subject revision information collated by ms morozgalska...

1 Subject Revision Information collated by Ms Morozgalska December 2016 English Language and Literature Mathematics Additional Science Art Business Studies Computer Science Drama Food Technology French Geography German Graphics History ICT GCSE Media Music GCSE PE GCSE Photography Product Design Religious Studies Spanish Textiles Triple Science

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Subject Revision Information collated by Ms Morozgalska

December 2016

English Language and Literature


Additional Science


Business Studies

Computer Science


Food Technology








Music GCSE



Product Design

Religious Studies



Triple Science


English Language and Literature GCSE

For January Mock

For the Literature Paper 2 mock in January revision of An Inspector Calls, the anthology poetry including comparison, unseen and unseen comparison is advised.

Term Topic and key points Assessment opportunity

2a 6 weeks

Literature Paper 1- the novel/Shakespeare- 2 weeks including PPE week

- Revise and recap from Y10 - Close analysis skills need to be taught

extensively - Technical language needs to be used in their


- Context - to relate extract and Q to rest of the novel - Make revision cards.

Language Paper 1- 3 weeks.

- Revise the paper with lots of timed practise of questions.

- Close language and structure analysis is key. - Technical language - SPAG for Section B creative writing- 50% of

marks Literature Paper 1- Shakespeare/the novel - 1 week- revisit the mock/feedback/DITS

w/b 9th Jan: LITERATURE Paper 2 MOCK- AIC and the poetry w/b 13th Feb: Practice full paper language paper 1- 1hr30mins in double lesson. Compare results from year 10 mock

2b 6 weeks

Language Paper 2- non-fiction- 3 weeks

- Non-fiction pre 1900 and 20th C - Explore through similar themes e.g. education,

science, religion. - Form, purpose, audience, CONTEXT - Inference/comprehension - Comparison

Literature paper 1 and/or 2: Alternate for 3 weeks AIC revision with 45min timed exam conditions essay. Poetry revision: anthology but with focus on the 2 Unseen questions as they have to compare also. 48mins response for both Qs

Language Paper 2 mock w/b March 13th- revisit their first one- compare results. April in class literature paper 1 Shakespeare and novel


Maths GCSE

YEAR 11 MOCK EXAMS (January) three papers written to emulate the final exam. After

mock, a period of time will be given over to improvement work on areas of weakness

Year 11 Spring first half term

Foundation Higher

Review of Pythagoras and right angled trigonometry aimed a memorising the required formulae and applying appropriately.

Review of Pythagoras and all trigonometry aimed a memorising the required formulae and applying appropriately.

Units and proportionality - strengthening prior work on changing units eg km/h to mph and between time measurements. Solving problems involving formal proportionality including relationships to graphs.

Units and proportionality - strengthening prior work on changing units eg km/h to mph and between time measurements. Solving problems involving formal proportionality including relationships to graphs.

END OF FORMAL TEACHING OF SYLLABUS – revision of all topics covered since Year

10 will start.

Maths Past Papers from 2014 have now been added to the Resources section for Maths

on Firefly. They can be found on the Maths Year 11 page. The Past Papers from 2013

were added prior to the last Mock and they are still available.



Biology topics include:

Syllabus Title Assessed in


B2.1 Cells and simple cell transport B2HP or BHFP

B2.2 Tissues, organs and organ systems B2HP or BHFP

B2.3 Photosynthesis B2HP or BHFP

B2.4 Organisms and their environment B2HP or BHFP

B2.5 Proteins: function and their uses B2HP or BHFP

B2.6 Aerobic and anaerobic respiration B2HP or BHFP

B2.7 Cell division and Inheritance B2HP or BHFP

B2.8 Speciation B2HP or BHFP

Chemistry topics include:

Syllabus Title Assessed in


C2.1 Structure and Bonding C2HP or C2FP

C2.2 How structure influences the properties and uses of


C2HP or C2FP

C2.3 Atomic structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry C2HP or C2FP

