stuff i had to do because yeah

The ability to manage your time and doing your homework are two very important life skills to have. Today we have technology to do things better and with less, but we have less time to do it. Three factors are always in tension when you have a goal to accomplish: time, quality, and cost. You may complete a task quickly and cheaply, but the result will probably be poor. Usually one of these factors will be more important than the other two when it comes to completing a task. One skill you need to learn how to use- Prioritization. You have a limited amount of time each day and nothing you do will change that, so you must invest your time in the most productive way possible. Here are a few steps to help you work more efficiently. 1. Record all your activities: write down your activities in a book such as a planner, and plan ahead so you know what to expect for the future. 2. Determine your primary goals: List your goals for the days and weeks ahead. 3. 80/20 Rule: Find which 20% of yo 5. Use a ranking system: “A” Tasks are ur activities will produce 80% of your results, and complete those first. 4. Important V. Urgent. Urgent activities need to be done and need to be done quickly, while important activities need to be done, but are not as time-sensitive the most urgent and important; “B” tasks are important but may not be urgent. “C” tasks are of low importance and can be dealt with in extra time. 6. Create a Schedule: Use a planner to plan out your events in the future, so you may link similar tasks together to increase your productivity. 7. Review and adjust: As new tasks are added to your agenda, go back and re-plan and re- prioritize your goals and re-rank all of your tasks 8. Purge: Get rid of things on your list that you won’t need. The cleanliness of your work station has positive effects. Having a clean work station will improve your self-motivation and self-esteem, it will be easier to find things if your work space is organized. When cleaning out your work space, divide all of your items into three piles, Keep, Give Away, and Throw Away. And with a clean workspace it will be hard to lose anything, so you can stay on top of your work. Choose a time of day to do your most demanding work. Most people work better at a certain time of the day. With that, you must keep a schedule of things you need to do in that time. Procrastination is a bad habit that should be cut off before formed. As hard as it may be, try not to procrastinate, because rushed work can more often than not be sloppy. If you’re procrastinating because you’re concerned with the morals of the project, talk to an administrator of staff member. Constantly checking your social media or email accounts is not urgent or important, although it may be nice to know what your extended family members are up to; it’s not something that needs to be addressed during the time you should be working in. Multitasking is something that you shouldn’t do. Most people are not very good at multitasking because it takes time for the brain to adjust to different workloads, do similar tasks consecutively, so your mind only has to tweak itself a little between tasks. To address homework: it is an important skill to have to be able to come home after a long day of learning, and pushing yourself to do more work after the fact. Nonetheless it is something we all have to do in order to be able to do our work properly. Each day the focus of your brain while doing long sets of homework will sharpen it. Your

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Stuff i Had to Do Because Yeah


Page 1: Stuff i Had to Do Because Yeah

The ability to manage your time and doing your homework are two very important life skills to have. Today we have technology to do things better and with less, but we have less time to do it. Three factors are always in tension when you have a goal to accomplish: time, quality, and cost. You may complete a task quickly and cheaply, but the result will probably be poor. Usually one of these factors will be more important than the other two when it comes to completing a task. One skill you need to learn how to use- Prioritization. You have a limited amount of time each day and nothing you do will change that, so you must invest your time in the most productive way possible. Here are a few steps to help you work more efficiently.

1. Record all your activities: write down your activities in a book such as a planner, and plan ahead so you know what to expect for the future.

2. Determine your primary goals: List your goals for the days and weeks ahead.

3. 80/20 Rule: Find which 20% of yo

5. Use a ranking system: “A” Tasks are ur activities will produce 80% of your results, and complete those first.

4. Important V. Urgent. Urgent activities need to be done and need to be done quickly, while important activities need to be done, but are not as time-sensitive the most urgent and important; “B” tasks are important but may not be urgent. “C” tasks are of low importance and can be dealt with in extra time.

6. Create a Schedule: Use a planner to plan out your events in the future, so you may link similar tasks together to increase your productivity.

7. Review and adjust: As new tasks are added to your agenda, go back and re-plan and re-prioritize your goals and re-rank all of your tasks

8. Purge: Get rid of things on your list that you won’t need.

The cleanliness of your work station has positive effects. Having a clean work station will improve your self-motivation and self-esteem, it will be easier to find things if your work space is organized. When cleaning out your work space, divide all of your items into three piles, Keep, Give Away, and Throw Away. And with a clean workspace it will be hard to lose anything, so you can stay on top of your work. Choose a time of day to do your most demanding work. Most people work better at a certain time of the day. With that, you must keep a schedule of things you need to do in that time. Procrastination is a bad habit that should be cut off before formed. As hard as it may be, try not to procrastinate, because rushed work can more often than not be sloppy. If you’re procrastinating because you’re concerned with the morals of the project, talk to an administrator of staff member. Constantly checking your social media or email accounts is not urgent or important, although it may be nice to know what your extended family members are up to; it’s not something that needs to be addressed during the time you should be working in. Multitasking is something that you shouldn’t do. Most people are not very good at multitasking because it takes time for the brain to adjust to different workloads, do similar tasks consecutively, so your mind only has to tweak itself a little between tasks. To address homework: it is an important skill to have to be able to come home after a long day of learning, and pushing yourself to do more work after the fact. Nonetheless it is something we all have to do in order to be able to do our work properly. Each day the focus of your brain while doing long sets of homework will sharpen it. Your attention span will grow and you will find yourself able to concentrate on longer projects, and pay attention to people and conversations longer. Your attention span will be the determining factor in some life decisions. Being able to pay attention for an extended period of time and then being able to recall details from the time that you were listening will expand your horizons to be able to study better, and complete tests easier. Also, completing your homework will set you apart from the others who don’t, you will have an advantage over them since you had a whole night to reflect on what you had learned that day and they didn’t. If you find a task constantly being replaced on the depth chart by other more pressing tasks, consider removing it from your list, for it may be a task that dissent need to be done at all, more of a task you told yourself you should do. For example doing yoga, or taking a foreign language class. If it turns out to be an important task, delegate it to another member of the office or school. This way you can get the weight of the task off your shoulder while at the same time have some time to work on your more urgent or important tasks. If you’re having trouble deciding which tasks are urgent and which tasks are important consider using a priority matrix, to organize your tasks into their appropriate categories. Something else to remember is that your bodily health is important. Eating healthily, and going for a run or a walk is of importance too, don’t let it fall too far on your priority list, but with saying this, your work is more important than anything so make sure that you have done an adequate amount of work before taking time off to go do your physical activities. Above everything else, keep cool, calm, and collected. It’s important to take time to do the little things: Take your dog out on a walk, treat yourself to a night out at dinner. Things like these will reduce the amount of stress in your life and provide you with time to think about how to manage your time. Spend a few minutes each morning planning out how the day should go and what you are going to do that day. Do things that will help you the next day: at night practice speeches and use good oral hygiene to prepare for a big day. Get a good amount of sleep every night, and wake up in the morning and do something that will get you ready for the day: listen to music, have a cup of coffee etc. Just work you’re hardest every day and keep focused on the little things, and have everything ready for presentation.

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