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  • 8/14/2019 Struts Intro Course


    Project Refinery, Inc. 1

    STRUTSPart of the Jakarta Project

    Sponsored by the

    Apache Software Foundation

    Developed by: Roger W Barnes of Project Refinery, Inc.

    Introduction to Struts

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 2

    STRUTS Objectives

    Course Overview

    Unit 1 - Model-View-Controller Design

    PatternUnit 2 - Model Components

    Unit 3 - View Components

    Unit 4 - Controller ComponentsUnit 5 - Tag Libraries

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 3

    STRUTS Objectives

    Unit 6 - STRUTS Configuration File

    Unit 7 - Web Application Descriptor File

    Unit 8 - Application Resources FileUnit 9 Resources

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 4

    Model-View-Controller DesignPattern

    Unit 1

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 5

    STRUTS MVC Design Pattern

    Central controller mediates application flow

    Controller delegates to appropriate handler

    Handlers are tied to model componentsModel encapsulates business logic

    Control forwarded back through the

    Controller to the appropriate View

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 6

    STRUTS MVC Design Pattern

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    STRUTS MVC Design Pattern

    Configuration file contains action

    mappings (determines navigation)

    Controller uses mappings to turn HTTPrequests into application actions

    Mapping must specify

    A request pathObject type to act upon the request

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 9

    Model Components

    Unit 2

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    STRUTS Model Components

    Model divided into concepts Internal state of the system

    Actions that can change that state Internal state of system represented by JavaBeans

    Enterprise JavaBeans

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    11/77Project Refinery, Inc. 11

    STRUTS Model Components

    JavaBeans and Scope Page visible within a single JSP page, for the

    lifetime of the current request

    Request visible within a single JSP page, as wellas to any page or servlet that is included in thispage, or forwarded to by this page

    Session visible to all JSP pages and servletsthat participate in a particular user session, across

    one or more requests Application - visible to all JSP pages and servlets

    that are part of a web application

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    STRUTS Model Components

    ActionForm Beans Extends the ActionForm class Create one for each input form in the application If defined in the ActionMapping configuration file, the

    Controller Servlet will perform the following: Check session for instance of bean of appropriate class If no session bean exists, one is created automatically For every request parameter whose name corresponds to the

    name of a property in the bean, the corresponding setter

    method will be called The updated ActionForm bean will be passed to the Action

    Class perform() method when it is called, making these valuesimmediately available

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 13

    STRUTS Model Components

    When coding ActionForm beans consider: The ActionForm class itself requires no specific

    methods to be implemented. It is used to identify therole these particular beans play in the overall

    architecture. Typically, an ActionForm bean will haveonly property getter and property setter methods,with no business logic

    The ActionForm object also offers a standardvalidation mechanism. If you override a "stub"

    method, and provide error messages in the standardapplication resource, Struts will automaticallyvalidate the input from the form

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 14

    STRUTS Model Components

    Continued Define a property (with associated getXxx() and setXxx()

    methods) for each field that is present in the form. The fieldname and property name must match according to the usualJavaBeans conventions

    Place a bean instance on your form, and use nested propertyreferences. For example, you have a "customer" bean on yourAction Form, and then refer to the property ""in your JSP view. This would correspond to the methodscustomer.getName() and customer.setName(string

    Name) on your customer bean

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 15

    STRUTS Model Components

    System State Beans Actual state of a system is normally represented

    as a set of one or more JavaBeans classes,

    whose properties define the current state A shopping cart system, for example, will include a

    bean that represents the cart being maintained for

    each individual shopper, and will (among other

    things) include the set of items that the shopperhas currently selected for purchase

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 16

    STRUTS Model Components Business Logic Beans

    Should encapsulate the functional logic of your application asmethod calls on JavaBeans designed for this purpose

    For maximum code re-use, business logic beans should bedesigned and implemented so that they do not know they arebeing executed in a web application environment

    For small to medium sized applications, business logic beansmight be ordinary JavaBeans that interact with system statebeans passed as arguments, or ordinary JavaBeans that accessa database using JDBC calls