C2.4 Rates of reaction C2HP or C2FP

C2.5 Exothermic and endothermic reactions C2HP or C2FP

C2.6 Acids, bases and salts C2HP or C2FP

C2.7 Electrolysis C2HP or C2FP

Physics topics include:

Syllabus Title Assessed in


P2.1 Forces and their effects P2HP or P2FP

P2.2 The kinetic energy of objects speeding up or slowing


P2HP or P2FP

P2.3 Currents in electrical circuits P2HP or P2FP

P2.4 Using mains electricity safely and power of electrical P2HP or P2FP



P2.5 What happens when radioactive substances decay and

uses and dangers of emissions

P2HP or P2FP

P2.6 Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission P2HP or P2FP



The Art GCSE is based on practical assessments. In January the AQA Exam paper is

issued with approx. 6 titles /themes to choose from. They then follow these themes to make a project of work – exactly like they did with their coursework projects.

Therefore students could really benefit from preparation for their ‘exam’ project by

In the holidays/ start of term aim to visit at least one art gallery and exhibition – the bigger the gallery or broader the theme of the exhibition the better.

Students should always remember to take notes, sketch and gather information about the gallery, artists and artwork they see. (Also useful to collect leaflets/postcards.)

This will also undoubtedly help inform their ideas for their exam project/ help them choose their exam theme from the AQA paper.


Business Studies GCSE

Unit 1.1 Spotting a Business Opportunity

Entrepreneur skills/risks needed to start up

Customer service needs- the importance of customer needs

Market research- Primary/ secondary research how is it collected.

Quantitative /Qualitative data- how is the data interpreted

Customer demand


Market mapping- identifies market segments and market gaps.

Competition- analyse rivals strengths and weaknesses

Adding value- why is it important to business survival and success.

Ownership- sole trader, Partnership, PLC, LTD, Franchise.

Location- factors that to consider when locating a business Sectors- (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary)

Unit 1.2 - Showing enterprise

Enterprise skills required- difference between good/ service

Thinking creatively- develop a competitive advantage

Invention and Innovation- difference

Business risks and rewards

Calculated risk- weighting of outcome

Mind map- other important enterprise skills

Protecting the product- Copyright, Patent, Trademark

Questions entrepreneurs ask /leadership, willingness, and qualities.

Unit 1.3- Putting a business idea into practice

Aims and objectives- financial/ non financial objectives

Estimating revenues costs and profits

Sources of finance- Leasing/overdraft/mortgage/hire purchase etc long term and short term

Cash flow forecast- what is cash flow, how to calculate one.

Business Plan- content of a business plan

Unit 1.4- Making the start up effective

The marketing mix- (4 Ps) Price, Product Place and Promotion

The importance of limited liability- unlimited/limited liability

Start up legal and tax issues- VAT, TAX, NI, employment legislations

Effective on time delivery and customer satisfaction- why customers need to be satisfied, repeat purchase, customer loyalty. Word of mouth

Recruitment and selection-Job advertisements, interviews, short listing,

Training- on the job/ off the job /induction (advantages / disadvantages)


Motivation- financial and non financial rewards.

Unit 1.5-Understanding the economic context

Market demand and supply- commodities

Impact of changes on interest rates on small businesses and consumer spending. Fixed and variable rates

Impact of changes on exchange rates- understand imports and exports

How do business cycles affect small businesses- Recession, boom

What effect do business decisions have on stakeholders- different type of stakeholders in an organisation? internal/external

Unit 3.1- Marketing

Marketing 4ps- Price, Promotion, Place and Product.

Market research- Primary/ secondary research how is it collected.

Quantitative /Qualitative data- how is the data interpreted

Product trial/repeat purchase- Advertising, special offers /samples.

Product life cycle- 6 stages

Boston Matrix- Stars, Cash cows, Problem child and Dogs.

