strategic web-marketing-2013-seo2 india-devang barot

Strategic Web Marketing Download this slide deck: By Rand Fishkin How to move beyond tactics & channels to build a vision-based, effective, and measurable marketing machine.

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Strategic Web Marketing

Download this slide deck: By Rand Fishkin

How to move beyond tactics & channels to build a vision-based,

effective, and measurable marketing machine.

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We get lost in the


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We get lost in the visits

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We get lost in the conversion


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We forget that without

a compelling,

cohesive story

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We forget that without

a compelling,

cohesive story

One that’s

told here

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We forget that without

a compelling,

cohesive story

One that’s

told hereAnd here

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We forget that without

a compelling,

cohesive story

One that’s

told hereAnd here

And here

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We forget that without

a compelling,

cohesive story

One that’s

told hereAnd here

And here

And here

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We forget that without

a compelling,

cohesive story

One that’s

told hereAnd here

And here

And here

And here

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We forget that without

a compelling,

cohesive story

One that’s

told hereAnd here

And here

And here

And here

And here

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None of this is going to work.

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Before We Create a Strategy, We

Need Some Answers to the Big


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What’s Our


Maptia’s Manifesto:

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What’s Our


Create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles

- Tesla Motors Company Vision

Via Tesla’s 2011 Annual Report

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What Are

Our Core


Moz’s Core Values: TAGFEE

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Seems like fluff?

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Seems like fluff? It’s not.

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Seems like fluff? It’s not. Here’s


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Now We Can Ask the Traditional

Marketing Strategy Questions:

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Who Are We Trying to Reach?

Personas are one way to help define a target audience. Image via Creative Applications for MIT. More on personas for search marketing from Mike King.

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Where Can We Best Reach This Audience?

Users: 343mm 1.1B+ 250mm 225mm 33mm

Users: 25mm 43mm 517mm 170mm 48mm

The above shows only social networks (good collection of stat sources), but every channel should be considered in this mix – search, email, ads, partnerships, events, etc.

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What is Our Unique Value Proposition?

The SaaS business intelligence firm GoodData explains what’s uniquely valuable about their software through a nicely visual, easy-to-understand, How It Works page.

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What is the Narrative We’re Telling?

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The first few turns of the flywheel are hard, but over time, momentum builds, and turning the wheel becomes easier. In marketing, the momentum of a high quality score in AdWords, or a growing Twitter account, or a blog w/ passionate subscribers can be that flywheel.

How Do We Build a Flywheel?

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Now We Can Have a Real

Marketing Strategy.

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10 Tips

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#1: Choose Channels Your Competition Ignores

Google+ is often mocked for being a “ghost town,” but many smart, early-adopter brands (like ASUS) see higher engagement here than on Twitter or Facebook!

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#2: Be An Early Adopter; Not an Early Abandoner

Despite the massive growth of social media & mobile apps and the media narrative of these eclipsing search, both mobile and desktop queries continue to rise dramatically.

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#3: Infuse Your Marketing with Your Culture & Values

Betabrand takes on the boring, hyper-competitive field of men’s clothing by infusing their trademark style, creativity, & humor in their products and marketing.

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#4: Create a Customized, Internal, Dynamic Funnel

This funnel comes via Moz’s internal tracking system, called “Gizmo,” that shows a ton of critical data about how our business metrics work. We then tie these to marketing KPIs via Excel.

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#5: When Measuring, Look at 3 Key Areas

Whiteboard Friday on getting to the right metrics.

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#5: When Measuring, Look at 3 Key Areas

Whiteboard Friday on getting to the right metrics.

Note: these are just examples.

You should choose the right metrics

based on your marketing

campaigns & goals.

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#6: Track All Your Data Against the Following

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#7: Be Cautious With Multi-Channel Attribution

Google Analytics offers some very cool multi-channel attribution features, but unless you have sophisticated ways to analyze and the discipline to turn off channels to measure their contributions, the takeaways can be tough (or worse, misleading).

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#8: Stay Vigilant for Fluency Biases that Harm Marketing

What sobriety

conceals, alcohol


What sobriety

conceals, alcohol


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#8: Stay Vigilant for Fluency Biases that Harm Marketing

What sobriety

conceals, alcohol


What sobriety

conceals, alcohol


Why do more people believe this one to be


When asked to evaluate the truthfulness of these statements, test subjects were dramatically more likely to say the rhyming statement (in green) is true. This is called the “rhyme as reason bias” and is just one of many cognitive biases based around processing fluency.

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#8: Stay Vigilant for Fluency Biases that Harm Marketing

Domain Names

Marketing Slogans

Website UX

Stock Ticker Symbols

Visual Design

Ease of Product Use

Length of Learning



Processing fluency is the same set of principles that make us more likely to trust aesthetically beautiful design and to interpret misspellings or poor grammar as signals of low quality.

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#9: Speed Impacts Everything (way more than is fair)

Via: the NYTimes article ‘Impatient Web Users Flee Slow-Loading Sites’

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#10: Hire the Right People. Empower them the Right Ways.

Even in (perhaps especially in) the most demanding teams and jobs, hire for cultural fit over competence fit. Long-term, shared values, the ability to work well together, and a shared mission will trump

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#10: Hire the Right People. Empower them the Right Ways.

People are happy in their work when they have autonomy, mastery, and purpose. If people managers are the only ones who have those opportunities, individual contributors will fail. More: If Management is the Only Way Up, We’re All F’d.

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#10: Hire the Right People. Empower them the Right Ways.

People are happy in their work when they have autonomy, mastery, and purpose. If people managers are the only ones who have those opportunities, individual contributors will fail. More: If Management is the Only Way Up, We’re All F’d.

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#10: Hire the Right People. Empower them the Right Ways.

People are happy in their work when they have autonomy, mastery, and purpose. If people managers are the only ones who have those opportunities, individual contributors will fail. More: If Management is the Only Way Up, We’re All F’d.

Team members at the same level should have similar levels of responsibility, salary,

and influence.

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Tweet & ask questions: @randfish

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