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 17

    STRUTS Model Components

    Business Logic Beans - Continued

    For larger applications, these beans will

    often be stateful or stateless Enterprise

    JavaBeans (EJBs)

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 18

    STRUTS Model Components

    Accessing Relational DatabasesStruts can define the datasources for an

    application from within its standard

    configuration file

    A simple JDBC connection pool is also


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    Project Refinery, Inc. 19

    View Components

    Unit 3

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 20

    STRUTS View Components

    Internationalized Messages Struts builds upon Java platform to provide assistance for

    building internationalized and localized applications Locale - fundamental Java class that supports internationalization

    ResourceBundle - supports messages in multiple languages PropertyResourceBundle - standard implementation of

    ResourceBundle that allows you to define resources using the same"name=value" syntax used to initialize properties files

    MessageFormat - allows you to replace portions of a message stringwith arguments specified at run time

    MessageResources - lets you treat a set of resource bundles like adatabase, and allows you to request a particular message string for aparticular Locale

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 21

    STRUTS View Components

    ApplicationResources.propertiesContains the messages in the default language

    for your server. If your default language is

    English, you might have an entry like this:prompt.hello=Hello

    ApplicationResources_xx.propertiesContains the same messages in the language

    whose ISO language code is "xx"

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 22

    STRUTS View Components

    Forms and FormBean interactionsHTML Forms and their limitations

    Errors not easily handled

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    STRUTS View Components

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 24

    STRUTS View Components

    Building Forms with Struts The taglib directive tells the JSP page compiler where

    to find the tag library descriptorfor the Struts tag library

    message tag is used to look up internationalized

    message strings from a MessageResources objectcontaining all the resources for this application

    The errors tag displays any error messages that have

    been stored by a business logic component, or nothing if

    no errors have been stored

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 27

    STRUTS View Components

    Useful Presentation Tags [logic] iterate repeats its tag body once for each element of

    a specified collection (which can be an Enumeration, aHashtable, a Vector, or an array of objects)

    [logic] present depending on which attribute is specified,this tag checks the current request, and evaluates thenested body content of this tag only if the specified value ispresent

    [logic] notPresent the companion tag to present, notPresentprovides the same functionality when the specified attribute

    is not present

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 28

    STRUTS View Components

    Useful Presentation Tags continued [html] link generates a HTML element as an anchor

    definition or a hyperlink to the specified URL, and automaticallyapplies URL encoding to maintain session state in the absenceof cookie support

    [html] img generates a HTML element with the ability todynamically modify the URLs specified by the "src" and"lowsrc" attributes in the same manner that can

    [bean] parameterretrieves the value of the specified requestparameter, and defines the result as a page scope attribute of

    type String or String

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 29

    STRUTS View Components

    Automatic Form Validation Struts offers an additional facility to validate the input

    fields it has received

    To utilize this feature, override the validate() method in

    your ActionForm class

    The validate() method is called by the controller servlet

    after the bean properties have been populated, but

    before the corresponding action class's perform()

    method is invoked

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 30

    STRUTS View Components

    Page Composition with IncludesThe development of the various segments of a site

    is easier if you can divide up the work, and assigndifferent developers to the different segments

    Use the include capability of JavaServer Pagestechnology to combine the results into a singleresult page, or use the include tag provided withStruts

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 31

    STRUTS View Components

    Page Composition with Includes continued There are three types ofinclude available, depending on

    when you want the combination of output to occur: An directive can include a file

    that contains java code or jsp tags The include action () is processed at request time, and is handledtransparently by the server

    The bean:include tag takes either a an argument "forward"representing a logical name mapped to the jsp to include, or the"id" argument, which represents a page context String variable toprint out to the jsp page

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 32

    Controller Components

    Unit 4

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 33

    STRUTS Controller Components

    Struts includes a Servlet that

    implements the primary function of

    mapping a request URI to an Actionclass (ActionServlet)

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 34

    STRUTS Controller Components

    Your primary responsibilities are: Write an Action class (that is, an extension of the Action

    class) for each logical request that may be received

    Write the action mapping configuration file (in XML) that is

    used to configure the controller servlet (struts-config.xml) Update the web application deployment descriptor file (in