Branding and differentiation

Market mapping- identifies market segments and market gaps.

Unit 3.2- Meeting customer needs

Design and research development- Function, appearance and cost.

Managing Stock- Stock control methods, buffer stock, and JIT

Quality- TQM, Kaizen, Quality assurance and quality control.

Cost effectiveness operations and competitiveness- improving Productivity ways of reducing costs. Effective customer Service- Meeting the needs of customers, staff training, dealing with complaints and effects of poor service. Meeting consumer protection laws- Sale of goods Act, Trade descriptions Act, and the reason for consumer protection laws.

Unit 3.3- Effective Financial Management

How to improve cash flow forecast- Changing cash inflows/outflows.

How to improve profit-- increase revenues and to reduce costs.

Break even charts- to know how to create break even chart, calculate fixed costs, variable costs and total costs. how can a business use a break even chart. Finance Growth- Internal and external sources of finance Leasing/overdraft/mortgage/hire purchase etc long term and short term finance.

Unit 3.4- Effective people management

Organisational structure- hierarchy, chain of command span of control, delayering, centralised and decentralised.

Motivation Theory- Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, importance of motivation effects of poor motivation. Communication- internal and external communication, channels of communication, types of communication, effects of poor communication. Remuneration- ways staff are paid, salaries, piece rates, time rates, commission bonuses and fringe benefits. Working contracts- Freelance, self employed, part time, full time, permanent and temporary.

Unit 3.5-The wider world affecting business


Ethics in a business- morally right or wrong, in a business e.g. cheap labour, damaging the environment.

Pressure groups- what are they and how can they affect a business.

Environmental issues- short term and long term effects, traffic congestion, air noise and water pollution resource depletion. Economic issues affecting international trade- imports protection, taxes, quotas, tariffs and subsidy, Income, wages quality of products and trade in UK and abroad.

The impact of government and the EU on business- regulations, taxations, minimum wages, maternity and paternity rights and health and safety regulations.


Computer Science GCSE

Unit Subtopic Subheading

1 1.1 Algorithms 1.1

1.2 Decomposition 1.2


2.1 Develop Code 2.1

2.2 Constructs 2.2

2.3 Data Types and structures 2.3

2.4 Input/Output 2.4

2.5 Operators 2.5

2.6 Subprograms 2.6


3.1 Binary 3.1

3.2 Data Representation 3.2

3.3 Data Storage and Compression 3.3

3.4 Encryption 3.4

3.5 Databases 3.5


4.1 Machines and computational models 4.1

4.2 Hardware 4.2

4.3 Logic 4.3

4.4 Software 4.4

4.5 Programming Languages 4.5

5 5.1 Networks 5.1

5.2 The Internet and the World Wide Web 5.2

6 6.1 Emerging Trends, issues and impact 6.1


Drama GCSE

Unit 1 and 2 video session are now completed, these grades will be moderated but no further work can be done on them. Unit 1 and 2 written work can be developed, extra support for this is on a Monday after school in the library, individual time can be scheduled with the teacher. Unit 3 will be starting after Christmas, students will be in groups and have to rehearse their given play. Rehearsals will be happening after school each group will have a different day so they can be supported by the teacher. Students will need to attend these rehearsals and learn lines. The exam will be before Easter date TBC with examiner.


Food Technology GCSE

The students are issued with an Exam Context sheet in February. Until then they should

revise by reviewing and going over all notes in their folders from Year 10. If there are gaps

they should attend revision session and speak to Mrs Zebrowski. The best advice we can

give students is that they go through their folders from Yr10 and ensure that they are

familiar with all the syllabus content which was studied at the beginning of the course.


French GCSE

Contexts and purposes

The Contexts and Purposes below apply to all four units, although for Speaking and

Writing schools and/or students may choose a context or purpose of their own.

The purposes are presented according to the contexts and topics in which they may occur.

