, !ut won9t !less me" Nothin//ood e5er happens to me"

( ( ( the $estrution o% the poor is their


 Proverbs 1014b

6ater while he is sha5in/, he /ets

another impressionF I heard that the plant in the ne2t town is hirin/ now" Ifeel led to /o o5er there"

His spirit is leadin/ him there !ecauseit is workin/ to !rin/ him what he has

 !een" 8ood, !ad, or indifferent,the outcome depends on the seed thatwas sown"

?ollowin/ his impression, 1oormouth

>oe /oes to the ne2t town and /ets a Bo!

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268 Suess !otivation "hrough "he #or$ 

 strive but be gentle unto all men, apt to

teah, patient,

 +n mee&ness instruting those that

oppose themselves i% )o$ pera$venture 'ill

 give them repentane to the a&no'le$ging

o% the truth

 n$ that they may reover themselves

out o% the snare o% the $evil, 'ho are ta&en

aptive by him at his 'ill(

2 "imothy 22<25 

;ou must reco5er .ourself out of thene/ati5e stream" No one can do it for.ou" The first step to reco5er. is toreco/ni@e where .ou are and ha5e adesire to reco5er"

( ( ( 'hen the $esire ometh, it is a tree

o% li%e(

 Proverbs 1/12

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-harles -apps is a former farmer andland de5eloper who tra5els throu/houtthe United States, teachin/ and preachin/the truths of 8od9s :ord" He shares from

 practical, first$hand e2perience how-hristians can appl. the :ord to thecircumstances of life and li5e5ictoriousl."

esides authorin/ se5eral !ooks,includin/ the !est$sellin/ "he "ongue,

Creative :ore, -harles also has anationwide radio ministr. called-oncepts of ?aith"

-harles and his wife 1e//. maketheir home in En/land, Arkansas" oththeir dau/hters, Annette and e5erl., arein5ol5ed in full$time ministr."

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?or a free !rochure of !ooks and tapes !.-harles -apps, writeF

-harles -apps inistries

o2 3&En/land, AR ('#)3


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