    XML) for your application to include the necessary Strutscomponents

    Add the appropriate Struts components to your application

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 35

    STRUTS Controller Components

    Action Classes:The Action class defines a perform

    method that you override public ActionForward

    perform(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form, HttpServletRequestrequest, HttpServletResponse response)

    throws IOException, ServletException;

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 36

    STRUTS Controller Components

    The goal of an Action class is toprocess this request, and then to return

    an ActionForward object that identifiesthe JSP page (if any) to which control

    should be forwarded to generate the

    corresponding response

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 37

    STRUTS Controller Components

    A typical Action class will implement the following logicin its perform() method Validate the current state of the user's session

    If validation has not yet occurred, validate the form beanproperties as necessary

    Perform the processing required to deal with this request

    Update the server-side objects that will be used to create thenext page of the user interface

    Return an appropriate ActionForward object that identifies theJSP page to be used to generate this response, based on the

    newly updated beans

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 38

    STRUTS Controller Components

    Design issues to remember when coding Actionclasses include the following The controller Servlet creates only one instance of

    yourAction class, and uses it for all requests. Thus,

    you need to code yourAction class so that it operatescorrectly in a multi-threaded environment, just as youmust code a Servlet's service() method safely

    The most important principle that aids in thread-safecoding is to use only local variables, not instance

    variables, in yourAction class

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 39

    STRUTS Controller Components

    Design issues to remember when coding Action classesinclude the following continued The beans that represent the Model of your system may throw

    exceptions due to problems accessing databases or otherresources. You should trap all such exceptions in the logic of

    yourperform() method, and log them to the application logfile As a general rule, allocating scarce resources and keeping them

    across requests from the same user (in the user's session) cancause scalability problems

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 40

    STRUTS Controller Components

    The ActionMapping Implementation type - Fully qualified Java class name of the Action

    implementation class used by this mapping. name - The name of the form bean defined in the config file

    that this action will use path - The request URI path that is matched to select this

    mapping. See below for examples of how matching works. unknown - Set to true if this action should be configured as

    the default for this application, to handle all requests nothandled by another action. Only one action can be defined asa default within a single application.

    validate - Set to true if the validate() method of the actionassociated with this mapping should be called.

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 41

    STRUTS Controller Components

    The Actions Mapping Configuration File The developer's responsibility is to create an XML

    file named struts-config.xml, and place it in the

    WEB-INF directory of your application The outermost XML element must be

    Inside of the element, there two

    important elements that you use to describe youractions:

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 42

    STRUTS Controller Components

    This section contains your form bean

    definitions. You use a element for

    each form bean, which has the following

    important attributes: name: The name of the request or session level

    attribute that this form bean will be stored as

    type: The fully-qualified Java classname of your form


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    Project Refinery, Inc. 43

    STRUTS Controller Components

    This section contains your action definitions. You

    use an element for each of your actions

    you would like to define. Each action element has

    requires the following attributes to be defined: path: The application context-relative path to the action

    type: The fully qualified java classname of your Action


    name: The name of your element to usewith this action

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 44

    STRUTS Controller Components One more section of good use is the

    section, which specifies data sources that your applicationcan use.This is how you would specify a basic data sourcefor your application inside of struts-config.xml:

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 45

    STRUTS Controller Components

    The Web Application Deployment

    DescriptorThe final step in setting up the application

    is to configure the application deployment

    descriptor (stored in file WEB-INF/web.xml) to include all the Struts

    components that are required

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 46

    Tag Libraries

    Unit 5

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 47

    STRUTS Tag Libraries

    HTML Tags

    Bean Tags

    Logic TagsTemplate Tags

    Custom Tags

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 48

    HTML Tags

    The tags in the Struts HTML library form a bridgebetween a JSP view and the other componentsof a Web application. Since a dynamic Webapplication often depends on gathering data froma user, input forms play an important role in the

    Struts framework. Consequently, the majority ofthe HTML tags involve HTML forms. Otherimportant issues addressed by the Struts-HTMLtags are messages, error messages, hyperlinking

    and internationalization.