It will be possible for students to carry out these purposes using the linguistic structures

and vocabulary listed in the specification together with the communication strategies.

The purposes are not defined by tier and all purposes should be seen as available, at

differing levels of fulfilment, at both Foundation and Higher. Some purposes assume

situations where requirements and responses are generally predictable and use familiar

language. Other purposes involve general issues and opinions which can be treated in

more or less complex ways with different groups of learners and allow for differentiated

levels of response from mixed ability groups. For all purposes, students will be expected,

as they progress linguistically, to:

cope with a greater degree of unpredictability;

deal with a widening range of potential problems;

understand and use more accurately a widening range of vocabulary and structures,

including some unfamiliar language;

understand issues and opinions;

discuss issues and give opinions;

give full descriptions and accounts.

The purposes are described with respect to individual contexts (eg Lifestyle) and within

particular topics (eg Relationships and Choices). Purposes should be considered

transferable, as appropriate, to any other context or topic.



Healthy and unhealthy lifestyles and their consequences

Relationships and Choices

Relationships with family and friends

Future plans regarding: marriage/partnership


Social issues and equality


Free time and the Media

Free time activities

Shopping, money, fashion and trends

Advantages and disadvantages of new technology


Plans, preferences, experiences

What to see and getting around

Home and Environment

Home and Local Area

Special occasions celebrated in the home

Home, town, neighbourhood and region, where it is and

what it is like


Current problems facing the planet

Being environmentally friendly within the home and local



Geography GCSE

The Development Gap (Development) (Human Paper) The Coastal Zone (Coasts) (Physical paper) After this the students will start the following revision of the topics from Yr10 and the start of Yr11: The Restless Earth (Tectonics) (Physical paper) Water on the Land (Rivers) (Physical paper) Population Change (Population) (Human Paper) Tourism (Human paper) Coursework is complete.


German GCSE

Contexts and purposes

The Contexts and Purposes below apply to all four units, although for Speaking and

Writing schools and/or students may choose a context or purpose of their own.

The purposes are presented according to the contexts and topics in which they may occur.

It will be possible for students to carry out these purposes using the linguistic structures

and vocabulary listed in the specification together with the communication strategies.

The purposes are not defined by tier and all purposes should be seen as available, at

differing levels of fulfilment, at both Foundation and Higher. Some purposes assume

situations where requirements and responses are generally predictable and use familiar

language. Other purposes involve general issues and opinions which can be treated in

more or less complex ways with different groups of learners and allow for differentiated

levels of response from mixed ability groups. For all purposes, students will be expected,

as they progress linguistically, to:

cope with a greater degree of unpredictability;

deal with a widening range of potential problems;

understand and use more accurately a widening range of vocabulary and structures,

including some unfamiliar language;

understand issues and opinions;

discuss issues and give opinions;

give full descriptions and accounts.

The purposes are described with respect to individual contexts (eg Lifestyle) and within

particular topics (eg Relationships and Choices). Purposes should be considered

transferable, as appropriate, to any other context or topic.



Healthy and unhealthy lifestyles and their consequences

Relationships and Choices

Relationships with family and friends


Future plans regarding: marriage/partnership

Social issues and equality


Free time and the Media

Free time activities

Shopping, money, fashion and trends

Advantages and disadvantages of new technology


Plans, preferences, experiences

What to see and getting around

Home and Environment

Home and Local Area

Special occasions celebrated in the home

Home, town, neighbourhood and region, where it is and

what it is like


Current problems facing the planet

Being environmentally friendly within the home and local


Work and Education

School/College and Future Plans

What school/college is like

Pressure and problems

Current and Future Jobs

Looking for and getting a job


Advantages and disadvantages of different jobs

Graphics GCSE The students will be given the title for their exam piece in January. It is a practical exam so requires no formal revision however families may want to encourage their children to collect interesting images, including photos, visit galleries and exhibitions and build on their creative experiences. Depending on the exam context these may be directly very useful or simply provide additional inspiration.