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 49

    HTML Tags

    HTML "form" tags button







    password input fields radio buttons

    reset buttons

    HTML "form" tags select lists with



    options submit buttons

    text input fields


    HTML Tags T i l HTML F

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 50

    HTML Tags Typical HTML Form

    First Name

    Street Address



    Postal Code

    HTML Tags T i l St t F

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 51

    HTML Tags Typical Struts Form

    B T

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 52

    Bean Tags The "struts-bean" tag library provides substantial enhancements to

    the basic capability provided by , as discussed inthe following sections: Bean Properties - Extended syntax to refer to JavaBean properties with

    simple names (same as the standard JSP tags and), nested names (a property named address.cityreturns the value retrieved by the Java expression

    getAddress().getCity()), and indexed names (a property namedaddress[3] retrieves the fourth address from the indexed "address"property of a bean).

    Bean Creation - New JSP beans, in any scope, can be created from a

    variety of objects and APIs associated with the current request, or with

    the servlet container in which this page is running.

    Bean Output - Supports the rendering of textual output from a bean (or

    bean property), which will be included in the response being created by

    your JSP page.

    Bean Tags

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 53

    Bean TagsTag Name Description

    cookie Define a scripting variable based on the value(s) of the specified request cookie.

    define Define a scripting variable based on the value(s) of the specified bean property.

    header Define a scripting variable based on the value(s) of the specified request header.

    include Load the response from a dynamic application request and make it available as a bean.

    message Render an internationalized message string to the response.

    page Expose a specified item from the page context as a bean.

    parameter Define a scripting variable based on the value(s) of the specified request parameter.

    resource Load a web application resource and make it available as a bean.

    size Define a bean containing the number of elements in a Collection or Map.

    struts Expose a named Struts internal configuration object as a bean.

    write Render the value of the specified bean property to the current JspWriter.

    Bean Tag Example

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 54

    Bean Tag Example

    Logic Tags

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 55

    Logic Tags

    The Logic tag library contains tags that are

    useful in managing conditional generation

    of output text, looping over object

    collections for repetitive generation of

    output text, and application flowmanagement.

    Logic Tags

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 56

    Logic Tags For tags that do value comparisons (equal,

    greaterEqual, greaterThan, lessEqual, lessThan,notEqual), the following rules apply: The specified value is examined. If it can be converted

    successfully to a double or a long, it is assumed that theultimate comparison will be numeric (either floating point or

    integer). Otherwise, a String comparison will be performed. The variable to be compared to is retrieved, based on the

    selector attribute(s) (cookie, header, name, parameter,property) present on this tag. It will be converted to theappropriate type for the comparison, as determined above.

    A request time exception will be thrown if the specified variablecannot be retrieved, or has a null value.

    The specific comparison for this tag will be performed, and the

    nested body content of this tag will be evaluated if the

    comparison returns a true result.

    Logic Tags

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 57

    Logic Tags For tags that do substring matching (match,

    notMatch), the following rules apply: The specified variable is retrieved, based on theselector attribute(s) (cookie, header, name,parameter, property) present on this tag. Thevariable is converted to a String, if necessary.

    A request time exception will be thrown if the specified

    variable cannot be retrieved, or has a null value.

    The specified value is checked for existence as a

    substring of the variable, in the position specified by

    the location attribute, as follows: at the beginning (iflocation is set to start), at the end (if location is set toend), or anywhere (if location is not specified).

    Logic Tags

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 58

    Logic TagsTag Name Description

    emptyEvaluate the nested body content of this tag if the requested variable is eithernull or an empty string.

    equalEvaluate the nested body content of this tag if the requested variable is equal

    to the specified value.forward Forward control to the page specified by the specified ActionForward entry.

    greaterEqualEvaluate the nested body content of this tag if requested variable is greaterthan or equal to specified value.

    greaterThanEvaluate the nested body content of this tag if the requested variable is greaterthan the specified value.

    iterate Repeat the nested body content of this tag over a specified collection.

    lessEqualEvaluate the nested body content of this tag if requested variable is greater

    than or equal to specified value.lessThan

    Evaluate the nested body content of this tag if the requested variable is lessthan the specified value.

    matchEvaluate the nested body content of this tag if specified value is an appropriatesubstring of requested variable.