History GCSE

Unit 1A: Medicine and public health in Britain c50AD to the present day

Unit 2C Germany c1918 – c1945

Unit 3A The Transformation of Surgery c1845 c1918

A Power point has been shared with the students. All information is on Firefly under

Revision and all families have had a letter explaining the exam and how students can

revise. The letter also gave information on the official revision guide.



Personal Digital Devices

Using Personal Digital Devices

Features of Personal Digital Devices

Select Suitable Devices

Accessibility of Personal Digital Devices

Connecting Personal Digital Devices


Impact on Organisations

Health and Safety Risks


Choice of digital communication in a network

Wired vs wireless

Combining transfer technologies

Factors affecting data transfer

Bandwidth and latency

Commonly used communication networks

Common communication protocols

Security risks to data and how to reduce them

Operating Online

Internet Use

Accessing online systems securely

Management of personal spaces

Personal information threats and misuse prevention

Relevant legislation

Online goods and services

Shopping online vs high street

Impact of online availability

Impact on a business of operating online

The value of transactional data

Targeted marketing and personalisation techniques

Payment systems

Consumer protection

Hosted vs locally installed software

Software as a service

Online vs local data storage

Open source vs proprietary software

Effective use of search engines

Online Communities


Different forms of online communities

Knowledge creation

Impact of the internet on employment

Impact of the internet on socialising

Responsible use and acceptable behaviour

Communication and collaboration on a global scale


Security Issues

Privacy Issues

Monitoring Individuals

Health and Safety Issues

Impact of Networks


Unequal Access

Safe and Responsible Practice

Environmental Impact


Media Studies GCSE

Up to February half term students will be working on the completion of the coursework

element. (60%)

After half term they will start the exam revision – which is action adventure films & TV comedy (40%)

Music GCSE GCSE is exam set works

Music BTEC BTEC is Units 1 and 8



Unit 1: The Theory of Physical Education = 40% of total grade Overview of content • Section 1.1: Healthy, active lifestyles • Section 1.2: Your healthy, active body Overview of assessment • This unit is assessed through an externally set examination. • The examination is 1 hour and 30 minutes, and includes multiple-choice, short-answer, and longer-answer questions. ** • The total raw mark available is 80. Unit 2: Performance in Physical Education = 60% of total grade Overview of content • Section 2.1: Practical performance • Section 2.2: Analysis of performance Overview of assessment • This unit is assessed under controlled conditions. • This unit is externally moderated. • The total raw mark available is 50. Unit 1: The Theory of Physical Education Section 1.1: Healthy, active lifestyles

Topic 1.1.1: Healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you

Topic 1.1.2: Influences on your healthy, active lifestyle

Topic 1.1.3: Exercise and fitness as part of your healthy, active lifestyle

Topic 1.1.4: Physical activity as part of your healthy, active lifestyle

Topic 1.1.5: Your personal health and wellbeing

Section 1.2: Your healthy, active body

Topic 1.2.1: Physical activity and your healthy mind and body

Topic 1.2.2: A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system

Topic 1.2.3: A healthy, active lifestyle and your respiratory system

Topic 1.2.4: A healthy, active lifestyle and your muscular system

Topic 1.2.5: A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system


Photography GCSE

The Photography GCSE is based on practical assessments. In January the AQA Exam paper is issued with approx. 6 titles /themes to choose from. They then follow these themes to make a project of work – exactly like they did with their coursework projects.

Therefore students could really benefit from preparation for their ‘exam’ project by

In the holidays/ start of term aim to visit at least one art gallery and exhibition – the bigger the gallery or broader the theme of the exhibition the better.

Students should always remember to take notes, sketch and gather information about the gallery, artists and artwork they see. (Also useful to collect leaflets/postcards.)

This will also undoubtedly help inform their ideas for their exam project/ help them choose their exam theme from the AQA paper.