    Generate the nested body content of this tag if the specified message is notpresent in this request.

    messagesPresentGenerate the nested body content of this tag if the specified message is presentin this request.

    notEmptyEvaluate the nested body content of this tag if the requested variable is neither

    null nor an empty string.notEqual

    Evaluate the nested body content of this tag if the requested variable is notequal to the specified value.

    notMatchEvaluate the nested body content of tag if specified value not an appropriatesubstring of requested variable.

    notPresentGenerate the nested body content of this tag if the specified value is notpresent in this request.

    presentGenerate the nested body content of this tag if the specified value is present inthis request.

    redirect Render an HTTP Redirect

    Logic Tags Example

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    Logic Tags - Example

    Template Tags

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 60

    Template Tags

    The Template tag library contains three

    tags: put, get, and insert. Put tags put

    content into request scope, which is

    retrieved by a get tag in a different JSPpage (the template). That template is

    included with the insert tag.

    Template Tags

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 61

    Template Tags Insert Inserts (includes, actually) a

    template. Templates are JSP pages thatinclude parameterized content. That

    content comes from put tags that are

    children of insert tags.Put Puts content into request scope.

    Get Gets the content from request scope

    that was put there by a put tag.

    Custom Tags

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    Custom Tags

    Image Broker Link Test

    Custom Tags tld File

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    Custom Tags tld File






    Custom Tags Tag Class

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 64

    Custom Tags Tag Classpublic class ImageBrokerDoctype extends TagSupport {

    private String value = null;

    public int doStartTag() throws JspException{

    Hashtable ht = null;

    String keyword_count = null;

    int iCnt = 0;

    HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)pageContext.getRequest();

    ht = (Hashtable) request.getAttribute("keyword_parms");

    keyword_count = (String)


    iCnt ++;

    ht.put("QueryObject" + iCnt, value);

    request.setAttribute("keyword_parms", ht);

    request.setAttribute("queryobject_count", new String(new


    return EVAL_PAGE; }


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    STRUTS Configuration File

    Unit 6

    STRUTS Configuration File

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 66

    STRUTS Configuration FileThe developer's responsibility is to

    create an XML file named struts-config.xml, and place it in the WEB-INF directory of your application. This

    format of this document is constrainedby it's definition in "struts-

    config_1_0.dtd". The outermost XML

    element must be .

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 67

    STRUTS Configuration File Inside of the element, there are two important elements

    that are used to describe your actions:This section contains your form bean definitions. You use a element for each form bean, which has the following important attributes: name: A unique identifier for this bean, which will be used to

    reference it in corresponding action mappings. Usually, this is also thename of the request or session attribute under which this form beanwill be stored.

    type: The fully-qualified Java classname of your form bean.This section contains your action definitions. You use an element for each of your actions you would like to define. Each action

    element requires the following attributes to be defined: path: The application context-relative path to the action type: The fully qualified java classname of your Action class name: The name of your element to use with this action


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    Struts config.xml

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    Web Application Descriptor


    Unit 7

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    Web.xml File

    The final step in setting up the application isto configure the application deploymentdescriptor (stored in file WEB-INF/web.xml)to include all the Struts components that arerequired. Using the deployment descriptor forthe example application as a guide, we seethat the following entries need to be createdor modified.

    Web xml File

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    Web.xml File






    Web.xml File - continued

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    Web.xml File continued




    Web xml File - continued

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    Web.xml File continued







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    Application Resources File

    Unit 8 File

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    Project Refinery, Inc. 75 File

    error.cryptvalue.required=You must enter some text.

    error.lob.required=You must enter the Line of Business.

    error.unitnbr.required=You must enter the Unit Number.

    error.onbase_dns.required=You must enter the OnBase DNS.

    imagebroker.linkname=Project Refinery, Inc.

    imagebroker.title=pri Image Brokerimagebrokerlink.title=pri Image Broker Link Test

    imagelocationlist.title=Image Location List

    imagelocationdetail.title=Image Location Detail

    imagelocationinsert.title=Image Location Insert



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    Unit 9


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    Main Struts Web Site

    Struts User Guide

    Various Struts Resources

    Ted Husted Web Site