Product Design GCSE

The students are issued with an Exam Context sheet in February. Until then the best advice we

can give students is that they go through their folders from Yr10 and ensure that they are

familiar with all the syllabus content which was studied at the beginning of the course.


Religious Studies GCSE

AQA Specification B - Ethics, Philosophy and Religion in Society

Overall Course Outline

AQA Religious Studies GCSE

Unit 2 Religion and Life IssuesExam – 18th May 2016

• 6 topics on the exam and you have studied the following:

Topic 1 – Animal Rights

Topic 3 – Religion and Prejudice

Topic 4 – Religion and Early Life

Topic 5 – Religion, war and peace

Unit 3 Religion and MoralityExam – 23rd May 2016

• 6 topics on the exam and you have studied the following:

Topic 1 – Religious attitudes to the elderly and death

Topic 3 – Religious attitudes to drug abuse

Topic 4 – Religious attitudes to crime and punishment

Topic 5 – Religious attitudes to the rich and poor in British Society

Topics to be covered before the exam:

Religious Attitudes to Elderly and Death

Topic 2 Religious Attitudes to the Elderly and Death Within this topic candidates should be

aware of religious beliefs and teachings concerning the value of life, the treatment of the

elderly, death and what happens after death. They should be aware of the implications of

these and of developments in medicine and medical ethics for the ways in which people

respond to situations within this area and in particular to the following topics:

Religious Attitudes to Crime and Punishment


an understanding of the religious beliefs about law and order; concepts of right and wrong,

conscience, duty and responsibility; the debate about the causes of crime including social,

environmental and psychological explanations; the different types of crimes, including

against the person, property and the state and religious offences; the aims of punishment,

defined as protection, retribution, deterrence, reformation, vindication and reparation the

handling of young offenders, the effects of imprisonment, the meaning and implications of

life imprisonment, issues arising out of parole and early release, the debate about the

death penalty (capital punishment); alternatives to prison, including electronic tagging,

probation, fines and community service and the debate about prison reform.

Religious Attitudes to Rich and Poor in British Society

Religious attitudes towards the rich and the poor; religious attitudes towards the

responsible use of money. The possible causes and sources of wealth, the possible

causes of poverty, including: homelessness, laziness, apathy, gambling, lack of education,

family situation, dependency, illness; ways of overcoming poverty: what is being done to

help people break out of the poverty trap, the debate about who is responsible for the poor

and what they should do to care for the poor, including the roles of the state, the

community and the family; the role of the lotteries as a source of charity funding and

personal wealth; whether or not it is right to take part.


Spanish GCSE



Spring Term

Mira – Module 8 Body parts, illness, food shopping, revise sports & hobbies, staying in shape, diet + mealtimes, eating disorders, problem pages + giving advice, drugs, alcohol + smoking + opinions Ext – Mi vida loca, Prueba oral/escrita, Te toca a ti, Grammar – perfect pg. 145

Revise Perfect Tense (+ reflexives) Revise conditional + future tenses Subjunctive – key expressions Ojalá

Controlled Writing Assessment – Task 2 – A film review

Mira - 9 Global problems, environmental problems, local solutions, global citizenship, homelessness Ext – Mi vida loca, Prueba oral/escrita, Te toca a ti, Grammar- Subjunctive pg. 230, Pluperfect pg. 228

Deber + conditional INTRO: Present Subjunctive – reg verbs full conjugation Revise si + present + future INTRO: Pluperfect – reg verbs full conjugation

Controlled Speaking Assessment Part 2 – Health and Fitness

Summer Term

Revision – all modules 1-9 in Mira Past paper exam practise Vocab tests (topic based) Create revision timetable Ext – Mi vida loca, Prueba oral/escrita, Te toca a ti


Textiles GCSE

The students will be given the title for their exam piece in January. It is a practical exam so

requires no formal revision. Parents may want to encourage their children to collect

interesting images, including photos, visit galleries and exhibitions and build on their

creative experiences. Depending on the exam context these may be directly very useful or

simply provide additional inspiration.



Biology topics include:

Syllabus Title Assessed in


B1.1 Keeping Healthy B1HP or B1FP

B1.2 Nerves and Hormones B1HP or B1FP

B1.3 Use and misuse of drugs B1HP or B1FP

B1.4 Interdependence and adaptation

B1HP or B1FP

B1.5 Energy and Biomass in food chains B1HP or B1FP

B1.6 Waste materials from plants and animals. B1HP or B1FP

B1.7 Genetic variation and its control B1HP or B1FP

B1.8 Evolution B1HP or B1FP

Syllabus Title Assessed in


B2.1 Cells and simple cell transport B2HP or B2FP

B2.2 Tissues, organs and organ systems B2HP or B2FP

B2.3 Photosynthesis B2HP or B2FP

B2.4 Organisms and their environment B2HP or B2FP

B2.5 Proteins: function and their uses B2HP or B2FP

B2.6 Aerobic and anaerobic respiration B2HP or B2FP

B2.7 Cell division and Inheritance B2HP or B2FP

B2.8 Speciation B2HP or B2FP

Syllabus Title Assessed in


B3.1 Movement of molecules in and out of cells B3HP or B3FP


B3.2 Transport systems in plants and animals. B3HP or B3FP

B3.3 Homeostasis B3HP or B3FP

B3.4 Humans and their environment. B3HP or B3FP

Chemistry topics include:

Syllabus Title Assessed in


C1.1 Fundamental ideas in Chemistry C1HP or C1FP

C1.2 Limestone and building materials C1HP or C1FP

C1.3 Metals and their uses C1HP or C1FP

C1.4 Crude oil and Fuels C1HP or C1FP

C1.5 Other useful materials from crude oil

C1HP or C1FP

C1.6 Plant oils and their uses

C1HP or C1FP

C1.7 Changes in the earth and its atmosphere

C1HP or C1FP

Syllabus Title Assessed in


C2.1 Structure and Bonding CH2HP or C2FP

C2.2 How structure influences the properties and uses of



C2.3 Atomic structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry CH2HP or C2FP

C2.4 Rates of reaction CH2HP or C2FP

C2.5 Exothermic and endothermic reactions CH2HP or C2FP

C2.6 Acids, bases and salts CH2HP or C2FP

C2.7 Electrolysis CH2HP or C2FP

Syllabus Title Assessed in


C3.1 Periodic Table C3HP or C3FP

C3.2 Water C3HP or C3FP


C3.3 Calculating and explaining energy changes C3HP or C3FP

C3.4 Further analysis and quantitative chemistry C3HP or C3FP

C3.5 Production of Ammonia C3HP or C3FP

C3.6 Alcohols, carboxylic acid and esters. C3HP or C3FP

Physics topics include:

Syllabus Title Assessed in


P1.1 Energy transfer P1HP or P1FP

P1.2 Energy and efficiency

P1HP or P1FP

P1.3 Usefulness of electrical appliances P1HP or P1FP

P1.4 Generating electricity P1HP or P1FP

P1.5 Waves and Universe expanding P1HP or P1FP

Syllabus Title Assessed in


P2.1 Forces and their effects P2HP or PHFP

P2.2 The kinetic energy of objects speeding up or slowing down P2HP or PHFP

P2.3 Currents in electrical circuits P2HP or PHFP

P2.4 Using mains electricity safely and power of electrical



P2.5 What happens when radioactive substances decay and uses

and dangers of emissions


P2.6 Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission P2HP or PHFP

Syllabus Title Assessed in


P3.1 Medical applications of Physics P3HP or P3FP

P3.2 Using Physics to make things work. P3HP or P3FP

P3.3 Keeping things moving. P3HP or P3FP